A Tale of Two Camps(Various F/F’s)

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A Tale of Two Camps(Various F/F’s)

Post by MrBound »


In the woodlands of New Jersey, lies two rival camps. Adventure’s Path Campgrounds and Wolves Pride Campgrounds, both were exclusive all girl sleep away camps for ages 14-19. The two camps were close to each other with only a small wooded land separating them.

The owners were lifelong rivals and held a summer long competition between the two camps simply called the Game. A huge scale version of Manhunt, where the two camps attempt to capture other members and hold them captive. Wolf Pride has been the winner for the past 10 years.
Adventure’s Path owner Danielle Foster, or Dani as the campers called her, ran the more affordable camp as it was more classic wooden cabins and Wood life with very little internet and technology.

Wolves Pride owner Sarah Perlman ran the more high end camp. It was for more wealthier campers and had cabins that were more modern with internet and technology. That usual made Wolf Strong’s more enticing to campers, despite it not being “real” camping.

This story will have two different lead characters, one from each camp. For Adventure’s Path is Kaylee, and for Wolves Pride is Allison.

CHAPTER 1: An Exciting Introduction(FF/F)
(Kaylee’s Perspective)

“Oh I’m sure you’ll have a great time at camp.” My mom said eagerly. I wasn’t as chipper being forced to spend my summer at some dumpy sleep away camp. At least she could have sent me to Wolf Strong, but no that was out of our price range.

I sigh and look out the window, seeing the trees wiz by as we stray further from my comfy home in the suburbs. I look through my backpack and recount my belongings. Phone, Charger, Hairspray, hair ties, sunscreen, bug spray, Birkenstocks, and a brush. The latter I used to straighten my curly red hair.

“Come on, Kaylee, you’ll enjoy it, I promise you.” My mom says again. “Yeah, sure Mom.” I reply trying undo a nasty knot. Bored as we slowly began to leave civilization, I rested my bare feet on the dashboard, to which my mom smacked them off.

“What was that for ?” I asked. She replied “I don’t want your dirty, stinky feet on the dashboard.” I was about to argue, but I took a quick glance of my feet and they were covered in dirt. I rubbed my hand along my soul and took a whiff. I winced and resigned to putting my feet on the floor.

Soon enough we arrive at Adventure’s Path. A peppy counselor greeted me “Hello, my name is Kelly and I’ll be your host today.” She was way to eccentric for my liking, so I tried to avoid to much formal interaction.

My mom helped take out my stuff, hand Kelly a check, and gave me a hug before she headed home. I sighed, grabbed my stuff, and headed to the orientation.

They held a meeting at the center hall. It was there I met my cabin mate, her name was Hannah. She seemed nice enough, though one night with my pessimistic ass, would probably put her off me for good. The meeting was a basic overview of the rules and activities of the camp. Fishing, Canoeing, Campfires with proper counselor supervision, stuff like that.

However my interest peaked when the owner Mrs. Foster started talking about “The Game.”

“To all new campers who are unaware of the Game, it is a summer long competition between us and Wolf Pride. The overall goal to capture the most amount of campers by the end of the summer.“

She continued. “Now there are some rules to follow: One, you will not be able to enter their cabins to capture them, and they will not be able enter your cabins to capture you. Two, you may not cause any physical harm during the capture or post capture. Three, be wary of being out of your cabins at night, this is the prime time to be captured.”

“Now I leave you with one final warning. If you are ever captured, you will most likely be tied up. Sometimes gagged, sometimes blindfolded, sometimes you will become subjected to non violent punishments. With that I bid you luck, and hope you are able to remain not captured.”

My eyes widened with excitement. I have always wanted to be involved in a tie up game. Me and Hannah walked to our cabin. We began to strike up a conversation and I learned she was camper last year and was one of the few to remain capture.

“Why didn’t you try and capture anyone else ?” I asked. Hannah simply shrugged “Tying people up isn’t my style, I guess.” We arrived and began to unpack our stuff. However I couldn’t get the idea of being captured out of my mind. I made the decision to at least go the first week without purposely trying to get kidnapped, after that was up to the will of the universe.”

(Allison’s Perspective)-

“I’m probably gonna break my record from last year.” I said eagerly. My younger sister, Diana followed behind and replied “Yeah, we’ll be camp champions this year.”

I’ve been a Wolf Pride camper for 3 years, and since I turned 17, I wanted to take my skills up a notch. I knew the Game’s ins and outs, so I was ready this year to capture more people than any other camper in Wolf Pride history.

Me and my sister settled into our cabin, I put down my two bags. One for clothing, the other was filled with ropes, tape, scarves, pantyhose, and various other binding tools.

“I predict nightfall would be the best time to capture them.” Diana suggested. I knew that was the best time, but all captives would have to be back at their cabins by midnight, which meant less torture we could enforce on them, but I knew she was right for the first day.

As we waited for night to come, we jogged around the campgrounds. Not for exercise, we jogged because our favorite form of torture is to make the captives smell our smelly feet. Now of course we happen to enjoy the smell of a stinky pair of feet, so not only do we get to torture the captive by making them smell ours but we also get the opportunity to smell their.

However fortune was in our favor, as we jogged near the wooded area, I saw someone trying to sneak into our campgrounds. “Get some rope ready.” I whisper to Diana. We quietly enter the woods and carefully try to sneak behind the girl.

We hid behind two trees, as the girl ducked down. She appeared to have binoculars. “She’s only scouting out the campgrounds.” Diana whispered. “We’ll that was her mistake.” I replied to a sly grin.

I swiftly and silently sneaked up on the girl. In one fell swoop, I covered her mouth with my one hand, and pinned her arms behind her back with the other. She attempted to scream to no avail. Diana quickly began to tie her wrists together firmly behind her back.

With some pantyhose, I gagged her and tied the legs around her head to secure them in. The girl was angry at her defeat. She looked very pretty with short blonde hair, she was wearing a camo color which didn’t really work, and she wore running shoes.

When we arrived at the capture center, all the girls cheered at our first captive of the game. I took a picture as proof of the capture, and walked the girl into hostage cabin.

There we laid her on a bed, belly down. I tied her ankles together. I removed her gag and asked for her name. The girl hung her head in shame. “My name is Gia.” I smiled as I sat in front of her on the bed. My converse covered feet in front of her face.

“Well Gia, you made the mistake of trying to infiltrate our campgrounds at 4pm. Because now you have to deal with 8 hours of us.” She looked up at me. “I’m not afraid of you.” I smile. “Oh, I’m not worried about that, I just don’t want to make your pretty hair reek like my feet.”

Her eyes widened in horror as I slowly removed my shoes. Diana removed hers and also began to take of Gia’s. She attempted to struggle at her bonds. With my shoes removed, I wiggled my black socks at her face. “Now this is my favorite part of my summer.” I say as I slowly begin to extend my feet towards her face.

Admittedly, she gave a look of defiance, as if she could take it. That made me respect her a bit, but her face was soon covered with my sweaty, socks. Diana began to sniff Gia’s socked feet. “Oh, Allie, you need to smell how stinky her socks are.” I replied “Later, right now we have two hours till dinner, which means two hours of stinky feet for poor, little Gia.”

Now it was kind of cruel to make this poor girl endure two hours of nothing but inhaling my foot aroma. But it was her fault she tried to spy on our campground.

In Gia’s favor, dinner time has arrived, I removed my feet from her face. She coughed in disgust. Just before I undid her leg bindings, I took a quick sniff of her feet before Diana put her shoes back on.

We walked her to the dining hall, her hands were still tied, because we weren’t done with her yet. We briefly untied her during dinner.

But after we ate, she was tied up like before. We headed back to the cabin, and tied her legs again. For the next hour, I was gonna smell Gia’s feet and let my sister have some time as the torturer.

Her feet were pleasantly stinky, like a sharp cheese. I took long deep whiffs but before long I removed her socks revealing her bare soles. They were nice and smooth, with very few wrinkles. I look a few good sniffs before I began to lick her sweaty feet.

This made Gia giggle, I was probably tickling her every time I licked up and down. Diana had already removed her socks, leaving her bare feet over Gia’s face.

“Alright, we’ll be generous tonight, if you lick our feet for ten minutes each, then we’ll let you go at 10.” I suggested. Gia sighed and agreed.

Diana was the first to go, she held her feet and let Gia lick her sweaty soles. I had removed my socks and continued to lick Gia’s soles.

I kissed her toes, and buried my nose in between her tiny toes. Poor Gia was just having a bad day.

Diana’s ten minutes passed, and my ten minutes began. Gia gave long licks, covering my feet with her tongue. I was enjoying this, and every time Diana licked Gia’s feet, Gia would lick a bit harder as a reaction to the Diana.

I made her lick between my toes, and kiss my feet repeatedly. It was something I missed when I wasn’t here. This is really the only time I can indulge in my foot love.

Sadly, my ten minutes were up and we promised to let her go. Before I untied her legs, she had to kiss our feet. She did and we put on her shoes and socks.

We undid the ankle ropes, but kept her wrists bound. “Now Gia, you tell your dinky little camp, that Wolf Pride is gonna win this Game.” I told her. She began to walk back through the woods. “Also, I hope to see you again.” I yelled as she returned to her camp.

This was gonna be a fun summer, I just knew it.
Last edited by MrBound 3 years ago, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Very good first part:)
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Post by Nainur »

Interesting stuff!
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Post by CarouselCowboy13 »

Very Nice and Good Start
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Post by Mister The Edge »

Smelly feet are not my thing but interesting premise.
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Post by Alisonlovesropes »

Sounding good,so far :D
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Post by MrBound »

Part 2: The Wolves Invade(FF/FF)

(Allison’s Perspective)

After a successful first day, I decided to launch an invasion. My sister and two other girls(Felicity and Jamie) accompanied me in a stealth mission to capture some more points and victims.

We snuck through the woods, all equipped with rope and pantyhose gags. I knew these woods like the back of my hand and I was able to find the beat route to evade detection.

Soon we exited the woods, and saw a small group of girls playing a small game of frisbee. I signaled to my sister to take left, I signaled the other girls to the right.

They followed their instructions, they were meant to serve as intimidation as they wouldn’t see me coming from right behind them.

As I predicted the plan worked, as they began to look towards the three girls, allowing me to successful capture one of the girls. I called Diana over to tie her. I hadn’t been able to see who I captured as I looked up to see something terrible.

Jamie and Felicity were eventually overrun and I saw them getting tied up by the girls. Diana began to walk our only captive back, but I wanted another. Our camps couldn’t be tied, so I chased after one who made the mistake of running into the woods.

It didn’t take long for me to catch up, at which she awkwardly stumbled on the ground. She staggered back towards a tree, ultimately cornering herself. I grinned with delight as gestured her to get up.

She rose, and I quickly fastened rope around her wrists. Diana caught up with our other captive, who was subsequently gagged with pantyhose. “Open your mouth.” The girl did as told, and I stuffed the pantyhose in, securing them around her head.

We began our journey back with our captives, I than noticed the girl I had chased was wearing a wonderful pair of Birkenstock’s. Now I owned a descent amount of Birkenstock’s and I know that they can actually get your feet stinky.

With great joy, I was waiting for another day of torturing our two new guests of honor.

(Kaylee’s Perspective)

Late last night, we heard rumors that one girl named Gia was the first captive of The Game. She seemed upset at her capture, but the other campers comforted her.

I admit I was intrigued about the capture, and I would ask Gia about it tomorrow.

When morning came, I asked Gia if I could talk to her about the capture. She agreed and let me into her cabin.

“So what happened over there ?” I asked. Gia explained her time as a captive. Being forced to endure the stink of the captors feet. Despite not being interested in feet, I was still intrigued in the dominance of the rival camp’s girls.

When she finished her story, she sighed. “I just wish I wasn’t captured the first day.” I nodded and admitted. “Look I want to tell you something. I kind of want to be captured.” Gia looked confused.

“What do you mean ?” She asked. I responded “Well, my life is kind of boring back home, and I thought it just be worse at this camp. But when I heard about The Game, I don’t know I just feel this rush of excitement.” I paused but Gia comforted me.

She understood, but calmly said “I get what your saying but, they made me endure over eight hours of stinky feet worship. If you do get captured, just make sure it isn’t by Allison or Diana Jameson, they’re sisters who are dead set on winning The Game.”

I took her advice with at least a little wanting of being captured by them. We than headed out to play Frisbee with some of the girls.

That’s where I began to talk with some of the girls and really began to bond with them. They made fun of me when I tried to run after a frisbee in Birkenstock’s but overall it was a fun start to the day.

Then in the middle of our game, we noticed two girls approaching us from the right. I saw a third girl coming from the left. It was a sneak attack, so most of girls tried to run back to their cabins.

I saw one girl get caught by a fourth girl who came from behind. Seeing this a chance to be captured, I ran towards the woods. Hannah called out to me “No, Kaylee!!” As she saw me run towards the barrier.

It was difficult running in my birks, but I turned to see the one girl catching up. Seizing my moment, I “fell” to the ground and back up towards a nearby tree.

The girl signaled me to get up, I complied and she turned me around and began to wrap rope tightly around my wrists. In some weird way, I loved this feeling of powerlessness. I just hoped I hadn’t made a mistake.

Another girl met up with my captor with another tied girl. Her mouth stuffed with pantyhose. “Oh, look who it is.” My captor smiled as she patted the other girl’s face. The other girl snapped back, but was pulled back by her captor. Then I saw my captor pull out a pair of black nylon pantyhose.

I was gonna be gagged, and I couldn’t be more excited. “Open your mouth.” I opened and she stuffed the smooth nylons into my mouth. They were packed in tight, than she began to tie the legs of the pantyhose around the back of my head, securing them firmly in my mouth.

When I tied to her liking, the two girls began to walk me and the captive to their camp. My captor said “So, how do you feel ?” Naively I tried to respond only to mumble into my gag. The two girls laughed, the one responding “Poor little thing forgot she can’t speak.” They said it in a voice that you would use to talk to a baby.

Soon we arrived at the camp and the crowd cheered at the sight of us two in rope. The girls pushed us to keep moving, they directed us to a cabin.

I was pushed onto a nasty bed, belly down. The one girl grabbed my legs and pulled me to so my feet were above the headboard. They placed the other captive girl next to me, and pulled her back the same.

Thankfully they removed our pantyhose gags, allowing us to breath and speak. “Now listen captives, you will let out only three times, once for lunch, once for dinner, and finally when it’s curfew.” We nodded in understanding. “We’ll be back in a few minutes, just get accustomed to your new roommates for the night.” The two girls left us in the cabin.

“Hi, I’m Kaylee.” The other girl looks at me like I’m crazy. “You seem way to eager for someone who’s tied up and about to be tortured.” I simply look away. “My name is Elizabeth, but my friends call me Z.”

I look back to her. “Well Z, I must admit, I kind of wanted to get captured.” She laughed. “Yeah, after experiencing torture at the Jameson’s hands or well feet, you’ll change your tune.”

She struggled at her binds. “I’ve been attending Adventure’s Path as long as these two girls have been attending Wolf Pride. This isn’t my first being a captive, and I certainly know it isn’t gonna be my last.”

“Is it true they make us smell their feet ?” She nodded “Not only that, but they like sniff their captives feet, sometimes they lick them. Sometimes they make us lick theirs. I’d like to say I’m used to it by now, but I never am.”

Now I was a in a conflict for one I was afraid of the inevitable foot torture, however I’m also more excited as this is something I have never experienced before in my boring life.

Z looks up at the door. “They’ll be back any minute.” I look up too with a sense of fear and excitement. Both of us are gazing at the door in anticipation of our captors return.

To Be Continued....
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Post by Caesar73 »

Looking forward to part 3 :D
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Post by RopemanSteve »

Nice start!
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Post by CarouselCowboy13 »

Can't wait to read and see what happens next chapter
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Post by Alisonlovesropes »

I'm really enjoying the foot focus of this story. And one of the girls,is Called Allison too. :D I really hope she is captured and tortured before the end. :D
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Post by N9292 »

This may be the best story I have ever read on here... so much sweaty and smelly socks and feet, bondage... you’re a godsend. I cannot wait to see where it all goes from here!! You’ve earned a fan for life!!
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Post by ryan »

Really like this story. Looking forward to next chapter.
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Post by MrBound »

Part 3: An Unexpected Surprise(FF/FF)

(Allison’s Perspective)

“It’s always a pleasure have a regular captive in our camp.” I say referring to Elizabeth. Diana chimes in “Hasn’t it been captured 5 times before this ?” “No 6, this is the seventh time.” I corrected.

We were building up a short jog to get our feet smelling nasty for our two guests. My sister asked “What about that other girl ?” I paused. “She seems new, from what I saw she’s clumsy, I mean she tripped over nothing.” We both laughed at that concept.

The jog was working out great, know I was very excited to begin our torture as soon as possible. We were running in our gym shoes. We got ours in matching colors, black and red, and since they’re black they help conduct heat to the feet getting them sweatier and stinkier.

(Kaylee’s Perspective)

The moment of anticipation immediately faded when the girls returned. Me and Z struggled in our bindings. “Hello, Z, long time no see.” Allison mocked. “Only my friends can call me Z, and you’re no friend of mine.”

Allison got down next to Z’s face. “Oh, I know we’re more than friends.” She kisses Z on the cheek. Z flared her nostrils. “And who are you ?” I turn and respond “My name is Kaylee, and I’m not afraid of you or your stinky feet.”

She laughed “So, somebody told you of our stinky feet. But I’ll warn you, it’s far worse in person than in stories.” She glanced up to the other girl. “Diana, remove their shoes.”

Diana pulled off my Birkenstock’s and took a whiff against my soles. “Woah, now that is stinky.” I blushed at the embarrassment. Diana removed Z’s Nike’s “I already know how these ones smell.”

Z sighed “Already Stinky and Stinkier, just get this over with.” Our captors sneered. “Can you let us have some fun, Diana shut up our nuisance.” Diana removes her socks and crammed them into Z’s mouth, sealing them tight with duct tape. “Might as well let her be quiet too.”

Allison removed her sweaty socks, and forced them into my mouth. I was a bit taken aback by the taste of sweat but after the socks were secured in my mouth. I actually kind of liked it, I gave a mumble in the socks. That made the sisters happy.

Allison sat on the bed, she was on her knees so her soles and toes were facing us. She grabbed the backs of our heads and pulled them right into her wiggling toes.

All at once a sense of disgust and pleasure surged through me. The aroma that came from her feet weren’t anything I had smelled before. “Lunch is in an hour, and I want you to still have my foot scent on your noses.”

I gave a nice hardy sniff, for some reason I couldn’t stop myself from smelling her feet. “The new girl seems to like our torture.” Diana commented which caused Allison to turn. “Oh my goodness, she’s going crazy on my stinky toes.” Her words were partially blocked out by my intense focus on her feet.

The next hour went by in a breeze, the girls were impressed at my sniffing. “Maybe we’ll skip torture between lunch and dinner, get them stinky again and have them after dinner.” Allison said. Diana agreed and we were temporarily untied to eat lunch.

After we ate, they decided to let us stay outside, tying us to two posts outside the cabin. “We’ll see you two after dinner.” Allison said as she blew a kiss towards us.

Z bared her teeth and struggled at her binds, to no avail. These two were some of the best binders I ever seen. “So what’s up between you and Allison ?” I ask.

“It’s complicated.” Z explained. “Last year me and Allison had some history.” She paused. “Look we dated, and we used the Game as an excuse to see each other.” Z than drew a look of sadness on her face. “But during our continuing captures, she began to get dominant. She seemed to care more about tying me up than actually seeing me.”

She had tears building up in her eyes. “She ultimately broke up with me, and kept capturing me only for her own pleasures.” I was speechless.

“I’m just worried, you seem so much like me last year, eager to be captured. But I’m afraid you’ll make the same mistakes I did.” She hung her head in shame. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know.”

She smiled at me, and she looked out at the Wolf Pride campgrounds. “I want to win this year, I want to rub our victory right into Allison’s face.” I agreed her sentiments though the temptation of Allison’s dominance still lingered.

It was kind of boring the rest of time, we just talked until it was time for dinner. We ate in silence, waiting for the continuation of our torture.

Allison and Diana walked us to the cabin, and we were tied up like before. “Now, we’ll let you go at 11. But for the next three hours you two will smell and lick our feet.” Allison said as sat on her knees, placing her bare soles in front of our face.

I hesitantly lowered my nose onto her bare feet. My nostrils were immediately hit the smelly aroma. I saw Z also place her nose to her toes.

“Look at our little slaves sniffing my sweaty, stinky feet.” Allison laughed. I inhaled deep, almost sucking the stink off her feet. I’m afraid to admit it, but I was getting excited to smell her feet.

On sheer instinct I gave her sole a nice big lick. That familiar smell now given taste. I licked up and down her soles. “Wow, this girl is getting into it.” Diana said.

I couldn’t stop myself, I just kept licking her stinky feet. Z had paused to see my uncontrolled urge. “Z, if you aren’t licking like her, I may not let you go until midnight.” Allison threatened “I know you’re not unfamiliar to licking these feet.”

That motivated Z to start licking as intense as I did. Allison was enjoying her foot massage by tongue.

“Hey, I want some.” Diana whined. “Fine, I’ll let you two get accustomed to my sister’s stinky feet.” Her and Diana switched places, Diana placing her soles under our faces.

Until 11 came we licked and sniffed every inch of Diana’s feet. Though not as pungent as Allison’s, her foot aroma was certainly more sour.

“Alright my two stinky feet girls, your time to go has come.” Allison said untying our legs. “Hope to see you again sometime Kaylee.” The two made us walk back to our camp through the woods. Our hands were still tied behind us.

My feet felt slimy due to their constant licking and I had the horrible aftertaste of their feet on my tongue. “I’m sorry, I enjoyed it too much.” Z attempted to comfort me “I know what it’s like, it’s hard to resist but I don’t you want you to fall victim to her ways.”

When we arrived at camp, we passed the two girls who were captured. “At least, we got two points.” I commented. Z smiled at my optimism.

Hannah helped untie us and told us how some of girls were able to get information from the captives. “We now know some of their planned invasions and the others are organizing counter strikes to get more points.” Z perked up at this news. “Well looks like will be able to finally secure a victory for Adventure’s Path.”

To Be Continued...
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Post by beeblebrox883 »

Really enjoy the story. Keep up the great work
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Post by CarouselCowboy13 »

Really Good and Awesome Chapter!!! Can't wait to read and see what happens next chapter
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Post by ryan »

Great chapter. Hope Kaylee gets captured again.
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Post by Alisonlovesropes »

Great update. Keep up the barefoot bondage
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Post by MrBound »

Part 4: Campfire Stories(F/F)

(Kaylee’s Perspective)

After my first capture experience last night, I was expecting another attempt of capture today. Thankfully no one of either side was captured tonight.

It was actually kind of relaxing doing basic camp activities without the threat of an invasion.

Later that night we held a big campfire. I sat next to Hannah and Z, all of us ate s’mores and overall it was a really fun night.

The girls started telling campfire stories, most were typical scary stories that I had heard plenty of times before but I still jumped at them to make all the girls feel good. Then the camps owner, Dani decided to tell a story.

“Here is the story of how the Game came to be.” All the girls perked up as did I. She continued.

“When I sixteen I was spending the night with Sarah Perlman. Despite our rivalry, we were still neighbors and our parents liked the idea of us being friends.”

“I remember it being a cold winters night, I wore warm pajamas and my favorite fluffy slippers. Sarah asked if I wanted to play a game. I said sure and she told me it was called Hide and Tie. The basic idea was hide and seek but whoever was caught would be tied up for the night. If the seeker couldn’t find the hider in under ten minutes, than the hider could tie the seeker up for the night.”

“This intrigued me so I agreed to play. She made me hider, probably in an attempt to tie me up tonight. She gave me 30 seconds to hide and began counting in the living room. Now her house was like a mansion and filled with so many rooms, however I knew she had a better understanding of the layout of her house.”

“Than I got an idea, I couldn’t risk hiding in a room with no chance to escape, so I stepped loudly on the stairs to the second floor and doubled back to the living room. There I snuck behind her and hid behind the couches arm.”

“She reached thirty and began to swiftly head upstairs. I couldn’t believe my plan worked. Despite not knowing the house to well, I knew there was a whole bunch of rooms on the second floor along with a huge attic to keep her busy.”

“Patiently I waited until the ten minutes passed. The alarm set went off and Sarah returned downstairs in disarray. I rose from behind the couch arm and the look on her face was pure angry confusion.”

“She sighed and said “Fine you get to tie me up”. I was gleeful and grabbed some nylon rope from her cabinet. We headed up to her room. I began to tie her wrists behind her back, using my skills from Girl Scouts, I fastened the rope with a tight knot.”

“I sat her in a chair, positioned her arms behind the back of the chair and began to secure her chest to the chair with more rope. I made sure to tie her to a chair, so at least she’d have some comfort.”

“Then I tied both her legs to the legs of the chair. I took off my socks and put them into a ball. “Now open wide.” I say and she does. I stuff the socks into her mouth as a gag, securing them in with one of her scarves. Feeling hungry, I leave her there and get a snack from the kitchen. Her mom greets me and I say we’re playing a game. She smiles and I continue back upstairs with some popcorn.”

“Sarah’s still tied up, she’s not happy with her predicament. She’s struggling at her binds, which I knew wouldn’t work. I ate my popcorn and watched her flail around in her chair. Eventually, I untied her before midnight. She was fuming and didn’t speak to me the rest of the night.”

“I believe this is why she’s so ruthless in attempting to win the Game every year, sourness of a lost over 15 years ago. But this story is here to remind you, that Adventure’s Path was the first winner of the Game, and that we will win again.”

The girls cheered at the ending statement, I was engaged with her story and know understand why Wolf Pride is so determined in victory. While I now had the urge to win us a point, I still wanted to be captured again.

(Allison’s Perspective)

I was disappointed over the lack of captures today, every day we do nothing is a day wasted, I say. But the campfire held was pretty okay, I guess.

The other girls told the generic stories like the Hook, or the Babysitter with the murderer upstairs. They were far from engaging but than our camp owner, Miss Sarah came to tell us a story, a story I know almost by heart.

“Alright, campers let me tell you the story of how the Game was started and won by me.”

I of course heard this story countless times, but I always love hearing it.

“About 15 years ago, me and Danielle Foster were neighbors. My mom was friend with her mom, and invited her over for a sleepover one night.”

“It was winter, and Dani was wearing these big fluffy slippers. For some reason, I just wanted to stick those slippers right in her face, so I offered to play a game. “Hide and Tied” I said. Basically hide and seek with the added bonus of tying the hider up after finding them.”

“She agreed and I made her hider. I gave her thirty seconds, and when they were up I began to search. I headed upstairs to my room. There I saw my bin of socks had moved from in front of my closet, to a few feet from it.”

“I that meant, she had hidden in my closet, and I opened the door to Dani, with a look of terror on her face. “Looks like I found you.” I mocked, pulling her out and quickly tying her hands behind her back.”

“With victory at my hands, I told her to get into the sock bin. Reluctantly she entered the bin, it looked like she was in a hot tub of socks. “Now you’re gonna spend the night in this bin, you may get stinky, I don’t know how long these haven’t been washed.” She cringed at her stinky predicament.”

“Before hand I removed her slippers, and took a small whiff. “PU, you have smelly feet.” I say than I hold her slippers up to her nose. She winced at the smell of her own stinky slippers.”

“I enjoyed making her smell her slippers for the next hour, than it came time for bed, so I put a pillow behind her head, and left her in the stinky bin all night.”

“After that night, the Game became an annual event in which I’ve won every year.”

We all cheered at the story. The girls at Wolf Pride held great, well pride, with our victories. I approached our camps owner.

“I always love your stories Aunt Sarah.” My aunt bent down with a smile. “I heard you’ve been continuing my traditions of captives torture. I’m so proud.” That filled me with joy, being recognized by my victorious aunt.

I headed back to my cabin, however something caught my eye outside the door. It was a letter, I picked it up and read this:

“Meet me at the midpoint of the woods at 9 tomorrow morning. I’ll be alone, bring a lot of rope and get your feet stinky. Sincerely, Kaylee”

All I could feel was a big smile spread across my face, looks like I have a new captive to call my own.

To Be Continued....
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Post by Nainur »

oh, wooooow: there's someone really into it...
even if one#s not too much into this Kind of fetish, I think it's a nice read, well and lively written. Good Job.
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Post by Alisonlovesropes »

I presume it is Kaylee submitting to Alison,but I hope she is being used as bait to capture Alison and Diane and torture them.
Sometimes gagged, sometimes blindfold. Always barefoot.
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Post by Caesar73 »

A ruse? That would be a good idea :) A classic!
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Post by Alisonlovesropes »

Caesar73 wrote: 4 years ago A ruse? That would be a good idea :) A classic!
Well my namesake deserves to be trusted up and tortured with feet and foot tickling. Or is that just me?
Sometimes gagged, sometimes blindfold. Always barefoot.
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Post by chelseykittyc@t »

I like (:
Heyyy, I’m back. My name is Chelsey. I am into foot fetish, sock fetish, shoe fetish, HOM, bondage, gags, smelling, and getting kidnapped. I am always down to role play sooo message me (;
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Post by MrBound »

Part 5: Nature Walk(FFF/F)

(Allison’s Perspective)

“It could be a trap.” Diana tells me. “I mean a letter saying to meet at a certain place, doesn’t that soon the slightest bit suspicious to you.” I kept jogging, attempting to get a good sweat going.

I’ll be the first admit that my sister was definitely the more knowledgeable one of my siblings. But I was determined to have a foot girl again. “She definitely was into the feet thing, maybe we’ll be able to have someone to pleasure our feet.”

“You mean to pleasure you, I never got anytime to be dominant to Z, you were the one concerned with her.” I ignored her words, when I had my mind set on something, than no one could break my focus.

Diana was fed up and told me “Well don’t forget about the trips today.” I had just remembered that today two trips were scheduled, a trip to the rapids and a nature walk. My sister was going on the rapids, but I thought it would be more beneficial to torture time with the nature walk.

Soon 9am came and I headed to the midpoint. I saw Kaylee sitting on a log, with her feet placed in the grass. “So, you want to be my foot girl.” I ask. She nods her head, and I swiftly tie her hands behind her back.

I notice her Birkenstock’s were still lying near the log. “Let me get those for you.” I grab the sandals and lower myself to her feet. “Did you get them stinky ?” Than I took a short whiff. “Oh, you did.” Said with a smile crossing my face.

Soon I put her sandals on, and gestured her to camp. Most of the campers were absent for the rapids trip. Only two other girls were scheduled to the nature walk, Haley and Emma. I told them about my captive, and they seemed happy about winning the point but they also seemed less energetic than I had anticipated.

“So do you two have smelly feet ?” I asked. They gave each other a strange look. Emma said “I mean I guess they’re smelly.” Haley remained silent. “Well, I was hoping to torture the captive with our stinky feet, if you were up to it.” They simply shrugged, which sort of confused me.

To offer more enjoyment, I tied around Kaylee’s body, securing her rope around her chest and arms. We headed down the trail, I kept gazing at her sandaled feet, telling her “Soon we’ll have some real fun.”

Midway through the trip, I had to go to the bathroom. So I instructed them to tie Kaylee to a tree and wait for me to return, which they did some what reluctantly.

“Don’t worry, I’ll be back to do have some real fun.”

(Kaylee’s Perspective)

I saw Allison began walking back to the camp. The two girls stood watch.

Emma was the shorter of the two. She has curly black hair, was wearing blue tank top, cargo shorts, and white crocs.

Haley was the taller, and was considerably buffer. She has blonde hair tied into a ponytail. She had a camo green tank top, army shorts, and black running shoes.

“So, your not gonna torture me are you ?” I ask. Emma replied. “No, thankfully for you us two are only people who don’t enjoy the torturing people, however that weirdo is probably gonna make us, like she makes all the others do it too.” I began to notice some disdain towards Allison.

In my bound state, I started to try and converse with my supervisors. “So how to you two feel about the game ?” Emma responded again “I mean it’s important to Wolf Pride, I guess but me and Haley aren’t big supporter, however I think we’re the only two who don’t like capturing people. Allison and Diana are sort of like cult leaders, they have complete control over all the other girls here. “
With this, I began to slowly unravels information about Allison. This was better info than I had anticipated.

Now, I admit I was still holding onto the opportunity to be captured, but really this was a ploy to scout out any plans. With this, our camp could have a solid foundation on beating Wolf Pride.

“In all honesty, we don’t like seeing you tied up like this.” Emma commented. With the information fresh in my mind, I needed to head back right now. Than I asked “Well, maybe you could free me, make it look like I escaped.”

Emma contemplated that idea before asking “Well, how is she gonna believe that ?” Than a smile came across my face.

(Allison’s Perspective)

The walk back was building with anticipation for the torture I was gonna give. Kaylee isn’t gonna be prepared for this.

Though my concentration was briefly broken by a loud crack in the woods, like a bunch of sticks were quickly ran over. I knew it was probably a bunch of deer, but the suddenness of the sound distracted me until I saw what awaited me when I got back to my captive.

To my surprise, Kaylee wasn’t tied to a tree anymore, instead I saw Emma and Haley hogtied on the ground. “What happened to you idiots ?” I shouted towards them. Emma sneered at the comment. “She got out and tied us up, isn’t that obvious.”

The two struggle in their bindings, as I reel in anger at their incompetence. Then an idea popped into my head, a not so nice idea. I sat down in front of the two bound girls and removed my shoes.

“Unfortunately you will needed to punished for your failure.” I say to which the two girls attempt to resist. I began to slowly place my sweaty socks over their noses when I felt somebody grab me from behind.

My hands were then swiftly tied behind my back, tightly I might add. “Oh, how the tables have turned.” Kaylee whispered into my ear. I attempted to turn and see my captor but a thick black cloth was secured around my eyes. She really tied me up, I have never been tied up in the three years I’ve attended Wolf Pride, and the fact that I was duped made it so much worse.

I felt rope being wrapped around my chest too, securing it around my arms and pinning them tighter behind me. “I hope you know you’re making a big mistake with this.”

(Kaylee’s Perspective)

“I hope you know you’re making a big mistake with this.” She threatened. To add to the humiliation, I had removed her socks, balled them up and used them to gag her. “I think you need to be quiet for just once in your life.”

With my captive ready, I untied Emma and Haley. Emma whispered “Thanks for coming back, I was afraid we’d have to smell her feet for hours.” Haley simply nodded in agreement. “We’ll try to keep you updated with plans.” Emma whispers before I leave with my captive.

After I said goodbye to my two new informants. Me and Allison take a long walk back to our camp. To make sure she wasn’t walking barefoot. I put her shoes back on, without socks, which would make her feet stinkier for my torture later.

“I couldn’t believe you fell for my message. I thought better of your reputation.” I said to which I heard her attempt to swear into her gag. Her attempts to sound angry while only going “mmmmh mmmmh” made me laugh.

Soon we arrived back at camp to the sound of cheers from my fellow girls. Two girls took her to our captive cabin, as I met up with Z and Gia. We all hugged at our victory. Z was so happy with Allison’s first capture along with our third point. Now we were only one behind.

The two girls who escorted Allison told me and Z, “She’s secured, you two may begin your interrogation. Me and Z looked at each other pleased, and slowly opened the cabin door.

To Be Continued....


In a few days, I will be posting a companion post to this story called “Camp Life” this will not be another story it I more an outline of the characters, their looks, personality, background. More world building stuff that will hopefully make the story more interesting. When more characters are added, I will add more information to the post.
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