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Post by Amagi420 »

First post on this new forum, I think I posted this story on the old one as well tho possibly not the whole thing.


PART ONE : Getting Situated

It was a cool morning in early spring when the sun broke through the frosted window of Ashley’s room. Ashley was 18 and halfway through her final year of high school. She had just finished applying to universities for a variety of programs in the medical field, and was starting to look for jobs for the summer. She had worked the last two summers at the food court in the mall and already knew she didn’t want to do that again, but it was a small town and jobs weren’t plentiful. Still, she was confident enough to not hand in her resume to the place she normally worked at, at least not yet.

Ashley shifted under the covers and stretched as she became fully awake. It was nearly noon and her aunt and uncle were coming over for dinner. It was about time to get up.

Her Uncle Mike and Aunt Sarah arrived at around 4:00 and the family sat around talking about this and that, they asked Ashley about her university prep and expectations. It was after this that her Aunt asked what she was doing for the summer, Ashley explained her desire to find something other than the food court, preferably related to the medical field or nursing. It was this that prompted her Aunt to recall that a friend of hers who worked for a company that designed special needs products. They were looking for help for the summer. The idea sounded great to Ashley. A few days later Aunt Sara approached her friend. Ashley got a phone call and went in for an interview.

Ashley nailed the interview and the referral from her aunt helped as well. The job was primarily an internship position where she would do paperwork, help fill out forms and make calls; but it would also be one part model for new products and two parts testing them. It was explained to her that before a special needs product, especially those dealing with restraint or mobility training, could go to trial market it had to be tested by someone who isn’t special needs. This reason for this is so that it can be assessed by the user in an effective way, and the company can get real feedback. They explained that she would get to learn a lot about the industry and that there might even be a better job for her after her undergrad if she stuck around that long.

Needless to say it all sounded great to Ashley and she accepted on the spot.

It was actually Ashley’s third day when she was asked to demo her first product. The day started with what felt like a medical exam, she came into a different building and met her boss for this part of her job, a woman named Maria. She was in her early 30’s with an athletic build and blond hair. She took Ashley’s height and weight finding her to be 5’4 and 118 lbs as well as her blood pressure, reflexes and measurements of her body; she also did some tests to measure her flexibility. Additionally, she had Ashley perform various stretches and measuring the distance between the parts of her body when she had moved as far as she could.

When they were finally finished with her physical, Maria explained the plan for the rest of the day. They would be assessing a new car seat for the market. It was a special needs seat designed for adolescents up to 140 lb and 5’6”. She gave Ashley a break for lunch and told her to be back in an hour.

Upon Ashley’s return she found Maria and the headed to the testing area. The test area was located in an adjacent building; Ashley followed Maria through the front into a large lounge/reception area. And then waited as Maria went to the desk to sign them in. This test facility was shared between several companies. Beyond the lobby Ashley found herself following Maria down what felt more or less like an office hallway to a door which Maria unlocked holding the door open for Ashley. The room consisted of fairly stark walls, a small desk with a computer and a chair and what looked like a medical exam table where set against the far wall; there were no windows in the room. To the right of this was the bench seat out of a car mounted to what looked like a large industrial porch swing of some kind. Next to this was an unopened cardboard box with a picture of a special needs car seat on it. Beyond this against the wall was another door, perhaps for a closet or bathroom.

“Ok so we'll get started in just a minute or two, in the meantime-” Maria opened a drawer below the exam table and retrieved what looked like vacuumed sealed uniform of some sort. “If you want to head into the changing room and switch out of your street clothes, for these, we can get on track”

Ashley took the package and held it up to get a better look at it. She had been told she would have to wear a suit of some kind during the interview.

“It's basically to help monitor the tests”

Ashley nodded and took her package to the door behind the car seat, closing it behind her. The changing room actually was more of a bathroom than anything else, but it did have a sort of bench seat to sit on, she ripped shrink-wrap and pulled out the contents. The biggest piece of clothing was a full body footed jumpsuit made of what felt like Lycia. It was soft and forgiving but stretchy. It was also covered with a number of small plastic dots, presumably for some form of sensors. Also in the bag was underwear made of a similar material. Ashley had not been expecting this and was a bit put off but changed into the new clothes leaving hers neatly folded on the bench. Ashley slipped into the body suit and was surprised: first by the lack of holes in the end of the sleeves, Instead they ended in a mitten shape where her thumb had its own slot but the rest of the fingers had to share one; and then by the lack of a zipper. Instead, the back fastened with a Velcro closure. It also came up her neck further than she anticipated, like a turtle neck. Ashley used the mirror to get the main Velcro closure done up as best she could but there were a series of Velcro straps that ran horizontally across it and two of these were outside her reach in the small of her back. Ashley exited the room, figuring Maria could help her with them.

“Make out ok?” Maria asked

“I can’t quite get the back properly”

“Maria left her chair and Ashley turned her back to allow her access to the straps on the back. Maria took a moment to correct the vertical closure and refasten the horizontal straps the Ashley had been able to reach.

While Maria was correcting the back of her suit Ashley had time to see that the car seat had now been installed on the hanging bench seat. It was much larger than a normal car seat, which she had expected, and a pale blue color. It looked more complicated than she had expected though. There were a couple of extra straps hanging off of the thing, she wasn’t sure what they were there for. Also, there were more pads for head support than a regular car seat.

When Maria had finished fixing the back of the jumpsuit she had Ashley take a seat on the exam table.

“Just lie down for me there and we'll get you wired up”

Ashley complied, swinging her feet up onto the table and lying back with her arms at her sides. The paper of the table crinkled as she shifted her position and she found herself feeling nervous and exposed in the strange room and bizarre circumstances. The suit she was wearing was relatively thick but hugged her body in such a way as to contribute to this unease. She wanted to avoid showing this to Maria though and felt she needed to be engaged in conversation.

“I had no idea this was so high tech” Her voice must have betrayed her as Maia gave her a smile and a squeeze on the shoulder.

“You're doing very well, and yes this is all relatively modern advancement. In the past, it was all guesswork, but with many special needs cases details that are otherwise unimportant are highlighted, that’s the sort of specialization we do here.”
Maria started by attaching sensors to each of her ankles and wrists, they consisted of a small plastic box connected to a strap that went around her limb and a small device that fit into the plastic slot on her suit. Maria explained that they were for measuring circulation and tracking body movements that could be signs of discomfort in the limbs. There was another that went over her chest to measure respiration and again shifting and body movement, and finally on each upper arm to measure shifting motions. Maria took a couple moments to check that all the sensors were working and connected to the computer properly. She then had Ashley hop down and follow her over to the car seat. As Ashley approached the seat it seemed to loom before her, the web of black straps stood out against the pale blue of the seat. A strange wrenching motion took place in her stomach and she felt her knees go week

Ashley turned around and raised herself up into the seat; she had to use her arms to lift herself up as the seat was unusually high rigged onto the testing apparatus. Maria kept a hand on her shoulder as she did so to guard her against falling. When Ashley had trouble lifting herself up Maria put a hand under her shoulder and helped lift her into place on the seat.

“You ok?” Maria again sensing Ashley’s unease

Ashley swallowed and nodded, brushing a stray hair out of her face.

“Ok want to shift right back for me? Tight against the back of the seat, perfect”

Having slid back into the seat Ashley could now feel the seat against the small of her back. It was softer than she had expected, closer to a pillow than a regular seat in a car. Maria was fiddling with the straps and Ashley had to lean forward to allow her to extract the straps from behind her back.
Maria started by laying two long shoulder straps over Ashley’s chest. She then connected two halves of a waist belt with a large circular buckle and snugged it down, holding the younger girl's waist securely in the seat. Ashley was very conscious of the rising and falling of her chest as she inhaled and exhaled. She was watching the rise and fall of the shoulder straps as Maria connected them to the waist belt. Ashley felt her body pressed down into the seat cushions as these straps were pulled tight over her shoulders. Maria then connected them by a small strap just above her chest and then pulled out two additional straps protruding from under Ashley’s armpits and connected these to the strap across her chest. When Maria pulled this strap tight it pressed into her, pushing her back into the back padding of the seat, and seemed to squeeze her chest. Maria then bent down and retrieved the strap emerging from underneath her butt and connected it to the same circular buckle the first four straps had plugged into. The strap had a large pad on it to provide some cushioning but Maria pulled it quite tight and Ashley felt herself pulled slightly back up by it. The sensation Ashley was experiencing now was something completely new to her. Never in her life had she been so unable to move her torso, at least not that she could remember. Her arms and legs and head were free to move but her body was cemented into the seat. Maria wasn’t finished yet, Ashley had her legs partly spread due to the strap between them. Maria gently but firmly pulled them apart further in order to fit a large foam wedge between them. Once this was in place she positioned two smaller pads on the outside of Ashley’s thighs. These wedges were all held in place by what amounted to heavy duty Velcro. The soft side of the Velcro was on the seat to prevent scratching. In addition to being unable to move her upper body Ashley could now no longer shift her thighs left or right and her ability to move them up and down was surprisingly little due to the hold the straps had on the rest of her body.
Maria was now at her head she pulled it forward slightly in order to adjust the headrest, pulling it down to better line up with the girl’s head. Once she had it in place she adjusted the side panels, sliding them in until they were snug against the sides of her head.

“Ok I’m going to do up the head and upper arm restraints for a little while but we'll leave them off for the majority of the evaluation.”

Ashley not knowing quite what the head and upper arm restraint were went along with it, nodding and shifting a bit, not much due to her situation. Maria fetched a short well padded strap from the box and set about fastening it to some hidden buckle in the pad to the left of Ashley’s head, a moment later she pulled it across her forehead and buckled it into the other side snugging it down so that it pressed her head into the built in pillow and prevented her from pulling her head forward. The seat pillow was well padded though and there was even support in place for her neck, much like the travel pillows people flew with, so it was not an uncomfortable position at all. Although she was starting to think a bit more slack wouldn’t hurt, particularly in the strap between her legs. Maria was busy with her arms now; The seat was slightly reclined so Ashley’s view was obscured by her inability to tilt her head, but she could feel straps being fastened around her biceps and a moment later Maria guided her arms into position beside her and she heard a click, a quick tug confirmed that her upper arms were now secured to the seat.

Finally Maria stepped back

“Ok there we go, would you try and touch your face for me please”

Ashley complied raising her hand to try and touch her mouth and lower cheeks; she came up short only able to lightly brush the bottom of her chin.

“Hard as you can please, really try”

Ashley did her best straining against both the arm restraints and her head strap; she was unable to do much better and found she quickly tired of holding her lower arms up.

“Perfect, the arm restraints are supposed to keep your hands away from your mouth and nose.”

Maria moved up to her again putting hand behind her neck.

“Any tension here? Soreness?”

Ashley went to shake her head and then realizing it was impossible replied audibly “no”

“Perfect, ok well let's give it 20 or 30 minutes or so. Want me to put something on a TV screen for you?”

“Uh, sure” TV was hardly the thing on Ashley’s mind at the moment.

Maria went to get a TV on wheels from next to the computer and set it up for her but Ashley was more focused on her situation than the TV even when it started playing some wildlife special without the audio. Maria went back to the desk to work and Ashley was left to her devices such as they were.
Last edited by Amagi420 4 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
Fan of Rope, Restraints & Straitjackets along with restrictive safety devices: Harness, Lifejackets, Car Seats ext.
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Post by Xtc »

Welcome aboard or should I say welcome back?

Thanks for posting this but please may I ask you to gender tag the story?
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by Amagi420 »

Part Two : Moving Along

Being strapped into the seat was a new sensation to say the least, Ashley tried to focus the nature show playing in front of her, but her situation was just too intense to allow for it. Her focus shifted again and again to the seat she was strapped into. She was held in place by what amounted to a spider's web of straps, the closest thing to this she had ever experienced was being strapped into a roller coaster, last summer one had broken down for nearly 45 min with her and her friends on it, they had been stuck hanging there for some time, she had found the experience strangely exciting and thought back to it occasionally. But this was something else, not only did the straps cross over her lap and run up over her shoulders but there was also a tight strap running horizontally around her upper body just below her armpits and her head was firmly strapped to the seat. There was also the strap between her legs, which was still firmly pressing up into her. She couldn't shift left or right; she couldn't slouch or shrug, the foam wedge between her thighs prevented her from crossing or even closing her legs, she couldn’t even look down at her body, as she couldn’t tilt her head. To top that off her biceps were strapped to the seat preventing her from doing anything more with her arms than flapping her forearms uselessly around. She kept trying to find a normal way of positioning her hands and just ended up moving them from her sides to her lap and back again aimlessly.

She was just in the midst of her most recent attempt to shift her body when the door to the room opened. A middle aged man in a suit walked in with a clipboard, Maria turned and stood up, Ashley would have but as it was she couldn’t even fully turn her head to look at him.

“Hello Mr. Warrick”

He smiled at her, and nodded “Maria, how are we doing?”

“Great so far, have you met Ashley yet?”

“I have not” He turned to the teen girl strapped into the seat and gave her a smile “How are you finding the job? Maria treating you ok?”

Ashley gave an awkward smile and raised her right forearm in as much a wave as the restraints allowed.

“Ahhh, good, I mean yes”

Warrick gave her another smile and turned back to Maria. “Want to run me through how we're doing?”

“Sure thing” Maria went and retrieved her notes from the desk and led Warrick back over to where Ashley was still securely strapped into the seat.

“Here are the stats so far” Maria handed him the clipboard and began going over a string of data and numbers that Ashley didn’t understand. After going over two or three of these Maria began tracing outlines on parts of Ashley’s body and relating figures to them. Again Ashley tried to shift in her seat but was unable to move even enough for Maria or Warrick to take notice of her shifting. They seemed to have forgotten her presence despite the fact that they were talking about her and Maria was physically touching her as Warrick took notes.

“Have you run anything with the leg restraints yet?” that was Warrick

“No, I was going to do the head and arms first then the legs.”

“Do them together for now, we can run specific tests later.”

“Ok sure thing, before the motion test?”

“No do those first, move to the leg stuff after.”

Just as Ashley was sure that they had forgotten she was actually a human and not a crash test dummy Warrick turned to her.

“How do you feel? Any discomfort?”

Ashley tried to shift as she answered, again forgetting she could not, she also couldn’t really turn her head to look directly at him.

“It’s pretty tight, but not really” was the best she could come up with

Warrick nodded, “yes that’s by design, it may be a be a bit less comfortable for you but the seat is designed to make the user feel safer and more protected, a bit like swaddling a baby”

Ashley wasn’t sure how she felt being compared to a swaddled baby but it definitely felt accurate.

“You may enjoy yourself more if you try to relax” Warrick said not unkindly. With that he smiled and handed the notes back to Maria

“It was nice to meet you Ashley” He turned back to Maia “I’ll be by again later to get the rest of your results”

As Warrick left Maia went back over to the computer and retrieved a small tablet device with a cable hanging from it.

“Ok so we're going to start doing some of the motion tests now, there might be a bit of a jolt when it starts up.” Maria plugged the cable into something Ashley couldn’t see, presumably on the frame the seat was suspended from.

“Ok ready?”

“Ya I guess-” The words were hardly out of her mouth when there was a violent upward lurch that caused a strange sensation in her lower stomach. She was now considerably higher off the ground than she had been, the seat began to jostle and bounce as though she were at the back of the bus on a bumpy road. Whereas before the straps had simply held her in place against her shifting, now they held her against somewhat violent jerks and jostles.

Ashley was now definitely now watching the nature show, instead she was fully preoccupied with keeping mainiatinging her composure as she was tossed about. Despite herself she let out the occasional grunt when hit by a particularly violent “bump”. She closed her eyes attempting to relax as Warrick had suggested but the sensation of being restrained was still too unusual for her to settle down. Every time she started to relax she would try to move something and got pulled back out of it.

This process went on for around 10 minutes with Maria at the desk taking notes. Every now and then the machine would jostle forward and then back as though it were trying to toss her out of the seat. If it were not for the straps wrapped tightly around her body she would have been flung violently out of seat to the ground each time. As it was she was hardly moved. All of a sudden Ashley was quite happy to be strapped into the seat so extensively, she had never really been one for rides...

“Ok we're going to do a couple acceleration tests now, so the seat is going to tilt a bit and move some more, you ready?”

Ashley felt anything but ready but she said yes. Maria walked back to the rig and entered something on the tablet, the rig stopped and slowly swung back so that Ashley was lying on her back looking up at the ceiling. She lay there for a moment before the machine swung her in a gentle but fast arc forward and tilted down so she was staring at the floor, there was tingling hollow sensation in the pit of her stomach, for a moment she was sure the machine was broken and she was going to be splattered all over the floor. Then the machine jerked to a sudden stop with a bang and she was bucked against the straps letting out an ummph, her legs swung forward as would her arms and head where they not restrained, she hung by the straps in the seat for a moment. Ashley grasped for something to hold onto with her forearms, unable to look down due to the head strap. She was unable to find anything to grab and was forced to trust the straps, the strap between her legs in particular was taking much of her weight now due to the slight angle of the seat, her legs were dangling freely and she could see her feet for the first time in nearly 45 min. Then the machine began to reset, lifting her back up and tilting her back. Her legs fell back down onto the slots formed by the wedge between her thighs and her weight shifted back to the seat and away from the straps, although they were still just as tight as they were when Maria had first done them up. The slots for her legs were tight enough that her thighs now lay on top of them, after a moment's unsure hesitation Ashley wriggled her legs back down into them. It felt a bit odd to move something other than her forearms or calves. The machine finished resetting and she was looking at the ceiling again. This process was repeated again and again rhythmically for about 15 minutes, Ashley being jerked to a stop each time, her legs flying up and her body and head held back by the restraints.

After what felt like an hour to Ashley Maria finally turned off the machine and lowered it back down to its original height.

“Ok so we're going to move on the leg restraints now”

Maria went back to the box the seat had come out of and extracted a pile of straps and metal bars.

“I’m going to have to get you out to install this, so you might as well take a 5 min break, then we will get back to it, sound ok?”

“Yup, I could definitely use a stretch right now” Ashley went to press the button on the buckle assuming it would release the straps but it remained still and didn’t move.

“Ok that’s fine, we'll have to run the next test for longer though, we need data for long term use of this seat.” Maria noticed Ashley fiddling with the buckle and laughed, “It's locked hun, I’ll have to let you out, just let me get this untangled and turn off the sensors first.

“Oh ok” The urge to shift around ran through her again, or at least move her head or upper arms. She strained against the straps for a moment and really tried to shift, to move anything, but the straps held strong and wouldn’t give at all. She considered pulling her legs up out of the slots but decided to be patient. It felt like it took Maria forever to get the tangle of straps sorted out and even when she did she took a few more minutes to start assembling them. Ashley really wished she would at least undo the stupid head strap When Maria had finished she went over to the computer and sat there typing for a few moments before finally coming over to Ashley and inserting a small round key into the buckle and twisting it. A few moments later Ashley was free and Maria was helping her out of the seat. She was remarkably un sore despite having been unable to move even her head for almost an hour. Maria enquired about this and took some notes before telling her to “hang out” for a bit while she set up the leg restraints.
Last edited by Amagi420 4 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
Fan of Rope, Restraints & Straitjackets along with restrictive safety devices: Harness, Lifejackets, Car Seats ext.
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Post by Amagi420 »

Part Three : Round Two

Ashley was sitting in the cafeteria flicking aimlessly through memes on her iphone. She felt a bit awkward sitting there in her odd body suit with its little sensors and wires, but people seemed not to take any real notice. She glanced at the time, it had been five minutes. Standing up she took one last swig of her soda, draining the can, and headed back down the hall to the room where she had left Maria.

Ashley’s eyes flicked over to the car seat almost involuntarily as she walked into the room. The web of black straps hanging loose against the pale blue seat seemed to be somehow even thicker than it had before. Maria was bent over fastening the leg pieces to the seat, to Ashley it looked like the seat had grown a pair of legs. Two long pieces extended down from the seat. One on either side on the foam wedge that went between the passengers legs. The pieces were made out of the same material as the seat and ran down away from it at a sort of 45 deg angle. Each ended in a flat platform for the passenger's foot. There were three black straps on each section, the lowest of the three at the very base of the leg where it turned into a platform for the foot. To Ashley’s dismay the head and arm restraints appeared to still be in place.

Maria stood up and turned hearing Ashley walk in.

“Hey! Perfect timing!”

Ashley walked over to her, glancing at the seat still.

“You should use the washroom now, the next set of test will be a fair bit longer”

Ashley nodded “Ok, sure”

“Here let me help you with that first”

Maria turned Ashley by the shoulders and undid the horizontal straps on the back of Ashley’s suit.

Ashley headed to the bathroom she had changed in earlier. After she came out she turned to allow Maria to refastened the horizontal belts on the back of the suit. The older woman took a moment to redo the vertical velcro closer again as well, undoing it a bit too much for Ashley to be totally comfortable in the process.

A moment later she was standing once again before the imposing seat. She turned and put her hands on the seat to boost herself up and found Maria, once again, taking hold of her and helping to lift her into the seat unbidden.

Despite only having been out of the seat for a few minutes Ashley was surprised again by how soft it was, she was sitting too far forward and was half on the block that was meant to go between her thighs. Maria placed a hand on her stomach.

“Ok slide right back for me now”

Ashley was a bit unprepared for how far back she had to slide to clear the foam wedge, she actually had to press herself into the foam back of the seat, to the point where the foam started to push back, in order to get her bum to fit between the seat back and the foam wedge. But with a little twisting she managed to squirm back in. Also surprising was how little space there was between the wedge and the sides of the seat. Her thighs were resting on top of the wedge and didn't quite seem to want to fit between it and the sides of the seat, it was a slightly odd angle with her but lower than her thighs, and Maria had not removed her hand form her stomach yet. Ashley was about to squirm her legs and squeeze them into the space as she had during the “acceleration test” when Maria did it for her, removing her hand from Ashley’s stomach and placing it on her leg just above her knee and pressing down, helping push Ashley’s left leg between the wedge and the side of the seat. Maria repeated this process with Ashley's right leg as the younger girl sat unsure what to do. Unlike last time her legs did not hang straight down out of the chair. Instead they were resting on the new leg restraints at about 45 degs.

“Ok Arms up” Maria gestured with her own arms.

Ashley raised her arms up as Maria had indicated. With her legs resting on the new restraints, stretched out slightly in front of her, Maira wasn't able to stand in front of the seat this time. Instead she stood off to Ashley’s left. Ashley felt a bit out of control with Maria working so quickly and systematically. It was as tho Maria had taken over the situation to the point that Ashley was no longer able to really make decisions about what to do. Maria’s hair was falling down in Ashley’s face as the older woman leaned across her to reach the straps on her right side.

“Umph” Ashley grunted slightly as Maria pulled the waist belt tight, enough to make some air escape her lungs. Then the straps were coming down over her shoulders and around from under her armpits. Maria fastened each one in with a loud click and then yanked on each one, snuggling them down tightly around Ashley’s torso. Maria then pushed her hand down under Ashley’s left leg and fished out the crotch strap. Like the others she secured it into the buckle with a loud snap, and then yanked on it taking out the slack and causing it to snug up tightly into Ashley’s body.


Ashley had not been expecting Maria to yank on the crotch strap quite so quickly or firmly and tried to pull away from it, but the wide black straps running tightly over each of her shoulders prevented her from moving even a quarter inch.

Maria have out a quick laugh. “Haha, sorry kiddo, guess i’m a bit rushed to get you in here, I gotta run down to admin real quick and want to get you going first. Sorry about that”

“No worries,” A timid Ashley managed, still trying to squirm up away from the strap or move her legs toward or away from each other. The net of straps had been quickly wrapped around her and she found her ability to shift or move had been stripped away much more suddenly than she had been prepared for. Ashley tilted her head back against the headrest and closed her eyes slightly letting out a breath, trying to calm down. She tried to move her legs around again but couldn't at all. She wanted to badly enough that she was about to pull her knees up and bend her legs a bit when Maria pulled down slightly on her left leg. Ashley opened her eyes and looked down in time to see Maria buckle the first of the three straps just below her knee. The leg straps where much wider than the ones around her body, at least four or five inches across, they also had some sort of soft neoprene sleeve over them. As maria pulled the first strap tight the sensation was more like someone sitting on her leg than that of a tight strap over it. The second strap was pulled tight at about half way down her leg. Finally the third strap was thinner, about the same width as the ones wrapped around her body, but still with the neoprene sleeve. This last strap came from lower down and went over her ankle, pulling her foot down into the pad at the base as well as securing her lower leg onto the main pad. With the leg straps done up Ashley found she could no longer pull her left leg toward or away from her, it surprisingly removed a significant range of motion she hadn't realized she had before.

Then Maria was leaning across and securing her right leg into place in the same way, pulling down slightly on her leg as she did so. This was all going a bit too fast and and Ashley without really meaning to resisted a bit, pulling up slightly against her.

“Need you to relax a bit hun” Maria pulled slightly more firmly on her leg and pulled the ankle strap tight securing her other leg tightly in place. Straightening up Maria leaned in over Ashley’s torso, checking the straps wrapped around her again. After a moment she gave each shoulder strap a couple quick tugs, snugging them down a bit more.

Ashley was so caught up in the intensity of the moment she didn't even notice Maria guide her upper arms into place and secure them tightly. She felt like she might explode it was so intense. She was yanking hard on one leg then the other trying with all her strength to move them. She was so unsuccessful in this that Maria didn't even take notice. Ashley was about to say something when Maria put and hand on her forehead.

“Ok head back for me now” Then sensing Ashley's discomfort she moved her hand to her shoulder. “It’s ok just relax into it, take a deep breath, there ya go.” Ashley took several deep breaths in quick succession and felt as though the seat was swallowing her up. “Alright you OK?” Ashley managed a couple quick nods” “Ok head back for me then, K?” Slowly, breathing out through her nose, Ashley brought her head back against the headrest and Maria secured the strap across her forehead and pulled it tight. Once again Ashley felt her head pulled into the seat pillow with its moulded shape and neck support. This time Maira pulled out a second strap and secured it under Ashley’s chin like a bike helmet, but pulled more tightly. Ashley immediately discovered that with this strap in place it was difficult to open her mouth and her head was pulled back even more. Tho still not in any way uncomfortable.

Ashley sat perfect still for several seconds with her eyes closed, trying to relax, and then started to try and squirm everything all at once. Everything was significantly tighter than it had been last time. She felt like her body wasn’t hers anymore, almost like an out of body experience. After a moment she stopped squirming altogether and just let herself sink into it, again taking several deep breaths, her heart beating rapidly.

She opened her eyes again. Maria was back in the box again and came out now with two black fabric loops, like the legs straps they had neoprene padding. Without a word Maria fastened one around each of Ashley’s wrists, Ashley couldn’t see what was going on, unable to move her head again, she would have asked but the chin strap made talking a bit hard and at this point she didn’t really care anymore anyway. She felt the straps tighten around her wrists and then felt them anchored down somehow. Maria was talking again.

“Ok you all good? I have to run out now, I should be back in a flash, otherwise i'll have someone else run up to check on you. Just going to get the machine running”

That got Ashley’s attention. Which a bit of effort she opened her mouth “What?”

“Ow don’t worry not the crash simulation, wouldn’t leave you alone with that on, or for an extended period, just a simulated driving effects”

Again with some difficulty, “Ah, Uw, ok”

Maira was at the computer for a moment clicking away. Again Ashley tried shifting around. Her legs where fastened down such that she couldn't pull up on them at all. The straps around her body where pulling in much more tightly than they had before, it was as tho she was being pulled into each and every strap at once. Especially the one between her legs. She relaxed and stopped squirming again as Maria walked over and started the machine. With a low rumble it lifted up and began to lightly shake and jostle around as tho in a pickup truck on a bumpy road.

“Ok i should back in just a few minutes” And Maria was out the door and gone.
Last edited by Amagi420 4 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Amagi420 »

Part Four : In The Dark

The door swung shut behind Maria and slowly latched. The machine the seat was mounted to jostled and shook, like the back of a pickup truck, now the only sound in the room. Distracted by Maria’s departure ,and without really thinking, Ashley tried with full confidence to move, she wasn't really sure what she had been about to try and do, maybe just shift her position or maybe get up. But either way she was immediately brought back to full awareness of her situation. She couldn't so much as turn her head or open her mouth, let alone move an arm or leg. The combination of being alone and having forgotten, even for the briefest of moments, about her situation Ashley was suddenly struck by what felt like a real need to move, something, anything. For some reason Ashley felt as tho she must be able to move now that she really wanted to, surely she had just been playing along this whole time, she had never REALLY tried to get out, to move. She wasn't even thinking about what would happen if she did get out, or damaged the seat, it never entered her mind, although it wasn't something she would have to worry about. Ashley pulled and yanked and squirmed, she shifted her hips one way then the other, pulled on her arms then pushed them down, shrugged and then dropped her shoulders: kept thinking there must be a way to move that she hadn't thought of yet, haven't tried yet. Despite her straining muscles Ashley never moved any part of her mody more than half an inch, and then because the seat was designed to allow for that amount of movement in that particular way, every strap remained at exactly the same tightness. Ashley was grunting and breathing heavily through her nose, unable to open her mouth wide enough to gasp air though it.

Exhausted she collapsed into the seat, in reality not moving at all, she simply allowed every muscle in her body to go completely limp all at once. Her jumpsuit was damp with sweat but the fabric helped to lick the sweat away from her skin and would dry quickly. The machine continued to jostle and shake slightly. Ashley shifted around again but slowly this time, almost unaware that she was doing it, almost like shifting around in a comfy bed under a thick blanket. She had lost track of exactly what straps went where and without the ability to tilt her head down to look she couldn’t look and see. She could feel the straps over her shoulders and the one on her forehead and chin, the straps between her legs was also more than easy to identify with the shoulder straps holding her firmly against it. But her arms and legs just felt immobilized, she couldn't move them at all but also couldn’t really feel the straps well enough to count them or identify exactly where they held her down. Her toso also felt more like she had been submerged in some kind of gel or frozen into a solid than it did like she was strapped down. The only thing that broke that illusion was shifting her hips left and right, which was the most she was able to move anywhere, Ashley guessed she could move her hips about a half inch to the left or right giving her nearly a full inch of movement there, tho it took some effort to maintain that position as she had to push her hip bone into the foam of the seat to move in that way. There was a click and suddenly the lights went out plunging her into darkness, for a second Ashley thought the power had gone out, but then the seat simulated a particularly big bump, jostling the seat and making Ashley realise that machine was still running, the computer across the room was inside of her range of vision and the screen saver was running. Motion sensors Ashley realised, lots of offices used them now, she wasn't moving enough to trip the sensor. She made a half hearted attempt to shift enough to trip the light but only tried for a second or two, she was way too exhausted from her little freak out to bother trying. Ashley let out a loud(ish) groan though her closed mouth and collapsed back into the seat for the second time in what felt like an hour but was in reality less than 15 minutes. Giving in completely she closed her eyes and took a number of deep calming breaths through her nose. As much as she tried to relax completely she kept tensing at every bump and jostle. And when she tensed she would try to shift. Over the course of the next fifteen or twenty minutes Ashley seriously lost track of time. Eventually the computer monitor went to sleep and without any windows the room became truly dark. Ashley couldn’t discern any difference between having her eyes open or closed. She hadn't realised how much her eyes had adjusted to the light from the computer until it was too gone.

Ashley had no idea how long she had been in the seat at this point, in the dark she glanced at where she remembered the TV being, wishing that Maria had put it on for her again. Even just so she had some measure of time passing. Ashley closed her eyes and relaxed again, trying to imagine the slight jostling was actually a truck on the road, trying to let her mind drift. A moment later she jolted awake jostling against the straps as she did so. Not remembering where she was; she panicked for a moment before settling down, thrashing against the straps trying to move. She steadied herself but it was all a bit much and she tried to squirm around again, not trying to get out this time, she was well past that. But rather trying to find that place she had been before falling asleep. It was like she had to let the seat win again in order to relax. She realized she was grumbling and mumbling as she did so, like a kid, and made a conscious effort to stop and regain her composure, but in the pitch dark with no ability to move it was only a moment before she started to shift again. Shifting around against the straps was better than doing nothing. Even if it did feel like she was acting like a kid.

Again she lost track of time, the seat jostled away, she would relax for a bit with her eyes closed, then open them and shift around until she was tired and relaxed again. Suddenly the room was filled with blinding light and Maria was walking in with Warrick. Ashley realised she had been squirming around and froze, quickly trying to regain her composure, which made her try to move again feeling like she should sit up. Maria greeted her.

“Hey Ashley, sorry I took so long did Sara come by?”

It took Ashley a moment to figure out a response, for the second time she tried to shake her head.

“Ah no” after a moment “How long has it been”

“Ow i’m so sorry hun, she said she would, how are you doing? It’s been almost two hours”

It had felt like far longer than two hours. Maria had walked over to her warrick was at the computer now.

It didn't seem to matter how many times she tried. Again Ashley tried with full confidence to sit up as Maria approached.

“Are you doing ok anything soar?”

As Ashley replied in the negative she began to feel very uncomfortable with the situation. “It’s just a bit weird, is all,.. I’m a bit freaked out” Ashley began to squirm again not able to help herself.

“It’s ok hun, just relax, just say the work and well get you out of there, but we do want to run this test for another hour or so. It’s ok if you feel a bit overwhelmed, the seat is designed to make you feel like your being swaddled and kept safe, just let it do its job” Her hand was on Ashley's shoulder. She was still squirming but slowly again now, taking deep breaths.

“You ok to keep going?”

Ashley tried to nod and then said she was pulling her arms into herself as much as she could and letting the seat hold onto her.

The last hour went more or less uneventfully. Ashley asked Maria to put the TV back on and that helped pass the time. When she was finally released from the seat she felt “loose” and exposed. She wished she had a blanket or thick sweater to hide inside. Maria asked her a long list of questions ranging from whether anything was soar to whether the seat made her feel safe. Ashley tried to answer as honestly as she could and by the end of the list she was feeling much more comfortable about the experience realising that the feeling she had experienced was very much intentional.

Ashley left here first real day wondering what she would be asked to test next.
Last edited by Amagi420 4 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Xtc »

Yup, that's all you need to do.

Seems a bit of a shame to want the placeholders; they stop people commenting at the appropriate places.
I can always remove them if you change your mind. If so, pm me.
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but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by LatexLover »

If I remember correctly, this story was never finished.
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Post by Amagi420 »

LatexLover wrote: 4 years ago If I remember correctly, this story was never finished.
This quarantine solved that, finishing all kinds of stories that sat unfinished for years.
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Post by LatexLover »

Ohhhh you’re the original author. I didn’t catch that.
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Post by Amagi420 »

Part two posted above
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Post by Amagi420 »

Part 3 posted above
Fan of Rope, Restraints & Straitjackets along with restrictive safety devices: Harness, Lifejackets, Car Seats ext.
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Post by Amagi420 »

Part 4 posted
Fan of Rope, Restraints & Straitjackets along with restrictive safety devices: Harness, Lifejackets, Car Seats ext.
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Post by brashieel »

Oh wow. Nice to see this finished. It's a weirdly enjoyable tale.
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