A Brother's Revenge (M/M)-Part 2 Added

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A Brother's Revenge (M/M)-Part 2 Added

Post by RaeGray4477 »

*Part 1*
Waking up hungover was a familiar feeling for Nick. Waiting for the world to come into focus, gripping at the sheets a few times to make sure they were his own, and eventually letting the all the memories of the previous night’s adventures flood his brain. But something was different this time.

This time, the world seemed to swirl longer and he definitely wasn’t in his bed. Sitting on the hard floor, he felt cold and the wood was unforgiving. He tried to rub his eyes, hoping everything would become clear if he could just brush his bangs aside, but his hand wouldn’t move. His heart beat faster as he continued to tug, but couldn’t make his arm budge at all. Rope, he thought as he began to recognize the feeling of the rough ties that bound his hands together behind him. Panic instantly cleared his vision. He was still in his room, and everything was in its place. The bed was made with clean, white sheets behind him and all the blinds were open letting the late afternoon sun stream in and cast shadows across the matching black dressers and nightstands. All his awards and acclimations still hung on his walls, and the doors to his closet were shut, just the way he’d left them this morning.

This can’t be a robbery everything’s still here, he thought, tugging and struggling against his bonds. So what could be going on?

Before he had the chance to try to stand, Nick’s bedroom door opened and in strode a man, slightly older, but with a face and features that matched his own. His eyes fell on the captive boy and a sly smirk made Nick feel like a hole had just opened in his stomach, sucking the life right out of him.

“You’re up early,” the man said with little feeling. He set a blue mug that Nick recognized as one of his favorites on the dresser and shut the door. Leaning against the wall, he cocked his head and examined his prisoner. “I didn’t expect you to be up and about so soon, so I went ahead and helped myself to some coffee. Your coffee maker’s really nice; gets the taste just right. I’ve always wanted one that gets it just perfect, but I never could seem to be able to afford one.”

“Greg, what’s going on?” Nick asked while trying to twist his hands to loosen the ropes.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you little brother,” Greg shook his head and walked over to Nick, glancing back at his handy work. “I made sure there wouldn’t be any wiggle room between that rope and those thin wrists of yours, so if you struggle too much you might end up with a rope burn. And what would your fans say about that?”

Nick’s mind raced with a million different thoughts. He knew Greg was right; the fans wouldn’t react so well if pictures surfaced of his wrists rubbed raw. As a performer, a Rockstar as some magazine’s had tagged him, he knew every piece of his life would always be scrutinized and put on display. That was part of the reason he and Greg weren’t close. They argued about nearly everything since Nick had made it big, and it wasn’t until a few weeks prior that the brothers had even been on speaking terms. But when Greg finally reached out, he didn’t want the press to get wind that he’d rejected his only brother. Plus, deep down, he really did want the sibling bond he’d heard so much about from his friends growing up. Even his girlfriend encouraged him to try to make amends, and thought maybe it could be a fresh start to the kind of relationship like the one she shared with her sister.

“What’s going on?!” Nick asked again, this time nearly shouting from frustration. Greg chuckled and walked around the boy to be able to look him in the eye as he smugly stood over him.

“You really don’t remember? Honestly, I thought the drug would knock you out, but I didn’t think it’d wipe your mind clean of everything.”

Nick tried to think back, to all the activities of the day. He got up, got dressed, Greg came over, they did what they used to do when he still lived at home. They watched some television, had a few drinks-

The drinks. The slow realization had the boy trembling, but he knew he had to hold himself together as long as he could.

“You drugged my drink??”

“Well, if we’re being fair Nick, should you be drinking like that at 2 PM on a Tuesday?” Greg raised an eyebrow and looked him up and down, accusingly. “You know your girlfriend doesn’t like that.”

Nick brushed aside the memory of a speech his girlfriend, Danae, had just given him a few nights ago about cutting back on the booze. “You said you wanted to make things right. You said you came here to fix everything that happened between us. Why are doing this?”

Greg shook his head and, much to Nick’s surprise, a smile had made its way onto his brother’s face again.

“Why am I doing this? Nick, I’m only doing what the therapist said. You know, the one that you suggested I go and see after that argument we had a few years back? The one where you said you wanted nothing to do with me? Well, I took your advice little brother. And she told me, and I quote, ‘Greg, you have to find some peace within your life. You need to take the steps to put the past behind you, move forward, and find happiness within your family and yourself’. Well I am finding happiness Nick. I realized nothing would make me happier then putting the past behind me. Putting you behind me, where you belong.”

Greg’s phone rang, effectively cutting him off. He plopped himself down on Nick’s bed and glanced at the screen, rolling his eyes at the interruption.

“It’s Mom, excuse me Nick, this should only take a second,” he said and clamped a hand hard over his brother’s mouth.

“Mmmph! Mmmph, mmmph!” Nick protested, trying to twist his head away, but Greg had always been bigger and his hands a lot larger than Nick’s. Though both boys shared the same, dirty blonde hair and blue eyes, Greg was easily able to hold his grip on Nick’s mouth and pull him close enough that there was little room for the boy to twist away. All he could do was mumble feebly against his brother’s hand while he talked, hoping their mom would be able to sense something was wrong.

“No, Mom everything’s fine, Nick’s downstairs watching the game,” Greg said calmly into the phone. Nick tried to scream, to make as much noise as could, but he was shocked as how well his brother’s hand silenced him. He’d seen movies where the villains would put a hand over a person’s mouth when they were kidnapped, but he’d always assumed it was crap. Of all the things that could’ve been true.

“What? No that’s just the TV, I came upstairs to watch a movie, you know I’m not that into sports…..I’ll tell him…..Dinner’s at 6 instead of 7, got it….Mom we’re not little kids anymore, we’ll be there on time….Okay, I love you too, bye”

Nick felt his heart and hope sink as his brother ended the call. Telling his mother he loved her seemed so trivial only the day before. Now he wanted to say so more then anything.

Greg’s face contorted back to it’s smug and sick smile as he glanced down at his brother, staring helplessly and silently back at him. “Now, where were we.”
Last edited by RaeGray4477 4 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by squirrel »

That is a very promising start, I hope Nick will stay restrained for long time :)

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Post by Canuck100 »

Excellent start! Greg has an interesting way to fix brotherly bonds ...
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Post by Xtc »

Good, well-written start. I feel compelled to read on.
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Post by Viperbound7 »

This is great! Would love to read more
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Post by RaeGray4477 »

Part 2

“Greg please!” Nick gasped when his brother finally pushed him away. His older brother scoffed and Nick could hear him making himself comfortable in his bed. The boy tried pulling his wrists from their bonds, but no matter how hard he tugged he couldn’t loose one hand. This can’t be happening, he thought, and tried again to plead with Greg.

“You can have anything you want, you can take what you want, just please let me go!” he begged. He hated how desperate he sounded, but knew he wasn’t in any position to try to play the tough guy. Not that it would make much difference; in an instant Greg had his fingers wrapped around a chunk of Nick’s hair, wretching his head back and forcing the boy to look him in the eyes. There wasn’t even a twinkle of remorse on his face.

“I intend to take everything I want!” he spat. “Everything in this house should be mine! Every mug, every sheet, every single gaudy shoe you’ve got in your closet. All of it should’ve been mine from the beginning! Your fame, your career, all of it! It would’ve been mine if you hadn’t weasled your way ahead of me!”

“Weasled?!” Nick yelled. “I worked to get where I am now Greg! I wasn’t the one hanging out with those losers after school. I was in my room practicing nearly every day! I was the one going to music lessons. I was the one going to auditions! I was the one sacrificing time with friends and not going to the movies and not going to dances, because I wanted this more than anything!”

“So did I!” Greg screamed, slamming Nick against the wood. Nick shut his eyes just before his head cracked against the floor. He hoped he could hold back the tears that welled up from the physical pain and the sting of betrayal. Hearing Greg’s footsteps angrily stomp across his room only heightened his feelings of helplessness. His brother could rummage through anything and he was powerless to stop it.

“I wanted to be somebody!” Greg raged, yanking open his brother’s dresser drawers. “ I wanted to be something! But I never got the chances you did. Music lessons were never an option for me; I had to work! I had to work because Dad never believed in me the way he believed in you. And neither did Mom. Oh sure, they said it was because they ‘couldn’t afford it for both of us’ and I ‘needed to focus more on my grades’. But that’s all crap! They never gave me a chance because they were too busy doting on you. Just like everyone’s always doted on you! My own wife; she didn’t marry me for me, it was always all about you!”

“What are you talking about? Anna loved you, she never would’ve-“

“Shut up!” Greg cut him off. “If she had the choice, she would’ve picked you. She never wanted me to begin with, she was full of lies. Why do you think she packed up and left with my daughter? Because if she couldn’t have you she sure wasn’t going to stick it out with me!”

“You made her leave!” Nick couldn’t believe Greg was trying pin to the divorce on him. “She got sick of you constantly hounding her and knit picking over every little thing she did.”

“I said, shut up!” Nick flinched at the sound of the drawer slamming against the base of the dresser. He was sure the piece rocked back and forth from the force. “You don’t know anything about my marriage! You wouldn’t know, you were never around. As soon as you got picked up from that rundown corner across town by a know-nothing hack, you never set foot in town again except to gloat! Come home, throw some money at Mom and Dad, the music shop, and a few schools and all of a sudden you’re a town legend! Some legend you turned out to be; I wonder what your friends and fans would think if they could see you now? Tied up in your own house and totally silenced. “

What? Nick thought, and realized too late as Greg’s footsteps approached what he intended to do next. The boy struggled to squirm away, but got only a few inches toward the door before being roughly dragging back to the edge of the bed. Nick’s heart began to race and he struggle to turn and glance at his brother, hoping he might relent and show some mercy.

“Greg wait! I swear, I’m sorry, I’m sorry for everything. I never meant to make you feel like you weren’t as good, I never-“

“You remember that game we played when we were kids Nick?” Greg asked, turning a pair of Nick’s socks over in his hands. They were black and bundled together; a pair he’d just dug out of his dresser.

Nick swallowed hard as the memories of their cruel childhood games came rushing back.

“We used to play Heroes and Villains, like on tv. You were the hero; I was always the bad guy. And I would capture you and you’d escape, until one time you didn’t. I tied you up and locked you in the shed in the backyard and you stayed there until Dad got home from work. And of course, I got grounded, even though Dad never did hear my side of the story. How are you supposed to make sure your prisoner can’t escape unless you tie him up AND keep him quiet?”

“Greg, please don’t! I promise I won’t scream, I promise-mmmph!” Nick’s protest gave way to muffled cries as Greg shoved the socks in his brothers mouth. He couldn’t help but remember that awful game that went very much the same way. He was only 6; Greg was 10 and he’d wanted his brother to stop before the gag because he was scared. But he didn’t stop then and he wasn’t stopping now. Holding his brother’s mouth much the same as before, Greg quickly produced a long strip of duct tape and pressed it firmly between Nick’s lips. The strip stretched from ear to ear, and Nick was hopeful because he was sure he’d be able to work if of with a little time.

But Greg had learned a lot since those childhood games. Nick heard the ripping of more tape and before he could react, a longer strip covered his mouth completely. This time his brother didn’t rip the piece before he’d wrapped it around Nick’s head four times, covering his chin and ensuring there was no way he’d be able to work it off.

“Hmmph! Mmhmm gmmph pmmph mmmph!” He was shocked at how little noise he was able to make. No way anyone would be able to hear him in another room, much less outside.

Greg smiled, looking truly happy the way he had nearly 20 years ago when he’d left his brother in the same situation. He stood up and tossed the tape on the bed before walking to the door. Nick continued to make all the noise he could, still holding out hope his brother wouldn’t be that heartless.

Unfortunately, when Greg did turn around, it wasn’t due to a change of heart. He held a phone he’d pulled from his pocket that Nick recognized as his and waved it in front of him, taunting him.

“Don’t worry little brother, I’ll make sure you get all your messages later. But I think for now I’ll go ahead and watch a movie downstairs. Might as well get comfortable. Thanks again for the invitation. I’m glad we got the chance to work out our differences and reminisce a little.” Greg laughed and shut the door, leaving his Nick to struggle feebly and wonder what else his brother had in store for him.
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Post by dahanband »

oh oh oh !!
a great story!
please continue!
I'm loved that's guys
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Post by dahanband »

oh oh oh !!
a great story!
please continue!
I'm loved that's guys
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Post by The slave »

this story is really too awesome
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