Dressed at my best (Part 56 added) (F-self, F/F, M/F...)

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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

Yay! She’s freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
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Post by Beaumains »

Here is the next part. A couple of comments:
-Tamatoa, I read all your comments and appreciate them, but don't know how to answer them. I ain't ignoring you ;)
- I have rewritten the first ten parts. No significant details have been changed, but I fixed a lot of minor mistakes and rewrote many sentences entirely.
- In the upcoming weeks, I am busy, so I will upload less.
The following day I had lectures as usual. I was early for my first class and chose a chair in the second row. I didn’t want to sit on the front row but wanted to be close to the action. Not much later, Julian seated himself next to me and greeted me cheerfully. During the rest of the year, he always sat much farther back. As a result, his friends joined us in our row. We smiled and made some small-talk. We couldn’t talk freely, but his presence alone made me feel comfortable.

During the day, Julian and I kept acting this way. We didn’t chat much but stayed close. We lacked privacy for a proper conversation and didn’t dare to mix our friend groups. Although nothing was formal yet, I already caught glares in our direction. This wouldn’t stay hidden for long. Since I couldn’t care less what others were thinking, this didn’t bother me. What’s wrong with love?

After classes, I got groceries and prepared our dinner. The whole time I couldn’t forget the bouldering training with Lauren tonight. Should I notify her about my relationship with Julian? It would be uncomfortable to date her little brother while she was unaware. This was a bold choice. Ultimately, I decided to notify her at the end of the training. First, I texted Julian about my plan. He recognized why I desired to inform her and was likely glad he didn’t have to do it himself. Now I was stuck with this role.

I had dinner with Autumn, to whom I explained my plans. She agreed with them. After doing the dishes with her, I walked to the bouldering hall. I was still skeptical about my decision. Not because I doubted whether my choice was correct, I just wasn't looking forward to this conversation. Why was I getting in so many hard conversations lately? When I arrived at the training, Lauren greeted me cheerfully. This meant she was unaware of what happened last weekend. So we started training, which went decent. Due to my nerves, I couldn't reach my level of last week, but I came close. I instantly felt much more relaxed.

After the training, I invited Lauren for a short walk. We typically didn't do this, but she accepted. Directly after we had left the hall, I told her about Julian's letter and how we had enjoyed two dates last weekend. Then I confessed I had the feeling we would likely end up in a relationship. Lauren was silent while I spoke, but gave me a generous hug immediately after. I knew they were close, but I expected at least an uncomfortable smile. However, Lauren simply laughed and informed me how happy she was for us. Apparently, Julian had asked her a couple of times about me. So she had suspected he liked me. She was delighted I shared these feelings.

We talked some more, but nothing exciting was discussed. We said goodbye and went our separate ways. I encountered Autumn studying in our room to whom I explained what had happened. I texted Julian the same and instantly received a reply. Subsequently, I invited him to join us for dinner tomorrow. After briefly reviewing a couple of paragraphs for my exams, I went to bed.

The following day I would have ordinary practicums all day. But due to the upcoming exams, they were canceled. Therefore, I spent most of the time studying at home as was expected of me. In the late afternoon, I went to the supermarket and started preparing dinner. I chose to make pizza with homemade dough. This wouldn’t be as spectacular as a three-course meal, but it would still be an above-average meal. It took me about twice as long compared to the simple rice or pasta meals we regularly had.

Julian arrived perfectly on time. Since I had planned everything correctly, we instantly could start eating. After my first bite, I knew it an excellent pizza. The crust was crunchy while the dough was thoroughly cooked. I was proud of myself, and Julian seemed to enjoy the pizza as well.

During dinner, the subject gradually shifted to the past weekend. Autumn and Julian were comfortable around each other, so I dared to provide more details of last weekend. Hence, we explained to him about sleeping tied up, the dice game, and cleaning while bound. Julian absorbed everything thoroughly and seemed fascinated. He even started providing his own ideas and improvements. Initially, I felt uncomfortable to hear how they would confine me, but later I actively engaged in the conversation by sharing fantasies. This captured Julian’s full attention.

As I had suspected, the ropes wouldn't stay in my closet. I took them out while making sure Julian didn’t see my leotard or dress. Autumn came up with a challenge, but we had to trust her. Meanwhile, she would do the dishes. If we won, we could restrain her as we desired all evening. Otherwise, I had to wear the clothing I wore when Autumn discovered me, and Julian had to wear my current outfit. Both of us hated this idea. Black tights, a black skirt, and a light blue shirt were too feminine for him. Besides, I didn’t desire to be seen in the leotard. It wouldn’t be an absolute disaster. Julian had also accepted me in the onesie. Because Autumn had mentioned it, I would have to wear it at least once in Julian’s presence. He was curious about this outfit. But I hated losing.

Autumn requested me to stand on a small box next to my bed while she placed Julian directly in front of me. I noticed we were on eye level now. Autumn started winding ropes around us, squeezing us together from our ankles to our chests. The ties around our ankles were cinched twice. Once between us and once between our legs. The consequences of every movement were felt by both of us. Julian stood slightly lower, so his ankles were also bound together. To finish the tie, Autumn cuffed our hands behind each other's back. We formed one gigantic hug. All things considered, this was very intimate. Then Autumn showed us a tennis ball and placed it between our foreheads. It had to remain there for the next fifteen minutes. This sounded doable.

While Autumn started doing the dishes, Julian and I stared intensely in each other's eyes. This had been Autumn’s plan all along. Because it was so intimate, we would giggle and drop the ball. I had to admit it was a cute challenge, but it was merely a matter of concentration. Instead of looking at him in the eyes, I decided to focus on the space between them. But Julian had more problems; I could feel that the ball moved across my forehead. So I whispered he had to concentrate. Since he shook less already, I asked him to stay quiet. Now it was just a matter of time.

Julian’s breath was more regular, and he closed his eyes. My face had been too distracting. This was a valid strategy, but I feared he would lose his orientation or overcorrected his mistakes. This could cause the ball to fall. So I kept my eyes wide open while correcting for each of Julian's small movements. This strategy worked, and we won. I was contented Autumn had devised a doable challenge this time. Enabling us to triumph together was kind of her because it created bonding between us.

Autumn congratulated us but told us we had to escape ourselves. To make it slightly safer, she carefully dropped us on my bed and rolled us on our side. Then she turned all lights off, even covering our alarms making the room pitch black. “I am in the bathroom if you are looking for me. You only have to escape. Good luck!”

I knew we were staring in each other's eyes. “I begin understanding what happened last weekend. Autumn is still as crazy as I remembered. You are lucky to have her as your roommate.” Julian whispered this, and we laughed. I knew he was correct. But now it was time to escape. We moved our heads next to each other, making everything even more intimate. First, we had to untie our cuffs. Autumn had secured them with rope alone, and they weren’t tight. As a result, I did this rapidly. I noticed I was faster than Julian, so I began searching for the next knot. I couldn’t find a start around our upper back but found a knot in the middle of his lower back.

“Kat, you know what you are touching right now?” I awkwardly laughed. It wasn’t my intention to touch his butt. “Autumn has placed a knot there. Sorry. But I do what I have to.” Julian stroked my back a couple of times. Apparently, he had untied his hands and found a knot there. I loosened my own and started to remove it. In this way, we gradually progressed. Autumn hadn’t tied us very harsh, and it was mostly about removing the ropes. Only the cinches around our legs weren't trivial to untie. So we were free in approximately ten minutes. Autumn had spent twice as long on binding us.

I whispered to Julian to be quiet, while I snatched a bandanna and my sleeping mask from my closet. I also stole a sock from Autumn's closet. I explained my plan to Julian, and he agreed. We kept the room dark. I gave all these things to Julian while I knocked on the door of the bathroom. Autumn told us we had done this much faster than she had expected and opened the bathroom door. I instantly grabbed the laptop out of her hands while Julian blindfolded her. Then he gagged her with the sock and bandanna. Autumn had allowed us to hold her as a prisoner for the remainder of the evening. But this was still a surprise for her. I doubted she had expected to be abducted.

We dragged her to her own bed where we bound her in a light, but inescapable hogtie. She struggled against us, but it wasn’t significant. If she wanted, she could be much more annoying. There was no way the two of us could restrain her against her will. But it was fun she played along. Now it felt much more like a legitimate kidnapping. Next, we put her own headset over her ears. Now Julian and I had our privacy back if we ignored Autumn grunts in the background. After we had finished with the dishes, our attention returned to the ropes.
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

Lol, poor Autumn
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Post by Beaumains »

It was clear what was going to happen. One of us would tie the other up. Both of us knew our knots, so there was no designated victim. Julian played with my ropes on the side of my bed while I was finishing tidying the kitchen. Both us were quietly waiting on the other to make a move. Ultimately, Julian dared to submit the first proposal. “So, eh, what are we going to do? It’s a while ago since I tied someone up, but I can still do it. Do you want to be bound?”

I looked at a displeased Autumn and couldn’t help but smile. This offer was tempting. He would be cautious, so my evening would be more relaxed than Autumn’s. I would have loved letting him bind me immediately, but discussing his plans upfront seemed more responsible. So I sat down next to him while grasping the rope he was holding. “Sounds good. How do you want me to be tied?” I playfully surveyed his eyes, showing I wasn’t hesitating. Julian had an enormous smile on his face; he couldn’t wait to begin. Then he stood up, counted the remaining ropes, and measured their length. “Since this is our first time, you’re allowed to choose. But I will assure you that you won’t be able to escape. Don’t think I ain’t serious about this. But if you don’t have any specific preferences, I have something in mind.” Julian winked at me. I trusted him to be cautious with me, but I had a feeling I shouldn’t underestimate him.

“As you might expect, you should dress accordingly. I am unfamiliar with your entire wardrobe. But Autumn mentioned an outfit you were wearing when she encountered you bound. It sounded interesting, although I don’t know what it is. Perhaps you can surprise me by wearing it?” Julian had witnessed my fear because his expression changed. “It’s no problem if you’re uncomfortable wearing it in my presence. Or is it a euphemism? But I hope we can agree that jeans and our college’s sweater are annoying and boring when bound.”

Julian was correct, it was an excellent garment to be tied up in. But he wasn’t aware we were discussing a shiny, pink leotard. It was hideous, and it would be embarrassing to wear right now. Since he knew the hiding spot for my ropes, he would find out about my love for ugly clothes sooner or later. Hence, I accepted wearing it tonight. But I wanted to play a little game with him first. I wasn’t going to humiliate myself without getting anything in return. “Julian, it isn’t a euphemism. Although I fear to be seen in it, I will wear it for you tonight. But you have to earn the privilege to witness me. In your letter, you mentioned we barely knew each other. It’s fun to tie each other up, but both of us have a history with this unconventional hobby. I am curious to know yours. You seem to have some fascinating stories from your scout years, while I also enjoy some myself.”

Julian didn’t know how to respond; he had no clue what I was setting up. At first, I equally didn’t know where this was going. But a plan slowly started to form inside my head. “We should be forced to be honest with each other. Otherwise, we keep avoiding these conversations. So I propose we come up with ten questions related to our bondage adventures. We alternate answering random questions from this pile. If it’s answered satisfactorily, the other receives a minor penalty. But if you refrain from answering it, you gain it. The first who undergoes five penalties will be bound for the remainder of the evening. I will be wearing multiple layers of clothing over my secret outfit. I will lose a garment every time I receive a penalty. So if you are honest, you will witness it. But you will be slowly be forced in a spread-eagle on my bed. When you reach your fifth penalty, you will be bound, gagged, and blindfolded for the remainder of the evening. Now you can show how much you desire to observe me in that outfit. That is all. What do you think?”

This was an extensive scheme to devise in such a short time. But many details were still undecided. Julian hesitatingly accepted, so we started writing the questions. This was the challenging part since they had to apply to both of us. After ten minutes, we were equally unhappy with them. Some of them were relatively easy for me, but I feared to answer some others. Fortunately, I had seen Julian believed the same. A coin toss decided Julian had to begin. I placed all the folded questions in a bowl. The sole thing left was I had to get into the leotard.

Next, I grabbed the sleeping mask from the eyes of a dumbfounded Autumn. Julian had to wear it, so he wouldn’t see my secret outfit yet. I snatched the leotard from my closet, showed it cheerfully to Autumn, and got into it in the bathroom. I obscured it with my jeans, t-shirt, and sweater and finalized my clothing by zipping up my thick jacket entirely. The leotard was invisible right now. Julian would still have no idea what it could be. Well, maybe he could deduce it wasn’t a long dress. But that was all. Autumn marked me returning to Julian, and I blindfolded her again. I could merely imagine her confusion. Due to the headset and our deliberate whispering, the rules of our game were unknown to her. I had given her a small amount of hope to be released. But she would stay tied for the entire evening.

Julian and I sat down on my bed, and I offered him the bowl with questions. With a shaking hand, he grabbed one and opened it. Then we read it together. “What was the first time you got tied up?” This was one of the lighter questions, in my opinion. I was almost disappointed I didn’t get it. However, Julian seemed less amused. But he knew there were more unpleasant questions and recognized why we engaged in this game. So he decided to answer this question and said guessed he was eight years old when this took place. One of Lauren’s friends visited her for the afternoon. They, of course, wanted to be left alone. Why would they want to include her annoying brother? But as a little brat, he irritated them to get their attention. They, of course, disliked this. After some time, they decided to bind him and succeeded in this. For an hour or so, they kept him tied in her room. So he got the attention he sought.

I wanted to know what happened next, but Julian nudged me that was no part of the question. I sighed and unzipped my jacket, the first stage of my penalties. This was actually much more pleasant than wearing four layers of clothing. But the hot pink turtleneck was now clearly visible. Julian couldn’t know what it exactly was, but seemed content with his reward already. He handed me the bowl, and I selected a paper. I read it twice. It was one of the cruelest options. It stated, “What was the last wager you lost, requiring you to be bound for an extended period?”. Undeniably, this forced me to explain what happened last weekend. Julian had mentioned he also had a story to share if he received this question. But it was drafted for me. I glanced in his eyes and told him I had to discuss this with Autumn first.

While Julian waited in the bathroom, I removed the headset and blindfold from Autumn’s head. Then I asked if she was doing okay. She nodded after a couple of seconds, but it was not persuasive. I doubted whether she should be held like this all evening. Then I explained the rules of our game. She quickly grasped what was going on and nodded that I could answer this question. Then she attempted speaking, but I couldn’t understand it. So I placed the blindfold and music back on her head, causing her to grunt even more. I walked to my closet and fetched the Belle dress. I would show Julian how open I could be about my bondage, hopefully causing him to be more extensive as well.

I stood in front of him, unfolded the dress, and held it in front of him. The red sauce was still visible since we hadn’t cleaned it yet. Julian recognized it was a princess dress. I explained to him how Autumn had restrained me during dinner and had to wear the unicorn onesie for an hour for every mistake I made. I added I had little choice in this punishment because we hadn’t discussed it. But I had accepted it. Although I was tempted for a moment, I didn’t specify how Autumn spoke to me. That was technically not part of the question, and I mentioned all other details. Julian smirked while I described this. But since I told the truth, I had to bind his two legs in the spread-eagle position. He hesitated to comply at first but accepted his punishment.

His next question was, “What is the weirdest assortment of clothes you have worn while tied up?”. I came up with this question myself under the assumption it would be uncomfortable for me to answer while it was uninteresting for Julian. But he seemed particularly miserable at the moment, even more than during his previous question. He asked if he had to answer it, and I replied it was voluntarily. I wouldn’t judge him. But I added I had told an embarrassing story as well. He sighed and started to speak.

“It was during a summer camp with the scouts. I think I was around fifteen years old. There were only about twenty of us, and coincidentally there as many boys and girls. Naturally, the leaders split us up in these two groups, and we set our tents up about half a mile apart. During one particular day, we had to play many small games against each other. The winner would get cookies and a stupid trophy, so we weren’t motivated to put much energy into it. Therefore, we made a bet with the girls. One arbitrary member of the losing group would be kept as a prisoner by the winners for both the evening and the night. Now there was something on stake.” I smiled and was disappointed that my bondage had always been alone. This sounded like an epic way to spend a summer. So I requested Julian to continue.

“The whole day, it had been close. But due to one stupid luck-based game, the girls won ultimately. So one of us had to spend the night with them. We drew lots. I lost and was told to go to them as soon as possible. However, I was only allowed to wear my boxer shorts; even my shoes were forbidden. I stripped and sneaked carefully toward their tents. This was necessary because we weren’t allowed near each other. I also had some things to explain when the leaders would encounter me almost naked creeping through the woods. It was also forbidden to tie each other up. So I was already nervous on my way toward them. When I arrived, I saw them giggling and ready with ropes. Lauren and Autumn were among them, so I knew they wouldn’t go easy on me. I blushed, walked toward them, and was directly grabbed by four of them. Now I was trapped.”

Julian described this slowly and delicately. It hurt him to tell this to me. I had the feeling this wouldn’t be a pleasant night for him. But it also explained why Autumn was so creative with ropes already. I could guess the tying up had happened more frequently than a couple of times. I was waiting on Julian to pursue, but he didn’t dare to do so. It seemed like it was only getting worse for him.
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Post by Beaumains »

Julian sighed. “Needless to say, I couldn’t resist them. It would be useless. So I surrendered. Then they dragged me in one of their tents, blindfolded me with a scarf, and gagged with their dirty socks. While two of them held my arms, something was pulled over my legs. Then they grasped my legs, hauled several things over my head, and forced my arms through some holes. They giggled constantly but didn’t discuss their plan in my presence. After I was rolled on my stomach, they tightly bound ropes around my legs. Simultaneously, my hands were secured behind me.”

“Next, they twisted me back on my back and removed my blindfold. Ten faces smiled down on me, including Lauren’s. I looked down and saw something red surrounded my body. I had a vague feeling of what this could be. Two of them seized my arms, pulling me on my feet. I was wearing a long, red summer dress with a hideous flower motif. I suspected it was from one of their mothers, and they had brought it with them for this purpose. When I looked closer, I also noticed the black tights around my legs. As one might expect, I reddened, causing all girls to laugh. Their plan worked perfectly. I was dressed like a girl with no escape.”

This was disgusting. Julian had known these girls for years, and now they were humiliating him like this. However, Julian added Lauren had tied him up in girls’ clothing before. He detested it, and she had never done it near anyone else. It was some sort of ultimate punishment. Being prisoner for a couple of hours wasn’t an uncommon bet during these summer camps too. But this was different. The entire evening he would remain bound in the dress. Instead of Julian, they called him Julia or the new girl. Since his hands were restrained, he couldn’t handle utensils himself. So dinner was fed to him. When they grew bored later in the evening, they applied make-up to his face as well, just to tease him some more. Because the leaders never examined their area without notice, they could restrain Julian outside without any consequences. He was tied to trees, tables, and chairs. They led him around on a leash and played truth or dare afterward. Against his own wishes, he was frequently involved in the questions and challenges. He had never received so many kisses in one evening.

I chuckled. It seemed so much fun. But I understood how awful it had been for Julian. His ankles were still tied to my bed, and he had difficulties balancing himself. So felt backward a couple of times. But he told the story animated and wasn’t feared to reveal the truth. I urged him to continue; this went considerably better than I had imagined when I devised this game.

Although this day was among the most unpleasant of his life, there was one cold comfort. Lauren was assigned to check if he was doing alright. She had kept him bound before but now fulfilled her role as protector solemnly. His bounds had been inescapable, but she changed them before they got uncomfortable. So he never felt unsafe. In some sense, they behaved responsibly. The only harm they inflicted was mental. In no way, Julian was angry since they had deserved treating him like this.

Some of the boys had sneaked toward the girls at the end of the evening. They had seen Julian, but couldn’t release him. There were too many girls surrounding him. During the night, he was bound in one of their tents. The other boys crept around the area but knew this was futile. So they left not much later. After breakfast the following day, Lauren accompanied him to a narrow river to remove his make-up. She excused herself for everything that had occurred and told him whichever boy was chosen would be treated like this. Subsequently, they said their goodbyes, and Julian could sneak back in his underwear.

During his entire story, I felt sad. Why hadn’t I been in such a cool group? Why had I always been alone at home during my self-bondage adventures? But there was no time now to imagine this. My original idea was I would lose my jeans now, but I decided to reward Julian by removing my hoodie. This revealed the long sleeves of my leotard. I thanked him extensively for his story and grabbed the following question. “What was the time you were tied up the longest?”

I sighed. I had hoped to receive a more personal question to compensate for Julian’s honesty. But I received this dull one. So I explained my parents were abroad most of the previous summer. I was lazy and didn’t fancy working in a fast-food restaurant. Hence, I had many sleepovers with high school friends who I wouldn’t see for a long time. Since I was home alone and had a large house, they mostly visited me. We would sleep in my room or camp outside in tents. But often I was on my own during these months. Others had family or jobs. As a result, I spent much time reading books and browsing the internet. So why couldn’t I be bound the whole time?

About half-way through the summer, I had four days by myself. I stacked enough food for this time and dressed in a lime-green bikini. I challenged myself to be tied for 100 hours straight. The abilities of my hands and feet should be drastically diminished. This meant they enjoyed at most half a foot slack of rope between them. Frequently, I would have to be harsher on myself. When I sat on a chair, my ankles had to be bound to it. Every so often, I had to have them restrained such that I had to bunny-hop. Due to my bikini, I could shower without changing. Then I rebind myself with some new ropes. In this way, I would be tied up continually.

This was the theory. In practice, it was considerably harder. It costs much mental strength to finish this challenge. Particularly, if you can determine the harshness at any moment. But the most bothersome turned out to be my bikini. It never dried adequately after showering, causing it to scrape painfully against my skin. It was nastier than I had imagined wearing it for so long. But I completed my dare and was restrained for 100 hours straight.

Julian examined me in awe. He knew I was serious about self-bondage, but this was more than he had suspected. He smirked and offered to tie me up all summer. That seemed terrific to me. But presently, I had to restrain him. The following step in his spread-eagle was to fasten his right hand to the bed. I did so, and now he had to lay flat and answer the next question. I couldn’t wait.

“What was your least favorite time you were tied up?”. Julian looked disappointed at me and told me it was definitely the same night he had described earlier. I had expected this reply. But Julian also believed this answer was way too simple. Consequently, he recounted a story when he was much younger. Lauren had tied him spread-eagle to his bed for a long time and basically forgot about him. So he was stuck all day. He couldn’t escape because his hands were taped together and he was gagged. Since then, they played much more responsible since Lauren also knew this was not okay.

I accepted this story and removed my jeans and merely wore a t-shirt over my leotard. I started feeling cold, but Julian seemed to appreciate this sight. The next question was mine. “What was the least safe time you were bound?” I liked this one. It wasn’t extremely personal, but I had a decent story to share.

“My parents own a deciduous forest behind our house. So there is sufficient space to tie me up and run around in weird dresses without being bothered. The trees vary in age, and some are ideal for climbing. Some others maintain sturdy, horizontal branches, about ten feet from the ground. So I sometimes suspended myself under them. This is hard to do inside and an appealing way to be tied up.” This sounded as if my parents were incredibly wealthy. I couldn’t deny that. But it was not like I saw much of it. I still lived frugally. But I didn’t bother clarifying this.

“On this particular day, I bound ropes around my feet and ankles such that the pressure was spread evenly. I had done this before and knew I could handle this position for an hour or so. I connected another rope to a branch at the bottom of the tree with a slipknot. Next, I climbed in the tree and connected the other end to my feet. Then I carefully let myself down until I hung by my feet alone. I could just touch the ground with my hands. Finally, I took the book I had brought with me and started reading.” Julian smiled broadly. I imagined he liked the idea of me hanging like this.

“This isn’t a relaxing way to read. It was more meant to occupy my mind. After thirty minutes, my alarm rung signing I could untie myself. I placed my book away and reached for the slipknot. Then I would pull it and carefully lower myself to the ground. However, the knot was entangled. I spent some minutes trying to untie it, but I failed. As always, I had brought an emergency knife with me. First, I tried pulling myself up, but I didn’t possess the strength to grasp the branch. This was the first, and so far only, time I had to use the knife. But now my rope would be a lot shorter, prohibiting myself from catching myself. I cut the rope and diverted my head from the direct impact with my other arm. But it still hurt a lot. This was by far the only time I was anxious about what I had done to myself.”

After I had recounted this story, I restrained Julian’s other hand to the bed. He seemed adorable in this defenseless spread-eagle. I was tempted to keep him this way. But he was only two questions away from winning. I didn’t bother about that anymore and had accepted my fate already. Being bound in this leotard was a price I was willing to pay for all this information.

Because Julian was currently unable to, I grabbed his next question. “What was the worst time you got in trouble for bondage?” I would have replied what had happened when Autumn had discovered me. But I had no clue what Julian would report. I looked at him, and he seemed to hesitate.

“Kat, this one is a bit personal. Do you mind if I discuss this with Autumn first?”. Crap, I had forgotten about Autumn. Her groans were still audible in the background, but I was getting used to them. We should have had surveyed her much earlier. I removed her blindfold, headphones, and gag. Autumn looked dreadful but told me she was alright. However, I unfastened the rope between her ankles and wrists. She thanked me while stretching her legs. I doubted she was still content with her choice to be our prisoner. But she seemed to manage.

I decided Autumn should be rewarded for her courage and revealed the questions we had answered. But not our replies, since she hadn’t been playing. She appreciated this. It was more fascinating than the music she had been forced to listen to. Lastly, I showed her Julian’s most recent question. Remarkably, she forbid Julian from explaining and declared she would do it. I sat down on my chair, waiting for Autumn. I was surprised she identified the story he was going to tell. What remarkable tale did they have in store for me?
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

I can’t wait to hear either! :D
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Post by Beaumains »

Autumn requested a glass of water first. Since I was the only person not bound, I had to get it. While she laid on her back with her hands behind her, I poured the water into her mouth. Then she scraped her throat. “I assume Julian has told you about a summer camp already? Possibly when he discussed his most embarrassing outfit.” I confirmed this, and Autumn continued. “Some other boys visited our camp that night. Although Julian had accepted his fate, they were outraged. According to them, he was quiet and withdrawn in the following days. So they visited the girl camp without him, ordered an apology, and demanded to borrow one of us to get square. We obviously declined. There wasn’t sufficient evidence Julian desired this revenge. If he was truly enraged, he should have come with them. Or at least provide more proof he wasn’t treated fairly. Hence, we sent them back to fetch him, so we could talk to him. But they didn’t bring him. So the negotiations were over.”

I turned to a smiling, spread-eagled Julian. “Yeah, I didn’t fancy confronting them. I was still ashamed and wanted to be left alone to forget that night. Just continuing like normal and do some cool things. Sadly, my mates viewed this differently. The girls would have ruined my camp. But from my perspective, they had only killed my interest in tie-up games during this camp.”

Julian sighed. “If I had just talked to you. Then it wouldn’t have happened.” Autumn repeated it wasn’t his fault and continued telling the story. “Two nights after we had released Julian, I was preparing to go to bed. I walked a couple of laps around our camp while brushing my teeth. Suddenly, I was grabbed from behind. Before I could scream, I was gagged. I tried fighting back but was overpowered, blindfolded, and hogtied. Then they left. I lay there for fifteen minutes or so without a possibility to escape. I figured out the boys were revenging Julian. They returned, picked me up, and carried me away. It took ages because they sneaked and took an enormous detour to stay unnoticed. So I was brought to the boys’ camp. Since I heard some muffled coughs, I deduced there were two of us. I didn’t know who my captors were since they didn’t talk. Then they abruptly placed me on a cold, wet forest floor. Next, they secured us to pegs and to each other with more rope. They redid our knots, to make them less tight and undid the hogtie rope. Our hands were placed in some socks that they taped, so our fists were forced into balls. So we lay a bit like I am now: on our stomach with our hands secured behind us. But we were blindfolded, gagged, and with no opportunity to escape. Then we were covered with some rags and abandoned. Remember, both of us only wore jeans, a t-shirt, and a hoodie. So all moisture reached us. The ground was covered by pine cones that tingled constantly.”

Julian smirked. If the two captive girls were awarded to him directly, he could have teased them for an hour before freeing them. Then everything would be alright. However, Julian informed me that that hadn’t happened. “Yeah, those boys wanted to present you to me, but I was already asleep. Since they didn’t want to wake me, they decided to wait until morning. One cold night would have been survivable. Hiking was planned for the next day. In duos, we would hike twenty miles. All morning, we left in our duos to prevent us from walking in one group. Since I went to bed early, I left first at eight with Robert. We could get along well and had the same hiking pace. He also wasn’t obsessed with avenging me and was one of the few who treated me normally. So for me, this was the perfect match. This also meant I left before the three kidnappers were awake.”

I started understanding why Autumn and Julian got in trouble. This didn’t sound like fun and games anymore. It was an involuntary kidnapping. I looked at Julian, who produced a faint smile. Then Autumn interrupted Julian and began talking. “Meanwhile, I laid all night hogtied on the wet forest floor. I had already pissed myself since I had planned to visit the toilet after I had brushed my teeth. I barely slept due to the cold. When the birds announced the morning, my fingers were numb. My legs and arms hurt from the inability to move them. I assumed someone would untie us any moment, but no-one came. It was frightening. Only those three knew our location. How long would it take before we were found? I later heard one of the leaders was in the boys’ camp all morning because they were slow. So the guys who restricted us had no opportunity to release us. So we lay there all day. Clearly, some punishment would be better for them than keeping us tied. But they hoped to find an opportunity to free us unseen. But they were sent away before a chance occurred.”

Julian retook the word. “So they were there most of the day. Robert and I returned first from our hike. All-day we hadn’t seen any other scouts. So we had no idea what was going on. Apparently, the word had spread they had disappeared. The three had admitted where they were kept too. But they were in the back, and the leading duos were unaware of this. It was decided everything would remain secret. Strangely, the leaders hadn’t noticed two groups weren’t participating in the hike.”

“When we arrived near the leaders building, we decided to have some tea with them. Five minutes later, Lauren arrived with her companion. They were exhausted, so they had walked rapidly. Instantly, she requested to speak with me. Since we were family, the leaders didn’t raise any questions. Then I was informed about the missing girls. I truthfully told her I had no idea this was going on, but we decided to search for them together around our camp. Since Lauren left as second, she was also unaware of the exact location. We left the leaders and went our own way initially, but met up out of their sight. In our camp, I noticed the camouflage nets were gone. After fifteen minutes, I discovered them between some young pinewood trees. I removed them and encountered the girls underneath. I gathered the rest, and we released them.”

Autumn tried interrupting him but failed. “They were cold, miserable, and numb. They had pissed themselves and couldn’t walk due to the continuous strain on their limbs. Therefore, we carried them to our camp, fed them, and gave them something to drink. We warmed them and massaged them. They already looked considerably better. Since it was still secret, it was decided they would return to their own camp. So they sneaked away.”

Autumn reattempted to interrupted Julian. This time she succeeded. “That is approximately how shitty the situation was. But I was delighted I was free. Fortunately, the tie and ropes were good, so I didn’t get any permanent nerve damage. But it took an hour or so before I could walk again. Meantime, more boys and girls arrived who helped us. I was exhausted, and the journey back was hard. Everyone else had hiked tens of miles already and were also tired. So it was problematic. When I arrived, I went to bed immediately. I slept until the following morning.”

Autumn continued after a brief pause. “There was nothing planned for that morning, so representatives of both camps convened on how to continue. Here, Julian expressed he wasn’t angry and denounced the kidnapping. The typical punishment was to tie them up, but that would continue the cycle. And besides, if it would fit the punishment, it would be lengthy and uncomfortable. So they were banned from participating in the tie-ups for the remainder of the camp. They also had to apologize to us. Since Autumn and the other girl didn’t seek revenge, this was their sole punishment. Everyone agreed this shouldn’t happen anymore. The leaders never found out about any of this.”

I looked at them and barely could believe their story. But I knew it had to be true. “Kat, I hope you comprehend why I freaked out after you didn’t release me after the movie. I was terrified I would spend another night tied. The experience was almost traumatic, and I stayed away for most of the games since then. Luckily, you demonstrated they’re still quite fun. It was one bad apple that spoiled the bunch.”

Julian smirked. “So that was my answer. I think you have to remove your shirt now.” I sighed. Julian knew the rules well, causing me to stand in front of him in only my pink leotard. Julian praised me for it, causing me to blush. The last two questions weren’t exceptionally intriguing. I revealed my favorite bondage position (forced to hop with my legs bound), causing Julian to lose his vision. Afterward, Julian explained why he did engage in these games. Shockingly, it was fun to do them with his sister, and everyone played them in their scout group.

I had lost. Now I had to untie Julian, so he could bind me in my leotard. Ten minutes later, I lay blindfolded in my bed in a tight spread-eagle. Practically the same position as Julian. Both of us hadn’t bothered releasing Autumn since she hadn’t complained and seemed relaxed. Then Julian gagged me with my own socks. Julian placed the headphones back on Autumn’s head before saying this would merely require a couple of minutes.

Julian set his mouth near my ear and began whispering. “Would you want to become my girlfriend?”. I nodded enthusiastically. What a way to ask me! I heard a content laugh from Julian. “I couldn’t hear you. You have to speak louder.” I screamed in my gag, but Julian didn’t react. Instead, he started tickling my unprotected belly and armpits. I was ticklish, so in response, I threw myself against the ropes. Another laugh followed before Julian restated his question. I still couldn’t respond. So he started, to my annoyance, tickling my feet. After he was done, he removed my gag and asked one last time whether I would want to be his girlfriend. I said yes, and Julian kissed me. So we were officially dating.

We laughed, and Julian complimented my sleeping mask. He equally loved the wiggle eyes. When I was tickled, they went everywhere. After Julian had removed Autumn’s headphones, he jumped on her bed and told her I had said yes. Julian was ecstatic. Then he returned to me and lay down between the wall and me, crushing my arm. We cuddled for some time while Autumn stayed helpless on her own bed.

Then Julian started speaking once more. “Lauren knew I was going to ask you tonight. If you said yes, she invited us for an evening in her room. As you know, she lives with Robert. Although they aren’t dating, they still tie each other up regularly. If you aren’t anxious, I can tell them you like them as well. I am certain they come up with something memorable. What do you think?”

My heart hammered. I never expected Lauren to be into bondage as well. I trusted Julian to know his own sister. Although I didn’t know much about Robert, he seemed fine. They lived in a mansion directly to the main road. The bottom two floors were used by an accounting firm during the day. Lauren shared the attic with Robert shared the attic. So in the evening, they had the building for themselves. Therefore, I accepted the offer. I couldn’t wait until Friday.

Next, Julian stood up and walked to our table, where he scribbled something down. He said it was getting late already. So he was heading to his own dorm room. This saddened me, but I knew I would see him again tomorrow. He untied Autumn’s arms while briefing her to wait with her legs until he had left. He gave me another kiss and requested me to open my mouth. I expected a gag, but only the bottom of a page entered my mouth. Julian patted my head and left the dorm room.

After Autumn had untied her legs, she walked toward me and snatched the paper from my mouth. She giggled before removing my sleeping mask. After I got used to the light, I saw she held the letter in front of me. “Dear Autumn, do with Kat what you desire. She has deserved that. Julian.”
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Post by slackywacky »

Nice!! Looking forward to a continuation.
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Post by Beaumains »

Nice!! Looking forward to a continuation.
Here it is!
I looked Autumn in the eyes. She smiled. I feared what she would do to me, but to my surprise, she started to untie me. Not to let me free, but to prepare me for the night. After I brushed my teeth and had been to the toilet, she hadn’t put away the ropes.

“Kat, please stay in your leotard. You’ll sleep in it tonight. Since you’ve lectures early tomorrow, I won’t bind your arms. Your legs, however, will be tied.” I loved Autumn’s plan. I had dreamed about sleeping in this leotard for ages. After Autumn had restricted me, we both went to sleep.

The next day, I went to my early morning classes well-rested. Afterward, I studied in my room and trained with the athletics team in the evening. When I returned, I was tired and desired to go to sleep. But Autumn stopped me. My wrists had to be cuffed in return for my pleasant night yesterday. Since I wouldn’t have any lectures the following day, I accepted this. I wondered whether sleeping tied would be the new norm. I hoped so. But I loved the random dares and unique situations even more. I had often been restrained like this during the night, so new positions were much more appealing.

In the afternoon, Lauren texted me to dress adequately tonight. So I replaced my jeans with black sweatpants. My t-shirt and hoodie would be comfortable enough. Just before dinner, Julian knocked on our door. The three of us left the building, and Autumn drove us to Lauren’s place.

Lauren’s place was unusual, to say the least. It was an attic of a mansion used by a company. So it didn’t resemble a traditional dorm room. Since it was an attic, the ceiling was sloping. It was almost fifteen feet high in the middle. At the sides, there were two feet-high storage panels. So Robert and Lauren both only needed a closet for their books and clothes. The lightning was a problem because there were only windows in the two upright sides of the room. So their desks stood near the windows. The rest of the room was lit by wooden hanging from the ceiling. Any in-between curtains would take away their precious light. So, aside from the bathroom, it was one open space.

Moreover, thick, oaken support beams ran through the entire room. They hung eight feet above the ground, so they could be simply ignored. However, Lauren and Robert had fastened two wooden ladders between them. One stood at a thirty-degree angle while the other lay horizontally. Due to the round spots, the ladders were excellent to hang from. Furthermore, thick ropes were connected to the highest point of the ceiling. Lauren and Robert trained daily in this playground to increase their strength and flexibility. This was another reason why I would never reach Lauren’s climbing level.

Lauren and Robert greeted us at the bottom of the stairs leading to their attic. I saw they carried a generous amount of white rope. After Julian had closed the door behind us, Lauren explained what would happen. We would play the floor is lava. So you weren’t allowed to touch the floor. If you lost, you would be dead. In our case, that meant being bound for the entire evening. It would be much climbing, so Julian and Autumn had a significant disadvantage. They just weren’t as flexible and experienced. Hence, the legs of Robert, Lauren, and I would be tied together. This would make the game fairer. I reckoned this put me in the worst spot but accepted the challenge nonetheless. We swiftly restrained ourselves, and Julian and Autumn assisted us up the stairs. I noticed it would have been simpler if we were bound upstairs.

I understood this choice when I entered the room. I had to commit to this game before I could see the rearranged attic. It had already resembled a playground, but presently it was inhabitable. It looked messy and unordered. Chairs, beds, gymnastics mats, and some planks were scattered over the floor. When I looked longer, I realized they weren’t distributed randomly. They formed routes that connected the lounge, kitchen, bathroom, and dinner table. Swinging ropes, ladders, and a monkey bridge were necessary to reach every corner. I loved it. I suspected Julian had told them I liked to have my legs tied, so this was magnificent. It combined bondage with my interest in bets and climbing.

I stared at Autumn, who proudly waited for my reaction. I praised her efforts and waited for Autumn and Julian to enter the course. I didn’t want to hold them up. Stepping over the two feet-wide gaps between chairs wasn’t difficult for them. But for me, with my bound legs, it was another story. Hopping these distances was dangerous. If I fell, I could injure myself. Hence, I placed my hands on the next chair and leaped my feet between them. In this way, I could cover distances safely.

First, we would have dinner. But due to rules, we couldn’t sit around the table. The chairs weren’t near the table, and it was hard to sit on them without accidentally touching the floor. Everything was already placed on the table, so I had to stay there. Moving to another part of the room with a full plate would be troublesome. The couches in the lounge looked tempting. But a rope swing would be the least dubious way to reach them. So we sat on the edge of the table.

After dinner, Robert came up with the idea to load all the dishes on his office chair. With Julian’s help, we drove this chair to the kitchen where Robert and I did the dishes. Our legs stayed tied, and we had to stand on a narrow plank. For the first time, I saw Robert as more than Lauren’s roommate. Probably because I now knew he also engaged in bondage. He was tall, but unlike Julian, he was big and muscular. With his short, chestnut hair and vivid light green eyes, Robert could have been a chick magnet in high school. But he wasn’t interested in capturing as many girls as possible. Robert was too shy. It had always seemed odd to me how they lived together because there weren’t dating. Now I understood they were just good friends who tied each up for fun.

We made only small-talk about our lives. I was delighted Robert didn’t begin about ties. In my opinion, it was a bit early to discuss that with him. In this room, I couldn’t but wonder the possibilities. The two ladders could create some unique positions. I had also seen many wooden spars tucked away on the sides. There was likely much rope hidden somewhere as well. The possibilities seemed endless. How had I overlooked this before?

After the dishes, we joined the rest on the sofas. Lauren explained we would play Mario Kart. Because only four of us could play at once, the fifth one had to climb the circuit through the attic. This fifth person was the loser of the previous race. Evidently, this was done in the hope that that person would fall. So you didn’t want to lose.

There was only a slight problem for me: I had rarely used a controller. My parents had never allowed one in our house. So every game I lost or did a lap on the course. This frustrated me. I hated losing. The course wasn’t exceptionally hard, but it was tricky and tiresome. So I ditched my hoodie after the first lap. I knew one wrong move could end my evening. But when it was my turn to play, Julian and Autumn had trouble with the ladders. They both lacked the strength to hang for long.

Fortunately, the rest also disliked I invariably lost. After losing four times in a row, we updated the rules. Robert and Lauren had to get a top-three position to win while Julian and Autumn needed finishing among the best five. This tweak made it much more fun for me. Lauren and Robert, who owned the switch together, now sometimes lost as well.

During the evening, no-one seemed to fall. So we altered the course to make it more challenging. The chairs and planks were laid slightly farther apart. Julian’s and Autumn’s legs were also restrained, but they received a feet slack around their ankles. For the other three, their feet were also bound together, In this way, everyone had more trouble.

For the first two hours, until about half-past nine, everything went perfect. But Autumn was the first to fall. This occurred half-way the sloping ladder. I didn’t see it, but I assumed she was too tired to climb. In a walk of shame over the floor, Autumn walked to the couches waiting for us to finish the track.

After Robert had won, Lauren requested if she was sure about this. Unmistakably, she meant her painful day during the summer camp. Except for the past few weeks, she hadn’t been tied ever since. But Lauren was unfamiliar with this. Autumn was told what would be done to her and consented to this. Not much later, she laid stretched-out on her stomach on the ladder that had caused her downfall. Since there were four skilled riggers inside the room, every part of her body was bound to the ladder. But we were merciful and allowed her feet to stay on the lower end. She could even support herself on a rung. We thought this would make it slightly less strenuous for her. We also didn’t gag or blindfold her. Lauren declared it too risky. I didn’t dare to tell her I had done that to Autumn two days ago.

Because there were only four of us left, we decided to revise the rules. We would continue playing until one of us touched the ground. That person would be bound while the rest could remove their restraints. Since this could take a while, our hands were cuffed with one feet slack. This would be sufficient to grab the next spot of the ladders but would make the course significantly harsher.

As one would expect, I lost the subsequent race. So I had to complete the course. I cleared the monkey bridge and horizontal ladder effortless. I scarcely passed Autumn. This damsel occupied much of the ladder, making it much harder. Yet, I found the proper spots to place my hands. But the rope swing went wrong. Ordinary, I would land on Robert’s bed. However, the rope got mixed up in my cuffs, causing me to fall backward. Fortunately, we were prepared for this scenario
and had placed a gymnastics mat there. So it didn’t hurt me physically. But mentally, it was a crushing blow. I had lost.

My fall had caused a decent bang. The other three raced toward me, as fast as their restraints allowed. Julian arrived first since his legs were only cuffed. He appeared delighted I was alright. While I sat on the side of the bed, Robert and Lauren also made it there. Since I would be the last one to be punished, everyone could remove their restraints. Lauren inquired if I was sure about being punished because all of us would have fallen under these conditions. But I didn’t want their pity. I had consented to this and had lost. So I had to face the consequences. I was also offered to be only tied lightly but refused this as well. I trusted them to be careful with me.

“If you try to be so brave, then you have to face the consequences.” Robert thought he called my bluff. But I wouldn’t back off. He took a bandanna from his closet and placed it over my eyes. I was hoping they would tie me up good. Due to their shared history, I had felt a little bit left out. So I had to show I had some experience myself. If I could take their punishment without complaining, they might bind me more adventurous next time. So I promised myself I wouldn’t complain.
Last edited by Beaumains 4 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by slackywacky »

Dank je wel! Kijk even naar de eerste 2 paragrafen, ze zijn bijna hetzelfde.

Patiently waiting for the next chapter. :-)
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Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Thanks! Fixed it.
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Lauren took a climbing harness out her closet and asked me to put it on. So I would be suspended, I thought. Next, Robert tied ropes around my wrists and hands. After many windings, he fastened them and slid a karabiner around them at the back of my hand. I could see he knew what he was doing.

“Kat, are you sure about this?” Robert said. I winked. “Of course, do you think I will chicken out now? Do your worst.” Robert laughed while he connected two short ropes to the karabiners and pulled them. The tie around my wrists didn’t slide or cut in my skin. It was perfect.

Julian ascended the sloping ladder such that he almost sat on Autumn. Lauren also climbed up but chose to dangle under Autumn. Her hands were on the sport above her face. She had put her legs through the ladder near Autumn’s hips. “You’ve to hang like me, then we’ll bind you. This is your last chance to quit. So make your choice.” Lauren jumped down, making room for me. I didn’t even respond if I fancied this. I climbed up and positioned me as Lauren had done. My body lay horizontally while my arms hung vertically. So I had to look up, straight into Autumn’s face. She seemed relaxed in her position.

Julian tied my climbing harness under Autumn’s belly. Robert and Lauren each bound one of my legs to the ladder. Julian climbed over Autumn to bind my arms to the ladder. Now my weight rested on three points: my knees, hips, and hands. It wasn’t distributed evenly since my hands carried most. This was impossible to hold for a long, even if I used my abs to keep myself up. So I let loose of the ladder, plunged a half foot, and fell a shock in wrists. But it didn’t hurt because Robert tied me well. I looked up to a laughing Autumn. Now I was glad she wasn’t gagged. The thought of her saliva dripping down on me disgusted me.

The three victors laughed when they saw my bum swing from left to right. But I didn’t feel embarrassed. It was an unfortunate side-effect of the tie, and they weren’t staring or anything. While Autumn and I discussed our mistakes, the rest tidied the room. I felt like I killed two birds with one stone. First, I could skip the tidying and cleaning. Secondly, I was tied like this. I had suspended myself before, but it was always a hassle. I also didn’t have a climbing belt or any professional gear, so I relied on ropes alone. These ties were often far from comfortable.

After restoring the attic to its former state, Robert, Lauren, and Julian returned to Mario Kart. The tidying hadn’t taken long, so it was too early to release us. I knew they were careful with us, so we wouldn’t be here for long. I was proven correct since they freed Autumn and me after half an hour. My shoulders ached a little from the constant pressure, but I could have handled it for longer. Autumn was a bit stiff but festive. Lauren was surprised we hadn’t complained. If she only knew how we had bound each in the past few weeks.

After one last drink, I thanked Lauren and Robert for the evening. Once more, Autumn and I had to reassure them we weren’t angry for the bondage. We had deserved it. We had agreed to the game. Then Autumn drove Julian and me back. I said goodbye to Julian, and Autumn and I walked to our dorm building. Here we chatted a little before going to bed.

The following week was dull. Autumn and I both had many horrible exams. So we spent our days studying in our dorm room. The library was packed since most others couldn’t work concentrated at their own place. But Autumn and I could motivate ourselves. We kept the spirits high and worked hard. Sometimes we bound our legs or arms together as a little treat, but that happened only late in the evening. Even tiny tie-up games would take more time than we could miss.

Our hard work had paid off since we felt confident about our answers. I underwent my last exam on Friday afternoon while Autumn had hers in the morning. As we had agreed two weeks ago, we’d go to my parents’ home to collect my bondage collection. It was a three-hour drive, so we had to leave early to get there before dinner. Both my parents were home. This was a rare occasion, and I hadn’t seen them since Christmas. So we had to hurry. But both had a flight on Saturday, leaving Autumn and me alone. This weekend couldn’t be planned better.

After my exam, I rushed home to collect my stuff. Autumn was already ready while I gathered my laptop, phone, and other necessities. I had some clothes left home for occasions like this.

At four o’clock, we jumped in my car and headed off. Here, Autumn revealed she had bought some candy after her exam. Sweet, a road trip was so much better with some snacks. The drive felt like a summer vacation. We had studied so hard for weeks, and all our stress was gone at once. It was innocent fun. We sang along with the pop hits on the radio and laughed a lot while devouring the sour candy.

When we rode on our drive-way, Autumn’s mouth dropped. She knew my parents were decently wealthy. How else could they pay for my education? But she hadn’t expected we owned so much land. I explained the ground was cheap since it was far away from the city. So we could afford this. Autumn was raised in a suburban home, so there never was enough privacy for tying up someone in the back garden. But here, the possibilities were endless. I assumed she was also overwhelmed by the size of our historic farmhouse. But I assured her it contained the old stables, so it was far less impressive on the inside.

When Autumn and I entered my home, I received a loving hug from my mother. As usual, dad and I only shook hands. The spicy smell of an Indian curry entered my nose. I had always loved my mothers’ cooking. After Autumn had introduced herself to my parents, we sat down for dinner.

It didn’t take long before my mom asked me the “How are you doing?” question. Most would answer “good” or mention their new boyfriend. But I knew what my parents demanded to hear. My grades were still A’s, and my exams had gone well. It wasn’t that they didn’t think there was more in life, but both got their positions by hard work alone. So that was the road to success. They paid a lot for me, so they desired I got the most out of my education. But when I mentioned Julian, both wanted to see photos of him. I told them about my friends and hobbies, and my parents listened and asked questions. But my grades were of greater importance.

Autumn understood the situation since I had briefed her about my parents before. She ate in silence during my cross-interrogation. My parents noticed this and started asking her questions to drag her into the conversation. The subject was, as expected, her studies. Since she was also an excellent student, my parents respected her.

After dinner, we did the dishes together and watched a movie. While I felt homely, I could see Autumn wasn’t. While we lay sacked out on our couches. All had had a hectic week, so laziness like this was preferred. But Autumn sat with her legs crossed and a glass in her hand in the corner. Every family dynamic was unique, and she wasn’t ready to lie like us.

After the movie, we went to bed. Autumn was offered to sleep in the guest room, but she chose to place a mattress next to my bed. We went to sleep without any bondage. That could wait until tomorrow. My collection would remain a mystery to her for slightly longer, and we would have the afternoon and evening for ourselves.
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Post by Plueschbabycd »

Hallo nice part but. I wish "you not did it again." :) I wait next part.
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Post by Beaumains »

Hallo nice part but. I wish "you not did it again." :) I wait next part.
Thanks! But I am not sure I understand you. What do you mean with 'I wish "you not did it again."'?
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Post by Plueschbabycd »

Say it with other word, I wished, that part was longer. :) But you are gifted in setting cliffhanger. :D
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Post by Beaumains »

Yeah, this part was a bit shorter than average. For whatever reason, it took longer to write than usual. And I had the idea that it was a little bland, so I didn't want to make it too long.

I know the cliffhangers are annoying for the reader, and I use them often. But I think they're amusing and create structure between the parts. The disadvantage is that the next part sometimes starts anti-climatic. In my opinion, it's an easy way to end a chapter attractively. Endings are always hard to write for me. If they are too annoying, I can try to use them less frequently.
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The following day, the four of us had a late breakfast together before playing a game of Catan. As usual, my father won by manipulating my mother. Autumn was new to his nasty tactics, so he preyed on her innocence too. As a true sportsman, he volunteered to prepare us lunch. This was an offer we couldn’t refuse. So he made us a couple of delicious roast beef sandwiches. After devouring them, my parents had to go to the airport, leaving Autumn and me alone.

We ran up the stairs. Autumn couldn’t wait, but I had other plans. Moving it to my car wouldn’t be very exciting. Even if we were tied somehow. Last week, I devised a plan. It would be embarrassing to show it to her. After half an hour, she had examined everything, and all magic would be gone. That would be boring. My solution was to let her earn them by being my victim this weekend. My trinkets remained a mystery to build up to this moment. I had ended each of her attempts to discuss this by laughing her question away. This frustrated her. I knew Autumn would do a lot to be allowed to see them.

“Autumn. Strip to your underwear and put your clothes in your backpack. From now until we leave, both of us can’t wear anything apart for my collection.” Autumn obliged my commands without hesitating. I removed her pajamas from her mattress and added them to her bag while issuing a disapproving gaze. I had meant every single word, and all the time included nighttime too. Then I secured the zippers together with a padlock I had hidden in my wardrobe. While she showered this morning, I took a couple minutes to prepare. I reached again in my closet and grabbed a fluffy sleep mask depicting a giraffe. Autumn’s eyes lighted up. I had bought it together with the panda and had given it wiggle eyes too. I handed it to her, and without prompting, she blindfolded herself.

I briefed Autumn to sit on my chair while I climbed on my desk and wardrobe. I lifted a specific ceiling tile and removed the four plastic boxes from their hiding spot. I obscured them with Autumn’s blanket in case her blindfold would slide off. Their content would be revealed in steps. I climbed back up to remove the other objects and covered them with my sheets to conceal them too. She was blindfolded but could hear my movement. This weekend would contain much more teasing.

I took Autumn’s costume and guided her legs through it without talking. I grasped her hand and helped her up before raising the suit. Then I zipped it up. The spandex arranged itself around her skin without any wrinkles. As I had predicted, the salmon, metallic catsuit matched her golden blond hair. “You look lovely, but you’ve to wait for some longer. I’ve to get dressed first.” Autumn grinned while I helped her sit down. She looked thrilled, so I had her speculate some more. I stripped, dressed as Supergirl, and watched myself in the mirror. It was a long time ago since I had worn this. I didn’t have knee-long pumps, so I wore long red socks instead. I adored the tight fit around my chest and scarlet skirt. Yet, the knee-length cape was my favorite part. I used to jog in our forest in it because I felt a lot faster.

After placing two baby-pink ankle socks around Autumn’s feet, I chose the ropes I needed. With one of them, I cuffed Autumn’s hands in front of her. The left-over was several yards long. I picked the end up and requested Autumn to follow me. With many unnecessary detours, I lead her to the stables. She was blindfolded and unfamiliar with my house. Also, she was forced to cut every corner because I dragged her along. So it wasn’t straightforward for her. I wasn’t pushing her to go fast, so Autumn didn’t complain.

After one last quick round through the stables to ignite the lamps, I halted and untied Autumn’s hands. To each of her limbs, I connected a black rope. Autumn formed a giant letter X after I had attached them to the horseboxes. It wasn’t excruciating tight, but she had to keep her legs spread. This wasn’t comfortable. “I won’t let you wait much more, but you stay blindfolded for a bit longer. Alone. In this Barn. Enjoy yourself! Bye!” I had expected some unkind remark, but Autumn remained silent while I walked away from the damsel in pink. I could have gagged her, but I saw no reason to do it now.

I decided to borrow the free-standing floor mirror from my parents’ room. I dragged it to Autumn, who inquired how long it would take. I didn’t answer and removed the giraffe sleep mask instead. This surprised her, but she focused directly on her own image. She smiled. She was a damsel in distress. “Kat, this thing is incredible! It is perfect. Oh, and you’re also looking great. You haven’t disappointed me. Thank you.”

I smiled while knotting Autumn a rope harness with the same black rope. “Thanks. But your problems aren’t over yet. You’ll be tied for a little longer. I have four boxes with clothing, ropes, and other stuff, and there are also some bigger items. You’ve to unlock the boxes and the larger things by performing five dares. After a dare, you can see one of them that we’ll take with us. Otherwise, it stays here. Is that clear?” Autumn nodded, and I told her I would get some things. I could have blindfolded her, but I allowed her to examine her own image. She had deserved it.

These breaks weren’t necessary. I was only getting a ball-gag and running shoes. With some better planning, I’d have had them there already. It was to tease Autumn a bit more. So I took my time and put the gag and shoes in a white linen bag.

“I’ve what we need. Are you ready?” I said after I had returned. Autumn nodded. “I can’t hear you,” I responded. Autumn wanted to say something, but the gag had already entered her mouth. “How peculiar, I don’t understand what you’re saying.” Autumn looked angry at the mirror, examining the pink ball-gag in her mouth. “Great, now we’re ready,” I said while untying her arms. I grabbed them and guided them behind her back. I cuffed them to the rope harness, allowing no escape.

“We’re going for a little run,” I stated with a generous smile while I aided Autumn in my old, black running shoes. Some murmurs escaped her mouth. “Yes, I mean it. Don’t worry about anyone seeing us. It won’t happen. Oh, and this is the start of your first dare. Good luck,” I grinned. I loved the fear in Autumn’s face. Unlike the earlier challenges, I intended she’d succeed this time. Both of us wanted to get these things to our dorm room, but I also wanted to enjoy myself a little.

I unbound Autumn’s feet and connected one of the ropes to her chest. I grasped the other end in my hand and started jogging. Autumn knew she should follow me. The leash wasn’t necessary since she had accepted her fate. But I liked it since it granted me power over her. Outside, I gave her a minute to convince herself we were alone. Then I tucked the leash, indicating I wanted to speed up. I led her over the sloping trails through the wintry forest. It was warmer than a couple of weeks ago, so this was responsible.

After fifteen minutes, I halted and bound the leash about a foot above Autumn’s eye level. “Let me get something,” I said before dashing away. The house was a couple hundred yards away, so I returned in no time with two 25 pound tires and extra ropes. “You might recall our previous adventure in the forest. This is almost the same: you’ve to get home while wearing a pretty gag. I won’t bind your legs like last time, but walking like this would be trivial. Please, stay still,” I said this while Autumn’s eyes glanced afraid. The previous time hadn’t been a pleasant experience for her. She had quit in tears, so I hoped this would go better.

I bound a tire to both of Autumn’s ankles with roughly five feet slack. She had to drag them forward. This wouldn’t be a walk in the park, but I wasn’t finished. Between the tires, I added a rope with two feet slack. This forced Autumn’s steps to be small. If she tried to take big ones, she’d haul both tires forward. This was almost impossible. A rope between her ankles would achieve the same effect, but I favored this. The odds Autumn tripped were smaller. “I hope you’re ready. If you want to give up, sit on the ground. Then I’ll release you, but one box stays here if you do this. Good luck!” After these words, I left. I walked deeper into the forest to observe Autumn in secret. Due to my red cape, this failed. But I saw this was pleasanter for Autumn than hopping.

I ran back home to start cooking dinner. I wanted to leave Autumn alone to allow her to concentrate. From the kitchen window, I would observe her. I cut the onions, tomatoes, and peppers for our pasta while Autumn progressed in small steps. After the vegetables were chopped, I checked on her. She had walked two-thirds of the trail in about half an hour. The final part was our lawn. Grass produced less friction, so it was simpler to move the tires forward.

While I watched from a distance, Autumn struggled for fifteen more minutes. I removed the gag, tires, and cuffs behind her back. She had given a lot and was sweaty and tired. I knew how exhausting this was since I had done this myself. During athletics training in high school, the coach came up with using the tires. The only difference was, I didn’t have a gag, cuffed arms, or an extra rope between the tires. Those were my own inventions. I untied the rope harness while Autumn drank several glasses of water. Then I sent her up to the shower, granting me time to gather everything for tonight. I also took her next outfit and lay it in front of the bathroom door.

Although the first dare had been an act of revenge, I wasn’t finished. Her next outfit was a penguin onesie, and as I had done, she’d wear it all night. This was the first onesie I had bought, and there was a reason for it. Penguins were my favorite animals. The way they strolled and slid was unparalleled. Evolution was an astonishing process. The ancient ancestors of penguins had grown wings to conquer the air. Then they forfeited them in exchange for gliding through the snow. It’s a matter of priorities. I also liked this onesie since it had built-in gloves that could be zipped up with your mouth. The fabric was thin, so they didn’t make it impossible to use your hands to my disappointment.

When Autumn left the bathroom, she was less thrilled. I had shown some kindness today by presenting a doable challenge and promised I wouldn’t lock its zipper. This convinced her to put it on. Jointly we walked to my room where she picked one of my secret boxes. I withdrew it from under the blanket and placed it on the kitchen table. While I finished cooking, Autumn explored its content. Her choice wasn’t optimal since I had stored the penguin onesie that took much space in it. It also contained another onesie. I had bought this bunny costume for Easter two years ago. I had camped in the backyard since my parents were gone. It was much fun to hop around wearing it, but I hadn’t slept in it. Autumn also discovered some princess dresses and ugly plastic jewelry. She examined each of them in awe, and many ideas entered her devious mind.

Together we folded my clothing and returned them in the box. Autumn hugged me while asking when we would have dinner. Her enthusiasm scared me. “Autumn, your food is almost ready. There’s only a minor complication. Follow me.” We walked up to my bedroom, and I ordered Autumn to hold two tennis balls. My dad’s old gray wool mittens from my dad were placed over her hands. Around each wrist, I winded a rope and ended it with a knot. Now it couldn’t slip off. Duct tape would be more convenient but would ruin the gloves. I closed the zipper of the sleeves rendering her hands useless. Now she couldn’t loosen the knots with her teeth. Like a real penguin, she couldn’t use her fingers.

“Autumn, for your next dare, you can’t use your fingers for the rest of the evening. That’s all. Maybe we’ll do some other ties, but I won’t force you. Let’s get dinner now. I’m starving.” Autumn was startled when she grasped why I didn’t lock her onesie. She couldn’t ditch it anyway. I grinned. The taste of revenge was sweet, and this was only the second dare.
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Post by slackywacky »

Beaumains wrote: 4 years ago The taste of revenge was sweet
Isn't it in most cases? :-) Thanks for continuing the story.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by Beaumains »

I set the table, and Autumn sat down. After draining the penne, I mixed it with the sauce. I filled our plates and started eating. My penguin companion didn’t know what to do. Her mittens prevented her from using her utensils. “Eh, Kat. Do you want me to eat like a pig, or am I going to be fed?” I grinned. “Well, a penguin doesn’t have fingers. They eat with their beak, so use yours. You had me do that too. Lucky for you, I’m in a generous mood today. I help you if you want at a small cost. In that case, I’ll add some restraints after our dinner. It’s your choice. As I said, I won’t force you to get more bounds. Think about it.”

A cloud passed across Autumn’s face. Although I was technically correct, this was nasty. She knew this, so she tried eating her pasta herself. As a safety measure, I tucked a tea towel in her collar. My lovely onesie shouldn’t get stained. Autumn struggled for a while and requested a different plate. The sauce was watery, so I had served it in deep dishes. Human faces weren’t designed for eating like this, and Autumn couldn’t reach the bottom.

“So, you’re hinting, I’ve to help you? Or will you get that plate yourself?” I spoke before resuming eating. “You know I can’t do this. This is impossible! We had a deal!” Autumn seemed desperate. I noticed a small sparkle in her eyes, so she understood I was messing with her. “It isn’t like you never pulled tricks on me. It isn’t against the rules. Do you still want that other plate, or do you want to quit the dare?” While I sipped my water, Autumn thought. It wasn’t a hard decision. There was only one outcome where she wouldn’t starve and see another box.

After asking me to feed her, I stood up and sat down next to Autumn. I took her spoon, filled it with pasta and sauce, and let it invade her mouth. This was weird. It was strange to get food shoved into me, but at that time, it was my only option. Now I had chosen to do this. Autumn had accepted her fate, so I kept nourishing her. Afterward, I devoured my own meal. My parents had bought us delicious chocolate ice-cream that we ate too. Autumn didn’t seem mad. Maybe a bit tired, but not angry. I knew the meal would provide her with the energy to continue. I could continue with my plans.

I walked upstairs to gather Autumn’s additional restraints. When I returned, I told her to stand up. First, I bound a rope between her upper legs and wrists with one foot slack. Now she couldn’t raise her arms anymore, only flap her wings against her body. Penguins couldn’t walk. Only wiggle. So I tied ropes between her ankles and knees, preventing her from making significant steps. As a final touch, I helped Autumn’s feet into black flippers. Turning now required many minuscule moves, and each rattled on the stone floor. This finalized her transformation into a penguin, and she sat down while I did the dishes. That was the disadvantage of my position. I had to do all the work.

After the kitchen was cleaned, we walked to the living room where we seated ourselves on the long sofa. I opened Netflix, and we selected a Scandinavian detective to watch. I tried to push Autumn to choose March of the Penguins, but she disagreed. I hoped she now understood how I felt in the Belle dress. My penguin craze would lift the veil on how grim these role-plays could be. I wasn’t pushing as hard as she had done. But she would get the idea.

My parents, in all their generosity, had given us snacks and soda. Since Autumn was unable to get them, I had to supply her. We lay against each other on the deep sofas, so I could stay where I was. I only had to move my arm to grab something. Halfway through the three-hour movie, I started to get bored. It was pleasant, but something was lacking. I lay dressed in a Supergirl costume next to a bound penguin for the upcoming hour. I could also tie myself. Without any discussion, I paused the movie and ran upstairs. I returned with two crimson ropes that matched my socks. Autumn smiled without saying a word; she understood me. After I restarted our detective, I tied my legs together around my ankles and under my knees. I lay down against Autumn, fed her a couple nuts and raisins, and refocused on the movie. I didn’t speak Swedish, so I had missed a plot-point. It was worth it, I thought, while my toes touched Autumn’s flippers.

After the movie, I untied myself and ran upstairs. This time to prepare Autumn’s bedtime. The evening was over, so Autumn had almost won the second dare. Earlier, I had her select her reward. I brought the rest of my collection to the master bedroom and covered this box with a black fleece blanket. I showed it to Autumn and laid it in the stables. “I’ll free you when you bring me that blanket. It’s where I tied you this afternoon. You can’t miss it. Have fun!” Autumn had lain on the sofa all evening. This was too easy, so teasing her some more was justified.

Autumn sighed and went on her way. I opened Reddit on my phone but had trouble concentrating. The constant clacking of the flippers was too amusing to ignore. After a few minutes, I couldn’t resist peeking. I wasn’t surprised she was almost there. Waggling was slower than walking, but quicker and less intensive than hopping. I saw how she used her mouth to remove the blanket. She couldn’t open the box but got a sneak-peak. I crept back to the couch, awaiting her return.

Five minutes later, Autumn waddled to me. She carried the plaid in her mouth and dropped it on my lap. Like a dog returning a stick, I thought. True to my word, I untied her. To her disappointment, I instructed her to stay in the onesie. This was the moment she realized she would sleep in it. But her mind was somewhere else. We raced toward the stables. This box was chock-full since I had only taken my Supergirl outfit from it so far. Most things were small, so it contained many different things. Autumn hauled it to the living room, where I observed her unpacking it. It was Christmas morning for her.

First, Autumn examined two more animal sleeping masks with wiggle eyes. I told her it had been a four-pack. The panda was my favorite. Then she studied my multicolored knee-length socks. As I had explained before, I liked my feet to be warm while in bondage. I also had some acceptable colors stored in my closet. I hadn’t had to hide those. Opera gloves, tights, and stockings in different colors followed. Autumn laid everything out on the couch. Now it looked like a lot.

“Kat, this is crazy. This looks like a Halloween store. You’re far more serious into this than I thought,” said Autumn while examining my feline ears and angel wings. I had foreseen a comment like this. “I’ve been doing this for five or six years. I bought something about every month. Because I used them multiple times a week, it isn’t worse than another hobby. Most were bargains, so it wasn’t that expansive. It’s quite an amount.” Autumn stated she understood this while arranging my brightly colored tutus. On the bottom of the box, she found an orange prisoner jumpsuit, a Japanese Schoolgirl Uniform, and a French maid costume.

After folding everything and putting it back in the box, it was time to sleep. We brushed our teeth, and I locked the doors and switched off all lamps. Autumn was nervous. She had slept with bound legs before, but tonight would be less convenient. In the bedroom, I told her to lie on my bed. I would sleep on the mattress.

From my closet, I took a large, somewhat flexible cargo net. I unfolded it in front of Autumn, who turned pale. I removed the blanket from the bed and told her to relax. It wasn’t as bad as it looked, I told her. Then I cast the net over her and tied it to the sides of the bed with ropes. Its holes were about an inch, so the pressure was spread evenly over her body. Autumn was pinned to the bed. Due to her onesie, her skin didn’t touch the thin strings. So there was much pressure without any rope marks.

I had done this before. Because I had to do it myself, I crawled into it after I bound it. So one side was always open. Autumn, in contrast, was encircled by the net. The ends of the rope were tied in unreachable positions. She was stuck. To aid her, I hadn’t spanned it as tight as I had done to myself. Autumn could twist herself and move backward and forward. I hadn’t been so charitable to myself, but it wouldn’t be a comfortable night for her.

“Autumn. This is all. Do you think you can handle this?” I said. “I don’t know. It is very tight. But I want to try it.” Autumn replied. She was timid, but I hoped the events of earlier today would cause her to sleep well. “If you want to get out, wake me. That isn’t a problem. Sleep tight.” With two more ropes, I bound the cover of the blanket over the net such that she couldn’t push it away. Then I inquired if the temperature was alright.

Autumn confirmed this, so I faded the lights and lowered myself to the mattress on the floor. I was looking forward to tomorrow. Autumn’s two remaining dares were already in my head. After what I had seen today, I knew it would be fun. With this in mind, I fell asleep.
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Post by Beaumains »

“Kat. Kat. Kat!” yelled someone. “Kat. Please!” I rolled around and opened my eyes while whispering sleepy: “What? What’s happening?”. “Kat. Please, release me. I’m scared.” Now I realized where I was and what was going on. Something was frightening Autumn. I lifted myself up, wiggled to the light switch, and blinded myself. While I kept my head low to evade the harmful light beams, I stumbled to Autumn. “Kat, I can’t sleep. It’s too tight. I feel claustrophobic. I’ve tried, but I can’t sustain this much longer.”

I nodded to the sweaty, terrified, and spiritless girl restrained under the net. Hairs, tears, and sleepy-seeds traveled across her face. In short, she stroke me as horrible. I removed her thin sheets and saw the drenched penguin onesie. “Keep calm,” I said. “I’ll untie you. It takes a couple of minutes. Stay still.”

Autumn’s breath stabilized while I undid the windings that held her prison of strings in place. The drop in pressure made her feel at ease. When she was free, I laid next to her, so she could weep in my arms. After a minute, I helped her up and supported her into my bathroom. Here, I assisted her out of her sleeping outfit and left her alone. I could have stayed with her, but a warm shower would do more good.

I sat down on my bed and had a quick thought. Instantly, my mind tried to guilt me, but I told myself this was futile. There was nothing I could blame myself for. I had inquired whether Autumn wanted to do this and told her she could wake me. This had occurred. Autumn was a tough one and had endured it as long as possible. I’d have done the same. Quitting was the sensible decision. The sole thing I could fault myself for was given her a bold challenge. But there had to be some tension in whether it was doable or not.

I picked the net, ropes, and penguin onesie up and put them in my closet. This could wait until tomorrow. Autumn had failed the challenge, and I wouldn’t let her continue in another way. Giving her hours of undisturbed sleep would be better. I put the blanket back in its sheets and placed it on my bed. No ropes or costumes for her. At this moment, I noticed I was still wearing my Supergirl costume. Weird. I had forgotten about it when I went to sleep. This outfit didn’t bother me, but I chose to resume my sleep in my underwear. I dared to wear it while Autumn was in a costume too. But playtime was over for tonight. I was eccentric, but not that eccentric. So I slipped out of it and put it in my closet as well.

Autumn left the shower not much later and tried to apologize for waking me. I didn’t allow her. “It’s all right. Let’s go to bed now; both of us are tired. Deal?” I interrupted her since this could wait until tomorrow. Autumn felt silent and accepted my proposal. I flipped the light switch and accessed the realm of dreams soon after. Autumn didn’t even consider asking me to continue the challenge in another form. Her breath almost directly entered a steady pattern, indicating she was vast asleep.

The following day, I woke up early. The morning rays weren’t even piercing through the cracks of my curtain. I checked my phone. At 7:30, it was early to rise on a Sunday, but I couldn’t rest anymore. My excitement had returned. I sneaked out of my bedroom and selected our outfits for today. My initial idea was to clothe Autumn in my most appalling, pink princess ballgown. It was floor-length, colorful, and containing many sparkles, so an oversized toddler costume for adult bodies. So it was narrow around the waist and made with thicker, more durable material. With make-up, opera gloves, and a plastic crown, she would be a five-year-old’s image of a princess. In this way, I would retaliate for the humiliation I had suffered in my Belle dress. Theodore sat still on her wardrobe, reminding me every time I looked up in our dorm room.

I had looked forward to this moment since Autumn had to do the last two dares in this outfit. Judging by her acceptance of the previous challenges, she would have done them. Yet under the current circumstances, I chose to change my plans. I would let her rest a bit more and give her only one more challenge at my parental home. Nothing too intense. We had a long drive back, classes early tomorrow, and the desire to return with more than two boxes.

So I retrieved two short-sleeved leotards from one of my boxes. One for each of us. I pulled on the pink one. In contrast to the one from my dorm room, this one wasn’t flashy at all. It was salmon and non-metallic. One could almost buy it unironically. It was still a fashion statement but didn’t belong to the world’s most hideous clothes collection. I lay it on the ground and closed the door behind me before going down to the kitchen. In a leotard without socks, it was frigid on the stone floor. I thought it was worth it while I prepared an extensive breakfast. Fresh orange juice, pancakes, bacon, and omelets would be a welcome sight when waking up. I gathered everything on a serving tray and went back up.

I found Autumn awake but still in bed. She smiled while I brought her her breakfast in the leotard. It wasn’t over yet. I gave her one of the plates. “Thanks, Kat. Sorry about tonight. I wanted to complete the dare. On paper, it doesn’t sound so bad, but I couldn’t relax. Sleeping was impossible.” I smiled while I sat down on the side of my bed. “Good, you woke me. It wasn’t meant to be easy, but it’s hard to judge how hard it is for you in reality. I won’t waste any more words on it. Eat your breakfast, and then your next challenge can start. Or are you giving up already?”

Autumn returned a smile and fiercely stated she wouldn’t quit again. I put a piece of pancake in my mouth, and Autumn followed my example. I could see she was still tired, so I would continue teasing her, but not as harsh as yesterday. We completed our breakfast in silence, and Autumn took her morning shower. There wasn’t much to prepare for me, so I only picked the leotard and ropes up I needed. I also fired my laptop up. It would also be necessary.

“Kat, can you hand me what I have to wear already?” Autumn asked me from the shower. She opened the bathroom door a little, and I gave her the leotard. Great, I thought, one less awkward interaction. Laughs came from the bathroom, and I was unsure if she liked it or was merely surprised by my choice.

This question was answered when the bathroom opened. Autumn marched out while displaying her determination to continue. Earlier, she had feared my choices, but now she embraced them. Her metallic turquoise leotard couldn’t be called beautiful, but she rocked it. What a bit of confidence could do to a body.

“Looking good, Autumn!” I grinned while Autumn studied the light blue ropes I had picked. “Please lay down on my bed. As you might have noticed, I let you do the same things I’ve done. So you can guess what I expect of you in a leotard.” Autumn thought for a couple seconds before laying down on my bed. She had understood my hint. Not much later, each of her limbs was restrained to my bed in a not very tight spread-eagle. As I had done myself, I covered her feet with a blanket and tied slipknots near her hands. I placed my laptop in front of her and started a three hour, full-screen digital timer. There would be no gag or blindfold for her that she could use to descent in her subspace. Only a miserable timer that ticked forward much slower than desired. The ticking noise wouldn’t make it easier. I aimed all the lights in the room in her face, making sleeping impossible. Boredom would be my torture method.

“The house needs a bit of tidying. As a small gift, I’ll do that on my own. You can leave this bed any time you want. Pull one of the cords, and you’ll be free. You win if you can stay here for the whole three hours. Have fun!” The slipknots weren’t only for her safety. They also were psychological tools. The knowledge she could leave would make it a mental battle. Now she had to push herself to continue instead of accepting she was stuck.

I went to my closet and removed all the ropes and clothes we had used so far. I had decided to wash them here since it was free and private here. I put the two tires back in our shed and brought the long mirror back to my parents’ room. Then I put bin bags around my collection and marked them with duct tape. Now I knew which box contained what. I placed all except for the bigger things in my car. I had decided all boxes would come with us. Ultimately, I vacuumed the kitchen and living room before checking up with Autumn.

Autumn tried to talk to me about yesterday, so she was alright. I ignored her while bringing the mattress back to the guestroom. It’s bedding entered the laundry basket; my parents would wash it. Autumn had still an hour left, so I left her alone again. Then I took our bags, shoes, and coats my car. From mine, I removed a hoodie, fresh socks, and a pair of jeans. Autumn wouldn’t need any of them since the last dare would occur during the drive back.

After I had heard the timer beep, I left the couch and returned to Autumn. I wanted to release her, but she wanted to do it herself. Fine, I thought, while she undid the slip knots around her wrists. It wasn’t much of a challenge with the slipknots. When she had regained her freedom, she stretched while I urged her to go downstairs for lunch. I didn’t want to leave late since we still had had shopping to do and had to cook ourselves. During lunch, Autumn shared her experiences with me. Although I wanted to leave quickly, there was no need to rush. In the past three hours, she had had enough time to evaluate them, and we had promised to discuss our experiences. To my delight, she was still enthusiastic. The night had been unsatisfactory, but I had solved it adequately. Her morning had been tedious, and quitting had been tempting as I had planned.
The only negative was a box stayed here.

“Autumn, you’re a bit naive. It won’t stay here. It would take me months before I get another chance, and I won’t let you take me my fun away so easily. I’ve packed it already, but the bag around it is sealed with tape, and I’ll only unseal it when you deserve it.” Autumn laughed. “You’re so predictable, Kat. Why am I still doing all these things?”

“You seem to like them. Oh, and don’t expect the replacement dare to be comfortable. I don’t know what it will be, but I’ll come up with something. It won’t come for free. Luckily, you’ve completed the first challenge today. So you still deserve a reward from that one. I laid out a small trail. There is the first marker,” I said while I pointed at one of the black flippers that lay in the doorway to the stables. Autumn jumped up, forgetting her half-eaten sandwich.

I watched Autumn while she followed the path in the stables made from the larger items of my collection. She found the other flipper, an ordinary skateboard, a set of swings, a self-made spreader-bar, and another onesie. She paused near every item, imagining what its use could be. Around the corner, she found boxing gloves, a one-piece yellow rain suit, a hammock, and finally two mermaid tails. Both tails were for swimming. One was flashy purple with various details, but a bit flimsy. The other was light blue with a monofin, so it was built for speed. Since I was a kid, I swam with mermaid tails in our own pool. When I was younger, I used to show them to my peers, but when I got older, it became a private hobby. My parents always bought them for me, and these were the only ones remaining that fitted. Now I thought about it, my bondage started here already. I still liked to have my feet bound together.

Autumn examined everything a second time before I put all items all in two bags. We did the dishes and brought all our remaining gear to my car. While checking my room, I decided to take one of my school uniforms together with some old socks and shirts with me. There was a lot of space under our beds. Hanging some small plaid over my bed would help to cover it. Autumn helped me to place everything in my car. It was a lot, and it filled my entire trunk. I grabbed the light blue ropes, checked the house once more to see I hadn’t forgotten anything and locked the door. This would be fun.

Autumn doubted how we would ride home. “Autumn, don’t worry,” I said while handing her one of my old, plain white t-shirts. She put it on, and it was comically small. It barely reached her hips, revealing the bottom of her leotard. After I had put on my hoodie, jeans, socks, and shoes, mine was covered. “Your last dare will occur during the drive back. Please sit down in the car,” I said while opening the passenger door. Autumn complied, and I started binding her legs together with the light blue rope. I didn’t tie them too tight. They were meant more as a symbolic humiliation. I told her she had to wear the leotard for the rest of the day.

I walked around the car, sat down in the driver chair, and drove off after Autumn closed her door. “Kat! You can’t do this! What if anyone sees us?” Autumn shouted. I chuckled as I had hoped for this response. From under my chair, I snatched a black fleece plaid that I gave to her. She could cover the bottom of her leotard and her ropes, but not her white shirt. The metallic blue color shined through it, but no-one would guess what she wore under it. Mentally, however, Autumn would feel like it was obvious what we were doing. Now she experienced my fear when walking to Julian’s room in the unicorn onesie. Although that was riskier and scarier.

Even after many reminders and playful tries to expose her legs, Autumn was comfortable. She was aware of what was happening, knowing nothing could go wrong. This disappointed me while we listened to the radio while discussing the weekend. Both of us had completely forgotten about our studies. It had been relaxing for both of us, so we decided we would do these things more often.

I stopped the car on a deserted road near the campus. Here, Autumn untied herself, and I took my shirt back before handing her her shoes, socks, jeans, and jacket. Her leotard was invincible now, but she knew she wasn’t wearing regular clothes. It wouldn’t be safe. Then I drove the couple hundred yards to my parking spot, and we started unloading my car. Due to the amount, both of us had to walk all stairs up with a box or bag thrice.

When I went down to grab the last box and my backpack, someone tapped me on my shoulder. “Hey Kat, did you have a good weekend with your parents? I hope you were able to relax a bit.” I turned around and saw Julian. “I saw you return from my window. Can I ask you what all this stuff is? I didn’t know you were moving.” I smiled at him. What could I say to my boyfriend? I didn’t want to lie to him, and there was no way I could brush him off. This would be awkward.
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Post by slackywacky »

Oops, missed the previous post from a week ago, but on the other hand that meant i had 2 new additions to read.
What will she tell Julian? I'll try not to miss the next addition :-)
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by Beaumains »

“Oh, hi, Julian. Yeah, it was great to see them after so long. Leaving the campus for a while, after the exams, was a good choice. Finally, some time to relax,” I said with a tiny smile. Julian took the trash bag containing the box out of my hand. As a true gentleman, he offered to carry it for me.

“Glad to hear that. I also visited my parents, but I see them every other week, so that was no big deal. Besides, I went out for a short hike this morning. I have to admit it was more fun with you.” Julian’s enthusiasm to speak to me was tremendous, and he wanted nothing more than to spend the rest of the day with me. I liked to see him now the exams were over, but not under the current circumstances. Revealing my collection to him now appeared horrible, despite him knowing I loved to be tied. I was ashamed of it. In a couple weeks, if we had spent some more time together, I would show him.

“I’m curious how you could forget so many things. They’re light, so these are no books or anything,” Julian said while I locked my car. “Old clothes,” I replied while lifting my rucksack on my back. “Stuff to wear inside.” We walked to my dorm room while Julian inquired why I needed more clothes. “Hadn’t I have enough already?” I answered, with a wink, they were for special occasions. He didn’t get my hint but grasped I wouldn’t tell him.

On my floor, I perceived how many things could go wrong in the upcoming minute. Nerves flushed through my veins. Had Autumn seen Julian already? Had she started unpacking? I had passed the point of no return, so I would quickly find out.

Our door stood on a crack, so Julian and I could enter without fumbling with keys. Still, it hindered other students from seeing the new content of our room. I took a deep breath before we crept in and shut the door behind us immediately. Then I turned around and witnessed Autumn. She didn’t wear her jacket anymore, exhibiting her light blue leotard. She was frozen from shock, like Julian, who still held my crate. I had forgotten about that critical detail.

“Eh, hey Autumn,” Julian said, breaking the lengthy silence. “What’s going on?” I knew this was my fault and squeezed myself past my boyfriend. “Sorry, Julian had noticed us and came to say hi. I hoped you hadn’t taken off your jacket yet. Oh, well. I’ll explain this since I have caused this mess,” I said while placing the box Julian held on the floor. “So Autumn and I went to my parents to get my bondage stuff. The ropes here are fun, but more wouldn’t trouble anyone. I don’t have to conceal them anymore and expect we will use them more frequent. So we brought everything with us. My parents left before us, so we also had some little games, and I dared Autumn to wear this on the way home.” I tried to speak lightly as if this was a regular weekend occupation. From the inside, the humiliation killed me.

I faked a smile while Julian processed this information. It was a lot to take in, and his mouth opened while he tried forming a response. “It’s okay, Julian. I knew there was a risk someone would see me. Luckily, it’s only you.” Autumn blushed before Julian could say anything. Her cheeks were glowing from shame.

“Eh, Kat, you made me jump. I could have known something was going on. This explains a lot. You’re a cheeky one, Kat, and I like that. Next time, please say these things upfront. I know it’s hard, but you only make matters worse this way. Now let’s see what you brought with you!” Julian said, hiding his unease. I appreciated he had rapidly adjusted to this situation, but his enthusiasm startled me.

“Julian, I hope you understand these things are a bit private. Except for Autumn and me, no-one as ever seen them. Sorry,” I said earnestly. Julian was taken back by my words, and I feared this rejection had hurt his feelings. “It’s not I wanted to keep them secret from you or anything. I hadn’t planned to show them to you now and don’t want to rush. You see, Autumn had to do a couple of dares before I allowed her.”

I watched Autumn while I spoke, and her flushed head gradually climbed up to my eye level. Her sparkling eyes reported she had read my thoughts. Julian, on the other hand, seemed less thrilled. That was the entire point; he had to know how important these things were for me. “I doubt you’ve scheduled anything for tonight. Actually, for a minor payment, I’ll show them to you tonight. Are you in, or are you out?” I proposed, knowing he wouldn’t dare to chicken out.

“Eh, yes, I think. I don’t know what your intentions are. Actually, it’s terrifying with all these crates and trash bags. I don’t mind being tied, or anything, but you scare me little. I’ve no idea what kind of things you brought with you,” Julian said after thinking for a few seconds. “That’s the idea, Julian,” I said. “If you knew what’s inside already, there would be no point doing this. I can tell you’ll be here for the remainder of the evening. Oh, and I don’t know what will happen to you either. Autumn will decide that.” I grabbed the panda sleeping mask from my closet and handed it to Autumn. Needless to say, she was also ignorant of my plan.

“Autumn failed one of my dares last night and so wasn’t allowed to study that box yet,” I said while pointing to the trash bag with the duct-tape seal. “I told her she had to complete another one instead, and it will be this one. My idea is as follows: I’ll go to the supermarket to get dinner while Autumn can do whatever she desires with you. My collection is hers to use, except for that one box. She can’t show you anything, tell you anything, or remove your blindfold. There are no further restrictions for her. Everything else is free game. Oh, and Autumn, please put those jeans away. I’m afraid you’ll have to wear your leotard for a bit longer.”

“Surprise me!” I added, and Autumn’s impish smile revealed this dare amused her. The weekend wasn’t over yet. I could tell she was devising an elaborate scheme because her eyes had moved to the boxes, before scanning Julian. He feared what was coming while Autumn put the panda mask over his eyes. “Please knock when you want to come in,” Autumn said to me, revealing she had a plan.

After unloading my bag, I sneaked once again through our door. Now it was Autumn’s turn to explore her creativity. I drove to the supermarket, where I sluggishly gathered ingredients for a stir-fry noodle dish. After a weekend with my parents, I had to return to student grub and wasn’t looking forward to it. I took my time because my thoughts were with Autumn and Julian. From my own experience, I knew Autumn could be savage. Most of my stuff was very feminine, so Julian would have to endure an embarrassing evening. The dresses and other costumes were too small for him, but that didn’t decrease their ugliness. He would hate Autumn and me after tonight. I knew others in the supermarket were noting my smile, but it didn’t bother me. They’d never suspect the reason: imagining my boyfriend in a French maid’s costume.

Not much later, I tapped on our door with a full rucksack. “Please close your eyes and be quiet,” Autumn whispered after opening the door for me. I obliged, and something was shoved over my eyes. I guessed it was one of my sleeping masks. “You know I’m in charge, don’t you?” I mumbled to Autumn, who removed my rucksack and coat. “Yes, you are. Trust me, you’ll enjoy this,” she replied. “Please remove all your clothing except for your leotard. This will be fun.”

I had forgotten I was wearing my light pink leotard. I had gone shopping with only my hoodie and jacket covering it. This wasn’t a lot, but no-one in the supermarket could have noticed it. I hadn’t spotted any familiar faces, so even if one had seen it, it wouldn’t matter. After I had removed my other clothing, shoes, socks, jeans, and hoodie, Autumn instructed me to fix my hands behind my back. Five minutes later, they were bound together with rope. Not only my wrists were forced together, but my elbows were also forced to be two inches apart. A crotch rope made sure they stayed in line with my spine, rendering them useless.

“So,” Autumn whispered. “I’ve dressed, bound, and hidden your charming boyfriend somewhere in this room. He’s wearing five items from your collection. Your task is to find him, identify these items, and report them to me. Ropes don’t count. Please don’t speak to him, remove his blindfold, or untie him. He wears my headset and some earplugs from that bulk bag of yours, so he won’t hear you. I haven’t explained your assignment to him, so you might frighten him a little. Have fun!”
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Post by slackywacky »

Hmmmm, interesting challenge.

Nice read. I wanted to say 'as usual', but that sounds as if it is easy to write a good story, but yet again, you have done it.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by Plueschbabycd »

Very good part, that make me again wish I that hat girl who would play with me. But I would also need costume and clothes. The only things I had would the sleeping mask.
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Post by Beaumains »

I have been a bit busy the last couple weeks, so this took a while.
Very good part
Thanks a lot!
Nice read. I wanted to say 'as usual', but that sounds as if it is easy to write a good story, but yet again, you have done it.
Thanks Slacky! This means a lot to me.
I am eagerly waiting on the continuations of your stories!
“Are you serious?” I whispered.

“Yeah, just go.”

“I mean, it’s a bit odd, isn’t it, him not knowing this.”

“Maybe a little, but that’s the game. You know Julian has to earn it. You ain’t handing it to him for free, are you?” Autumn smirked.

“Nay, but not in this way. It has to stay fun, and I don’t feel comfortable doing this.”

“Don’t worry, Kat, it’s okay. You tortured me as well, and I doubt this is any worse than that.”

“There’s a big difference, Autumn!” I said while I felt my voice got louder. “I gave you a decent idea of what was going on such that you could opt-out any time. Julian can’t, and you want me to explore his body with my nose and mouth. I know you’re trying your best Autumn, but I don’t think this is okay. I ain’t angry at you, but I don’t want to scare Julian anymore, and this is pretty intimate. Sorry, Autumn, but I hope you understand me.”

A silence fell for a couple seconds, and I could tell Autumn was finding a solution.

“I guess you’re right. You’re still my boss today, so you can choose how to continue. I don’t care.”

“Good,” I replied. “I will begin searching while you start cooking dinner.”

I described the recipe I had in mind before turning around. Then I took my first footsteps blindfolded with my hands forced to my back. Our room was small, so I thought I would find Julian in no time. I mean, how could he be hidden here?

Immediately, I almost stumbled; Autumn had placed my boxes all over the ground to hinder me. After regaining my balance, I started off by checking our chairs, beds, and the tiny corners of our room. My boyfriend wasn’t restrained there. So I concluded Autumn had stashed him in the bathroom, but this was also not the case. I was surprised I hadn’t heard him already. Blindfolds usually enhanced one’s senses, but Julian stayed eerily quiet, providing me with no clues.

I returned to our main room, with the knowledge Autumn had concealed Julian well. My next guess was he laid under one of our beds. I sighed before placing myself on the ground with my cuffed hands. The cold laminate gave me shivers as I only wore the leotard. Despite this, I rolled under my bed against the wall, collecting dust in the process. Julian wasn’t here.

Autumn’s bed was next, and I failed to spot him there too. My subsequent theory was he was under the table. Since I was on the ground already, I squirmed toward it and pushed a chair aside in the process. Here my head bumped in some cloth that retracted a little. After moving the rest of my body to this space, I climbed on my knees.

“Hi, Julian, Kat here. Don’t worry about me. It’s fine,” I said, breaking Autumn’s rules. I got no reprimand, only mmmppphhh, from who I assumed to be Julian. It was hard to judge, but I deemed it be friendly, so I moved my head toward him and started examining him. I only found fleece and assumed it was the plaid Autumn had used to cover herself during the ride back. I grabbed it with my mouth and pulled it away with a lot of force, tumbling myself backward in the process.

“You okay, Kat,” Autumn shouted from the kitchen. “Yeah, nothing to worry about,” I replied while Julian mmmppphhhed again. I recovered myself, sat back on my knees, and restarted studying Julian. Apparently, his back rested against the radiator under our windows, so his knees were the closest to me. With my mouth, I felt some elastic cloth covered them, and ropes held them together. Many items entered my mind, but I knew I had to move up his body to solve this puzzle. I didn’t do this for obvious reasons, and Autumn was likely watching.

So I moved even farther up, noticed Julian wore a dress and identified it with ease. The heavy fabric and apron revealed it was my Alice in Wonderland dress. I giggled, imagining how Julian looked right now. I followed his body upward, tried kissing him on his cheek, but found a scarf there. He had to be cleave-gagged with a bandanna. Around his eyes, I found one of my sleeping masks but didn’t dare to investigate it, afraid to shove it away.

With this in mind, I searched for his hands that I found behind him. With my feet, I pushed Julian away, so I could reach them. Opera gloves were draped around his wrists. So Autumn had put Julian in a classic damsel position in a princess dress. She wasn’t going easy on him. With this in mind, I figured the last item around Julian’s legs were my stockings since they would complete his outfit. I crawled away from under the table and made my way to the kitchen.

“Autumn, Autumn,” I purred. I heard a laugh next to me. “Yes, Kat, don’t you think I have seen you?” Of course, I had. I wasn’t stupid. “So, have you figured it out yet?” Autumn continued. I smiled while I excitedly whispered the solution to her problem. “Correct, well done. You took some time, so dinner is almost ready,” Autumn said while untying my hands. “Please untie Julian’s legs, remove his gag and headphones and seat him on your chair for me, will you? Then I’ll finish cooking and set the table. Oh, and keep your blindfold on, you know where he is already.”

“Sure, no problem, glad to be of help,” I replied with a smile before making my way back to Julian. I removed his headphones and gag first, and Julian instantly tried to talk. He failed, and I found another bandanna in his mouth that I removed. “Hi Kat, what’s happening? These few hours have been pretty weird.” Both of us were still blindfolded without a clue what Autumn was going to do. “Just go along with it, you are passed the worst. Sit still, then I will untie you.”

So I did, but my lack of eyesight didn’t help to untie Julian. “Tight knots?” he asked, and I explained I couldn’t see too. “Kat, you don’t know what is coming, do you?” Oops, I thought. Julian had caught my bluff. I didn’t dare to admit it, knowing Autumn was watching, likely enjoying this scene. So I ignored this. In silence, I finished untying Julian’s legs and helped him on my wooden chair.

“Nicely done, Kat,” Autumn said. “You can remove your blindfold now.” I did so, turned around, and saw Julian, dressed as I had expected. Only two small pieces of tape that kept his giraffe sleeping mask in place surprised me. He looked cute. I laughed, causing him to blush while he was still unaware of what he was wearing. Two pans with food were on the table with two plates, two sets of utensils, and two chairs. Autumn, still wearing her light blue leotard, had noticed my concern and handed me three of my ropes. “No need to worry, Kat. Everything is going fine. Lend me a hand to bind our guest,”

I accepted the ropes, and within no time, Julian had lost his ability to move again. His legs and middle were bound to the chair while his hands were still cuffed behind him.

“Have you figured it out yet?” Autumn asked while filling the two plates. “Eh, no?” I answered. “It ain’t that hard, use your chair and the extra pillow. Don’t forget feeding it.” Autumn replied with a wink. Julian tried to prevent this, but he soon realized this was hopeless. So I seated myself on one of his legs, took the plate and a fork, and started to fill both our stomachs. As one would expect, we ate slowly, and I took my chance to tease Julian a little.

“Stop doing that, Kat!” Julian shouted when I presented him with an empty fork for the third time. I laughed as this eruption shook my body around. Autumn was already finished, and to my delight, already started doing the dishes. I took my time since Julian clearly enjoyed the attention he received. Afterward, Autumn untied his hands, ordered him to keep his blindfold on, and brought us a tower of soapy dishes together with a tea towel. Julian had to dry everything while I was the ‘quality control’ that handed him the items.

As I expected, drying blindfolded was more tricky than when one could see. It wasn’t much more complex, and working orderly made it workable. There weren’t many items he had to do twice. When this job was completed, Autumn and I untied Julian legs, bound them together, and laid him on my bed. Autumn started a movie on her laptop, and both of us sat down next to him.

“How much longer is this going to last?” Julian asked, understanding he would be here for another two hours, unable to see. “If you want to see Kat’s collection, your problems aren’t over yet. I have suffered far longer, and this is quite comfy, isn’t it?” Autumn replied while playfully pinching Julian’s upper leg. She took the leftover candy from our road trip and gave it to me.

Autumn had selected the second part of the Scandinavian detective we had watched earlier this weekend. This was a cruel choice. Now Julian also couldn’t understand the movie. His heartbeat dropped as he was bored and tired, so I kept him awake by feeding him candy and chatting with Autumn about the film. Letting him sleep felt like aiding him to cheat his way out of the situation.

At the end of the evening, my little princess had adapted to the situation. He laid relaxed between Autumn and me, but I knew the evening had to come to an end. I texted this to Autumn, who replied I was correct.

Autumn texted me the rest of her plan back, and I couldn’t do anything else than go along. We put t-shirts and trousers on, covering our leotards. Next, we untied Julian and covered his outfit with his socks, jeans, coat, and gloves. While I tied his shoelaces and guided Julian to our door, Autumn put his other clothes in a small plastic bag that she handed to him.

“Julian, you did well tonight,” Autumn said solemnly. “But you seem a bit tired, so we will resume tomorrow after classes. Return in this outfit after classes, and you can see Kat’s collection, no strings attached. Judging by the light, your roommate is home, so you’ve to change somewhere. See you tomorrow!” Autumn ripped the blindfold of Julian’s face while I opened our door. He was confused, and we shoved him out
of our door with little effort before closing it. Julian knocked, but we kept quiet until hearing his footsteps leave.

“Autumn. That was cruel!” I said, barely able to contain my laughter.

“Thanks! He will handle,” Autumn replied while giggling.

“I am sure he will, but I doubt he will like it. You can be brutal sometimes, Autumn, but I approve that. Good job tonight. I am still unsure if I fancied everything, but it was interesting, to say the least. Thank you.”

“So, did I deserve a peek at that last box of your collection?”

“Not yet,” I replied. “Tomorrow, together with Julian.”

“Now, you are cruel!” Autumn said with a smile. We placed my boxes under our beds, brushed our teeth, and went to bed. It had been an eventful day, and classes would restart tomorrow, and I was looking forward to them with fresh energy.
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