Bondage Lessons: The Return of Stacy and Diane (F/f)

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Bondage Lessons: The Return of Stacy and Diane (F/f)

Post by Emma »

Over two months ago, [mention]Beetlebailey13[/mention] requested a story about a mother discovering her daughter was interested in bondage. My hubby took him up on that offer, but wasn't able to get a good start on anything (he considered) worthy until recently. He didn't want this to just be a rehash of what he's already written.

Allow me to also tag [mention]TightsBound[/mention] , [mention]herdfaninrva[/mention] , [mention]Bandit666[/mention] , [mention]Caesar73[/mention] , [mention]CapturedCarol[/mention] , [mention]damsel[/mention] , [mention]TheBoundArtist[/mention] and [mention]BindPam[/mention] .

He's asked me to post the first chapter of the new story, which is a prequel to his last one, "Rope Practice With Brad and Diane". Again, the new story is a prequel. The male in this story is not Brad. You can read the earlier written, takes--place--after--this-- here.

Stacy Green, 35, had no problem allowing her daughter, 16 year old Diane, to have her boyfriend over for dinner on a Friday night. It gave her a chance to get to know the boy, Adam. It also was nice to have a third person with them; Stacy's divorce was final, and she wanted Diane to have a sense that their lives were going forward. All three were nicely dressed...the dark haired Adam wore a blue dress shirt, black pants, and dress shoes; Diane, who had curly, blonde hair wore a white blouse, purple skirt, tan hose and white, flat shoes, while Stacy, who had long, black hair, herself wore a short sleeved red blouse, black skirt, tan hose and black high heels.

Stacy also had no problem allowing Diane and Adam to be alone in Diane's room playing video games. She let them know those were the only games they could play. "If you need anything," she told them, "just remember, I'm right here in the living room."

She lowered her voice slightly.

"If you need anything," she repeated.

As Diane and Adam went in Diane's room, Stacy, sitting on the couch, picking up a book, called out to them. "I'm here, and the front door is locked, so you're safe. No need to lock the bedroom door. In fact, "she said, "just leave it open."

Diane gave her an angry look, but Stacy just smiled. Then, the teenagers were gone, in Diane's room, and out of sight.

As long as Stacy didn't walk down the hall.

Stacy turned on the television, keeping the volume low, so she could hear the noise from Diane's room. She smiled on hearing sounds from whatever game the teenagers had on. She then began to concentrate on the film she was watching.
About twenty minutes in the film, Stacy felt uneasy. She couldn't figure out why, until she realized the only noise from Diane's room was the same repetitive background noise from the game. The game itself wasn't being played.

Stacy walked down the hall, and saw the door to Diane's room slightly opened, as she had asked. Stacy peeked in, and saw Diane and Adam sitting on the bed, on their knees, facing each other, kissing. Diane's back was turned to the door. Adam, whose eyes were closed, and thus not able to see Stacy, had his arms around Diane.

Diane's arms, however, were not around him. Her hands were handcuffed behind her back.

The sight stopped Stacy in her tracks. She noticed the teens' shoes on the floor, but that they were still fully dressed. She noted to herself that Diane's legs were not restrained.

Stacy backed away from the door. "Everything all right in there?" she called out. She wondered if they would realize she was a lot closer to the bedroom than the couch in the living room.

"We're fine Mom!!" "Yeah, everything's great Mrs. Green!" Stacy smiled to herself, hearing the teens talk over each other.

They knew she was just outside the bedroom.

Stacy could hear them moving around the room. They were clearly talking, but so softly she couldn't make out what was being said. She assumed they were now too unnerved to do anything that could be over their heads. Stacy went back to her TV show.

Roughly twenty minutes later, to Stacy's surprise, the teenagers returned to the living room. Adam had put his shoes back on, though Diane hadn't. Stacy couldn't see any visible signs of marks left my the handcuffs on Diane's wrists.

"I need to get going" Adam told Stacy. "Thanks for letting me come over." Stacy stood up. " I hope everything's okay." Adam nodded. "Oh sure. No problems. Thanks again," he said. He kissed Diane on the cheek. "I'll call ya later." He left, a bit quickly, Stacy thought.

Diane thought so too.

"Good job, Mom!", she said. "Why didn't you just walk in and proclaim 'NO SEX, KIDS!' You just HAVE to scare guys off! No boyfriend for Diane!"

"Watch your tone, young lady", Stacy said. "It's my job to make sure you don't get in over your head." She leaned forward a bit, seeing that her daughter was about to blow up again. "And since you're letting a boy you don't really know handcuff you, yes, you are swimming in the deep end."

Diane's intended rant was stopped in its' tracks. Just just said, softly, "oh..." and closed her mouth, her face turning a light shade of red. Stacy nodded. "Yes," she said, "I saw you handcuffed. No, Adam didn't see me see you." Stacy paused a moment; Diane said nothing.

"Whose are those?"

Diane was confused. "Ma'am?"

"The handcuffs," Stacy replied. "Yours or his? I want the truth."

Diane sighed, slumping her shoulders. "They're mine", she said dejectedly. I just got them as a joke, though. Really."

Stacy stood up. "Get them," she said. Diane's eyes widened. She said nothing, simply turning around, walking to her room, emerging seconds later, and returning to her mother.

She handed Stacy the handcuffs.

Stacy looked at the handcuffs, and then to Diane's surprise, gave them back.
"That's not a toy. That's a regular set of handcuffs," Stacy said, looking Diane in the eye. She shook her head, and walked away, though just a few feet.

Stacy turned around, facing Diane again. "So you like handcuffs? Can you tell me why?"

Diane looked down, then around, anywhere but to her mother. "I don't know...I just like them, that's all..." She then did look at Stacy. "It's fun to have on, when I'm being kissed by Adam. Not that he's likely to do that again."

Stacy walked to the couch, and sat down. "Sit down with me, please. This may be more important than you think." Diane obeyed, unsure what else her mother had to say about this. She obviously wasn't disgusted, or even a little upset.

"Honey," began Stacy, "I need you to be completely honest with me. It won't be easy, but I need you to be absolutely truthful."

Diane nodded.

"All right, first, I want you to tell me how you feel when you're handcuffed."

A small smirk crossed Diane's lips. "What, are you a psychiatrist now, Mom?" Stacy let the sarcasm pass. "Just answer the question, please," Stacy said. Her tone was harder, and Diane knew she had used up all the leeway her mother had given. "Well, it's kinda hard to say...a little helpless, of course, in a fun way, if that makes any sense."

Stacy smiled, which confused Diane further. "That's perfectly normal, honey," she said. "But now, i have a very hard question for you, and again, you need to be honest. How do you feel when Adam handcuffs you?"
Diane leaned back, crossing and uncrossing her ankles. "I like it. It's fun. Kinda romantic, when he's kissing me." Stacy nodded. "That's very reasonable, dear..but my question was, 'how do you feel when he's handcuffing you?' "

"Okay, Mom, this is gonna sound twisted, " Diane said, " but it kinda makes me feel...captured, like a prisoner. But not in a creepy or silly way. And he's not creepy about it either!"

Diane saw the small smile on her mother's face.

"Wait a did you know he handcuffs me? Not that i put them on myself when we're...when we're kissing?"

Stacy smiled again. "Just a hunch, which your answers confirmed." She could see the wheels turning in Diane's head. Stacy put her hand on her daughter's shoulder. "It's all normal. You're fine. You just need s little information, before you get in trouble."

Diane looked at Stacy without speaking, wondering what she meant. Stacy continued. "Some women like to be in charge of their relationships. Other women like a fifty-fifty partnership. Stacy looked away for a moment. "Your father and I had that kind of relationship". Again, Diane realized something.

"You weren't happy with that fifty percent, were you..." Stacy looked at her daughter. "No", she said softly. "And I didn't want more than fifty percent either."

Stacy took a deep breath. "And still other women want less than fifty percent. They want their man to have control of the relationship. And in that group...many want to be dominated."

"You don't mean like being beaten, do you?" Diane was now less uncomfortable talking about this, but more conserned about what it meant. "Oh no!, " Stacy exclaimed, hugging Diane. "Not at all! But some do like to be, well restrained. And not just by being held down by the man."

"Like...with handcuffs," said Diane. Her comment was a statement of fact, not a question. "Well, yes, for some people." Stacy replied. A lot more use rope, though." She took a deep breath.

"I do," she said.

Diane's jaw fell.

"Since you have an interest in this, you're going to meet boys, and later men, who share that interest, Stace continued, moving the subject away from her. She looked at Diane. "maybe you already have. Does Adam like handcuffing you?"

"He, um, likes the idea of me being helpless, but he's always afraid of not having the key, so I guess yes and no."

'Has he ever brought up using rope?, asked Stacy.

"Yeah," Diane answered. "But I figured it would take too long to tie and untie me. And you know, Mom, I don't always get enough privacy for something like that."

Stacy stifled a chuckle. "No, maybe not. We can talk about that later. But how would you feel, about having him tie you up with rope, and not using handcuffs?" Diane leaned back in the couch. "Sure, if he can tie me securely. And if I can make it think it's his idea. And if a certain someone would let me lock my bedroom door when he's with me," she said, smiling.

Stacy let the last comment pass. "Boys around your age aren't going to be very creative, other than to try and figure out how to get you undressed. We've talked about that before."

Diane nodded.

"If they bring up bondage, they'll probably be thinking about tying you to a bed, nude," Stacy said.
"That doesn't sound very romantic," Diane replied. "Or even very damsel-like."

Stacy nodded in agreement. "You got that right," she said. "What is your idea of how a damsel should be tied?", Stacy asked. "Well," Diane said, leaning forward, "Maybe being tied to a chair," she said, moving her arms behind her back, "or a post, with my hands tied behind me." Diane brought her hands in front of her. Something where I'm totally helpless." Another idea entered her head. "Or like, I could have my hands tied behind my back, my legs tied, and my ankles pulled up and tied to my wrists--I saw that somewhere. That would be a great damsel in distress situation. kinda hot, too!"

"I'm sure most boys would agree, but you may have to help them realize that. You might have to help lead them in that direction. And if you're using rope, and you should, you might even have to teach them how to tie. Like everything else with boys, you need to be prepared."

"I'm gonna have to learn to tie bondage type knots, aren't I? Guys should already know that."

Stacy nodded. "They should, but they have to find out some way. Some will be in Boy Scouts and learn, but others might not."

Diane sighed. "Pretty sure Adam doesn't. " Diane looked at her mother. "Could you teach me? I mean, if you know. And if it wouldn't be totally weird."

Stacy raised an eyebrow. This wasn't where she thought their chat would lead. "I suppose I can. You should learn. " She stood up. "I'll be right back," she said. Stacy then went to her room, then, moments later, returned with a small bag. She dumped the contents on the couch where she had been sitting.
Diane's eyes opened with amazement. on the couch was now several coils of rope, of varying sizes, a small ballgag, a couple of bandannas, and several strips of cloth.

"All right," said Stacy, "if we're going to do this, let's get it right." Stacy picked up three coils of rope. "Come over to the mirror," she said. Diane obediently followed her to the mirror. "Turn around, away from me, cross your wrists behind you, and look over your shoulder in the mirror. Watch what I'm doing. "

Diane again said nothing, but did as she was told, crossing her hands behind her back, looking over her shoulder, and watching her mother tie her hands. Stacy tied them slowly, checking to make sure Diane was watching, tying a piece of rope around one wrist, circling both wrists until the rope was almost used up, then cinching it. "What we're doing doesn't leave this room, agreed?" she asked. "Oh, for sure!", Diane replied.

Diane tested the rope, finding getting her hands free, on her own, wasn't going to happen. "How does that feel, honey?" asked Stacy. Diane shrugged. "Fine, I guess. It's more comfy than handcuffs, anyway." She looked at her mother. "You sure guys are okay with this? i mean rope..not handcuffs. "

Stacy smiled. "I'm sure," she said.

"I guess this won't be too much work for them." Diane looked at her mother again. "It really is better than handcuffs," she said, a bit surprised. "You're better off tied with rope," Stacy agreed. "No keys to lose, it's more comfortable, as you've discovered, and to be blunt, we look better tied with rope, than handcuffed." Diane nodded in agreement.

Stacy sighed. "That's what you need to know. You should get him to tie your ankles and knees too. The knots are the same." Diane could tell something else was on Stacy's mind. "Is this too weird for you, Mom? I mean, I think it's cool you're showing me all this, but if it's weirding you out, we can stop."

Stacy shook her head. "It's not that, I'm just wondering how much I should show you. " She sighed again. "I can show you everything, right now if you want, but you need to understand you have to tread carefully. Boys your age, and even men, when your older, will just assume you're saying 'yes' to sex right off the bat. So you need to always remember to use caution."

Diane nodded her head.

"But," Stacy continued, "if you're willing to let your...partner...get physical, you can dress for it. Underwear, instead of being dressed up, for instance. And having him tie your arms."

"My arms?," asked Diane. "What do my arms have to do with anything?"

"Have boys ever tried to get you to hold your elbows together?," Stacy asked. Diane nodded. "A couple times, one was just curious if I could, I don't remember what the other guy said."

Stacy began tying a piece of rope just above Diane's left elbow. "Let me know if this is too tight, but look in the mirror, at your chest." Stacy then bound Diane's elbows together. Diane's eyes widen, then squinted, as she saw, annoyed, how her breasts now were pushed out against her white blouse.

"Perverts," she said. "Guys are pervs."

Stacy chuckled. "They're at that age. But to be honest...they don't get much better over time. The good news is, you can enjoy that, once you're in a serious relationship, with someone who loves you for who you are, not what you look like. Now," she said, folding her arms, "I can untie you now, if you're getting uncomfortable, or I can show you something else."

"Wait, there's more?," Diane asked, looking at her mother. "Yeah, show me!"

"All right, but remember, this was your idea." Stacy picked up another piece of rope, and tied Diane's arms to her sides, just above her breasts. Diane said nothing until Stacy was finished, then said, quietly, "Oh." Stacy brushed Diane's curly blond hair away from her face. "Do you want me to finish, or should I untie you now?" There was no note in her voice how she thought she should proceed. "Go ahead and finish", Diane said softly, still looking intently at herself in the mirror.

Stacy took another piece of rope, and tied Diane's arms to her sides just below her breasts. She cinched the rope, as she had before. "Too tight?," she asked. Diane shook her head. "I guess if I let a guy tie me like this..." her voice trailed off. "Don't let anyone tie you like that," Stacy said, "unless you're willing, no, wanting to get physical. You have every right to tell a guy 'no' to intimacy, but it's just stupid to give mixed signals. Do you understand?"

Diane nodded her head, still looking at herself in the mirror, feeling the tightness of the ropes binding her arms, and understanding how she would look to a guy who had her tied like this.
Stacy spun Diane around, so her daughter was facing her.

"DO YOU UNDERSTAND??" She wasn't yelling, but she was talking firmly, and a bit louder than she had been speaking. Diane shook herself out of her thoughts. "Yes, ma'am. boys..." she gathered her thoughts. "Boys are going to want more than I might be willing...might be okay with. And i can't lead them on like this."

Stacy nodded her approval. "But," Diane continued, "if I'm with a guy important to me..."

"If you're willing, " Stacy interrupted, "to be physical with a guy important to to you, then having him tie your arms like this is going to be a gift to him he won't forget."

Diane smiled, and nodded.

"All right, let's get you untied," Stacy said.

Diane stepped back. "Wait, that's it? What about my legs? I'm not really tied up, ya know. I should get the whole lesson."

Stacy facepalmed. "You don't need your legs tied, dear! I just wanted to show you that ropes are better than handcuffs, and how to have a guy, whom I remind you, who you should probably be engaged to, tie your arms. I've done that."

"I know, Mom, but.." Diane walked towards the couch, almost as if to get away from someone who wanted her untied. "I oughta get used to this. I guess." She sat down on the couch.

Stacy shook her head. "I don't believe this, she said." She walked towards the couch, and took Diane by the arm. "Get up," she ordered.

Diane glumly obeyed. lesson over, she thought to herself. But to her surprise, Stacy said "On the floor. Let's get this over with." Stacy then helped Diane sit down on the floor. Diane watched in surprise as her mother picked up the rest of the ropes on the couch. Wow, Diane thought, She's really gonna finish tying me up--for real!

She was correct. Stacy, wordlessly, first bound Diane's ankles, then her legs, just above and below her knees. She did so swiftly, too.

"You've done this before," Diane said, softly.

"Yes," Stacy said. "And i'm good at it," she continued, as she finished tying her daughter's legs. "I don't like it, I'd never be a dominatrix, and I'm not a switch. But, yes, I've had experience." The look on her mother's face told Diane a lot. She's done this quite often, and found it wasn't her, by any means.

"Earlier, you said...." Diane began, not knowing how to ask, or say, what she was thinking.

Stacy finished for her. "When I was talking about your father." Diane nodded.

Stacy stood up, then sat on the couch. Diane, now bound hand and foot, looked up at her, not testing the ropes she knew she couldn't get out of.

"Your father is a switch." Stacy said. "For him, that means sometimes, he likes to be tied and dominated. Sometimes, he likes to do the tying and dominating."

"And you're not a switch," Diane said.

"No," Stacy answered. "Not at all. I'm what's called a submissive, and I'm submissive 100 percent."
Diane looked away. "So, you want the guy to just own you, or what?"

"Oh no, " Stacy said. "I want respect. I want my values and my wishes known and respected. I want my limits respected. But, I want him to show me he's worthy of me to surrender to. And when I do that, yes, I expect to be tied up. And i expect to be dominated. And I never want those roles reversed."
"Never again" she said softly.

"And guys get all this?" Diane asked. "I mean, I'm kinda confused, so how could a guy get it?"

Stacy leaned forward, facing Diane. "When you're older, you'll meet a man who absolutely understands. If not, you'll have to spell it out for him. Boys your age will have a hard time understanding, though. "

"You said you're confused", Stacy added. "About what?"

"Okay," Diane said, beginning to struggle against the ropes. "You said you wanna be dominated, but you also want to be respected, and have the guy understand your values and stuff." Diane quickly found she was right the first time "I'm never getting outta this on my own" she thought, happy by the fact. "Isn't that a contradiction?"

"No, not really, Stacy replied. "For instance, I'm not letting anyone tell me I can't call my brother, or have lunch with a friend. No one gets to tell me how to vote, or what my religion should be. But, if the guy wants to, well, spank me, he can. I don't like spankings, I don't think they're sexy, but if I'm going to surrender to a man, then I'm giving him that right. He doesn't have to ask, he already has my consent."

Diane was now lying on her side, still struggling. "That makes sense. Dunno how to get guys to understand it though."

Stacy got off the couch, and sat next to her daughter. "It's very important that you do. I can't stress that enough."

"I'll figure out something, before I get tied this good by a boyfriend," Diane promised. She stopped struggling against her bonds. "This is really great, but do you have any other, I dunno, damsel in distress kind of ties?"

Stacy, still sitting next to Diane, straightened up. "Don't you want to be untied yet? I tied you pretty tight, aren't your arms a little sore? Cramped?"

Diane thought for a moment. "Nope," she said. "Well, it's kinda uncomfortable, but I think it's supposed to be, at least a little. So, what else? You could tie me to a chair, that's pretty damselly."

"I could, I suppose," Stacy replied. But maybe we can do one better." She pulled the last piece of rope off the couch. "Let's try this, instead," she said.

Stacy gently rolled her daughter on her stomach, grasped her ankles, and threaded the new rope between Diane's ankles, under the rope binding them.

"Hey, I think I know what you're gonna do," Diane said.

"You probably do," Stacy replied. She cinched the new rope around the binding rope, then threaded the other end around the ropes binding Diane's elbows. She drew Diane's ankles behind her, so her feet nearly touched her back. She then cinched off the final rope, around he ropes binding the elbows.

"That's a hogtie", Stacy said. To me, it's very appropriate for a damsel. But," she continued, don't assume men, and especially boys your age, to be fond of this. There's a lot they can't do when you're tied like this."

"Cool," Diane said. "This is perfect for kidnap the damsel games, and kinda protects me from guys who don't like the word 'no' .

Stacy sighed. "Diane, you need to remember, boys your age, and a lot of men, will really want you to not say 'no'. There's nothing in bondage to really protect you. Use the hogtie for fun. It's not protection. And ONLY let men tie you who you trust 100 percent. "

Diane nodded. "I will. I'll remember."

"Good," Stacy said. One last item for you..." She stood up walked over to the couch, and picked up some cloths and a bandanna.

She sat down, again, next to Diane, rolling up the cloths in a ball.

"Open your mouth," she said, in a flat voice.

Diane opened her mouth as wide as she could. Stacy slid the cloths in, filling Diane's mouth. Stacy then secured it with the bandanna. "If you use bondage on any kind of regular basis," she said, "you're going to get gagged. maybe with tape, which doesn't work too well. maybe with a ballgag, which I really like. or maybe with a cleave gag, like you have now."

Diane tried to talk, but couldn't say anything intelligible. She simply nodded her head.

It's very important you don't get anything down your throat. You could choke to death, and even get nauseous. That would end your date pretty quick!" Diane's eyes widened. She wasn't going to forget that.

"I need to make a phone call, then I'm untying you. Then we might be done tonight." Stacy stood up, then went to the kitchen.

Even though she knew she couldn't get loose, Diane struggled anyway, as much as she could....which wasn't much. Would Adam think this is hot? she wondered. She rolled on her side. I guess he could still feel me up. Sorta. Maybe I can get him to tie me like this just for damsel games. Hope so, at least. She also tired to talk, but again, nothing intelligible. She liked that idea.

A few minutes later, Stacy returned, and immediately began releasing her daughter, starting with removing the gag.

"Wait, Mom," Diane said, "let me try to get free on on my own." Stacy smiled. "We both know you won't be able to. And there's another lesson, you can't leave someone tied up too long, especially if they're tied as tight as I tied you. Eventually, it will be too uncomfortable. You can get cramps, and even nerve damage. Nothing is more important than safety."

After Diane was untied, Stacy helped her to her feet. "Mom", Diane began, "You said we might be done for tonight, which means, we might not. Is there anything else?"

Stacy heard the hope in Diane's voice She's really getting in this, Stacy thought to herself. I'm glad she realized this earlier than I did. Stacy began to roll op the coils of rope. "Anything more really depends on you, dear. You seemed to be paying attention when I tied you. That's good. Remember when I said you might have to lead a partner. to teach a partner, what he has do to?"

"Of course," Diane said.

"Then you understand you may have to tie him a couple times. Just to show him how to tie. "

"Oh", Diane said dejectedly.

"Just to teach him," Stacy quickly said. Not to dominate him, just to show him how to tie you. And if it turns out he's interested in being the one tied up and dominated---"

"---then he's wrong for me," Diane finished. "Guys need to be in charge."

Stacy smiled. "Do they, now? Can you tell me why?"

Diane sat down on the couch. "Well, they ask us out. They pick us up, and drive us to a restaurant or movie or whatever. They pay for it. "

Stacy sat next to Diane. "And what do we do?"

Diane gestured to her outfit. "We dress up for them. We look cute or hot, both if we can pull it off. And, " looking at her mother, stressing she understood, "IF If IF IF we are willing, IF IF If IF we choose to consent, we let them do...what they want to do. Right?"

Stacy nodded. "Mostly right. We still have rights, though. We should be able to get our fantasies fulfilled, too. It's still a two way street. But, like I said before, up to whatever limits we've told him about...yes, he should be in charge. If we're submissives."

"So, they don't just have a right to tie us up and dominate us, we have a right to BE tied up and dominated! Very cool!"

Stacy laughed. "I never really looked at it like that, but I suppose you're right. " She looked at the ropes on the couch. "So, you're confidant you can tie a guy if you need to teach him?"

Diane shrugged her shoulders. "Maybe. I guess. Hopefully I won't have to find out."

"Do you think Adam would let you practice on him?" asked Stacy. Diane thought a moment. "Dunno. Maybe. You think he might get the wrong idea, though, and I think I'm into guying guys?" Her face had a pained expression. "God I hope not," she said.

"If you want, " Stacy said, picking up the ropes, "I'll let you practice tying me. Just a couple times. If not, though, I'm putting these away."

"For real?" Diane asked, surprised. You'd let me tie you up? " Stacy stopped putting the ropes in the sack, and looked at Diane. "If it'll help you, of course. You need to know how to tie someone, if you have to teach them. If they can't tie you up, and you don't know how, if you can't show them how, " Diane stood up, walked toward her mother, and took the bag from her. "All right," she said, still surprised. "If you're totally okay with it."

To Be Continued....
Last edited by Emma 5 years ago, edited 3 times in total.
Don's Stories, Posted by Emma, Are Here!:
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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]Emma[/mention], this opening chapter is really good! The dialogue between Stacy and Diane is very convincing, and very well written: the underlying psychology: How Stacey introduces Diane into a new world, this is all very plausible. I'm really looking forward to Chapter 2: When Diane practices with her mother 😉
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Post by Emma »

[mention]Caesar73[/mention] , thank you! I'll pass along the kind words to hubby :)

By chance, did you receive a notification? I tagged several people I thought would like to read his story, but two have said they've received no such notification :o
Don's Stories, Posted by Emma, Are Here!:
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Post by Caesar73 »

Hello Emma, I got the notification of your reply to my post, but not for the first chapter of the story. I don't know, what went wrong here :)
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Post by Emma »

I don't think anyone got it, [mention]Caesar73[/mention] ....I will try again.
Don's Stories, Posted by Emma, Are Here!:
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Post by Emma »

Let's try this....

Just tagging [mention]TightsBound[/mention] , [mention]herdfaninrva[/mention] , [mention]Bandit666[/mention] , [mention]CapturedCarol[/mention] , [mention]damsel[/mention] , [mention]TheBoundArtist[/mention] and [mention]BindPam[/mention] as they might like this story. Tagging in the story itself is apparently not loading.
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Post by herdfaninrva »

Great story as always. Thanks for the tag.
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Post by BindPam »

Nice story! I can see this happening :lol:
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Post by Beetlebailey13 »

Awesome and Great Start!!! Very Good start to story and dialogue between mom and daughter well done. Love start to story. Can't wait for next chapter
" No use to struggle, my dear, you're tied up much too tight for escape! However, I'd be in your debt if you would try... "
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Post by CapturedCarol »

[mention]Emma[/mention] I did get the alert and thanks. A very good , well thought out, well written story.
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Post by Bandit666 »

Sadly I didn’t get the first notification either but I got the second and have been delighted to discover the adventures of, Diana has returned here in the prequel. As always it’s a great read, and simply a wonderful look at how a mother and daughter my act in such a situation.

Thank you both once more for sharing, and for taking the time to write something so entertaining and enlightening

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Post by Emma »

Thanks you, [mention]Caesar73[/mention] , [mention]herdfaninrva[/mention] , [mention]BindPam[/mention] , [mention]Beetlebailey13[/mention] , [mention]CapturedCarol[/mention] and [mention]Bandit666[/mention] for the nice words! Hubby says the next chapter should be done at least my the end of next weekend :)
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Post by TightsBound »

This was a fantastic chapter! He did a great job in this one. It works well as both a TUGS story and a PSA. Can’t wait for what happens next!
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Post by damsel »

Way cool story!

But...will Stacy and Diane meet the other family, Elaine/Pam/Mandy?

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Post by TightsBound »

damsel wrote: 5 years ago Way cool story!

But...will Stacy and Diane meet the other family, Elaine/Pam/Mandy?

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Brilliant idea!
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Post by Emma »

TightsBound wrote: 5 years ago
damsel wrote: 5 years ago Way cool story!

But...will Stacy and Diane meet the other family, Elaine/Pam/Mandy?

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Brilliant idea!
Don's iffy on that....he says it's plausible, but would be quite a bit down the road. He has an idea for a new character, as well as an idea for one of the characters [mention]damsel[/mention] mentioned, as well as another idea for one of the other characters. Plus, the more characters in a story (who end up bound and gagged, anyway) the longer the story, and the more time consuming it is.

But....not out of the question, lol!
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Post by BindPam »

Emma wrote: 5 years ago
TightsBound wrote: 5 years ago
damsel wrote: 5 years ago Way cool story!

But...will Stacy and Diane meet the other family, Elaine/Pam/Mandy?

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Brilliant idea!
Don's iffy on that....he says it's plausible, but would be quite a bit down the road. He has an idea for a new character, as well as an idea for one of the characters @damsel mentioned, as well as another idea for one of the other characters. Plus, the more characters in a story (who end up bound and gagged, anyway) the longer the story, and the more time consuming it is.

But....not out of the question, lol!
I think Pam should be one of the returning characters.

No particular reason.

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Post by Emma »

Just a quick update...

Don still hopes to have Chapter 2 finished by tomorrow night, but he's not as sure as he was earlier in the week if that will happen now. But, soon, he promises ;)

And, of course, I'll post it as soon as he gives it to me!

He says he does plan to return to the Carter family (Elaine and her daughters, Pam and Mandy) in a future story featuring one of them. And he has in idea for a story with a new character, though that person will probably just have one appearance. A story with a lot of humor, and a bit different from what he usually writes.

Yes, I know what it's about, but I'm sworn to secrecy. Just assume I'm bound and gagged, and am unable to tell you!
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Post by damsel »

I vote for the first family :P
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Post by Emma »

Part Two And Done!

Here's hoping [mention]Beetlebailey13[/mention] , [mention]TightsBound[/mention] , [mention]herdfaninrva[/mention] , [mention]Bandit666[/mention] , [mention]Caesar73[/mention] , [mention]CapturedCarol[/mention] , [mention]damsel[/mention] , [mention]TheBoundArtist[/mention] and [mention]BindPam[/mention] will enjoy!

Stacy smiled, and nodded. "We'll try something very...damsel like. You can tie me to a chair." The two walked to the kitchen, where Stacy pulled a chair away from the kitchen table, and sat down, sideways, with her back away from the back of the chair. The chair itself had no arms, only a straight back, and four legs.

"All right, first things first," Stacy said, crossing her wrists behind her back. "Tie my wrists. There are two pieces of rope much shorter than the rest, use one of those." Diane did as she was told, trying to remember how her mother had just tied her hands. and copying her moves.
Stacy tested her bonds. "Very good," she said. She stood up, moved so she was standing in front of the chair, then sat down.

"Now you can tie me to the chair itself," she said. She glanced over to the couch. "Get those longer ropes, and bring them here," she finished.

Diane walked to the couch, and picked up the ropes.

"Bring the ballgag too, " Stacy, still seated, her back to her daughter, said.

Diane said nothing, but stopped in her tracks, took a moment, and retrieved the gag, then returned to her mother.

"Okay," Diane said, taking a breath. "Do you want me to just...I dunno, wrap rope around you, or what, exactly? "
"No," Stacy said. " Well..." she paused for a moment. "You don't need to tie my elbows. In fact, you can't. They won't touch." She sighed. "Not anymore", she said softly. "Tie my arms, not my elbows."

"Oh." said Diane. "Um, just like you tied mine.?" Stacy straightened up. "Not quite, no. Tie my arms to my side, but have the ropes just below my breasts. Just a bit lower than where I tied yours."

Diane picked a longer piece of rope, looped it, tossed it over her mother, and began to tie her arms to her sides. "You can tie me pretty tight," Stacy said. Diane coiled the rope several times around Stacy's arms and body, finally cinching it. Stacy then scooted over so her back was now against the back of the chair.

"Do you understand why I didn't have you tie ropes above and below my breasts?," Stacy asked. "Actually, I'm not sure," Diane replied, sitting down in a chair across from her mother.

"We already talked about being tied up and dominated by a partner, for, frankly, intimacy," Stacy continued. Diane nodded, blushing a little. "But we also talked about the role of a damsel in distress, a romantic fantasy. This is something you can do with a boyfriend, without it necessarily leading to anything more. It still might, you understand, but it doesn't have to."

"What if," Diane asked, "he wants to tie me like that, with ropes around my breasts, but I'm just wanting to be the damsel?"

"Then you have a choice," Stacy said. "You have the right to let him know how he's allowed to tie you...or, you can, IF YOU WANT, and only if you want, to surrender to him, and let him tie you up as he sees fit. This is where you have to make judgment calls." Stacy glanced at the ropes on the table. "You'll need to tie me to the chair now," she said. "Go get the longest of the ropes left, and you can start."

Diane picked up the rope requested. "So, I guess NOW I just wrap this around you, right?," Diane asked. Stacy shook her head. "No." She looked up at her daughter. "I have to say 'no' again. You don't want the ropes to just slide down when you're struggling. If you have to show a man how to tie you, you want him to know how to make it tight enough it won't slide down and embarrass him." Stacy looked at the rope. "Line up the ends, take those ends together, run them past my left side, under the ropes tying my arms and behind the chair, and do the same with the loop in the middle past my right side, behind the chair, and put the two ends through the loop. Like you just did with my arms."

It took Diane less than a minute to do as her mother asked. " I wrap the rope around you?" she asked.

Stacy chuckled. "Yes, now you can wrap the rope around me. Just make sure it's even, and under the ropes just under my breasts." Diane did so, and quickly. The ropes were, indeed, even with the others.

"We're almost done with my upper body", Stacy said. Now, take the last piece of long rope, and do the same just above my breasts." Diane picked up the rope, but paused. "I thought we didn't need ropes both above and below our breasts if we were just going for a damsel thing. I mean, didn't you say above and below the breast ropes was for, um, intimacy?"

"Good catch," Stacy said, smiling. "I'm glad you're paying attention!" Diane frowned. "Of course i'm paying attention, Mom. Geeze!" Stacy nodded. "i didn't mean it like that. Yes, you'll want your man to tie your arms above and below the breasts, if you're getting intimate. But, you're not tying my arms now. You're tying me to the chair. so I'll be immobile. You don't wants ropes right on your breasts. Like you said, this is for less sexual activities. And you NEVER tie anything around the neck, even just on top. So that leaves the area just above the breasts."

"Huh", said Diane. "Well, ok. I guess." She again lined up the two ends of the rope, and moved it as she did before around her mother and and they chair. In less than a minute, again, she was cinching the rope behind the chair.

Diane stood in front of her mother, and saw what she meant. Yes, Stacy was tied with ropes above and below her breasts. But not her arms to her sides. They were bound with another rope.

"Yeah, I guess you're right," Diane said.

"All right," Stacy replied, "get the rest of the ropes and start tying my legs. Just tie my ankles, and my legs just below the knees."

Diane did as instructed, though she didn't need any more instruction on tying. "Whatever," she thought. "I guess she wants me to finish up my 'Bondage For Dummies' lesson." It took her no time at all to finish tying her mother. When she finished, she stood up, facing Stacy. "So, do I graduate from Bondage High School? I hope I can enroll in Damsel University, because I'm going to work at McDonalds if I have to Domme Junior Colleg--"

"That. Will. Be. ENOUGH!," Stacy interrupted. "I asked you if you needed to practice, and you said 'yes'.
"Well," Diane replied. "Yeah, I did. Sorry. You wanna be untied now?"

"No, we're not quite done," Stacy replied. "There's more I need to show you. " She struggled against the ropes tying her, and fund she could only move her legs up and down. "You did a really good job though."

"Yay, me," Diane said sarcastically. "I did tie her pretty good, though" she thought, looking at her work, and how her mother, in her short sleeved, red blouse, black skirt, tan hose and black high heels looked, bound to the chair. "I can see guys liking us tied like that. " She moved behind her mother. "Really hope I don't have to show anybody my skills. Guys need to show theirs," she said aloud, her tone lightening up.
"Well, if they don't, you know you can teach them," Stacy pointed out. "and then they can demonstrate what they've learned." Diane smiled at that last part. Stacy gave one last struggle. "All right, now you can untie me. Then, one last lesson."

Diane quickly untied her mother, beginning with the ropes binding her to the chair. She then moved to Stacy's feet.

"No," said Stacy, "Untie my hands first," she asked, leaning forward. Diane moved towards Stacy's back, and quickly untied her hands, then arms. She was then realizing how good a job she did. "This isn't me" she thought to herself. "I'm not meant to tie up anyone." Then she moved to Stacy's feet, untying her ankles, as Stacy untied the ropes binding her legs.

"So, " Diane asked, what's the last lesson?"

Stacy dropped the ropes on the floor, picked up the ballgag, and put it on the chair. She then sat down, next to the ropes.

"You'll have to tie me up again. Last time. Then we need to talk about this. Stacy picked up one of the small ropes, and handed it to Diane. "This time," she said, "you'll have to tie my arms to my sides, and both above and below my breasts."

Diane moved behind her mother, pushing the chair out of the way. "I thought we didn't need to do that. Not for...well, damselizing, I guess." She quickly tied Stacy's crossed wrists behind her back, then looped a larger rope around her waist, tying Stacy's arms to her sides, with the ropes just below her breasts.
Stacy laughed softly. "I like that word--'damselizing.' I'll have to remember it." She realized Diane was already done tying her arms below her breasts, and was now tying her upper arms. She also then realized the ropes were tighter than before. Much tighter.
"At least she'll be able to teach a man how to tie, if she has to," Stacy thought to herself. "I'll explain all this in a minute," she said aloud.

As Diane lined up the rope she planned to use to tie Stacy's legs, she noticed her mother crossing her ankles. "Mom, that's gonna make the leg ropes look weird, with your feet crossed like that," she said. "You'll have to tie my legs tighter," Stacy said, "but if you do it right, it'll be fine. " Diane shrugged her sholders. "Okay, whatever. I guess there's a point to this."

"There is," Stacy replied. "And you'll need to tie me at both above and below the knees."

Diane looked at Stacy. "All right," Diane said, softly, as she tied Stacy's legs just above, then just below the knees.

Diane looked at her mother's crossed ankles.

"So, how do I do this?" she asked. "It's different, with your ankles crossed." Stacy shook her head. "Not at all, " she answered. My ankles are still together, just at an angle. You already tied my legs. Tie my ankles exactly as you would if my feet were side by side."

Diane looked at Stacy. "Okay, but I don't see how this is gonna work," she said. But, as soon as she put the rope around Stacy's ankles, and the two ends of the rope through the loop, Diane saw her mother was correct again.

"Okay, cool, you were right," Diane admitted.

"You'll have to tie my ankles tighter than before, of course," Stacy noted.

Diane looked up at her. "Of course," she said, in a tone matching her annoyed expression.

Diane finished tying her mother's ankles quickly, then moved back to examine her work. She did a good job; Stacy's arms were tightly bound, as were her legs and ankles. It was obvious to Diane that men--dom men, anyway--would enjoy seeing Stacy bound like that, in the short sleeved red blouse, black skirt, tan hose and black high heels she wore. Stacy's long, black hair still looked good on her.

Diane then sat down across from her mother. Stacy began to struggle. It was clear she wasn't going to be able to free herself. She smiled. "You got this," she told Diane. "If a future boyfriend--Who You Trust!--doesn't know how to tie very good, and if he pays attention to your instructions, he'll do as good a job as you do."

"Maybe," Diane replied. "Guys don't always listen, though. So, anyway, why did you want to be tied intimacy style and not goofing off style?" Stacy moved her bound legs from in front of her to her side. She was still testing the ropes. "Well," she said, not really giving Diane her full attention, I wanted to try and--" she struggled a little more, then stopped. "Sorry", she said, facing Diane. "I wanted to give you practice on trying me like this, since it may come up, like we talked about. Hopefully it won't, the men you date will know what they're doing. But if you bet close to a boy who has little experience, then--"

Diane interrupted her. "Got it. So, do I untie you now?"

"Not yet. Look at where you tied my legs," Stacy said, glancing at her knees. Diane looked too. "I tied them just above and just below the knees, like you said," she replied. "Exactly. And men will too, although to be honest, if they tie your ankles good, that should be enough. If they tie your legs at either above or below, 'or', not 'and', that will be enough, too. But having them tied above and below the knees simply looks better.

" good to know," admitted Diane.

"It's also good to know," Stacy continued, "that ropes around the legs need to be tied extra tight, if you're going to be hopping around. Otherwise, they'll slide down, and you can trip."

"That's very good to know," Diane said.

"One final thing you should know," Stacy said. "You noticed earlier I crossed my ankles before you tied them."

Diane nodded. "Yeah, I thought they would be hard to tie like that, but you were right, they weren't. "

"Do you know why you might want a man to tie your ankles crossed?," asked Stacy.

Diane looked at her mother's bound ankles. "Nope. Something..I dunno, aesthetically different, maybe?"

"Could be, I suppose," Stacy replied. But I'm wearing high heels. What does that tell you?" Diane thought about the question in silence for a moment. "I guess if the guy has a shoe fetish he's in Heaven at this point."

"That's not what I meant," Stacy said softly. She bent her knees, so her feet were almost on the floor. Almost, as, since her ankles were crossed and bound, the heels of each shoe was at an angle, not sturdy on the floor.

"You can't stand up," Diane said, almost in a whisper.

"If I keep trying," Stacy said, "I might be able to stand up for a few seconds. But I can't walk like this at all."

Diane considered her mother's words. "What if you were in hose, or barefoot? Could you then?"

Stacy lowered her legs slightly. "I'm not sure about now, but I could when I was younger. But it's hard. You have to hop on the balls of your feet, and again, your ankles are crossed. Keeping your balance and not falling is hard. And if you do fall, you might not fall on your butt. You could fall face down, hurt your chin or break your nose."

"Ow!," said Diane, scrunching up her face.

"Or worse, you could fall on your hip," Stacy continued. Break that, and you could have mobility problems for life. Men won't have to tie you up, just take you out of your wheelchair."

"So, wearing heels, and having ankles crossed, makes you more helpless....Mom, I need to go shoe shopping."

Stacy rolled her eyes." No, you don't. Heels do make moving even more impossible, but the truth is, as long as your ankles are crossed, even barefoot, and you're smart enough not to risk broken bones hopping around like that, you aren't going anywhere."

"Wow. that's...all this is epic impressive, Mom! How you'd learn all this?"

Stacy had a bemused expression on her face, and raised an eyebrow.

"Oh. Sorry," said Diane. "For a second I forgot your secret identity is Rope Woman."

"Diane..." began Stacy.
"It's cool, I can be Rope Girl. Saving the world by being captured by one dastardly villain after another."

"Bondage Girl," Stacy said, sternly.


"Bondage Girl, " Stacy said flatly. "If you're going to make jokes like that, it's Bondage Girl, and I suppose Bondage Woman for me."
Diane scratched her head. "Okay. I guess. I guess guys might think it means we'll tie them, and that would be awkward..."

Stacy shook her head. "No, that's not what I meant. But," she continued, "you're on the right track. If you're making jokes like this to men, you're making them to people with selective hearing. They're not going to hear 'Rope Girl', capital 'r' and 'g', they're going to hear 'rape girl', small 'r' and small 'g'. Especially if they're already aroused. "

"Oh," Diane said, a shocked look on her face.

"Safety is the one thing you can't skimp on. That and common sense. Another reason to be extremely cautious about who you let tie you up."

Diane nodded.

"Now, I think we're done, " Stacy said. "Unless..."
"Unless what?"
"I think you know what you need to. Go ahead and untie me, please."

"C'mon, Mom," Diane said. You can't say 'Unless' and stop there. It's like a cliffhanger or 'To Be Continued Next Season'. That's just wrong."

Stacy laughed. "All right, you have a point. I was thinking you should hogtie me, so you have experience with that too, but you know how to tie someone. It's a little redundant now, though, so never mind that."

"Now wait," said Diane. "why not just finish it right? I've done everything else. I mean, I'll untie you if you want, but I kinda like to see if you can get out of a hogtie. if you can, then I can see if I can."
Diane fully expected her mother to say they were done, but she didn't. Instead, to Diane's surprise, Stacy moved her legs behind her, and lay down on her stomach.

"I'm not going to be able to free myself, any more than you could," Stacy said. "But you probably should see this for yourself. "

"Well," Diane said.
"It's fine, go ahead, dear," said Stacy.

Diane picked up the last piece of rope. It was a little longer than what had been used to mind wrists and ankles, but much shorter than the ones binding arms and legs. She tied one end to the ropes binding Stacy's ankles, then pulled her mother's ankles up, so they were near her back. She began sliding the other one around Stacy's bound wrists.

"Is that how I tied you?," Stacy asked.

Diane was taken aback. She thought a moment. "Well, yeah, isn't it?"

"It is not," said Stacy. "I didn't tie one end of the rope to your wrists. I tied it to the rope tying your elbows." Diane sat back. "Mom," she began, "your elbows aren't tied. You said you couldn't do that anymore. Besides, hogtie means wrists to ankles, doesn't it?"

"Usually it does," Stacy agreed. But tying bound ankles to bound wrists, behind the back, puts a lot of unnecessary stress on the wrists. So if the elbows are tied, you tie the ankles to the elbows. And if the elbows aren't tied....what do you think?"

"Arms. Your arms are tied. That's why you wanted me to tie all that rope above and under your breasts"
"I think you've graduated from the course," Stacy said smiling. "Go ahead, though, and finish hogtying me. Slide the rope you're using right under the ropes on my back. Under all of them. Then cinch it off."

"All the ropes?," asked Diane.

""Yes, all of them," Stacy replied. Diane did as she was told, thinking there was something about this she wasn't getting. "It's done, Mom," Diane said. "You are officially and literally hogtied."

"I know", Stacy said. She rolled on her side, facing Diane, who now saw why her mother had told her to tie one end of the hogtie rope to all the ropes binding her arms.

Stacy's breasts were now sticking out even more, the outlines showing quite visibly under her red blouse.
"I'm not making this up," Stacy said. "Your father proposed an hour after tying me like this the first time."

"If Adam doesn't know how to do this, he's gonna learn," Diane said with certainty.

"All right now," Stacy said. "I want fifteen minutes to try to get loose. I won't be able to, but I want you to see how futile it is. And yes, fun, I won't lie."

'Diane smiled. "okay, Mom!" She looked at her watch. "Ready...set..."
"Um, one more thing, though," Stacy said, with a hint of trepidation.
"Yeah?," asked Diane.

"I need you to put that ballgag on me. If you don't care."

Diane considered balking, but didn't. "Oh, what the hell," she thought. She picked up the white ballgag, and gently gagged Stacy with it.
Then she sat down. "Okay", she said, looking at her watch. "Ready...set...GO!"

Stacy began to struggle frantically. It was clear to both of them she wasn't going to succeed. Neither cared. Diane was grateful for her mother's lessons, wondering how much of them she would have to teach Adam. Stacy was glad her daughter now had a working knowledge of bondage safety, knowing Diane would, undoubtedly, be in a relationship sooner rather than later in which she would be bound and dominated on a regular basis.
As for herself, she held out hope she would find a man of her own to keep her in bondage.
Her own age, of course. "It's not like someone Adam's age would want to tie me," she thought to herself.

Meanwhile, across town, a friend of Diane's, a boy named Brad Drew, was arriving home from his first Boy Scout meeting, wondering if he would be able to learn how to tie the knots brought up in the meeting, and just how they would ever be useful...
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My tags for Part Two didn't take (again!)

Please scroll up a bit, [mention]Beetlebailey13[/mention] , [mention]TightsBound[/mention] , [mention]herdfaninrva[/mention] , [mention]Bandit666[/mention] , [mention]Caesar73[/mention] , [mention]CapturedCarol[/mention] , [mention]damsel[/mention] , [mention]TheBoundArtist[/mention] and [mention]BindPam[/mention] !
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Post by herdfaninrva »

Nice ending!
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Post by Beetlebailey13 »

Awesome Great and Nice Ending
" No use to struggle, my dear, you're tied up much too tight for escape! However, I'd be in your debt if you would try... "
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Post by Bandit666 »

As always what a great continuation and ending, it made for a wonderful read, and perfect prequel to the original, thank you both, and here’s hoping a sequel will follow in time (or should I say a few more adventures of Brad and Diane) :)

Thanks again, great :)
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Post by Caesar73 »

Bandit666 wrote: 5 years ago As always what a great continuation and ending, it made for a wonderful read, and perfect prequel to the original, thank you both, and here’s hoping a sequel will follow in time (or should I say a few more adventures of Brad and Diane) :)

Thanks again, great :)
My thoughts exactly, [mention]Bandit666[/mention]!
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