Fantasy Comes To Life (M/Self, F/M)

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Deleted User 1255

Fantasy Comes To Life (M/Self, F/M)

Post by Deleted User 1255 »

I had been waiting for this trip for months. My family was going on a trip out of Canada to visit relatives that we hadn’t seen in ages, and they would be gone for about a week. Yes I said they. I wouldn’t be going on said trip because I hadn’t booked the appropriate week off from work, or at least that’s what I told my parents. Most guys my age would use the week off with an empty house to throw parties or something and while I had considered that, I had come up with a much better idea. I would use the week off for a series of uninterrupted self bondage activities!

After giving me the long typical pre-trip speech that most parents give their home alone child, my family was on their way out the door. They had barely pulled out of the driveway when I was already up in my room, pulling out the big black gym back that I used to store all of my bondage toys. I opened it up and began to rummage through the items, planning out the first part of my day. There were handcuffs, several lengths of rope, rolls of duct tape, vet wrap, electrical tape, saran wrap, blindfolds, ball gags, and even a leather sensory deprivation hood. I spent the first bit of the day just trying stuff out. I stuck the ball gag in my mouth, blindfolded myself and handcuffed myself to a pole in my basement. Later I mummified my toes all the way up to my waist in saran wrap and duct tape. I even spent an hour with the leather hood on, done up loosely with my hands handcuffed behind my back.

It was getting to the late afternoon and having made myself some lunch, I sat down to think of what I could do next while I ate. All the items I had didn’t really keep me secure, the major downside to self bondage is knowing you can get free at any time. But that’s when I got the idea of blanket mummification. It had always been one of my favourites, and as such it was the type of bondage I had the most practice and experience with. Using the technique I had cobbled together from watching videos and seeing pictures of other lucky individuals who have experienced blanket mummification before, I had been able to achieve a fairly restrictive mummification in the past. Sure it was still escapable but it took way more time and effort than simply flipping the release switch on my handcuffs.

Once I’d finished eating I set about collecting everything I needed for my mummification. First I went into my room and gathered up the three massive king size plush blankets I owned as well as some rope, and vet wrap from my duffel bag. I carried all of this to the master bedroom as it had the necessary floor space to lay the blankets out, one on top of the other. I placed the rope and vet wrap on my parents bed and returned to my room. I grabbed a pair of clean ankle socks, a black sherpa lined hoodie, a pair of thick wool socks, a pair of sweatpants, and my plush navy blue onesie. I returned to the master bedroom for the final few items. I liked to layer up on soft items when I did stuff like this and my mother’s closet was a great place to find extra soft clothing. I opened up her closet and grabbed a super thick brown wool turtleneck, a pair of her white plush pyjama pants, and a pair of pink fuzzy socks. Finally I grabbed a long black wool scarf and laid it on the bed

With my clothing gathered I started getting ready. First I stripped down to just my underwear and began by pulling on the plush pyjama pants. Next up was the wool turtleneck, followed by my wool socks. I tucked the pyjama pants into the socks, then pulled on the pink fuzzy socks, followed by my sweatpants, and finally the sherpa lined hoodie. Last but not least I stepped into the onesie and zipped it up all the way to the base of my neck. Immediately I could feel the heat start to build, and I could feel my heart beating faster with excitement. I reached for the two ankle socks, folded them and pushed them into my mouth. I pulled the hood of my sweater up before grabbing the roll of vet wrap and setting to secure the socks in my mouth. The first pass of the wrapping was a cleave, followed by 4 OTM layers. I used up the last of the wrap going under my chin and over the top of my head, forcing me to bite down into the socks. I gave a few test “mmmphs” and was satisfied with the gag. Next I grabbed one of the three coils of rope I had with me. The next few minutes were spent wrapping the rope around my ankles and above and below my knees, with each coil pulled tightly and cinched before being knotted off at the back.

I then grabbed the scarf and set it down beside me as I moved into position on the blankets. I sat on the first layer so that when I lied down I would be lying diagonally across the blanket, with my head at one corner and a decent amount of room between my feet and the opposite corner. Satisfied with my positioning I pulled the corner closest to my feet up and over them so that the tip of the corner reached to about my knees. Next I pulled the lower right side of the blanket over my legs and tucked it in tightly. Now came the trickiest part. I shifted myself over, so that now I was lying parallel to the two blankets underneath. I grabbed the black wool scarf and tied it tightly over my eyes. It was long enough that I was able to make three passes before having to tie it off. I lay back down on the blanket, pulled the rest of the excess first layer across my body and began to roll to the left.

Within just a few seconds I was tightly mummified in the first blanket, but as I’m sure you can gather I wasn’t done there. After a bit of a struggle I was able to locate and grab the edge of the second blanket layer, and roll myself tightly back to the right. Now came the most difficult part, the moment where success meant a nice, tight, difficult but not impossible to escape from mummification, and failure meant I would essentially be half bound and gagged, sloppily wrapped in three plush blankets. I found the corner of the third layer of blankets, pinched and held as tight as I could with my fingers inhibited by two thick layers of soft material, and began to roll back to the left. I rolled to where I thought the blanket ended, then rolled once more to be sure, leaving me staring face up at the ceiling, well if I could see that is. I tested my bonds. Legs: completely immobile, the rope work and swaddling had done their job. Upper Body: Similarly well bound. I couldn’t move my arms out from my sides at all! I had done it, I had successfully pulled off my self mummification and I was on top of the world. I squirmed for a bit, enjoying the feeling of my soft clothing rubbing against the blankets, and enjoying the feel of the plush fabric against my hands. I “mmphed” quietly to myself a few times through my gag, and began to notice how incredibly comfortable I was. I wasn’t overheating, I’d reached a comfortable toasty state, and I could feel my eyelids getting heavy behind the blindfold. “There’s no harm in dozing off.” was the last thought I had before drifting into sleep.

To Be Continued
Deleted User 1255

Post by Deleted User 1255 »

I snapped back awake with a jerk when I heard something slam. Still groggy from my sleep, I couldn’t understand why initially I couldn’t see or move. I quietly “mmphed” a few times as I tried to regain my bearings, I shook my head from side to side a couple times, and tried to squirm around in my mummification, but did little with regards to removing the blindfold, or coming close to freeing myself. I really had done a good job. Slowly but surely the events just prior to me falling asleep began to come back to me and I began to relax as a result, getting my breathing back in check and refocusing my thoughts. But that’s when I heard it. Footsteps. Unmistakable thuds of someone moving around in my home. My breathing began to pick up again almost immediately. I knew I needed to unwrap myself quickly, if it was my family I couldn’t let them find me like this, and worse if it was an intruder…

I pushed the thought out of my mind. I needed to get out of this NOW! But no matter how much my mind was screaming move, my body refused to acknowledge it. Even without the blankets and rope I was frozen, and it only got worse when I heard those footsteps start coming up the stairs. I went completely still, my breathing reduced to quick panicked breaths. I heard the steps reach the landing just outside the master bedroom and stop. I held my breath and waited. The door handle jiggled, then turned. I could hear the door open and whoever it was entered the room. It felt as though my whole world was crashing down around me. I felt dizzy despite lying down, and had to focus very hard on not throwing up. There was no explaining my way out of this to whichever one of my parents had just come into the room and found me like this. And that’s when I heard it. A voice that belonged to neither one of my parents or any of my siblings say with a half laugh “What the hell?”

Somehow, hearing an unfamiliar voice find me mummified in blankets actually got me to relax slightly. “Mmmph?” The sound involuntarily escaped me and was meant to be an inquisition into who was in my house. “Wow this is just too good, let’s get a look at ya.” The decidedly female voice said. I heard her flick the light switch, which made me wonder how late it could possibly be as it was light out when I started this mummification. I heard her approach me and begin to untie my blindfold. She pulled it off quickly and it took a good deal of blinking for my eyes to adjust to the light. When they finally did I was able to get a good look at her. She was young, maybe 23-25, she had shoulder length blonde hair, and stunning deep blue eyes. She was about my height, maybe taller so about 5’9.” She was wearing a hot pink hoodie that had bunched up at the waist, black leggings that showed off her admittedly perfect butt, and black Nike running shoes, with white crew socks on underneath which she had pulled halfway up her shins. I didn’t recognize her at all, but the way she carried herself as she rummaged through my parents belongings told me she was a burglar. “MMMPH” I tried to yell at her as she looked under my parents bed and found their safe.

She sighed, then stood up and slowly walked back to my mummified form. “Do you have something to say big guy?” She asked in a very condescending tone. I rolled my eyes at her in response and began to struggle. “Oh no you don’t.” She said, turning back towards my parents bed before plopping down a black gym back. I had started trying to unroll myself but she took notice and using her foot, stopped me before dropping unceremoniously onto my chest. A sudden “Gmmmg” was forced out of me as she did this. “Y’know, I should be thanking you. You did the hard part of my job for me. But since you aren’t going to cooperate I’ll have to use these.” As she said this she reached into her bag and pulled out a handful of heavy duty straps. My eyes widened at the sight of them. Without a word she spun around on me so now she was facing my feet and began to tightly fasten the straps around me. I felt them go around my ankles, shins, above and below my knees, across my thighs which trapped my hands, around my waist which fastened down my wrists, across my midsection and elbows, and finally around my chest and shoulders. No amount of rolling would free me from my thick warm plush prison now.

I struggled some more and “mmphed” into my gag, but I knew I was completely helpless. My only hope for release was the woman who was currently robbing my family. She noticed my struggling and gag talking and said “Keep it up, I’ll give you something to complain about. And I don’t ask twice.” I paused for a moment but elected to see if she was bluffing, so I took a deep breath and screamed into my gag “FFFFMMMMGGG.” She immediately stopped what she was doing. She had been crouched down in front of the safe and she slowly rose to her feet. She looked me dead in the eyes as she calmly walked back to her gym bag and pulled out two items. Holding one in each hand she stood over me before holding up the object in her right hand. “This is a gas mask, you probably knew that but I’m trying to make a point.” The gas mask was dark black, with a long tube affixed to its single breathing apparatus. “And this!” She continued holding up her left hand “Is a soccer sock. In fact it is my lucky soccer sock. Whenever I wear it I play amazing. And the more consecutive uses it sees without a wash, the better I seem to play. I think it’s been about 12 games now, so that’s about two months of wear, plus quite a few practices.” I gulped into my gag. The long black soccer sock had flecks of dirt and grass still on it. It looked crusty, if that was even possible. In my mind I knew where she was going with this, and I didn’t like it

Without a word she had pounced on me, catching me off guard and rather easily slipping the gas mask onto my head. I groaned into my gag, and my assailant placed her hand over the end of the nozzle. Immediately my air supply was cut, and I began to buck and squirm under her, but she kept me fairly well pinned with her thighs. I saw her hold the soccer sock up to the end of the gas mask air tube and then she released her hand. I had no choice but to breath in the pungent aroma of her horrendously filthy sock. I choked on the foul air, but because of her forced breath play my body just kept sucking in deep lung fulls of putrid air. She then pulled the sock over the air hose, making sure the full length of the hose went into the sock, leaving me stuck taking in whiff after whiff of her disgusting toe and foot odour. She secured the sock to the hose with duct tape and went back to business. I shook my head from side to side at first but knew it was hopeless. Neither the mask nor the disgusting sweaty sock were coming off. Within 10 minutes she seemed to have gathered everything she though had value from my parents room. In that time, inhaling her foot stench out of the bottom of her sock had not gotten any better.

“Ok buddy, I’m done, but I can’t just leave you here because you’d die, but I can’t let you go because you’ve seen my face. So wait here I just have to grab something from my truck and I’ll be right back.” With that she left the room, and I immediately began to struggle as best I could given the circumstances. I learned rather quickly however that the more I struggled the more I would have to breath which meant more breaths of her horrid smelling sock. As promised she returned to the bedroom only a few minutes later. My heart dropped when I saw she was carrying a massively puffy red down mummy sleeping bag. Without a word she dropped the bag which landed with a whump, before she slowly unzipped it and rolled me in. She then slowly zipped me up into it, seemingly relishing the control she had over my helpless form. She pulled the hood of the bag up, then set to adding even more straps to my already completely immobilized situation. Her strap placement for the bag mimicked the ones already on my body, and I now began to sweat as the straps trapped all the heat building up in the bag. Finally she pulled the air hose of the gas mask out of the bag and began to cinch the hood shut. I looked out of the gas masks eye holes at her, trying to beg for my release through my gag, but she merely winked at me before abruptly pulling the drawstrings closed, plunging me into darkness. I felt myself being lifted off the ground and carried away, presumably to her car. I was carefully placed into a compact space, and could just here my captor say “Try to take deep breaths, it’s gonna get stuffy.” I moaned into my gag in defeat as she laughed and closed the trunk. As I lay there, helplessly bound, silenced and sucking in foul smelling breaths through my captors sock, I began to wish I had gone on that trip.

Deleted User 1255

Post by Deleted User 1255 »

Just a quick explanation, I've been in a rut recently with writing but I really wanted to put another story out. This story is essentially just a big fantasy of mine and it felt good writing something that wasn't making me take long pauses between each small segment.

Anyway, let me know if you guys like the story, as always thoughts, comments and general feedback is greatly appreciated!
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Post by SoftlySwitching »

I love the thought of being kidnapped like this! The sleeping bag might not be my cup of tea, but the rest sure is!
Bound and gagged, completely trapped in sensations of silk and fur, either giving or receiving, I’m in 100%
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Post by Plueschbabycd »

SoftlySwitching wrote: 5 years ago I love the thought of being kidnapped like this! The sleeping bag might not be my cup of tea, but the rest sure is!
I think this thief was not really prepared first she wants not to saw, why she undoes the blindfold.OK cord are comprehensible for case she must tied someone up, but gas mask and sleeping bag me this more like things she us to fulfil her own kink.
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Post by bondagefreak »

I'm not into F/M, but this is quite a nice fantasy you have there, [mention]ColonelShuffle[/mention]!
Looks like you're ripe for a burglary ;)

The sleeping bag and gasmask were definitely nice add-ons.
Glad I read this.
Very well written.
Keep it up!

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Post by Ossassin »

I'm not usually one for a burglary turned kidnapping setup, but I like your work and look forward to seeing how this progresses.
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Post by jasonammzb4 »

enjoyed it. you are a very good writer. hope to hear more soon. happy to offer some ideas
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Post by Axeljohansson »

This is s very cool story! I love it!
I like to be blindfolded when I’m tied up :)
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