Gal Gadot Forced Into Mummification!! (F/F)

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Gal Gadot Forced Into Mummification!! (F/F)

Post by Cannibalandrew » ... -796562492

Gal Gadot walked up to her big audition for wonder woman and she was very excited for this opportunity of a life time!

She thanked the casting directer, the only one there in the abandoned warehouse they agreed to met at but Gal thought there would be others, She made sure that this was it and it had to be a very secretive meeting. There was a scene that she had to act out to prove she could handle being the perfect Wonder Woman, she was going to be captured by Henchmen SO brutally that the audience have never seen before in an action movie leaving her for died, but with her Goddess might and hopefulness she would power out of it Just in time to save herself!

She agrees and is very excited for this! First she changes to the outfit leaving her clothes in the dress room, looking fantastic and ready to be bound helplessly! The Director prepares ties she thinks she just getting wrapped with the lasso but there is much much more in store for her!

She tightly wraps the nearly 60 foot length prop around her arms and legs and knots it rougher then what she expected. She test her rope little bit, clenching and flexing her arms to see if her break free on her own

"Mm not bad so far I guess I'm really stuck for now!"

"Oh but these more we really need you to be bound unlike any scene before in a film, to really truly make the audience be leave that not even Wonder Woman herself could escape! SO what we had in mind was Mummification!"

"Umm ok? (smiles nervously) that should definitely be enough to to keep me helpless right?"

"No No you don't understand your not wrapped up enough yet, that's just to Depower your Amazonian strength in the film Then the Henchmen can take there time mummifying you in all these definite layers as revenge for when you kick them butts early in the movie, making you really angry and furious!"

"I Gotcha! Sounds fun and unique! So whats next?"

"Well first where going to wrap you up in this 2 mile long tube on pallet wrap, then the next guys going to wrap you up in 3 rolls of tape covering all the clear stuff, then you get mummified Again in black electrical tape 4 more rolls of course, but don't worry I here I'm a Woman and will make sure you'll be taken care of and can handle this, are you still up for this?"

"Wow! That's alot more then I thought but I think I'll be good I mean Yes please wrap me up I just really need this part I'm ready!!"

"Excellent So lets do this!!"

She brings out this huge plastic tub with all the materials she was going to wrap around Gal Gadot's body, 4 rolls of duct tape, 4 rolls of electrical tape, and huge tube of pallet wrap but there was definitely some more stuff in there she couldn't quite see from her angel but she thought nothing of it, Just excited to be Wonder Woman in a real movie!
The Director begins by stretching out the wrap over Gal's body and tightly hugging it around her upper arms causing her to cinch her arms in tighter to her body like she was being squeezed!
She continued this process wrapping her arms tighter and tighter to her body, the machine-like pallet wrapping was very clinging and restrictive, any type of wriggling just made her sweaty and her arms where basically welded to her sides now!
The pallet wrap had plenty of wraps to go so covering her long legs and and then back over her arms and then legs again was definitely happening!

"Shrrrreeeenk!! haha Man it's so crazy had tight it is! Wow I've never been wrapped up like this before!!"

"Yep they got you real good this time! Was that the sound you make when you get wrapped up?"

"Yeah, why not, it shouldn't be? :P"

"Well ready for the next layer of wrappings?!"

"Yeah bring it on! I'm Wonder Woman I can get out of this no problem hehe :)"

So the next cocooning started with the Very Loud ripping of the roll of tape filling the warehouse, she smiles alittle and the tape tightly clings to the pallet wrap and The Director quickly wraps around and over her shoulders, wraps up her entire mid section tightly constricting her arms in tighter making her more helpless, and the very smooth shinny silver thick cocoon finished at her ankles, but that was just roll one, she had so much tape left that Gal was going to look like a cocooned Iron Maiden by the end!

"Well this is excessive! haha! (Gal looks down at her sea of tape cocooning and covering ever inch of her body!

The tape smooth as ice and shiny like a new silver ware she could hardly bend her knees or wriggle her arms but she was still enjoying it!)

"Well would you like to see yourself I can get a mirror from the change room?"

"Sure I'm sure I know more or less what to expect though Haha! :)"

"Here you are! ( she places the mirror a few feet from her silver mummified body and she was impressed! All the layers of wrap and tape made her strong curvy body much thicker and cocooned shaped like a sack was tightly pressed around her!)

"One more cocooning to go Then your mummification will be enormous!"

"Finally, this should be good!"

So the last of the wrapping begin as the same with the duct tape but this stuff was much wider and even more restricting to movement as the former tape, this stuff had no give and completely entombed Gal in blackness making the coffin shape of her body massively thick!

"Nneeegggh!! Holy crap this is really freaking tight!! How come I have to be in this situation hah?"

"Well that is what you wanted right? You wouldn't think this was some kind of trick to Forced You into Mummification so I could eliminate you from the competition like if some other actress wanted this job and hired me to take you out for a while to make sure you don't get it right???"

"Ummm Your fucking kidding right!??"

"WEELLLLLL NOOO!!!" (The Director clamps her hand over her mouth and squeezes as tightly as possible to make her truly feel the helplessness and shock that she's in!!)


Gal wide eyed screamed and fought for mercy all her strength going into her hops and wobbling from side to side trying to break her hand away or scrinch up the cocoon to tear out!
All the layers of wrapping just hugged her more and mad lots of scrunching and swooshing sounds, fun stuff for her, the devious captor, but hell for the helpless victim that was Gal!

"You see these panties? These are the ones I stole from your dressing room when I left for a minute and these! (pulls out other pair of panties!) are my own that I've worn all week just for this moment... juiced up all sweaty and smelly just.. for.. you!!"


Gal loudly muffling grunts of curse words at her capture to release her and stop this madness but she all but compacts her mouth to full capacity as her eyes go wider and Wider and she presses the dirty sweaty panties into each cheek, filling her big mouth with all the scents of her horrible week!!
She held the panties in her with figures, the panties barley able to stay in her wide open mouth spilling out of her lips, and ripped out wide pieces of clear packing tape and firmly pressed and squished them over her massively panty packed mouth!!


Gal closing her eyes tightly and the Director lightly shacking her head for fun, she enjoyed making Gal muffling miserable and Furious! Gal watched again as she plastered on more and more strips of tape covering the nearly unimaginably wretched panties in her mouth gagging her completely to The MAX!!!

"Now I have a Totally wrapped up, taped up, mummified, panty gagged cocooned damsel right in front of me! (She stands by he mirror making sure the angry pissed off Gal can see herself completely mummified and gagged pitching up a storm of snit fits!)

"Well my client told me to make Absolutely sure you your not to escape but all so be humiliated in the process so that's what I intend to do so with my camera and all the other toys in my chest you never got to see!!"

"Mmmppphh MMmppppfff MMPPPPFFFF!! (More loud bitching from Gal)

"You see all these blankets in here? She loves blankets and seeing people tucked in and rolled up so that's Exactly what I'm going to do you! You'll be all bundled up and cocooned some more and I even have some more surprises in store for you from her! I think she really likes you!!"

"llmmpppfff mmmpppffff oupppmmmffffhh!! (Gal angrily twisting her cocoon and hopping like bunny in place as not to fall she really don't want this treatment!! How humiliating for her she thought!"

The Director presses Play on the camera and the red light goes ON! Now it's a real movie! Director lays out the massive thick plush blanket lies Gal next to the end of the edge of the sprawled out thing, and then begins to roll her up tightly like a burrito, cocooning and covering all the layers of tape and snugly swaths the blanket mummification tighter and tighter as Gal rolled her face want up and saw the lights and faced down and saw the cement floor, as little bits of dust flew away when her nose was right at the floor and she snorted loudly!!! There was no hope for her to wriggle out of all this tight mummifying blanket Swaddle!!

"You look all nicely tucked in for the night I wonder what the client is thinking? hehe"

"MMMPPUUUFFFFFFF!! (Gal did not want to be defeated like this she most fight more!)

"Oh but there's more, each of the three blankets Yes Three Big Thick Fuzzy Blankets will be completely compacted and mummified in tape again like you are were before! So Now how helpless do you think that will be?! Hahahaha!! You will be so mummified and helplessly massively cocooned! You already can't even wriggle out of the wrapped blanket Without the Duct tape, and we get to see you squirm and bitch and moan all the way through and You can do nothing about it at all How do you fell now Miss Gadot!!?"

MMMPPPHHHFFMMPPHHFFFFMMMFFFFF!!!(Gal bucks furiously flapping her tail end up and down and shaking her matted up wet hair! Her Big Eyes Bugging out of her head!! She could believe some mess up actress out there wont' her dead like this and what was else was to come from this crazy lady!?)


Gal angrily flopped around as The Director brought out the new rolls of duct tape this time color coded for Wonder Woman Red Blue and White, Oh how nice that was really cheeky of this crazy bitch to pull a stunt like that out, maybe when the police find her blanket mummified decomposing body and cut through the cocoons they will get a little chuckle out of it she groaned to herself!
The first blanket was tightly mummified in red, then the second blanket rolled and tightly mummified in blue, finally the third was completely cocooned in white, super wide, super sticky masking duct tape, it's so tough the Director enough had trouble getting it off the roll but once it was wound and wrapped, it compressed and mummified her body so tightly each bundled blanket cocoon was so incredibility thick that the cocoon was truly Now an Iron Maiden of Tape!!

"GGrrppmmhhhfffmmmmhh!! (Gal grumbled on the floor on her stomach making little cute wriggles from side to side)

"SO are you very helpless right Now? Gal scowls and muffs Yes!! Are you thoroughly pissed off? More mmmpppffing Yeses from Gal!! SO how would you express the thought of having your captors own worn thick tube socks wrap gagged around you? How would you react?"

"MMMMPPPPPPFFFFFHHHHHHHHH!!!!"(Gal super pissed off wide eyed Grunt!!)

"Oh so that would not be very pleasant OK Well that's the perfect reaction my client wants and is what your about to receive so so give me your best wide eyed expressions for this one OK Because I'm going to shove the camera right in your face for her!! How does that sound?

Gal breathes in and screams the loudest MMPPPPFFF she could express, as the Director pulled the camera up to her gagged face and mouth, her tightly taped up shoulders making her head stick out even more then before, She straddles her sitting on her butt, and tightly stretches out the smelly thick wide tube sock over her gagged mouth and tightly knots it behind her head making another compassing muffling wrap gag!!

Now making her Eyes pop even more! She continues to make these worse by using a roll of Cobain wrap over top that sock and then Repeats the wrapping and gagging once more with the other very nasty sweaty tube sock!! Gal grunting and bitching was muffled up further more by another thick roll of Elasticon Wrap! Rrrrzzzzpppffff!! All Gagged and Muffled Up She WAS!!!!

"Now here's what where going to do for a fun game, I will hold your pretty muffled up massively gagged mouth and You have to scream and wriggle and plead as hard as possible with just your eyes any real inch worming type moves and We'll start over How does that sound Miss Gadot??!!"

(With the camera close up on her face, Gal made the Widest most Eye Popping Angry Expressions Possible and The loudest Muffled Up Grunts and Moans she could put out for the camera she wanted the watcher on the other end to know just What she thought of her little game she pulled on her and was non to happy about it!!! Sufficed to say these where the some of the greatest gagged bitching damsel sounds Ever Recorded and Gal's Expressions where so Over the Top, that the client said she was Wet within minutes!!

"Well my client just texted me and and she really liked that show of yours! But she needs some shoots of you on your back too! She wants some dominating "Standing over you Shots" so lets get you rolled over one more time shall we!! :)"

"HHHmmmpppfffhhh!" (Gal moaned in such pain and tired of this cocoon she had sweated all then ever before and don't How much she could last!)

The Director takes her camera playfully taunting and teasing Gal
"Try and sit up or lung at me do any thing at all to escape your cocoon you stupidly got yourself wrapped up in you silly girl! Mmmpppffffhh until the entire warehouse shacks there's no one coming for you and your trapped in here forever Hahahaha!!! Gal explodes with wide eyed angry, muffled, whines the true helplessness was setting in for her, She was totally Forced and Tricked into the the Heaviest Mummification Ever and Gagged with Sweaty Stinky Socks

The End
let me know what you think of this one :)
Last edited by Cannibalandrew 5 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Caesar73 »

That was some massive mummification :) One thing missing though: Gal getting her feet tickled :D
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Post by Cannibalandrew »

Thank you what section did you enjoy most?
I'd love to contuine it but Think she's doomed lol
Not really a tickling fan unless you'd like to add that part to it I'm all about the wrapping and expressions ;)
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Post by Cannibalandrew »

I fixed this story up should be easier to read I still would like to contuine it! lol any fun scerinos to take this one next would be appreciated:)
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Post by Caesar73 »

Good , that you inserted paragraphs and spaces between them! It is much easier to read your story! Gal Gadot is one of my favourite damsels in distress :D
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Post by Emma »

Cannibalandrew wrote: 5 years ago I fixed this story up should be easier to read I still would like to contuine it! lol any fun scerinos to take this one next would be appreciated:)
Much easier to read! Thank you!

What's next? That's up to you---you're the creator. :)

I would say she needs to get out, on her own, then get captured again, and put in a different bondage situation (for the same reason, keeping her out of competition).
Don's Stories, Posted by Emma, Are Here!:
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Post by Caesar73 »

Emma wrote: 5 years ago
Cannibalandrew wrote: 5 years ago I fixed this story up should be easier to read I still would like to contuine it! lol any fun scerinos to take this one next would be appreciated:)
I would say she needs to get out, on her own, then get captured again, and put in a different bondage situation (for the same reason, keeping her out of competition).
Good Idea! I second that motion ;)
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Post by Cannibalandrew »

Caesar73 wrote: 5 years ago Good , that you inserted paragraphs and spaces between them! It is much easier to read your story! Gal Gadot is one of my favourite damsels in distress :D
Thanks man sorry about that :p
Love Gal Gadot cant get enough of her wrapped up!
Glad your enjoying these, you have a favorite moment?
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Post by Cannibalandrew »

Emma wrote: 5 years ago
Cannibalandrew wrote: 5 years ago I fixed this story up should be easier to read I still would like to contuine it! lol any fun scerinos to take this one next would be appreciated:)
Much easier to read! Thank you!

What's next? That's up to you---you're the creator. :)

I would say she needs to get out, on her own, then get captured again, and put in a different bondage situation (for the same reason, keeping her out of competition).
Impossible! theres no way to escape this mummification lol but maybe she gets a lucky break and gets free with help, Only to be double crossed Again and mummified Even heavier!! :)
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Post by Caesar73 »

Doublecrossed and mummified evenn tighter? That's music to my ears :)
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Post by Cannibalandrew »

Caesar73 wrote: 5 years ago Doublecrossed and mummified evenn tighter? That's music to my ears :)
And how should she get mummified this time? What would you like to see?
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Post by Caesar73 »

Well, how some ancient? Like in the Film "The Mummy"? You know: Linen bandages. Arms and legs separate first, then legs together, arms crossed. Then several more layers of bandages. 10 maybe. Then her head, after Gal is well and truly gagged. Than different layers of shrink wrap. After that? Some layers of tape maybe 😊 The rest I leave up to you 😊
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Post by Cannibalandrew »

Caesar73 wrote: 5 years ago Well, how some ancient? Like in the Film "The Mummy"? You know: Linen bandages. Arms and legs separate first, then legs together, arms crossed. Then several more layers of bandages. 10 maybe. Then her head, after Gal is well and truly gagged. Than different layers of shrink wrap. After that? Some layers of tape maybe 😊 The rest I leave up to you 😊
Nice Idea I prefer arms at sides always put the mummy idea is cool
How about sleeping bags? I love the idea of those being used next getting her bundled and stuffed in a couple
Lets see what we can come up with? Got to be really over the top
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Post by hafnermg »

Wow thats like!!
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Post by Caesar73 »

Cannibalandrew wrote: 5 years ago
Caesar73 wrote: 5 years ago Well, how some ancient? Like in the Film "The Mummy"? You know: Linen bandages. Arms and legs separate first, then legs together, arms crossed. Then several more layers of bandages. 10 maybe. Then her head, after Gal is well and truly gagged. Than different layers of shrink wrap. After that? Some layers of tape maybe 😊 The rest I leave up to you 😊
Nice Idea I prefer arms at sides always put the mummy idea is cool
How about sleeping bags? I love the idea of those being used next getting her bundled and stuffed in a couple
Lets see what we can come up with? Got to be really over the top
Why not? After Gal is mummified egyptian style you may pack her in a heavily downfilled sleeping bag- or two ;) Then strap her down on good old stone altar, awaiting her fate ;)
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Post by Cannibalandrew »

Caesar73 wrote: 5 years ago
Cannibalandrew wrote: 5 years ago
Caesar73 wrote: 5 years ago Well, how some ancient? Like in the Film "The Mummy"? You know: Linen bandages. Arms and legs separate first, then legs together, arms crossed. Then several more layers of bandages. 10 maybe. Then her head, after Gal is well and truly gagged. Than different layers of shrink wrap. After that? Some layers of tape maybe 😊 The rest I leave up to you 😊
Nice Idea I prefer arms at sides always put the mummy idea is cool
How about sleeping bags? I love the idea of those being used next getting her bundled and stuffed in a couple
Lets see what we can come up with? Got to be really over the top
Why not? After Gal is mummified egyptian style you may pack her in a heavily downfilled sleeping bag- or two ;) Then strap her down on good old stone altar, awaiting her fate ;)
Well I am trying to think of my next story ideas slowly but I want to use them on a different woman
Just to change it up a bit, I'm thinking huge plastic canvas tarps, and lots of sleeping bags and Tons of tape :)
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Post by Solarbeast »

These are good stories and I'm glad you added spaces in between the paragraphs as it makes reading them so much easier. The 2 famous women that I would love to see in these situations would be Selena Gomez and Taylor Swift at the moment, so if you want to change up the participants, I would suggest these 2 women.
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Post by Cannibalandrew »

Solarbeast wrote: 5 years ago These are good stories and I'm glad you added spaces in between the paragraphs as it makes reading them so much easier. The 2 famous women that I would love to see in these situations would be Selena Gomez and Taylor Swift at the moment, so if you want to change up the participants, I would suggest these 2 women.
Thanks Solarbeast! what parts of the story did you like?
Those are good choices of women thanks :)
Any thing else you like about it?
Sorry about not having spaces, still new at this :p
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Post by Caesar73 »

I would like to add some candidates:
Stana Katic, Emilia Clarke and Lena Headey :)
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Post by Cannibalandrew »

Solarbeast wrote: 5 years ago These are good stories and I'm glad you added spaces in between the paragraphs as it makes reading them so much easier. The 2 famous women that I would love to see in these situations would be Selena Gomez and Taylor Swift at the moment, so if you want to change up the participants, I would suggest these 2 women.
You should try this story you might like it with all the sleeping bags :) ... 945#p20945
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Post by Solarbeast »

[mention]Cannibalandrew[/mention]. I think I have read probably all of the stories you have written at least on DeviantArt I did. And for what I like, I am a simple man and when I find a story that has mummification and females in some main context of the story, I read it.
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Post by Cannibalandrew »

Solarbeast wrote: 5 years ago @Cannibalandrew. I think I have read probably all of the stories you have written at least on DeviantArt I did. And for what I like, I am a simple man and when I find a story that has mummification and females in some main context of the story, I read it.
Awesome same way lol! But as you can tell I'm not really a fantasic writer but I try :p I also love to good really over the top which some peolpe don't like, but glad your reading them! Which ones you like most?
By the way if love mummifications I got a lot of custom videos and pics on my twitter
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