Miss Blywistle Flouts the Rules (M/f) chapt 1-17

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Miss Blywistle Flouts the Rules (M/f) chapt 1-17

Post by iliketights »


Miss Blywistle Flouts the Rules, Chapter 1

“Come,” I answered in response to the knock at my office door.

“Adelaide Blywistle to see you, Headmaster,” said my ultra-efficient secretary.

“Send her in,” I replied.

“Ah, Miss Blywistle, so good to see you,” I said as my secretary closed the door behind her. I was not merely speaking figuratively. Adelaide was a very beautiful girl. It was always good to see her.

“Good morning Headmaster Taskmaster,” she replied shyly. I should mention that Taskmaster is indeed my surname, as strange as that sounds when paired with my title. My parents, thinking they were being clever, gave me the first name “Stern.” This unfortunate name, Stern Taskmaster, became a self-fulfilling prophecy.

“Please be seated,” I said. “What brings you here?”

“A note from one of my teachers,” she said nervously, handing it to me.

“Ah, trigonometry,” I said, starting to read the note. “Lovely subject. Hmmm ... What’s this? It simply cannot be. Miss Blywistle, pray tell, what is the cosine of theta if theta is seven pi divided by six?”

I waited patiently while she stammered nervously. “sss…sss… square root of three divided by two, sir.”

“That’s evidently what you wrote on your exam too. It greatly upset your teacher, and rightly so. Miss Blywistle, the cosine of seven pi over six is NEGATIVE square root of three divided by two. What say you to that?”

“It … it seems like a small mistake,” she said after wincing at the rising tone of my voice. “I will do better. I promise!”

“A small mistake, you say? That’s interesting. Miss Blywistle, bridges have collapsed because a careless engineer forgot a negative sign. Civilizations have been brought to the brink of ruin because of misplaced decimal points. There is no such thing as a small mistake in mathematics. This is bad, young lady, very bad. I’m afraid a punishment is in order. We simply cannot have this.”

“Please, sir, I will try harder. I don’t want to be punished again.”

“That’s correct,” I replied. “You made another grave error just last week, isn’t that so? Remind me again of the egregious error you made.” It was really her memory I wanted to refresh.

“I … I … I forgot to bring a pencil with me to Latin class.”

“Tsk, tsk, tsk,” I said slowly shaking my head. “You forgot to bring a pencil to Latin class. Please quote to me rule #103.”

She closed her eyes as if searching through the files in her head. “Rule #103 … there shall be no gazing out of the window while the teacher is …”

“No, no, no! That’s rule #84. Think, Miss Blywistle, think!”

“Oh … oh yes, rule #103 … you shall attend each class with the appropriate materials …”

“Yes! Very good Miss Blywistle! Now tell me what punishment you were given that day for attending class without the appropriate materials.”

“You confiscated my shoes, and I had to attend classes all day in my stocking feet.”

“How was that as a punishment?”

“It wasn’t too bad, as far as punishments go. The floor tiles were cold on my feet, and my tights got pretty dusty by the end of the day. Being shoeless, I had to ask Elspeth Oxslayer to give me a piggy-back ride when I had to cross the Quad. There was a lot of snow on the ground.”

“And here you are again, barely a week later, having left off a negative sign on this exam question. I’m starting to think you enjoy having to come see me.”

“Oh, no sir!”

“Am I to take this as you DON’T enjoy seeing me?” I said while arching my eyebrow severely.

“Oh … y-y-y-yes, I enjoy seeing you sir, … I meant to say …”

“Relax, Miss Blywistle, I know what you meant. However, we must nip these misbehaviors in the bud. IN THE BUD. If we simply ignore a forgotten pencil here, a missing negative sign there, well, before we know it, you’ll be murdering faculty members and burning our hallowed institution to the ground.”

“Oh, no sir! I would never do anything like that!”

“Let us hope not! But I must do more than hope. As headmaster of Despair Boarding School for Girls, it is my duty to ensure the girls in my care do not become murdering psychopaths. Now, we must proceed with your punishment.”

Without saying a word, she reached down and pulled off the shoe from each foot. She sadly handed her shoes to me.

“May I go now, sir?”

“Not just yet,” I said as I stood and walked to the cabinet across the room. I unlocked it and placed her shoes in the cabinet and removed a pair of leg irons. They closely resembled a pair of handcuffs, although the chain between the shackles was longer. Her eyes widened as I approached her.

“Oh no, not the ankle shackles!” she said, obviously very frightened. “I’ve seen those on other girls a few times. I hardly think my error deserves …”

“It’s my job to decide on punishment, my dear.”

“But I already gave you my shoes!”

I knelt in front of her. “This is the second time you’ve been sent to my office. I’m afraid the punishment this time must be slightly more severe. Present your feet, please.”

She reluctantly placed her stockinged feet against my lap, and I locked the shackles around her delicate ankles.

“You see, they’re not so bad. You’ll be able to walk almost normally. You’ll even get excused from physical education class, since you won’t be able to change into your gym clothes now. Now to mention the fact that running will be quite impossible.”

“Oh, I’m sure Ms Butchcoff will think of some way to make me exercise,” she said sadly, “even with chained ankles.”

“I’m sure you’ll agree that this punishment is fairly mild. I’ve even altered the shackles so that they are now padded for comfort. Before I added the padding, they had an annoying way of wearing holes in girls' tights.”

I neglected to tell her that the padding also served another purpose: preventing slender ankles and small feet from slipping out.

“I won’t even be able to get a piggy-back ride now, not with my ankles like this! There’s still snow on the Quad!”

“I’m sure, judging from her size, Elspeth Oxslayer can just fling you over her shoulder and carry you with no problem.”

I helped her stand and handed her her backpack. “You had better be off to class. We don’t want to add tardiness to your list of offenses. Come back to my office after school and I’ll remove your shackles and return your shoes.”
She sadly shuffled off through the outer office and toward the hallway.

“Oh, Miss Blywistle!” I called out.

“Yes, sir?”

“What’s the tangent of one-fourth pi?”

“One, sir. Positive one.”

“That’s my girl!”

She smiled weakly and continued on her way. Her cute stockinged feet made almost no sound on the floor tiles, but the rattle of the chain between her ankles more than made up for it.

I closed my office door and sighed. It was a good feeling knowing I was helping another young lady on her way to becoming a responsible adult. I took my responsibility to these girls very seriously. Adelaide has probably learned her lesson and will need no further escalation of corrective measures. If I’m wrong, well, my punishment cabinet is far from empty.

To be continued ...
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

This story is already amazing!!!!
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Post by TightsBound »

Oooooh! Another story from one of my favorite authors! And with copious amounts of my favorite thing no less! :D

Can’t wait for the next chapter!
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Post by iliketights »

[mention]TightsBound[/mention] , [mention]TamatoaShiny123[/mention]

Thanks so much for the comments! I'm glad you like it so far.

Should I feel guilty that I'm hoping Adelaide will eventually be sent back to the headmaster's office again? I mean, it is for her own good, right?
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

I feel like you shouldn’t feel guilty. In fact, I’m just waiting for her to be called down the headmaster’s office again!!!
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Post by Caesar73 »

Brillant Idea! I have a feeling that Miss Blywistle will be called to the headmaster soon 😁
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Post by iliketights »

Miss Blywistle Flouts the Rules, Chapter 2

“Adelaide Blywistle is back, Headmaster,” said my secretary.

“Send her in.”

Adelaide shuffled in with her normal stride shortened somewhat by the chain that connected her ankle shackles.

“Please have a seat,” I said, indicating the couch. “Are you eager for your ankles to once again be unencumbered by their shackles and chain?”

“Oh yes,” she said sitting on the couch. I sat next to her.

“Give me your feet and I will free them.”

She swiveled sideways and placed her stockinged feet in my lap. I inspected the soles of her feet.

“Your tights are in excellent condition, Miss Blywistle. I take it that you found a way to cross the Quad without getting your feet wet?”

“Yes, as you suggested, Elspeth Oxslayer carried me over her shoulder. She’s a good friend to have in times like this.”

“Now where did I put that key?” I said as I proceeded to check every pocket in my pants, shirt, and jacket.

She looked at me with very wide eyes.

“Here it is,” I said, pulling the key out of the last possible pocket. “I was beginning to think we would have to call a locksmith.”

She visibly relaxed at the sight of the key. I unlocked her shackles and dropped them to the floor.

“Did you learn a lesson today, Miss Blywistle?” I asked as I massaged her ankles where the shackles had been. Her opaque tights felt so smooth.

“Yes, Headmaster. I will be more careful with my negative signs in the future.”

“Excellent,” I said, rising and taking the leg irons to the punishment cabinet. I unlocked the cabinet, replaced the leg irons, and took out her shoes. I returned to her and put the shoes onto her feet.

“There you go, Miss Blywistle. You are free to go.”

“Thank you, Headmaster.”

I watched her walk away with a spring in her step that had been impossible when she was fettered.

“Oh, Miss Blywistle?”

“Yes sir?” she asked, turning.

“What is your birthstone?”

“Aquamarine, sir.”

“No, you attend the Despair Boarding School for Girls. All of you have the same birthstone – the grindstone. Nose to the grindstone, Miss Blywistle. Nose to the grindstone. I expect you to spend some time with your trigonometry book this evening.”

“Yes sir,” she said. “Have a good evening.”

One Week Later

I was taking my morning constitutional through the halls when I passed a group of girls headed in the opposite direction.

“Good morning, Headmaster Taskmaster,” I heard half-a-dozen times. I returned the greeting. I happened to look back and was utterly shocked by what I saw.

“Miss Blywistle! Come here this instant!”

“Yes, Headmaster?” she said as she approached nervously. “I remembered to bring a pencil with me, and I have made no further errors in trigonometry.”

“This is a different matter, young lady. It’s your skirt. Look at your skirt!”

She looked down. “I … I … I’m sorry sir, I don’t know to what you’re referring.”

“The length, Miss Blywistle! I’m referring to the length of your skirt. This is quite unacceptable.”

“The length, Headmaster? I don’t understand. It’s longer than the other girls’ skirts.”

“Precisely! Therein lies the problem! Your skirt is too long!”

“Too long, sir? It's still above my knees …”

“Recite for me rule #26,” I interrupted.

“Oh, let me see,” she said, closing her eyes and concentrating. “The hem of the skirt is to be a maximum of six inches above the floor while kneeling.”

I slapped my forehead and removed the rule book from my back pocket. “Kindly read rule #26 from the rule book.”

She nervously took the book and searched for rule #26.

“Rule #26: The hem of the skirt is to be a minimum of six inches above the floor while kneeling,” she read aloud.

“Yes, Miss Blywistle,” I said while taking back the rule book. “The key word is MINIMUM, not MAXIMUM.”

She suddenly looked very frightened.

“Kneel on the floor, Miss Blywistle.”

She immediately knelt, and I pulled my measuring tape from my jacket pocket. I measured from the floor to the bottom of her skirt.

“As I suspected, you are in violation of rule #26. Floor to skirt is only five and three-quarter inches, Miss Blywistle. You may stand.”

“Please, sir, it’s only a matter of a quarter of an inch …”

“Oh, Miss Blywistle, I’m disappointed. Again, I find you blatantly disregarding the rules of our beloved institution. Do you wish to be expelled?”

“No, Headmaster!” she said, a tear rolling down her cheek. “I’m sorry!”

“Run along to breakfast. Report to my office when you have finished.”

“Yes, Headmaster,” she said, wiping away her tears.

Thirty minutes later

“Adelaide Blywistle to see you, Headmaster,” said my secretary.

“Send her in.”

“Well, well, well, Miss Blywistle. Is this the third time you have violated school rules in the span of three weeks?”

“No, sir. My second offense was a forgotten negative sign in a trigonometry problem. That’s a math error, not a violation of a school rule.”

“Oh really? You argue like a lawyer, Miss Blywistle. But it will avail you naught. Recite rule #61 for me, please.”

She closed her eyes and thought. “Oh no.”

“Recite it aloud, Miss Blywistle.”

“Rule #61: Be ever careful and accurate in every academic subject,” she said sadly.

“And were you careful and accurate?”

“No, sir.”

“I thought not. Let’s proceed with your discipline. Take a seat.”

I knelt in front of her, grasped each of her ankles in turn and pulled off both of her shoes.

“Please stand, Miss Blywistle.”

She stood. “Please, don’t make me wear the ankle shackles again, sir!”

“I’m afraid you must. Since you are a repeat offender, AGAIN, your punishment must increase in severity. Your wrists will be restrained this time as well.”

“No!” she cried, choking back a sob.

“Oh, and we need to address the matter of your skirt. It’s in violation of the rules. You cannot continue to wear it. Remove it at once. You can pick it up after school when you come back for your shoes."

“What?” she cried. “Oh no sir, please! I can’t attend my classes today without a skirt! It’s indecent!”

“Are you wearing underwear?”

She nodded.

“Are you wearing opaque tights?”

She nodded again, wiping away more tears.

“Then I fail to see the problem. No one will be able to see anything they shouldn’t anyway. I’m waiting, Miss Blywistle.”

Trembling, she unzipped her skirt, dropped it to the floor, and stepped out of it. She picked up her skirt and handed it to me.

I took her shoes and skirt to the punishment cabinet.

To be continued ...
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Post by Caesar73 »

Poor Adelaide ;)
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

Great chapter!!!
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Post by iliketights »

[mention]TamatoaShiny123[/mention] , [mention]Caesar73[/mention]

Thanks so much!
Caesar73 wrote: 5 years ago Poor Adelaide ;)
Poor Adelaide, indeed! For Adelaide's sake, let's sincerely hope that no one informs the headmaster about her overdue library book!
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

iliketights wrote: 5 years ago @TamatoaShiny123 , @Caesar73

Thanks so much!
Caesar73 wrote: 5 years ago Poor Adelaide ;)
Poor Adelaide, indeed! For Adelaide's sake, let's sincerely hope that no one informs the headmaster about her overdue library book!
Lol. Maybe he’ll give her a library treatment and gag her (Get it? Because you have to be quiet in libraries and-)
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Post by iliketights »


Lol. Maybe he’ll give her a library treatment and gag her (Get it? Because you have to be quiet in libraries and-)
You seem to have read my mind. ;) Yes, noise must not be tolerated in the library.

You know, if I were to become the headmaster at a girls' school, I would make locking gags required in the library.
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

iliketights wrote: 5 years ago @TamatoaShiny123

Lol. Maybe he’ll give her a library treatment and gag her (Get it? Because you have to be quiet in libraries and-)
You seem to have read my mind. ;) Yes, noise must not be tolerated in the library.

You know, if I were to become the headmaster at a girls' school, I would make locking gags required in the library.
Do u think she’ll soon break that rule?
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Miss Blywistle Flouts the Rules, Chapter 3

I withdrew a couple of items from the cabinet and replaced them with her skirt and shoes. I locked the cabinet and returned to the trembling shoeless and skirtless student who awaited her penalty. I knelt in front of her.

“Please separate your feet a bit, Miss Blywistle. I need to get these shackles … there, that’s good.”

Having clicked the shackle in place around each delicate ankle, I took out a tiny padlock. I gathered together a few links of the chain and threaded the padlock through them and locked it.

“There. The chain between the shackles has now been shortened by a couple of inches from what you had last Wednesday. A minor adjustment, but you will now have to take more, but shorter, steps around campus.”

“Oh, no, Headmaster! Please, I think confiscating my shoes and skirt is punishment enough!”

“Nonsense. You are a rule-flouter, young lady. Every time you flout a rule, the punishment must increase, or you will never learn. This delinquency must be nipped in the bud, or you will soon advance from being a rule-flouter to a scoff-law! We can’t tolerate you becoming a scoff-law, now can we, Miss Blywistle?”

She sadly shook her head. “No, Headmaster.”

“I’m glad you are finally seeing things my way,” I said, as I gently slid my hands up and down her calves. “Please give my compliments to Ms. Butchcoff, your physical education teacher. Her exercise regimen is giving you girls excellent muscle tone.”

“I will. Thank you sir.”

It also gave me an opportunity to check her tights for runs or holes. That would have been another rule violation, but fortunately for her, her tights were pristine.

I stood up.

“Now hold out your hands.”

Her beautiful eyes brimming with tears, she watched as handcuffs were locked around her wrists.

“No complaining now, or your hands will be locked behind your back instead of in front of you. You won’t make me regret my leniency, will you?”

She shook her head.

“That’s the spirit! Perhaps there’s hope for you after all, Miss Blywistle! Notice how the handcuffs are padded, just like the ankle cuffs. I can never be accused of being inconsiderate, now can I?”

“No, sir. But I can’t help noticing that I can no longer put on my backpack. I can’t attend classes without my books, pencils, and other required materials! I don’t want to break Rule #103 again!”

“A little ingenuity is in order, Miss Blywistle. Your backpack has a carrying strap on the very top. See?” I pointed out as I handed it to her.

“Thank you, sir,” she said dolorously. “May I go now? I don’t want to be tardy.”

“No indeed! Remember, smaller but quicker steps are the order of the day! We don’t want that chain to cause a nasty stumble. Have a good day, Miss Blywistle!”

"Good day, sir,” she said. The weight of her backpack in her manacled hands did not allow her to wipe away the tear rolling down her cheek. I wiped her tear with my own handkerchief. “Don’t forget to stop by after school so I can remove your leg irons and handcuffs.”

“I won’t forget, Headmaster.”

I watched as she shuffled away. She probably felt a little embarrassed having to spend the day in front of her friends and the faculty in chains and wearing neither shoes nor a skirt, but I had to admit that she carried it off well.

“Oh, and Miss Blywistle, remember to have Elspeth Oxslayer carry you across the Quad. The snow is gone, but the ground is very muddy. Leaving muddy footprints on my office carpet would …”

“Yes, sir, I know. That would violate Rule #72. And getting mud on my tights in the first place would violate Rule #71.”

To be continued ...
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Post by Plueschbabycd »

Hallo, yes I think Headmaster will ever find a Rule she will brake, perhaps as next she get detention only tights and leotard. She could by this blindfold or the room have may hidden camras and Heamaster as hidden control room for them. :)
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Post by iliketights »

TamatoaShiny123 wrote: 5 years ago So...many...rules!
Oh yes. MANY rules. And evidently the girls are expected to have them all memorized. It would be nearly impossible to follow that many rules without the occasional (or frequent!) need for disciplinary intervention. 8-)
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Post by iliketights »

Plueschbabycd wrote: 5 years ago Hallo, yes I think Headmaster will ever find a Rule she will brake, perhaps as next she get detention only tights and leotard. She could by this blindfold or the room have may hidden camras and Heamaster as hidden control room for them. :)
Only tights and leotard ... hmmmm ... I LOVE that idea, Plueschbabycd! That sounds like the kind of outfit the girls should be required to wear for their physical education class. I'm sure there must be a rule or two that can be broken during PE class that might require the Headmaster's style of detention. 8-)
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Miss Blywistle Flouts the Rules (M/f), Chapter 4

“Miss Blywistle to see you sir,” my secretary announced.

“Send her in,” I replied.

“If I might have a word first, sir,” she said, entering and closing the door behind her. “Headmaster,” she said quietly so that Adelaide couldn’t overhear from the other side of the door. “Maybe I’m speaking out of turn, but I couldn’t help but wonder if you’re being a tad too rough on the girl. Confiscating her shoes was bad enough, but now you’re sending the poor lass to her classes without shoes or a skirt and chained up like a criminal in a courtroom! I really think …”

“Say no more, Mrs. Plumbottle. You’re right. You ARE speaking out of turn! You became accostomed to the mollycoddling ways of my predecessor. I’m the Headmaster now, and I run a tight ship. These girls must learn that violating rules come with consequences. Now send in Miss Blywistle, and then clean out your desk. You’re fired.”

Mrs. Plumbottle called me a monster and stormed out. In a moment, she ushered in Adelaide, carrying Adelaide’s backpack for her. She put down Adelaide’s backpack, shot daggers at me with her eyes, and stormed out again.

“Ah, Miss Blywistle. How was your day?” I asked her as I guided her to the couch.

“Terrible, sir. I am so weary from rushing from class to class, taking small steps. And my legs and feet are ever so cold! I can’t wait to get my shoes and skirt back.”

“Give me your feet, and I will remove your shackles and see if I can warm you up a bit.”

She lay her head on the couch pillow and plopped her chained ankles in my lap. I unlocked and discarded the leg irons and began to massage her stocking feet.

“You are cold, Miss Blywistle! But I hope you learned your lesson.”

“Yes sir.”

“I will return your shoes in a moment, but I won’t be able to return your skirt.”

“Why ever not, Headmaster?”

“Your skirt, along with the other skirts you had in your room, have been sent to the seamstress on North Sheepbelly Island. She does marvelous work. She’ll have all your skirts shortened considerably. Your wardrobe will be rule-compliant then. You’ll just have to get used to not wearing a skirt until they are returned.”

“How long will that be, Headmaster?”

“The ferry makes one trip to the island and back per month, and your skirts were just in time for this month’s trip, so you should get your altered skirts one month from now.”

“I have to go a month without my skirts?”

“Possibly two, if the seamstress doesn’t finish before next month’s ferry. Don’t worry, Miss Blywistle! You have nice legs. You need not fear any ridicule …”

“Can I borrow someone else’s skirts in the meantime? Eloise Primrose and I are about the same size.”

“Have you forgotten rule #97? Each student is responsible for her own clothing, and there is to be no sharing.”

I continued to warm up her feet and legs with my hands while I pontificated about the importance of the school’s rules. I eventually noticed that she had not responded in some time. I looked over and found her sound asleep. Perhaps my punishment had been too severe. The poor girl was worn out! She had been too tired to even listen to my important talk of personal responsibility and adherence to the rules! I rose without waking her, put the handcuff key in an envelope, and put it in my pocket. I gathered her backpack and shoes, and picked her up. I carried her bride-style through the outer office, looking over at Mrs. Plumbottle’s desk. She had called me a monster. A monster, indeed! Too bad she is no longer here to see my caring, gentler side. I carried Adelaide to the dormitory building and placed her on her bed in her cell. I put her shoes and backpack on the floor by her bed. I wrote a note on the envelope “Enclosed is the key to your handcuffs. Kindly return the key and the handcuffs to my office tomorrow morning before school.” I left the envelope on her stomach, near her still-handcuffed hands.

“Pleasant dreams, Miss Blywistle. I trust you have learned your lesson well, and that we will have no more shenanigans from you,” I said softly.

She looked so innocent lying there, sound asleep. It was hard to believe she had been such a troublemaker of late, but sometimes delinquency comes in innocent guise. Well, surely, she has learned by now that I brook no misbehavior. Her rule-flouting was probably a thing of the past. I closed the door and went on my way, happy that at least one of my students was now on the road to being a law abiding citizen. She will thank me one day.

To be continued ...
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

I somehow doubt that she’s done w/flouting the rules...
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Post by iliketights »

TamatoaShiny123 wrote: 5 years ago I somehow doubt that she’s done w/flouting the rules...
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Post by iliketights »

from: hbilgewater@dbsg.org
to: staskmaster@dbsg.org
date: Feb 26, 2019, 8:03 AM
subject: matter of utmost urgency

Dear Headmaster S. Taskmaster,

Please stop by the library at your earliest convenience. A shocking travesty must be brought to your attention. Our beloved school is on the brink of anarchy. Something MUST be done before it is too late.

Warm regards,
Miss Hypatia Bilgewater
Assistant Librarian
Despair Boarding School for Girls
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