Sweet Jana(MM/f)

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Sweet Jana(MM/f)

Post by Amm1973es »

sweet Jana
by amm2es 03/15/2016 22:53
First of all note that this fancfiction is a free version of what will happen in episode 33 after the events of the last two episodes, it will be the best you to see the episodes but for those who can not make a brief summary will serve to put in the fancfiction situation.

Jeanie (or Jana as called in Spain) will take your vacation from school where she works Bill (one of his friends) as a servant, which in principle should stay and work but thanks to the kindness of your boss can take vacation.

In the season of Stephen (his second friend) waiting train but are not because just then he sees a place of candy and will buy some, Jeanie if you see it but seeing him follow another girl He believes that follows the angry girl and do not tell it's there.

Just then he meets a pair of thieves who tried to steal at home for some time, trying to shout for help but skillful criminals get capture the crowd without attracting attention, moments later Bill arrives at the station met Maria Stephen and both are surprised that still has not reached her friend, fortunately the perrro Stephen manages to catch his scent on the train is about to leave.

Both friends checked the train in search of his friend without any result getting off at the next station and when they are about to give up Stephen realizes that the reviewer can not step checking tickets, turning up both to train look back to the girl. Meanwhile Jeanie and reviewer are being held by criminals in the cabin of the reviewer, this asks them to go to the service so that untie and one of them armed with a gun accompanies the service.

Match two friends and her two trains leaving perplexed stupid criminal, when she takes the opportunity to join his two friends and escape deceiving her abductor but his partner worried about his tardiness goes to see what happens and both go in pursuit of three children until a few roads which served as stabling of trains there hiding in one of the carriages of goods trains manage to escape the kidnappers.

And Believing safe start arguing among themselves hechando Jeanie blame for what happened to him in part to Stephen and Bill is quick to make peace between both, a strong shaking of the train makes the child from falling off the wagon that still had the door open falling by an embankment beside the tracks while their girlfriends are powerless to do anything without help.

The girl looks down once red eyes in some bushes that happen to be a cougar that attacked her fainting instantly, his two friends got off at the next station walk back to where Jeanie fell off to find it.

Meanwhile the girl regains consciousness in a camp of cattle thieves who have captured the lick of a cow makes him regain consciousness and try to escape being arrested by one of the thieves who helped other gags leaving it in a wagon for sell as a maid on a farm.

While his friends reach their position but the head of the thieves reached before reaching the camp to tell her friend was devoured by a puma, fortunately Stephen realizes that the man in his eagerness to get rid of them made a error ratted him through intelligent strategy and manage to rescue her friend from the wagon where they left off.

In their flight they are pursued by both groups of offenders being corralled by them in a narrow passage, at the last moment Stephen would think to convince the rustlers that the kidnappers Jeanie are the sheriff and his deputy, with the intention to face both groups and so give them time to flee.

To rescue the brother of the hijacker who was stuck on a bridge breaking a wooden children join forces with the kidnappers making repelling together cattle thieves and rescue the brother of the hijacker, although wounded in the leg so they should shelter in a nearby cave so that they can cure conditions.

Although Stephen dominated the situation for a moment to have the weapon that gave one of the kidnappers just losing it and the three choice but to follow them to the cave is not them, it Jeanie ripping a piece of fabric of her skirt to splint leg brother kidnapper and his brother at some point to encourage him tells him to be rich thanks to rescue daran for the girl and she offers to help them to get the money on condition that Stephen and Bill are not hurt by them.
From here this fancfiction differs from the series taking another very different from the story that follows the anime course.
Chapter 1-Divided of forces
Stephen and Bill jumped at once to hear him say that her friend.

-Nor forsake you dream in the hands of these bandits.- said Stephen.

'I completely agree with, where you go go us.- Bill Endorsement

It's my decision, I do not care as long as you know are safe. I also can not hurt if they charge a rescue.- She said.

Go on do not like it, you can not trust what they say they meet once have claimed the rescue Jeanie.- Refuted Stephen

Before that you continue speaking children I remind you that we are not armed and you, also our friends will eventually cross the river even though we cut the ropes and our two little pistols against them.- can make healthy brother said lifting arms .

Children to see the guns were silent for a few seconds, pro Stephen reacted quickly to such strength of power.

Then it is better to us to hurry to get out of here while the we can.- Prompt.

No get very far with his leg is that state unless we create some kind of distraccion.- He suggested Bill.

The older brother who was healthy divided weapons leaving a handful of ammunition next to a Stephen intrigued by this gesture I ask.

-What are you doing?.

Very simple divided of forces. You two sit here holding criminals, one in a safe place holds them while the other can go find the Sheriff.- He suggested the offender.

Very clever, meanwhile you carry kidnapped our friend right ?. That's not what Bill said flatly .- thought.

It might work, plus we would have to help out at his brother I affirm Jeanie

'I can not believe me you agree with that plan! .- Surprised Stephen Intervened

-What else do we have ?, options so I'd be safe and your while distracted the attention of thieves waiting cattle back with the Sheriff Bill, also you would be relatively safe.- I argue it.

-¿You would be Safe kidnapped again? .- Intervened Bill

-More Safe in our present situation that safe.- older brother said.

Stephen serious look at Bill for a few seconds, and this understanding that would give was furious.

-¡Think Stephen !, did not deliver our friend so easily. There must be another way to resolve this situation you have not discovered yet.

But Stephen was already picking up the gun and the ammunition that the offender was offering.

-Well, this is my plan. You who seem to have good aim anger to find some safe place from which you can shoot without being seen and Bill Sheriff anger looking as you hear the first shot on a two three of us took the opportunity to quietly leave the cave without being seen.- Said the older brother.

-I think a good plan, promise to take good care of Jeanie and not hurt.- said before leaving the cave.

- You have my word, if that helps.

Soon they heard the first shot and Bill before heading out to look for the Sheriff as planned look for the last time to his friend who was already preparing to help the offender to take his brother.

-Bill Good-bye, see you soon do not worry about me.- She said reassuringly.

With that distraction not cost them go unnoticed when they left the cave, she was glad that his situation did not damage his friends. Which would be fine without doubt if they did anything stupid. They walked up the path to go into the forest leaving the mountains, in a clear found a caravan somewhat jaded in which they halted to rest left to the hijacker who had the leg broken leaning next to him while his brother examined the carefully caravan.

- We were lucky, this caravan except for minor damage could avail ourselves to get pennsilvanya.- said his brother.

While examining Carolina pleased leg hurt, I got up to see how the other pick up ropes caravan moving toward her.

-I'll have to tie you up and gag while I look for a pair of horses to the nearest town and my brother is not able to keep an eye correctly.

-No I like but I understand you have to take this measure.- she said.

I helped her into the caravan where he with his arms on the back to tie his wrists using the rest of the rope to pin his arms tightly just above the trunk, finally grabbed a handkerchief he saw that was not very dirty gagging her with .
He was under the car to crouch with his brother.
- Hutch'll get some horses to the nearest town, I have immobilized the girl in the caravan so you will not have to worry about it. Rest well and quietly.

-Okay Chris, try not to take much.- asked.

The girl listened as away from there, at that moment I remembered that his friends had left in a difficult situation and wonder how they would have gone to them.
History translated with Google translator from Spanish, I regret the inconvenience caused by not being able to write it directly in English.
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I am a man with the role of Rope top/Rigger, I have been attacked by the Tugs since I was a child. Both without sexual components, and with them within my limits.
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Chapter 2- The Sheriff appears
Stephen contained the cattle thieves from his hiding place with total tranquility trying to shoot as little as possible so as not to exhaust the bullets that the criminals had left him. On the other hand, the others, unable to hit his attacker, began to despair about the situation.

-This situation will not take us anywhere, I propose that you give us the boys and we will let you go in peace. You are in numerical inferiority Sheriff.- The boss shouted.

Stephen seeing an opportunity to buy time for his friend to bring the sheriff imitating the voice of an adult answered the man.

-I do not see the need, we hope reinforcements shortly. So those who are in trouble are you in my opinion, where I am can not reach me instead I can see them perfectly.

"We already know that, Sheriff, but sooner or later they run out of ammunition and they can not stop us from crossing".- Think Stephen

-For the moment we have plenty of ammunition to hold them until my assistants arrive.

-I doubt whether to believe him or not, you are only two. It is not possible that they carry so much ammunition on them as to contain us long enough.

The boss signaled one of his men to slip stealthily down a rope that had been laid on one side that Stepehen could not see.

-Well, I'm telling you the truth, so you'd better not put it to the test.

The man slid slowly down the rope to the bottom where he could see the boy hiding behind several rocks that protected him from his shots.

-It's just ...- I try to say but Stephen was quicker to see him and shot him falling, losing consciousness when he hit himself with a stone on the ground.

-Good trick, but you better not try it again. The next time I can not miss my shot. - Stephen warned.

The bandits resumed the shooting again and the boy tried to respond to the fire as minimally necessary while he kept looking at the ammunition that was left to try to last as long as possible, suddenly heard more shots apart from his own and saw Bill appear behind yours with the Sheriff.

-I'm here, Stepehen.

-I'm sorry for the delay, kid, but I've had to gather some men before coming here. Now you can leave the rest to us.- A man with a star behind Bill told him.

-Of course Sheriff, they are all yours.- He said releasing the weapon leaving it next to the ammunition.

The bandits were soon surrounded and reduced by the assistants of the Sheriff and these when realizing that only a child had been holding them, they broke out in anger against Stephen, who did not pay them the slightest attention while they were being detained because he had more urgent matters than dealing with the authorities.

-Sheriff, we have to denounce the abduction of our friend. Some kidnappers took her, the same ones who gave me this weapon to contain the bandits on the other side of the ravine.- I explain.

-A moment, to see if I understand it. Are you telling me that some kidnappers gave you a weapon for good and let them escape with your friend without doing anything? .- asked the unbeliever.

-Stephen, we'd better start the story at the beginning. Do not you think? .- Bill intervened.

The boy realizing how ridiculous he was what he said before explained to the sheriff from the beginning the story since those bandits tried to rob in the house and how they later kidnapped Jeanie in the train station until they separated in the cave to confront the cattle thieves thus facilitating the flight of the malefactors.

-Now I understand everything! Your friend, in order not to harm you, left with them voluntarily and they gave you this weapon with enough ammunition to distract the attention of the bandits while they fled. I understand why you did not stop them despite having this weapon in your power. "The sheriff said, understanding everything.

-They must find her, we can not allow those criminals to have her in their power longer than necessary.- Stephen exclaimed.

-Calm boy, of course we will look for it. But they take us an advantage of almost five hours and we do not know what direction they have taken to start looking for them.

-I suppose they were going to Pennsilvanya, that's where we live to claim the ransom from their father.- Said Bill

The sheriff looked skeptical, while still thinking.

- I do not think they do that, rather they will stop in the surroundings of some small village where they go unnoticed and from there they will get in touch with their father if they do not do it before.- I explain.

One of his assistants approached him to inform him that they could leave now, having already tied all the bandits.

-Whatever the most urgent thing is to give notice of his abduction as soon as possible.- Stephen said for urgent the sheriff.

-You're right young man, we'll leave immediately and hopefully we'll get to town before nightfall.

They set off quickly towards the town, the two friends could not stop thinking about what their friend would be going through since what they promised to be a joyful vacation had become an ordeal for the three because of those two criminals.
Chapter 3- Search Order
After several hours on horseback they arrived at the town just as Chris was leaving after buying a couple of horses and a new tarpaulin for the old wagon of the forest, unfortunately neither of the two children noticed him when he was in conversation with the sheriff on his friend. The kidnapper returned to the clearing where his brother was waiting for him and together they put the new tarp to the old wagon before the attentive look of his captive still bound and gagged, Chris stroked her hair when putting the canvas next to her.

-I'm sorry, girl, but even though we have a small agreement, I can not trust myself to leave you untied and less with my brother's leg splint. I hope you know how to understand, for us you are worth a lot of money.
When they finished putting the tarp hooked the horses to the wagon and Chris helped his brother to climb to the back while he took the reins to start the march, it did not take long to notice how they moved and he thought again of his friends worried about what what would have happened to them, ignoring that they were already out of danger and in the sheriff's office carrying out the search order for the three of them.
Stephen and Bill told the sheriff the appearance of the kidnappers so that the cartoonist made the robot portrait of his posters also ignoring how close they were at that moment to his friend, when the drawing finished the man showed them the approval immediately .

-They are the same, the robot portrait is almost accurate.- Bill affirmed.

-It's all we can approximate with the data that you have given to the draftsman.- Said the sheriff.

- And now what ?, the search began. - Stephen asked.

-First we have to mail the robot portrait to the rest of the Sheriffs of the towns where we think they can pass on their way to Pennsylvania, we will start the search tomorrow. The men have to rest and it would not hurt you either to make a little nod, I will talk to the innkeeper to give you a room for tonight and tomorrow I will send you in the diligence to your house. We'll take care of finding your friend. "The sheriff's assistant replied.

-But, what if they take us land at night? .- Stephen asked.

-In that case the search patrols of other towns will find them, they are only two and we have many more men. Now take them to the inn and then go straight home, tomorrow we will leave early- The sheriff intervened giving an order to his assistant.

The sheriff's assistant took them to the bar in the town where the inn was and talked to the owner to provide a room for the boys that night, then said goodbye to them to go home to rest. the next day I would have to get up early.

-Okay guys, follow me I will lead you to your room. Flinn take care of the bar meanwhile.- Said the owner coming out from behind the bar.

His employee stayed in charge while he took them to a room on the first floor.

-I suppose that this will be worth you, has two small beds so that you are more comfortable. The diligence comes out at ten in the morning and breakfast is served at nine o'clock, so try not to delay or you will not eat anything until you seem to eat at the stage. "He said closing the door of the room.

Both boys examined the room which was quite simple.

-I do not stay quiet going and leaving Jeanie in the hands of those criminals.- Stephen said.

-And what do you want us to do ?, we are just children. The sheriff will not accept the responsibility of taking us on his search party tomorrow, no matter what we insist on. - Bill answered

-I know, I just do not like the idea. But I can not think of anything that we can do to prevent it and to contact our families, notifying us that they send us in the diligence.

Someone at the door.

-Can I? I'll bring you something for dinner." They said from outside.

-Go ahead.- Bill said.

I entered the man who was at the bar before bringing a tray with two plates of soup and some bread.

-We're sorry we could not offer you anything else, but the kitchen was already closed so we can only give you some leftovers that we have heated.- He said apologizing.

-For us it's fine, thanks for the detail.- Stephen answered.

-They do not deserve.- I answer the man leaving the room.

Bill without hesitation

He eyed his fame dish starting to eat and Stephen also did since he was also starving, at the end of dinner they left the plates on the tray ready to go to sleep without losing time. After bedtime, they fell asleep almost immediately, even thinking about the fate of their friend.
Jeanie, on the other hand, had a little more trouble sleeping because of the potholes of the road they were traveling on, when at last she succeeded in thinking of her father and friends before falling asleep.
History translated with Google translator from Spanish, I regret the inconvenience caused by not being able to write it directly in English
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Last edited by Amm1973es 5 years ago, edited 3 times in total.
I am a man with the role of Rope top/Rigger, I have been attacked by the Tugs since I was a child. Both without sexual components, and with them within my limits.
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Corrected the first publication and added new chapters, enjoy them.
I am a man with the role of Rope top/Rigger, I have been attacked by the Tugs since I was a child. Both without sexual components, and with them within my limits.
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Chapter 4-A desperate act
The two friends woke up almost at par, they hurried to go down when they saw that it was almost nine o'clock in the morning, eager to have breakfast since the soup last night barely satiated their appetite after a day without eating.

In the living room they met the other tenants who barely listened to them, chose an empty table to sit and the waiter after serving several drinks at the bar to other customers brought them breakfast consisting of a glass of milk with toast that could spread with butter or jam as desired.

The sheriff's assistant went into the tavern looking around to see them sitting at a table approaching them with determined step and taking a chair sat with them, the innkeeper to see him sitting brought him a hot coffee and several toast like the boys .

- Thank you, with the hustle and bustle to form the search party, I have barely been able to have breakfast at home.- He said gratefully.

- Do not deserve, invite the house. It's a detail of my boss.- I explain.

- Thank you for my part. - I answer the.

- Yes, I will.- Said the innkeeper, retreating.

The boys looked at him, waiting for the moment to speak to him.

- How are the preparations? - Stephen asked to see the employee leave.

- It's almost all ready, right now the volunteers we've gathered are having breakfast in the sheriff's office. My boss sent me to inform you before you left at the stage.

The man eagerly ate the breakfast that had been served to him and while he spread another toast with marmalade, he looked at the children.

- We are in total twenty men, twenty volunteers and the two of us. So be quiet, apart also form search parties in the villages where they can pass by to try to locate your friend. Although due to the difficulty of the terrain we will cross the search will make it difficult and if they know him as we suspect because they are known criminals in this area for having perpetrated several successful kidnappings in the vicinity. Unfortunately they seem to know the land well and we never managed to find them, although for your peace of mind until now we know they have not killed any of their victims even in the case of one in which it was impossible to collect the ransom because they were not properly informed kidnapping the daughter of a ruined businessman.

- Could we be part of the search party ?, I have good eyesight and my friend has very good aim.- Bill intervened.

He looked at them perplexed by such a request, leaving his toast for a moment, he answered shortly after thinking about the appropriate response.

- I do not doubt young man, but leave this to us. I do not think the sheriff wants to be responsible if something happened to you during the search, and your parents are waiting for you in Pennsylvania.

-I understand, is that we do not like to get away so leaving our friend in the hands of those kidnappers.- Bill answered disappointed.

- Bill we are too young to do what you proposed, you saw what happened when we rescued her from cattle thieves. We ended up having to accept their help and see how they took her again kidnapped while we were there without being able to do anything, I like it as little as you but I agree with the deputy sheriff. Besides, she agreed to go with them in exchange for us being safe, if we go back in search of her, she would never forgive us.

- I agree with you Stephen, it's just that I do not like the idea of ​​leaving like this.

- Pay attention to your friend, you have already done what you could. It's time for you to return home.
Meanwhile in a clearing of the forest surrounded by a thick grove that the criminals knew they were preparing to have breakfast after camouflaging the cart with branches so that if someone passed by the road they could not see it, Chris took Jeanne to the clearing while his brother something more recovered His leg was delayed because he needed the help of a cane, once in the clearing he untied it to help him make a small fire.

- We should not help Hutch ?, still has a bad leg.- suggested the girl.

-Not at all, he already has much better. I do not think it's broken, it'll just be a sprain.

Chris cooked breakfast to her as soon as the fire was ready by catching her quickly since she had not eaten anything for more than a day, when she saw her partner appear among the trees she had almost finished it due to the time it cost her reach your position with the help of the cane.

His brother went to help him to sit on a rock that was set for the next to the fire, then tied again to the girl to be able to attend to his brother with absolute tranquility but not gag her when not considered necessary, I leave her leaning on a tree to make them breakfast again.

- I could help him with his brother if he left me.- Said the girl offering her help.

- It is not necessary for the moment, I prefer to keep you tied for safety until at least my brother's leg is healed.- Answered Chris

The girl leaned over the tree observing how her two captors ate breakfast.
Meanwhile in the village the two friends were preparing to take the stage and the sheriff to see them approached them to greet them.

- How are you?

- Concerned about our friend as you can imagine.- I answer Bill

- From now on that matter is our business, I promise we will do everything possible to find it. All the sheriffs of the different towns are warned, so even though they know this terrain well those criminals will surely enter them. "He said to calm them down.

- Boss, we're ready to leave when you want.- Said his assistant who approached them.

- Well, let's get going immediately. -I order the.

- And you try not to worry too much, we will do everything in our power to find it. Enjoy the trip in calm .- Said the dismissing.

While they were walking away from the town in the diligence they watched as the search party galloped out.

- We should have gone with them, not be here.- I protest Bill

- Never let us accompany them, try to relax the rest of the way home. Little more we could do already. - Stephen told him.

The boy leaned back in the seat, still annoyed by the fact that they had been excluded from his friend's search.
While the girl in the clearing still tied leaning against the tree watching how things picked up their captors, Chris helped her up to take her back.

At that time Hutch trying to get up fell to the ground and his brother quickly went to help leaving her there alone, far away they heard the sound of horses and the girl even knowing that she had almost no opportunities started to run to meet her.

Chris, seeing her escape, came out after her, catching her almost instantly before she went into the forest.

She tried to back away but he hastily grabbed her.

-Where did you think you were beautiful? - I reproach him.
- Release me !, do not put your hands on me. Help! Somebody help me, I'm here kidnapped by some criminals.
-Silence, nobody here can hear you.

In a desperate gesture he managed to get loose from his grip but he fell to the ground when he could not keep his balance with his hands tied behind his back.

The man hastened to crouch next to her to help her get up again, but she instead chose to scream for help again what forced him to cover his mouth with his hand but she bit him.
He pulled the handkerchief from his pocket proceeding to gag her again, after which he helped her up off the floor.
I wanted to stop tying you as soon as my brother was better, but it seems to me that it will not be possible in view of what happened.

The three returned to the wagon again where they returned to deposit it in the back of the vehicle without breaking it yet, soon after they heard the gallop of several horses already quite close so they proceeded to hide in the forest leaving it there.

The horsemen passed her without her having the means to tell them what made her want to mourn that she was forced to repress to avoid appearing weak before her captors.
Their kidnappers removed the camouflage of the vehicle and took a little-traveled road through the mountains, which, when they were removed from the main roads, would make it more difficult to detect them.

Jeanie in the back observed Hutch who still lamented his leg to every pothole they caught.
ilustracion_capitulo_4_10_by_amm2es_d9vrxek-fullview (1).jpg
History translated with Google translator from Spanish, I regret the inconvenience caused by not being able to write it directly in English
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I am a man with the role of Rope top/Rigger, I have been attacked by the Tugs since I was a child. Both without sexual components, and with them within my limits.
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Chapter 5-They charge the rescue
They were the rest of the day journeying by that old forgotten road to reach its end at the top of a hill, Hutch and virtually not complaining in the last sections of the road which was a sign that its leg was markedly improved.

Jeanie noticed as they stopped and saw down to the younger brother of the hijackers who was his partner in the back of the wagon, I listen to they talked outside about it.

-Let me do it my own, I say that my leg is better.- Hutch said.

That as I can see, but this mission requires tact and cunning. And those are rare qualities in you, you better stay here taking care of our captive.- answered his brother.

I could do it if for once you trust me.

-Trust On you to carry the service on the train and you saw what happened, do not you remember that?

Hutch stayed answering thought for a few minutes time.

Maybe take brother reason, it will be better that I stay taking care of her in your absence.

Besides, it's that leg that heal, now we go inside. We cared a little inside to our guest, the last time we came was almost three months.- Chris said.

Open I listen to a door and made noise inside a structure, while Hutch appeared soon helping her off the wagon.

The outside was surrounded by mountains I met Maria them on top of one of them. The scenery was spectacular and not in the situation that was definitely would have enjoyed.

No hard try to locate our baby in position, you lack any benchmark that you know around. We are far from your city yet.- said Chris out of a log cabin.

The introduced into where Chris would recall the blue abode of the mouth.

Thanks, now if I untie promise to behave. Also could not escape or not knowing where I am.- request.

'That's nothing girl, I shall break a little as we go to eat something right now. But at the end Illustration my brother will return to tie and gag because after what happened before we can not trust you.
While untied his brother took something to eat that he deposited on a wooden table and placed three wooden stools were stacked in a corner, they sat down to eat pecking different things that had between cold meats, cheeses and bread. After the girl got up from the table.

Could you go to the toilet? .- I asked her.

- No Do not mention it, and I'll go with the latrine.- said Chris

They went to the back of the house where he had built a rudimentary outhouse with several wooden boards.

-All Yours, you wait out here.

The girl entered inside CLOSE ON since said nothing against him, had long been wanting to go to the toilet but could not because of having one hand in the places where they had been. On leaving the man I returned to take the cabin where I lost the time to return.
Is it really necessary to have tied me all the time?

- And your questions that!, Have you already forgotten your shtick before in the forest clearing? .- I said Chris annoying.

But here I could not do it or not knowing where I am, by note.- beg her.

-could you relied on me before, but after you rode because I could not run my brother could not run behind you in your state.

-By The way, I need the address of your home in Pennsylvania. Once there I can not risk walking around the house asking where a daughter has been kidnapped and understand.

Jeanie indicated the direction of your house that is pointed on paper and promptly gagged her with another clean handkerchief light brown to replace dirty blue leaving on the bed and lay down.
Both came out to talk leaving her there alone, not even bother trying to get loose because besides having his captors unknown at over him where he was and to escape it safer than getting lost only to be achieved where he wants it to be. Hutch walked a little while moving towards her.

My brother's gone to talk to your father to ask your rescue, if all goes well tomorrow morning we'll take you back home. So stay calm and not cause trouble.

The girl was confirmed with a nod their agreement.
The man sat at the table with his knife entertaining carving a wooden stick completely ignoring her, which she preferred. The hours passed slowly fell asleep on the bed waking the noise of the door opening, I saw even half asleep smiling Chris in the door with a bag in his hands.

Hutch got-what, look at the good doctor has given me what we wanted ten thousand dollars for the rescue of her daughter. We agreed to leave it in an abandoned house on the outskirts of the city at dawn, there's anger to collect about nine o'clock.

His brother saw the wad of bills pounced on his brother hugging him.

- Forgive me if you doubt, this is the best kidnapping we have done. - Congratulating said.

- I understand that you could not see it at first, you're used to our rescue just thousand dollars.

The girl looked at them both bragging of having taken a good booty to their expense and that made him hold himself up with them against their will maniating her and gagging her all the time. But his anger seemed to matter little to go out to celebrate with a bottle of whiskey and a couple of glasses, they did not reentered until about three hours later. To get dark they untied the girl to eat something with them by re-tie after after letting her go to the toilet again. Jeanie watched as they lay down on two hammocks set up not far from it, without worrying about it they fell asleep almost instantly, she in turn will cost a little more sleep.
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I am a man with the role of Rope top/Rigger, I have been attacked by the Tugs since I was a child. Both without sexual components, and with them within my limits.
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