Playing with the Big Boys (m+/mm)

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Playing with the Big Boys (m+/mm)

Post by cj2125 »

The sunlight fell through the window, gently lightening the room inside. A bunch of clothes were spread across the carpeted floor, an untidy bed with all its covers spread and tangled lay on the center. The room’s owner could be found lying on the floor beside the bed, the sun on his bare skin. The thirteen-year-old boy was resting on his side, facing away from the window trying to protect his eyes from the sun. His arms pulled behind his back, a white cotton rope entwined through his wrists, pulling them down to lash around his ankles, forcing his heels to rest against his butt and his torso to arch backwards. A trail of sweat could be seen forming in his messy blond hair, going down the middle of his back until it was lost in his red basketball shorts.

Tom lay motionless, his eyes closed, his teeth buried in the green cloth tied between them; his fingers occasionally fidgeted with the ropes and his toes curled and stretched from time to time. Apart from the sound of his breathing, the whole room was silent.

The door opened startling the boy. He opened his eyes and lifted his head but his vison was blocked by the bed. A fifteen-year-old teenager strutted in the room, making short jumps to avoid the dirty clothes. The scrawny teen wore a blue t-shirt with a white logo and a pair of white shorts. He stopped in front of the bound boy and playfully poked his legs with his toes. Tom rolled his eyes and let out an indignant grunt

“Having fun?” Rick asked, his little brother raised an eyebrow giving him a dirty glare “I’m glad! Thanks again! It was so nice of you to agree to stay in your room while my friends are around!” Tom certainly didn’t agree to stay in his room! His plans for that day didn’t involved spending all morning hogtied! “Well, I just wanted to make sure you were alive, see you later Tom!” Rick crouched and lightly ran his fingers across Tom’s sole. The boy jolted forwards pulling his legs away from him and giving him another glare. Rick merely laughed and headed back to his room.

Once he was alone again, Tom let out a muffled curse at his brother and lay down once more. He had spent the first two hours of his captivity madly trashing, yelling and cursing at Rick and the only thing he had accomplished was getting tired, falling off his bed and a mild pain around his wrists and ankles. He had to concede the fact that he was utterly trapped and probably would spend the whole day in his room until his stupid brother decided it was convenient to untie him (knowing him, that probably would happen when his parents came back that night).

And so, Tom lay on his side humming to himself knowing that this would be a long day, only squirming to roll on his other side when his arm started to fall asleep. He didn’t know how long he stayed there until the door opened again. This time he didn’t even bother to turn around, instead giving Rick a nice view of his middle finger

“What the hell?” that wasn’t Rick. Tom craned his neck with eyes wide open. Two boys stood in the doorway. The tallest one, Jeremy, was slim, with short curly brown hair and was wearing a red polo shirt, jeans and black socks. The other boy, Harry, was shorter but significantly stockier, had long dirty blonde hair, wearing a green t-shirt with jeans and white socks. Tom gulped nervously as Rick’s friends made their way towards him. His opinion about them was quite interesting, let’s say that he certainly didn’t want to meet them in his current state “Did Rick did this to you?” asked Harry, Tom blushed and nodded cautiously.

“Nice!” Jeremy laughed high fiving Harry, Tom really didn’t see a reason to celebrate

“Poor guy, bet he wants to get out of those ropes” Of course Tom wanted to get out of those ropes! But he was smart enough to know there must be a trap hidden in that statement

“I’m sure he wants to hang out with the older guys” Jeremy suggested. Tom didn’t want to hang out with the older guys “Why don’t we bring him over?”

“Whht?” he whimpered; Tom really didn’t like where this was going

“Sure, grab his arms, I’ll get his legs!” this time Tom found plenty of reasons to struggle. The boy started shaking his head and trying to jiggle his way away from them but he didn’t get very far before the older boys grabbed him and dragged him closer to them. Jeremy slid his hands under his armpits and Harry grabbed his knees. Ignoring his muffled pleas to be left alone, they picked the scrawny kid from the floor and carried him down the hall.

“Look what we found!” Jeremy announced carrying a squirming Tom inside. The younger boy closed his eyes, face turning a deep shade of red. The way his brother had tied him left him little space to struggle, so he didn’t put much of a resistance as he was unceremoniously dropped on Ricks bed.

“Dude, you did that to your brother?” asked George, a black-haired boy around Harry’s height, wearing a brown t-shirt with green cargo shorts “Awesome!” he raised his palm towards Rick. Tom’s brother reluctantly returned the high five, he was the only one (except from Tom of course) that didn’t seem excited about the current developments

“Yeah, that pest had it coming” he smiled sheepishly “Why don’t we take him back to his room”

“Are you kidding? Let the kid have some fun with us!” Harry exclaimed ruffling Tom’s hair, he didn’t appreciate that gesture. Things were looking bad for Tom. If Peter, Rick’s best friend, had been there, Tom would have ben able to appeal to his gentler nature for help, but since he didn’t seem to be around, desperate measures were needed

“Hmlp mm Rngg! Plmhfm!” he looked at his brother begging him for help. Rick gave him a sympathetic look and seemed to hesitate

“I don’t know guys…”

“Don’t be a party pooper!” Jeremy heckled him “We’ll just have some fun with him!” Tom let out a pitiful whimper, shaking his head and looking at his brother for help.

Rick scratched the back of his head “Fine I guess… just don’t go overboard” Tom knew that his fate was sealed
“Hear that Tommy? You are spending time with the big boys!” Harry laughed and dug his fingers on Tom’s sides. The boy let out a shriek and trashed around chuckling, much to the others’ amusement. Soon Rick, George and Jeremy joined in, each tickling a different part of Tom’s body. The poor kid could only laugh and squirm trying to get away from the merciless fingers

“Aww… he is crying!” Tom bit down on his gag and glared at his assailants letting out more muffled curses that were cut short when Jeremy grabbed the waistband of his boxers and pulled them up his back, giving him a painful wedgie.

The other laughed at Tom’s obvious discomfort. When Harry rolled him over and twisted his nipples, Tom let out a high-pitched scream while arching his back which only made everyone else laugh even harder

“He is making too much noise!” exclaimed George and picked up a pair of dirty socks from the ground, Tom’s eyes opened wide and the moment the rag was pulled from his mouth he closed his lips shaking his head “Open up!” Tom glared at George refusing to comply “Guys?” three pairs of finger dug into his ribs and soles. Tom made his best effort to keep his mouth shut but soon exploded in laughter. The dirty socks went inside his mouth followed by the bandanna. Everyone laughed while Tom squirmed and gagged, those socks tasted horrible! He could feel the sweat on them melting in his mouth

“Got any tape Rick?” Harry asked. Tom’s brother rummaged through his desk until he found a roll and tossed it at Harry. Tape was wrapped plenty of times around Tom’s head; by the time they were done, he could make a barely audible moaning sound

“Let’s give him a pink belly!” someone suggested

“Nhhhhhh!” Tom almost cried, looking at his brother with desperation

“Umm… guys?”

“Oh, I know!” Jeremy picked up one of his red vans and shoved it on Tom’s face. The kid tried to jerk his head back but Jeremy held it in place “Quick, tape his face!” Tom’s nose was pushed inside the shoe, forcing him to take a good sniff to the stained fabric “Like it?” Jeremy teased while taping the shoe in place “I’ve been wearing them since summer begun!”

“Hm DHN'T LNGM HmT!” Tom screamed, eyes getting teary from the disgusting stench, wrenching his shoulders and writhing his wrists


“Let’s put toothpaste down his undies!”



“No, let’s cover him in duct tape!”


“Seriously guys…”

“Let’s shave his head!”

“STOP IT!” Rick shouted getting his friend’s attention “Come on guys, I like messing with Tom as much as everyone else but he’s had enough, lets just return him to his room” for the first time in probably his whole life, Tom looked at his brother with true gratitude. Of course, it was Rick’s fault he was trapped in that mess but he seemed a hundred times better than his stupid friends

The three other boys exchanged complicity looks, Tom didn’t like those looks “Fine”



“Sure, instead we’ll mess with you!” Tom watched helplessly as Rick, his only protector, was charged by his three friends. As usual, his brother put up a valiant fight, but he wasn’t precisely the strongest teen, he would have enough trouble fighting off one of them, against three? He soon was forced to the ground, his hands pulled behind his back and taped together, his ankles wrapped in tape and pulled against his hands, both ended cocooned in tape.

“Guys, what the hell!” Rick shouted trashing on the ground

“What? You asked us to leave your brother alone” Jeremy pointed, the other two idiots laughed while Rick grunted and squirmed against the tape, at least they had their attention focused on Rick instead of Tom. The kid took the chance to crawl away from his tormentors, shaking his head and rubbing his face against the mattress in an attempt to get rid of the shoe but it only pressed I further against his nose

“NOOOOOO! HAHAHAHA! STOOOP! HAHAHA!” Tom raised his head to see Jeremy, George and Harry surrounding Rick, his brother seemed in the process of being mercilessly tickled by his friends

“Better him than me” he thought although he was well aware than once they got bored of him, their attention would return to him. Knowing he had to get out somehow, the boy started arching his back and grunting, tugging at his legs and arms, trying to reach any knot; unfortunately, as the previous hours have proven, he wasn’t able to reach any knot. Even if he could untie his hands without anyone noticing, he wouldn’t be able to sneak outside the room in time.

The three teens stepped back to give Rick a break. He lay on his side, his shirt had been pulled over his head exposing his skinny and now sweaty torso, his face was red and his eyes were teary “Fuck…you…guys” he panted, body slightly twitching from the torture

“I don’t like the way he is talking to us!” said George shaking his head, Rick made a comment questioning George’s mother’s virtue. Jeremy suggested they take care of Rick’s mouth by stuffing a pair of his dirty boxers in; Rick loudly voiced his objections; Harry found a pair of used underwear in the laundry basket and stuffed the boxers in Rick’s mouth. Rick didn’t look happy, especially after his lower head was mummified in duct tape.

“Like how my van smells?” Jeremy asked Tom slapping his head, Tom really didn’t like the smell! He glared at Jeremy and let out a loud huff… which only made him take a deeper breath inside the shoe which made him choke. “Ha! I love this kid!” the older teen laughed ruffling his hair. Tom didn’t want to know how he would treat him if he hated him!

Jeremy pealed he tape from his head (ripping a few hairs) and removed the shoe from his face. Tom took a few deep breaths of fresh air and gave Jeremy a reluctant grateful look that quickly turned to horror when he heard the next suggestion “I know, let’s dunk his head in the toilet!”

“Nhhhh! Dhn't nhh dhrm!” Tom screamed at the top of his lungs, squirming madly while Jeremy and George picked him up. From the ground, Rick shoot daggers at his friends and tried to kick Jeremy’s shins

“What? You want to join Tommy?” Rick’s eyes opened wide and started shaking his head. Of course, Jeremy didn’t care about Rick’s opinion. Harry volunteered to slid his hands under Rick’s armpits and dragged him after the others.


“It’s not our fault” George smiled looking down at the captives “You two should really start working out so you can actually put up fight” both brothers lay side by side on the floor shivering; despite the fact that their heads were dripping wet from their recent visit to the bathroom, both seem far from defeated.
“Fhht hp hffhhlm!” Rick shouted, cursing at his captors

“Hey, that’s no way of talking to your friends” George exclaimed slapping the back of his head “Now are you two going to behave?” as a response he got a barrage of insults from both kids “Fine!” he sighed “guys?” soon three pair of hands fell on the helpless boys, tickling their bodies and occasionally twisting their nipples. It wasn’t as bad as other times yet it still took its toll on Rick and Tom.

“So, are you sorry?” Tom glared at them but reluctantly muttered that he was sorry, Rick on the other side…

“He never learns, doesn’t he?” Harry sighed, Tom had to agree. Harry leaned forwards and grabbed Rick’s boxers by their waistband. Rick turned far meeker when he realized what was going to happen


“Ghnf plmhfm...” he looked at them with fearful eyes


“Nh nh nh nh nh nh nh...” he kept shaking his head


“HWWWWWWW!” he screamed with a surprisingly high-pitched voice as Harry pulled his boxers up. Tom was quite surprised by how far up they could go without ripping

“Anything to say?” Jeremy grinned, Rick glared at them but reluctantly nodded

“Hm'm fhrrn” he grunted. His response seemed to satisfy the others. They forced both prisoners to kneel back to back; since they couldn’t find Tom’s stash of ropes they used what remained of the tape to secure them together. Thankfully that seemed to be the extend of their interest on them. They left the two brothers be and instead focused on Rick’s videogames.

Rick and Tom spent the rest of the time struggling, moaning and trying to give each other instructions to escape. The other guys mostly ignored them except from occasional moments when they would pause the game to tickle their ribs or throw pillows at them.

After a while, the doorbell could be heard so Jeremy rushed to check the front door. A few minutes later, he came back with Peter.

“Mmmphhh!” both kids moaned trying to get his attention

“What the… did you do this?” Peter laughed looking at the two bound kids

“Well, Rick tied his brother” Harry explained ruffling Rick’s hair “And we tied him up!”

“Yeah, sounds like something that would happen to Rick” Peter sighed, his best friend glared at him letting out muffled curses; Tom, on the other side, was more pragmatic

“Plmhfm hmlp!” he begged making puppy eyes

“Guys… at least let go of Tom, the kid has had enough” Tom could always count on Peter!

The other three tried to protest but a stern glare from Peter put them in line.

“Thanks Peter” Tom smiled once he had been released, judging by the growl in his stomach, it was way past noon so he had spend tied up five hours at least!

“No hard feelings Tommy?” George asked patting his back far too strong. Tom glared at him but he was smart enough not to threaten them. As he stretched his sore arms, he felt something rubbing against his leg. Rick lay at his feet, nudging him in an effort to get his attention

“Plmhfm hntnm mm” he asked to be untied while wiggling his bound body

“Guys… shouldn’t we untie him?” Tom asked, after all Rick tried to stand up for him

“Nah” Jeremy smiled placing his foot on Rick’s back to pin him down “You can go but he is staying with us!”

Rick’s eyes opened wide “Plmhfm Pmtmr!”

“Sorry Rick, but I agree with Jeremy” Peter shrugged ignoring his friend’s puppy eyes

“If you disagree you can always join him back” Jeremy added eagerly smiling

“Nope! I’m good!” Tom exclaimed and quickly left the room before they changed their minds. The last thing he saw before closing the door was Rick, fearfully squirming while four guys loomed over him with devious smiles. Rick was definitely screwed
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Post by Tsuhaya »


I think Rick had what he deserved, where in the world someone deprives his younger brother of having fun with his friends? That's bad!

Jeremy and Harry were also really very bad. Congratulations for another incredible story, I love your stories!
Yes, it's me in the picture. What are you waiting for to tie me up and gag me?
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Post by LK3869 »

Yep, pure Cj... Aren't those stinky Vans tapped in place are a first in your stories? Each group of those punks have their own habits :lol:
don't run ! I'm friendly ...
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Post by harveygasson »

Well Rick definitely got what he deserved but great to see Tom getting to enjoy some time with the older kids haha great story as always
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Post by MaxRoper »

Another great tale from one of the masters.
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Post by bondagefreak »

What?! Since when are you into dirty sock gags and forced sneaker sniffing?
I think this board is having a bad influence on you 8-)

Loved this!
Of course, both those things mentioned above were big bonuses for me, but aside from that, this was a fun and enjoyable read, just as we've come to expect from you.

Don't forget to add this to the Story Catalogue my friend!
Keep it up!

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Post by cj2125 »

Thanks for the comments, glad you enjoyed my story!

[mention]LK3869[/mention] You are right, they are a first one, I like trying different things in my stories so I figured it was time for the Vans!

[mention]bondagefreak[/mention] That's what I get for speaking to you :mrgreen: ! For real though, the fact that I don't love them doesn't mean I hate them, I appreciate their value as torture methods :twisted: I just don't feel any particular affinity for them
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Post by bondagefreak »

cj2125 wrote: 6 years ago I appreciate their value as torture methods :twisted: I just don't feel any particular affinity for them
As much as it may surprise you, neither do I ;)
It's all about fun and control.

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Post by cj2125 »

bondagefreak wrote: 6 years ago It's all about fun and control.
True, I like the aspect of control it entails. But I like to have different options, today I put a sneaker on their face, tomorrow I'm giving them a cold shower
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Post by Jason Toddman »

When I was a kid my older brother often tied me up too, but in his case he shared me with his peer-aged friends for tickle tortures and such quite readily.
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Post by Sockbound1234 »

Very nice story I can’t wait to read the next parts to this story
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Post by bondagefreak »

BUMPING this story back to top spot!
cj2125 wrote: 6 years ago Thanks for the comments, glad you enjoyed my story!
CJ, d'you have any projects on the table for the coming weeks and months?
Anything new brewing in that creative mind of yours? ;)

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Post by cj2125 »

bondagefreak wrote: 4 years ago
CJ, d'you have any projects on the table for the coming weeks and months?
Anything new brewing in that creative mind of yours? ;)
As a matter of fact yes, been going through a dry phase these past weeks (weirdly since I have more free time lately) but finally managed to pull out a short story that should go up tomorrow or later this week and another one longer in the works :)
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Post by The slave »

Great story i love
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Post by mpphsox »

Great story! Love the playful torture methods, and awesome ending :)
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Post by Xtc »

Sorry mate, I've only just got round to reading this.
That opening is exemplary. I wish some of our writers could see it as a masterclass of how to avoid unnecessarily boring intros.
Bravo, Sir.
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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