The Hayley King Chronicles (F/F)

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The Hayley King Chronicles (F/F)

Post by mrjones2009 »

Murder Mystery

Beachborough Manor, Friday afternoon

“It certainly is an impressive place,” Hayley commented to herself as she pulled her car off the road and onto the long driveway toward the imposing structure of Beachborough Manor. The main house sat atop a small rise surrounded by lush gardens containing patches of trees, shrubs, rose bushes and a fountain. Everything was very well maintained. The house itself was two storeys of grey stone with ornamental finishes at high level, a pitched slate roof and wooden sash and case windows. It was a little bit of Olde England transferred to New Hampshire. “I better not get used to staying here.” As she drove slowly up the gravel driveway Hayley’s mind drifted too why she was here. Two weeks ago, in the mail, she had received a high quality plain white envelope with her name and address printed neatly on it. It did have the look and feel of some sort of formal invitation. Hayley could not resist and like a kid on Christmas morning tore open the envelope. Inside the envelope was a card. On the front of the card was a painted picture of some kind of large manor house, that now she could identify as Beachborough Manor. Somebody getting married? Hayley had asked at the time and looked at the corner of the room where the two walls and ceiling meet and squinted, trying to work out which person she knew that could be getting married. When nobody sprang to mind Hayley shrugged and went back to looking at the front of the card. Then she opened the card and read aloud what was on the printed on the inside in plain black.

Rowan Acheson cordially invites Hayley King to attend the event below at Beachborough Manor on the weekend of Friday 2nd September to Monday 5th September 2023.

Murder Mystery Weekend

A weekend of entertainment including champagne reception, fine dining, spa treatments, good company and an evening of thrilling adventure.



On receiving the invitation Hayley had made some enquiries but couldn’t find out much about either the venue of the person that had made the invitation, Rowan Acheson. There was a website with photographs of the place, all very impressive, and testimonies from previous guests, also all very impressive. Also, a little bit mysterious. Then again Hayley thought that would be part of the appeal. In the end after discussing with Kirsty and Constance she had decided to attend the event. There was nothing else in the diary and it sounded like it could be fun. Hayley was always up for a little bit of good natured, harmless fun. Plus, the nature of the invitation and lack of information general had piqued her interest. The investigator in her was now engaged.

A man wearing a high visibility vest flagged Hayley down as she approached the entrance. She stopped her car and buzzed down the window. The man approached with a relaxed and friendly smile on his face and a clipboard in one hand. “Hello. Can I see your invitation please?” The man was in his late thirties with short brown hair. He looked professional enough.

“Sure, no problem.” Hayley had the invitation ready in the door pocket and handed it over. The man examined it for a second before handing it back. He looked at the clipboard, pulled out a pen and scored through something. Hayley assumed it was her name on a list.

“Miss King, a pleasure to see you. You are the first to arrive. If you pull your car up to the entrance Jeff will help you with your luggage and if you are happy to let him then he can park your car around the side of the house.” Hayley nodded and smiled. “The event co-ordinators Hannah and Freya are just inside the door and will explain how events will unfold.” Hayley started to buzz the window up. “I hope that you enjoy your stay.” It was a short drive over to the front of the main house and as she killed the engine a man of average height wearing a pair of black trousers, white shirt and a thin tie appeared and opened the driver’s side door.

“Thank you,” Hayley said as she stepped out of the car and held up her keys. “Would you be able to park this for me.”

“Yes ma’am,” Jeff took the keys, “I will bring your luggage in as well.” The curvaceous blond took a second to take in the building and straighten herself out. Hayley ran her figured through her hair. Having had it styled the day before it was slightly shorter than usual and had darker tints put through it, fancying a change. For traveling she had put on a pair of jeans, a loose-fitting white blouse, a dark blue blazer and a pair of sneakers.

“Thanks,” Hayley said, leaving Jeff to it and heading into the building. So far, all very professional. “Nice.” The reception area was spacious, well decorated with art on the walls and ornaments on plinths dotted around. Tasteful and no doubt expensive. There was a large, wide, wooden staircase towards the rear that led to the first floor. Two young women stood at the foot of the stairs beside a small table deep in conversation. “Hannah and Freya I presume,” Hayley called out as she approached. The two women turned to her with full wattage smiles firmly in place. They both wore blue suits, white blouses, blue heels and a red silk scarf around their necks. Hannah had short black hair whilst Freya had long red hair tied back in a ponytail. The nametags on the breast pockets of the suit jackets identified them.

“Indeed,” Freya replied. “Welcome to Beachborough Manor.” Everyone seems very friendly Hayley said to herself. “I hope that you are looking forward to your stay.”

“Let’s just say I am intrigued,” Hayley looked around again. “Lovely home that our host has here.”

“There is a full tour on the itinerary.” Freya said and Hayley raised an eyebrow.

“Miss King we are a bit old fashioned on this one,” Hannah said as she reached over to the small table and picked up a blue folder before handing it across. “We would normally have an application or website set up but our employer tells us that the mobile reception isn’t the best.” Hayley took the folder and flipped it open. “The folder contains an itinerary, menus for the meals and a plan of the house.”

“Very efficient,” Hayley commented looking around at the interior. “When will we get to meet our host?”

“At the reception this evening,” Hannah confirmed.

“All very mysterious,” Hayley said as she closed the folder.

“You are the first to arrive. If you retire to the study, we can arrange for a welcome drink to be brought through.” Freya pointed toward an open door.

“Thanks, I think that I will.” Hayley turned and walked casually toward the door looking around and taking everything in. Her dad had told her that it was always best to be early. It allowed you to get the lay of the land. The study was impressive as well. It felt spacious and light despite the dark wood panelling on the walls up to three feet from the floor and a dark carpet. The remainder of the decoration in the room was bright and the large window at the end let in a lot of light. There was a small bookcase over in the corner, two large leather settees sat in the room along with several single armchairs. All were leather. Each had a coffee table next to them. Artwork of various designs and heritage were hanging on the walls. It was all very tasteful but felt impersonal. Hayley entered and walked around the room before taking up a position that allowed her to see out the window. From there she could see where her car had been parked, on a large area of tarmac between two other buildings. One was some kind of old coach-house or stables that had been converted to a garage on the ground floor and what looked like accommodation above. The other building was more modern, maybe a gym. Hayley’s thoughts were interrupted by a soft cough and she spun round to find a woman wearing a traditional maid uniform standing about ten paces away holding a silver tray. On the tray was a single flute of fizzy liquid.

“Drink ma’am,” the woman stated and held out the tray.

“Thanks,” Hayley said with a nod. The maid approached and Hayley lifted the glass from the tray. The woman was large, tall and broad and athletic. Easily over six feet in height and Hayley could see the lean muscle in her arms. The maid nodded and left the room. Hayley watched her go. The maid walked like a cat. Once alone Hayley took a sip of the fizzy liquid. “That is nice.” She held the glass up to inspect. “Time for a seat.” Plumping herself down on one of the large chairs Hayley put the folder on a nearby table and pulled out her mobile to put a message on the group chat to let everyone know that she had arrived and then sent a more detailed private message to Kirsty. The she tried to open the browser and catch up the news but as advertised reception wasn’t great. “Need to so this the old-fashioned way.” There was a selection of papers on the table. Picking one up Hayley started to flick through scanning for interesting stories whilst taking sips of her drink.

After finishing the paper Hayley started to look through the folder of information that she had been given. “This looks well thought out and organised. The food sounds delicious.” As Hayley was examining the plan of the house the sound of voices came through the door from the reception area. “Do we have the arrival of another guest?” Hayley noted that a list of guests was not included in the pack. She had assumed, well hoped, that there would be more than just her. That question was answered when a woman entered the room and stopped after a couple of paces. The woman was familiar, not in a met her before kind of way, but in a seen her in photographs kind of way. Perhaps a well know model, no she wasn’t tall enough. A politician, no too young and well nice looking. The woman was similar in age to Hayley with long brown hair, blue/grey eyes and cute features. Also, to put it politely the woman had curves on top of curves. A very attractive woman. Then it clicked and Hayley rose from her seat and approached the woman, “Miss Hunter,” Hayley said looking the voluptuous woman up and down. “A pleasure to meet you.” Bethany was wearing a black business suit with a short skirt, white blouse opened enough to reveal the top of her cleavage and black tights that hugged her shapely thighs and calves. It was a good look.

“Detective King,” Bethany replied, “your reputation proceeds you.” In turn Bethany looked Hayley up and down. Hayley noted that the women nodded and ran the tip of her tongue over her bottom lip. It felt like some sort of invasion of Hayley’s private space. It wasn’t an unpleasant experience.

“Hayley,” Hayley replied and held out a hand.

“Bethany,” the woman took the offered hand and shook it vigorously. A shot of electricity ran up Hayley’s arm. There was something about the woman that was magnetic and it wasn’t just her obvious physical beauty. They had some things in common. Bethany had been a police officer but had left the force citing frustrations at actually getting things done. After leaving the force Bethany had agreed to administer the family business, but on one condition, that her father would help make her own detective agency, so that in her spare time she could pursue her real interest. Crime fighting. There were rumours that Bethany had crossed the line into vigilantism but there was no solid evidence. The Hunter family are owners of Hunter Trade Company, which dedicates to the import and export of goods. Bethany agreed to become a member of the executive board. The two women let go and their hands dropped to their sides. “Your reputation proceeds you.” Hayley blushed.

“I wouldn’t believe everything you read,” Hayley cautioned.

“Or watch,” Bethany replied raising an eyebrow referring to the televisions shows about Hayley and her friends encounters with an international criminal called Elizabeth Crawford. Bethany leaned in close and whispered. “I hope at least some of it is true.”

“What bits would those be.”

“Oh,” Bethany suddenly seemed coy, “just the more interesting bits. The, um, personal stuff…the interactions between…”

“So,” Hayley tried to change the subject. “What brought you here for the Murder Mystery weekend?”

“I received an invitation in the post,” Bethany confirmed and rummaged in her bag, eventually coming out with an envelope that looked identical the one that Hayley had received.

“Snap,” Hayley confirmed. “Did you…”

“Nope,” Bethany cut in, “absolutely at random.” Hayley nodded. “It makes you wonder…”

“Why our host invited us?” Hayley raised a questioning eyebrow.

“Correct,” Bethany replied. “It is intriguing.”

“Have you met our host?”

“I only know her by reputation."

“I couldn’t find much information….” Hayley trailed off. Bethany nodded to confirm that she had the same issue. The two women fell silent.

“Well, suppose I should go and get checked in officially.” Bethany grabbed the handle of her case and smiled. “We should get better acquainted later on this evening.” Bethany winked

“It’s a date,” Hayley replied and watched on as Bethany walked past her toward Hannah and Freya who had appeared again.

Beachborough, Friday evening

After another half an hour that she split between reading the newspaper, thinking about the weekend ahead and finishing a second glass of fizz Hayley decided it was time to make a move. Judging by the voices that Hayley heard there had been more arrivals but none had come into the study. As she approached Freya and Hannah, they both turned on the full wattage smile again. “A pleasure to see you again Miss King,” Freya said. Hayley smiled and nodded.

“Is my room ready?”

“Oh, yes,” Hannah replied and pulled a card from her pocket. “Room 5.”

“Your bags have already been put in the room.” Hayley nodded again, all very efficient.

“Do you need help finding the room?” Hayley pointed to the folder that she had in her hand.

“I looked at the plan.” It possible that full wattage smiles went up a notch. Another nod of acknowledgement and Hayley walked past the two women and began to ascend the stairs, all the while admiring the decoration and paintings that hung on the wall. At the top of the stairs Hayley turned left and walked along the corridor. The corridor turned ninety degrees to her right and she walked to the end of the corridor. It all felt a little secluded and disconnected for some reason and Hayley looked around. The room had an electronic lock and Hayley reached out to use the card, however before the card touched the reader the door was flung open from inside.

“Hello roomie!” Hayley found herself looking at Bethany Hunter.

“What a co-incidence,” Hayley commented. Was there one further button undone on her blouse?

“I know,” Bethany stood back and beckoned Hayley to enter. “This place is really nice.” After stepping in and looking around Hayley had to agree. “I put your stuff in that wardrobe. The staff brought it up earlier.” Hayley looked at where Bethany had pointed and nodded. “There is a bathroom for us to use…”

“Shouldn’t there be twin beds?” Hayley asked as she looked at the large double against the wall. It had just occurred to Hayley that there were two wardrobes, twin chests of drawers, two chairs but only one bed.

“Think that they forgot to split it,” Bethany replied. Hayley glanced at the woman and there was a glint in her eye. “Anyway, we are grown women. I am sure that we can share a bed for a couple of nights.” There was something at the back of Hayley’s brain that told her that this wasn’t a co-incidence. “Will I get first use of the bathroom to get ready for the reception tonight?”

“Why not,” Hayley replied. “Give me time to get organised.” As Hayley walked toward the wardrobe, she noted Bethany walk to the corner of the room. There was a silver bucket sitting on a stand.

“I had the liberty of having a bottle brought up. Thought that it might help us get in the mood.” There was a pop. “Oh my!” Hayley turned her head to see Bethany pouring the bubbly, foaming golden liquid into two tall glass flutes. Hayley had to admit that they had a lot in common. They were both of a similar age, similar backgrounds and upbringings, both joined the police and then had extensive experiences with the criminal underworld. Hayley had removed her dress from the carrier and hung it up in the wardrobe when she felt a presence close behind. “That is a lovely dress.” It was an off the shoulder royal blue number.

“Thanks,” Hayley replied as she took the glass that Bethany had offered. The brunette had padded over the thick carpet in her stocking clad feet.

“Cheers!” They toasted and took a sip. For some reason they both laughed. There had been some tension but that seemed to break it and the two women stood, talked, laughed and drank until the bottle was empty.

“Another bottle?” Bethany asked as she held the empty bottle upside down to confirm they had finished it.

“Should probably get ready for the reception and head down,” Hayley confirmed feeling a little light headed, “think that you wanted first use of the bathroom.” Bethany nodded and after putting her glass down walked across to her wardrobe, open the door and started to pull out items. Meanwhile, Hayley sat on the bed. There was a down blanket on top of the duvet and Hayley ran her hands over its smooth surface, closing her eyes and enjoying the sensation. They she snapped out of it swung her legs up onto the bed, arranging the plump pillows so that they supported her back as she sat up against the headboard. After getting comfortable she found that her vision was looking straight at her roommate.
The second that Bethany had met Hayley she had felt a flush of attraction. She had obviously seen photographs and videos of Hayley but in person the woman had a quality that couldn’t be caught on camera or film that was beyond her tremendous physical beauty. Over the years Bethany had learned through experiences, both good and bad, that she could be an alluring woman. So, with the help of the recent imbibed champagne giving her some confidence she reached for the well concealed zipper at the waist of her skirt. Sliding it down loosened the black fabric and soon it was slipping down her stocking clad legs and sitting around her feet. Bethany could feel Hayley’s gaze on her and smiled as she bent down to pick up the skirt, making sure that Hayley got a very good look at her bottom in her skimpy black underwear. Next off came the blouse which began to unbutton slowly and deliberately. With a few moments of work, Bethany had undone her blouse and it hung open showing off more of her form, the black lacy bra holding her bust while matching panties with a bit of sheer on the sides, covered her bum. With the stockings seemingly painted on; Bethany looked like a model posing for a shot in a magazine.

“Discipline, discipline,” Hayley muttered to herself as she started to feel a little hot. Bethany reached around and unhooked her bra, letting it fall off.

“Did you say something?” Bethany twisted at the waist with her left arm pressed over her breasts, barely disguising her modesty.

“Nope,” Hayley shook her head as Bethany took a thick towelling robe from the wardrobe and slipped it on.

“I will be as quick as I can,” Bethany commented as she headed for the bathroom. Once the door was closed the sound of water Hayley puffed out her cheeks and relaxed.

Drinks reception, Beachborough Manor, Friday evening

The remainder of the evening getting ready was uneventful, showers were taken, make-up applied and hair styled. They even helped each other get their dressed on. Hayley zipping Bethany into a figure-hugging black number before they headed down the stairs and into the study for the reception. When they entered the room, they found a young, flame hair woman of around five foot eight with blue eyes wearing a green dress remonstrating with a maid holding a tray of drinks on a silver tray. “Do you have identification?” the maid asked.

“Bloody Hell!” the young woman was frustrated. “Why does everyone assume I am sixteen?”

“I apologise Miss Drew,” the maid said, “we just have to make sure.”

“I’m twenty-three years old.” The young woman was clearly used to this situation occurring and pulled a drivers’ licence from a small purse slung over her shoulder and held it up. The maid nodded and held the tray out in a position where the young woman could take one. “Thanks.” The maid turned and left. As they approached the young woman Hayley and Bethany both took glasses from the tray. Again, Hayley noted the stature and athletic build of the blond-haired maid.

“Does our host only recruit offensive linemen?” Hayley mumbled under her breathe as she took in the altercation.

“What was that?”

“Oh,” Hayley waved away Bethany’s question, “nothing. Shall we introduce ourselves to Miss Drew?”

“Ah!” Bethany exclaimed as they approached the young woman. “I knew that I recognised the face.”

“Hayley King, a pleasure to meet you,” Hayley held up her glass, “and this Bethany Hunter,” Hayley indicated her recent acquaintance and new roommate.

“Nancy Drew.” They all clinked glasses and took a sip. “Sorry, not very professional.”

“Must come with the whole solving cases since before your teens reputation,” Hayley put on her most reassuring smile. “Lovely dress by the way.”

“Thanks,” Nancy replied, blushing slightly and glancing down at her black and grey halterneck dress.

“Take it as a compliment whilst you can,” Bethany commented with a smile. They clinked again and took another sip.

“So, what brings you guys here?” Nancy asked. “Big fan by the way. Love your work.” The three women exchanges stories for five minutes. It turned out that Nancy’s was the same as Hayley and Bethany’s. Nancy had received a card in the mail inviting her to attend. “All very intriguing.” Just then another young woman entered the room and made her way across.

“Daphne Blake.” Hayley and Bethany exchanged a look. “I know, right. My parents picked the name and I know that I look like her.” The young woman had an hourglass figure, blue eyes and shoulder length auburn hair. Even the features were similar. She would have definitely got Hayley’s vote in a lookalike competition.

“You do,” Hayley replied.

“It’s just the outfit,” Nancy commented. Daphne was wearing a purple dress with a lighter shade of purple flashings, a greed scarf around her neck, a purple headband and matching shoes.

“The invitation requested that I dressed like this.” The group fell silent. “I thought it was the whole Murder Mystery theme.”

“AAAHHH,” Hayley, Bethany and Nancy said in unison.

“So, Daphne. What do you do?” Bethany asked.

“I hope that she says investigates mysteries,” Hayley mumbled as she took a sip from her glass. Bethany snorted.

“Well, I have done some acting and modelling…” Daphne replied.

“Anything that we would know?” Bethany asked.

“I played the murder victim in an episode on Law & Order Special Victims Unit.”

“Let’s hope that isn’t a foreshadowing of what is to come!” Hayley said. Maybe it was the amount of alcohol that she had consumed but she was starting to relax and enjoy herself a little. “I wonder who else will be arriving?”

“I know someone with a television series,” Nancy said to Daphne and led her away from Hayley and Bethany, “shall we have a chat.”

“Looks like we are about to find out the answer to your question Hales,” Bethany commented as two women entered the room. They both looked to be in their forties, the taller of the two had straight black hair hanging down just below her shoulders, dark brown eyes and sharp features. She wore a green dress and had legs like a model. Although she did look slightly uncomfortable with the dress and heels. The other woman has slightly longer light brown hair, hazel eyes and was wearing a white dress. “They both look familiar.” The two women looked around the room and then headed toward Hayley and Bethany.

“Hello ladies,” the taller of the two said. She had a husky, sexy voice with a Bostonian twang. “I’m Jane Rizzoli and this is Maura Isles.”

“Please to meet you,” Bethany replied and did the introductions just as the same maid from earlier in the evening appeared with another tray. This time is had canapes on it. They all tucked in and exchange stories.

“That maid is very Amazonian,” Maura commented as the maid walked away. “The muscle structure and definition in those calves is perfection.”

“So, we all got invitation through the post?” Jane asked as she gave her friend and colleague a look. They rest of the group nodded. Nancy and Daphne were both still in conversation over in the corner. “I wonder what is going on?” The group fell into a contemplative silence until it was disturbed by a voice.

“So, everyone here has to be a famous detective.” They all turned to find New York Police Detective Kate Beckett standing in a red dress. Hayley had briefly meet Beckett before at a police event and had been impressed. Her reputation within the force was also solid. That told Hayley a lot given her relationship with the author Richard Castle and the publicity that brought. Cops didn’t tend to like that kind of thing.

“I would use the term well-known rather than famous,” Bethany commented.

“Agreed,” Hayley confirmed. “Famous tends to be Poirot or Jessica Fletcher.”

“Technically I am a medical examiner. Well, the Chief Medical Examiner of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts actually.” Maura chimed in. Jane closed her eyes and shook her head. “And Daphne over there is an actress.” Kate looked over the group toward the corner and raised an eyebrow.
“We will explain later,” Hayley commented.

“I am not a detective either. I prefer the term Private Investigator.” The five women turned to find a tall imposing black woman standing framed in the doorway. She had forgone the evening dress look that the others had gone for in favour of leather boots, stylish flared black trousers, a white blouse with ruffles, a waistcoat with subtle Paisley patterns and a full-length leather coast. The ensemble was topped off with a Cheltenham Rollable trilby hat. All eyes in the room looked at the woman as she strode into the room with a glass in her right hand. As she walked the new arrival removed the trilby with her left and casually tossed it toward the far corner. Hayley and the others traced the flight of the hat with their eyes until it perfectly caught the hook of a coat stand. “Zhivago Stone, a pleasure to meet you all.” They could now see the woman’s hair, her natural dark brown mixed with streaks of blond.

“You certainly know how to make an entrance,” Maura commented.

“I try to,” Zhivago leaned in and winked, “when am I not snooping around.” That got a chortle from the crowd.

“I heard about the whole gun running ring take down,” Maura commented. “Very impressive.” Yeah, it had been thought Zhivago. Just best not mention her run ins with The Red Lady or The Black Orchid Gang or a certain someone back in her hometown of Falkland. All of that was very shades of grey.

“You should have called the police,” Hayley, Jane and Kate said in unison. They all exchanged a glance before laughing.

“Well, the police should have worked it out for themselves…” Zhivago responded. “Nobody met the host before.” Shakes of the head all round. “This seems all very intriguing.”

“That seems to be the word of the moment,” Hayley commented.

“Invitation in white envelope?” Nods of confirmation all around.

“I bet she didn’t get asked for identification.” The group all turned to find that Nancy and Daphne had made their way back to the group.

“That is because I look over sixteen young lady. Zhivago Collins.” It was actually thirty-seven times around the sun.

“Zhivago?” Daphne said, making it sound like a question.

“Yeah, my father is a big movie fan. Ask my brother, Ice Station Zebra!” Hayley put her hand over her mouth to stifle a full-on laugh. “Like that one blondie?” Hayley nodded, not trusting herself to speak.

“No Castle today then Kate?” Bethany asked.

“Didn’t get an invite,” Kate replied. “Speaking of that…” the group then began discussing how they had all come to be there. That then moved onto exchanging stories of cases. That they moved onto stories of their own personal lives. It was a fun couple of hours that included food and more drink. This was only disturbed by a loud bang on a gong. They all turned in the direction of the noise. That would be the door. A tall, raven-haired woman stood framed in the doorway wearing a revealing scarlet dress. The woman had the body to pull it off though, with a body like that she could have pulled off a refuse sack.

“A pleasure to meet you all,” their host said, “my name is Rowan Acheson and welcome to my humble abode.” Hayley just stared. There was something familiar about the Lady of the Manor, she just couldn’t put her finger on it. At the moment.

“You alright Hayley?” Bethany asked noticing.

“Just our host looks kind of familiar…I just can’t place the face…”

“Please tell me it is not Elizabeth Crawford?”

“I said know, not knew.” Bethany looked at Hayley and decided not to say any more on that subject.

“I hope that the sense of mystery has heightened your intrigue for what will go on this weekend.” The woman approached the group and began to introduce herself to each of them individually. Hayley watched her carefully as Rowan ‘worked the room’. Their host was like a politician, knowing everything about each guest. Then she reached Hayley. “Miss King. It is a pleasure to finally meet you. I have watched your career from afar with great interest.” There was something about the way that Rowan looked at her that Hayley found uncomfortable, like she was being sized up for something. “You are a vision.”

“Thanks,” Hayley replied. “You have a lovely home, Rowan.” Their host waved away the compliment.

“You will get the full tour tomorrow. I have a museum of sorts as well. All being well I will let you see it on Sunday.” Hayley wondered why the museum was held back from the tour. “We seem to be a person short.” Both Hayley and Rowan looked around, despite Hayley having no idea who was on the guest list. “Freya!” Rowan called.

“Sorry,” a voice called, “bloody car wouldn’t start.” All of the women in the study turned to look at the newcomer. “Shit. Am I underdressed.” The woman took in the rest of the groups outfits before looking down at her own. Battered converse, faded jeans, ill-fitting red t-shirt with a green wool jacket on top.

“Miss Parios,” Rowan called, “no need to worry about that. Please come in and meet the rest of the group.” The newcomer was introduced as Dex Parios, a private investigator from Portland. Hayley had to admit that she had never heard of the woman before. “Can we get you something to drink?”

“Can I just get a beer?” Rowan nodded to one of the maids who scurried off. The evening then continued with more introductions and exchanging of stories. It was entertaining and the time passed by quickly before Rowan suggested that they retire for the evening. Hayley and Bethany returned to their room and closed the door.

“I feel a little tipsy,” Hayley commented as she stepped out of her heels and tried to unzip her dress.

“Here, let me help you with that.” Bethany reached out and unzipped Hayley dressed. It fell to the ground and Hayley stepped out and turned around. “Wowzer.”

“There is something not quite right…” Hayley ignored the comment that Bethany had made.

“Hayley, relax and enjoy the weekend. I am sure that you will have a great time.” Bethany dropped her dress to the floor. “Shall we get to bed.” Bethany held out a hand and Hayley took it.

Beachborough Manor, dining room, Saturday evening

Sitting quietly taking sips from her wine glass Hayley looked around the table at her fellow guests. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves, including their host who had taken her place at the top of the table. As her eyes met their hosts, Rowan raised a glass and made a salute. Hayley returned the gestured and once again had a flash of recognition. Now, Hayley was sure that she had never met Rowan Acheson but she had seen her face somewhere before. It would come to her when she wasn’t thinking about it.

They were all wearing the same outfits as the earlier reception. Except Dex who was looking slightly awkward in a green dress and their host who was wearing a tight-fitting red number that gave out serious Jessica Rabbit vibes.

Her mind wandered back to that morning when the she the been woken up by the telephone in the room beeping to find a scantily clad Bethany draped over her. Hayley was sure that nothing had happened that night. Pretty sure. Almost certain. The head was a little fuzzy but, yeah, nothing had happened. The thought saddened her a little as she extracted herself from the tangle of limbs and reached for the telephone. Hayley answered to find a peppy sounding Freya on the other end informing her that the day’s activities would commence in two hours and informing her that they could order breakfast and it would be delivered to their room. After thanking the young woman Hayley managed to wake Brittany from her slumber and the two of them set about getting ready for the day.

A very nice breakfast had been delivered to their room just after they had both finished getting ready. Hayley had read the itinerary for the day and had gone with a sensible or perhaps more practical outfit of a pair of jeans, rollneck sweater, light jacket and boots. Bethany had followed the blond-haired detective’s example. After breakfast the group had assembled in the study for a tour around the house and gardens, croquet on the lawn, lunch, spa treatments and then back to their rooms to get ready for the main event of the weekend that evening. Sitting at the table Hayley sported a tiara. This had been Hayley’s trophy for winning the croquet tournament. A croquet tournament in which Hayley managed to beat a fired-up and combative Zhivago in the final. All those afternoons at Grandma’s in her youth hadn’t been in vain then. Just then her Grandma’s voice popped into her head reminding her of proper dinner table etiquette. It had been a busy but enjoyable day but Hayley’s mind was starting to work again. She caught the eye of their host.

“You mentioned a museum Rowan?” Hayley asked. There had been some nice pieces scattered around during the tour but nothing that you would call a museum or even a collection.

“All will soon be revealed.” Rowan replied enigmatically and with a hard to interpret smile. “Can I ask a question?” Hayley nodded. “Hayley, I have caught you looking at me in a certain way…. I can’t explain it.”

“Apologies Rowan,” Hayley replied. “It is just that you look familiar but I can’t quite place it.”

“I am certain that we have never met before,” Rowan removed the napkin from her lap and put it on the table. She smiled. “Yours is not a face that I would forget.” Despite her best effort to avoid doing so Hayley blushed. Before an awkward silence could continue a gaggle of maids started to tidied up the table, removing plates, glasses and napkins.

“What is this?” Nancy asked, tapping an index finger on the envelope.

“Let me explain,” their host began. “Each of you has an envelope sitting in front of you. In that envelope are two cards.” Everyone glanced at the gold envelope sitting in front of them. The maids had placed them down in front of each guest when the dessert plates had been removed. “On one of the cards it will tell you whether or not you are the killer.” There were groans from around the table. “Unfortunately, one of us is the killer. That person will find a card with a black cross on it. It will be their objective to avoid detection.” Hayley was sitting across from Bethany and glanced across at the attractive brunette. Bethany winked at Hayley. “In order to avoid detection, the killer must bump off the other guests.”

“Who picks the murderer?” Maura asked.

“Totally random. The envelopes are shuffled and then placed down,” Rowan shrugged. “Nobody knows.” Everyone looked around the table and smiled. It seemed like the detectives and private investigators around the table were starting to enjoy this. “If the killer is successful in bumping you off, please find a quiet place in the house to stay until the game is over.” Rowan raised her cup of coffee and took a long drink. The sense of tension building in the room was obvious. “On the other envelope will be a clue to the killer’s identity. It will be your job to use these clues to track the killer. The killer will have a set of instructions to follow as well.”

“It is very exciting,” Daphne commented enthusiastically.

“Do not open the envelopes until after dinner. Then the fun can commence.” Then suddenly, without any warning there seemed to be a power cut and all the lights went out.

“What’s going on?” Bethany asked. There was the sound of chairs scraping on the wooden dining room flooring as some of the women around the table stood up.

“Does this happen a lot?” Dex asked.

“Relax ladies,” Rowan said confidently, “I am sure whatever the issue is will be resolved shortly.”

“Is this part of the game?” Jane asked.

“Patience ladies, take your seats.” Rowan’s voice was clam and soothing. “There is no need to panic.” Hayley sat down but heard something, it was faint but sounded familiar. It sounded like a struggling woman being dragged away against her will with something pressed over her mouth to muffle her cries. She shook her head. Mind playing tricks! Then Hayley was distracted by a nylon clad foot started to rub against the inside of her bare thigh. The foot worked its way up her thigh until suddenly the lights burst back into life.

“That’s better,” Maura stated.

“You see, nothing to worry about,” Rowan said. Hayley felt the foot slink away from her thigh and looked across the table at Bethany who looked more than a little disappointed. The conversation started around the table again. That was until Hayley’s brain slipped back into gear. When the lights came back on there had been an empty seat at the table. The last seat on the opposite side of the table from Hayley.
“Where is Daphne?” Hayley asked. The table fell silent as everyone looked around at the empty chair. It was sitting a couple of feet back from the table. The napkin lay on the floor. Nobody moved. Then Nancy who was sitting next to Daphne leaned over and picked up two items that were lying on the seat of the chair. A single red rose and an envelope. There was silence as Nancy opened the envelope and pulled a card from inside. Once Nancy had looked at it herself, she held it up so that everyone around the table could see. It was a skull and crossbones image on a black background.

“It seems the game is afoot!” Rowan commented with a broad smile.

Hill overlooking Beachborough Manor

Chase Kennedy sat looking through high-end night vision goggles as the lights in the room where the guests had assembled for the evening went off and then came back on. Just another strange occurrence on this assignment. Although, to be fair her client had been correct about everything that had happened so far. The client had been very specific on timings. When Chase would arrive. When Chase would make her move. The client had also provided very detailed schematics for the property along with details of what was happen over this weekend. Chase had been a little sceptical at first but the client’s information had been correct. They had got the number of guests correct, the arrival times, even the game of croquet earlier today. Chase had taken the opportunity to scope out the property and get a feel for it. You could look at all of the plans, photographs and maps that you liked by nothing compared to actually being there.

The client had advised that the guests would be leaving tomorrow evening and then Chase could make her move and retrieve the item. They had been correct about everything to date so she had to reason to doubt them. Now that darkness had fallen and everyone in the house seemed tucked up for the night. She watched as two of the female employees walked around the perimeter of the large house, checking doors and windows. They had done this last night as well. Certainly, the staff were very security conscious. Well, the security system backed that up. Top of the range, sensors on every window and door. CCTV throughout. Fortunately, the client had provided full details of this as well and Chase had been able to find the soft spot and work out how she would get entry and exit without sounding the alarm.

Doubting that anything of interest would happen now Chase stood up and stretched out her long, lithe frame. She had managed to find a nice, secluded spot where she could set up camp. It was a small close of trees and shrubs that provided cover in all directions. The lithium battery powered motocross bike that she had used to get here sat leaning against one of the trees a short distance away with her small single person tent in the centre of the trees. As she settled down in her sleeping bag getting comfortable for the night Chase found her mind drifting to her sister and what Claire would do if she knew what she was up to. “Call the police,” Chase mumbled to herself and smiled as she closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Beachborough Manor kitchen, Saturday evening

“It made sense that Daphne was the victim,” Bethany commented, “she was an actress after all.” The more Hayley thought about it the more that made sense. After getting over the shock of Daphne going missing, they had opened their own envelopes and left at two-minute intervals. Hayley had been last to leave and had found Bethany waiting for her in the corridor. Bethany confirmed that she was heading for the kitchen and the two women walked along the corridor together. They had on the same outfits that they had worm to the reception the previous evening. Perhaps not the most practical for snooping around but it was only some harmless fun after all.

“It does now that you put it like that.” Hayley relaxed and smiled. “I was just being silly I suppose.” The two women stopped walking once they reached the stairs. “This is where we split up.”

“Fancy your chances of winning?”

“Always,” Hayley replied with a wink.

“Try and keep some energy for later on tonight.” Bethany glanced both ways before pecking Hayley on the cheek and heading for the stairs that led down into the depths of the house. Her clue had advised that she head toward the kitchen. Hayley watched the woman go before turning and heading for where her clue told her to head. The library.

As Bethany walked down the staircase, hitching up the skirt of her dress to avoid the hem skimming on the wooden flooring, her mind tried to focus on the Murder Mystery game but she found it drifting toward Hayley and what could happen later that night. “The sooner I solve this thing,” Bethany said to herself. That was certainly motivation in itself. As the bottom of the stairs Bethany found an empty corridor. It was reasonably well lit. “Anybody here.” No answer. Bethnay found that a little strange. She thought that this part of the house would be buzzing as the staff, the Amazonian maids, tidied up from the meal. The kitchen was at the end of the corridor. She walked along confidently as her mind drifted again. “Concentrate.” Bethany was a junior chess champion, a martial artist and a criminal psychology major. “You should be able to focus.” As she turned into the tiled surface of the kitchen floor from the carpet of the corridor her heels clicked. Bethany looked around. “Nobody home.” The place was immaculate. If you hadn’t been at the meal, you wouldn’t have known that a four-course meal for nine had been cooked in there. All very impressive. As she looked around, opening cupboards, looking for the next clue the lights went out again. “Somebody needs to look at the electrics in this place.” Maybe something was going on with event. All part of the theatrics.

Then without warning Bethany was suddenly seized from behind and something soft and thick was forced over her face. Bethany’s eyes snapped open as she was tilted backwards which slightly lifted her feet off the floor and removed her leverage. “MMMMPMMMPH!” Bethany screamed into the cloth. Then something assaulted her nostrils. Wait that smell, that’s chloroform! The scent was unfortunately familiar to Bethany. Then her natural reactions kicked in and she started to struggle against her attacker. Her back was pressed against the attacker’s chest and Bethany’s stocking clad legs struggled to move. The attacker locked her own limbs around Bethany’s to keep her in place. Bethany could tell the attacker was both female and strong. Her grip was tight, with one arm around Bethany’s waist while the other clamped down with force on the cloth over Bethany’s face.

“Come on, pass out already.” The attacker whispered as she pressed the cloth tighter against Bethany’s face. Bethany realized she was sucking in the sweet sticky fumes and they were sapping her strength. She tried to focus on not breathing them in but the shock of the attack had caused her to breathe in quite a bit of the fumes.

“MMMMPMMMPH!” Bethany cried into the cloth as her lips were smothered by the damp cloth. So…sleepy, Bethany thought as she sucked in more of the fumes. Her struggles had lessened as the strength left her body. Her tights clad legs were becoming rubbery and her head started to loll a bit. As she grew weaker, Bethany’s half open eyes looked around for help, she…was…in…trouble… Bethany had walked right into a trap and now she was in trouble. As Bethany’s struggle became less vigorous it allowed the attacker to press the cloth tighter against Bethany’s face. Bethany sighed deeply as a fresh wave of soporific fumes assaulted her. Too weak…can’t think, her head became cloudy as it was wrapped in what felt like a warm blanket. Her body softened and slumped into her attacker’s grasp. The attacker began lowering Bethany towards the ground, her legs bending and giving out, her body limp and easily handled. The attacker laid the slumbering sleuth down on her back. The attacker pressed the cloth down a few more moments, wanting to make sure Bethany was out cold. Bethany was indeed knocked out, her eyes closed and a soft sleepy sigh escaping from underneath the cloth.

“Take her to the room and get her secured.”

“Sure boss.” The attackers two colleagues hauled Bethany up and hoisted her over one of their shoulders. The limp limbs of the unconscious woman swing slightly from left to right as the woman carried her from the kitchen and back out into the corridor. The attacker turned left and walked toward what looked like a dead end with a sideboard filled with tablecloths. As they approached the sideboard suddenly swung open to reveal a panel of light in the dark. The maid disappeared into the light and the sideboard closed over behind them, plunging the corridor back into darkness and taking Bethany to an unknown fate.


It was a bit cold. Her bottom felt numb and her head hurt. Daphne Blake moaned as she regained her senses. “Where am I? What happened?” Daphne looked around her current location. It was some kind of basement or dungeon was a more accurate description. It was all bare stone walls and wooden beams. There wasn’t much in the dungeon apart a couple of small rooms that looked like jail cells and a number of installations that gave Daphne the fear when she thought about what they could be used for. She swallowed and tried to move her arms again. There was a rattle and she looked up. Her wrists were in shackles above her head. She was sat on the floor with her legs straight out in front of her. Her legs being tied at the ankles, thighs and just above and below the knees with rope. The ropes were tight. It felt like her legs had been welded together.
“Nice to see you are awake.” Daphne looked around to try and find the source of the voice. It sounded like Rowan Acheson. There was a clicking of heels and then their host appeared in Daphne’s vision, looming over her. Rowan had changed outfits. This one had long leather boots, well leather most things. It was like some kind of dominatrix costume.

“What am I doing here?” Daphne asked. “Please let me go.” A pathetic rattle of the chains followed.

“Well, the first will become clear later,” Rowan replied, “the second is a firm no.” Daphne sniffled.

“Are you going to kill me?”

“No, no, no,” Rowan replied. “Don’t worry about things like that.” Rowan reached into her bust and pulled out two cloths. One of which she started to ball up. “Now, just need to keep you nice and quiet whilst we round up the rest of the party.”

“Please don’t gag me,” Daphne pleaded. “I will be quiet.”

“Sorry toots. Not how this works.” Rowan pushed the balled-up cloth against Daphne’s lips. “Open up.” Reluctantly Daphne complied and allowed the cloth to be stuffed into her mouth. The other cloth followed quickly as a cleave gag to prevent the stuffing being spat out. “There that wasn’t so bad.” Daphne shook her head. “If you behave, we will take you somewhere more comfortable for the rest of the night.” Rowan stood up and left, leaving Daphne alone, cold and whimpering into her gag.

Beachborough Manor conservatory, Saturday evening

The lights came back on as suddenly as they had gone off. “Has the killer struck again?” Kate had to admit that she had enjoyed the day’s events. It a nice walk, some fun activities, pampering in the spa and then some really, really good food. The clue on the card had taken Kate to the conservatory. The term conservatory didn’t really do the structure justice. On hearing that word your mind would go to the small extension on a house. This was much, much larger. It has a small pond and rock feature, a mini forest of small trees in large pots, wicker furniture and a bar. Kate stopped and looked up at the night sky through the glass ceiling. It was mesmerising and it crossed her mind to just stay here for the evening and have a few drinks. But, then again, she had a mystery to solve. Kate smiled. Castle would have loved all this. She did miss the big lunk when he wasn’t around. “Perhaps I should drop him a text.”

Kate Beckett reached down and removed her mobile phone from its concealed location. It was where she would normally keep a concealed firearm. She had obviously left that item in her room as there would be no need for it during tonight’s activities. After a swipe Kate looked at the screen. “No signal.” She shrugged and returned the phone to its hidden location on her person. “Back to the task at hand.” After pulling out her mobile Kate discovered that there was still no cell coverage. “Maybe later.” She looked around and wandered over to the bar. “Here we are. First bit of deduction for the night.” She had found the light switch and the conservatory became bathed in light. Now all she had to do was find the next clue. Kate looked through the whole space, lifted the cushions from the furniture but found nothing.

As Kate retraced her steps and walked past a line of trees, she could have sworn that she heard something. Turing round Kate saw nothing to worry her. Perhaps it was the killer stalking her! Kate turned and walked back toward the door into the main room, giving up her search for the next clue and was about to reach it, when suddenly she felt a tight grip around her waist, trapping one of her arms. Kate opened her mouth to call out but before she could a large wad of soft material was stuffed deep inside. Instead of shouting, Kate gagged. Then a white cloth covered her mouth and nose. Her eyes opened up wide, as she let a surprised, muffled yelp, and her free hand moved instinctively towards her assailant’s hand, gripping it tightly and trying to move it away. The cloth was soaking wet had a pungent smell coming off it. Her grip, however, quickly become less tight, as Kate started inhaling the heavy fumes of the drenched cloth.

Kate tried to call out for help, but the mass of fabric, cloth and hand rendered them useless moans and groans. Her eyes flicked right and left in a desperate look for help. There was none in sight. With the lighting in the room Kate could see both her and her attacker’s reflection in the glass. The attacker was one of the maids from the manor. What was she doing? Was this some kind of weird kink in the game? “Damn it! Not this!” she though with a hint of despair, as she breathed in more of the chloroform, feeling her eyelids grow heavy. “moh,” Kate groaned, trying to break free, but to no avail. Her eyelids grew heavier, and her free hand dangled helplessly on her side. She knew that the fight was over. Kate stopped struggling, not because she gave up, but because the chloroform sucked away her ability to fight. They with a final moan she slumped fully into the maid’s arms. The unconscious detective was hauled up and over the maid’s shoulder and carried away.

Beachborough Manor study, Saturday evening

Dax, Nancy, Maura and Jane were standing having a discussion as Hayley walked past on her way to the study. She had found one clue already and this had pointed her in the direction of the study. This was actually starting to get interesting. “Don’t hang around ladies. Static targets are easier to hit.” Hayley waved and laughed as she headed on her way.

“Very funny,” Nancy replied with a smile. “Watch your back!” Hayley waved nonchalantly over her shoulder without turning around.

“That’s Hayley accounted for,” Jane commented, “but we haven’t seen Bethany, Kate or Zhivago.”

“Perhaps the killer got them,” Dax commented drolly. The rest of the women chuckled.

“I think at least one of them have gone,” Maura stated. “I think the killer strikes when the lights go out.”

“Anyway, as much as I love chatting, I suppose we should split up again,” Jane said, “after all we do have a murder to solve.” She grabbed Maura’s wrists and started to pull her friend away.

“Bye,” Maura raised her free hand and waved. “See you later.” Just as Jane and Maura disappeared from view Dex noticed a maid heading in the other direction and headed off after her. Forget this!

“Hey! Hey! Can I get a beer?” Dex raised a hand and called after the maid. Nancy looked around, suddenly she was alone. The house was large and quiet. It was a bit creepy but she supposed that was the idea. Pools of light, creaking doors and floorboards. All part of the atmosphere for the event. She had brought her camera with her and the manor would make a nice backdrop for some shots. The camera was back in her room and although it would delay her for ten minutes at least she would be able to take photographs of any clues that she found. Decision made Nancy headed for the staircase.

“Where did that maid go?” Dex had hurried after the maid, not helped by the heels and tight skirt. “Why do women like wearing these things!” After rounding a corner Dex thought that the maid would be closer but instead the maid seemed to have disappeared. Dex looked around. “Where am I exactly?” Then, without warning the lights went out again. “Geez!” She Dex threw her hands up in frustration. “I just wanted a be…” Ppfftt…wwhhuummpp. Dex felt a sharp stinging sensation in her left buttock. “What was that?” She reached round and felt a small metal object with a soft tail jutted out from her rear. Dex took a step forward but stumbled a little. Her left thigh wasn’t working correctly, it was starting to feel cold and numb. Ppfftt…wwhhuummpp. A second sharp stinging sensation, this time on her right buttock jolted her forward a little and she took a couple of steps before tumbling down into all fours. “Whhhaa…uuummm….daaarrtss….” At this point Dex was starting to feel tired and fatigued as well as dazed. Her thoughts and common sense were scrambled and messy so when she had the idea what to do. The walls, floor and ceiling were all spinning. The coolness and numbness spreading up and down her body. She couldn't tell much of what was going as the concoction from the darts entered her body. Dex tried to crawl away but only managed about five metres before she collapsed and rolled onto her back. Now staring at the ceiling Dex tried to move but couldn’t do much more than blink. A cry for help was just a groan. Then a blurry figure appeared over her and knelt down. “mmmggkk…” Dex moaned. The woman shushed Dex as she brought a cloth toward her face. Dex tried to bat away the cloth but her arms wouldn’t rise from the floor.

“A woman with your temper and military training requires a little more caution.” Dex tried resist but couldn’t move. The cloth was damp and had a pungent odour. Then everything went dark as she eyes closed over.


After recovering her camera from her room Nancy hurried back down the stairs. The lights had gone off just as she had reached the bottom of the stairs. As much as this was all supposed to be a bit of fun Nancy admitted to herself that she was a little spooked. So, she decided to head in the same direction as Dex and try and find her. She had taken an instant liking to the woman and thought that it would be better to make a new friend than actually solve the clues and find ‘the murderer’. “Dex! Dex!” Slowly and carefully, Nancy edged forward in the darkness. Nancy rounded a corner in the corridor just as the lights burst back into life. Nancy blinked a couple of times as ger eyes readjusted to the light and saw a woman in a maid outfit knelling over Dex and pressing a cloth over her nose and mouth. “Shit!” This was not Nancy’s first rodeo; the young snoop knew what a folded white cloth being held over someone’s nose and mouth meant. The maid heard Nancy and looked straight at her. Nancy took two steps back and hit something, or rather someone. Strong arms wrapped around Nancy’s body. “Let me ooohhmm…mmmooohhh…” A large cloth was stuffed deep into Nancy’s mouth.

“Don't let her make so much noise. Use the chloroform.”

“mmmooohhh…” Nancy’s eyes went wide on hearing the name of the soporific chemical. The maid that had been keeling over Dex approached Nancy using a bottle to freshen up the cloth. Squirming and thrashing for all that she was worth Nancy could not break free of the firm grip enveloping her. Then the cloth was close enough that she could smell the fumes coming from it…

Beachborough Manor study, Saturday evening

“Shouldn’t we split up?” Maura asked her friend and colleague. “I know that we usually work as a team but in this instance. You know. For the benefit of the game and the others. To make it more authentic.”

“I don’t think so Maura,” Jane replied as she scanned the room. “There must be clues around here somewhere.” The lights had been back on for about ten minutes and the two friends had started to search the room.

“I just don’t think that with my intellect and knowledge coupled with your investigative experience then we should really solve this quickly and that wouldn’t be fair on the others.”

“This is supposed to be fun Maura,” Jane looked at her friend and raised an eyebrow. “It is not a competition.”

“Or maybe I am the killer. I could bump you off right now. Doctor Isles in the study with the,” Maura looked around, “the wrench.”

“Maura. Are you the killer?” Janes knew that her friend couldn’t lie.

“Well, no.”

“Good. Neither am I,” Jane waved her card. “Did you mention a wrench?”

“I suppose that’s good,” Maura commented. “That narrows the field down. Doesn’t it?” Jane laughed at her friend’s statement of the obvious. Then looked down. She hated wearing a dress and heels and felt uncomfortable much preferring more relaxed attire. “What was that about a wrench?”
“It shouldn’t be in the study. Perhaps that is a clue.”

“Yes. Indeed.” Maura pointed. “Over there.” Just as they both were about to head toward where the Maura had seen the wrench lying in the study the lights went out again.


“This killer really is very prolific,” Maura stated, “even the most prolific serial killers don’t…”

“If your theory was correct?”

“What do you mean if?” Jane smiled as her friend took the bait. “Stay still until the lights come back on Jane. Then we can resume our investigations.” The sound of soft footsteps on the plush carpet could be heard. “Do you hear that?”

“Yes Maura,” Jane replied, “stay calm….Hayley, is that you?” No response.

“Bethany?” Maura queried. “Zhivago?” Again, no responses.

“Ah!” Jane exclaimed as the lights flashed back on. Once her eyes had adjusted Jane found that they had been joined in the room by three figures. Two of the figures wore tight fitting dark sweaters, cargo pants, boots and had their hair pulled back in severe ponytails, the third was a maid from earlier. Jane recognised her. The maid held a gun pointed straight at Jane’s chest.

“This is all very authentic,” Maura commented.

“I don’t think this is part of the game,” Jane looked from the gun to the two women approaching with thick white cloths held menacingly in their left hands.

“You don’t think this is part of the event?”

“No Maura. I don’t,” Jane confirmed. The two women spilt and made their way behind Maura and Jane. As they did Maura’s delicate nose caught a whiff of something.

“Is that chloroform on those cloths?” Jane and Maura were both grabbed roughly from behind. “You know chloroform isn’t the most effective sedative,” Maura stated as the cloth were brought round toward the friends faces. “There are better mmmooouummm….” Gloved hands pressed the damp cloths over their nose and mouths, silencing their protest as their arms were pinned at their sides. Jane and Maura made eye contact with each other, panicked and frantic, seeing each other in the same predicament did nothing to reassure either of them.

Maura knew from reading that being chloroformed was not something that happens quickly. It is a slow process. Not only did method of application of the drug require that the woman or man inhale numerous times and inhale deeply, it required the cloth used to be freshly dosed with the drug. The application of the drug, which was usually done from behind, required that the cloth be kept over the mouth and nose for at least a minute. That is no small task when the person is fighting for their very survival. The cloth and a hand holding it also serves as a gag to stifle persons cries for help. Being at a disadvantage with someone holding you from behind, often times the only hope the person has, to attract attention, which is difficult when your mouth is effectively gagged. The attempts to cry out actually benefit the attacker because to yell requires an intake of air, but with the chloroforming cloth over the mouth and nose any attempt to scream results in the person inhaling the chloroform. All of the advantages, if the attack is done correctly, are with the attacker. Not that much of that mattered, the gun pointed at them did prevent any real resistance. By the time Maura had run all of this through her head the drug was starting to her an effect. She was getting dizzier, her head spinning. Then the natural reaction to fight kicked in and she struggled. Another quick glance at Jane told her that her friend was experiencing the exact same reaction. The cloth applying women said nothing. Worse, the more she struggled, the more of the fumes she inhaled and she felt herself growing weaker, clumsier. Her attempts to fight him off slackened, her strength seemed to leak away. There had to be a way to logically think her way through this.

“mmmhhuumm…” Jane moaned.

“mmmppffhhh…” Maura moaned, it was an involuntary reaction to the drug being applied. Not long after Maura felt herself get so weak that she slumped into her attacker’s arms and she knew it was over. A final glance at Jane informed her that her friend had already given up the fight and closed her eyes. At least that was one for later, Maura was more chloroform resistant! With that last thought Maura closed her eyes and slipped into the darkness.

Beachborough Manor billiard room, Saturday evening

Zhivago stepped into the room and found that it was in darkness. Fumbling around on the wall she found the switch and put the lights on. When the lights came on Zhivago was impressed with what she found. There was a full-size snooker table, a pool table, a dart board on one wall and a bar in the far away corner. “Someone could lose a lot of time in here.” There were also two other doors in either wall leading off to other rooms. The lights had gone off and on numerous and random occasions over the past hour or so. Zhivago walked over to the snooker table and picked up one of the red balls. It looked like someone had been disturbed in the middle of a frame as the balls were scattered across the green surface. Some of the balls were in pockets and had been potted. As she walked the length of the table Zhivago rolled the ball across the table and into the bottom pocket on the opposite side. She clenched a fist and bumped an imaginary person.

As she strolled around the table her mind wandered to her fellow guests. She knew a few by reputation but it was the first time that she had met any of them. It was Hayley King that she had gravitated toward. Most people would have assumed it would have been Dex Parious but the Portland based P.I was far too reckless for Zhivago’s liking. No, King it was, the funny, smart and beautiful police officer. It was easy to see when men and women lusted after her. Besides, it would be handy to have a relationship with someone in the NYPD. That was for later. Now it was time to use her skills to find the next clue using her deduction skills. “Maybe start at the bar.” Zhivago ran her fingers through hair and headed in that direction.
The bar was in the corner and Zhivago had to pass one of the other doors into the billiard room. Once she was past the door, she heard it creak open behind her. Nothing to worry about, just one of the other guests snooping around. Then, before she could turn round and confirm who it was the lights went out again and a split second after the room was plunged into darkness Zhivago felt strong arms around her neck, the crook of the right arm around her throat and the left forearm on the back of her neck. Without warning her assailant started to apply significant pressure. “Don’t fight it, Stone. You will be out quickly.”

“arrgghh…oowwhh…” Zhivago mumbled before her brain kicked into gear. She knew that she had to escape quickly before the choke hold knocked her out and acted without thinking. Raising her right arm straight up toward the ceiling with her fingers pointed straight up. Then she brought the down in a smooth but violent motion so that it passed between her own body and that of her attacker. The momentum from that move spun Zhivago around so that she was now facing her attacker, who clearly confused by this turn of events, didn’t react. That was exactly the opportunity that Zhivago needed to move her head back as far as she could before delivering a headbutt to the side of her attacker’s face. The force and shock of the blow made the attacker’s grip relent a little and Zhivago was able to adjust her position and deliver another headbutt. This time contact was perfect with the bridge of the attacker’s nose. There was a crack and the grip almost loosened. Zhivago hooked her right leg behind her attacker’s and nudged forward with her shoulder, causing the both to tumble backward. The tough Private Investigator made sure that she landed on to the attacker with all of her weight, knocking the breath out of her. The last act was to free her arms, grab her attacker’s head and smash it onto the wooden floor. The woman went limp, unconscious and her grip slipped away. This allowed Zhivago to roll away and lie looking at the ceiling. “Bugger.”
Then her brain kicked in and Zhivago realised that she had to make a move. First, a quick roll onto her knees and pat down of the woman that had tried to choke her out. Nothing at all. Jumping onto her feet Zhivago made her way across to the window. Closest means of escape. Grabbing the handles, she gave the window a strong pull. It didn’t budge.

“Bugger.” Gathering her strength, she gave it another go. Nothing. Locked in place. A quick examination told Zhivago that there were also sensors on the frame. Alarm. That escape route out of the question she took stock for a second. She mentally counted the number of times the lights had gone out. If someone had been grabbed every time the lights had gone out then there would only be one, or maybe two of the guests left. It was time to move so she scurried over to the door through which she had entered the billiard room. As she pushed it open exited the lights burst back into life throughout the house.

Beachborough Manor library, Saturday evening

Whilst walking around the large house Hayley had some flashbacks to her early childhood. Her mother’s side of the family had a house like this up in the north of New York State and also in the Hamptons. She could remember riding horses around the grounds. That seemed like such a long time ago know. Anyway, she had other things to concentrate on now. A mystery to solve. Not only the fun who is the killer game but also where she knew their host from? The lights had gone off again so Hayley had waited until then came back on before entering the library.

It was impressive, large numbers of leather-bound books on tall wooden shelves on either side. Hayley walked over to a pile of books lying on a small table. “Sherlock Holmes by Aruther Conan Doyle,” Hayley mumbled. She knew that was a particular favourite of Bethany’s and pulled it off the shelf. Taking a flick through the pages Hayley made a mental note to pick up a copy and read it. “Never know, may pick up some tips.” Sitting the book back down Hayley walked around the room, looking for the next clue. Hayley was absent-mindedly flicking through the books on the shelves in the library. “Miss Scarlett. With the dagger. In the library.” Hayley laughed to herself. At the end of this row of books was a photograph in a frame. There was something behind the frame. She reached behind and pulled it out. “Very good.” It was a small glass bottle with CHOLORORM printed on the label. It was pretty old. Like something from the late eighteen hundreds. “The lady of the manor did say there would be stuff hidden around the place.” Hayley popped the cork out of the bottle. “It can’t be real. Can it?” She began to slowly bring the bottle toward her nose so that she could get a whiff.

“No, it isn’t,” a female voice said from behind her. Hayley froze before suddenly a thick cloth was pressed over her nose and mouth from behind. “The stuff on this cloth however...”

“MMMPPPFFFHHH!” Hayley screamed into the cloth. Before she could react, an arm snaked around her body and pinned her arms to her sides. “MMMPPPFFFHHH!” Hayley screamed into the cloth as her brain instantly identified the scent coming from the damp cloth that had been pressed tightly over her nose and mouth, shutting off her access to fresh air. Hayley felt herself being pinned against the voluptuous form of Rowan Acheson and instantly started to buck and thrash in an attempt to get free.

“God, keep up that level of struggling until the chloroform has done its job,” Rowan cooed. “Please.” Hayley continued to thrash around and shook her head from side to side trying to remove the cloth from over her nose and mouth before the fumes could take effect. And they were just starting to take effect. Hayley could feel her arms and legs starting to get heavy as they stopped responding immediately to the instructions from her brain. The struggling grew less intense. “I wanted to capture you personally Hayley.” Her body remembered the sensations and Hayley tried to relax even as her mind was in shock and repulsed by the effects of the chemical anaesthetic. At this point Hayley knew from experience that it was over. There would be no getting free as strength went and her legs went from under her. She slumped back slightly into Rowan’s arms. “You are really the cream of this particular crop.” Hayley’s vision was getting blurry and there was a soft ringing in her ears. They started to move backward, moving as one. Rowan half guiding, half dragging Hayley who was now unable to resist. She felt herself being pulled back through a section of shelving that had popped silently open.

“mmmhhhmm…ooohhhmmm…” Hayley moaned into the cloth was kept pressed in place. They were now in some kind of hidden passageway in the wall behind the shelving in the library. Hayley’s legs collapsed from under her and Rowan adjusted her grip. Hayley slipped down in Rowan’s grasp so that she could look up and look into Rowan’s eyes.

“That’s it. Good girl. Nice deep breaths.” Rowan’s arm was now locked just under Hayley’s breasts. Hayley’s arms started to raise before quickly falling limp and useless down by her sides. Rowan could see the dancing pulse on Hayley’s neck in the pool of light thrown out by the nearest light fitting as the secret entrance closed over. Rowan’s hand holding the chloroform cloth felt Hayley exhaling hot fumes through the tight gaps in her fingers. Inhaling gulps of the soporific chloroform fumes from the cloth, Hayley coughed on the harsh fumes and Rowan could see her eyes glaze over. “Not long now.” Rowan felt Hayley inhale and looked on as the blond frowned in drugged puzzlement, her groans of compliance became softer and more pliant on each quick gulping chloroform inhale. Rowan knew that it wouldn’t be much longer until Hayley went all the way out. The chloroform victim’s head swayed from side to side but Rowan kept the cloth wedged in place as the breathing became more and more shallow as Hayley sucked in the fumes. Hayley groaned outwardly as she passed out from the chloroform, her glazed, drugged eyes looking out from slowly closing eyelids.

Rowan felt Hayley’s body slacken fully in her grip as the eyes fluttered and finally closed over. To ensure that Hayley stayed under, Rowan waited for a moment before removing the cloth from over her nose and mouth. Stuffing the cloth into her bosom, Rowan checked Hayley's low but steady pulse. She also lifted up each of Hayley’s now closed eyelids to find she was completely unconscious. Rowan liked to play with the limp women. After removing the cloth from her bosom Rowan looked at the side that had been over Hayley’s nose and mouth. There was an outline of her lips in bright lipstick on the cloth. Rowan smiled. There was something about that image that Rowan liked. Two maids appeared and took Hayley from Rowan’s grasp. “Take her to the room and secure her.” The maids nodded and carried Hayley off along the secret passage.

Beachborough Manor, Saturday evening

With her back against the wall Zhivago took a couple of deep breathes before peeking round the corner and looking down the long entrance corridor toward the main door. She had carefully made her way toward the front of the house, taking precautions to not bump into any staff members. Pulling before her mobile from the pocket of her jacket she checked again for reception. Nothing. Not even an emergency signal. There must be some kind of signal blocking or jamming device being used. There was nobody in view.

Closing her eyes, she listened intently. Nothing there either. It was time to make a break for it. She broke from cover and jogged down the corridor feeling very exposed, head on a swivel looking for trouble.

Approaching the door Zhivago said a silent prayer and reached for the handle. It was locked. Just to be sure she tried again, this time pressing her shoulder to the door. It didn’t budge. “Alright, time for Plan B.” Looking around Zhivago noted a telephone sitting on a table. A hard line should work. Walking across she picked up the receiver and breathed a sigh of relief as there was a dialling tone. Quickly she punched 911.

“Hello Zhivago. How can I help you?” the voice on the other end asked after two rings. Closing her eyes Zhivago tried to remain calm.

“Rowan. What are you up to?”

“Having a little fun,” Rowan replied. “Don’t you want to join in?” Zhivago could hear the delight in her voice. “Your fellow guests already have.” Unless the woman was lying in meant that there was no help forthcoming.

“Sorry, but I will have to turn down the invitation. I appreciate the opportunity.” Zhivago looked around, conscious of the fact that she was standing in an exposed location

“Look Zhivago,” Rowan sounded calm, like a schoolteacher talking to a child, “this all ends the same way. It just depends on how much time and energy you want to expend before we get there.” There was no answer. “Zhivago.” Still no answer. “Zhivago. You still there?”


The confusion started to clear as her brain put the pieces together. Hayley knew all too well about recovery from a dose of chloroform, although she might be a little bit out of practice. The head was a little fuzzier than she remembered the after effects of chloroform having on her. She tried to raise her right hand to but found that it didn’t move. Strange. She next tried to flex her fingers but found that she couldn’t move them much either. They just rubbed against something soft and smooth. It was a familiar feeling and brought a groan. Opening her eyes Hayley raised her head slightly so that shed could look down at her body. What she saw made her groan again. Restraints, lots of restraints. Probably overkill on the restraints. Hayley was strapped down to a bed using those specialised medical style restraints, Segufix she believed that they were called. There were restraints at her ankles, calves, thighs and wrists, hips and chest and upper arms. Her hands had bene slipped into thick finger control mitts. They had removed her dress and dressed her in some kind of silk, white pyjamas. Hayley gave the restraints a check to test for weaknesses, there were none and she put her head back on the plump and comfortable pillow.

Alright, she was in a bit of trouble. At least she wasn’t gagged. The ceiling was some kind of suspended ceiling with LED lighting boxes. Not very interesting. She turned her head to the left and saw that there was some kind of foldable or concertina door system acting as a wall. It was white. A quick check around informed Hayley that the same kind of system was to her left and a couple of yards away from the bottom of the bed. The wall behind her looked like solid stone. All very clean and clinical. That kind of made Hayley nervous. What did Rowan want with her? Just as that thought went through her head Hayley heard mumbling and shuffling from the other side of the wall. “Hello?” No reply. “Is anybody…” Before Hayley could finish a scraping noise interrupted her as the wall around her parted just enough to let a woman enter. It was Freya. This time wearing a different outfit. That of a nurse.

“Nice to see you are awake Hayley.” The blond detective didn’t respond as she stole a glance over Freya’s shoulder but all that there was to see was bright lighting and a plain stone wall. “The noise however is not welcome. It breaks the mood of relaxation.”

“Really?” Hayley couldn’t hide the disdain in her voice. “The restraints don’t scream relaxation.”

“Fortunately, we can do something about the noise.” Freya just ignored Hayley’s pointed comment as she busied herself with something at the foot of the bed. It was a padded quilt inside a smooth cover and Freya pulled it up and over Hayley before tucking her in like a child. “That should keep you cosy.”

“Thanks,” Hayley decided to take the opportunity to ask a question. “What does Rowan have planned for me?” Then Hayley thought about it. “Sorry, I mean us?”

“Now, to do something about that noise?” It was like Hayley hadn’t even spoken.

“Hello?” The woman ignored Hayley and produced a something that looked like a stress ball and a foam ball-gag from somewhere. Hayley groaned. Not her first rodeo. “I don’t suppose it would matter if I promised to be quiet.” Again, there was no response. Just the squishy stress ball item being moved toward Hayley’s mouth. The closer she got Hayley could see that it wasn’t completely round. Not that this was important at this point in time. Restrained as she was there was nothing that Hayley could do to resist. No doubt if she refused to open her mouth Freya would just sedate her and then she would come round gagged anyway. Hayley opened her mouth and allowed Freya to cram the soft, spongy device into her mouth. The exterior was smooth which was just as well as the device filled her oral cavity, pushing her tongue down and maybe her cheeks bulge slightly. That was quickly followed by the ball-gag that Freya applied tightly enough that it forced the sponge stuffing deeper into her mouth. Even though it wasn’t the largest ball-gag she had been made to wear it still forced her jaws open slightly. Hayley mumbled a complaint.

“Just one more thing and then I will leave you to rest for the night.” Hayley worked her jaw a little and tried to get used to the feel of the gag before rolling her eyes at the thick, silk covered sleep-mask that Freya held in her hand. “Triple layered padding for extra comfort. A big squishy cloud like padding around your head.” It was like the young woman was quoting from the advertising brochure. Freya placed the sleep-mask over Hayley’s eyes and then fastened the straps behind Hayley’s head to hold it in place. The world went black as Hayley’s vision was completely blocked. “I will be back later to check on you.”

“aannkkss…uummhh….” Hayley mumbled. The restrained woman heard the scrapping of the system as the wall was opened and closed to allow Freya to leave. Hayley assumed that she was now alone. Another unsuccessful check of the restraints and then Hayley settled down to get comfortable for however low they would leave her strapped to the bed. Left to her own devices Hayley’s mind replayed the events of the weekend in her mind. From arriving at Beachborough Manor to the cloth being pressed over her face and slipping into unconsciousness.

Nothing sprang to mind until she got to the point that she entered the library. Replying moving around the room, reading the spine of the books. The photograph in the frame on the shelf with the fake bottle of chloroform behind it. Then something clicked in her head. The photograph, something about it. Concentrating heard Hayley pulled up the photograph in her mind. It was of Rowan Acheson in a garden. She knew the garden. That was where she knew Rowan Acheson from. Hayley had seen the photograph before. At a house where she had been taken to against her will. A house she didn’t know the location of. A house where she had been made a proposal and turned it down. It was Andersson’s garden; in Andersson’s house. Hayley wondered if that was a good or bad thing. No doubt she would find out in time. Her mind continued to work that over. Sleep might be a stranger for some time yet.

After making Hayley comfortable for the night Freya walked along the corridor created by the installation of the concertina door system on one side and the original wall on the other. The flooring was some kind of linoleum. As she walked along Freya pulled back the wall and glanced into each room, checking that the occupant of the bed hadn’t gone anywhere or done anything silly. None of them had. The last bed was empty. The restraints and other items sitting on the bed. Waiting. Freya smiled. It wouldn’t be long before the bed was occupied.


All of the windows and doors seemed to be locked. It felt like she had tried most of them. It was very frustrating and she had given up on the ground floor and decided to try the first floor. At the present time she was slowly making her way along the corridor on the first floor where they bedrooms were located. Zhivago was trying her best not to expose herself too much. Not that it mattered. It didn’t seem like Rowan Acheson and her band or maids were trying very hard to find her. That didn’t actually make Zhivago feel any better. It told her that they were confident with the current situation, confident that there was no way out for her. That wasn’t what she wanted to be thinking at this point. There had been no sign of Hayley, Bethany or any of the other guests so Zhivago assumed that they had been snatched.

Edging her way along the corridor, Zhivago found every bedroom door locked. Cursing under her breathe she continued along the corridor and finally found an unlocked door. Slipping inside Zhivago stood with her back against the door, putting her weight against it as she surveyed the room. It was a small, square room that looked like it was used as some sort of study. There was a small fireplace on the left wall, a window directly opposite the door and a bookcase on the right wall. A large leather seat sat next to a coffee table and two smaller wooden chairs were against the far wall. “I suppose a satellite phone was asking too much.” There was nothing. Her reserves of positivity and optimism were emptying fast. The window. Could she make a signal? Using the door to push off Zhivago sprung across the room and over to the window. What she saw there didn’t replenish her reserves. The window looked out on the car park at the rear of the large house and beyond that an inky, featureless darkness.

To be sure she tried to open the window, it didn’t budge, before stalking back to the centre of the room and slumping down in the leather chair. The options were reducing rapidly. Did she have any options? That was when she looked up and noticed the light in the corner. “Camera.” There was a sequence of clicks and snicks. Zhivago glanced at the window and then stood up just as a hissing sound came out of nowhere. Looking around the room she noted that the fireplace was now sporting some kind of plate blocking it off and that sections of the skirting board folded down to revel vents. Lots of vents. “This can’t be good.” Zhivago hurried over to the door and she tried the handle. “Locked.” Closing her eyes Zhivago rested her head against the wooden door before trying the handle again. Then again. Then again. Every time with a little more force. Nothing happened. Well, the hissing sound continued.

Turing around to face the room Zhivago assessed her options. There weren’t many. Maybe one. She strode purposefully across the room and stopped in front of the two wooden chairs and assessed the structure of each. Looking for the sturdiest. She coughed once. Then a second time as whatever gas was being pumped into the room started to invade her lungs. In the end she figured the chairs were much of a muchness and picked the one on the left for no particular reason. Picking it up in two hands she held it high above her head took three paces across the carpet and was now in front of the window. No time of niceties. Home run time. Zhivago pivoted and drove through her hips, turning her shoulders and delivering a shuddering blow to the glass in the window. Drawing back the chair she delivered a second blow and then looked at the window. Not as much as a mark.


She blinked, trying to clear her vision as it blurred for a second. Then she coughed again and swayed slightly as she started to feel a little weak. “Need to get out of this quickly.” She hefted the chair up again, it seemed to feel heavier this time, and swung again. The sound against the window wasn’t as clear this time nor the feeling of reverb in her hands as fierce. She hit the window a fourth time. The sound the chair made sounded like it was under water. The chair felt really heavy, she wanted to hit the window again but the chair suddenly felt very heavy and she had to sit it down on the floor. By now she was coughing quite a lot. The four legs of the chair were sitting on the floor and Zhivago was leaning on it coughing as her head started to feel fuzzy and her vision blurred. With her legs starting to feel a little queasy Zhivago let go of the chair and staggered off a couple of steps before dropping onto her knees. “hhuumm…wwhhaass…” her head was spinning and she felt so strange and weak. Unable to keep herself upright Zhivago pitched forward and faceplanted into the carpet. She was starting to feel very weak and it was hard to keep her eyes open. She wanted to crawl forward for her arms and legs barely moved.

As she lay on the floor a section of the wall opened up and two maids entered the room wearing gas masks to protect themselves from whatever gas was spilling out from the low-level vents. They approached the prone Zhivago and each picked her up under a shoulder, lifted her slightly and started to drag her toward the dark space in the wall. Zhivago tried to resist but she was weak as a kitten. As the dragged her one of the maids pressed a damp cloth against Zhivago’s nose and mouth, the sweet-smelling fumes instantly attacked her senses and it wasn’t long before Zhivago slipped into unconsciousness.

Beachborough Manor, Sunday morning

“God that hurts worse than a hangover,” Hayley tried to shake her head but found that she couldn’t. “What is wrong?” There was a pounding at the back of her skull. Hayley wanted to put her head in her hands but found that she couldn’t move them either. It was like her hands had been locked in place. Trying to focus Hayley found that there was a mirror in front of her, no not a mirror but a reflection from a pane of glass. The reflection wasn’t perfect as behind glass was some sort of veil of fabric on the other side of the pane of glass. Hayley concentrated and focused on the reflection. The lack of head movement was down a padded black leather curved posture collar that was around her neck. There were some plastic or plexiglass poles emerging from the ground, no floor. Hayley traced the poles in the reflection with her eyes and they went to her ankles and wrists that were wrapped in thick leather cuffs. “What the hell is going on here?” Instinctively Hayley tried to move again, this time from her hips but again found herself stuck fast in place. Hayley blinked and then strained for a clearer look at her reflection. There was a thicker pole that was between her legs. Hayley assumed this went up her back as there was something tight around her running from her waist until just below her breasts. It felt like some kind of corset. Hayley couldn’t tell as there was a silver dress covering her from her chest to just above the knee. Not a nice dress either. A bit gawdy. Nothing that she would have chosen. The make-up was a bit too heavy as well. Alright, movement was out so she scanned with her eyes. Thick glass in front and also to the left and right, some kind of ceiling and floor. It was some kind of box. “Wait. Not a box. A display cabinet.” Hayley said to herself. She had been posed and displayed, like a doll, no like a mannequin in a store. “What is going on here?

As her mind cleared, she drifted back to what had happened since her arrival. It played out in her mind like a movie right up until the last thing that she remembered. Strapped down on a bed, gagged and blindfolded. There had been sounds and the sense of moment around her before she had felt something cold being rubbed on the inside of her arm followed shortly after by a prick. Then it had all shut down pretty quickly. “Good to see you are awake.” Hayley moved her eyes from left to right but the voice seemed to have been beamed in from space. The voice of Rowan Acheson. There was a soft laugh. “We will come face to face very soon.” There was a soft click and voice was replaced by a drum roll. Then without warning the drum roll ceased and the fabric around the display case that Hayley was in fell away to reveal Hayley to the outside world.

It took a couple of seconds for Hayley’s eyes to adjust to the lighting. In addition to the light inside the cube that she found herself in, the only other lighting was a spotlight. In the pool of light created by the spotlight sat a chair and table. Sitting in the chair was a satisfied looking Rowan Acheson in dress down mode, wearing yoga pants and a loose grey sweater. Like she was just back from the gym only without the just worked out look, she looked fresh. Nothing happened for what seemed like a long time, the two women just looking at each other through the glass, until Rowan spoke. “My, my Detective King you really are an exquisite creature,” Rowan changed position on the chair so that she was sitting with her legs curled up with her bum resting on her feet. All very relaxed.

“What the hell is going on here?” Hayley demanded.

“Hayley, I can’t hear you,” Rowan pointed at her ear, “the glass is soundproof.” Hayley glared and her nostrils flared. “You can hear me through the speaker built into the case.” Rowan pointed to a microphone that was pinned to her jumper. “Now, if you would just stay still whilst I drink in the sight.” In frustration Hayley struggle against the restraints that held her in place. “That a preview for later? Save your strength Hayley. No point at the moment.” Rowan caught the look of confusion on Hayley’s face. “Don’t worry, you won’t be on display in my collection all of the time. There is the dungeon and my bedroom to visit as well.” A look of shock spread over Hayley’s face.

“You are totally out of your mind,” Hayley grumbled. “What are you going to do? Sit there and watch me on display like some kind of…of….” She struggled to find the correct word.

“Precisely,” Hayley heard the reply and raised an eyebrow. “I turned on the speaker in your display case.”

“Display case?”

“How else would you describe it?” Rowan asked with a shrug. Hayley had to admit that the woman did have a point. “What would you like to chat about?” This whole scenario was weird. Like out there weird.

“You want to have a chat?” Hayley rolled her eyes. “About boys? Like we were girlfriends?” She could barely hide the distain in her voice.

“Nope,” Rowan held up a hand telling Hayley to pause just as another figure stepped into the pool of light. It was one of the tall, athletic maids carrying a tray. The main put the contents on the table and then retreated. Hayley couldn’t believe what was on the table. It was a bottle of wine and some nibbles. Cheese and crackers with some sides to be precise. Rowan poured a glass of wine. “Sorry, where were we…yes, chat. Why don’t you tell me about Elizabeth Crawford?”

Hayley was really, really starting to dislike this woman. She didn’t even respond.

“Would that be a no?” Rowan put some cheese onto a cracker before popping it into her mouth. “Delicious.” They settled into another silence for a while. “Shall we change tack? How are you enjoying your accommodation.”

“The bed with the restraints was very comfortable,” Hayley moved her eyes around the glass cube, “this however is not to my liking.” She tried to move again but didn’t budge an inch.

“I understand that you prefer puffy prisons to glass ones. If you behave then we could do something about that later.” Rowan finished the sentence with a wink. Hayley gave it one last attempt to get free but nothing moved. A wicked smile burst out over Rowan’s lips; her eyes danced with delight. “There is something delicious about knowing that you cannot escape.”

“Bitch!” Hayley called. Rowan held up another control in her left hand and wagged her index finger at Hayley. Language. That filthy mouth. Hayley wasn’t bad at lipreading and then “OOOHHHMM…AARRGGHH!” Hayley moaned and jerked as a jolt of electricity ran through her body.
“That collar does more than keep your head raised.” Hayley gulped in air as she recovered from the shock. “Be assured that was the low setting.” Taking deep breathes Hayley regained her composure. Rowan nodded and then settled into the chair, getting comfortable. The woman sat on the chair looking at Hayley for what seemed like hours. Finishing a couple of glasses of wine and the crackers and cheese Rowan stood up and stretched. “Oh, Hayley.” Rowan took a couple of steps forward. “I saw that look on your face. Just before a grabbed you in the library. When you were looking at the photograph.” Hayley didn’t respond. “You recognised something in the photograph. Not me though…no…maybe the location…”

“No, nothing.” Hayley didn’t want to give anything away.

Rowan seemed to consider that answer and then just skipped over it. “If you are thinking that your friends will save you. Well, think again. Your phones and vehicles will leave here in the morning and during the journey home the phones will lose signal at some random location to draw the authorities away.” Rowan looked smug as she popped another snack in her mouth.

“You know, I don’t believe you about that photograph but we can pick that up another time. There are other matters that I must attend to.” Then the lights came on in the room and Hayley could see exactly what was going on. At a forty-five-degree angle on her right was Bethany Hunter. Posed in a similar position to Hayley inside a glass cube sitting on a wooden base. Bethany called out but Hayley couldn’t hear what she had said. At a forty-five-degree angle on her left was Nancy Drew. Like Hayley and Bethany, the young auburn-haired woman was posed and held in place. There were other similar cases in a row plus plinths with other items on them, artwork, artefacts and porcelain. Hayley only got a brief, teasing glimpse before the lights went off again. There was a hissing sound in the glass case.

“What now?” Hayley said. The natural reaction was to try and move, to get away from whatever was being pumped into the case. That was what Hayley’s body tried to do, despite her brain knowing that she was held in place. The gas that was being pumped into the car was both colourless and odourless. All that Hayley knew was that after ten of fifteen seconds she started to feel drowsy and weak. Her fingers and toes tingled. It was a strange sensation. Then her ears were felt like they were underwater and she couldn’t keep her eyes open. Once her eyelids closed Hayley saw stars on the inside of them until everything went black.

Beachborough Manor, Sunday night

Hayley was a little more comfortable, well as comfortable as you could be when secure spread-eagled to a bed and gagged. When the effects of the knock-out gas had worn off Hayley had found herself back in her allocated bedroom for the weekend. Unfortunately, there were padded cuffs around her wrists and ankles attached with rope to the corners of the bed that prevented Hayley from getting up. The posture collar contraption was still in place meaning that she couldn’t turn her head. The dress that she didn’t like had been removed but they hadn’t replaced it with any other form or clothing. That meant that she was only clad in her underwear.

The door to the room opened and two maids entered half carrying, half dragging an unconscious Bethany between them before depositing her on the carpet. “uuhhmm…mmuurr…aahhrr…” Hayley groaned into her gag as the maid on her right was folding a large cloth into a thick pad. Experience told Hayley what that was used for. The other maid pulled a bottle from her pocket, unscrewed the cap and handed it across the bed, over Hayley, to the maid with the cloth. The maid took the bottle and poured a good dose onto the cloth before handing the bottle back across. Hayley knew that they were trying to intimidate her, freak her out at the prospect of being rendered unconscious. She rolled her eyes. They obviously hadn’t read her resume. The maid without the cloth bent over and removed the gag.

“Thanks,” Hayley said. “Could I have some wat…oh come on at least give me a mmmppphhh...” The collar meant that she couldn’t even turn her head to avoid the application. The cloth was pressed over her nose and mouth. Hayley was still recovering from her earlier exertions so the first couple of breathes were deep and she inhaled a good dose of the fumes from the cloth. “uummpphh…” Hayley complained to no avail as she quickly started to feel the effect of the chloroform’s fumes that she was forced to inhale. It wasn’t long before she started to feel drowsy and she was struggling to keep her eyes open. It was almost welcome when darkness took her.

With Hayley now enjoying some forced slumber the two maids untied her from the bonds that had been holding her spread-eagled to the bed. They also removed the underwear that Hayley had been wearing. The only thing that remained was the collar and bra. As they were doing that another maid entered pushing a laundry cart. The maid reached into the cart and removed two large sleeping bag like contraptions and some other items before nodding at her colleagues, turning and leaving again dragging the cart behind her. The maids worked silently and efficiently, obviously well-practiced in what they were doing. They used some damp clothes to give Hayley a quick clean before one of the maids picked up one of the items that her colleague had left. It was a blocky white package that the maid them unfolded and laid out onto the bed. The other maid lifted Hayley’s hips and allowed her colleague to slip the diaper in place. After the application of some cream and powder the front of the diaper from flipped over and secured in place snuggly using the sticky tabs. Then the maids used four lengths of black rope to bind Hayley’s legs together and the ankles, just above and below the knee and around the thigh.

When then were happen with that the lifted her legs and pulled a single sheer stocking over Hayley’s bound legs, up to and over the waist of the diaper. The maids then turned their attention to making sure that the unconscious blond would be silent when she awakened from her forced slumber. One of the maids picked up a fabric bag and they both made their way to the top of the bed where Hayley’s head lay on a pillow. As one of the maids held Hayley’s mouth open as the other selected a large white cloth from the bag and scrunched it up in her left hand. The cloth was stuffed deep into Hayley’s mouth, filling it completely. The maid had to push and prod to make sure that the entire cloth was entirely in Hayley’s mouth. Next came a cloth with a large knot tied in the middle. The maid centred the know over the packing in Hayley’s mouth. Her colleague lifted Hayley’s head and held her hair out of the way as the ends were tied together at the back of Hayley’s head. Double knotted and pulled tight so that the packing was pushed further into Hayley’s mouth. No way that was coming lose. Then the maid picked up the bag of cotton wool pleats and a silk scarf. Reaching into the bag of cotton wool pleats the maid produced a large wad which she placed at the centre of the silk scarf that had been folded into a wide band. The maid picked up the scarf and centred the cotton wool over Hayley’s already packed and gagged mouth and held it in place whilst she took both ends of the scarf and tied them behind Hayley’s head. The maid felt the cotton wool compress as the two ends of the second scarf was tightened, encasing and compacting all of the material over Hayley’s mouth.

Satisfied with their work so far, the maids picked up one of the sleeping bag contraptions from the floor. Shifting Hayley aside slightly they placed the bag on the bed. It was very puffy and pure white, inside and out as they discovered when they pulled down the side zip and flipped the bag open. The two maids slipped the unconscious Hayley into the puffy sleeping bag. The bag had internal sleeves for its occupant’s arms and the maids made sure that Hayley’s arms slid inside both sleeves. At the bottom of the sleeves were inbuilt padded gloves that rendered the occupant’s hands useless. As they were about to pull the zipper up on the bag, encasing Hayley inside there was a groan from behind them. They both turned to where Bethany was lying on the floor.

“Almost forgot about that one.” The two maids exchange a glance. The closest maid to Bethany picked up the cloth that had been used to administer the chloroform to Hayley, walked across to where Bethany lay on the floor and pressed the cloth firmly over the stricken woman’s nose and mouth. Bethany fidgeted a little, squirmed and tried to raise an arm but she was still sedated enough that resistance was futile. After a couple of breathes Bethany returned to the land of slumber. Whilst Bethany was being returned to the statue of sleeping beauty the other maid pulled up the zip on the bag and locked it in place. Hayley was now tightly secured inside the bag with no means of escape.

“That one now.” After moving Hayley over to one side of the bed they picked up Bethany and deposited her on the empty side of the bed. The maids then proceeded to undertake the exact same process with Bethany that they had with Hayley. They started by applying the diaper, then moved on to tying and encasing Bethany’s legs, thoroughly gagging the bombshell brunette and then slipping her inside the puffy bag and zipping her up. As they stood back from the bed the maids had two identically packaged captives. Just two more things they had been instructed to do before they could leave the captives for the night. As one maid removed two large six-foot body pillows from one of the wardrobes in the room. The pillows were chunkier and squarer than your average pillow. The other picked up the scarved and underwear from the floor. Taking the panties that Hayley had been wearing the maid folded then into a small pad and the placed them into the middle of the scarf that had been between Hayley’s legs. A few drops of chloroform were added to the panties. The maid carefully positioned the panties so that they were positioned perfectly over Bethany’s nose and heavily gagged mouth before securing the panties in place by tying the scarf at the back of Bethany’s head. Then she moved on Bethany’s underwear and used the exact same process to tie them over Hayley’s nose and gagged mouth.

“The boss is cruel at times,” the maid commented as she put the large pillows on the bed. The maids rolled Bethany and Hayley onto their sides so that they were facing each other. They the maids placed two long body pillows against the backs of both women. With the two down cocooned captives the filling in a body pillow sandwich. The maids took six thick fabric straps and wrapped the around the woman/down/pillow sandwich just below the shoulders, the ribcage, waist, thighs, calves and ankles. The straps were tightened just enough that creases started to appear in the large pillows and the two women were squashed together. The hoods on the bags were then flipped over. There were studs on each hood that allowed them to be connected. Shutting off most of the light. Happy that the two women were now trapped and wouldn’t move the maids left the room after picking up anything that was lying around.


There were a number strange sensations as Hayley tried to put things together. If was all still a fuzzy, her brain not making the connections. The after effects of the chloroform shouldn’t be this bad. I am a professional after all. Anything for some light relief. There wasn’t much light, something was over her head, some kind of hood. Her vision was still a little blurry and her eyes hadn’t adjusted to the lack of light. Hayley closed her eyes and decided to work on feel. Her legs were tightly bound together in four places with rope and something soft and smooth slipped over them. Probably a tight or stocking judging by the feel. In terms of her arms, they were down by her sides. After trying to move them Hayley discovered that they were trapped in some kind of smooth, padded sleeve. Flexing her fingers for her nowhere either, there were built-in padded mittens at the end of the sleeved rendering her fingers useless. The one thing that she did know instantly was the feeling of being restrained in a down filled cocoon. Thanks Rowan!

Hayley was certain that she was in one now just by the feel. She could feel the down surrounding her and pressing in, particularly from behind. The familiar and oddly reassuring bulk of the diaper. The problem with having articles written and television series made about someone who is an expert in restraints is that it gave people ideas! Hayley groaned in frustration. Then there was the gag. Mouth stuffing. Check. Knotted cleave gag. Check. Over the mouth pad gag. Check. There was also something else. Something that covered her nose. It was slightly damp. There were two distinct scents on whatever was pressed over her nose Hayley deduced. The first was definitely chloroform, she twitched her nose, the feeling was silky. Then it dawned on Hayley what they were and what the second smell was. “uuhhmm…ooohhh…” That was not very nice. Hayley opened her eyes. Her vision was now clear but still hampered by the lack of light. The chloroform having dried in enough to be barely effective. Then as Hayley’s eyes adjusted to the light, she could see the outline of a face very close to hers. “mmoohh…uuhhmm…” It was Bethany. Then a lot of other things clicked into place. The pressure was partly due to Bethany’s body being pressed against hers through their respective down cocoons. Then she sensed movement, very minimal movement from the other bag. Followed by a soft, muffled groan.

“uuhhrr…mmhhnn…” Bethany groaned and Hayley saw the other woman’s eyes open. They looked both weary and groggy. There was some further movement, shaper and more urgent. The movements of a confused person. Hayley looked into Bethany’s eyes until cleared. Their eyes met and Hayley raised her eyebrows a couple of times.

“mmhhtt…oohhmm…” Hayley mumbled.

“mmhhnn…uuhhmm…uunnn…” Bethany complained. Hayley just shook her head. There was no point trying to communicate. Their gags were too heavy. Hopefully Bethany also took this as a sign that Bethany was to stop writhing around. Their bodies, and particularly their breasts were pressed tightly together. Bethany nodded in response and they both settled down. Hayley and Bethany could each feel the others body rubbing against their own each time they made some kind of significant movement, despite the thick layer of down between them. Judging the moans and groans that both made through their heavy gags it was going to a long and frustrating night for both.

Beachborough Manor, Monday Night

A mile away on a hill overlooking Beachborough Manor Chase Kennedy looked through a powerful scope with night vision capabilities for any signs of movement. There had been none for some time now. It had been a busy weekend at Beachborough Manor but now everything was quiet. All of the guests had left and taken their vehicles with them. Everyone seemed to have left overnight into Monday morning as she had only seen the last vehicle leave that morning. Taking a last glance at her watch to confirm the time she put the scope in her rucksack and hoisted the rucksack onto her back. The small rucksack contained the items that she would use to enter the large house. Chase also wore a utility belt around her waist over her black skinsuit and matching gloves. Her brunette hair was tied back in a tight ponytail. The rest of her camp and equipment had been carefully packed away and loaded onto her bike ready for a quick getaway. “Right. Shall we get this show on the road.”

Using all of the natural cover available Chase made her way to the edge of the open space between the last cover and the main house. She slipped off the rucksack and removed from it a long coil of strong climbing rope and a grapnel launcher. After spending a couple of minutes checking and rechecking the equipment before locating the exact place on the large house that she wanted. Satisfied that everything was in order she checked left and right before breaking cover and sprinting toward the house. As she got closer, Chase raised the grapnel launcher and fired it up toward the roof. Reaching the relative safety of the building Chase knelt and gave the rope a hefty tug. Secure. Now for the hard part. It was time to check out how that upper body work had been going.


The relative ‘freedom’ of being bagged in the bedroom for one night had been a false dawn. It had been back to the medical restraints and strapped to the bed that morning. The straps, padded finger-control mitts, thickly padded blindfold and heavy gag were all present and accounted for. Hayley wasn’t impressed. Well, that wasn’t strictly true. She was impressed by the system that her captors had used. All very secure and inescapable without help. They seemed professional, which didn’t really help her at this point. Hayley sighed into the gag. She had lost track of the exact time but reckoned that it would be sometime on Monday, late afternoon or early evening. Rowan Acheson seemed pretty clear that her plan to keep them captive would work. However, Hayley was sure that Garrett, Kirsty and the rest would work out what had happened and track her down. Wouldn’t they?

Her thoughts were disturbed when she heard a noise. As the only sense that she had unhindered it seemed to be heightened. There were footsteps, two sets. One of them was pushing or pulling something. They stopped next to her and then the familiar scent of chloroform filled her nostrils. “uupphh….mmuuhh…” A pad or cloth with the soporific liquid on it was being held under her nose so that the fumes wafted up and she had to inhale them.

“Just enough to relax you a little,” Freya said. Once Hayley started to feel woozy, she felt the straps across her body being released. “Good girl. Ms Acheson would like to see you.”


Chase Kennedy carefully lifted the access hatch and managed to contort herself enough that her head was in a position where she could see into the corridor below and check that the coast was clear. It was. Carefully she lowered herself down onto the carpet and collapsed into a kneeling position. There was a rope in her left hand and she slowly pulled on it to move the loft access hatch back into position. A soft thump confirmed that it was now back in place. Then she got up and placed her back against the wall, taking deep, controlled breaths in through her nose and then out through her mouth. Chase was concentrating, taking in the feel of the house, becoming accustomed to it. The sights, smells and noises. When she was happy, she set off in the direction of the lift. The client had provided very good intelligence and that said that the lift was the only way to access the special room in the basement that contained the item, a one-of-a-kind print, that she was looking for. So far so good.


In the wheelchair Hayley was starting to mumble as her body recovered from the effects of the small dose of chloroform that Freya had administered. It had just been enough to make Hayley pliable enough that she wouldn’t resist being moved from the bed and then put into the wheelchair. The blindfold, gag and finger-control mitts remained in place. Padded straps at the ankles, shins, thighs, stomach, chest and wrists secured Hayley into the wheelchair.

They were making their way along the corridor in the basement toward the lift. The instructions were clear. Hayley was to be brought up to Rowan’s private suite. That meant that the boss wanted some alone time with Hayley. Not that Freya could blame her. The woman in the wheelchair was stunningly attractive and had a quality that you couldn’t put your finger on that made you like her, or should that be lust after her. They reached the lift and Freya used her code and punched it into the keypad. The lift doors opened and Freya spun Hayley around and backed into the lift car. “Up, up and away,” Freya murmured as the doors closed.


This could be the tricky bit. Chase was currently kneeling in front of the lift doors, working on the electronic keypad with a small black box. In theory the device would override the security code and allow her to use the lift. That was what Gizmo had told her. It had been plugged in for about fifteen seconds and then something seemed to happen. A hum could be heard from the lift shaft. “Coming up.” Packing away the equipment into her utility belt she stood up and waited for the lift to arrive.

The small light above the lift moved from B, to G and then to 1. A subtle ding sounded the arrival of the car and the doors open. Chase took a step forward to enter the car and stopped dead in her tracks at the sight that confronted her. She was not expecting anybody to be in the car, especially not a woman in a nurse uniform with a woman in a wheelchair. Time seemed to stop for a couple of seconds. The nurse was obviously as shocked to see Chase as Chase was her. They both froze before their brains kicked into gear. The nurse went to reach over and press the button that would close the doors and reacting without thinking Chase stepped into the lift and balled up her fist. She threw a punch that connected perfectly with the nurse’s jaw as both women were moving toward each other and that increased the force of the impact. The nurse grunted and slumped forward, draping herself over the woman in the wheelchair.

Shaking her hand, trying to ease the sting Chase brain was turning over. The woman in the wheelchair was mumbling and grumbling. Well, there was a body lying over her. She needed to act quickly. Grabbing a small screwdriver from her belt Chase jammed it low down to keep the doors from closing. Shuffling round the wheelchair Chase grabbed the unconscious woman and hauled her up and started to drag her out of the lift and along the corridor, nervously checking over her shoulder for anyone that may have been lurking around. When she came to a door that was open Chase dragged the nurse inside and dumped her on the floor. She would have to deal with her somehow but now she had to go and get the woman in the wheelchair.
It was when she got back to the lift that Chase realised something that she hadn’t previously. In the wheelchair the woman looked this way and that, jerking her head around and trying to work out what was going on. That was because the woman was blindfolded and gagged and strapped to the chair.


“mmeeshhh…uurrmmhh…” the woman in the wheelchair turned her head toward where Chase was standing, following the sound.
“Quiet.” What to do? Well, she couldn’t stand out here. Chase rushed behind the wheelchair and started to push it along the corridor. The woman in the wheelchair mumbled and strained against the bonds holding her in place as they moved. “A minute.” Chase pushed open the door to the room with her foot and reversed the wheelchair in, carefully avoiding the unconscious woman sprawled on the carpet.

After going back to close the door Chase took a breath and tried to work out what she had stumbled into. “Is this some kind of kinky game?”

“mmppffhh…mmppffhh…” the woman in the wheelchair mumbled twisting her head left and then right.

“Bizarre medical experiments?” Chase didn’t really care. The only question was, what to do now? Not that Chase had a lot of time to make a decision.

“uumppff…gguummff…” the woman was struggling that much that the wheelchair was starting to rock on its wheels.

“Alright. Calm down. Give me a second.” Chase made her way round and stood in front of the woman. “Stay still.” She reached round and undid the blindfold, then the ball-gag and helped the woman remove the foam stuffing from her mouth.

“Thanks,” Hayley said working her jaw and blinking, “that feels a lot better.” Chase was squinting, she knew the face, and that wasn’t just wishful thinking as it was absolutely stunning, there was something about it. Then it clicked.

“You’re the hot detective that took down Elizabeth Crawford.” It was a statement and not a question. On both counts. Chase liked both men and women and Hayley King would be enough to make her swear off the former for good. “That was good work by the way. Elizabeth was seriously weird and…”

“Not the time or place for that discussion.” Hayley put on her cutest smile and hoped that her eyes were big and blue in this light. “If you would just get me out of these restraints…”


“The lift won’t work,” Hayley had given Chase the abridged version of what had happened over the weekend. At this particular time, they were strapping the still unconscious Freya into the wheelchair. They worked in silence securing the woman and then Hayley applied the gag and blindfold. Whilst working Hayley had been working things through in her head. “We need to get to the library”

“Wait,” Chase looked into Hayley’s eyes. “There is no we.” The thief’s finger moved from pointing at her, then to Hayley and then back again. “You have to do what you have to do and I have to get out of here.” Chase looked over her shoulder. “Now.” Something felt very wrong to the thief. It was time to exit.

“I am guessing this wasn’t in your plan?”

“Hell no.”

“You break in of your own accord or stealing something to specification?” Chase didn’t reply. “Your client must have given you full information. Maybe even a time and date.” Again, Chase did not reply. “This not smell like a set-up.” Chase turned and headed for the door, Hayley shrugged and started talking to herself. “Rowan grabbed me in the library and dragged me through a secret doorway…”


“…most of these big, old houses had secret compartments and corridors behind the walls that lead to other parts of the house. For either staff to move around unobserved or for the owner to sneak…”

“Did you say Rowan?” Chase’s senses were starting to tingle.

“Yes, Rowan Acheson,” Hayley stated as she headed for the door.

“Hell,” the tone of Chase’s voice stopped Hayley in her tracks. The two locked eyes. “Wait. You are a cop. Right?” Hayley nodded. “And you have never heard of Rowan Acheson.?” This time Hayley shook her head. “Otherwise known The Collector.” Hayley had no idea what Chase was talking about.

“If you want my advice, you should leave and never mention this place or what happened ever again.”

“Is that because I could arrest you for breaking and entering?”

“I could have just left you in the chair.” Chase raised an eyebrow.

“Alright,” Hayley shrugged. “Call this one that I owe you.”

“Thanking you,” Chase bowed. “If you want to make it two, I can help you get out of here.”

“No,” Hayley said firmly. “I have to go and release the other captives.”

“You are on…” the thief didn’t get the chance to finish with on you own.

“Did you client give you information on the house?” Chase nodded and got the feeling that she wasn’t going to like where this was going. There was something about Hayley that lured you in. She hadn’t known the woman long but already felt drawn to her. “Did that include schematics?” Chase didn’t want to but found herself nodding. “Can I see them?” Just then there was a groan from the wheelchair. Both of them turned to look at in that direction. “Did you punch her?”


“Impressive.” Hayley grabbed Chase by the arms and started to pull her toward the door. “We should get going before she fully regains her senses.”

“Wait…I….we….” Chase protested but found herself


They managed to make their way from the bedroom to the library without bumping into anybody else. Hayley thought they may have been a strange sight. Chase in her slick, black and dark grey catsuit and Hayley in her bright white silk pyjamas and slippers. Now that they were in the library Hayley was standing in the exact same position where she had been when the chloroform cloth had been pressed over her face. Just for once she would have liked to have something nice happen without getting sedated, restrained and captured. Was it really that much to ask? Hayley was looked around and found that her gaze back on the photograph of Rowan Acheson in Andersson’s garden.

“What exactly are we looking for?” Chase looked around the room and toward the door. Hayley ignored her and stared at the photograph, her brain working. Andersson, Rowan ‘The Collector’ Acheson, Hayley and this thief. It couldn’t be a co-incidence. “Hayley.” Chase hissed. “Hayley!”
“Sorry,” Hayley returned to the task at hand. She took the tablet out of Chase’s hand and studied the plans again before handing it back. “Think that I have my bearings.” Taking a step back she looked at the solid shelves of books that went from the floor to the ceiling. There had to be some kind of switch somewhere. It would be something that twisted or turned.

“You said that you knew where the print that I am here for was?”

“No,” Hayley scanned the shelve as she spoke. “I told you that room that you are looking for is probably where I was…” Hayley tried to find the correct term, “…put on display.”

“In a glass case?” Chase sounded sceptical.

“It sounds weird but…” Hayley paused as her eyes landed on something. Part of the wooden shelf looked a little more worn than the others. Reaching up she pulled one of the leather-bound books. It didn’t come out of its place on the shelf, it pivoted downward and there was click. “Bingo.” A section of the shelving swung in to reveal a well-lit entrance.

“You happen to have a torch in that rucksack.”

“Yes, but it looks like there are lights.”

“I meant to use as a weapon.” Chase hnaded the flashlight over and then followed Hayley through the entrance and into the hidden passage beyond. The floor was concrete and the walls stone. There were electric lights on the walls that provided ample illumination. After twenty paces then came to a set of stone stairs They stopped at the top and listened before descending slowly. At the bottom of the staircase Hayley raised the torch ready to strike and stepped out into the corridor. She looked left and right. Nothing. Nobody. That was a piece of good luck. “Tablet.” Hayley pulled up the plans again and then got her bearings from comparing the plans to where the lift was and the turns that she had made when being wheeled around in the chair. They were standing in a corridor that ran to what looked like a dead end to the south and Hayley guessed toward the lift to the north. There were a couple of corridors off this main one. “Alright. You are down that way and then right at the end and I am down that corridor off to the left.” Hayley firm gestures with her hand as she spoke.

“Thanks,” Hayley nodded and handed back the tablet. There was an awkward silence as Chase slipped the tablet back in her rucksack and headed down the corridor. As she watched the thief walk away Hayley had to admire the way that the skintight catsuit clung to her thighs and rearend. The woman clearly worked hard on her physical fitness. “Don’t let our paths cross again or I will need to get the cuffs out.”
“I knew you secretly liked that stuff,” Chase remarked instantly without looking back.

Hayley shrugged. Maybe their paths would cross again, maybe they wouldn’t but she did think that she owed the thief one for getting her out of the wheelchair. Anyway, she had a job to do. Walking down the corridor Hayley made the turn and entered the other corridor. Bingo. There in full view were the white collapsible walls that she remembered with running rails at the top and bottom. As Hayley approached, she looked over her shoulder, expecting to see a maid but there was nobody around. Something in the back on her brain told her that something wasn’t quite right.
When she reached the collapsible wall Hayley reached out and pulled a couple of the sections away and stepped inside. “Typical. Lying down on the job when some of us are out rescuing damsels in distress.” A restrained, blindfolded and gagged Bethany moaned excitedly as she recognised Hayley’s voice.


It may have taken slightly longer than she had hoped but eventually all of the woman were freed from there bonds. After Hayley had managed to quell the conversation, she herded them toward the stairs back to the library. On the way back Hayley clocked a small dome camera in a corner and again wondered why they hadn’t come across anybody else. Where were all the Amazonian maids? If the cameras weren’t being monitored, surely Rowan Acheson was wondering where Freya was with her exhibit.

As they group walked Hayley found herself slipping back with Maura. “Thanks for…you know…rescuing me.”

“No problem.”

“We weren’t restrained for that long. How did you take it for days on end?”

“Maybe some other time. We should really just concentrate on getting out of here.” It was then than Hayley realised that she didn’t have a plan for that. Also, the conversation had meant that she and Maura had dropped back a little form the rest of the group. They made their way up the stairs and into the library. Then out into the corridor and toward the stairs that would lead them to the study on the ground floor. It had been decided that was the place to head for.

On the stairs from the first to the ground floor Hayley and Maura passed two maids lying slumped on the floor. “I should check that they are alright,” Maura commented, “at least put them in the recovery position.” Hayley sighed but managed to drag Maura past them and down to the bottom of the stairs. She glanced over her shoulder as she got to the bottom of the stairs. The hairs on the back of her neck were standing up. It was like she could feel someone watching them from the shadows. A nervous glance but Hayley couldn’t see anyone.

“Anybody have a cell phone?” Kate asked nobody in particular as Hayley and Maura entered the room.

“No,” Dex replied. “I should have asked one of those maids before I choked then out.”

“That would have been handy,” Kate commented. “There must be a landline somewhere.” The women all mingled around the study looking for a phone.

“What do we do now?” Daphne asked with more than a hint of concern in her voice as the search seemed to be fruitless.

“Anyone seen a woman dressed entirely in black?” Hayley asked. Kate, Jane and Bethany all shook their heads.

“Does anybody know where our clothes are?” They all paused and looked at Zhivago. It was a reasonable question. “I can’t be seen in this outfit.” White pyjamas and slippers. That caused a ripple of laughter from the group.

“I guess we should…” Hayley was interrupted by the lights going out. When this had happened previously, one of them had been snatched. “What the…” Suddenly, there was the sound of glass smashing as first one and then a second object came through the window and hit the floor with a soft thud. Hayley turned toward the sound just as a third object was tossed into the room through the door. The door was closed form the outside. Before anyone could react a bright light and loud, high-pitched noise filled the room taking all of the occupants by surprise. Then smoke started to fill the room. Hayley fell to her knees and pressed the palms of her hands to her ears. She was stunned and disoriented. A glance around told her that the rest of the women in the room were in the same position as her. A couple were lying flat on the ground. Dex seemed to be doing a little better and was shouting and pointing but Hayley couldn’t make out what she was saying.

Then Hayley felt a strong hand on her shoulder forcing her face down onto the carpet. “HEY!” Hayley yelled but they she felt something, wait it was a muzzle in her back. That removed any hint of resistance as she felt her hands being brought behind her back and strong plastic cuffs were places around her wrists and tightened. Turning her head so that her cheek was on the carpet Hayley could see that all of the women in the room had been forced to the floor and their wrists bound behind their backs with plastic cuffs. The others also had their ankles bound and pieces of white micro-foam tape pressed over their lips. Suddenly, Hayley was lifted up and escorted out of the room. Still feeling the effect of the flashbangs Hayley was led from the study and across into a small reception room. The figures on either side of her were dressed from head to toe in black combat gear. There was a man standing in the corner of the reception room looking out a window. Why? Hayley had no idea. It was still pitched black outside. The only light was from the small lights on the edge of the driveway.

“Hell,” Hayley said when she saw the man. Then she turned to her left. “Alright One? How is it hanging?” The black clad figure just nodded.
“I must apologise for the rather dramatic entrance but I didn’t want to take any chances.” Hayley looked over the man from top to toe. Immaculately turned out as always.

“Nice suit Andersson,” Hayley replied. “What brings you to this part of the world?” Then Hayley heard noise from behind and to the left. She craned her neck to see the thief sitting bound and gagged in a chair.

“Your new friend here,” Andersson pointed at the thief. “Please take her away and make her comfortable for the journey.” Hayley raised an eyebrow. “Yes, you know what comes next.” Having experienced Andersson’s preferred form of transport for captives personally she had some sympathy for the woman.

“I don’t even know her name.”

“Chase Kennedy. For the record.” Andersson. “That stays between you and I.”

“You do now have to treat a lady Andersson,” Hayley commented. Andersson nodded and One cut away the plastic restraints around Hayley’s wrists. “What do you want with her anyway?”

“A business proposition,” Andersson replied.

“Seems like a lot of trouble when you could have just hired her.”

“Not exactly. Your new friend borrowed something from one of my clients and he would like it returned. If it is returned then,” Andersson shrugged, “no harm, no foul as you Americans say.”

“Almost like this whole thing was just a set up.” Hayley suggested as she walked over to a vacant chair and sat down. Taking his cue Andersson took the seat opposite. “Was it?” Andersson raised an eyebrow. “I have the feeling that you want something with Rowan as well?”

“Well, my employers did want to have a chat with her about something. In person.”

“…and she declined the invitation.” Andersson shrugged.

“Two birds with one stone.” Hayley nodded at the reply. “You don’t seem that shocked to see us.”

“I knew something was up,” Andersson raised an eyebrow, “I mean beyond Rowan and her weird collector thing. The photograph of her in your garden.”

“You are a smart woman. If you ever fancy a job the offer is always open.” He pulled out a card and handed it over. “My number.”

“Thanks,” Hayley took the card and put it on the arm of the chair. “Where is our host?”

“Oh, Wanger is preparing her for that chat.” Hayley nodded. All this small-talk before the main event. “You have been busy since our last meeting.”

“We all have jobs to do.” Andersson crossed his legs and put his hands on his knee. “So, what happens to the rest of us?” The main event.

“Nothing,” Andersson said. “You all sign non-disclosure agreements and are free to go.” Hayley raised an eyebrow. “Remember you promised me two years as well.” Hayley got up from the seat. “You have fifteen minutes to convince the rest of the ladies.”

Beachborough Manor, Tuesday morning

It was a beautiful but chilly morning as Hayley King stood outside the entrance to the large house turning over the surreal events of the past three days in her head. Andersson’s people had managed to track down and retrieve their vehicles in amazingly quick time. Almost like they had tracked them. The answer to Zhivago’s question about clothing had been answered when they opened the boots to their cars. All their possessions had been neatly packed away. The majority of the woman had already left but Hayley had watched with interest as the Coalition operatives had taken several items from the house before leaving in two helicopters taking Rowan Acheson, Freya and Chase Kennedy with them. The rest of the staff had been asked to leave last night. Before they left Wagner had given Hayley a set of keys and the code for the alarm, asking her to lock up and post the keys back through the letterbox. “Anything to help.”

Just as Hayley was about to lock up, she heard the thrum of a muscle car and turned to find a black Mustang coming down the drive. It was an impressive and intimidating vehicle. The car stopped level with her and the window rolled down. “This has been a wild and unforgettable weekend Blue Eyes.” Zhivago Stone commented from behind the wheel as she lifted a pair of shades onto the top of her head.

“Pity that we can’t talk about it.”

“Doesn’t mean that we can’t talk.” Zhivago’s hand reached out and Hayley took the card. All very traditional. She put it in the pocket of her jacket.

“If you are ever in New York please look me up.”

“Will do. I like the way your brain works Hales.” Zhivago pulled the shades back down. “See you around.” The window buzzed up as the car moved away.

“Interesting woman.” Hayley shook her head. “Time to lock up and…” Turning her head Hayley saw Bethany approaching wearing a very tight-fitting outfit. “Hello,” Hayley mumbled under her breath as she took in the glorious sight from head to toe, lingering for a moment at Bethany’s curvaceous breasts. Suddenly, the temperature seemed to have risen a couple of degrees. “I thought you had left with the others.”

“Maybe I wanted to get you alone,” Bethany replied as she stopped right in front of Hayley, perhaps half a yard closer than she had to. “I wanted to say goodbye properly and see what was going on.”

“Andersson’s people have finished doing whatever they were doing and now I have to lock up and go home.”

“How do you know that guy anyway?” Bethany asked. Hayley lowered her eyes and shook her head. Bethany laughed. “You certainly are an intriguing woman.”

“I have my moments,” Hayley replied as she lifted her head. The two women were now staring at each other. “Well. I guess it is time to say goodbye. No doubt you will want to get down the road.” It was a bit awkward then Bethany leaned in close so that she could whisper in Hayley’s ear.

“I would really like to see you again,” Hayley felt a hand reach between the buttons of her blouse and slip something into her bra. “That’s my card. Call me.” The hand caressed Hayley’s right breast for a second before withdrawing. Hayley tried to think of anything else as Bethany pecked her on the cheek and walked away. Despite telling herself to keep her eyes straight ahead Hayley couldn’t help but watch Bethany’s ass as it swayed on the way to her car. A minute later Bethany blew past in her car and waved. Hayley slipped her hand into her bra and removed the card. In was a standard business card with Bethany’s business name and contact detail on one side. Flipping the card over Hayley found a handwritten message that was clearly not for business. Despite being a woman of the world Hayley blushed. This certainly had been an interesting weekend!
Last edited by mrjones2009 3 weeks ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Millennial Club
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Post by Caesar73 »

Yay! Hayley King is back!! Will comment in Detail later that day. What I already read - an exellently wirttern Adventure!
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