First Day on the Job - Two Tales M/F

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First Day on the Job - Two Tales M/F

Post by Brez510 »


Hi. I'm Tami. I just got a job as the Assistant Shipping Clerk at a warehouse in the industrial section of town. The neighborhood around the building is pretty bad. Always stories about thiefs and hijackers. I dont’ know if that is true or not, but we have our own parking lot and the pay is pretty good, so things seem fine.

I'm here for my first day on the job! I'm wearing the warehouse uniform, a red tee shirt that says Lakeland Avenue Warehouse and a pair of kahki colored shorts with work boots. Everything is too tight and a little too short though. The tee shirt fits more like a tank top and the shorts are way too short and tight. I guess they ran out of my size, or did they! Lol

I'm pretty attractive. I'm 23, 5’6”, beautiful red hair that I always keep in a pony tail, nice large chest and beautiful legs that are somewhat muscular from hiking a lot.

I'm only telling you this because maybe, just maybe, that's why they gave me a tight uniform. Lol. That's ok though. Kind of pervy, but also flattering.

My only complaint so far is that it's very hot in here and it's only 9am. When I got in at 6am it was ok, but now, I'm boiling! We have some regular fans, but they do nothing.

The boss just told me to make sure that I call or page him if it's too hot and he’ll figure something out.

I work in the office area and have a desk for my shipping work. The warehouse is right outside the door. The office is even hotter then the warehouse!

Most of our trucks were loaded earlier and are out for deliveries. Some more trucks are sitting loaded ready to go out later in the day.

To show I'm a team player, I helped load earlier.

Funny, I have eyes in the back of my head. Anytime I bent over to pick up a box, I could tell that guys were staring at my backside. Like I said, its kind of flattering, and none of the guys are acting rude or out of line.


Guys, it's 10am now and the heat is unbearable. I'm sweating a bunch. The boss said before to call him if it got too hot and he’ll take care of it.

I just called him and paged him on the loudspeaker twice. No answer. He's a very busy man. I guess it wouldn't hurt if I opened one of the truck bays for a few minutes to get some air circulating.

Maybe, I'll call him one more time, but on the other hand I don't want to act like a pest if he's in a meeting or something.

I'll open the bay door if I can figure it out. I need fresh air. All the guys are on a half hour break, the boss is too busy, so leave it to a lady to figure things out!

I finally got it open. There were a whole bunch of power buttons, but I got it going. What a pleasure. A nice breeze now blowing in. I'll close it in a few minutes.

I walked to the beverage machine then headed back to the office with an ice tea. No sooner did I get through the door when a hand was clamped around my mouth. The ice tea fell out of my hand. I kicked and fought but he was just too strong. Two other men then appeared. The man with his hand around my mouth told me to shut up and I'd be ok.

He held my hands behind my back and walked me out to the middle of the warehouse floor and put me in a chair facing our 8 truck bay doors. What is going to happen to me? I'm at their mercy. All of our workers were on a break.

One of the guys left then came back with white strapping material used to secure packages. You know the kind. Sort of a very strong, like half inch wide polyester material that you need to cut with a knife. It seals itself to the ends when the job is done

First they wrapped the polyester cord around my wrists. My wrists were so sweaty I was hoping I could slip out of the strapping material later. It was wrapped so tight though that I could see that wouldn't be possible. I was losing circulation in my hands.

Next the lead guy started winding the material in loops around the bottom and top of my breasts to the back of the chair. My tee shirt was so sweaty that I must have looked like the winner of a wet tee shirt contest. It was embarrassing as the men looked at the wet outline of my breasts and nipples. It made me very uncomfortable.

Then my ankles were crossed and strapped, followed by the same just above my knees.

A small sock that they found from an open box shipping order was stuffed into my mouth then strapping material was wound around my head between my lips to hold the sock in place.

Wow, was I tied and gagged. I couldn't move or scream. I tried to fight the strapping material on my wrists to see if I could attempt to get lose, but it was just to tight. I strained every muscle in my legs to get loose but no luck at all.

The men then went into the office and took three sets of truck keys from the key cabinet. They then ran outside through the warehouse, and drove off.

Here I am now, hot, sweaty, tightly bound and gagged and terrified of what the boss will do.

It only took a few minutes. I guess he heard the trucks take off. He came up to me tied in the chair. He made no attempt to release me. All he did was yell at the top of his lungs about me opening the bay door, four trucks hijacked, tens of thousands of dollars of merchandise stolen and that his clients would be flipping out.

He was still yelling at me when the guys returned from their break. The boss told them what happened? No attempt was made to untie me just a lot of yelling and guys staring at my sweaty body all tied up and gagged. I'm glad they were getting off on this, I certainly wasn't.

The boss said he was calling the police, and then he would untie me.

That gave me some time to think.

It was way too hot here anyway. I'm sure there are warehouses that are nicer and cooler to work at!!

I'll start looking tomorrow.



I'm Lana. I just got a job at the Lakeland Avenue Warehouse. I'm the new Assistant Shipping Clerk in the warehouse.

Tami the girl who worked in the job before me must have been totally incompident.

Can you believe she disregarded the bosses orders and allowed a team of highjackers to take three trucks filled with cargo and drive away from the warehouse?

What a loser. She ended up tied and gagged in a chair on the middle of the warehouse floor.

Deserved her right I guess.

I can guarantee you one thing. That would never happen to me. I'm too bright and ambitious to mess things up and not follow orders.

The boss decided to change things around a little since Tami left. He hired two new Assistant Shipping Clerks, myself and a guy named Jimmy.

We met with the boss who gave us an orientation. I was assigned to the office to handle small shipments and Jimmy would handle the bigger bulk cargo jobs.

We were meeting on the warehouse floor. I asked if we could go into the office since it was so hot. I mean the warehouse heat made me feel like I was in a tin box on a stove.

The office wasn't much better, it was also sweltering hot.

The boss told me if it ever gets way too hot to call him or page him and he'd do something about it. I don’t know how much hotter it can get before I let out the SOS.

As the boss walked out the door he smiled and said that he would have a special surprise for us later in the day.

Jimmy and myself pondered what the surprise could be. Maybe some large industrial fans to cool the place down or maybe an incentive bonus program or something like that. Jimmy was banking on fans. So was I. Money is always wishful thinking.

I sat at my desk with a small fan blowing hot air around. I made a mistake. Since my job involved smaller and lighter shipments I was given the opportunity to wear a uniform or business clothes.

I decided on business clothes. Much more professional, although I was thinking of how nice it would be to wear the shorts and tee shirt uniform. I'm sure it was much cooler then my white tank top, red mini dress, nude pantyhose and three inch black heels. Certainly too hot for this environment. I also didn't particularly like the way Jimmy looked at me and studied my legs and heels.

I do have to admit I have nice long legs. I'm 5’8” tall with long light blond hair, and a nice well proportioned body.

I take pride in the way I look and dress but don't like guys checking me out like Jimmy did. I think he is also very ambitious and wants to eventually become my boss. I won't let that happen!

The next few hours dragged on. It was so hot I could hardly concentrate. The blazing stagnant heat made me sleepy.

It was so hot I took my stockings off. My bare legs were glistening, my tank top soaking wet. Totally uncomfortable!

Jimmy came in and asked me again if I think the surprise was giant fans.

I told him, that's all I was thinking about.

Jimmy left, about 10 minutes later there was a knock on the glass office door that lead to the street. It's like angels appeared. Instead of wings they had on shirts that said County Wide Cooling and Heating. Their truck was big enough to hold several industrial fans!!

Jimmy came rushing in to let them in. I reminded him that if it got opessivly hot we needed to call the boss first.

I went to pick up the phone to call him.

Jimmy being the overly ambitious one who wanted to curry his favor said he would get the boss. He said he just saw him on the warehouse floor.

I apologized to the crew and explained through the glass door that we needed to pass their arrival on to the boss before we could let them in.

Jimmy came rushing back with a big smile on his face. The boss said the cooling crew was the surprise and to let them in!

I opened the door and welcomed the two workers into the office. I asked them if they had fans or were going to survey for air conditioning.

One of the guys said neither, but that he did have rope.

“Rope, for what,” I asked?

“To tie you up with,” he said

I looked towards Jimmy wondering what shared fate awaited us.

I quickly found out that Jimmy was the major person in this plan, not a victim.

Jimmy was casing the warehouse for several days before he was hired.

When he heard the boss had a surprise he knew the time was right. He told his partners to steal one of the County Wide trucks and uniforms.

He was banking on the fact that I would open the door.

He never saw the boss, just said he did.

I was shocked! Jimmy tightly pulled my arms behind my back. He grabbed a piece of rope from one of his partners and tightly tied my wrists behind my back. He whistled for another length of rope and tightly tied my elbows together.

He then had one of the men open my desk draw to take the keys to the valuable items small shipment locker. The locker was the size of a small garage and held expensive jewelry, currency, gold and silver, all there to be specially packaged and shipped.

They opened the door and shoved me inside with them. They pushed me into an office chair, I guess to have a ringside seat to the robbery.

I sat their legs crossed, wrists and elbows tied worried about what the boss would say. I should have never listened to Jimmy!

And speaking of Jimmy, while they were moving the items he kept on staring at me. I could see he was getting turned on. The ropes around my wrist and elbows were tight and made my chest stick out. The fact that my tank top was soaking wet from the heat and my smooth legs wet with sweat seemed to please him. I could see a bulge in his pants. I immediately uncrossed my legs. I could tell he found that sexy. What a pig.

After about 15 minutes they has the whole room cleared out and the loot brought to their truck.

Jimmy then brought me back into the office. He pushed everything off my desk. He then lifted me up and placed me there.

He took a length of rope, crossed my ankles and tightly tied them together. He then took a short length of rope and tied my ankles to my wrists where they touched each other.

Just when I started to yell “not so tight” he took a cloth out of his pocket, pulled it between my teeth and tied it as tightly as he could behind my neck. He took another cloth and blindfolded me. I couldn't talk, see or move. Jimmy then tested his handy work. What a creep. He tested the ropes, gag and blindfold to make sure everything was inescapable. For good measure he ran his hands up and down my sweating wet legs. I could tell, even though I couldn't see, that he was taking pictures of me.

Then they were gone.

After what seemed like an eternity I hear yelling. It was the boss. He screamed at me after he saw me tied up and the valuables room cleaned out. He cursed at the top of his lungs, screamed about letting the robbers in without calling him first, telling me the loss would be over $100,000 and his business was ruined.

He made no attempt to untie me. I guess that was my punishment until then police arrived.

Well after more cursing, screaming and yelling the police arrived. The boss was still irate though. He said he was going to let us leave an hour early! So that was the big surprise! He couldn't believe he was being so generous with such incompident employees.

What a jerk!

I was still left tied up and gagged as the police tried to calm down the boss.

Then I heard another officer enter the room to say that they caught Jimmy and his gang. The truck was reported stolen earlier and an officer spotted it speeding.

Finally the police untied me. The boss said I was done for not following orders.

I was so hot and sweaty from being tied up and gagged I could care less about being fied.

I knew one thing to be true—I may be hot, but Jimmy would be cooling off, for a long time, in prison!!



Tamil and Lana eventually met in court when both of them were there to testify about the robberies.

Lana offered Tami a ride home since she had her car. Tami came with a car service.

To get to Tami’s house they needed to pass the warehouse.

They both started to laugh hysterically.

As they approached the building where both were left tied up and gagged a big sign was placed out front. It said -