Adventures With April: Part 9 1/27/24 (Parts 1-6: f/m, Part 7-9: f/fm)

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Adventures With April: Part 9 1/27/24 (Parts 1-6: f/m, Part 7-9: f/fm)

Post by puddy300 »

I was 17 when the first person other than me discovered I liked being tied up.

It was a warm summer day. I had been into tying myself up for a few years at that point, but had to be careful to avoid being found out by members of my family. So after a few close calls at home, I’d taken to fulfilling my desires outside. Fortunately, there was a substantial wooded area just outside the neighborhood I lived in. People rarely went into it, and so I felt safe from being found. Especially since I would walk about a half an hour into it. There was basically no chance of being found by accident.

Once I’d gone deep enough into the woods, I’d tie myself up. Usually nothing complicated, I had to make sure I could escape. No one was going to find me if I was too good and couldn’t get myself free. I brought scissors along, only used rope and simple knots, and generally played it safer than necessary.

On this day, things went as normal. I arrived at my usual spot, excited just thinking about how I was going to tie myself up this time. Usually, I would maneuver into a simple hogtie. But on this day I had decided to go a little different. I was going to use the trees around me to pull my arms up over my head. It was part of a fantasy of being a captive I had in mind.

Although I normally went barefoot, I did wear a pair of sandals when walking in the woods, it tended to have random brush and roots that could make things uncomfortable. But I ditched them to the side once I was ready to start setting up. I had a t-shirt and shorts on, because on the very small chance someone found me, I thought it would be best if I wasn't also naked.

I got out my stuff: some coils of rope and duct tape. Despite it not being the best thing to do, I enjoyed a good duct tape gag. I set to work quickly, setting up a rope thrown over a tree branch and anchored around a solid tree root sticking slightly out of the ground. With a little work and a cinch knot at the end, I had a set-up to at least simulate having my wrists bound above my head.

I quickly tied my ankles neatly and placed a few pieces of duct tape over my mouth to make a solid gag. Finally, I put some ropes around my wrists, used the cinch knots and then just like that, I was tied up.

The setup wasn’t perfect, the rope was a little low so my arms weren’t fully extended over my head, but it was good enough. Good enough is always the mantra of the careful self-bondager.

I settled into my fantasy where I’d been captured and left here to wonder about my fate. The empty woods setting was helpful for this, it really felt like I was alone and helpless. A little youthful imagination could take care of the rest.

It had probably been about 5 minutes or so of this when I was knocked right out of the fantasy and into reality when I heard the rustling of underbrush: someone was nearby.

I panicked, although I always knew it was a possibility I had never really given the idea that I’d be found out here much credence. I looked around and didn’t see anyone, but by the sounds of it they were way too close for me to slip out of the wrist restraints and get myself untied before they saw me. Still, I had to try. I immediately began working the cinch knot. Usually, it was loose and was no trouble to get out of. For some reason, today I was having trouble. Perhaps it was the nerves.

I had made no progress when the person who was nearby appeared in my view, coming out from behind a nearby tree. I almost groaned. It was April, one of the girls who lived in my neighborhood. Like me, she hated shoes, but that was largely where the commonalities between us ended. April was about my age, maybe a few months younger. She was an outdoorsy girl, very much a tomboy. Her hair was cut at the shoulders and messy and unstyled, she wore jeans and button-up shirts meant for boys. She hated video games, board games, reading, all things I enjoyed. We were friendly but hadn’t interacted much as we grew up and grew apart.

But now she stood in front of me with a shit-eating grin on her face. “Well, fancy seeing you out here, Bryan!” She walked up to me, examining the ropes. “Who did this to you, huh? Shoddy work, I think.”

Due to my duct tape gag, I said nothing. April cottoned on to this, and ripped it off of me. “Ow,” I said, the removal painful with its quickness.

“There! Now you can tell me who did this.” She had a look in her eyes that made me suspect she already guessed the truth.

I was embarrassed to be found, and by her of all people. She was a wild-card, you never really knew quite what she’d do next. I thought about saying that it was just a prank with my brother gone awry, but was worried that she’d do hunt him down and then cause a scene, so I came clean. “I did this to myself,” I said quietly.

“Yeah, I know,” April said, smile still on her face. “I was watching. I’m glad you told me the truth though!”

“Hey,” I said, “what are you doing here?” I was still fumbling with the knot at my wrists.

“Hold on,” she said, glancing up at my work. She went and got some more rope from my bag.

“Hey,” I said again.

April held the rope up to my wrists. She was just about as tall as me, so she had no trouble reaching. “Let me do this right, the way you’ve done it is so sloppy!” Started looping this new rope around my wrists. “The way I see it, I think I maybe sort of ruined things for you by showing up. So let me make it right.” April preceded to very effectively tie my wrists and toss the remaining length of rope over the tree branch, then pulled at it. She raised me up and up, until I was on my tip-toes. I tried but couldn’t really fight her, she had leverage and, quite frankly, she was stronger than me.

“Come on, too much,” I complained.

“I think you like it,” she said, grinning. Once she had me where she wanted, she tied off the end of the rope at the root. I tested the work, it was well done. I couldn’t pull my arms down, and I was high enough on the tips of my toes that I couldn’t really go any higher, either. I did, in fact, like this, but I was not going to admit that to her.

“Now,” she said, standing in front of me. “Can you get out of this?”

I quickly discovered what I already suspected: I could not. Her loops of rope didn’t include any knot. The only way to loosen the rope would be to undo the knot at the base of the tree root, but that was well out of reach. Unlike every time I’d been tied up, I was actually stuck and helpless. I was nervous, but also excited. This kind of crazy girl had complete control over me. “No,” I said. “If you leave me like this, I’ll…”

“I will not leave you like this,” said April with a laugh. “What do I look like, a murderer?” She leaned in close to me. “I just want some answers. And I figured what better way to get them than to get you to realize your predicament first.”

“My predicament?” I asked, a flush of excitement running through me. Hadn’t I always wanted something like this? Granted, April was not my first choice for capturer. But she was here, and had done it.

“Yes,” she said, a gleam in her eyes. “Answer my questions or suffer the torture.” She brought her hands up, fingers in a claw-like shape. “I remember your tickle spots.”

To be Continued with Part 2
Last edited by puddy300 4 months ago, edited 9 times in total.
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Post by Bondageboi »

Truly awesome story start. Mmmmmm
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Part 2

Oh God, I thought. Yes, we’d had tickle fights when we were young. And I was sure that most of those ticklish spots were still sensitive. Stretched out as I was, I’d be dead meat if April decided to tickle me. I had definitely never felt so exposed and helpless.

“No, please,” I said, a little too quickly. “You don’t need to tickle me, I’ll answer your questions. I’ve already been telling the truth, haven’t I?”

“Oh, yes, you have, and I do like your obedience,” said April. I had never known how easily she’d take to the role of captor. “Okay, so full disclosure, I followed you here. I have seen you walk into the woods with your backpack and then come back a few hours later. I was curious as to what you were doing. I had a few guesses but boy did I not think of this one.”

“That’s not a question,” I said, struggling against the ropes. Being lifted off the ground by your wrists was a strain on the shoulders, no question.

“No smart-aleck stuff from you, mister. I should tickle you just for that. But I’m merciful, I won’t. Now,” April counted off questions on her fingers. “How long have you been tying yourself up? What do you like about it? How come you keep it a secret?”

The first and last questions were easy to answer, the second one more tricky. I told her the truth, I’d been doing it for a few years and I keep it a secret because my parents might go nuts and make me stop if they found out, and I assumed pretty much everyone else would make fun of me.

“Most people would make fun of you,” said April. “Lucky for you, it was me that found you. How many people would find you and make your little bondage game better, huh?”

I ignored that. “As for what I like about it…” I trailed off. I didn’t want to tell her. It was personal. “I just do, you know?”

“Hmmm,” she said. “Not really an answer, but I think I get it. You’re shy, that’s cute.” I think I flushed red, but she either didn’t notice or didn’t care. “Okay, let’s give your arms a break.” April undid the knot and let the rope slack enough so that I could stand flat-footed on the ground, but only just. My arms were still tied tightly above my head. She redid the knot. “I suppose now that you’re done talking, I can put that gag back on.”

“April, you don’t…”

“Oh, quit acting like you don’t want it, I know you do.” I shut up, because she was right. I did want her to gag me, even though I didn’t want to admit that, either. “If you don’t want it, go ahead and stop me, I bet you can’t.” This was also true, if she wanted to gag me, even against my will, there wasn't a single thing I could do about it.

So I let her press the duct tape over my mouth. She used three pieces, as I had. When she was done, I tested it and found that it was solid. “Great!” she said. “How about a blindfold?” Before I could object, she took the blindfold I carried with me and sometimes used on me. “Now I’m going to take a seat and let you experience this. Don’t worry, I won’t go away.” She patted my cheek and then I felt her leave my immediate proximity.

I suddenly felt on display. I could feel her eyes on me, watching, although I wasn’t sure from where. I wasn’t sure what I should do. There wasn’t much I could do. I could shuffle my bound ankles a bit, and at least try to wiggle my wrists free through the ropes. But as I’d found before, April knew a thing or two about how to tie someone, as that was quite hopeless. Still, I gave it a good go, until I grew tired and realized I was getting nowhere. I gave up, and stood there, my arms growing ever more tired.

Finally, I felt April return and lift the blindfold off. “Wow, you know, watching you struggle and then slouch and give up when you realized you couldn’t escape, that was so fun to watch. I never knew I’d like seeing that. That’s my rope work, for sure.”

I was forced to blush again, and said something non-committal into my gag.
“Okay, I have a proposition for you,” said April, a sly look on her face. “You like being tied up, apparently. And I kinda like the idea of tying you up. So let’s make this a thing! Agree to these terms, and I promise I won’t tell your parents you sneak into the woods and tie yourself up.” I stared at her. Was this blackmail? She read my mind. “Don’t think of it as blackmail, because it’s really about keeping you safe! You shouldn’t come way out here and tie yourself up. One mistake and no one’s gonna find you. I’m protecting you.” I didn’t see it that way but regardless, if she really wanted to tie me up, maybe that wasn’t such a bad thing. “So go ahead and nod if you agree.”

I nodded and she grinned. “We are going to have some fun. Now, I’m going to let you go. But to make sure you honor our agreement in a timely manner, I’m going to take these.” She picked up my sandals. If she took those, I’d be forced to walk back barefoot. I mmmphed into my gag, April placed a finger over my taped lips. “I know you like being barefoot too, so no complaints. Anyway, one tie up and you get your shoes back.” April undid the rope tied to the tree root, and I could finally lower my arms. They were sore and needed to see some blood flow back into them.

April was already walking back. “See you next time, rope boy,” she said, waving before turning around and striding off. With my hands and feet still tied, I needed a bit of time to free myself, and by the time I did that and ripped the duct tape off my mouth, she was out of view.

I had no choice but to pack up and make the trek back home in my bare feet, thinking about how now that April knew about my secret, things were going to be different. I could already tell that although she might indulge me in my love for being tied up, she was also going to be quite annoying about it. I didn’t know if this was a good or bad thing, but for now, I just needed to accept it and see what the future held.
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Post by Mike »

So good! I'm in love with April. Can't wait to read more!!
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Post by puddy300 »

Thanks for the comments, it's nice to know if people are interested in this continuing.

Part 3

After being found in the woods by April and coming to an ‘agreement’ regarding tie up games, I avoided April for a few days. But she had taken my shoes, and I only had one other pair, a fancy dress shoe I didn’t want to wear. Eventually, my parents asked where my sandals I always wore (when I wore shoes) were, so I had to go to April.

“I was wondering when you’d come over!” April said as greeting. “Looking to continue our games?” She was being circumspect. I was at her front door, and her own parents could probably hear.

“Yeah, I was hoping,” I said.

“Great! Lucky for you, I’m not busy today.”

We walked out to the woods together, mostly in awkward silence. We were both barefoot, April said I could get my shoes back when I’d actually consented to be tied up, and she didn’t bother wearing any herself.

When we reached my usual spot, I placed the blanket I used on the ground, and emptied the backpack of my gear: rope, duct tape, and a blindfold. There were a couple old shoelaces, as well, which would become relevant soon.

April knelt down on the blanket next to me, examining the rope. “Well, now, how do you want to do this today? Also, take your shirt off this time, it’s warm out.”

“Can’t I leave my shirt on?”

“I’ve done some reading since last time,” April said. She was really into this. “Not only did I learn some tricks, I hear that rope on bare skin feels so much better than over clothing. Why not give it a try? It’s just your shirt. You can keep your shorts on.”

I sighed and removed my shirt, tossing it aside. The shorts were all I was wearing now. “As for how to do it, I like to hogtie myself.”

“Oooh, I know what that is,” said April. “You’re going to get a great, restrictive hogtie, buddy.” She picked up a piece of rope and judged its length. “Maybe long enough.”

“I usually just do wrists to ankles,” I offered. It was as good as I could do with self-bondage.

“Oh, I read that’s not the best. I studied this, just for you, rope boy. So prepare to be amazed.” She gave her lopsided smile to me. “Shall we begin? Just so you know, you won’t be able to escape this one either, I guarantee it. But trust me, I won’t hurt you and I won’t abandon you.”

I believed her, as weird as she was I didn’t think she’d hurt me. Still, there was a mental barrier to overcome. The first time, she’d tied me when I couldn’t stop her, having already tied myself up. This time, I was completely consenting to going from free to being inescapably restrained, placing myself at her mercy. I took a deep breath and said, “I’m ready.” I put my hands behind my back.

“Ok, I like the way you just put your hands behind your back like that for me, I do,” April said. “But we have something else to do first.” I was confused, but then she started wrapping rope around my chest. Now I understood. She was going to use a chest harness. She really had been doing some research.

The chest harness was simple, just a few wraps around the chest and tied off in the middle of my back. “If this rope was longer, maybe we could do something cooler,” April said. “Perhaps you and I should make a trip to the hardware store in town.” She was excited by the idea. “Anyway, this will work for today’s purposes.”

When the harness was complete, she wasted no time pulling my arms together behind my back and tying them, then pulling them up and tying them to the harness. I looked back to see her working with her tongue sticking out, totally focused. “Great!” she said. “Finished. Try it out!”

I worked at the bonds, but they held fast. As was quickly becoming her signature, there wasn’t a knot anywhere near my fingers.

“I don’t think I can get out,” I said.

April laughed. “Of course you can’t get out, you’re stuck for sure! Until I let you go. But that was never the question. How does it feel?” I told her that it felt good. Indeed, all the rope on my bare skin heightened the intensity and feeling of being bound. “Excellent. Now let’s lie you down and get to those feet of yours.”

It was a bit awkward to go from a sitting to a lying position with my hands tied, but April assisted. As I stated previously, she was actually stronger than me, despite being a little younger, a little shorter, and a girl. She spent a lot of time on her parents’ small farm and even was known to chop some wood. I had no farm, never chopped wood, and mainly sat inside. April was able to grab the back of my harness and let me slowly lower myself onto the blanket, face down.

April tied my feet together, then above and below my knees. She was running out of rope, but still had one piece left, which was of course used to complete the hogtie. I am not the most flexible person, so she wasn’t able to pull my ankles completely onto my wrists. Instead, she pulled them back as far as she could without causing discomfort. “I want you to stay in this for a bit, so it should be restrictive but not painful.”

I was fine. It was indeed restrictive. I could barely move except to wiggle my toes and fingers and roll around. Honestly, it was so much better than any of the self-bondage hogties I had put myself in. April had used all of the limited amount of rope that I had, but picked up the shoelaces. “What are these for?”

I shrugged. “They’re from an old pair of sneakers I threw away. I’ve used them on my toes occasionally.”

April was behind me so I couldn’t see her, but I could practically hear her thinking. “Okay, sounds good,” she said. With a shoelace, she neatly tied my big toes together, then proclaimed, “And I’m done! Get out of this one, rope boy!”

“I already know I cannot,” I said. None of the knots were anywhere near my hands, and everything was cinched tight enough that there was no wiggle room. For someone who’d apparently never tied anyone up before, she was way too good. I’d die of starvation before I so much as loosened any of these ropes up, it felt like.

“Come on, no one likes a quitter!” April said. “Don’t you got any fight in you? Struggle anyway.” She placed her bare feet on my back and rocked me side to side. “Do you want me to continue to be able to do this?”

“I can’t stop you,” I said. The thrill in my voice must have been audible, because she chuckled.

“God you like this stuff,” April said. “And I’m not poking fun. I absolutely love that you love this. This is more fun than I’ve had in a while.” I turned red again. No one had known that I liked being tied up before April, and no one knew to what extent. Even I didn’t, since none of my self-bondage was real bondage. I wasn’t stuck, I could always get out. But now I couldn’t, and instead of being scared of it, I was indeed loving it.

But April wasn’t done teasing me yet that day.
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Post by puddy300 »

Part 4

“Come on,” said April. “I’m providing you a great service here. As payment, struggle! I wanna see you fight against your bonds.”

I sighed. There was no point to this, and I did just want to enjoy my delicious bondage. But, part of my fantasies of being tied up included being in someone else’s control, so I wanted to obey her. So I began fruitlessly struggling. I mean, I really did try, I knew where the knots were even though I couldn’t see them because I could feel them. I twisted and strained and tried to stretch out my fingers. Finally, after perhaps five minutes of this, I gave up, tired. I was panting from the effort, and I lay still.

“Heck yeah,” said April. “Good try! Of course you got nowhere but I really wanted you to give it your best effort. Now you know for sure the answer to whether you can escape.” She sidled over to me and leaned down to whisper in my ear. “You can’t.” I shivered.

She sat crosslegged in front of me, but close enough that I had to really lift my head to see her face. “Now that we’ve established how completely at my mercy you are, I want you to know something. I’m not going to hurt you. I am doing this, in part, so you can experience something you like that you otherwise couldn’t. But, I ask for your honesty. I can’t make this as best for you as possible without honesty. I can’t read your mind. But see, you told me you like hogties, and here you are, trussed like a hog!” I groaned. “So I have a question. What is it you like about being hogtied? And remember, I want honesty. What you say here stays here, between you and I. And I won’t make fun of you. Well…there might be a little teasing. But in a good way. But I won’t untie you until I feel like I’ve gotten your honest answer.”

Aw, man. This I didn’t want to tell her. I didn’t want to ever tell anyone. But she was looking at me so seriously, and I’m a bad liar. There was no way I could get away with it. So I decided to come clean right away. “It’s going to sound stupid, but I like the way it…exposes the soles of my feet.”

“Ahh, I see. But…I don’t get it,” she said. “You always like going barefoot.”

“But I also am embarrassed to have people see my feet. I know it doesn’t make sense, but other than being totally naked, the most embarrassed I can be is to have the soles of my feet seen by other people. And part of liking being tied up like this is that I am forced to show them.” I was, in fact, embarrassed to even be saying this.

“Ohhhh. I get it now!” she said. She was smiling wickedly. “This position really does present your feet pretty prominently!” She shuffled over to my side, closer to my feet. “They’re quite dirty, did you walk through the woods or something?” I said nothing. “Haha, look, thanks for telling me. Like I said, this never leaves the two of us. But now that I know you got a thing for feet…” She stood up. “Okay, rope boy, I believe you were being honest. But obviously, I’m not going to untie you yet.”

“No?” I said. “I told you the truth.”

“Yes,” she said, nodding. “And I will untie you. When I’m good and ready. Remember, I’m in charge around here. Got a problem with it, untie yourself.” I didn’t bother to remind her that I couldn’t. “Time to take away your talking privileges.” April got out the duct tape and started taping my mouth shut. I didn’t fight her, I let her gag me. “Great. Now you get to listen.”

April went and leaned against a tree that was near me, and stretched her legs out, crossed at the ankles, on my back. “I bet you’re wondering why I’m doing this. Well, maybe you are. You haven’t asked. But you’re a bit shy, maybe you haven’t worked up the nerve.” It was kind of true, I didn’t really know why she was so into this so quickly. “When I found you tying yourself up in the woods the other day, I was intrigued. I like bossing people around, and I quickly saw how tying someone up is kind of like that.

“Now having tied you up twice, including today, man this is great. I mean, you’re cute, the way you so easily accept being tied up like this. And it’s adorable how you both like and hate your feet being seen. It’s got to be hard to find such willing participants.” I closed my eyes at this, but she seemed sincere. “But I love the power. Look at how completely in control I am! You put this trust in me, and I can do whatever I want. Lucky for you, I only want to give you this experience. But…I’d be lying if I said I didn’t absolutely get a thrill watching you fail to escape. That little drop where you relax and admit defeat. That was my favorite part of today.”

April got up and retrieved her phone, and began to take pictures of me. I mmmphed into my gag, I didn’t want her to do that. “Shh, quit moving,” she said, placing a placating hand on the top of my head. “I gotta save my handiwork. Plus, don’t you want to know what you look like?” More pictures. “Don’t worry, these are just for you and me.”

When she was done, she said, “We had a good talk today. Now enjoy your bondage.” So I did. She was silent for a while, and I lay there, muscles starting to burn, waiting to be released. It was incredible, knowing I needed to wait until she decided to untie me. It was just impossible to state how much I enjoyed having my freedom taken like this. It was almost too much to handle.

Finally, she wordlessly started untying me. It took some time, but eventually I was freed. I rubbed sore arms, and wondered how I would hide all the rope marks on my body. I don’t know how long I’d been tied up, but thought it was maybe a good 30 minutes. April sat next to me and started rubbing one of my wrists. “You did so well, rope boy,” she said.

After a while, as it threatened to get dark, I put my shirt back on and we headed back. When we were nearly there, she stopped and poked around a small hole near a tree trunk, and handed me my sandals. “As promised,” she said. “Now, if you don’t want, you don’t have to let me tie you up anymore. But…if you do, come and see me.”

I thought that it would be smarter to never let her do that again. How deep down this rabbithole did I want to go? Could giving April all my secrets really be a good thing?

Of course, I couldn’t help myself. It was only two days later that I found myself knocking on the door to her house, my bag of rope and tape on my back.
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Post by Mike »

So good writing! I would love to be tied by April! She's great. I wonder how she will tie him next. Maybe without pants :lol:
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Post by milagros317 »

I hope that you go on with this story. Also, I hope that April tickles him in future chapters. :twisted:
:ugeek: :ugeek: :ugeek:
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Post by puddy300 »

Mike wrote: 4 months ago So good writing! I would love to be tied by April! She's great. I wonder how she will tie him next. Maybe without pants :lol:
Thank you! Glad you like April. As for pantsless Bryan, if that were to happen I'd have to move this to the adult section haha. But we'll see. For now expect them to simply explore the world of tie-up games and their new dynamic. :twisted:
milagros317 wrote: 4 months ago I hope that you go on with this story. Also, I hope that April tickles him in future chapters. :twisted:
Thank you! Spoilers but you may in fact enjoy the next two parts. 8-)
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Post by TightsBound »

Loving this so far! You’ve established characters and a premise that could see some longevity. I sense a great new series in our future!
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Post by puddy300 »

TightsBound wrote: 4 months ago Loving this so far! You’ve established characters and a premise that could see some longevity. I sense a great new series in our future!
Thanks! Glad to hear people are enjoying it. I love writing it so far. I can't promise daily updates forever, but I'm a roll so far.
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Part 5

We’d arranged it over text the previous day and a quick, quiet phone call. Our texts were a masterclass in obscurity, the only unusual thing about them being that we were texting at all. There were no discussions of rope or bondage. I simply said we should hang out again some time, and we knew what I meant. Our phone call was for her to tell me that her parents and sister were going to be out of the house the whole day, and that I should come over. We wouldn’t have to tromp out to the woods.

I was nervous coming over. What if her parents came back early? Did April have any reason to want to tie me up in her home as opposed to the woods? But of course I could not resist. I wanted to be tied up again. And there was something about April that made me want her, specifically, to tie me up.

So I was inside her house, for the first time in a long time. We had been friends as small children but grew apart. Now I felt both a sense of familiarity and strangeness in a house I’d last been in perhaps 8 years prior.

“We’ve got the whole day, rope boy, but of course you can’t stay tied up for all of it,” April said. She was wearing a purple button up shirt and jeans with bare feet. I had an anime t-shirt and shorts on, also bare feet. She prodded me into the living room, where the TV was. “Let’s watch a movie first. I want to hang out with you.”

I agreed and we watched a dopey comedy. She sat close to me on the couch, which was interesting but I was fine with it. After all, with her tying me up we were already quickly becoming intimate and used to touching each other. I thought the movie was okay, April loved it. “That was great!” she said. “Ok, time to get you tied up. Come with me.” She hooked her arm in mine and led me to her bedroom.

“Um,” I said. “I don’t think I’m ready to…”

She laughed. “Oh, come off it! I just wanna tie you up and maybe torture you a little. No funny business!” She took my backpack. It was amazing just how dominant she was becoming so quickly. “Now take your shirt off, and lie down on the bed on your back.” I obeyed. So I was going to be tied to a bed. Obviously, I never did this, having done all my self-bondage in the woods. But I can’t say I hadn’t been tempted. The worry over being discovered kept me from doing it.

Indeed, April proceeded to tie each of my limbs to a corner of the bed. She had a pretty good sized bed, so I could be safely stretched out. My hands and wrists were close but not quite to the edge. April didn’t have bedposts, so each limb was secured to a leg on the bottom of the bed. My ankles were right at the edge of the other end of the bed. After being stretched out, I had a little bit of wiggle room, but surprisingly little. As always, the rope was tied so none of the knots were anywhere near my grasp.

“Struggle, make sure you know you can’t get out,” said April. She did really like this concept. Of course I couldn’t, but I made a show of trying anyway. I felt like I was even less likely, with each limb separate. Other than miraculously slipping a wrist from its restraint, it was impossible to even see how I would escape this.

“I can’t get out,” I said.

“I’m pleased,” she replied. She stood at the end of the bed, next to my bare feet. “Now you may be wondering, if I don’t plan any hanky-panky, why have I tied you to my bed?” She had a big grin on her face. “Well, I wanted you nice and spread out. Think hard, now. What parts of you body can I not touch or prod right now?”

I was quite aware of the position this put me in. Everything from my armpits, ribs, tummy and the soles of my feet were exposed and easily accessible. Being spread like this, I could not defend myself from an attack on literally any part of my body. “Umm,” I said. “My back. My butt. The backs of my knees.”

“Oh, I can get those,” she said, reaching for one. Indeed, she could easily pull my leg up just enough, even with the lack of available slack, and wiggle a finger into the back of my knee. Which she did. I felt the electricity of her touch but it wasn’t a particularly sensitive spot for me, so I didn’t react much.

“Not so ticklish there,” she said. She took out a notepad and wrote something down.

“What’s this?” I said.

“Wouldn’t you like to know,” April said. “Well, you’re already tied up now, so I can tell you. It’s not like you can do anything about it now!” She skipped over to my head and showed me the inside of her notebook.

‘Bryan’s Tickle Test Results’, it read. It included a list of body parts, from ears to feet, and in the second column was a 1-10 scale for ticklishness. “Oh, no,” I said. She hadn’t tickled me yet, but apparently that was because she was waiting until she could do it with the scientific method.

“Oh, yes,” April said. “Would you like to guess where you’re most ticklish? My guess is your sides, but if you think it’s someplace else, feel free to take a guess.”

“I don’t know,” I said. It was true. I hadn’t been tickled in a long time. Who knew if I was even ticklish anywhere anymore? It would disappoint April, but I wasn’t in control of that. I didn’t even bother asking if she’d perhaps not. It would be pointless, it was clear she wanted to do this and that I didn’t have a voice. That was, I supposed, part of the deal here.

My neck was surprisingly sensitive to her touch, less hyper ticklish and more just this weird, tingly sensation. I kept rubbing my head on her hand to try to get her to stop. “You like this,” she said, happy as a clam. “My cat does too.”

My armpits were the first truly ticklish spot she found. When her nails lightly scratched here, I was surprised and laughed out loud, and wiggled hopelessly in my bonds. “Oh my god, yes,” she said. “That’s got to be at least a 7 or 8.” She noted it down in her book. “We’ll come back to that.”

My sides were a 9, my ribs an 8. My tummy was a 6, but as April noted, “There are some good spots here.” She wasn’t tickling hard and she wasn’t tickling long, but I was still gasping for air and really testing the build quality of the legs of her bed, as I was genuinely pulling at the ropes holding me. But they held fast.

My feet were at first a disappointment for April. The soles weren’t ticklish. Perhaps all the barefoot walking. But she ran her fingers lightly over the soles of my feet, and it felt…good. I sighed with contentment.

“Oh?” she said. “That’s right, you like your feet,” she said. That wasn’t quite true, but I did like this. “Hmmm, let’s see.” She slowly traced her index finger up and down my right sole, sometimes following the instep, sometimes following one of the lines. Whatever she did, it was one of the more amazing feelings of my life. “Okay, okay, this seems to make you happy.” April said. “You aren’t ticklish, but maybe you’re something better. Another thing to remember.” She snapped the notebook shut. “Your torso is like a tickle playground,” she announced. “And today I’m the kid with a free day.”
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Post by JadeAnn »

Lovely story. Is everything fictional? It feels like something that could have happened for real
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Post by puddy300 »

JadeAnn wrote: 4 months ago Lovely story. Is everything fictional? It feels like something that could have happened for real
100% fictional, unfortunately. It would have great to have met someone like April, but alas I never did. But thank you, the idea of the story is to explore the burgeoning relationship between April and Bryan in a realistic, but bondage-focused, way.
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Post by milagros317 »

“Your torso is like a tickle playground,” she announced. “And today I’m the kid with a free day.”
A wonderful prospect. :twisted:
I envy him.
:ugeek: :ugeek: :ugeek:
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Part 6

“Great to find out,” I said. I wished she hadn’t stopped touching my feet, but couldn’t bring myself to ask that she continue.

She jumped on the bed and lay over the top of me, propping her head up on her elbow. I could look at her, but only if I lifted my head up in a way that my neck muscles could only maintain for a short amount of time. “You’re so ticklish, rope boy! It’s cute as heck. I like your giggles. Boys never giggle, you know? It’s a shame, because some of you can really giggle in the most adorable way. I hope you don’t mind that I will be making you giggle from now on.”

“It’s…fine,” I said. I actually did like that she liked it. This was not the most manliest I have ever felt. But I never felt particularly masculine around April. Which seemed to suit her just fine. And me.

“There now, this is why I like you,” April said, beaming at me. She ever so slightly touched my side, and God help me I did indeed let out a giggle. “So great,” she said. She patted my check. “I have an idea for a little game we can play.”

Whatever the game was, I evidently needed to be gagged. So once again, my mouth was duct taped shut. Once that was done, April tapped my mouth over the gag with a finger. “Okay, here’s what I’m going to do. I’m going to use my finger to write a number on your foot. If you guess it correctly, you win! If you get it wrong, you lose, and I get to tickle you. How fun does this sound?”

I wanted to ask how I was supposed to answer now that I was gagged, but I quickly learned what the real point of the game was. I wasn’t supposed to win.

April crawled over me and hovered over my feet. “Okay! Get ready! Here’s the first number.” I felt her ‘write’ on my sole. 1, then an 8, then a 7. “All right, what is it?”

I tried to say ‘187’ but it came out as “enf mmphhg herggmnm” or something like that. April mockingly cupped a hand to her ear.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t understand that. You know, there are infinite numbers and only one correct one. The odds you got the right one are one in infinity. Really low! Let’s just assume you lost.”

So she tickled me. Unlike before, when she was using light touches, she dug in. I exploded in my gag, and writhed on the bed. It did nothing, but I couldn’t help it. After a few seconds of this, I was panting heavily through my nose. “What a fun game, huh!” she said.

We did this a few more times, me never being allowed to be correct, when she removed my gag. I gratefully gulped air. “My, my, you needed to breathe more than I thought,” she said. “Anyway, I want to hear your laugh.”

“Please, no more,” I said, gasping.

“Hmm, my ears might be plugged.” April went back to my feet. “Get ready for the next number!”

I focused. 2. 4. 9. 6. She looked back at me. “2,496,” I said.

“Wrong!” she said. What a cheater. I was sure I had it right. She just wanted to tickle me.

And she did. Now freed from worrying about me being able to breathe, she kept up a constant assault on my sides, ribs and armpits. Her fingers danced up and down my torso, and before long I was uncontrollably laughing and desperately pleading with her to stop.

My salvation came in an unwelcome form, however. April’s little sister, Katie, appeared in the doorway, saying, “April what is going…onn…” she trailed off as she saw her older sister sitting on top of a boy she had tied to her bed.

“Uh, Katie, you aren’t supposed to be home,” said April, sounding more nervous than I’d ever heard her before.

“Oh my god, Mom and Dad are going to hear about this,” said Katie, and she left the room.

“Wait, Katie!” April leapt off me and the bed and made for the door. “Don’t go anywhere, I’ll be right back.” Where was I going to go?

So I lay there, still tied to the bed, while April and Katie had a muffled conversation that was just far enough away I could hear it. Eventually, April returned. “All right, I guess we have to cut things short today.” She explained to me that Katie had not gone with their parents, but had instead stayed home. She’d been in her room gaming with her headphones on, so neither sister knew what the other was up to. Apparently, my laughter during the final tickle session got so loud Katie could hear it through her headphones, and that caused her to come and complain. “I guess I should have kept you gagged.”

“Aw, April, your sister is going to tell your parents who will tell my parents and…” I was panicking. My dreams of never being found out by my parents was falling apart. They’d definitely not let me see April again. Probably they’d put me into therapy and tell me how wrong I was to like this.

“She won’t,” said April, untying me. “I’ll make sure of it. Trust me. Whatever she wants, I’ll do it to protect your secret. You don’t have to worry.”

But I did worry. I didn’t hear anything for a few days. Then April texted me. “Have an agreement, but need your help. Come over tomorrow.” She put a heart emoji and a prayer emoji at the end.

Not knowing what sort of help I was going to be asked to do, I went over to April’s the next day, where I was surprisingly greeted at the front door by Katie. “Bryan,” she said. “Let me take you to April.” How ominous.
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Post by JadeAnn »

Nice open ending. Can't wait to read more. The story can easily turns into ff/m or f/fm 😂 i hope it will be ff/m
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Part 7

Katie didn’t take me far, just to the living room. Here I found April, and surprisingly, she was tied up. Just wrists behind the back and ankles, but still. April gave me a wan smile. “Bryan, hello, sooooo here’s the deal.”

‘The deal’ turned out to be that in order for Katie to promise not to tell her and April’s parents about seeing April sitting on top of me tied up in her bedroom, Katie had demanded to be able to tie both of us up. I gaped in astonishment. Why was I being asked to be included?

“I thought about just bossing April around,” said Katie. “But then I thought, maybe I could get both of you.”

I should note that this April’s least favorite story of ours. She thinks Katie went too far and she also ends up feeling a little humiliated. But I’m telling it because I think it’s an important story to understanding everything that happened to us and how we ended up the way we did.

I barely knew Katie. She was a couple years younger than me, around 15. She never was involved when April and I played together as kids, before growing apart until very recently. She looked a lot like April, which made sense as they were sisters, but Katie was much less of a tomboy. Her hair was long, she wore skirts and blouses, she put a little bow in her hair sometimes. So I thought it was going to be very weird to let her tie me up.

“I can’t believe this,” I muttered. But both girls looked at me expectantly. And what could I do? I didn’t want Katie to tattle. So I submitted, and let Katie tie my hands, then my feet. Katie placed me next to April on the sofa.

“I thought maybe you two lovebirds could stand to be taught a lesson,” said Katie. “And maybe you’ll think twice about doing whatever you were doing.”

“Of course, dear sister,” said April, winking at me. She didn’t seem worried about this.

“We’re not lovebirds,” I said, grousing.

“Sure,” said Katie, not believing me. “Stay here, I’m going to go get some soda.”

April said, “Oh, great, I’m getting a little thirsty!” Katie ignored her. Seems the soda was just for the free person.

When Katie was gone, April said, “We don’t need to worry. Katie will get bored quickly, and we’ll be able to escape. You feel these ropes? We should be able to get out of these.”

I did notice that the knot on the ropes tying my wrists together was within easy reach of my fingers. Wherever Katie learned to tie ropes, they hadn’t been as good as the places April went.

Katie returned with just one soda, for herself. “On the floor, you two,” she ordered. “If you think I’m going to make it as easy on you as this, you’ve got another thing coming.”

April and I struggled to lower ourselves from the couch to the floor, but we managed. Katie demanded we lie face down. I figured I knew what was coming.

And yep, I was right. It was hogtie time. Such a classic tie up position, even someone who was as inexperienced as Katie went right to it. April got hers first, then me. It was a simple ankles to wrists hogtie, like my self-bondage. No harnesses or anything. Still, I felt cognizant of the fact that my soles were back on display, this time for April’s bratty little sister.

“Don’t enjoy this too much,” said April, wiggling in her bonds. She was unbelievable, tied up and in the same predicament as me, yet still teasing me.

“Don’t enjoy this at all!” said Katie. “Now lay there while I play Playstation.”

So we had to watch Katie play some shooting game online for a while. She yelled into a headset, a normal scene except for the two hogtied people writhing on the floor at her feet. I was moderately content, but April was a much more energetic person than me. I could tell that being tied up like this was not her favorite thing. She rolled into me over and over, destroying any attempt by me to pass the time by pretending this was some sort of kidnapping. At a couple points, Katie kicked her sister in the rear and said, “Keep still!” This had next to no effect on April.

Finally, Katie quit her game and refocused on us. She took out her phone and knelt down in front of us. “Smile for the camera! You look like twins.”

I did not smile because I did not want Katie to own pictures of me tied up, but April did. I saw these pictures later, April had a sly grin on her face as if she was planning something. In fact, she was, but she was going to be outwitted by Katie.

With the pictures done (and incriminating evidence of me hogtied now on the phones of both sisters), Kate declared Part 1 complete. “Don’t think this was it, though, lovebirds. This was just a warm up.”

“That wasn’t enough for you?” said April.

“Of course not!” said Katie. “That was too easy, you probably liked it even. Now you’ll face the real punishment.”

April looked at me. “Uh oh, the real punishment. What do you think this little kid is going to do? It might take us ten minutes to get out of whatever she does.”

I was going to say that I didn’t think she should poke the bear, so to speak, but April didn’t really know the meaning of tact. Katie said, “I guarantee you won’t escape, sister. And neither will your boyfriend. You’re going to spend the day tied together, and I will only let you go once you acknowledge my superiority.” So I learned that both girls were going to be the dominant ones in their lives. I bet that made their relationship tough.

“You’re only getting to tie me up because I’m graciously allowing you to,” said April. “And you’ll have to do better than these hogties to keep me trapped.”

“I will,” promised Katie. She undid our hogties and let us stretch. “Be sure to eat and use the bathroom. Once I finish tying you up again, don’t expect a break for a while.”

April fixed herself and me a sandwich. “She thinks so highly of herself,” said April, but she said it in a semi-admiring tone. “But you know. You must! Those knots were terrible, and I totally could have undone them and gotten out of that hogtie. I bet you could have too.”

I admitted that it seemed likely, but cautioned that we shouldn’t get lulled into a false sense of security. “She may have something planned for this next bit,” I offered.

“She does, but she’s lazy. Her plans never come to anything. She doesn’t put the work in like I do.” April chomped her sandwich. Even when she ate, she did it with vivacious energy. April was a weird girl, but then again, I was clearly a weird guy. I was finding that in spite of myself, I was liking her more and more.

When we’d been resting for about 30 minutes, Katie appeared. “Okay, time to become prisoners.” She certainly was relishing her role. And who could blame her? Getting to boss around older kids, including her older sister, must have been a dream come true. And we had to obey. She could ruin our games by telling her parents, and neither of us wanted that. We had to satisfy her.

If only we had known had far she would go, we may have reconsidered.
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Part 8

Katie led us to a bonus room in the back of the house. It had been cleared out, save for two benches set next to each other in the center. “Welcome to your new home, prisoners,” said Katie. I hated to admit it, but I liked being referred to as ‘prisoner’. I didn’t tell either of them this in the moment though.

Katie tied our hands behind our back. Once again, the knot was good but easily accessible to questing fingers. I started to think we wouldn’t be stuck like this for long.

“Now sit down,” said Katie. We dutifully sat on the benches. We were back-to-back, and April used her bound hands to tickle my back. Katie told her to knock it off and took out a rather large amount of rope, way more than I had.

“I might have bought some for…a future thing,” said April, grinning at me.

Currently, this new rope was going to be used on us. It sure looked like a lot, and I wondered if it would make our escape more difficult. The answer was that it probably would have, but in the end it didn’t matter.

Katie used the rope to tie our hands all together, one big four-handed tie. She tied one of my elbows to one of April’s, then the other elbow got the same treatment. Then she pressed us together, and wrapped rope around our chests several times. Now we were really tied together.

“I bet Bryan’s enjoying this,” teased April.

“If he is, he’s a weirdo,” said Katie. I frowned. Yes, as if being tied so closely to a girl being an enjoyable thing was weird. Of course, I did enjoy it. The feeling of April, feeling her every twitch and squirm, was in fact quite nice. As April was only just an inch or two shorter than me, we fit together like this very well.

Katie wrapped more rope around our thighs, which was also wrapped around the benches. I supposed this was to make sure that we didn’t fall off. How courteous. Our knees were tied, then our ankles. “I’m going to make sure you go nowhere,” Katie said. Using another rope, she brought my ankles off the ground and tucked under the bench, attaching this to a bar under the other bench. When Katie did this to April, the soles of our feet was close enough to touch. April poked me with her toes, which (I told her later) I loved. She appreciated me telling her.

As it turned out, that was part of Katie’s plan. She pushed our bare feet together, then tied all of our big toes together.

By the end of all of this, we were actually very well immobilized. The ropework was a bit sloppy, but it was tight, and easily good enough if we couldn’t reach the knots. However, as both April and I remained aware, our wrist knots were easy to get to, and once we got those, the rest would probably follow.

But Katie had one more trick up her sleeve to stymie us. She took out a pack of small cable ties. April saw this and said, “Hey, that’s cheating, we only use rope!”

“YOU only use rope,” said Katie, proud of herself. “I use these.” Using the cable ties, she reinforced the wrist ties, then (perhaps to fully humiliate us) bound our thumbs together with one each. The dawning realization that she was legitimately trapped hit April.

“This is unfair,” she said. I felt her wiggle against the bonds, but to no avail. We were indeed stuck like this until Katie decided to let us out. It was a thrill for me, but I wasn’t sure April was quite as excited. I hadn’t heard her sound so worried before.

“That’s the point,” said Katie. “Now have fun. I have to go make some phone calls. I bet my friends twenty bucks that I could tie up my older sister and prove it. I tied you up, and now I get to prove it.”

“That wasn’t part of the agreement,” pouted April. “And you aren’t supposed to invite more than one person over when our parents aren’t home.”

“Duh, but obviously I think you’ll neglect to tell them,” said Katie. “Now, if you don’t want my friends to see you like this, well go ahead and get out of this. It’s really up to you. In fact, I’ll even help you out.” She took two pairs of scissors out of her bag. They’d been made into little necklaces with a piece of rope. Each of us received a scissor necklace. “You can easily free yourselves with these scissors!”

God, I thought. This seemed like something April would do. What were their parents like, to have raised such shit-eating kids? But I had to hand it to Katie. Tying us up and then putting scissors so close but out of reach was a great touch.

“Have fun!” said Katie. She left, closing the door behind her. She also turned out the lights, and with the fact that this room had blackout curtains, we were in pretty close to near darkness. The only light was the small amount that came through the crack in the door.

“Well,” said April. “I think I may have miscalculated.”

I laughed. “She’ll let us go eventually.”

“Well aren’t you just pleased,” said April. “I mean, of course you are, helplessly tied up. This is your thing! And I love that about you. But me…I need to be the one in charge. And to be helpless at the nefarious hands of my little sister…this is embarrassing.”

“You’re right, I am pleased,” I said. Actually, this was kind of nice. I’d never been tied to someone before. I felt the heat from April’s body on my back. I felt the soles of her feet on the soles of my feet (a perfect feeling, if I had to say). Our fingers, useless without any working thumbs, played with each other. April and I were not a couple but this seemed like a wonderful couples bonding exercise.

“You never fail to seem adorable to me, rope boy,” April said. “Now how do you avoid getting bored like this?”

I did have advice. “Pretend this isn’t your little sister that did this to you. You know those old books with kid detectives, like the Hardy Boys or Nancy Drew? You and I were caught sneaking around some old guy’s criminal activities, and we got captured and tied up like this. Now that criminal is trying to figure out what to do with these nosy kids.”

“Oh my god,” said April. She laughed. “Okay, okay, let me try.” She raised her voice. “Hey, let us go, you creep!” She lowered her voice to a normal level again. “Bryan, the evil old man has captured us! If we don’t get out now, how will we tell the town he’s been poisoning the town water well?”

It was an interesting crime she thought of, perhaps above the usual level of a Hardy Boys or Nancy Drew, but I rolled with it. “I don’t know, April. But if we aren’t rescued soon, the whole town could be in trouble.”

“True,” said April. “The town water drinking competition is tonight! Everyone is going to drink so much water! The perfect time to poison the well, we just have to do something!” She laughed. “Hahahaha this is fun. You’re fun.” She paused. “But we are so not getting out of this.”


Katie returned, duct tape in hand. “I can hear you idiots talking. I don’t know what you are saying, but it’s nonsense and I’m putting a stop to it.”
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Post by TightsBound »

Great chapter! I was definitely hoping they’d be tied together, and you didn’t disappoint. I love the banter, but I’m glad to see the duct tape coming out!
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Post by puddy300 »

TightsBound wrote: 4 months ago Great chapter! I was definitely hoping they’d be tied together, and you didn’t disappoint. I love the banter, but I’m glad to see the duct tape coming out!
Thank you! I enjoyed writing the banter for sure. :D
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Part 9

April protested, but this lowered Katie’s resolve exactly zero and in fact earned her the right to the duct tape gag first. Katie used a lot of tape on April, more than April or I ever used on me. Katie plastered a bunch of tape on me as well. I worked it with my mouth, but it was way too much to expect I’d ever be able to work it off on my own.

April gag-talked angrily at Katie, which seemed to make Katie happy. “You are way preferable to be around with your big mouth taped shut like that.” Katie took some scarves out of the bag as well. “And no more seeing, either. That way you don’t know which of my friends are going to see you. Blindfolds secure, we were surely quite the pair of completely dominated people.

Katie made to leave again. “Okay, have fun! Looks like you’ve made no progress on your escape, but I’m sure you’re just about to make a breakthrough!” And the door was shut and we were alone again.

April hmmmed and growled into her gag. It was kind of funny to see her so thoroughly defeated by her sister, even if I was in the exact same boat. It wasn’t as bad for me, though. I knew that if my little brother did this to me, I’d never live it down. April would be fuming for a while about this.

The time passed more slowly, since we could no longer talk. Every so often, April would tap her heels against mine. Later, I realized she was attempting to communicate with what she called “feet morse code”. I had no idea, so all it felt like to me was she was bored and wiggling one of the only parts of her body she could still move. With our big toes tied, even that was very limited. I could only imagine how frustrated April was.

I don’t even know how long we were kept alone like this before I heard the door open and excited gasps fill the quiet. April struggled next to me, and I knew what this was: the promised friends. There were giggles and “oh my god”s and other exclamations. Were there 3, 4 or 5 additional girls? It was tough to say. All I know is that they had a great view of our bound bodies and I, at least, had no idea who they were.

“See, I tied up my sister,” Katie said to them. “And her boyfriend, as a bonus.”

“I didn’t think you would actually do it,” said one of the girls. “How did you get this like this?”

“Yeah,” said another. “This is…intricate.”

“Easy enough,” said Katie. I thought she was going to explain the situation to them, but instead she lied. “I bet April that she could be tied up by me and never escape. My sister is pig-headed, so she couldn’t stand the idea of losing. And I said to make sure her boyfriend here couldn’t secretly help, he had to be tied up too.” You could practically hear her smirk. “And of course, these two have no chance to get out.”

“Wow,” said a third girl. “I bet your sister is mad. I wish I could do this to my older brothers, but no way they let me.”

“They aren’t dumb like my sibling,” said Katie, laying it on thick. I felt like April was eventually going to get some revenge on Katie, who seemed blithely unaware of the possibility.

There were at least four girls, because a new voice asked, “This looks uncomfortable. When are you going to let them go?”

“Hah, they’re cozy as can be, aren’t you?” said Katie. I nodded, what could I do? We still had to make sure Katie said nothing. This was part of the deal, I thought. “I mean, obviously I have to let them go before my parents get home. But come on, let’s leave them to their misery. We have games to play.”

The girls left (“Bye!”) they said. Little angels, I thought. Only one thought maybe this was cruel, and even she was quickly talked out of caring about us.

I sensed April’s frustration as time went on. Even I started to grow bored and stiff, we’d been like this for a very long time. Perhaps Katie did not realize that people can’t stay tied up for too long without suffering consequences. I don’t think she actually wanted to hurt us, but she was young. Young people don’t know everything.

Our dreary existence was enlightened by the door slowly opening and closing. Someone crept into the room. Cognizant that we were utterly at the mercy of whoever this was, I wasn’t particularly worried. I didn’t think any of Katie’s friends were going to hurt us. But whoever it was, she was also attempting to be sneaky. Suddenly, she was near my face. I felt her breath on my ear.

“Can you really not get out?” she whispered.

I shook my head. No point in lying, we were obviously stuck and if we could get out, it defied reason that we’d still be here like this.

“Katie said this was an agreed upon thing and so I won’t interfere, but I wonder what this is like for you,” she said, still whispering. So this girl was intrigued. Maybe this tie up thing was going to spread. I obviously did not reply, as I could not.

“Anyway we’re all trying to convince Katie the point is made and she should let you go, but she so far refuses. Just wanted to know, we’re on your side.”

With that, she crept out of the room and was gone. I scoffed. If she was really on our side, she’d take those scissors from around my neck and snip the cable ties from our thumbs and hands. Instead, she did nothing. I never found out who this girl was.

With the girl gone and us again alone in the dark, April laid her head on my shoulder as best she could. I had to remind myself that the two of us really only still barely knew each other as this point, but this was a shared experience. In the future, we would look back on this as the moment that galvanized our future relationship, but at the time we didn’t think of that. We just thought about getting through it.

Finally, Katie returned. It seemed she was alone. “Well, well, well. You look thoroughly defeated. Which is perfect. I want just one more thing from you, and then we’ll be square and I’ll let you go.”

I heard Katie pulling April’s (but not my) tape gag off. “What do you want?” She definitely sounded defeated. She wasn’t teasing or smirking or anything, at least it wasn’t in her voice. April was certainly someone who lost and knew she’d lost. I felt bad for her.

“Tell me I beat you. I know it, you know it, but I want to hear it.”

April swallowed audibly. “You beat me,” she said, the words struggling from her.

“Now beg to be let go.”

“This is too much!”

“Beg!” said Katie. “Our parents aren’t home for at least two more hours. I can come back in a bit if you’d like to think about it.”

“Ughh,” said April. “Fine. Please untie us. Please.” There was indeed a hint of pleading in her voice.

“That’s good. Oh, that was nice,” said Katie. What a terrifying girl. She enjoyed torturing her sister to the point of begging.

April was freed, but Katie did not undo any ropes on me that weren’t also used on April. “Free him if you want, up to you,” she said. Unbelievable!

Katie was gone. April came over to me. She had a sad look in her face. I could tell she was devastated to be forced to plead like that to Katie. She needed a pick-me-up. “Do you want to be untied?” she asked. I nodded, and she dutifully released me. “I’m sorry, I didn’t think it would go like that. You liked it, I guess, but it was too much for me.”

“Hey, it’s okay,” I said. “Look, April, she cheated. She used zip ties. There’s no honor in that. I liked being tied up because, well, I like being tied up. But it’s nothing like when you do it. When you tie me up, it’s so much better, because you seem to care about me. There’s a difference.”

This perked her up a bit. “You know just what to say, rope boy,” she said, giving me a small smile.

“Next time, make me beg,” I said. “You’ll feel better.”

April laughed. “I’m not sure I can do that. What would make you beg to be let go? You can’t get enough of being bound and gagged, I’m pretty sure.”

“Not true,” I said. “We all have limits, even me. You should try to find them, don’t you think?”

We were sitting next to other on the bench. She put her arms around my shoulders and pulled me close. “Hey, all right, all right, enough with the pep talk. You still want me to tie you up, even though I got you into this mess with my sister?”

“Of course,” I said.

April gave me a peck on the cheek. “You got it, rope boy. Next time, I’ll think of something good. I owe you one.” She looked at the door. “Oh, and Katie won’t be a problem anymore. Once I inform her that if my parents found out about what happened today, she’ll get in so much more trouble than I would. So now she needs to worry about me and my mouth.”

I nodded. I was glad to see April’s usual attitude returning, and I thought that at some point, Katie would come to regret her over-the-top bondage game.
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