Tied Up All Night (Request) (F/M)

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Tied Up All Night (Request) (F/M)

Post by Detective-Gag »

"What are...RNGMPH!?"

"Silence!" whispered the female intruder quickly, but firmly, as she pushed a wad of cloth into David's mouth.

He would have perhaps made it more of a point to prevent her from doing so; but she was standing behind him at that moment, and so he didn't see the maneuver coming until the fabric was forced through.

That, and David was currently unable to move his arms in defense...lengths of white rope had been tightly cinched around his chest, pinning them to his sides; while more rope had bound his hands behind his back.

"Hymph! Mm dmph knmph whmt yrmph dmphing; bmph stmp mnt!" David tried to say, attempting to talk around the stuffing that now filled his cheeks.

"Oh, for...quiet!" the lady commanded softly, clamping her hand over David's mouth to keep him from spitting out the wad. "I'm gagging you so you don't go waking the whole neighborhood!"

David grunted, disbelieving of the events that had transpired that night which had led him to this current predicament...

It had all started with David waking from his slumber to the sound of a dull "thud!" in the early hours of the evening. It had just gotten dark out; and he had decided to turn in for bed a bit sooner than usual. Studies had been particularly draining from the day before, and David had decided to use that Friday night in order to recharge for a more eventful weekend.

His sister, Lyla, had opted to go out for a night of drinking with her friends. "Don't wait up for me," she'd told him; anticipating that she'd be staying over at one of her companion's apartments overnight afterwards. Both she and David lived in their own place, paid for by their parents while they were taking classes at the local college.

Having heard the noise coming from below, David had gotten out of bed to investigate; reasoning that Lyla had changed her mind & decided to return home from her friend's place. Dressed in only a pair of pajama pants & a white undershirt, he'd gotten out of bed and descended down the stairs to the main level, noticing that the lights were still out.

"Sis?' he'd called out, turning into the living area. David had felt a breeze; had he left a window open? He hadn't remembered doing so...

Upon entering the living room, David saw the source of the sudden chill...one of the windows was indeed open; wide enough that the curtain was now blowing outward from the autumn wind.

"Freeze," had come a girl's soft voice, immediately after David had crossed the threshold into the living room. Startled, David had whirled around to see a feminine figure, dressed entirely in black with a hood pulled over her hair, and a mask covering her lower face.

Most troubling, was the handgun aimed in his direction.

"Don't shoot!" David yelped, immediately registering the danger, raising his hands above his head.

"Wasn't planning on it," the female intruder hissed, keeping the pistol trained on David regardless. "Was just looking to see if this place had anything worth taking. All the lights were off; I thought it was empty."

"I...went to bed early," David explained nervously.

The burglar shook her head. "Is anybody else here?"

David thought for a moment, and shook his head. "My sister; but she's out tonight," he told the intruder truthfully. "She's not coming back until morning."

The hooded figure considered his words, and nodded. "Alright...here's what I want you to do: urn around slowly, and put your hands behind your back. I'm going to tie your wrists."

David bristled. "Is that...necessary?" he asked. "You can take whatever you want."

"Lemme stop you right there," the intruder interjected, tilting the pistol that was still trained in his direction to one side. "I'd rather not have to point this at you the entire time I'm looking through this place...so yeah; I gotta tie you up."

David looked at the weapon, sighed, and turned around so his back was facing the masked girl. Then he lowered his arms, crossing his wrists in opposite directions in the small of his back.

"Good," grunted the female intruder, as David heard her approach. "Hold still..."

Evidently, she already had rope; because David felt the material wrap around his wrists. David wasn't sure if the woman had set her handgun down, or holstered it; but he wasn't about to tempt his luck by looking.

She tightened the knot, binding his wrists together. "Gonna do your arms now," she said to him, and David saw a longer piece of rope get draped down in front of him, as the female burglar began winding the cord around his torso.

David was disappointed as he felt the rope constrict his arms; it seemed that the girl...whoever she was...was very good at tying knots. Soon, David found his upper body entirely roped up.

"Now then," his captor said, turning David back around to face her. The pistol had vanished from view. "We're going to go back upstairs."

Together, she and David marched back up to David's bedroom, his door the only one left open. Once inside, the intruder shut the door, locked it, and turned David around to face a corner of the room.

"No peeking," she instructed, as David heard her open one of his dresser drawers, and go rummaging around inside.

"I don't have anything valuable in there, if it saves you some time," David offered. Maybe he could garner some good will?

"Shh," the girl said absently. "I'll get to that eventually...but first..."

That had been when David felt her cram the cloth into his mouth, before covering his lips with her hand as he protested.

"I'm going to take my hand away," she said, once David ceased his struggling. "Keep the sock in your mouth, or else."

David gulped, the scratchy material unwelcome against the roof of his mouth, but nodded in agreement.

The burglar removed her hand, and produced a roll of duct tape. She tore off a strip, and pressed it over David's mouth, covering the sock she'd shoved inside.

"Mmph..." David groaned, realizing that he wouldn't be able to remove the duct tape without the use of his hands.

"Just a few more pieces," the masked girl mused, her features inscrutable in the darkness beneath her hood. The came the sound of more tape being ripped from the roll; and David felt several more pieces get smoothed over his lower face beneath his nose and above his jaw.

"Alright, take a seat," the girl finally said when she was finished gagging him; as she pulled out his desk chair from beneath his work table.

"Rlmrght," David murmured, stepping slowly over & lowering himself into the wooden chair. David thought this would be the end of his incapitation; and the late-night prowler would then go about her business robbing the place...but then she produced more white rope from her bag she had slung over a shoulder.

"Feet together," she ordered, and David watched in dismay as she began binding his ankles together, just over the cuffs of his pajama pants, and then above and below his knees. The knots were curious to him; not only going around his legs, but also getting tied in between until they resembled cuffs. Lamentably, he realized, this would mean that he couldn't slip them off.

The girl stood up when she was finished, stepping away to look at David as he sat in the chair.

"Ism thmph gmnd enumph...?" he risked asking, the sticky tape & the sock inside his mouth making enunciation difficult.

"Think so," she answered, inspecting her handiwork. "Although..."

David watched her silently as she crossed back over to the open dresser, and picked up a blue handkerchief from a pile of clothes she'd left from before. She folded the light blue fabric into a band, and walked back over behind where David sat.

"Whmt...?" David mumbled, wriggling against the ropes as she left his line of sight. "Hmph!"

David saw the handkerchief get lowered in front of his face, and then pulled tightly over the layers of duct tape covering his mouth.

"Just a bit of added insurance you stay quiet," the woman explained, as she tied the gag tightly into place.

David's eyes widened at the sudden pressure of the handkerchief, as he felt her knot the ends of it behind his head as the top of his neck. Between the sock stuffing, the duct tape, and this cloth now covering his mouth...he doubted he'd be able to make himself understood at all; let alone yell for help.

"Okay...get up," the intruder told him, helping him to wobble to his feet, apparently not done with him yet.

David watched as his captor took several steps towards his bed, pulling the sheets neatly back into place, and glanced back at him.

"Hop on over and get on the bed," she commanded, jabbing a finger at the mattress.

Teetering in place from the excessive ropes now holding his legs together, David let out a breathe of air through his nose, and awkwardly hopped his way over his bed, the female intruder stepping out of the way so he could throw himself onto the mattress as it groaned beneath his weight.

On his back, the bundled David glared up at the masked girl, head resting on a pillow, wondering if he'd finally be left alone now that he'd been thoroughly tied & gagged.

The figure dressed in black appraised him for a moment, a hand raising to the shadows where her chin would be thoughtfully. "Comfortable?" she asked him.

"Rm ymph...rm ymph kddngmph mmph?" David said through the gag, put off-guard by the question. He shifted against the rows of rope holding against him as if to demonstrate. "Mmph tmnd umpf!"

"Yeah, well...that's good, then," the kidnapper reasoned, nodding as if satisfied.

David wondered if she had even understood his answer.

She took out a final length of rope from her bag, pulling it between her hands as she walked to the front of the bed, looking straight at David.

"So...I'm going to leave you like this while I work," she started to say, as she leaned forward and fished the end of the cord around the cuffs of rope tied around David's ankles. "Do me a favor; and don't make any noise while I'm gone."

David's chin pressed against his chest, as he looked down past his feet and saw his captor take the ends of the rope & tie them to the base of the bedrail between the two posts at the base of the mattress. "This will keep you tethered to the bed," she noted, pulling on the rope until David felt the cord tighten. "So don't go falling off the edge by accident, alright?"

"Mmph! Gmph!" David attempted to respond, syllables indiscernible. Finally, he just nodded glumly.

"Sorry about this," the intruder said, offering the first indication of sympathy since their first encounter. She inspected him up and down. "I'll be back to check on you in a bit."

The feminine shadow then left the room, leaving the door open; and David was then alone.

As advised, he did not make a sound...though she had parted with some remorse; she still had a handgun somewhere on her person, and David did not wish to provoke her to use it.

Instead, David listened silently...he heard his kidnapper moving faintly down the hallway; moving from room to room to pilfer their belongings. Through the walls, he heard closet doors & cabinets being opened; and random objects thudding down upon the carpet.

David's heart was hammering; the unfamiliar sensation of being bound causing adrenaline to spike through his system. Tentatively, he flexed his muscles against the ropes; testing their efficacy. The mattress creaked beneath him as he did so, and David rocked silently to his left and right sides, seeing if they could be slipped off.

Unfortunately, the ropes were quite tight; and dug in as they were along the grooves of his joints & body, they weren't going to budge and inch. Moreover, whenever David rolled too far to one side of the bed, the tether his kidnapper had tied from his ankles to the bedframe reminded him that if he tried to go over the side of the mattress; he'd dangle over the edge like a prized fish.

Eventually, David settled back into the center of the bed, resting against the piled pillows behind his neck, defeated. His only movement was the occasional squirming off his trapped torso or legs; and this was mostly just to keep his blood circulating, rather than any true attempt of resistance.

Time passed, and the female intruder returned; her mysterious figure appearing in the open doorway.

A travel bag...one that David recognized as belonging to his sister, Lyla...was at the thief's side; contents bulging from within.

"I'm just about done here," the burglar informed David, who looked at her from the bed. "I see you've been behaving yourself."

"Mmmmph..." David murmured, twisting slightly. "Lmmph mm gmph?"

"Sorry; can't," she replied, and went over to pluck David's laptop from his desk. "You've gotta stay like that until I put some distance between me and this place."

David sighed.

"Oh, and I just want you to know...you were never in any real danger," the intruder assured, tucking the laptop under one arm. "That gun? It was a replica...a fake."

David stiffened in the bed, eyes fixating on the hooded burglar. "Whmph!?" he mumbled, in shock.

"Hey, it got you to cooperate, didn't it?" the thief said, shrugging. "No hard feelings, okay?"

"Hymph! Gmt bck hrmph...!" David mumbled loudly, leaning up from the pillows.

But the crook had already left the room; shutting David’s door behind her. Stoked by the revelation that he’d been fooled into bondage, David renewed his efforts to wriggle free of the ropes.

“Hlmph!” he yelled through the gag, hoping his voice might carry through to the exterior of the house. “Hlpmph mmph…!”

The following morning, a little after first light, Lyla entered through the front door.

“Dave?” she called, making for the kitchen. “I’m back!”

The sister started pulling food from the fridge & pantry, setting a pan in place before igniting the stove beneath this. Her stomach demanded food; and Lyla hadn’t had breakfast at her friend’s place. She’d remembered she had a meeting with her study group that morning, and needed to eat & run.

“David!” she yelled again, as the frying pan began to crackle from the heat. “Making breakfast! Come on down if you want any…!”

David slowly opened his eyes; gazing up at his bedroom ceiling. He’d spent the night attempting to free himself; but another yank of the rope lashing him to the bed frame served as a reminder that he was still stuck.

“Mmph…” he groaned, mouth dry from the sock still stuffed beneath the gags. He’d shouted for help until he’d gone hoarse; and eventually had fallen asleep from the expended energy.

Now the smells of bacon & eggs wafted up from down below; rousing him from his slumber.

Upon hearing his older sister’s voice, David shot up from where he sat on the bed.

“Lylmph!” he yelled, rocking up & down on the freaking mattress, trying to make as much noise as possible. “Mmph umph hrmmph! Hlmph!”

“You’re loss..!” Lyla said loudly, as she finished completing the breakfast. She sat at the kitchen table and scarfed down the food, eyes flickering up to the ceiling in between bites.

You normally couldn’t keep David away from the kitchen when breakfast was involved; particularly when he didn’t have to make it.

Lyla shrugged, finishing her meal before putting everything in the sink.

“I gotta run!” she yelled back up the stairs, once she’d collected her bag and made for the front door. “He back later!”

Lyla paused to listen to her brother’s response.


There was a muffled reply that faintly carried down from the upstairs bedroom.

“Guess “somebody” wanted to sleep in today,” Lyla mused, satisfied that her brother had at least acknowledged her.

The sister turned, walking out the door before locking it behind her.

“…MMMMMMMM!!” David yelled through the gag, before stopping to hear if Lyla had heard him.

His heart sunk, as soon as he heard the front door shut.

“Mm, c’mph MMPH!” the brother growled angrily, thrashing about in the bed. “Thsm mmph b*llshmft!”

A little after noon, Lyla returned from her study group; finding the dwelling more or less exactly as she’d left it.

“Guy must be hibernating!” Lyla thought to herself, as she went up the stairs.

The sister went for her brother’s door; finding it shut.

“Ya alive in there?” Lyla teased, rapping on the door lightly.

“Mmph…” was the only response.

Lyla frowned, and turned the door handle before letting herself inside. “Just didn’t want you to waste the weekend…oh my GOD…!”

Lyla froze in the entryway, staring at her brother lying on the bed. Ropes encircled his arms & legs; one of which extended down to the rail at the foot of the bed. A blue handkerchief of some kind dangled around David’s neck; and strips of silver duct tape had been plastered over his mouth.

“Mmph!” David mumbled at her, eyes wide above the gag, relief seeming to flood through his expression.

Lyla hurried over to the side of the bed, looking worriedly up and down at him, trying to figure out where to start first untying him. “What happened!?” she breathed.

David continued to mumble, and Lyla gingerly took the edge of the duct tape on one cheek and slowly peeled the gag away from his mouth.

“Mm…bleh,” David gasped, as he spat out the damp sock. “Lyla! We were robbed last night…”

David regaled the events of the previous evening to his shocked sister; as she gradually began to untie him…
