Family Counselling Together (F/FMfm)

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KP Presents
Centennial Club
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Family Counselling Together (F/FMfm)

Post by KP Presents »

Over the last few weeks, I have made a number of home visits at the requests of clients to deal with their needs and healing – and with their permission, and the names changed, I’d like to share some of what I did with you to consider should you need counselling in these areas as well.

For the first case, I had been helping Elaine and her daughters to come to terms with what had happened in a recent home invasion. She is in her early forties, while Fay was eighteen and Megan seventeen. She has a third daughter – thirteen-year-old Sharon – but as she had been away when the incident occurred, she had not been part of the sessions.

On this day, Elaine was wearing a white long-sleeved top and black pants with the legs tucked into knee length black leather boots, with a teal-coloured long scarf round her neck. Fay was wearing a lilac coloured top over a white t-shirt, jeans tucked into brown boots, and a white wool scarf with pom poms on the ends, while Megan was wearing a teal coloured top and jeans, her legs tucked into mid-calf chocolate brown boots, and a lilac-coloured long scarf round her neck.

This was meant to be my last session with them, and we were doing a trust exercise. I asked Elaine to take her teal scarf and gag Megan with it, so she removed her scarf as Megan opened her mouth and wrapped the scarf a few times round her head before she secured the ends at the base of her neck. I watched as Megan closed her lips over that, and then asked to use her own scarf to gag her sister. So, Fay soon had a cleave gag matching her top between her lips, before she gagged her mother with her own scarf.

I then got Fay to bind Elaine’s wrists together behind her back with rope, before she sat down and watched her daughter bind her ankles together. Megan then did the same for her sister, before I took care of her.

So, there we were – Elaine, Fay and Megan sitting on the floor, bound hand and foot, gagged, and unafraid -and that was when the door opened, and Sharon came into the room.

She was wearing a white hooded wool cardigan with a wide belt tied round her waist, as well as jeans and tan coloured Frye boots – and a shocked look as she saw the rest of her family bound and gagged, and me watching. She knew who I was, and she asked me if I did that – I had to admit I had supervised, but her family had done it to each other to get over what had happened.

She looked at all three of them, and then left the room for a minute – before coming back in, with a black wool scarf in her hands, and handed it to me as she said she wanted to be like the rest of her family. So, I obliged., the others smiling over their gags as little sister was sitting next to them, enjoying the silence as well for the session…

I’m sometimes asked to provide support for families by embassies – and this next case was one of those, an American Korean family who had been the victims of a home invasion. The gang had kept their three children in one room while they bound their parents, and they could hear the shouting and then the moans before the police finally came in and unlocked the door to the room they were in. They then saw their parents, bound and gagged on their own bed – the police were too slow to stop them running in.

SO they were referred to me – and I met them in their home. The parents were sitting down – the father wearing a purple vest top with a lilac shirt under that, a tie knotted under the collar, dark trousers and shoes, and their mother a purple jumper and white pants with the legs tucked into knee length black riding boots.

The oldest girl was nine and was wearing a grey jumper and white jeans with the legs tucked into tan cowboy boots. Her five-year-old sister was wearing the same clothes, but brown suede cowboy boots, while their seven-year-old brother was wearing a grey vest over a white shirt, jeans and black high-top trainers.

As always with new clients, I sat with them and asked them to talk through what happened, how they felt, and what they really feared. The answer to those questions was understandable – the parents were afraid their children were being hurt, and the kids that their parents were being hurt - so I said I wanted to try an exercise to show them there was nothing to fear because the people who did this were not there.

I took from my bag five lengths of white rope, and asked them to hold them, tell me if they were afraid of the ropes. The parents were a little hesitant, but the children all shook their heads.

I then asked them if they would be afraid if their parents were to tie their wrists together with the rope. Now Mum and Dad were not sure, but all three of them said they would not be afraid, so I told them how to use the ropes their children were holding to tie their wrists together. They were slow, but in the end the kids all said they were not afraid.

So, I asked the parents if I could tie their wrists together in front of them. They looked at each other, and then both nodded as I made sure their wrists were secured together as well. I then told them to hug their children, which they both did – and they started crying as they did so.

It was the release they both needed, and their children started to cry as well, as I sat their son on the father’s lap and asked him to hold her, before I used ropes to secure the ankles of both of them together. The girls then sat next to their mother as I secured their ankles as well and told them to be honest with each other about how they felt, and about their fears.

No, I did not gag them - this was about them getting to voice their feelings and accept them, and we could move on from there…

I had been helping Tina and her family for a while, but there was a special birthday coming up for her, and she asked me if I would help with a way for them and her children to celebrate her birthday before her husband returned home from work. I asked her what she had in mind, and when she told me I merely asked if all the children were in agreement – which she assured me they were.

When I arrived, Tina opened the door – she was wearing a seventies style leopard print dress with a dep neckline and was in bare feet -as were her five children.

Peter and Petra were her oldest children – eleven-year-old twins, Petra with long blonde hair and wearing a knee length black velvet dress with long sleeves. Peter had his hair cut short and was wearing a black top and leggings.

Pammy was ten years old, her hair styled to be long at one side. She was wearing a black pinafore style dress, a lace overskirt as part of the dress. He youngest girl was five-year-old Peri, wearing a black vest and knee length shorts with a black band holding back her curly blonde hair.

And then there was three-year-old Paul, wearing a black T-shirt and pants. Tian was holding him as we had a drink and talked, before we made our way up to the master bedroom.

Paul and Peri sat on the bed with Tina and watched as I asked Peter, Petra and Pammy to sit in a circle on the floor, back-to-back, and link their arms before they put their hands together in prayer. I then took from my bag a roll of white tape, and went round the three children, starting with Peter. For each of them, I taped their wrists together, and then bent their legs so their bare feet were flat on the floor, before taping their ankles together, and then their wrists down to their legs.

Peri slipped off the bed and went to look at them as I then asked Tina to put her hands together in front of her and taped them together with the tape going down over her hands as well. I then wrapped the tape round her upper arms to hold them against her sides, and then taped her ankles together as well as her legs above her knees, gathering her skirt round them as I did so.

Paul then watched as I helped her to lie down on the bed, before he lay down with his head on her stomach and Peri came back over. I taped her wrists together in front of her as well, and wrapped tape around her arms and stomach, before I laid her on the other side of Tina and taped her ankles and legs as well.

Paul looked over at his sister, and then at his brothers and sisters – before he said he wanted to be like them as well. So, I taped his wrists together, as well as his ankles and legs, before I asked them if they were all ready for the next stage.

Tina nodded, so I started with her three oldest children, covering their mouths with strips of the tape before I did the same to Tina, and then to Peri. Paul was watching all the time as Tina kissed his forehead – and then asked if he could have the tape over his mouth as well.

I looked at Tina, who nodded, and he was smiling as I covered his mouth with the tape as well. He nodded and put his head back on his mother’s stomach as Peri smiled under the tape as well – and I asked Tina if there was something she wished to tell me apart from the fact it was her birthday.

She just smiled and nodded - which explained the gags she requested. It was to keep the children quiet when her husband came back and gave them the news…

Alberta is a wonderful woman who has actually been a sponsor and support to me as well in my professional career -so I was shocked to hear of the robbery at her house and went round to offer my sympathies. She greeted me casually dressed, in a red jumper and jeans with black shoes.

We talked for a while about what happened, but I was reassured she was coping well with it - but she then asked me if I would help with a challenge her daughters had laid down for her. I nodded as we made our way into the dining room, and she called them down.

While Alberta had long blonde hair, Flo and Missy had dark brown hair like their father. They were both wearing purple jumper and dark jeans, Flo with the legs tucked into mid-calf grey felt boots, and Missy in dark grey Ugg boots.

Alberta had pulled three chairs away from the table, and they all took a seat in one as she indicated a large bag on the floor. I put it on the table and opened it, taking out some lengths of rope before I made sure they all had their arms round the chair back, and their wrists tied together as well as the wooden back.
The next stage was to secure their ankles to the front legs of the chair – although with nine-year-old Missy, it was her ankles halfway up the legs, while Flo and Alberta had their ankles secured at the foot of the leg, against the joint.

Long ropes were next, as I secured each of them to the chair back and made sure their arms could not move. The last stage was silk scarf cleave gags for each of them, before I put a timer on the table where they could all see it and started it.

I then made my way back into the front room, and waited to see who would come into the room first…

Chloe and her family had been hosts on one occasion to the China Doll Gang, and for a few sessions now I have been helping them to work through what had happened – but I had also noticed her twelve-year-old son Colin had been looking at her and his sisters in a strange way.

He had been tied in the same way as his mother and sisters – but I was using less stringent binding for our session until today, because today Chloe had asked if she and her family could be tightly hogtied and gagged, not necessarily in the same way as the Dolls do, but still. When I arrived, Chloe was wearing a black long-sleeved top and jeans tucked into knee length black felt boots. Sixteen-year-old Ruth was wearing a top of the same colour and design and jeans tucked into black knee length leather boots, while fourteen-year-old Rachel was wearing a black top with white polka dots, her black jeans tucked into mid-calf black leather boots.

I asked where Colin was, and Chloe said he was upstairs. He wanted to talk to me and her – once his sisters had been secured.

So, I started with them, taking some ropes and making sure that both Ruth and Rachel had their wrists secured behind their backs, and ropes around their arms and upped bodies so that they could do little more than wriggle around. Both of them then sat on the floor, watching as I secured their ankles together, and then their legs below their knees, cinching each band as I did so. I kept asking them if they were both all right, and they nodded in answer as Chloe and I helped them to lie face down on the floor, their heads on cushions before I bent their ankles back and secured them to their chest ropes. I then smoothed the flesh-coloured tape over their mouths and said they should both just lie still until I came back with Colin.

WE walked up the stairs and knocked on the door of his room, Chloe asking if we could come in. He said yes, so we went in and found Colin sitting on his bed – wearing a long-sleeved black top, and jeans but his jeans were tucked into a pair of Ruth’s black leather botts that came up to his knees.

Chloe looked at him, and then at me, and I asked Colin if this was what he had been thinking when he saw his mother and sisters – that he really wanted to be the same as them.

Really the same. Colin looked up and nodded as Chloe sat and hugged him, and said of course he could be, so we went down the stairs, Colin positively beaming as we bound and gagged him in the same way as his sisters. They looked at each other as they tried to move on the floor, as I made sure Chloe was as tightly gagged and bound as her children.

All of them tried to move, the leather of their boots squeaking for all four of them depending on the material of what they were wearing - but I would swear colin had the loudest squeak of all…

This next case is actually two in one, as you will see. Yinka and Lola are two sisters who had been involved in a robbery, and after the event their company had hired me to counsel them.

This had turned into weekly session with them and on this occasion I had them sitting back-to-back on the floor of Lola’s living room. Both women had dark hair in corn braids, and were wearing white topes, tight pants and gold heels – and both had their wrists secured tightly together behind their backs, rope holding their arms to their sides and their upper bodies together, as well as their rankles and legs. They also had black tape pressed down over their mouths – and their eyes opened wide as the door to the room opened and their children came in.

Lola had an eleven-year-old daughter Zoe, who was wearing a white top with elbow length sleeves, pink jeans and brown sandals, while her six-year-old son Tom was wearing a white wool jumper, blue jeans and brown desert boots.

Yinka had two daughters – Lois was ten and wearing a pink top and leopard print pants with tan leather ankle boots, while five-year-old Erin had on a long woolen dress, brown leggings and mid-calf tan leather boots.

They all looked at their mothers, and I asked what they wanted – so Zoe told me they wanted to do something called an escape challenge, as she looked at the roll of black tape. I was - familiar with this YouTube fad, but I did look at Lola and Yinka – and they both nodded in agreement.

So, I got the four children to stand in a row and used the black tape to secure their wrists together in front of them, before I wrapped the tape around their arms and bodies so they could only lift their hands up slightly. I then knelt down and made sure their ankles were secured together – although for Lois and Erin, it was their legs above their boots. I also taped their legs together over their pants or the skirt of her dress for Erin. The last stage was to cover their mouths with strips of black tape, before I set up a timer on my phone and said whoever got free first would get a surprise.

I think they did not expect it to be their mothers who got free first…

Finally, I was asked recently to visit a family who had been the ‘hosts’ for Jay Edwards and Mrs. McPhee, as well as their friends. For the afternoon of the visit, Barbara’s three younger children, Eric, Brianna and Brea were kept by Mrs. McPhee in the playroom of their large house, while her seventeen-year-old daughter Violet had been bound and gagged in the front room with her.

Yes, they had been changed and secured in tehri beds later – but as we had sessions, the one thing they seemed to want was to see how they were tied at the start, in the same room. So, I asked for this recent session that they all wear what they wore that day.

When I arrived, they were all in the playroom which Barbara took me into. She had on a brown gilet over a black blouse with white polka dots, jeans with the cuffs of the legs turned up and tan ankle boots, while Violet was wearing a long cream cardigan over a grey top, and black leggings.

Twelve-year-old Eric was wearing a grey lumberjack shirt, jeans and black trainers, while eight-year-old Brianna had on a pink and grey striped long top, white leggings and mid-calf black leather boots. Finally, red-haired Brea had on a grey dress, black tights and brown slippers.

I had been told that the kids had watched Jay secure their mother and sister first, so I started by making sure Barbara had her wrists secured behind her back with white rope. I knew how Jay bound his host from past consultations, so I then used a longer rope to secure her arms to her sides, forming two bands that framed her chest. I then bound Violet in the same way, before they both sat on a couch and crossed and bound their ankles together, as well as their legs below their knees.

All three of the children had been bound by Mrs. McPhee in the playroom, so I asked them how that had been done. Eric put his hands behind his back, and I tied his wrists together, and then he told me how she had used a rope to secure their arms to their sides round their stomachs – but he also said he wanted to be tied as they had that night which was like his mother and sister. Brianna and Brea both nodded, as I made the long rope into two bands that held his arms to his sides, before he sat down on a bean bag, and I secured his ankles and legs. A few minutes later, both his sisters were as tightly bound as they sat on two more beanbags, everyone facing the large television as I asked what they did.

So, I repeated that – covering their mouths with strips of white tape, and then putting on a film they could all watch and try to sing along to. While they did that, I went to fix some drinks for each of them and then brought them back down.

That wasn’t the end of the session though – when the film finished, I removed the tape gags and let them all have a drink, before Brea said she wanted to be tied like they had that night and gagged like that as well. She explained what they did – but I looked at Barbara first, getting her approval before I found a cloth and pushed it into her youngest daughter’s mouth, wrapped the white tap around her head, and then hogtied her with her head on a cushion on the floor.

I then made sure Brianna and Eric were bound and gagged in the same way, before I gagged Violet and Barbara, and then helped her oldest daughter to lie on a second couch and hogtied her, before I did the same for Barbara where she was sitting. I was not surprised when Brea fell asleep, the others lying still and reliving the experience. Very satisfactory session all round…
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