Bound Betty MF/F P2 MMF/FF added P3,P4,P5,P6

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Bound Betty MF/F P2 MMF/FF added P3,P4,P5,P6

Post by Boocola »

A city under the sea of stars is full of lights moving at speeds of live. Clouds rush over damping rain dropping on the streets below soaking women before they can open their umbrella. The buildings offered little shelter, a bar ,a barber shop and an insurance company. One woman with curly brown hair wearing a blue dress, brown fishnet tights and blue heels has to grab her umbrella from her black purse. She pushes the button to open her rain cover device and nothing happened. The woman is starting to shiver due to the rain pouring all over her body, she dashes to a door and stumble inside.

"Name?" A big man with a beard wearing a black shirt.

"Oh, I'm not staying here..." The woman said "...I just need to stay in here until I get my umbrella open." She said trying to open her umbrella that seems to be broken.

The bearded man smiled looking at her up and down. "Sorry, I thought you were looking for a job."

"Well, I am looking for a job." The woman said just not at this location." She said as she gets frustrated trying to open her umbrella. "Seems to be broken." She said talking about her umbrella.

"Look lady..." The man said. "...the show is about to start and you look like you need a place to stay until it stops raining." The man said. "I need your name to let you sit down and dry off." He said with a pin in his right hand and a note pad in his left hand.

The woman looked back out to window on the door. "Betty." She said.

"Betty." The big guy said writing it on the note pad then taking out a coupon to hand to her.

"What's this for?" Betty asked.

"Women get one free drink." He said. "You look like a woman."

"I don't drink alcohol." Betty said.

"The bar also serves Coke." He said.

"I don't do drugs." Betty said. "You mean soda?" She said embarrassed at her assumption.

The bearded man smiled. "Take a seat..." he said. "...the waitress will be with you shortly to take your coupon."

"Okay." Betty said taking the coupon the entering the bar with alot of women sitting at tables and booths. A stage is in front. Betty looks around to find an empty table to sit down. She couldn't find one in time for the show to start .

Suddenly a man with brown hair wearing a black shirt and light blue jeans enters the stage from the back. "Ladies and gentlemen boys and girls children of all ages JayBee has entered the building and is now on stage..." JayBee said when no one applauded. " need to applaud your silence is rewarding enough." He said as he looks around "So I saw the rain is really coming down hard..." he said as he paused his gaze on Betty"...and we got a woman that breezed in from the rain, what's your name doll face?" He asked.

Betty felt embarrassed being put on the spot. "I just want to find a seat and get a soda." She said spotting the man at the door walking on stage handing JayBee a piece of paper and walking back down from the stage.

"Betty is that your name?" JayBee said as he looked at the paper.

"Yes, yes it is." Betty said.

"I hear your looking for a job?" JayBee asked.

"No, not here." Betty said.

"That's okay..." JayBee said "...we are not hiring." He said looking back pointed at someone backstage then pointed down. "Well Betty I found a seat for you." As he said that a woman with brown hair wearing a red dress, brown tights and red heels walked out with a chair. "We have ourselves a volunteer give her a hand unless you are readng this, if that's the case keep reading the bondage is about to start." He said.

"Wait, what!" Betty exclaimed in disbelief. "I am soaking wet, all I want to do is wait for the rain to stop and get to my job interview. "

"Relax doll face..." JayBee snapped his fingers and Betty was dry her hair curled up. "...please come on stage and take a seat."

Betty put her broken umbrella in her purse. "How did you do that, nevermind, I don't want to know." She said as she walked up on stage to stand next to the woman in red. "Hello, I'm B-Betty." The woman didn't say anything just looked at her bowing her head and taking Betty's purse.

"Your purse is in good hands." JayBee said taking a piece of rope from the chair. "Place your hands together behind your back." He said.

"Okay." Betty said as she puts her hands together behind her back.

JayBee started wrapping the rope around Betty's wrist, then wrapping the rope around the rope between her wrist. After he tied the knot, he sat her down in the chair. "Cody, she's all yours." He said to the woman in the red dress.

"Thanks JayBee." Cody said as she tosses Betty's purse. "Betty, Betty, Betty you thought you could escape me."

Cody picked up some more rope wrapping it around Betty's torso above and below her breast cinching it all together making it tight. "Why, what have I done to you?"Betty asked.

"Everything." Cody said.

"The plot thinkens as as heel threatens the baby face with the rivalry match forms." JayBee said sarcastically as he turns to the audience. "This is exciting too bad no one likes crossovers" He looks at Cody. "Finish tying Betty up."

"Yes, JayBee." Cody said as she took three pieces of rope to tie Betty's ankles, calves and thighs together. "Okay, done."

"I want to ask you one thing Betty, before Cody gags you." JayBee said grabbing Betty's chin "Do you like being bound and gagged for no reason?" He asked.

"The reason is not important..." Betty said. "...bondage entertainment." She said. "But I don't under...mmmph." A ballgag in her mouth and buckled the strap behind her head.

"You don't need to understand, why..." Cody said. "...just sit back and enjoy the show."

"Okay, okay..." JayBee said looking at Betty. "Now that everybody is seated the show can begin." He looks back at the Rebecca clones in the audience. "So how do you like your avatars?" He asked the reader. " So I have been writing a story on deviant art about Rebecca."

"My old student has nothing to do with this." Cody said.

"Mmmmph mmmph." Betty said that's interesting.

"Yes, yes Cody." JayBee said. "This whole world is a prison for two people." He said. " You are echoes of your prison worlds."

"How is this possible?" Cody asked.

"It's a kind of magic you wrote. " JayBee said. "I can't tell you because I don't know."

"Speed force." Cody said.

"Yeah, well that is the flash." JayBee said. "I know that this prison was duplicated of that prison."

"Mmmph mmmph mmmph?" Betty said as she asked what about her.

"You, my dear are here." JayBee said with a chuckle. "For comic relief or bondage relief."

"I do know that this prison world is set to torture Li Xing Congral and her son." JayBee said looking at Cody. "Everyone in this world is programmed to my life a living hell for both Congrals."

"What about her." Cody said pointing at Betty.

"Mmmmph mmmph mmmph?" Betty asked what about her.

"You are a clone of my grandmother's DNA..." JayBee said. " now it's about having a female on female match on WWE 2K23." He said.

"Mmmmph mmmph." Betty said help me as she looked at Cody.

"I can't live with all this anger due to a misunderstanding." JayBee said looking at Betty. "I'm sorry for my absence on this TUG site, plus I am sorry to the people on deviant art who are watching my site whether it be for my drawn picture stories are the video game upskirt photos." He said. "I know how I could improve my art style, I am just curious who likes my current drawing style." He said with a laugh. "I learned to draw by tracing a card with a drawing of a blank outline of a woman." He said "I believe I can get better if I trace outlines of poses..." He said. "...but,but there's always a but,am I right or am I right." He said ironically. "I'm lazy I don't want to take the time to get better, because I draw the way I want to not how others want..." He said looking at at the clones. "...and for that I apologize."

Betty is starting to get restless being bound and gagged as she struggles for freedom and starts drooling. "Mmmmph mmmph mmmph?" She asked to be let out. Feeling so uncomfortable that she wiggles and falls off the chair on the ground. "Mmmmph." As she puffs in anger kicking her bound legs. "Mmmmph mmmph?" She yells as she asks for help.

"I guess someone lost her seat." JayBee said ironically as he starts to laugh at her. 'HA HA HA HA..." He said as she rolls around on the floor. "...Feeling helpless, Betty."

"Mmmmph mmmph mmmph mmmph." Betty said she just wanted a job then she started crying and tears stream out her eyes.

Cody looks at JayBee. "Don't you think she had enough?" She asked JayBee putting her hands on her hips.

"Oh,pish posh Cody." JayBee said. "Where's your sense of fun and adventure." He said with a devilish grin looking at Cody. "Perhaps you want to trade places." He said as he turns to the Rebecca clones in the audience and asks. "How about it ladies..." He paused as looks at Cody standing there with her hands on her hip then at Betty bound and gagged rolling around on stage. "...should they switch places?" He asked. "Or should she join her."

"Mmmmph mmmph." Betty said please help.

"Readers choice." JayBee said. "But given how no one comments, I already made my choice, plus I figured it is a good stopping point for this part..." He said. " always thanks for reading, peace. "
Last edited by Boocola 10 months ago, edited 8 times in total.
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Post by ninterz »

A little confusing but funny.
Of course she should join her if you ask me
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Post by Boocola »

"Ladies and gentlemen boys and girls JayBee Crownshot has returned..." JayBee said looking at Betty bound and gagged rolling around on stage. "...and it looks like Betty is going to have company." He said looking at Cody. "Do you want to volunteer?" He asked her keeping his eyes on Betty.

"No." Cody said crossing her arms across her chest.

JayBee looked at Cody and smiled. "You would deny these good people the pleasure of reading you getting tied up?" He asked her walking slowly towards her.

"Why don't you use Megan." Cody suggested.

"She's occupied." JayBee said.

"Doing what?" Cody asked.

"She's playing street fighter 6 world tour." JayBee said. "Why don't I bring back Victor García's new sister made from a magical spell book you wrote..." He said. "...that his other sister found to use the gender transformation potion."

"It was meant to turn male soldiers into female gladiators and sex slaves." Cody said. "Never meant to be used on one boy."

"You made it so Shrag could use a portal to come to the planet to destroy a city." JayBee said looking at Cody. "He breathed a magical fire stream on Victor splitting the female from the male..." He said. " us our next volunteer, Tory Vic come on down your the next contestant on the bound Betty show." He said as price is right music starts playing

A woman with sandy blonde hair wearing a yellow dress with flowers on it, brown pantyhose and yellow heels. She is carrying several strands of rope. "Thank you so much, JayBee." Tory Vic said with excitement.

"Now that's excitement, Ladies and gentlemen." JayBee said. "She volunteered to to go back to shrag's liar so the dragon wouldn't burn the city." He said looking at the girl confused. "What, no ballgag?" He asked Tory Vic.

Tory Vic opened her hand with all the rope in it and showed JayBee the ballgag. "JayBee..." She said chuckling holding it out in front of him. "...I would never forget the ballgag." She said with Cody was standing there relaxing her arms at her side.

"I know that is your favorite." JayBee said flirting with Tory Vic as He grabbed the Ballgag out of her hand looking at Cody. "You know what to do." He said.

"About ti...mmmph." Cody said as JayBee shoved the ballgag in her mouth as he started buckling the straps behind her head, Tory Vic started tying Cody's wrist together behind her back. "Mmmmph mmmph mmmph?" Feeling betrayed as she asked why this had to happen.

"I am inevitable..." JayBee said as Tory Vic wrapped rope around Cody's torso above and below her breasts. "...when I started training Victor, I was going to leave him like that."

"You never told me that." Tory Vic said as she tied up Cody's ankles, calves and thighs. "What made you change your mind?" She asked.

"Mmmmph mmmph mmmph!!!" Cody screams Who cares.

"Tory Vic, your my favorite pupil." JayBee said looking at Betty bound and gagged rolling around on stage. "I get angry when people make stupid suggestions." He says as he looks at the Rebecca clones in the audience. "Who in there right mind falls in love with a fictional character."

"Someone fell in love with me?" Tory Vic asked innocently.

"Well yes and no." JayBee said. "I think she fell it love with the idea of you." He said looking down at Betty who wore herself out trying to escape laid next to Cody.

"What are you going to do with them?" Tory Vic asked.

JayBee looked at the Rebecca clones, then at Tory Vic's legs. "I have an idea." He said as he moved the chair a foot from Cody and Betty's heads. "Tory Vic, I need you to sit down." He said. "Please."

"Your not going to tie me up?" Tory Vic asked as she sat down in the seat of the chair with her knees together.

"Maybe, later." JayBee said moving to her left side placing his right hand on her shoulder. "Lift up your left leg." He said to her.

"What are you going to do with it?" Tory Vic asked as she lifts her left leg.

"Don't worry about it." JayBee said as he moved his left hand from her shoulder to Tory Vic's pantyhosed thigh touching the bottom of her leg and moving his right hand to her upper left calve. "Smooth and soft." He said moving his right hand along the pantyhose on the left leg the her upper thigh with his right hand.

"That tickles." Tory Vic said with a chuckle as JayBee moved his left hand up to grab her left ankle and taking off the yellow heel with his right.

JayBee took a sniff of the inside of Tory Vic's worn footwear. "Where were you walking in these heels." He said with a disgusting look on his face.

"Mmmmph mmmph mmmph?" Cody asked what he was doing from below.

"You will see." JayBee said taking a sniff of Tory Vic's stockinged left foot. "I don't envy you Cody." He said again setting the foot on Cody's nose. "Okay, Tory Vic, I need you to keep your left foot here, I don't need her passing out."

"Mmmmph mmmph mmmph." Cody panicked because she was smelling Tory Vic's left stockinged foot.

Betty looked over at Cody watching her suffer the smell of one foot. "Mmmmph mmmph mmmph." She said hoping it doesn't happen to her.

"Don't worry my dear." JayBee said. "Your next." He said as he walked around Cody and Betty bound and gagged on stage in front of Tory Vic sitting down with the foot of her left leg resting on Cody's face and her right leg hovering above Betty's face.

"What now?" Tory Vic asked as JayBee grabbed her right pantyhosed left taking the heel off of her right stockinged foot putting it on Betty's nose.

"Keep your feet where they are." JayBee said as he placed the inside of the yellow heel an inch from Tory Vic's nose. "Hold it there."

Tory Vic grabbed the heel with her left hand sniffing inside. "JayBee, do I have to?" She asked. "This is disgusting."

"It's only fair, my dear." JayBee said as he looked down at Betty and Cody squirming with their faces turning green. "Look on the bright side..." He said pointing to Betty and Cody. " least you are not them." He said looking at all the Rebecca clones in the audience.

Tory Vic removed the heel from her nose. "I can't take that smell anymore." She said.

"Okay, Tory whatever you say." JayBee said still looking at the Rebecca clones. "So what shall I talk about next." He said sarcastically. "I know the confusing nature of the story show." He said looking down at Betty and Cody. "Having fun ladies."

"Mmmmph mmmph." Betty and Cody said as once with their faces looking green.

"Sorry for the confusion..." JayBee said looking at the Rebecca clones. "...there was a rivalry in GM mode on WWE 2K23 gameplay, where Cody won most of the matches." He said "I like to do crossovers between my wrestling games and my stories here on this TUGs site." He said. "HA HA HA..." he said laughing. "...Tory Vic was the first character I developed on this site."

"JayBee, I have to go to the bathroom." Tory Vic said.

"Go, we need to let Betty and Cody breathe..." JayBee said turning to look down at the two helpless bound and gagged damsels. "...come up for air, HA HA HA." He said looking back at the Rebecca clones.

"Mmmmph mmmph mmmph." Betty demanded that she be set free as Tory Vic got up to go back stage.

"Mmmmph mmmph mmmph." Cody said not making any sense.

"What's that Cody..."JayBee said. "You want Tory Vic to join you." He said as Cody rolled her eyes.

"Mmmmph mmmph mmmph." Cody said no you idiot.

"First of all I am an idiot..." JayBee said. "....and second where's Barry?" He asked the Rebecca clones. "I'm not talking about Barry from resident evil series."

The man with the beard walked in the room. "I ain't Barry Allen either, so I am not the flash." Barry said.

"Take your time Barry..." JayBee said. "...our prisoners aren't going anywhere." He said as two empty human shaped iron cages came up from the ground.

"Mmmmph mmmph mmmph?" Betty asked what are those for as Barry walked on stage and picked her up.

"Barry, put Betty in one of the cages." JayBee said as he picked up Cody and put her in standing up Barry did the same with Betty. "Okay, ladies..." he said. "...I hope you had fun."

"Mmmmph mmmph." Betty said she has to get to her job interview.

Tory Vic came back from the restroom holding a cellphone. "JayBee, Betty's purse started ringing, so I opened it and she received a call..." She said. "...I answered her cellphone and put it on hold, I don't know what to say." She said giving the cellphone to JayBee..

JayBee grabbed the cellphone and pushed the hold button to speak. "Betty's phone please leave a message after the peep." He said pointing to Barry then balling his fist up and then pointing at Tory Vic.

JayBee put Betty's phone on speaker. "So sorry Betty we have to cancel your appointment for the interview. The human resources representative called in sick..." A female voice said on Betty's cellphone. "...if you would call back between normal business hours, We can reschedule." The device said as Barry grabbed Tory Vic.

What are...mmmph mmmph?" Tory Vic said as Barry put his hand over her mouth.

"Thank you, she'll call you if she doesn't accept my job offer." JayBee said hanging up the call on Betty's cellphone. "So Betty what do you say do you want a job as one of my assistant?" He asked Betty bound and gagged standing in a human shaped iron cage.

Betty looked sad that even if she made the interview she would have been turned away. "Mmmmph mmmph mmmph." She said that she will think about it through the gag while she was standing bound in a human shaped iron cage.

"HA HA HA..." JayBee said. "...perfect you can think about it until I start the game." He said. "Do you want to play the game?" He asked Betty.

"Mmmmph." Betty said sure.

"Ladies and gentlemen Betty will play a game." JayBee said turning to the Rebecca clones. "Oops I forgot..." He said. "...y'all are Rebecca clones." He said getting on his hand and knees begging for forgiveness. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to mislabel your gender." He said sarcastically then he got serious and got up. "I know, I know..." He said. "...seriously." He said as he pointed up, moved his arms to point at Cody and Betty. "Later girls." He said as Cody and Betty were lowered down below stage in the cages they're in.

"What about her?" Barry asked JayBee holding Tory Vic with a hand covering her mouth.

"Release her Barry,..." JayBee said. "...I can take it from here."

"I'll be at the front desk if you need me." Barry said Releasing Tory Vic and walking off stage to the front door.

Tory Vic gained her composure. "What was that for?" She asked.

"I will tell you in part three." JayBee said he turned around to talk to the Rebecca clones. "I apologize if proof reading this correcting my small mistakes in this writing, I can spot them easier in a straight scroll down compared to a scroll down in a box in messaging drafts."
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Post by ninterz »

That was interesting.
Let's see where it's going
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Post by Boocola »

"Guess who's back, back again, I'm JayBee the real JayBee all the other JayBees are imitating me..." JayBee said staring at the Rebecca clones. "...please stand up, please stand up." The Rebecca clones stood up. "Ladies please, it was a joke." He said. "Sit down and enjoy the show."

Tory Vic stood there patiently. "Okay, when is part three?" She asks impatiently looking at her wrist that had no watch on it.

"Do you want to join Betty and Cody?" JayBee said pointing towards the two spots where the two human shaped iron cages went below the stage with the two women bound and gagged are waiting.

"No..." Tory Vic said. "...not now, but knowing you, I might be soon." She said.

"Yes, yes, yes." JayBee said as a human shaped iron cage rose from the stage floor next to where the first two went down.

"Please, please..." Tory Vic started begging. "...please Master Chief, I'm afraid of the dark."

"Patience, I haven't decided yet." JayBee said as he signaled for another assistant to come out from behind backstage. "Close your eyes Tory Vic." He said.

"Okay." Tory Vic said as she closed her eyes.

A Vietnamese woman wearing a blue dress, beige pantyhose and blue heels came out from backstage. "JayBee..." The young Vietnamese woman said. "...why did call me?" She said.

"Oh Tai..." JayBee said. "...I want you to tie up Tory Vic."

"Ban dang dien trong dau." Tai said he was crazy in the head. "Just like American GI in my village when I was younger." She said.

"Then I may be in good company." JayBee said. "Now grab some rope and tie Tory Vic up." He said turning to the Rebecca clones.

Tory Vic opened her eyes looking at JayBee. "Please, Master Chief..." She begged. "...I don't want to be tied up and put in the dark." She said as Tai gathered rope to tie her up.

"Remember what I taught you to conquer your fears?" JayBee asked without looking at Tory Vic. "Think of this as another lesson." He said.

"Okay." Tory Vic answered as Tai grabbed Tory Vic's arms and tied her wrist together behind her back.

"You, don't move..." Tai Dragon said as she finished up Tory Vic's wrists " I can get done faster...' She said as she started wrapping rope above and below her breasts. "...yes, good." She said as she cinched the rope tight. "There, finished."

"You forgot to bind her legs..." JayBee said "...and put a gag in her mouth."

"Why...?" Tai asked grabbing more rope. " no say that." She said as she tied up Tory Vic's ankles, calves and thighs. "You, open wide." She pointed to Tory Vic's mouth.

"But, but..." Tory Vic started complaining. "...mmmph mmmph mmmph." Tai shoved a ball gag in her mouth and buckled it in the back of Tory Vic's head.

"So now what..." Tai Dragon said pointing to Tory Vic's bound and gagged body. " want me to do with her?" She asked.

"Nothing..." A woman's voice said walking slowly from backstage. "...I'll take care of her, like I took care of her brother." She said revealing herself to brown hair up in pigtails wearing a dark red dress, black thigh high stockings and red heels.

Tory Vic panicked. "Mmmmph mmmph mmmph." She sqirms and wants to be released.

"Co ay la ai?" Tai Dragon asked who the woman is.

"Speak English." JayBee said. "She is my daughter in my stories." He said. "Her name is August."

"Why is she here?" Tai asked JayBee.

"Simple, miss Dragon...." August said. "...I'm here to tie you up." She said as she walked over to Tory Vic. "First, I am going to play with my old friend." She said to Tory Vic. "Where is Victor?"

"Okay, August Victor García has nothing to do with this." JayBee said to August.

"Oh, daddy..." August said. "...he has everything to do with this."

"Are you mad...."JayBee said to his fictional daughter. "....August, that you never got a chance to live." He said. "Remember you exist in my mind."

"You decided to write Theresa and myself into Victor García's story to goof around with him while you train him." August said.

"And what a magnificent job you did." JayBee said. "Keeping him bound and gagged while you watched television."

"Mmmmph mmmph mmmph." Tory Vic said as she remembered that before the dragon's fire split her from her brother.

"Oh hush up, you." August said as she walked over to the human shaped iron cage and opened it. "I'm going to put you in back in your place."

"Mmmmph mmmph mmmph." Tory Vic said as she pleaded not to be put in the human shaped iron cage as August grabbed her and placed her in the human shaped iron cage closing it. "Mmmmph mmmph mmmph mmmph?" She said asking JayBee for help.

"Well, daddy..." August said to JayBee "...aren't you going to command the hydraulics operator to lower the cage." She said. "Please." She added.

"Mmmmph mmmph mmmph." Tory Vic said as she panicked and squirmed in the human shaped iron cage.

JayBee walked to the human shaped iron cage with Tory Vic in it. "Stop struggling." He said. "It would reduce the chance of you getting injured..." He said. "...and breathe very important." He said as he turned around looked up and nodded.

"Mmmmph mmmph mmmph." Tory Vic started crying as the human shaped iron cage started to lowered under the stage.

"So August, before you stole my show..." JayBee said with exasperation as he looked at August then at Tai Dragon. "...I was about to explain the origins of Tai Dragon."

"Continue, by all means." August said placing her hands on her hips.

"Originally Tai Dragon was my friends character." JayBee said to the Rebecca clones. "When he helped me test my story ideas, we would role play with a variety of characters in a space soap opera." He said. "My character was called Bloodwave." He said to the Rebecca clones. "Now during the wait in line to see star wars: the phantom menace." He said looking at August then at Tai. "We were role playing a story about getting a crime boss off a planet. I wanted to do something different so I made Bloodwave a woman for this story. My buddy used his character named Dirk hunter." He said as he told the story.

Snail on menace

Bloodwave stood in a human shaped iron cage with her hands cuffed together behind her back wearing a black shirt, black and red flannel skirt, black tights and black shoes. The human shaped iron cage was in the cargo hold of her ship that she let her partner Dirk Hunter fly to deliver her as a Trojan horse gift to a crime boss on a planet which her client Senator Lea Sunsky hired her to get the crime boss off of the planet. She could feel her ship coming out of hyperspace.

"Okay, Bloodwave..." The voice of Dirk Hunter boomed down from the cockpit. "...this plan of yours better work." He said. "We are being hailed by planetary defense."

"Tell them we got a delivery for the iron workers of mudar." Bloodwave said. "That's the pass code for the Senator to let her know we arrived." She said impatiently. "God damn, sensors." She said to herself as she felt her ship entering the atmosphere then landing a few moments later.

"If they don't go for this we are going to have to get out of here pretty fast." Dirk hunter said as he climbed down the ladder from the cockpit wearing a thin black vest with a dirty white shirt underneath and black pants with black boots above his calves. He has a belt around his waist with ammo pouches along with a holster strapped to his right thigh. "Want me to let you out now, so we can collect this bounty." He said as he got to the bottom rung to look at Bloodwave.

"Do you have my mask?" Bloodwave asked with the bangs of her brown hair getting in her face.

"No, I left it up in the cockpit..." Dirk said as an energy light scanned the ship. "...should I go back up to get?" He asked.

"No, it's too late..." Bloodwave said. "...I guess I'll have to improvise." She said as Dirk opened the human shaped iron cage.

"Want me to loosen the cuffs before I lower the ramp?" Dirk asked grabbing Bloodwave's arm and pulling her out of the human shaped iron cage.

"No, I have a healing factor..." Bloodwave said. "...I can pull me hands out." She said as Dirk lead her to the ramp and pushed a button and the ramp lowered.

"Suit yourself." Dirk said pulling Bloodwave down the ramp where they were met by three humanoid figures. One was a humanoid rat with a gee like uniform with a gunbelt and a blaster on his right side. The second was a humanoid turtle carrying a staff with a curved blade that looked like a bayonet, because in the middle of the staff was a button to fire the nuzzle at the top. The third was a humanoid wolf with ripped shorts and a blaster rifle with cartridges strapped across his furry chest. "Where's sluggo?" Dirk asked. "I captured a bounty hunter that he might be interested in using her as a sex slave."

"We will examine the merchandise first..." The Ratton said. " make sure it's not a trap." The ratton grabbed Bloodwave spun her around looking at the handcuffs, then spun her back around lifting up her skirt. "So you captured Bloodwave..." The ratton said sarcastically. " the mighty have fallen." He said looking at Dirk. "I'll give you fifty thousand credits."

"I want to deal with Sluggo himself." Dirk said boldly.

"Sluggo cannot be bothered..." The Ratton said. "...he is eating."

"Screw this." Bloodwave said as she thrust her left foot into the ratton's chest pulling her hands free of the cuffs behind her back. With a bloody wrist she grabs the staff away from the humanoid turtle spinning the staff hitting the Shellon in the face with the bottom of the staff then slicing the Wolfman's blaster rifle with the bayonet weapon on the staff with a quick spin then spun in staff to hit the Wolfman in the groin with the other end of the staff. "Frag it." She said as the Wolfman fell down in pain the ratton pointed a blaster at her. As she started to spin to take the ratton's head off with the bayonet blade a blaster bolt struck the ratton in the chest. "I had him." She said looking at Dirk.

"You're welcome." Dirk said.

"Sluggo should be in his main audience room." Bloodwave said as she took off down the hall. "Now, follow me Dirk." She said running in the hallway leading to Sluggo's main audience room

"Wait for me." Dirk said as he shot the Wolfman in the head as he recovered from the swelling then spotting a credit pouch on the dead ratton bending over and grabbing it. "You won't be needing that you're dead." He said as the Shellon regained consciousness. "Tonight, I dine on turtle soup." He said as he killed the humanoid turtle. " Just kidding." He added as he ran to catch up with Bloodwave it wasn't hard just followed the trail of bodies. "Avoiding all these logs here." He said stepping over a dead humanoid crocodile.

"Sluggo, sorry to bother you while you're eating..." Dirk heard Bloodwave shout at the gangster as he ran down the hall into the audience room. "...I need you to leave this planet or die." She said to the giant snail.

"Really, bounty hunter." Sluggo said eating a live frog. "Who's going to make me..." He said as he swallowed the frog. " and your boyfriend." He said with a laugh.

"You can either leave or die the choice is yours, I get paid either way." Bloodwave said holding a thermal detonator she activated as Sluggo's goons arrive through the other hallway. "Is that your best." She told Sluggo as she tossed the thermal detonator at the ceiling above Sluggo's goons causing a cave in crushing Sluggo's men. "Sorry, was I supposed to be afraid." She said approaching Sluggo.

"I will have you for lunch tomorrow for that." Sluggo said as the door behind him opened as he slithered away.

"Wait, don't go the party has only just begun." Bloodwave said as she started chasing him as a bunch of goons appeared behind Sluggo a mixture of shellons and rattons. Running fast she sticks the bottom of the staff on the ground leaping forward vaulting two of her feet ramming them into two Shellons faces. The rotating her hips spun her body kicking them in the side of their heads swinging the staff around slicing through some three rattons.

Dirk took aim with his blaster and the ratton he aimed at lost his head before he could open fire. "Leave some for me." He said.

Bloodwave grabbed the staff with both hands. "Match the bounties on the heads of these goons you can have them." She said. "I am going after Sluggo." She said as blaster bolts came down the corridor, she twirled the staff in a figure eight blocking most of the blaster bolts getting hit in her gut and right shoulder. "Frag me." She said as she took cover on the left wall tossing the staff to the side.

"You're not my type." Dirk said as he fired his blaster into a dark corridor.

Bloodwave wounds healed up leaving holes in her shirt."I guess, I walked into that." She said with a smile. "I wish I had my mask." She said to herself as she grabbed two blasters from the fallen goons and ran into the dark corridor firing the blasters.

"She has a death wish." Dirk said to himself as he heard blaster fire down the corridor. "She's dead that means the bounty is all mine." He said as he started walking down the corridor with his blaster drawn until he heard a ship taking off he started running. "That b*tch better not steal my bounty." He said to himself as he entered the landing platform at the end of the corridor to see a ship taking off and Bloodwave standing there with blasters overheated pointed down with her tights ripped and soaked with blood with her wounds healing. "What the hell..." He said looking at all the bodies and the ship flying away. " what are we going to do the bounty got away?" He asked her.

"My job is done." Bloodwave said. "Lea hired me to get him off the planet." She said. "Thanks for the ride."

"How am I going to get paid?" Dirk asked her.

"I told you find the bounties on dead goons." Bloodwave said. "I'm sure Senator Sunsky would pay you for helping." She said dropping the blasters.

"By the way..." Dirk said. "...where did you hide the thermal detonator?" He asked.

"Secret pocket." Bloodwave said. "Let's leave it at that."

Back at the club

"So I am a product of you trying out a female version of Bloodwave." August said.

"Yes and no." JayBee said. "I decided to go back to having Bloodwave be a man."

"So what does this have to do with Tai Dragon here?" August asked JayBee pointing at Tai Dragon.

"She was created by the same person that created Dirk Hunter." JayBee said. "I had Bloodwave train Tai along with you." He said to August. "I wanted to try to teach my friend to write fighting moves instead of writing she does it." He said. "Instead the fighting moves he wrote he mirrored a super soldier called Captain America." He said. "Originally Tai Dragon was Chinese, but when I started using her I made her Vietnamese."

"So now I see..." Tai said " made me watch father die by hands of American GI." She said. "Why, you do that?"

"Better than having you die from radiation sickness." JayBee said. "It was part of the story I wanted to tell. "He said. "In the future you shot a man that absorbs energy blast and shot it back at you." He said. "Telling him that you became immuned to you blaster fire." He said. "Which could've saved your life if his planet wasn't radiated." He said. "So Tabitha killed you and you became immortal."

"HA HA HA..." Tai Dragon said " funny man, not." She says as she starts walking off the stage. "I leave, you crazy."

"Barry, please stop miss Dragon from leaving the club." JayBee said turning to the Rebecca clones. "I do apologize for this part dragging on and being confusing." He said as a fourth human shaped iron cage rose up from the stage. "I promise, I would have a game for you at the end of the show and the fourth piece is about to be placed on the board." He said as Barry grabbed Tai Dragon with a double chicken wing with his left hand and hand gagged her with his right.

"Mmmmph mmmph mmmph?" Tai Dragon said as she wondered what was going on.

"Sorry folks." JayBee said. "I'm trying to write something different." He said. "Thanks for reading this part..." he said as he threw up two fingers into a peace sign. "...PEACE!!!"
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"Sorry for the unnecessary telling of that Bloodwave tale." JayBee said. "It was a necessary evil that I've become." He said talking to the Rebecca clones. "As is all of you are a necessary evil." He said grabbing some rope. "Just as I am a necessary evil."

Barry moved up to the stage dragging Tai up with him keeping his hand over her mouth. "What do you want me to do with her." He asked holding the Vietnamese woman.

"Mmmmph mmmph mmmph." Tai said let me go.

JayBee nodded to Barry. "August..." He said. "...she's all yours."

"Thank you." August said as Barry threw Tai on the ground in front of her. "Don't move Tai."

"What you think I will let you tie me up?" Tai Dragon asked August. "Why should I let you?" She asked again.

"Because, you have no choice in the matter." August said.

"I always have choice." Tai Dragon said. "What say after you tie me up, someone tie you up." She argued.

"I will cross that bridge when I get to it." August said picking up some rope. "Please turn around and place your hands behind your back."

"You say that like I'm going to do that." Tai Dragon said with a smile and a nod as she turned around placing her hands behind her back. "You are very persuasive." She said.

"This story has gone on long enough." August said as she started tying Tai Dragon's wrists together behind her back cinching it tight. "There's no way you are going to win the game later."

"That's right, ladies..." JayBee said. "'s all about the game and how you're gonna play it." He sang like Lemmy as August wrapped a rope around Tai Dragon torso above and below her breasts.

"I am going to win." August said as she tied up Tai Dragon's ankles, calves and thighs. "See I already won." She said with a laugh.

"You forgot one very important detail." JayBee said as August grabbed a ballgag and shoved it in Tai Dragon's mouth buckling it behind her.

"I win." August announced. "What's my prize."

"Absolutely nothing." JayBee said as a fourth human shaped iron cage rose from the stage floor. "You have to place Tai Dragon in the cage."

"Easy peasy lemon squeezey." August said dragging Tai Dragon to the human shaped iron cage and threw her in closing the door. "Okay, hydraulics operator take her down." She ordered the unseen operator to lower the human shaped iron cage below the stage.

JayBee pointed up then signaled for the operator to lower the cage. "That is not what I meant." He said as the human shaped iron cage lowers beneath the stage.

"There's no one left to tie me up." August said placing her hands on her hips. "So where is my prize."

"Well first, I am going to say..." JayBee said. "...that it's difficult to grow a YouTube channel." He said. "Which is exactly the way I want it." He said. "The truth gets you nothing. The truth is I hate my life, especially now that I have been diagnosed with autism."

"So..." August said. "...who is going to tie me up, so we can start the game?"

"Second..." JayBee said. "...weren't you paying attention to the story of the female Bloodwave" He said. "She escaped handcuffs by scraping skin to get out of the cuffs."

"So that disqualifies me from playing your game!" August exclaimed crossing her arms in front of her chest. "Who are you going to choose for the fifth player?" She asked.

"That is an interesting question." JayBee answered. "I am going to choose a Rebecca clone." He said looking at all the Rebecca clones. "You are going to be the one to tie her up." He said turning to look at August.

"Sounds like fun..." August said. "...any volunteers?" She asked looking in the crowd.

"Don't do that..." JayBee said. "...they will all volunteer." He said looking at a Rebecca clone wearing a green dress, beige pantyhose and green heels. "You." He said as he pointed to Barry then at the Rebecca clone.

Barry walked over grabbed the Rebecca clone. "Let's go." He said as he brought her up the stairs to the stage.

August grabbed some rope and walked to the Rebecca clone. "You are taking my spot in the game because I have a mutant healing factor." She said Sounding really annoyed as she forced the Rebecca clone's wrists behind her back and wrapped the wrists cinching it tight. "You are not going to win." She said wrapping rope around the Rebecca clone's torso above and below her breasts cinching it really tight.

"I still need to breathe." The Rebecca clone said.

"I didn't know you need air in a story." August said as she tied up the ankles, calves and thighs together of the Rebecca clone.

"Hey..." JayBee said. "...this is my story, so only I can break the fourth wall." He said.

"If Bloodwave is you and Bloodwave was a woman." August said. "Then I must be a female version of you, so I am allowed to break the fourth wall." She stated as she put a ballgag in the Rebecca clone's mouth and buckled it behind her head.

"Fine, have it your way." JayBee said as he signaled for the operator to raise the fifth human shaped iron cage.

"Mmmmph mmmph mmmph." The Rebecca clone asked when the game would start.

"Don't worry about that." August said as she put the Rebecca clone in the human shaped iron cage and closed it. "Well aren't you going to command the hydraulics operator to lower it."

"Fine, lower the cage." JayBee said as he looked up at the operator. "Happy now." He said as the human shaped iron cage lowered beneath the stage.

"I know that you received news that you are autistic..." August said. "...But you never told anyone that your stories are from your desire to be a woman."

"Actually that's not entirely true." JayBee said. "I want to play dress up with girls and the best way to do that is to role play stories with women..." He said. "...or play video games using a woman's body." He said. "I didn't know Link from Legend of Zelda would have an adverse effect on my psychological profile."

"Ladies and gentlemen give him a moment." August said. "He has to spellcheck the story." She said. "Sorry I forgot to gag the Rebecca clone, but now it's been fixed."

"Sorry." JayBee said. "I am going to make WWE 2K23 gameplay on all the match ups here." He said. "I am going to have to read the entire story to set up the matches." He said. "I will share a link to the video or videos of the wrestling matches." He said. "After I play, edit and upload the video to my stupid YouTube channel." He said. "One more thing, thanks for reading and PEACE!!!"
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A necessary evil part 1 wrestling matches
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"Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, JayBee Crownshot has returned..." JayBee said looking at August. "...before we start the game and the final part of this show." He said as he turned to look at the Rebecca clones. "I am planning to draw a fifth story drawing on Rebecca's adventures through time." He said. "On deviant art, I post the stories, my drawing isn't that good, but it's good enough to show what I like."

"You draw like you don't like drawing..." August said. " you want to continue the story and be done with it."

"Yes, yes...yes." JayBee said. "But since I left the story at the year seventeen ten." He said. "I am going to cover what Rebecca did as a secret spy for the colonies." He said. "Normally I would start from a wrestling arena for a wrestling show, but since the main bad guy is a man..." He said. "...I've decided to open it in a classroom, where Rebecca is the teacher."

"Boring." August said yawning. "...I wish I was bound and gagged with plugs stuck in my ears."

"That can be arranged..." JayBee snapped at August. "...but I don't want you to have that much fun." He said as he calmed down. "Now the story..."

Rebecca's lesson
New York, home of private school for girls that looks like an old mansion. The students are dressed in a white shirt and black skirt. There is a variety of students wearing black tights and white tights with black shoes. A car drives into the teacher's parking lot and parks in a stall. The driver's side door opens up and a woman with short brown hair gets out of the vehicle with a briefcase. She is wearing a white blouse and black skirt with beige pantyhose with heels. She started walking to the side door.

Rebecca McCody walks down the corridor through waves of students to her classroom. She's an American history teacher and the subject is the American Revolutionary War she teaches what is in in the history books very careful not to reveal what she did during that time period. She get to her classroom unlocks the door walking in placing her briefcase on her desk. As the students file in taking their seats gossiping among themselves while, Rebecca writes the lesson for the day on the black board.

As the bell rings the girls are still talking. "Okay class..." Rebecca said looking at all her students. " we will talk about a battle that nearly changed the outcome to favor the British."

"Like those red coats stood a chance." One girl remarked. "They were overconfident."

"True..." Rebecca said. "...regular colonial soldiers never stood a chance against the discipline of the British Amy." She said drawing troop formations on the black board. "The problem was going toe to toe with with British forces."

"I don't believe that..." Another girl said "...I mean they both had stupid weapons that were hard load."

"Those weapons weren't the issue..." Rebecca said. "...this issue was the British had more experience generals." She said looking at the board. "The only way the colonials stood a chance were creating militia to disrupt the British supply lines." She said as she felt the presence of another immortal in her area. "So you think those muskets were hard to load..." She said taking out a musket parts from her briefcase. "...I just have to assemble it."

"Why did it need to be assembled?" A student asked sitting in the front.

"Well, it needed to be cleaned." Rebecca said assembling the musket really quickly as the other immortal walked to her classroom. "This is what is called fix bayonet." She said as she finishing assembling the musket and fixing the bayonet blade on the weapon. "Now I am going to load it." She said as she poured gunpowder down the barrel and a metal bal, taking a stick ramming it down the muzzle as a man's shadow got to the door. "One more thing." She said picking up the musket holding it by the muzzle with her left hand grabbing the stock with her right hand pulls back the flintlock and armed the breech. "Now that wasn't hard was it ladies." She said as the immortal entered the room preparing for the worst and not showing it.

"The colonials also had spies..." The immortal who Rebecca knows as Max Riley stated with a smile. "...who stole plans that deserved a traitors death." He said standing there looking at Rebecca wearing a three piece black suit with with shirt under the black blazer.

Rebecca is wearing a red coat to match all the soldiers in the British camp she infiltrated. She has accidentally ended up in the British Amy, because she stole this uniform from a British soldier that was taking a bath in a lake after battle where the boy deserted. She saw a high ranking officer leaving a tent. She left the soldiers she was with looking around than entering the officer's tent. She looked on the table and saw troop formations and battle plans to attack a colonial fortress. She grabbed the plans and senses another immortal.

"This is the only problem..." Rebecca said cursing her immortality as she left the tent. "...with being a spy I have." She said walking past a couple of tents before spotting a man walking wearing an officer's red coat looking around spotting her. She walked over to meet him. "I am Cody Booth."

"Lieutenant Maximilian Riley, Corporal." Max said to confusing her.

"Maximilian is it." Rebecca said.

"Maintain discipline Corporal..." Max said. "...we maybe the same, but we are not equal in this army." He said waving her off. "We are on the same side, unless you are here to challenge me for my head our business is concluded."

"No argument from me." Rebecca said moving on trying to get out of camp.

"Corporal." Max said. "You are not dismissed."

"Yes Lieutenant..." Rebecca said stops and turns to look at Max. " I dismissed." She said with a salute.

Max looked around. "What regimen are you with Corporal." He said as an officer came out of the tent yelling the plans are gone as Maximilian turned his head to see what was happening.

Rebecca took off running, she saw an officer get off a horse and stole it from him quickly mounting the horse. "Sorry sir." She said turning the horse and taking off as She rode away.

2023 new York

"Are you going to introduce me to your class?" Maximilian Riley asked.

"Yes, of course." Rebecca said. "Class, this is Maximilian Riley a comic book artist that draws historical fiction." She said. "What do I owe this visit?" She asked her former enemy still holding her musket."

"Oh please Rebecca..." Max said looking at the musket. "...I am not here to fight." He said. "I've been asked to speak on creative writing."

Rebecca disarmed the breech and placed the stock on the floor. "That's a relief." She said holding the rifle up.

Comedy stage

JayBee is standing next to August. "Now for the game." He said as the five human shaped iron cages rose up from the stage with Betty, Cody, Tory Vic, Tai Dragon and a Rebecca clone inside. "The rules first." He said directing August to let the women out of their cages. "It's about escaping obviously." He said as August opened up the cages letting the bound and gagged women out. "The catch is, ladies..." He said looking at all the women. "'s a two on three handicap escape match." He said. "I am not going to tell you who's on what team." He said. "You can help each other escape, but you can't rely on the person you're helping." He said. "You can start whenever you are ready."

The five women are laying down on the stage began wiggling around. "Mmmmph mmmph mmmph?" Betty asked Tory Vic for help as she tries to twist her wrist.

"Mmmmph mmmph..." Tory Vic said okay sure. "...mmmph mmmph mmmph." She said if you help me first as she rubbed her ankles together.

"Mmmmph mmmph mmmph?" Tai Dragon asked Cody to help her out trying to free her wrist.

Cody looked at Tai Dragon like she couldn't trust her, then looked at the Rebecca clone who wasn't even trying to escape wondering who was the two that was on the other team. "Mmmmph mmmph mmmph." She told Tai to come over.

Tai rolled over to Cody. "Mmmmph mmmph?" Tai asked what she should do as she sat up.

"Mmmmph mmmph." Cody said telling Tai to stay there as she sat up shuffling over to Tai's back as she started to dig her fingers in Tai's binds she notices that Betty has the same dress as Tai. "Mmmmph mmmph." She said as she realized she made a mistake.

"Mmmmph mmmph." Tai Dragon said thank you as Cody loosened the binds around her wrist and slipped her hands free removing the ropes from her torso and taking the ballgag out of her mouth. "Now you f*cked..." She said. "...and not in a good way." She said laughing as she unties her thighs, calves and ankles. "That's the kind of f*ck I give you." She said standing up and straightening her dress walking over to Betty.

"Mmmmph mmmph mmmph?" Betty asked what's going on.

"Stop the pretend act..." Tai Dragon said. " you stay still okay." She said untying Betty's wrists.

"Mmmmph mmmph mmmph." Tory Vic said telling the Rebecca clone to come over to her.

Betty pulled her hands free removing the rope around her torso and taking out the ballgag. "Stop them." Betty said to Tai noticing the Rebecca clone rolling over to Tory Vic as she removed the ropes from her thighs, calves and ankles.

"Okay, boss lady." Tai said as she quickly went over to separate the Rebecca clone from Tory Vic. "You two stay apart from each other." She told the Rebecca clone and Tory Vic.

"Okay JayBee..." Betty said standing up straightening out her dress. "...what do we do now?" She asked.

"Whatever you want." JayBee answered. "Do you want your money?"

Before Betty could answer Tai Dragon spoke up. "You say nothing to me about money..." She complained. " much you give me?"

"I'm going to pay you the same amount I am giving Betty." JayBee said.

"I'll take my money now." Betty said to JayBee.

JayBee wrote a note. "Give this to Barry..." JayBee said giving the note to Betty. "...he'll give you the money."

"I'm not done with this one." Betty said rolling Cody over and spanking her in butt as she walked off stage over to Barry to get paid.

"You give me note..." Tai Dragon said to JayBee. " I can get my money." She said.

"Do you really want your money?" JayBee asked as he wrote another note. "Here you go." He said as he handed her the note.

"Thank you very much." Tai said as she grabbed the note then walked off stage to Barry.

"I wonder what that was about." August said to JayBee.

"Don't know, don't care..." JayBee said as he looked at August. "...go grab Betty's purse." He said looking at the three women bound and gagged. "The show is over..." He said. "...unless you are want to have another escape contest."

"Mmmmph mmmph mmmph?" Cody asked if the rules are the same.

"I didn't arrange for a second match." JayBee said as he squats down. "So this is going to be a triple threat..." He said standing back up. "...the winner gets paid." He said looking at all the Rebecca clones in the audience. "I know I said this would be the final part, but as you read things change." He said looking at Betty and Tai Dragon getting paid and walking back to the stage.

"So..." Betty said as she walked up the stairs. "...I have to get my purse to put this money in." She said holding dollar bills in her hands.

"There's no need for that..." JayBee said as August walks out from backstage with Betty's purse. "...I asked August to retrieve it for you." He said.

"Okay." Betty said as August handed her the purse. "Thanks." She said to August grabbing the purse and putting the cash in purse.

"Before I end this part let me say this." JayBee said. "I know humans are stingy on who they support on any social media platform and I'm okay with that." He said. "Especially when everything is so saturated with the same content." He said. "I thought I knew what what caused my first channel to be terminated for some bullshit reason." He said. "The second one got terminated for the same reason didn't have that many subscribers that means there was a rat on my subscription list." He said. "If it's that easy to get a YouTube channel terminated then I want no part in it." He said. "Sorry this is off topic. If I am going to be damned, then I am going to be damned for who I am." He said. "I must confess I like watching my content whether it be on blank DVD or YouTube." He said. "In the real world I found out I'm autistic and I have a sensory perception." He said. "Sorry I'm rambling, thanks for reading."
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"I saw the read outs of my YouTube reports." JayBee said looking at Cody, Tory Vic and the Rebecca clone bound and gagged on the ground. "Five new subscribers and the subscriber count went up two." He said looking at Betty and Tai Dragon. "I pay it no nevermind, I want friends to subscribe, people I can trust not to judge me." He said as he looks at the Rebecca clones. "It's annoying, because I don't care about losing a subscribers, I'm concerned about letting people down." He said. "I am doing everything I learned from my old channel..." He said. "...editing videos the same way, I have to promote my channel sounding like a broken record."

"Mmmmph mmmph." Cody asked what he wanted her to do.

"Frag it..." JayBee said. "...Betty you and Tai Dragon untie them shows over I'm tired." He said.

"What are you going to do about my rematch with Sam Warner?" A big German woman with red hair wearing a white sleeveless shirt and black yoga pants with Leather boots on. "I want you to stop yapping about your YouTube channel you always said you wanted to keep your new channel below the radar."

"Fine, fine..." JayBee said. " did Sam set up a way for you to get a rematch." He asked the big woman.

"Yes..." The woman said. "...She did she said that I would have to team with Shelly to wrestle her friends Tammy and Maggie."

"Well Olga that's what you will have to do." JayBee said. "There's no rematch clause so you're at her mercy."

"This is not fair." Olga exclaimed. "...I should get a rematch regardless."

"Quit your belly aching." JayBee said. "...go have your tag match and tell me what Sam decides after you win."

"This is not right." Olga said as she storms out to change for her wrestling tag match.

"What is her problem?" Tai Dragon asked as she finished untying Tory Vic. "Sounds like she got up from the wrong side the bed."

"She is a brute..." JayBee said "...she always wakes up on the wrong side of the bed." He said turning his attention to Betty who finished untying the Rebecca clone. "Now that you work for me you won't need a purse."

"Yes Master Chief." Betty said as she removed the gag from the Rebecca clone's mouth. "What should I do with my purse."

"Maybe put it inside your locker." JayBee said looking at Cody who is still tied up. "First untie Cody so she can show you where the lockers are."

"Yes Master Chief." Betty said as she started untying Cody.

"Mmmmph mmmph mmmph?" Cody asked Betty to remove her gag first.

"That's the show ladies." JayBee said to the Rebecca clones. "If you want you can go to the arena to watch that tag match that Olga is teaming up with Shelly..."

Just then Olga entered the club in a bad mood and holding some rope. She grabbed a Rebecca clone wearing a gray cheerleaders outfit and brown stockings. She tied the clone's wrists behind her back and tied up her ankles then connected her ankles and wrists together with rope leaving her in a hogtie.

"Olga stop." JayBee ordered.

"Nein." Olga yelled at JayBee grabbing another Rebecca clone this one wearing a long green shirt with strings wrapped around her waist and white fishnet tights. "I can't believe Shelly got choosen over me." She said as she tied the clone's wrists together in front of her and then typing the ankles together connecting her wrist and ankles together.

"What did we do to you?" The Rebecca clone with her hands tied behind her back asked.

"Yeah..." The Rebecca clone said with her hands tied together in front. "...untie us."

"No, you two are sacrifices for my rage." Olga said trying to scare the two helpless clones. " Sam Warner gave the title shot to Shelly." She exclaimed with anger. "She lied to me."

"I'm sure Shelly would give you a title shot..." JayBee said "...after she wins the belt." He said. "This crossover between my wrestling videos and my TUG story has got out of hand." He said looking at Cody who just got untied by Betty. "Go help those clones by untying them."

As Cody got up to go untie the Rebecca clones a big woman with a brown Mohawk wearing overalls with one side unbuttoned over a white shirt entered the club.

"Shelly..." Cody said as she got down to untie the Rebecca clones. "...I'm glad you're here can you calm Olga down."

"Good news Olga..." Shelly said to her friend Olga who was looking pretty upset. "...let's go we got a match, I'm giving you a title shot let's go."

Olga looked at Shelly and smiled. "Let's go." She said.

As Olga and Shelly left the club to have their title match. Cody untied the two Rebecca clones. The audience of Rebecca clones started filing out of the club.

"Sorry folks, I'm done with this story for now." JayBee said to the remaining Rebecca clones. "I hope this story wasn't too confusing." He said. "If you're reading this thanks for reading.
Thank you and goodnight."
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