Son Kidnapped by Dad’s Business Partner (Request) (M/m)

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Son Kidnapped by Dad’s Business Partner (Request) (M/m)

Post by Detective-Gag »

“You can’t cut me out! Who the hell do you think you are…!?”

The blonde man glowered at the long table, currently filled with various executives & partners.

Across from him, his partner…and friend, he’d thought… Frank Morgan, sat with a remorseful look on his face. “Peter, this has been an ongoing problem,” he replied.

The blonde man, Peter Williams, banged both his palms down on the table angrily. “This is an assassination of my character, is what it is!” Peter retaliated, pointing at the others seated at the table. “You all are forcing me out of my share to distribute among yourselves!”

Frank grimaced. “Peter, we’ve found a disturbing pattern of corporate funds being withdrawn without authorization for the past two years,” he sighed, steepling his fingers. “They were all done in your name…but the projects they were associated with simply do not exist.”

“Are you accusing me of stealing!?”

“That is exactly what is happening here,” Frank answered; not angrily, but rather wearily. “I would suggest hiring a lawyer…but with the evidence we have; which is substantial, I assure you…you might want to simply take your reduced severance; considering the amounts you’ve already pocketed for yourself.”

“This isn’t over!” Peter said furiously, standing up from the conference table. “I helped build this company! I’ll get what I’m owed…”

Peter turned on his heel, and stomped out from the meeting, doors slamming shut behind him.

“How worried should we be?” one of the other partners asked Frank.

Frank shook his head. “Peter is angry that he got caught; but he isn’t going to try and pursue legal action,” Frank assured. “We just need to let him cool off…”

About a week later, Riley Morgan was finishing up football practice with the East County Hounds. Following up their team’s huddle, the coach dismissed the players; though many of the boys lingered for a little while longer, chatting with each other while they waited for their parents to pick them up from practice.

As the number of players slowly dwindled, Riley took out his cell phone to see how soon his father, Frank Morgan, would arrive…when he spotted a familiar face.

“Mr. Williams!” Riley said, recognizing the blonde, short haired businessman as he approached in his office attire, tie, and sunglasses. “What are you doing here?”

Mr. Williams had dinner with the Morgan family on various occasions, and was considered a close friend of the family. “I was in the neighborhood; and your father got held up at work,” Peter Williams said, ruffling the boys hair. “He asked if I could give you a lift back home.”

Riley pocketed his cell phone. “Gotcha,” the boy answered, completely trusting of Peter; who was like an uncle to him. “Where’s your car?”

“At the end of the lot here…” Peter told him, as the two walked together away from the practice field.

“Haven’t heard from Riley yet,” Frank told his wife. “Do you know if practice went on longer than usual today?”

“He didn’t mention anything,” Kathy told her husband.

“I better give him a call…”

“The battery on my phone is about to die,” Peter said to Riley, who sat in the passenger seat next to him. “Mind if I borrow your phone in case he calls?”

“Sure,” the boy replied, producing the cell phone from his pocket and handing it

A few seconds later, Riley’s cell phone buzzed from a call placed from his father.

“Riley? Are you still at practice?” came the sound of Frank on the line.

“Frank!” Peter said, speaking into the phone with one hand while driving.

“Peter…?” the boy’s father said, recognizing the man’s voice. “What are you doing with my son’s number?”

“I just picked him up from practice,” Peter spoke, as though engaging in normal conversation for Riley to hear.

“Peter, what do you think you’re doing…!”

“Oh, change of plans?” Peter said, cutting the father off. “Alright; I’ll take Riley out there to meet with you.”

Peter disconnected the phone, turning to Riley. “That was your father,” the man said to the kid. “He told me that he planned a cabin trip out in the country for the weekend. We’re going to meet him there.”

“Nice!” the boy exclaimed, clearly excited for what he probably assumed to be a weekend of hiking & exploring.

Peter grinned & nodded, as he slowly removed the cell phone battery from the device…

“Peter was at Riley’s practice,” Frank told Kathy. “He said he picked him up.”

“What!?” his wife said to him. “Didn’t he get fired last week?”

“I think we need to contact the police…”

Time had passed since that afternoon, and after about two hours of driving, both Peter & Riley had arrived at a remote cabin.

Peter had purchased the property on the sly; using some of the money he’d siphoned from the company’s funding. There’s be no trace of his name associated with ownership of the cabin; a cash bribe given to the previous owner had ensured that.

After they’d entered the stocked & furnished cabin, Peter had asked Riley if he wished to play a game while waiting for his father to arrive. The boy had asked what sort of game; and Peter suggested a game of cops & robbers.

Riley, familiar with that sort of game when playing with his friends, agreed; and asked how Peter wanted to go about it.

The businessman took a chair from a nearby dining table, positioned it in the center of the room, and told Riley to have a seat in it. The boy did as he was invited, and Peter went rummaging around in a nearby closet, producing some rope that had been stashed there.

“I’ll go ahead and tie you to the chair with this rope; and when your father comes; it’ll be like we’re having a stand-off,” the man explained.

“So I’m like a hostage?”

“Exactly,” Peter said, approaching with the rope outstretched between both hands. “Go ahead and put your hands around the back of the chair…”

Riley placed his hands through the gap on the back of the seat, and Peter tied the boys wrists together first. Then, the businessman looped lengths of the cord around the boy’s arms & chests, holding him to the back of the chair.

“Wow, this is pretty tight!” the boy commented, shifting against the ropes and grinning. “Much better than when my friends try to tie knots!”

“Legs together, next,” Peter continued, as Riley followed the instruction; and the man secured the kid’s ankles & feet together over his knee pads & athletics socks.

Soon the boy was full tied to the chair, and Peter inspected the bindings to make sure he couldn’t get free.

“Alright, we’re just about ready,” Peter stated, moving over to the kitchen area, out of sight from Riley’s field of view.

“Is my Dad almost here?” Riley asked over his shoulder.

“I don’t think so; but maybe we can pass the time,” Peter responded, as he returned set some items on the dining table; among them a laptop computer. “Have your friends ever gagged you during your games of cops & robbers?”

“Not sure,” the boy admitted, as the man flipped the laptop open, turning it towards where Riley sat.

“I’m going to take these bandanas here, and put one in your mouth & tie the other over it,” Peter explained, picking up the cloths from the table. “That’ll keep you quiet for a bit.”

“I’ve seen that on TV,” Riley mentioned, nodding in the chair as the man approached. “Criminals do that a lot when they kidnap someone.”

“Exactly,” Peter said, patting the boy on the shoulder. “We’ll gag you; and I’ll record a ransom video for your father & send it to him as part of the game.” He held up the first folded cloth.

Riley opened his mouth, and Peter pushed the wad of fabric into his mouth; and then took the second light blue bandana, folding it into a band before tying it snugly over the boy’s lips, knotting it behind his dark hair.

“How’s that?” Peter asked. “Go ahead and try to talk.”

“Mmn dmnd thnk mm cnph,” Riley mumbled through the bandana, the stuffing inside obstructing his speech.

“Try yelling.”

Riley nodded, inhaling through his nose. “HLLLLLMPH..!!” the boy cried out, his words sufficiently muted.

“That should do it,” Peter grunted, and began typing on the laptop. “Go ahead and just look into the camera here on the front of the laptop; I’ll say the rest.”

Riley giggled through his gag as Peter came round the table and stood behind the now tied & silenced boy.

“Frank, this is Peter,” the man said clearly, and with authority. “As you can see, I’ve kidnapped your son & am now holding him hostage.”

“Dmdmph!” Riley mumbled, rocking in the chair against the ropes. “Mmph!”

“I’m keeping Riley tied & gagged; but he hasn’t been harmed, and will continue to remain that way until you fulfill my demands.”

The boy looked up at Peter from his chair, impressed by how serious he sounded.

“My ransom is as follows: you will pay me what you owe me…my full severance; plus my share of the company’s holdings; to be deposited into my account.”

He clapped his hands on the Riley’s shoulders. “Do that, and I’ll give you the location of your son.”

“Hlmph!” Riley added, making his eyes go wide as he mumbled into the camera. He’d seen hostages do that on the TV shows, after all!

“Notify me at this number once you get this recording; and I will give you the details of how to transfer the money,” Peter finished, before giving a series of numbers. Then the man crossed the space & closed the laptop, turning back to Riley.

“Gmdmph!” the boy murmured, nodding his head. It had been a very realistic game; though Riley hadn’t understood all that stuff Mr. Williams had said about “severance” or the account numbers.

“You did a good job, kid,” Peter told Riley. “I’m going to go ahead and keep you like that for a bit until we hear from your Dad.”

Riley tilted his head, nodding once more. He didn’t mind staying tied up for a bit; and so he pretended to struggle while Peter took his computer into the kitchen, and began typing on the keyboard out of view…

“He’s actually kidnapped my son!” Frank said in disbelief, after he’d received the video in his email.

“Oh, god!” Kathy exclaimed in horror.

“He’s using some sort of program to keep his location unknown,” one of the detectives stated, having linked his own laptop to Frank’s computer.

“What do we do?” Frank asked, mortified.

“For now, you should do what he says,” the other detective told the parents. “We’ll call the phone number he gave us; and see if we can’t get a trace on their location…”

An hour or two later, Riley was still tied to the chair.

“Mmph!” the boy said to Peter. “Nmph?”

“Not yet,” the man assured. “Your Dad should be calling any time now.”

Riley arched an eyebrow. The boy was curious that their game had gone on for so long with seemingly no development; and now Riley wondered if Mr. Williams was just using it as an excuse to keep the boy from running around.

A pinging sound from Mr. William’s computer abruptly interrupted Riley’s thoughts; and the man quickly set the computer back up on the table in front of Riley.

“Riley?” came the sound of the boy’s father.

“Dmnd, whn rmph ymph gmtting hrmph?” the boy asked through the gag.

“Do you have the money ready, Frank?” Peter asked sternly into the computer microphone.

“I want to talk to my son, Peter,” the father said.

Peter sighed, and went behind where the boy was still bound, and quickly untied the gag, and removed the rag from his mouth.

“…Dad?” Riley asked when he could speak. “When are you getting here?”

“Soon, son,” the boy’s father responded. “Has Peter hurt you?”

“Oh, are we still playing the game?” Riley asked, believing his father was acting on a script.

Peter covered the boy’s mouth with his hand. “He’s fine,” Peter said gruffly. “Transfer the money.”

“Hmmph?” Riley intoned through the palm covering his mouth.

“…alright,” the father stated.

Peter gave Riley’s father a series of instructions & numbers. Partway through, Peter removed his hand from Riley’s mouth; and shoved the discarded wad of cloth back into his mouth.

“Mister…mmph,” was all Riley had time to say.

Peter tied the gag back over the kid’s mouth. “You’re doing a good job,” he said to Riley, before going back to speaking to the father through the computer.

Riley watched silently as the negotiations finished. “The money has been transferred,” Frank said through the line. “Now release my son.”

“Wait for my call; and I’ll send you his location,” Peter answered back, and then closed the laptop. The man went over and began untying Riley from the chair.

“Let’s take a break before we continue, kid,” Peter told Riley, slipping the gag down from his mouth. “Need to use the restroom?”

“Mr. Williams…what’s going on?” Riley asked, taking the stuffing out. “Where’s my Dad?”

“He’ll be on his way now,” Peter assured again.

“But it’s been hours…”

“Run to the bathroom, and I’ll explain,” Peter insisted.

Riley paused, but did as he was told. When the boy returned, Peter had gathered up his things in a bag; and beckoned for Riley to follow him down the stairs.

Reluctantly, the boy followed. “What’s happening, Mr. Williams?”

“Just the last part of the game,” he told him when they got downstairs. It was empty in the basement; save for a single mattress.

“Alright, hands behind your back again, kid,” Peter told the boy.

“Can’t we just wait until my Dad gets here?” Riley asked, but crossing his wrists again, as they were re-tied.

“Have to make sure you can’t get anywhere,” Peter explained, tightening the ropes, before tying his arms to Riley’s sides.

“I know you’re taking this game seriously, Mr. Williams,” Riley said as the businessman finished tying his upper body, and turning him back around to face him. “But maybe we can do something else while we wait for…DMPH.”

Riley was interrupted by fresh cloth being forced into his mouth. “Kid, I hate to tell you this, but this hasn’t been a game,” Peter said, as he took out a roll of silver duct tape. “Your father owes me money that was taken from me; and I just need you to stay here & be quiet.”

“Hmph?” Riley could only mumble, as Peter tore off a few strips of duct tape, and pressed them over his mouth. “Mmph!”

“Sit down,” Peter commanded, as Riley was lowered onto the floor. The blonde man then began wrapping rows of the duct tape around Riley’s knees & ankles, holding them together.

“Mr. Wlmmphs…” Riley mumbled through the tape, as he was pulled back to his feet. “Whmph?”

“Nothing personal, kid,” Peter said to him, taking the cloth hanging around his neck & tying it tightly back over the boy’s taped mouth. “I just need the money before I disappear…now get over to that mattress there.”

Peter hopped the boy over to the bed, and lowered him onto the cushion. Riley gazed up at his captor, wriggling like a caught fish; unable to escape the rope or duct tape, or even speak clearly.

“The police will find you soon,” Peter assured, before heading back up the stairs.

“Mmph!” Riley moaned, thoroughly gagged now, as he watched Mr. Williams disappear out of the basement. “Hmmph!”

The boy squirmed in silence, distantly hearing the sound of a car engine starting, and driving off. Eventually, the boy risked wobbling to his feet, using the wall as a brace, and hopped back over to the stairs. Bound as he was, though, the effort to jump up the stairs seemed like a poor idea. Instead, Riley shuffled back to the mattress, and continued to try and loosen the ropes…

The police vehicles all descended upon the remote cabin like a swarm of insects; red & blue lights flickering against the the structure and the trees surrounding it.

Officers poured out of the cruisers, pistols drawn & wearing bulletproof vests, and approached the cabin.

“Peter Williams!” shouted one of the officers, banging on the door, while his partners scoped the perimeter. “Riley Morgan! Anybody in there!?”

There was no response, and no sign of Peter William’s car on the property. The officers broke through the door, and in tandem began searching every room.

“Someone in the basement!” and officer yelled, upon hearing a muffled voice through the downstairs door.


The officer opened the door, and single file, descended the stairway…and found a boy trussed-up on a mattress against the wall. Ropes circled the kid’s arms and legs, and a blue cloth hung loosely around his neck. Wide-eyes stared back at them above strips of duct tape covering Riley’s mouth, as the boy bobbed his head & mumbled for the police to free him.

In short order, the officers freed Riley from the ropes & gag, returning him to his grateful parents waiting outside the cabin.

Hours later, Peter Williams was located, attempting to flee into the next state. Arrested, this unfortunate series of events finally came to a close.
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Post by Smythdean »

Absolutely fantastic story
I love how the kid thought it was a game. But glad he found out at the end this was serious

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Post by Trammel »

Well written. Good job.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.

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Post by Ebascoray »

DetectiveGag: Great, well-written story. I congratulate you on this work! Best Regards----Ebascoray
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Post by alkaid_ »

amazing story.

nice way to lure, cheat and convince a kiddo for tied him and keep as a hostage without he noticing anything... until you decided tell him the truth
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Post by squirrel »

Amazing story!

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Pup Wingletang
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Post by Pup Wingletang »

Great little story [mention]Detective-Gag[/mention]. Thankfully Riley didn't seem too traumatised by his ordeal.
A pup is for life but especially for bondage so get out the sleepsack and muzzle.

If you love sleepsacks make sure you read Lovingly Zipped Up (M/M)

All my M/M stories can be found HERE.
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Post by Pleasurechip95 »

What a great story! I loved it 😍❤️
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