From Babysitter to Baby (ffF/m)

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Post by SchooledBoys »

Part IV: Teasing the Trussed Teen

Daisy and Tracy became local legends that day. Victims of their brother's antics and curious strangers alike were all too happy to seize on the chance to embarrass the agitated boy struggling in his bondage. Kyle's legs were wide open, his skirt far too short to hide either the diaper or the waist high tights underneath. Still cutely tied into a neat bow around his head, the pink ribbon attached to the oversized pacifier lodged in his mouth held just as firm as the twine rope that made his skin bulge, ensuring the only sounds he made were gibberish. College girls, soccer moms, and bored teens came and went, all of them congratulating the girls on their conquest while Kyle mumbled curses at them.

As his sisters solidified themselves as girl bosses, Kyle impatiently put their rope skills on display by twisting, straining, flexing, and contorting his body as he simmered in the saddle. Like the helpless little baby he'd been turned into he fussed and fidgeted to the never ending sounds of cooing, giggles, and condescending lectures from a parade of yoga pants wearing women who were all beaming at the sight of him impotently fighting against his bondage. What frustrated him more than his former victims, however, was that two of his own friends discovered him shaking his rattles at his sisters and didn't bother to help.

David and Clark, walking into the store in their summer shorts and t-shirts, didn't recognize him for the first few moments, but when they came closer to investigate their eyes lit up with recognition and their curious expressions turned to ones of surprise.

"Dude..." Clark's jaw dropped as he slowly looked his friend up and down a dozen times.

"Mmmmphh! Mmmmph! Mmmmph mmmphhh mmmmmm! Hlllfff mmm! Hlllff mmm! Mmmhhh llll tnnff mmf! Thmm tnnnd mmm umph!" Kyle urged them to step in and save him, giving them helpless, wide-eyed looks of embarrassment while they in turn studied his outfit with equal parts amusement and horror.

"What.The.Hell..." David walked alongside Clark until they were standing right before their struggling friend.

"Hi boys," Tracey dropped another quarter into the machine for dramatic effect, striking a flirtatious pose with her legs crossed as she leaned against the coin box.

"Bro..." David continued eyeing his friend up and down, making Kyle squirming all the more bashfully under his gaze, "They turned you into a baby!"

"Mmmmmmppph! Hlllfff mmm! Mmmmhh! Mmmmph! Mmmph! Mmmphh nmmmff fnnnmm!" Kyle lurched in the saddle, letting out indignant, incredulous noises when his friends starting grabbing at the ropes and tugging on them like they were inspecting an item on the clearance rack.

"You got owned, dude!" Clark grabbed a coil of twine that was tautly looped around Kyle's thigh and gave it a pull, "Please tell me you haven't used that diaper."

Kyle shook his head, and David, like everyone else, couldn't resist the chance to fill his phone with humiliating photos of his friend, "We were gonna see if you wanted to go to the movies tonight, but I don't want to have to change you if you mess yourself."

"Pbbbffftt! Lnnngg gmmm! Lnnngg mmm gmmm! Mmmmph! Mmmph, mmmphh!" Kyle looked down at Clark's hands roughly pulling on the bondage and shook his rattles at him, "LNNGG MM GMMM! MMMMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmphhh!"

"He messed with us one too many times, now we're the babysitters and he's the baby." Tracy bragged.

"Oh, I need to hear how this happened." Clark said as he posed for a picture next to his incredulous friend.

"Nnnn-mmm! Mmmphh nmmm fnnnffmm! Lnnng gnnngg mmm mmmph! Mmmmphhh! Mmmm mmm mmmmm mmmmmm!" Kyle made a long-winded string of angry noises as he looked down at Clark's hands testing the taut ropes.

Joining the other in a loud laugh after the umpteenth retelling of Kyle's downfall, David's gaze fell to the crotch of his friend's diaper as joked, "Wow. I mean, we were gonna see if you wanted to go to the movies tonight, Kyle. But I don't think they'll let us take a baby in with us."

Daisy not-so-subtly popped her hips and stuck her chest out to attract David's attention, "Maybe we could go with you instead..."

His attention pulled away from his frothing friend, David quickly found himself distracted by the only thing he cared more about than teasing Kyle. As the tightly trussed teen bucked and berated the boys, Daisy and Tracy flirted their way into a double date with his friends before his very eyes. Whether it was genuine attraction or just to mess with him Kyle wasn't sure, but within ten minutes the four of them wound up leaving to go walk around the store to sort out the details.

"Don't go anywhere, Kyle." Tracy called behind her, swinging her hips with confidence as she slowly walked away.


Kyle watched his friends walk away with his sisters, already planning the words he'd have with them later. When they were out of sight, he was simmering in the saddle to the amusement of the cashiers and shoppers alike. Humbled and humiliated, Kyle idly squirmed as he blushed hot red, with nowhere to go and no way to hide.

"Mmmmpphh....mmmmphh....mmm mmmm...mmmmpphh....mmmphh mmmphhh..."

"Well, well, well..." The store manager, Monica, haughtily announced her arrival from behind him, "What do we have here?"

The middle aged manager, outfitted in figure-flattering khaki pants and a tightly fitted polo shirt, came to a stop next to Kyle with her hands on her hips and a smirk on her face. She waited a minute to watch the troublesome teen squirm, listening to him babble into his gag before teasing, "I never thought I'd get to see the day you have nothing to say."

"Pbbbffttt mmmnngg mmmm. Hnnggpphh gnnngg gnnngg gmmm gmm. Pffbbbffttt!" Kyle sucked on his binky to keep himself from drooling.

"Nope, not a peep. I could really used to this..." Monica smiled at him while he slowly shook his head and glared at her.

"Lnnngg mmm gmmph. Lnnng mmm gmmphh."

Monica raised her eyebrows as if waiting for him to say something she could understand, reveling in how her presence made him awkwardly shift his hips and noisily crinkle his diaper, "No yelling, no running around my store, no obnoxious pranks...nothing. Just a cute little baby sucking on his binky. Why can't you always be this well behaved? Do we need to start keeping you all tied up like this every time you come in here?"

Kyle growled and vigorously twisted his torso back and forth to no avail, displaying his sister's skill with rope. He had to constantly suck on his pacifier now or risk drooling in front of everybody, unsure of which was more embarrassing, "Hnnnggg gnnnggpphh! Mmmmphhh!"

"I'd ask you how you got yourself into his mess, but I like it better when you're gagged."

"Gnnggnnnggg ppffffttt! Lnnnggg gnnng llnnngg mmm lllnnnggg mmmm gmmm!"

Monica unhooked a large set of keys from the belt loop of her pants and unlocked the coin box so that she could switch it permanently on, "In fact, you're being such a well behaved little baby that I want to reward you for your good behavior. So here, you don't need any more quarters. You're free to ride, and ride, and ride,"

Monica locked the box and returned the keys to the belt loop of her khakis, "Doesn't that sound fun!"

"Nmmmphh! Nmmph mmmphh mmm! Nmmphh! Nmmph!" Kyle shook his head, shook his rattles, and shook his hips.

"Coochie, coochie, coo! Who's being a good little baby?! Who's being a good baby?!" Monica lightly tickled Kyle's neck, cooing and fawning over him loud enough for the cashiers to hear.

"Can we keep him, Monica? I kind of like having a cute baby to keep us company up here." Jamie teased from her register, winking at Kyle when he made the briefest eye contact with her.

The manager laughed along with everyone else, doing everything in her power to make Kyle squirm. She tickled him, teased him, and fussed over him for another before his mom finally returned to the front of the store with a basket full of groceries and a hand cart loaded with large boxes being pulled behind her. Stewing in his bitter embarrassment, the teen impatiently sucked on his binky while waiting for Lisa to finish her business and take him home, a process that would take another half hour as they waited for his aunt to arrive with her SUV. When his aunt did arrive, she confidently strode into the store wearing a pair of figure-flattering leggings and tank top, coming to a halt directly in front of him. Matching the manager's stance by placing her hands on her popped hips, Allison made her nephew awkwardly squirm with a long gaze that traveled up and down his body.

"There's the bouncing little baby!" Allison shared a smile with Monica.

"Pbbffffttt! Gnngg nnggg mmmnngg! Mmmmmpph! Mmmm mmm mmmph!"

"Oh wow, what an outfit!" Allison playfully hip bumped Monica.

Monica laughed and playfully hip bumped Allison in return, "I know, right?! I never thought I'd see 'Mister Cool Guy' here wearing little pink tights..."

"...or a dress..." Allison continued.

"...or a diaper..." Monica lowered her gaze to the crinkling diaper and giggled.


Kyle shimmied about as his aunt sauntered close, draping her arm around his shoulders and letting her chest gently press against him, "The girls really tied you up tight didn't they? I've always wondered when they'd get tired of your bullying. Are you sure you can't get out? Maybe you like being all babied up like this?"

"Nnn mmm! Nmmm mm dmmm!" Kyle tried to pull away, but Allison pulled him close and pressed her face against his for a photo taken by Monica.

Allison pressed her hand over her nephews mouth, covering up the binky and tightly clamping down over his face until his cheeks were bulging from beneath her firm grip. With her free hand she stroked his wig and played with the blonde pigtails, cooing and shushing him while Monica happily played photographer, "Shhhh, throwing a tantrum won't get you out of these ropes any faster."

"Gnngg mmmfff fnnnff mmmmphh mmmmm mmmphh mmmm! Mmmmmphh!"

By the time everything was loaded into his aunt's vehicle there was only enough room left for driver and passenger. Much to his chagrin, Kyle had to be pushed in his stroller by his sisters all the way home. The process of unloading him from the horse and strapping him into the stroller was an ungraceful one, and would have been embarrassing if he hadn't already hit rock bottom. At the end of it all, the women working the front of the store all gathered round and said their goodbyes to the pouting boy, pinching his cheeks and cooing at the sputtering teenager until he was finally pushed out of sight. As his aunt and mom drove away in the loaded up vehicle, Kyle was left with his smug sisters looming over him in front of the store.

"Did you enjoy your little pony ride, bro?" Tracy teased as she looked down on him squirming.

"Was it the most embarrassing moment of your life? I bet it was." Daisy teased.

"Fnnnfff ymm! Lmmm mm gnnngg! Lmmm mmm gnnngg! MMMMMMMPHHHH!" Kyle shook his rattles at the girls as they confidently stood over him, rocking the stroller from side to side until Daisy gripped the handles and began pushing.

"Come on, Tracy, let's take little baby for a nice, long walk."


"Oh shut up and suck it, Kyle. We own you now." Tracy firmly scolded.

Kyle furrowed his brow and suffered through a walk that was twice as long as the one that brought them to the store. He didn't sit still for a moment, rubbing his shoes against the stroller and shifting around in his diaper while fuming at his sisters' nonstop teasing. First, they took him to a busy park where he was ogled at by young mothers and their children, all of them enthralled at how a pair of girls had managed to dominate and babify their bigger brother into such a ridiculous outfit. Then, they took him past an active baseball diamond where dozens of boys his age saw him wallowing in total emasculation. The worst of it was when the girls took him to Knotty High's track that surrounded the football field, walking several laps around it while the school's cheer squad practiced their routine. By the time they wheeled the wiggly boy back to their house the sun was beginning to set.

"Phew, what a day. Did little baby have fun?" Daisy cooed as she struggled with Tracy to pull their grumbling brother up the steps and into the house.

"Hnngg gnnggmmggfff. Nnn mmm. Nnn mmm. Nmmm mmm dnnnddmm. Lnnng mm gmm. Lnnngg mm gmm. Mmmph! Mmmph! Mmmphh! Mmmph mmmphh mmmpph!"

Finally inside, the girls wheeled Kyle into the living room where their mother and aunt were lounging on the couch, each with a glass of wine in their hands as they took a break from assembling the baby gear strewn about. Clearly buzzed on wine, Lisa loudly welcomed her kids back, "Well look who's finally returned! Did you girls take the long way back?"

Tracy replied while helping Daisy remove the twine rope keeping Kyle strictly strapped to the stroller, "We just wanted to make sure little baby Kylie got enough sun, you know?"

"Hnnggg gmmmphh! Mmmmppphh!"

The girls unceremoniously dumped their bound and gagged brother into an already assembled play pen, both of them bent over at ninety degree angles as they leaned over to watch him flop about like a fish out of water, knocking into the netting and throwing a fit. They smirked at him, then at each other as he grew louder and louder, high fiving themselves for a job well done. His diapered bottom was on full display to the women sipping their wine, eliciting a round of giggles as they watched him indignantly wiggle his rump.

"Can we leave him with you, mom? We're going to the movies with Clark and David, and we need to get ready." Tracy asked without looking away from her brother sucking on his binky.

"Of course. You girls did such a good job babysitting your brother, we'll take it from here." Lisa stood from the couch with Allison and bent over to lean against the railing of the play pen.

For a few minutes, all four of them were leaned over and smirking down into the pen, watching Kyle helplessly roll around and knock into the sides in a futile tantrum. The four of them smugly smiling down at him was like rubbing salt into his wounded ego, and the resulting tirade of angry noises could be heard all the way from the top of the stairs when they left to get showered and dressed for their date with his friends. Left with frog tied legs and box tied arms, Kyle angrily shook his rattles at the wine drunk women stooping over the play pen, giving them both deadly serious glares.

"Mmmmphh! Mmmphh mmmphh mmmphh! Mmmmphh! Mmmmphh mmmm mmmm mmmm mmmphh mmmmm mmmphh mmmm mmmph!"

"Do you understand what he's saying?" Lisa asked her sister.

"The more important question is, does it matter?" Allison replied before taking a long sip of wine.

"Good point. He's probably just fussy because he's hungry anyways." Lisa's mirthful gaze watched her trussed up teen violently wiggle his bottom.

"Is that it, little baby? Are you ready for your bottle?" Allison cooed.

"Nnnn mmmm! Nmmphh! Lmmphh mm gmm! Lmmphh mmm gmmm!"

"Too bad you're all tied up, you can't even feed yourself, just like a baby." Lisa teased Kyle as he flexed his muscles against the twine.

"Don't worry, I'll go get his bottle ready. Try to calm him down a bit, won't you?" Allison swaggered out of the room, adding a little extra swing to her hips that didn't go unnoticed by her nephew.

Lisa tipped the play pen onto its side and watched Kyle roll out of it and onto the floor at her feet. Lifting up one of her bare feet, she pressed it down onto his face and posed over him with one hand on her hip and the other swirling the wine in her glass, "Look at me. Look. At. Me."

Lisa stood straight, watching her son's eyes travel up her figure until they were just barely able to make contact with hers past he curvature of her chest. The two stared at one another for a long moment, his head pinned still while the rest of his body twisted aimlessly, "Hnnggphh...mmmmmmphhhh...mmmphh....mmmmm gnnnngg...."

"Do I have your attention?" Lisa groped and squeezed his face with her toes, slowly sliding her foot up and down.

Lisa listened to his diaper crinkle for a few more moments before continuing, "Good. Now listen. You have two choices, you can either be a good little baby and suck your bottle when it's ready, or you can suck our toes. Take a big whiff and decide which sounds worse to you."

Lisa trapped Kyle's nose between her toes and took an extra long drink of her wine while he gagged, adding, "Hey Alexa, play 'Despacito'."

The smart device complied, and as the music began playing, Lisa smirked down at her writhing son and began bouncing her hips to the beat...
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Post by milagros317 »

Excellent continuation! This is a fine series. :D
Also, I hope this is taking place in June, just after school is out, so that they can keep him infantalized all summer long. :twisted:
:ugeek: :ugeek: :ugeek:
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Nightly Binds
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Post by Nightly Binds »

Yes ! Another update to one of my new favorite Tug tales ;) :D but really great new chapter, the Baby Humiliation only gets worse for poor Kyle/kylie ! ( The Teasing and taunts are simply the best XD ) even with his time at the store done for now, his time at home certainly isn't looking any less embarrassing !Also, a funny note, I really love so far how he has not once gotten a chance to speak with that binky in his mouth at all times :lol: makes me wonder if he'll get a "chance " when being fed, or if there going to make sure the Baby remains well quiet still, Or I wonder if they got any other babyish outfits for him to wear XD overall so eager to see what's awaits him next ! great stuff !
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Post by Shhimnothere »

This has been an excellent tale so far, I love the way Kyle is trussed up and the fact that nobody is taking pity on him, I hope that this story is fully completed!
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Post by Bondwriter »

Poor Kyle doesn't get a break. Great writing, and entertaining story in this genre. Looking forward to seeing what happens to Kyle.
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Post by TotoTheHero »

Kudos for a terrific story.
I sure hope the "small community" can keep this among themselves or poor "Kylie" would be getting national attention, emboldening young girls across the country to fight against the bullying of big brothers.
After such an experience I reckon Kyle will forever be trite, courteous and submissive to all females. He's learning an extremely valuable lesson at an impressionable age.
All young lads should learn the moral of this story: it is dangerous to "underestimate young girls."
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Post by Bondagelover93 »

I love this story. 😍 Will there be another Chapter or is it the end of the story?
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Post by SchooledBoys »

Part V: Kyle gets Bottle Fed and Bounced
"Bad baby! Bad, baby!" Lisa mockingly wagged her finger in Kyle's face.

The tipsy mother sat straddled on top of her son's chest, her wide hips pinning his shoulders to the floor and her thick thighs squeezing his head still, "Mmmmm, mmm, mmm, mmmm! Mmmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmmm!"

Lisa danced to the music playing over their home's smart speakers, bouncing up and down on top of the twisting teen trapped under her weight. With her sister taking her sweet time in the kitchen getting the baby formula ready, she entertained herself by riding out Kyle's wild bucking while lecturing him, "Fuss, pout, and wiggle all you want, but I'm not going to treat you like a young man until you act like one. But since you want to act like a spoiled brat, I'm going to let the girls keep you all tied up like a cute little baby."


"I know you're embarrassed, and you should be. You should be embarrassed that you, the babysitter, were bound and gagged by two smaller girls. But more than that, you should be embarrassed that this is what it takes to make you learn your lesson." Lisa paused for another sip of wine, straightening out her back and adopting a smug, almost regal posture as if she were a queen sitting on her throne.

"Mummmphh! Mmmphh lrnnphh mmm llmmphhmm! Lmmphh mmm gmm! Mmmmmm! Lmmmphh mmm gmmm!" Kyle felt immensely stupid while trying to have a gagged conversation with his mom like this, but he couldn't stop himself from trying. His chin was snugly pressed against the crotch of her yoga pants, and when she wasn't leaning forward to talk down at him he was left staring up at the underside of her chest.

Lisa ignored her son's annoyed mumbling, maintaining her smug, puffed up posture on top of him, "Nope, it's too late now. You're only apologizing because you're humiliated. Typical male."

"Mmmmmphh! Mmmmph! Mmmmm mmmm mmmmm mmmmmm!" Kyle shook his rattles with rage and glared up at his mom's stuck out chest.

Between all of the grunting, rattling, and music, neither of them heard Daisy or Tracy gently bounce down the stairs behind them. The two teens remained on the steps and spied on them behind the ornate wooden railings, covering their mouths to stifle their giggles at the sight of their brother's diapered rump violently shaking shimmying back and forth in between frequent hip thrusts. Wearing mini skirts with colorful tights and halter tops, they were ready to drive the boys wild during their night out at the movies.

"Oh my God I need to make this a gif!" Daisy whispered to her sister as she pulled her phone from her purse.

For several more minutes Kyle shamefully wiggled around on the floor trying to negotiate an early release through the gag in his mouth, and for several more minutes Lisa casually danced around on top of him until Allison returned with a bottle of baby formula in hand.

"Is baby ready for his bottle?" Allison cooed.

Strutting over to her nephew, Allison pressed her foot on top of his face and passed the bottle to her sister. Just like Lisa, she had to lean forward to see past her chest and make eye contact with the roped up teen fighting against the rope strictly tied up and down his body, "Mmmmmpph! Mmmmpph! Nnnnn mmmm! Nmmm! Nmmm, nmmm, nmmmm! Lmmphh mmm gmmm rnnn nmmm! Mmmmmmppph!"

"Awww, who's a hungry little baby?! Who's a hungry little baby?!" Lisa shook the bottle in his face and teased.

Lisa could heel Kyle trying to shake his head back and forth between her legs as she slowly unlaced the pacifier. When the gag predictably popped out of his lips, she was quick to silence him by firmly clamping her hand over his mouth.

"Wait, Mommmphhh! Mmmmmmm! Mmmmmmm! Mmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm mmmmm mmm mmm mmmm mmmmm!"

"Look, baby. You're tied up tight with nowhere to go, you're a baby now, and babies drink from bottles. So you can either be a good little boy and eat your dinner, or you can eat our socks. Choose carefully."

The girls watched the lower half of Kyle's body flop and fidget like an animal caught in a trap, his arms and legs flexing in an absolute panic for a full minute until he finally gave up and went limp. Slumping in defeat, Kyle bitterly and begrudgingly nodded his head. When Lisa released her vice-like grip over his mouth he quickly tried to get a word in before the bottle's nipple was stuffed between his lips.

"Mom, mom just wait a-! Hnngg! Hnnggg gnnnggg! Mmmmmmppphh!" Kyle's face flushed red and he briefly went cross eyed before he began to lightly nurse the bottle, "Glllp...glllp...glllp....glllp..."

"Shhh, that's it, such a good boy!" Lisa cooed as she patted him on the cheek.

Allison rested her hands on her hips and smugly smirked down at her nephew, "This is what you get for messing with the girls."

"Uhng gog, oh gog...glllg...glllg...glllg...gllgg..." Kyle felt his pride sink to new depths as he awkwardly fidgeted beneath the women while sucking on the bottle.

Lusty, bass heavy club music played over the sounds of his crinkling diaper and the women cooing at the embarrassed look on his face, "Gllg...glllg...glllg...glllg...glllg..."

"Such a hungry little baby!" Allison cooed.

The bottle's nipple was placed between Allison's toes, which were pressed over his pursed lips, and it remained there when Tracy and Daisy finally bounded down the stairs and joined their aunt in looming over the bound and gagged boy that lay conquered at their feet.

"Well, well, well, how the mighty have fallen." Daisy struck a sassy, bratty pose with her hands on her hips while smiling down at her bottle fed brother.

"Nnnngg. Glllg...gllgg...gllg...glllg...glllg..." Kyle suckled and gurgled on the formula as his eyes darted around between the four of them.

"I like having a baby brother way more than a big brother." Tracy matched her sister's stance,

"Mmmmmmmm...mmm gnngg...mmph mmm gnnd...glllg...glllgg...glllgg...gllgg..." Kyle huffed and grumbled between loud gulps of formula.

"Mmmhmm, that's right, drink up baby boy. You're not going anywhere until this bottle is empty." Lisa triumphantly wiggled her hips.

"You're not going anywhere because we tied you up!" Tracy bragged to her brother, flexing her biceps.

"Look how embarrassed he is, poor little baby." Daisy laughed.

Kyle languished on the floor, bottle in his mouth, shaking his bottom and his rattles while draining the bottle at an excruciatingly slow rate, "Noonngg, nnnnn, nmmmm. Nnn mmm. Nnnn mmm. Glllg...gllg...gllg...gllg...gllg..."

"Do you girls want a turn feeding your baby brother?" Lisa asked her daughters.

Tracy excitedly volunteered, dropping to her knees and taking her mother's place on top of Kyle's chest, "Ha! Now I'm in charge and you have to do whatever I say!"

Daisy took her aunt's place, pressing her foot over Kyle's face and keeping his head pinned still while the rest of his body contorted in embarrassed shame, "That's right, us girls run the house now. Any objections?"


"Babysit your brother for us while we go open another bottle." Allison laughed over her shoulder as she followed her sister to the kitchen.

"What now?" Daisy proudly stuck out her chest and smirked down at her brother, "All tied up and drinking from a bottle. We really put you in your place, huh?"

"Fnnggg mmm! Glllg...gllgg...gllg...glllg..."

Tracy giddily bounced up and down on her brother's chest, straddling his neck to keep his head trapped between her legs, "That's right, we owned you. Now you have to suck this bottle or eat mom's dirty socks, ha!"

"Gnnnggpphhh! Nnnnggg...mmmm gnnngg...glllgg...glllg...glllgg..."

"Halfway done, wanna switch?" Tracy asked her sister.

"Sure!" Daisy chirped.

The girls swapped spots, with Daisy straddling her brother to force feed him the rest of the bottle while Tracy sat down and rubbed both of her feet all over his face, "Girls no-mmphh! Mmmph! MMMMMmmmmmm...glllg...gllg...glllg...glllg...gllg..."

"'Girls, no!'" Daisy mockingly imitated her brother's protests while roughly stuffing his mouth with the bottle nipple, "Shut up and suck it, loser."


"That's what I thought." Daisy quipped, wiggling around on top of Kyle to settle in to her spot.

Kyle suckled faster now, eager to finish this phase of embarrassment as quickly as possible. When the bottle was empty, though, Tracy grabbed their mother's discarded socks, balled them up, and stuffed them into his mouth, "All done? Here's something to suck on."

"N-no. But I-gnnngg! Gnnngg gnngg! Awwwggg! Awwgg gogg noommphh! Nmmm! Nnnn mmmm!" Kyle winced as his sister packed his mouth with the pair of sweaty socks before cramming the pacifier back between his lips.

"Hush baby, us girls are in charge and you don't get a say." Tracy scolded as she wove the pink ribbons tightly around his head to make sure the pacifier didn't budge.

"Hnnngg! Hnnngg gnnngg!"

Daisy pressed the palm of her hand over Kyle's pacifier and gloated, "Girls rule, boys drool!"

"Hmmmph! Lmmphh mmm gmmm! LMMPHH MMM GMMM! Mmmph! Mmmph! Mmmphh mmph mmmph!" Kyle jerked in the ropes, letting out angry, disgusted grunts.

His cheeks bulging and his pacifier bobbing up and down from his efforts to spit out his gag, Kyle flopped around on the floor while his sisters took their electric toothbrushes and stuffed them back down his tights. Writhing helplessly, he watched with wide eyes as the girls left the brushes bristling against his upper-inner thighs. Happy to see him tickled pink, Daisy and Tracy both struck bratty victory poses over their bucking brother, hands on their hips.

"There, now he's all cheered up!" Tracy joked.

"Look at him go! I bet he'll wet his diaper before we're halfway to the movie theater." Daisy teased.

"HMMMMHMMHMMMHMMMHMMMHMMMHMMMHMMMHMM! MMMHMMM! MMMHMMM! MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!" Kyle rolled around at their feet, violently shaking his rattles and shimmying his hips in a ticklish fit.

"What do you think, baby brother? Sorry ever messed with us girls?" Daisy popped her hips to the side and smirked down at him.


"I think he needs one more final touch before we go." Tracy said, motioning for her sister to help roll the bucking boy across the floor.

The pair struggled, but eventually succeeded in wedging Kyle into the baby bounce-and-play station. When they were finished, he was trapped and strapped into a wheeled baby toy with little flashing lights and noise making gadgets surrounding him on all sides. As the brushes bristled against his sides, he violently bounced up and down in his cushioned seat, tickled pink and howling with laughter. Tracy and Daisy high fived each other, standing triumphantly with their hips popped to the side as they watched Kyle go cross eyed from the relentless tickling.

"Woo! Go girls!" Daisy cheered.

Unable to see or think straight, Kyle remained cross eyed as he bounced up and down in his little baby play station, cussing into a mouthful of dirty socks in between long howls of angry laughter, "HMMPHHMMPHMMPHMMPHMMPHMMPHHHMMPHHH! LMMMPHMMMGMMM! LMMPHHMMMGMMM LMMMPHHMMMGMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMHMMHMMHMMHMMHMMHMMHMMHMMHMMHMMHMM! YMMPHH WNN! YMMM WNNN! GRRLLPHH RMM! GRLLL RLLL! MMMMHMMMHMMMHMMHMMHMMHMMMHMMMHMMHMM!"

Hearing their bound and gagged big brother howl 'girls rule' and 'you win' through tortured laughter and a thick gag, the girls keeled over with laughter, pointing and giggling at the bug-eyed boy admitting defeat. He remained cross eyed and wildly bouncing around as each girl took turns posing for TikTok videos.

Daisy sat in a chair next to him, posing with her legs crossed and an arm draped around his shoulders, a smirk on her face as Kyle shook his head about with a stupefied expression on his face, "GRLLPHH RLLL! GRRLPPHH RLLL! BMMPHH DRLLL! GRLL RLLL, BMMM DRLLL! GRRL RLLL, BMMM DRLLL! MMMMMMMHMMMHMMMHMMMHMMMHMMMHMMHMM! MMMHMMM! MMMMHMMM! GRRLLPHH RLLLMPH!"

"And don't you forget it." Daisy quipped before strutting off camera.

Tracy was next, and stood with her hands on her hips, proudly posing next to Kyle while looking back and forth between him and the camera. She made sassy quips, hamming up her bratty victory poses while making the tickle-broken teen shout out 'girls rule' over and over again, "That's right...keep saying know it's true..."

When both girls had their turn shooting their videos next to their bouncing and begging brother, Daisy plugged a pair of earbuds into Kyle's ears, leaving the song 'Who Run the World' to play on repeat while she high fived her sister and victoriously posed next to him.

Last edited by SchooledBoys 2 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Shotrow »

Very mean, but very spicy. :twisted: I enjoyed your "Student Council" story quite a lot too. Look forward to seeing more from you in the future.

Thanks to Mineira1986 for the banner!

Check out my stories on deviantart:
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Post by guardian741 »

Amazing story!
Always fun to read about an arrogant brother being put in his place. I was happy to see he was finally sock-gagged to finish his torture!

I also am looking forward to future stories from you! Keep ip the great work!
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Post by gaggedbyawoman »

Such a great story, but if your taking suggestions for your next story, I love reading about how 1 girl dominated a group of guys.
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Post by Nightly Binds »

This story just keeps getting better and better ! and worse and worse for Poor Kyle :twisted: I mean okay, I am feeling bad for him heh heh, but really ! great chapter, funny to hear him try to speak but get cut off constantly ! haha, also love all the more Humiliating things he endured ! Bottle fed, Tickled, and now trapped in a babyish playset ! helplessly wriggling and squirming forced to hear that song on repeat ! such torment ! I can only imagine now how much worse this nightmare will get ( And I'm sure it will ! ) looking forward to what Lies ahead for the babified Victim of these vengeful Power tripping Women ! great work !
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Post by milagros317 »

Nightly Binds wrote: 2 years ago This story just keeps getting better and better ! and worse and worse for Poor Kyle :twisted: but really ! great chapter, funny to hear him try to speak but get cut off constantly ! haha, also love all the more Humiliating things he endured ! Bottle fed, Tickled, and now trapped in a babyish playset ! helplessly wriggling and squirming forced to hear that song on repeat ! such torment ! I can only imagine now how much worse this nightmare will get ( And I'm sure it will ! ) looking forward to what Lies ahead for the babified Victim of these vengeful Power tripping Women ! great work !
I fully agree. This story is getting better and better. I hope that Kyle's humiliation gets worse and worse, with no end in sight. :twisted:
:ugeek: :ugeek: :ugeek:
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Post by Nightly Binds »

milagros317 wrote: 2 years ago
Nightly Binds wrote: 2 years ago This story just keeps getting better and better ! and worse and worse for Poor Kyle :twisted: but really ! great chapter, funny to hear him try to speak but get cut off constantly ! haha, also love all the more Humiliating things he endured ! Bottle fed, Tickled, and now trapped in a babyish playset ! helplessly wriggling and squirming forced to hear that song on repeat ! such torment ! I can only imagine now how much worse this nightmare will get ( And I'm sure it will ! ) looking forward to what Lies ahead for the babified Victim of these vengeful Power tripping Women ! great work !
I fully agree. This story is getting better and better. I hope that Kyle's humiliation gets worse and worse, with no end in sight. :twisted:
haha yeah, at least a long time anyway before that ! I mean there can be lots of " Babyish " ways he can be still Humiliated and immobilized ;) and while I admit I do feel pretty bad for him, ( unlike everyone he seems to meet ! ) I do sorta hope he gets a little bit more public Humiliation before the end, he he.
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Post by Bondagelover93 »

When comes the next chapter? 😄
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Post by mattjensen »

Hoping to see more from this story!
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Post by Bigcahuna »

Great story. Hope it’s continued.
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Post by eritrea »

One of the best stories on this entire site. Please either continue it or write a different story, you're gifted.
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Post by Bigmj22 »

Wow, just found this. Great story, please continue!
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Post by Bondagelover93 »

When comes the next chapter???
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Post by mattjensen »

I second that ^
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Post by SchooledBoys »

Part V! (Babied and Bullied)

Though to Kyle it felt like a full year had passed since the girls left for their 'date', in actuality it had only been five minutes since they wheeled him into the kitchen and left him angrily bouncing around with a playlist of girl power anthems in his ears. As soon as his sisters had left, Kyle noticed a shift in both the women's attitude and body language. With an unfamiliar swing in their hips, they began reverting to their teenage mean-girl phase. It started with them putting their arms behind their backs and sticking out their chests, mockingly twisting their torsos back and forth as if they were tied up.

"Help me! I'm all tied up!" Allison sarcastically pleaded.

"Mom, help me, they turned me into a baby girl!" Lisa scrunched her nose and wiggled like she was squirming against tight ropes.


"Mmmmm! Mmmmm! Mmmmmmm! Lmmm mmm gmmm! Lmmm mmm gmmm!" Lisa and Allison playfully imitated, offering up their best impressions of being bound and gagged.

Basking in the cacophony of Kyle's rattles, bouce-and-play, crinkly diaper, and vicious laughter, they were unaware that he couldn't hear any of it until one the earbuds finally became dislodged and clattered onto the baby bouncer's tray of noisy, flashing toys. With a curious look, Lisa picked it up and held it to her ear for a listen before beginning to bob her hips to the beat. Allison stooped forward, plucking the other ear bud from her nephew's ear and holding it up to her own, quickly matching her sister in rocking her hips to the music.

"Oh, I like this one!" Lisa exclaimed.

Allison lifted her leg and planted her bare foot on her nephew's shoulder, pressing down to make him bounce in time with both his mother's hips and the beat, "Internalize the lyrics, Kylie. It'll make the rest of your life so much easier."

Kyle gagged on Daisy's sock, choked back a ticklish snort, and wiggled his head from side to side, "Awwggphh! Nnn-mm! Nnn-mmm!"

Every house in the speaker started to play the girls' playlist, eliciting a long, miserable groan from Kyle. Lisa began dancing like she was back in the club, moving in ways Kyle had never seen her move before. He was so blown away that even through his eye-watering laughter, Kyle's bug-eyed stare was locked onto her karaoke performance. Allison cheered her sister on throughout the song, delightedly watching Kyle's expression. When it was over, Lisa lifted her leg and pressed the sole of her bare foot against Kyle's face, tilting his head back and slightly bowing his spine. With one hand on her hip and the other taking a victorious sip of wine. While his back end wagged like that of a dog's, Kyle's head was limited to a meek wiggle, his nose trapped between her toes. Within moments she could feel a wave of embarrassed heat wash across her son's face.

"Hey, that tickles!" Lisa giggled from the vibrations of Kyle's voice against her sole, "Stop it, Kylie. You're tickling me!"

Lisa felt the the bulb of of his pacifier rubbing along her skin, sending her into another giggle fit, "Oh my gosh, Kylie, I'm serious, I'm super ticklish!"

Sounds of humiliated disgust continued to tickle Lisa's sensitive sole as they continued to bully the bully. With a flash of realization, Allison positioned herself so that Kyle had no choice but to stare up at her while she resumed her impression of him struggling in his bondage, "Oh wait, you didn't get to hear my impression of you. Listen,-"

Again Allison strained and stretched, showing off her progress at the gym as much as she was pretending to squirm, "I can't move, the girls tied me up too tight for my big muscles to handle! I never should have bullied my sisters!"

"Mmmmmm! Mmmphh mmmm mmmm mmmmmm! MMMMPHHH!" Kyle let out an angry growl that was undercut by the squicking of his shoes rubbing against the plastic of the bounce-and-play.

On and on she went, and she wouldn't stop until the oven timer snapped the women back to the task at hand. Putting a pause on their fun, the women began strutting around the kitchen, going about their business as if it were a normal baby putting up a fuss at their feet. Left to thrash around in his tickle-hell, Kyle filled the kitchen with squeals, giggles, hyper-masculine grunts, and angry gagging sounds. Drifting between self-awareness and a tickle-induced stupor, he occasionally uncrossed his eyes just long enough to glimpse the women stooped over the counter and shaking their hips to the music before sinking back into an emasculating wiggle-and-giggle fit. When he had the breath to do so, he would scowl at their shaking booties and angrily rant before the laughter began again. As they flitted about the room around him, he truly felt reduced to a baby, ignored except for the occasional pat on his head.


Fuming, Kyle bitterly chewed on his sister's socks while imagining them at the movies with his friends while he was stuck here, watching his mom and Aunt Allison swing their rumps back and forth in unison as they were bent over the sink...

A short time later, the stage was set for Kyle's meeting with the ghosts of pranks past. The toothbrushes in his tights had been turned off for the time being, leaving him to focus on the maddening powder in his pretty pink tights, and the impending reveal. One by one, the other women of the neighborhood began trickling in to find the red-faced teen fuming and fussing in his bounce-and-play, the pacifier stuffed and knotted into his mouth constantly shifting between his lips. The parade of smug, amused women all had similar reactions, with most of them immediately pointing and laughing at the bitter boy bouncing around while irately shaking his rattles.

"Awwww, such a pretty little girl! Look at you, all dolled up in your pretty little outfit!"

"Nnnngg! Lnng mmphh gmmph! Lnng mmm gmmm!"

"Can I hold her?"

"Oh, me too! I want to hold the baby!"

"She's so fussy, does she need to be burped?"

"Does baby need to be changed? Huh, does little baby need a new diaper?"

The women cooed and giggled at the ridiculous sight playing out before them, teaming together to pass the struggling troublemaker around the room, each of them taking turns sitting him on their laps and bouncing him on their knees. Stunned stupid with embarrassment, he looked around the room with wide, bewildered eyes as he was bounced like a baby. With a pair of hands firmly gripping his hips, he sat with his legs splayed open wide while listening to the circle of women gush and gossip about all the times he'd wronged them, vehemently shaking his head and flailing his pigtails about. For over an hour he was passed around the circle, getting bounced on their knees as casually and easily as an actual baby as the women watched his sisters' video of them turning him into a girl. Watching his slow makeover into a little baby girl, they cheered his sisters on as they watched them wrestle Kyle down, stuff him into a tight little outfit that showed off his newly feminized figure, and then tie him up.

"Wooo! Girls get it done!"

"I'll hire the girls to babysit any day!"

"I don't think we'll have to worry about our little teen terror ever again."

Straddled on his mother's lap, Kyle urgently strained and writhed one last time before all the bottles of baby formula finally bested his bladder. Letting out a loud, angry moan, the colors on the crotch of his diaper began to change. The video was in the middle of a long, slow pan shot that started from his shoes and worked upwards along his twisting and contorting figure, a relatively quiet portion that allowed everyone in the room to hear the sound of him soaking his diaper.

"Nnnmm nmmm, nmmm nmmm[/i]...MMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmppphh!"

His mother stopped bouncing him on her knee, and all the women gasped and giggled with amused shock as they all shot incredulous looks at one another while listening to the soft sound of Kyle wetting himself. Then, all at once, they began cooing and teasing.

"Awww, little baby had an accident!"

"Uh oh, did our big, strong boy just pee himself?!"

"Poor little Kylie, all tied up and bursting to go!"

"What's wrong baby? Do you need a change?"

"Excuse me ladies, a mother's work never ends." Lisa joked, motioning for her sister to help lift and carry the wriggling teenager away to her bedroom.

The women all giggled, a group of women reverted back into teen mean girls as they pressed their ears to Lisa's bedroom door. On the other side, they could hear Allison and Lisa playfully chiding Kyle to hold still and stop fussing as they went to work undoing the taut ropes squeezing his legs so that they could remove his diaper and tights for a fresh change. The sounds of defiant, masculine grunts could be heard through the door, along with the sisters' giggling and cooing.

Inside, Kyle looked on in shock as he was changed, impotently shaking his head and rattles while giving both women a wide-eyed stare of incredulity as Lisa changed him into a fresh diaper. It took a considerable amount of time for the sounds of the struggling to subside, with Kyle growing exhausted and giving up on fighting them off. Stewing in his indignant humiliation, he bobbed the pacifier around in his mouth and let out a defeated huff. When all was said and done, the door swung open to reveal Kyle laid out on the bed, his legs folded and tightly tied so that everyone could see the new diaper up his skirt. The pink tights were gone, as too was most of the itching powder, the only silver lining to his situation. Able to hold still for the first time, Kyle frowned at the ceiling and pouted.

"All done!" Lisa proudly proclaimed as she triumphantly stood with her hands on her hips.

"He fussed and he fought, be we came out on top in the end. Isn't that right, Kylie?"" Allison teased.


"Does this mean baby's ready for her next bottle?" Asked one of the women.

"Nmmm! Nmmm mmmm! Mmmmmm! Nnnng! Nnng!"

Hauled off by the gaggle of women, Kyle strained and struggled all the way to the kitchen were he was wedged into a high chair that could barely contain him. Rocking the chair from side to side, they fixed a bib to him and began preparing his next meal...
Last edited by SchooledBoys 7 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by guardian741 »

Great continuation! Loving the humiliation and how the women just casually put a foot in his face!

Glad you’re back!
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Post by Nightly Binds »

Ooh yeah this story makes a come back ! seriously this is probably one of my favorited series on here :D so very happy to see it updated again !
With that said, I love the relentless mocking and teasing he's getting, specially by his own Mother and Aunt that have gone into their Teenage mean girl phases :lol: I am So very Eager to see what more Humiliations poor Kyle can go through as the helpless " Baby girl " they made him into.
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Post by G9Drox »

This is easily one of my favourite stories on this site. It shares a lot of the same themes as infmed88's stories, and I'm glad that someone else is tackling these topics. But moreover, it's really well written, a cut above most of the other stories I find on this site. I can't wait to see what comes next from you, either in this story or future ones.

EDIT: Just adding that I'm still looking forward to the continuation of this story!
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