In the Dungeons of the Ice Queen (F/F) (Fantasy) (Finished)

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In the Dungeons of the Ice Queen (F/F) (Fantasy) (Finished)

Post by banshee »

Chapter 1

Princess Clementine woke up feeling cold, she reached for her blankets but instead of her usual soft and thick ones what she touched felt much more like an old rag, and that was when she remembered.

She wasn’t in her room in her castle, she was in a castle which was not hers and in a room which was far from the luxury of hers. She had been taken, kidnapped by someone and taken somewhere far away. She remembered a ship, hearing the sound of waves for days, and then she had woken up here.

She looked down, she was sleeping on a pile of hay, something she definitely deem unfit for her as it was far from the bed she was used to. She noticed another detail too, one which also explained her lack of comfort.

Her hands had been shackled and so had been her feet, both by heavy iron manacles which greatly weighed her rather weak body down. She looked around and saw that the shackled were probably redundant, since she was already on a dungeon of cold stone walls, a heavy door and a window covered by iron bars. So unless their captors were somehow deceived into thinking that she could somehow break out of the cell, the shackles were indeed redundant.

She laid against one of the stone walls and looked towards the ceiling, the cold bit her back since she wasn’t dressed in anything particularly snug, in fact, she was still wearing the rather thin blue dress she was wearing when she was captured days ago.

She couldn’t know how she looked, their captors weren’t so kind as to leave a mirror for her, but she could certainly feel herself. She felt dirty, after all it had been days since she hadn’t had a shower a change of clothes. Her black hair had been left as disheveled as her clothes which probably made her look more like a witch than a princess, her pale skin felt dirty as it carried the gunk of days of being transported in a ship. The princess thought that probably the only clean part of her body were her blue eyes.

Even after days had passed she still had no idea of who had done this, neither of where she had been taken. None of the people she saw or heard during her capture or the subsequent travel were known to her, and now she was questioning who could have done this more than ever.

But her questions were answered rather swiftly as she heard someone talking on the other side of the door. It was a woman’s voice talking to whom she assumed to be a guard.

The heavy door was opened and she finally saw her captor, or better said captress. The woman walked slowly in her direction, the clack of her heels filling the room with every step and when she stepped into the light she finally allowed the princess to get a clear image of her.

She seemed taller and older than her, which wasn’t saying much as the princess was pretty young and rather short. Her skin was pale and her eyes light blue, but what the princess found more amusing was her white hair, white as snow, it was tied in a braid which fell down the woman’s shoulder and down to her chest.

She was wearing a white dress with small details of blue, and on her head rested a small crown which the princess only saw due to how its metallic nature made it reflect the light. That crown was the last detail she needed to know who this woman was.

“Ice queen Isa?” Clementine asked with her voice shaking.

“Indeed princess” The queen answered “Welcome to my realm”

Clementine tried to move away but she couldn’t get any further, not chained in that cell at least.

“Why are you doing this? What do you want from me?” The princess asked.

“Shh, all at its due time” The queen answered “Lets get you out of this horrible cell shall we? My sister was certainly very unkind when it came to choosing your chambers”

The queen tried to reach down to her prisoner, but again Clementine tried to get away from her.

“Whatever you are planning you won’t get away with it” Clementine said, trying but failing to hide her fear “Someone will find me, and when they do you will be done for!”

The queen chuckled, she had been expecting this kind of response, after all she had been told that beneath that pristine royal facade the queen had quite a character to speak of.

“I am aware of that, in fact, I have already been informed that there’s someone trying to rescue you” She replied to her captive “But don’t worry, I will make sure that they don’t succeed”

Clementine didn’t knew what she was expecting, but it certainly wasn’t that answer. Maybe she expected a response akin to what she had read in certain stories? Something more angry than confident? She didn’t know what to make of the queen’s words, she wanted to believe that she was lying, but she found it hard.

The princess musing were interrupted by the metallic noise of the shackles around her ankles being unlocked, she looked up to the queen who had apparently done so without even laying a finger on the restraints.

“So, why don’t we go somewhere more fit for royalty like us?” The queen said as she extended her hand to her captive.
Last edited by banshee 9 months ago, edited 16 times in total.
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Post by banshee »

Chapter 2

Although at first she tried to resist it, in an act that she deemed romantically heroic, the princess ended up accepting the queen’s offering of a nicer room, someone who had lived all of her life accustomed to luxury could never settle for the cell she had been initially placed in.

Her new room was by far better, it was bigger and of cylindrical shape, it was furnished with a large bed, a closet, a table with chairs and more, including a fireplace to keep her warm. It even had its own bathroom. So needless to say it didn’t appear to be a cell at all.

To get there the princess was walked up a seemingly endless set of stairs, because as it turned out, her new cell sat atop a tower, and a particularly tall one at that. She wondered if they even had one as tall as the one she was on in her kingdom. From the windows she had a nice view of the ice queen’s domains, the rest of castle, the city guarded by it and the bay around which the city was built around. Everything covered in snow.

But no matter how the room looked, there was still something Clementine couldn’t ignore, and it was the fact that she was still a prisoner. Even as she laid sat at the edge of her bed she remained chained, with her hands manacled in front of her and her right ankle chained to some spot on the floor beneath her bed.

She had remained as such for days, sometimes her restraints were removed, like when the queen allowed her to shower or to change her clothes, but most of the time they stayed on her. Other times the restraints were made harsher, like when the queen wanted her especially still for an occasion.
To make her imprisonment more evident, the queen had given her a full prisoner outfit, an oversized gown and gray pants was all she wore most of the time, alongside with thick socks to keep her feet from freezing when they touched the ground where a carpet wasn’t covering it.

Even though her new clothes lacked the elegance of her usual ones, back at her own castle and her own kingdom, she couldn’t deny that what she was wearing now was more fitting for the time and place, after all she could still remember how the cold froze her body when she was still wearing her dress.

One day, as the princess stared at the window for hours on end like she was beginning to get accustomed to, the queen entered her room. Since she still felt intimidated by her Clementine kept her distance, and watch from where she was as the queen took a seat in one of the room’s chairs.
“Come, take a seat” The queen invited her to do “I brought your dinner”

Only then did Clementine noticed someone else standing at the door, a small woman who was holding a tray with food and drink. The woman shyly stepped into the room and laid the tray on the table and was then dismissed by her queen.

Slowly and with distrust Clementine walked towards the queen and sat down in front of her, she had learned that they weren’t feeding poisoned food a long time ago so she didn’t feared eating, she feared the queen.

“A far cry from your usual waiters isn’t she?” The queen asked as she looked at the recently closed door.

Indeed she was, considering that the people who usually served her food were rough looking men, who, tired of walking the stairs leading to the room, usually appeared angry when they entered the room to leave the princess food.

“Why are you here?” The princess asked, ignoring the queen’s remark.

“Well, I always like to have a bit of smalltalk before discussing serious matters, but it seems you prefer to go straight to the point” The queen sighed “So I’ll do just that and ask you a question, do you remember what you told me when you were fist brought here to my castle in that dungeon?”
“I told you that someone would rescue me” The princess replied quickly, as she hadn’t yet forgotten that night.

“Well it seems that you were right” The queen said, her words lighting up some hope in the princess’ eyes, which she was quick to quash with the words that followed “Someone indeed came to rescue you, sadly for you, she didn’t succeed”

Clementine felt her heart oppressed as she heard those news, again she wanted to take the queen’s words as lies, but again something was stopping her from doing it, nothing about the queen screamed liar to her after all.

“What happened to her?” Clementine asked “What did you do to the one who tried to rescue me?”

“Oh, I did nothing to her” The queen replied “Yet”

“What do you mean yet!?” Clementine demanded to know, angered by the queen’s attitude towards whoever it was who tried to save her.

“Calm down princess” Her captress replied in a mocking tone “She may have failed to rescue you, but she managed to escape me”

Clementine felt relieved when she heard that, she thought that even though whoever her would be rescuer was had failed to rescue her, at least she hadn’t fallen captive to the queen like her.

“Who was it?” The princess asked “Who was the one who tried to rescue me?”

“Well, it is that what I want to talk about with you” The queen chuckled as the princess question felt incredibly convenient “I doubt there are many like her, so it shouldn’t be hard for you to tell me who she is. She was a tall woman of blonde hair and blue eyes, she fought with a sword and wore armor like a knight, any idea of who she is?”

“Ann...” The princess said to herself without realizing that she could be heard.
Back in Beroux, the kingdom from where princess Clementine had been taken from, a woman had been summoned by an unknown someone to meet in a roadside tavern.

Her name was Ferine, who was expecting to be hired for some unsavory business, after all, she was a world famous thief, and even though she was as hard to reach as one would expect from a thief like her, she knew that when people really wanted something stolen they had their ways of reaching her.

Ferine was of standard height, or the perfect height to sneak around as she liked to think, her skin was pale and her eyes brown. Her hair black and cut short as to not get in the way of her stealth. She had decided to present to whatever event she had been summoned to with her tight fitting leather armor to show whoever wanted to see her that she meant business, but when she walked to the tavern she was covered in a grey cloak, as to hide her identity and hide herself from the rain.

On her way Ferine came across a pair of friends who she didn’t expected to see, and as she saw them come to greet her she couldn’t help but acknowledge how different the two were from each other.

One of her friends was Eyiel, she was an amazon, a very tall woman of incredible muscles and martial prowess. She had dark blonde hair and brown eyes, her skin was once pale as she hailed from far in the north, but it was now slightly darkened by the sun.

Beside her and hardly keeping up with her pace was the much smaller Rhys, she was an elf, but very short for the standards of her people, and standing beside Eyiel she seemed even smaller. Her hair was short and red and her eyes blue, her skin was white and spotted with freckles in her cute face.

After the greetings that are mandatory for any friends who have a long time without seeing each other they finally got to asking why they were there, a question which Ferine avoided answering by asking the question to her friends.

“We wanted to see Ann” Eyiel explained “And I say wanted because we really weren’t expecting to be caught by the rain”

“We are looking for somewhere to stay now” Rhys added “Do you know a place around here?”

“In fact yes, I’m going to an inn nearby so why don’t you tag along?” Ferine deeming that saying were she was going wouldn’t be enough to give away why she was going there.

Eyiel and Rhys gladly followed Ferine to the Inn, a large structure of stone and wood which sat aside a road crossing. The place had a silly name like “the toad king” to which the three didn’t payed much attention because they were surprised by something else.

It was quiet. Usually places like this were noisy even from the outside, especially on a day like this one when travelers would be easily lured in by the mere promise of a roof to protect them from the rain, and once there would gladly buy drinks and hot foot. But the adventurers heard nothing, just the sound of raindrops falling on the roof.

“Well this is weird” Eyiel said “Is the place closed or something?”

“I don’t know...” Ferine replied, fearing that taking her friends where she had business wasn’t a good idea after all.

“We really should get inside though” Rhys said as she wrung out her red robe “I’m soaked”

Ferine was doubtful, the place being empty and the letter she had received couldn’t be unrelated, but she couldn’t remain outside in the rain.
“Just let me go in first, to see if everything’s alright” Ferine said before walking towards the door.

The idea seemed reasonable to her friends, who soaked as they were deemed that a few more minutes in the rain wouldn’t make a difference.
Ferine walked into the inn, the door was open and the interior looked perfect, probably even better than if people were there since crowded places tend to get dirty and this place was far from it. Aside from the raindrops against the windows the only other sound that could be heard was that of fire cracking in the fireplace. But there were no people in sight, none at the tables, none tending on the bar, nobody at all.

Ferine looked around, knowing very well that if this wasn’t bad it at least wasn’t normal. She reached for her shortsword below her cloak and just when she was about to lay a finger on the handle she she heard a voice.

“You were supposed to come alone”

Ferine quickly drew her sword and pointed it at the source of the voice, there, a few feet apart from Ferine stood a woman. She looked beyond young but was far from a hag, only the first wrinkles and white hairs showing. She was taller than Ferine but since Ferine wasn’t especially tall that didn’t meant much, her hair was black aside from the mentioned white hairs, her skin pale and her eyes blue.

She wore a dark purple cloak over a set of fine black clothes, an attire which wasn’t at all what Ferine expected to find in a place like this.
“I take it that you are the one who requested my services” Ferine said as she sheathed her sword.

“I am, and so I remember very clearly that I told you to come alone” The woman repeated.

“Sorry, I forgot, and I couldn’t leave my friends to soak in the rain anyway” Ferine explained “Just don’t worry, I’ll take care of them”
“It won’t be necessary” The woman explained “I already sent my men to take care of them”

“I wish them luck” Ferine replied.

The queen frowned, unsure of what Ferine wanted to say but doubtful of it anyway. But her grimace was soon replaced by a surprised expression when she saw the Amazon barge into the Inn.

“Ferine, we must leave this place!” Eyiel shouted “These guys tried to attack us!”

Eyiel then threw a man on the floor, he was wet and covered in mud, quivering with pain but alive. The amazon had made short work of him and his companion when they tried to apprehend her and Rhys, an action which both guards were quick to regret.

The intrusion of the amazon in the room sure caused a commotion, because many more men in armor and wielding weapons soon came out of hiding, revealing themselves from behind almost every closed door in the Inn and quickly pointing their weapons at the intruder.

“Wait!” Ferine shouted as she extended her arms to both the amazon and the guards “Lets not turn this into a bar fight shall we?”

The guards looked at each other and Eyiel looked at Ferine, wondering what the hell she could be thinking.

“Let’s listen to what she has to say” The woman replied “Lower your weapons”

Seeing how the guards obeyed the woman’s instructions Eyiel did the same and laid down her axe. She came into the room with Rhys following shyly behind her and then rested against a wall, with a hand near her axe in case thing went sour.

“What do we do your majesty?” One of the guards asked.

“Stand by” The woman ordered “As much as I would like to properly punish you for this disrespect the circumstances prevent me from doing it, so I’ll ignore this as much as I can”

“That’s a good start” Ferine said sardonically, which angered the woman.

“I made my terms clear, I want to discuss this with you alone” The woman explained “So, what are your terms?”

“Leave my friends unharmed and we have a deal” Ferine requested.

The woman stared at Ferine in the eyes for a few seconds, maybe expecting that such gesture would intimidate her enough to make her pull back on her terms, but she saw no fear nor doubt in the thief’s eyes, so she ended up conceding.

“Fine, take those two upstairs and make sure they don’t go anywhere, I don’t want word of this to run around” The woman commanded.
“What!?” Eyiel shouted “She said to leave us unharmed”

“And I didn’t ask for anyone to harm you” The woman replied as she stared sideways at the amazon “Ferine, would you be so kind as to get your friends to comply?”

This time it was Ferine who stared at the woman expecting to see her doubt her words, but much like when the reverse happened, Ferine saw no doubt nor fear in her, so she wasn’t left with much to do other than complying.

“Don’t worry Eyiel, just let them do their thing and I’ll take care of this” Ferine said after walking near her friend.

“You can’t be serious...” Eyiel complained as she began to feel mad even with her friend.

“I think we should listen to her” Rhys shyly intervened “If they won’t harm us we have nothing to fear, and I trust Ferine to resolve this”

Although a moment ago Eyiel felt like Ferine’s demands were beyond her, hearing them from Rhys’ mouth made her change her mind, at least slightly, to her, everything sounded more reasonable when the elf said it.

“Fine” Eyiel sighed “And you better take care of this, otherwise I will leave every last one of you like those guys” She said as she pointed at the bruised, wet and muddy guards that had tried to apprehend her.

Eyiel and Rhys were lead upstairs by a group of extremely careful guard who did not wanted to end up like her less fortunate companions, and once they disappeared behind a door Ferine broke the silence.

“So, I take it that we can begin now” She said.

“Not so fast” The woman said “Do you think I would feel comfortable alone in a room with a known thief who I have seen to be armed?”

“It seems like you can’t, you want me to lay down my weapons or what?” Ferine asked.

“I would appreciate the gesture, but I had thought of something else” The woman reached below her cloak and retrieved coils of brown hemp rope “Take a seat now”

“Of course” Ferine sighed, more used to this than the woman thought.

Upstairs, Rhys and Eyiel were unarmed and then taken to the inn’s attic, there, with some ropes they found, the guards proceeded to tie up the two girls.
Weapons were pointed at Eyiel the whole time, when her hands were pulled behind her back and when ropes were tied around her chest to pin her arms to her back. The amazon was incredible angry about this, but she decided to keep trusting in her friends’ intuition and simply hid her rage behind closed eyes and tight lips.

Whereas many guards were busy tying up Eyiel, only one was tying Rhys, understandably so since she look incredibly defenseless when compared to her companion. Her hands were also tied crossed behind her back and ropes tied around her chest.

“If your hands get one bit off track I’ll chop them off” Eyiel threatened after catching a glimpse of a guard tying ropes around Rhys’ chest.

The guard began to shake out of fear and proceeded with what he was doing with extreme care, even when bound and with weapons pointed at her the amazon was extremely threatening.

By the end of this, Eyiel and Rhys were bound in the exact same manner, but not nearly with the same amount of rope. While only few ropes were used to bind Rhys, many more and much thicker ropes encircled Eyiel’s body, around her wrists tied behind her back, around her chest and around her legs at the ankles and above the knees.

And since they had their legs tied the two were laying on the floor, with Eyiel resting her back against some crates and Rhys eventually worming her way towards her side.

“I can’t believe I allowed you to talk me into this” Eyiel grunted after the guards had left.

“Come on, it isn’t that bad” Rhys replied “We both know that we could escape this easily if we wanted to”

“That’s not the issue, the issue is that we allowed ourselves to be tied up!”

“Well, you gave that guard a good scare though” Rhys chuckled “Seems like even when tied up you are still threatening”

“He deserved it” Eyiel replied “You know nobody can enjoy tying you up!”

“Nobody?” Rhys asked as she rested against Eyiel’s shoulder.

“Well, you know” Eyiel replied akwardly “Nobody aside me, that’s what I meant”

Back on the main floor Ferine found herself sitting down on one of the wooden chairs of the inn, and slowly but surely she was being tied down to it. Ferine had to acknowledge that whoever this woman was she knew a thing or two about tying someone up, she tied her hands crossed behind the back of the chair and she cinched the knot above her hands.

Ferine’s chest was also tied to the back of the chair, above and below her breasts and at her waist. Her lap was also pinned down with ropes going over her opened legs to keep her from moving them away from the seat.

As to her legs, those weird tied to their respective leg of the chair at the ankles and knees, so there wasn’t much movement Ferine could perform with them.

But even though Ferine acknowledged that this tied were far from bad she was sure that they weren’t at all above her. Even though with slight difficulty she trusted her ability to reach the knot holding her hands and if not that one of the knots pinning her back to the chair, and with her any mistake made when tying her up was fatal.

But she decided that it was better to play along whatever this woman wanted, after all, she was at no rush to escape but she could do it at anytime she wanted.

“So, with all the fuss I just realized that we never got the chance to introduce ourselves” The woman said after sitting down on a chair in front of Ferine “My name is Adeline Blythe, as you may have noted I am the queen of Beroux”

“Wow, sorry I didn’t bow or anything” Ferine said sardonically, knowing that she wouldn’t have done so even if she knew.

“Don’t worry, considering your situation its not really necessary” The queen replied in the same tone as her captive “But enough of that, after all I know you and I don’t need you to tell me anything about yourself, lets discuss business shall we?”

“Finally” Ferine sighed “So, what work could a queen possibly have for me?”

The queen sighed, she was in for a long explanation.

“Nobody knows this, but my daughter, princess Clementine, was kidnapped a few weeks ago, and taken to the Serpent Isles” The queen explained regretfully “So far her captress, queen Isa has refused to negotiate, and we can’t risk declaring war on the isles because we don’t know what she would do to my daughter if we do so”

“Wait, you’re going me to ask you to rescue a princess?” Ferine asked with disbelief, after all her usual works were stealing things, not rescuing people, let alone princesses.

“Yes” The queen replied “Your skill set is fit for the work we need you to do, infiltrate the ice queen’s castle and rescue my daughter”

“Well that would be a lot different than my usual jobs” Ferine said, almost chuckling at how weird and out of place she found the request.

“Are you going to take this job? We will pay you greatly” the queen asked, with her confident tone slowly beginning to show her actual desperation.

Ferine considered what to do for a few seconds, no doubt the pay would be high coming from the queen, but the job seemed needlessly hard, infiltrating a castle was never easy and the fact that she had to escape while dragging a princess behind her didn’t sound attractive at all

“I don’t think so” Ferine replied.

“Wait really?” The queen asked in disbelief, apparently never having considered this happening.

“Yes, I may be fit for sneaking into places but I’m not one to be dealing with princesses” She replied.

“You can’t refuse!” The queen shouted as she stood up.

“Well, what’s stopping me from doing so?”

“If you refuse I will take you tied up like you are to the capital and inform the world that the great thief Ferine has been caught!” The queen threatened “You will spend the rest of your days chained in a jailcell, and I will take your friends with you!”

Already beginning to work on the knot tying her hands in case the queen decided to try to enact any of her threats, Ferine decided to keep her cool and and keep playing along.

“Now don’t say things like that, my friends have done nothing you!” Ferine said calmly “Just think about it, its a thief like me who you really want for a job like this? Why don’t you send someone else?”

“I did!” The queen cried as she fell back on her seat and sunk her head in her hands “We sent Ann Golbreisk, one of our best knights, and we haven’t heard from her since we sent her”

“You sent who?” Ferine asked, seriousness befalling on her tone.

“I shouldn’t be telling you this, but we sent Ann Golbreisk” The queen explained, just slightly more calmly “She was glad to take the job, but she hasn’t notified us of anything since we sent her a month ago, we fear that...”

Ferine stood showed her now untied hands in front of her and began untying herself, the queen was so surprised of seeing someone escape her restraints that she fell silent.

“Say no more I’ll take the job” Ferine said as she kept working on undoing her bonds “I’ll rescue or avenge Ann, and I’ll bring your daughter back”

“Thank you!” The queen said as she moved to hug Ferine, a strange gesture coming from someone who seconds ago was threatening to lock her up for life.

“I only have one request” Ferine said after overcoming the surprise hug.

“Whatever you may ask” The queen replied.

“I will take my friends with me” Ferine said “I’m sure they will be more than happy to accept the job”
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Post by Caesar73 »

Good to see our adventureres again! Nice set up [mention]banshee[/mention] ! So Ann escaped and is on the loose - I like that idea! Looking forward to the continuation [mention]banshee[/mention] !!
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Post by ninterz »

I like this very much.
Seeing old friends get together is nice
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Post by Ovi1 »

I am loving this story so far!
I believe you would be a lot more comfortable in ropes
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Post by Beaumains »

Brilliant start. Keep it up. This is a lovely scenario.
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Post by potato »

Very nice start. I adore fantasy settings, and I can't wait for the next part.
~ The potato is a starchy food, a tuber of the plant Solanum tuberosum and is a root vegetable native to the Americas. The plant is a perennial in the nightshade family Solanaceae.
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Post by banshee »

[mention]potato[/mention] [mention]ninterz[/mention] [mention]Caesar73[/mention] [mention]Beaumains[/mention] [mention]Ovi1[/mention] Thanks to everyone for the comments, I'm glad to see you're interested in the story. Enjoy part three!

Chapter 3

Today was a rather special day for the captive princess Clementine, she had been taken out of her cell up in the castle and taken downstairs to have dinner with her captress, Isa de the ice queen.

Since the queen still wanted this to appear fancy as if it actually was two royals having dinner and not a queen eating with her prisoner, she gave back the princess the dress she was wearing when she was captured, so now Clementine was dressed in the blue and yellow garments that reminded her of the night when she was captured.

To ensure the princess behaved during the ceremony, the queen had ordered to have her chained while they ate and those orders were followed. Clemntine’s wrists and ankles were manacled individually with just enough slack to allow her to reach for her food and little else.

“You may as well drop that attitude” Queen Isa said after she swallowed a piece of her food.

Since she thought herself to be more subtle, the queen’s comment caught Clementine by surprise. Was it that obvious that she was trying her best to appear tough? According to the queen, so it seemed.

“I know that you’re trying to be defiant, and while I found that fun for the first few days I feel like it no longer makes sense for you now” The queen continued “What do you expect to gain by doing this? I already defeated the woman who was trying to rescue so you can lose your hopes for that already”

“Someone will rescue me eventually, just wait” Clementine replied with the defiant tone she had been keeping up during all of her captivity.

“Oh really? And who might that be?” The queen asked, toying with her captive.

“I don’t know, but I’m sure that someone will come and rescue me”

“Well then tell this someone that they can start giving up already” Isa said as she leaned onto the table towards clementine “My castle is inscrutable, my islands wilderness, and the sea around them is ruled by me!”
Just like Ferine expected and how she had promised it to the queen Rhys and Eyiel were quick to accept the proposal once they heard that their friend Ann could be in danger. Much like Ferine they had little care for the queen’s daughter, but if rescuing her meant rescuing Ann they would go to where this princess was regardless.

They were given as much information as the could be provided with by the queen. They had old blueprints of the castle from the time when it was built, maps of the islands made by those brave enough to venture to those waters, supplies for the whole travel and more.

To go to the islands, the queen had paid for a place in a merchant ship for them, so the three went to Antomur, the most important port city of the kingdom, and there they found the adequately “woodtrader” a large ship filled to the brim with cargo and people which had stop to make in the Serpent Isles to the north of the kingdom.

Once the first mate was shown the documents given by the queen to the adventurers he made no questions and showed them the way to what would be their living quarters during the travel. A room separated from the rest of the ship by uncomfortably thin wooden walls and filled only with three hammocks.

“How long will the travel be again?” Ferine said, already dreading having to spend more than one day there.

“If everything goes right this ship should make its stop in a week” Eyiel replied “So a short trip if you ask me”

“I sometimes forget that you were born in the island of Amazons and are used to the sea” Ferine said as she laid her equipment aside and laid on one of the hammocks “Couldn’t be me”

“Well, I’m sure there will be something to do on the way there right?” Rhys said as she looked at her friends, who were already on the hammocks “Right?”

Rhys was the first one to have whatever expectations she had for the travel ruined as her stomach was quick to betray her once the ship began to shake. She found herself so dizzy that during the first few days of the travel she barely got out of her hammock.

Eyiel, even though she fat pity the elf, found it hard not to laugh at her misfortune, after all, back from where she came, getting dizzy on a ship was a death sentence and if an amazon didn’t got over it really early in her life she would most likely be made into a laughingstock.

Ferine, although not used to the sea nearly as much as her amazon friend, she did found some enjoyment in the travel. As boring as it could get sometimes, the ocasional bits of fun made up for the usual boredom that ruled on the ship.

Aftter three days of travel Rhys finally found herself able to get out of her hammock. She walked onto the ship’s deck and was disappointed to find out that the day was less than ideal.

“Bad day to get better huh?” Ferine asked her friend as she saw her come out to the deck.

Both friends looked around and indeed it wasn’t a good day. Fog surrounded the ship and it was so thick that they could barely see what laid a few meters away. The crew had to slow down the pace because otherwise they would risk running into something, so the date of arrival had been delayed.

“Guess I’ll go back to our room then” Rhys sighed.

A few minutes later Eyiel also came into the room, much like Rhys she found herself bored beyond belief and the news of the delayed arrival weren’t any better for her than they were for the others, so she laid on her hammock and stared at the ceiling, that was as much as she could do.

“What are you doing?” She asked Rhys, more to pass time than out of curiosity.

“Reading my spellbook” The elf answered “If the ice queen really has Ann captured I better ready some fire magic don’t you think?”

“Yeah it could be useful” Eyiel sighed, not really interested in magic.

The silence extended itself for a few minutes longer when a loud booming sound broke it, and that sound was followed by the sound of shouting and metal clashing in the deck.

“This can’t be good” Eyiel said as she grabbed her axe “I’m going to see what’s happening, stay here!”

On the deck Ferine saw a silhouette in the fog, at first it was shapeless and by the time it was near enough for Ferine to discern that it was a ship someone had already shouted ‘Pirates!’

Once the ship emerged from the for Ferine saw it in full detail, it was as large or even larger than their ship, its sails were black and on its prow was sculpted the head of a snake. Once the ship was parallel to theirs chaos followed as the pirates began to board the ship.

When Eyiel came out onto the deck she immediately join the fight, she was a tough foe which could deal with the pirates with ease, but in the midst of the battle she spotted what could be a fearsome foe. Still on the other ship and barely out of the fog Eyiel saw a rare sight, another amazon.

Her height and muscular build gave out the fact that she was an amazon like Eyiel. Her hair was a black mane which fell down to the middle of her back and she was wearing a tight brown coat which fell to her knees, her feet and legs were covered by slightly armored leather boots.

Eyiel immediately knew that she was looking at the captain and decided to attack her but she was stopped when the pirates decided to take a different approach to take her down. Instead of fighting her, which was proving to be fruitless, they tpossed a large net onto her, and with it they bean to pull her down. They took away her axe and used more ropes to pin her down, and eventually the amazon’s fight turned into a struggle.

With the amazon held down in a net by many pirates the fighting was over and the captain of the pirate ship walked the plank leading to the deck of their ship.

“My my, aren’t you a rare sight” The captain said as she bent down to look at Eyiel “Its always good to see another amazon, even if in this circumstances”

The pirates laughed off their captain’s comment and kept holding down Eyiel, who tried to lunge at the captain when she saw her approach her.
The captain then ignored the amazon and walked up the quarter deck of the ship, then she cleared her throat and addressed the crew of the ship she was robbing.

“I think we have made our point, we clearly can take your ship if we want to, so why not surrender what you have and make this easier for all of us?” The captain asked “Or if you prefer, we can keep this battle going and see who end up on top”

The crew was quick to agree that giving up was better than dying, and so the pirates began ransacking the place. Eyiel couldn’t believe how easy they admitted defeat and kept struggling, and she was giving the pirates holding her an ever tougher problem.

“Calm down, why care about this pitiful ship?” The captain asked Eyiel from the quarterdeck “You are an amazon like me, why concern yourself with the matters of these weaklings?”

“Coward! Taking me down like this instead of fighting me yourself” Eyiel shouted “When I get out of this I’m going to kill you!”
“Oh really? Why don’t you give it a try then?”

To the captain’s surprise, with all of her might Eyiel managed to make one of the pirates holding her cede, and after him fell all the others. Eyiel threw the net away and picked up her axe, and then ran towards the captain with the full intent of putting her weapon to use.

Unaware of this happening, a trio of clueless pirates came out to the deck holding some interesting cargo.

“Captain, look at this, we found her in one of the rooms”

Both amazons had their eyes captivated by the sight, Eyiel knew very well that the red haired elf who the pirates were carrying was Rhys, the captain didn’t knew this but found that ‘cargo’ interesting nonetheless.

“Oh, does she mean something to you?” The captain asked Eyiel as she noticed how she stopped her charge as soon as the elf was brought up the deck.
The captain jumped down to where Rhys was and had a close look at her, it seemed like her men had already bound her wrists behind her back which she appreciated. The girl looked terrified, she was shivering and the captain seemed to like that.

“Don’t you dare touch her!” Eyiel shouted as she saw the captain try to caress Rhys’ face.

“So she does mean something to you” The captain said as she turned to look at Eyiel “Is she perhaps, your slave?”

“She’s not my slave!” Eyiel shouted, offended by hearing someone refer to Rhys like that “Leave her alone!”

“I’m afraid that can’t happen my fellow amazon” The captain said “Men, take this elf to my chambers”

“I won’t let you do that” Said Eyiel as she clenched her fists around the handle of her axe.

Seeing this the captain quickly drew her sword and pointed it towards Rhys, leaving the tip almost touching her neck.

“Try anything and she pays the price” The captain said “If you don’t want to harm her, drop you axe”

Eyiel kept tightening her grip around her axe for a few seconds, but quickly dropped down her axe as instructed. She couldn’t allow any harm to come to Rhys, no matter what. Seeing this the captain sheathed back her sword, allowing Rhys to breathe again since before she feared the exhaling could cause her throat to be punctured by the sword.

“You have two choices now amazon” Kluzelda said “You can either stay here and kept concerning yourself with the matters of weaklings or you can join me”

“Join you?” Eyiel said remarking how stupid the idea was “Let Rhys go and I’ll give it some thought!”

“So that’s her name huh? Rhys....” The captain said “That brings me, I haven’t gotten your name yet, you are called?”


“I am captain Kluzelda, it is a pleasure to meet you, amazon Eyiel” Kluzelda said as she walked away “I know you have refused but I need you to come with me”

Eyiel looked at Kluzelda confused.

“You could stay here while I leave with that elf of yours, but I can’t allow you to do that, and it seems like you couldn’t allow yourself to let me” Kluzelda said , trying to get to Eyiel’s sensitive vein “So, do I have to take you with me the easy way or the hard way?”

Eyiel glared at the captain, knowing that no matter her choice it would end up the same way. Usually she wouldn’t have gone down without a fight, but since Rhys was involved she decided to swallow her pride and surrender herself, what Kluzelda called ‘the easy way’.

“Just, what do you want?” Sighed Eyiel.

“Seems like its going to be the easy way then” Kluzelda said as she looked at her ship “Good then, first I need you to put your hands behind your back”

Eyiel did as instructed and Kluzelda tied her hands crossed behind her back, Eyiel had to hold back her rage but somehow knowing that Rhys was at stake made it easier.

“Good, now lets go to my ship” Kluzelda said as she pushed Eyiel towards the plank connecting both ships.

Once on the pirate’s ship deck Kluzelda pushed Eyiel against the mast, Eyiel grunted as her arms were pressed between her back and the wood but did not resist.

“Tie her up now” Kluzelda ordered to her crew “And tightly, use chains if you must, she’s an Amazon like me after all”

Kluzelda kept an eye on Eyiel as her men restrained her, and she took pleasure in seeing how the rage inside her grew with every restrain they applied onto her strong body.

They tied Eyiel’s legs at the knees, ankles and tights to the mast, they also ran rope above and below her breasts as well as around her waist to pin her to the mast more firmly. And for good measure, a chain was ran around her waist over the rope and around her ankles and knees just in case that the thick ropes which were already restraining her were not enough.

“Comfortable?” Kluzelda asked sardonically.

Eyiel remained quiet, she had already given enough to her captor, she wouldn’t give her the pleasure of playing along on top of that.

“I’ll go to my chambers now, someone is waiting there for me” Kluzelda said without taking her eyes off Eyiel “You can have your fun here”

Below the main deck and unbeknownst to anyone on board Ferine had snuck into the ship. Once she saw her friends being taken into the ship she decided that she had no other choice but to do that, and so she jumped out of their ship and snuck on board the other through a small opening meant for artillery using a rope.

She was wet and the water was extremely cold, but her leather armor was impermeable enough not to allow water to pass through for the most part, but still taking a dip in the waters of the Gulf of Valenimar during winter wasn’t a pleasant experience.

But now she was on the ship, and she needed to figure out how to help her friends as soon as possible.
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Post by Caesar73 »

That was quite the exciting chapter [mention]banshee[/mention] - the attack of the pirates. I wonder what the Pirate´s Captain has in mind for Eyiel and her friends. Thank god there is still Ferine! And I would like to know what fate has befallen Ann! Please continue that truly exciting adventure! I am loving it!
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Post by potato »

Great chapter. I noticed Ferine hadn't been captured, so all hope lies with her now!

Looking forward to the next part.
~ The potato is a starchy food, a tuber of the plant Solanum tuberosum and is a root vegetable native to the Americas. The plant is a perennial in the nightshade family Solanaceae.
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Post by Beaumains »

Princesses, pirates, kidnappings, assassins? This story has everything! Well done
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Post by Caesar73 »

Beaumains wrote: 1 year ago Princesses, pirates, kidnappings, assassins? This story has everything! Well done
I totally agree :) We learned that the Ice Queen captured Ann, but that she escaped - question is: Where is she now?
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Post by Bandit666 »

Well what an interesting tale, as [mention]Beaumains[/mention] states, Princesses, pirates, kidnappings and assassins it has everything. But most of all it also has enjoyment, entertainment, fantasy and intrigue in abundance
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Post by banshee »

[mention]potato[/mention] [mention]ninterz[/mention] [mention]Caesar73[/mention] [mention]Beaumains[/mention] [mention]Ovi1[/mention] Thanks to everyone for the comments, Thanks for your comments, enjoy part three! (By the way this one is rather short, so the next come may come sooner)

Chapter 4

Princess Clementine was tied to her bed like it was usual for her in the morning. Her hands were chained together above her head to the header of the bed, her ankles were also chained together only to the end of the bed, so she found herself quite stretched.

This was the usual position the queen made her sleep in, apparently she needed to restrain more harshly when she was most defenseless, but the Clementine couldn’t hope to reason with the queen.

This rather uncomfortable position usually went on for much longer than Clementine thought their captors considered necessary. Since she woke up rather early she had to wait for one of the queen’s guards or maids to personally go into her room and change her restraints, and that didn’t happen until she had already spent hours tied to her bed and awake.

But this time someone came into her room only a few minutes after Clementine found herself comfortably awake, and it wasn’t a guard or a maid, no, it was the queen herself.

Isa greeted her captive when she entered the room and walked towards the bed until she sat on the edge.

“What’s the matter? Have you finally decided what you’re going to do with me?” Clementine asked as she looked at the queen.

“Oh I’ve been giving it some thought” Isa replied “But nothing definitive yet”

“Then why are you here?” Clementine asked, trying to sit up only to be reminded that she couldn’t by her chains.

“Well I have some interesting news” Isa spoke “My pirates caught a ship was caught coming here from your kingdom, but sadly for you, nobody seemed to be there to rescue you”

Clementine pouted and looked away from the queen, knowing that she was only sharing those news to make her angry if not sad.

“You really walked all the way up here just to say that?” Clementine said after staying silent for a few seconds.

“Not really” Isa replied “I just wanted to talk with you while the servants make your breakfast”

“And what do you want to talk about?” Clementine asked, not fond of the proposal she was being given by her captress.

“About that knight who tried to rescue you” Isa said with a considerably lower voice “Ann”
Rhys laid on Kluzelda’s bed with her hands tied crossed behind her back and her ankles tied together. Her boots had been taken away so now her legs were only covered by her thigh high socks. Her red and purple robe was opened, showing a thin white shirt underneath since of course the pirates who captured her didn’t gave her any time to button it up.

The room was far larger than the room they had in the ship, it was illuminated by lamps hanging from the ceiling and aside from the bed Rhys was laying on it had a desk with a few comfortable looking chairs and places to store things inn, inside which Rhys assumed the captain had cartography tools and treasure maps. Thankfully the room was warm and so was the large bed Rhys was laying on, she didn’t have to fear the cold.

Even though Rhys knew a spell that could get her out of this situation she didn’t know if she should do it. It would be hard to perform with her hands tied up and would probably attract a lot of attention since to compensate for her still hands she would have to shout the incantation loudly. And that was only what mattered in regards to the spell, because if Rhys indeed managed to get out she didn’t know what she could do after, after all she was in the middle of the sea in a ship full of pirates which wouldn’t take her escape kindly.

Kluzelda came into the room interrupting Rhys’ overthinking and immediately driving all of the elf’s attention towards her. Rhys was scared and Kluzelda could feel it, she saw it on how Rhys trembled, how she tried to squirm away when she climbed onto the bed with her, and she enjoyed seeing it.
“What are doing?” Rhys asked as she ran out of bed to squirm.

“Don’t worry, I’m not going to hurt you” Kluzelda said as she grabbed Rhys by the shoulders “I just want to talk”

Rhys gulped and allowed Kluzelda to manhandle her. Once Kluzelda was resting her back against the bed’s headboard Rhys was made to rest her head on her chest. Rhys was still trembling, but slightly less than before, maybe this woman really didn’t want to hurt her.

“What is your name?” Kluzelda asked.


“Elven names are always so pretty, Mine is Kluzelda”

Rhys tried to squirm away when she felt Kluzelda touch her head, but she was kept from getting away by the captain’s strong arms, so she was forced to stay still. But she found out that apparently she had no reasons to be scared as all Kluzelda did was stroke her hair.

“So, Rhys, have you been told that you are really cute?” Kluzelda asked “Because you are”

“Thank you...” Rhys said, unsure of what would be an appropriate reply given the situation.

“Your beauty has made me desire you like I desire all types of treasures and riches” Kluzelda continued “But to legitimately own you like I own all of my riches, having you like this isn’t enough”

“What do you mean?” Rhys asked, unsure if she was asking about what she meant by own her or what she meant by saying that having her like this wasn’t enough.

“You see, there is an old amazonian tradition” Kluzelda explained “That dictates that slaves from one amazon can only be ceded to another amazon by their owner, which means I will need Eyiel to give you to me”

Rhys was baffled by what she was listening, Eyiel had told her many aspects about amazonian society but she had never mentioned this, neither did she thought of herself as Eyiel’s slave, but Kluzelda said everything in such a matter of fact way that Rhys couldn’t help but be surprised.

“Do you really expect Eyiel to do that?” Rhys asked “Even if you hadn’t captured us and brought us onto your ship she would still refuse!”

“I am aware” Kluzelda said as she tightened her grip around Rhys to tell her to calm down “I was just thinking that maybe, you could persuade her”
Rhys was downright offended by what she was hearing, so she mustered up all of her courage and spoke.


Downstairs Ferine was exploring the dark underbelly of the ship, it took her some time to accustom herself to the light but eventually she could see as clearly as it was possible for someone in those circumstances. The place was riddled with barrels, chests and crates filled with supplies but most importantly with all of the riches the pirates had stolen from the many ships they had sacked.

Ferine found a candle and decided to illuminate her way, that way she found something special, a map and navigation tools laid over a desk surrounded by the same amount of storage that filled the rest of the place. The map showed the whole Sea of Forsvoll, highlighting the ports around it and the islands on it, the Serpent Isles were easy to find since they were labeled notoriously in the middle of the sea.

If the spotted red line which had been drawn on the map was right, they were headed for Jokulsa, the capital of the Serpent Isles and where Ann was headed to when she left to rescue the princess.

Those were good news, it meant that Ferine could wait until they were there to make her move and rescue her friends, who would have to spend the travel even less comfortably than her, which just had to remain hidden among the ship’s cargo.

Ferine blew out her candle and began to search for a place to hide, but another source of light suddenly filled the room. It was a dim blue light which came from the desk she had just been examining, but the source of it was covered by a rag.

Always curious, Ferine removed the rag and was met by a perfect crystal sphere, shining from withing and making a very subtle high pitched noise.
The thief couldn’t help but wonder what it was, but before she could lay her hands on the object someone shouted from behind her, demanding to know who she was and what she was doing there. It was Kluzelda and Ferine was quick to realize that she wasn’t someone she could negotiate with.

“Oh, you were from that ship we boarded” Kluzelda said as Ferine turned around “Do you want to join your friend on the mast?”

“Not really” Ferine spoke just to distract the captain to the attack her with her sword.

Kluzelda’s reflexes almost failed and when she parried Ferine’s sword its edge was almost against her neck, but now she had seen this woman’s intentions and she would never back out from a fight, even less in her own ship.

Since her larger sword gave Kluzelda the reach advantage Ferine soon found herself backing from her opponent and when she had no more room to walk back to she jumped aside, evading one of Kluzelda’s attacks and hiding among the crates and barrels.

Kluzelda awaited tensely for Ferine come out of hiding, looking around slowly to make sure she didn’t miss any detail while looking for her in the darkness. It was perhaps this preparation which made her dodge the bottle of inky black liquid which Ferine threw at her, the bottle instead breaking and falling off the ship through the same opening Ferine had entered through.

Instead of going to attack Ferine Kluzelda rat towards the opening and looked at the water, which was turning black all around the ship, she then turned at Ferine and looked at her withe even more anger than when she first found her snooping in her ship.

“Do you have any idea of what you just did?” The captain asked.

“What? Does throwing stuff to your opponent violate some kind of Amazon honor code or something?” Ferine asked, surprised by Kluzelda’s reaction to her attack.

“That wasn’t any ordinary flask you tossed at the sea” Kluzelda said as she walked towards Ferine “It was kraken ink!”
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Post by potato »

Interesting plot device; the kraken ink. I'm curious to see what'll happen next.

A short 'n sweet story, indeed. But good work nonetheless!
~ The potato is a starchy food, a tuber of the plant Solanum tuberosum and is a root vegetable native to the Americas. The plant is a perennial in the nightshade family Solanaceae.
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Post by Caesar73 »

A very intriguing chapter! I find it interesting that so far Ann has not made a personal appearance yet- so far we only know what other characters tell us about her. I wonder what the Queen wants to tell Clementine about her.

Then the change of scenery: This chapter ends with a fine cliffhanger. I think, we will learn soon, why the Pirate Captain is so angry that Ferine through the "kraken ink" over board! Well done [mention]banshee[/mention] !
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Post by ninterz »

Well this can't be good.
Kraken Inc made me laugh
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Post by Mineira1986 »

Well, this had to be addressed at some point and I'm glad you did: the gang is a very varied group, from a knight, a thief, an elf, an amazon... at some point they had an inquisitor and a bard. So yeah, those combinations will be seen different from other characters from that world. In this case, the amazon pirate. Very interesting to be said.
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Post by Beaumains »

Indeed, a very nice cliffhanger and a very diverse cast of heroes and foes. Well done!
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Post by banshee »

[mention]potato[/mention] [mention]ninterz[/mention] [mention]Caesar73[/mention] [mention]Beaumains[/mention] [mention]Ovi1[/mention] [mention]Mineira1986[/mention] Thanks to everyone for the comments, Thanks for your comments, enjoy part five!

Chapter 5

Princess clementine found herself sitting on her room’s chair, tied to it. Her ankles were tied together and her wrists were tied crossed behind the back of the chair, ropes around her waist and above and below her breasts kept her back affixed to the chair’s back while rope over her lap pinned her to the seat.

The reason why she was tied like that was that the queen wanted to hear something from her, and for some reason she refused to hear from Clementine if she was in her usual restraints.

Isa herself was laying on the couch found in the princess’ room, eagerly listening to what Clementine had been telling her for hours, and pressing her to continue every time she made even the briefest of pauses.

What was the princess being forced to talk about? Well, it was something Clementine herself couldn’t have expected, she was expecting to be interrogated about some matters of her kingdom or her family but that wasn’t the case, all Isa wanted to hear about was Ann Golbreisk.

All that Clementine knew about the knight she had to tell to the queen who listened and kept listening all of the Princess stories without any input of her own aside from a brief comment made before she left the room.

“I can’t wait to capture her”
When more pirates got downstairs after hearing the racket made by the fight between Kluzelda and Ferine the thief knew she was done for and surrendered. The pirates seized her by the arms and took away her sword before walking her over to the main deck.

“You too?” Eyiel asked with surprise as she saw her friend being brought to the deck by pirates.

“Good to see you” Ferine said sarcastically as by all measures seeing each other like this was anything but good.

“Quiet!” Kluzelda interjected as her men took Ferine against the mast to be tied with Eyiel “Be quick about this, we have more important matters to take care of!”

Ferine was tied to the mast back to back with her friend and in a very similar manner. Her legs were tied together at the ankles and knees and she was tied to the mast at the waist and above and below her breasts with the same coarse rope Eyiel was tied with, the only difference being that with her they didn’t deem necessary to apply chains over the ropes.

Once they were done the pirates were all called down below the main deck by Kluzelda and Eyiel and Ferine were left alone in the board aside from the sailor atop the mast, which was far enough from the prisoners as to not hear their speech.

“So, how did they get you?” Eyiel asked.

“Well, I sneaked on board to try to rescue you and stuff, but as you see that kinda turned out wrong” Ferine said with cheerful confidence “But I found out a lot of important stuff too so it isn’t all bad”

“Why are you so unbothered?” Eyiel asked as she tugged her restraints “Do you realize what’s happening? We’re tied up on a pirate ship in the middle of the ocean and Rhys is being kept inside that bitch’s room!”

“Shh, don’t need to worry, I have this under control” Ferine said as she sneakily showed Eyiel that at least one of her arms was free “I saw a map downstairs which said we are headed to the same place Ann went to, once there we will make our move”

“I just hope it isn’t too long of a travel” Eyiel sighed “Otherwise I don’t know if I’ll stand staying like this”

“But I thought you considered this a short trip” Ferine joked.

Sometime later the sun began to hide beneath the waves, which wasn’t saying much considering that at this time of the year night fell really early, and soon after the pirates came back on board. They walked out of the deck with martial attitude and armed with all sorts of weapons, swords, axes and harpoons filled the hands of all of the crew and Kluzelda overlooked them from the ship’s quarter deck with her right hand resting on her sword’s pummel.
“Why the weapons?” Eyiel asked, assuming for some reason that Ferine could know.

“I don’t know, It may have to do with that Kraken ink thing I threw to the sea” Ferine replied calmly.

“The what!?” Eyiel asked with disbelief.

“What? Is it that important?” Ferine asked.

“Do you realize that if a kraken sensed that this ship is done for!?” Eyiel asked now with anger at the little care her friend was showing.

“Silence!” Kluzelda demanded “We don’t need you distracting us from the fight, so shut up or I will have to gag you”

“Untie us and we can help you fight!” Eyiel shouted, not wanting to find herself restrained when battle arrived.

“I won’t be falling for that” Kluzelda replied “Whatever attacks this ship we can defeat it and you will remain there in silence, understood?”
Eyiel looked away and stayed silent, maybe in other circumstances Kluzelda would have demanded to hear a ‘yes captain’, but something else was occupying her mind at the moment.

During the next few minutes’ silence reigned, only disturbed by the sounds of the ocean and the tense heavy breathing of the ship’s crew. But its reign was short lived as the silence was quickly replaced by screams once a loud thud was heard from below the ship and the whole vessel shook, throwing almost everyone aside from Kluzelda and her two prisoners to the floor.

“Be prepared, here it comes!” Kluzelda shouted to her crew.

Soon after dark, thick and long tentacles began to crawl up the ship, snatching sailors and throwing them to the sea when they weren’t cut off, in which case the severed limn stayed moving on the board out of reflexes, crawling around anything it could grab.

“I think that you should try to do whatever you were planning now” Eyiel told Ferine as she tried to keep her composure.

“But where we can escape to!?” Ferine shouted, having lost the cheerful confidence she previously had and now showing the expected reaction to their situation “We’re still in the middle of the sea!”

“We’ll take one of the rowboats!” Eyiel shouted.

“No way I’ll jump out of here in a rowboat with that thing on the water!”

“It’ll be too distracted with this ship to care about us!” Eyiel argued “Come on, its that or staying here!”

Ferine needed to hear no more and effortlessly slithered out of her restraints, she quickly moved around the mast and began to unlock the chains holding her amazonian friend to the mast.

“The prisoners are escaping!” Kluzelda shouted as she caught a glimpse of Ferine untying Eyiel.

But her crew couldn’t care less, they were too busy fighting off the leviathan trying to capsize their ship to even notice that the prisoners had done anything. And seeing this Kluzelda tried to take the matter in her own hands.

“Faster! She’s coming!” Eyiel told her friend as she saw Kluzelda jump down from the quarter deck.

“I’m trying but the ship wont stop moving” Ferine shouted.

Just when Kluzelda was about to be over them Ferine finally managed to unlock the chains around Eyiel’s waist, and with all of her might the amazon managed to break free from the ropes holding her to the mast, allowing her to crouch and dodge Kluzelda’s sword, which landed and got stuck on the mast instead.

Ferine then cut the ropes holding Eyiel’s legs who immediately began to brawl with the now unarmed captain.

“You prepare the boat, I’ll go look for Rhys!” Eyiel ordered her friend as she wrestled with Kluzelda.

The attack on the ship had tossed Rhys off the bed and against a wall, she of course knew something was happening and what it was became clear when she saw a tentacle craw up the ship through the room’s window. The tentacle, or better said, its owner, was quick to notice the frail glass touched by its suckers and promptly shattered it to make its way inside.

As soon as Rhys saw the tentacle examine the room she realized that she couldn’t afford to stay tied up any longer and shouted a spell to set herself free from the ropes, but as if it had ears of its own, the tentacle became altered and began to search the room more aggressively.

Rhys was grabbed by the tentacle by her waist, but even though she was scared, she didn’t allow fear to take her over. She began to utter a spell and used her not yet restrained arms to make arcane gestures. The shattered glass shards rose from the ground and when Rhys finished casting the spell they were all driven inside the tentacle, which twisted in pain and let Rhys go.

As the tentacle crawled back into the sea Rhys ran out the room and saw the scene unfolding outside. Tentacles were overrunning the ship, crawling up the mast and flinging sailors all over the place, Kluzelda was brawling with Eyiel on the floor, risking falling to the water with that beast every time one of them was thrown by the other.

Against all common sense, Rhys ran towards board and looked down into the waters, she saw nothing but a black abyss, she saw the same black abyss when she looked down at starboard, but she also saw something stare back at her, barely below the water was a pair of gigantic eyes encrusted in a slimy black head of the beast clinging to the ship.

It was clear to Rhys what she had to do, she grabbed the fallen dagger of one of the sailors who had lost it in the fight and used it to channel the spell in absence of her staff. The iron began to shine and spark as Rhys voice grew louder as she casted the spell, then she pointed the dagger at the beast below the ship, and a beam of lightning fell on the water, electrifying everything around the ship.

It didn’t killed the beast, but it sure as hell made it regret taking this fight. The massive body of the kraken slowly disappeared below the blackened waves of the sea of Forsvoll, and as the crew saw the tentacles retreat the screams of battle turned into cheers.

Rhys sighed and sat down as the spell had left her really tired, but she wasn’t allowed to catch her breath as almost as soon as she sat down she was grabbed from behind by Kluzelda, who also grabbed the dagger Rhys had used to cast the spell to threaten her.

“You two fought very well” Kluzelda said as she looked at Eyiel “But its time you give up this dumb escape attempt”

“You bastard...” Eyiel cursed as she felt herself fall for the same trick again.

“Come on, I also don’t want to hurt her” Kluzelda said as she saw that Eyiel had not yet given up “Come on, surrender and save her and yourself”
With great effort in containing her anger, Eyiel raised up her hands and allowed herself to be seized by the pirates. She kept glaring at Kluzelda while they began to tie her up, she couldn’t be angrier at her.

Meanwhile Ferine was rowing away from the ship, which was only a distant set of lights by the point where she was. Eyiel had told her to escape if she took too long, that having only two of them been captured was better than the three of them being so, and thus she left, with just the leather armor she was wearing and the hope of finding some way to help her friends.
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Post by potato »

Looks like it's up to Ferine once again to save her friends...

Good chapter!
~ The potato is a starchy food, a tuber of the plant Solanum tuberosum and is a root vegetable native to the Americas. The plant is a perennial in the nightshade family Solanaceae.
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Post by Caesar73 »

potato wrote: 1 year ago Looks like it's up to Ferine once again to save her friends...

Good chapter!
Agreed - at least Ferine got away - so not everything is lost. The Ice Queen seems to be fascinated by Ann, who has thankfully escaped and eluded capture since then. Makes we wonder what sinister plans the Queen has.
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Post by Beaumains »

Another wild chapter. So much is happening!
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Post by ninterz »

Ironically by attacking the kraken and saving the ship Rhys did seal there capture.
Good part
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Post by Mineira1986 »

Good part.

Gotta go with Eyiel here: it made no sense that Ferine stalled her escape while they were attacked by the kraken and had little chances to stay alive while tied up. At the end, it mattered little as only Ferine escaped.
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