A Cheater’s Comeuppance (MMM/M) - Updated with Chapter 5 (17th Jan)

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A Cheater’s Comeuppance (MMM/M) - Updated with Chapter 5 (17th Jan)

Post by liam_678 »

A Cheater’s Comeuppance


Tommy - 18 years old. White skin, golden brown, wavy hair (long on top, shaved at sides), clean shaven “pretty boy” face, the type of boy all the girls crush on. Slim but slightly muscular build. Average height of a late teen.

Johnny - 46 years old. White skin, short brown hair with a few grey strands. Very tall with an enormously muscular body. Very rugged looking with a full beard.

James - 44 years old. Shaved head and face. Several ear piercings on both his ears and tattoos all across his body. Very tall but a tiny bit shorter than Johnny. Ginormous brawny figure.

Rick - 43 years old. Olive skin. Black slicked up hair. Light beard. Also very tall (same height as James). Like his two mates, has a gigantic, muscular, well built figure.

Part 1 - The Kidnapping

Tommy sat on the end of his bed, staring at the texts on his phone from his now ex girlfriend, Maddy.

Maddy had recently just discovered he had cheated on her by sleeping with another girl from his college. What’s worse? Tommy didn’t even tell her. It was the girl he cheated with who ended up telling Maddy.

Eighteen year old Tommy continued to stare at the texts from his also eighteen year old ex, telling him that she never wanted to see him again and that he was dead to her.

Eventually, he turned off his phone, lay down on his bed and breathed a deep sigh.

In truth, he was glad they had broken up. He never really loved Maddy or even liked her. He was merely just stringing her along for the sex and the attention having a girlfriend would get him at his college.

‘She wasn’t all that anyway’ Tommy thought to himself, ‘I’ll find someone else soon enough. There’s plenty more hot girls at college to string alone for the ride.’

He smirked to himself as he lay down on his bed, thinking about all the pretty girls in his year he could now use and pursue.

Several long minutes passed before Tommy decided that going for a run would be a good way to wind down for the night and give him a clear head for the morning, which he often did during the week. Both his parents were out of the country on a business trip so he wanted to take advantage of being home alone and being able to go out whenever he wanted.

The teenager got out of bed and began getting changed into his jogger outfit - a black t shirt and a pair of black shorts with white stripes going along the sides.

He went downstairs and pulled his red trainers over his feet before opening the front door and closing it shut behind him.

It was 10PM in the early days of July. The summer air was warm, though there was a slight breeze blowing through the trees and rustling the bushes.

Tommy had just gotten out onto the pavement when he realised his shoelaces were still untied. He knelt down on one knee and got to work tying them. But before he was able to finish, he felt a strong, muscular arm wrap it’s self round his neck, holding him tightly in a headlock.

“Scream and you’re dead” he heard a deep, manly voice whisper in his ear.

The teenager froze, a million terrified thoughts rushing around his head. But before he was able to say or do anything, a large red ball gag was forced into his mouth before his head was entirely covered by a thick, leather hood. Tommy panicked. He couldn’t speak, see or release himself from the strong grip that held him immobile. He writhed and struggled in the mysterious figure’s grip, moaning into his gag as he did so, but he was evidently no match for whoever this man was.

Another strong arm looped itself around his waist whilst the other arm tightened it’s grip over his neck and suddenly Tommy felt his body be lifted into the air and carried forwards.

“Let me go!!” Tommy tried to squeal, but the gag firmly kept the words from leaving his mouth.

Tommy continued to be carried and moved forward for a few seconds before the man released his grip on the young teen and he felt himself land on a hard, wooden floor, face down. He tried to get up again but it was too late as, immediately, his body was pinned down and his arms were forcefully brought behind his back, where they were then tightly restrained by a set of metal handcuffs. Aswell as this, a set of hobbles were vigorously cuffed around his ankles, both his lower and upper body now being firmly secured by the metal devices.

The hood that went round Tommy’s head blocked out most sounds but he could just about make out a door being slammed shut and the sound of an engine starting up.

The terrified teen didn’t know this yet, but he had just been thrown into the boot of a van and was now being driven off to somewhere far away from home.

In the front and back seats of the van sat Johnny, James and Rick - three very tall and muscular men, all in their early-mid 40’s.

The oldest (and the leader) of the group, Johnny, the same man that had just grabbed and restrained young Tommy, sat in the driver’s seat and pushed his foot down on the pedal, driving the van away from the kerb and down the road.

“That’s little Tommy sorted” Johnny said with a grin, “I’ll make sure he knows exactly what happens to people when they mess with my daughter.”

James and Rick sniggered in the back seats whilst the van continued driving down the road and into the night.
Last edited by liam_678 1 year ago, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by bondagefreak »

Welcome to the forum [mention]liam_678[/mention]
Always great to see a new M/M writer join our ranks!

A very rousing start to what seems like a promising tale!
Very much looking forward to seeing what fate awaits Tommy and what our three burly muscle-hunks have in store for him.

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Post by squirrel »

Great beginning! Tommy seems to be in real trouble now and I can't wait waht Johny and his buddies have in store for him...

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Post by harveygasson »

Great start!
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Post by liam_678 »

Thank you to [mention]bondagefreak[/mention] [mention]squirrel[/mention] and [mention]harveygasson[/mention]. Really appreciate the feedback from you guys. Hope everyone enjoys the next chapter!

Part 2 - The Cabin

It was 3AM. The white van slowly steered into the drive, parking right outside a two storey log cabin that sat in front of a lake and a deep forest. The cabin was right in the middle of nowhere with the nearest sign of life being a gas station they had passed on the way, a far 15 miles from where they had just arrived.

The van door slid open and out stepped the three kidnappers, looking proudly ahead at the cabin that stood in front of them.

“Perks of having a holiday home” Johnny said to his two friends, “Always comes in handy for situations like this.”

Johnny threw a set of keys over to James.

“You two get the place unlocked. I’ll take care of lover boy.”

“Sure thing boss” James replied as he and Rick both marched over to the front door of the cabin, Rick carrying a big, black bag in his hand.

James inserted the key into the hole and swung open the door. The lights began to flicker on as Rick pushed a switch on the side of the wall, revealing the large interior of the cabin which had: a kitchen, a table with some wooden chairs, several drawn windows, a couple of sofas, a small TV, a fireplace, a wooden staircase going to the top floor and other bits of living room ornaments.

The two men scanned the room, with a mixture of surprise and impressiveness in their eyes.

“This place ain’t half as bad as I was expecting” Rick commented with admiration.

Meanwhile, Johnny opened up the door to the boot of the van and stared down at the helpless captive that lay on the dirty floor. With a smirk, he bent down and scooped the handcuffed and hobbled boy up in his huge arms before swinging him over his shoulder and marching towards the front door.

This jolted Tommy awake who had fallen asleep towards the end of the journey. Since the moment he had been gagged, hooded, restrained and bundled into the back of a van, he could do nothing but imagine what kind of horrors he was going to face and think about questions such as “who would do this to him?” and “why would they do this to him?” Eventually, all the panicking and struggling to try and free himself from his restraints (which he was obviously not able to do), drained his energy and sent him into a long deep sleep… until now.

All the horrible memories from a few hours ago filled Tommy’s mind once again as Johnny continued to carry his currently blind, mute, deaf and immobile captive over his shoulder.

Once they were inside and the front door was shut behind them, Johnny walked across the room and sat the teen down on a wooden chair. Instinctively, he tried to stand up but Johnny was one step ahead and held him down firmly by his shoulders.

“You ain’t going anywhere kiddo” he chuckled before turning to his two accomplices.

“Tie him up and do it quick” he announced.

Immediately, James and Rick opened up the big black bag they had brought in and pulled out several coils of thick rope. They then proceeded to remove their captive’s handcuffs and hobbles and got to work tying him tightly to the chair he sat upon, whilst Johnny continued to keep his huge hands firmly placed upon the eighteen year old’s much smaller shoulders.

By the time they had finished, Tommy’s wrists, upper arms, torso, thighs and ankles were all tightly secured to the wooden chair and he was unable to move any part of his body from the neck down.

All three men stood back, gleefully watching and chuckling at their gagged and hooded prisoner, as he took in his predicament and attempted to free himself from the chair, writhing and struggling in the ropes that bound him.

But of course he was not able to move even the slightest inch.

“Looks like he’s adjusting well to his new home” Rick chuckled as they all continued to take in the sight of their struggling captive.

“Alright… that’s enough teasing boys” Johnny grinned, “It’s time to show the kid what kind of hell he’s really let himself in for…”
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Post by squirrel »

Fantastic chapter [mention]liam_678[/mention] ! A secluded place, three alpha hunks and a victim, kidnapped, tied to a chair, gagged and on the mercy of angry muscular guys... who wouldn't want to be that victim? :twisted:

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Post by harveygasson »

Really great chapter and lovely description of the bondage. Looking forward to seeing what they do next
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Post by Pen Dreadful »

This is awesome. Tommy's in for some definite punishment in your next chapter.
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Post by liam_678 »

Thank you [mention]squirrel[/mention] [mention]harveygasson[/mention] and [mention]Pen Dreadful[/mention]. So good to know you’re all enjoying the story so far and thanks for motivating me to keep writing. Enjoy Chapter 3!

Chapter 3 - Meeting Tommy

First, Tommy felt a tug round his neck and then light immediately began to stream into his eyes, as the leather hood that had been concealing his face for hours was finally removed.

The lights caused his eyelids to flutter several times as he adjusted to his new surroundings.

Then, the sight of three giant, muscular men made contact with the teenager’s eyes, as Johnny, James and Rick all moved over to stand in front of their captive and stood over him like towers looking down upon a street far below.

“Well, well, well… I’ve been looking forward to meeting you, Thomas” Johnny said with a deep, aggressive voice and a cold hard stare.

Still tied up and gagged, Tommy could do nothing but look up into the eyes of his remorseless captors with terrified eyes.

“Let’s get rid of that thing, shall we?” Johnny said, as he aggressively unbuckled the straps that went round the boy’s head and pulled the saliva covered ball out of his mouth.

Now finally able to speak out loud, Tommy took a few seconds to move his jaw around to ease the aching that had formed in his mouth, and then looked back up to face the three giants.

“Please” the terrified boy whimpered, “If it’s money you want, I can get it to you. You can take my car, my phone, my computer, anything you want but please just let me go. I don’t know what you think I’ve done but I’ve never done anything to hurt anyone before. Please just let me go!”

Johnny looked over at his two accomplices.

“‘I’ve never done anything to hurt anyone before’ this kid says” Johnny sniggered before looking back down towards Tommy and placing a firm, strong hand upon the younger teen’s shoulder, “Wow. You either must have the worst kind of amnesia, or you’re just making a really bad attempt to save your lying ass from us. Well sorry to break it to you boy, but it doesn’t take a genius to work out which one it is.”

Tommy was speechless. He was terrified and confused about the whole situation he had found himself in.

“Who are you guys? What do you want with me?” he whimpered.

“Well, let’s refresh your brain shall we?” came Johnny’s reply, “You find yourself kidnapped and bundled into a van to then wake up and find yourself tied to a chair, facing three men who are out for your blood. And this all coincidently happens on the same night my daughter tells me she was cheated on by a boy from her college. What do you think you’re here for?”

Tommy’s eyes widened and his mouth began to drop. Emotions and thoughts began swirling around inside of him as he slowly began to realise what was really happening to him… and why it was happening to him.

“Yeah” Johnny scolded, “Thought that might help you remember. But the question is… what are we gonna do with a lying, cheating fucker like you? Cause believe me, you ain’t gonna wriggle your way out of this one like I’m sure you’ve done many times in the past, I’ll make sure of that.”

At first, Tommy was absolutely petrified at this response. But then, slowly, he began to realise that this wasn’t him.

He was never a scared little boy that would cower to others. He was never one to bend over and let the likes of others control him. If he wanted to cheat and string girls along just for the sex and the attention, he’d do it and wouldn’t be sorry for who he hurt.

He’d always be the one in charge, not the other way round. And there’s no way this time was gonna be any different, he thought to himself.

He looked back up to face the three men and smirked.

“You guys think you’re so scary, don’t ya?” he said with a mocking tone in his voice, “Well guess what? I ain’t scared of ya and I ain’t sorry for what I did to your poor little girl.”

The grins and smirks from Tommy’s captors suddenly disappeared and were instead replaced by cold hard stares from each one of them.

“We’ll see about that” came Johnny’s quiet but sinister reply…
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Post by squirrel »

Didn't expec Thomas to snap back like that at his captors... I hope they would find a proper punishment for that :twisted:

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Post by harveygasson »

Oooh ballsy but probably foolish
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Post by liam_678 »

squirrel wrote: 1 year ago Didn't expec Thomas to snap back like that at his captors... I hope they would find a proper punishment for that :twisted:
They definitely won’t let him get away with it, that’s for sure!! Thanks for commenting :)
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Post by liam_678 »

harveygasson wrote: 1 year ago Oooh ballsy but probably foolish
I’d definitely say more foolish than ballsy! :lol: Thanks for the comment!
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Post by liam_678 »

Thanks to everyone that’s been commenting on the story so far! If you’re enjoying the story, feel free to leave a comment below as feedback really helps with my motivation to keep writing more chapters. Hope you all enjoy Chapter 4!

Chapter 4 - Bedtime

“You thirsty Tommy?” Johnny asked, but it felt more like he was mocking him than asking an actual question.

“I don’t want anything from you” the teen responded.

But the forty-six year old ignored this and walked straight over to the kitchen sink before filling up a big glass of water and bringing it back to where Tommy sat.

“Are you deaf? I said I ain’t drinking that” Tommy retorted with a sharp tone.

“Who said you were gonna drink it?” Johnny replied.

Then suddenly, he tipped the glass sideways and threw the ice cold liquid into the teenager’s face.

This prompted a roar of laughter to erupt from James and Rick as they both chortled and pointed at their now soaked captive as he struggled to maintain his breathing pattern from the shock the cold water had caused him.

A huge grin spread across Johnny’s merciless face.

“Whoops, my fault” he said in a ridiculing tone.

Water dripped from Tommy’s face, hair and t shirt as he slowly began to recover from the initial shock.

“It’s not nice, is it?” Johnny taunted in his familiar ridiculing tone, “When someone goes out of their way to deliberately make someone else suffer. Sound familiar?”

The rugged hunk then grabbed the soaking wet Tommy by the chin and aggressively pushed it up so that his eyes were looking straight into his captor’s.

“Now you listen to me, young man, and you listen to me good” he snarled, his cold, sharp eyes shooting straight through Tommy like a bullet, “You better drop this hard-man act right now. From now on, you’re mine to do what the hell I want with you and if you ever try speaking back to me like that again, I promise I will make your time here a very long and painful one.”

Tommy wanted to yell some nasty things back and spit right in his face.

But after beginning to realise how truly furious all three of his captors were with him, and how far they’d probably go to make him suffer if he aggravated them any further, he decided that keeping his mouth shut was the best solution all round.

“Yeah” Johnny snarled, “That’s what I thought, you cheating scumbag.”

The muscular giant then forcefully released Tommy’s chin from his grasp and turned back round to face his two friends.

“It’s been a long day” he announced, “Let’s get some kip and we’ll pick up where we left off tomorrow.”

Johnny then turned back round.

“And as for you” he said to Tommy, “You’re coming with us.”

Tommy’s eyes bulged as James and Rick walked over and began untying him from the chair. Once the ropes had been released from his body and he was made to stand up, James and Rick each looped a muscular arm round Tommy’s much slimmer arms and held him firmly within their giant, brawny bodies.

“Not such a tough man now, are we?” Rick teased.

“Let’s go” Johnny said as he grabbed the ball gag and hood and lead the way towards the bedroom upstairs.

James and Rick both marched forward, ushering Tommy to do the same and, after walking over and climbing the small flight of wooden stairs that protruded out from the wall, all four of them entered the bedroom before Johnny shut the door and locked it behind them with a key he had now placed in his back pocket.

It was a fairly large bedroom with four single beds, a couple of windows and a soft grey carpet lining the floor.

Tommy was marched forward until they reached the far bed at the end of the room and it was only then, that James and Rick both released their grips from the young teen.

“Now get those wet clothes off of you” Johnny demanded, “And remember, I’m not one to ask twice.”

This threat and the glare that came with it immediately made it clear to Tommy that there was no point trying to object to this. As much as he detested the idea of being half naked in front of these men, he would rather do so willingly then be pinned down and have his clothes ripped straight off of his body.

Swallowing his pride, Tommy took off his shoes, socks, shorts and wet t shirt and chucked them to the side. Now standing in nothing but his black Calvin Klein boxer briefs, his three captors eyed him up and down.

Johnny, in particular, was impressed by the young man’s physique. Although he was in no way comparable to the three hunks that stood in front of him, he still maintained a solid chest, aswell as some light abs and two bulging biceps. His body was entirely free of hair also, making him appear trim and dapper, aswell as muscly.

“Nice bod” Johnny grinned, “Now lie down and face the ceiling.”

Tommy did as he was told and lay on the sheets that covered the mattress, resting his head on the pillow at the top of the bed. It was surprisingly comfortable and wasn’t at all as bad as he was expecting it to be. However he was far from relaxed as he nervously waited whatever surprises were coming next.

Johnny reached into his jeans pocket and pulled out two very long and thick zip ties.

“Woah, woah, woah” Tommy nervously stammered, “What are you doing with those?”

He tried to sit up but James quickly wrapped his strong arm round Tommy’s neck and held him down to the bed.

“Where do you think you’re going?” James teased, tightening his grip around Tommy.

“Don’t try and fight it little man” Johnny smirked, passing the other zip tie to Rick, “We just want to get you comfortable, that’s all. Just relax.”

Seeing as there was clearly no way of talking the brutish men out of tying him down, Tommy took a deep breath and let his body go limp. James released the boy’s neck from his grip before grabbing his wrists, crossing them and pulling them above his head to where the headboard was.

Johnny then moved over and secured Tommy’s crossed wrists to one of the bars on the headboard whilst Rick tied his ankles to the top rail of the footboard at the other end of the bed.

There were two very loud zipping noises as the zip ties were tightened round Tommy’s wrists and ankles and, although there was a bit of wiggle room, it was now impossible for the teenager to move his body further than a couple of inches in any direction.

Tommy was now beginning to realise how vulnerable he was now. His whole body was completely exposed, leaving his three muscular captors with complete control to do anything they wanted to him.

But fortunately, all three of them were tired and ready for bed so Tommy was spared further punishment… for tonight anyway.

Johnny picked up the ball gag and hood from the floor and forced the ball into the captive’s mouth before wrapping round and tightening the straps behind his head.

“Good night, kiddo” Johnny taunted, as he held out the hood in front of Tommy’s eyes, “We’ll see you bright and early in the morning.”

The leather hood was then pulled down across Tommy’s head and face and strapped round his chin, so that he was once again unable to see or hear, aswell as being unable to speak or move. He was now completely cut off from the rest of the world.

A few minutes later, after realising no further punishment was on the table for now, Tommy began to relax and drifted off into a long, deep sleep - very much unaware of the things his captors had in store for him the next day…

Post by Radio_Ralph23 »

Really enjoying this story so far! It’s very satisfying seeing all the devious ways Johnny and his gang bully Tommy. I have no sympathy for that kid whatsoever :lol:

Eager to read more!!
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Post by Red86 »

I almost felt a little bad for Tommy even though he did cheat on his ex girlfriend. But his ignorance for the situation and saying that he'll cheat on who he wants and what not, causes me to have very little, if any sympathy for him right now. I don't wish any serious harm on Tommy but I feel as though Johnny and his crew can teach Tommy a lesson or two!

Looking forward to more!!
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Post by squirrel »

Tommy is in really big troubles now... But since he deserved this I hope Johnny and his buddies will keep him bound and gagged for a VERY long time :twisted:

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Post by liam_678 »

Thank you [mention]Radio_Ralph23[/mention], [mention]Red86[/mention] and [mention]squirrel[/mention] for commenting. I’m working hard to try and not keep you guys waiting long for new chapters! Enjoy chapter 5! :)

Chapter 5 - A Brand New Day

Tommy awoke to the feel of the hood straps underneath his chin be fiddled about with before the hood was completely removed and daylight streamed into his eyes.

For a few seconds, he was wondering what the hell was going on and why he couldn’t move. But then the memories from last night came flooding back and immediately filled him with dread.

And, now standing over him, were the familiar faces of his three captors, Johnny, James and Rick. They all wore loose loungewear - t shirts and shorts - and each man had a huge smile spread across their face… but not the friendly type of smile you’d hope to see.

“Morning sleeping beauty” Johnny taunted, “It’s the beginning of a brand new day!”

Tommy groaned into his ball gag as he struggled to fully wake up, nearly falling right back asleep. After all, the events of last night had run well into nearly 4AM and it wasn’t too surprising that his three captors wanted a nice early start with their new prisoner.

Tommy’s eyes began to droop again but this was quickly put to a stop as Johnny raised his hand and slapped the teenager hard across the face. Not super hard as to really harm him, but enough to cause any remaining fatigue to instantly disappear.

“Thought that might help you to wake up” Johnny grinned.

“Haha look!” Rick cackled, “The kid’s gone bright red!”

Dazed from the slap, Tommy simply stared at his captors who still continued to show no remorse for their actions last night or for Johnny’s little assault just now.

“Well, you must be hungry boy” Johnny continued to speak in a playful tone, “Fancy some breakfast before we properly begin the day?”

This felt more like a rhetorical question than an actual question but, not wanting to be assaulted any further for disobedience, Tommy simply nodded back. Besides, he could feel his tummy beginning to rumble and he was also in need of his thirst being quenched, so breakfast seemed like a good idea.

“Good” Johnny said, revealing a pair of scissors in his hand, “Let’s get you out of there then.”

First, he cut through the zip tie that secured Tommy’s ankles and then did the same to his wrists.

However his freedom was short lived as James and Rick both grabbed an arm each and hauled the boy out of bed before locking his arms within their own, exactly like how they brought him up to bed last night.

A few moments later, after being taken down the stairs and seated at the table, Tommy was tied to the chair by James and Rick in exactly the same he way he had been last night - his wrists, upper arms, ankles, thighs and torso all being tightly secured to the chair with thick, strong ropes.

Whilst all three men were fully clothed, Johnny hadn’t given the chance for his captive to put anything on before he was taken downstairs, so he was still very much half naked in nothing but his boxers, further adding to the humiliation he was being purposefully forced to endure. But luckily, it was summer and the inside of the cabin was well insulted, so he wasn’t cold at all and his body temperature was normal.

After Tommy’s hair was playfully ruffled by each of his three captors, they all went to the other side of the living room where the kitchen was and began preparing breakfast whilst Tommy, still gagged, sat quietly in his chair. He could hear distant sounds of giggling and whispering, no doubt the voices of Johnny and his accomplices planning something special for their young guest.

A few minutes later, the three men returned and all stood over their restrained captive. Johnny unbuckled and removed the ball gag from Tommy’s mouth and looked down into his eyes.

“Breakfast’s ready” he grinned, “Hope you’re hungry.”

He then held out a multicoloured jar of baby food whilst James held out a large plastic milk bottle.

Tommy stared at the items with a mixture of confusion and scepticism.

“The hell is that?” Tommy asked.

“It’s your breakfast, son” James smirked.

“Since it seems you don’t have any respect for women and you choose to behave like an unruly, troublesome child, we thought it was appropriate that we’d start treating you as such” Johnny said.

The giant hunk then put the jar of baby food down on the table and revealed a bib with colourful patterns on it. He then proceeded to tie it round the teenager’s neck, like how a parent would do it to their baby, whilst Tommy’s eyes bulged as he slowly began to realise what was happening.

“No, please!” he begged, “Please don’t feed me that shit, I promise I’ll do anything just MMPPHHHH!!”

His sentence was cut short as Rick placed a firm hand across his mouth and wrapped his other arm round his neck, keeping the teen from being able to speak or turn his head the other way.

“This little baby sure seems hungry, Johnny” Rick teased, “Better start feeding him quick.”

Tommy tried to beg them to stop but any audible words were unable to leave his mouth.

Johnny unscrewed the metal lid from the jar and stuck a spoon inside. He heaped up a large portion of the green mush and held it out underneath Tommy’s nose so he was able to smell the revolting mush first, purposefully prolonging his captive’s ordeal.

“Here comes the aeroplane” Johnny taunted, mocking the voice of a parent to a 3 month old.

He brought the spoon closer to Tommy’s mouth whilst Rick removed his hand and tightened his grip around the boy’s neck.

Now having a free mouth, Tommy decided to keep it firmly shut, refusing to have any of the disgusting stuff put inside it.

“Be a good baby and open wide” Johnny continued to tease in his sing-song voice.

But when Tommy continued to refuse, Rick aggressively pinched his fingers around his nose, blocking any oxygen from coming through his nostrils and forcing the “baby” to have to open his mouth.

Once he eventually did, the green mush passed his lips and entered the inside of his mouth. Once the spoon was taken back out, Rick released his fingers from Tommy’s nose and once again clamped his strong hand round his jaws, forcing him to swallow and not giving him the option of spitting anything out.

Tommy retched and gagged as the revolting substance slipped down his throat. He was able to taste every little ingredient, from the mushy peas to what he was sure was pieces of banana. It was like swallowing someone’s vomit.

This process was repeated multiple times until the large jar was empty and every little bit was now inside the “baby’s” stomach.

Tommy wanted to throw it all up. It was the most disgusting thing he had ever eaten and he could still taste bits on the top of his tongue.

“Did you like that, baby boy?” Johnny sniggered, “Well it’s time for your morning milk now, I hope there’s still space left inside your stomach.”

“MMMPPHHHH” Tommy howled, shaking his head vigorously and trying to get them to stop, but seeing this this only fuelled all three men’s enjoyment of the situation.

Johnny gave James the signal to proceed, prompting Rick to remove his hand again, and James forced the nipple of the bottle into the “baby’s” mouth.

James squeezed down upon the bottle as the warm milk came gushing out and Tommy had no choice but to quickly swallow every drop so that his mouth wouldn’t overflow with the liquid.

“Yeah” James sneered, “Get that down you, you little fucker.”

James didn’t even give him a break in between. He just kept squeezing the warm liquid into his mouth, forcing Tommy to keep up and not letting his mouth overfill.

After what seemed like forever, the bottle was now empty and Rick finally released his grip from Tommy’s neck.

“Seemed like you enjoyed that” Johnny grinned as he and his two mates gleefully looked down upon their shaken and bewildered captive, “Don’t get too comfortable though, the day has only just begun after all…”
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Post by squirrel »

Tommy is in big troubles and I hope he won't excape his three captors. Treating him like a baby must be really humiliating... :D

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Post by Red86 »

I guess being treated like a baby isn't the worse thing that could happen. Not exactly how I would have thought Tommy's day would start but it's still early. I'm sure these guys have plenty of ways they plan on humiliating him. I'm sure Tommy will be a reformed person by the end of his ordeal!
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Post by harveygasson »

We'll see what more punishments they have in store for him
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Post by alkaid_ »


i couldnt feel sorry for tommy... i know what do yoo felt when you have a friend and sister who were cheated...

im anxiousanxious for know what those strong muscular and bulky dudes have in mind for that brat!!!
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Post by Smythdean »

This is amazing
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