Love Of Family M/M (Chapters 6-10

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Centennial Club
Centennial Club
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Love Of Family M/M (Chapters 6-10

Post by Ticklishguy »

06. Coming Together


Levie's unconscious body lay on the hospital bed. He'd come through the surgery with no complications. The doctors got him moved into a room, and they were waiting for him to wake up from the anesthesia.

A soft, soothing voice gently drifted in the young man's ears. It was a pleasant feminine voice. One that Levie hadn't heard in ten years. He recognized the song "The Last Unicorn," his favorite growing up. Then it changed to "Return To Pooh Corner," Levie's second favorite childhood song. The redhead's eyes fluttered, and when they opened, he beheld an ethereal beauty of a woman, bathed in a brilliant golden light with white trim.

"There's my precious leprechaun. I've missed you so much, my sweet baby." The being said, with a gentle, motherly tone.

"Wha..." Levie coughed out. He had to blink his eyes a few times to make sure he saw whom he was seeing. "M...Mom?" Levie paused and sharply inhaled. "I...Is that really you?" He asked with a disbelieving stutter.

The angelic lady softly chuckled and lightly ran her glowing fingers through the young man's red locks. "Yes, my sweet, sweet Lev. It's Mom."

"How much of that fuckin' drug did they give me? I can't be seeing my Goddamn DEAD Mom, I..."
"LEVIE MICHAEL STILLMAN! If you say one more fucking curse word, I'm gonna knock your twenty-year-old ass across this room. And, just because I'm dead, don't think for one damned minute that I can't."

Levie gasped and yelped when he felt something hit the back of his head. A second later, the room filled with his boyish giggling. "Yep, you're definitely my Mom. I wuv you, Mommy. Is that a new brilliant glow? It looks great on you." Levie gave his late mother a big smile and his cutest puppy eyes.

"Nice try, kiddo. That trick didn't work for Jayce and won't work for you either. Remind me to smack the hell outta him for teaching you his tricks." Stacy's expression softened, and she started laughing. Levie felt a warmth grow inside of him. He always loved hearing his Mom laugh. Stacy leaned over and kissed her son, then sat beside him holding his hand. "Your dad and I are so proud of our three boys. Troy and Jayce have been amazing dads for you. Levie started crying when he saw golden, shimmering tears trail down his mother's cheeks.

"I've missed you and Dad. Where is he?" The emotional redhead reached out and hugged Stacy. He smiled because he could feel an airy presence against his skin.

"Oh, your father wanted to be here, but he's working his magic on a football game, or is it basketball. I can't remember it's one of those damn male sports that have no real purpose."

Her statement made Levie bust out laughing. He remembered his Mom never could get into sports. That was something they had in common. "Wait, he's dead. Why is he trying to fix a game?"
"Mark's got a bet going with one of his poker buddies."

His mother's statement made Levie giggle then he looked at the spirit with a confused expression. "Umm, poker buddy? What the hell do they bet with?”

Stacy chuckled. "I'll tell you when you're older."

Levie looked at her and shook his head. "I can't believe you used that line on me...again. When are you gonna tell me?"

"I think you'll be old enough when you're fifty." The angelic being smiled mischievously and kissed the redhead.

"Great, I gotta wait another thirty years for the answer and, then you'll probably say you'll tell me when I'm older."

"Levie, you need to be more careful. What you did this evening was completely reckless and wasn't necessary. You weren't armed, and that man was much bigger than you. How would your dads, boyfriend, or Brandon feel if you'd gotten hurt worse than you did? Levie, that sweet blonde boy, is in the waiting room, beating himself up because he feels responsible for not being able to protect you."

Stacy's words brought heavy sobs out of Levie's body. His tears streamed down like water from a mountain top. "I didn't know. Mom, how can you say you're proud of me? I could've gotten myself, Brandon or, both of us killed." Levie's emotions were on overload. His body shook hard as he clung to the transparent being that was his mother.

"Shh, it's okay, sweetie. Calm down, baby boy. You're still young and not fully matured yet. You've always made the family proud. Just be a little more thoughtful and cautious in the future." Stacy paused and dried her son's tears. "Your heart was in the right place but, you need to think before you act. Lev, you have to forgive Linda and work on letting her be your Mom in my place. Forgiveness isn't for her sake. It's for yours. Holding grudges is not our family's thing." Stacy paused and smoothed Levie's hair. "I have to go, Son. It's time for you to wake up."

"Why do you have to go? Can't you stay and see Jaycepop and meet Brandon and Greg?" Levie sat up and wrapped his arms around his mother's waist. As he did, a warm feeling of love flowed through his body.

"Lev, I've already met Greg and Brandon, and Jayce doesn't need to see me. He'll be happy to know I came to see you when you needed me the most."

"How will he know? I'll sound like I'm crazy or still feeling the effects of the anesthesia if I tell him you were here." Tears ran down Levie's cheeks.

"He'll know I was here if you sing my harmony part to "Hush-A-Bye." Stacy leaned down and kissed Levie's forehead. "I love you, Levie. You'll always be my sweet little leprechaun."

"I love you too, Mom. Thank you for coming to see me." Levie laid back down and drifted in and out of the peaceful rest.

Jaycen Greg & Brandon

Jaycen made good on his earlier statement to Greg and gave Brandon a strong hug and kiss. That's when he noticed Brandon wasn't wearing a shirt. "Brandon, where's your shirt?"

"My shirt was covered in Lev's blood, so I tossed it after I made sure the police didn't need it for evidence." Brandon's body shivered from just mentioning the piece of clothing.

Jaycen removed his jacket, pulled his tee-shirt off, and handed it to Brandon. "Here, baby bro, take this one. I've got plenty at home." Jaycen pulled his jacket back on and sat down.

"Thanks, bropop, but I don't need it." Brandon tried to give the shirt back to Jaycen. Before he could blink, Jaycen was on his feet, and in one swift move, had the younger blonde flung over his shoulder. "Hey! Put me down."

"Listen, and listen good, kiddo. When Troypop or I offer you something or suggest something, you take it or do it. Do I make myself clear, little man?" Greg chuckled as he watched his brother getting put in his place by their new bropop.

"You can't make me do anything." Not a second after his statement, Brandon was squirming and giggling like crazy because Jaycen started tickling his side.

Jaycen smirked and chuckled. "Really? I can't?" A couple of seconds later, his blonde captive voiced his surrender between his giggles and agreed to the terms. Jaycen put Brandon back on his feet, wrapped him in a bear hug, and kissed his forehead. “I love you, baby bro. Thank you for saving Levie."

Brandon melted into the older man's embrace as his tears dampened Jaycen's tank top. "I love you too, Bropop." He paused, lifted his head, and with a big smile, looked into the redhead's eyes. "How'd you know I'm ticklish?"

Jaycen giggled. "I didn't, but it's a good thing you are."

"Why's that?" Greg and Brandon asked in unison.

"If you weren't, I'd have to resort to my patented "Jayce noogie."

"Jayce noogie?" Again, the brothers managed to ask the question in unison.

"I'm the one giving it. Duh." Jaycen responded before chuckling.

A doctor finally walked through the waiting room doors and approached the three young men sitting together. "I’m Dr. Michaels. Are you three here for Levie?"

Jaycen Brandon and Greg stood up, holding hands. "Yes, Doctor, is he okay?" Brandon asked as he wiped his tears.

"The surgery was uneventful, which is how we like surgeries to go. Levie is in room three-fifty-seven. There was no internal damage from the bullet, and he should make a full recovery. He needs rest and time to recuperate." The doctor's last statement made Jaycen chuckle in amusement. "I'm sorry, but did I say something funny?"

Jaycen looked at the three men staring at him like he'd grown a second head. "In a way, yes, you did, Dr. Michaels. You said Lev needs rest. You obviously don't know my kid."

Hearing the redhead refer to Levie as "his kid" confused the doctor. "I'm sorry, your kid? Forgive me, but you don't look old enough to be Levie's father."

"I'm not physically old enough to be Levie's birth father. However, my husband and I are ten years older than my younger brother, and the two of us have, for the most part, raised that boy from the day he was born. When our parents died ten years ago, they gave custody of Levie to me and my husband, Troy. So, yes, Levie's my, well, our kid."

Dr. Michaels smiled and nodded. "Levie just woke up and might be a bit out of it. I want to keep him here for observation, and, provided there are no complications, he can go home in the morning."

"Is it okay if someone stay's with Lev tonight?" Jaycen asked after thanking the Goddess for watching over Levie.

"I don't see a problem with one of you guys staying. Please, excuse me. I've got other patients to look after."

"Thanks Doctor." Greg turned and hugged his brothers.

"Who's staying with Lev?" Jaycen and Greg looked at Brandon, then at each other, and gave their answer by pointing at him. He looked at the two men and shook his head. "Jayce, you're his bropop, and Greg, you're his boyfriend. It should be one of you."

Jaycen smiled and shook his head then, wrapped his newly acquired brother in his arms and kissed his cheek. "Bran, it should be you. What you've said is true. However, you've experienced a life and death situation with Levie. You need to be with him."

Greg joined in the hug and kissed Brandon. "Listen to our big brother. Bran, you need to stay with our Levie tonight. You'll have the Sonata it's in the parking lot. I can ride with Jayce back to..." Greg paused. "Wait! Where's the Eagle?"

Brandon gasped and smacked his forehead. "It's still at the gas station. And, completely exposed, Lev doesn't have the doors on it."

"I'll take Greg over, and he can drive it back to the townhouse." Jaycen looked at the two younger men and smiled. "Thank you both for loving Levie as much as you do. I couldn't ask for better companions for him." He paused and kissed Brandon and Greg on their forehead.

Brandon looked at Jaycen and Greg. "Guys, I told Levie how Greg feels about him, and Greg, he feels the same way you do. He also said that if Mom asks for forgiveness and wants to talk, that he can forgive her." His statement made both Jaycen and Greg look at each other, then at him.

"What's all this about your Mom?" Jaycen asked.

"That's why we were at the gas station this evening." Brandon paused to compose himself. "When he came out of Greg's room and saw our Mom, Levie freaked out then ran out of the door. His crossbow and arrows were in the closet. So were the gun and ammo. They were in the lockbox, which he placed in the closet. That's why he was unarmed tonight."

"What about his knife? That's usually strapped to his leg." Jaycen asked.

"It's in the lockbox with the gun and ammo," Greg answered.

"I'm still confused. How could your Mom be the cause of Lev's reaction?"

"Bropop, do you remember Linda Wilmont?" Brandon asked. He and Greg nervously shifted their weight from leg to leg.

Jaycen closed his eyes and thought. The name had some familiarity, but he couldn't quite remember why. "I know that name, but not sure why or from where."

Greg sighed. "Mama Linda was the social worker who recommended Levie be removed from your and Troy's care and placed in a home with straight parents."

Realization dawned on the older redhead and, he snapped his fingers. "Okay, now I'm getting the picture. But, Troy and I never blamed Linda or held a grudge against her. Sure, we didn't like or agree with her personal views. However, we acknowledged that your Mom was professional with her investigation. She never treated us with anything but respect. I'm surprised Levie even remembers her."

"Mom's actions and statements apparently, had a lasting effect on my angel boy."

"Guys, we need to get up to Lev's room. He's probably wondering where we are." Brandon's comment earned him head nods and a hug from Greg and Jaycen.


Levie sat in the hospital bed and stared at the door. Ever since he woke up, his mind was working to process his late mother's visit. When she floated away, a feeling of unspeakable peace and joy touched with a bit of sadness remained. He was sad that he'd probably never lay eyes on his Mom again. At least, not in this lifetime. Then Levie's thoughts switched to wonderment about where his family was. He attempted to distract himself by singing "Hush-A-Bye."

Jaycen Brandon & Greg

Jaycen Brandon and Greg were outside the door to Levie's room. Jaycen pushed down on the handle and slowly opened the door. He gasped and, tears welled in his eyes when he heard the song and, more specifically, the alto part his Mom created for the tune. Greg and Brandon were mesmerized by Levie's singing and were concerned for Jaycen.

"Jayce, is that Lev? I had no idea he could sing that well." Greg whispered as he gently rubbed the redhead's back.

"What the hell can't this guy do? He sings, is an instructor, a real estate agent, works on, and owns a ranch. Then, he gives riding lessons, is a reserve firefighter, and is this incredible person." Brandon shook his head.

Jaycen smirked. "Levie can't dance, and he can't fight off tickle attacks." The statement had Greg and Brandon chuckling alongside him. He continued, "I have a feeling you boys any better than Lev with being tickled." The redhead giggled, kissed the two younger men's foreheads, and playfully ruffled their hair.

"Fuck, not the hair. ya, big oaf." Greg's complaint earned an endorsement from Brandon in the form of a blown raspberry and the nodding of his head.

Jaycen chuckled even harder at the younger guys. "Very mature boys." He smiled and hugged Brandon and Greg. "Alright, you guys ready to go in?" Jaycen asked with just a bit of hesitance. He knew Levie was gonna ask why Troypop wasn't with them.

Levie’s Room

Levie's eyes sparkled with sheer happiness, and his smile brightened the slightly dim room when the door opened, and he saw his family. "JAYCEPOP BRAN GREG." The excited redhead hollered. The greeting caused the three men to chuckle. "I was wondering if you guys loved me enough to come and see me." Tears filled his eyes as Leve received a triple dose of loving embraces kisses on his forehead and a passionate kiss on the lips from Greg.

"How are you baby boy?" Jaycen asked with the hope of keeping Levie from noticing Troy's absence too soon. He wiped his tears and smoothed the younger man's hair.

"I'm fine. Umm, where's Troypop?" Levie asked as he kept his eyes glued to the door. He was sure his other dad was going to open that door and come rushing in any minute.

"Lev, Troypop wanted to come, but he had an accident today." Jaycen Brandon and Greg's hearts broke when they saw the fear and distress on Levie's face and in his eyes.

"D...Dad's hurt?" Levie's voice trembled, and he stuttered as tears streamed down his cheeks. The sudden change made the machines monitoring his levels start slightly going off. In a matter of seconds, Jaycen Greg and Brandon had him wrapped up in a protective and loving cocoon crafted by six arms. The comforting gesture immediately brought Levie's emotions back to normal and, the machines were again satisfied.

"Calm down, my sweet prince." Greg laid his head on Levie's shoulder and gently rubbed his mate's neck. "Jaycepop told me on the phone Troypop was thrown while working to calm one of the mares." Greg smiled when he felt Jaycen's hand on his back.

Levie looked at his boyfriend and smiled. "Adding pop to Jayce and Troy's names, huh. Are you calling them bropop too?" the redhead's stern tone and facial expression melted into a massive bout of giggles when he felt a fingertip lightly tickle his bare arches. Levie squirmed and rubbed his bare soles against the sheet covered mattress. He looked up and saw Brandon's sheepish grin. "Oh, you're so gonna get it when I'm all better, Bro."

Brandon giggled when Levie pulled his legs closer to him after his fingers got closer to the ticklish pair of feet. "It's not a good idea to threaten me, Bro. I'll sic Jaycepop and Greg on you." Jaycen and Greg chuckled with Brandon as Levie shook his head at them.

"It's risky to rely on Jaycepop. He's as ticklish as I am, and in some spots, even more. And, Bran, you know Greg's ticklish too. Levie yelped and tried pulling Brandon in front of him when he saw his boyfriend's and Jaycen's expression.

"Hell no, Lev. I'm not your human shield." Brandon giggled and hugged Levie.

"Thank you for the laughs, guys. I needed it. I love y'all so much." Levie wiped his tears and, a solemn expression replaced the bright smile he wore as he locked eyes with Jaycen.

After looking into his brother/son's eyes, the older man's expression changed to match Levie's.

"What's up, Levie?" Jaycen made sure to use his brother's given name to show that he'd take whatever Levie said seriously.

Brandon and Greg instantly picked up on the heavy moods. "Do we need to step outside for this? We'd be glad to give you some privacy." Greg offered.

"No, please don't leave. I need all of you here when I tell you who visited me."

The words Levie used got Jaycen's full attention. He also had a strong suspicion what his boy wanted to tell them had something to do with the song he was singing when they got to the room. The group's elder swallowed hard and looked at the other three young men.

Levie looked around and took a deep breath. "I know how this is gonna sound to y'all. I swear, I'm not hallucinating, and it wasn't the anesthesia. Although, when I saw who visited, I thought it was."

Jaycen knew his kid was stalling. "Lev, this too painful to watch so, I'm gonna make it easier for you. Was it Mom?"


The doctor who saw him discharged Maddox a few hours after the nurse called his name. He got in his truck and squealed tires out of the parking lot. Seeing Jaycen as worked up as he was over his so-called kid made Maddox want more reactions from the two men he despised. The man was determined and had dark thoughts as he raced down the highway. Maddox spun the steering wheel and made the pickup fishtail as the truck turned onto the ranch's long dirt road. A smile came across his face when he fingered the keys he'd taken from Troy's unconscious body. "Time to have a little bit of fun," Maddox said to himself after parking in the field where the vehicle wouldn't be noticed.

(Fun fact: The three songs listed "The Last Unicorn (by America 1982)" "Return To Pooh Corner (by Kenny Loggins & Amy Grant 1994)" and "Hush-A-Bye (Peter Paul & Mary 1962)" were three of my favorite songs growing up. My mom used to play Hush-A-Bye on her guitar)
Centennial Club
Centennial Club
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Post by Ticklishguy »

07. The best Laid Plans

Levie & Brandon

Jaycen and Greg left after giving Levie and Brandon a kiss and hug. For a few minutes, the brothers sat in comfortable silence. They were processing the evening's events in their own ways. Levie's mind was coming to terms with his experiences. "I got shot today. I never expected something like that to happen. I mean, I know shootings happen. You see it on the news almost every day. I still can't believe I got shot."

Brandon looked at his red-haired brother and softly giggled. Levie's confused expression only made him chuckle even more.

"Okay, chucklehead, what's so funny?" Levie asked as he reached behind him, grabbed his pillow, and hit Brandon over the head with it. He laughed his ass off when he saw the pout on the blonde man's face.

"You, not believing you, were shot. Lev, the thought of that happening to you had to have crossed your mind at some point."

Brandon's statement made Levie stop and think. He meant to make the statement internally. Then, he realized how idiotic his thought was. Growing up on a ranch, and the fact almost everyone around them had a firearm, of course, there's a chance he might get shot one day. Levie's jovial laughter quickly blended with Brandon's, and he shook his head at himself. After the pair had a good round of laughs, Levie was ready to talk with his new brother about earlier that evening. His face suddenly donned an earnest expression, which Brandon picked up on. "Bran, I need to talk about what happened earlier." Tears welled in the redhead's eyes. He sat back against the bed's headboard, crossed his legs, and patted the spot beside him. Brandon nodded then, sat crosslegged and, faced Levie.

Brandon reached over and gently grasped Levie's hands. "Bro, you don't need to say anything to me. I'm just thankful you're okay and that we're safe."

Levie deeply inhaled and gazed into Brandon's light blue eyes. "Yes! I do have to say something and, you need to listen. I know you were blaming yourself in the waiting room. Stop! Brandon, you're not to blame. I am. I never should've messed with that guy's car, not unarmed, and certainly not while I've got someone else with me. My actions were reckless and improperly thought out. Worst of all, Bro, I put you in danger." Levie had to pause the tears and, emotions got the better of him.

"Lev, you didn't put me in danger. I'm the one who decided to come along with you. And, I decided to run toward that guy. Besides, you didn't even get shot until the clerk ran out there and missed the robber." Brandon smiled when Levie scooted backward, leaned against him and, wrapped his arms around him.

"Bran, you don't understand. I didn't think about the danger we might be facing. I was careless. I knew better." Levie sighed and smiled as Brandon slightly rocked them back and forth.

"Lev, you're human not, a robot. We all make mistakes every so often. Brandon leaned his head down and kissed Levie's forehead. "Umm, how'd you know I was blaming myself?"

Levie chuckled and leaned his head up to look at Brandon. "Mom told me. I'd asked her to stay and meet you and Greg, but she told me she'd already met you guys."

Brandon's eyes widened a bit and, he looked off into the distance. "Wow! That's kinda cool and kinda creepy." He chuckled.

"I know. Right? Try having your dead Mom threaten to knock your ass across a room. Death has mellowed her some." The brothers chuckled, kissed each other's cheeks and, Levie fell asleep with Brandon beside him in the chair, holding his hand.

The Ranch

Ev'lynn Moore sat at the kitchen table and sipped her glass of bourbon. The fifty-one years old matriarch closed her eyes and let her thoughts wander. One thought that constantly came to the forefront was why. Why was Troy assaulted? He was so loving and an amazing man. He and Jaycen were amazing dads to her and Lyle's grandson. It just didn't make sense.

Ev'lynn finished her drink, got up, went into the kitchen, washed out the glass, placed it in the small dish rack to dry, then wiped her hands on the towel tied to the drawer handle and turned the light out. Earlier, after Lyle went home, she checked and locked the windows and doors. Next, the lady went upstairs. Softly, she knocked on her son's bedroom door, just in case he'd woken up and wasn't decently dressed. Once she was sure there was no movement inside, Ev'lynn opened the door and went inside. She left the door open to have some light in the darkened room. Quietly, the family's mother stepped closer to Troy's slumbering form. Ev'lynn sighed and lightly stroked her grown son's cheek. "I love you, my sweet Troy. Sleep well, my son. A few stray tears made their way down the motherly woman's cheeks as she made her exit, as quiet as her entrance.

A few seconds after she sat on the dark red lounge chair, a dinging sound rang through the house. It was the security alert at the ranch's entrance that let those in the farmhouse know someone was driving up. Out of habit and instinct, the fifty-year-old matron walked to her purse. She retrieved her cell phone and Glock forty-three nine-millimeter pistol. The one thing Stacy Stillman drilled into her head was the importance of being armed. She smiled as she recalled the lessons that the woman gave her.

Ev'lynn made sure the firearm was loaded then, went to the front door, and waited a couple of minutes. She flipped a switch and, the entire area around the house lit up like a baseball field at night. Ev'lynn opened the door and locked the storm door. The light was so bright that it blinded Maddox and, he had to close his eyes.

"Who are you, and why are you skulking around?"

The strong voice and, once he could see, the outline of the pistol the woman held made Maddox shiver. For a minute, he was at a loss for what to say. Finally, something came to him that he hoped would get him out of this. "Umm, forgive me, but I worked here until today. I was just wondering how Troy was after his accident."

Ev'lynn couldn't place why, but something in this man felt somehow familiar to her. And, It wasn’t a pleasant familiarity. "Thank you for coming to check on my son. I'll be sure to pass your inquiry about his wellbeing along to him. In the meantime, please come back another time, preferably earlier in the day. It's a bit late to be calling on anyone in this household. We go to bed early around here."

Maddox knew he wasn't getting anywhere with this insufferable woman. He'd have to wait for another time to have some more fun. He didn't say anything, just nodded then, turned to walk back to his truck. Ev'lynn closed and locked the door, turned the floodlights out, and waited till she heard the ding signaling the man's departure. A couple of minutes after hearing the alarm, she immediately got on the phone and called Jaycen.

Jaycen & Greg

The guys walked outside and got in Jaycen's truck. He started the old vehicle and, Jaycen used his mirrors to back out and, they exited the center's parking lot. The white Ford drove along Parks Ave. and turned left onto Bank St. At the stoplight, Jaycen looked at Greg and smiled as he gently rubbed the younger man's neck. "How are you feeling, little bro?" The light turned green, and Jaycen continued along Bank St. Greg was about to answer when Jaycen 's phone rang. He quickly glanced at the number, then handed the phone to Greg, asking him to answer Ev'lynn's call and put it on speaker.

"Hey, Mama Ev. Is everything okay there? How's my baby?"

"Hi, Mrs. Moore, it's Greg Wilmont."

"Hey, boys, Troy's fine and sleeping peacefully, Jayce. Greg, it's not Mr. and Mrs. Moore to you. It's Pap-Paw Lyle and Mam-Maw Ev. You only have to call Pap-Paw Mr. Moore at the bank unless he tells you differently. Ya got that youngin'?"

Jaycen shook his head and chuckled. "Welcome to the family, Greg."

"Don't worry, Greg, I'll be telling your brother the same thing."

Greg chuckled. He was having fun being accepted by Levie's family. "Yeah, Mam-Maw, I got it."
"So, what's up, Mom?" Jaycen asked as he turned into the convenience store parking lot.

"Did one of your guys quit today?"

Ev'lynn's question made Jaycen stop the truck short and gasp. "Mom, what did this guy look like?" The men listened to the description and, their faces lost their color. At the same time, Jaycen and Greg reached out and held each other's hand.

"Boys?" Ev'lynn's concerned voice filled the truck's cab.

"Y...Yeah, we're here, Mam-Maw." Greg answered for himself and Jaycen.

"Okay, what's up? I've heard enough silences over the years to know something's wrong."

"Where's Maddox now?" Jaycen asked.

"He left, I know, 'cause I heard the ding. That's how I knew someone was here." Ev'lynn paused. "Oh, don't worry, I got 'ole Thelma with me, and Louise's in the car's glove box."

Jaycen looked over, saw Greg's expression and, cracked up laughing.

'What's so funny?" Ev'lynn asked confusion, was heavy in her voice.

"I think it's the names you used," Jaycen answered, and Greg agreed with a head nod. "Greg, Thelma is Mom's purse gun, a Glock 43. Louise is her Glock 9 that she keeps locked in the car's glove box when she's not at home."

"What the hell? It's like being in a countryfied mob family. Mam-Maw goes around packin' two guns, Jayce, you and Troy are packin', and Lev goes around with a knife, a Glock, crossbow, and arrows." Greg's statement brought some much-needed levity to the current situation.

"Greg dear, Pap-Paw's also carries a Glock 9." Ev'lynn giggled.

"Of course, he does. Why wouldn't he?" The raven-haired young man shook his head and chuckled.

"Thanks for callin' Mom. See ya soon. I love you, Mama."

"I love you too, Mam-Maw."

"Be safe boys, love y'all."

Jaycen ended the call, turned slightly to the right and, fixed Greg in his gaze. "I saw your expression. I know why I reacted the way I did. Why did you have a look of recognition? Did you have a run-in with Maddox Barksley?"

Greg closed his eyes. He couldn't take the intense stare from his new older brother. The young man didn't want to appear weak or afraid but didn't want to lie to Jaycen either. He sighed and slightly nodded.

Jaycen nodded and wrapped his arms around the younger man beside him. "It's okay. Greg, you're safe. As long as I'm breathing, I won't let anyone hurt you. What happened?"

Greg laid his head on the older man's shoulder. "Nothing physically happened between us." He shivered as he remembered the feeling he got from the man's eyes. Jaycen's heart was breaking. He was going crazy knowing this guy negatively affected two people he loved, and he couldn't do anything to stop him.

"Okay, what did happen?" Jaycen listened with purpose as Greg told him about the feeling he'd gotten from the man in line at Kroger. He didn't believe in coincidences. The redhead couldn't ignore the knot in the pit of his stomach that told him Maddox was stalking members of the family. Now he asked himself why. After a second or two of thought, Jaycen finally spoke. "Greg, I want you to drive the truck to your apartment. I'll follow you in the Eagle. Until we know Maddox's intentions, I don't want you that exposed and alone."


Jaycen gave Greg one of his sternest glares. The younger man gasped and shivered. "What did I tell Brandon? I'm telling you, not asking, and not suggesting. I'm not letting you be in danger. The jeep is too open and, I'm not comfortable with you driving it alone right now. I'd rather you not be alone at all, but there's no choice in this situation." Jaycen paused. Then, after Greg nodded, he continued. "Also, you're going to get a couple of pairs of clothes, and you're coming with me to the ranch tonight. We're gonna call your parents and let them know what's going on and where you'll be." Jaycen's expression and tone softened. He reached over and, with his thumb, dried Greg's tears. "I love you, Greg. You're my brother now. I'm gonna look after you, whether you like it or not. You're a part of the Stillman family and, we take care of one another."

Jaycen's level of caring made Greg feel loved and protected. He knew in his heart, Jaycen meant every word he spoke. He smiled and wrapped the older man in a bear hug. "Thank you, Jaycen. I love you."

The two men separated. Before Jaycen got out of the truck, Greg told him to park the Eagle next to his Toyota pickup. He walked over to the discarded lock bar, hopped in the jeep and, followed Greg to his townhouse. When they got there Greg, noticed his Mom's Navigator was in the lot. He parked Jaycen's truck beside the SUV.

Greg’s Townhouse

Greg motioned Jaycen over to him after the redhead locked the steering wheel and exited the Eagle.

"Jayce, that's my Mama Linda's Navigator. I'm sure Papa Tom's with her." Greg paused and looked up at the slightly taller and older man. The more he looked at Jaycen, the more he realized how similar in physical appearance the two Stillman brothers were. Except for the height difference, Greg got a glimpse of what older Levie would look like and, he liked what he saw.

Jaycen slightly bent his head and smiled. "You just realized how much Lev looks like me, didn't you?" Seeing Greg's facial expression and bright blush on his cheeks caused Jaycen's boisterous laughter. "I'm guessing you liked what Lev's most likely gonna look like in ten years." Jaycen continued to laugh as he shook his head and wrapped Greg in a hug that lifted him off the ground.

Greg wasn't used to being lifted off the ground. The brunet yelped then giggled because of his reaction. "Yes to, both question and comment about liking what I saw." He blushed again. "I'm also not used to someone being able to lift me off the ground in a hug." Greg chuckled and hugged the older man. He tried to lift Jaycen but wasn't quite strong enough.

Jaycen chuckled and playfully ruffled Greg's hair. "Nice try, kiddo. Maybe if you work part-time on the ranch, you'll get strong enough to lift me." The guys turned to go inside and were surprised to see Linda and Tom watching them from the doorstep.


It was quiet at the medical center exactly, how Maddox hoped it'd be. After having his plans at the ranch fall through, he decided to go for a different approach. In the poorly lit area towards the corner of the hospital, the two-tone-haired man waited patiently for an employee to come outside. Someone that he could grab, knock out, and strip them of their uniform. Finally, he got lucky when a janitor came to change the trash bag.

"What luck, he's about my size too." Maddox thought to himself. As soon as the man was close enough, he raised the pipe he'd found lying around and brought it down, hard on the janitor's head. The man's body fell, making a soft thumping sound. Maddox giggled then quickly dragged the man and his cart around the corner into the darkness. Then, he stripped the janitor of his clothes and put them on.

Completely disguised, Maddox walked into the center. He made his way to the nurses' station and used the cover of changing the trash to find Levie Stillman's room. The janitor found the room number and headed there. An evil sneer was plastered on his face as he got closer to the young man's room. Quietly, he opened the door. Maddox had to stifle his chuckling when he saw Levie and the blonde guy sleeping peacefully, holding hands. He grabbed a trash bag, wrapped it around his hands a couple of times and, made it taut. Silently, the devious man crept closer to the blonde and got behind him. Acting quickly, Maddox wrapped the bag around Brandon's neck and pulled hard. With the bag pressed so tightly against his windpipe, the blonde captive couldn't do anything except make gasps. Levie took a sedative before going to sleep and didn't wake up through any of this. Finally, Brandon's struggling ceased, and he fell unconscious.

Maddox laughed as he dragged the twenty-year-old male's body into the bathroom, then stripped off Brandon's shirt and found his phone. The janitor got a black sharpie marker and wrote a message on the bare skin. He took a picture of the young man with Brandon’s phone and then sent it to Jaycen and Troy's phone, then left as quietly as he entered.

Greg's Townhouse

Jaycen and Greg smiled at Linda and Tom then headed for the couple. Jaycen was about to shake Tom's hand when his cell phone alerted him to a new message. Thinking it might be something about Levie, the redhead excused himself and walked back down the steps. Greg, Linda and, Tom were softly talking to give Jaycen some privacy. Jaycen pulled his phone out of his pocket and opened the message. The second he saw the picture with its message, his face got almost as red as his hair. "THAT GODDAMNED BASTARD, I'M GONNA KILL HIM FOR FUCKIN' WITH MY FAMILY. " Jaycen's voice roared and made the three Wilmont's jump out of their skin. Before he could do anything else, Jaycen's temperature rose drastically, and he became short of breath. The redhead dropped his phone. Luckily it didn't break. Jaycen's body fell to the ground after he clutched his chest. Greg screamed Jaycen's name and ran to the older man, cradling him in his arms, just as Brandon did with Levie.

Linda called nine-one-one, Tom went to help his son and Jaycen. Greg's frightened tears fell on his brother's shoulder as he softly pleaded with Jaycen telling him he couldn't leave the family and how much he was needed and loved. Greg saw the phone and picked it up to see what caused Jaycen's episode. The picture made him gasp, and the phone again hit the ground. Tom picked up the phone, looked at the picture, and was speechless. Brandon was lying on a bathroom floor, unconscious and shirtless, with the words, "I can get to anyone, anywhere, and anytime I want. You and your husband will DIE!!!"
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Post by Ticklishguy »

08. The Strength Of Family

Greg's Townhouse

Linda gave the dispatcher Levie's room number then told them about the photo. The officer told her, one of the medical center's security guards would check on the young men.

"Son, who can we call to help with Jaycen?" Tom asked as he handed his phone to his wife.

"Who would do something like that?" Linda pushed the phone back to Greg. She couldn't look at her poor son in that condition anymore.

Greg thought a minute, then snapped his fingers. "I know who to call." The brunet opened the phone's contacts and looked for Lyle's number.

Linda looked at her husband and son. "Tom, I'm going to the hospital. One of us should be with our two other boys."

Hearing his Mom say “our two other boys” made Greg smile. Tom stood up and walked over to his wife. "Babe, are you sure you're okay to drive?" Tom's heart ached, having to choose between his two sons. Greg needed a parent with him to help in dealing with the authorities. However, he knew Linda was right, and one of them needed to be with Brandon and Levie.

"I'll be fine, hon. You take care of these two. I got the ones at the hospital." Linda kissed Greg and Tom, then gently ran her hand over Jaycen's cheek and whispered, “Tom and I will take care of our three boys. You rest, Jaycen.” before getting into the Navigator and heading to the medical center.

As he was about to call Lyle, the phone started ringing. Troy's name was on the screen. Greg looked at his Dad and mouthed Troy.

"Answer the call, Greg. The man has a right to know what's happening with his family."

"Hello!" Greg wiped his forehead and closed his eyes.

"Jayce?" Ev'lynn's voice came blasting through the phone.

"No, Mam-Maw Ev, it's Greg." The brunet breathed a sigh of relief that he wasn't speaking to Troy yet.

"What's going on out there? Who's this boy, and who wrote the message."

"Mam-Maw, we're not sure who wrote the message yet. Brandon is the one in the pic, and it's in the bathroom of Levie's hospital room." Greg paused and wiped his tears. He looked down and smoothed his older brother's red locks, hoping he'd wake soon. “Mam-Maw, Jaycen's had an episode and hasn't woken up yet. He saw the picture and message, then went off. He passed out after his face turned red as his hair. Papa Tom's with me. We're at my townhouse waiting on the paramedics. Mama Linda went to the hospital to be with Bran and Levie."

Ev'lynn gasped. "Oh, shit! I completely forgot to ask about Lev when I called earlier."

Greg was having a hard time keeping it together, so was Tom as they listened to the family's matriarch's voice quivering and filled with the pain in her heart. "It's okay, Mam-Maw. Everyone's been thrown off their game today. I was about to call Pap-Paw Lyle when you called." As he was talking with Ev'lynn, Greg heard sirens approaching. "Mam-Maw, the police, and the paramedics are almost here."

"Okay, don't worry about calling Pap-Paw I'll call him. Greg, you and Tom, stay safe."

"I will Mam-Maw, you too. I love you." Greg wiped his tears. He could see the lights flashing in the darkness.

"I love you too. Thank you for looking after my second son. Jaycen's just as much my son as Troy. And, Greg you, and Brandon are our grandsons just like Lev."

The police and paramedics pulled into the lot a minute or two after Greg ended the call with Ev'lynn. Tom stood up behind his son and Jaycen while Greg kept his arms protectively wrapped around his older brother. Deputy Wallace opened the door of one of the cars and wiped the tears from his eyes as he ran over to his long-time friend and brother. When he got close enough to the fallen body, he gasped. Leon hadn't ever seen Jaycen looking so pale and so helpless. His friend had always been active and expressive. The muscular deputy was momentarily speechless. He just stood there, looking at the redhead's immobile body as he wiped his tears.

"Mmm, what happened?" Jaycen's soft raspy voice attracted everyone's attention. It only took a second before the redhead rapidly sat up, he gasped, and his eyes popped open. "Brandon, Levie, we've gotta....." Jaycen couldn't finish his statement, the world started spinning, and he fell back against Greg's chest. He closed his eyes and moaned from the pain that shot through his head from the sudden movement.

"Calm down, Jayce, it's okay. Bro, Rusty's heading to the hospital." Leon used his soft tone to try soothing his ailing friend's nerves. "By the way, we're pretty pissed at you for not calling us about Lev and Troy. We're both kickin' your ass as soon as you're strong enough to handle it.

"It'll take both of you and a few others to keep me from killing that bastard, Maddox." Jaycen tried sitting up again but much slower. He was successful this time.

"Jaycepop, please tell me you're okay. I was scared when you passed out. You can't leave me, not yet." Greg was sniffling and wiping his eyes. He was glad to see the older man coming back to himself. The brunet smiled when he felt Jaycen's hand grasp his and squeeze.

"Thank you for holding me, baby bro. I'll be just fine just as soon as I can lay eyes on Lev and Bran. Jaycen blinked the tears from his eyes to clear his vision. The redhead slowly got to his feet and took a second to get his equilibrium stable. Thankfully, Tom's arm was there to hold steady him.

"Jaycen, please go to the medical center. You've been out almost fifteen minutes and are still slightly unstable." Tom was a little surprised at how quickly Jaycen was attaching himself to the older man's heart. Not just Jaycen, but the whole family. He hadn't met much of Levie, but the fatherly man, couldn't help wanting to hug and protect his son's boyfriend.

Jaycen was about to protest when he stopped and looked the two Wilmont men directly in the eyes. He saw their love and concern for him. Jaycen's tears began falling down his cheeks. In an instant, the redhead was in the middle of a father/son hug.

"Jayce, you're going to get yourself checked out. I'm not suggesting or asking. I'm telling you." Greg stated in his best stern tone.

Jaycen looked at Greg, then turned his head and looked at Tom. "Damn, it sucks when kids use your own words against you."

"Tell me about it." Tom and Jaycen cracked up laughing.

"Is he always this persistent?" Jaycen asked.

"Yeah, annoying, isn't it." Tom's statement earned him a very pronounced pout from his brunet son.

Jaycen slightly jumped and softly giggled when he felt Greg's fingers very lightly press against his side. "Okay, okay, baby bro, you win. You'd better hide when I'm feeling better." The redhead chuckled, then he wrapped the younger dark-haired man in his arms and kissed his forehead. "I love you, Greg."

"I love you too, Bropop." Greg smiled and looked up at Tom when he felt his Dad's arms wrap around both him and Jaycen. "I love you too, Dad."

After giving a brief statement to Leon and sending him a text with the photo from Brandon's phone, Jaycen hugged his friend. Then, he, Greg, and Tom got in the Eagle and headed to the medical center, with Greg at the wheel.

The Medical Center

The center was in a rare state of panic. As soon as the call came from the police that an attack occurred in their patient's room, the security guards went into action. However, by the time they'd gotten to the room, all they found was Brandon's shirtless body lying still on the floor. Immediately, a couple of nurses got the young man out of the bathroom and into the bed beside Levie. After making sure his vitals were okay, they started to clean the blonde's chest. One of the guards stopped them and said to wait till the police got there, that they might wash away evidence.

Linda parked her SUV in the first available spot she found. Using the FOB, she locked the vehicle, set the alarm, and purposefully walked into the center. Once inside, Linda looked around to see if there was anyone familiar, and after not seeing anyone, the sandy blonde headed for the nurse's desk. When she got to the station, Linda encountered Mavis Starks.

Mavis was a short spinster-like woman. Her grey hair resembled a poorly constructed bird nest, and a sour, uninterested expression was constantly on her face. Mavis worked at the center longer than anyone wanted to remember. "Here, fill these out and return them." Without looking up, Mavis pushed a clipboard and pen into Linda's fingers as they rested on the desk's surface.

The gravelly voice and uncaring robotic nature this dowdy woman exuded made Linda want to jump over the desk and beat the hell out of the being inhabiting the space behind the piece of furniture. The exasperated woman shook her head and took a deep breath before she spoke one syllable. "Mrs. Starks, My name is Linda Wilmont. I'm here because my son, Brandon Wilmont, was the young man attacked in Levie Stillman's room tonight."

The statement did not affect the Starks woman. Mavis continued to keep her eyes on her paperwork. "Lady, I have no idea what you're talking about there, was no attack in anyone's room tonight. I suggest you stop smoking or shooting up whatever drugs you're on and leave this E.R. A woman your age should know better than to be strung out on drugs anyway."

Linda's face was as red as Levie's hair. Never had anyone spoken to her like that. "Why you, nasty uneducated, old bitch. I know there was an attack here tonight because I saw my son's body on the floor with my own eyes. I want to speak with a supervisor this minute or else..." Linda's threat was cut short by a hand gently touching her shoulder. She turned and was face to face with Lyle Moore and Sheriff Jackson.

Mavis's face went from utter shock to smug in one second. "Sheriff, I'm glad you've arrived. You need to arrest this woman. I'm quite certain she's strung out on something or another. Add to that a charge of threatening my safety."

"Mavis, you've got the intellectual equivalency of a mushroom. And, I'm still debating whether the mushroom's smarter." Lyle said his statement had Rusty and Linda laughing like crazy.

"Don't you pay attention to anything around here besides your paperwork? There was an attack in room three-fifty-seven. Mrs. Wilmont is not imagining things or on any drugs." Jackson stated firmly, with his hand on Linda's shoulder.

"That may very well be, but I still want her arrested and have charges brought against her for threatening me with bodily harm." Mavis stood to her full height, an unimpressive five-foot-one.

"Mavis, no one is getting arrested, least of all Mrs. Wilmont."

"I have the proof that she…"

"Mavis, you don't have a leg to stand on. Mr. Moore and I saw the entire exchange between the two of you. Quite frankly, you were rude and dismissive of Linda's needs. Honestly, she didn't even become irate until you slandered her, saying she was on drugs. Besides, she's a mother, distraught over not knowing her son's condition. Now, I suggest you go back to your paperwork and leave everything alone."

The statement left the woman completely speechless. Rusty gently guided Linda and Lyle to Levie's room. On the way, he told them to prepare themselves for what condition the young men might be in his statement was as much for his benefit as Linda and Lyle's because he hadn't seen Levie or Brandon yet either. The trio paused outside the room to collect themselves and their thoughts. They took a collective deep breath, and after nodding their heads, the three of them entered Levie's room.

As soon as she laid eyes on Brandon's peaceful slumbering body, the Wilmont matriarch breathed a heavy sigh of relief. Acting on her natural motherly instinct, Linda walked over to her birth son, smoothed his unruly sandy blonde locks, leaned over, and softly kissed the young man's brow. She closed her eyes and wiped the tears from her cheeks. Looking heavenward, she said a silent thank you for the protection of her boy.

Linda stepped over to Levie's bed. The mother looked down at the sleeping angelic boy, which caused the waterfall of tears that cascaded down her cheeks. In her heart, Linda had very few true regrets. However, the sleeping young man her wet, lightly colored eyes beheld was one of them. Levie Stillman was, in all actuality, the biggest regret of Linda's life and her career. The slightly grey-haired woman smoothed the redhead's hair, then she leaned down and kissed his forehead. "I am sorry for my mistakes in the past, and Levie, I promise, no matter what, I'll make it up to you and your family. Sleep well, my third boy." Linda softly whispered. She righted herself and was about to walk back to the two men when a hand gently touching hers made Linda stop and turn around.

"I forgive you, Mama Linda. When my Mom came to visit me earlier, she had two messages. One was to chew me out for not putting more thought into my actions this evening. The other one was that I needed to forgive you and work on letting you be my Mom in her place." Levie closed his eyes and coughed. "You took Greg into your home when he was hurt and broken. I will always be grateful to you and Papa Tom for saving my soulmate." After another round of coughs, Levie smiled and kissed Linda's hand. Then he turned on his side and fell asleep. The young man's words had everyone in the room drying their eyes. Greg and Tom showed up about halfway through Linda's interaction with Levie.

"Are you okay, babe?" Tom asked as he wrapped his wife in his loving embrace.

"Tom, I'm more than okay. I'm better than I have been in a very long time." Linda wiped her eyes and turned to her raven-haired son. "Greg, you've chosen very well. I hope with every ounce of goodness in me that you and Levie enjoy a long and happy life while you get to know one another along your journeys. He's an exceptional young man." Then she turned to Lyle. "Lyle, you have to be very proud of Jaycen and Troy. Those two men have been incredible parents to that loving young man."

Greg and Lyle each gave Linda a hug and kiss on the cheek for her beautiful words of love and encouragement.

"Guys, how is Jayce?" Rusty asked after everyone calmed down.

"He's getting checked out now," Greg answered. He looked over to Lyle and wrapped his arms around the older man. "I love you, Pap-Paw. Thank you for introducing me to my angel boy."

Lyle smiled and gently rubbed Greg's back as he returned the show of affection. "I had a feeling the two of you would be perfect for one another. You're both very similar but different enough to keep things interesting."

It turned out that Dr. Michaels was the one with Jaycen. The look of shock on the doctor's face made the redhead start chuckling. "I guess you weren't expecting me, huh? Don't feel bad I wasn't expecting me here either." Jaycen said, grinning like the Chesire Cat.

"Mr. Stillman, I looked at your vitals and have read what brought you back in tonight. I'm pretty sure the fainting episode happened because of the excessive amount of stress you've endured in a relatively short period. I'm pretty sure you're going to be fine, and I would like to see you back here in a few weeks."

"Thank you, Dr. Michaels, but I won't be back unless I have to come in. No offense to you, but I'll have Uncle Stu check me out. He's my PCP."

"Uncle Stu?" Dr. Michaels asked with a raised eyebrow.

Jaycen chuckled. "Yes, my Uncle Stu is Dr. Stuart Blankenship. He delivered me, my husband, and Levie."

Dr. Michaels closed his eyes, shook his head, and laughed. "I swear that man's delivered half the county, and you're the first one I've heard call him Uncle Stu."

"That's because he was a real good friend to my and Levie's parents." Jaycen smiled, stood up, and shook Dr. Michael's hand. "Thank you, and thank you for taking care of my Levie. You have no idea how special that boy is to not just me and my husband but to a lot of people around here."

"Oh, I've heard about everything not, just Levie, but your family and the ranch has been to the community." Dr. Michaels patted Jaycen's shoulder and went to check on his other patients.

Jaycen finished getting dressed then headed for Levie's room, and when he got there, he saw the growing family gathered around Levie and Brandon. Tears welled in the redhead's eyes as he watched everyone interacting with one another and felt the love energy flowing around the room.

Greg turned toward the door. He smiled, walked over to Jaycen, and gave the older man a love-filled embrace and hug. "What did the Dr. say, Jaycepop?"

Linda looked over at the new arrival and smiled as she approached the younger man. "Jaycepop? That's cute." Linda said as she gave Jaycen a hug and kiss on the cheek.

"How are you, Jaycen? We've all been worried about you and our boys." Tom added as he also hugged his new family member.

"I'll be okay. Dr. Michaels was pretty sure I fainted because my body was essentially over-stressed. How's my new kid brother?" Jaycen asked as he walked over to Brandon's bed. He leaned over and gently kissed the sleeping blonde.

"He wasn't physically hurt, and he doesn't know what happened yet. They gave him a sedative to help him sleep the rest of the night. Whoever attacked him just knocked Brandon out." Lyle responded after he gave Jaycen his hug and kiss.

"Jaycen, may I speak with you for a minute?" Linda asked with her hand gently on the taller man's arm.

"Of course, you may, and please call me Jayce unless I piss you off." Jaycen giggled and clasped Linda's hand.

"Jayce, it is, and I'm Linda, and he's Tom," Linda said, pointing to her husband. She smiled and walked with Jaycen outside the room. The pair sat down on a bench close to Levie's room.

"What's on your mind, Linda?" Jaycen asked and looked directly into Linda's eyes.

"I have to apologize to you and Troy when I see him next." Linda paused and took a deep breath. "Tonight, after I kissed Brandon, I went over to Levie's bed and did the same with him. I was about to walk back to Rusty and Lyle when Lev stopped me by holding my hand. He told me his Mom visited him and told him he needed to forgive me and let me be his Mom in her place. Then he kissed my hand and called me Mama Linda, and Tom, Papa Tom. I don't want to step on your or Troy's toes, but if he'd let me, I'd love to call Levie son, as would Tom."

Jaycen wiped his eyes and hugged Linda. "I know I speak for my husband and myself. Linda, we'd love that. This evening I told Greg if he and Bran were comfortable, they could call us any of the names Lev's, created for us. So, we'd like to share Greg and Brandon, if you and Tom are okay with that."

"Tom, and I would like that. Before everything went south today, I told Brandon I hoped Levie's parents accepted him and Greg like we prepared to accept Lev." Linda smiled and embraced Jaycen.

"Linda, you and Tom are welcome editions to our family. It brought tears to my eyes as I watched the family gathered around Lev and Bran. I don't know what happened or why Lev blew up earlier. I want you to know Troy and I never negatively talked about you to Lev. I was shocked when Greg and Bran told me about his leaving the way he did. I didn't even know he'd even remembered you."

"I guess if someone recommends you to be taking from a loving environment and not have contact with the people you've known and loved all your life, it kind of sticks with you. For the record, Levie did forgive me tonight."

"I'm glad to hear that. We've never been a family who holds grudges. How about we gather everyone and go home for the night? I'll call Mama Ev and tell her I'm staying with Greg tonight. I miss my husband, but I don't think I'd make it back to the ranch alive. It's been a long day, and I'm exhausted." Linda nodded her head in agreement and shared another hug before going back into the room.
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Centennial Club
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Post by Ticklishguy »

09. Feelings, Dreams, & Revelations

Greg & Jaycen

After calling Mama Ev, Lyle, Jaycen, Greg, Tom, and Linda left the hospital and parted ways. Tom and Linda got in the Navigator and drove home. Jaycen and Greg climbed in the jeep, and Greg headed back to the townhouse, with Jaycen in the passenger seat. Physically, he felt fine, but Jaycen was still a bit shaken up from earlier. The redhead watched the scenery pass by. He had a feeling of loss, breeding inside of him. His heart felt like it had split in two. Tonight would be the first time he and Troy were apart since high school. They only separated if they had a game or swimming meet out of town. Teardrops trailed down his cheeks as his husband's face continuously popped into his head.

The brunet quickly glanced at the older man and placed his hand on Jaycen's. Greg felt the sadness that poured from his brother's body and thought it was over the two loved ones in the hospital. "Thinking about Lev, and Bran, Jaycepop?" He asked as Jaycen smiled and gently closed his fingers over the younger man's hand.

"Partly, I'm also thinking about my husband. We've hardly been away from each other since we met." Jaycen wiped his tears and tried to smile.

"Jaycepop, how long have the two of you been together?" Greg asked as he waited for the light to turn green.

"We've known each other for twenty-seven years. I'm not sure when we decided to become a couple, it just seems like we've always been together. Troy and I got married twelve years ago." The redhead paused and wiped his eyes. "I've never had a better friend or seen a more attractive man. There are some sexy guys out there." He paused and snickered. "My brothers included, but no one comes close to my Troy."

Greg chuckled hearing Jayce, calling him, Brandon, and Levie sexy. "You and Troy are sexy guys, but I feel the same about Lev, as you do about Troypop. When I saw him at Pap-Paw's birthday party, I thought I was looking at an angel or someone so gorgeous he shouldn't be human." The brunet signaled right, turned into the complex's parking lot, and parked the Eagle beside his Tacoma.

"Troy and I watched the two of you that night. We knew you boys would get together and bet against each other." Jaycen giggled when he saw Greg's expression.

"Well?" Greg asked as he sat facing the older redhead.

"Well, what?" Jaycen smirked.

"Who won?" The younger man had a tone of impatience that cracked Jaycen up.

"I'll tell you... when you're older.” Jaycen cackled as he unbuckled his seat belt. He jumped out of the jeep and ran for the townhouse's front door with Greg in hot pursuit. The thirty-year-old got tackled on the grass just before reaching the steps.

Greg pinned Jaycen facedown, then straddled the slightly taller man's waist as he squirmed and kicked his legs in an attempt to buck his giggling attacker off of him. Because of the long strenuous day, the redhead wasn't at full strength and got overpowered by his younger assailant.

"Tell me who won or else," Geg said as he giggled.

"You're sooo totally gonna regret this, you brat." Jaycen knew he was going to pay for that one.

"Not as much as you, Jaycepop." The brunet made a point to lace his fingers together and crack his knuckles. With no warning, he kneaded his fingers between Jaycen's ribs and above his hips.

The second he felt the tickle assault, boisterous laughter escaped the redhead's lips. His body wriggled and thrashed under the weight of the younger man. Jaycen's legs kicked, and his fists pounded the ground. "You're gonna get it, kiddo," Jaycen managed to get out in between his wild tickle-induced laughter.

"You're really askin' for it, Bropop." Greg chuckled. "Where should I try next, huh? Your pits look fun to explore or maybe I’ll tickle your feet. If your feet are as ticklish as Lev's, it'll be a blast tickling them." The brunet turned around, still keeping his laughing victim pinned down. He grabbed hold of Jaycen's left leg and started pulling at the shoelaces.

"Okay! Okay! We tied." Jayce yelled out in surrender. Instantly he felt his new brother's arms wrap around his neck and Greg kissing his sweaty forehead as he panted.

"Damn, I was hoping you'd make me go for your feet." The raven-haired man chuckled.

"If it hadn't have been such a long day, I would have put up a harder fight and probably won." Jaycen smiled and trapped Greg in a chokehold before he could react. Jaycen chuckled then gave him a noogie, followed by a good dose of side and rib tickles.

Greg writhed side to side, and his laughter filled the night air as he tried to escape, but Jaycen's hold was too strong after he tired himself out from the tickling he gave earlier. "I give, I give, Uncle." He shouted after a minute or two of the tickle treatment.

Jaycen giggled, got to his feet, and extended his arm to help Greg to his feet. Once the brunet stood up, Jaycen got wrapped in a bear hug. "I love you too, Greg." He said as he kissed the younger man's head and smoothed his dark hair.

"I didn't go too far, did I, Jayce?" Greg asked sheepishly with his head buried in the muscular chest.

"Of course, you didn't, baby bro. That was what I needed.

The two men brushed themselves off and walked up to the townhouse. Greg slipped his shoes off at the door, with Jaycen following his example. The redhead sat on the sofa and accepted the beer the brunet brung him. They spent the next few minutes in comfortable silence with their thoughts.

Greg looked at Jaycen and was the first to say something. "Bropop, don't feel you have to answer me. You can always tell me it's none of my business. What did you and Mama Linda talk about?"

Jaycen took a sip of his beer and sighed. "Well, Linda told me about Levie forgiving her and telling her about Mom's visit. Then we talked about the mutual desire to be parental figures for you, Brandon, and Levie. She apologized for the past and her views. In return, I told her Troy and, I never held anything against her. Linda and I are looking forward to blending our two families." Jaycen gasped when Greg launched himself into his lap and hugged the hell out of him.

"You and Troy are amazing men. I hope Lev, Bran, and I can become half the men you two are." Greg smiled and laid his head on Jaycen's shoulder. He giggled when the redhead tapped his shoulder and told him he needed to breathe.

"Greg, you three are more than half the men Troy and I are. You and Bran got there without us. We loved, raised, and hopefully guided Lev in the right direction as best we could. Linda and Tom have done an exceptional job raising and guiding you and your brother." Jaycen smiled and rubbed Greg's back.

"Mama Linda and Papa Tom were the best parents I could've hoped to have. My parents didn't love or want me, even before they knew I was gay." Tears started falling down Greg's cheeks. "Jaycepop, why didn't they want me?"

Jaycen's heart broke. He pulled the younger man into a fatherly embrace and held Greg as the emotions poured from him. "Your past doesn't define you, Greg. All it does is provide lessons to learn." He paused and lifted the brunet's chin. "Open your eyes and look at me, Greg." Jaycen continued as soon as he saw his brother's glittery eyes. "Baby boy, I don't know why your bio parents didn't want or love you. I do know that you'll never be alone or without family support."

Greg smiled, wiped his eyes, and kissed Jaycen's cheek. "Thanks, Bropop. Now I see why Lev's as loving and strong as he is. You and Troypop are awesome role models."

Jaycen smiled. "Now, let's see if I can get you to smile and feel better." He chuckled and gently kneaded above Greg's hips.

"No fair, Jaycepop." The brunet squealed just before the living space filled with the sound of his laughter. His body squirmed and bucked as the older man held him in place.

Jaycen giggled when he heard Greg yell out he felt better after a minute or two of tickling. "That's all I needed to hear, baby bro. C'mon, let's get some sleep, it's eleven o'clock, and I'm not used to being up this late."

Greg chuckled and hugged Jaycen. "I guess that's what happens when you get old." He cackled and ran up to his room before Jaycen could catch him. He cracked the door and called out. "By the way, the guest room's across the hall." Greg smiled angelically and came out to hug his older brother. "Thank you, Jaycepop. You did make me feel better. I love you. Good night."

Jaycen returned the hug and kissed Greg's cheek. "I love ya too, kiddo. Sleep well."

Jaycen's sleep was anything but peaceful. His mind wouldn't shut down, and he missed feeling Troy's warm body beside him. Even though the bed was comfortable, the redhead tossed and turned all night. When he finally did calm down enough to drift off to sleep, a nagging feeling kept bringing him back to consciousness. Every time he closed his eyes, Jaycen saw Barksley's, but it wasn't the eyes themselves that haunted him. It was the emotion or lack of in them. When he looked into Maddox's eyes, they were cold, loveless, and when he gazed at Troy, the man's eyes burned with the look of lust, sexual desire, and pure depravity. Jaycen swore if Barksley's eyes could rape Troy, they would. The memory made his body shiver with fear. He'd seen that look once before.

Jaycen closed his eyes and wandered thirteen years in the past back to the day of the State Championship Swim Meet, and Troy led their high school to a record-breaking win. Not only did he break the state's record for fastest swimmer, but he was the school's first openly gay team captain and the first engaged to be married. Their parents left right after the meet to set up the celebration dinner at the ranch. Jaycen was proud as hell of his soon-to-be husband.

He waited for Troy at the school's pool area, outside the locker room. The redhead remembered the excitement and how electrifying it was. The swim team was flying on a well-deserved high. Jaycen played football and soccer, so he knew the feeling of winning a tough match. Troy and Jaycen were friends with the team members, except for one. He smiled, hugged, and congratulated the guys as they exited the steamy room. Ten minutes passed since the last guy left, nervousness filled the pit of his gut. Jaycen couldn't pinpoint any specific feeling, but he knew something was wrong. There were two people he hadn't seen leaving the locker room, Burt Macklin and Troy. Never one to ignore his instincts, Jaycen ran fast as he could to the coach's office. Once there, he quickly explained the time frame and his feeling. While talking, Jaycen suddenly wrapped his arms around himself and doubled over. In seconds the coach was on his feet, tending to the fallen student. He explained the bond he and Troy had because of the longevity of their relationship. He told the older man he knew Troy was in distress and hurting.

Like lightning, the two ran to the locker room. When Jaycen and the coach got there, they saw Burt had Troy pinned facedown on the floor, trying to force himself into the smaller brunet's unconscious body. Blood was oozing from the side of Troy's head and a few other spots. Before the coach could compose himself, Jaycen launched himself onto Burt. His fists flew as he punched the offender's face and anywhere else he could. Jaycen's body shook in the bed as he recalled the intense rage and hatred for the guy who attacked the man he loved more than life itself. The coach heard some of the guys who were waiting for rides outside. He ran to get their help in pulling the hulk-like redhead off Burt. It took two of the football team's biggest guys, who happened to be Rusty Jackson and Leon Wallace, and two of the swim team's more powerful guys to pull Jaycen's raging body off his fiancee's assailant.

Jaycen's mind brought him back to the present. Tears streamed down his cheeks as Jaycen saw Troy's unmoving body looking the same back then as it did earlier at the ranch. Then his mind showed images of Maddox's and Burt's eyes side by side. Although the color was different, the feeling reflected was the same. The correlation between the sets of eyes made Jaycen sit up and scream Burt's name. A couple of seconds later, the bedroom door flew open, and Greg's heaving body filled the doorway.

"Jaycen, Bropop, are you okay?" Greg ran over to the bed, pulled the covers back, and got in beside the older man. He wrapped his arms around Jaycen and pulled him into a loving embrace. "Whatever, it was bro, it's okay, just a bad dream." Greg lightly smoothed the sweat-soaked red locks of hair. He gasped as Jaycen's arms tightened around him and his head pressed into his chest.

"No, Greg, it's not okay, and it wasn't just a bad dream. I'm pretty sure I know who attacked Troy and Bran. I need to get some info to make sure I'm right." Jaycen looked into Greg's eyes and slightly smiled. "Thanks for running to check up on me. I love you, baby bro." He kissed Greg's cheek, sat up, and reached for his phone. He didn't even notice that it was three in the morning.

"Umm, Jayce, do you know what time it is?" Greg yawned and pointed to the darkness outside the window.

"Can't be helped, bro. Lives might be at stake, especially if I'm right." Jaycen pressed and held down the number two button on his phone.

"Who the fuck, is calling me at three in the morning, on a Saturday? You'd better be lying in a ditch or bleeding to death. If you're not, you better hope I don't find out who.…"

"Papa Lyle, it's Jayce." Jaycen was trying hard not to crack up laughing at his in-law's greeting.
Greg was also trying not to laugh Jaycen had the call on speaker. "I'm here too, Pap-Paw."

Immediately, Lyle's voice got a concerned and worried tone. "What's wrong? Is it Lev or Troy?"

"No, neither of them, at least not that we've heard. Dad, I need you to wake up some and think about my question."

It took a minute or two, but Lyle's voice came back on, sounding more alert. "I'll do my best, Son. What's up? Oh, good, sort of morning, Greg."

Greg chuckled. "Back at ya, Pap-Paw Lyle."

"Dad, do you remember the Macklin's? More specifically, do you remember what happened to their estate?"

"Give me a second to boot up my laptop. I'll connect to the bank's account directory."

"Do you want some coffee, Jaycepop?" Greg asked. He giggled when his brother smiled, then got this adorably happy sparkle in his eyes and eagerly nodded. "You do the same thing Lev does when I ask if he needs something he wants at the time. I'm not sure yet, who's is cuter."

"Lev's is cuter, Greg. Jaycen's has lost a little bit of the cute factor as he's gotten older." Lyle's statement made Greg laugh as Jaycen pouted. "Stop pouting, Jayce. I was kidding." Lyle chuckled. "Before either of you ask, I know my redheaded child. He tries to look cute and innocent by pouting. It works most of the time with Ev and me. It always works with Troy. He melts like ice cream on a hot afternoon when Jayce pouts. However, Jayce is the same when Troy pouts."

"Lev must've learned the pouting thing from the Bropops. I'm completely defenseless when he pouts." Greg's comment earned him laughter from the older men.

"Greg, none of us are immune to that boy's pouts." Jaycen got another round of laughter with his statement.

"Okay, I'm in the archives. Jayce, the account got transferred to another financial institution."
"Does it say when the transfer was, Papa?"

"A few months ago." Lyle paused. "What's this got to do with anything, Son?"

"I'll have to get back to you on that one, Dad. I've got one more call to make. Hopefully, afterward, I can answer some questions. I'm sorry for waking you so early, Pop. I love you."

"Jayce, make sure you and all my kids are safe. I love you all."

Jaycen ended the call and pressed the fourth number.

"Jayce, what's wrong, bro?" Rusty's concern was evident in his tone.

"Rus, I've got a question." Jayce blew out a gust of air as his fingers ran through his hair.


"Do you happen to remember seeing anything about Burt Macklin getting released?"

"Burt Macklin? Jayce, you're reaching back into the old days. I haven't heard that name in forever. I don't think I got anything. Why do you ask?"

"Before I tell you, promise to hear me out." Jaycen smiled as Greg handed him a mug of coffee.
"Of course, I'll hear you out, bro."

The next few minutes, Jaycen laid out his dream and the side by sides of Maddox's and Burt's eyes. As Greg listened, he had to admit it was very feasible.

"Jayce, it's a long shot, but I think you might be onto something. In the retelling, you've made me remember how creepy and obsessed Burt was with Troy." Rusty paused. "Holy fuckin' shit. I don't believe this."'

"What's up?" Jaycen moved to the edge of the bed, with his complete attention on the phone in his hand.

"I have to apologize for this. I completely overlooked the message from the prison. Burt was released a few months ago."

Jaycen and Greg gasped and looked at one another. "Rusty, before I called you, I called Dad to have him check into what happened to the Macklin estate. He told me a few months ago the account moved to a different financial institution. If he was the sole beneficiary, he could've moved it, withdrawn funds, changed his looks, and created a whole new identity."

"Jayce, it may take me till Tuesday to get some answers, but I'll ask around. Maddox Barksley and Burt Macklin may be the same person. I agree faces, eye color, noses, and hair color can all be changed." Rusty tried and failed to stifle a yawn.

"Go back to bed, Rust thanks for indulging me."

"I'm always looking out for you, Troy, Lev, or any of the family. That includes you and your family, Greg."

Greg smiled. "Thanks, Sheriff. I appreciate it."

"Rusty, Greg. It's Rusty to you and Brandon. Good night guys, and let me know if anything else comes up."

"Thanks, Rus. Love ya, Bro."

"Love, y'all too."

Jaycen ended the call, then turned and looked at Greg. "Do you think I'm crazy with this theory?" He asked as he wiped the tears that trailed down his cheeks.

"Far from it, I think it's most likely on point. Jayce, you laid out a compelling argument, and your thought process is sound." Greg paused and hugged his brother. Then, he pulled the covers back and laid down. "C'mon, bro, let's try to get a few hours of sleep."

Jaycen leaned over and kissed Greg's forehead. "Good night, baby bro. I love ya."
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Centennial Club
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Post by Ticklishguy »

10. Playing Catchup


He couldn't stop smiling and boyishly giggling as he drove his truck down the dark and deserted two-lane country road. Maddox had the perfect night well, almost perfect it only missed the element of seeing the muscle-bound redheaded ape's reaction to his message. The dirty truck and driver finally reached the long dirt road drive where they resided. As he drove along the narrow and curvy former stagecoach road, Barksley's thoughts returned to wishing he'd seen the reaction to the photo. Then he realized he didn't want to see the two men he despised die. He only wanted them to wish they were dead. Death would be too easy and too final. Maddox wanted them to live with the guilt and suffer every day of their natural existence. By the time he brought the truck to a stop, turned the engine off, and was unlocking the door to the cabin he rented, the two-tone-haired man decided he would have to go after their most precious possession, Levie. Maddox resigned himself to making a new plan and giving his prey time to get comfortable before he would strike again. The man smiled at his new course of action. "They'll never know what hit them." He said to himself as he sat on the sofa and sipped his bourbon.

The Ranch

The early morning sunlight streamed into the room. The way it fell across Troy's slumbering body made the thirty-year-old look like a gleaming peaceful angel.

Ev'lynn was already up and working on breakfast for herself and her grown son. She barely slept through the night and still couldn't shake the feeling she'd seen the late visitor before. Then, the disturbing text and Jaycen's health scare Ev'lynn didn't even know where to begin telling Troy what happened while he slept. Honestly, she was not looking forward to the reaction. When it came to the protection of his family, Troy was worse than a mama bear. Shaking her head, Ev'lynn got her mind back on the task at hand and finished making her biscuits. The matriarch chuckled as she thought about the biscuit bake-off Levie, challenged her to one year. They tied because nobody wanted to say which ones were better. Ev'lynn leaned toward her grandson's biscuits. His were fluffier and taller than hers.

Troy instinctively reached over as soon as he realized his husband's body wasn't there and his side of the bed was colder than a fridge, the brunet's eyes flew open, and he started freaking out. His firm and muscled body shot up like a rocket going into space. Tears filled his eyes as he desperately looked around the room and strained to hear any sign of Jaycen's presence. "Jayce, babe, where are you?" He called out, not getting a response or seeing any indication his husband ever made it home drove Troy crazy. Jaycen always came home at night. "Where can he be?" The brunet asked himself as he threw on a pair of underwear and slippers then ran downstairs, calling his husband's name.

"Troy, please, calm down, sweetie." Ev'lynn came rushing out from the kitchen.

"Mom, I can't find my husband. No offense, but with everything that happened yesterday, how the fuckin' hell can you expect me to calm the fuck down."

"Troy! If you don't stop all that damned cussin', I'll knock you flat on your ass."

"As I said before, Mom, no offense, but I'm freaking out because I can't find my husband, and there's no indication he came home last night." Troy's tears streamed down his reddened cheeks as he fell into his Mom's loving embrace.

"I'm so sorry, baby boy, this is all my fault. I should've at least left you a note on your side table letting you know Jaycen stayed at Greg's last night." Ev'lynn did her best to soothe her terrified son. She'd never seen such fear in Troy's eyes. The woman kicked herself for not thinking far enough ahead to leave him a message.

Troy laid his head on his Mom's shoulder and soaked up her loving comfort. "I'm sorry for talking to you that way Mama. I was just worried about Jaycen and Levie. It's bad enough my kid's in the hospital after getting shot, and I wasn't there for him, but when Jaycen wasn't in bed with me, and the last time I saw him, he was leaving for the hospital, I didn't know what to think."

"I know, my sweet baby. I'll get you some coffee and breakfast. Then, we can talk there, are things you need to be aware of."

Troy nodded and was about to sit at the table when he looked down and noticed how undressed he was. "Hey, Mom, I'm gonna run upstairs and get some more clothes on."

"That's fine, dear, but you don't have to. It's not as if I haven't seen you in less." Ev'lynn started cracking up as soon as the words were out of her mouth.

Troy stopped, turned around, and looked at his Mom's smirking face. "That's not exactly what any man needs or wants to hear from his Mother." The brunet turned and ran up the steps as he heard his Mom's laughter from the kitchen. After putting on a pair of jeans and a tee-shirt, Troy ran back downstairs and joined his Mom at the table. The thirty-year-old gasped when he saw the spread filling the table. "Mama, what the hell it's, just the two of us."

"Right now it is, Troy, but soon the house will be full again, and you'll need some food made." Ev'lynn fixed a plate for her son and placed it, a cup of coffee and a glass of orange juice in front of him. Troy kissed and thanked her.

As Troy prepared to dig into the expansive meal, he gasped and looked directly into his Mom's eyes. "Okay, Mom, spill. What's going on? You never make cinnamon buns unless there's a holiday, or you're delivering, really, bad news." He paused and sipped his juice. "Is this about why Jayce stayed at Greg's? Please, tell me, my son's okay. Please, Mom." Tears started trailing down Troy's cheeks as he began fearing the worst.

"Troy, calm down and, as far as I know, everything is fine. It's just there were a few things that happened while you were asleep."

Ev'lynn took a deep breath and spent the rest of breakfast explaining the text, Jaycen's getting checked out at the hospital, and the visitor. Just as she feared by the end of the conversation, Troy was a basket case and ready to kill. A couple of times, she had to stop and let her son get control of his emotions and keep him from destroying the table or anything else in the house as a way to relieve his anger.

"I don't fuckin' believe this. Everything blows up, and my husband can't even shoot me a text letting me know he's been to the hospital after passing out, not to mention my son being there, and he ends up staying with Lev's boyfriend because he's too tired to get home. I'm going to kill that redhead."

"Troy, please, understand. Nobody wanted to stress you out even more. Besides, you were asleep, and we sure as hell weren't waking you when there was no need." Ev'lynn paused. "You need to calm down before you do or say anything. As far as I know, your husband's fine the stress was too much for him to take. Greg was the one who got Jayce to get checked out. Be thankful everyone's alive, and there wasn't more damage."

Troy sighed and wiped his tears. "You're right, Mama, and I seem to be saying this a lot this morning. I'm sorry for overreacting." He got up and hugged his Mom.

"Go on, baby. I think you need to call Jayce. I can tell you need to hear his voice before you'll be okay." Ev'lynn said as she started cleaning up.

"Mom, don't…"

"Troy, you heard what I said. Now, get upstairs. Once I finish cleaning up, I'm going home to my husband."

"Thank you, Mama, for taking care of me last night and all my life. I love you very much." Troy smiled, then he hugged and kissed his Mom.

"I love you too." Ev'lynn chuckled and playfully swatted Troy's ass. His jump and yelp made her giggle even more.

"I'm gonna tell my husband and son you hit me," Troy whined and pouted.

"What are they gonna do, except ask you what you did to upset me." Ev'lynn cackled as her son ran up the stairs.

Levie's Room

The sunlight streaming in through the blinds woke Levie from his sleep. Gingerly, the redhead sat up, very carefully stretched, and yawned. The young man stifled a yelp as he used his hurt arm to steady himself when he got up to use the bathroom.

Brandon turned on his side so that he didn't face the sunlight. The blonde young man wasn't ready to wake up and face the day just yet. However, memories of the previous evening and night kept him from enjoying his slumber. Finally, unable to take the images of being knocked out by an unknown assailant and not quite knowing how to tell Levie about it, he sat up and rubbed his eyes. Brandon turned his head and noticed his brother wasn't in bed, and after his experience, he was about to panic but heard the toilet flush and breathed a sigh of relief. The relief increased when he saw a head full of red locks come out. He got out of bed, walked over, then hugged and kissed Levie. "Good morning, bro. How are you feeling?"

Levie smiled and returned the show of affection. "I'm fine, a bit sore. Good morning Bran." The redhead noticed his brother's tears. "Bran, what's wrong?" Upon further inspection, Levie saw marks on Brandon's neck and other bruises that weren't there when they went to bed. "What are those marks?" Moving slowly, the redhead raised his hand to his blonde brother's neck and lightly ran his fingers along the soft, bruised skin.

Brandon flinched, scrunched his neck, and started squirming and giggling. "Lev, that tickles." He squealed and gently grasped the hand that stroked him. He smiled and wrapped his arms around the redhead when Levie laid his head on his chest. Brandon looked off into space and sighed. I'm not sure exactly what happened, but I got attacked in here last night. Someone was behind me, and they used something, strong it felt like a trash bag or something close to it to strangle me." Tears fell from Brandon's eyes onto Levie's hair.

"It's okay, Bran, you're safe now." However, even as he said it, Levie wondered how true it was. He kept wondering who the hell would sneak into the hospital room and attack Brandon.

"How are my two patients this morning?" Stuart's question brought him an excited redhead launching himself into the doctor's arms.

"Uncle Stu." Levie very quickly grunted in pain from the gunshot wound.

"Slow down, Lev, don't hurt yourself any worse." Brandon shook his head and smiled at his brother's excitement.

"Thank you, Brandon, for saving Lev's life. From what I've heard, young man, you had an eventful stay with us." The doctor said as he walked over and hugged the other young man.

"How'd you know my name?" Brandon looked confused and pouted when he heard Levie cracking up with laughter.

"Bran, he just called us his patients. He looked at your chart, not to mention he was probably here when they brought me in yesterday." Levie giggled and kissed Brandon's cheek. "Damn, you really are a blonde." The redhead ran to his bed when he saw the look in the blonde's eyes.

"I'm sooo gonna hurt you when you're not injured, ya little punk." Brandon chuckled. "I still love ya, though."

"Bran, you can call the doctor, Uncle Stu. He was a good friend to my late parents. He's an honorary Uncle to me, Troy, and Jayce and even delivered all three of us and is our PCP." Levie smiled, then he softly moaned in pain as he massaged his shoulder.

Brandon turned to face the older man. "You delivered this little redheaded imp? Couldn't you have put a return to sender stamp on him or something?" Brandon and Stuart laughed as Levie fixed his brother in a narrow death stare.

"Sleep with one eye open, bro." Levie couldn't keep his threat credible because of his giggles.

"Wisecracks, and joking aside, Brandon, if you want to, you can call me Uncle Stu." The older man warmly smiled as he got a Brandon-style hug. Stuart looked at Levie. "You must be relieved to hear Jaycen's spell was most likely the stress from seeing the picture sent to him last night."

Levie and Brandon looked at each other, then almost broke their necks looking at Stuart. "What picture?" They asked in unison. "And, what do you mean, Jaycepop's spell?" Levie asked as tears trailed down his cheeks. He knew Troy was hurt but had no idea Jayce had issues too. Suddenly, the redhead started getting lightheaded and hyperventilated, his balance faltered, and everything went black. Brandon caught him before he hit the floor. Stuart rushed over and started checking on his nephew the minute Brandon placed him in the bed.

"What happened to him, Uncle Stu?" Brandon asked with tears rolling down his cheeks. The redhead became very important to him. Levie was a second brother to him.

"I think he just got overexcited, and his body gave out. Lev's been under a lot of stress very quickly. He needs rest knowing my nephew that's going to be very hard."

"Don't worry, Uncle Stu, I'll tie my brother to the bed and tickle him if he doesn't do what you say," Brandon stated, then giggled when he saw the look Stu gave him.

"I see he's adopted you." Stuart chuckled and hugged the younger blonde man.

"I think we adopted each other." Brandon paused and wiped his tears. "We met yesterday, and I'm sure you know he's dating my foster brother. From the moment we spoke on the phone, I knew I'd love him. He's the perfect brother, other than Greg."

"Yes, I knew he was dating Greg. There's not much that happens in this family that I'm not aware of." Stuart looked at his watch. "I've got to go check on other patients. I'll be back." The doctor hugged his new honorary nephew and went on his rounds.

Jaycen & Greg

Greg yawned in his sleep and turned over, so the light wouldn't be right in his eyes. The second he felt another body sleeping beside him, the brunet started to freak. The young man sat up and rubbed his eyes. The memory of the previous night was momentarily gone from his mental storage space. He looked over, and the minute he saw the flaming red mane, looking like a ball of fire in the morning sunlight, Greg finally remembered Jaycen staying over. The twenty-year-old softly chuckled to himself for being silly and forgetful as he got out of bed and headed to the bathroom.

The young man walked to the kitchen, started the coffee, and began making a breakfast of scrambled eggs, English muffins, bacon, and grits. As Greg was cooking, his mind kept returning to his special angel in the hospital, as well as his new brother upstairs. He'd just gone to the fridge and was stifling a yawn when a pair of arms wrapped around his chest and Jaycen's scruffy chin lightly grazed his neck and shoulder. He instantly jumped and squealed as his giggles filled the open concept living space.

Jaycen chuckled and kissed the younger man on the cheek. "Good morning, bro." He stretched and gave Greg a menacing stare when the brunet giggled as the redhead's bones cracked. "Just wait till you get older, see what noises your body makes." He playfully ruffled his brother's hair. The aroma of fresh coffee brewing woke the thirty-year-old man's senses, and after making sure Greg didn't need his help, Jaycen waited at the coffee maker for it to finish brewing.

Greg giggled at Jaycen's impatience. "Umm, have ya ever heard the expression, "a watched pot never boils?" The brunet cackled and jumped out of his brother's reach.

"You're sooo askin' for it, Greg." Jaycen chuckled and wrapped the younger man in a brotherly hug. The hug morphed into a chokehold and a Jaycen-style noogie, the kitchen filled with the twenty-year-old male's giggles and squeals of protests. Finally, the coffee finished, and Jaycen poured himself and Greg a cup.

Greg finished cooking breakfast and set the plates on the bar. Jaycen got the glasses for juice, then poured some for himself and Greg. The two men sat beside each other, eating in comfortable silence until the ringing of their phones broke the peace.
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