Murder, She Wrote - Jessica Fletcher's Christmas Secret (F/f) (Chapter 7 added).

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Murder, She Wrote - Jessica Fletcher's Christmas Secret (F/f) (Chapter 7 added).

Post by Headmistress »

Hello, everyone,

Earlier on in the year, I found out that Angela Lansbury had died, which is very sad as I have become a longtime fan of “Murder, She Wrote”. The last time I wrote a story about Jessica Fletcher, I left it open-ended because I enjoy writing about Jessica and I thought I could write a few more stories about her. It took me some time to find an episode that inspired me, but I eventually did. It was a Christmas-themed Cabot Cove episode and since it’s the holidays, I thought I’d make my story Christmas-themed too. I hope that people enjoy it. This story is named after the episode that inspired this story.

Jessica Fletcher's Christmas Secret.

Wanda Andrews tossed her long blonde hair back and shivered. She was walking down the quiet streets of Cabot Cove, taking a route that she knew well. It was going to be Christmas soon – in a little less than a week - and snow had started falling already. It wasn’t heavy snow, but a moderate sprinkling of flakes that had coated everything, rendering all of the scenery almost white. While the snow was pretty, it was getting quite chilly and Wanda could feel the cold air against her face. When she breathed, small puffs of mist emerged in front of her.

Even the lamp posts that ran across both sides of the streets had been covered with snowflakes.

It was the early evening and Wanda's watch had just struck seven, so the sky was slowly turning darker and the light coming from the lamps had been dimmed by the snow, so the landscape looked quite ghostly because there was nobody walking along the road apart from Wanda.

Wanda had no idea where everyone else was or why nobody apart from her was around, but she guessed they were probably curled up inside by a cozy fireplace roasting a chestnut or two. It was that kind of evening.

Wanda was glad for the privacy, though. The reason she was out and about on her own was because Wanda was on a mission. A very specific mission.

She was going to Jessica Fletcher’s house and she knew that Jessica wasn’t home that night - or, at least, she wouldn't be for a couple of hours, which made it perfect for what she wanted to do.

Jessica Fletcher was an older female and a mystery author that had lived for all her life in Cabot Cove. Jessica had soft and creamy blonde hair that she always kept fairly short, pale skin and very delicate features that made her attractive. She also had a good figure, but dressed casually most of the time in jeans and sweaters. The only time Wanda ever saw her get dressed up was if she was going to a formal event. While Jessica was quite popular and well-liked around the town, mainly due to her friendly nature, Wanda had never really taken to her.

There was no specific reason why – Jessica had never said or done anything to offend Wanda. It was just more of a feeling that Wanda had. Jessica was what she called a “closed book”. While Jessica was always friendly enough to Wanda herself, Wanda had always believed that everyone had secrets.

This was because Wanda Andrews was a blackmailer.

While Wanda was a pretty young woman with pale skin, long blonde hair, brown eyes and a slim build, she was also a sly and manipulative person. The one and only thing Wanda was really passionate about was money. Lots of it. She had very little use for people unless she could gain something from them. She also happened to have a job at the local hardware that was responsible for cutting all the town keys. The owner always made two copies and kept the spares because there was always someone who managed to lose theirs.

On occasion, Wanda would borrow someone’s key and “break” into their house when she knew they’d be out. She didn’t do it frequently – just when she needed some extra cash. Wanda was also very good at what she did and keeping it anonymous. Sometimes she found juicy stuff, sometimes not, but she could somehow always figure out the best ways to blackmail people.

What she usually did was try to figure out how much they might be good for and then organized to receive her payment for keeping their secrets. She usually limited her "payment" to one large lump sum and never stuck with any one victim for too long because she knew perfectly well that continuing or trying to make too much out of a good thing from any one person would be more likely to expose her for what she was.

Her methods worked well as she had managed to acquire a steady flow of money without anyone ever finding out what she did.

As she walked down one street and turned into the street where Jessica Fletcher’s house was, a sudden blast of wind chilled her once again.

Wanda had dressed for the weather in thick flared jeans, black boots and a large padded hooded jacket with a zip that was red and light blue plaid on the inside and a pale blue denim colour on the outside. She wore a brown knitted hat over her hair and a red and white striped scarf that looked rather like a candy cane was draped around her neck. A pair of brown mittens that matched the hat covered her hands. While the mittens kept her hands warm, Wanda had really worn them to prevent her fingerprints from being found.

Her jean pockets held nothing but Jessica Fletcher’s front door key. The reason was because Jessica lived near her, so her house was easily within walking distance and Wanda had seen no reason to bring her car keys or wallet as she planned to be in and out fairly quickly.

If someone had asked Wanda why she had picked Jessica to be her latest victim of blackmail, Wanda would have said it was because she felt that Jessica kept a lot of herself hidden from people. This was because Wanda had noticed that Jessica was the sort of person who was always into everyone else’s business. She always asked them about themselves and seemed to know everything about them, while remaining private. Wanda’s life experiences had taught her that people like that usually had things to hide. That meant she'd be more likely to find something juicy on Jessica. Also Jessica was a writer and quite well-off, so Wanda guessed that she could get quite a lot of money out of her.

Wanda had no idea what she was looking for, but she guessed that she’d know when she found it. She usually did.

She knew that Jessica was going to a Christmas concert with Seth Hazlitt, her best friend, so Wanda had looked up the concert to find out what time it started and what time it ran until and scheduled her visit for a time close to after it had started. She guessed she had a time frame of about one to two hours – perhaps a little more – give or take.

Fortunately for Wanda, the street was as deserted as all the previous ones had been. It took her almost no time to locate Jessica’s house. It was a nice little house that consisted of two levels with a white wooden exterior, and a picket fence out the front with a small walkway that led to the front door.

Wanda hurried down the little path to the front door, took the house key out of her pocket and unlocked the front door. For an instant, the doorknob seemed to resist being turned and she wondered, for a moment, if she had the right key. But, then, with a small click, the front door opened.

The good thing about Cabot Cove was that it was a relatively peaceful town, so very few people bothered with alarm systems and the like.

Wanda had seen Jessica Fletcher’s house from the outside many times, but never from the inside. However, it was a small house, so the layout should be easy to figure out.

Wanda now stood in the entry hall and she could see the kitchen that branched off from it on the left side. She decided to start there and wandered inside.

The kitchen looked kind of like a bed-and-breakfast kitchen would with multiple wooden counters and tables, a black and white tiled floor, silver tapware and a collection of pots and pans piled on one of the counters.

Wanda already knew that Jessica was a writer, so she wasn’t surprised to see piles of what looked like notes scattered on the surface of a dining table and a couple of books lying among them. She picked one of them up and read:

“The Mystery of the Two Kidnapped Schoolgirls”.

Wanda shook her head. She’d never read any of Jessica’s books, so she had no idea what this one could be about. However, she'd heard a few people gossip about the book every now and then. She'd have to read it sometime, but that time was definitely not now.

That was when she noticed the bulky computer on the table. A computer! Those were always good.

Wanda knew that Jessica wasn’t great with technology, so she could probably get into her files without too much hassle.

Wanda hastily switched on the computer. When the screen lit up, she could see some programs pop up. There was a word processing program, naturally, and a few little folder icons – there were about a dozen or so.

The names on the files seemed pretty random, so Wanda used the computer mouse to click on them one by one. The first couple consisted of some pretty generic notes which seemed to be basic plot outlines.

Then she clicked on another one, which revealed a folder full of photos. What made her gasp in shock was what the photos were of.

Every single picture was of a tied and gagged female. They were a variety of ages, they were all in different postitions and they had been tied and gagged with a variety of materials.

What shocked Wanda was that she recognized several of them. For instance, a few pictures were of Eve Simpson, an attractive real estate agent who was close friends with Jessica. In the photographs of her, she was wearing a red negligee and she had been bound with matching red tape with a white cleave gag tied inside her mouth. The furious look on her face suggested that she certainly wasn’t enjoying the experience. There were more pictures consisting of several more female residents of Cabot Cove. Jessica was also in a few of them where she was either posing with or sitting next to the tied-up person.

Wanda had no idea what was going on, but her heart was pounding. None of the people in the pictures looked like they were very happy or enjoying themselves. She had no idea if they were meant to be models or if Jessica was paying them to do this or if she’d blackmailed them into posing for these pictures.

It was perfect blackmail material.

If Jessica had a computer, then Wanda reasoned that meant she must also have floppy disks somewhere. Wanda began searching through the kitchen drawers and, after a few minutes, she managed to find a box of floppy disks. She took one out, slid it into the disk drive and steadily copied the entire folder of photos onto it.

When she was done, she slid the disk out and placed it into her pocket. Now that she had gotten what she had come for, there was no need to stay any longer.

At that instant, something happened that made Wanda’s face turn white.

She heard the front door of the house opening…..
Last edited by Headmistress 1 year ago, edited 8 times in total.
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Post by Caesar73 »

First [mention]Headmistress[/mention] so good to read another from you!

The Theme is imho well chosen: A blackmailer targeting her next victim. But little does she know, who she is dealing with. It might be that she bit off, more than she can chew 😀

Very nice Cliffhanger at the end of the first chapter!
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Post by Blackfox74077 »

cant wait for next part....glad ur back
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Post by Headmistress »

Thank you for the kind feedback.

Chapter 2.

Wanda frantically ran to the kitchen windows and looked out of the one that was nearest to her before opening it a crack, so that she could hear better. From this new angle, she could now see that Jessica and Seth were standing on the front porch chatting to each other in the casual way that long-time friends do.

Neither one of them had actually opened the door all the way yet. This was because Jessica was idly turning the doorknob in circles and fiddling with her house key as she spoke to Seth.

“I’m sorry about the Christmas concert being cancelled, Seth. I really didn’t expect them to cancel it just because of this snow. It’s not even heavy.”

Seth said, “I think it’s actually getting heavier now. Look at that.” Jessica looked out and said, “Hmm. Perhaps you’re right. It is getting thicker as well.” Both of them took a moment to admire the snowy landscape outside that now looked like a Christmas postcard. With the sleepy little town of Cabot Cove covered in white and the twinkling Christmas lights and decorations that various people had put up around the streets, everything looked very cheerful and cosy.

“Well, I suppose if the concert is cancelled, then I’ll go and start a fire. I’ve got a guest staying with me at the moment. I don’t want her to get too cold.”

Jessica adjusted the thick black and white tweed coat and the brown leather gloves that she was wearing over a pair of black slacks and thick fisherman’s boots that she wore over thick white socks. To account for the weather, she’d laced the boots all the way up to her ankles and pulled her socks up high to act as padding.


Hearing that shocked Wanda. She hadn’t heard anyone when she had come in and there didn’t seem to be any sign of anyone staying there. There were no dirty dishes in the kitchen, no remains of food, no sign of anyone else’s possessions or anything else of the sort. However, she’d only been in one room, so far, so it was very possible that the guest was either in a bedroom or having a shower.

Wanda hastily looked around the kitchen. She had to find a hiding place quickly before Jessica finished talking and came in. She’d also have to avoid the guest - whoever it was. And it was very obvious that the time to leave was now.

The trouble was that the kitchen was completely useless as far as hiding places went. The tables and counters were too high for her to hide under and the cupboards were all half her height and much too small for her to get into. There wasn’t even a big cupboard that she could use. She couldn’t go upstairs because the guest might be there. That only left the other room that was to the right from the hall.

Wanda hastily darted out of the kitchen, crossed the hall and made it into the living room in less than a moment. The light was already switched on and the first thing she saw in the room was a linen cupboard, which was the perfect hiding place, but the second thing shocked her so much that she froze for an instant.

Eve Simpson was the local real estate agent in Cabot Cove and she was very good at what she did, but she was probably best known for being the town flirt. This was because she went after all the eligible bachelors who turned up in town or broke up with their partners. Therefore, she was regarded as a bit of a “scarlet woman”. It didn’t help that her favorite colour was red and that she was rather charismatic and good-looking with brown hair, an engaging smile and big brown eyes, which meant that she was good at getting attention whenever she wanted it.

At the moment, Eve was wearing a red silk blouse and a knee length black skirt with sheer stockings and black high heels. Red lipstick coated her lips and her short brown hair had been neatly brushed.

She would have looked like a perfect Christmas picture if not for two things.

Eve was clearly terrified. This was because she was lying on the pink plush sofa in the living room and she had been thoroughly trussed up and gagged.

At first, Wanda thought that Eve had been bound with red and green ropes, but then she realised that they were actually ribbons. Eve’s legs had been placed together and tied from thigh to ankle with rows and rows of thick satin red and green ribbons that had been secured into place with multiple knots. Her arms had also been pulled behind her back and bound from their elbows to wrists with more red and green ribbons. More of these ribbons had been wound around her upper and lower chest and waist, so her arms were pinned to her sides. Therefore, most of her was encased with the ribbons.

It didn’t look comfortable at all as the ribbons looked firm and secure. Eve’s fingers had also been tied together with smaller ribbons, but these ones were silver, so she was unable to pick at any of the knots that bound her. She had clearly been struggling because she looked sweaty despite the cold weather. A wide gold ribbon had been tied between her teeth to create a gag and something had clearly been stuffed into her mouth, but Wanda had no idea what it was.

Thicker strips of red and green ribbon had also been tied around her eyes, acting as a blindfold. Eve had clearly heard Wanda come in because she started struggling and kicking in earnest against the ribbons that bound her.

That was when Wanda heard Jessica say goodbye to Seth.

Wanda’s choice about what to do was quite clear. She jumped straight into the linen cupboard.

Fortunately for her, it was long and narrow on the inside and it was also empty, so it was the perfect hiding place for her.

She was just in time, too, as Jessica walked into the living room an instant later.

Wanda nervously looked through the little keyhole in the cupboard door, so she could hear what Jessica was saying to Eve.

“You’ve been very silly, Eve. I told you that it wouldn’t do any good struggling. You’ve gotten sweat all over your nice outfit too.”

Eve furiously said several words – or tried to. The gag muffled whatever she was saying.

Jessica shook her head. “I’m going to go and have a shower. Hopefully you’re in a better mood when I get back. I think that you need some time to cool off.”

With that, Wanda heard footsteps leave the room.

She was deeply relieved.

She hastily steeped out of the cupboard and that was when she had a thought. Perhaps, she could talk to Eve for just a moment or two, just to get an idea of the situation she was dealing with here?

Wanda went over to Eve.

It was strange to see Eve like this. Eve was a very confident type of person who didn’t care what anyone thought of her. She walked around town with an air of assurance and confidence that said that she knew what she was doing. While she was a bit of a gossip and could be a little bit insensitive at times, Wanda had never seen her like this before. She looked helpless and frightened and completely powerless.

Wanda knelt down next to Eve and whispered:


When she heard the unfamiliar voice, Eve jerked up in shock.

“It’s not Jessica….it’s well…I’m someone else and that’s all you need to know. Let’s just say that I’m here by accident. If I remove your gag, do you promise not to scream or do anything stupid? I’m going to leave your blindfold on, so I can ask you some questions. Is it okay for me to remove your gag?”

Eve hesitated before she slowly nodded.

Wanda reached around Eve’s head and untied the gold ribbon before she extracted the stuffing from Eve’s mouth. It turned out to be a piece of wrapping paper that had been scrunched up into a large ball that was decorated with little Santa Clauses. It had gone soggy now, but that was no surprise.

Obviously, Jessica had captured the Christmas spirit when she had bound Eve because she now resembled a giant present.

As soon as her mouth was free, Eve said:

“Who are you? What’s going on?

“You don’t need to know that. I want to know what this is all about. Is this some sort of deal that you have going on to model for Jessica? I’ve seen the photographs, so I know about them.”

“No! She invited me over here for some cider – I was going to go away this weekend and I stopped by here just before I left. I passed out after drinking the cider and then I woke up like this. She keeps saying it’s research for a book of hers and that I won’t remember any of this, but I’ve got no idea what she’s talking about! I thought we were friends. I don’t understand why she’s doing this to me.”

Eve sounded genuinely upset and, for a moment, Wanda almost felt sorry for her.

“Will you let me go? Please?”

“I can’t. It’s going to interfere with the plan that I have for Jessica.”

Upon hearing this, Eve’s cheeks went red and Wanda wondered what she was going to do next.

She didn’t have to wonder for long because Eve started screaming and struggling.

Wanda decided it was time to make a quick exit before Jessica returned.

She hastily ran out of the lounge room and out of the front door. Breaking into a sprint, she disappeared down the street in no time at all.

Her timing was good as Jessica returned to the lounge room less than a minute later wrapped in a towel and wearing nothing but her brown leather gloves.

She firmly clamped her hand over Eve’s mouth cutting off the screams and looked for something to gag her with. The wrapping paper wouldn't do as she'd obviously gotten it out of her mouth.

That was when she saw a plate of Christmas puddings that she had made for guests. They were tiny mini-puddings that had been made and decorated in the traditional way with white frosting on the top a chocolately bottom and green and red frosting that included a “holly” within the white. They were also slightly stale.

Jessica grabbed one of the puddings off the pile and hastily stuffed it into Eve’s mouth. Each pudding was about the size of a gobstopper, so they made a perfect ball gag. Picking up the gold ribbon that Wanda had discarded, she used it to tie the pudding into Eve’s mouth.

It seemed to calm Eve down somewhat, but it was clear that she was still upset.

Jessica said, “Well, Eve, I’m going to finish that shower now and then we can enjoy the rest of our evening together. Just so you know, I’m going to be adding more wrapping paper to you when I get back.”
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Post by Caesar73 »

That was quite the surprise for Wanda 😀 A nicely wrapped up gift :) I am curious what Jessica will do, if Wanda tries to blackmail her!
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Post by Headmistress »

Chapter 3.

While the pudding tasted a lot better than the wrapping paper had, Eve was pretty miserable. After gagging her, Jessica had walked away – probably to finish her shower.

Eve couldn’t believe that someone had been there and then just left her on her own.

Furthermore, she couldn’t believe that her good friend, Jessica Fletcher, had tied her up and subjected her to so much humiliation. When she figured out how to escape, then she was going to tell Sheriff Amos all about it. While she was scared and embarrassed, she was also furious.

The problem was she couldn’t escape, mainly because she found it difficult to move because of all the ribbons that bound her. They were stiff and unyielding and the gag in her mouth stopped her from making any noise. The only good thing about her situation was that Jessica had kept her fed and looked after – at least, she had up until now. Eve was going to have to wait until Jessica untied her or moved her before she tried to make her escape.

Some time later…..

Eve was almost relieved to hear footsteps come back into the living room. Jessica had redressed in a pair of clean jeans, a chocolate brown knit sweater, matching chocolate brown fishermen’s boots and thick socks.

The next thing Eve knew, the ribbons that blindfolded her were untied and removed. It was quite late now and Eve had been starting to feel sleepy, but she jerked awake again as soon as the blindfold was off.

“Hello, Eve,” Jessica said pleasantly. “I hope that you’ve calmed down now. I’m sorry that I stopped you from going away this weekend, but there’s always another weekend available. I’m writing this new Christmas-themed mystery and I needed a victim urgently in order to finish my new plot line.” She untied the ribbon around Eve’s mouth and extracted the pudding from her mouth.

“Jessica, you let me go right now or I’ll….” Eve said angrily.

Jessica remained calm.

“What are you going to do exactly, Eve? I know how to tie people up and you are going to stay tied up and gagged for as long as I want you to. So, you’d better….”

That was when Jessica saw something small and square on the floor. She leaned over and picked it up.

It was one of her floppy disks. She stared at it in puzzlement. She always kept them in the kitchen and it definitely hadn’t been there when she’d tied up Eve.

That was when a small feeling of dread crept through her. Her mystery writer’s instinct was telling her that something was wrong.

“Eve,” Jessica said tensely. “I’m going to check this on my computer and I expect you to stay quiet until I get back. Understood?”

Eve nodded wearily and watched as Jessica disappeared from the room.

She was back in a couple of minutes compeletely red-faced.

“Eve”, she said in a very slow and calm tone. “I know that someone’s been here and I want to know who.”

“I’ve got no idea,” Eve said in a defeated tone. “I was blindfolded.”

“Anything else that I should know?”

The quick and guilty glance that Eve gave her was enough to tell Jessica that she was hiding something.

“Very well. Have it your way. I shall have to extract that information from you now.”

Jessica left the room and Eve wondered what she was up to.

She returned after a couple of minutes carrying a small box and one loop of rope.

“What’s that?” Eve asked fearfully.

“Itching powder. Just right for those nice stockinged feet.”

Eve struggled and kicked, but there was no way she could stop Jessica from removing her shoes. Using her gloves, Jessica carefully shook some of the powder out into both of Eve’s shoes and then used the loop of the rope to retie them onto Eve’s feet, so that there was no way she could extract the powder.

While Eve's stockings were well made and good quality, they were also extremely sheer as Eve had a pair of long sexy legs that she loved to show off. This meant that the awful itching and tickling sensations hit Eve almost immediately and she began squirming and wriggling to no avail. After a few moments, Eve started screaming, so Jessica took off one of her socks and stuffed it into her mouth before tying it in with the second one.

After about ten minutes, Eve was soaked in sweat and she looked like she was near tears.
“Now, are you going to tell me everything, or do I have to put some of that powder into your panties? I can also tell you right now that I'll be leaving it in for a lot longer than ten minutes this time.”

Eve hastily nodded and Jessica removed the socks from her mouth.

“All I know was that it sounded like a female. And I’m fairly sure that she was alone because I only heard one set of footprints.”

Eve’s weary tone of voice convinced Jessica that she was telling the truth because Eve only spoke like that when she was feeling defeated or when she was at her wit's end.

“I guess we’ve both had enough for tonight, so I’ll put you to bed and then return you tomorrow.”

That was when Eve noticed that among all the things in the living room, there were several rolls of wrapping paper on the floor and some rolls of duct tape.

“What are those for?” “I told you. I’m going to add some more wrapping paper to you.”
There was nothing that Eve could do to stop Jessica from wrapping her up tightly in several different rolls of wrapping paper.

When she was finished, Eve was cocooned in the wrapping paper from neck to ankle and each roll had been secured in place with circles of duct tape that ran around the top and bottom of her breasts, her waist, thighs, knees and ankles. Jessica did, however, remove her shoes, so that the itching sensations had stopped for the most part.

Eve had hoped that Jessica might let her go without a gag, but that was not to be as Jessica proceeded to firmly tape her mouth shut with many pieces of tape.

She then took a small syringe out of her pocket and said to Eve.

“It’s bed time now. And you won’t remember any of this. I have to wonder if you were naughty or nice this year?”

As she injected the syringe into Eve’s wrist and watched her fall into a deep sleep, Jessica’s mind was only focused on one thing.

Who had been in her house and what did she want?
Last edited by Headmistress 1 year ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Wanda beware- Jessica Fletcher is coming after you 😀 Nice touch with the itching Powder!
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Post by harveygasson »

Great story so far! I wonder how angry and worried Wanda will be once she realises she dropped the floppy disk
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Post by Caesar73 »

harveygasson wrote: 1 year ago Great story so far! I wonder how angry and worried Wanda will be once she realises she dropped the floppy disk
I guess, she is in for a rude awakening :) And indeed a great story - as usual :)
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Post by Headmistress »

Chapter 4.

After Jessica made sure that Eve was deeply asleep, she got some cold cream and a sponge, sat on the couch and carefully cleaned all of Eve’s makeup off. It had started out nice, but then gotten smudged after the itching powder and all the sweating.

Jessica thought that Eve looked pretty asleep. When Eve was awake, she usually moved around town like a whirlwind and talked up a storm. But here, she looked innocent and somehow younger because all the stress on her face was gone now. Jessica had to admit that she felt sort of guilty about using the itching powder because she knew that Eve hated being tickled or itchy, but the situation had been too important to let go of.

Jessica had to admit that sometimes she wished that she had someone that she could share her secret with. But, of course, she couldn’t. Towns like Cabot Cove thrived on scandals and gossip and so far, she hadn’t met anyone who seemed receptive to the idea of being tied up and gagged. They had all been rebellious. Some of them had remained stubborn all the way through while others had simply given up. While Jessica had always used her methods to her advantage, she had to wonder who would have come in and simply left Eve the way that she was? It had all been very odd.

But she didn’t like the fact that her image was now being threatened. Who could imagine Jessica Fletcher, mystery writer and law-abiding citizen of Cabot Cove being exposed as having used actual people for her book research? Even if she managed to convince people that it wasn’t true, the gossip itself would be overwhelming.

Because Eve was one of her closet friends, a part of Jessica had hoped that she might enjoy being tied up and gagged. But she hadn’t. This was the third time Jessica had tied her up and gagged her and every single time she had made futile attempts to escape, complained and struggled and caused Jessica to have to use things like ice cubes and tickling and the like to calm her down.

Jessica sighed. It was now time to take Eve home – her car was still parked outside, so it shouldn’t be too hard to drive her home, put her to bed and then think about how to deal with the mystery person whose identity she still didn’t know.

Jessica untied Eve and then got a tray of ice cubes and gently rubbed them against Eve’s face until she started to stir.

“Come on, get up,” Jessica said firmly. She wanted to get Eve back home before she fully regained consciousness, which meant she would have to walk her to the car.

It took a few more tries, but Eve was eventually able to stand up and walk. She was a bit wobbly, but it would do. Jessica retrieved Eve’s car keys and purse, which were both in the kitchen and carefully walked her outside.

Anyone who saw them would think Eve had just had too much Christmas cheer.

But nobody did because the streets were still deserted.

After getting Eve into the passenger seat and buckling her seatbelt, Jessica was able to drive Eve back home and get her back into her own bed without incident. Eve didn’t live too far away, so Jessica left her car at her place and walked the rest of the way back to her own house.

The wind chill and the snowflakes that fell down on her as she walked were icy, but refreshing at the same time. By the time that she got back home, Jessica had formulated a plan….

The next morning….

Wanda was working at the hardware, feeling exhausted.

She hadn’t slept all night because her mind had been too occupied with what she had discovered.

Wanda’s blackmail had always amounted to fairly minor things. For example, a gambling debt, something that had been passed off as “lost” when it had actually been sold or stolen, a dodgy business venture and so on. But, she had never come across anything quite like this before.
Her tiredness and her thoughts made it difficult for her to concentrate on work, so she busied herself with the cash register and tried to focus.

“Hello? Hello? Can I get some help, please?”

The impatient tone caught Wanda by surprise and she looked up to see Eve Simpson looking at her with an expression that said she’d been trying to get Wanda’s attention for some time now.

The sight of Eve completely threw Wanda off and she stared at her in shock.

Eve was dressed in a red knit form-fitting sweater, wide-legged black pants with a belt that showed off her slim waist over high-heeled black boots and carried a black purse. She wore scarlet lip gloss and her hair had been freshly washed and brushed, so it looked lovely and glossy and fell to her shoulders in waves.

“Can I get some foot cream?” Eve said impatiently. “I’ve been experiencing the strangest sensations all through them all morning. It feels like an allergy and the chemist doesn’t have any left, but he said that you sell it too.

Wanda continued staring at Eve. Before she knew it, some unfamiliar words came tumbling out.

“Are you okay, Eve?”

“Of course, why wouldn’t I be?” Eve said in an irritated way.

Wanda looked at Eve in confusion. She had clearly been very upset the night before, but today she seemed to be perfectly fine.

That was when something Eve had told her the night before came back to her.

“You said that she said you wouldn’t remember and she was right. You really don’t.”

“What are you talking about?”

That was when Wanda reached out and grabbed Eve by the wrist.

Eve’s sleeve slid up and that was when Wanda saw the faint marks from the ribbons that hadn’t quite faded yet. She also saw a bruise surrounding what looked like a pinprick.


You what? I’m not on drugs, but I’m beginning to think you are,” Eve said crossly. She jerked her wrist free of Wanda’s grasp. “Never mind. I’ll wait for the chemist to get more of that cream in instead. You clearly don’t want to serve me.”

She turned on her heel and walked out of the hardware store.

Neither Eve or Wanda saw Jessica Fletcher standing behind a shelf in the hardware who had been listening to every word they had said.

Jessica smiled to herself. She’d been following Eve all day because she’d gotten up early that morning, gone to her house and followed her from there. She had guessed that whoever had found Eve would confront her sooner or later, but she hadn’t realised that it would be quite so soon.

Wanda Andrews was about to get a surprise.....
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Post by mrjones2009 »

[mention]Headmistress[/mention] Lovely little update.

Can't wait to see what Jessica has planned for Wanda
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Post by Caesar73 »

Oh I really like to see, how Jessica will surprise Wanda :) Also nice: Eve buying foot cream, having no idea where the sensation comes from :)
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Post by Caesar73 »

harveygasson wrote: 1 year ago Oooh she's in for it
I think so too :) And I am looking forward to it!
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Chapter 5.

Wanda fumbled into the pocket of the faded jeans that she had worn yesterday under a baggy angel blue jumper. Even if she’d had a conflict with Eve, it didn’t matter because she still had the disk. It only took her a few seconds before she realised that the disk was gone from her pocket.

Her face whitened. If someone else had the disk or if she’d dropped it somewhere and someone else found it, that meant that her whole scheme would unravel. In her frantic thinking, Wanda suddenly wondered if Eve might possibly have it. Perhaps she’d gotten it somehow and had no idea what she had. But Eve was clever and as soon as she looked at it, she’d know. And with that, the biggest scheme she'd ever come across would fall apart.

This was a completely irrational thought, of course, but Wanda was too panicked to stop and think clearly.
Without really knowing what she was doing, Wanda bolted out of the store, ran down the street after Eve. She caught up with her quickly and grabbed her by the shoulder of her sweater.

“Look, Eve, I’ve lost a floppy disk and I think that you might have it. I can’t explain it right now, but, look….I really need it. If you’ve got it, give it to me, please. The words tumbled out – one after the other like a whirlwind. “Here – I’ve got money in my purse. Twenty bucks for the disk. What do you say? I’ll get it for you if you give it to me right now.”

“Get off me!”, Eve shouted angrily. She wrenched her arm free from Wanda’s grasp. “I’ve got no idea what you mean, but you’re acting like a complete lunatic. Leave me alone!”

Eve’s loud tone was starting to draw attention and a few people were staring. Wanda was so frantic that she grabbed onto the front of Eve’s sweater without thinking. “Look, you’ve got to try and remember. Is there a floppy disk in your purse of anything like that?”

Eve started to struggle in earnest and in doing so, she shoved Wanda in the chest. Caught off guard, Wanda stumbled backwards, slipped and fell down, landing on her bottom.

To her shock, Eve suddenly leapt on top of her and before she could do anything, Eve turned her over and roughly pushed Wanda face-down on the ground before kneeling on her back. Before Wanda knew it, she felt her right wrist being pulled behind her back and then her left one joined it.

“What the hell are you doing, you lunatic?!”

“A citizen’s arrest,” Eve snapped. I’ve had about enough of you assaulting me.”

Wanda realised she was in real trouble and started to struggle. Everyone was openly staring now at the two women tussling on the ground.

Unfortunately for Wanda, Eve was quite strong and fit and foot cream had not been the only thing she had been looking to purchase that morning. Before she had come into the hardware, she had bought a packet of cable ties and duct tape from the supermarket to do some repairs around her house.

Eve reached into her bag, withdraw the packet of cable ties, opened it, crossed Wanda’s wrists behind her back and secured them with one cable tie. She then turned her attention to Wanda’s ankles and secured them together with another cable tie.

Eve had been so intent in what she was doing, she hadn’t noticed the small crowd that had gathered to watch them until now. Looking up, she said, “Can someone call Sheriff Amos and let this lunatic spend a few hours in a cell to cool down.”

“F**K you, Eve,” Wanda shouted. “Get OFF me, you lunatic!”

Her shouting did no good. Wanda was not particularly well-liked around Cabot Cove and several people were quite enjoying seeing Eve giving Wanda a hard time.

Wanda struggled on the ground against her ties to no avail.

“Stop swearing.” “No, I bl***y won’t!”

“Very well, then.”

Eve withdrew the roil of duct tape from her bag and Wanda realised, with dread, what was about to happen next. While being tied up was humiliating, being gagged was going to be worse.

Eve pulled a red silk scarf out of her purse and before Wanda could say anything else, the scarf was swiftly stuffed into her mouth. Tearing off the end of the duct tape, Eve wound it in a few circles around her head and smoothed it down, leaving Wanda effectively gagged.

All Wanda could do was struggle while mmmmphing into her gag.

That was when Jessica Fletcher ran up with Amos Tupper in tow.

“I called Sheriff Amos when I heard all the commotion. What’s going on?”

“This girl assaulted me for no reason at all!” Eve said furiously.

“I see. Well, what do you propose that I do,” Sheriff Amos said.

That was when Jessica spoke up.

“I think you should take this girl to the cells and let her cool off for a few hours. After that, I think you should be able to release her.”


Amos reached for the ties that bound Wanda only for Jessica to stop him with a gentle restraining hand.

“I think that you should leave her bound and gagged for a few hours. Otherwise, she could be dangerous to others and herself.”

Wanda’s face turned red under her gag and she shook her head furiously.

“That’s fine with me,” Eve said dismissively as she picked up her purse and stood up. “She deserves it after making a scene like that.”

Amos said, “Well, it is unusual, but Mrs. Fletcher has good common sense and good instincts, so…well…all right. It’ll only be for a few hours anyway.”

Jessica said, “I’ll come with you, Amos, and make sure she’s secured in a cell – just for safety’s sake.”

Jessica and Amos hooked Wanda under the arms and lifted her up, then walked her a few feet down the road to the waiting squad car in front of the crowd. Wanda fought and struggled the whole time, but there was nothing that she could do.

Together, Jessica and Amos got Wanda into the backseat of the car, then Amos got into the front and Jessica got into the backseat where she fastened Wanda’s seatbelt for her before doing her own up and then the car drove off.

“Don’t worry, I’m right here with you. Everything’s going to be all right,” Jessica said calmly.

One hour later…..

Wanda was lying on her side on a small bed and locked in a cell, feeling completely miserable and angry.

After they’d arrived at the station, Amos and Jessica had walked her to a cell. To make things worse, after they had gotten her into a cell, and after the cable ties had been removed, Jessica had told Amos that she would tie Wanda up securely as she was concerned for her safety.

Unfortunately for Wanda, the police station had a good supply of rope…..

This meant that her wrists had been crossed together and tied behind her back. Her elbows had also been tied together and then her wrists had been tied to her waist with a rope that had been tied to her waist, knotted off at the front, led down between her legs, tied around the wrist ropes, then knotted off at the back, where it then led back down between her legs and had been tied off at the front. Her thighs, knees and ankles had also been tied together and then her ankles had been tied to her wrists with a short piece of rope, so she was now in a secure hogtie.

Wanda was completely furious with both Jessica and Eve now and she was even more determined now to get the floppy disk back. She also felt completely humiliated.

Jessica had remained perfectly calm when she had been tying Wanda up, but she had also told Wanda not to struggle. Wanda had ignored this and struggled anyway, but had eventually tired herself out.

The duct tape gag and scarf in her mouth had remained firmly in place.

Several hours later……

Jessica Fletcher walked into the cell to find a very tired and sweaty Wanda.

“Hello, Wanda.” Sheriff Amos thinks you’ve had enough, so I want to ask you if it’s okay for me to take your gag off and you won’t do anything stupid, will you?”

Wanda nodded, so Jessica unwound the tape from her mouth and removed the sodden scarf from her mouth.

“I’ll have to return this to Eve. Now, what was that all about? Why did you assault Eve?”

“She’s got something of mine – a floppy disk and I need it,” Wanda said sullenly.

Jessica nodded. “I think I may know what you mean. I gave Eve a few floppy disks that I had lying around the house because she needed some for work. However, she’s not in the mood for talking to you and she’ll be away tonight because she’s going to Portland. But she’ll be back tomorrow, so you can try talking to her when she’s calmed down.”

Hope went through Wanda’s mind. If Eve was going to be away tonight and she had the floppy disk, she could get it back. And it would give her the opportunity to get revenge on both of them. Especially since Eve’s key was also at the hardware.

“Okay.” Wanda said. “Good. I’ll leave you to it.”

Jessica quickly untied Wanda. She left the cell and Wanda stood up to stretch. Another plan was formulating in her mind……

Twenty minutes later…..

Jessica ran into Eve outside who was now on her lunch break.

“Eve, I thought I’d give you your scarf back.”

Jessica handed Eve the scarf and Eve put it into her purse.

“You know, I kind of feel bad about what I did. Maybe I should apologise.”

“No, wait till tomorrow until she cools down.”

Jessica said, “By the way, Eve, you’ll be home tonight, won’t you?”

“Yes, but not tomorrow – I’m going to Portland tomorrow night.”

“That’s right,” Jessica said cheerfully. “I just wanted to let you know that there’s been a few burglaries in the area lately, so I just wanted to warn you to be careful tonight.”

“Thanks, Jessica, I will.”

Eve walked away and Jessica smiled to herself.

Both of them didn’t know it, but both of her pawns were now in place…..
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Another great entry! I can't wait to see what the devious Miss Fletcher has in store!!
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Post by Caesar73 »

I wonder what Jessica plans - for Wands and Eve :) The most fun Was the altercation between Eve and Wanda and the subsequent tie up by Jessica 😀
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Post by banshee »

Just like all of the stories in this sage you've going on, really good.
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Post by Headmistress »

Chapter 6.

Later…late thar night.

It was almost midnight and Wanda was on her way to Eve’s house. The snow had started up again. It was very cold and flakes were already all over her coat and jeans. However, the only thing on her mind was 1) Getting the floppy disk back and 2) Getting revenge on Eve…and then Jessica.

When Wanda had eventually gotten back to the hardware store, she had gotten a severe telling-off from the owner for being absent. The Cabot Cove grapevine had already gotten back to him and he had also informed her that the only reason that she still had her job was because she was very good at it. After that, he had left her to close up, which meant that it had been easy enough to find Eve’s house key and to leave with it in her pocket.

She’d then gone home, had a shower and changed into suitable weather clothing. This was a black padded jacket that zipped up the front, a black knitted hat and a black skivvy under the jacket over formfitting black jeans and flat black combat boots paired with thick black winter socks. Because of the snow, the night was darker than usual and it covered her very well.

Once again, Cabot Cove was eerily quiet and the only signs of life were the Christmas lights and the lights that shone out of a house or two. It looked as if nobody was up late tonight either, which was just fine with Wanda.

Wanda soon reached Eve’s house. Like most of the houses at Cabot Cove, it was a nice little house with two levels, a white painted front, a wooden door and large windows across multiple rooms. The roof was formed out of dark tiles and there was even a weather vane perched at the very top.

Unbeknownst to Wanda….

Eve was sitting in her bedroom on the second level of the house. She was extremely stressed because it had been a hard day.

She also felt guilty about what she had done to Wanda. While she had been angry and had a quick temper, she usually calmed down very quickly and she wondered if she had gone too far. To take her mind off things, she had had a nice warm bath with some scented bubble bath and washed her hair. After that she had put on a touch of her favorite red lipstick because lipstick always made her feel better and it had slightly cheered her up.

At the moment, she was clad in her favorite nightgown, which was a red satin knee length slip negligee with red lace at the neckline, which plunged down just enough to show the top of her breasts. Eve had also put on a pair of sheer stockings under the negligee. While she knew that nobody usually wore stockings to bed, she liked the way they felt and she was alone anyway, so it didn’t matter as nobody was around to comment on them. The stockings also showed off her long sexy legs.

Eve had also gotten a bottle of wine from the local store – the expensive kind. She was currently sitting on her bed sipping from the second glass that she had poured. While she wasn’t drunk, she was tipsy, which was enough to take the edge off the day she’d had.

She had switched on the radio next to her bed to play some quiet music and dimmed the lights. The combination of all of these things had calmed her down and she was starting to feel sleepy.

Until she heard a door opening.

Eve sat upright, feeling her heart pound in alarm. She wasn’t expecting anyone and it was very late. Perhaps she had imagined it? But then she heard footsteps coming up the stairs. They were quiet and deliberate. Whoever was doing it clearly didn’t want to be heard.

Instinctively, Eve reached into the chest of drawers next to her bed and pulled out the gun that she kept there for emergencies. She usually never loaded it, but you could never be too careful.

That was when her bedroom door opened and the light was switched on.

Eve stared in disbelief at the sight of Wanda Andrews in her bedroom. It was quite clear that Wanda had not expected to see her either.

“You again!”

Wanda’s face whitened at the sight of the gun in Eve’s hand and she felt her knees trembling.

All the stress of the day had come back to Eve in one go and she spoke crisply while aiming the gun at Wanda. “Put your hands up over your head where I can see them.”

Wanda slowly slid her hands upwards. “Faster!” Wanda hastily raised her hands until they were high in the air.

“Good. Now sit down on the floor and cross your legs.” Under Eve’s watchful gaze, Wanda slowly sat down on the floor and crossed her legs while trembling. It was clear that she was in real trouble this time and Sheriff Amos wouldn’t be quite so forgiving this time.

“Put your hands behind your back.”

Wanda did as she was told and Eve went across the room to her closet. While Eve didn’t have rope in her room, she did have several pairs of expensive stockings that would do the job. She took out two pairs of sheer stockings and returned to Wanda.

At gunpoint, Wanda’s hands were promptly tied behind her back into a crossed position with one pair and she found herself grimacing as Eve pulled them tight and knotted them into place. “That’s too tight!” “Stockings stretch, so I have to make sure that they’re tight.” With that, Eve tied Wanda’s feet into their crossed position with the second pair.

She was still tipsy. But she’d done a good job.

“Eve, please….” Wanda started.

“I’ve heard about enough out of you.”

While most of Eve’s outfits were formfitting and sexy, she also had some stylish suits that she wore on occasion with ties. Eve reached into the cupboard and pulled out a red and white silky striped tie that looked like a candy cane.

Returning to Wanda, she said, “Open your mouth. Let’s not make this harder than it has to be.”

Wanda did not comply, so Eve simply pinched her nose shut until she opened her mouth and when she did, Eve pulled the tie in between her teeth, wrapped it around her head multiple times and tied it off behind her head to create a tight cleave gag. Wanda struggled and squirmed, but she couldn’t free herself or get the gag out of her mouth.

“Okay, that should hold you. I’ll call Sheriff Amos now.”

Eve put her gun down on the bed and reached for the phone that sat next to her bed.

“I’m afraid that I can’t allow you to do that Eve.”

Eve jumped in shock as Jessica Fletcher walked into her bedroom. She was wearing baggy jeans, a dark brown knitted jumper, a matching dark brown knitted hat and dark brown leather gloves. She also carried a gun in her hand.

“What are you doing, Jessica?”

“You don’t need to know that, Eve. Now, throw your gun onto the floor.”

Eve reluctantly picked up the gun and threw it down where it landed onto the carpet.

While Eve might have been tipsy, she wasn’t stupid and it was becoming clear to her that she was part of something much bigger than she had imagined.....
Last edited by Headmistress 1 year ago, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Caesar73 »

I enjoyed your description of Eve getting comfortable, having a bath, relaxing very much - then a sudden change of atmosphere, when Eve realizes that someone is breaking in. She takes no chances wih Wanda - and rightly so. And then another twist! Jessica enters the scene! Excellent!
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Post by Headmistress »

Chapter 7.

Eve had no idea why Jessica was pointing a gun at her, but she was starting to become nervous.

Wanda was also extremely nervous and started squirming against her bonds even more, but Eve had tied several hard little knots into the stockings and while they didn’t hurt, they were as secure as a pair of handcuffs.

If she had been able to talk, she would have told Eve what was going on, but the gag was too tight and the tie was extremely thick, so it stopped her from talking at all.

“Jessica?” Eve said. “I don’t understand. Why are you doing this? What’s going on? How did both of you get into my house?”

Unbeknownst to Eve and Wanda, Jessica had actually ridden her bicycle over to Eve’s house, hidden it in the bushes in her garden and then waited around the side of the house until Wanda had arrived. She’d planned to enter through a window as Eve often left a couple of them unlocked, but Wanda had unknowingly helped her out by leaving the door slightly open behind her when she had entered the house.

“Miss Andrews attempted to steal some property from me and, unfortunately, you’ve gotten caught up in it because of last night.”

Eve had no idea what Jessica was talking about, but she was starting to feel scared rather than nervous.

Jessica went on.

“Now, Eve, I have some business with Miss Andrews that doesn’t concern you. However’ I do need to make sure that you can’t go anywhere – at least not for the night. Sit down in your chair at your dressing table.”

Eve nervously walked over to the chair that was a soft cushioned chair with two curved arcs that formed upside Us and made up the chair back and sat down in it.

“Put your hands behind your back and through the chair back.”

Jessica felt slightly sorry for Eve because she could see the fear on her face, but she had a mission to take care of and nobody was going to stop her.

Taking a pair of handcuffs out of her jeans pocket, Jessica walked around behind Eve and wasted no time in cuffing her hands firmly behind her back, so that the chair back was now linked to Eve’s wrists and it meant that she couldn’t move off the chair.

Jerssica then placed her own gun onto the bed and said, “That should hold you for now. However, I still need….”

That was when Jessica noticed the stockings that Eve was wearing.


Eve tried to wriggle away as Jessica knelt down and took hold of her legs.

“Don’t be silly, Eve. I just want your stockings. By the way, you have exquisite taste in lingerie.”

Jessica was gentle and peeled Eve’s stockings off carefully to expose her long sexy legs.
She wadded the stockings in her hand and went over to Eve’s bedroom drawers where she found a roll of red duct tape.

She returned to Eve with both items and said “Open up”.

Eve reluctantly opened her mouth and Jessica stuffed the stockings into her mouth before winding the red tape around Eve’s head in several tight circles, so that her mouth was completely covered and smoothed the tape down.

Then she took a small case out of her jeans pocket and opened it.

Eve’s eyes widened when she saw the syringe filled with a clear liquid in Jessica’s had and tried to jerk away.

“Don’t be silly, Eve. This is just a little something to make you sleep. If you are worried about being here or not being found, then you don’t need to be. I will leave an anonymous tip for Sheriff Amos in the morning and leave the front door unlocked, so he will easily be able to free you. I’ll leave the key to these cuffs on the dressing table."

Eve kicked and squirmed, but with her hands cuffed behind her back, it was easy for Jessica to go behind the chair and inject her with the syringe.

After a few moments, Eve started feeling groggy and fell into a deep sleep. When Jessica was sure that she was asleep, she checked her pulse and was pleased to find that it was nice and steady.

Putting the syringe back in its case, she returned to the dresser, retrieved several more sets of stockings and used them to tie Eve’s breasts to the chair back and then tied her thighs, knees and ankles together before tying Eve’s ankles to the right chair leg. It would be best if Eve didn’t have too much movement, so that she wouldn’t tip the chair over while she was asleep and hurt herself.

After that, she approached Wanda who was still squirming on the floor.

She knelt down next to Wanda and said:

I’m curious, Miss Andrews. You probably already know that I have the floppy disk that you made. Anyone else would have gone to the police. You could easily have gotten there and back in no time. Unless…perhaps, you were maybe just a little bit curious…. Maybe you thought that this was something you might like to try for yourself?”

Wanda shook her head.

Jessica smiled.

“That’s a shame, Miss Andrews. Because I can tell you that you will soon experience what it is like for yourself.”
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Post by Caesar73 »

Excellent chapter [mention]Headmistress[/mention] ! So Eve is simply caught in the crossfire. That she is afraid of the Syringe is quite understandable. Jessica is not cruel or harsh - but gently. She does what has to do: nothing more.

I have the feeling though that Wanda won´t be that lucky ....
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