The Hazing of Jack - Part IV (m+/m)

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The Hazing of Jack - Part IV (m+/m)

Post by gaggedfeety »

Hey everyone!

Long time no see! Here's another short story in the Bobbyverse: The Hazing of Jack! If you haven't read "A Stepbrother's Sub" check out the link below for more context, as this story is referenced in Part XII. ... 426#p69426

Also, if you haven't read the other stories in the Bobbyverse, check them out too!

Xavier Sleeps Over ... 024#p73024

Troublesome Twins in Timeout

Gagged :D





Jack, Joe, and Xavier were known as the Trio by their class. Jack and Joe had been friends since kindergarten, when they were both sent to timeout for distracting the rest of the class. Cracking jokes with each other from opposite corners, they became fast friends. Joe was there at Jack’s side in the nurse when he broke his arm in the 2nd grade, refusing to leave until asked by his friend’s mother when she came to pick him up, and Jake invited Joe on a two-week family trip in the 4th grade when his parents told him and his sister that they were separating. By the 5th grade, new classmates always thought the two were siblings: one of those new classmates was Xavier, who had moved into town that year. Jack was assigned to be Xavier’s welcome buddy, and with Joe tagging along as expected, that dynamic duo became a trio by the end of the day.

As they got older, the three of them got more and more competitive, but above all else, they were best friends who always looked out for one another. When they entered high school, Jack and Joe tried out for football, having played since they first met; Xavier wanted to, but his parents wanted him to focus on classes his first year. But Jack soon noticed that Joe was acting different around him after trying out. Both made the team, but the coach had singled Jack out, praising his speed and reflexes. Comments by the coach and the other players continued over the weeks and month, and as time went on, Joe stopped interacting with Jack as much, barely speaking to Jack during practice and then acting completely normal when in school or out with Xavier and other friends. But soon it got worse…

Thursday night

“Come on dude, I’m sweaty! Lemme just shower and then we can game!” Jack said to Xavier. Having finished an intense session of football practice, Jack was getting ready to bike home when Xavier and his dad offered to give him a ride home. After some prodding from his friend and a text to his parents, Jack decided to spend the night with Xavier, who had practically dragged Jack to his room when they got home, despite Jack wanting to clean himself up.

“Dude just one round and then you can shower!” Xavier begged, giving Jack his classic puppy eyes. Jack rolled his eyes and nodded, making Xavier happy as he started up the game. Xavier tossed Jack a controller as he jumped onto his bed, while Jack sat on a bean bag chair. A few minutes into the game, Xavier spoke up.

“So how was practice?”

“It was fine, Coach was just drilling us so hard. But our first game is next week so he’s just freaking out.”

“And what about…you know…?” Jack looked over at Xavier, who was looking down nervously.

“You tell me, Joe only talks to you. Before, he would at least talk to me outside of practice, but now he never does. He never wants to hang out with me, just you or the other guys on the team. And now they’re not even talking to me! I almost missed practice today cuz Mark told me it was cancelled.”

Jack had gotten agitated and stood up, pacing around his friend’s room. Xavier was still on his bed, looking worriedly at his best friend. He hated that him and Joe weren’t talking, which had never happened for as long as he had known them.

“I asked Joe but I dunno, he just shuts down whenever I mention you. But it’ll pass, and you guys will be fine! Hey, maybe the sleepover thing at Mark’s will help!”

“…I didn’t even know that they were all hanging out. Honestly, Xavier, I don’t know if I want to play anymore. I just…I dunno, I think I might quit, I can’t take much of this. This wasn’t how it was supposed to go…” Jack said, choking back tears and his anger. Xavier jumped off his bed and grabbed his friend by his shoulders.

“Hey, relax. Look, maybe he’s dealing with something and he’s taking it out on you. You know his dad takes football so seriously, he’s probably putting a lot of pressure on him, especially if the coach isn’t as focused on Joe as he’s used to. But just get through practice tomorrow and you can come over again. My parents will be gone for the weekend, so you can stay over. And we’ll game and watch movies, and Joe’s gonna see what he’s missing out on. And if he still doesn’t care, then…well then screw him!”

Jack looked at Xavier, cheered up by his best friend. He always felt bad for Xavier, since their friendship had not been as deep as what him and Joe had. But he never complained, and he was always there for the two, especially and more recently with Jack. Usually, the two of them looked after him like their little brother since he was more sensitive and introverted, but here he was, taking charge and comforting Jack.

“Thanks dude, I really appreciate it,” Jack said, hugging Xavier, “I just…thanks.”

“For sure, I’m here for you man. And we’ll figure it out with Joe, I promise. Now go shower, you reek haha,” Xavier said as he jokingly shoved Jack away. Jack laughed as he took off his socks and shoes and then headed to Xavier’s bathroom. ‘It’ll be alright,’ Jack thought to himself. Jack was just about to turn the water on when he noticed he didn’t have a towel, so he headed back to ask Xavier for one. The door was cracked and as he approached the room, he was able to peek inside and saw Xavier sniffing his sweaty socks and shoes. He backed away quietly, going back into the bathroom.

This wasn’t the first time that he caught Xavier in a compromising situation. Since they became best friends, the three of them always did dares and penalties when they played sports or video games, and somehow Xavier always ended up sniffing their feet and shoes or giving their feet a foot rub. Joe never really gave it much thought, and neither did Jack until he caught him sniffing his shoes when he went over after his first football practice this year. He was a bit surprised, but Jack had seen his brother Jake do some similar stuff and learned about fetishes after doing some research. And by then, he had seen a box of gear and toys in Xavier’s closet and videos on his computer, so he didn’t let it change how he felt about his best friend. Nothing could break their friendship, or so he thought……
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Post by Socksbound »

Yay a Bobbyverse story how exciting. Great start Xavier isn’t as stealthy as he thought he was :lol: Looking forward to the hazing only to find out what actually went down. Mark and Joe must really do a number on poor Jack.
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Post by FelixSH »

That was a nice start, I like how you already humanized Xavier and Jack by including an emotional scene. Nicely done.

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Post by bondagefreak »

Kinky Xavier caught red-handed sniffing his buddy's smelly socks and shoes 8-)

The secret's out!
Sounds to me like the guy needs to be taught a lesson for being so slippery and careless about it.
He could've at least waited for Jack to enter the shower.

Can't tell you how happy I am to see something new from you [mention]gaggedfeety[/mention] ;)
Looking forward to Part II of this promising Bobbyverse adventure.

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Post by ChiDrag221 »

Oooh, another beautiful contribution to the bobbyverse! ^^
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Post by Batsox »

What a nice story! I really look forward to reading the next chapter :o
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Post by gaggedfeety »


Friday afternoon

“Hey, have a good practice dude, text me when you’re headed to my place,” Xavier said as he and Jack headed towards the locker room, “And Jack, it’ll be alright, okay?”

Jack smiled back at his friend as he left and stood in front of the door. Hearing the guys laughing, he already wanted the day to end. ‘Let’s get this over with,’ he thought to himself as he walked in. As he entered, Jack saw Joe in the center of the room with three senior players: Mark, the team captain, and his twin best friends, Ryan and Connor. Dressed in their football gear, they were laughing, looking at Jack as he came in and quieting down. A strong odor had hit him as soon as Jack walked in, and he noticed a pile of sweaty clothes near the three guys, with some old football gear on top of the pile, gear that was used when someone forgot theirs and which was notoriously never washed. As Jack headed over to a locker, Mark came over to him.




“Hey Jack, sorry about yesterday and not telling you about practice. We were just messing with you, but it wasn’t cool.”

“It’s fine,” Jack said, not looking at Mark.

“No really, we’re all sorry, and we wanna make it up to you! Right guys?” Mark said, looking back at the other guys with a hidden smirk. Joe and the twins nodding in agreement, reassuring Jack as he turned to face them.

“Yeah so we have a surprise for you! You ready?” Mark asked. Jack sighed and nodded, and he was immediately body-slammed into the lockers.

“WHAT THE F—” Jack started to yell but a pair of large hands wrapped around his mouth and chest as he fell to the ground.

“Ryan, keep him quiet, we don’t need Coach to catch us,” Mark said as he and Connor pulled off Jack’s pants, revealing his black boxer-briefs. Connor ended up sitting on his legs to keep them still while Joe started wrapping up his legs tightly with duct tape. Jack tried crying out, but Ryan’s hand was clamped down tightly, preventing any sound from coming out of Jack’s mouth. Mark just stood over the guys, smiling down at Jack, when the locker room door opened, and three sophomore football players walked in.

“What the hell are you guys going?” Jason, said as he, Scott, and Mason walked over, trying not to laugh.




“We’re just having a little fun, Jack here’s been working too hard so we figured he deserved to sit out for practice,” Mark said, “Isn’t that right, Jack?”

Jack kept struggling, still unable able to make much sound due to Ryan still hand-gagging him. Jason and Scott laughed as they went over to their lockers and started to get ready for practice, while Mason looked over at Jack with some concern when he saw that he wasn’t laughing.

“Hey maybe you guys should ease up, we don’t wanna get in trouble…” he said, but Mark put his arm around Mason and walked him towards Jason and Scott.

“It’s all good dude, just go get ready,” Mark said nicely but firmly, prompting Mason to drop it. Meanwhile, Connor had gotten off of Jack’s legs so that Joe could tape up his thighs, while Ryan started to ease up on his grip so that his brother could pull off his shirt.

“LET ME GO!!!” Jack yelled, finally being able to cry out, “GUYS!! PLEASE!! MASON, SOMEONE! PLEASE HELP ME!!!”

Jack’s arms also broke free, and he tried punching Mark and the twins while Mason and the others were at their lockers. Jack was too distracted with pleading with all of the guys that he didn’t notice Mark grab one of the jockstraps that had been in the pile of clothes. When he turned towards him, it was too late, and Mark stuffed it into his mouth. Jack barely had any time to react because Joe was there in a flash, wrapping layers and layers of duct tape around his mouth and head until his lower face was completely covered.

“There ya go, that’ll keep ya quiet,” Mark said as he laughed at the sight of Jack gagged, “okay let’s flip him over.”

Connor and Ryan forced Jack onto his stomach, pulling his arms behind his back for Joe to tape up, and after a few minutes, Jack’s entire body was encased in duct tape, with only his feet and upper part of his face left uncovered. All the guys stood up, laughing at Jack who was wriggling on the floor and moaning. Jack felt nauseous, tasting the dirty sweat from the jockstrap and even some hairs. But the tape was so tight that it wouldn’t budge in his mouth.

“Mmphh-mmphh!!!” Jack cried out, but the guys ignored him and pulled out their phones to record and take photos. Jack turned his head away, moaning and squirming as Jason and Scott, dressed in their gear, came over to look at him.

“Damn you guys! You wrapped him up!! And you taped up his mouth too?!” Scott asked, fascinated with what Mark and the others did. He knelt down and grabbed Jack’s face, examining the tape that was wrapped around.

“We had to! The idiot was being too loud, pretty ungrateful after giving him a break from practice tonight!”

“Yeah but the jockstrap was a little much,” Joe said, still laughing at Jack.

“You put that in his mouth?” Mason said, walking over and looking at Jack and the guys with a worried expression. Jack looked up at Mason, with muffled pleas coming from beneath the tape and his eyes starting to water. His teammate, scratching his head uncomfortably, went to say something when Mark cut him off.

“It’s just some harmless fun, relax. Anyways, help me put this crap on him,” Mark said. Jason and Scott headed back to their lockers, putting on their helmets and leaving to go on the field. Mason followed his teammates, looking back at Jack one last time and shaking his head as he left the locker room. Jack was so focused on his one potential ally leaving that he didn’t realize that the twins had lifted him up. But as soon as Mark and Joe put the sweaty shirts from the pile of clothes and gear over his body, Jack started to struggle against Ryan and Connor’s grip.

“Shut up!” Ryan yelled as he punched Jack in the gut. Jack groaned and stopped struggling, having had the wind knocked out of him.

“Hey, take it easy,” Joe said as he and Mark put the sweaty and smelly shoulder pads on Jack. Jack looked at Joe, mmmphhing with pleading eyes, but his old friend paid no attention, as if he was trying to avoid looking at him. ‘Maybe he knows that what he’s doing is messed up,’ Jack thought to himself, but Jack was proved wrong when Joe started draping the sweaty socks over his head, holding the helmet over his head.

“Here you go, a little stink treatment while you lay back and relax,” he said, smirking at Jack as he lowered the helmet onto Jack’s head, trapping the socks underneath it. Jack knew he couldn’t rely on his friend, who looked like he was enjoying every minute of this. Joe and Jack then lifted Jack and placed him in the empty locker, leaning his back against inside of the locker. As he struggled inside, the guys threw the rest of the clothes into the locker, which landed at his feet or was hanging on his body.

“Alright! Should be all set! Don’t worry, we’ll turn off the lights so you can rest,” Joe said as he slammed the locker door shut. All four guys then grabbed their helmets and headed outside to the field, shutting off the lights and leaving Jack to stand in complete darkness……
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Post by Socksbound »

Oh poor Jack.

This has got me quite worked up. I wanna see mark cop it big time now. Joe and the twins haven’t been tortured enough either in my book. ;)

Awesome addition to the Bobby verse, this is just the start and I can see why Jack quit football. Wonder how Xavier is dropped into this, given his friendship with Jack deteriorates after this too
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Post by socjuc »

Stink treatment :lol:

Enjoyed the group action and how quickly Jack was subdued and then abandoned by his mates....Now the possibilities are endless post practice :mrgreen:
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Post by FelixSH »

I liked this chapter, the gag was enjoyabld gross and mummification is always fun. That said, I do hope that the bullies have to pay for what they are doing.

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Post by bondagefreak »

Aww, damn! Poor Jack.
It's hard not to feel bad for the kid, but at the same time it's great to finally see why he and Joe (and Jake) drifted apart after this.

Ryan is still his brutish, dorky self, and Mason certainly didn't prove to be of any help.
That jockstrap gag sounds foul!

Poor guy. Best we not tell him we're all greatly enjoying the way he was taken down 8-)

[mention]Msueta@2[/mention] Hope you're reading this, buddy.

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Post by GoBucks »

So glad you decided to write up this story of the bobbyverse!

Just the reference in Stepbrother's sub sounded and hot and boy this has not disappointed. I do feel bad for Jack about the betrayal of his friends and the bullying, but I do love me some smell torture and having it done with sweaty football gear in a locker room is just too hot! Those football players ain't too bad looking either. I'm sure they look much better than they smell :P
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Post by gaggedfeety »

Hey everyone! Thank you for the kind words, I'm so glad that you're enjoying the story!!

Also, be sure to check out the final chapter of "Troublesome Twins in Timeout"! ... 187#p77187
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The locker room was quiet, although the laughing and mocking by Jack’s teammates still echoed in his head. It was nearly pitch black, with a dim light outlining the door leading to the field. Jack tried moving but the guys had wrapped him up so tightly with duct tape that he couldn’t even move his fingers. And with sweaty football gear forced on him and stuffed in the locker, the disgusting musky scent filled the air and overwhelmed his senses. ‘How did this happen,’ Jack thought to himself, ‘Why did this happen? What the hell did I do?’

He could barely process what had just happened though, since he was fighting the urge to throw up. The jockstrap in his mouth was disgusting, as small hairs and specks of dirt rubbed against his tongue and the insides of his mouth, which were on fire from the overwhelmingly repugnant taste. The tape had been wrapped so tightly around his mouth and head that the jockstrap was pressed tightly against his tastebuds. He tried crying out for help one more time, but soon gave up.

Jack thought about Joe’s betrayal, not understanding what he had done to deserve this. He had a sense that Joe was jealous, but he wouldn’t have taken it this far, or so he thought. ‘Xavier’s gonna be pissed when he hears this,’ Jack thought to himself, ‘Although knowing what he’s into, he might actually be jealous of me…wait what am I thinking?! No one would want this! We’ve pranked one another, but never like this! And we would never humiliate each other in front of others!’

Mark seemed like he was the ringleader, issuing commands to Joe, Ryan, and Connor. And not only that, but Mark was going out of his way to torment Jack, as if he was getting back at Jack for something he did, something that Jack was completely unaware of. Granted, the team hadn’t been interacting with him that much, but all of this was such a shock to Jack. Even Scott and Jason didn’t seem to care, and probably would’ve joined the guys had they not been pressed for time. The only one who seemed genuinely concerned for Jack was Mason, but he wasn’t going stand up to Mark, not that Jack could blame him. Jack eventually fell asleep, having exhausted himself and being able to at least tolerate the taste of the jockstrap. An hour went by when Jack woke up to the sounds of his teammates entering the locker room.

“No way, I don’t believe you guys!”

“Take a look for yourself! He’s in number 42!”

The door slammed open and the lights turned on, blinding Jack and preventing him from seeing the guys standing outside the locker. Soon the locker door swung open and as Jack vision came to, he soon became red-faced seeing his teammates looking back at him: Joe, Mark, and the twins stared back with wide evil grins; Jason and Scott smiled back softly while they stifled their laughter; Mason looked back with a sad expression, not wanting to make eye contact with Jack; and three other sophomore teammates, Alex, Jimmy, and Carlos, looked back with shocked expressions.




“You guys actually did it!!!” Jimmy said as he leaned in closer.

“Hahaha yeah like we said, we wanted him to relax, he’s been too stressed! Anyways, let’s get cleaned up and then we can have some real fun back at my place!” Mark said. As the other guys started to take off their gear and head to the showers, Mark stepped closer and leaned into the locker.

“Damn that reeks…you better get used to it because we’ve got more smells for you to endure,” Mark said, making Jack moan out and struggle. But as soon as he made a sound, Mark grabbed Jack by the throat. He looked past Mark at Mason as he started to pull his shirt off, but Mason grabbed his towel and went towards the showers, avoiding Jack’s pleading eyes.

“Shut up,” Mark whispered, bringing Jack back to focus, “Joe told me about you aiming to take my place as captain. Explains why you’ve been sucking up to the coach and the other players…but I’m gonna make you regret ever wanting to challenge me.”

Jack’s eyes widened as Mark made his threat, but he didn’t make any more sounds out of fear for what Mark might do. Mark winked at Jack, slapping his helmet as he turned to the twins.

“Hey, help me get this stuff off him and put him on the bench.”

Ryan grabbed a duffle bag as Connor and Mark started pulling off the sweaty socks, shirts and other gear, with Joe packing them up. Once he was cleaned up, the guys grabbed Jack and laid him on the bench and taped him down to prevent him from rolling off. For the next few minutes, all of the guys threw their sweaty clothes worn during practice onto Jack. Soon after, a vibrating sound was heard coming out of Jack’s bag. Joe went over and checked, pulling out Jack’s phone.

“Oh, it’s Xavier!...Oh so you guys were gonna hang out tonight! Hahaha don’t worry, lemme fix this, I’ll let him know that you’re going to Mark’s……and done. I guess I should text your parents too……there we go, all set.”

Joe put the phone back into the bag when his own phone went off, prompting him to pull it out of his own bag.

“Hey Xav! What’s up?.......Yeah we were just talking about it, we’re getting cleaned up and then we’ll be headed to Mark’s……yeah no we’re good now, sorry for putting you through that……I know, I know……I could’ve handled it better……yeah it’ll be fun! So, remember what we did to Isaac at his birthday party last year?......Yeah we’re gonna do that with Jack and the other guys, we’ll all get turns……yeah you should come!......Sweet! Come on over in like an hour or so……okay see you then!”

He hung up the phone, smiling at Jack who was grunting and struggling on the bench.

“Guess the Trio will be back in action tonight! He’s gonna freak out seeing you like this…hell maybe we’ll give him a turn too, a little taste of what it’ll be like when he joins the team.”

Jack moaned out, trying to shake his head but unable to do so with the tape securing him to the bench. Joe just laughed as he playfully slapped Jack’s face.
“I’m just kidding, we’ll let you stew for a bit and then we’ll free ya. Let you get cleaned up and rest before we have some more fun at Mark’s,” he said as he winked at Jack. But Mark, who was just about to head towards the showers, interrupted Joe.

“Oh no, he’s staying like this for the whole night! In fact, he’s going to be ours to mess with for the whole weekend since my parents are gone.”
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Post by FelixSH »

This ended with the most exciting and the most horrifying sentence, at once. :lol:

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Post by bondagefreak »

Always glad to see an update from you, boy.
It definitely sounds like poor Jack is in for a mighty rough weekend.

Yikes! 8-)

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Post by Socksbound »

Poor Jack, he’s in for a long torturous weekend. No I really think he let Joe and the twins off far too lightly when he got his revenge on them
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Post by gaggedfeety »

Sorry that it's been awhile, I hope y'all like this next chapter.


“Mmphh-mmphh!!” Jack was crying out, trying to break free from his tape prison. He already felt so humiliated having his teammates see him like this, he couldn’t bear to have Xavier see him too. And Jack couldn’t stand to stay like this for a whole weekend for the team to play with, especially with Mark’s dark intentions.

Mmphh-mmphh!! Mmphh-mmphh!!” Jack kept struggling and looked to Joe pleadingly, hoping that there was some mercy or kindness still left in his old friend. For a moment, Joe’s expression softened, and appeared to be showing exactly that, and maybe even some regret. Joe stepped forward, as if he was going to say or do something, but Mark interrupted.

“Alright, guys, hurry up and get cleaned up. We have to lock up soon. And everyone’s good to come over?” Mark said as he patted Joe’s back. Joe looked to the team captain, nodding and smiling, as if reinvigorated in the tormenting of Jack.

“You know that we’re in!” Ryan said as he and his brother put on shirts and grabbed their bags.

“And us too!! This is gonna be so much fun!!!” Jason said as he and Scott smirked at each other and the twins.

“What about you, Mason?

“I can’t, I told you guys, my grandparents are visiting this weekend” Mason said as grabbed his bag and helmet, “Anyways, I have to go, but just take it easy with Jack, you guys. Please.”

Mark and the twins scoffed as Mason headed out without looking back at the gagged and struggling Jack.

“How about you guys?” Ryan asked, looking over at Alex, Jimmy, and Carlos.

“Should be interesting,” Alex said as Carlos and Jimmy nodded their heads, looking over to Mark as he tossed Alex his keys.

“Sweet, go start my car,” he told Alex, and then looked over at Carlos, Jimmy, Jason, and Scott, “and you guys can grab our bags and throw them in the trunk. I’m gonna need Joe and the twins to help carry out our little bench boy.”

The boys started grabbing the bags and headed out as the four other players stood around Jack’s squirming body, smirking down as him as if the muffled pleas were music to their ears. But everyone’s hearts dropped and their smiles faded when they heard someone calling from outside.

“Hey Jack! Come on already!”

“Who’s that?” Connor asked.

“Crap, I think that’s Jake,” Joe said, looking at Mark with a panicked expression.

“It’s fine, you and I will go talk to him…besides you texted their parents,” Mark said as he nudged Joe. They headed outside, and as the door opened, Jack tried crying out. But Ryan slapped his huge hand over Jack’s face, nearly smothering him.

“Shut up!” he whispered. The three boys were quiet, barely able to hear the muffled conversation between Jake, Mark, and Joe. Jack hoped so badly that Jake would come in and save him from the team, like he always did. Jake was always there for Jack: protecting him from bullies, shielding him when their parents fought, picking him from practice, training with him, etc. ‘Please, Jake! Please see through their lies! Get me out of here!’ Jack thought to himself, his breathing still hampered by Ryan’s hand. But after a couple minutes, he heard some muffled laughs, and Mark and Joe came back to the locker room soon after.

“Alright, guys, let’s get going! We don’t need anyone catching us!” Mark said as he started to undo the tape keeping Jack secured to the bench. He and Joe helped him up as the twins wrapped more tape around Jack, oblivious to the tears running down his gagged face. He had given up, knowing that was no escape from his fate and from the humiliation that was coming. Jason and Carlos came back to the locker room just as the twins started to lift Jack.

“Oh sweet, you guys get his legs,” Mark commanded, with Jason and Carlos helping Ryan and Connor lift and carry Jack towards the door and Joe grabbing the door open as the guys carried Jack out. He felt the cool night breeze against his body, mmmphhing quietly as the guys walked across the grass and towards the parking lot. Jason looked down at Jack, whose head was resting against Ryan’s arm.

“I’m surprised he’s not putting up more of a fight,” Jason smiled.

“Nah he knows his place now,” Mark scoffed as the other guys laughed, while Jack moaned back at them quietly. Suddenly, the guys stopped in their tracks and Jack lifted his head, seeing his brother running towards him.



“Mmphh-mmphh!!” Jack struggled against his bonds, squirming around in the guys’ hands.

“WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU GUYS DOING?!” Jake yelled as he got closer, “PUT HIM DOWN NOW!!!”

Mark nodded to them as they slowly laid Jack down on the ground. Jack kept struggling and tried to roll over to his brother, but Joe stopped him and rested one leg on Jack’s stomach.

“Dude, relax, it’s just a bit of fun!” Joe said, looking at Mark.

“Yeah we’re just messing with him, we’ll free him when we get back to my place,” Mark said, not seeming to care that his plans for Jack were being threatened. Jack grunted loudly at his brother, shaking his head, but Joe pressed down harder on his stomach.

“That’s not happening. Now get your foot off Jack and leave him alone, he’s not going with you.”

“And what’re you going to do about it?” Mark said, puffing out his chest, “We can easily kick your ass. He’s not gonna get hurt, so go back home and relax. And you can come pick him up tomorrow.”

Jake looked his brother, who was groaning and crying while under Joe’s foot. Jack looked back, seeing Jake all red-faced and angry. He didn’t want Jake to get hurt, and almost wanted him to just leave him. Mark did say he was going to teach him a lesson, but he couldn’t really do any harm to Jack. But Jake didn’t back down, as he saw his brother pull out his phone.

“I might not be able to stop you, but I can just as easily call the cops,” Jake said as he dialed on his phones, “And even if you guys and even Jack denied it all, the coach and the school are not going to be happy to see the team caught up with law enforcement. Especially since you guys took advantage of there being no adult supervision.”

Jack could hear the Joe and the twins whispering to Mark, trying to convince to just back down and forget the whole thing. Mark was listening them, but kept glaring at Jake, as if waiting for him to budge. But after a few seconds, he looked down at Jack, who was silently crying on the cold hard pavement. His expression softened just a bit, as if he finally saw how far things went.

“Whatever, let’s go,” Mark said as he gently pushed the guys away towards his car. No more words were exchanged between Jake and the guys, and none of his teammates looked at Jack as they walked away, except for Joe. He hesitated for a couple seconds, opening his mouth a bit as he looked at Jack. There seemed to be sorrow and remorse in his expression, but he didn’t speak and just walked off with the rest of the guys, dropping Jack’s bag next to him. Jake immediately ran to his brother as Joe walked away.

“Are you okay?!” he said as he started to undo the tape wrapped around his head, but Jack didn’t make much sound until he was finally able to spit out the jockstrap. It only a few more minutes for Jake to get the rest of the tape off of his body, and as soon as the last bit of tape came off, Jack pulled himself up and threw up in a nearby bush.

“Jack?! Are you okay?” Jake said as he put his hand on his brother’s shoulder.

“Yeah…I just couldn’t stand the taste any longer…” Jack said hoarsely. Jake started to help his brother up when Jack just hugged him and collapsed, breaking down in tears. They sat in the school parking lot for about twenty minutes or so, with Jack sobbing in his brother’s arms the whole time. But Jake didn’t say anything; he just held his brother tightly until he started to get up again. His brother helped Jack up and walked him to his car, wrapping him in an old jacket and helping him into the car. Nothing was said in the car ride home, although Jake soon realized that Jack had fallen asleep. When they arrived home, Jake was able to carry his brother inside and managed to get Jack into his bed, leaving him to get some much-needed rest......

Last edited by gaggedfeety 2 years ago, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by FelixSH »

That was sweet. I did, indeed, like this chapter.

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Post by bondagefreak »

Was surprised to login and see another chapter of this fine tale [mention]gaggedfeety[/mention]!
Super happy you found a bit of time to get some writing done.

Awh, Jake is a such a great brother.
It makes me wish I had a young brother to take care of and protect.

Hope Jack knows how lucky he is to have been saved from the team's merciless clutches!

And as for Joe...I like him, but peer pressure tends to do strange things and push people to do things they wouldn't normally do.
At least we know that the guys were able to renew their friendships sometime after these events took place.

Thanks for another brilliant chapter, buddy-boi!

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Post by gaggedfeety »

Hi everyone! Be sure to check out my latest story if you want to see what Jake and Bobby have been up to ;)

"The Bobbyverse Chronicles"
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Post by gaggedfeety »

Hey everyone, I just posted a new story! It's completely separate from this story, but I hope you enjoy it!

Josh's Foot Obsession ... 68#p135068
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