Roommate Wars M/M (Final added - 10. 04.)

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Roommate Wars M/M (Final added - 10. 04.)

Post by FelixSH »

Chapter 1: Movie Night

“This movie sucks. Can we watch something different, please?”, Noah asked, yawning loudly. Zack, his roommate, rolled his eyes. “No, we can not. I have wanted to watch this movie for two weeks. It's finally my turn.”

“But it sucks! This is supposed to be about watching shitty movies and making fun of them, but this one is so booooring.” Noah let his head hang down from the sofa, his limbs motionless and mouth open. “Please stop tormenting me!”, he added, after the lack of a reaction.

Skylar noisily ate a bunch of chips, before chiming in. “Come on, your movie wasn't any better. Just deal with it. Next week, you can torment us with something bad of your choice.” His eyes went back to the screen, watching a guy in a badly done robot costume. “You seriously don't find this nonsense funny?”

Noah grunted and sighed, as his roommates laughed again at the crappy effects. He eyed the jelly beans, and started to grin.

“What are you doing, jerk? Stop that.” Zack looked angrily at Noah, who looked as innocent as possible. “Whatever do you mean?”, he asked, trying hard to keep a straight face. “Stop throwing jelly beans at me! And you don't need to laugh!”, Zack added, in the direction of a snickering Skylar.

“Part of the fun is watching you two bicker like an old couple.” His laugh got only more intense, as both guys looked angrily at him.

“Shut up. I want to watch that movie. It's my turn, and I swear, we will watch it together, in peace!” Zack turned his attention back at the TV, only to furiously turn back to Noah again, after being hit with another bean. “Stop that, goddammit!” Both Noah and Skylar started laughing, as their roommate grabbed the bag of sweets and hid it near his body.

Some minutes later, Noah got up with a yawn. “You know what, guys? I give up. Enjoy you lame movie, I'll go to my room.” He was halfway near the door, as Zack screamed: “You are staying here! I always have to watch you dumb movies too!” But the only answer was more laughter and a slammed door.


Noah lay on his bed, reading a book, as his door opened. A devilishly grinning Zack appeared, walking slowly forward. His hands were hidden behind his back.

“Come on, what now? Sorry for making fun of you, but I think we should just cancel movie night. Let's do something different next time, ok?” Noah sat up, his back against the wall, as his roommate didn't answer. His face lost a bit of color, as he realized that it was duct tape that was hidden behind Skylars back. “Wh-What are you going to do?” He tried backing away, but there was nowhere to go.

“You will watch that movie, and if I have to force you.”

With that words, Zack jumped his friend, who did his best to defend himself. But there was not much to be done. Zack was well trained, as well as a bit bigger, and it didn't take long for the slim, untrained Noah to be forced on his stomach, with his roommate on his back.

“Get off me”, he said, though it was hard to talk with someones weight pressing the air out of your body. He couldn't do much to defend himself, as his hands were tied behind his back with multiple layers of tape.


Cold sweat appeared on Noahs forehead, as he struggled helplessly.


Skylar played around on his phone, as the door to the living room went open. In came Zack, with a filled up sleeping bag over his shoulder. The bag moved around and produced grunts and similar sounds. But it didn't take long for Skylar to realize what he saw.

“Dude, did you seriously just do that?” It was mainly surprise that made him ask a question with such an obvious answer. The sleeping bag was placed in a sitting position on the couch, with the beet-red face of Noah sticking out on top. The cord of the hood was pulled close and knotted off, so that it was just large enough for the neck. Multiple layers of tape were wrapped around the prisoners head, who wouldn't stop struggling and mumbling like crazy.

“Was that really necessary? A sleeping bag?” Skylar could barely hold himself back from laughing. “Don't overdo it.”

“Oh, that's not all. There is a lot of tape under that bag. But I was actually really nice. I only used a clean pair of boxer shorts to gag him. Hehe!” Zack positioned himself directly in front of his captives face, before pinching him him the cheek. He only laughed, as his prisoner screamed. “So, are you now going to watch the movie?”

Noah demonstratively shut his eyes, moving his head to clearly indicate that he would still continue to protest. His captor thought for a few seconds, before running out of the room, snickering. When he came back, he held a shoe in his hand.

His eyes closed, so Noah only reacted as he started to smell the foul odor that came near his face. He opened his eyes in horror, restarted his struggle with even more intensity. But he was helpless, as the shoe was put over his mouth and nose, and the shoelaces were wrapped around his head and the shoe again, tied behind the sole. Gleefully, Zack added a few more rounds of duct tape, ignoring the protests of his prisoner, which increasingly sounded more like pleas than demands.

After being finally done, Zack grabbed his prisoners face, looking him straight in the eye. “I always keep my promises. And now have fun with the movie.” He sat down next to his friend, putting his arm over his shoulders, so that he could randomly squeeze his cheeks or ruffle his hair.

Skylar was still laughing, with tears in his eyes. This was one of the most fun he ever had at movie night.

Noah still struggled, but seemed mainly desperate to get away from the awful smell. But even the struggling stopped, after he realized that it only made his roommates laugh. He finally accepted his predicament, not even closing his eyes, in fear of being pinched in the cheek again.

But he didn't pay much attention. He contained his anger, put it away for later, and thought about the future. This meant war!
Last edited by FelixSH 1 year ago, edited 4 times in total.

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Post by Xtc »

Thanks for posting this. Fine entertainment for a Sunday afternoon.
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by wataru14 »

I really enjoyed that! Thanks for sharing.
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Post by cj2125 »

Nice story, looking forward for how the rest goes
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Post by TiedNW »

That’s a cool movie night!
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Post by bondagefreak »

Damn [mention]FelixSH[/mention]! Why didn't you tell me you'd published a new story?!
I completely missed this one and only stumbled upon it due to my friend [mention]TiedNW[/mention] bumping it back up into the top of the section.

Non-consensual, duct tape, sleeping bag bondage, underwear gag and to top that off, forced shoe-sniffing!
It doesn't get any better than this, does it buddy? 8-)

Really enjoyed this piece.
Has a bunch of things that I love in it, and as I've come to expect from you, proved to be both light and enjoyable.

Is this the last we see of Roommate Wars?
Sounds to me like our underwear-gagged, shoe-sniffing sleeping bagged captive is busy plotting a revenge right now.
I can already see it.

Roommate Wars: Noah's Revenge (M/MM)

Don't disappoint me [mention]FelixSH[/mention]
I wanna see that tale up on the forum. And I want it soon! 8-)

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Post by FelixSH »

Thanks for all the nice comments, I'm glad you enjoyed the first part. I totally intend to continue this story, and have everything already vaguely planned out.

Also, sorry for the late answer, now I feel bad. :oops: I do appreciate all your comments, they mean a lot.

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Post by Socksbound »

[mention]FelixSH[/mention] Great first chapter really enjoyed it looking forward to the next part.
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Post by FelixSH »

Well, that took a bit more time than I wanted to. Thanks, Socksbound, for the feedback (and sorry for the late response, I really appreciate it). Part 3 shouldn't take much longer, I actually split the second part in two halfs, it just became too long. Which means the next part is actually nearly done.

Anyway, here is the next part:

Chapter 2: Revenge of the Nerd

Noah lay exhausted on his bed. He had wanted to work on a college project, after watching the movie with his roommates, but it would have to wait until tomorrow. He was optimistic, after the movie was over and Zack had freed him of the sleeping bag, but that was only the start of the tickle torture. It was exhausting. Noah had made it to the shower, but now he just lay on his bed, his body too heavy for any other movement. He was frustrated.

It was not that he was angry. Pranks happened, and both him and Zack had been on the receiving end of multiple ones. The Lasagna incident was still one of their funniest inside jokes. Noah hadn't laughed at the time, but found the fun of it later on. In particularly, he found it when the Pizza Incident happened. Another one of their favorite stories. These things made it fun to live in this flat.

But Noah needed to take revenge. And it had to be mean. He had wanted to play an online game with friends tomorrow, but he would now need to sacrifice at least some of that time to finish his project. Jack had to suffer.


It was Wednesday, when Noah gave up trying to be clever, and went for brute force. Well, brute force in itself was out of the question. Zack was stronger and just in general in better form. But there was always the way of the bet.

Noah approached his roommate, who was working on his laptop. Light, classical music was playing. “Zack, you up for some Mario Kart?” No reaction. Zacks focus was wholly on the screen, while typing something. Only as Noah came nearer, asking a few more times, did he realize that he wasn't alone anymore. He turned around, looking slightly confused.

“Hey, what's up? You need anything?”, Zack asked, obviously not having heard any sort of question. Noah rolled his eyes. “I'm really jealous of your ability to zoom out so completely. It's crazy.” Zack nodded. “Yeah, yeah, I know. What's up?”

“Oh, I was just bored and wondered if you had some time? We could play Mario Kart together?” Zack frowned, looking back to his laptop. “Hmm, I'd like to, but I also have some stuff to work on. You know how it is, always a new paper to write, and stuff.”

Noah just waited. He knew how that would end. Zack looked up, moving his head around a bit, before finally changing his mind. “Sure, why not. I need a break anyway.” He got up to turn on the TV and the console, not seeing how Noah tried to get his second question out.

“So, uh, how about making it a bit more interesting?” It felt like there were a million butterflies in his stomach, fighting for a way out. This was a risky move, but the only thing he could come up with. He blushed slightly, as his friend turned around from the TV, looking curious.

“More interesting? How?”, he asked. “I, uhm, thought about a bet? Like, you know, maybe the loser could know, tied up?”

It took Zack some time, before he burst out laughing. “Seriously, dude? Is that your way of getting revenge?” Noahs face became more and more red. He had thought for a long time, but he was so fixated on getting even, that nothing came to mind, and he had to settle for something that he was likely to lose, so he would just get a chance at all. Zack had played way more Mario Kart than him, but it contained a large enough amount of luck that this might not be a problem. It was a gamble, but it was also the only thing that might work.

Zack amused himself with how nervous his friend looked. “Eh, I think I will pass. Try something more clever, if you want to get even. But we can play just for fun, if you want to?”

Noah tried to think of something. He didn't want to give up now.

“Wait, wait, how about this?” Breathing in, breathing out, the words needed some time to get there. “If you win, you can choose which movie to watch the next three times, when it would be my turn. And you can tie me up again then, too. How about that?”

Zack had to actually think about this. It was a good deal. He had a lot of fun last Friday. But still, losing would really suck. Was this worth it?

“And if I lose?”, he finally asked. Noah finally saw a shimmer of hope. Did it actually work? “I get to tie you up. One time.”

Zack seemed to be in thought for some time, but it was obvious to his friend, that the bet was on. Which made the butterflies in Noahs stomach go crazy, as he realized that he had to win now. He just had to. There was no way, that he would let himself get tied up again by his roommate, especially not out of his own choice.


“I swear, if you ever get something watchable on here, I will buy some champagne. This thing is even worse than the movie from last week.”

Skylar complained as usual, but it was also clear that he had a good time. This was true every time, as he always got something out of bad art. He loved searching for badly done stuff, small and big.

But, like last week, he had an additional source of fun. While he didn't engage in the light torture of his roommate, it was great fun for him to hear the grunts of his other roommate, who was tied and gagged.

“You guys have no taste. This is art. Appreciate it”, Zack said, before stuffing his mouth with chips. Just for fun, he poked Noah in the side, producing a muffled giggle. “See, he likes the movie.”

Noah tried to protest, but it was a pointless exercise. His mouth was, once again, stuffed with a pair of his captors piece of underwear. The shoe that had already covered parts of his face last week, had found its place once more, and it stank even more this time.

But there was nothing to do, but accept his situation. A bet was a bet! It didn't stop him from complaining, but he had made his piece with sitting on the couch, parts of his body wrapped in duct tape, his hands trapped behind his back, his mouth filled and closed with (at least clean) underwear and his nose being subjected to male odors.

The sleeping bag was not used, this time. Zack found it way funnier if he had multiple places to choose from, for a little tickle torture. The worst part was that it happened at random times. Every time there was something dumb or funny on the screen, a ticklish part of Noahs body was visited by Zacks fingers, sometimes for one short poke, sometimes for a multiple seconds. And it was always a different body part. Noahs body seemed to be made up of ninety percent ticklish parts.

“Please, stop!”, he tried to scream, as Zack went for another attack. Despite the muffling effect, it was still possible to make out the words, but they just added to the fun. And Zack was happy that Skylar seemed to think so too. The other roommate, as always, stayed away from the games these two played, but he was also always amused by them.

Two more times! Noah had to endure this two more times! He didn't even want to think about it. Not that he could, as his thoughts were always stopped by another tickle attack.

But a thought did flash into his mind, long enough to give him some peace. There was a way. He just needed to wait for the right time.

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Post by bondagefreak »

[mention]FelixSH[/mention] I don't know how I missed this.
It must've been a particularly busy week for me seeing as I'm only coming across this latest chapter now.
Every time there was something dumb or funny on the screen, a ticklish part of Noahs body was visited by Zacks fingers, sometimes for one short poke, sometimes for a multiple seconds. And it was always a different body part. Noahs body seemed to be made up of ninety percent ticklish parts.
Brilliantly written, my friend!
Really loving this one.

I know you're taking a little break from writing right now, but I for one cannot wait for you to get back to this and "Worst Party Ever".
You'll have an audience eagerly awaiting you when you decide to make your return 8-)

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Post by FelixSH »

Thanks [mention]bondagefreak[/mention]. :)
Wow, it's been so long since I updated this one. Yeah, I'm not home most of the time (work related), so I don't have much access to my PC. It should change in June, I plan to continue my stories then. Will probably start with a stand-alone piece, though, but I will not forget "Worst Party Ever".

Thanks for pointing out the paragraph, it's always nice to know which specific parts work. Glad you liked the chapter. :)

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Post by FelixSH »

I want to actually finish the stories I had started over the last few years. So, here is a new chapter of this one. I just mentioned everyone who left a comment, a year ago. Feel free to ignore this, if you aren't interested in reading more of this story.

Chapter 3: Noah gets serious

Noah had to wait longer than expected. Another Friday went by, and he was again his flatmates prisoner. But he didn't want it to be just a random evening. And even on the right evening, he needed the circumstances to be right, or he would just spend another night wrapped in tape.

It was the following Saturday, during the afternoon, when he had another session with his friends online. It was during a break, when he got something to drink from the kitchen, that he saw Zack, surprisingly nicely dressed. He didn't even remember, when his roommate hadn't worn a t-shirt, or even just a tank top, and some nearly ripped jeans. Seeing him in a dark blue dress shirt and some light chinos caught Noahs attention.

“Wow, are you going to a wedding, or what is up with that fancy stuff?”. He couldn't hide his grin, as Zacks face got a bit red, and grabbed unintentionally the back of his neck. “Nothing, just a date tonight. Hey, that's how you dress for something like that.” His look got more cocky, suddenly. “Trust me, for whenever you will have a date. Your gamer t-shirts won't impress anyone.”

Noah accepted that he didn't win this one. It didn't matter. “Ok, ok, nevermind. When do you have the date?”

Zacks look mellowed out immediately. “In three hours. Here, take a look. Isn't she hot?” He got his phone out, showing his roommate the pictures from her online profile. Noah nodded, adding in a few “Yeah, nice.” Hotness didn't register for him, when it came to women. But he was happy for his friend, and the girl looked nice enough.

“Well, I still have a bit of homework to do before I go”, Zack said, putting his phone away. “I'm going back to my room.” He picked some stuff out of the fridge and went away.

Noah had trouble hiding his grin. He did feel a bit bad, but it was just a first date. There would be other opportunities.

He went back into his room, completely forgetting about his game. His whole attention was on the roll of duct tape, that lay there on his desk, waiting to be used. The eyes were glimmering. This should be a fun day. Short before giggling, he caught himself. “God, I should give myself a wedgie for acting like such a nerd. An evil laugh, come on now.”


Skylar was sitting on the kitchen table, reading a book while eating a sandwich. He only caught a glimpse of Noah, who slowly made his way to Zacks room, a roll of duct tape in his hand. “What the hell...”, he said, quietly enough not to be heard. Something funny was about to happen. He put his book away, waiting for someone to get out, after Noah had entered the room.


Zack was focused on his laptop, exactly how it was last time. He didn't even realize that the door was opened. Noah had already ripped the start of the tape from the roll before entering, as to minimize the noise he was producing.

Slowly, he closed the space between himself and his soon-to-be prisoner. Every step increased his excitement. Would Zack turn around, for whatever reason? He made another step, trying to put his foot down as lightly as possible. Sweat started to appear on his forehead. If anything went wrong, he would probably spend the whole weekend tied and gagged. Noah gulped, his look focused forward.

He froze, as Zack suddenly moved. But his roommate was only grabbing his glass of water, taking another sip. The focus never went away from the screen.

Noahs heart was ready to burst out of his chest. He really wasn't made for nonsense like this. But it was also really exciting. Big risk, big reward. He couldn't help but grin, as he took his next step.

One more, and he was there. It was now or never, and there was no turning back. And finally, he went for it.

Noah made one last step forward, before placing the detached piece of tape on Zacks mouth, and starting wrapping it round his head like crazy. Zack was caught completely off guard, as he felt something sticky being attached to his face and wrapped around his head. His first reaction was to put his hands up, in front of his face, to protect it against the attack.

This was, of course, the wrong move, and soon he found his hand stuck at his head. He tried to say something, but the tape and his hands worked as a pretty effective gag already.

After a few of wrapping Zacks hands to his head, Noah went further down with the tape. He made a stop at the arms, directly below the hands, and tied them together with a few rounds of tape. Then, the roll just continued downwards, and wrapped Zacks elbows the the front of his upper body, and his upper body to the back of the office chair.

Only a few seconds had passed, when Noah had decided that his friend was effectively tied up and he had won. He ripped the tape of and attached it to the other layers on Zacks upper body. His heart still hammered in his chest, and he could already feel his shirt getting sweaty, but it was done.

Zack had already realized that he was now tied up, and he tried furiously to get free. While his captor added some tape to his feet, he screamed into his gag, working on getting his hands lowered, and free from the tape on his face.

Noah, being satisfied with his work, let himself fall on the bed while watching his prisoner. His relaxed and happy face went to shock, as he saw how Zack worked his hands free of the tape on his face. He wanted to add something, already being subjected to Zacks swears, but realized soon that the arms were still stuck to to body, and the hands still tied together. He giggled.

“Wait, buddy, let me help you a bit.” Noah got up, picking up a pair of scissors from the desk, and cut away the tape on his roommates face. He tried to be careful with the hair, but Zack still was audibly in pain during the whole process.

“Well, that's enough. How are you feeling, buddy?” A big grin showed on Noahs face, as he watched his angry friend pull helplessly on the tape. It took some time, but he finally got an answer. “Well played, buddy. You got me.” Zack seemed to be in thought. He sighed deeply. “Ok, you got one hour. Just let me go for my date, ok? I'll even cooperate, as long as you let me go on time.”

Noah still couldn't stop grinning. “You are cooperating? Promise?” He accepted the nod, and got the scissors again. “So, I can retie your hands behind your back, and you won't fight me?” Zack sighed. “Yes, I promise to let you have your victory. Go ahead.” While Noah was nervous, it was as promised – his friend didn't try to fight, when his hands were free, but simply crossed them at his back. A few more rounds of the silver material followed, pinning the arms of the prisoner to his upper body.

“One hour, got it? I really need to shower again” Zack said, looking down on his sweaty shirt. “Shower, huh? Sure, you will have time for that, promise.”

Noah led his prisoner out of the room. Skylar, who had only heard weird noises coming out, started to laugh as he saw Zacks tied hands. “I would have bet to see Noah stuck in a sleeping bag again. Well done, glad you finally won.” Zack threw him an angry look. “Shut up, or you will spend next Friday night in a sleeping bag, too.” This didn't dissuade Skylar from following his friends to the bathroom, curious to learn what Noah had planned.

Inside, Noah took a look, before grabbing one of the towels, and tied it over the tape that held Zacks hands together. Another, bigger towel was used to cover up his upper body, with the corners knotted together at the prisoners back.

“You wanted to shower, right? Get in.”

Zack looked confused at his roommate, while Skylar couldn't suppress a short laugh. “I'm still dressed. Are you kidding.”

Noah gave his friend a stare. “Dude, that's kind of the point. Now get in. Or do I have to force you? You promised to cooperate, right?”

Zack sighed, but accepted. He was not in the mood for a long fight, and as long as he would get out again in time, it didn't matter. Noah should get his fun.

Soon, Zack stood inside, his hands, sticking out of the wrap-around towel, tied to a metal bar. Noah took his sweet time, using another towel to also tie the feet together, while Skylar amused himself by watching the weird interaction. “Looking nice, dude, the towels really fit your eye color” and similar nonsense was all he contributed.

Finally, Noah was ready, grinning at his captive. “Well, how would you like it? Hot or cold?”, he asked, while taking care not to leave anything in the pockets of his friend. Zack didn't answer, unsure what to expect. His heart started to beat harder, not being accustomed to be in the position of the helpless victim.

“Not much of a talker today, huh?”

Noah made sure the shower head was positioned correctly, and then turned on the water. He and Skylar started to laugh, as Zacks screams filled the room.

“Stop! It's cold! Please, turn it off!”

Noah did as he was told. The stream stopped, and Zack breathed heavily, his heart racing. “Had your fun?”, he asked, fear in his voice. Well based fear, of course, as Noah only waited a few seconds, before turning the water on again. Another bout of laughter followed, plus a few swears. Zack had already started to struggle, but the bonds held him in place.

After turning the water off again, he went for Zacks laundry basket. He grabbed a pair of boxer shorts, as well as two socks, sniffing at them, and turning his face away in disgust.


Noah looked at him, exhausted. “Are you done?”, he asked, afraid of the answer. Noahs hands were hidden behind his back, but the mean grin should have warned his roommate. “Maybe if you say please?”

Zack sighed. He had earned this, it was just fair payback.

“Would you stop now, plemmph!”

The pair of boxers had found it's way into the unexpecting prisoners mouth, cutting his beg short. Before he could protest, or push the garment out again, another rolled-up towel was pushed into his mouth, knotted behind his head. Two socks were tied to it, exactly where the towel was stuck between Zacks teeth.


It might have been possible, to understand more of what Zack tried to say, but neither Noah nor Skylar cared much. They were busy making fun of the disgusted grimaces of Zack, his helpless struggle and the way his eyes indicated, how gross the taste in his mouth was. His struggle intensified, the head seemingly ready to jump off his neck, the way he moved it around. But there was no escape, even when a third wave of water made him intensify his struggle.


Noah recognized his roommates begging, but this only made his victory sweeter. “There are still 15 minutes left. I'm sure it's enough, to get used to the water.

Zacks eyes seemed to pop out, as he heard this. “PPMMMMPHH!!!”, he begged, but this, too, fell on deaf ears.

“Ok, guys, that was fun, but I'll go to my room now. See you, when you are done playing.” And with that, Skylar went out, still juckling.

Noah didn't wait for much longer, though, and turned the temperature of the water up to a decent degree again. There was no point in making his roommate ill. But he had one last bomb to drop.

“You having fun in there?”, he asked, innocently. Zack eyed him angrily, struggling against his bonds, while trying to shout obscenities. But Noah only grinned, knowing that his friend was stuck.

“Good, good. Because you will have to spend the next, uh, let's say three hours in there.”

It took a bit, before this registered with Zack. “WWHMMPH? MMPHH!!”, and an intensified struggle was his only response, useless as it was.

“Hey, I never actually promised to let you go. I just asked, if you would compromise, and I promised you, that you would have the chance to shower.”

Zacks eyes grew uneasy, as he realized this. It was true. Noah never promised to free him. His struggling stopped, as did the screams. “Mmmph”, was all he said, a clear beg to talk. Noah complied, taking out the gag, grinning at his roommate.

“Look, dude, I'm sorry. But please don't ruin this date for me. I worked so hard to get it, and if I just don't show up, that's it. For sure. Please!”

Noah liked this. He wasn't accustomed to having power over his roommate. And especially after the last few Fridays, he enjoyed this power a lot.

“Sorry, nope. Why would I let you go? Make me an offer.”

Zack sighed, thinking frustrated of something. There was desperation in his voice, when he answered. “Look, I won't tie you up the next two Fridays. For all I care, you can tie me up instead. I'll even do your chores for a week. But, please, let me go. Please.”

Noah put his hand to his chin, seemingly thinking about the offer. But the hopeful look on his roommates face died soon enough. “Nope, can't do.”

And before Zack could say anything else, the boxers had found their way back into his mouth, as did the towel with the socks.


The plea was answered by another cold shower, plus a scream of shock, from the unsuspecting Zack. His struggle, once again, intensified. But soon, realization dawned, and with it the frustrating desperation of knowing, that he had lost.

Noah played around with the water a bit more, before finally deciding to leave his prisoner alone. A last, desperate scream followed, as he closed the bathroom door behind him.

But he was not done yet.

Skylar was watching TV, as Noah came inside. “You two done?”, he asked, only looking away for a second. Noah laughed. “Nah, he's still in there, and that won't change soon. I did take away the towel, though. I mean, it's not like it's cold, he should be dry soon enough.”

“Wait, you aren't letting him go?”

Skylar had now turned away from the screen, frowning at Noah. “Look, I appreciate your dumb competition, but don't you think this goes a bit too far? You are ruining his chances with that girl.”

Noah just shook his shoulders. “Eh, he will find someone else. Or just tell her, that he felt ill, or something. Don't worry about it, he has earned it.”

But Skylar was not impressed. “Come on, you had your fun. Just go and free him.”

Noah sighed, nodding. “Ok, ok, you are right. But I'll let him stay in there a bit longer, just to scare him. You fine with that?”

This made Skylars smile reappear. “Sure, whatever. Just don't be a jerk, you know?” And with that, he turned his attention back to the screen.

Until he heard the door of his room being locked. “What the...”, he said, before getting up, trying to open the door. But, as expected, it was closed. “Hey, what the hell do you think you're doing?”

But Noah had already gone back to his own room. He felt like the king of the world. Zack was paying for being a jerk, and Skylar was unable to do anything about it. For a short time, he would be the ruler of this flat.

Whistling, he threw himself onto his bed and turned on some music, while grinning like a maniac.


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Post by FelixSH »

Ups, not intended to wait for such a long time again. Well, here is the next part. One more, and this story is over.

Part 4: A Job Well Done

Days had passed, since Noah had ruined Zacks date. And ruined it had been, as the girl was too pissed at Zack to talk to him.

Which made it all the more surprising, that he didn't seem angry. On the contrary, there wasn't even any retaliation when Noah undid the bonds. Just some friendly ribbing. It seemed, like Zack had understood that he went to far.

Skylar was a bit grumpy, when let out of his room, but accepted his roommates apology, together with the promise that it would never happen again. “Guys, don't drag me into your nonsense. Got it?”, was all he had to say about it.

Life returned to normal. Movie night continued, and Noah had offered to let Zack chose the movie for the next four weeks. Plus, also being bound and gagged, of course. Maybe the two additional weeks were enough of a peace offer.


It was a Tuesday, when Noah had to cancel movie night this week. He and his buddies were eating in the kitchen, when he got home, carrying a new, black suit and a black tie. Zack looked, first at the suit, then at his roommate, who he had only ever seen in jeans, t-shirts and hoodies.

“What's up with the suit? Something special happening?”, he asked. “It's for a job? Got it through a job agency.” A huge smile appeared on Noahs face. “I'm working at a congress, next week, from Friday to Monday. Giving out badges for the attendants, helping speakers, stuff like that. The pay is surprisingly good, and if I do good work, the center might even take me permanently. I mean, just a small chance, but still.”

“Glad you found something”, Skylar said. “Good to know, that your search is finally over.”

Zack tilted his head to the right, thinking for a bit. “What job agency is that? I'd like to get a bit more money too. My part-time job isn't paying that well. Friday to Monday would work out pretty well for me too, if they still need people at that congress.”

“Well, I think the jobs for this one are already taken, but I'll send you the link to their website. They have other jobs too, though, you should be able to find something there.”

Zack took a look at the website, nodding a few times, while finishing his meal.


“Damn, I hate ties”, Noah cursed, as it got close to noon on Friday. After a long fight, he had finally managed to not only tie the annoying thing, but also in the right length. Finally, he buttoned his jacket, appreciating his looks in the mirror. “Not bad, I guess”, he murmured, as the door opened, and Zack entered.

“Nice look, man. When are you going?”, he asked, with Noah still fixating on his mirror image. “Oh, in two hours. Just wanted to make sure, that I get the tie right, so wanted to start earlier.” The student tugged on the restrictive collar. “God, I hate this. It's obnoxious. And the jacket is hot”, he said, before taking it off, and hanging it onto his chair.

“Before you go, I need something from you. Should only take a second”, Zack said, unable to hide a weird tone in his voice. His roommate looked at him, at the diabolic grin, and the roll of tape in the hand.

Noahs face turned pale. “No, please, not today. I need this job, you know that!” Slowly, he backed off, but soon got into contact with the wall of his room.

“Of course it's today! You ruined my date, you jerk, do you expect me to simply forgive you?!” The smile was nearly gone, Zacks eyes were burning with anger. And before Noah could do anything else, his roommate jumped him.

Noah fought, but there was nothing to be done. This wasn't even like the other times, the anger made Zack even stronger. “No, please, let me go! Please!!”, he begged, but soon enough, his hands were trapped behind his back, imprisoned by strict, silvery tape. The boy thrashed around wildly, while continuing to plead. His captor didn't even answer, while forcing the elbows closer together.

“Come on, I'll do your chores for you, for the next three months. Just let me go, please, I beg you!”

The ice cold “Shut up” that followed made Noahs blood freeze. He had never heard such a grim tone in Zacks voice, so utterly without sympathy. He went too far last time, this was clear now. But the chilling realization came too late.

There would have been further pleading, but soon, a thick, used sock found its way into the captives mouth. His eyes bulged, as the disgusting fabric touched his tongue. “Hmmmphh!!”, was the intense, but only, answer, at the attack against his taste buds.

A grim kind of joy had come back to Zacks voice, as he said: “I tried my hardest to sweat as much as possible in these socks. You like the first one?”

“HHMMPH!”, Noah screamed, trying desperately to get the horrible thing out of his mouth, away from his tongue, but Zacks hand was there to fight back. And soon, a second sock was added, filling up the mouth completely, even pushing the cheeks out a bit.

Noah had a hard time fighting it, as his tongue was now trapped below the stinking material. It would only have been a matter of time, before he could get it out, but a few rounds of tape sealed his hope shut. The roll went round and round, covering all his lower face, two times over the top part of the nose, and finally even from below his chin to the top of his head.

Zack didn't even used a hat, the tape stuck directly to the hair of his victim. “GGMMPH!! MMMPHHH!!!” Noah roared into his gag, fighting the tape that held his hands, but without any result. Still, he did achieve something, as he was finally able to roll away, wildly moving his body, and kicking his captor into the stomach.

This didn't help a bit, of course. Zacks eyes got even angrier, as he grabbed Noahs tie, forcing him into a sitting position by pulling on it, until their faces were directly in front of each others. “Next time, you better think first, before you fuck with me.” The tone was calm, but underlined with a grim determination, and a bit of evil glee. But Noah was not backing away. He couldn't defend himself, but the situation made him too angry to back down. The horrible taste in his mouth just increased his resolve.

And yet, no backfighting helped him here. Soon, he lay on his bed, some more tape added to the upper arms, as well as the upper legs and the feet. He had never stopped grunting, never stopped moving around, but at this point, it was clear that there was no hope of him getting out of this on his own.

Suddenly, his phone rang. Zack looked at the screen, grinning. “A message from the job agency. I guess they want to know if you are ready, haha.”

Noahs eyes grew wide, before he started to thrash around again. “MMPHH!!! MMMPPHHHH!!”, he begged, as he realized that this here was already his chance for the job slipping away. He needed to answer to the message within thirty minutes, or it would be assumed, that he wasn't ready. “MMMPHH!!!!”, he pleaded one last time, but his roommate only laughed.

“Haha, I guess they will think that you are completely unreliable, huh?”, Zack teased, laughing at his prisoners frustration. He patted his cheek a few times. “You are so adorable, when you are helpless, haha.”

And with that, he turned around, leaving the room.

Noah, trying to suppress the horrible taste in his mouth, focused on a way to escape. There had to be something he could do! Slowly, he positioned himself differently, until his legs could touch the ground. And a few seconds later, he was standing, a bit wobbly, but still.

His dress shirt was already sweaty, and he would be too late for the message, but maybe he could explain it to the guy from the job agency. Primarily, he needed to get out of the tape. Slowly, hop by hop, he moved forward to the door. He needed to get to the kitchen, a knife of scissors, something sharp. And fast, before Zack found him.

But even before he had reached the door, it opened again. In front of him stood his captor, dressed in a white dress shirt, a black suit and a black tie. The same stuff that he would be was wearing right now, sans the jacket on his chair.

“Well, what have we here? Someone trying to escape, maybe?”, he said, before grabbing Noah by the hair at the back of his head, the part that wasn't covered by tape. “MMPHH!!”, the prisoner complained, hurt by the painful pulling. But Zack didn't care. He forced his roommate to jump back onto the bed, and lie on the stomach.

“I knew, I should have tied you up better. No big deal, I still have time.”

And with that, he grabbed Noahs head, pushed it back, and started to wrap more tape around the lower part. But after only one round, he grabbed his prisoners feet, drawing them closer to the head, and finally bringing the roll further back, to wrap it around the feet two times. Afterwards, it went back to the head, and then to the feet.

Noah screamed helplessly, as his head and feet were drawn together, stricter and stricter. It wasn't too brutal, if he let his legs rest, there was just a bit of pressure on his head. But still, while his upper body was lying on the bed, mainly horizontally, his head was now forced into a vertical position, looking forward, the lower part always drawn backwards.

It was a horrible position. The arms were helplessly stuck behind the back, his mouth was filled by a godawful taste, his head was stuck, basically unable to move, his legs were equally useless and, as a final nuisance, the collar of his shirt pressed permanently against his neck.

He already felt exhausted, and the fight had gone out of him. Until he heard his phone ring, which invoked a last bit of strength, making him struggle one more time. “I think it's the guy from the job agency. Maybe he wants to know if you are coming or not, hahaha!” Zack found the whole situation hilarious. But it was still not all. Because after Noahs phone had stopped ringing, Zacks phone started to.

Noahs eyes grew big, and he went into another impotent rage, as his roommate answered his phone, telling someone that, yes, he was already dressed and ready to go.

“Well, you know your job agency? I asked them to be the standby for the job you mentioned, and someone doesn't seem to react to anything. So, I guess whoever it is will lose the job, and I will get it. Lucky me, huh?”


Zack didn't even react to that. He wanted to go, but took one last look back, before closing the door.

“For the record, don't even think about getting freed by Skylar. I'll have a short chat with him, that you don't want to be disturbed. Hehe.”

And with that, under a last, impotent whimper of protest from Noah, the door was closed.

A few moments later, Zack entered Skylars room. Angry, frustrated grunts greeted Zack, which only broadened his grin.

“You all right, buddy? Feeling good?”


It was clear, that Skylar was incredibly pissed, but there was nothing he could do – he was basically in the very same situation as Zacks other prisoner. Like Noah, Skylar was bound by tape, his hands and elbows strictly stuck behind his back, his upper legs and feet taped together, and the feet forced into a hogtie with his head. Even the clothes were similar, with Skylar wearing a dark blue dress shirt, tugged into his gray slacks. For fun and a bit additional torture, Zack had closed the top button and added a bow tie to the outfit, forcing some pressure onto his neck ("When I have to wear a tie, you will have to wear one too", were Zacks words, when he adjusted it).

But similar to Noah, Skylar was absolutely helpless, and his frustrated grunts were in vain. Due to his restrictive bonds, his struggling was light but intense at the same time. It was obvious, how strongly he was restricted by the tape.

“GGMMPH!!”, he screamed, while tugging at the tape on his arms.

“Don't look at me that way. It's your own fault, for not freeing me, last time. Because of you and Noah, I missed my date. Did you really think you would not pay for that?”

Skylars eyes were full of fire, he would have punched his roommate in the face, if he just could have. But instead, he only managed small movements of his limbs and heads, which were soon forced back into the former position, enforced by the silver tape. “MMMHH!! MMMPPHHHHH!!!”

“Well, I'm off. We'll see each other in...uh...six hours, I guess. Just wanted to say goodbye to you, too. Hope you guys have fun.”

Zack adjusted his tie, as he went out of the flat, grinning, in the knowledge that his two prisoners would be waiting for him, when he came back.
Last edited by FelixSH 1 year ago, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by gag1195 »

I really enjoyed this little tale! These three certainly have a lot of fun, but man are they cruel to each other- missed dates, missed job opportunities! These are some devious pranks! But I guess the saying is true- it isn't bondage until you want out!

Great work! Hope we see more of these roommate soon!
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Post by blackbound »

Let's see if he comes home to captives or two enraged roommates hell-bent on revenge! I hope things will keep escalating.

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Post by FelixSH »

Thanks, guys. I didn't expect any more feedback on this one, so this was a neat surprise. :D

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Post by Stormee »

This started out as a nice friendly roommate war with Noah getting tied up by Zack and then trying to get revenge. But failing at doing so. Now it's gotten to the point where missed dates and job interviews are going too far. I can imagine things will get worse for these roommates. Nice work, [mention]FelixSH[/mention]! Can't wait to see the next chapter.
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Post by bondagefreak »

Absolutely wonderful chapters [mention]FelixSH[/mention]
Nothing better than an overkill duct tape hogtie and a mouthful of smelly socks to keep the unfortunate lout quiet.
Was really glad to see an update for you and this last chapter truly did not disappoint. Thanks a bunch for writing and sharing this!

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Post by harveygasson »

Just read through these four parts, cool story and definitely leading to more and more escalation I think haha
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Post by FelixSH »

Wow, thanks for the feedback, everyone.

Still haven't continued, (I hope I will get to it this week, but we'll see). But maybe someone finds it interesting to know that the basis for the idea was this chapter, the idea of one roommate, ready to go to his new job, is tied and gagged by the other one. Because he wanted that job, and that was the easiest way of getting it.

Everything else was built around that idea, to give it some framing, and add some more ideas I enjoyed.

Anyway, thanks for giving feedback. It's highly appreciated.

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Post by The slave »

it's really too too exceptional I really hope there will be a sequel it's so excellent
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Chapter 5: Armistice

“What the hell?! Who did this?!! I will kill you!!”

Noahs kind smile changed to a mean grin, while he prepared breakfast. Zack was obviously done with his morning shower, noisily making his way to the kitchen. The grin made way for some uncontrolled laughter, as the now green-haired Zack stood in the doorway, his eyes full of murder.

“New shampoo? Looks good. It really makes your eyes shine”, Noah taunted, not even trying to stop his laughter. Zacks head was bright read, his fists raised, the anger barely kept in check. “You know that I have to get to work in an hour! How am I supposed to show up there now? I look like the Grinch!”

Noah still giggled, his arms crossed in assurance of having the upper hand. “Oh, am I hurting your position at the job you stole from me, two weeks ago? I'm deeply sorry.”

Zack stepped closer, barely keeping his anger in check. “So you are saying I have to tie and gag you, every time I have to go to work, is that it? That can be arranged!”

A slight edge got into Noahs voice, his look starting to betray his confident demeanor. He started to walk back, slowly, step by step. But it wasn't just fear that got mixed in with his voice, some notes also were made of anger. “God, can you be any less predictable? You go on a date – I get tied up. I'm watching TV when you want to see something else – I get tied up. I can't even count, how many hours I have spent bound and gagged, since you dick stole my job!”

Zack had gotten threateningly close, with Noah pressed against a wall. He grunted, as Zack grabbed his shirt, pulling him closer.

“Be glad, that Caty still gave me another chance, after what you pulled at our first date! And you should REALLY be glad, that all I did was tying you up, after catching you, putting laxatives into my coke. Or when you ruined my favourite shirt by “accidentally” throwing pasta on it. Or when waking me up at 3 a.m., with your obnoxious music! “

Noah tried to get away, without success. His shirt was stuck in Zacks fist.

“No reason to put me into a hanging wedgie for the whole next day! You could at least have used clean socks to gag me, instead of those abominations you haven't washed in ages!!”

Before the situation escalated further, the kitchen door was thrown open, crashing against the wall.

“Shut up, dammit!”

Two pairs of burning eyes met Skylars, who stood in the door frame.

“Can there be a single day, without you idiots fighting like pre-schoolers? Since you dumbfucks started this nonsense, it became impossible to get anything done here. I have to study! Even when I'm not drawn in by you morons, there is no way to concentrate, because you can't keep it down! Stop screaming, stop locking my room, and stop tying me up! I'm not part of your stupid game!”

Zack had started to relax by now, mainly amused by Skylars outburst. Only listening with one ear, he had put Noah into a headlock, his roommate struggling impotently against his stronger opponent.

“See, that's why I have to tie you up, too. You always try to interfere, when I punish this dumbass. You should side with me! You will obviously free him, as soon as I don't look, so the only solution is to tie you up too. Speaking of...”


Fifty minutes later, Zack was gone, on his way to work. He wasn't able to get rid of the green hair, but it consoled him, that his roommates were now sharing his bad hair day.

Aside from that, both were stuck on kitchen chairs, each bound tightly to a chair. As always, a bit of torture was added – Zack had pulled the back part of their underwear up, as far as possible. Finally, he had pulled it over their heads, and made the waistband stick below their noses, with strips of duct tape. After using another smelly sock, to check that they could still breath, he left.

“The internet really offers a lot of options to punish guys like you. This atomic wedgie sounded like so much fun, I'm glad I got to try it out!”

Noah couldn't help himself, hoping against knowing better, that there might be a way out, this one time. But as always, Zack had done an excellent job – his roommate was stuck, only able to groan in discomfort.

Skylar just sat there, waiting. He had very soon, after getting drawn into this war, given up of trying to fight the bonds Zack put him in. It was a waste of energy, just making him sweat and getting his clothes uncomfortable and messy.

But today, there was another reason why he didn't even try to put up a fight. With his underwear working as a blindfold, he didn't know how long it took, but at some point, he heard the door being unlocked. Noah immediately started to grunt, and to increase his struggle. Skylar waited, knowing that there was nothing he could do, for now.


Four hours later, Zack was already on his way home. Gleefully, he looked forward to getting there, after the cosy, short job he had today. There was more than enough time, to play a bit with his roommates, before allowing them to get free again. His mind wandered, thinking of ways to REALLY teach Noah and Skylar a lesson. Up to now, nothing had worked. He didn't trust, that the atomic wedgie would do the trick, but he had already looked up other things to try.

Nothing too bad, of course. He didn't want to really hurt his roommates, just make clear who was the boss in their flat.

When getting back, he was surprised to find the door unlocked. Did he forget to lock it? He didn't think so, it would be a first.

He was greeted by grunts. Grinning, Zack made his way into the kitchen, where, to his surprise, there was no one tied to a chair. Instead, two sleeping bags lay on the floor, both filled up and wrapped by some rope. The grunts came from those bags.

Did Zack put his roommates into sleeping bags? No, he was sure he had tied them to chairs. But then...

Zack jumped, as the flat door was closed with a bang. He turned around, his face turning white immediately. Apparently hidden behind the door, two guys had waited. Both were dressed in black suits, white dress shirts and black ties, black balaclavas hiding their face. All Zack could see, were the grim eyes, the rest of their faces hidden away, making the situation even scarier.

He started to shiver uncontrollably. Sure, he was strong, but these two guys were even bulkier and larger than himself. Slowly, he stepped backwards, unsure of what to do. A closer look, away from the faces of the intruders, showed rope and duct tape in their hands.

What was happening? Was this a kidnapping? Was this real? These and thousand other questions flew around in Zacks head, scared to death by what he saw. These guys looked dangerous. They were terrifying. What were they doing here? Were they kidnappers?

Behind Zack, another door was closed, but more slowly. A third man, dressed the same way as the others, stepped into the kitchen from the direction of Zacks room, a gun in his hand. Zack couldn't help but turn around, his face losing the bit of color it had still left.

His heart felt like it tried to break right through his chest, his whole body shivering like crazy. He tried to say something, but couldn't produce any sort of sensible sound. He was kidnapped! He and his friends! There was a guy with a gun inside! Would he die?

Zacks look was fixated on the gun, waiting for it to be fired. The grunts from the sleeping bags was all he heard, and he now realized that they were not the normal, annoyed ones. His roommates were just as scared as he was, afraid for their lives.

With his focus elsewhere, Zack hadn't realized that the two big guys had come closer, until his hands were grabbed and something was pushed into his mouth. He grunted involuntarily, but was unable to react in any other way. He didn't react, as his hands were tied behind his back with ropes. He didn't react, as tape was wrapped around his head, making sure that the rough fabric inside his mouth would stay there. And didn't react, as his whole body was immobilized.

The kidnappers soon produced another sleeping bag, which, with only light struggling, Zack was pushed into, the bag closed above his head, and more rope being applied outside.

Not seeing the gun or the muscular men, realizing that this was his last chance, he started to struggle, to moan. But nothing came of it. Even if his body hadn't been bound, he would have been trapped inside a sleeping bag. And the gag, together with the thick bag, made sure that he wouldn't be able to make much noise.

Soon, someone picked him up, throwing him over the shoulder and carrying him outside. It sounded like a car door, probably the trunk, was opened, and soon, after him being placed inside, closed again. A few moments later, two other bags followed, pushed against him.

Zack struggled. He was still scared, but the paralysis had disappeared by now. He screamed, pulled at the rope that bound him, fought for his live. But he soon realized, that it was too late. There was no getting out now. Not for him, not for Noah, not for Skylar.

He heard someone whimper, a deeply scared sound that he couldn't quite place. Noah? Skylar? Whoever it was, both of his friends were likely scared for their lives.

Soon, the drive started. Zack couldn't think straight, his thoughts stuck on being kidnapped. He couldn't comprehend it, but it was happening, right now. Him and his roommates, his friends. Would he see them again? He wanted to hug them, tell them that everything would turn out ok, and hear the same thing from them.

He felt horrible. It was his fault, his alone, that the last few weeks were so bad for everyone. It was his fault, that Noah had tied him up, at his date night. It was just payback. Why couldn't he have let it go with that? Why did he have to make their last few weeks together into a small-scale war?

If he could just hug them one last time, saying sorry...

After what felt like forever, the car stopped. Soon after that, he heard the trunk door opening again. One of their captors picked Tyler up, starting to carrying him somewhere, up some stairs. It felt like forever, but Zack also hoped it would just go on and on. As long as he was carried, nothing would happen to him.

A door was opened, and moments later, he was lying on something soft, possibly a couch.

Zack waited for something to happen, but he only heard some guys talking quietly. He couldn't make out what they said. But one of the voices sounded familiar, he just couldn't place it. Who was that? Did a friend of his sell him? Was this something that happened?

Just before Zack wanted to start struggling again, something finally happened. The rope around his sleeping bag was undone, giving him a small bit of freedom back. The smallest bit – he was still stuck inside the bag, and his body itself tied, but still. Soon after that, the bag was opened, and pushed below his head.

Zacks eyes needed a bit, having experienced only darkness for who-know-how-long. But soon, they adjusted, and he felt the relief of his live. He was greeted by Skylar, wearing the same black suit and tie the kidnapper wore, grinning from ear to ear.


“These are my cousins, Jake and Bob. I think they played their roles very well, don't you agree?”, Skylar said, facing Noah and Zack. They didn't answer – instead of being stuck inside a sleeping bag, they were now bound to the kitchen chairs, still gagged. But Skylar didn't wait for an answer, instead just thanking his cousins.

Noah was still shocked from everything, looking like a deer in headlights. Zack wasn't in a much better state, slowly grasping that everything was just a prank.

“Do you need anything, Sky? We should be going soon”, Jake said, undoing his tie. Skylar shook his head. “Nah, I'm good. They are secured, so, everything's fine. Thanks a lot, again, you were a great help.”

Bob grinned. “It was a ton of fun. This guy”, he pointed at Zack, “looked like he would soon pee himself. Thanks for letting us help you with this. If they start acting stupid again, give us a call.”

Skylar nodded, before he saw them off, giving both an extended hug. And then, he was alone with Zack and Noah.

“Well, that was fun. Don't you agree?”

Zack and Noah didn't say anything, not knowing how to react to this. Their heads were still reeling from the fear of being kidnapped for real. Skylar patted them on the head, joyful like he hadn't been in weeks.

“It's so nice, having you both here without you jumping at each others throat. God, I missed it being quite in here. And having actual fun with you guys!” Skylar sighed, looking out of the window for a second.

“Ok, real talk. I'm sick and tired of you acting like assholes to me, and to each other. I don't mind some light jokes, but you idiots overdid it. Big time. You didn't leave me a choice.”

Zack looked at Skylar, and at this point, he was just happy to actually see him again. That the horrible things that had come to mind, while in the sleeping bag, hadn't happened. Noah had started to cry.

“Hey, it's fine, nothing bad is happening to you”, Skylar said, looking a bit ashamed. He took a tissue, lightly cleaning away the start of tears. “Look, maybe I went overboard here, and I'm sorry. But I had to do something, and it had to be drastic. Because, believe it or not, your friendship is important to me. And I felt, if I wouldn't go all out, it might not have survived.”

By now, Zack and Noah had calmed down, and looked at Skylar It was the first time in weeks, that they had something resembling a calm conversation, even if only one of them was talking.

“Can I undo the gags now? You're not going to scream?”, Skylar asked. His roommates nodded, and soon, they were able to spit out the socks in their mouths. Skylar had already prepared two glasses of water, which they gulped down in seconds.

After waiting for a bit longer, he asked: “Well? Are we ok? Is the war over?” Zack and Noah looked at him, and then at each other. It was clear to both of them: Yes, it was over. Both had been scared to lose each other. They were just glad, that it was only a prank.

Zack was the first, to regain his composure. “Look, sorry. I know, we made life pretty hard for you.” Noah followed immediately. “Yeah, he is right, I'm so sorry. I'm sorry for...”

With all the shock, and joy of seeing his roommates again in one piece, Noah only now realized that his last prank had still left his mark. “Oh my god, I'm so sorry about the green hair! Did you get in trouble at work, Zack?”

Zack shook his head. “Nah, it was ok. I explained that it was just a prank. It's not like I work with customers, so whatever.” He started grinning. “It's not like I'm the only mosshead in the room now.”

As Zack and Noah talked, Skylar was busy undoing their bonds. He noted how he started to smile, hearing his friends, finally, talk civilized with each other again. Soon, they were free, ready to stretch and walk around, enjoying their freedom of movement.

“So, what now? It's Friday, so, I think we might restart movie-Friday again?”, suggested Noah. Zacks and Skylars faces lit up. Due to their fighting, they hadn't watched movies together in quite some time. “I promise to watch whatever awful movie you want, Zack.”

But Zack shook his head. “No, I think Skylar should decide. We owe him a bit.”

Skylar nodded, relaxed in a way he hadn't been in a long time. “Let me change into something more comfortable, the tie is killing me. I'll tell you what I want to watch then.”

Zack and Noah exchanged a look. “Yeah, about that...”


“That is an excellent movie, Skylar. Perfect, to make fun of. Well done”, said Zack, grinning at his roommate. Noah nodded. “Yeah, I couldn't have chosen anything better. Really delightfully cheesy.”

Skylar nodded, rolling his eyes. A sock in his mouth, secured by multiple rounds of tape, prevented him from saying anything. He rolled his eyes, not even trying to struggle out of the copious amount of rope that was wrapped around his body. But a clear, if snarky, grin was clearly visible. At least Zack thought so.

“Hey, you scared us to death. You had to be punished, ok?”, Zack said, before emptying the can of coke in front of him.

“Yeah, and dude, you look good in that suit. Sorry, couldn't let the chance to see you in it for a bit longer just go by, especially with those green hair. Love that look”, Noah added, perfectly relaxed.

Skylar didn't mind. This felt like a harmless prank again. He zoned out, as Zack and Noah kept on commenting on each other or on the movie. Instead, he lightly fall onto Zacks side, letting his head rest on the shoulder of his roommate. Zack smiled, not losing a word.

Provided by bondagefreak
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Post by gag1195 »

A lovely continuation! I certainly hope this isn't the end of these kinky roommates though! There's still plenty of fun they can have without jeopardizing jobs and relationships... or hair!
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The slave
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Post by The slave »

awesome congratulations you really managed to make this story absolutely amazing with each new chapter i want to be the 4th roommate lol
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Post by cj2125 »

That was a great story! Really enjoyed the dynmic between the three guys, the ending was really cute too!
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