A show-off´s fate! (f/m) - complete

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A show-off´s fate! (f/m) - complete

Post by Killua »

Before I´m going to start with the story, I want to explain how it came that I wrote it. First of all, I´m quite stuck writing my main story (Stuck at home) at the moment. I know exactly what I want to write but somehow I can´t get it done. Also, during the last weeks, I was feeling more and more tired and just not well. I don´t know what´s wrong but something was not as it should be. I started to read more really short stories again (because I just can´t concentrate long enough on longer ones at the moment) and finally had some fun discussions with Gemma and Paul. That led to me and Gemma ([mention]Gemscot[/mention] ) wanting to write the same story and see where the differences would be and how our different pictures of Paul would play into this. In the end, I decided to let my story play a few days later than hers and connect both stories.

A show-off´s fate (f/m)

Part I
On a cool April Monday morning, the Monday after the events of “A day of rest!”, Gemma, Paul and their parents sat together at the breakfast table. A rare event, as their parents often have to work already. However, on this and the following day, they took time off to spend some time with their children during the holidays.

“Gemma, we need to ask you a favour. If it´s possible, could you watch Paul on Wednesday? I know we said we would take the day off, but a work emergency came up.” – Gemma´s mom asked.

“Oh mom, have you forgotten that I'm invited to this birthday party? Gareth is coming too. But, if it's so important to you, I can still cancel, of course.” – Gemma, a seventeen-year-old girl with long jet black hair in a ponytail, replied as friendly as usual. Normally, Gemma had no problem watching Paul. Paul was a friendly, polite and loving 10-year-old boy with short spiky jet black hair. Also, she wasn´t really interested in the birthday party because it wasn´t a close friend, but Gareth would be there and she promised to keep him company.

“You´re right, I completely forgot that it was this week. Then Paul has to stay at your grandparent's house. They´ll be happy to see him again and you can go to the birthday party with Gareth.” – Their mom said. She didn´t want Gemma to have to cancel another event because of their work. It just happened too often lately and Gemma always helped them out. She was really the best daughter in the world and Paul was the best son in the world.

“Please can I stay home? I don´t want to visit our grandparents on Wednesday. I really love them, I just don´t want to visit them on Wednesday. Please?” – Paul asked nicely.

“That´s not your decision, Paul. We can´t find a new babysitter that quickly. We are sorry, but there is no other choice this time.” – their dad said.

“But, if Gemma would keep me out of trouble it would be ok, right?” – Paul said.

“I guess I know what you want to say, but I don´t think Gemma is taking you with her to that birthday party.” – their mom said.

“Please give me a moment.” – Paul said and quickly went over to Gemma to whisper something in her ear.

“Gem, I know you want to go to this birthday party and I know the perfect way for both of us to get what we want. Please let me explain before you say no, ok?” – Paul whispered so that their parents couldn´t hear him.

“Mom, dad, we are right back. We just need to discuss something.” – Gemma said and both of them went into the far corner of the room to discuss Paul´s plan silently.

“I wonder what Paul is trying to offer Gemma to make her cancel her date with Gareth.” – their mom said to their dad, who just nodded in agreement.

“We might be safe not knowing.” – their dad said, chuckling a bit.

In the meantime, the discussion started:
“Gem, you remember Friday?” – Paul started to say but got immediately interrupted by Gemma.

“No, Paul! I won´t tie you up for that long! It will be nearly 12 hours. I know, you really have great endurance, but that´s too much. I can´t do this. Sorry, Paul.” – Gemma said resolutely.

“Please Gem, I know I can take it. It will be fun! For both of us. You can go on your date with Gareth and I can spend a great day tied up.” – Paul tried further to convince Gemma.

“Not gonna happen, Paul. I´m responsible for your safety. I wouldn´t even be anything near close. What if you want out early? What if something happens, you get a cramp or something like that?” – Gemma explained.

“I´ll be alright, Gem. You worry way too much about me. Let me make you an offer I´m sure you won´t refuse.” – Paul said giggling.

“Okay, I´m listening.” – Gemma replied.

“If you do this, you get a free tie-up for one day. That means you can choose the day freely, how long I have to spend tied up and in which position.” - Paul offered

“And why exactly do I want a ´free tie-up´? Nearly every time I ask you if you want to get tied, you say yes. It would be more a reward for you than for me, right?” – Gemma replied critically

“Depends on the day you want to use your free tie-up. If you ask me on a day when one of my favourite films is on, I would probably say ´no´. But then you could use your free tie-up to ´force me´ to play a TuG. Then you would have the TV for yourself.” – Paul explained cheerfully but in a slightly serious voice.

“I don´t want to force you to anything and you know that. By the way, I have a TV in my room and you too. So why would I need to tie you up just to have the TV in the living room to myself?” – Gemma argued skilfully.

“Because I know you want to invite Gareth to watch some boring film together next Monday while my favourite show is on TV.” – Paul said and smirked cheerfully.

“You wouldn´t start a fight for the living room TV while Gareth is over. You´ve always watched that in your own room.” – Gemma said, now a little more unsure that her date might be in danger.

“Well, who knows? Maybe I like the couch in the living room more on that day? It surely wouldn´t bother you if your beloved brother wants to cuddle with you during your film all the time, sits between you and Gareth and tries to sneak the remote?” – Paul said, his smirk turning into an evil grin.

“You wouldn´t dare, Paul!” – Gemma in an unsure but slightly upset way.

“Try me!” – Paul said grinning from ear to ear.

“Okay Paul, I agree. You have to learn the consequences of your decisions. I tie you to the tree on Wednesday and you stay there the whole 12 hours. But don´t forget that you brought this to yourself.” – Gemma said a bit sternly which made Paul gulp.

Both of them turned to their parents again and Gemma spoke: “We have reached an agreement. I´m gonna babysit Paul on Wednesday. You don´t have to call our grandparents.” This was the start of an adventure Paul would surely never forget.

- ring ring ring – the alarm clock started buzzing mercilessly. It was Wednesday. The Wednesday, Paul couldn´t wait for to come already. Weakly, Paul dragged his arm along under the blanket until it finally reached the alarm clock on his bedside table. He was tired, just extremely tired. Paul was so restless this night that he couldn't sleep. With lots of effort, he managed to look up at the clock. 6:00 am.

“What? That early? I wanted to sleep in a bit… who did – “ – Paul stammered tiredly but got interrupted by Gemma who stood next to his bed grinning from ear to ear.

“Goooood mooooorning, my dear little brother. Did you sleep well?” – Gemma said loudly and in a very teasing voice. She knew exactly how tired Paul was and noticed that he couldn´t sleep last night. He got up very often during the night to walk around in his room, get something to drink and go to the toilet. Things you do when you just can´t sleep at all. So, waking him that early would be a little sisterly payback for Pauls negotiation strategy, or blackmailing how mean people would call it, on Monday. But there was also another reason to wake him that early.

“Gemmmmaa *yawn* why did you wake me that early. We don´t have school and even for school it´s way too early.” – Paul complained annoyed.

“Because it´s Wednesday, we got a lot to do, I have to leave early aaaannd because you kind of blackmailed me on Monday.” – Gemma said, it was her turn to grin from ear to ear now, giggling slightly at the last part of her sentence.

With a quick but determined pull, she removed young Paul´s blanket, leaving him in just his pyjamas and was rewarded with a slightly high pitched “Geeemaaahaaa!”.

“Stop complaining, my lazy little bro. Get up and into the shower with you. Breakfast is ready when you come downstairs. Come on now, hurry.” – Gemma ordered.

Reluctantly Paul climbed out of his bed and went into the bathroom. He looked a bit like an undead from the movies and not like the usually bright and happy boy. He was so tired, he did just what he was told, nothing more. So, he just put on fresh underwear and his pyjamas again. He forgot to take out his normal clothes.

“Paul, you know you have to get dressed after breakfast. You are not staying in your pyjamas all day.” – Gemma said giggling at the sight of his overly tired little brother.

“I know, just let me wake up first.” – Paul said annoyed, putting his head on his crossed arms on the table.

“Don´t sleep in. Here, I made some scrambled eggs, bacon and toast for you. Come on, wake up sleepy head.” – Gemma said softly, stroking Paul´s head a little. Secretly she already started to feel sorry for him. He looked so tired and she would love to send him back to bed, but he has to learn the consequences of his decision and she didn´t want to stay there all day. After all, she had a date with Gareth at that birthday party from someone she barely knows.

“Thank you.” – Paul said yawning, lifting his head to let his sister put the plate in front of him. The rest of the breakfast went on like every day, but a little slower because of Paul´s tiredness. They talked about school and karate classes and Gemma explained to him that their parents already left. It would be a hard day at work for them and they would come home very late.

At about 7:30 am they finished their breakfast and Gemma told Paul to go change and get their TuG bag. Paul was still tired and did just what Gemma told him. Because of that, he forgot to do something which he usually did every morning. Extreme tiredness can be cruel sometimes.

In the meantime, Gemma stacked the dishwasher and set it going like every day. After that, they met outside at the tree. Paul wore his jungle camouflage combat trousers and his light grey Hibernian FC hoodie, thus creating a déjà vu on which Gemma had to chuckle.

“Ready sweetie?” – Gemma asked casually.

“Sure, Gem. But don´t go easy on me just because I´m standing there a bit longer than last time!” – Paul said. He was now finally awake and just happy to get tied again.

“You think I would go easy on you, silly? In your dreams!” – Gemma teased and playfully ruffled Paul´s hair before stepping behind the tree to tie his wrists there securely. To make sure he had no chance to escape, she cinched the rope holding his wrists carefully and placed the knot out of reach of his fingers. Next, she knelt down tying his ankles together, cinching the bindings before wrapping the rope additionally around the tree to hold them there securely. This was a simple but effective tie. He couldn´t untie himself and was forced to stand with his back against the tree. With his ankles tightly tied to the tree, there was no way to sit down and rest. He had to stand there all the time until someone would release him again.

“Again no hood?” – Paul asked a little bit disappointed.

“Of course not, Paul. It´s too dangerous to put a hood on you when nobody is around. And you don´t deserve to relax under the hood anyway after you blackmailed me like that.” – Gemma said, grinning mischievously on the last sentence.

“Sometimes you are really cruel, Gem.” – Paul said giggling.

“Oh? Do you want me to show you how cruel I really am?” – Gemma said, smiling deviously at Paul while moving her fingers in a tickling motion.

“Oh no! Gemma, don´t you dare! Stay away from me!” – Paul demanded giggling.

“Yeah, yeah. Don´t worry, I have to go now anyway. It´s nearly 8 o´clock and the party is at the other end of Edinburgh. So, the last question: Are you okay like this? Nothing too tight? Anything hurt?” – Gemma asked.

“First of all, those were 3 questions. And no nothing hurts, I´m completely fine.” Paul answered.

“Oh, is that so?”- Gemma said giggling. In a quick movement, Gemma disappeared behind the tree and put her hands under Pauls armpits in a mercilessly tickle attack. Paul immediately burst out in laughter, unable to defend himself. He started struggling against the ropes but they held him tight.

“Geeemhaaahaa pleeaheeeese! Stohohop!!” – Paul started laughing and begging.

“How many questions did I ask? Huh? How many, Paul? Come on? Tell me?” – Gemma asked teasingly without stopping her tickle attack. She continued asking him the same question until he finally responded defeated:

“Ooohoooonne!! Ooohaahaha! Gehhheemm!! *Gasp* *Gasp* One question. You asked only one question.” – Paul screamed and repeated his answer panting after the devilish tickle attack finally stopped.

“See? Wasn´t that hard, was it?” – Gemma said teasingly and ruffled his hair again.

“Very funny, Gem… not!” – Paul said.

“Okay, Paul. I´m gonna head for the bus now. See and untie you in the evening. Love you, bye!” – Gemma said and quickly hurried to the gate.

“Love you too. GemGem! Thank you for doing this today!” – Paul shouted to his departing sister. He always used to call her “GemGem” when he was very thankful for something and wants to show that.

“For you, always! See you later, bye!” – Gemma answered before finally leaving through the gate.

After leaving their garden, Gemma walked on the joined driveway between hers and Gareth house where Gareth was already waiting at the street. He was already really impatient which could be easily seen in his whole body language.

“Gemma, we need to hurry a bit or we miss the bus. You know we have to cross the whole town. What took you so long?” – Gareth said before they hugged tightly which was their usual greeting.

“Well I had to take care of… something… never mind, let´s go!” – Gemma said a bit unsure.

With that being said, Gareth and Gemma were on the way to their party. Now before we go back to Paul, we take a look at someone else. Katie.

Katie was a young girl about the same age as Paul. She had loose curly auburn hair at shoulder length and wore jeans, black trainers and a red top. Katie was a good friend of Paul (and they went to the same school, Balgreen Primary) which was the reason for Gemma to ask her for some help. You probably ask yourself what Gemma needed from a 10-year-old girl?

Gemma didn´t want that anyone who Paul doesn´t know sees him like that. It wouldn´t be fair for Paul that people he doesn´t know, know about his games. Of course, it was a bit risky, after all, she was just the same age as Paul but Gemma trusted her. She was very responsible for her age and Gemma knew that Paul wouldn´t mind if she sees him like that.

But what did she ask for exactly? Well, Gemma was a bright girl. She knew Paul didn´t want her to go easy on him and let him go early or stay home to watch him. He wanted to go through this and was determined to do so. But she was really protective of her brother. She couldn´t let him do this for that long completely unattended. So, she decided to ask Katie to check on him regularly starting at about lunchtime and release him if he seemed too uncomfortable. Katie was told to stay hidden and only reveal herself if necessary.

This morning, Katie wasn´t alone at home. Her 5 years younger cousin Tina was with her. Tina´s parents had to work that day and the next one while Katie´s parents took the whole week off. So, Tina was staying over. Katie liked her cousin and didn´t mind playing with her, but looking after Paul certainly was a great chance to get out and away from Tina for a moment. Playing with Tina at that age was fun, but at the same time really exhausting.

While Katie was enjoying her morning with her cousin, Paul had to learn, that it might wasn´t the best decision to get tied to that tree for the whole day. The first hours were absolutely great. He was still a tiny bit tired but really enjoyed it. The moment Gemma left him, was always so thrilling. He knew he would be stuck there and all alone and helpless. That feeling was just exciting. At first, he just relaxed. After all, he couldn´t sleep much. So, he leaned his head back and closed his eyes. Still, sleeping like that was absolutely impossible. ´Maybe I should have asked for another position?´ - he wondered.

Being tied to a tree and not able to move is quite exhausting because you soon get stiff. To avoid that, he tried to move a little every now and then, but Gemma made really sure, that he has nearly no movement at all. His ankles were nearly welded to the tree, so he could just move his upper body a bit. So, he carefully bent a bit forward and pulled on his wrist bindings or tried to crouch a little bit down, which didn´t work well but at least prevented his legs from sleeping in.

At about 11 o´clock he noticed something different to the last time. He had made two big mistakes. First of all, he didn´t check the weather for the day. It was still all cloudy and no sun visible. The temperature wasn´t too cold, but without the ability to move much, he soon felt a bit chilly. During the early morning hours that´s no problem, but all day? Now he regretted that he didn´t put on a jacket in the morning. His next mistake was that he was that tired in the morning and just did exactly what Gemma told him without even thinking by himself. That meant he forgot to use the toilet which already started to get uncomfortable. Could he really take it to hold it in till 8 pm or longer?

From that point, the time started to slow down for Paul. He was getting more and more uncomfortable which made 1 hour feel more like 3 hours.

“For god's sake, why did I forget to use the toilet this morning. Argh, I hate myself! I need to pee!” - Paul started cursing at about 11:45. He was now slightly struggling against the ropes. Moving his weight from one foot to the other one repeatedly.

“I hope Gemma is back soon. I´m not sure how long I can hold it now.” – Paul said silently to himself, just a tiny bit before 12 o´clock.

A few seconds later he could hear the church´s bells which shocked him completely. ´What? That can´t be! It´s only 12, right now? I can´t take that! I´m gonna wet myself! No way! I need to get out!´ - Paul thought and started struggling. He wanted to break out of his bonds no matter what. He just couldn´t let Gemma see him like that. If she would see him with wet pants, she would feel guilty again and Paul doesn´t want to see her like that. He wants his happy and great sister and not that sad pathetic mass of misery who could be barely called his sister.

At first, he just pulled wildly at the bonds encircling his wrists. Of course, that didn´t work and he knew from the beginning that such an attempt would never yield any success. Still, he had to try it. Maybe with a lot of luck or gods help the rope would just give in? At least, that was what he hoped would happen. But he had no luck and god wouldn´t intervene in such trivialities. He knew there was no way to get his wrists free like that. But maybe his legs could help him somehow? So next, he started to pull his legs, kicking wildly against the rope and finally switching to carefully pulling one leg a bit up while the other one stays at the ground in the hope of just slipping out of the ropes. Still no success.

´Think Paul, just think! There must be a way and you know that! You can´t let that happen! You just need to use your brain to find a way out of this.´ - Paul thought and started to work more methodological. Now his tactics had changed. He started to carefully twist his wrists moving one up while moving the other one down trying to slip out of the ropes. Again, it didn´t work.

“Oh c´mon, please!” – Paul shouted into his empty garden.

Slowly despair was kicking in. He was now trying to get out for a good 20 minutes and still no success. He knew his body would give in leading to an “accident” at some point if he wouldn´t be able to escape. He just had to get out! Another change of tactics was necessary. So, he tried squeezing his one hand as much as possible and trying to reach the cinch with at least one finger of his other hand to pull it over and widen the “cuff” of the other hand just a little. But that plan was doomed from the beginning. His hands were quite flexible but he could only reach the cinch with the tip of his middle finger and couldn´t build up enough strength to push it together. Even if he could reach it properly, the cinch was perfectly tied, there would´ve been no way to push or squeeze it enough to get his other out of the loop. Still, he tried that for another 10 minutes.

“Why?! Why must this happen to me! GemGem will never leave me tied up on my own again if I let this happen.” – Paul started talking to himself again.

Paul isn´t someone who gives up fast. He is really determined, especially when it comes to his family or friends. In order to protect Gemma from feeling guilty, he just had to escape! Even though he knew that there was no knot near enough to even touch it, he tried it again. Twisting his hands and searching with his prying fingers to get to a knot and untie it… but there was no knot in reach. He couldn´t even touch one. “Is there a knot at all?” – he complained frustrated.

After 5 minutes of fruitless searching, he gave up trying to untie his wrists. There was no way to get those ropes off without any help. He focused again on his ankles now. Maybe, just maybe, if he would get his ankles free, he could kneel down and try to get to the knot with his toes somehow. That sounds pretty unrealistic but he clung to any little hope he could find. He couldn´t slip them out, he tried that before. There was no way to untie the knot down there. So what could he do? He thought for a moment and then finally got an idea:

“What if I slip my shoes off?” – he mumbled softly to himself.

With that, his next plan was set! He used his left foot to dig into the heel of his other shoe and tried to pull his foot out. He quickly realised that he had done his shoelaces too well.

´That´s it!´ - he thought.

He turned his right foot as much to the left as possible and tried to reach his shoelace with his other foot. Once he touched it, he pressed the of the shoelace tightly against the shoe and pulled. It worked! Slowly the knot came loose and after some time and lots of sweat, he managed it! One foot was now clad in just his black ankle sock. He repeated the same on the other one, successfully pulling off his other shoe. It was a hard fight because of the ropes that held his ankles firmly together and to the tree, so he was really proud of himself that he managed to do this.

He tried it again, pulling one foot carefully up… but the result was the same. Gemma tied and cinched the ropes well around his ankles, getting his shoes off didn´t change anything on that. Now he became really frustrated.

“Geeheemm why are you so good with those stupid ropes! Aaargh!” – he shouted angrily.

To his surprise and shock, he could hear a girly voice giggling after his shouting.

To be continued, soon
Last edited by Killua 2 years ago, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by Tiengag5 »

Great brother sister bondage scenario.
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Post by Gil »

Very nice story. I loved it👍🏻
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Post by Dominik »

I like your story and I'm looking forward to the next part(s)!
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Post by Killua »

Here is part 2. It´s a bit harsher than usual but like my other stories, it has it´s usual teaching undertone that shows some risks of TuGs...
There will be a part 3 and depending on the length maybe a part 4. But I´m not sure about that, I´ll try to get everything into part 3.

Part II

That giggling came from right behind the corner of his home. It was Katie who now held her mouth with both her hands. Not only was she way later than she had promised Gemma she would be, it was already shortly after 1 pm and she had promised to check on him at lunchtime which should be 12 o´clock from her point of view, she now also wasn´t watching him as secretly as she promised she would. That giggling definitely was heard by Paul. She could tell by looking at his shocked expression.

“Katie, come out. I know you are there!” – Paul shouted but Katie didn´t budge.

´Maybe he starts to believe that it was just the wind if I keep quiet for long enough?´- Katie thought and took another peek at Paul from the distance.

“I can see you… I hope you know that. I can see a part of your face when you lean over to take a look at me and your hair is falling to that side too! Stop hiding if you are too bad to do it properly.” – Paul said teasing her a little which worked quite well.

“I´m not bad in hiding! That´s just mean!” – Katie complained loudly but immediately slapped both her hands over her mouth as she noticed her mistake. She fell for Paul´s trap!

Paul couldn´t stop himself from chuckling at how well his plan worked.

“You know that slapping your hands over your mouth won´t work after you already said something? Especially when you slap them hard enough that I can hear it over here.” – He said laughing at her attempt.

“Crap…” – Katie mumbled and came out of her hiding spot walking over to Paul.

On the one hand, she had seen that Paul is quite uncomfortable and tried hard to get out, even though she didn´t know why. On the other hand, she couldn´t let that “bad at hiding” and falling for his trap just be unanswered. So she was pondering on a cheeky, maybe slightly mean, comment to say to him once she would´ve crossed the garden and finally stood right in front of him.

Finally standing in front of Paul, Katie grinned at him saying “What´s wrong Paul? The great escape artist got stuck? Looks like your escaping skills are way worse than my hiding hahaha.”

“Sometimes you are really mean, Katie. But I´m not stuck… Gemma´s knots are just really good and I´m still sure I can get out of it without having much trouble… I just need more time.” – Paul started defending himself and thus did a little bragging. He didn´t even know why… but when Katie was around he always felt like he had to prove himself.

“Sounds interesting… but Gemma told me you would try to stand tied to that tree for the whole day. So either you are lying or you just can´t take it anymore and want to escape because you can´t stand her challenge.” - Katie said provocatively. She knew she probably went a bit too far but she couldn´t resist teasing Paul a bit, especially after he is always trying to show off around her which she thought was a bit weird but somehow also cute.

“N-n-no! That´s wrong. I just wanted to get out because her bonds are way too easy and not challenging at all! I could take it easy for the rest of the day, but it´s not challenging when I´m just weakly tied like that. I just got bored. So, I thought I should untie myself and go find a real challenge but I can´t find or reach those stupid knots. Would you lend me a hand, Katie?” – Paul bragged. He thought that was the best idea he ever had. Katie surely would believe him and think he is really cool and at the same time helping him to escape. He could go to the bathroom and maybe play another TuG with Katie and later get her to tie him back to the tree, so Gemma wouldn´t notice anything at all. He was convinced that he must be some kind of genius for this speech! Maybe he should become a politician later?

Well… but Katie saw that a little different. Paul´s bragging went a bit too far and honestly, was just annoying. Why was it necessary to brag like that when it´s just the two of them? That wasn´t necessary at all! And so she decided to “lend him a hand” as he requested… but not in the way he thought she would.

“Sure, Paul. I´m gonna lend you a hand. I just need a moment.” - Katie said grinning mischievously and pushing her hand into the pocket of his hoody. Paul didn´t notice it this morning but Gemma put the keys to the house into his pocket the moment she finished restraining his wrists. That way she made sure that he wouldn´t notice anything about someone who could watch him. If there are no keys to get inside the house there is surely also nobody to rescue him because he couldn´t get in anyway, right?

Paul was a bit perplexed that she dragged a key out of his pockets where even he didn´t know it was there. But before he could think of an answer or question, she had already turned around and went to his house. She just said “I´ll be right back.” and disappeared into the house.

Right after she left, his attention was directly drawn back to his bladder. He just slumped a little bit down trying to fall to his knees, but it didn´t work the way he was tied. So basically he just leaned forward pulling hard on his wrists. His bladder was now starting to hurt. He really needed to pee and couldn´t hold it much longer. If Katie wasn´t near, he would´ve probably started to cry, but he could never let Katie see him like that. He just had to bear it until she would finally release him.

It took Katie about 5 minutes to gather everything from Paul´s room before she finally appeared again. The moment Paul saw her, he felt immensely relieved but only for a split second. That feeling vanished as fast as it has come when he noticed what Katie had in her hands… rope... lots of rope, a bandana and a roll of duct tape. Those were his and Gemma tie-up gear.

His eyes now widened in fear. What has he done with his stupid comment? What now? Tell her he is sorry? Apologize? Tell her he needs the toilet really bad and after that, she could tie him up any way she wants? No! He couldn´t do that! She would surely think that he is a wimp. Never! He just can´t let that happen. He has to find another way. But how? She was coming closer and closer. There was no time!

Paul´s heartbeat started to increase. Panic was rising inside of him. He didn´t know what to do, how to react.

Do you know those situations when you are in a really bad situation and you don´t know what to do and suddenly your brain switches off and you say something really really dumb? Well, that´s exactly what happened to poor Paul at that moment. His brain seemed to stop working and he just switched into show-off mode again

“Oh wow, that was quick, Katie. I thought you would need an eternity like usual and was already just about to escape. Luckily you are here, that saves me some work!” – Paul said.

Katie wasn´t so sure about her plan, at first. But after that comment, she wasn´t feeling any guilt at all.

“Great to hear that! I´m always happy to help you out, Paul. You don´t need to worry anymore, I´ll make sure you´re not bored anymore and face a real challenge.” – Katie said in a serious voice which told Paul he went too far with his comment.

“K-Katie, what do you want to do with all those ropes?” – Paul asked slightly frightened. Of course, he knew what she wanted to do. He didn´t know why he asked that, it just popped out of him. Maybe it came from one part of him that still clung to the hope that Katie wouldn´t restrain him further.

“Making your bindings way harder to make sure you face a real endurance challenge, of course.” – Katie said with a wicked smile.

“W-well, t-that kind of helps me, of course. B-but do you want to start right now?” – Paul asked a little intimidated.

“Of course, we start right now. Breaks are for wimps, right?” – Katie answered. She knew she would get him with that comment. Paul was the one who said that to a friend once and Katie heard him saying that. She didn´t (and probably couldn´t) know about the extreme distress he was in. She thought he was just bragging and is now a bit scared that she would tie him too tight and leave him in that position until Gemma releases him. So she tried to provocate him a bit so he wouldn´t back out. She always wanted to have full control over him to tease him a little bit, not too much of course because she wanted him to have a bit of fun too. Also, she felt something for him but was too young to understand that.

“Y-yeah… you´re absolutely right… breaks are for wimps…” – Paul had no other possibility as to agree with her, after all, he couldn´t tell her that he was about to wet himself and really wanted to impress her.

Katie quickly disappeared behind the tree and all Paul could feel was a rope that was put around his chest, pushed under his armpits and then went around the tree. After Katie put the rope 3 times around his chest and the tree, she did another 3 loops but this time also around his arms. Katie did this to restrain him further, but she also cared about him and thought the ropes would give him some support if he gets tired, so he won´t have all the pressure on his wrists and can just lean into the rope around his chest which would hold his body weight.

While Katie was knotting the rope behind the tree, Paul had to make a decision. He really needed the toilet but at the same time didn´t want Katie to believe he is a wimp who uses a toilet break as an excuse for her to stop tying him. He was practically discussing with himself what he should do when his bladder gave him an absolute last warning. There was a painful pressure shooting through his body and he could swear he felt that some drops already found their way out of his bladder. It was now or never. ´Better she thinks I´m a wimp than a little baby boy who wets himself´ - Paul thought.

“Katie cammmphh MMPH-MMMPH!!!” – Paul wanted to ask Katie to let him go so he could visit the bathroom before something really bad would happen… but before he could get even get close to his question, she had already pulled a knotted red bandana in his mouth from behind the tree and knotted it tightly behind his head. That way the big knot was locked between and behind his teeth and while it was slightly pulling at the corners of his mouth, it pulled a little bit too much in comparison to Gemma´s gags with a bandana (also Gemma doesn´t knot it in the middle before pushing it in his mouth, she just uses it as a simple cleave gag.)

That was the worst scenario for Paul. He wasn´t able to warn Katie anymore that he was close to having an accident and that because he had to show off in front of her just to impress her. He felt so stupid and ashamed at that moment that he wished he could just disappear. That was unlikely to happen, so he had to find a way to tell Katie that he really needed to be freed. The fact that he hadn´t wet himself by now was like a miracle. He knew it was a matter of minutes… maybe only seconds until he would have an accident.

“Kmmmph, phmmmph!” – Paul tried pleading with Katie but she couldn´t understand what he wanted to tell her. She thought he was trying to back out after he bragged so much and that was something she didn´t want to happen. She wanted to teach him a little lesson. Not a cruel one, but he should stay like that for at least one or two hours before she would rescue him… at least, that was her plan.

But before she would start her “lesson”, she wanted to have a little fun by adding more ropes and tape to make his escape even more impossible than it already was. Paul could only watch in despair as Katie went back in front of him, knelt down and started to tie his legs right above and right below his knees together. He didn´t try to say anything, he knew already that she couldn´t understand him anyway, so he resigned to his fate. She wasn´t tying them to the tree because then she would´ve needed two ropes and he was already securely fastened to the tree.

“You felt a bit too warm, huh, Paul?” – Katie chuckled when she noticed his shoes were lying next to him. But that wasn´t the case… honestly, it was the opposite. Paul felt a bit chilly and now that he was only wearing socks, the cold from the ground was starting to become uncomfortable too.

“mmph-mmph.” – Paul shook his head. He wasn´t feeling too warm… especially since his feet were actually starting to become uncomfortably cold.

“Well, then you shouldn’t have taken them off.” – Katie said teasingly and very carefully but teasingly slapped his right cheek a few times. Paul could only grunt in disapproval before he just hung his head defeatedly. This gave Katie the feeling her “lesson” was working. She hoped he wouldn´t show off like that in the future and just be the nice boy he usually is when he is not trying to impress someone, especially her.

Katie had only two ropes left. With them in hand, she disappeared behind the tree again. Paul knew that she would restrain him further and started to complain through his gag. This was answered by Katie wrapping duct tape around the poor boy's mouth completely around his head until 6 layers of tape were reinforcing his already pretty good gag. This left Paul completely speechless in two ways. One way was obvious, he couldn´t speak anymore. The other way was that he didn´t know what to say, he just never felt that helpless before.

“That´s better. Your huge was mouth was starting to get a little bit annoying. I guess that should solve the problem.” – Katie said tapping proudly on Paul´s gag and further smoothing it down with her thumb. Paul´s possible verbal activities were now effectively reduced to soft whimpering.

After Katie disappeared behind the try again, something happened that Paul dreaded the most. Paul felt something pressing against his bladder. Katie was tying a rope around his waist and the tree, pulling it tighter with each turn. For Paul, it felt like torture. She wasn´t making it tight but his bladder was already hurting and with the additional pressure, it was just unbearable. Paul wanted to struggle against the ropes, but the moment he tried to move the rope was pressing tighter against his stomach which stopped his try immediately. He could only breathe slow and deep, bearing the additional pressure on his bladder. But it was to no avail. The moment Katie finished the knot and switched to the last rope, which she started fastening to his wrist restraints, he couldn´t take it anymore and let go. He felt the pressure reducing immensely and at the same time warm liquid building up in his underwear and slowly running down his legs.

Paul was embarrassed beyond anything a 10-year-old boy could bear. While his accident was still going on, he could only cling to his hope that Katie wouldn´t notice. Indeed, Katie was completely engrossed in her ropework. She tied the last rope around the cinch of Paul´s wrist bindings and connect this with one loop directly to the rope which held his waist against the tree. That way he couldn´t pull his wrists away from the tree either. Paul´s arms and chest were already fastened to the tree, but Katie decided that there was still a tiny bit of wiggle room left… Paul´s elbows. She used the rest of the same rope and tied his elbows together. His upper arms were already tied to the tree, so she couldn´t get them close together, but at least it reduced his last bit of movement range. Katie was regretting the order in which she tied him up a little bit because she was sure that otherwise, she would´ve managed to make his elbows touch. ´Maybe another time´- Katie thought.

That thought quickly reminded her that she told her parents she would just say hello to Paul and ask him something which meant she was already way too long there. Having that in mind, Katie looked carefully at Paul´s wrists, arms and elbows to make sure they didn´t change colour and pushed one finger between each binding and his skin to test if she made any binding too tight. But they were all fine. Now, Katie had to hurry. She went around the tree not paying much attention to Paul´s deep red face, took his head into both her hands and gave him a quick peck on his cheek and quickly dashed off towards the gate.

“I´m finished! Have fun, Paul. See you later or tomorrow!” – Katie shouted before leaving the property… leaving Paul tightly trussed up to a tree… in his soaked pants and socks. She was completely oblivious to what had just happened, she didn´t notice his wet pants at all. It took only about 2 minutes after Katie left and Paul burst out in tears.

Paul felt terrible. For a boy his age, it was a catastrophe to have “an accident”. But Paul was a brave boy with a strong mind and was able to think things through. It still took him about 5 minutes to slowly calm himself down again before he started to think about everything rationally.

Even though he slowly stopped crying because he knew that crying wouldn´t change anything in his current situation but making it worse, he was still feeling immensely ashamed of himself. After all, he was a man! He had to be strong, at least, that´s what he thought! But right now, he felt like a little kid again, a baby boy who wet himself and then even cried.

Paul tried to pull his hands free again to wipe his tears off of his face but the ropes still held him tight, and because of Katie even tighter than before. He was glad that nobody was around seeing him like that. Still, he was that much embarrassed that his face hadn´t changed his colour from deep red back to normal.

But now that he stopped crying and the immense pressure on his bladder was gone, he was able to check on his current situation. He was fighting his bladder so much that, until now, he hadn´t realised how Katie tied him exactly. Even though everything that could go wrong went wrong that day, it didn´t change anything on the fact that Paul loves to get tied and the way Katie tied him was completely new to him. He was never that strictly tied to the tree. ´Maybe Gem was going easy on me all those years?´- Paul wondered further testing his bonds.

After he tested literally every single piece of rope that held him, he was sure that he couldn´t escape and that Katie really did a great job. Those ropes were tight but didn´t hurt at all. And to his surprise, they did support his body weight. He had nearly no room for any movement left, but if standing on the same spot got too uncomfortable he could just lean into the ropes and especially the rope around his chest held his body weight. She wrapped them a few times around him, so the pressure was split and it didn´t hurt. It didn´t take long and he started to be grateful that Katie had found him and increased the number of ropes. Besides his wet pants, socks and uncomfortable cold feet, he felt great. Experiencing new, and more restrictive, ties was always something he really enjoyed. Also, he realised or decided for himself that it´s no use to feel bad or ashamed for what happened, after all, he now couldn´t change anything on that anyway. He would be stuck to that tree until either Katie or Gemma would be back to untie him. Of course, he hoped it would be Gemma, even though that would mean she wouldn´t tie him all on his own ever again after seeing him like that. It still would be better than Katie seeing him after his accident. He couldn´t do more than hope, so he decided to just enjoy his situation as far as possible.

The whole thing with Katie restraining him further and him testing his bonds took quite a while, so it was already 2 pm when the next catastrophe was on his way to our poor little prisoner. Paul was again slightly struggling against his bindings. Not because he had any hope to get free, but just for the fun of it. He was totally engrossed in it when he got hit by a harsh cold blow of wind that got his attention.

“Mmmph?!” – he whimpered before his eyes suddenly widened in surprise, shock and fear.

It wasn´t the quick blow of wind but the extremely dark, nearly black, cloud on the already grey and cloudy sky that came closer and closer. Paul knew what that meant. It was one of those typical Scottish storms. From time to time they suddenly appeared and could get really uncomfortable and often lasted for many hours or even days.

Paul could tell that it had to be sometime after 2 pm and that meant Gemma would still be gone for at least 6-8 hours. The storm would definitely hit him and from the direction, it was coming, it would hit him first before it would reach the other end of Edinburgh where Gemma was at the party. So, even if Gemma would try to get home early after she would be aware of the storm he would´ve to endure that relentlessly typical cold wind and rain of a Scottish storm for a minimum of 2 hours.

Now his preference for the one who he hoped would find him changed again. Originally he hoped it would be Gemma because it´s too embarrassing to be seen by Katie after having an accident. But now, he preferred it to be Katie because she was, on the one hand, closer which gave him a little hope to be freed before the storm would get too uncomfortable. On the other hand, if Gemma would see him tied in a storm, it would be possible that she would never tie him up again, she would feel terribly guilty and if she would find out that Katie added the restraints, Katie would get into trouble too.

If there was one thing that would describe Paul´s character best, it would be “loyalty”. He would never allow something that would be bad for his family or friends and him being found by Gemma would lead to exactly that, so his hopes were clearly on Katie. Of course, he couldn´t know that Katie was supposed to untie him in case something like that happened. He only knew that Katie should check on him about lunch because Katie told him that herself.

He could do absolutely nothing but to wait while it already started to rain slightly. It was becoming darker and darker and the rain started to become worse. Paul was lucky that the tree he was tied to gave him some protection against the wind which would´ve hit him from behind. Also, the garage and the neighbour's buildings shielded him a little from the wind hitting him too hard on both sides and his own house gave him some protection against the wind from the front. Nonetheless, it was getting quite cold for wearing just a, in the meantime quite wet, hoody and socks without shoes. He was really regretting that he took his shoes off while he tried to free his ankles.

Before we continue to look at poor Paul suffering the fate of a show-off, we take a look at Katie. While Paul was getting wetter and wetter, Katie was totally engrossed in a game of hiding and seek with her cousin Tina. She hadn´t looked out of the window for quite some time. After she finally found her cousin, it was time for a break. She had played long enough with her and wanted to have some time on her own. When she got back into her room, she was shocked.

“What the… No! No! No! Noooo! That´s bad! That´s really really really bad! Oh shit!” – Katie shouted ignoring all manners she had learned the moment she saw the, in the meantime, heavy rain and the dark clouds outside. She quickly took her phone just to check what time it was, so she would know how long Paul probably already stood in the rain but the first thing she saw was a text message from Gemma. She received that message already 1 hour ago.

That message was an answer to Katie´s text where Katie described that she just came home from secretly checking on Paul and that he was really fine and doing well. She also said, she would check on him again in about 2-3 hours. It wasn´t a lie… when she sent that, she just came home from Paul… and yes he was fine… at least from her point of view. That she checked on him over one hour later than she should and that she added more restraints and a gag was something she left out cleverly.

Gemma´s message was the following: “Hey Katie, thank you for checking up on Paul! I knew it was the right decision to trust you with that. I´m reassured that Paul is fine, after all, you have a watching eye on him. Thank you for doing this, I feel really relieved to know that he is fine and can concentrate on the party. I owe you one. Please don´t forget to check on him again and untie him if he looks too uncomfortable or if anything is wrong. If you think he is uncomfortable or something is wrong, just untie him and don´t listen to his motormouth, he probably just wants to impress you and therefore would try to take more than he actually is capable of. Thanks again! Gemma”

´How could I be so irresponsible! So careless! I´m so sorry, Gemma… how could I disappoint you so much.´ - Katie thought in panic while she quickly turned around and dashed to the front door where she started to put her shoes on. Now she couldn´t get that image of Paul out of her mind where he really looked like he was uncomfortable. What if something was wrong? She knew he wanted to show off but when he really would try to take more than he is capable of just to impress her… ´And I added even more restraints… and a gag! Now he can´t even call for help! Oh my God… Paul, what have I done?! I´m coming don´t worry, I´ll get you out as fast as possible!´- Katie thought

But, she got suddenly interrupted by her dad: “Katie what are you doing? Haven´t you looked at the weather outside? It´s raining cats and dogs!” – he said puzzled.

“I don´t have the time right now. I have to go! It´s important, dad!” – Katie said, not paying much attention to her dad. Katie´s dad couldn´t understand what´s wrong with his daughter. Normally she behaved much better and wouldn´t do such stupid things like going outside during a storm. And that she didn´t even pay attention to him was something he didn´t like. That Tina complained to him that Katie stopped playing with her the hide and seek game added to his bad mood at her behaviour. After all, she promised to spend the day with Tina, and Tina was really looking forward to spending the whole day with her cousin.

“That´s enough now, Katie!” – he said sternly and took away her other shoe before she could put it on. “I won´t accept that behaviour of yours. Not only aren´t you paying any attention to me, but you also don´t explain anything and you are trying to go out in a storm without asking, and even worse without telling me anything. Also, you promised Tina to spend the day with her, so whatever you want to do right now, has to wait until tomorrow.” – he added.

“Nooo! Dad, you can´t do that! It´s really important, I just need to go! And I can´t play with Tina the whole day, I need a break too!” – Katie answered hastily.

“I never said you are not allowed to take a break. I know playing with Tina can be exhausting. But! You have to explain it to her and find something else she can do, so she won´t be bored. It still doesn´t change anything on the fact that you certainly won´t be going out of the house during the upcoming storm. It´s way too dangerous!” – her dad explained his voice sounding way more sternly on the last two sentences.

“Daaad! You don´t understand! I need to---“ – Katie started shouting but got interrupted by her dad again.

“Not in that tone, young lady! If you can´t even explain to me what you are up to, there is no way you are going to leave the house during the storm!” – he said slowly getting angry.

“Dad, please! I gave a promise…” – Katie said her voice suddenly sounding sadder and sadder.

“I understand now that it´s important. But is it really that important that it justifies making Tina feel sad? I need a bit more than that. So what promise?” – he said in an understanding sounding voice.

Now Katie got a big problem. She knew that she couldn´t tell her dad the truth. If she would, he would tell it Paul´s parents and then Paul and Gemma would get a really harsh punishment. She didn´t care that much about herself, even though she knew she would be punished too because she helped to do something that irresponsible. But lying to her dad was also a really bad idea. Most of the time he would notice immediately when she lied to him. Then she might get grounded and couldn´t help Paul at all.

“I- I promised to help Paul with something. It´s really important. It won´t take long, I guess. Please, dad! You always told me to honour the promises I make and I promised Paul to help him before I promised Tina I would spend the day with her. So, I need to fulfil that promise first. After that, I still have enough time to spend with Tina. I promise I´ll hurry.” – Katie said. Katie was quite clever. She didn´t lie to her dad, she just didn´t tell him everything.

“Take a look outside, Katie. Do you think Paul wants you to get completely wet just to help him today? What does he need help with anyway?” – her father asked further.

“A… a… a school project. It´s really important for him because he needs it to get the better one of two grades. If the presentation is really good he´ll get the better one of the two possible grades in his school report.” – Katie lied.

“A school project? Really, Katie? The holidays have just begun. Paul has enough time to finish his school project in the upcoming days. Don´t worry so much, Katie. I´m sure he understands that you have to watch Tina for a bit and can´t run through a storm today. At first, I thought there is really something wrong. Don´t scare me like that. Now go and play a bit with Tina, will you? You can call Paul first or I call him if you want and explain to him that you aren´t allowed to go outside today but you´ll be over at his place tomorrow morning to help him on his school project.” – her dad explained.

“B-b-but dad…” – Katie tried to insist.

“I said no, Katie. It´s not that important to do that today. Please understand that. I don´t want to have to ground you and send you to your room for the rest of the day.” – her dad said sternly again.

“You are mean!” – Katie shouted and dashed off into her room.

´Today she is acting strange… maybe that´s an early sign that she is going to hit puberty soon? I hope it´s just a one-time thing or am I not strict enough?´ - her dad thought.

In her room, Katie angrily slammed the door shut and plopped onto her bed on her stomach and started to hit her pillow with her fist multiple times before she just let her head drop onto it. After she calmed down again, she went over to her window which was located in a perfect position to look at Paul´s house. Her house was only a few houses away from his. She couldn´t see Paul from there, but at least the top of the tree where she knew Paul was still tied to.

“I´m so sorry Paul… please hang in there, I´m coming… somehow…” – she whispered sadly pressing her palm against the window not daring to take her eyes off of the tree in Paul´s garden.

A short moment later, Tina silently came into Katie´s room. “Watcha doing, Katie? C´mon let´s play something!” – Tina demanded.

“Get out! I didn´t allow you to enter! Have you ever heard of knocking?! Leave me alone… please!” – Katie said first angrily but her voice started cracking towards the end of her sentence.

At first, Tina thought about running to Katie's dad to complain that Katie was mean to her but before she turned around to leave, she could see the tears in Katie's eyes through the reflection in the window. Even at such a young age, she knew that Katie wasn´t feeling well and decided to just leave her alone and maybe come back later.

When she went back to Katie´s dad she told him, that she decided she doesn´t want to bother Katie because she played soooo much with her that she deserves a break. Of course, she asked then if he would play with her instead, which he did. Everyone who knew Tina knew also that playing with her was a full-time job. Lucky for Katie this kept her dad occupied so he couldn´t investigate any further on her strange behaviour.

Now, Katie was alone again. She could only look at her phone and read the message from Gemma over and over again. She felt terrible. Playing a prank on Paul in his situation was completely wrong… could he ever forgive her? She wasn´t sure about that, but she knew she had to wait until there was the perfect opportunity to sneak out. But that opportunity never came. Katie´s dad was playing with Tina all evening and would´ve noticed it when Katie tried to go to the door. During the night wasn´t an option either, because putting her shoes on and opening the door would´ve been too loud in an all silent house and even if she could sneak out after closing the door she wouldn´t be able to get back in. So those were definitely no options because her dad would then find out what happened and this would end in Paul´s parents finding out and severe punishment for Paul and for Gemma and maybe the end of their friendship?

The hours went by and Katie was still sitting in front of her window all the time permanently cursing the rain. But the rain wasn´t anything near stopping. It continued and continued and continued… until her focus on the rain was interrupted when her dad called out for her:

“Katie! Dinner is ready!” – he shouted.

“D-d-d-d-dinner?! W-What?! It can´t be already 7 pm… Paul, I´m so sorry…” – Katie´s eyes went wide and she stammered silently.

“I´m coming!” – Katie shouted and tried to sound as cheerful and happy as she would react normally when her best friend isn´t tied to a tree and tortured by cold rain for hours.

During dinner, nothing extraordinary happened. They talked as they do usually. Of course, her dad asked what was wrong earlier and Katie apologised for her behaviour. She told him it was just that Paul was a really good and important friend to her and she didn´t want to disappoint him. Even though they were still very young, her dad thought those could be early signs that Katie is about to grow up and maybe starts to get interested in boys but didn´t know that yet, maybe she´s just very early with that. He probably wasn´t even wrong with that because as they grew older they really became a lovely couple later.

After dinner, Katie went back to her room, while Tina stayed with Katie´s dad again. Dinner took about one hour, so it was about 8 pm when Katie entered her room. She sadly took a look out of the window just to notice that the weather didn´t change at all. It was still heavily raining and a bit windy. Without anything else to do, she went over to her bed, lay down but couldn´t do anything else but to think about Paul who was still tied to his tree when suddenly her phone signalled that she got a new message:

“Hey Katie, I´m still with Gareth at the party. Thanks again for looking after Paul! You haven´t sent a message, so I assume you already untied him and you two are playing together and forgot the time as usual. He isn´t answering his phone, so I thought I should send you a message instead. It´s still raining, so I guess I´ll be a bit late in the vain hope it´ll stop until then. Thank you again for caring for Paul, I owe you one. Love, Gemma.”

“Love Gemma… you surely wouldn´t write that if you knew what I did… you surely wouldn´t see me as a friend or part of your extended family anymore if you knew… and I´m sure Paul isn´t seeing me as a friend anymore too.” – Katie sobbed into her pillow while hugging it tightly with both arms.

“I have to tell her!” – Katie exclaimed loudly, grabbing her phone and started dialling Gemma´s number.

To her surprise, she couldn´t get through. She tried it a few times but each time it sounded like Gemma was already on a phone call. Then she noticed it: There was no signal.

“Why are such things always happening at the worst possible time grrrr!” – Katie complained loudly.

Without any other choice, she went out of her room and over into the living room where her dad was watching TV while Tina slept next to him peacefully. From what she could hear when she entered the living room, the news was just over.

“Dad, can I use your phone, please? I need to call someone but strangely my phone just won´t get a signal. I tried everything and even restarted it but it´s just not working. Maybe it´s damaged?” – she said.

“Hey Katie, your phone is alright, don´t worry. I would lend you my phone for a phone call, no problem, but it wouldn´t help you either because I got no signal too… as it is with every phone in Edinburgh. The main mast broke down and now the whole network for phone calls isn´t working. They even put it as a text on the bottom during the news. They try their best to get it working again but it´s estimated that it won´t work until tomorrow morning.” – he explained to her.

“Thank you, dad. I´m going to bed early today. I´m tired… it was a long and exhausting day.” – Katie said and was about to go to her room. Her dad thought that “exhausting day” was meant as a reference to playing with Tina all day. Before Katie disappeared he wished her a good night:

“Good night. I hope you´ll be able to sleep well during that loud rain outside… it´s raining so much that they even cancelled all busses in Edinburgh for the rest of the night for safety purposes. It´s recommended if you are not at home to sleep at a friends house or a hotel whatever of them is the closest because there are no busses. “ – he added.

Katie´s eyes widened in horror at what she heard at that moment. She completely froze for a moment before just saying “Good night.” and slowly going into her room where she fell to her knees when she reached the bed, letting her head fall onto the mattress.

´What did I do… I´m a monster… I´m so sorry Paul!´ - Katie thought.

There was nothing Katie could do to change the current situation. She just undressed, put on her PJ´s and went to bed. She pulled the blanket over her head and was more a sobbing ball that was constantly crying into its pillow than the cheerful girl she used to be. The night was terrible for Katie, she got barely any sleep.

Paul´s night wasn´t any better. He felt miserable. It was cold and he was very very wet. His clothes and even his underwear were completely soaked. He noticed something was wrong when Gemma just didn´t get home at all. But he couldn´t do anything against it. He was still tightly tied to the tree and gagged. He couldn´t even call for help. At some point, he couldn´t stand there anymore and just went limp to give his legs the chance to recover from supporting his weight all day, or at least part of it since Katie´s additional ropes helped to support his weight. Now, Paul was really glad that Katie showed up and reinforced his bindings because the additional chest rope would support his weight completely after he let his legs go limp. Even though he should be worried about himself, he was only worried about his sister after it went dark outside. He was really scared that something happened to her which was the only reason he could think of that would explain why she didn´t get home to untie him.

The rain continued throughout the night. Fortunately, the wind slowly died down until only the rain bothered Paul. It was really hard to sleep like that and Paul only managed to doze off for a few minutes at a time.

To be continued
Last edited by Killua 2 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Yorktie »

A superb story but perhaps going a little too far?

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Post by Killua »

[mention]Yorktie[/mention] The second part is indeed a bit harsh but the third part is way better bringing everything back into the right order how it should be. Thanks for your feedback.
Just to make it clear. Paul isn't hurt in that story, not in the already published parts nor in the upcoming parts. He is just experiencing an embarrising accident and a rainy night outside.
They are reacting really emotional to what happened because that's just how real Paul and real Katie (and real Gemma) are. The characters are based on the personalities of real people who know about that story and helped me writing it. I'm still really thankful that they put so much effort into helping me writing that story. The story has at the moment (close to the end of the story) about 32 pages in microsoft word. And they just did proofread everything. And I'm really glad they did.
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Post by lepangolin »

Brilliant story again Killua! The reader is immersed in the characters' psychology and the whole thing is so thrilling. I love the fact that poor Paul gets carried away in showing off and has to pay for it because of Katie's tricks who then regret it... can't wait for the next part!
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Post by Yorktie »

It's cruel but it really is a superb story. Be careful what you ask for, you might get it and...........

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Post by Gil »

very humiliating for him in this part. I am curious what else happens in the naxt part :)
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Post by Killua »

[mention]lepangolin[/mention] [mention]Yorktie[/mention] [mention]Gil[/mention]
Thank you very much, guys!

I'm glad you like it. I already wrote enough to post a third part. But I'm not sure if the rest would be enough for a fourth part. So I wait until I'm finished with the whole story to see if I can make a cut where I want it or just post it as one giant part.

I also planned on two stories to continue the tale about Paul and Gemma.

Bye the way... do you like cliff hangers? :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :lol:
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Post by Yorktie »

Great story but concerning!

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Post by Gemtie »

I did express some concerns as the story was being written, but the completed story gives 2 very clear and inarguable messages to any bondage games:

1 - The captive needs to be careful what they wish for, they might get it and more than they bargained for!

2 - The captive must NEVER be left totally alone, however briefly. The story is an extreme example, but even in shorter games lesser things can prevent the captor from getting back to the captive as planned and the game can "snowball" from there with potentially terrible consequences? When we were the age of the characters in the story, Gareth and I have tied Paul to his bed or the tree, or staked him out under the tree, and gone into Edinburgh leaving him totally alone, for about 3-4 hours. There is NO way in this life or the next I would do it now, and I am ashamed of myself to admit i've done this in the past. As a the babysitter I was the supposedly older and wiser sibling (I can hear you all laughing! LOL) who placed in a position of trust and let my parents down, myself down and (most importantly) Paul down. Fortunately, nothing happened and we are as close as ever today.

(formerly Gemscot)
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Post by Killua »

First of all, thank you very much for all your great comments! I really appreciate them and they are really motivating me. Here is the next part. I have to add, that it does have not that much of tyings. It´s more about what happened after the storm.

Part III

At 6am, the first rays of sunlight appeared (the rain was already gone) and as Katie could hardly sleep, she was immediately on her feet and put on what she could grab the quickest, her green Balgreen Primary School tracksuit and her trainers. She put them on just over her pyjamas. She could see the tribute of a night with nearly no sleep as she walked by her mirror. So she took a short visit in the bathroom and used some of her mom´s make-up to conceal the rings below her eyes. She put some effort into making it authentic and not too obvious. Then she headed into her parent's bedroom asking her dad if it was ok to go over to Paul. For them, it was a bit strange that Katie wanted to go over to Paul that early but deciding between a discussion or sleeping a bit longer with Katie out of the house having breakfast at Paul´s was an easy task. Both of them had taken the rest of the week off, so the chance to sleep a bit longer was only too welcome.

Katie was immensely relieved that she was allowed to go to Paul that early. She immediately dashed over to the front door, pulling her jacket off of the hook without even stopping. She put her jacket on while she was running over to Paul. And running was what she did. She probably never ran that fast before in her whole life.

Only a few metres left… then quickly to and through the gate… only a few steps along the side of Paul´s home… left… then he should be visible…

“Oh God! PAUL!” – Katie screamed the moment she saw him more or less limply hanging in his ropes. Of course, it was a shocking sight for Katie to see Paul hanging in the ropes, even though they weren´t hurting him and in the end even quite comfortable… at least regarding his current situation. Katie must´ve thought something happened to him… she couldn´t know that he finally managed to fall asleep just a few minutes ago.

Paul´s slumber was suddenly interrupted when he heard a high pitched scream and very fast and light steps coming rapidly closer to him. He could hear the mud splashing around with each step. Slowly opening his eyes and raising his head, he could first see the black trainers which seemed to be kid-size, then green tracksuit trousers followed by a matching sweatshirt with the logo of the Balgreen Primary School on chest-height and finally the loose curly auburn hair together with the cute face of his friend Katie. Only was that face not as cute as he remembered it because of all the tears that were running down her cheeks smudging the bit of make-up she applied earlier to conceal the circles under her eyes.

It took a short moment for Paul to realise again where he was and what happened before he asked a bit surprised at the sight of his friend: “Kmmphy?” – which should probably mean “Katie?”

Katie was still a bit in her own world and understood Paul´s surprised comment more as “Katie?! How could you do this to me! I hate you!” even though he only said one word and it would be absolutely impossible to say that much in such a short time or that one sound that could be understood. Also, there could be no world in which Paul could hate Katie.

She would have loved to just fall to her knees and apologise in a completely exaggerated way, but there were more important things to do! To untie Paul and get him inside where he could warm up.

Shouting a very sad but intense “I´m so sorry Paul, it´s all my fault.”, Katie went immediately to work on his bonds. Paul didn't understand why she was apologising and only replied with a questioning "mmph?". Of course, Katie interpreted that again in the worst possible way which made her sob even more while she already knelt down behind the tree to untie his ankles and legs. Paul understood that whatever was wrong with Katie, he should better stay silent and talk to her only after she finally removed his gag. But Katie was still busy untying the ropes and didn´t pay any attention to his gag. Of course, she knew that his jaw must already ache a little and his mouth must be very dry but she was just scared of what he would say. So, she tried to untie everything else first.

It took about five minutes until everything was untied but the rope around his chest and the gag. She was still worried because he didn´t even try to untie his gag or the rope around his chest or anything else after she untied his hands. He just let them dangle limply at his side waiting for Katie to untie him completely. She wanted to untie the rope around his upper arms and chest next, but Paul just weakly grabbed her arm with his hand and tried to point on his gag with the other. Now, Katie knew she had to remove the gag first even though she was still scared of it.

She carefully started to remove the tape around his head on which he emitted some weak yelps whenever the tape ripped off some of his hair and she apologised just non-stop for it. After the tape was gone, he lowered his head a bit, so Katie could untie the knot which held the knotted bandana between his teeth. But before Paul had even the smallest chance to say something, Katie transformed into some kind of machine gun but she wasn´t firing bullets, she was firing apologies and theories on how much Paul must hate her for what she did in between random parts of an explanation of what happened yesterday, her task to keep an eye on him, playing with Tina, the storm, her try to get out of the house and the dispute with her dad, her terrible night, and so on.

Paul tried to interrupt her many times but she just didn´t stop until he finally regained enough strength to shout loudly: “KATIEEEE!!! STOOOOP!!!” – which finally made her stop even though it startled her a little.

“Puh… finally… I thought you would never give me the chance to say something too… that was nearly worse than being gagged. --- First of all, can you please come a bit closer… closer… still closer… stand right in front of me, please.” – Paul said in a very calming voice which helped Katie to finally calm down again.

Katie stood right in front of Paul, visibly nervous. She didn´t know what he would do and of course, thought he was angry and maybe would punch her or something like that. But what he did just surprised her. She couldn´t even react as fast as she found herself in a tight and loving hug. Paul was still tied to the tree with a rope around his chest under his armpits and over his upper arms but his lower arms could still pull her close and hug her. He put his chin onto her shoulder and softly talked to her.

“Thank you, Katie. You can´t understand how glad I am to see you. You really DID save me. It´s not your fault. Not at all! It was my decision, I wanted to get tied to the tree. I should´ve checked the weather report beforehand.” - he said in his calm voice.

“B-but… i-it was my job to untie you if I notice that you were uncomfortable or something bad happens like the storm…” – Katie replied sadly but way calmer now.

“No, it wasn´t. That was just the plan of my lovely but overprotective sister. I didn´t know anything about it… so it wasn´t your job, right?” – Paul tried convincing her that it wasn´t her fault which was how he truly felt.

“But---“ – Katie tried to counter but got interrupted immediately.

“No ´but´! It wasn´t your fault that it happened as it did. And I´m really happy that you checked on me yesterday. Without your additional ropes, I would´ve been in so much pain… but they supported my whole weight which helped immensely. I also learned not to brag around anymore… so… honestly I´m really exhausted, I´m so cold I can´t even stop shaking, and I´m really thirsty… p-please can you get me out of here so I can get into the house?” – Paul asked nicely and a little bit ashamed.

“Of course! Just hang in there! You´ll be free in less than a minute!” – Katie exclaimed and disappeared behind the tree to untie the last rope which held him to the tree. Paul put both his feet firmly on the ground because he had to support his full weight again… but to Katie´s shock, he just collapsed into the mud the moment she untied the knot on the rope which went below his armpits around his chest.

“Paul!” – Katie shouted and hurried to her now completely mud-covered friend.

“H-huh?... I didn´t expect that to happen… t-they just gave in...” – Paul said weakly and tried to get up again which ended in the same result, him falling face-first into the mud.

“Paul… you stood there way too long. You are too exhausted to do that on your own. Let me help you, ´kay?” – Katie said in a very supportive voice. She knew that it was important to him to show that he is strong and can do everything on his own, so it surprised her, even more, when he accepted her offer immediately. It showed her that he really wasn´t feeling well.

“You´re right… I can´t do this on my own. Katie, c-can you help me, please?” – he said still lying flat on his stomach with one half of his face in the mud, the other half looking up to Katie.

Fully knowing that she would get quite a scolding for ruining her school tracksuit, she knelt down on the mud and put Pauls arm around her shoulder supporting his weight with her own shoulder and arm going along his back and under his other armpit. That way she helped him to get up, and then gave him a short break to get used to standing like that.

“You ok, Paul? Can you walk like that?” – she asked worriedly.

“N-not sure, but I´ll try my best not ending face-first in the mud again.” – he tried his best to muster his usual bright and cheeky self, even though, it wasn´t hard to see that the smile he just gave Katie was completely fake. He only wanted Katie to feel better, but he really was extremely exhausted and it was impossible to hide that.

“I won´t let you fall! Just put your weight onto my shoulder, I´m gonna hold you.” – Katie said reassuringly.

“Thanks, Katie! But if I get too heavy, please just drop me. I don´t want you to hurt yourself because of my mistake… after all, you are---“ – Paul started saying but was interrupted by Katie.

“Don´t you dare say because you are a girl! If you do, I´m gonna drop you into the mud for real and then sit on your back until you take it back!” – Katie complained mockingly.

“After all, you are my best friend was what I wanted to say.” – Paul said, if that was the truth… who knows?

“Oh…” – Katie replied looking Paul in the eyes. He looked directly into her eyes too and suddenly both started laughing out loud. They were laughing like that for, at least, half a minute. Katie was laughing so hard that she nearly dropped Paul for real.

“Hey! Careful! Please don´t drop me into the mud for real. Two times face-first in the mud is enough for one day.” – Paul said giggling.

To reply, Katie looked him in the eye again, while they were still slowly walking towards their porch to get Paul into the warmth, giggled and just stuck out her tongue mocking him further. Both of them started laughing at that again. Of course, they were still feeling not happy about what happened. Paul was way beyond exhausted, Katie was also really tired and felt bad and still guilty for what had happened to Paul. But at the same time, both figured that laughing was the best they could do in that situation. It was no use to look all sorry because it would just drag the other one down. So making jokes and laughing was the best medicine after such a hard day and night for both of them.

When they finally reached the porch, Katie stopped for a moment and looked down on herself and on Paul.

“What´s wrong?” – Paul asked.

“If we go inside like that… Gemma will kill us both… and if we can´t get it clean again, your parents will kill Gemma and us right again.” – Katie said chuckling.

Paul looked down on himself and on Katie and could only confirm what she said. If they would go inside like that, both of them would be in a lot of trouble.

“Better take your shoes off, right here on the porch… and I…” – Paul started saying but then stopped for a moment looking sadly down to his muddy socks while still holding on to Katie´s shoulder.

“Don´t worry, Paul. I´ll help you.” – Katie said smiling reassuringly.

“Thank you.” – Paul said looking away from Katie on the ground. He turned red being ashamed that he needed so much help, even with easy tasks like taking his own socks off.

“Paul, that´s what friends are for, right?” – Katie said smiling at him reassuringly again.

“You´re right. Thank you, Katie!” – he said smiling back at her.

Katie used her own feet to pull each of her muddy trainers off by pressing one foot against the back of the other shoe each. Then she carefully helped Paul to sit down on the wet porch which wasn´t much of a problem because he was completely soaked anyway. She knelt down in front of him on his right side and put his right ankle onto her lap, pushing the leg of his trousers further up, followed by carefully removing his muddy sock. She kept his foot there for a while longer to inspect his ankles. She wanted to see if the ropes hurt him and if the rope marks were too deep. There were some rope marks on his ankles but luckily they weren´t very deep. She also pushed the leg of his trousers further up to check if the ropes she added around his knees caused bad rope marks but there was nearly nothing to see because his combat trousers were between the rope and his skin.

“Katie, I´m fine. Don´t worry so much about me. I´m just a bit exhausted.” – he said giving her his best “I´m fine”-smile.

“Paul you were tied to that tree for nearly 24 hours, mainly because of me. You are not fine. There is no need to play the tough one. Luckily the rope marks aren´t too deep, but a little bit of Vaseline would still be good for your ankles and maybe your wrists. I´ll take care of that once we are inside. Can you show me your wrists, please?” – Katie answered.

“C´mon Katie, I´m fine, really.” – Paul said and showed Katie his wrists. She came closer to him and took his wrists each to inspect the rope marks further which made Paul blush a little but Katie was too focused to notice that.

“If you say that you are fine again, I´ll have to gag you and you know that you are too weak to fight back. So… better be honest! Now, let me look at those wrists of yours. Hmm, a little bit deeper than on your ankles, but still not dangerous and your skin is neither cut nor strongly damaged. Does it hurt, when I move my thumb over it?” – Katie asked on which Paul admitted that it hurt a tiny bit but really only a tiny bit.

“Okay, then a bit of Vaseline should be sufficient here too. Now let me help you, with your other sock and then let´s get you inside where it´s warm and cosy.” – Katie said with her reassuring smile again.

“Yes… and thanks again, Katie.” – Paul said.

“No need to thank me, really.” – Katie answered and took off his other sock.

“I´m going to help you to get up again, is that okay with you?” – Katie asked.

“Sure… I don´t think I can get up on my own. But… I should be the one who asks you for help and not you the one who asks me if you are allowed to help me.” – Paul said still feeling bad that Katie had to help him so much.

“Don´t worry so much, Paul. Now come here and put your arm around my shoulder, I´ll help you up.” – Katie said, putting his arm around her shoulder holding it there and putting her arm across his back holding him under his armpit.

After carefully helping him up, she tried her best to remove as much mud from his clothes with one hand as possible. His clothes would be still dirty but at least there wouldn´t be any mud falling off of them ruining the floor.

Katie helped Paul to get inside but stopped in the Kitchen.

“Paul, that´s not gonna work. I know you won´t like that… but you have to undress.” – Katie said looking again over his muddy clothes.

“I have to what? Katie… please… t-that´s just embarrassing. I-is that really necessary?” – Paul asked blushing again.

“Sorry Paul... but look at your clothes. If you sit or lie down anywhere everything would become really dirty. Gemma would be angry with us… and your parents would be angry with Gemma and with us. Worst case, they somehow find out that you were tied to that tree for 24 hours… then we can start digging our own graves...” – Katie explained.

“I know… and you are right with that. But Katie, I can´t. I got even problems standing on my own, I don´t think I can take my clothes off like that.” – Paul said in a very helpless voice.

“Paul, you really worry too much. I´ll help you with that… as I did with the socks. Don´t worry, your underwear stays on, so I won´t see anything. Okay?” – Katie said switching from supporting him to hugging him.

“Thank you, Katie. I don´t know what I would do without you.” – Paul said hugging her back.

“Well, I guess you would still be stuck to that tree.” – Katie said giggling. And both of them started laughing again.

Katie told Paul exactly what he had to do. Mostly he was holding on to the counter in the kitchen while Katie started undressing him. First one arm out of the sleeve, then holding on the counter with that arm and getting the other one out of the sleeve. That way she slowly removed all his clothes but his blue boxer briefs. His clothes were simply dumped in the middle of the kitchen floor. Followed by Katie´s own tracksuit because her tracksuit trousers got muddy too.

“K-Katie, w-what are you doing. Y-you can´t undress in front of me!”- Paul complained looking away immediately.

“Really, why not? Just kidding. C´mon, look over here. I´m wearing my PJ´s under that tracksuit, you can´t see anything.” – Katie answered cheekily.

“Don´t scare me like that! But why are you wearing your PJ´s under our school tracksuit? And why do you wear your school tracksuit anyway? Won´t you get a scolding for getting it dirty?” – Paul said relieved.

“I wear it over my PJ´s because… well… the moment the first sun rays appeared… I… I just hurried over to you without even thinking. I felt so bad for what happened and was so worried… I just put on whatever I could grab the fastest. And yes, I get the hell of a scolding for getting it that dirty.” – Katie said ashamed.

“Katie… why did you do that… just for me… “ – Paul answered.

“Because we are friends, of course. And because it´s my fault that it happened to you.” – Katie said.

And with that another discussion between Paul and Katie started… kids are so annoying sometimes, aren´t they?:
“It´s not your fault!”
“It is!”
“It´s not!”
“It IS!”
“Paul, it is and you know that!”
“Katie, no it´s not and YOU know THAT!”
“Stop it, Paul!”
“No! You stop first! I´m right and you know that!”

“Say even another peep and I´m going to gag you again! You can´t fight me in your current state and you know that!” – Katie finally put an end to it.

“That´s not fair!” – Paul complained loudly.

“Never said it is.” – Katie chuckled.

“I´m still right…” – Paul grumbled silently thinking Katie couldn´t hear it.

“Okay, that´s it. Now you get it!” – Katie said, supporting his shoulder again and pulling him a bit to the left directly to the sink.

“Katie no! I´m sorry! Don´t gag me, please!” – Paul begged.

“I´m not going to gag you but I´ll do this!” – Katie said and pushed Paul´s face close to the sink, forcing him to bend a bit over. Then, she opened the cold water, collected a bit of it in her hand while the other one was holding his head down and put it right in his face.

“Aaaargh! That´s cold! Katie stop it! I said I´m sorry!” – Paul screamed and tried to resist. But in his weakened state, he had no chance to fight back. Katie was just way stronger. She continued that a few times.

“So… now your face is finally clean again. You looked like you were mud wrestling. I didn´t do this because you talked back again… okay I used the cold water instead of the warm one because of that, hehe. But I would´ve cleaned your face anyway.” – Katie explained teasingly.

“I´ll get you back for the cold water… but… err… thanks for cleaning my face.” – Paul said way more docile now.

“Now let´s get you into the warmth. Can´t have you catch a cold in the kitchen, right?” – Katie said and helped Paul to get into the conservatory where she helped him sit down on the couch and then carefully guided him down so that he was lying there at full length.

“I´m right back, I´ll go and get you pillow and blanket!” – Katie said and dashed off to Paul´s room.

“Thank you… but you know you don´t have to do this for me.” – Paul said and silently grumbled the second part of it.

“I know, but I want to!” – Katie said the moment she returned with the pillow and blanket which made Paul get a little red in the face again. She was definitely hearing way too well and from his point of view was way too nice to him. He was still the opinion that he doesn´t deserve such a nice treatment especially because she couldn´t sleep and ruined her tracksuit because of him.

Katie put the pillow under Paul´s head and tugged him in with the blanket. She told him to wait for a second and disappeared into the kitchen. Some moments later she reappeared with a cup of hot chocolate.

“You need to drink something… and it better should be warm. Be careful it´s hot.” – Katie said and waited for Paul to get back into a sitting position before she gave him the cup.

“Thank you, Katie. I don´t know what I can do for you in return… you are helping me so much.” – Paul said.

“You would do the same, Paul. And it´s still my fault that you were tied to the tree for so long. Why aren´t you mad at me? You should throw me out of your house instead of thanking me.” – Katie said.

“Oh come on, Katie. I already told you that I don´t think that it´s your fault. Please tell me what I can do to make YOU feel better?” – Paul answered getting a little bit desperate.

“I don´t know… punish me, hurt me, throw me out or just hate me because that´s what I truly deserve.” – Katie said.

“Now it´s enough! Stop talking such nonsense.” – Paul said angrily.

“But… that´s how I feel. It just feels wrong that you suffered so much because I didn´t pay enough attention… It feels wrong that I don´t pay for that… that I don´t get a punishment or at least can´t give you something in return that equals your suffering.” – Katie countered.

Paul was in a bit of a struggle. He hated it when his friends or family was unhappy. He really wanted Katie to feel better… but punishing her was definitely nothing he wanted to do… then he got an idea.

“Katie, you said you would feel better if you can give me something in return that equals my suffering?” – Paul asked again.

“Err…yeah?” – Katie answered a bit unsure.

“Okay, but I´m the one who determines what´s equal to what I went through because I´m the one who experienced it.” - Paul said grinning a little.

“Err… sure.” – Katie replied.

“Nice. Then I want you to go into my room and bring me my pyjamas… and fresh underwear… my current one is still wet. I change and if that´s okay with you, I would like to take nap. And you have to wake me later. That´s your punishment or task to get equal with me for what I went through tonight.” – Paul said grinning from ear to ear visibly proud of his idea… even though it didn´t work like that… of course…

“Paul… I really appreciate that you want me to feel better. But do you really think that telling me to do something that I would do anyway even without getting asked is going to help me in any way?” – Katie said.

“But you are doing something for me… so… isn´t that enough?” – Paul asked a little bit disappointed.

“I´m just doing what´s necessary to prevent the damage I´ve already done to you gets even bigger. Because of me, you are that exhausted and in pain and tired… it´s the least I can do for you, so you can relax a little bit. But it´s nothing you really want me to do and it´s nothing you would be really happy about.” – Katie explained.

“And you think that hurting you would make me happy?” – Paul said a bit disappointed.

“…No it´s not… but I don´t have any other idea. What would make you happy, Paul?” – Katie answered.

That was a very good question. What would make Paul happy? He thought for a moment but could only think about his favourite activity… playing TuGs. But if he would ask her to tie him up, she would probably only be worried… and after 24 hours tied to a tree, he wasn´t in the mood to get tied for quite some time. Then it hit him! Why not ask to be the one doing the tying.

“Well, you know I really like playing Tie Up Games. So… I thought… maybe you let me tie you up for a change? It´s quite some time since we played a TuG together and even longer since I had the chance to tie you up.” – Paul asked nicely.

“That´s it? You just want to tie me up? I mean, you could´ve asked me whenever you wanted and I probably would´ve said yes. But is that really enough?” – Katie asked.

“Sure! I really wanted to play a TuG with you again… I´m already excited! But… I would like to take a short nap first if that´s OK with you?” – Paul said.

“Silly, it´s your house! You can sleep whenever you want! I already promised to wake you, already forgotten?” – Katie answered.

“Oh… right… seems like I start to get old, huh?” – Paul said.

“So, you want me to get you a pair of pull-up diapers for old men instead of fresh underwear and your PJ´s then?” – Katie teased. Somehow she really started to feel a little bit better after Paul looked so happy that he is allowed to tie her up later. It can´t repair the damage that is already done… but if it makes him happy, she should be happy too. That´s how she saw those things. Even though, she still felt that it´s all her fault…

“No! Certainly not!” – Paul said blushing immediately when he heard the word “diaper”. It just reminded him of something he really would like to forget immediately. Katie started laughing at his reaction and he joined in a moment later.

“I´ll get you PJ´s now, so you can do your little nap. You really deserve the sleep, Paul.” – Katie said and went into Paul´s room collecting a fresh pair of underwear and his PJ´s.

She put everything next to Paul on the couch and turned around to give him some privacy. He changed his underwear while he stayed covered by the blanket just to get sure. Katie then told him to let his wet underwear drop next to the couch, she would clean everything up while he is asleep. After he put on his blue 2 part pyjama (without standing up because he was scared to fall again), he laid down and pulled the blanket up.

“Katie?” – Paul asked silently.

“Yes, Paul? What´s wrong?” – Katie answered nicely.

“Thank you.” – Paul said and closed his eyes.

It took only about 2 minutes and he was fully asleep. Paul was a heavy sleeper, so now there was nearly no way to wake him anyway which was great for Katie because she knew her cleaning wouldn’t wake him.

Katie went to work. She collected all his and her dirty clothes from the kitchen floor and his boxer briefs next to the couch Then she brought everything into the bathroom first to rinse as much mud out of them as possible and put them flat on the floor next to the radiator. There wasn´t enough space to put everything close enough to the radiator to start getting them, at least, a bit dryer and so his hoody and shirt were left in the sink until the rest would be dry enough to put it into the hamper.

It was about 7:30 when Katie´s phone started ringing… it was Gemma.

“Hey, Katie. I´m so glad that I´m finally able to call you. There was no signal since yesterday evening! Are you two okay?” – Gemma asked worriedly.

“We’re fine, Gemma.” - Katie replied, taken by surprise and trying her best to sound reassuring. “The masts have all been out over here since yesterday evening and our phones haven’t been getting a signal. We’re all safe and the house is safe, you don’t need to worry!” – she added.

“Is Paul ok?” – Gemma wanted to know.

Katie knew she couldn´t tell Gemma the truth… still she wanted it so badly. She was fighting with herself practically discussing with her inner voice permanently if she should tell Gemma or not.

“Well… Paul was really worried about you because you didn´t get home yesterday. He slept not much and is taking a nap right now. I wasn´t allowed to stay over but visited him early this morning to check if everything is okay… after all, he was home alone all night and you can never trust boys, right? Hihi. I´ll stay here until you get home if that´s ok with you?” – Katie explained and asked.

“Of course are you allowed to stay. I´m really glad that you are there and keep an eye on Paul, boys are just boys and needs to be watched, hehe. Paul is always worrying way too much about me but I really love him for that. The busses are slowly starting to operate again but it will be about 1 or 2 before we can get back. My parents called me a few minutes ago. Because of the storm, they were working all night because of all those emergencies. They said they will be home at 6. Please tell Paul that I called and that I´m fine. He has no reason to worry and I´ll be soon home.” – Gemma replied.

“That’s fine Gemma. Paul and I will be just fine and safe here. I´ll tell him that you called after he woke up. See you later, bye!” – Katie replied.

“See you later then. Love you both!” – Gemma said.

“Puh… that was close…” – Katie “hung up” her mobile and breathed a huge sigh of relief, feeling she had reassured Gemma nothing had gone wrong.

Over at the party, Gemma stared at her now disconnected mobile and a troubled expression came across her face.

“What’s up, GemGem?” Gareth asked, noticing Gemma’s expression.

“Something is wrong back home. First, Katie called me Gemma and not GemGem. Secondly, her tone was a bit...evasive, as though she is keeping something from me. I need to get home as soon as we can.” – Gemma replied worriedly.

“We’re not going to get back until at least lunchtime. I trust Katie, I’m sure she can deal with it for now.” – Gareth said trying to cheer her up.

Next part following soon
Last edited by Killua 2 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Canuck100 »

Gemtie wrote: 2 years agoFabulous!
I concur!
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Post by Gil »

really great continuation :). Keep up the good work :)
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Post by Killua »

[mention]Gemtie[/mention] [mention]Gil[/mention] [mention]Canuck100[/mention] thank you very much for you nice comments.
Here is the last part of the story. But... there will be a second story someday :D

Part IV (last part)

Katie let Paul sleep until 11:30 am. It was finally time to wake him. She gently shook his shoulder calling his name but there was no reaction at all, he just slept further. She called his name louder but it had the same result. So Katie decided to wake him on the hard way. Quickly, she disappeared into the bathroom and grabbed his hoody because it was still soaking wet. In a fast move, she lifted his head pulled his wet hoody over his head, so the main part was on his head and knotted the arms tightly in front of his face.

“W-what… Ewwww it´s cold and wet! Aaaargh! Get it off!” – Paul started to scream flailing his arms wildly trying to pull the soaking wet hoody from his face. It didn´t budge, he needed a moment to figure out that the arms of the hoody were knotted in a way that prevented him to lift the hoody from his face. It took only a few moments more until he finally had the knot undone and was able to pull the soaking wet piece of clothing off of his face.

“Katie, you are so mean! I´ll get you back for that, just you wait! … but a nice prank.” – Paul complained loudly but the last part was again mumbled silently.

“Thanks! Are you sure you can get me back?” – Katie teased.

“Yep, you better run!” – Paul shouted. He felt way better than before his nap but he was still exhausted. It´s just not possible to recover the exhaustion from 24 hours tied to a tree during heavy rain and cold wind with just 5 hours of sleep. And Paul was about to learn that on the hard way.

Paul threw the blanket aside, quickly stood up and was about to run… but his legs just didn´t do what he wanted and gave in after about five steps making him crash down on the hard floor.

“Aaaargh! Oooouch! That hurt!” – Paul screamed.

“Paul!” – Katie shouted and hurried to him immediately, kneeling to his side and checking if he got hurt.

“Are you hurt, Paul?” – She asked.

“No, it seems like I´m fine. Still, the crash was quite painful. I really thought I could catch you… but somehow my legs didn´t do what I wanted. They suddenly felt so wobbly.” – Paul explained.

“Well, you stood tied to a tree for 24 hours. Your legs had only 5 hours to recover… I guess, you just need more time. Please take it slow, Paul. I don´t want you to get hurt, okay?” – Katie asked worriedly.

“I will. Thank you, Katie! W-would you help me to get up? I don´t want to crash again.” – Paul asked a bit unsure.

“Sure!” – Katie said helping Paul back to his feet.

After Paul stood again, Katie immediately hugged him tightly.

“I´m so sorry, Paul! That´s also all my fault! I shouldn´t have reinforced your bindings and I shouldn´t have teased you now. Whenever I do something you get hurt... I wish I would just disappear, so you won´t get hurt anymore!” – Katie shouted desperately.

Paul immediately hugged Katie back as tight as he could.

“Katie! How often do I need to tell you that it´s not your fault? And our little chase with me crashing down wasn´t your fault either! I was the one who wanted to get you back and catch you. It was my wrong assumption about the state of my legs that made me crash down. Without you, I don´t know if I could´ve gotten up again… if you wouldn´t be there at all, Gemma would still have tied me to that tree. I would´ve suffered way more because there would´ve been no rope that could support my weight. I would be still standing tightly tied to the tree, probably already crying! And even if someone would´ve freed me this morning, I would´ve crashed down now and if I hurt myself no one was there to help me. Stop talking that nonsense! You helped me way too much and saved me way too often since yesterday to have any right to feel bad!” – Paul explained angrily.

“I´m sorry…” – Katie said slightly ashamed.

“At least you understood it now…. Err… are you… ehm… still up for…” – Paul tried to say but wasn´t sure how to ask his question.

“Of course! I promised it, right? I always keep… no… at least I try to keep my promises.” – Katie said.

“You kept all promises you gave to me! And you kept the promise you gave Gemma too! You checked on me at lunchtime, didn´t you? And you untied me after I got too uncomfortable… and after 24 hours in a storm I was uncomfortable. It was never defined when you have to untie me exactly!” – Paul tried to cheer Katie up further.

“Oh Paul… you always try to cheer me up. You are a little hero, huh?” – Katie said which made Paul blush immediately.

“Oh now come on. Stop turning red and let´s go to your room. You wanted to tie me up, right?” – Katie said, grabbed Pauls hand and pulled him carefully all the way into his room.

In Paul´s room, Katie who was still wearing her PJ´s let go of Paul´s hand, then put her hands behind her back and said “Okay Paul. Do whatever you want. I´m ready!”

“Err… Katie, could you lie down on my bed instead? And put your hands and feet as close to the bedposts as possible?” – Paul asked a little shy.

“You want to tie me in a St. Andrew cross?” – Katie asked.

“Y-yeah… if that´s ok with you?” – Paul replied.

“You are really funny, Paul. Sometimes you are a real show-off and now you are shy like a little kid. I told you, you can tie me up any way you like. So, you don´t have to ask me. Just tell me where and how you want me and I´ll do that.” – Katie said reassuringly. After Paul was tied to the tree for so long and really depended on Katie´s help, he had lost quite some confidence. But it wouldn´t take him too long to get his confidence back.

After Katie was lying on her back with all her limbs stretched away from her body, Paul quickly and skilfully went to work. He tied her wrists and her ankles to the bedposts each and pulled the ropes taut so that Katie was completely stretched out and unable to move more than a fraction of an inch in each direction. Still, he made sure that she wasn´t pulled too taught, that it didn´t hurt and that the ropes weren´t too tight. He checked all ropes 2 times to make sure they weren´t cutting into her skin or interfering with her circulation.

After he was finished, Katie had to chuckle: “You haven´t changed at all, Paul. You´re still making sure that everything is perfectly safe after you tied me up. Thanks for caring so much about me… even though I just left you tied in a storm…” – Katie said getting a bit sadder towards the end.

“Oh Katie, not again… Of course, I´m making sure you are fine and of course, I´m caring about you. You cared about me so much yesterday and today. We are friends and that´s what friends are for. That´s exactly what you told me today!” – Paul scolded Katie a bit.

“I know… I´m sorry.” Katie said and then added “What now? Are you going to gag me? And how long do you keep me like that?”

“No, I won´t gag you… at least as long as you don´t complain too much, hehe. I keep you like that as long as I want, muahahaha! Just kidding, I guess about 1 or 2 hours? If it´s too long or too uncomfortable just use the safeword, boxing, okay?” – Paul said slowly getting his confidence back.

“Well, thanks for not gagging me. You are soooo kind… NOT! Keeping your friend helplessly stretched out on your bed! You are just cruel!... Just kidding, Paul. Hihihi. You should´ve seen your face. Did you actually just believe me?” – Katie started teasing Paul. She was acting the first part so convincingly that Paul actually believed her for a short moment and thought she was really thinking that he is cruel to her. For that short moment, Paul´s face lost all its colour.

“That was mean! I really thought that… okay I changed my mind. I definitely gonna gag you for that! And I got another surprise for you!” – Paul said.

“Eh… what? P-Paul? What surprise?” – Katie said getting a bit unsure.

“Just remember, you brought this to yourself, Katie.” – Paul said giving her his best mischievous smile.

“P-Paul… can we talk about it. Err… I´m sorry?” – Katie said while Paul was looking through his wardrobe to find a long bandana to recreate the gag Katie used on him.

“Too late for that!” – Paul said smiling at Katie as he went over to her.

“W-what are you doing with that bandana. Just tell me what the surprise is that you have in store for me and we can talk about it? It´s nothing bad, is it?” – Katie said partly playing a bit of a role to push Paul´s confidence further but at the same time really starting to get a bit nervous about the “surprise” he had in store for her. Maybe she even regretted showing him that new way to gag someone the moment she saw him making a knot in the bandana which would end in her mouth.

“It wouldn´t be a surprise if I would tell you, would it?” – Paul said in a cheeky voice and then added: “Now open wide, Katie.”

Katie would´ve loved to tease Paul a bit more by not opening her mouth at all but she knew exactly that he would just hold her nose or tickle her to get that bandana in her mouth. Also, she wanted to test that gag herself. So, she compliantly opened her mouth for Paul to place the knotted part of the bandana in her mouth. She even lifted her head a little to make it easier for Paul to knot it tightly behind her head.

“Are you okay, Katie?” – Paul asked to get sure she was fine.

“Mhm Mhm.” – Katie nodded.

“Does anything hurt, is anything too tight or does anything feel numb?” – Paul asked

“Mph-mmph. Immph fimph!” – Katie shook her head trying to say “I´m fine!”

“Okay, then it´s time for the surprise, hehehe. Please close your eyes, Katie, until I´m back. Okay?” – Paul said grinning from ear to ear.

“Mhm-mhm.” – Katie nodded a little bit nervous.

And with that, Paul carefully went out of his room right into the bathroom to collect his wet shirt and then back into the conservatory to grab the wet hoody. He slowly got used to walking at a normal pace again. Nevertheless, he could still feel that he overused his legs the day before by standing on them for so long without a break. So, he should better walk a little bit slower and be more careful than usual for the rest of the day.

When he entered his room again, Katie had her eyes still closed. He was already feeling a tiny tiny tiny bit bad for what he was about to do as he looked at her doing exactly what he told her.

He slowly approach her, put his shirt over his own shoulder so it wouldn´t fall down and kept his wet hoody in both of his hands. In a quick motion, he put his still really wet hoody over Katie´s face and partly over her upper torso and arms. Then he put his shirt over her lower torso and partly over her arms. Right after he put the hoody on her face, Katie “complained” immediately.

“MMMMMMMPPPPHHHH!!!! MMMPPH-MMMMMPH!!” – Katie violently shook her head. She was certainly not expecting something wet and cold to be put right on her face and upper body. She could even already feel how her dry PJ´s started to get wet because they soaked some of the water from his wet shirt.

Katie immediately tried to get, at least, the wet hoody from her face. But it just didn´t move as she expected. She was more or less just moving her head below the hoody and it didn´t move away from her face. She pulled it a bit along and when she moved her head in the other direction it just followed again.

“Pllmmph! Pahmmph!” – she started begging Paul to remove it. It wasn´t that bad that it would be necessary to try and use the safeword… but maybe he would have pity with her and just remove it. It didn´t work. Paul knew that his “torture” wasn´t bad in any way. It didn´t hurt and was just a little teasing. There was no need to remove the hoody.

“What´s wrong, Katie? Don´t you like getting wet, huh?” – he teased.

He was watching the scene for about 2 minutes when Katie suddenly changed the movement of her head in a way that actually worked. One minute later, she got the hoody off of her face.

“Wow! I didn´t expect that to happen. How did you get it off?” – Paul asked surprised.

“Hmph-hmph!” – Katie was grinning as much as her gag allowed. She was proud that she managed to get the hoodie off of her face while she was tightly tied to Paul´s bed.

“But… since you don´t want to explain to me how you did it… I guess I have to make you show it to me again, huh?” – Paul teased grabbing the hoodie again.

“Mmmmph-mmmph! Mmmmph-Mmmmph!!!” – Katie shouted shaking her head violently.

“Was that a ´yes´?” – Paul teased further.

“Iph phaph a nmpho!” – Katie tried her best to tell Paul that it was a “no” and not a “yes”. But Paul already had learned that the best thing about a gag is, that you can interpret the answer any way you like even though you know exactly what the captive said.

“Aaaah… well… if you are so eager to show it to me again…” – Paul said and placed the hoodie on her face again but this time changed it a bit. He used the arms of the hoodie and tied them in a simple knot behind her head, so she couldn´t shake it off again. “That should be more challenging.” – Paul added giggling. He was really having fun teasing Katie and Katie had her fun too, even though she preferred to be the one doing the teasing usually, but hearing Paul being so happy giggling all the time just made her really happy too. So, she decided to put up even more of a show and screamed as much as she could through her gag.

“MMMMMMMMMMPPPPPPHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!” – she screamed as loud as she could much to Paul´s amusement.

“Okay, Katie. If you like it THAT much I´m leaving it like that.” – he giggled and sat down on his office chair, just watching Katie struggling for a while.

After a short moment, Katie calmed down. Paul didn’t say anything while Katie was struggling a bit. Katie tested everything and knew now that she couldn´t get the wet clothes off of her body again. She accepted the fact that Paul honestly pulled a nice prank on her and tried to relax in her bonds. But it felt a bit strange. Normally Paul would tease her now that she failed to get the clothes off but she couldn´t hear anything from him. Did he just leave her and went down to sleep again? No, he wouldn´t do that and he already slept enough. So, Katie decided to call for him to see if he was still there.

“Pammph!... Pmmmph?” – she called his name as much as her gag allowed. She didn´t get any reply. Paul was still sitting in his office chair watching Katie. He decided to pull another nice little prank on her and tried to stay as silent as possible.

“Pmmph! Wmmph ammph ymmp?” – Katie tried asking where Paul was. She still got no reply. Paul didn´t know that Katie was still worried about him. She was sure that she would´ve heard the door opening and closing if he would´ve left the room. What if something happened to him?

“PPMMMMH! PPMMMH! PMMMMH amph ymmph ophey?” – Katie tried again calling for him and asking him if he was okay. She also started to fight her bonds again.

Paul realised that she was worried about him and decided to stop his prank, replacing it with another one.

“Katie, calm down. Of course, I´m okay. I just wanted to tease you a bit. Sorry that I worried you.” – Paul said getting up and closer to the foot-end of his bed.

“Ymmph mempph!” – Katie tried to tell him that he is mean but not in an earnest voice.

“I´m mean, huh? I don´t think that was mean… but THIS is!” – Paul said giggling and grabbing her right foot the moment he said “THIS” and started tickling her. Katie went completely wild jerking at her bonds as much as she could, laughing and even begging him to stop.

Paul was totally engrossed in tickling Katie who was just laughing and shouting too loud… so that they didn´t notice that someone entered the house through the front door. Gemma was home earlier than expected. Originally she wanted Gareth to come in for some time but she wasn´t sure what was wrong at home. She had just a bad feeling after that phone call with Katie. So, she decided it would be better if she would talk alone with them to find out if something was wrong or if she was just overprotective. When she entered the house, the first thing she heard was muffled shouting and screaming. She didn´t know what happened and therefore immediately called out for them.

“Paul, Katie! What are you doing? Are you okay?” – she shouted and ran over to Paul´s room.

The moment Paul and Katie could hear Gemma´s shouting, they froze. Paul had to react fast. He couldn´t let her find out that he was tied to that tree the whole night. He had to destroy the evidence, his wet clothes that were on Katie´s face and upper body. He just managed to remove them and push them below his bed when the door opened and Gemma stood in his doorway.

“Oh, hey GemGem. That´s just… err… we just played a game.” – Paul stammered in the rush of adrenaline from the surprise of Gemma´s shouting and the need for his fast reaction.

“Well… I can see that. Katie, are you okay?” – Gemma said and asked.

“Mhm-Mhm.” – Katie nodded.

“Glad to hear that. Paul, don´t you think you went a little bit too far? Look at her, she is completely wet. Did you really tickle her that long that she sweated like that?” – Gemma said to Paul in a little bit of scolding voice. She hadn´t noticed Paul´s still weakened state yet.

That was Paul´s chance to “destroy” all “evidence” on what happened… at least, he thought it would be all evidence. He decided that if he would tell Gemma that he really tickled Katie for that long, he might get a scolding for overdoing it but their secret would be still safe and he could protect Gemma and Katie from punishment through his and Katie´s parents for what had happened. He wasn´t even thinking about his own good one time, family and friends were always the most important thing to Paul.

“Yes… I did… I didn´t notice that I was going too far… that she was already sweating like…” – Paul used his best acting skills and looked ashamed to the ground… his voice sound silent and ashamed. Katie just gave him a confused stare. She didn´t know why he was lying… especially in a way that would get him into trouble. But Paul just looked at her and then winked before saying: “I´m sorry, Katie”. It was a clever move. From Gemma´s perspective, he was apologising to Katie for tickling her so long but Katie knew exactly that he apologised because he wanted to take all responsibility on himself to make sure Gemma wouldn´t notice anything. Of course, she wasn´t happy about that.

´Why does he always have to sacrifice himself for others.´ - Katie thought.

She didn´t want him to do this and complained through her gag shaking her head to show him that it wasn´t a good idea. The problem with that was that Gemma thought that apologising wouldn´t be enough and he should, at least, give Katie a chance for a little payback. After all, they often played these kinds of games and Katie really liked it to tie him up. So, it would be only fair if she would help Katie to tie him up after he tickled her for so long, right? Katie´s shaking of her head just added to Gemma´s thought at that moment because she thought that Katie also wasn´t satisfied with a simply apologise.

“I don´t think apologising is enough, Paul. And it seems like Katie shares my opinion.” – Gemma said walking towards Paul.

Katie didn´t like that. Now it was her time to protect Paul!
“Mmmmphh! MMMMPH-MMMPH!” – Katie complained looking at Gemma and then shaking her head.

This confused Gemma a little bit… but maybe she just wanted to tell her something? So, Gemma changed plans and wanted to remove Katie´s gag first. While she walked over to her, she could see from the corner of her eye that now Paul was shaking his head slightly while looking at Katie. They were definitely communicating with each other about something she shouldn´t know!

First, Gemma removed Katie´s gag and put it next to her on the bed and then asked:
“Okay Katie, what´s wrong?” – she asked and looked her right in the eyes.

“Errr… what do you mean, Gemma? I-I just wanted to remind you that I´m still tied and would prefer it if you would remove my gag instead of teasing poo---… err… Paul.” – Katie said a little bit unsure.

Even though Katie tried her best to correct her mistake of saying “poor Paul”, Gemma already noticed what she wanted to say. It was suspicious… really suspicious. What happened while she was gone? Something was wrong. They had a secret. She just had to find it out in order to help them because it could be dangerous or might get them into trouble.

Gemma sat next to Katie on the bed and looked at Paul for a moment. Now she knew why Katie said “poor Paul”. Paul wasn´t looking good, and he seemed to wobble a little as he stood facing her. He was a bit pale and looked tired. What had happened while she wasn´t there?

“Okay guys, what´s wrong? You can´t hide it from me. Something isn´t the way it should be. Tell me.” – Gemma said.

“N-nothing, GemGem. Everything is fine. What should be wrong?” – Paul asked and tried his best to sound surprised.

“Paul you are a terrible actor. What happened, tell me. You look terrible, by the way.” – Gemma said looking her brother right into his eyes. He couldn´t stand her stare and looked away, which was another sign that he was hiding something. Also, Gemma´s mentioning of him looking terrible just made him wobble a little bit again even though he tried his best to prevent that.

“Katie? What´s wrong?” – Gemma asked Katie again.

“I don´t know what you mean, Gemma. Everything is fine. We just played together all day and Paul is just a bit tired… he slept not good during the night. He was worried because nobody came home yesterday, I guess.” – Katie tried to convince Gemma. She was no way more convincing but still made a huge mistake. Katie always called Gemma “GemGem”, at least, most of the time. Something was definitely wrong.

“Okay. If nothing is wrong, then we just continue your game. Paul, I guess it´s your turn now. I´m sure Katie wants some revenge.” – Gemma said and stood up to go over to Paul who slowly backed off a little.

“Errr… I don´t need to take revenge today… I´m a bit tired. I-I just want to relax a bit.” – Katie said.

That wasn´t like Katie usually would react. She loved it to tie Paul up and being a bit tired wouldn´t stop her. Whatever happened and wherever they were today or yesterday, it had to do something with Paul´s pale and tired appearance. Maybe he was just really worried about something. Maybe they really did something bad? Or maybe something happened to him? Is he too scared to tell her? Is someone threatening him with something? She had to find out what´s wrong to help them to get out of it!

“Well, if you are too tired, I´m just leaving you on his bed for a while. You just relax and watch me doing that for you. Paul, want to play a little tie-up game?” – Gemma said and then asked Paul directly. Paul knew it would be suspicious if he would say no… but he really wasn´t in the mood or in the condition to get tied again. He had to accept Gemma´s offer/request to make sure she wouldn´t find out anything. Still, he had to be careful and make sure that his PJ´s were over his wrists and ankles, so Gemma wouldn´t see that the rope marks hadn´t faded yet because then she could find out what had happened.

“Sure, GemGem. But… can you go easy on me today? I´m a bit tired because I barely slept tonight.” – Paul said which earned him another `What the hell are you doing there´-stare from Katie.

“That never stopped you from wanting to get tied up… are you sure everything is okay? You really don´t want to tell me?” – Gemma asked further.

“I-I can´t tell you anything because nothing happened. Now go on and tie me already, I´m already getting bored.” – Paul said trying his best not to show how nervous he was.

Katie was helpless and couldn´t do anything else than to watch Gemma take a rope and tie Pauls wrists in front of him. Paul crossed his wrists in an X-shape and Gemma made sure to tie it in both horizontally and vertically and cinched it one time. The knot was placed on the back of his hands, so he couldn´t reach it with his fingers.

“You are really going easy on me, huh?” – Paul said happily. He was glad that it seemed like wouldn´t tie him any further. Gemma indeed would go easy on him, at least, in terms of the tying but still not that easy. If she would leave his wrists like that, he could easily use his teeth to undo the knot.

“Not finished Paul. You could easily escape like this. I´ll tie your ankles next… but would you please sit down? You look a bit wobbly… are you really sure you are okay? Paul if something is wrong you can tell me, you know that you can trust me.” – Gemma said.

“I know! And I´m really grateful for that and would love to hug you for caring so much about me but I can´t with my wrists tied. Still, there is nothing I could tell you, GemGem.” – Paul explained smiling at her sister as convincingly as he could muster.

He was always great in doing that cute look that would nearly make his sisters heart melt. She still had an idea of how to find out what had happened. It was a little mean but it was for his own good and whenever he had a secret that he was keeping from her he gave up after 2-3 minutes if she did that and “spilt the beans”. But first, she wanted to try something else that also worked most of the time on “lesser” secrets.

“But I can hug you.” – Gemma said and hugged her brother.

“Ready?” – She added.

“Sure!” – Paul answered and sat down in front of his bed on the ground.

Gemma knelt down next to his ankles and patted on her legs to signal him to put his ankles there. He did that and she carefully tied his ankles together, parallel, and cinched the bindings. After she was finished with restraining his ankles, she just held on to his ankle bindings for a moment and looked into Paul´s eyes. The way she grinned at him showed him immediately what was about to happen.

“No! Gemma, don’t you dare!” – Paul complained already even though Gemma didn´t do anything until now besides holding on to his ankles.

“What´s wrong little bro? I didn´t do anything.” – Gemma said grinning even more.

Gemma decided to start a little interrogation on Paul. Therefore she first just held on his ankles with one and pulled one finger of her other hand over the sole of his left foot, completely from the bottom to the top.

“NooARRRGH! STOOHOOOPPP!!! Please!!! GemmAAAAARGH!” – Paul screamed and started thrashing as much as he could. He couldn´t pull his legs free, he was still just too exhausted. Also, his thrashing was way weaker than usual. But he just had to fight back. He was way too ticklish to remain motionless.

“What´s wrong, Paul? You´re not fighting as hard as usual? Maybe I´m going too easy on you?” – Gemma teased and used now her full hand to tickle Paul´s feet.

Paul went wild. He struggled as much as possible and even leaned forward to grab Gemma´s hand to prevent her from tickling his feet any further.

“Hmmm…. Nice try. It seems like I have to do something about that annoying hands of yours.” – Gemma said.

“Oh no… please! GemGem I really missed you but I certainly didn´t miss the tickling. C-can´t we just watch a movie or something? You can keep me tied like that if you want. ´Kay? Please?” – Paul tried to negotiate.

“Not gonna work, Paul. I didn´t see you for soooo long and I really missed your laugh… so… just give me more of it, okay? Hehehe.” – Gemma teased.

Gemma took Pauls already tied wrists and looped another rope around the cinch a few times before she guided him down so that he was lying on his back and tied his wrists as close to one of the legs of his bed as possible. Now Paul knew he was screwed. There was no way to fight back anymore. She could just tickle him as long as she wanted.

But before Gemma had another chance to tickle Paul, Katie decided to chime in again:
“Gemma, come on. Don´t you think you tickled him long enough?”

That surprised Gemma again. Why would Katie want her to stop tickling Paul? That wasn´t like the usual Katie. Also, she called her “Gemma” again instead of “GemGem”. Something was wrong. There was no backing out anymore. She had to find out the truth… even if it was on the hard way by forcing it out of Paul.

Katie was helpless to do anything. She couldn´t see Paul the way Gemma tied him… she could only hear him as the tickle torture started again. This time Gemma knelt above him. She had both her legs on either side of his stomach, resting only a tiny bit of her weight on him to hold him still but not hurt him… at least… not yet. Then the tickling began. Gemma started to tickle him under his armpits where he couldn´t protect himself at all, there was no way to pull his arms down or push his body further up. The only thing he could do was laugh and thrash his legs around behind Gemma, which didn´t bother her at all.

After giving Paul a short moment to catch his breath, Gemma said:
“Paul, you are way quicker exhausted from the tickling than usual. I know that something is wrong. Tell me.”

“N-nothing… is… wrong… believe me, please… GemGem.” – Paul said while still working on catching his breath.

“Paul, I´m not stupid and you know that. You can´t keep that secret forever. Tell me! You´ve got no other chance. You are totally helpless. Tell me what´s wrong or I´m going to continue.” – Gemma said in a scolding voice.

“Please, Gemma! Stop it! We aren´t hiding anything. Please! That´s mean!” – Katie complained.

“You be quiet up there or I´m going to gag you again.” – Gemma said coldly.

“Now, back to you. Are you telling me what happened?” – Gemma said to Paul.

“No! Nothing has happened!” – Paul answered. He was really stubborn. He had already decided not to give in, no matter what Gemma would do to him. He had to protect Katie and Gemma.

Gemma started another round of tickling. She tickled him mercilessly for five minutes but quickly stopped when it seemed like he was getting a problem breathing. She let him catch his breath which took more than 3 times as long as the first time. He looked really weak and worn out now. She could see that he wasn´t feeling well. But why was he so stubborn? That´s just not like him. What is it that he wants to hide so bad?

“Paul… tell me. Please. You can´t take another round of tickling.” – Gemma said.

“No! … I-I… can´t…” – Paul replied.

“Gemma! Stop it! Don´t you see that he can´t take the tickling anymore! It´s enough now! Untie him! Or untie me, so that I can untie him!” – Katie complained.

“Katie, tell me what´s wrong and I let you go immediately.” – Gemma offered.

“Nothing happened!” – Katie replied.

Gemma knew that Paul couldn´t take another tickling, so she decided to use her other “torture”. She did that with Paul a few times. It´s some kind of variation of the stomach training they often do together because of their Karate training. Normally one is standing on the stomach of the other one. This is kept up for as long as the other one can take it or up to a maximum of one minute. When they played a Tie-Up Game together, she sometimes would just sit full weight on his stomach instead of standing on him. That wasn´t a problem for a short time. But Paul couldn´t take that longer than 2-3 minutes because it would get really painful after that. They often fooled around a bit like that to see how long he could take it or even sometimes if he had a secret Gemma wanted to know. It was always good fun but Gemma could be stubborn and Paul always gave in after some time. Gemma was always getting the truth out of him by doing that.

But this time would be different. When Gemma sat down full weight on his stomach, he complained immediately:
“Ufff… argh GemGem, you are heavy. Get off of me! I can´t tell you anything because nothing has happened! Please! GemGem it´s really uncomfortable! Get off!” – Paul complained.

Gemma was really stubborn. After about 10 seconds Paul seemed to be really uncomfortable and struggled hard in his bonds. That reaction was way too hard for that short time. Normally he wouldn´t move much at all and only struggle when they were close to the 2 minutes.

Another five seconds later, Gemma was called back to her senses when she looked at Paul who just let out an extremely sad and desperate-sounding “Please…” but way worse was that she could already see his eyes welling up a little bit. That was more than strange and wrong. He could take that way longer and normally 1 minute wasn´t a problem at all and even fun for him because he always wanted to improve himself. Sometimes they even bet on how long he could take it until he would give up. 15 seconds should be no problem… but this time they were. He just was too exhausted. He had absolutely no strength in his stomach to resist the weight which made it hurt after a short time. Gemma immediately got off of him.

“Thanks.” – Paul sobbed.

“Untie me immediately, Gemma!” – Katie chimed in and commanded angrily. Gemma first untied the rope that held Paul´s wrists to the leg of the bed and then quickly untied Katie completely.

Katie rushed over to Paul the moment she was free and hugged him.

“Are you okay, Paul? Are you hurt?” – Katie asked him carefully, not letting go of him.

“I-I´m fine… I guess…” - Paul said and just rested his head on Katie´s shoulder.

Even though Katie really liked Gemma, she still liked Paul more and couldn´t understand how Gemma could do that to him. She knew that Gemma couldn´t know how exhausted he really was… but at that moment Katie was just angry. So, when Gemma got closer to continue untying Paul, Katie just shouted at her “Stay away from him! You hurt him enough for one day!” which shocked Gemma quite badly. She didn´t want to hurt Paul at all… she just wanted him to tell her the truth. He always could take that way longer… and often provoked her to keep it up and normally had lots of fun during it too. Now, she felt immensely ashamed and just left Paul´s room telling them she would get them some drinks.

Gemma prepared the hot chocolates and put them into the microwave to get the right temperature. Then she went into the bathroom to throw some cold water into her face to be able to think clearly again. When she arrived there, everything seemed even more suspicious. On the ground were all the clothes of Katie and Paul. They were still damp and a little bit dirty. Gemma could see that someone tried to clean rinse them out and there were still some hints visible in the sink.
´What was going on? What happened while I wasn´t there? They were definitely outside and got very dirty. But where were they and what did they do during that storm?´ - Gemma thought.

Gemma took the hot chocolates and slowly went upstairs while thinking of different scenarios on what could´ve happened to them, one worse than the other. She was so engrossed in her thoughts that she didn´t notice she was already in front of Paul´s room when she could listen to the conversation between Paul and Katie.

“Are you sure that you are okay Paul?” – Katie asked worriedly.

“Yes, Katie. Of course, I am.” – Paul said and Gemma could see through the small crack on the door that Paul just let his head drop on Katie´s shoulder again. He tried to lift his head off of her immediately, but Katie gently put her arm around him and pushed his head down again.

“Don´t worry, you can rest on my shoulder as long as you want.” – Katie said gently.

“Thank you, Katie. You helped me so much today.” – Paul replied.

“Of course, I do. We´re friends! Today happened so much and I´m still sorry that I wasn´t much of help earlier. Why did you let Gemma do this to you? Couldn´t you use the safe word? I thought you agreed that the game is over whenever you use it?” – Katie asked.

“I´m sure Gemma would´ve stopped if I had used it… but I couldn´t. It would´ve been too suspicious. I was scared she would find out what happened if I gave up that early. I guess I failed miserably because as hard as I tried I couldn´t take it as long as usual and she stopped because she saw that. And compared to all our TuGs when she had done that to me, this was the first time I had absolutely no fun getting teased and tortured by her. I really hope she hasn´t noticed. I really like our games, but I´m way too exhausted today.” – Paul explained.

“I understand that. We better keep quiet now, we don´t want her to listen to our conversation while she is coming to your room or she might find out about what happened. Are you sure you want to keep it a secret from her?” – Katie said.

“I have to.” – Paul answered determined while he still rested his head on Katie´s shoulder.

Gemma waited for another minute before she entered to make sure they wouldn´t find out that she was listening to their conversation. Now she was extremely worried. There was definitely a secret and it had to be a huge one. She needed to find out, no matter what. She had to protect her brother from whatever was wrong… but not today. Paul deserves some rest. He was way too exhausted to interrogate him about his secret.

“Hey you two, I made some hot chocolate.” – Gemma said and handed one to Katie.

Paul was still leaning against Katie, his head on her shoulder and her arm around him. It was a really cute picture. Paul´s wrists and ankles were still tied together. Katie decided it was more important to let him rest on her shoulder as long as he wanted than to untie his limbs. They weren´t tied too much anyway and she was sure it didn´t hurt or bother him at all.

Gemma sat down on the other side of Paul and wanted to help him drink some hot chocolate but Katie just took the cup away looking angrily at Gemma. She looked like an angry cat who was protecting her kittens. It probably was a miracle that she didn´t hiss at her like an angry cat.

“Okay, okay. Calm down. I don´t want to hurt him. He´s my brother, you know?” – Gemma said.

“You HAVE already hurt him! I won´t let you touch him anymore!” - Katie said angrily.

Gemma usually had a great relationship with Katie. For her, she was like a little sister and for Katie Gemma was like a big sister. It was quite a shock for her that Katie reacted like that. She never saw her that angry towards her or towards anyone else. She was feeling immensely sorry but also knew that another discussion wasn´t helping at all. Katie was just too angry at the moment, but her face showed more a huge disappointment than actual rage. Katie was really disappointed about Gemma´s behaviour. That really hurt Gemma, she always wanted to be some kind of a role model for them… but now she failed miserably. So, Gemma stood up and just left the room without saying another word to them.

Gemma went sadly into her room lying down on her bed and thought about what happened. She felt really bad about what she did. At the same time, she was in a real dilemma. On the one hand, she needed to find out what happened because she is scared that Paul and Katie could be in trouble or could get into trouble. On the other hand, she saw only one way how to find out what happened… and Paul wouldn´t like that way and she wouldn´t like it either.

While Gemma was a kind of sobbing mess in her room, Katie and Paul were still sitting at the same spot. Paul was still comfortably tied in the same way and also still leaning against Katie.

“Don´t you want me to remove the ropes yet?” – Katie asked Paul.

“They are comfy and not bothering me at all. Somehow… I don´t know how to say this… being tied up like this with you keeping an eye on me makes me feel really safe. C-can… can we just stay like this for a little longer?” – Paul asked nervously.

“Of course, we can, Paul. If it makes you happy, I´m glad to oblique. For me, it also feels good to see you trust me so much when you are relaxing tied up like this. It makes me feel some kind of useful and needed.” – Katie said and leaned her head against Paul´s.

They stayed like this for a full hour until Paul asked to be released which Katie did immediately. Paul would´ve loved to stay like that a little longer but… this time he didn´t want to risk another “accident” and therefore told Katie immediately that he had to use the bathroom. Katie was still worried about him and walked with him to the bathroom (waiting outside of course) and then followed him back into his room. She just made sure, he wouldn´t stumble and fall.

In Paul´s room, Paul went into his bed under the blankets and turned on the TV. Katie lay down next to him but on top of the blanket and they watched a movie together. Paul slept in after the first few minutes which made Katie giggle.

In the meantime, Gemma called Gareth because she didn´t know what to do. He couldn´t really help her and told her that if Paul was ready to talk about it, he surely would talk to her and tell her what happened. He also said that the most important thing is that Paul isn´t really hurt. Anything else doesn´t matter. Gemma agreed with the first one but wasn´t sharing the opinion that anything else wouldn´t matter. She didn´t want Paul to get into any trouble because it could be still dangerous or whatever happened could happen again. At least, Gareth had one useful advice. He told her to check on Paul tomorrow morning when he is changing. He isn´t locking his door and usually has no problem when his sister would enter as long as he wore, at least, some underwear. That would be the perfect opportunity to check if he had any injuries. (By the way, she did it the next day and there were no injuries visible.)

Until dinner, nothing really important happened but one thing. When Gemma wanted to check on Paul, Katie was still there. Gemma knew that Katie planned on going home at that time and asked her if she didn´t want to go home now. But Katie had already called home and asked her parent for permission to stay at Paul´s place until his parents would be back. When Gemma asked her, she just answered that she couldn´t risk letting Paul alone with her and therefore called her parents that she would go home later because she wanted to wait until Paul´s parents are home so he would be safe from Gemma. Hearing Katie says that, Gemma felt like getting a punch right into her face. She again just left without saying a word. Still, she decided she wanted to know what happened to Paul and Katie that day.

Katie left right after their parents were home. During dinner, their parents noticed that something was wrong. They asked if something was wrong because there was a really cold atmosphere between them. Of course, both of them did their best to brush that off. Later, Gemma´s parents took her aside to talk to her about what was wrong but Gemma had no answer herself. She wanted to know what´s wrong too, so she just found an excuse and told them that they just had a different opinion on something and got a little dispute because of that. Their parents bought that for now because like any other siblings they got their disputes and squabbles.

The next two days went as if nothing had happened. Paul wasn´t mad at Gemma anymore and tried his best to make Gemma believe nothing had happened on that day. Gemma was still the opinion that something was wrong and wanted Paul to tell her. She told him that she expected him to tell her the truth but Paul still said that nothing happened. Gemma couldn´t sleep well because of that and finally decided that she had to find out what happened the hard way…

Their parents were working some double shifts during the next few days and Gemma asked Paul if he wanted to play some TUGs then… of course, Paul being his old self again agreed happily… if he would only know what Gemma had planned….

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Post by Hudtie »

A truly fabulous story. It underlines the truth of the message "Be careful what you wish for - you might get it and more!"

Whenever my sister, fiancé and I have played TUGs, we've sometimes left them alone but we've always been in the same building and the captive has never been left alone for more than about 15-20 minutes.

I really would like to commend the author on a superb story.

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Post by Killua »

[mention]Hudtie[/mention] Thank you! I´m glad you liked the story. Well, I like it to include an important message into my stories from time to time. I´m glad it came out correctly. It´s really important to not leave the captive totally alone, at least not for a long time. You should always be in hearing range, than everything should be fine. Still, checking on the captive regularily is important.

It´s great that you had the chance to experience some TuGs in your past.
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Post by Gemtie »

Mostly we follow those guidelines, but our past record is.....er.....less than perfect?

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Post by Killua »

Nothing bad happened to Paul, right GemGem? So, don´t worry about your past experiences. They were fun for him and for you and as long as nothing bad happened everything is fine. By the way, I know that you made yourself new rules, so stop worrying so much. :D
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Post by tiedinbluetights »

What a wonderfully crafted and riveting story; and such insightful comments from posters! I immediately felt engrossed by the characters, and empathized with each of our three intrepid heroes (Gemma, Katie, and Paul) in this cautionary tale. The knowledge that the characters are based on real-life people who care deeply for each other had me invested and hoping the story would not end in tragedy, but with promise that the TUGs they so enjoy would not be forever prohibited or abandoned. Thanks [mention]Killua[/mention] , and thanks to your editors! I am truly grateful that the story ends on a positive note, with important lessons learned for each of our heroes!

As for the comments, they are so honest and genuine too. I've loved reading them too. I too was worried about the harshness of part II of the story; I'm glad we were reassured that things would end on a positive note. As for feeling guilt for some of the things we did or failed to do while playing TUGs in our inexperienced youth, I'd say it's proof our trust in our captors and captives was well placed! We learn from our mistakes; our ability to communicate our desires and concerns clearly improves while misunderstandings become less frequent; and thus our TUGs grow safer, while our trust in our TUG partners gets reinforced. So long as captor and captive continue to grow closer together in their care for each other, there is no cause for concern, although the concern is understandable as it comes from that same place as our deep sense of loyalty to our captive or captor, as the case me be.

Thanks so much for a wonderful story and a wonderful thread! :D
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Post by Gemtie »

Thank you - we enjoyed helping Alex put this story together.

There were a couple of occasions at those ages when I could have tied Paul to the tree for the day but never actually did. At 17 I would have been immature and stupid enough to do it. Now at 27 the professional mother of a 2 year old I would never dream of it, and if my child at 17 did it to any of his relatives or friends he'd be in very very hot water!

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Post by Paulscot »

The first and one of the most basic rule of any good TUG is the captor NEVER leaves the captive totally alone - no further than the next room?

For the most part we have abided by this sound rule. Before Gemma and Gareth married and moved out, she would tie me up in my room and go next door to Gareth, but always checking on me regularly. A couple of occasions they have tied me up and gone into Edinburgh, but i've never been left alone tied up for more than 4 hours. We are old and hopefully wiser now, and any TUG now the captor must remain in the same building but not necessarily in the same room.

Thank fully this story is fictional and will NEVER become real. It is an extreme example of what can go wrong in TUGs where the captive is left totally alone, but even "lesser versions" could end in tragedy?

We have never met Alex as he is in Germany and we are in Scotland but he has done an absolutely superb job of putting the story together and making the point hopefully without frightening anyone off TUGs!

Congratulations to Alex!

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