The Town Hostages of Bremen (?/MMFF) (Complete)

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The Town Hostages of Bremen (?/MMFF) (Complete)

Post by ishfet »

"This has gotta be the easiest money i've ever made"

Mark: a buff college student in his early twenties, bragged about his latest gig as a security guard to his girlfriend, a tall blonde volleyball player with a golden tan on her smooth skin, as the both snuggled on the couch in front of the TV.

"I literally get paid to stay a weekend at the most mansion in town"

"Aren't you supposed to be guarding something?" a thin girl said as she stood right behind the couch. her pale skin contrasting with her black makeup and jet black hair she tied in braided pig tails.

MarK sighed

"Baby, could you tell 'Wednesday' here to give us some space"

Wendy frowned

"Jean, could you tell your dingus boyfriend to stop calling me that?"

Jean was split between defending her boyfriend and defending her best friend. but she did not get to be captain of the volleyball team without learning how to deal diplomatically with dificult situations.

"Mark: don't call her that. Wendy: if you don't like being called 'Wednesday' stop dressing like her!"

Wendy looked at her outfit, yet she saw nothing wrong with wearing black tight jeans, black laced blouse and black leather bracelets.

"Like, seriously" added Jean "would it kill you to wear OTHER colors"

"Ptshh, I wear other colors...sometimes..." Wendy retorted in mumbles

Jean rolled her eyes

"The school beach volleyball uniform doesn't count!"

"Alright, dudes and dudettes!" a slim guy with scruffy hair and a short goatee interrupted "I think its time I bring out my special brownies"

"Caseeeey, my man!" said Mark exitedly as he high-fived Casey "I knew you'd come through!"

Casey gave Mark a brownie, then handed some over to Jean and Wendy.

"So sweetie... like, what exactly are you supposed to be guarding?"
Mark shrugged

"He left me a note" he said as he handed over the note to the group "apparently all I have to do is keep an eye on a satue collection"
Jean, Casey and Wendy read the note:
As we discussed earlier, you will be incharge on securing my precious Musician idol, which is secured on the room at the end of the hallway. feel free to use the amenities so long as you follow the instructions below:

1) always make sure to lock the door guarding the idols whenever you leave the room
2) whenever you enter you enter the room, bow to the idols
3) never enter the room barefoot
4) never laugh inside the room
5) from 3:00pm to 9:pm, you must play the record provided on the room, as it contains the music the idols like
6) if any of the rules mentioned below were not followed: LEAVE! contact me immediately as soon as you vacate the building.
These rules are for your safety, and if you follow them exactly to the letter, you will have no problem securing my idol"
The gang seemed more confused after reading the note than before

"Like, what does he mean by "for your safety"?" Jean asked concerned

"What? is it going to come to live and turn you into a statue?" asked Wendy sarcastically

"You guys wanna see it?"

Everyone looked at Mark, as he dangled the key in his fingers. they all nodded hesitantly: partly curious to see the idol for themselves, but also dreading what sort of thing would require all those weird rules...

All four of them walked down the hall, Mark leading the way, reaching the door at the end: The room was no bigger than a closet, there was only one shelf with four statues half a meter long: a silver one of a donkey playing a lute, a black iron one of a dog playnig drums, a golden one of a cat playing a violin, and a bronze one of a rooster playing a trumpet. they all wore clothes from the XVIII century europe , stood on their hind legs and with their front paws played their instruments. for the most part they looked whimsical, except for their faces: they bore a wide grin and their jeweled eyes appeared to gaze at the gang directly.

"Dudes... those things are giving me some seriously bad vibes!"

"Why would anyone pay to guard a bunch of cheap looking statues?" asked Wendy skeptically

"Who cares?" replied Mark "we get the penthouse for ourselves, and a wine cabinet full of expensive bottles, so we are going to take a couple of these..." he runs pulling Jean with him before she can say anything "...and take the master bedroom. g'night everyone, dont break anything"

Before anyone could reply, Mark had already dragged Jean to the master bedroom and left Wendy and Casey alone.
"...guess I'll sleep on the couch" said Casey

"Yeah..." muterred Wendy

"So much for a mansion, they only left one guest room open... Just the same, you know how I get my late night munchies, might as well have a quick access to the kitchen-"

Wendy was already gone, leaving Casey to talk to himself as he headed to the kitchen.

Wendy went to the guest room and changed to a long black chemise. she looked at herself on the full body mirror as she began to undo her braided pig tails.

*Wow, I do wear too much black* she thought.

Just then, the lights went off for a few seconds before coming back on, and wendy thought she saw the closet door close by itself

"Mark?" she called, but no one answered, so she stomped towards the closet to confront whoever was hiding there

"I swear, if these is another one of your fucking pranks, i'll mmmmpph!!!"

Wendy, never got to finish her sentence as she was suddenly pulled into the closet...

"Whoa, what the hell..." Casey muttered, he was already dressed in a loose tshirt and boxers,halfway through a sub sandwitch he prepared using practically everything in the pantry, when he heard Wendy stomping and a loud crash.

"Wen, dude, I know you're bummed about spening the weekend as Jean's third wheel, but dont..." Casey called her as he walked towards the guest room, only to notice the idol room was open.

"Aww, man..." he whispered as he closed the door, just then he noticed the idols. One was missing and the others were no longer smiling, but staring at him intensely with a burning rage.

"Hey Wen..." he turned and opened the guest room o talk to Wendy "Wasn't the Cat statue smiling..."

Casey completely forgot about the statue as soon as he saw Wendy: her ankles and wrists bound together with black rope, and another rope connecting her wrist bindings with the ankle ones, effectively hogtying her. a man wearing a donkey mask was pinning her down on the bed as he covered her mouth with a gloved hand. Wendy stared at him with wide eyes, shaking her head in every direction possible for him to turn around before it was too late. As he turned around, he was faced with a woman wearing a dog's mask...

"Fuck this" he said as he did a 180 degree turn "I'm out of here"

He started running down the hall, when something made him trip and fall flat on his face to the ground, from where he never got a chance to get up...

Mark and Jean had already consumed both wine bottles, lit a couple of candles and put on some smooth jazz music, jean had stripped down to a hot pink nightie and mark to a tank top and boxers when they heard the loud thud at the other end of the penthouse. Mark groaned in frustration: all the effort to create the perfect mood had been ruined

"Goddammit guys! you better not have broken anything"

Mark stormed out of the bedroom, across the hall until he noticed the idol room's door slightly ajar, he opened it to reveal the idols were missing.

"Not cool, guys, nobody should be messing with that idol!" he yelled, but nobody replied

"Jean, babe, I'm sorry to break the mood, but could you help me find..." Mark said as he returned to the master bedroom, but was left in awe as he saw his girlfriend's legs tied together with black rope above and below her knees as well as her ankles, more black ropes were encircled above and below her breasts, pinning her arms to her torso, her wrists were tied together behind her as well. black tape was encircled multiple times around her mouth, forcing her to warn her boyfriend with only muffled screams, wide yes and head gestures about the incoming danger coming from the dark silhouettes creeping above and behind him...

To be Continued...
Last edited by ishfet 2 years ago, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by harveygasson »

Intriguing start I hope you keep going
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Post by ishfet »

Mark woke up groggy, his head was spinning like he had three bottles of wine, and he only drank two with... Jean! he remembered seeying her tied up and gagged, he had to find her, but when he tried to get up, his legs wouldn't respond, he could feel them but he could not move them freely, almost as if...

In a fraction of a second, reality sank in as he contemplated the current situation. he was sitting in the living room, Jean was sitting next to him on his right, while wendy was sitting on his left and casey on Wendy's left. all four sat snugly on the couch, neither able to get up. not surprisingly, since they were all tied up! all four of them had their ankles tied together and pinned to a small coffee table in fron of them with more black rope. Their legs tied above and below their knees, their torsos have coils of rope tighten around them above and below their chest. their wrist tied behind their backs, and if that wasn't enough, they all have ropes connecting them one to another by their arms and ankles. So when Mark tried to get up, it caused a chain reaction janking the entire group, earing and angry growl from Wendy, and an annoyed moan from Jean and Casey. Mark wished he would ask them if they were alright, but the sponge in his mouth prevented him from articulating anything intelligible, and the layers of tape circling around his mouth made sure he would not spit it any time soon. judging by the muffled sounds coming from his friends, they were gagged the same way.

Unable to get loose or even struggle without jerking around his friend, and unable to make an intelligible conversation, there was not much else to pass the time but look at how everyone else was holding up: Casey was sitting motionless, staring blankly at the ceiling, either still high or trying to ride out his helpless state. Wendy on the other hand, stared straight ahead at nothing in particular, with a glare that would incinerate anyone in its path (looking at her, Mark was relieved she was gagged) Jean didn't look angry or unaware of the situation, but she hardly look like a damsel in distress despite being bound and gagged. Her eyes scanned every corner of the living roomto find anything that could help them break free, and although she wasn't tugging so harshly at her bonds so everyone got jerked around, he could feel her muscles contracting and hear tiny grunts from her as she focused on finding a way to undo her bonds before...

"Finally! they're awake" yelled a voice behind them, and one by one their captors made themselves present.

"Whmph rmph ynn?"
"Lmph ms gmph!"
"mmph gmphnnh mmhk ynn rmphgrt brmphkng nn hmphr"
"Whmpht dnn ynn wmnt frmm ms"

The uninteligiblle remarks from the four captives fell in deaf ears.

"WHOO!" yelled a man, clad in a dark red suit and tailcoat, his head completely covered by a large, red rooster mask "Finally we get to have some fun!"

"Not so fast, honey " a woman in a light green gown and elbow length gloves stepped in, her head was covered by a golden cat mask "you boys had your fun last time we got out"

"You two stay here" ordered a man wearing a black suit and a golden cravat, his head covered in a silver donkey mask pointing at the two woman "we'll go search for the old man"

A woman on a long, dark blue dress and a black redingote stood silently in the corner, her head bore a black dog mask with pointy ears.

The man in the donkey mask left the room, followed by the man in the rooster mask, who made a salutation gesrture with his index and middle fingers at his two partners. The woman with the cat mask turned to her partner in the dog mask

"Honey, do you mind if I go first? you know how you can be a bit... intense"
The woman nodded, much to the delight of the woman in the cat mask, who let out a screech of joy as she knelt down in front of her captive's feet.

All four captives looked at each other with a puzzled look: who were these people? Were they robbers?kidnappers? what exactly did that cat-masked freak had planned to do to them? and why was she kneeling so close to their feet..?

The cat-masked woman slowly peeled her gloves off, never taking her eyes of the four pairs of feet, nerviously wriggling in front of her. Within seconds her nails grow an inch

"let's give them a little test..." she says exitedly as her nails begin to lightly scratch the soles of her wide-eyed captives

She began with the slim, yellowish soles of Casey. Casey shook his head and rubbed his feet back and forth to avoid the nails of his captor, though that did little to stop her from exploring every inch of his soles.

"Oohh, I think you're going to like him!" the cat-masked lady said to her dog-masked counterpart

She peered over her corner, and although Casey could not see her face, he could feel her staring at him

"mwww, dmphd, thss mphs nnt gmphd" tried to say casey between muffled laughter, but even without his soles being tickled, it was still impossible to understand.

Satisfied, she moved to Wendy next. The goth girl stared at her captor with a glare that would set a forest ablaze. the cat-masked woman was not dissuaded, on the contrary, her fingers hovered inches above her captive's pale bare feet.

"Dnmmt ynn drmphh!!!" threatened Wendy, but a small bound, gagged and barefoot goth girl washardly a menace.

Small drops of sweat began forming on Wendy's forehead, and her once stoic, if not angry, demeanor was now showing signs of dread. As soon as she felt the fingernails touch the sensitive skinof her arches, her legs bolted as up as they could go bound together and tethered to the bound legs of her friends. Soft, muffled giggles emanated from the goth girl's taped mouth, making her sound almost as giddy as a schoolgirl... a schoolgirl that had something stuffed to her mouth that is.

All the wild tugging from Wenday made Jean growl furiously, not at her friend, but at the captor torturing her.

"Alright, your turn now" the cat masked woman said eagerly.

To say Jean wasn't ticklish would be a lie, but she wasn't captain of the beach volleyball team, black belt on taekwondo and an avid gymrat for nothing, even in her bound and gagged state, she was going to give her assailant one hell of a fight. Her long toes were dexterous enough to hold one of the fingers of her captor

"Hey!" the cat-masked woman yelped, but even as she yanked her finger away from Jean's toe grab, she ended chipping one of her nails.

"Tmphk tht ynn ct mmphsk btmmch!" Jean replied.

Frustrated, she moved to Mark, more than willing to make him pay for what his girlfriend did on his large, meaty soles.

"Nnnmph! Gt mphwy frm hmm!!!" Jean yelled through her gag

Mark let oput a war cry, like those he would have done during his football games to intimidate his opponents, sadly the tape gag reduced those screams to mumbles, thus the cat-masked lady was undeterred. Her nails dancing all over his wide soles did made him scream though, only this time in laughter.

"You are all quite ticklish" the cat masked lady said overjoyed, getting as a reply only angry looks and exhausted pants from her captives " I think we can make a lot of music with you..."

Then, rather than continue her relentless barrage on her captive's soles, she got out a ball of thin twine.

"But first, we need some extra strings on this quartet!"

"NNMMMMMPHHH!!!" they all yelled in unison, in anticipation for what these freaks in masks had in store for them...

To Be Concluded...
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Post by ishfet »

The cat masked woman took her time. tying the twine around each toe like a spider knitting her web. she tied each pair of big toes together and each pinky toe to the one adjacent, making her four captives not only be linked by elbow and ankle ties, but now by their little toes. If that wasn't enough, the fiend even tied another twine from hteir big toe tie to the ankle tie, puling thier toes to ensure their feet arched. in such an uncomfrotable position, Mark, Jean and Casey couldn't help to wiggle ther toes

"GGGRMMMPHHH!!!" Wendy growled something unintelligible (though they could all assume it wasn't a compliment)

Wendy was in the worst position of all four captives. no just becuase she was the most ticklish of the bunch (but the other three would give her a run for her money) but also because her feet were comparably smaller than Casey's or Jean's; being tethered by her pinky toes to the larger feet next to her meant her's were stretched tightly, giving little to no leeway to struggle and causing a huge amount of discomfort on her poor toes.

Satisfied with her work, the woman in the cat mask stretched her arms forward, with her palms facing out and herfingers intertwined, cracking them

"Now my honeys... lets make a symphony!" she yelled ecstatic and her fingernails danced around the well exposed arches of her captives.

It felt as bad as they feared, the tickling sensation jolted from heir arches all the way to their spines. only now they couldn't even rub their feet together to try shaking it away nor scrunch their toes to try and shield even the most miniscule wrinkle of their soles. She had them: their feet were all hers, and she was going to play with them for as long as their muffled screams for help pleased her ears

Tied as they were, all the four captives could do was swing their heads around. Casey was jerking his head up and down, hoping that way he would sway the tingling of the fingernails dancing around his long, narrow soles. Wendy instead lowered her chin as far down as she could and shut her eyes hard, letting out a high pitched squeal. Jean had lost her bravado in between laughter, and as tears streamed down her cheeks, she dug her face against the broad shoulder of her boyfriend, she rubbed her face from one side to the next hoping not only to wipe her tears of forced laughter, but also to find some solace from her helpless situation. Mark puffed his cheeks, raised his chest and screamed as loud as he could, which thanks to the gag would only came out as a deep murmur.

The cat-masked lady would listen to the muffled pleas and laughter of ther for captives and rock her head from one side to the other as if she was listening to classical music. her fingers danced around the four pairs of bare feet: from their hardened heels to the soft skin between their toes, like the fingers of a pianist gently pressing one key to another in order to create a harmonious composition.

A knock on the wooden frame broke the tickling fiend out of her trance. Much to the relief of her captives, she stoped was she was doing to face the source of the knock: it was the other two masked intruders:

"We have to leave" said the man in the Donkey mask

"The old man ain't here" added the man in the rooster mask "he probably left these jokers as bait while he ran away..."

"...or got reinforcements to get us once we broke out" interrupted the donkey-masked man.

Having recovered their breath, the four captives looked at each other puzzled. who exactly was the old man?

"Well, honey" the cat masked lady said as she got up " lets take these off and see what's out there..."

As she attempted to pull her mask off, she was stopped by the man in the donkey mask

"Hold on: last time we got caught, because the old man was able to recognize us..."

"But he ain't here" commented the rooster-masked man

"Exactly. if no one sees us, no one can recognize us"

They all turn around to look at the four captives, who now had a wide-eyed look on their faces: what were they planning to do to them now!?

The rooster-masked man laughed heartedly "out of sight, out of mind, eh?"

"I'll make sure they dont see out faces, can you make sure to leave the old man a message for us?" the donkey-masked man asked the lady in the dog mask.

She only nodded

The man in the donkey mask moved to stand behind their captives and as they pleaded to be left alone, he put an eyemask righ over their eyes, making sure they were unable to see. All four victims twisted their heads in every direction possible to try andfigure out just by the sound what was going on: they heard four muted thuds near them, as if someone had dropped something large and heavy on the carpeted floor. the sound of more than one pair of shoes walking on the carpeted floor around them, the feeling of something shrap lightly scratching their soles one last time and the muted mumble and luaghter of a group of people trying not to be heard. then the steps resumed, only this time they were moving further and further away until they heard the front door open and close. and then: silence.

It was a few minutes later, or perhaps a few seconds, before the bound group of friend would venture to fight against their bonds again. deprived from their sight and inmobilized as they were, it was impossible to tell how much time had passed. Mark grunted at Jean to check if she was ok, she replied back with an affirmative grunt. Casey tried yelling through his gag, hoping some one would come let them out, but the only reply he got was a muffled reprimand from Wendy, who was weakly strugging to break free from her bonds. Her struggles only got her as far as breaking her pinky toes free, but the cool air felt on the side of her leg and arm indicated her one thing: Jean was no longer there.

The blindfold came off and with wide eyes she saw her best friend completely untied and helping her undo the bond of her wrists. Mark had already been untied from his wrists and torso and was working on undoing the knots of his legs. As soon as Wendy's hands and arms were free, she worked hastidly on untying her legs, while Jean removed the blindfold of Casey.

No sooner than she was completely untied, Wendy dashed of the room puffing and muttering to herself.

"Mmph!" Jean yelled, but all this time she had forgotten to take off the tape covering her mouth.

She gently tried to rip it off, (though that did not helped, as it hurted anyways) and spitted out the now soaked sponge that was inside her mouth.

"Wendy!" she yelled again, but got no reply

"Forget about her" said Mark, who was now completely untied and ungagged "She's probably brooding somewhere in a corner"

"Mark, this is serious." Jean pouted "We need to call the police and let them know there's been a break in"

"Wait a minute fellas" Casey chimed in "What if... those guys are the statues that came back to life!"

his theory was received with a blank stare and silence.

"...ooor, they're just a gang of crooks that thought the house was unguarded and broke in to steal those statues" said Mark

"Im telling you man" replied Casey "One minute they were there, simling: and the next half were missing and loking at us frowning."

"You did had half a dozen brownies though" added Jean

"Don't you see. It's like in horror movies: we broke the rules and now we've unleashed the kidnappers from hell!"

"Well, you're half right" argued a voice behind them: it was Wendy who was holding a large, leather-bound book.

"What do you mean?" asked Jean

"Well, how much you know about the old man who hired you, Mark?"

He shrugged his shoulders

"...that he pays well?"

Wendy rolled her eyes

"Well, as it turns out he happens to be Ludwing Karl Viehmann: descendant of a long list of occultists"

She oppened the book and showed the gang multiple woodcut and painted portraits of diffeirent people sharing similar traits, possibly descendants of the old man Viehmann. as she turned several pages there was now a woodcut of four persons in animal masks holding short swords and flintlock pistols pointing them at one of Viehmann's descendants. then onother woodcut of that same descendant towering over four idols of the animals the masks were to represent.

"Aparently one of his ancestors had trapped four braggants that were trying to rob him into the four idols we were supposed to be guarding"

"This is insane" muttered Mark "No way this is real"

"Didn't you see what they were wearing? what kind of criminal wears nineteen century clothes?"

"I don't know, what kind of criminal tickles their victims?"

"I dont know man" said Casey "Look at these freaky masks: they're not exactly inconspicuous"

Mark kneeled down to inspect the masks left on the floor: they were big, like the kind used by workers who dress up as mikey mouse on disneyland. Except this one was made of hard boiled leather, and the outside was decorated with dyed fur (feathers in the case of the rooster mask) they were heavy, not something you would use for sneaking of breaking in.

"So what do we do now?" asked Mark

"We need to find them, and put the masks back on them in order to send them back into the idols"

"How are we gonna find them? we don't even know what they look like or what they're planning to do"

"I think they were going after old man Viehmann, unfortunately..."

Wendy showed them an article she pulled from her smartphone: it said how Viehmann had passed away yesterday night in his winter cabin.

"I think once they find out the old man is gone, they'll come back for use"

A chill down everyone's spine went down as Wendy uttered those words. they all looked at each other, Casey gulped some saliva, but neither him nor Mark dared to break the silence.

"Alright" Jean tried to break the tension "If they're going to come back for us. I say we each take a mask and be ready for them"

they all nodded and grabbed a mask: Casey grabbed the dog mask, Wendy grabbed the rooster mask, Jean grabbed the Cat mask, and Mark grabbed the donkey mask.

Once they got dressed, they pack their stuff and left with the animal masks on hand. there was no way of telling how soon they would come back for them, or if they were still on Bremen, or what tricks they still had up their sleeves, but one thing they all knew is that this time, they couldn't afford to be captives.

The End... for now
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