THe Old Hut (M/mm) Jimmy and Paul - A revelation : added.. Just an epilogue

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THe Old Hut (M/mm) Jimmy and Paul - A revelation : added.. Just an epilogue

Post by frankburns »

The Old hut
Frank Burns

"Paul, you said this place had only junk. Come look at this."

"Look at what?"

"This you idiot!" Jimmy responded.

Paul moved carefully across the dust covered floor of the loft area of the old scout storage hut. He wasn't sure that it was actaully safe. Eventually getting to the far side where Jimmy stood staring down.

"What is it? Old camping stuff. That's all we left up here." Answering his own question. He looked down at the holdall that Jimmy had opened. "Holy Shit! There has to be thousands in there."

"Ten thousand to be exact." The voice had come from behind them. "And it ain't yours."

The two 14 year olds turned to see a man wearing a balaclava, and more importantly he had a gun! "OK mister." Jimmy said. "We'll be on our way.. we haven't seen anything, we know nothing. I'm sure it's just your savings."

"You aint going anywhere just yet. Now sit down aganist the wall."

The boys, now like two scared infants. Had frozen on the spot.

"I said sit the FUCK DOWN!"

This time they did.. and quickly.

"Better!" He snapped. "What the hell are you doing in here anyway?"

"It's our old scout store hut. We're camping in the next field by the woods and thought we might find something usefull still here." Paul said, a shake in his voice.

"You dummy, tellin him that." Jimmy repremanded him quietly. He looked up at the man. "What you gonna do to us mister?" Clearly frightened.

"Well blondie.. I think I'll just split the money three ways and we can all go home." He said.

"Really.." Paul said.

"No you ginna idiot. I might just put a bit of lead in your head though." He said menacingly. "Now don't move or I will nail you. You got it?"

The two boys nodded.

The man moved around the old loft looking in the bags, and rubbish strewn around. Constantly looking back at the boys who had dared not move. He opened up one old box, pulled out half the contents.. Old fashioned scout uniforms packed in plastic bags, progress books and paper records. The next box contained old billy cans and hurricane lamps, first aid kits, old tent pegs and a couple of small tents. The next one contained just what he was looking for. It was filled with string, guy lines and ropes. He pulled out an armfull and tossed it across the room towards the boys.

They both knew what was going to happen. Jimmy, his mind always quicker than Pauls, knew that as soon as he started to tie one of them the other could jump him, then it would be two on one. He figured that he would have to put the gun down to tie them up. His heart sank as he heard the mans instructions.

"Gingernut stand and face the wall. Blondie you tie his hands behind him and I want to see good old scout knots."

Paul stood up and turned, putting his arms behind him.

"Tie his wrists properly blondie. I'm watching."

Jimmy picked up a length of cord and started to loop it around Pauls wrists.

"Nice try blondie. Now cross his wrists and I want to see a real good diagonal lashing and I'll know I was a scout once and I'm bloody good at knotting."

"Sorry Paul.." Jimmy whispered as he rearanged the cord crossing the cord in all directions. Looping under and over, from wrist to wrist. A near perfect diagonal lash.

"Ok gingernut turn and sit." Paul did "Now blondie tie his ankles, this time let's try a sheer lashing and don't forget to go between his feet.

Jimmy knelt down and tied his friends ankles firmly and quite tightly but keeping as much of the cord on his socks as possible as he was wearing shorts. He knew the man was stood behind watching. Once done Jimmy stood up and faced the man.

"Please mister. Let us go, you can't just leave us tied up here. Look I'll give you scouts honor we wont say anything. If you really were a scout you know we wont break our honor." Jimmy pleaded.

"Let you go.. You don't think that's going to happen do you? First I'm going to tie you up so tight you'll hardly be able to move. Every single little part of you from your shoulders to your feet. Then I'll retie him the same. Those two ropes are just to stop him running while I get you roped up. You'll be amazed at how much rope I'll use. There's a whole boxfull here and I intend to use it all."

"Hell man. He's only wearing a tee shirt and shorts you'll burn and blister him. You can't be that mean. You said you were a scout and that aint scoutlike. Just tie me like that if you must, at least I have jeans and a shirt on."

"Yeah that don't seem fair does it, not scoutlike is it? Him hurting all over and you in comfort." The man said.

"No mister it aint scoutlike. I told you well give you our honor. Maybe you are a robber, maybe you just found that cash. We don't care. But please mister you don't have to be that nasty. What if noone finds us. If you want us dead just kill us now."

"Well my young blondie, You've given me an idea how to make it all nice and scoutlike." He said. "Strip to your undies, then rummage though them old uniforms and get yourself all scoutlike."

"What! your jokin. We were scouts, but not now we aint, and them things are historic. There shorts! Your gonna burn me up as well.. Anyway they wont fit even if I was prepared to." Jimmy said.

"Your not prepared.. When I was a boy scout we would always BE PREPARED. Maybe I should make you whistle and sing in all your difficulties as well. Actually when I've done with your friend I think he'll be crying. All that rope.. All that bare skin... Extra tight all over him.. Then I'll tie both of you to them posts. No chance of ever getting free. Maybe someone will find you before your just skeletons, maybe not. And all your fault. On the other hand. I wont tie you to the posts. You might find a knife in all that junk if your lucky, then you can cut yourselves free. But then you'll have to get changed again or people will know you've been here stealing stuff. By then I'll be long long gone.. and so will that cash."

'Shit' Jimmy thought. 'I painted myself into a corner. Either I get that stuff on or he's gonna really hurt Paul real bad.'

Reluctantly Jimmy went over to the piles of old uniforms sorting through them, looking for a shirt with long sleves. Once he had found a uniform that looked big enough for him he stood up holding it. "Look mister. Please this is stupid. Just tie me up. Noone wears stuff like this anymore it's embarrassing."

"It was your idea to get scoutlike. Now get like a scout. Or do I put a little bullet in your friends kneecap." The man hissed. He cocked the gun and pointed it at Paul.

"OK.. OK.." Jimmy said as he started to pull off his shirt. Slowly the boy took the uniform from it's bag, pulled on the scout shirt and buttoned it up. "OK mister, tie me the hell up and go."

"Get them jeans off.. Whoever heard of scouts wearing jeans." He said.

"Actually they all do nowadays. It aint 1940 you know. I'll find some jeans in that stuff for Paul." Jimmy said.

"You have two minutes to get them jeans off and put on them shorts on or I start slapping you little friend aroud." He snapped.

'OK I'd better be careful, I'm starting to piss him off. He's bloody serious and he has a gun!' Jimmy figured. He slipped off his shoes and jeans and pulled on a pair of khaki shorts. "Do I have to put on the belt?" He asked.

"No but put on the socks and those garters. Just so you look really stupid. Leave your shoes off, and you don't need the necka either. You wont be wearing it round your neck." He ordered.

Jimmy did as he was told and soon stood there in the old scout uniform, and yes he did feel stupid in shorts and long socks pulled up to his knees, like some preteen kid of the 1960's.

"Now up against the wall facing it, hands behind you." The man said.

The man bound Jimmys wrist in a perfect cross lashing and really tightly fastened with a double reef knot.

"Turn and sit." He said.

Jimmy had no choice but to obey. The man then bound Jimmy's ankles in the same sheer lashing Jimmy had used on Paul, but this was much tighter. He stood up looking down on Jimmy. "That'll hold you." Then he turned to Paul. "Your turn ginger."

"I'm already tied up." Paul said.

"But you aint scoutlike." He grabbed Paul's bound ankles and dragged him away from the wall, rolled him over and untied his wrists.. "Untie your feet and then find yourself a nice uniform." He said.

Paul wanted to smack this guy in the face. (Jimmy wanted to kick his teeth in). But the guy had picked up that gun again and pointed it at Jimmys knee.

Paul didn't hesitate or argue. Five minutes later he was dressed in a scout uniform. Ten minutes after that he was back sitting against the wall tightly bound hand and foot.

"You know what's missing from those smart uniforms?.. The neckas. Let me get a couple." He dug though the uniforms and came away with two. "You first blondie." He came over. "Now open wide."

"You gonna gag us? Theres no need for that there's noone around for miles to hear us." Jimmy protested.

"Still an arrogate little shit aint you." The guy said. He leaned across and slapped Paul across the face. "OK.. OK.. " Jimmy said and opened his mouth.

The guy took one necka and shoved the whole thing into Jimmy's mouth. Taking the other he used it round the boys head making sure it went in his mouth and past his teeth, crossed it behind and his head back in frount, then tied a huge tight knot in his mouth. Once he was sure it would not come out he pinched Jimmy's thigh just below the hem of the shorts. Jimmy tried to yell out, but nothing more than a gurgle came out. "Yup that should do. Your turn Ginger."

Paul didnt protest, it would have been pointless anyway, and he was soon gagged the same way and just as securely.

"There my two nosey kiddos. No more whining and begging. Now here's a little surpirse for you." He took up the gun and placed it's barrel pressed right onto Jimmys bare knee. Jimmy started panting and shaking his head. The man pulled the trigger and... Nothing... no bang, just a little click.

The guy bust out laughing. "It's a toy one. I found it downstairs when I heard you two up here. I thought it might be useful and I was right."

The look on Jimmys face was wicked. He'd taken all this. Scared to death, stripped, dressed like a nerd from history and now tied up and gagged helpless. 'If I'd have known that I would have jumped the guy right off.' He thought.

"Now blondie. I was actually gonna leave you like you are, but as you're such a self centered little git who kept giving me a hard time. Here's what going to happen. I'm gonna tie you up with absolutely miles of rope from top to toe, like I said before. Then I'll secure your polite friend just a little more and be on my way with my cash. I'm sure you noticed the first aid kits, and I'm sure you know that there will be scissors in them, but they wont be very sharp, so it'll take a while for your friend to get free, and then absolutely ages for him to get you free. Wont that be fun for you?" He laughed. "Oh and by the way you'll find your shoes and clothes in your tent cus I'll be taking them with me. So kind of Gingernut to tell me where it is."

The guy went and collected a length about twenty foot long, brought it over and put it next to Jimmy. he grabbed Jimmys' bound ankles and pulled him about ten foot from the wall. "Stay sitting." Jimmy did, he was alraedy helpless and silenced, and he didn't want to antagonize the guy and make it even worse, or even punish Paul.

He wrapped four loops round Jimmy's upper arms pulled tight. Somehow he managed to feed the end between his right arm and his body above the loops, back under and snatched tight. He did that three times. Then the end went across the boys back to his left arm where he did the same again the end then pulled back behind him and tied off somewhere in the middle of his back. Jimmy knew that would not be slipping off no matter how hard he tried and was sure glad he had sorted a long sleeved shirt.

"On your feet." He said as he took Jimmy's arm and helped pull him up. He got another length this one about fifteen feet and went behind Jimmy using the bite (the middle) of the rope he wrapped three loops around the boys wrists intertwining it. One end he then started feeding through the belt loops of Jimmy's shorts to the frount. The other end the same but in the opposite direction. Now standing in frount of Jimmy he tied the two ends together in a double reef knot then fed the ends back though the belt loops to tie it off at the boys wrists. Now Jimmy had no movement in his arms or hands and he knew that this guy did really know what he was doing. Even with scissors, or a knife. It would take ages to cut through it.

"Back down you go boy." He helped Jimmy back into a sitting position.

Once Jimmy was sitting against the wall the guy pushed his feet to bend the boys legs at the knee. He took up another length. "You know how to do a timber hitch... No.. Well I do." he passed a wrap around Jimmy's legs just below his knees and twisted up one end to create a loop. Fed the other end through the loop and pulled it back on itself. Jimmy winched and screwed up his face as the guy pulled it even tighter, then round his legs the other way and passed the end back through the loop and then pulled back on itself again tightening the rope even more. The ends then tied together in that double reef knot. Jimmy was now glad of those long socks.

The guy got another length and layed it across Jimmy's legs just above his knees. Jimmy grunted and shook his head pleading not to tie the rope on his bare skin. He didn't know if the guy was just teasing but he didn't tie it off, but moved it a little higher on his thighs over the material of the shorts. "How about a running bowline." Now even Jimmy knew that a bowline is a non slip knot that doesn't tighten.. But what the hell was a running bowline.

Well it turned out that it wasn't the bowline that would run but the rest of the rope. Jimmy was somewhat amazed as the guy picked up the rope again and seemed to spin his wrist and arm and there all of a sudden was a pefect bowline in the center of the rope. A one handed bowline is a tricky move and if Jimmy hadn't been in the predicament he was in he would have been impressed.

The guy laid the rope on Jimmy's thighs again with the bowline loop on his lap, passed the rpoe under the boys legs and pushed the bite of the rope up through the loop of the bowline to create a second loop. Then holding that loop, the end went back under Jimmy's legs the other way and back up then through the second loop. Then the end was pulled. The whole assembly tighenten up dramatically, the end passed back around and tied off to the tail of the inital bowline with another double reef.

Jimmy's legs were now fastened together almost like they were glued, but there was just enough stretch in the knotting to prevent pain and blood stoppage but nowhere near enough to allow slippage.

"Now blondie I could add three more coils round you lower legs, two more round your thighs and another round your arms, but that would only hurt you and not actually hold you firmer so I wont do that. See.. I've been all nice and scoutlike. I've even taught you all those wonderful scouting knots."

Jimmy wasn't very happy learning the knots this way but was unable to voice his objection.

"Now I need you kneeling for the finale." He pulled Jimmy forward and into a kneeling position, then pushed down so his bum was on his feet and pulled his head forward. Then put a rope across the back of his neck. One end went from his left shoulder to his right ankle, the other end over his right shoulder to his left ankle, so it was crossed on the boys chest. He pushed Jimmy's head down onto the boys knees and fastened off the ends tightly around both the boys ankles then back up behind his neck and tied it off there. Now he would have to stay bent over. He carefully helped Jimmy onto his side giving some releif to what would have been his crushed legs. The man fianally got up and looked down on Jimmy.. He was quite impressed with himself, the boy was indeed roped from top to toe and almost totaly immobile.

The man looked at Paul. "You want learn a few knots?" Paul shook his head no. He would have begged and pleaded if he had been able to talk. "Don't fret my ginger friend. Your fine as you are. Now there are some first aid kits over there, bound to be scissors in them so you should get free in half an hour or so. But It'll take quite a while to get your friend free. So good luck with that. Like I said I'll leave your shoes and clothes in your tent. It's been fun meeting you, but I have to go now."

He went over and picked up the holdall with the cash, collected the boys clothes and shoes, stuffed them in and started to leave. Then, as if by afterthought, he went over to Jimmy and ruffled his hair. "I told you I was good at knots.." He turned and went to the ladder and just before he vanished from sight "See you around Jimmy." He called.

Now Jimmy was shocked. Neither he, nor Paul had told the man his name...

The end
(or is it!)
Last edited by frankburns 2 years ago, edited 14 times in total.
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Post by MaxRoper »

A nice little tale. Hidden money is an excellent reason for some tight bondage and that's what these poor lads received. The descriptions of the knots and positions are well done, and the bit of a cliffhanger at the end is the cherry on top. I'd love to read more if you have any, but this is great just as it is.

Thanks for posting!
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Post by fratboydanny »

Terrific story. Thank you, [mention]frankburns[/mention] for posting it as it is just the kind of story so many of us have thought about. I especially like that they are bound in that loft in their socked feet. I hope we will see more of jimmy and paul in bound fun.
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Post by Killua »

Nice story. It seems like that guy isn't that bad. I wonder why he does know Jimmy's name?

Honetly all those knots were a bit too complex for me to understand. I've never been a boyscout and have no idea what all those knots do. But you explained it well and I could imagine how they were tied and it adds a lot to the story with the bad guy being a former scout.

So, good job ;)
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Post by wataru14 »

Wow! The attention to detail and thorough descriptions made this an absolute joy to read. I hope you continue!
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Post by 1960gerson »

Do I see a potential hostage situation?
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Post by squirrel »

Great story, [mention]frankburns[/mention] ! I love the tight roping and how the bad guy tricked Jimmy and Paul into being obedient victims. Keep it coming, man; I hope to read more stories of yours :)

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Post by Smythdean »

Great story!! Love the scene.
Nothing better than snoops getting caught and bound
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Post by alkaid_ »


fantastic story...

the burglar know very well where is he and know very well who are the kids he left tied...

thats sounds the kids gonna meet again with this masked dude
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Post by frankburns »

Jimmy and Paul - A revelation

Short follow up from The Old Hut


It was a Friday evening that May. Just three weeks after thier encounter with a crook in a hut who left the two of them bound and gagged. They wandered into the youth club as usual. Mingled with the other kids for a few minutes then started to play table tennis once the table had become free.

"Evening Jimmy." A voice said.

Jimmy dropped the bat. He knew that voice. How could he ever forget it. He slowly turned and saw the man from the hut. At least he was sure it was him but this time his face was not covered.

"Your him!" He looked round to see one of the youth leaders for help, but they were all buzy. Should he make a big scene. This guy was some sort of thief.

"Easy Jimmy.." He said. "Think about it. All those questions in your head right now." A slight grin on his face. "So how come I know your name? You never told me. How did I know where you were? Why did I make sure you knew about the scissors? And why the hell did I speak to you just now? I never actually hurt you did I." He moved slightly away and sat on the bench against the wall.

By this time Paul had come across. He wanted to kick this guys head off. The two boys looked at each other. Something inside them told them this was very odd, and those questions did need answers. They couldn't start a fight in here. They had no proof about anything. They hadn't told anyone about what happened. Not even their parents, they figured that they would stop them ever going anywhere. They thought for a few minutes, muttered a few things, then went over to the guy. After all he couldn't start anything in here.

"Who the fuck are you?" Jimmy said.

"Language Jimmy, no need for that is there, I don't think you Dad would approve of that." He replied smilling.

"You never answered me. I should beat the hell out you and tie YOU the fuck up." Jimmy said.

"Oh Jimmy, Jimmy. Such violence. Your Dad wouldn't approve of that either would he."

"So who the hell are you? Do you know my Dad? Answer me you bastard." Jimmy said coldly.

"OK Jimmy. Yes I know your Dad and Pauls Dad. That's how I knew you were off camping. You told your Dad you would call in the old store to get some stuff and he told me. You little buggers, I had to wait a whole day and night for you to come over." The grin now even bigger. "You see Jimmy boy. Your Dad, Pauls Dad and me were all scouts together, in the same troop you were in, same Patrol actually. I was your dads PL. We actually built that old hut." He said.

"And you think that gives you right to scare us to death and damn near kidnap us. What if we hadn't got free? We could be dead." Jimmy said.

"Jimmy. Come on now, you think I'd let that happen? I was downstairs the whole time you were getting free. If you had got into real bother. I'd have come back up, and this conversation woud have happened up there."

Jimmy and Paul had both calmed down. Was this some joke or other between their fathers, and this guy?

"Jimmy " The guy continued. "Me, your dad and Pauls dad, used to play them sort of games all the while. Patrol versus Patrol. The good old days, when kids could have fun without stupid heath and safty rules."

"You planned all that with my Dad!" Jimmy stammered.

"Sure, and Pauls Dad, we were all in on it. And tell me honestly, after I left you up there, where you scared or excited. I bet all you wanted was revenge. You stopped being scared the moment you knew the gun was a toy."

Jimmy looked at Paul. "We still want revenge. You made us dress up like dorks!" He said

The guy laughed. "Well that bit wasn't planned, but seemed like fun at the time."

"Well that wernt fun for us!" Jimmy said

Paul sniggered "It was actually. Seeing you dressed like a dork." He said.

The guy continued. "I'm Josh by the way, and one of the new leaders here, now I'm back in this contry, and I remember what you just said."


"You said.. and I quote 'tie you the fuck up'. Well just maybe we'll give you the chance."

"We.." Paul said.. The first time he had spoked.

"Yeah you two and my twins, against me and your fathers. A weeks camping and winners take all?"

"No way, we wouldn't stand a chance." Jimmy said.

"OK then, forget it.. I'm sorry if I scared you too much before, but at least you now know you were not in real danger and it was just a prank."

"What was all that cash?" Paul said.

"Oh right.. Yeah.." Josh said.."Stage money, all fake stuff. I run a small acting school. I'd best go give an eye to these other kids here. It's been nice chatting, and honestly I wouldn't have hurt either of you or put you in real harm."

He stood up. It was Paul that spoke up unexpectedly "YOUR ON" he called. Then looked at Jimmy who looked stunned.

Jimmy thought for a few moments.... "And we'll win!" He said.

"Not a chance is Hell you dorks will win." Josh said and smilled.


I doubt I'll continue with this but I felt it needed capping off, a nice ending... I prefer them. But I've left it sort of open.

However that scenario... 'Dad's versus kids' would not happen. The wonderful [mention]squirrel[/mention] covered that in his brilliant story Weekend with Sons.

I would have to try to figue another twist.
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Post by wataru14 »

Loved the ending! An interesting and unexpected twist, and that is my absolute favorite. I'm starting to regret not being a scout in my youth if these are the kinds of scrapes they get into. I hope we get to see a story of the upcoming competition!
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Post by frankburns »


You did miss out and so has probably every modern scout. The days of ropes and games of capture seem to have long gone. It's all gone PC and health and safty and I'm sueing you. Kids probably can't even play Cowboys and Indians nowadays, (they don't know what they are missing) I quit being a scout leader when they came out with a ruling that banned all contact games. In case someone got hurt or took the leaders or 'higher ups' to court for a quick pay out.

I could guarantee to you that in my day you put three or four kids together on a camp site with a pile of rope in the store and within 30 minutes someone would be tied up and laughing. And yes before you ask. It happened on my camps when I was a cub, when I was a scout, and when I was a leader (I had a terrible bind eye when I was a leader) and no-one ever got hurt. No one got sued.

But this belongs in tug talk I guess, so I'll be getting into trouble now.
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Post by squirrel »

Oh man, that was an unexpected turn of event... Paul and Jimmy must have been furious with their Dads for putting them through that predicament...

An unexpected, but very well written short epilogue. I look forward to your other stories!

And thank you for your complement :)

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Post by alkaid_ »

damm it!!!

i love the idea of kids vs fathers...

and of course, an experienced parents win the challenge and the boys ended punished and tied
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Post by dl68 »

Great story - really well written. It would be such a shame to end it there. There is more that could be done I feel. The use of old Scout uniforms and scouting neckers as gags brings back lots of happy memories
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Post by Killua »

That epilogue is a good idea. It gives you the chance to continue the story if you want but at the same time the story is great as it is. Well done.
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Post by Killua »

Don't have the time right now but I put it on my list of stories I want to read soon. ;)
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Post by frankburns »

Yeah.. understandable, and thanks for your support.

Maybe 5 stories a week is a bit much for anyone. I better slow up..

I'll let you catch up.. There's at least one you missed.. LoL
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Post by Killua »

You don't need to slow up. Just write in your own pace. I read when I finally have the time to. I'm really intrigued about the follow up to this story which will be hopefully as great as this one;)
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Post by frankburns »

I've done 4 more since that one (not posted yet). Seems once I start I cant stop.
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Post by drawscore »

Quite well done.

There was an obvious omission, and that was how the boys escaped. At the end of the story, the boys are still tied. The sequel jumps ahead three weeks, and we never knew how they got loose. Were they found by friends, and untied? Did they have a sudden flash of brilliance, get themselves back to back, and untie each other? Did one of them find an old scout knife, cut himself loose, and free the other? Did the "crook," undisguised, return and free them?

Maybe I missed something. I don't know. I did not go back and read it a second time. I do know that, in writing, small (and sometimes, even large) details get overlooked. I've done it myself in some of the stories I've written, then, when it was pointed out, or I realized it myself, had to go back and do an edit.

I am a fan of "kid on kid" scenarios. I believe I have written only one, which was an "adult on kid" scenario. (Allen's Adventure). But an occasion where one is sleeping over with the other, and they practice tying each other to gain escape experience, would be interesting.

But one would say "But we were tied together. How do we practice that?"

"Simple!" the other one says. "We get a friend who is good with knots, to tie us both up. One of the 15-16 year old scouts, maybe?

Writing, like bullshit, is an acquired skill. To become good at it, you have to practice.

Anyway, a solid effort. The obvious omission drops the grade to a B+, but still a very good story.

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Post by Killua »

[mention]drawscore[/mention] In the epilogue was the hint that they untied themselves. Not exactly how but they did it (probably with the hint of him that there are old scissors in the boxes), because the "kidnapper" was downstairs all the time in case they couldn't get loose or an emergency occured. At least, that's what he told them.
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Post by frankburns »


Not sure how to do quotes, but about three quarters through the main story, a paragraph reads

"Now blondie. I was actually gonna leave you like you are, but as you're such a self centered little git who kept giving me a hard time. Here's what going to happen. I'm gonna tie you up with absolutely miles of rope from top to toe, like I said before. Then I'll secure your polite friend just a little more and be on my way with my cash. I'm sure you noticed the first aid kits, and I'm sure you know that there will be scissors in them, but they wont be very sharp, so it'll take a while for your friend to get free, and then absolutely ages for him to get you free.Wont that be fun for you?" He laughed. "Oh and by the way you'll find your shoes and clothes in your tent cus I'll be taking them with me. So kind of Gingernut to tell me where it is."

Josh told them how to get free.

They simply used the scissors.

Sorry if that wasn't clear enough. Hope that means you can upgrade my score (or do I grade your reading ability and interlect) Perhaps in future I should add a line below the clues in block capitals, bold and underlined such as... :- 'IT TOOK THEM OVER AN HOUR TO CUT THE ROPES AS INSTRUCTED BY THE MAN.' Maybe then you'd get the message.

Actually there probably wont be a future.

You say :'I did not go back and read it a second time'
Then went on to suggest that I READ IT AND EDIT IT :evil:
I say: You didn't read it the first time...

My Lecturer used to say to us : Always use radtar : READ and DIGEST, THINK and RESPOND. or all you'l do is look stupid and get the wrong answer.

You say: The obvious omission drops the grade to a B+
I say: Please read the story. There was no omission. The information is all there. {Your reading ability and interlect is currently at D}

Justified Criticism is fine and helpful.
Unjustified Criticism is just demoralizing and unhelpful

Glad you didn't score my English Language Degree or I'd have failed that.

BTW: First aid scissors don't have points, the ends are rounded. So there was no danger of getting stabbed.

In the sequal, 'Josh and the ACs'.(I'm not sure if you have read that yet) when the boys were on the camp learning knots. One said.... "We had to cut ourselves free" Confirming the escape. So you were right about the scissors. :)
Last edited by frankburns 2 years ago, edited 9 times in total.
Centennial Club
Centennial Club
Posts: 218
Joined: 6 years ago

Post by alkaid_ »

frankburns wrote: 2 years ago I've done 4 more since that one (not posted yet). Seems once I start I cant stop.
4 ended stories?!?!?!?!

damm it!!!

i really wanna read them...

you made great stories
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