Arrested on Halloween (FFFF/M) COMPLETED

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Arrested on Halloween (FFFF/M) COMPLETED

Post by WillHBonney »

Arrested at the Halloween Party (FFFF/M)

"Are you sure you don't want to come with us?" Caitlin pleaded to her boyfriend Will.

"No honestly I'm ok. The last time we went to their halloween event the club was full of drunk 18 year olds who couldn't handle alcohol. And that was 2 years ago!" Will responded as he stood in the kitchen door way shaking his head.

"You say that as though we're 40!" Caitlin rolled her eyes as she prepared 4 gin glasses on the kitchen counter.
"We're only 26! Tell him!"

"Yeah, we're not ancient." Melissa laughed as she sat at the dinner table observing the bickering couple.

"Also, that guy tried to punch me last time! Remember?" Will continued.

"Oh yeah! Why was that?" Caitlin smirked, knowing exactly why.

"Because he kept asking me to say 'There's a snake in my boot' and I told him to piss off."

"Why?" Melissa blurted out, also grinning as she too was well aware as to the reason.

"Because I was dressed as Indiana Jones! Not Woody the f-in cowboy!" Will playfully ranted bringing a burst of laughter from both Caitlin and Melissa.

"Well at least this time Melissa can protect you!" Caitlin joked in a mock-babying voice.

"Yeah. I can protect you this time now that I'm officially in the police!" Melissa proudly smiled.

"Thanks John McClane." Will sarcastically quipped.
"How is work anyway?"

"It's fun. It's a small village I'm based in so most shifts are pretty quiet." Melissa sighed.
"Although yesterday I had to chase after a burglar and arrest them." she perked up.

"That's exciting!" Caitlin smiled over at her friend as she poured gin into the glasses.

"Yeah! I was running after him for about 20 minutes! With all of my kit on. I was sweating like crazy!" Melissa continued.

"Do you have a lot of kit to carry?" inquired Will.

"Yeah loads. I can show you some of it tonight before we go out." Melissa smiled.

"Oh really? So are you wearing your work clothes out for halloween?" Will chuckled at the thought.

"No no, I bought a police woman costume to wear. But my work kit is all upstairs. I came round to yours straight from my shift yesterday" Melissa explained.

A smile grew on Will's face. He had found an opportunity:
"So you didn't get a chance to go home first? To 999 Letsbe Avenue?"
He held back his laughter.

"What?" Melissa twisted her head in confusion.

"Get it? 999... Letsbe Avenue? Let's be having you? Like what the police say?" he chortled.

"Ughhh" Caitlin groaned in the background as she dropped ice into the gin glasses.

"That's awful!" Melissa scrunched her face up in disgust.
"No one says that anymore! And even if they did... terrible!"

"Be thankful you're only staying here for the weekend." Caitlin sighed.
"I have to live with him."

Melissa's face remained scrunched up in disgust.
"You poor thing. I need a double after hearing that" she pointed over to the gin glasses.

"Oh it wasn't that bad! Anyway, it's 6pm, shouldn't you 2 be getting ready?" Will shrugged, bemused at the reception of his joke.

"Is that the time?! They'll be here any minute!" Caitlin gasped as she leapt away from the kitchen counter.

The 2 girls quickly made their way upstairs to get changed into their halloween costumes.


20 minutes had passed since the girls went upstairs. Will sat in the living room awaiting their return and the revelation of his girlfriend's outfit.
Suddenly he heard their footsteps descending down the stairs.

In walked Caitlin. She was dressed in a tight black cat suit with a black hairband topped with 2 small furry ears perched on top of her long brown hair. A small cat tail dangled down from her butt.

"What do you think?" she smiled as she twirled.

"I think you should stay home tonight and Melissa should find a hotel" Will winked causing his girlfriend to blush.

Next came Melissa. Her police woman outfit consisted of a dark blue catsuit decorated with a police badge decal, shiny thigh high leather boots and a cap. Across her waist sat a belt.

"Yeah that's definitely not your uniform" Will laughed.
"There's no way you'd be able to chase someone for 20 seconds let alone 20 minutes!"

Suddenly the doorbell rang.

"That'll be the girls, great timing!" Caitlin celebrated as she and Melissa made their way to the front door.

"I'll make myself scarce" Will quipped as he made his way to the stairs, hoping to avoid the excited squealing and awkward small talk.

"At least say hi to the girls!" Caitlin asked as she began to open the front door.

"Fine" he rolled his eyes, unable to say no to his girlfriend particularly when she was dressed in such a manner.

Caitlin pulled open the door, revealing her 2 friends stood outside, Julie and Laura.

"Hey!" 3 girls simultaneously squeaked, the cold autumn air evident in their breath.

"Hey gals! C'mon in!" Caitlin ushered the 2 girls inside.

First in stepped Julie dressed in a slim, tight fitting Gal Gadot style Wonder Woman costume. Her long curly black hair was swept back over her shoulders. She shuffled in quickly, shivering from the cold outside. Her dedication to authenticity had left her with her long bronzed legs exposed to the temperatures.

Julie was closely followed by Laura. The shyest of the 4. Often described as 'the geeky one' in their friendship group. She was quite a bit smaller than Julie, standing at 5foot 4 compared to Julie's 5foot 11. She was also quite curvy compared to the rest of the group.
She quietly shuffled in behind Julie. In complete contrast to Julie's bright and colourful costume, Laura stood in the hallway wearing a white collared black dress that came down to just above her knees. She wore dark tights that disappeared into a pair of black heeled boots. Her dark black hair was pulled into 2 pigtails, each sitting on either shoulder. She was dressed as Wednesday Addams.

"I love your costume!" Melissa squeaked as Julie stepped into the living room.
"Where did you get that?"

"Amazon?" Will guffawed to himself.

"Huh?" Melissa and Julie both looked at Will, their faces scrunched up.

"It's a Wonder Woman joke" Laura quietly giggled as Julie, Melissa and Caitlin exaggeratedly rolled there eyes in almost perfect synchronisation.

"Bye!" Caitlin jokingly waved to Will, signalling him to go away.

"Bye." he waved back as he began ascending the stairs.
"Hi girls, by the way!"

"Hey." Julie smiled.

"Hiya" Laura waved.
"Aren't you coming with us?" she added.

"Yeah, where's your Woody costume?" Julie added, bringing a smirk to Caitlin and Melissa's faces.

"Nah, he's being boring!" Caitlin groaned.

"Boo!" Melissa joined in.

"Bye!" Will waved and continued up the stairs.


2 hours had passed since the arrival of Julie and Laura.
Downstairs Will could her the sounds of the girls in the kitchen, pouring yet another round of gin and lemonades. He decided to venture downstairs.

"Hey, when are you guys going into town?" He asked as the girls came back through into the living room.

"I dunno, we might phone a taxi soon." Caitlin responded, looking around the room for agreement.

"I hope the taxi drops us close to the club. It's freezing outside!" Melissa moaned.
"You'll freeze to death!" she pointed towards Julie's bare legs.

"I've brought tights with me for when we go. But they probably won't do much." Julie agreed, holding up a pair of scrunched up tights from her bag.

"It'll be warm in the club though" Laura added.

"I'm pretty hungry." Julie moaned.

"I'm kinda tired after work yesterday. Especially after I had to chase that guy for 20 minutes." Melissa joined in.

"We could always just not go to the club and have a halloween party here instead?" Caitlin suggested, enthusiasm growing in her voice.
"Means we don't need to pay for a taxi into town and back. And we don't have to deal with annoying 18 year olds?"

She turned to Will to gauge his re-action. He looked at her and shrugged, somewhat annoyed that he'd no longer have the house to himself even though he planned on spending the entire evening in 1 room upstairs anyway.

"I'd be up for that?" Julie perked up.

"Yeah me too" Melissa smiled.

"I guess we could do that?" Laura nervously smiled, somewhat let down.

"Awesome! Shall we get some food then?" Caitlin clapped as she stood up.
"What does everyone fancy?"

"I could go a..." Melissa began before Will interrupted:
"let me guess, you want the classic police dinner?" he grinned.

"Err? What's that?" Melissa questioned as the room braced itself for another one of Will's awful puns.

"Doughnuts?" Julie whispered quietly, prompting a frown in her direction from Melissa.

"Irish stew..." Will proudly announced before pausing for the response. The room was silent.

He looked around at everyone's faces, their jaws open in confusion.
He tried again:
"Irish stew... I arrest you..."

"Wow" Julie whispered.

"Really? Babe that's... that's just terrible" Caitlin giggled through her sigh.

Laura giggled quietly to herself.

The room all turned to face Melissa who remained silent.

"D'ya know what..." she barked as she stood up off the couch.
"For that..." she reached behind her back and unclipped something from her belt.
"I'm placing you under arrest." from behind her back she revealed a pair of rigid handcuffs grasped in her fist.

Caitlin, Julie and Laura all giggled as Melissa stood up from the couch and marched over to Will.

"What? Errr? I was..." Will stuttered as she approached. He held up his arm to hold her back.

In a flash she slapped the handcuffs onto his extended arm and pulled it up behind his back.
Next she wrapped her leg around his and pushed him forwards, lowering him slowly down onto the carpet.
Will frantically waved his free arm about but before he knew it, Melissa had grabbed it and slapped it against the handcuffs, locking it in place. He lay there on the floor with his arms secured parallel a few inches apart across his back in a box tie shape.

"Haha ok... Ehm... sorry?" Will nervously pleaded. His lack of struggling showed he was willing to play along with Melissa.

Caitlin, Julie and Laura got up off the couches and stood behind Melissa, watching as she grasped onto the handcuffs keeping Will's arms still.
She pulled pack on the handcuffs.

"On your feet" she commanded as he slowly lifted up so that he stood on the floor facing away from the girls.

"Are those your actual handcuffs?" he asked Melissa.

"Yep, standard issue." she smiled from behind.

"What? No pink fluffy ones?" he smirked.

"Sorry, I left my pink fluffy ones back home at 999 You're-Under-Arrest avenue or whatever it was. Maybe next time." Melissa quipped back at her captive. Will shook his head in mock disappointment.

Still grasping the handcuffs in one hand, Melissa placed her other hand on Will's shoulder and began moving him towards the stairs.

"The wardrobe upstairs in your bedroom, how big is it?" She turned to Caitlin.

"Eh... big enough to stand inside" Caitlin shrugged.

"Excellent." Melissa smiled as she began marching Will upstairs. The other girls followed, still giggling at the show Melissa was putting on. Will bowed his head, performing the role of a defeated prisoner.

"You girls take him to the wardrobe. That's his cell. I need to grab some things from my kit." She ordered.

Julie's hand replaced Melissa's grasp on the handcuffs as Caitlin walked ahead and opened the wardrobe. Laura followed behind giggling quietly.

"In you go" Julie cackled as she pushed Will into the open wardrobe.

Suddenly Melissa re-appeared clutching the utility belt from her actual police uniform.

"Have a seat please" she ordered Will as she pressed down on his shoulder giving him no choice but to sit on the floor.
"Make yourself comfortable. You'll be here a while" she smiled.

Will sat down with his legs stretched out. He tried to lean back against the wall of the wardrobe but having his hands tightly cuffed behind is back prevented him from leaning fully back.

"For how long?" Will quivered, still playing a long but also genuinely curious.

"Until you learn." Melissa sharply responded. Will frowned at the vague response from his captor.

She placed the belt on the floor and knelt down next to Will.
From the belt she opened up a small pouch and drew out a rolled up strip of material.
She unravelled the strip and began winding it around Will's ankles.
After wrapping 4 times, she yanked the strip tight, pulling his ankles tight together, then pulled the strip back on itself revealing a velcro side. She tightly pressed the velcro ends together securing the strap.

"Are these a part of your equipment too?" Will asked as Melissa pulled out a second strap and began wrapping it around his legs just below his knees.

"Yep, leg restraints." Melissa smiled as she finished wrapping the second set and tightly fastened them.

She pulled out a third strap and began wrapping it around his legs again, this time above his knees.

“How many of them have you got?!” Will’s voice cracked as he tried to remain in character but hints of worry crept into his voice.

“Not enough.” Melissa barked as she fastened the 3rd strap.
“Lucky for you, I’ve only got 3 of them. Otherwise you’d be in trouble!” She glanced up at him and grinned.

Will gulped.

"That's the first time I've used them since my training." Melissa admired as she tugged on the straps to check their tightness.

Will wriggled his legs as much as he could: not at all. His legs moved as 1 solid lump, lifting them up slightly then slumping them back down onto the carpet.

"Looks like you haven't forgotten your training." he nervously smiled at her.

“Uh huh.” Melissa confidently nodded.

Suddenly Caitlin interrupted:
"Is this also a part of your equipment?"

Will leaned forwards and peered out the wardrobe door where Caitlin, Julie and Laura formed a semi-circle around the doorway.
Caitlin held out her hand, her finger extended out and dangling down swung a roll of thick clear cello tape.

"It is tonight." Melissa cackled.

Will looked up at Caitlin. He felt betrayed as he watched his girlfriend's grinning face wink at him whilst he sat there handcuffed and leg strapped. He couldn't help but feel that Melissa and Caitlin's exchange felt a little rehearsed.

"Wait... that's not fair!" He groaned, the prisoner act completely gone now.
"Cello tape isn't a part of your equipment!" he argued, his hands pulled against the handcuffs.

Melissa ignored his complaints as her hand reached for something outside of the wardrobe door and Will's view.

"Well here's something that's definitely a part of my uniform..." she menacingly smirked.

Her arm dragged back into the wardrobe, her fist clenched. The 3 girls outside the wardrobe leaned in, each of the beaming with excitement.

Melissa held her clenched fist up to Will's eyes and slowly opened it up. Will's eyes stared intensely as he desperately looked for what was on her palm.
Finally, her fist opened and up sprang 2 crumpled up, woolly, black crew socks.

"No way! I draw the line!" Will threw his head back, protesting the inclusion of Melissa's socks.
"There's no wRRRMMPGHHH"

His protests were cut short as Melissa seized the opportunity to stuff her socks into his mouth whilst he protested.
Her hand pushed both socks inside his open mouth then quickly clamped flat over his lips.

"MRRPGHGHH HRRRMPGHHHH! MRRGPHHH!" Will grumbled as he frantically tried to pull his head away from Melissa's hand.
Standing in the doorway Caitlin peeled off the end of the cello tape and stretched it out. She leaned forwards towards Will's face and prepared the tape.
In a flash, Melissa's hand drew back off Will's mouth allowing Caitlin to slap the clear tape onto Will's cheek and drag it across his sock packed mouth.
Caitlin pulled Will's head forwards and began winding the roll of tape around the back of his head then back over his mouth several times.

"MRRGPGHHH!!! HRRMGGHH RRGMPHH!" He continued to growl. His legs lifted up and slammed into the floor several times.

After 5 or 6 complete wraps around his head, Caitlin bit the tape off the roll and gently patted it down against his cheek.
All 4 girls giggled at the sight of Will's mouth wrapped under layers of clear tape, his lips stuck slightly apart allowing a small glimpse at the 2 socks packed inside. Melissa leaned back and admired her prisoner.

"There we go. It was your mouth that got you into this mess babe. So be thankful we've done something to stop you making things worse!" Caitlin proudly smiled as she gazed down at her captive boyfriend.

"HRRRRMGGPHH!" he huffed back up at her.

"I don't know why you're moaning! Those socks are definitely a part of my uniform!" Melissa taunted.
"In fact those are the very socks that I wore yesterday when I chased that burglar for 20 minutes!"

"You should be honoured!" Julie chuckled.

"I know! That's my blood, sweat and tears that you've got in your mouth there!" Melissa agreed, tapping her finger on the clear tape gag.
"Mainly sweat." she giggled.

"Hrrrmpghhh" Will calmed down, nodding in agreement with Melissa's statement. His tongue had unfortunately gotten sandwiched between the 2 socks as they were forced into his mouth. Every millimetre of his tongue was in contact in the sweat scented socks. He tried to wriggle it free but it seemed no matter where he moved his tongue, he could always taste the salty flavours of the socks.

"Consider the taste a metaphor for your poor taste in jokes!" Melissa cackled before turning her attention to the utility belt on the floor. She lifted it up and opened the large pouch located on the back, revealing it to be empty.

"Ah bugger!" she huffed, throwing the belt back down onto the floor.

"What's up?" Julie asked her friend.

"I must have left my spit hood back at the police station." Melissa groaned in disappointment. Will's shoulders dipped as he sighed in relief.

"Spit hood? What the hell is that?" Julie scrunched her face in confusion.

"It's a hood to stop criminals spitting. Obviously." Caitlin chuckled as she rolled her eyes at Julie's stupidity.

"Oh. I've never seen one of them before?" Julie shrugged.

"It's like a soft material bag that you put over a criminal's head. They can still see through it, but it stops them being able to bite or spit at you." Melissa explained as she slumped back against the wall, still disappointed.

"Like a pair of tights?" Laura interjected.

"Erm... yeah sorta I suppose." Melissa nodded.

"Julie, you brought tights with you? Didn't you?" Laura playfully reminded everyone.

"HRRRMGGPHH!" Will shook his head, sitting up off the wall.

"I did indeed!" Julie perked up, pulling the tights out from her bag that she still wore across her body.

"MRRGPHHH HHRRMMPGHH!" Will continued to furiously shake his head. He stopped and looked over at Laura, frowning intensely at her. She looked back at him and shrugged, with a half smile on her face.

Melissa sprung back up onto her knees in excitement as Julie handed her the folded up tights.

"Ooh! Fantastic idea Miss Addams!" she celebrated as she enthusiastically unwrapped the tights and held them up, allowing the legs to dangle down.

Will's eyes looked up and down inspecting the length of the tan tights. Julie had pretty long legs so the tights stretched all the way down to the floor.

"Righto, let's get your spit hood on you!" Melissa stood upright and pulled open the tights.

Slowly she pulled them down over Will's head. She began pulling 1 of the legs down, scrunching the tights up at Will's shoulders.
Will shut his eyes as the material pulled down against his eyelashes.

"Mrrpghh!" he groaned as the tights continued to slide down.

Finally he felt the foot of the tights pulling against the crown of his head. He opened up his eyes, his eyelashes fighting against the fabric.
Suddenly everything was hazy. He looked around, looking up at the 4 girls.

"Hrrmphh!" He wheezed a pathetic plea.

"Perfect!" Melissa smiled, turning and high fiving each of her friends.
"C'mon in a second guys." she gestured to the 3 girls to enter the wardrobe.

The 3 girls shuffled in and stood side by side, tightly packed against each other. Melissa stood in front of them, her legs spread slightly apart to allow Will's restrained legs to pass between them.

Will gazed up through the haze of the tights, bemused by the ridiculousness of the entire situation. Before him in this small wardrobe stood Wonder Woman, Catwoman, Wednesday Addams and a Police Woman.

Melissa spoke:
"Will, we hereby find you guilty of telling terrible jokes and sentence you to a minimum of a few hours handcuffed and leg strapped in this wardrobe."

Will rolled his head as he tried and failed to shift the tights hood off his head.

Melissa continued:
"If there is anything you wish to say at this time, I strongly recommend you don't bother as none of us will be able to understand you due to the fact you are gagged."

"Hrrmphh" Will huffed at the taunting. The girls giggled behind Melissa.

Melissa finished:
"I do hope you use this time wisely and reflect on your decisions to tell such awful jokes. We will return when we decide you have been aptly punished. See ya!"

Slowly the girls left the wardrobe, Laura first followed by Julie then Caitlin.

"HRMMPHH!" Will huffed as his girlfriend exited.

"Bye babe, have fun!" Caitlin's voice called from outside, growing quitter with each word.

Finally Melissa made her way out the door, turning and glancing back at her prisoner one final time before quickly slamming the door shut behind her.

"HRRRMGPHH!!!!" Will screamed, muffled by the tights, as the wardrobe descended into darkness. He paused. and listened to the fading voices turn into footsteps heading back downstairs. The footsteps eventually faded away. Will's hooded head slumped back against the wall as he huffed at his helpless predicament.

To Be Continued...
This is just a short story idea I had and decided to post here. It will only be 2 or 3 parts long. I've already got the entire thing planned out, just need to type the rest of it up.
Please do let me know your thoughts on the first part! It's my first time writing in 3rd person on here so I'm eager to know what you all think.
Last edited by WillHBonney 2 years ago, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Ossassin »

One of my favourite parts of this time of year is the great stories that get written.
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Post by Canuck100 »

Poor (or lucky) Will! I wonder if that will really stop him from
telling bad jokes, or if it will only encourage him more 😁

Well done, great story!
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Post by Hywok »

Great start and I am looking forward to the continuation…. You never fail to deliver, thanks!
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Post by Rtj65 »

It might not be Halloween anymore but I still had a blast reading this! Looking forward to seeing what happens next to poor Will!
Male switch from the UK here, always up for a chat about anything TUGs related!

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Post by guardian741 »

Love this so far! Excited to see where it goes!
I love a good sock gag, and it sounds like the main character’s is far from pleasant!

Looking forward to the continuation!
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Post by Pantyhose971 »

Great story so far, wondering what is going to happen next. :D
Discord: JustLikeMe#4424 open for chat and roleplay!
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Post by WillHBonney »

Part 2 Trick Or Treat:

2 hours had passed since the wardrobe door had shut over sealing Will in his 'cell'. Although to him, it felt like 5 hours.
Downstairs the girls continued to party, eating pizza and playing drinking games whilst music loudly blasted through some speakers in the living room.
Will sat in silence and listened to the muffled thumps of the music playing below him as he stared through the tights hood at the blank wall in front of him.

Suddenly he heard the sound of footsteps ascending the stairs. He sprung to attention, pushing his feet against the wall opposite in an attempt to sit upright. He hoped that maybe his sentence would get cut short if he was to demonstrate good behaviour whilst imprisoned.
The footsteps reached to top of the stairs. It was only 1 person. Will's eyes stayed fixed on the door, his mind desperately hoping he would soon be free.
The footsteps began slowly moving towards the door, pausing a couple of times then stumbling forwards. The wardrobe door yanked open.

"Hey!" Laura chirped as her head peaked around the door.

"Hrrmphh" Will huffed.

"I came upstairs to use the toilet" Laura slurred, winking at Will.

She then walked away from the wardrobe leaving the door open. She walked over to the en suite toilet and switched on the fan and light. Next she closed over the toilet door without entering, and made her way back to the wardrobe.

"Hrmphh?" Will questioned as Laura returned, wondering why she had switched on the toilet light and fan but hadn't entered.

"I wanted to come see you" Laura grinned as she nudged Will's strapped legs along the floor and knelt down in front of him, placing a full gin glass on the floor beside her.

"Crrmphh yrmmgphh urnphhtrmmpghh mrrgphh?" Will pleaded with her to free him, twisting the handcuffs behind his back.

Laura ignored, instead siding her hand into a small pocket on the side of her black dress. She removed her hand and revealed a small cardboard box in the palm of her hand. Will screwed up his eyes as he tried to identify what she was holding.

"Trick or treat?" Laura giggled.

"Hrrmphh?" Will shrugged.

"Trick or treat Will...." she huffed, nodding her head towards the object on her hand.

"Hrrmph? Trmmph?" Will tried to answer, frustrated by the gag.

"Very well." she smiled, pulling her hand back and fiddling with the object.

Suddenly there was a scraping sound and the wardrobe lit up. Laura knelt before Will clutching a lit match in her hand. In her other hand sat a box of matches.
She held the match up between her and Will's faces. Behind the lit match an evil smile grew on Laura's face.

"Be afraid. Be very afraid" she cackled.

Will drew his legs in and began frantically squirming.
"HRRMGHHH!" he panicked, stamping his feet on the floor to alert the others.

She began moving the match closer towards his face. His head leaned right back as far as it could. Behind his back he bashed the handcuffs against the wall.

Laura blew out the match and began giggling again.

"Oh calm down! Haven't you seen the Addams Family?" she rolled her eyes.

Will slowly caught his breath as he slid his legs back down onto the floor. He sighed through the tights hood in relief.

"I was only trying to scare you!" she chuckled.
"I've got something for you" she smiled, opening the matchbox again.

Her fingers searched through the box and pulled out a slim silver stick.

"The key to your handcuffs" she winked. "Would you like them?" she held them towards Will.

"Mrrphh hrmmphh!" he frantically nodded.

"Hrmm... well how about as your treat I put this key into the keyhole on your handcuffs?" she smiled.
"I'm going to go to the toilet. I'll be about 5 minutes. If you really want to be free then all you gotta do is turn that key and the handcuffs will unlock. But if I come back and you're still here, then I'll take the key away ok?"

"Mrrphh hrmmph!" Will nodded, desperate to get on with it. He was more than fed up with the taste of Melisa's sweaty police socks.

"Ok." Laura smiled. "Now I know those handcuffs are hinged, but I have faith in you."

She leaned forwards and reached her arms around Will as though she was hugging him. Her hands grasped the cuffs as she fiddled with them.
There was a click, and Will felt the cuffs tighten on each wrist.

"HRRMPHH!" he proclaimed.

"Hehe oops, sorry!" Laura giggled as she leaned back from Will.
"Well the key is in there now." she stood up.
"5 minutes ok! Good luck!" she waved then walked away, leaving the wardrobe door open.

Will leaned forwards and bent both hands inwards towards each other. His fingers could just about reach the key. He could feel it sticking out of the keyhole. He just needed to find a way to turn it. He leaned from side to side, pushing either shoulder against the wall in an attempt to move his hands closer to the key. He leaned backwards and pressed the cuffs against the wall but still his fingers couldn't reach.
Finally, both of his index fingers touched the key. He paused for a moment. All he had to do was rotate it. His fingers pushed in alternating directions as he tried to rotate the key. It wouldn't budge. He tried rotating it in the opposite direction. Again it wouldn't budge.
He realised that perhaps it was a little stiff so it just needed some 'oomf'.
Outside the wardrobe he heard the toilet flush. Realising he was running out of time, he pushed hard on the sides of the key.
Suddenly, there was a cracking sound. His fingers slipped off the key. He wriggled his fingers around to see if the key was still in the hole but it wasn't. It must have fallen on the floor.
He started to panic, bouncing himself to the side of the wardrobe and turning his head to search the floor for the fallen key. The tights hood made it almost impossible to see but through a stroke of luck he spotted it. Quickly he leaned forwards and reached for it with his cuffed hand. His fingers poked at it on the carpet until he was able to lift it up. The toilet door opened.

As he picked up the key, he paused. His fingers ran up and down the edges of the key. It felt... odd. His fingers reached to the tip of the key where it seemed to be oddly rounded at the top. And then he realised... it was a match.

"GRRMPPHH!!!" He raged, his hooded head thrashing side to side. He couldn't believe he had been tricked.

Just then, Laura appeared back in the doorway.

"Trick or treat!" she guffawed, holding up the key in her hand. She sat down in the wardrobe, opposite Will.

"Grrmmphhh" Will shook his head in anger.

"Aww you didn't think I would let you go that easily did you?" she continued to laugh as she placed the key back into the matchbox and slid it shut.
"you thought you were getting the treat, but actually it was a trick!" she smiled in a moment of drunken pride.

"Hrrmphhh" Will rolled his head, somewhat impressed with Laura's trick.

The 2 sat for a moment in the wardrobe, the loud music from downstairs still pulsing through the floor. Laura lifted up her gin glass and sipped out of it.

"Trick or treat..." she drunkenly mumbled to herself, giggling.
"Trick or treat?" she mumbled again.
"Hey!" her head lifted up as a lightbulb illuminated in her head. Will raised his head to look at her. The playful grin on her face transformed into a menacing one.

"Trick or treat... smell my feet" she cackled. Her legs stretched out by Will's side. She quickly kicked off her small black heeled boots onto the floor revealing her tights covered feet.

"Hrrmphh?" Will wondered, turning to see what was going on by his side. His eyes spied her removed boots.
"MRRPH MMRGPH!" he shook his head but she took no notice.

Her feet were raised in the air. She slowly moved them towards his face but before they arrived at his nose, they dipped down under his chin. Her toes picked at the tights hood over Will's head and made their way under the hood.

"MRRRGPHH!" Will continued to protest as Laura's feet snaked their way under his tights hood, up over his tape gagged mouth and onto his nose.

"mrrrrphhh" Will cried as his sense of smell joined his sense of taste in the 'feet' world.

"Trick or treat! Smell my feet!" Laura sang as her sweaty toes curled over Will's noes again and again. Will breathed in through her tights, his fists clenched behind his back.

Laura drew her knees inwards and outwards, pulling Will's head towards her then back. Then she swayed her legs side to side, swinging Will with them.

"D'ya know what..." she smiled, interrupting her singing.
"I think I'm going to give you the key"

Will's eyes perked up as the looked over the tips of Laura's toes and through the tights hood at her face.

"Yeah, I'll give you the actual key this time because you've been a good little prisoner." she smiled.

After a few more minutes of forced foot smelling, she slowly slid her feet down out of the hood. Will sighed with relief as her toes crawled down his chin and clear of his face.
She sat up onto her knees and leaned forwards.

"Same rules as last time. I'm going to leave you with the key. If you want free then can use the key to uncuff yourself. However if you're still handcuffed by the time I next come upstairs to use the toilet, then I'll assume it's because you love the smell of my feet and want some more." she grinned.

Will nodded, feeling confident as he had prior practice at turning the key and also it would be a while before Laura next needed to use the toilet.

"Ok good. I'll just get the key" she smiled, picking up the matchbox.

She leaned towards Will with the matchbox in her hand. Unexpectedly, she pinched the bottom of the tights hood and reached her hand up under it. Will's eyes watched as her hand passed his nose. She reached up and placed the matchbox right at the top of his head.

"Mrrrphh!" He cried.

"Hey, I said I was going to give you the key didn't I? I didn't say I'd put it in the lock this time?" she cackled. She reached for the second leg of the tights hood and wrapped it under Will's chin then up over his head, wrapping it tight over the matchbox before knotting it under his chin.
Will wriggled his head but the matchbox remained firmly in place.

"Perfect!" Laura smiled, biting her lip. She reached to Will's side and grabbed her boots, sliding them onto her tights covered feet.
"Right, well I'm going to go back downstairs and party. Might do some dancing. Work up a sweat ya know?" she winked as she stood up, grabbing her gin glass on her way up.

"Remember! You've got until I come back upstairs to use the toilet!" she sternly reminded. Her attention turned to the half full gin glass in her hand. She lifted it up to her lips and began gulping it until the glass was empty.
"Mmmm. That tasted lovely!" she winked.
"I think I'll have another one!" she smiled. "See ya soon!" she waved, closing the wardrobe door over and heading back downstairs.

"Hrrrmggpph!" Will thrashed, the matches rolling around in the box atop his head, but the box remaining steadily in place.
"Mrrrrphhhh" he sighed as he quickly realised he was likely going to be feeling Laura's feet on his face again in the near future.

To Be Continued...

I know it's a little late for halloween stories but I never got a chance to add this chapter back in October/November. Hope you enjoyed this part! Thanks for reading :)
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Post by Gil »

It's never too late for a good Halloween story :D I'm curious how it continues :D
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Post by Ossassin »

What a Happy New Years to get more of this joy.
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Post by guardian741 »

SO happy to see this continued! Excellent continuation! It was fun that Laura got such joy from teasing and taunting their captive.
Which do you think is more torturous for him? The taste of those socks, or having to smell Laura’s feet? Cant wait to see how the rest of the night plays out!
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Post by Hywok »

Great continuation, looking forward to find out what Laura has in store for part 3!
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Post by WillHBonney »

[mention]Gil[/mention], [mention]Ossassin[/mention], [mention]Hywok[/mention] thank you guys! Glad you enjoyed this new chapter!

guardian741 wrote: 2 years ago Which do you think is more torturous for him? The taste of those socks, or having to smell Laura’s feet?
Hmm that's a tough one. Fortunately for Will, he's completely helpless so he doesn't have to worry about choosing :lol: Unfortunately for him, Laura knows which is worse: both :twisted:
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Post by tiedinbluetights »

Wonderful story! Thanks for posting. Looking forward to the next part! :D
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Post by Rtj65 »

A great continuation! I almost feel sorry for Will, but he does kind of deserve it!
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Post by WillHBonney »

Part 3 Freedom?:

An indeterminable amount of time had passed for Will since Laura had visited. There wasn't much he could do to pass the time any quicker, other than periodically sway from side to side and listen to the matches roll about in the matchbox secured atop his head. Although he eventually stopped doing that as it reminded him just how close he was to the handcuff key and yet how far he was from escaping.
Every so often he would hear the sound of footsteps ascending the stairs and he would sit deadly still, anxiously waiting to see if they were coming towards him. But they never did.

Suddenly, he heard that familiar sound. The footsteps clumped up the stairs. He sat deadly still and listened in to them. They seemed to pause momentarily about half way, then continue up. He listened in, waiting for the familiar pattern of 5 or 6 steps followed by the sound of the toilet light switching on and the door closing over. However this time the footsteps stumbled past the toilet door and towards his 'cell'. He quickly lifted himself up and sat upright awaiting their arrival. The wardrobe door flew open.

"HEY!" Laura beamed as she stood entirely in the doorway, both arms raised up in the air and a massive grin on her face.

She stumbled into the wardrobe and awkwardly leant against the side wall. Her head tilted backwards and rested on the wall behind her. Her arms dropped down by her sides, although she made sure to keep her gin glass upright so to ensure no drop was spilled.

Will inspected her up and down through the tights.
'She's really drunk!' he thought to himself.

"Urghhh" she sighed, staring up at the ceiling.
"We were doing shots downstairs."

"Mrrph hmphh" Will nodded, acknowledging the obvious.

Laura continued:
"I had 3 cherry ones." her head dipped down.
"I hate the cherry flavour! It's disgusting!" her tongue stuck right out as she shook her head.
"Euck! I can still taste it on my tongue!"

She lifted up her gin glass and took several sips from it before swishing the liquid around her mouth like a mouth wash.

"Trrmrbrrmpghh" Will shook his head, showing sarcastic sympathy for her 'terrible' ordeal.

"Ughh I know" Laura nodded after swallowing the large gulp of gin.
"Mmmmmm. That's gotten rid of it!" she slurred, holding up her glass as if to thank it.
"Nothing worse than having a horrible taste in your mouth that you can't get rid of?" She lowered the glass and grinned down towards Will.

"Mrrpgh hmmphh" Will nodded. She may have been drunk, but she had definitely picked up on his sarcasm and took the opportunity to rub it in.

She raised her glass to her lips again and took another sip.
"Mmmmmm so tasty!"

Will shook his head, the matches shaking in the matchbox. It was the only thing he could do as he sat there and endured Laura's torments.

"Hey Will!" Laura barked as she pushed away from the wall and stood upright in front of him.
"Can you do this?"

She raised her arms up and began waving them around freely.

"Hrrmgghhh" Will huffed.

"Or this?!" she chuckled as she began kicking her legs up and down as her arms still waved.

"Or what about this?"

She began sticking her tongue in and out of her mouth as her lips widened and closed.

Will rolled his eyes behind the tights then turned his head to the side to stare at the wall next to him, fed up with Laura's antics.

"Hahahaha!" she howled as she stopped flailing her limbs and stood still.

She slowly lowered herself down onto the floor and stretched her legs up the side of Will, below his eyeline. She leaned back and relaxed against the wall.
Will's eyes glanced down to see her legs beside him. She lifted up her feet and kicked off her small black heeled boots.

"I'm going to make you smell my feet again" she slurred as she brought her feet around to Will's chest.

"Hrrmpg..." Will turned to face her and protest but before he could even fully grumble, her black tights covered feet had found their way under his tights hood and up over his nose.

This time she was a lot more rough. Her feet pressed hard against his nose and forced his head back against the wall behind him.

"GRRMMGPHHH" He cried as her toes curled over his nose. She took no notice to his complaints.

"D'ya know what?" she began, still notably slurred in her speech.
"I'm so glad we didn't go to that stupid halloween party tonight. I mean, don't get me wrong. I enjoy paying for overpriced drinks, listening to music that's too loud, and watching Julie continually getting chatted up by students. But sometimes you just need a nice small party with pizza, your own drinks and a person handcuffed in a wardrobe for you to periodically make smell your feet. Ya know?"

"Mrphhhh" Will grunted, his eyes shut tight as he winced at the stench of Laura's toes.

"Exactly!" she smiled, raising her glass as though to toast, then taking another gulp.
"I mean, it's 1:30 just now. If we had went to the club, by now we would have been standing in the freezing cold rain trying to get a taxi. Whereas we're inside nice and warm. So it's turned out much better for us!"

"Hrrmmphhh" Will acknowledged, half listening to Laura's ramblings but mainly focussing on trying to ignore the smell.

"I mean... yeah ok if we had went to the club, you wouldn't have ended up handcuffed, leg strapped, sock gagged, tights hooded, stuffed in a wardrobe and forced to smell my feet all night." she continued.

"Grrmpghhh" Will tried to nod but Laura's feet kept his head pinned against the wall.

"Well it's not all about what you want Will! You have to think about what other people want some times!" she playfully scolded.

She began rubbing her feet up and down Will's face as though she was using his nose to massage her soles.
Whenever her toes slid below his nostrils she would be sure to wrap his nose in between 2 toes as her feet slowly dragged back up his face, pulling his nose up and ensuring his nostrils were perfectly exposed to her soles.
Will's eyes burried shut, his toes crunched and his fingers clenched into fists behind his back as he continued to try ignore the smell.
Occasionally, he would let out a small "Hrmmphh" on accident as Laura's soles began another pass.
Laura grinned the entire time, staring intensely through the tights hood to see Will's reaction, only breaking her gaze for the occasional sip of gin.

Laura broke the silence:
"It's a shame you don't still have your Indiana Jones costume from last year" she smirked.

"Hrrmphh?" Will asked through her toes.

"I reckon Wednesday Addams would be good with a whip." She grinned.

"HRMMPHH?!" Will grunted in shock, almost choking on Melissa's socks as he tried to sit upright but was quickly pushed back into a slouch by Laura's feet.

"PAHAHAHA!" Laura erupted in laughter.
"Calm down Will! I'm only joking! Remember the match? Sheesh, you need to relax a little!" she shook her head at his reaction.

"Grrmphhhh" Will slightly shook his head, frustrated at Laura's taunts. She continued to slowly but firmly roll her soles up and down his face.

"Mmmm mmmm" Laura indulged in another sip of her gin. The glass was nearing empty.
"Well Will." she began.
"I've got some good news for you."

Will sat up, his ears opened.

"Before I came upstairs to see you, Melissa was toying with the idea of releasing you some time soon." she continued.

Will tried to sit upright, his eyes beamed as he listened to Laura.

"If you want, I can put in a good word for you?" she gently smiled.

"Yrrmphh prrmmhh!" Will frantically nodded, accidentally rubbing his nose even faster up and down Laura's soles.

"Do you want me to do that?" she leaned forwards.

"Mrrphh hrrmphh!" He pleaded.

"Well why don't we have a little deal?" she grinned.

"Hrrmphh?" Will gulped, swallowing a massive taste of well worn socks.

"I'll tell Melissa that I think you should be released. But only after we do 5 more strokes of my soles on your face?" she gently proposed.

"Mrrphh?" Will thought through the gag. He had been sitting with her feet over his nose for a good while now. A few extra strokes wouldn't be the worst. He figured he could just hold his breath for them anyway.
"Mrrpgh hrrmphh" he nodded.

"Good! Well done." Laura chirped, sliding herself to sit upright with her back against the wall. Her feet still pressed up under the tights and against Will's face.
"Now when I say a stroke, I count 1 stroke as my feet going upwards, then back down on your face! Ok?!"

Will nodded.

"And I want to hear audible inhales. Long deep breaths. Understand?" she ordered.

Again Will nodded, this time a little less so. His plans to hold his breath were out the window.

"Ok, lets begin" she smiled as she lowered her feet down to Will's chin.

Slowly her feet began to slide up Will's chin. It was warm under the tights hood so her soles were sweating intensely allowing them to gently glide with little resistance.
Her toes crawled up over the clear tape gag and touched the tip of Will's nose.

"Deep breath in!" Laura ordered as her toes pushed the tip of his nose upwards, opening up his nostrils. Will slowly began to inhale. Her soles had a salty smell to them. He continued to inhale as her toes reached above his eyes and onto his forehead.

"Ok breath out and then we'll come back down." she smiled at him. He let out a sharp exhale of relief.
"Ok, back down now. Breath in again."

Will inhaled once again. Her heels rubbed along the tip of his nose and down over the gag and onto his chin. It wasn't as bad this time as her heels pressed his nostrils shut.

"One. See! It's not so bad is it?" she giggled to him. He nodded, lying to avoid upsetting her. It was bad.
"Ok, 4 more of them. Let's go."

She began the second pass. Much like the first, it was very unpleasant. But Will soldiered on.

"Ok, now for number 3. Nearly half way! Let's go" she announced.

Behind Will's back his fingernails bore holes into his palms as his clenched fists tightened as her toes crawled over his nostrils. Another stroke over.

"Right, 2 left. C'mon you can do this. Just think of your freedom." she reassured him, as though this was some sort of act that he hated, but would benefit him, rather than a thought up torment that she was doing simply to torture him.

The penultimate stroke came and went. Again Will heavily inhaled on both passes and desperately fought the urge to wretch at the smell.

"1 more to go! Freedom is in sight! You can almost taste it!" She smirked, sipping the remnants of her gin.
"ooh, it tastes like pink gin!" she winked.

Will sighed, then prepared himself for the final pass.
Laura's toes began to crawl up his chin again. They pressed against the tape gag, pushing slightly at the socks stuffed inside. Will began his inhale.

"Mmmmmm" Laura mocked.
"Say it." she barked.

"Mmmmmrrrphhh" Will whimpered as her soles rubbed up his nose to the top of his forehead.

"Good. And back again" she smiled.

"Mmmmrrphhhh" he repeated as her soles brushed down past his eyes and along his nose.

This time her feet didn't stop at his chin. They continued to lower until they popped out of the tights hood altogether and planted on the floor next to Will.

"Well done" she applauded as she stood up.
"Sounded like you enjoyed that!"

Will gazed up at her but kept silent. Despite her feet no longer being under the hood, he could still very strongly smell them. He nodded up to Laura.

"Well I'm glad. I'll go and put in the good word with Melissa." she waved as she picked up her black boots in one hand and began leaving the wardrobe.

The door slowly began to close over.

"I hope for your sake it works" she cackled as her voice faded away.

Will grunted and thrashed as she left, angered by the suggestion that his freedom wasn't as guaranteed as he had hoped. But there wasn't much else he could do.

To Be Concluded...
Thanks everyone for persevering with a halloween themed story that's still being released in January :lol:
Hope you're still enjoying it so far.
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Post by tiedinbluetights »

Very, very enjoyable!!
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Post by Ossassin »

Ah the joyful torment of options and deals :D
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Post by Rtj65 »

Great part again, somehow I don't think he's getting out of this just yet!
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Post by WillHBonney »

Part 4 Freedom!:

Will sat in silence and listened to the noises coming from below him. The loud thumping music had stopped and the mumbling voices he could hear suggested a discussion was ongoing. Unfortunately he couldn't make out what was being said, nor who was talking. But all 4 voices were involved in the discussion.
Suddenly, amongst the sound of the voices, Will could hear footsteps ascending the stairs. Someone was approaching. He wondered, was it Melissa coming to release him? Or perhaps come to tell him he would remain their captive? Maybe it was Laura on her way to torment him again?
The footsteps continued to approach. The wardrobe door suddenly opened and in stepped Julie in her Wonder Woman costume.

"Hrmphhh?" Will's eyebrows dipped as he gazed up at her.

"Stand up" she gently ordered, leaning forwards and placing her hands behind him and lifting him onto his feet.
"You're wanted downstairs."

She reached to her side and unravelled a looped yellow rope that was hanging by her hip. The lasso of truth from her costume. She passed the rope around his waist and tied a small knot at his front leaving the majority of the rope for her to hold.

"Let's go." She ordered, tugging on the rope forcing Will to hop forwards out of the wardrobe.

"Hrrmphh?!" Will cried, looking down at the straps around his legs asking for Julie to remove them.

"You will remain firmly handcuffed, leg strapped, sock gagged and tights hooded until we decide otherwise." She robotically stated although a small smirk showed on her face. The line was obviously rehearsed and Julie was clearly enjoying the power.
"Now hop!"

She tugged on the rope pulling Will out through the bedroom and towards the stairs.

"Take the stairs slowly. I'll stand in front of you and make sure you don't fall" she gently smiled. The first hint of compassion Will had seen in a while.
He slowly hopped down the stairs.

"In here and take a seat" Julie barked as they reached the bottom of the stairs and the doorway to the living room.

Will turned and hopped through the doorway. Caitlin, Melissa and Laura all sat giggling on the couch clutching empty glasses of gin, surrounded by empty pizza boxes. In the centre of the room sat a small wooden 4 legged chair brought through from the kitchen table.
Will hopped towards it, led by Julie, then sat down awkwardly on the edge of the chair due to his hands still cuffed behind his back. Julie took the rest of the yellow rope and wrapped it around Will's body and the back of the chair, dragging him back and squeezing his hands between him and the chair. She knotted the rope then sat on the couch with the rest of the girls.

"Well we've been told that you'd like to be released" Melissa began.
"Is this true?"

Will nodded.

"Ok. Well, we've been told by Laura that you've been quite obedient for the duration of your incarceration thus far." Melissa continued.

Will turned and looked at Laura, then back to Melissa and nodded.

"Ok. Well we're willing to release you early BUT! Only if you fulfil one request..." Melissa ordered.

Will glanced over at Laura and noticed her black boots had remained off and her tights clad feet were rubbing together.

"Hrrmphhh?" he looked back at Melissa and nodded.

"Ok, to gain your freedom you need to..." she dramatically paused.
"Apologise to us."

A smile simultaneously grew on all 4 girls faces.

"Mrrphh krmmph" Will gleefully nodded, he was over the moon at the simplicity of the request. He paused and sat still.

"Well go on then? If we have to force it, it doesn't count and you go back to your cell!" Caitlin threatened.

Will gazed at his girlfriend then looked across all 4 girls. Neither of them seemed to be making any moves towards removing the gag.

"Mrrphh?" he began. "Hrmphh frrmpghmmphh" he blushed.

"Say it with a bit more conviction!" Melissa tutted.

"Hrrmgphh frrmghhrmpghh" I bowed his head.

"For what?" Julie chuckled.

"Frrmpghh grrmphhhrmphh brrghmm jrmmgphhs" he tried to speak, apologising for telling back jokes.

"Apology accepted. Thank you." Melissa nodded, standing up and approaching Will.
"Did you say you put it in the matchbox?" she turned to Laura. Laura nodded.

He felt Melissa's hand reach up under the hood and clutch the matchbox, pulling it down out the hood. He wondered why she hadn't just removed the tights altogether?
She popped open the matchbox and removed the handcuff key and threw the box back to Laura.

"Right, lean forwards" she ordered. Will leant forawrds.
"More than that, I can't reach the keyhole" she huffed.

Will struggled to lean further forwards thanks to Julie's rope tie, but he inhaled and leaned further into the rope, staring at the floor, allowing Melissa to reach the keyhole.
She placed the key into the handcuffs and turned. Suddenly Will felt one of the cuffs click loose. He paused and awaited the second cuff opening. But nothing.

"Hrmmph?" he paniced.

"Oh don't be lazy! I undone one cuff for you! You can do the rest" Melissa groaned.

Will turned his head to see her standing in the kitchen doorway. The rest of the girls were already in the kitchen no doubt refilling their drinks.

"Hurry up! Before I lock it again and throw you back into your cell!" Melissa barked.

Will hurriedly pulled his wrist free from the cuff and brought his arms in front of his body for the first time in hours. He grabbed the key and unlocked the other wrist, throwing the handcuffs onto the floor.
Next he frantically grasped the edge of the tights and pulled them up over his head, gasping through his nose at the first breath of fresh air in a long time.
His fingers picked at the tape around his mouth until he found the end. He peeled it off, winding quickly around his head until it pulled off his lips. Before the tape had even left his lips, out popped Melissa's 2 sweaty socks.

"Peughh! Plahhh! Euggh!!!" He sputtered as his tongue hung out his mouth. His fingernails ran down his tongue as he attempted to scrape the bad taste from his mouth.

The 4 girls returned into the living room with their filled glasses.

"Not bad eh?" Melissa smiled as she sat down on the couch.

"What?" Will huffed.

"The kit?" she nodded towards the handcuffs on the floor.
"It does a good job at keeping you restrained doesn't it?" she laughed.

"Hmm yep I suppose it does. Good to see the tax payers money is going to good use" he giggled as he began picking away at Julie's rope knot.
"Do you always use worn socks to gag criminals?" he cheekily grinned at Melissa.

"Nah, we only use worn socks on the ones we don't like" she winked at Will.

The lasso dropped to the floor as Will began to unfasten the 3 velcro straps around his legs. Suddenly Laura appeared beside him.

"Hey, here you go" she smiled, handing Will a glass of pink gin.

"Thanks" he smiled back at her as he took the glass from her.

"It smells really nice doesn't it?" she giggled. He nodded, blushing.

Melissa interupted:
"By the way, just a friendly warning. If you make any more terrible jokes tonight, you're going straight back into your cell! Cuffed, gagged, the lot."
Her face showed a smile, but Will wasn't willing to test if she was serious or not.

"Hmmm." he paused.
"Well..." he leant over and picked up the worn socks on the floor.
"I don't trust myself. Maybe you'd be best re-gagging me."

The End.
Hope you enjoyed this one. Please do let me know what you thought of it! Did you enjoy the 3rd person perspective compared to my usual 1st person?
Thanks for reading! :)
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Post by Ossassin »

The 3rd person was a nice touch for a lighter tale, that ending was quite cute as well :D
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Post by tiedinbluetights »

Excellent ending; love it when the reader's imagination can continue the story!
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Post by Rtj65 »

Really good ending, I think it fit in with the rest of the story quite well! Would definitely be interested in seeing more from these characters if you had more ideas!
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Post by Pantyhose971 »

Finnaly had the time to finish reading this story. It was great and I really enjoyed reading it. You deliverd a great job! :D
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Post by guardian741 »

Another great story from you! I enjoyed it a lot!
The 3rd person perspective was a fun change - you do both styles well.
Keep up the great work!
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