Bondage Adventures of the Lakewood High Boys ( mmm+ / m )

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Deleted User 122

Bondage Adventures of the Lakewood High Boys ( mmm+ / m )

Post by Deleted User 122 »

Bondage Adventures of the Lakewood High Boys ( mmm+ / m )

CHAPTER 1 - Spencer Joins the Wrestling Team

Young Spencer Prusa was nervous about trying out for the high school wrestling team. He wanted, however, to please his best friend, Kenneth Laurenc.

Arriving at tryouts was intimidating. The wrestling practice gym was a small boxy space with little ventilation and the muggy aroma of male body odor was intense. It was the beginning of the season and the current members of varsity were already practicing on the mats, which included Kenneth.

“Welcome, looks like you’re already suited up,” a sweaty Kenneth smiled as he greeted Spencer. He was a handsome boy of sixteen, well-toned with thick dusty blonde hair and blue eyes. He was the classic looking all American boy. He patted Spencer on the butt and whispered in his ear, “I know you’ll have a good time on the team.”

Kenneth knew about Spencer’s attraction to other boys. He knew about his smell fetishes around it too. It was their secret between each other. Growing up playing bondage games with one another, Spencer was always begging to be gagged with Kenneth’s smelly socks or made to smell his sneakers or underwear. By puberty, Spencer was getting erections that he couldn’t hide and Kenneth didn’t seem to mind.

Spencer wasn’t very athletic and looked out of place. He was sixteen years old, like Kenneth, but appeared younger with his skinny build and boyish face. He had clean cut light brown hair and blue eyes. His baggy nylon gym shorts were practically falling to his ankles.

He took a deep breath and stepped on to the mat. The cushioned, rubber sports mat smelled like dirty feet. It was a distraction for a moment but the realization he was about to engage in his first sparring match snapped him back.

He wrestled another slim kid like him. Kenneth and some of his buddies from the team sat on the sidelines watching. Spencer lost his match which meant he wouldn’t have a slot on varsity but the coach added him to JV in the 138 weight class.

Kenneth called him over to the sides. He put his arm around Spencer, proud of him, and introduced him to his teammates, James Gadzhiev and Todd McCloskey.

Spencer was familiar with James and Todd, both seniors and both objects of his desires. He’d seen them in the hallways. They were classic looking jocks and very handsome. Todd was seventeen and James was eighteen. Todd had thick brown hair, brown eyes, and a lazy grin. James was especially a fixture of Spencer’s fantasies. He had dark brown hair, intense blue eyes with a pushed up pug nose that made him look a little cocky. He was practicing in his blue lycra singlet which was now pulled down to his waist. James was shirtless. His smooth body and washboard abs were coated in sweat. The straps of the shiny elastic singlet dangled to his sides and pulled down the uniform enough to show a peek of a Under Armour waistband.

The best accessory on James though were his sneakers. Instead of standard wrestling shoes, he was donning a pair of basketball high-tops for practice. They were old school Nike Air Jordan’s that looked completely trashed on his large feet. Underneath the beat up sneaks, Spencer’s eye also caught his white Nike tube socks that looked pretty dingy too. Wow!

When they retreated to the boys’ locker room to change, the aroma of body odor and sweat invaded the sacred cavern. It was lined with blue painted metal lockers and wooden benches. The echo of boys chattering and lockers clanking was constant. Boys were peeling off their sweaty clothing, carrying on in their underwear or jockstraps or wrapping towels around their naked bodies before hitting the showers. Spencer was, however, transfixed on James as he undressed, watching him strip off the sheer wrestling uniform as the stretchy material peeled past his legs on the way down, revealing a pair of red UA compression shorts. As James deposited his gear in top shelf of the locker, Spencer caught James’ puffs of black hair at his armpits. The little details of James attracted him. Kenneth was stripping down next to Spencer and noticed his leering eye towards James, who was now making his way to the showers.

“You know, Spence. You two have more in common than ya might think,” Kenneth told him privately.

Spencer flashed a look of puzzlement. “What are you talking about?” he asked.

“You’ll find out soon enough, ha ha,” Kenneth said.


Kenneth casually grabbed James’ compression shorts. “Smell.” He held it to Spencer’s nose.

Spencer inhaled. The stretchy shorts reeked something bad, like moldy cheese or stale vinegar. Knowing who it was coming from, however, was intoxicating.

“There. Gross huh? Nah, you love it,” Kenneth laughed.

It still didn’t seem to explain Kenneth’s puzzling statement so the thoughts lingered with Spencer.

Later that week…

Spencer was at his book locker when he noticed James strutting through the hallway. Instead of just brushing by and ignoring Spencer like he usually did, James made a point of coming over to say hello.

“Hey dude,” James smiled.

“Hey,” Spencer responded back happily.

James continued his stride past him through the crowd of teenagers as Spencer looked on. James’ ass looked good in his jeans to Spencer and the way his t-shirt clung to his biceps. He was a god among boys. He also noticed that same of pair of beat up Nike Air Jordan’s he always wore. He couldn’t see any socks on this time so he imagined stinky bare feet cooking inside those dirty leather sneaks.

Flash forward to Friday night…

It was the final game for their school’s football team. Many of the students used it as an excuse to hang out at a park across the street from the high school, getting wasted on alcohol or whatever. Several members of the wrestling squad were there. Spencer, by Kenneth’s side, was hanging with the cool club now. For the first time, he was taking drinks of beer. The two of them were naturally with James and Todd. They talked with other boys, and some girls, shooting the shit about nothing in particular. Spencer noticed, oddly, at times James giving Spencer the eye and when there was a mutual glance, James would smile.

By the time the cops showed to break up the crowd of teenagers, the youths had a pretty good buzz going. They hoped into the back of James’ pickup truck who drove them to Kenneth’s house to continue the night.

Half drunk, the four boys were playing a game of HORSE in the backyard at Kenneth’s basketball court behind the garage. Once again James went shirtless, just wearing his jeans and, naturally, those wonderful Nikes.

What was unfortunate for Spencer, or perhaps not, was how bad he was at shooting. He lost the game and losing had a consequence. The loser had to take a truth or dare.

They retired to the basement of Kenneth’s house which served as his bedroom; a private sanctuary away from the family.

“What’ll it be, Spence?” Kenneth smiled at his best friend. “True or dare?”

Spencer ruminated and finally decided on a dare. He was too worried about being asked a question that Kenneth may call him out on if he wasn’t honest in front of James and Todd.

“Oh, man! I’ve got one!” Kenneth laughed, clapping with excitement. He huddled with James and Todd and told them the idea, starting the three to collectively laugh even harder.

Spencer got nervous.

“I don’t think he’s goanna like this one,” Todd warned.

“Yea, what is it?” Spencer asked nervously.

“James, take them off,” Kenneth ominously declared.

Spence watched James unlaced one of his Nike high tops; those infamous Jordan’s. He removed his sock, one of the dingy Nike tube socks he saw him wearing at practice that first day. Technically it would be a white sock but it had so much discoloration from untold numbers of wear that it looked brown, grey. It was stretched out and losing its elasticity at the calf from too much abuse, with the bottom of the sock as thin as cheesecloth. And, of course, that odor, hovered around the sock like an invisible toxic cloud!

“Phew, that’s rank!” Todd laughed waving his hand in disgust, backing away from James.

“My lucky socks, man,” James grinned.

“You have to put it in your mouth and keep it there for one minute,” Kenneth smiled at his best friend, referencing the foul sock in James’ hand.

To pause for a moment, let’s remember this was Spencer’s fantasy and Kenneth knew it. It was no coincidence that this particular dare was chosen by his best friend. Spencer, however, couldn’t show willingness for something like that. He was too embarrassed so he shook his head in protest and stepped back.

The three boys leaned towards Spencer and told him he had no choice. Once more, Spencer persisted against the idea.

Kenneth then suddenly had a change of heart and seemed to take pity on his nervous friend. “No guys. Let’s leave him alone. That’s too cruel. We’ll just do something else.”

“Ok, yea anything but that,” Spencer thanked them, though he was secretly disappointed the sock torture wasn’t coming.

Kenneth whispered again in the other boys’ ears as they all laughed.

“What?” Spencer asked anxiously.

Kenneth rumbled through his closet and returned with two large shoeboxes. Spencer knew what Kenneth kept in there and it wasn’t footwear. His heart started to race with a contrast of excitement and terror.

Kenneth opened the cardboard boxes and showed his friends what was inside.

“What the hell?” Todd reacted.

“Awesome!” James whooped.

Kenneth dumped the contents on the floor:

-several coils of white cotton rope
-leather and canvas belts
-a few long soccer socks
-two rolls of standard grey duct tape
-an old jump rope
-some ace bandages
-white athletic tape
-and a bright orange foam Nerf ball

“Man, this might be too kinky for me!” Todd said, as he and James inspected the collection of makeshift restraints.

“He likes being tied up. A game we play. He’s good at getting loose though,” Kenneth informed his teammates.

“Sweet! Let’s tie him up! I’ll make sure he doesn’t get untied,” James replied.

“What’s the Nerf ball for?” Todd asked picking it up.

“A gag. For his mouth, ha hah,” Kenneth laughed.

“Gross, it’s crusty and shit! And it stinks!” Todd exclaimed dropping the foamy ball immediately. “This whole thing is gay.”

Spencer was embarrassed being outed by his best friend but also turned on by the sight of the older jocks handling the restraints.

Kenneth announced the rules to the dare challenge. Spencer would get tied up. He’d have one hour to get loose. If he didn’t, then he had to take a punishment. What was the punishment to be? It wasn’t discussed.

“Oh, I know. Then we get to gag him with my sock,” James eagerly volunteered.

Spencer was terrified at the thought of being gagged with that sock. That, along with being tied up, would certainly give him an erection and he didn’t want the other boys to discover his secret.

Therefore, Spencer was 100% determined to get loose at all costs…

Under Kenneth’s experienced guidance, the three boys began tying up the skinny teenager. The three of them were on their knees surrounding Spencer as they strategized on where to begin hogtying him and what to use. At one point, James’ sweaty bare foot was close to his face and he could smell it. This was going to be tough, Spencer thought to himself.

First, Spencer’s wrists were bound with a coil of the cotton rope in a criss cross fashion. They moved to his ankles. Spencer was fully dressed including jeans with socks and sneakers so Kenneth had no mercy on making a tight binding around his ankles. The jump rope was used there.

“Hold his feet back,” Kenneth said to James. “Take his wrists,” he told Todd.

With their help, Kenneth took one of the leather belts, looping it between Spencer’s bound wrists and ankles. Then he fastened the the belt and tightened the buckle. Spencer was hogtied.

But they weren’t done! James wanted to use more rope. Additional cotton rope was tied around his upper legs. Then another belt looped through that rope and connected to the other belt that ran between the ankles and wrists. Once the second belt was taut and secured, this forced poor Spencer into an event tighter hogtie.

“Ugh, these are tight!” Spencer groveled.

Kenneth then took one of the rolls of duct tape. They used it around his chest and arms, wrapping it at least a dozen times. The loud, shrill sound of the adhesive material being pulled from the roll as it coated his upper body was an exciting sound to Spencer.

At last, they were finished.

“Hogtied like a helpless steer,” James delighted.

As they admired their handiwork, Kenneth leaned in to his bound, helpless friend and in a compassionate tone asked, “You ok?”

“Yup,” Spencer replied.

Todd set a timer on his phone and Kenneth told Spencer he had one hour.

Spencer didn’t waste any time. He began assessing his restraints, trying to feel around the wrist knots with his fingers, wiggling his ankles. At first there seemed to be a small victory as he knocked off his sneakers so he was just in his socks. Perhaps that would help.

“He’s fucked,” Todd laughed as they watched his initial struggles.

The three boys started to drink some Mountain Dews and eat the last few chips in Frito’s bag as they lamented on what to do while their little buddy was tied up. They decided to order a pizza on Kenneth’s phone.

As they waited for their pizza order, they sat on the dingy old sofa and played Battlefield Hardline on PS4 with their socked feet propped up on the coffee table. Meanwhile Spencer was busy on the floor nearby squirming and whimpering for freedom.

Kenneth went up to use the toilet. When he came back, he constantly took the dirty Nerf ball and shoved it in Spencer’s mouth just for the fun of it. “That looks better!”

“Mmmphh,” Spencer muffled in to the cushiony muzzle. To James and Todd’s surprise, Spencer did just that and didn’t spit out the gag.

“He looks like one of those stuffed pigs!”

“Oh yea, you’re right! Let’s put him on the coffee table and take some pictures of him,” Kenneth said.

The three of them lifted Spencer and placed his hogtied body on the coffee table. Todd busted out his iPhone as Kenneth and James knelt down posing with their bound and gagged captive. Then he shot some video for good measure. “Squeal! Spell!” Kenneth joked. Spencer playfully groveled in his foam ball gag continuing his fight for freedom. It surely would make for a funny YouTube posting, the boys thought.

Within a few minutes, Spencer managed to loosen some of the ropes around his wrists and ankles but the belts were severely restricting much of his flexibility. At this point he was pretty sweaty.

When the pizza arrived, Kenneth raced up the stairs and returned a few minutes later. But he wasn’t alone. The pizza boy was accompanying him.

“Take a look for yourself,” Kenneth said to their new guest as he walked down the stairs.

Spencer immediately recognized the delivery guy. It was one of his friends from marching band, Malachi. Malachi, aka Mac, was a skinny, acne faced nerd boy who played the trumpet next to him. Spencer turned beat red with embarrassment as his captors as Mac witnessed him helpless and feeble. In Mac’s virgin eyes to the scene, his poor friend looked like a fellow nerd kid getting bullied by jocks.

Mac felt sorry for Spencer as a result. Todd applied some peer pressure though and encouraged Mac to take some photos of his own which he reluctantly did. Spencer just watched, unable to do anything about it. Mac then had to get back to his last late-night delivery.

The boys ate their pepperoni pizza slices on the couch with their socked feet propped on top of Spencer, still planted on the coffee table. Spencer took a whiff of the delicious pizza and stinky feet invading his nostrils.

“He must like gags a lot,” Todd laughed noticing how Spencer still willingly bit down on the Nerf ball.

As they were finishing the pizza pie, only five minutes remained on the clock. Spencer had successfully dislodged the belts and was making real progress on the ropes around his wrists. If he got those untied, he would win the dare and be spared the humiliation of the smelly sock gag.

“Is our rookie gonna make it?” James laughed.

The three boys watch intently as they, in the last minute of the challenge, out loud did a countdown.

Would Spencer make it in time to get free?

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Post by GoBucks »

Hot as always [mention]sockgagged[/mention]! Can't wait to see if Spencer gets that smelly sock in his mouth :twisted:
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Post by Manlyducttape »

Wow, I absolutely love this story so far! One of my favorites that I've read on this forum. I hope you don't wait too long to continue on it; I'm dying to see what happens next! :)
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Post by harveygasson »

Great story so far I hope you keep it going
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Post by cj2125 »

Great story! Part of me wants Spencer to loose so he is forced to smell those socks but part of me wants him to win just to see what happens next (the part of me that likes to root for the underdog!) Hope you contine it!
Deleted User 122

Post by Deleted User 122 »


When last we left the boys…

Kenneth held up his phone and counted down aloud the time left. Spencer had less than two minutes now.

“He’s getting close!” Todd observed.

“He really doesn’t want my sock in his mouth, hah hah,” James laughed.

Spencer, their bound captive, was intensely concentrated on freeing his tied hands. It wasn’t easy. The white cotton rope had been impressively fashioned around his wrists thanks to Kenneth’s expert ropework. Still, Spencer was resilient. Sweating like he was helped lubricate the skin so he could wiggle and he used that too his advantage despite the discomfort of rope burn.

With less than a minute to go, Kenneth started counting down the seconds. He knelt down to his best friend and teased, “Come on, Spence. If you don’t do this, you know what comes next!”

Spencer, biting down on the Nerf ball in his mouth, looked up at Kenneth and shot him a “Go fuck yourself!” look.

Half of Spencer’s left hand was now past the coil of ropes. He struggled and pulled with full force, grunting loudly as he did.

“Five, four, three…” Kenneth counted down.

Spencer’s hands were almost free. Meanwhile, he could see James anxiously standing by with his sweaty sock in hand.

“Two, one…” Kenneth continued.

At this moment, Spencer released his left hand and collapsed his body to the floor, sighing with relief. He felt safe. He felt victorious. He dodged a bullet.

“Time’s up!” Kenneth said.

Spencer spit out the Nerf ball and announced, gasping in the process, “I did it!”

His best friend, Kenneth, and the other two, however, shook their heads and broke out in ominous laughter.

“Not quite,” Kenneth said, still knelling close to Spencer, ruffling his sweaty scalp.

“No way! Not cool! Rules said free my hands!” Spencer protested, still gasping with exhaustion.

“Yea, rules said hands, PLURAL,” Kenneth replied, wiggling Spencer’s right hand which was still enclosed in a coil of rope.

“Come on! I won!” Spencer shot back.

Unfortunately for Spencer, his teammates disagreed.

James was eagerly standing by with his moist, balled up Nike sock. Kenneth knelt closer to his best friend, pinched his nose and tilted his head back. “You’re up James!” Kenneth laughed.

Spencer, ultimately, didn’t resist as James shoved his smelly sock deep in to his mouth. He made the quick decision to accept his fate and take the “punishment” which of course was a compromising act that would trigger his excitement. For certain, the heinous, warm, moist sock tasted “awful” and immediately enveloped his mouth with stinky goodness. Spencer, as feared, got an erection and hoped that they wouldn’t notice. Being on his stomach and dressed in jeans, he was safe for the time being.

Kenneth reached for the duct tape so they could tape his mouth shut but was disrupted by the worst sound ever heard. It was the shrieking voice of his mother yelling from upstairs, “Boys! It’s time for bed!”

Their game was up! The disappointed boys had to break it up for the night. Spencer was both relieved and disappointed. He started to spit out the sock.

Kenneth laughed, “Oh no, you’re still gagged.” He tore off a strip of the duct tape and sealed it over his best friend’s lips. “Just stay put.”

Kenneth said he had to go upstairs to go to bed but mentioned that Spencer was spending the night so he would free him later. He told his teammates to take off.

James was taking his sweet time, so Todd was the first to leave.

A peculiar display unfolded before Spencer’s eyes. He watched as Kenneth made sure Todd was truly gone. James seemed to hang on this confirmation too as the boys waited it out.

“Coast is clear. Don’t leave yet, hang a few more,” Kenneth said to James.

“Copy that,” James responded.

Kenneth looked down at Spencer then smiled at James and said, “Check this out.”

To Spencer’s embarrassment, his best friend tilting his body to the side, now had his crotch exposed. On display was a stiff boner springing inside his jeans.

“What did I tell you?” Kenneth said rhetorically. He playfully pinched Spencer’s nipple in a playfully cruel fashion, making him wince. “Mmmphh!”

“So, does he have to stay over HERE tonight?” James asked, grinning.

“Nah. I can loan him out to you,” Kenneth chuckled. “His parents think he’s spending the night so he won’t be missed as long as he’s home by morning,” Kenneth said.

Spencer, humiliated, listened to them, not fully comprehending what was being proposed.

Kenneth untied Spencer, then stood him up, but instructed him to keep James’ sock in his mouth. The smelly sock was haphazardly sealed by a mere small strip of duct tape but he obeyed. Meanwhile, James put his previously removed sneaker back on, over his barefoot.

“You ok with all this Spence?” Kenneth asked his gagged friend, this time in an empathetic tone.

Spencer shot a confused look towards his best friend.

“You’re going with James, tonight. You two will have fun,” Kenneth smiled at his friend.

Spencer thought for a moment and finally grasped the situation. His heart started to race and he realized what was happening. He recalled the comment made in the locker room the day of tryouts when Kenneth said "you two have a lot in common." His best friend was actually "setting him up" with another guy. Was this really happening? Although humiliating to be in that predicament, he was terribly excited at the same time.

Spencer nodded. He did however have to pee something awful at this point.

Kenneth and James, holding Spencer in their grasps, quietly went up the stairs. Making sure the coast was clear of nosy parents, they hurriedly escorted Spencer out the backdoor of the kitchen to James’ pickup truck in the driveway. The bed of the pickup was covered by a waterproof canvas tarp which James unfastened and pulled back. A mildew stained yellow bed padding made of egg crate foam was on the floor of the truck bed. He and Kenneth lifted Spencer and deposited him on top of it. The spongy cushion was somewhat comfortable but Spencer still felt the hard, corrugated metal floor beneath it.

Kenneth helped James with tying up Spencer’s wrists behind his back again and retied his feet. He loaned him the pile of restraints that James had shoved in his gym bag along with his sweaty gear. Before hopping out of the pickup bed, Kenneth ruffled his best friend’s hair and said, “Enjoy this, you little freak! I’m glad I could do this.”

The canvas tarp was re-snapped over the truck bed to seal Spencer inside, hidden from view. He heard Kenneth and James slap a high five and have a last, quiet laugh together.

The truck ride was bumpy and uncomfortable. Spencer’s mind raced with thoughts of what was to come next. What would James be doing with him? Was it really going to be what he dreamed of or a setup for something unpleasant?

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Post by harveygasson »

Brilliant story!
Deleted User 122

Post by Deleted User 122 »

harveygasson wrote: 6 years ago Brilliant story!
My sincere thanks [mention]harveygasson[/mention] !
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Post by Jason07 »

This story sounds great so far!

I look forward to the continuation!
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Post by Tsuhaya »

I loved it! Please continue.
Yes, it's me in the picture. What are you waiting for to tie me up and gag me?
Deleted User 122

Post by Deleted User 122 »

spencer james collage.png
CHAPTER 3 - Spencers Spends the Night with James

What was, in reality, a short ride through the neighborhood, felt like a rocky, dramatic odyssey. Spencer had to struggle in the dark shallow chamber to keep his restrained body from rolling around. The musty smelling foam padding helped somewhat, but the jostling about was irritating. It made the desire to urinate more excruciating. He held it there. The tape on his mouth was more symbolic and playfully applied and his sweaty face weakened the adhesive. He didn’t spit out his sock gag, though. He enjoyed the taste of James’ ripe sock too much. His mind continued to wander what was in store.

A few minutes later the truck stopped and the motor turned off. The tarp was removed. Through the moonlight, Spencer could see they were parked behind a large house outside a garage. James untied Spencer’s feet but kept his hands tied. He helped him hop out of the pickup. He could feel the crisp December chill in the night as he watched James open the garage door and turn on a lightbulb. They stepped inside and James closed the door. The illumination from the blub faintly lit the garage. It had a pile of typical sundry items along the walls but it was clear this was primarily used as a makeshift gym. An old, large blue and white rubber wrestling mat – the high school colors – was laid out on the floor. There was a weight bench and various dumbbells populating the dank, dark garage. The faint, pleasurable familiar scent of James’ body odor draped the air.

James smiled at Spencer and untied his wrists. He took pity, noticing the rope burn and massaged his wrists to relieve him of the pain.

“That feel better?” James asked quietly.

Spencer nodded.

“I’m gonna take that gag out so you can have some water. Keep your voice down. Got it?” James said, continuing to speak in a quiet voice.

Spencer eagerly nodded.

James removed the tape strip which was half falling off anyway. He collected his sock back from Spencer’s mouth, which was now soaked in saliva.

“Thanks,” Spencer sheepishly said as James grabbed some bottled water from a shelf and told him to “Drink up.”

Spencer chugged the water. It helped wash away some of the sticky film of sweat and dirt that coated his gums.

“I really have to take a leak,” Spencer whispered. “Please.”

James smiled. “I’ll take care of it. I’ve got to see if anyone’s home. If not, you’re peeing in a cup bro. Put your hands behind your head.” Spencer dutifully obliged. “Stay like that,” James said as he disappeared through the house door.

The urge to pee was getting so strong that the minutes James was gone seemed like hours. Pissing in a cup didn’t sound too appealing but he’d take it.

James returned, saying in a normal voice, “Good news! My parents are at the lake house. Just us.”

“Can I piss?” Spencer asked right away.

James laughed and guided his slave to a bathroom near his kitchen. He closed the door saying, “I have to get some stuff ready for the fun. Don’t come out till’ I get you.”

Spencer looked into the bathroom mirror. He unbuttoned his jeans and pulled down his underwear. He still had the erection. He turned to the toilet and urinated. It felt so satisfactory to have taken that leak. He was fully able to enjoy his predicament and not be distracted by his annoying bladder. He returned to the mirror. His short hair was glistening in sweat and his skin was both blanched and beet red. He looked like someone who had been through a full work out in his clothing. He wondered if he should take off his wet clothes. He wanted too. But his shy, reserved nature got the best of him and he didn’t.

Several minutes went by and Spencer wondered what James was doing. He could hear some moving about upstairs then nearby in the kitchen. His mind raced with thoughts. He was alone in a house with the attractive, older wrestler he worshipped in the hallways of school. How could this be really happening?

Finally, James’ voice was heard. He told him to open the door and step out.

Standing in the kitchen was James suited up in his shiny blue, skintight wrestling singlet! He was a God in teenage form. Spencer noted how cocky and confident James looked in his uniform. And, no surprise, James was still wearing his trashed Nike Air Jordan’s with both socks on.

“Come out,” “James said plainly. “You like how I look, don’t you?” he bragged with a grin.

Spencer nervously stepped out of the bathroom, putting his hands behind his head again, in a subservient display. “Yes,” Spencer timidly responded.

“Good. Now take your clothes off, down to your underwear,” James ordered.

The younger boy trembled as he kicked off his shoes and removed his t-shirt to reveal his skinny, smooth build. He unbuttoned his jeans and pulled them off. He stood before James in a pair of baby blue, Hanes boxer briefs. His erection was at full mast with a hint of pre-cum staining through the thin fabric. If there was any doubt Spencer was sexually aroused by James, it was now clear.

James looked at the boner with an approving nod. It looked like James was growing in his crotch as well!

“Turn around,” James instructed.

James took a coil or rope and tied Spencer’s wrists together behind his head. He took another length of rope and wrapped it comfortably but snuggly around his neck, fastening it to the wrists. This forced his arms to stay pinned back and winged out, which put the boy’s armpits in full exposure.

James turned him back around to face him and teased Spencer’s pits by gently tugging on the puffs of the boy’s armpit hair with his fingers. Spencer jolted and winced.

“Nice,” James admired his slave.

“So, are you my boy?” James asked with a sensual voice.

Spencer was caught off guard by the sudden intimate tone, then muttered, “Yes,” and happily nodded.

“Open your mouth,” James ordered. He produced his infamous pair of red Under Armour compression shorts, the ones Spencer stared at in the locker room, and started stuffing his mouth with it. His cheeks ballooned like a chipmunk loaded with nuts. Only half of the shorts could fit but James made sure the musty crotch was resting outside Spencer’s lips and squarely below his nose.

James had a thick elastic band, the kind for resistance training, and tied it around Spencer’s mouth to hold the funky smelling spandex underwear in place.

“Stinks don’t it?” James asked. Spencer nodded.

He ordered Spencer on to his knees and pressed his head into his crotch. “Sniff!”

Spencer inhaled the sharp odor of James’ crotch escaping through the sheer, silky uniform fabric. Like the shorts in his mouth, it had the uncanny smell of malt vinegar and salt. He loved it, of course.

This went on for some time and James was growing harder and harder. Spence, feeling the ever increasing bulge, gained more confidence in acting out his own inhibitions. He increased his deep breaths.

“Oh, man,” James sighed with pleasure.

James grabbed his boy by the neck and stood him back on his feet. Then he leaned in with his right arm raised and told him to take a whiff of his armpit. Spencer buried himself in to the cavity of his armpit and rubbed his nose up and down, inhaling heartily. After that, James moved him over to his left armpit and Spencer continued sniffing.

“Smells like a champion, doesn’t it?” James uttered.

Spencer nodded and mumbled something as he took heavy breathes with his nose pressed against the puffs of hair from James’ armpits.

“Enough of that,” James said. He pulled down the bungee strap around Spencer’s mouth, removed the Under Armour shorts and rested them around his neck.

“Lick em, now!” James ordered nodding as his armpits.

Spencer wasted no time and delightfully dove in to his master’s stinky, salty, sharp tasting pits. He took his time, licking each of them clean. This made James moan with more enjoyment.

“You like this, huh?” James stared at him.

“Yes, more than anything,” Spencer moaned in between licking his armpits.

“By the way, keep everything from tonight a secret, between us. You can’t even tell Kenneth?” James said.

“He kinda knows, though,” Spencer replied.

“Just keep the details out,” James responded.

“Yes, sir. I won’t,” Spencer promised.

James grabbed Spencer by the jaw and fixed his eyes on his eyes. “Good,” he said with a resolute tone.

As Spencer looked in to James’ piercing blue eyes, he admired his beautiful, masculine face.

“Ever kissed a dude?” James asked, still staring at Spencer, both their faces pressed almost nose to nose.

Spencer froze briefly to ponder the question. He looked back at James and said, “No, I haven’t.”

James took his fingers and pinched at the tips of Spencer’s armpit hairs, pulling him even closer to him. He started to place his lips against Spencer’s. The young captive groaned softly but opened his mouth ready to kiss James. Suddenly, though, he was pushed back.

“None of that gay stuff! It isn’t Netflix and chill,” James laughed, slapping Spencer on the face.

“Sorry,” Spencer apologized.

“That’s right, Spence. Remember, I can do anything I want, I own you,” James stated.

“Yes, sir. I belong to you,” Spencer gushed.

“Come with me,” James directed.

Spencer was escorted up James’ stairs. He led him by grabbing the waistband of Spencer’s boxer briefs and pulled him up, giving Spencer a slight wedgie in the process.

They entered James’ bedroom which was typical for what Spencer expected. It was littered with dirty clothes, a video game console, and posters of UFC fighters on the wall. His bed, however, was a bunkbed because, as Spencer had known from a previous conversation, his bedroom was sometimes shared with his younger brother who was away at military school.

“I think I need my feet worshipped now. You’re gonna take care of that,” James said cavalierly.

“Hell yes!” Spencer beamed.

James positioned a plastic bin from his closet in front of the chair from the computer desk. He then sat down in the chair and propped up his feet.

“Take my sneaks off,” he ordered.

Spencer, whose hands were still tied behind his head, knelt down on the ground and awkwardly rubbed his face against James’ shoes, trying to knock them off with his face. It was a futile attempt.

James kicked him in the face and said, “Do better than that! Figure it out.”

It finally dawned on Spencer to first unlace James’ sneakers. He used his teeth to do so. Then, still using his teeth, he grabbed at the flaps of the shoe and spread them apart, followed by pulling back the tongues of the sneakers. In doing so, he got an up close preview of the smell down there. That warm, swampy odor was waiting.

Once the shoes were loosened, using his teeth once more, he pulled them down. It took some time, but he was able to remove each one of James’ Nike Air Jordans.

An overpowering, foul, wonderful, disgusting, amazing, rank aroma of James’ filthy, sweaty socks captivated the air around his large feet. The air around them was so warm and moist. The dirty white socks, really browner and grey from all the wear, were waiting for him.

Spencer buried his face in to the arches of James’ feet and sniffed away. He was electrified by the scent. He started to lick the bottoms of the socks and lapped up the stank coating his tongue, throwing himself in to it. He cock was rock hard.

James eased back in to his chair, folding his arms behind his head and enjoyed the attention. Spencer noticed James’ bulging biceps and lats. He noticed how his lean, toned torso collapsed into the chair. He looked so inviting in that shiny wrestling singlet he wore as it showed every curve in his amazing body.

“Peel off the socks,” James directed the rookie.

“Yes, sir,” Spencer gleefully consented.

Spencer wrapped his lips around the tops of James’ tube socks, grabbing the fabric with his teeth, and masterfully slid the dirty socks down and off of James’ sweaty feet.

Spencer was about to dive in to the feet when James stopped him and said, “Wait! Get your nose in between the toes first. And sniff!”

With his hands bound behind his head and tied to his neck and on his knees, Spencer clumsily nudged closer to James’ feet so he could be more precise in the task.

Spencer bowed down and dug his nose in between James big toe and second toe on his right foot. He inhaled and looked up at James for approval. “Good boy,” his master smiled. Spencer continued inserting his nose in between each set of toes, sniffing heftily every time.

“Now, bitch. Lick my toes!” James ordered.

Spencer went right to it, starting with the big toe, again on James’ right foot, working his way down. Those feet were so warm and moist.

After he methodically licked each toe, James then said, “Now, suck the toes.”

Spencer, keeping order to his purpose, went back to the big toe on the right foot and worked his way down.

James kicked him in the face with his feet and said, “No! Not good enough! Suck out the toe jam!”

“Yes, sir,” Spencer obeyed.

The obedient slave sucked even more on his teammates toes, working as hard as he could. He used a combination of his tongue and teeth to get inside James’ toenails. He was desperate to please.

“Get the rest of my feet. Lick ‘em clean!” James followed up.

Spencer dug in and happily lapped his tongue on every corner of James’ feet.

After a few minutes, James then, unexpectedly, propped himself back up in the chair, leaned in to Spencer, and spit in his face.

“That’s enough!” James laughed looking at the wad of spit sliding down Spencer’s face.

James inspected his slick and shiny feet, freshly cleaned by his foot boy.

“That’ll do!” he said satisfied. He looked at his cell phone, nearby on the desk, and saw that it was 3AM.

Seeing how it was so late, James decided it was time for them to go to bed.

James stood up, unceremoniously scratched his nuts and looked down at Spencer, still knelt on the floor, glaring up at him.

“You look pathetic,” James smiled. “Close your eyes!”

As Spencer did so, James approached, turned around, bent over with his ass close to Spencer’s face and let out a big fart.

Spencer was taken aback by this, after hearing the farting noise, and then smelt the unusual bouquet of canned corn and wet asparagus. While he liked the smell of socks, this one was gross. His face couldn’t help but scowl.

“Ha hah! Maybe my favorite part of the night, seeing that expression on you!” James giggled. “Kenneth never farted in your face?”

After some conversation about how to situate Spencer, it was decided that he would spend the night tied down spread eagle to the top bunk, that James’ little brother normally occupied.

James tied him down with rope, cleave gagged him with his tied up dirty tube socks, and put him to bed. He covered him with a sheet. James then climbed down to the bottom bunk and feel asleep.

Of course, poor Spencer would have a hard time falling asleep himself that night. He further fantasized about James and how wonderful it felt being owned by him. He wondered if his best friend, Kenneth, who initiated this peculiar connection, knew what he was going through. He imagined what James would do to him on other nights. He wanted more. Maybe more, too, would happen for another time.

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Post by Manlyducttape »

This isn't just my favorite story from you, it's currently my favorite story on the entire forum. Well written and has so much to offer for everyone. I love that you include armpits and farts as well, and that it's not only sock and duct tape gags, but also cleave gags and the compression shorts. It really just has so much, it's hard to be disappointed. Really well done and I can't wait for you to continue! I hope this is a story that has a lot of different parts! I'd be curious to see if the brother that's in the military camp comes back for a visit...
Deleted User 122

Post by Deleted User 122 »

Manlyducttape wrote: 6 years ago This isn't just my favorite story from you, it's currently my favorite story on the entire forum. Well written and has so much to offer for everyone. I love that you include armpits and farts as well, and that it's not only sock and duct tape gags, but also cleave gags and the compression shorts. It really just has so much, it's hard to be disappointed. Really well done and I can't wait for you to continue! I hope this is a story that has a lot of different parts! I'd be curious to see if the brother that's in the military camp comes back for a visit...
Hey [mention]Manlyducttape[/mention] , thank you for reading and saying those things! I'm glad you noticed the "diversity" I am trying to bring in lol. That's my goal, to find new inventive things.

In fact, if you or others have ideas on other items/scenarios to include, feel free.

(Already duly noted on the brother. We'll see)

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Post by Manlyducttape »

I don't have any other ideas at the moment, but if I think of anything to make the story any more unique, I'll let you know!
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Post by Carnath »

Up for this story!

I hope you didn't give it up :)
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