Just the IT Guy (M/M)

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Just the IT Guy (M/M)

Post by grayboxers »

Hey everyone, just a quick story that I wrote to take a break when working on chapters of my other one.

Jake leaned back in his chair. Boring night, but boring was good.

Jake was a 20-year old college student, studying computer science at the local college. This was his summer job: a pretty nice, full-time IT position at a medium-sized company. The work was easy overall, and the non-IT employees were pretty tech-savvy too, but server uptime was extremely important to the company so that meant there needed to be at least one person keeping track of the system at all hours. This meant that Jake worked from 9am to 9pm, with someone else covering the other half of the day.

A lot of hours, but it wasn't too bad, and Jake didn't need to worry about dress code past 5pm so he had already changed: his normal work jeans had been replaced by a pair of sweatpants, and his work shirt was already off, leaving him in just his white t-shirt undershirt. Overall, he was quite comfortable in the air-conditioned server room. No problems today.

That is, until one came right in the door. Jake heard the door open and started a bit; nobody else was supposed to be in the building, let alone the server room. In came two men wearing bandanas as masks over their lower faces, and Jake knew his day was about to get a lot less boring. The two parties saw each other, and both froze up for a moment. Jake quickly stood up, putting his hands up in a surrendering motion. He waited for the masked men to speak. Finally, one did:

"Augh, more of you?" He seemed more annoyed than anything else at the encounter. "Alright kid, we're not going to hurt you. Understood?"

Jake nodded. A quick physical description of Jake: a twig. He was an incredibly non-threatening person, was averge height at best, and had hardly any muscle on his body. Either one of the masked men alone could probably beat him in a wrestling match, and that's not even getting into the small guns Jake saw at their hips. Hopefully they were fake. Even if Jake tried to resist, he wasn't making it very far. He was thoroughly screwed.

The masked man who spoke made his way quickly towards Jake. As he got closer, Jake could identify that he was a little taller, about 6' 1'', and muscular. It was hard to tell through the mask, but he was maybe around his mid-twenties? As the man made it to Jake, he was looking around at the nearby stuff scattered around, until his eyes settled on a long extension cable coiled on the floor. He sighed. "Alright, first of all is there anyone else here besides you and that security guard?"

Jake's eyes flicked towards a camera on the wall. Dylan! Dylan was the security guard that worked the night shifts from 5pm to 5am, so even though they only shared four hours of their shifts the two had plenty of time to talk in the empty building. Jake hoped the intruders also didn't hurt Dylan! To answer the man's question, Jake just nodded no.

"Alright, I'm going to tie you up. Just don't resist." As if Jake could! "On your stomach." and so Jake complied. The tile floor sent a chill through Jake's thin shirt, but he wasn't exactly in a position to complain. The masked man walked over and grabbed the extension cable, then went to work on tying up his captive. Jake felt his knees being bent, his arms being brought behind his back, and finally his ankles and wrists being tied together as the man created a crude but effective hogtie with the extension cable. It was tight enough to immobilize Jake, but not enough to start being painful, which was something to be thankful about.

After Jake was trussed up, the man stepped back and inspected his work. "Should hold you. Also gives you plausible deniability that you couldn't have stopped us." He knelt down onto one knee and leaned towards Jake's face. "Listen kid, we don't want any trouble or noise about this. Do you have stuff that's not being used, or that's broken and we could sell for scrap? Stuff that wouldn't be missed?"

Jake was able to find his voice for the first time this encounter. "Y-yeah, over in that hallway." Jake jerked his head as if to gesture in a direction. "Room C2 is all the old parts." Jake could hear the shaking in his voice.

The masked man nodded. "Thank you." He thought for a moment before reaching over and taking a roll of thick electrical tape from a shelf. Jake suddenly realized what was coming next.

"Oh no you don't have to-mmph!" and he was cut off by the tape being rolled across his mouth. A few spins around Jake's head, and he was firmly gagged. As the masked man moved to put the tape back in its original place Jake futilely tried to yell through the gag, but he could hardly get any noise out at all.

"Good, should keep you quiet." The masked man looked down on Jake, his eyes showing some... pity? "Just lay there and relax, this isn't your problem any more." He guestured over to his partner, who had been standing by the door. "Come on, over here!" and the pair walked towards the door that Jake had pointed out before.

Jake struggled a token amount against his bonds, but he didn't expect much. After a few minutes, he stopped trying and just watched as the duo of masked figures loaded some old server equipment into their bags. Finally taking a closer look at the one who hadn't tied him up or spoke the entire time, Jake realized that this one was a lot younger, maybe even about his age. God I hope he doesn't know me, said a voice in the back of Jake's mind.

Jake eventually just let himself rest, and although he felt terrible about watching property being stolen right in front of him as he was so powerless, maybe the masked man was right:

This wasn't Jake's job to stop, he's just the IT guy.
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Post by Smythdean »

Great story.
I hope the intruders aren't done with Jake yet
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Post by AbductedAddiction »

Yum. Love intruders. Hopefully, this story continues. :) Great start!

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Post by Wuuu4542 »

Nice story!
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Post by grayboxers »

Well I didn't plan to do much more with this, but I did plan for an epilogue of some sorts, so given that people liked this so much I think I can deliver this now! Plus, maybe a sequel hook?


After what felt like about 20, maybe 30 minutes of the masked duo loading equipment into their bags, they silently walked out of the server room door.

...Leaving Jake alone! Still hogtied! When Jake realized that he was alone, he panicked a little. "Mmph!" was the only sound he could get through his gag. Jake wriggled around until he could see the clock: 7:30. Jake started thinking about a timeline. Bryan, the other IT guy, got here at 9. Bryan and Jake were fairly close friends, which maybe was about to be a good thing if the latter was still hogtied when the former arrived. Dylan, the only other person in the building right now, was on shift until 6am, so his replacement wasn't coming any time soon, and presumably he was also dealt with in some way by those masked thugs.

Jake struggled against the cables for a bit longer before giving up. Okay, fine he thought. Bryan gets here at 9, I tell him what happened and then we go find Dylan. Hopefully he's alright. Jake wasn't overly worried about Dylan since it seemed like the robbers just wanted money and wouldn't harm anyone, but he had no real way to know. 9 just means... I get to be like this for 90 more minutes. Great. And so Jake resigned himself to his fate, loosening his muscles as much as the position would allow, and simply waiting.

Being tied up alone was boring. Nothing to do, nobody to talk to, and Jake couldn't even check his phone. Jake had gotten used to feeling the cold floor through his undershirt, and was almost even getting comfortable in his position. Almost.

Eventually, Jake heard the server door open again. Hopefully it was just Bryan. "Yo, yo yo!" came the familiar voice. Bryan was very nonchalant and expecting a normal shift handoff, until his eyes landed on the floorbound Jake. He quickly ran over. "Oi! Jake, you alright?"

Jake moaned into his gag, as if to remind Bryan that he wasn't going to get an answer before he took it off. Bryan knelt down and slowly worked the tape off of Jake's mouth, trying to be careful about the part that was contacting his hair. It only sort of worked, but Jake wasn't about to complain about some minor pulling. Finally, the gag came off.

"Bryan, finally! I'm fine, not hurt or anything. Get me out and I'll quickly explain how my night has gone."

"Yeah, of course." Bryan started working on the bonds. Those weren't too complicated to undo from the outside, so Jake was free pretty quickly. After being freed, Jake gave Bryan the quick rundown of the robbery and what happened, and how he wasn't sure what happened to Dylan.

"Alright, so we need to find Dylan first. Where would they have put him?"

"Want to just check his office? Even if he's not there maybe we can see on a camera."

"Not a bad idea, let's go" and the two boys headed to the security office. It was pretty centrally located, and Dylan spent most of his shift in there watching the cameras. Also pretty obviously labelled, so an easy choice for where someone would look to incapacitate the security guard. The door was closed, and when Jake opened it the pair was greeted with quite a sight:

The boys were right, Dylan was in his office. However, he was also quite firmly attached to his chair. The robbers had a field day with him: Each leg was tied to the front chair leg with rope, his hands were pulled behind the chair back and handcuffed there, and the real kicker was the gag: it was Dylan's own baton, pushed into his mouth and between his teeth like a bit, and held in place with its strap looping around behind Dylan's head. It was like a scene from a movie where the guard gets tied up, but with a bit more of a sadistic twist. Dylan was very stuck, and probably pretty uncomfortable. Upon hearing a noise, Dylan started.

"Uughgh!" he cried into his baton. Twisting his head and realizing that the two people in the doorway weren't wearing masks, he relaxed a little. He made some more noises as if to say "untie me!" Jake ran over and worked on releasing the baton from Dylan's mouth, as fast as he could. After it was out:

"Holy shit, you okay Dylan?" Dylan did in fact look much happier now that his mouth was back to normal, though up close Jake could see that Dylan was sweating and exhausted, likely from struggling.

Dylan let out a string of curses that could make anyone blush, then answered "Yeah, I'll be fine. At least, physically. Like, shit those guys got me good. Knocked me out, then when I woke up I was like this. Definitely would've been screwed if you didn't remember me." Dylan flexed his wrists against the handcuffs. "These cuffs are mine, the key should be in my jacket on the wall."

Jake then noticed that Dylan was in fact dressed down to just his undershirt, with his jacket hanging on a hook on the wall. Probably how he spends most of his time in the security room. Unlike Jake, Dylan was very much not a weakling and was pretty muscular, accentuated slightly by his current clothes. Of course, those muscles didn't help much against his current bondage.

Bryan caught the cue and ran over to find the key in the pockets of Dylan's jacket. Quickly enough the key was found and the handcuffs undone, freeing Dylan's hands for the first time in many hours. Jake and Bryan started working on Dylan's legs next, each taking one and untying the very sturdy knots the intruders had used to secure the guard to his chair.

"Where did they even get these? I don't think we've ever kept ropes like this in the building at all." Jake asked. Dylan shrugged.

"Think they brought 'em." Dylan was entirely freed now. "They seemed like they were prepared to tie up one person, just not..." he nodded towards one of his camera screens "a second." Jake turned to look at the given screen, and saw the very place on the server floor that he had spent the last roughly two hours.

"Oh." Suddenly, he felt very embarassed. When he was looking at the cameras and thinking about Dylan, apparently Dylan was staring back. "Well... I guess you did have to watch all of that, huh? Sorry."

"Yeah, I did." After seeing that Jake was getting a little upset, he continued "Hey, don't worry about it." Dylan tossed an arm over Jake's shoulder. "You did the right thing, just let them have their way. Make sure you don't get hurt. That's what's important. If anything I'm sorry, I'm supposed to be the one to stop them from doing that to you."

"Hey, it turned out fine. It was..." Jake thought for a second. "It wasn't too painful or uncomfortable."

Dylan chuckled as he rubbed his jaw. "Speak for yourself, my mouth's very unhappy with me right now!" The three shared a laugh at that, and then began looking at the paperwork that this was about to require...

Later that night, Jake was back at his apartment and staring himself in the mirror. The night's events were definitely not something that he could forget any time soon, but they got him thinking. He stood there, just looking at the faint tape marks still around his mouth and feeling his muscles sore from their forced containment, and really had to think: Did I enjoy that?
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Really nice story. I liked the way Dylan was tied up and that gag...Woof!

As a security guard, I wonder if Dylan will have other incidents at the workplace, where he finds himself bound and gagged?
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Post by TightropesEU »

Great detail with the security guard's gag, loved how they used his own baton. Must have been really silencing.
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