The Cool Girls' Club (mostly F*/F*) - Farewell

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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 022: Summer Daze

Jenny tied the knot in her pink paisley bandana headband under her braid, which Joyce had made the night before. In fact, she was reknotting the previous night's blindfold! She had changed into lime green trainers and a red tank-top with her pink socks and sneakers.

Today was sucky. Since there was a wedding yesterday, a Saturday, there was no need to go to church again... especially when the Patterson's were Roman Catholic. Lauren's time at Publix had come to an end, but the boss felt entitled to make Joyce and Janie work 4 hours each that day, from 8AM-12M. To make up for yesterday, Mr. and Mrs. Patterson were on ER duty today, as well.

Janie talked to Joyce before she left.

"Kid, let me say something... a request... no way a demand."
"What is it?"
"I don't mind when you use a rubber gag on me, but I prefer if tape or a cloth go over it... I hate how the spit comes out on me."
"Have fun!"
"Bye. See you later!" Joyce went out the door to the vehicle where Janie was waiting.

"Joyce... I don't know."
"I just don't know if I can handle it."
"Your siblings leaving?"
"No... I just found out I am going to be an aunt."
"Congratulations! Wait a minute... that means..."
"Amanda is already over a month in."
"Yeah. That's not it. Will I be a good aunt?"
"You? Of course! You're going to be a fun aunt!"
"You really think so?"
"You'd better, because someday I want you to be the godmother to my children... and in my family godparents are aunts and uncles!"
"Thanks! I'm glad you said that."
"Not a problem!"

Jenny was pretty darned bored being all alone. She decided to call Nichole... who was in church with Joy... so she couldn't call Joy. Bridget was in church... she couldn't call anybody! That's the stinky part of being a goody-two-shoes. Wait... she was an hour ahead! She had to settle for her computer games only after that!

Around 11:30, after an hour talking to Nichole, an hour+ talking to Sera, and an hour+ of computer games, an idea entered her head. She should tie herself up! By the time her friends returned, she would, after setup, be tied for about 5 minutes! She ate a snack, used the restroom, and got ready.

It was easy to tie her ankles and thighs. It was an even easier to gag herself with a sock and a red bandana, which she tied loosely. She prepared a hogtie rope, and got Joyce's handcuffs, which she fastened to the hogtied rope. It was difficult, but she got her arms under a belt, laid on her tummy, and cuffed her wrists behind her. She had gone slowly enough that it was already almost time.

Soon, she heard the sound of her friends returning. Sure enough, Janie came right up the stairs.

"Joyce!" Janie yelled.
"Get up here!"
"I don't believe."
"How could you?!"
"How I what?"
"You tied up Jenny and left her here all this time!"
"I didn't!"
"People don't materialize tied up!"
"Why do you think I did?!"
"You were here alone with her for five minutes before we left!"
"Janie, I didn't."
"I should make you join!"
"HMPH HMPH HMPH... no... please... stopppp!" Jenny spat out the gag laughing.
"What's up with you?"
"I tied myself up 10 minutes ago knowing this would happen!"
"Oh, is that so!"
"Yes!" Jenny was red with laughter.
"Joyce, start filming."
"Hi, folks. Joyce and I just got home from the store, and we found this girl tied up. I thought Joyce did it, but it turns out Jenny did it to herself."
"I got you really well with that."
"It was a pretty mean trick of her to play. I screamed at Joyce for no reason."
"Yeah, so?!"
"We finally figured it out."
"When I told you. You aren't sore, are you?"
"I think," Janie unknotted the red bandana and tied a knot in the middle, "that someone needs a lesson."
"I don't like where this is going."
"Perhaps she needs the real deal for a while."
"Hey, Janie, no! Stop it no! Get off of me! Janie, I will not nomph!"
"Submissive, isn't she?" Janie gagged her with the sock and bandana tighter than she had done herself.
"She needs some rope!"
"MMMMM!" Jenny shook her head as her elbows were tied.
"This doesn't cut it!" Janie removed the belt.
"Yeah... she needs better bindings!"
"MMPH!" Jenny got a breast harness.
"Handcuffs? Tacky! More rope!"
"Pin those down too!"
"MMMMMmmmmmm!" a waist rope was added.

Janie added a strip of microfoam tape to Jenny's gag before hogtying her on the bed.

"Prankster, eh? Well... you got yours!"
"Nope... she got exactly what she wanted!" Joyce laughed.
"Mm hm!" Jenny winked at the camera.


The Fredericks residence was a sweat bomb in summer. Joy and Nichole lounged one Sunday after church. Nichole was in her church clothes: navy blue calf-length skirt, white blouse, and navy blue bandana headband. For a girl with self-esteem issues, it felt good to be dressed with dignity. Joy, unusual for the older her, had changed into purple trainers, a white t-shirt, and a purple bandana headband.

There were four air conditioner window units around, in the kitchen and each of the three bedrooms, although Zoe's now lived in the living room. Box fans were also everywhere. As a result, they were in Joy's room. They were in a summer daze.

"Toss to see who gets tied up?"
"Oh, you're on! Let's change it a little: toss to see who gets tied FIRST! Escape challenge!"
"Tails! Crap!"
"Oh, the fun! I want to make this one memorable!"
"Give me your best shot!"

It was hardly special, as Nichole put Joy in a typical tie. She bound Joy's ankles, thighs, elbows and wrists with a breast harness and hogtie. For a gag, she simply jammed a sock in Joy's mouth and cleave gagged her with a knotted white handkerchief.

"Squirm away!" Nichole said as she filmed and photographed her victim.

Joy fought her bonds for an hour. To Nichole's dismay, Joy escaped the tie without any help. Then it was Joy's turn.

"Time for some fun!"
"Oh, boy."

Joy, too, didn't do anything special. She tied Nichole's ankles, knees, and thighs under her skirt before adding wrist and elbow bonds and a breast harness with waist rope. A sock, a pale blue bandana, and a few strips of duct tape silenced her. Joy fastened Nichole's shoulders and torso to the bed's footboard. Joy used a white handkerchief as a blindfold.

"MMMMPH!" Nichole groaned in a hammy way for the film that followed.
"I know how to make this special!" Joy said, and kept filming.

To the surprise of Nichole and all watching, Joy undid Nichole's arm restraints and instead handcuffed her wrists to the near top corners of the bed, making Nichole helpless.

"HMMMMMMMM!" Nichole protested angrily.
"Are you offended?" Joy pulled the blindfold down a bit.
"Mmm hmmm!" Nichole responded in genuine hurt. It was an escape challenge, not just a TUG.
"Mmmm! Mmm ih oh! Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Nichole wailed.
"Technical issues...," and Joy stopped filming.
"Mmmm!" Nichole yelled at her, totally offended.
"Nichole, I am so sorry! I got carried away! Don't be mad at me, please! Oh...," Joy started crying.
"Uph the *expletive* oh ie ee uh orhul!"

Joy returned Nichole to her original bonds and resumed her film. On camera, she blindfolded Nichole and tickled her a bit before leaving her to her own devices. Nichole was wet with swear, which was evident in the film.

An hour later, Nichole, too, had escaped. She was direct with Joy.

"Joy, I am blessed to have you."
"Joy, how many people can say they are so influential to multiple people?"
"I have you and Jenny both. I'm spoiled, and I'm glad you're my friend."
"Please... control yourself. Somebody like Janie or Bridget would be emotionally hurt if you did that to them."
"I'm sorry, Nichole."
"Don't mess with the gangster queen."
"How about a normal selfie for everyone to see?"
"For a person I love so much, sure!"
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 023: Blood, Swear, and T€@+$

"I have never had such an awful stomach ache in my life!" Janie moaned.
"Can I help?" Joy asked.
"I don't know. Get me a hot pack!"

Janie was spending her last two weeks before school at Joy's house. She wanted to get an in-depth view of her friends' real lives. Unfortunately, she had gotten sick on day 2 of her stay!

"Oh... Joy... I can't believe it!"
"Don't worry kid... You want me to call Jenny?"
"I will."

"Hey. Nichole? Can I talk to Jenny? What? Oh... Tell her that I really would like to talk to her... I'm feeling off kilter and... no offense, Nichole... I want her to pray with me. All right. Thanks, love."
"Well... she's..."

Jenny, wearing brown trainers, a pink tank-top, and a solid brown kerchief bandana, was bound at her wrists, ankles, knees, thighs, elbows, and breasts while hogtied and gagged with a blue ball threaded with a pink bandana and a piece of microfoam tape. She was on her bed, helpless and unable to speak. She'd call when she... could... which would be never at her rate of escape.

"Joy... I feel hot and chilled at once. I have a huge pain in my abdomen. I have been barfing. Tell Nichole to free that girl because she's going with me for my appendectomy."
"Wait, what?!"
"This is classic. I need surgery... before I die."
"If this bursts, hell yeah."
"Let's go get her and go!"
"Right. Help me down."

An hour later, she was being wheeled away to the OR. Jenny held her hand, praying as she went until she could go no further. Janie cried as the memory of the time she had attacked her sister returned.

An amazing 2 hours later, at 8PM, Janie was talking to her friends again.

"I feel so much better. The doctor told me that I should be fine in a week and will go home tomorrow."
"Great!" Jenny smiled.
"Unfortunately, he made the cut too large."
"Oh, dang!"
"Joy, thanks for being my nurse all day."
"No problem."
"I love loving and being loved! I remember the time I tore my ACL in high school..."


Joyce Verdi and Bridget Sjaastad were in no position to protest. Lauren and Zack Kryzczynski had invited them, and Caleigh Rondell, to stay in the place while they waited for the dorms to open for the semester.

Caleigh had decided to surprise them both with a TUG before bed whilst they watched a movie together. Joyce and Bridget were in their pajamas. The former was clad in pastel purple pants and a matching pastel green t-shirt. For Bridget, this was just her bra and a pair of her navy blue rowing trainers, as she usually put on her pajamas right before getting into bed. Her hair was wet as she had just taken a shower.

Each of them was tied in an uncomfortable, and for Joyce new, position. Bridget was in a chicken wing position, with her bound arms (wrist and elbow) being bent in a V and her wrists atttached to her waist rope. This was in addition to the usual breast harness and ropes at her ankles, knees, and thighs. Joyce had her arms in a reverse prayer tie, her wrists on her shoulders, followed by a breast harness and ropes on her ankles, knees, and thighs. Both girls were gagged with a blue rubber ball threaded with a white handkerchief.

The problem was that, in her resistance, Bridget had sort of fought really hard. She also actually hadn't finished getting ready when she was grabbed, so one of her bra cups had fallen off, leaving her right nipple exposed for the world. Caleigh tried to pull it back, but the ropes wouldn't allow her to do so.

"You stupid b¡+©#!"
"I'm sorry! I didn't mean it!"
"Get this f*©*¡*& thing back on me! I'm going to kill you if you film me with an exposed t€@+!!!!"
"I can't! I tried!" Caleigh was now blubbering and dysfunctional.
"That does it!"
"I ought to put a clothes pin on you for that!"
"You swear, and t€@+$ get tortured!"

That "Dip$#¡+!!!" was when Caleigh gagged her. She understood Bridget being a little upset about it, but abuse so quickly was over the line. So she did put a clothes pin on Bridget for all of 30 seconds. It was brief, but enough to warn Bridget to calm down and apologize. Finally, the idea came to Caleigh to do the simple thing: undo the breast harness and put it back and retie the harness.

With that done, she could now safely film her victims and put on the movie.

Caleigh was your typical Minn Tech softball player: blonde, dumb, and only passing Minn Tech's classes because of a combo of her coach pulling strings and studying for a useless easy degree while really seeking an MRS degree.

Bridget was sorry for what she had said, but she still had to find some way get that ditz back. It reminded Bridget of a time back when she was a freshman...
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 024: Memories III - Torn

Janie scooped up the ball and ran to tag second. She did so and threw the ball to first for the easy double play. As she did so, the player sliding into second hit Janie's leg, sending Janie up into the air. She hit the ground at an awkward angle.

"Ow! Ohhhhhhhhh! Cooooaaacccchhhhh!" she wailed in pain.

She had, in between her visit to Minn Tech and finishing high school, managed to get a major injury. She had to be carted off the field, and tests showed she had torn her ACL (relatively minor) and ripped a tendon in her knee (major). She needed surgery just to walk, let alone play a sport. She was advised to redshirt freshman year.

After the surgery, Janie was unable to do stairs, so she had use the downstairs guest room. All she could say is that it was at least comfortable. Her knee was the size of a honeydew melon and throbbed all day. At least she had parents worked in the medical field and a brother who wanted to go into it as well.

Crutches were a pain to use, but she was able to go to school still. She was determined to play her freshman year of college as she had 10 months to recover. Her predicament made TUGs impossible, but that didn't mean they didn't find ways around it.

Trent couldn't bind her legs at all; even the ankles were too much. To substitute, Trent would take away her crutches. She couldn't roll around much, so he tied her wrists and elbows together in front and fastened them to her torso so that she couldn't pull them up to her gagged mouth.

After a while, she tried walking. When she did, it caused throbbing pain. One night, she needed the adjoining restroom badly, and she tried walking in, bringing her phone with her. It was a good move. When she needed to stand up again, she couldn't. Her leg was on fire with pain, so much pain that it made her dizzy. She hadn't felt this bad ever; she had refused her doctor's offer of pain killers for fear of numbing herself too much. After nearly 30 minutes, she called Trent.

"What is this?!" he demanded in a low voice.
"I used the toilet and can't up," she whispered, "I have been stuck here nearly an hour!"
"I'll be there."

Sure enough, he helped her into bed. It was an ordeal she vowed to not repeat. She'd bring crutches from then on.

Trent hated seeing her in so much pain. She was such a joyful soul, and this sucked the joy out of her. He looked forward to being crazy with his sister again. She probably didn't realized he cared.


"Mmmmm mmmm mmmm hmmmmmmmmmm!"
"Shhhhh... be quiet, Joy!" Bridget whispered.
"Mmmmmmmmm!" Joy responded to strong on top of her with a hand gagging her.
"You talk too much!"
"OMPH!" Joy received a sock.
"Be good!" Bridget flipped Joy over and cleave gagged her with a red bandana.

They were on the floor. Joy was wearing pink leggings, a purple shirt, and a brown bandana headband. She also was getting tied up. First her wrists and elbows; then her ankles, knees, and thighs; finally, her breasts and ankles. Eight windings of duct tape around her head immobilized her lips, and a purple bandana blindfold just emphasized her position.

"You're so cute haha!" Bridget grabbed Joy by the cheeks.
"Into my closet with you!"
"Mmmmm!" Joy moaned as she was dragged into it.

The closest was really a college dorm style cabinet. Bridget had space at the bottom that she used for storing people. She "locked it" with a simple metal clasp. It was strong enough to imprison the gagged, and it was cramped enough to make loud bangs nearly impossible.

Nichole and Jenny were coming over soon. Bridget intended to grab them, too, with Joyce's aid. Joyce was taking a shower at this moment. Bridget had, before and while shutting the door, filmed her captive. She was a strong girl, and her muscles were obviously as she wore her navy blue rowing trainers, a blue and white striped tank-top, and a white headband. She had to wear this for practice, but practice was cancelled due to boat damage.

Joyce emerged with wet hair. She was wearing a pair of black pants and a pink t-shirt. Her long wet hair was everywhere, it seemed.

"I take Jenny, and you take Nichole?" Bridget asked.
"Right. You the athlete get the fellow athlete."
"And then I gag you."
"Oh, I don't know!" Joyce chuckled maniacally.
"*knock knock*"
"Well," Bridget said, "The victims to be!"
"Where's Joy?"
"In storage!" Bridget's eyes gleamed as she opened the door.

There stood Nichole in her blue leggings, red t-shirt, and yellow bandana headband. Jenny had green trainers, a brown tank-top, and a camouflage kerchief bandana.

"Quit the formalities!" Nichole shoved Jenny in.
"Oh, quit being pushy!" Jenny laughed.
"I think she needs to be shut up!" Bridget proposed.
"I agree!" Nichole agreed.
"Me three!"
"I don't!"
"Get her!"

Bridget held Jenny while Nichole tied her wrists behind her. Then Bridget quickly grabbed Nichole so that Joyce could tie her wrists. It was the shortest alliance in the history of war.

"Hey! Cheating!" Nichole said in a disgusted laugh.
"Take a seat!" Bridget said, as she and Joyce pushed the victims down.

Both victims were tied at the their elbows, breasts, waists, ankles, knees, and thighs. Their ankles were fastened to the chair support, and their knees fastened to the respective legs.

"I can't believe this happened!" Nichole laughed.
"I can. And I'm glad."
"Benedict Arnold."
"Be quiet!"
"MMPH!" both received a sock.

Jenny got a blue bandana cleave gag and white duct tape strips from Joyce. Nichole got a knotted red bandana and six layers wound around her head. Nichole could see Jenny's cleave gag easily, but Jenny could only see the ends of the knot sticking out behind Nichole's hair from under the tape. The chairs were pulled back-to-back.

Joyce tied their wrists together between the chairs, and Bridget returned with two fashion scarves which she used to tie their shoulders together, going under each girl's armpit and knotting it tightly in the middle after a second winding.

"MMMMMMMMMM!" the girls moaned.
"Mmmmm!" Joy returned from the closet.

With this done, Bridget and Joyce reached a truce and filmed their victims. Jenny and Nichole somehow enjoyed a full conversation with each other in spite of their gags. Bridget and Joyce enjoyed video games.

And the loving friendship was enjoyed by all.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 025: Recovery

Caleigh put on her black and white plaid sleeveless t-shirt and a red baseball cap backwards along with blue jean shorts. This girl was ready for the day to come.

Joyce was ready for whatever came to her in her black shorts, pink t-shirt, and black headband. She was nicely enjoying this period of relaxation.

Bridget was busily finishing her last steps of getting ready, as she wore her cowboy boots, skirt, and plaid shirt with the sleeves rolled up to below her elbows. She was the fashionable one.

It wasn't a question of if but you would be tied up and gagged. They would easily determine this though. It was hard to believe that they were only a week or so away from classes!


"Yes, Janie?" Joy asked.
"I think we're ready for me to move around."
"Let's try... I made it that far!"
"Awesome sauce!"
"Hooray! I feel great!"
"Tomorrow, you'll be 100%, maybe."
"I sure hope so. Let's go surprise the Gangsta Queen and Princess."


"Someone is inevitably being tied up," Joyce reasoned.
"Yes. And you might as well surrender!" Caleigh laughed.
"Maybe later. Let's hit the kart park."
"Sounds good!"

Off they went to the place where go-karts and mini golf and arcade games made for a great day for a bunch of single girls. It was to be a day truly filled with all sorts of amusement.


"Jenny... Joy's here. And she brought André the Giant with her!"
"Isn't he dead?"
"Apparently not!"
"What do you mean?"

Janie walked out in her blue trainers, a matching sleeveless t-shirt, and a solid red kerchief bandana. Her feet were unusually bare. Nichole, on the other hand, had navy blue trainers, a white t-shirt, blue sneakers, and her beige floral bandana as a headband.

Janie was wearing green trainers and a yellow t-shirt, her hair in a braid with a yellow ponytail and a green headband. Joy, her much shorter friend, had on a pink plaid skirt with a brown top and a pink bandana headband. It was an interesting pair, to say the least.

It was inevitable. Jenny and Nichole had, for almost 8 years, been the ones most commonly nabbed and tied. It was a recurring pattern in their lives. Without a word, they each grabbed a sock, jammed it in their mouths, and cleave gagged themselves with a pink bandana. They blindfolded themselves with a white handkerchief and stood with their hands behind their backs.

Joy and Janie, without a word, took advantage. Their victims git boxtied wrists and a breast harness each followed by ropes on their ankles and thighs, with it held nicely by a hogtie. Films and photographs followed.

Janie and Joy decided it was best to not go after each other lest Janie be hurt. The four friends sat down and watched TV together, the two bound ones on the couch and propped up with pillows while they picked at their knots.

Janie loved these people. All they cared about was that Janie was well.


Bridget, Joyce, and Caleigh returned from their fun day. It was a great time together, and the girls really did get to know each other better.

Caleigh was a nice girl, even if she was dimwitted. Bridget was lovingly and brutally honest and wanted you to know that she was caring under her often gruff exterior. Joyce was the one by your side in spite of the worst.

Caleigh hadn't sat down when Bridget grabbed her and started winding rope around her elbows.

"Bridge! No!"
"Awww... come on!"
"All right, you got me!"
"Good girl!" Bridget wound rope around Caleigh's wrists.
"You're tight!"
"I have the most experience!"
"How long?"
"First tied up when I was 7!"
"Yeah!" she moved on to the breast harness, "It's been fun!"
"Yep! All 4 of us!"
"Always allowed it and just enforced the rules of the house. We still do it!"
"Wow... that sounds... oof... nasty rope you're tying around my waist... nice."
"Tighter is better!"
"You were a scout!"
"Nope, Joyce was. Her stuff is inescapable most times!"
"Yeah... I'm good at it," Joyce blushed.
"Cool! I was too when I was little!"
"How neat! Why'd you quit?"
"Hey, I'm tying you!" Bridget said with a laugh.
"I know. My thigh bones are squished!"
"Not as bad as your knees!" Bridget followed her thigh bonds with even more secure knee bonds.
"You're damned good at this!"
"I told you how!"
"Are you sure you're not a kidnapper?" Caleigh asked as her ankles were tied.
"I am sure! I'm just a BMF. Now open wide!"
"OOMMMMPH!" Caleigh got Joyce's ball gag.
"Hey, that's mine."
"Hers for now!"
"You are so washing that afterwards."
"Sure thing. Last thing, kiddo!"
"MMMMPPPH!" a hogtie from ankles to elbows followed.
"Good job, Bridget!"
"She's trussed."
"Yep. Good night, Caleigh!"
"Mmmmmm!" a beige bandana blindfolded her.
"See you in a few hours!"
"Oh, I forgor my revenge!" Bridget added a tight crotch rope.
"For the other night when you played strip poker with me."

Bridget filmed and photographed her victim before flopping on the couch next to Caleigh. Bridget tickled her for a while. In fact, Bridget enjoyed tickling Caleigh so much she wasn't prepared to be on the bad side of a TUG herself!

"Kidnapped!" Joyce laughed as she pound Bridget and bound her wrists.
"Oof... I wasn't expecting you!"
"You sure weren't!"
"You're good at this!"
"No kidding? We've been friends *how* long again?"
"I know. It seems impossible."
"You're a cool kid, Bridgie," she moved on to a tight, but not squishing, elbow rope (aka not forcing elbows to touch).
"Well, thanks. I know I've been bad to y'all before, especially Jenny."
"Don't dwell on it. You've been awesome ever since."
"I taught y'all how to swear like a rower!"
"Janie taught us more!"
"You somehow could make even nudity look like a great way to be seen."
"My grandmother said my problem I was too short to be a model!"
"She's right."
"You're REALLY good at this!" Bridget said as a breast harness was tied.
"Never noticed?"
"Never paid attention. Usually we rush to just finish things."
"That's very true."
"Say... could I get my favorite gag?"
"Just a sock and a simple knotted bandana."
"I will do that and that only!"
"Thank you!" Bridget said happily as her ankles were tied.
"Any other requests?"
"Yes... no hogtie or blindfold."
"Baseball game?"
"I love baseball. I wish I had family or Joy here!"
"Shut up... Blackhawks fan!"
"Hey, now!"
"I kid!" Joyce did thigh bonds.
"You learned in scouts?"
"Was it fun?"
"Then, no. I was tied up once and abandoned in the forest."
"I was the nerd girl... I was always tortured."
"How did they?"
"Asked for help 'tying knots' and instead tied my wrists and ankles and gagged me with my own scarf. I got them back."
"How did you do that?"
"It was easy. When the scoutmaster found me, she arranged for me to practice knots on them!"
"How funny could that be?!" Bridget laughed as her knees were tied.
"A lot. I gained my only friend of my entire childhood that day... but when scouts ended for me so did that. I cried and cried, but, a few months ago, I heard from her suddenly!"
"You did?!"
"Yep. I met her at Janie's house, and we reminisced. Sounds like she had a few more TUGs, but nothing like we do."
"Not everyone loves them as we do!"
"True!" Joyce added the waist rope.
"I'm glad I have you as a friend."
"Well thank you very much. Now shut up!"
"MMMMPH!" Bridget received her sock and knotted white bandana gag.
"There!" Joyce set up the baseball game.

Bridget had a package to watch the games. Lauren's TV wasn't activated yet, but the internet was from the previous tenant. Bridget happily watched her beloved Brewers play.

"Hey, can I add a few tape strips?"
"Mmmm!" Bridget tried to see around Joyce.
"Aww... come on!"
"Oh aheh!"
"Thanks!" Joyce put two strips over Bridget's lips.
"MMMMM!" Bridget continued dodging to see the TV.
"A few more!"
"HMMMMPH!" Bridget pushed Joyce aside with her bound legs.
"Hmph!" Bridget said with satisfaction and a huge smile.

She loved TUGs. She loved being gagged.

Stay out of her way during sports games though.

She still loved Joyce and Caleigh though.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 026: Reunited

It was finally time. Today was the day the girls moved into their new living arrangements for their final year together. Their living arrangements had changed much from the previous year.

Off-campus: Lauren and Zack with Caleigh, Hannah
Four-person apartment dorm: Joy, Janie, Jenny, Nichole
Three person regular dorm: Bridget, Joyce, Sera

This worked out best. Joy, Jenny, and Nichole wanted to enjoy their remaining time before graduation together. Sera was like Joyce's spiritual advisor, and Bridget was Sera's life advisor. Janie just liked the thought of being with Jenny.

Bridget and Joyce had spent a week together, as had Janie and her roommates. Thus, the entire group of seven met in the apartment for fun and catching up. When they were done chatting, Joyce grabbed something.

"Sera... This is for you."
"For me? What is it?"
"Open it up!"
"OK!" Sera complied.

Sera opened to find a thank you card above a pile of TUG toys, including a many new lengths of yellow rope with black ends. There were also a few of the famous blue rubber balls (balls to play fetch with a small dog) in addition to three pairs of socks, a roll each of duct tape and microfoam tape, 6 handkerchiefs, and a pile of a dozen or so assorted bandanas. Sera grabbed the card and read it.

Thanks for your friendship. We have learned so many things from you... forgiveness, helping others, and how to respect another's privacy and wishes. You have been a positive influence, and some of us regained lives that had spiraled out of control before we met you. You have a bright future ahead of you, and we're blessed to be part of it. God has, in you, given us an incredible friend.
Below this card you will find a gift from all of us (sorry that Lauren wasn't here). It doesn't express things properly, but hopefully someday you will still have it and remember us. Pick three of your 'new' friends to share this token of friendship with LOL
Your many new friends.
P.S. I wrote this."

"Wow," Sera said with a big smile, "Thank you girls. I am happy I found you as well. Who wrote this?"
"Nichole did, actually.
"It was nothing," Nichole blushed.
"It was special... since you're my first 'new' friend."
"What did Nichole mean?" Bridget asked.
"She meant," Jenny replied, "Tie up three people."
"For asking, Bridget, you're another. And for answering, Jenny is the other!"
"Sounds fair!"

The three victims-to-be all stood up before Sera. Jenny was wearing neon green trainers, pink sneakers, a brown sleeveless t-shirt, and a pink camouflage bandana headband. Nichole had on her navy blue trainers (she literally owned three pairs), a navy blue school t-shirt, and a white kerchief bandana, which was similar to Sera who had a white school t-shirt and a navy blue bandana headband. Bridget had on blue jeans and a pink t-shirt with black sneakers.

"I am going to apply all I learned from you!" Sera said with a smile.

She started by crossing Jenny's forearms and binding them mid-way and tying her elbows. Nichole received a boxtie. Lastly, Bridget got her arms in reverse prayer. All three got a breast harness before Sera had them all sit down. No one said a word lest they spoil the moment, but Janie was filming it all.

Jenny got seated and tied into lotus position, with a waist rope added; in addition, ropes ran from her ankles to her wrists and from her harness to her ankles. Nichole and Bridget each got the usual bindings at the ankles, knees, and thighs in addition to their feet.

With them sitting before her, Sera gagged each. Jenny received a blue rubber ball threaded with a white handkerchief. Nichole got a a sock and a handkerchief cleave gag. Bridget got a regular knotted white bandana and a few strips of duct tape.

Nichole was laid across Bridget and Jenny's knees and put into a hogtie so that she was hogtied and lying on top of them. Jenny had her headband slipped over her eyes. Nichole's blindfold was a black bandana because it was too annoying to get the kerchief out from under her hair. Lastly, Bridget had what she had, much as it was.

"Am I now really a Cool Girls' Club member?"
"You sure are!" Joyce smiled, "Thanks for being our friend!"
"Not a problem. I was thinking maybe I could tie you."
"Not now, ha ha!"
"Aww... come on!" Joyce started tying Sera's wrists behind her.
"Do it!" Janie cheered.
"Don't just cheer her. Help her!" Sera encouraged her friends.

Sera was tied up the same as Nichole was. Sera, of course, had a strict policy on gags, but she allowed Joyce to put a knotted handkerchief cleave gag in her mouth. Joyce then slid Sera's headband over her eyes.

"Nah ah!" Sera said as she was pushed onto the smaller couch
"Not bad at all!" Joyce sat with her and took a selfie.
"I'm glad to be a witness to all of this!" Joy said with a grin.


"Who goes there?" Lauren asked nervously.

Lauren was moving in, but this sound was new. Zach had gone to the store since Caleigh and company had eaten all the food. Lauren went into the bathroom where the noise came from. The shower doors were slid shut, so she opened them.

"MMMMM!" Caleigh moaned from her hogtie.

Caleigh was there in just her black trainers and white t-shirt, her hair in a ponytail. She was gagged with a blue rubber ball threaded with a black bandana, and she was bound at her wrists, elbows, ankles, knees, thighs, breasts, and waist.

"Dear Lauren,
We left this for you.

"Listen, kid. You've got to do better than this from now on. You're the one who has to keep the TUGs going through the softball program. Promise me that someday I can come back 15 years from now and find softball players playing TUGs. OK?"
"Have fun!"
"Get out yourself, kid! If not, I'll free you for dinner!"

Lauren was going to love having this girl as her protégé.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 027: Why Do You Dress That Way?

Joy flipped over to tie her purple kerchief bandana under her hair. Jenny, who stood alongside her, needn't such efforts in knotting her pink bandana headband because her hair was in a braid. Nichole needn't worry either as she still had her white bandana in a headband from its last use; she just pulled it over her head down to her neck and then back up to above her hair line where it belongs.

Nichole, to no one's surprise, wore a pair of white short shorts and a navy blue t-shirt. Jenny had red trainers and a brown tank-top. Joy had on her brown skirt and a pink t-shirt. Such was normal for this crop.

In the other room, Janie was sitting watching film from last year's softball games... what little the school actually had. In true Janie fashion, she had red trainers, a red tank-top, a red headband, a red ponytail for her braided hair, red socks, and red sneakers. Janie would be Big Red Riding Hood if she wore a red hoodie. Seeing her friends, Janie closed her Mac and got up, and they left as a group.

On this Monday before class (the day before, when they had moved in and surprised Sera with her own TUG toys, was shockingly a Sunday), Bridget, Sera, and Joyce were in their own quarters getting ready. Their dorm was about a 3 minutes walk way from the others'.

Bridget, the go-getter, was leaving without her roommates to meet the others at the dining hall for breakfast. She trotted along in blue jeans a white button-up blouse. Bridget was fit, slim, and toned, and it showed. She always, from high school, had men stare at her as she walked by. Only the ones who dared comment need fear her toned muscles though.

"Joyce, you're slow."
"I'm always slow, Sera!"
"Hey, now!"
"We're going to be there last as always!"

Sera was dressed in her own red trainers and red-and-white stripped t-shirt, but she had her red bandana headband instead. This was her old high school rowing uniform, but people in Minnesota needn't know that. Soon, Joyce emerged in pink leggings, a purple t-shirt, and not much else.

"It took you that long for that?!"
"And hair and filing my nails!"
"Joyce!" Sera laughed.
"Let's go!"

Serafina and Joyce were indeed the last ones there, which led to much ribbing. They finally sat down around a large table. The girls hate their food happily, although Janie ate like she were a football player. They were in a circle, in order clockwise: Bridget, Nichole, Janie, Jenny, Joyce, Sera, and Joy.

"I have an interesting question... might be fun to answer," Sera began, "Why do you dress the way you do? Why do you dress that way? Bridgie? Care to start and go clockwise?"

"This is going to be a fun question...," Bridget started slowly, "I like it doesn't describe it right. It comes from my Aunt Carrie. She always told that if I wanted to be respected as lady, I needed to dress like a lady and carry the manners of one. Then, she said, and I quote, 'You could be as much of a tomboy as you damn well please. Open the door yourself, but be gracious if they offer.' I have heeded that advice ever since. Every guy wants to hold the door open for me, but the look I give afterwards lets them know not to mess with me. Then again, my aunt took jujitsu... so... who knows?!"
"That's a fun story in its own way!" Sera laughed, "Nichole?"
"Me? Well, my sister did, so when I got given all her hand-me-downs after she was thrown out, I started dressing like her, and I liked it because it was cheap and comfortable for a kid who never had new clothes in her life. It became part of who I am!"
"Short and simple. I like it! Janie?"
"Softball mostly. Lauren got me into the whole sports and sporty clothing thing, so I did it too. I got into red because I had a grade school teacher who only used red to write compliments on papers. As a result, red became a good thing to me. Now I wear everything red that I can."
"Even undies," Bridget snickered.
"Hey! How did you know?!"
"Back to topic! Jenny? How did you become Gangsta Princess?"
"Nichole got me going. She liked ot and talked me into it. I liked it, probably because she did. I got nicknamed that by a friend of ours back home who thought it was appropriate: we're bad gangsta for wearing bandanas all the time (not that we knew better being in a town with no such things), and we're a queen and princess because we're really girls."
"Ah, what a story! You'd jump off a cliff if she did."
"I would."
"Rest in peace."
"Thanks... hey!"
"Because I can, and it's girly and comfortable. I always liked bright colors though."
"A girl to admire in her honesty. I'm simple... rowing. I started with it and just always dressed it for practice. It was easier to dress that way every day. I have like 15 pairs of athletic shorts and little else. Maybe a pair of pants and a single dress or skirt. Joy?"
"I don't want to answer."
"Joy, what's wrong?"
"I'm ashamed to answer."
"Why?! Joy, perhaps you NEED to answer it then. Something aches your heart."
"Oh... all right..."

Joy leaned back with a heavy sigh. She paused a moment before beginning.

"I do it because of conviction... Jenny and Nichole helped me... but then it became a thing for me. I stumbled my way onto stuff one day, and I found myself drawn into it because of my conviction. Not everyone here realizes that I have been a huge tramp since I was 15... I was worse than Janie ever was in spite of how hyped her escapades are, and I was with way more guys. I was with 3 or 4 guys in a week sometimes. I was really bad. Anyway, I got convicted of my sin... and I started dressing up as a protection. I thought maybe if I was dressed like a church girl all the time I'd get more respect. Dressing like a church girl was useless when I was still flirting like a tramp. However, with much help, I haven't had a an affair in over a year. However, I continue to dress this way out of conviction to keep myself sacred and to remind myself that I'm a child of God, and that's why I almost always, especially at school, wear long skirts, and I always no matter what keep something on my head to remind me that I'm beautiful and that my friends showed me my inner beauty by helping me discover the best parts of myself. I do it all out of love for God... and I couldn't care less what other people think. It's all for me getting closer to Him."

"Joy... that's a good reason. You all had good reasons. It's amazing to hear you... Bridget, Nichole, Jenny, Janie, and Joy... you all said you dress the way you do out of love. For an aunt, sisters, God... that's amazing how such a simple thing can actually be personally symbolic yet nothing to those who don't know you. I'm honored to be your friend. Joyce and I are boring, but that's cool too!"

It sounded pretty cool to everyone at that table.

Now, this story wouldn't be complete without a TUG, and one person did get tied up after they left the dining hall. Bridget and Sera had a rowing related thing to attend, and Jenny had a thing related to cross country. The rest all descended upon the apartment dorm where there was more room to play around.

They had literally just shut the door when Janie took a hold of Joy. She quickly snapped handcuffs, which were left out from the day before, on Joy's wrists.

"Janie!" Joy laughed.
"Say what?"
"You creep!"
"I know it!"

Janie jammed a blue rubber ball, threaded with a white handkerchief, into Joy's mouth and tightly knotted it. For security, she added a strip of microfoam tape. Then she felt save doing the ropes: elbows, breasts, ankles, knees, and thighs. She picked up Joy with ease and down on a couch, with Joy on her lap.

"Now that I have you here, I want to tell you all about myself. Joy, you were inspirational to me earlier. If it's OK, I want to tell you about my journey with sin, and the problems I have had."
"Mmmm!" Joy nodded in solemn agreement.

Meanwhile, Joyce was having fun with Nichole, grabbing her and handcuffing her as well.

"Oh, look, a cop."
"You're under arrest for... being... a Gangsta Queen."
"You got me."
"Yeah, but I want to have other fun with you!"
"Yes, so just cooperate."

Joyce gagged Nichole with a sock and a tight, knotted navy blue bandana cleave gag. Into a strict lotus position she fastened Nichole's ankles before taking off the cuffs and redoing them in front and fastening those to the ankle bonds with a little slack. A breast harness fastened Nichole's arms to her sides. Since one can't be too careful, Joyce wrapped Nichole's mouth in several layers of duct tape.

"Mmmmm," came a quiet mew from the gagged girl.
"Now we can play video games."
"Mm hm!" Nichole nodded.
"You tied her up to force her to play video games?" Janie asked.
"Sure did!"
"Crazy girls!"
"You tied her up so that she would be forced to listen to you babble!"
"I already knew I was crazy."

That day, Janie discovered a deeper meaning of love as she poured out her heart to Joy's understanding and sympathetic ears.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 028: The Girl with the Tie-Dye Bandana

Later that sane day, Jenny was picking through her clothing thoroughly. She was looking for things she did need anymore whether because they were ruined or they didn't fit her, although the latter was unlikely since she stopped growing when she was 14. She just blindly jammed stuff in the same old suitcase and drawers and such. She actually had a plastic drawer unit she used for holding her personals (clothing and otherwise), bandanas/headbands, socks, underwear, shirts, etc. It was about a 2.5 ft high and 18 inch wide drawer unit. She used her dorm drawers mostly for junk, larger articles of clothing like jeans and sweatpants and dresses, and other similar things.

As Jenny was inspecting, she discovered two articles of clothing she hadn't seen in year, home dyed tie-dye bandana and a matching t-shirt. She grabbed them in surprise and laughed before exchanging her shirt and headband for the tie-dye t-shirt and kerchief bandana.

"Nichole, come here!"
"What is it?"
"Come look? Remember this?!"
"Oh, do I ever!"
"Where are yours?"
"This shirt I still have... the other... you and Joy gagged me with it a few times and it got a hole."
"That's when we started using socks only for stuffing."
"Oh, that's right!"
"Hmmmm... sit down, Nichole."
"Aw, come on! I was already tied up by Joyce earlier!"
"You sit down!"
"Don't make us have to wrestle it out."
"Jenny," Nichole saw the gleam in her eye, "All right."
"Only because I love you," the captive laughed.


After their conversation, Janie and Joy had decided to go clothes shopping. Joy was seeking a new outfit anyway, and she suggested Janie come along.

"Look, Janie, I don't think you need to change how you do things, bur you should get one thing that's nice just to wear when you feel like dressing up nicer than normal."
"OK, boss."
"Hey, check this out," Joy grabbed a pretty blue long-sleeve t-shirt.
"That'd be perfect to wear tomorrow at my sister's place."
"Especially with this white lace jacket."
"You need a skirt or pair of pants to match it."
"How about the ruffle skirt I already had found?"
"It IS the same color! I never pay attention much except that colors don't clash."
"Well, that's your fault!"
"OMG. Joy! Look at that!" Janie hurried toward something.

Janie pulled a dress off the rack. It had a curved neckline that came down only about halfway, short sleeves, and a skirt that went down to about the knees. To no one's surprise, it was red.

"Yes, that screams Janie!"
"I am so wearing this tomorrow!"
"It'll be perfect for you. Now, let's get one more... just to give you an option."
"Yes, ma'am."
"I owe you a tie-up for calling me 'ma'am.'"
"You should!"
"We're going to look like princesses tomorrow."
"I like that thought."
"You should."
"Joy... thanks for today. It has been transformative for me."
"I'm glad that I could make a positive in the life of someone I love!"


"There!" Jenny tied Nichole's arms to the sides of the chair back at the wrists and shoulders.
"You have way with things.
"I sure DO!"
"What now!"
"This!" Jenny added a breast harness that went around the chair back as well.

Jenny added a waist rope before tying Nichole's legs to the chair legs at the knees and ankles.

"I'm a human chair!"
Yes, but chairs don't talk."
"Yes they do!"
"In 'Beauty and the Beast'!"
"Stuff it!"
"MMMMMPH!" Nichole got her second gag of the day, this one a blue ball threaded with a pink bandana.
"That's so much better. You're nicer and more lovable when silenced."
"OK!" Jenny followed by slipping Nichole's white bandana headband over her eyes.
"MPH!" Nichole shook.
"Yada yada!" Jenny filmed her friend.
"That girl has been through enough today!" Joyce said with a laugh.
"Oh, you want to join her?!" Jenny asked as she took a selfie.
"No, but you will!"
"Bring it on!"


"Hold still!"
"You really need to be quiet more!"

The MMPH-ing person should be upset. She was tied at the ankles, knees, thighs, wrists, elbows, breasts, and waist with yellow rope that had black ends. A blue rubber ball threaded with a handkerchief silenced her. The victim was being lashed to the footboard of the dorm bed at her breasts and shoulders.

"Really, Bridgie!"
"You make a cute victim."
"Mmmm lllll!"
"I like tying you up because you're my rowmate!"
"Mm hmmmmmmm!"
"Now, good night!"
"Mmmmmm!" Bridget got a blue bandana blindfold.
"Say fontina!"
"Mmm nnn uh!"
"Thanks!" Sera took a selfie before filming her victim.

Oh, the fun times they would have.


"That was fun, Joy."
"I'm glad it was."
"I never will feel convicted to wear church clothes all the time or to always hide my head, but I think it's healthy to take a day and be girly on regular occasion."
"That sounds good."
"Well, here we are, dorm sweet dorm," Janie opened the door.
"Say, where is everyone?"
"We're in here!"
"OK. Come see what we got."
"I need 3 more minutes."
"What's going on?"
"A little fun!"
"Wow! Joy, come look!"

Joyce was standing at the foot of the bunk bed. Her legs were spread and tied to the legs at her ankles (with rope), and her thighs (with two purple bandanas) were tied to the footboard. Her arms were up at 45-degree angles and fastened at the shoulders (with two camouflage bandanas) and elbows (with rope). Her elbows were then bent at 90-degrees so that her wrists were tied overhead with rope. A blue rubber ball threaded with a black bandana gagged her, and a yellow one blindfolded her.

"Nice work!" Joy congratulated.
"It was quite the wrestling match!"
"That's intense, Miss Tiedye!"
"Yeah, I found it while you were gone."
"Nichole ate a hole in hers."
"That girl has a strange habit of eating her headbands," Janie laughed.
"Hey, I owe you one!"
"Show Jenny our outfits first!"
"First, I tie your wrists!"
"I had to!"
"Show me, pleeeeeeeaaassssseeee!!!!" Jenny begged.

Joy grabbed Janie's new dress and held it up for Janie, who struck a goofy pose.

"That looks awesome. It's YOU!"
"Thanks. I saw it and immediately needed it. Not a want, a need."
"Look what I got!" Joy showed.
"That's definitely you, Joy," Jenny replied in an uninterested way.
"Isn't it?! Let me finish you Janie!"
"Ugh!" Janie got a sock in her mouth followed by an appropriately red knotted bandana cleave gag.

Joy tied Janie's ankles, thighs, elbows, and breasts before hogtying her on the couch. A second red bandana blindfolded her, and to make it completely red Joy had even used Janie's own red rope. Jenny went after Joy, of course.

"Come here!"
"Hey, I got it once already!"
"Make it twice," Jenny tied Joy's wrists in a boxtie.
"Oh, all right! You got me!"
"Now," Jenny got a sock and a brown bandana, "Be quiet, Amish wannabe."
"Yeah, stuff it!" Jenny tied the bandana tightly before wrapping Joy's face in duct tape six times.

Jenny tied up Joy exactly like Janie, except Joy also got a waist rope, and her blindfold was pink. Joy, however, couldn't care anymore; all she could bring herself to do was cry. Even Joyce and Nichole stopped dead in their escape attempts. Jenny had never insulted anyone before.



Unsurprisingly, the scene with Bridget and Sera saw their roles reversed. True to her word, Bridget hadn't gagged Sera, who was uncomfortable with having her ability to voice distress being taken except by request. She requested it when she realized Bridget was going to tickle her.

The rowmates had always been really good friends, but this had helped them discover so much more. They liked so many of the same things: baseball players, types of men, TV shows, games, etc. It was like they were distant cousins. They really were having fun.

"Oh, that was awesome!" Sera said as the gag came out.
"That was fun!"
"For both of us!"
"Star Trek?"
"Oh, sure!"

Bridget got on the floor next to her tied up friend as they watched the classic program.


Everybody avoided what Jenny had said after they had all been released. Joyce retreated to her dorm to avoid any potential fight. Janie played a video game. Joy returned to her room crying.

"Joy, what's wrong?"
"Nichole... that's why I never told anyone about my problems."
"I knew somebody would mock me, but I never thought it'd be her!"
"I'm sure she was kidding."
"She wasn't. You didn't see the face she made when I showed her my new outfit."
"Did she?"
"Yes. She's my best friend. How could she?!"
"Joy?" Jenny showed her head.
"May I come over?"
"I guess...," Joy sniffed back her tears.
"Joy, I'm sorry about how I treated you today. I felt... condemned."
"I felt like you were boasting and being a hypocrite. I didn't think anyone could actually feel that way. You're so vivacious. I didn't know about your struggles... now like that anyway."
"Take me or leave me... it's the only way I know I can comfortably get to heaven."
"I wouldn't want you not to get there. If dressing a certain way brings you closer to the Way of Life, it doesn't mean it has to work for me."
"Joy, I am sorry. I don't want to hurt you ever again."
"I love you so much, Tie-dye gangsta girl."
"I love you too!"
"I love you both!"
"Thanks Nichole!"
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 029: Girls in Blue Part 1

It was an interesting time on the day the title "Queen of the Blues" was added to the nicknames held by members of the Cool Girls' Club. It all came about as a result of this party at Lauren's, a day which saw Lauren and some of her friends do something a little cheesy. They had coordinated their outfits to feature different shades of blue. It all came together hastily the night before after Joy had talked to Jenny and Nichole.

To explain, Lauren was wearing bright blue trainers, a black t-shirt, and a bright blue bandana headband. Sera had navy blue trainers, a school t-shirt, and a navy blue bandana headband. Nichole had pale blue trainers, a white t-shirt, and a pale blue kerchief bandana. Lastly, Joy had her new outfit, which was a blue ruffle skirt, blue long-sleeve t-shirt with a white lace jacket, and a blue kerchief bandana. Each one was blue, but each was a different shade of blue.

The rest weren't at all coordinated. Joyce had blue jean shorts and a purple polo shirt. Jenny wore brown trainers, a pink tank-top, and a beige kerchief bandana. Bridget had blue jeans and a pinkish-orangish flannel shirt. Caleigh, Lauren and Zack's one roommate, wore her black and white checked sleeveless t-shirt with a red ball cap and black short shorts.

Janie was wearing her new red dress with red flip flops and a red headband and with her hair in a braid held by a red ponytail. Suddenly, her hair-length was apparent as the braid almost touch her gluteals. It was no wonder she usually had a bun. Everyone took turns letting Janie know that she looked awesome because it was her birthday.

It seemed to be a normal day, though everyone suspected that the blue outfits were TUG related. It only made sense that this was a plot to kidnap the others. It was such a ploy that Sera said she would allow her teammates to gag her lightly, either cleave or rubber ball.

A bunch of them- specifically Caleigh, Janie, Joy, and Nichole- played games to decide which would be handcuffed while they ate; Caleigh lost. Lauren and Zack made burgers, hot dogs, and French fries. Jenny and Joyce had handled the salads. Nichole and Joy had made a dessert. It was a combo of back-to-school, Janie's 19th birthday, and housewarming.

They sat down to eat amidst much laughter and banter. Some were in the living room and others at the table. Caleigh fumbled a couple of times before she got used to her limited range of motion. Lauren and Zack talked about their honeymoon. Caleigh told stories of childhood TUG adventures at her house. Janie expressed excitement over Amanda's pregnancy. It was really a grand old time.

Afterwards, the girls played games. Some played board games, some card games, and others video games. Then the first challenge came.

"Tie up the losers," Lauren said, as she, Janie, Nichole, and Jenny played Super Smash Brothers.
"You're on!" Jenny laughed, knowing she always lost as much as she loved the game.

Sure enough, she was the first to go out, and the game was paused. Jenny found her wrists, elbows, breasts, ankles, and thighs housed in rope; before binding, Lauren put socks on Jenny's arms. Lauren left it at that so that she could enjoy herself while the game continued. She'd be gagged later.

In turn, Janie and then Nichole fell. Lauren lined them all up on the couch, tied identically. For further effect, she gagged them all with a sock and a knotted white handkerchief hidden by a strip of microfoam tape. Jenny had her beige headband slipped over her eyes; Janie and Nichole just got a red bandana blindfolds.

Caleigh was an easy target in her still handcuffed state, and quickly she found herself with a breast harness and ropes binding her ankles, knees, and thighs with a blue rubber ball threaded with a black bandana gagging her. Her wrists got fastened to her knees and her ankles to her thighs. Her gifts were courtesy Serafina, who was now baiting Joyce, Bridget, and Zack with a board game.

"You made it seem so easy!" Lauren noted.
"Sure did!"
"You flipped coins to decide this?"
"Double-sided coins!"
"MMMMMMMM!" the gagged one wailed.
"Why the socks?"
"Now they can't as easily help each other!"
"Where did you learn that?"
"For a girl with little to no knowledge of bondage, she sure knows how to be a vicious captor!"
"She's a beast!"

Joy and Lauren now were playing the video game. While this went on, Sera added Bridget and Zack (who was also in on this) to the pile of the gagged. Both got their arms boxtied before their breasts, ankles, knees, and thighs were and they were put into hogties. Knotted handkerchiefs gagged them.

Lauren found herself on the losing side of the video games. Joy chose a regular chair tie, fastening Lauren's ankles and knees to the respective legs and her wrists and elbows to the respective arms. Her shoulders were fastened to the back with black bandanas. A breast harness, waost rope, and thigh rope ensured her security. A sock, a purple bandana, and strips of white duct tape silenced her, and a yellow bandana blindfolded her.

Sera lost the finale against Joyce, who tied her up just like Joy had tied Lauren. The only difference was that she had finished tying her but hadn't done else when she was wrestled down by Joy.

"JOY!" Joyce groaned as she felt the familiar click of handcuffs.
"So rude!"
"Silence!" a sock entered her mouth followed by a pink bandana cleave gag and seven severe windings of white tape. Joy bound Joyce's elbows, breasts, waist, ankles, knees, and thighs before sitting her at Sera's feet.

"What are you doing?"
"Securing her to you!" Joy tied her friend's torso and arms to the chair legs, wrapping around Sera's legs.
"It feels weird!"
"It should!" Joy blindfolded Joyce with a pale blue bandana.
"What about me?"
"You want a gag?"
"Knotted bandana and maybe the mushy tape, oh, Queen of the Blues!"

Joy understood exactly and provided. A knotted navy blue bandana cleave gagged her, and a strip of microfoam tape silenced her. Another navy blue bandana blindfolded her.

Joy surveyed the carnage. She was in a room full of bound and gagged people. She took a long film of the carnage and many photographs. Joy masked herself with a blue bandana, in Cool Girls' Club tradition, and took selfies with every tied up person, taking extra time with her blue gang members.

When done, Joy pulled her mask down and looked at her pictures. She was almost bluer than Janie was red! It was quite impressive, really! She had blue skirt, long-sleeve t-shirt, kerchief, and mask! It was an apt title, and after so many years it felt good to have a TUG-related nickname like Jenny and Nichole did.

Joy sat on the couch, herself on Jenny, her head in Nichole's lap, and her feet on birthday girl Janie's. She slipped up each of their blindfolds, except Nichole's whom she had to pull down.

"You, happy birthday!"
"We did it, Nichole!"
"Mmm hmm!"

Joy relaxed to pleasant sound of grunting of the friends she loved helplessly tied and gagged.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 030: Girls in Blue Part 2

Joy slowly released those who were clearly helpless. It wasn't until 5PM that all were freed and Joy, Janie, Jenny, and Nichole were back in their own place and Bridget, Joyce, and Sera were in theirs. The four girls relaxed for a while before getting a light dinner and returning again around 7PM, which was followed by some hours of Netflix.

Every chance, Joy was called "Queen of the Blues." She was stately in the before-mentioned blue long-sleeve t-shirt, long blue ruffle skirt, blue kerchief bandana, blue bandana neckerchief from her earlier mask, and white lace jacket. She looked... like Joy, and nobody else.

Joy wasn't the least bit surprised when she was grabbed by Janie. The hulking figure wrapped one arm around her torso and clamped the other hand over her mouth. Joy could only make muffled sounds while Nichole bound her wrists and elbows. Joy kicked her legs too much for anything else to be tied.

"Oh, you know who it is!"

After was done, Janie put her down.

"I was anticipating revenge. But birthday girl should have to spend the night tied up as well!"
"Smart idea!" Jenny eagerly complied.
"Hey, wait!" Janie exclaimed as she was grabbed and had her wrists handcuffed behind her.
"Too late! We'll replace those with rope in a minute!"

The "hulking figure" in the red dress got her wrists and elbows roped as well. She stood next to Joy in her new knee-length red dress with her braided hair held by a red headband and a red ponytail. Both were to receive bondage coordinated with their outfits.

Joy's mask was untied, folded, knotted, and used to cleave gag her. Janie got the same from a red bandana. Both got white bandana blindfolds. They then received bindings of their ankles, knees, thighs, breasts, and waist.

The captives were lead into the bedroom and seated on the floor for photographs and a film. Selfies were skipped this time. Nichole and Jenny removed their footwear before tucking each of them into their respective bunk, which wasn't that easy! A couple more photos sealed this memory in their minds.

As Jenny and Nichole walked to their room, Jenny decided to grab Nichole.

"You were part of this master plan!"
"True!" Nichole laughed as Jenny removed her hand to rope Nichole's wrists and add a waist rope.
"Let's go!"

Jenny sat Nichole on the bottom bunk of the bed in the corner made by the frame/footboard with the wall. Jenny tied Nichole's elbows on the other side of the frame before adding the breast harness.

"I shan't be wandering anywhere!"
"No, you shan't!"
"Gangsta witch kidnapped me!"
"Be quiet!"
"Mmmph!" Nichole got a blue rubber ball threaded with a white handkerchief in her mouth.

Jenny bound Nichole's ankles, knees, and thighs before running a loose rope the captive's knees to her chest. A navy blue bandana blindfold plunged her into darkness. Jenny removed Nichole's sneakers and and socks before doing the same herself. Jenny then looked at this.

"I tied you like this... on my bunk!"
"I'm small. I'll fit anyhow!" Jenny said, and she did successfully get in.
"Be nice now!"

Jenny took photos and a video of her victim before reaching over and turning out the light. The dorm was nice and quiet, a pleasant silence that only arose when all alone. The pleasant silence accompanied by the occasional squeak of three beloved friends bound and gagged.


"She was in on that mess," Bridget said to Joyce.
"She certainly was."
"I say she spends the night tied up."
"Sounds good to me," Serafina replied.
"You butt out," Bridget quipped with a grin.
"Let's do it."
"ASAP," Bridget nodded.
"I'm game," Sera added.
"You're no fun."
"I think I am."
"But you aren't."
"Just remember no gag."
"Of course"
"Unless I ask for it."
"Or Joyce does it."
"May I gag you now?"
"Yes, Joyce!"
"Mmmph!" Sera got a knotted navy blue bandana cleave gag.
"Much better."
"She's better this way."
"Mmph!" Sera got her wrists tied.

Sera soon had tied elbows, ankles, knees, thighs, breasts, and waist. Bridget slipped Sera's headband over her eyes as a blindfold, and they tucked her into bed for the night.

Being tied up for bed was best when tied by those you trusted and loved.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 031: EnJoy Yourself

The next morning, Joy awoke to feeling her bonds being loosened. She knew it had to be Jenny doing so. Joy was clueless as to what time it was since she was blindfolded, but Jenny usually arose around 6:30.

With her wrists freed, Joy was able to free herself the rest of the way, although it took her 20 minutes. She eagerly unknotted her gag and blindfold. Once done with that, she aided the struggling Janie.

"Nice undies," Joy laughed, as she could see them easily.
"Hmph!" Janie snorted.
"I need a shower."
"Mmmm!" Janie wailed as Joy shut the door to the one bathroom, new outfit in hand.

Janie was left to help herself... which took 10 minutes. She was insufferably pleased with the previous day's events. This was in spite of spending more time tied up and gagged than not. Janie changed into green trainers, a yellow t-shirt, a green bandana headband, yellow socks, and a yellow ponytail.

Jenny was out waiting. Her outfit of the day was a solid pink bandana headband, pink trainers, and a brown sleeveless t-shirt with her pink sneakers and pink socks. Jenny was preparing a homemade breakfast.

Nichole was just removing her last bonds before shutting the door. She emerged in jean shorts, a black t-shirt, and a blue floral bandana headband. She looked eagerly at Jenny.

"What are you doing?"
"Awesome sauce!"

Joy emerged from her shower in a new outfit. She had on a new gray skirt, which was made out of a t-shirt like material. With that she wore a pink t-shirt and a gray kerchief bandana. She looked at her friends and tried to smile, but she couldn't no matter how hard she tried.

"Joy, what's wrong?!" Nichole asked.
"I wish I knew."
"What do you mean?"
"I wish I knew. I just feel lousy, almost like I'm sick, but I have no symptoms."
"Bad night's sleep?"
"Maybe. I think... I can't say it. I'll text it."
"Nichole... you're still a little upset with Jenny, aren't you?"
"If I'm upset with anybody, it's me!" Joy started crying.
"What is wrong with you?!"
"I got a text last night from my sister... asking if I knew anything."
"Knew anything about what? Calm down and tell me what's wrong."
"My father left my mother yesterday. They're separated."
"Oh, no!"
"I couldn't reach either to find out what happened."
"Joy, maybe you should talk to Bridget.
"Yeah... She might be of help."

After breakfast, Joy went to see Bridget.

"Hey, what's wrong?"
"My parents... got separated yesterday."
"I don't understand how!!"
"Joy, we can leave...," Joyce started.
"You can stay if you'd like. You're as much my friends as she is."
"We'll go torture Jenny instead," Sera laughed.
"Enjoy yourself."
"Well, Joy?"
"I don't know... I'm devastated right now..."
"I miss my mom every day."
"I'm sorry for you."
"What about Joyce?"
"We can only imagine."

Joyce and Sera happily strolled toward the dorm-apartment shared by Joy, Jenny, Janie, and Nichole. They were certainly friends. As they walked, Sera pointed out the boys she thought were cute. Joyce had on black leggings with a pink t-shirt; Sera had white short shorts, a red t-shirt, and a white bandana headband.

They arrived to find they had fortunately missed nothing. There was, however, a clear cut TUG smell in the air.

"Look... let's try to do different stuff. The same old ties are still fun after a decade, but we've gone at it every day this week. Don't tie me up unless you have something different," Nichole randomly and vehemently declared.
"Cool... I'll start," Sera grabbed Nichole.
"What are you doing... OW!"
"I'm doing a reverse prayer on you."
"I hate that one."
"Too bad for you!"
"Sera!" Jenny scolded.
"Yeah, I can be a bit rough. She's the one that needs silencing though!"
"Mmmph!" Nichole received a blue rubber ball threaded with a pink bandana.
"This'll hold," Sera proudly declared as tied a breast harness.
"You're a toughie," Janie laughed.
"I have to be to be a row."
"Mmmph!" Nichole groaned while her ankles got tied.
"Be quiet!"
"UN UH!"
"Take this then!"
"Mmmmmph!" Nichole got hogtied.

Nichole said little while her knees and thighs were roped before her headband became her blindfold. Sera enjoyed taking selfies of her friend.

"Whose next?" she asked eagerly.
"Serafina Randaccio! The hell I say!" Janie laughed.
"What she said!" Joyce agreed.
"I... yeah... NO!" Jenny said, refusing to agree with a phrase containing the word 'hell.'
"Oh, fine!"
"You can be though!" Joyce said.
"Yeah!" Janie helped her out.
"Girls!" Sera walked into Jenny and Nichole's bedroom... a big mistake.
"Hold her Janie!"
"Sure will!"
"Girls!" the captive laughed as she was pushed into the bed post and her arms cuffed behind her behind the post.
"She can't wander now!"
"That's for sure!"
"These will hold her!"
"Girls!" Sera laughed hysterically.
"Too late for you!" Janie tied her elbows.
"Can't free you now!" Joyce took her ankles.
"I can't believe I let this happen!"
"I can!" Jenny heckled as she slipped Joyce's headband over her eyes.
"Awe, poor Sera!" Jenny teased.
"She's better gagged," Joyce noted.
"Please, not now."
"OK!" Joyce bound her thighs.
"As you wish," Janie added a breast harness.
"Don't want to make you uncomfortable," Jenny added a waist rope.
"Thank you."
"Aren't TUGs great?" Joyce did the knees last.
"YES!" All agreed.
"Girls... we can do a cheesy fake gag. How about a silly triangle handkerchief hiding a strip of the foam tape?"
"Sure thing!"
"Oh, I get to choose my gag. What a privilege!"
"Be quiet!"
"MMMPH!" Sera groaned.

After Sera's custom gag was applied, the trio stood around for a photo before filming her. This was indeed a great way to pass by some extra time. TUGs really did bind them all together.

"Fun time!"
"Janie!" Jenny felt handcuffs clasp on her too.
"Be a sport."
"Do something different for me too! Pleeeeeaasseees!"
"Sure thing, Gangsta Princess!"
"I like that name."
"I know you do. I have something different to do!"

Twenty minutes later, Jenny had her wish. She was tied at her ankles, knees, thighs, elbows, breasts, and waist. She had a sock, a knotted brown bandana, and a strip of microfoam tape gagging her, and a black bandana blindfolded her. She was on her bed, her torso fastened to the slats of the bunk above at her waist, breasts, and shoulders. Her ankles had a rope running to the footboard. A rope ran from her cuffs to the footboard as well.

Jenny was quiet pleased her request was met. She was amused to actually not be touching her bed much at all, if at all. She was basically immobilized like this, and she was, as far as she could tell, floating. This was suspension bondage, she supposed. It was different and new, at least.

For funsies and in a mockery of the Cool Girls' Club tradition, Janie and Joyce donned green and black, respectively, bandana to mask themselves for selfies with Jenny before filming her struggle... or lack of ability to do so.

"She's pretty helpless."
"She looks like a penguin."
"Oh, no!" Janie started laughing so much she fell over.

They laughed so hard their masks fell in their mouths as gags. Something about Jenny and penguins tickled their laugh boxes beyond all belief. Joyce was doubled over in laughter and was helpless against Janie handcuffing her, too.

"No!" she laughed.
"Be quiet!" Janie slapped a strip of microfoam tape over Joyce's mouth retied the pseudo-mask-gag as a real OTM gag.
"Wow!" Janie noticed that it was 10:30. Two hours of TUGs so far!

*knock knock*
"Great now who?!" Janie shut the door, "Hello?"
"Is this Carmen's dorm?"
"Never met her or heard of her. Sorry."

Janie rudely shut the door while the girl was saying thanks. Sera and Nichole scolded through their gags.

"Eh, you're gagged."
"Ready, Joyce?"
"Mm hm!"

Janie did something that, while not a new tie for the group, was new for Joyce. Janie sat her on the chair backwards and fasted her knees to the point where the seat meets both the back and legs before running ropes from her ankles to the front legs. This done, Janie was free to bind Joyce's elbows, breasts, and waist. A series of ropes fastened Joyce's torso to the back of the chair. Janie began to fold a pink bandana when...

*knock knock*
"B¡+©# m·+#€®£u©{€® who the hell is it now?!"
"HHHMMMMMMM!" squealed the girls with bleeding ears as Janie again shut the door.
"Hello?" she opened the door. She saw a girl in black jean shorts and a green t-shirt in the hall.
"Can I help you?"
"Is Jenny here?"
"Um... She's littled tied up right now."
"She's a little tied up too."
"You tied them up?"
"Ummm... what do you mean?"
"You really bound and helplessly gagged the Gangsta Queen and Princess?"
"Listen, who the f*©{ are you, smart@$$?! Tell me now before I beat the living $#¡+ out of you!"
"Hannah Larsson from Mudville. I happen to have known the Gangsta Twins longer than you have."
"Come right on in. I'm preparing a blindfold."
"Yes," Janie grabbed the bandana from the counter where she left it.
"Nice place. Better than my dorm."
"You're a transfer? In here."
"Yep! Wow!"
"Night Joyce!"
"Mmmm?" Joyce questioned.
"I don't know either. Kid, I'm really sorry about that outburst."
"Janie Patterson?" Hannah opened her backpack.
"How did you?"
"Didn't you meet me before we came to school?"
"Yes it was only 5 minutes, and we barely spoke. You're really a rude thing. Put your hands behind your back!"
"Yes, ma'am," Janie followed in embarrassment as her wrists got bound.
"Is it any wonder these girls are so good at tying people up. They have you, a regular Incredible Hulk, to deal with. Didn't you learn any manners growing up?!"
"Mmmm hmmm hmmmm!" the gagged girls snickered.
"Yes, I did," Janie's face was bright read as her elbows, waist, and breasts were bound.
"You sure don't use them! You need some time tied up to learn to behave yourself!"
"I suppose so...," Janie watched her ankles get tied.
"Now, open wide, missy!
"Be quiet!" Hannah jammed a sock in
"I'm not done!" Hannah followed with a blue bandana cleave gag.
"Hmmmm mmmm!"
"Wait... more still!"
"Hmmmm mmm mmmmm .........," Janie got quieter as one, two,..., eight layers of duct tape crushed her face!
"Now, sit down here!" Hannah pushed Janie toward the foot of the bed.

Hannah tied Janie's shoulders and torso to the foot of the bed. She tied Janie's knees and thighs before running a rope from her knees to her chest, lifting her feet in the air. She took Janie's mask/neckerchief off.

Janie watched in curiosity as Hannah donned a blue bandana mask. Then she could watch no more as her former mask was folded and turned into her blindfold.

Hannah was clueless who some of these girls were, but she still took selfies with each and filmed all of them. She pulled her mask down, but she almost jumped through the ceiling when Joy and Bridget came in!

"Hey, where are y'all?"
"In here!" Hannah replied.
"Who is that? Hannah!"
"Joy! How are you!"
"Great! You?"
"Just arrived earlier this week but never had time."
"Hannah, this Bridget Sjaastad."
"Nice to meet you!"
"Same!" Bridget same cheerfully.
"And these are Joyce Verdi, Serafina Randaccio whom we call Sera, and Janie Patterson."
"I met that one already," Hannah rolled her eyes.
"Hey, we still have a pair of handcuffs!" Bridget's eyes twinkled.
"Don't you dare use them on Hannah!"
"Long story," Hannah grinned.
"These girls are tied up really well!"
"Aren't they? I found all of them except Janie tied up when I got here."
"Let's use them on Joy!"
"Hey!" Joy laughed as her wrists clamped together.
"And these!"
"Stop it!" Joy got the thumbcuffs as well, "I need to say what happened!"
"Why, what happened?" Hannah asked.
"My sister texting yesterday asking if I knew what happened because she had heard my father left my mother, and they had gotten separated."
"Oh, no!"
"At the mall! My dunderhead father somehow lost my mother, and it took them 4 1/2 hours to find each other! Somehow, the rumor vine got it to my sister that they were preparing to get divorced."
"You're sister is an idiot?! She seemed so smart!"
"I don't know who is the idiot. I'm glad it was false though!"
"Me too! Shut up, Joy!"
"Mmmmph!" Joy got a sock and a pink bandana cleave gag.
"Your outfit is beautiful."
"Silence is golden."
"...," was all that came after 7 face-crushing layers of duct tape.

Joy also received elbow bonds, a waist rope, and a breast harness.

"Should I go over or under her skirt?"
"Under is fine," Bridget encouraged.

Hannah bound her friend's ankles, knees, and thighs. Bridget blindfolded Joy with a purple bandana before hogtying her. Hannah remasked herself for a selfie with Joy before taking a film of all the captive girls.

"Hannah, tell me about yourself."
"Well, how I came to be here is a long story."
"We have time."
"OK!" Hannah was encouraged by the friendly tone in Bridget's voice.

A crazy adventure made more enjoyable by the bonds of love.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 032: USA vs. Italy 1

Friday saw only a small TUG adventure involving Sera, Joyce, and Janie. The opportunity was just too good to let go to waste.

Sera and Joyce were, for funsies, both wearing their Italian flag bandanas as headbands. Sera wore hers with red trainers and a green tank-top. Joyce had blue jeans and a red r-shirt.

Janie, who was coming to stop by, was wearing blue trainers, a black tank-top... and an American flag bandana headband... It was a natural TUG excuse waiting to happen!

"Good afternoon!" Janie said when Bridget answered the door.
"Get in here, kiddo!"
"Uh oh!" Sera said.
"US troops arriving."
"Well, this is awkward," Janie laughed.
"Sure is!" Joyce smiled.
"Well, then, let's take advantage!"
"Janie!" Sera laughed as Janie grabbed her.

This led to an interesting picture of the mammoth Janie on top of Sera, tying up her wrists, ankles, and breasts while Joyce tried to to tie Janie's legs. When all the chaos had simmered down, somehow Janie and Sera were both thoroughly trussed up.

They were, by some set of circumstances, sitting back-to-back on the floor with bound ankles, knees, thighs, wrists, elbows, breasts, and waist. Each had a knotted red bandana gagging them and a white one blindfolding them, since Joyce figured both flags had red and white in them. They were roped together at their waists, breasts, and shoulders.

"You have one hour to escape! Loser stays tied up!" Joyce challenged.
"OK!" Janie spat out the gag so fast it wasn't wet.

It wasn't much of a challenge as Janie escaped before Sera could get her wrists freed. The young Italian hadn't much TUG experience. Janie happily fastened her loosened bonds and put her in a hogtie. Janie took what had been her former white blindfold and gave it to Sera as a second cleave gag and hogtied her with the former 'gag.'

Fortunately, Joyce had filmed snippets of their escapade, but Janie took her own film and selfies with Sera.

At this point, Janie looked at all the brown rope on the floor. She looked at Joyce and smiled. Joyce laughed knowing what was coming. A few minutes later, Joyce was bound and gagged exactly like Sera, even the same color bandanas. The three girls had incredible fun and memories to treasure.

Serafina Randaccio realized that senior year was going to be very, very long.


"How can a gagged girl hide?!" Caleigh asked herself out loud.
"Look around!" Zack laughed at his wife's protégè.
"Lauren, come out!"

Lauren was having a field day with this. She was wearing her typical black trainers, tie-dye t-shirt, white headband, wrist and elbow ropes, and blue gag rubber ball threaded with a black bandana. This was a typical outfit for the softball coach from Orlando, Florida.

Caleigh had been trying to kidnap Lauren, but Lauren had escaped part way through. Now, Lauren kept finding ways to hide on Caleigh. Zack wasn't helping.

"Dear, she's looking for you!" he had called out once, only for Caleigh to find out he was pranking her.

Caleigh couldn't believe how well a kidnapping victim could travel. It was such that Lauren could have been arrested for trafficking herself. Finally, she made a wrong turn and was hauled to the ground by Caleigh.

"Gotcha! Now you're mine!"
"MMMMPH!" Lauren groaned as she goat a pale blue bandana blindfold.
"Now you're going to run into a wall if you try that again!"

Caleigh bound Lauren's waist, breasts, ankles, knees, and thighs before hogtying her and ziptying her toes. Caleigh tied a rope around Lauren's knees and literally dragged her into the living room.

"Say cheese!"

Lauren, Caleigh, and Zack were having fun so far!


Amanda realized that once she reached her first trimester she'd be 100% unable to do TUGs, although she, for now, could have her arms and legs alone tied and be gagged and such. She refused, however, to be tied beyond that. This was her and Trent's child, and she'd sacrifice TUGs for life for it.

Nevertheless, Amanda couldn't be stopped from tying up Trent or Ashley, as the latter was indeed tied up. Ashley sat on the couch in her jean short shorts and an orange flannel shirt. She had a black ball gag with blue straps in her mouth and a black bandana blindfold; ropes boxtied her arms and bound her breasts, ankles, knees, and thighs. Another rope ran from her knees to her chest.

Amanda loved times challenges. It was the best contest between captor and captive, and it was a great way to test new methods. It was how they tested new gags or new positions, mostly.

Amanda really couldn't believe how perfect her life was at the moment. Here she was with the best friends imaginable, and she had a wonderful husband. Most of all, she had a bundle of joy on the way.

What more could she ask for than more people to love?
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 033: Saturday Last before Class

Caleigh Rondell and her friends were jammed into the apartment-dorm shared by Janie, Jenny, Joy, and Nichole. Also there were Bridget, Hannah, Joyce, Lauren, and Sera. It was a giant party of sorts!

Caleigh, Joy, Joyce, and Sera were playing board games. Bridget, Hannah, Janie, and Jenny were playing video games. This left Lauren and Nichole in the kitchen together.

At the table, Caleigh was trying to figure out what to write for 'Things in this room' that began with 'N.' She wore black short shorts and a white button up t-shirt.
Joy was having an easy time of it as she relaxed in her purple skirt, pink blouse, and purple bandana headband.
Joyce was in blue jeans and a navy blue school polo. She was trying to keep but struggling to do so.
Sera, with a shout if triumph, closed her board. Her hair flung around in spite of the white bandana headband holding it back, a match with her white trainers and black t-shirt.

On the couch, Bridget was thoroughly enjoying herself with the video game. She sat there happily in a navy blue skirt, cowboy boots, and a navy blue plaid shirt.
Hannah was ruling the day at Super Smash Brothers. They had started with 99 lives, and she, with 67, was the only one with more than 20 lives left. She had on the exact same outfit as Sera, in a freakish coincidence, although Hannah's hair also had a white ponytail.
Janie was leading the gang up against Hannah. She had blue trainers, a white t-shirt, and her hair in a bun with a red ponytail and a red bandana headband.
Jenny was, unsurprisingly, the closest to death. The one of the group who played the most video games was the worst at playing video games. She was in lime green trainers, a brown tank-top, and a solid red kerchief bandana.

In the kitchen, Lauren was helping Nichole make snacks and dessert for their little get-together. She had black trainers, a black t-shirt, and a black kerchief bandana to protect her hair, which was braided and in a bun.
Nichole was the master chef of the moment. She led the cooking way in her navy blue trainers, tie-dye t-shirt (which she, too, had found), and double kerchiefed head. She had a camouflage bandana headband on, but to further protect her hair she had put on a handkerchief as a kerchief, which was also large enough for her to tie her hair back like a ponytail (OK, on girls Nichole or Jenny's size, a regular bandana is large enough... but the handkerchief was sufficiently large).

It was really a pleasant get together. Conversation was in the air. Laughter filled the room. The state fire marshal was bitterly weeping. All-in-all, it was a grand ole time! Most importantly, they were doing it without TUGs!

"How's marriage?" Nichole asked Lauren.
"So far so good!"
"No fights?"
"Chris and I had one fight... over whether to rent a house or apartment in spring. I finally won though."
"What's the best part for you kids?"
"He's there for me. He knows what I think and feel, how my childhood affected me, and why my approach to life is different. He cares about my feelings and is hurt with me. He's completely unselfish... almost foolishly so."
"Sounds like he loves you."
"Lauren, he loves me like only Jenny does. Someday, I'm going to decide to take time out of work to have children if only because I want to see what happens when a kid is half Nichole and half Chris."
"How many do you want?"
"As many as I get... unless things get crazy. If I all of a sudden find myself carrying kid number 5, I'll demand a 6th, and then it's condom time!"
"What's wrong with 5? What makes it wore than 4 or 6?"
"Ideally, I want four, two of each. The number five is taboo because that is the number of Blakely children."
"I get your drift."
"What about you?"
"I want two, one of each. Janie's the crazy one ha ha!"
"Well, when Amanda is the one that got Janie into the pro-life stuff. However, meeting some of her friends from our church, a Roman Catholic church, made her decide she wanted to have a big family too!"
"She's something precious and sweet."
"She really can be. She needs to grow up though."
"Yeah... she doesn't want to be like poor Serafina."
"It's her... she can't decide if she wants 8, 10 or a baker's dozen."
"She's adventurous all right!"
"She really has her heart in the right place. She's hoping to play pro softball for a few years then settle down either to have a family or work."
"Big dreams!"
"Yeah... Nichole?"
"Why the hell are you wearing a handkerchief on your head?"
"To keep my hair out of my way and splut free?"
"On top of a bandana already?"
"To protect the bandana because I keep TUG ones separate from personal ones?"
"I don't like ruining things. I like my clothes. Why do you think I have an apron on? Seriously, I just wanted to protect my whole head."
"Chemical engineering is great. If I work as a real engineer, I'll just need to wear pants instead of shorts, and I'll still look like Nichole otherwise. I'll continue to be the Gangsta Queen!"
"That's not why you chose that, is it?"
"Oh, no! That's ridiculous. I only discovered that perk a year ago."
"Handkerchief nutter..."
"What did you call me?"
"Pass me the butter!" Lauren made a big grin.
"BS. Here's your nutter."
"Thanks, Gangsta Queen."
"No problem."
"How's it having Caleigh around?"
"She's great. She's on the other side of the house, so Zack and I can be as loud as we like."
"Zack and I are the lovers who don't belong in an apartment. We're noisy lovers."
"Chris and I aren't like that."
"This topic is disgusting."
"It sounds pretty colorful to me! Do you do bondage sex? Ha ha."
"Nichole," Lauren's face turned red, "Caleigh is a nice young lady. She doesn't ask inappropriate questions."
"Unlike you."
"She's also a great student. If I groom Janie, they'll be the nation's best pitcher-catcher duo."
"But Janie doesn't like catching as much as playing shortstop."
"But she's great at it!"
"Lauren... don't bully her, or she will begin to resent you."
"Besides, you're winning the title anyway this year, right?"
"What do you think of her?"
"My sister over there."
"Jenny? She's the nicest person ever. I love her to death."
"Me, too," Nichole started choking up, "I'm going to miss her when I move out."
"It needs to happen eventually."
"I know. She's all I have though."
"Besides your dozen TUG buddies."
"Not just TUG buddies... friends... She's my family."
"Remember... kith & kin."
"I'm glad you found Chris."
"I am too. You?"
"Same. Zack is everything for me."
"Look at us... we're women now Lauren, like it or not. We're adulting!"
"I miss youth."
"Oh, we're still youth too. Under 30 is youth."
"I'll take it."
"Chris and Jenny are why I came to be a Christian."
"You weren't before?"
"Not at all... but I believe a real external power guides them."
"That's an awe inspiring thought."
"It is. I'm going to kidnap her tonight."
"Yeah. Time for another hostage film."
"I love those. I love seeing her face when you tell her she's screwed over for the night!"
"Me too! Those films are so fun!"
"I'm going to do one with Janie! I'll get her over to my place next weekend instead!"
"Deal! Remember to vote!"
"I will... for her suffering!"
"Ha ha!"
"What's your favorite holiday?"
"Mine is Thanksgiving... I am thankful for people like Jenny."
"Mine is Christmas because my siblings and I always surprise each other with unexpected gifts!"
"What a life we live!"
"A wonderful life, Lauren!"
"True true true."
"How did you find TUGs?"
"Trent found it first. He had the bright idea of tying up Janie one time. I saw what he did and researched further. Janie and he learned the rest of the ropes from me."
"I learned from Hannah in the original days of our club."
"Induction was spent a night bound and gagged. You had to escape to be admitted."
"Yeah... especially since Hannah and Casey taught themselves the full bondage rigging!"
"Brutal inductions."
"Did you know Joy and Hannah before then?"
"I knew them before then, yeah. I was the link. I knew Jenny and got her in... Jenny knew Joy better than I and got her involved."
"There! Everything's ready!"
"Great!" Nichole pulled off the handkerchief, "I designate you!"
"Hey! What are you doing?" Bridget said without looking away from the game.
"You," Nichole said as she gave Bridget a handkerchief kerchief, "Are dish slave!"
"No fair!"
"Fair!" Lauren yelled back with a grin on her face.
"You!" Nichole did the same to Janie, "Are her helper!"

And the girls paused their activities to partake in the snack.


Later that evening, after Nichole and Jenny had entered their room, Nichole expressed her plan.

"Jenny, let's do another hostage video. If they don't help you, not only do you stay tied and gagged all night but also I will blindfold you so that you can't watch TV over my shoulder."
"You're always a sport, Gangsta Princess."
"Yes, your highness!" Jenny laughed.

A short while later, Jenny had tied ankles, feet, knees, thighs, wrists, elbows, breasts, and waist. She was sitting on her bed while Nichole got ready to film. Before being tied, Jenny had redone her solid red kerchief as a headband in case she lost. Nichole pushed the button and started.

"Hey, girls."
"Janie's brother is watching this too."
"Hey guys."
"Betraying your girl friends?"
"Hey, everyone," Jenny said with gritted teeth while glaring at Nichole before resuming her normal tone, "Jenny here again. As you can imagine, this is another hostage video. Yes, yet again, [camera pans] Nichole wants you to pay a Facebook reaction ransom for my freedom. Tonight, she wants 5 laughing reactions, because she hates it when people laugh at her. Mock her pathetic kidnapping of her best friend so that she'll free me! Show your friendship for Jenny!"
"Who's shutting up now!"
"Mmph!" Jenny got an orange rubber ball threaded with a blue bandana.
"Vote peoples!"
"Mmm hmm!"

A few minutes later, Joy and Janie arrived. They were watching the video. Jenny growled at Nichole when it got to the gagging part.

"I loved it."
"I did too. Two heart reactions for you!"
"MMMMPH!" Jenny couldn't believe they did it to her face.
"Good night!" Joy smiled at Jenny in a friendly manner.
"Enjoy!" Janie squeezed the gagged girl's face as both left.
"Sorry! And it has 4... 5 likes now. Good night!" Nichole grinned.
"MMPH!" Jenny's solid red bandana headband became her blindfold.
"Good night!" Nichole tucked her friend into bed.

Ahhh... the love of sisterhood and friendship.
Last edited by AlexUSA3 2 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 034: SFunday

Jenny blinked because she couldn't do anything else. She lay on the floor in brown trainers, a pink tank-top, and her camouflage kerchief bandana. The girls had returned from church, but Jenny had changed as soon as they got in. The Gangsta Princess believed she was in the most restrictive bondage imaginable.

How so? Her thighs, knees, and ankles were tied, and then her legs folded and tied so that her feet touched her gluteals. Her elbows were tied together, and being Jenny they were flexible enough to touch. Her arms were then folded and tied so that her hands were on her shoulders. On top of this, she had a hogtie from her elbows to her ankles and a breast harness which prevented her arms from making what little motion they could before.

To make it all worse, she was gagged with a sock, a black bandana cleave gag, and 6 tight layers of gray duct tape. She lay on the living room floor in a somewhat helpless and distressed state. Her tied was such that she basically had all her wait on her knees and breasts, as the latter was forced out more than she had imagined possible. She was offended that you could almost see too much detail. At least she wasn't alone either in being tied or tied in a different way, and she was flexible enough to not be in pain.

Joy was next to Jenny in her new blue skirt, long-sleeve t-shirt, white lace jacket, and blue kerchief bandana. She was tied at her ankles, knees, lower thighs, and upper thighs with her arms behind her so that her hands touched her shoulders and pinned by a breast harness. She an orange rubber ball threaded with a black bandana gagging her, but it was hidden by a strip of microfoam tape and a triangle blue bandana OTM gag.

But wait, there's more!

Janie, also, was tied up. She was still in her Sunday outfit of blue jeans and a black polo shirt, her unbraided hair held by a white headband and her feet shod in her red sneakers. Janie had bound ankles, knees, lower thighs, upper thighs, AND feet. Her elbows were tied behind her head, and then her wrists tied behind her neck. A hogtie rope ran from her ankles to her wrists.

Nichole was there, of course, since this was also her place! She had her long navy blue skirt, a pink blouse, and a navy blue bandana headband. She wasn't tied up, as she was the captor eagerly filming and photographing her captives. Not only did she do that, but also she was video chatting with Lauren. It was a Sunday fun day!

"Hi, Jenny!" Lauren said as Nichole put the phone in front of her victim.
"Mmmmmmm!" she squealed at Lauren
"She says she's happy!" Nichole responded to it.
"And enjoying it!"
"Unnnnnnhhhhhhhh!" Jenny groaned, genuinely upset.
"She's fun to tie up!"
"Mmmm...," Jenny wailed... brewing inside.

Nichole was going to have the worm turn later.


Nichole wasn't the only one experimenting. Lauren was experimenting on her protégé, Caleigh Rondell. Caleigh had jean shorts and a black t-shirt.

Lauren had been pretty brutal. Caleigh had boxtied arms and the usual breast, ankle, knee, and thigh bonds. Then Lauren had sat her in the chair and fastened her torso, waist, shoulders, thighs, and ankles to it thoroughly. Caleigh's arms were pinned between her torso and the chair! Unfortunately, a sock and a knotted brown bandana kept her from protesting.

Lauren was satisfied with her experiment, although Caleigh didn't think too highly of it at the moment!


Bridget, Sera, and Joyce all relaxed in their church clothes after a Sunday morning of worship, although Sera and Janie had done theirs in a different place. Bridget and Joyce were stuck as their denominations didn't have churches near the school. Bridget was constantly dumbfounded that there wasn't a Lutheran church near a university in Minnesota, yet there was a Roman Catholic one!

Bridget had a bright blue calf-length skirt, black blouse, and matching bright blue headband. Joyce wore a pink knee-length dress. Sera had black pants, a green floral blouse, and a white kerchief bandana.

They weren't really TUGging... they, for funsies, all had bound their ankles, knees, and thighs. Each one was gagged with a knotted white handkerchief. It was a game to see how much they could do in their state. Walk, talk, use the bathroom, etc. They tried it all.

It was a fun way to spend a relaxing time together.

Next thing Sera knew, Bridget and Joyce were on top of her, and she was getting blindfolded with a black bandana while her wrists and elbows were tied behind her. A breast harness and waist rope finished the conversion process.

"Hmmm!" Sera moaned
"Ha ha... I mean, Gotcha!" Joyce removed her gag.
"Uh ih ahh!" Bridget ordered.
"Mmmmph!" Joyce complied
"Oooh!" Bridget grabbed Joyce and roped her wrists behind her.
"Ha ha!" Bridget roped her elbows.
"I ih [Try this]!" Bridget hogtied her.
"Nigh nigh!" Bridget added a red bandana blindfold.

Now it was a perfect afternoon!


That evening, Jenny decided it was time for some friendly revenge.

"Nichole, I'm taking you hostage."
"My turn at last?"
"Ha ha... yes!" Jenny smiled.

Soon, Nichole was sitting in a chair. It was fairly normal... wrists, elbows, breasts, waist, ankles, knees, thighs. Nichole looked unusually innocent in the afore-mentioned long navy blue skirt, a pink blouse, and a navy blue bandana headband.

"Hi, everyone. The tides have turned. Jenny has kidnapped me."
"For once!"
"It's time to vote for Nichole to be freed! If you don't, I spend the night tied to the post in the corner of Jenny's bed with a gag in my mouth. Let her know you're disappointed by her cruelty by making 5 sad reactions. Please vote!"
"She has 20 minutes!" Jenny gagged Nichole.
"OOMMMPH!" she received a blue rubber ball threaded with a handkerchief.

A few minutes later, Jenny was looking at her video.

"One like... one heart... four sad reactions?!"
"I don't believe it!"
"Hmph!" Nichole was surprised.
"Five... six... you're all a bunch of j@©k@$$€$. I'm getting the hell away from you people!" Jenny suddenly shouted, untying Nichole's wrists and waist.
"Huh!" Nichole somehow reached up to ungag herself.
"If that's how you feel, then I'm leaving. Bye!" Jenny walked out.
"Jenny, wait! Joy, somebody! Stop her!"
"What is it?!" Joy came in.
"She exploded and left in a tizzy. Get her!"
"Right. Janie, help Nichole!"
"Jenny, wait!"

Jenny heard Joy, so she quickened her pace. As she exited the dorm, she made a turn and, to Joy's bewilderment, disappeared.

"Jenny?! Where are you?! Please, Jenny... I love you too much!"

Jenny had taken to crawling through the bushes in front of the building. She dusted herself off after going a ways and crawling. To avoid people, she had turned off her phone.

"Jenny! Come back! Oh, what have I done!" Joy sat down and cried.

Meanwhile, inside, Nichole was rather unfazed. Janie asked... but Bridget, Sera, Joyce, and Hannah were all clueless.

"I suppose you should untie me."
"Nichole, aren't you worried?"
"No. I know where she is. I think anyway."
"Her boyfriend's."
"What did I do?" Nichole buried her face in her hands.

Jenny was talking to a friend, but not her boyfriend.

"I'm sick and tired of it. Everyone thinks that because I am small and sweet that it means they can pick on me. They know I can't fight back, so they go after me when they want an easy TUG victim. They want to brutalize somebody with something new... try it on me! Casey did it too."
"I know," Hannah replied, "You're too good for your own good."
"I want respect."
"You're the one everyone trusts. You're the good sport. You're the glue, Jenny. Without you, none of us would know each other."
"You're right," Jenny yawned.
"Jenny, it's time to set your personal boundaries. Demand it like I demand handcuffs not be used. Demand their respect. You love everyone... you deserve for it to be acknowledged."
"I... guess..."
"Asleep from exhaustion. You're so sweet. I wish you were my sister; I wouldn't let people take advantage of you so much."

Seven plus years of being everyone's ear... everyone's favorite girl to rope into things... had caught up with the girl everyone loved.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 035: Cowgirl Janie Saves the Day

The next morning, Jenny crept back to her dorm before anyone had woken up, changed her clothes, and got her stuff for her first day of class before going to the gym for some light exercise. Her new outfit consisted of her red trainers, brown sleeveless t-shirt, and solid red bandana headband. She was mindlessly walking on a treadmill.

Jenny failed to notice Janie coming over. Janie had on her legendary red outfit: red tank-top, trainers, headband, ponytail to hold her bun, socks, sneakers, wristbands. Janie spoke up.

"Jenny, I'm sorry about everything."
"I'm sorry. I know why you're upset."
"You do, Janie? Do you?"
"You feel like you're taken advantage of, right?"
"How did you know?!"
"I've been there! I'm the youngest. I get it. I'm sorry it happened."
"It's my fault. I'm the one that told everyone to vote against you last night. I didn't think it would hurt your feelings."
"Janie, thanks for admitting that. I think you're aware that isn't the entire picture though."
"Jenny... How long have you been the TUG punching bag?"
"Years and years, Janie. Don't get me wrong... I love being tied up, but I am always the one getting tied up. I'm sick of being treated like an easy target."
"Have you considered that maybe Jenny herself, the real you, is the reason?"
"You're the Gangsta princess and the most fun-loving person among us and a rope bunny. Have you considered that maybe those are the reasons and not that you're 5'1" and weigh 103 pounds?"
"Honestly, no. I never did think of it."
"It's worthy of consideration."
"It doesn't deserve a moment of consideration because I know it's true."
"Ok... *Deep breath*... Jenny?"
"I have to warn that some of us got really stressed out by all this."
"Late last night, I found Nichole..."
"Janie, don't even say she did that! Please don't!"
"I caught her trying... So I cuffed her to her bed for the night."
"Ugh... I feel so guilty!!!"
"Jenny... we're worried about you. First, you've never made any outbursts like this before... and now you've done it twice in the last week."
"Janie... I don't want to say it, but have you noticed anything different in the last week with me?"
"Nothing besides the outbursts. Why?"
"I haven't been wearing my engagement ring?"
"Umm... why?"
"Phil sexted me last week."
"I told him I didn't appreciate that, and that I thought it was crude."
"He hasn't responded to me since."
"I'm high strung. Normally, I wouldn't be bothered... but now I am worried about people's secret motives."
"Jenny... come on... we love you. I know I do, and I know Nichole does. Joy said she does. Hannah must since you were at her place last night."
"How did you?!"
"She told Nichole."
"That girl."
"Jenny... look... let's get some friendly revenge on Nichole later... and then we can make our own hostage video."
"Jenny, please? Trust me?"
"OK. I trust you."
"I don't want to see the best, sweetest, and holiest girl in the group start to lose her way. Like it or not, we all admire you for it. It took 15 years, but you even got Nichole to give her life to Jesus. Are you going to throw it all away on account of one man?"
"I was... I had never been so upset before. But I shouldn't. God always delivers something even if the unexpected. If I trust, I will find true joy in all of it."
"That-a-girl, Jenny!!!"


It was an easy first day of classes with most being course overviews. Jenny apologized to Nichole and Joy in particular. She explained that she was getting upset because of personal problems with a non-mutual friend and left it at that. They needn't know that she had gone from engaged to completely single overnight until she was ready to tell them.

The four girls sat eating dinner that Joy had made. Nichole had since the previous night donned black trainers, a pale blue t-shirt, and a black bandana headband. Joy had a brown skirt, red blouse, and brown kerchief bandana. As they ate, Jenny explained.

"Girls... I want you to understand why I've been so on edge lately."
"We can take it. What is it?" Nichole asked.
"Phil sexted me last week... worse... I think it was meant for someone else."
"I think I am done with him."

That put a damper in dinner, though many kind words of comfort were shared.

Later, Janie made a signal to Jenny, who knew exactly what to do. Jenny went after Nichole.

"Fun time!" Jenny wrestled Nichole down.
"Oh, is that so?"
"Yes, so!" Jenny roped Nichole's elbows behind her.
"Time to taste what you did to me!"
"Please don't... no, really, please don't!"
"It hurt you as much as it hurt me?"
"It hurt?"
"No, but you're not as flexible as I am!"
"Right, so don't hurt me!"
"OK!" Jenny bound Nichole's wrists.
"Now what?"
"Oh, the usual!"

Jenny followed with a breast harness, waist rope, and bonds for the ankles, knees, and thighs. While this happened, Janie came out, masked with a red bandana, with Joy tied the same way.

"Jenny, we must gag these two."
"We should, but how?"
"Stuff cleave tape?"
"Sounds good to me!" Joy answered.

Nichole and Joy both received a [navy blue: Nichole; purple: Joy] knotted bandana cleave gag and 7 tight layers of gray duct tape. Both got blindfolds, though Joy's was a pink bandana while Nichole's was her headband slipped down and reknotted.

"Selfie time!" Jenny masked herself with a red bandana as well.

The girls took selfies with their captives before hogtying them. After this, they proceeded to take films and photographs of their victims. Janie pulled her mask down.

"Time for a hostage video, I believe!"
"Yeah, and you'll join them!"
"Sure. If you wish!"

Jenny proceeded to bind Janie's ankles, knees, thighs, wrists, and elbows. Her arms were pinned to her torso with a breast harness and waist rope. Jenny got her camera and began filming.

"Hey, friends. It's Cowgirl Janie here. As you can see, not only have I been taken hostage, but Joy and Nichole have as well. Here's the deal: I or those two will be kept tied up all night. If we get 6 likes on this video, you like the thought of me staying tied up all night and those two going free. If we get 6 angry reaction, then you're annoyed that Jenny has kidnapped me and want me to go free."
"Remember, you have 30 minutes," Jenny appeared on camera with a knotted red bandana.
"Decide: Cowgirl Janie, or Queen of the Blues and Gangsta Queen."
"If neither gets enough votes, I keep all three!'
"HELP!" Janie said as the bandana entered her mouth.
"BYE!" Jenny knotted it tight.
"Mmmmm!" and filming ended.

Jenny got a roll of red duct tape and wrapped 7 layers of it to crush Janie's face. She walked a moment and returned.

"Joy and Nichole voted for you to stay tied up."
"HMPH?!" all three demanded.
"Yeah, they voted somehow," Jenny grinned while holding Joy's phone.
"Maybe I am cheating."

After 30 minutes, there were insufficient votes for any of them to go free.

"Girls, you're all mine!" Janie undid the hogties.
"I keep you three all night!"
"Uhh ay!" Jiy happily agreed.
"Ukk!" Nichole said a little miffed.
"Aaayyyy!" Janie was happy.

Jenny led Nichole and Jenny to their respective beds. She fastened their ankles to their respective footboard with ropes. Then she came for Janie.

"Cowgirl Janie," Jenny removed her red bandana neckerchief/mask, "Time to sleep!"
"Mmmmph!" Janie watched as Jenny folded it.
"Good night!" Jenny blindfolded Janie.
"Mm hmm!"
"And thanks for everything, Janie."

A saddened heart had been uplifted by love.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 036: Memories IV - Cowgirls Part 1

The video of Cowgirl Janie brought back memories for Caleigh and Bridget...


Caleigh Rondell, 12-years of age, sat on her horse as she rode over the hill. She was ready for this in her blue jeans, pink flannel shirt, and cowboy hat. Next to her, her brother Tyler rode alongside in blue jeans, a red flannel shirt, a cowboy hat, and a black bandana neckerchief. A US Marshall's badge was pinned neatly on his lapel.

"Over them thar hills, I think there be gold!" he said.
"I reckon so! Shall we ride!"
"I should say so!"

They were on the expansive property owned by their Uncle Steve. Uncle Steve had inherited the land when his father, their maternal grandfather, Cyrus, had passed away. It was hundreds of acres including a long retired movie Western set that had been abandoned. The 30 or so acres containing the set also contained the house and was surrounded by high barbed wire fencing, allowing them freedom to ride around while also in a contained environment.

To make it better, they had cousins Carl and Olivia here with them. Carl and Olivia were the only TUG cousins they had, meaning that they could have adventurous TUGs. One rule among them was not to hurt those riding lest they get seriously injured... another was to not leave a tied up person behind. Carl was Ken's age, now 14, and Olivia was a year younger than Caleigh.

"Look, a gold shaft!" Caleigh observed.
"And we've been beaten to it!"

The 'gold shaft' was a designated sign on the property. Ken or Carl had an hour to place it by one of the many small (only 3 feet deep or so) caves in the side of one of the many hills on the property and place a gold bar (really a piece of painted wood) therein. Carl and Uncle Steve had also erected dozens of points to tie horse's reins should they wish to explore deeper in a particular location. The lot was everything they could dream of for both games and TUGs. Every day was a new adventure here.

"Let's disembark," Caleigh whispered.

They crawled over and looked in the 'cave.' Inside were Olivia, Carl, and Eva. Olivia had her face masked by a red bandana in a match to her red plaid shirt and brown skirt with her brown hair in pigtails. Carl was in blue jeans and a black button-up shirt with a cowboy hat hiding his blonde hair and a yellow bandana mask. Eva had a black skirt, a blue bandana neckerchief, and a blue flannel shirt, all borrowed from Olivia, and a cowboy hat.

It was on closer look that they realized that Olivia and Carl weren't masked; they were OTM gagged. Both had bound ankles, thighs, wrists, with ropes pinning their arms at their waist and above and below their breasts. They more than likely had a sock and bandana cleave gag in their mouths with the OTM gag just their to hide it.

"Wait a moment: Olivia originally had a red neckerchief. They're gagged."
"So she kidnapped Olivia and Carl. She probably either stumbled on these two or got caught," Tyler mused.
"Olivia and Eva were together, so they found Carl and then Eva turned on Olivia."
"Got the 'gun.'"

The 'gun' was a squirt gun. They had them in both pistol and shotgun shapes. Tyler grabbed his 'shotgun' and Caleigh her 'gun.' Slung across Caleigh's body like a satchel was a big bag of TUG toys.

"Freeze!" Tyler shouted, "Hands in the air!"
"Yes, Mr. Marshall."
"Hands behind your back!" Caleigh ordered.
"Anything to not get shot."

Caleigh tied up Eva just like she had tied the cousins. They didn't use fancy harnesses and such because 19th century Western people wouldn't know such things.

"Now, tell us, did you find any gold?"
"I won't talk!"
"Then die!" Tyler said, firing his gun in a moment of immaturity.
"Tyler, no!" Caleigh rebuked him.
"Eek!" Eva jumped away.
"MMMM!" Carl got squirted right in the face before slumping over.
"You stupid idiot! You just killed him! A bullet right in the face. Gimme that! Stand over there! I'm arresting you for manslaughter!"
"No. It's mine!" Tyler wrestled.
"Got it!"

Moments later, Tyler was tied up like the others. A sock and a blue bandana gagged him with his own black neckerchief as his OTM gagged. Impatient, Caleigh also gagged Eva with a sock and a brown bandana before OTM gagging her with her own blue neckerchief.

Caleigh began looking around for the gold block. It must be here somewhere! Caleigh went to the back and found it have buried in the ceiling.

"Gotcha!" she said happily.
"Gotcha!" Ken smiled.
"Blast you, Ken!"
"Get on the ground and out your hands on your head."
"Yes, sir."

Caleigh soon was tied and gagged in the exact same way she had tied and gagged Eva, even the same color cleave gag. For finality, and because she was his sister, Ken hogtied Caleigh.

"Isn't this place great?!"

It was just day one of their annual summer visit to this wonderful place.


Deputy Bridget Sjaastad got off her horse and surveyed the scenery. The 9-year old girl surveyed the scene in her navy bluish-grayish skirt and matching flannel shirt, with a white bandana neckerchief around her neck and a cowboy hat. Yes, this was where the cabin of the dangerous desperadoes was. She must find them and capture them, dead or alive.

She remounted and continued searching. They had committed murder, and now they must pay. Michael and Erin Sjaastad, her older siblings, didn't respect the law. That's why she had become the West's first lady law officer: to find them and correct their lives while they still had time.

Unfortunately, Bridget was the one grabbed as she entered their cabin.

"Truss her up!" Erin ordered.
"Mmmmmm!" Bridget got grabbed by Mike's hands.
"Hold her while I tie her;"
"Hmmmmm!" Bridget held her arms and elbows together.
"Gag now!"
"Mmmm!" Bridget got a sock and a red bandana gag.
"Now, let's bind her!"

Bridget got the full works. She had ankle, knee, and thighs ropes with ropes above and below her breasts (not harnesses) and a waist rope. Bridget was stuck. The desperadoes picked her up.

"Know what we do to lawmen? Hang them!"
"MMMMMMMMMM! Nnnnnnnnnn!" Bridget shook.

Bridget was mounted on her horse and led toward three. There, the criminals blindfolded her with a pink bandana.

"Any last requests?"
"Ooh? [Food?] Ah oke? [Last smoke?]"
"Denied! Whoa!"
"Mmmm!" Bridget groaned as she fell off her horse, but she was caught and remounted.
"Now...," Mike prepped the executioner's noose.
"Say your prayers! Farewell!" he slapped the horse which took off.
"MMMMMMMM!" Bridget flailed her bound legs.

Her horse was but a stool in the bedroom she shared with Erin. Her outfit and bonds were quite real. Her noose was really her torso being thoroughly being fastened to the second floor sideboard. She really was off the ground tied like this, maybe a foot and a half, and she moved her legs in pretend struggle against her imaginary execution.

"Have fun being there!" Erin said, taking what was for them a rare TUG video.
"Mmmm hmmm!" Bridget said with a smile.


Two girls having cowgirl adventures, one real and the other imaginary. But both adventures enhanced by being with those they loved.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 037: Memories V - Cowgirls Part 2

Cowgirl Caleigh's Wild West Adventures continued the next day. It was like being in a paradise of sorts with infinite fun to be had. Today she was staying closer to the house, at least within walking distance, to give the horses a break.

Today she had just black trainers and a white t-shirt. Her hair was lose and free in the wind. She walked alongside her cousin Olivia, who wore jean shorts and a purple t-shirt, although she couldn't part with her cowboy hat. Olivia was walking with binoculars on her eyes to survey the distance.

Of course, Caleigh had her satchel slung across her. The satchel was a magical trove of hammerspace. Not only did she keep a healthy supply of ropes, bandanas, and socks and a roll of duct tape in it, but also she kept a drawing pad with a couple pencils and erasers in it. That was also where Olivia got the binoculars from. Anything else, and it would have exploded.

They somehow weren't the least bit surprised to find Ken and Eva tied up and gagged in the barn. It was just 100% typical, and they knew Tyler and Carl were nearby. They hid themselves in a gap between some hay bales and peered out with the binoculars.

They looked and could see the two captives were tied quite well. The usual: wrists, elbows, ankles, knees, thighs, breasts, waist, hogtie, sock, tape wrapping, and black bandana blindfold. They looked quite pinioned in their state, and Olivia had no sympathy.

"Serves them right for yesterday!" she said in a whisper.
"That little brat was a total pain yesterday. You know what Ken did!"
"I hear voices of two cowgirls!" Carl said.
"Idiot, now he found us."
"Come on out. I'll find you eventually!"

Caleigh began thinking of escape plans. Back here between hay bales and the wall, escape was hopeless, and, Carl, who was exploring every nook and cranny with a flashlight, was getting nearer. Caleigh spotted a hole in the wall and knew what she had to. With the shamelessness of Dick Dastardly, she kicked Olivia in the shin and scrambled out.

"OWWWW! Caleigh Rondell!"
"Found you!"
"Caleigh, where are you?!"
"Come out from there, Livvie!"
"Yes, Carl," Olivia said in a sad tone, "And don't call me that!"
"Come here, my prisoner!"
"I'll get her for this!"
"Shut up!" he jammed a sock in her mouth.

With relish, he bound as all the others were, but her blindfold was white instead. Carl effortlessly carried his victim over to where the others were.

"Now where is that Cay?"

'Cay' was having a wrestling match of her own. She had to subdue her little brother. Yes, they were outside, but their parents would just smile and comment about how Tyler had lost the game. Tyler was a Grade A Stool Pigeon from the Rat Fink's School of Tattling.

Caleigh, not Cay, had tied him up well. She had done like Carl, except she sat him against a pole between the house and barn and fastened him to the that at his chest and waist. She hoisted his feet with a rope and tied it to a solid screw on the post. She had gagged him with a sock, a blue bandana cleave gag, and a brutal wrapping of tape. A gray bandana blindfolded him.

"It's a cute match!" she smiled before grabbing her satchel and running away, commenting on his blue jeans and gray flannel shirt matching his gag and blindfold.
"....," was all he could reply.
"I see you!" Carl shouted.

Caleigh took off into the barn. She was the roadrunner versus Wile E. Coyote. She had speed in spades, easily the fastest of all of them. She darted in and out of stalls trying to make a fake trail before diving out a window. Through it all, the satchel never spilled.

"Get back here so I can kidnap you!"
"You need to try better than that!"

Caleigh kept getting further away. If she kept this up, she would be able to grab him instead. She was running through a pile of straw in front of her gagged cousin and siblings when she felt her leg yank up into the air. It was a rope trap just like the ones on TV and in movies!

"Finally. I didn't think it would work! Hold still!"
"Carl Jorgensen, you free me!" Caleigh screamed as her wrists and waist were roped.
"I can't have you ordering me around."
"HMMMPH!" Caleigh got a sock in her mouth.
"Nice and quiet!" Carl followed it with a tight camouflage bandana cleave gag.

Carl went all out. He tied Caleigh's ankles, knees, thighs, feet, elbows, breasts, and waist with great relish. He crushed her face with 7 layers of duct tape. Caleigh thought this sufficed.

For Carl, it didn't. He lowered the trap rope so that Caleigh was on the barn floor. He then rewrapped the rope around and between her ankles and feet before, to everyone's shock, hosting her up again! Her long hair could barely touch the floor as it dangled below her head

"I do this to Livvie all the time."
"I think it's tickle time!"
"AAAGGGHHHHHH!" Caleigh groaned.

After a torturous tickle session, Carl grabbed his phone and took a picture of her so that Caleigh could see how she looked in her horrible state.

Tomorrow would be Caleigh's vengeance on these two cruel boys. However, she, too, was a wanted girl, a villainess of the Wild Wild West.


Oh, that wasn't the only time Bridget had played cowboy games. Though the next time it was Cowboys & Indians. Bridget had on that same bluish skirt and matching-ish flannel shirt, but today she had that cowboy hat and a navy blue bandana neckerchief, the first cowboy to be this concerned about fashion.

The Indian was Erin, you wore black leggings, a white t-shirt, and a black kerchief bandana. She came with a pillowcase.

"I bring you gifts if you give us peace."
"Peace, nah!" Bridget said with a grin. She had to be antagonistic and tie up this Indian if she wanted the Chief, Mike, to come and tie her up too.
"We beg you! We mean no harm against you."
"May I see your sac?"
"Hmm... Nah!" Bridget looked at the empty sac.
"You bring war?!"
"Of course!" Bridget pulled the pillow case over her sister's head.
"Bridgie!" Erin laughed as Bridget tied up her sister's wrists behind her.
"Me kidnap Indian! Good hostage!" Bridget mocked.
"Chief is going to be ripped. Mppph!"
"Silence! Bridget jammed a sock in her mouth through the pillow, then reached into the pillow and ripped Erin's bandana off her head to use as a cleave gag after folding it into a band.
"Hmmmm!" Erin groaned, dreading the long brushing session she'd need after this.

Cowgirl Bridget bound Indian Erin's elbows, waist, thighs, and ankles before hogtying her. She brought the Indian, or dragged rather, up the stairs and into the Chief's village, err, bedroom. There Bridget proudly dumped her captive, like a 9-year old sabotaging a game just to get gagged quicker.

"This is war!" Mike declared.
"I'll blast your people to smitherines!"
"We will stop you! Seize her!"
"Oh, no!" Bridget feigned.

In a minute, she was by the pole of her bunk bed, with Erin still tied up but now on the floor here. Bridget was gagged with a sock and yellow bandana. Her wrists were tied behind her around the pole as were her elbows. Her chest and waist ropes pinned her further. Her ankles and thighs were tied in front with excess going around the pole as well.

"I burn you at the stake!" Mike gad two flashlights which had colored bulbs in them... Red and yellow, of course.

Mike made sounds like he was setting his sister ablaze. Bridget, however, couldn't care because she had, in her own mind, won the game.
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Chapter 038: Memories VI - Cowgirls Part 3

Cowgirl Marshal Caleigh and Deputy Carl rode toward the old town. They had been told there was trouble in the saloon with the noted desperadoes Olivia Jorgensen and Eva and Ken Rondell causing problems. Tyler had been stung by a bee that morning and didn't feel like participating.

Cowgirl Caleigh had blue jeans, a purple flannel shirt, a fake Marshall's star, and a cowboy hat. Of course, Caleigh had her special satchel with her, and her hair was in a beautiful braid. Deputy Carl wore black cargo pants, a red button-up shirt, a black bandana neckerchief, and a cowboy hat.

They arrived at the old Western set. It had everything: fake home, boarding house, bank, general store, saloon, jail, stable, doctor, etc. Too bad for them the studios, when they abandoned it, stripped over 97% of the furniture and things, leaving empty buildings. This, however, gave them many places to hide.

The jail had two cells, and it was agreed that, for ease, captured people should be brought there or to the open areas of the saloon. In jail, the right cell was designated for captured criminals, and the left for captured lawmen.

"Where could those desperadoes be?" Caleigh asked.
"You try the saloon, and I'll try the bank."
"Holler if you need me."
"I'll yodel."

Caleigh peered inside the saloon and saw nobody therein. She peered around the corner before stepping inside. She checked behind the bar counter and saw no one. Determining she was finding nothing thus far, she climbed the stairs to the upper floor to inspect the three rooms there. Nothing, nothing, and evidence someone had been there.

She looked, and there she found Eva picking through the one dresser they had left behind. Eva had a brown skirt, a purple flannel shirt, and a purple bandana mask.

"Freeze. You're under arrest," Caleigh ordered.
"I surrender!"
"Come with me!"

Meanwhile, Olivia and her accomplice, Ken, were in the bank. Olivia had blue jeans, a brown button-up shirt, a matching brown bandana neckerchief, and a cowboy hat, with her hair in pigtails. Ken had just blue jeans and a purple button-up shirt. Suddenly, Carl surprised them, and Ken shoved Olivia into him...

Caleigh checked before going through town to the jail. There, she gave Eva the works: wrists, elbows, ankles, knees, and thighs. Eva was placed on the got and her torso thoroughly fastened to it. Caleigh ran a rope from around her shoulders to the bars separating this cell from the adjoining one, and another from her ankles to the bars in the window, which lifted her legs up. A sock and a tight brown bandana cleave gag silenced her, and her neckerchief was pulled up and over her mouth for effect. Finally, Caleigh took a picture and film of Eva for their YouTube channel and to show Carl.

"Let me go!" Caleigh heard a girl scream.
"Come on. I caught you redhanded!" Carl entered with Olivia.
"Carl, cut this out!"

Olivia was tied thoroughly at her wrists, elbows, breasts, waist, thighs, and knees. She was led hopping along and struggling much.

"Help me, Cay."
"Watch!" Carl lifted Olivia 2 and a half feet off the ground.
"Now what?!"
"Fasten her to the wall."
"Yes, sir!" Caleigh began fasten Olivia's shoulders and torsos to the bars separating the cells.
"Cut this out!"
"Silence, prisoner!"

Soon, Olivia was fastened to the bars at her ankles, thighs, torso, and shoulders. Olivia was basically floating on rope. Eva was cackling maniacally at Olivia's punishment.

"Carl Jorgensen and Caleigh Rondell, you two let me down!"
"Why didn't you gag her?"
"She bit me twice!"
"Oh, a biter. I have a trick I use on Eva especially all the time."
"She bites too?!"
"No, but she knows how to avoid getting gagged."
"Do it master."

Caleigh stuffed a blue bandana in her back pocket, grabbed a sock, and climbed and wrapped her flexible legs around the bars. She clamped her sock hand over Olivia's mouth and squeezed her nose shut with the other. It took about 30 seconds...

"I'll smother you!"
"*gasp* mmmmph!"
"Silence!" Caleigh grabbed the bandana from her pocket and tightly cleave gagged her cousin.

Caleigh knotted it tight enough that she took the excess and knotted it behind the bar behind Olivia's head. She took a second bandana, this one pink, and jammed it in Olivia's mouth before knotting it once behind the bar alone. She finally blindfolded Olivia with a red bandana, which she did the same with the excess as the first cleave gag.

"There!" Caleigh climbed down.
"Put your hands up, Carl," Caleigh pointed her squirt gun at him.
"Yes, sir," he antagonized her.
"Die!" she fired it right at his chest.


"Tickling too much?" Nichole asked.
"Mmm hmm!"
"I'll stop."

Teenage Jenny Danielle Kristensen was in an imprisoning tie. She was bound at her wrists, upper forearms, elbows, breasts, waist, upper thighs, lower thighs, knees, calves, ankles, and feet. She had been put in a strict ball tie via ropes from her chest to lower thighs and ankles to wrists. A sock, a black bandana cleave gag, and 9 mortifyingly tight layers of blue duct tape gagged her. She was helpless in her pink trainers, brown tank-top, and red kerchief bandana.

"Hmp!" her eyes begged for mercy."
"Poor thing. Tell you what... To help myself continue to feel merciless, I'll blindfold you."
"Mph!" Jenny moaned as a pink bandana submerged her in darkness.
"Movie time!"

Nichole took selfies, films, and photos of her captive. Nichole, of course, had pale blue trainers, a navy blue t-shirt, a pale blue kerchief bandana, and matching pale blue bandana mask.

"Roped that Indian princess, didn't you, cowboy?" Joy asked.
"I sure did."

This was Joy's house this was all happening in. The younger, not modest, Joy was a purple and brown version of Nichole, with purple trainers, brown t-shirt, and brown bandana headband.

"Cowboy, for what you did to her, I must bring you to stand trial."
"I'm not submitting to no Injun!" Nichole prodded.
"Then you will be forced."
"Joy!" Nichole laughed as Joy jumped her.

In 10 minutes, Nichole was tied as thoroughly as Jenny was. The big difference was that Nichole wasn't ball tied. A sock, a navy blue bandana, and strips of gray tape gagged her. Joy masked herself with a purple bandana for the selfies before blindfolding Nichole with it for the film and photos.

"Sheriff Zoe," Joy called.
"Shut up, and please come here!"
"Oh, all right..."
"You're to be the judge."
"What is it?"
"I captured this wild criminal who had kidnapped one of my fellow Indians."
"You did what to her for what?"
"Cowboys and Indians, stupid."
"Oh... Well, I'll throw her in jail."
"Here's how," Zoe removed Nichole's neckerchief/mask.
"Ah," Joy observed as she hogtied Nichole with the bandana.
"You're under arrest."
"I can't prove you didn't kidnap both."
"So what?!"
"You're a suspect. Get on the floor and put your hands behind your back."
"Yes, Sheriff."

Zoe proceeded to make Joy continue in matching Nichole, tying her identically. Joy was gagged with a sock and a brown bandana and tape strips before a white bandana blindfolded her.

"This is a lovely sight. I will make a special video post to the group noting this as the day y'all played Cowboys and Indians, TUG style."
"Hmph!" responded the three as they were filmed and photographed.
"Dang, Jenny is pretty brutally tied!"
"Mmm hmmm!" Jenny responded.


"Ugh!" Carl dropped to ground, his chest area wet.
"Now," Caleigh ordered, "Go in that other cell and bind your legs up good."
"Yes, sir."
"Scum bucket!" she kicked him the rear.
"Testy little cowboy!"
"Little Boy Blue!"
"Whatever, Marshall."

Caleigh inspected his ankle, knee, and thigh ropes. Sure enough, she had to redo all three. She sat him against the bars below his sister, who was profusely swearing. She went back to the other cell and bound his wrists and elbows behind the bars to trap him before adding a harness and waist rope. A sock and his own neckerchief were used to stuff and cleave him. She did as was done to Olivia, adding a second cleave gag, this one red, that she knotted behind the bar to pin his head.

"Take that, ma'am," she growled and left.

As she explored and looked for Ken, she took out her water bottle and reloaded her gun. She had to find that little snot if it was the last thing she did. Caleigh, however, was a typical blonde who could screw up her own funeral. She walked past an alleyway foolishly without looking in first.

"Freeze," Ken pointed a gun at her back."
"You too," she donkey kicked him right in the happiness.
"Oh my God!" he grabbed himself and fell.
"Ken, I'm so sorry. It was instinctive."
"I'll never have kids."
"Marry a woman who had her stuff removed."
"I'm dying, and you mock me."
"Yes, that's right!" she overpowered her weakened brother and boxtied his arms behind him.
"You little welp."
"Walk, sister," Caleigh pointed his gun at him.
"Move, or I will kill you to death like Carl."
"Kill me to... Death?"
"That made no sense?"
"You're an idiot sometimes."
"Move it, stranger!" she kicked him in the rear.
"Yes, master."
"Be quiet!"
"MMMPH!" he got a sock and a white bandana cleave gag.

In the jail, Caleigh put Ken in the cell with Olivia and Eva. She sat him at the front of the cell and tied him just like Carl was, even untying and retying his arms. A nice group photo would help her and them at this point

Satisfied, Caleigh leaned back at the wall. Ken was on her left, Eva on her right, and Olivia and Carl in front of her. She took out her drawing pad and began putting an artist's finishing touch on a fantastic day of adventure with the family she loved.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 039: Memories VII - Cowgirls Part 4

The adventures of Cowgirl Caleigh Rondell continued in a glorious fashion. Today, however, they were playing a basic game of Cowboys and Indians.

It was obvious who the Indians were, given Olivia's kerchief bandana, the Indian style dresses Olivia and Eva wore, and the... the fact that Carl... the way Carl... the fact that Carl was with them!

To detail, pseudo-Sioux Olivia and Eva were both wearing Indian style dresses, probably from Halloween costumes, and both had bare feet. Eva wore the cheap, considered by some to be offensive, headdress that came with it, but Olivia wore a red kerchief bandana. Eva's hair was in its braid, and Olivia's in the pigtails. Carl just had blue jeans and a Minnesota Vikings t-shirt.

On the other side were Cowgirl Caleigh and Cowboys Ken and Tyler. Caleigh had blue jeans, her beloved cowboy hat, and a brown t-shirt; of course, her infinitely deep satchel was by her side. Ken and Tyler both had blue jeans and red button-up shirts with blue bandana neckerchiefs, but Ken had a cowboy hat with it.

The Indians would set up in the "abandoned barn," which was used only for storing hay bales. The Cowboys would have to make business deals with the Indians in a peaceful manner lest they cause a war. Needless to say, little provocation was needed to cause war.

"We wish to buy your goods," Ken said.
"What goods?" questioned Trader Indian Olivia.
"Your artisan works, in particular."
"And people to be our slaves," Tyler interjected.
"You're a twisted little freak, you know that?!" Ken screamed at him.
"How dare you?! Kidnap our people to be slaves! Chief! Chief!"
"Caleigh, take care of him, would you?"
"With pleasure!"
"Ken, please!" Tyler pleaded for mercy.

Caleigh quickly took out Tyler by binding his wrists, elbows, chest, ankles, and thighs. She silenced him with a sock and his black bandana neckerchief before hogtying him and fastening him to the same pole as two days prior. She immediately returned to Ken's side.

"Now what?"
"We die like Nathan Hale... with dignity. Got your squirt gun?"
"And ready!"
"You go around that side of the barn, and I'll go around this side. Meet me back here in 10 minutes. Yell if you need help."
"OK. Nice knowing you, Ken."
"Rest in pieces."
"Get out of here!"
"Until we meet again!"

Caleigh sneaked around carefully. She had to be absolutely quiet. To her surprise, she rounded a corner and found herself looking at her cousin Olivia's back. Caleigh, not wanting to be bitten, grabbed a sock and quietly approached... BEFORE SNATCHING!

"MMMMMM!" Olivia groaned as Caleigh grabbed her with one arm and handgagged her with the other.
"Shhhhhhhh!" Caleigh hushed her.
"Mmph!" Olivia bit the sock.
"Can't bite me. Now, either let me jam the sock in your mouth, or I will drag you back to camp and hold you while Ken savagely lashes you."
"Mmmm!" Olivia opened her mouth.
"Good girl! Caleigh reached into her bag and grabbed the first bandana she felt, a yellow one.
"Mmmmm!" Olivia moaned as she got a knotted cleave gag tied tightly behind her head.
"For my safety!" Caleigh bound Olivia's elbows and chest first before her elbows, "Let's go!"

Caleigh led Olivia the Indian back to her camp. There, she tied Olivia's ankles and thighs before sitting her against the pole and roping her to it at her breasts and waists. The pale Nordic skin made her not look very Indian in spite of the dress and bandana kerchief.

"Tickle tickle!" Caleigh gently tickled Olivia's soles.
"Mm hm!" Olivia laughed and pulled her feet back. She gave Caleigh a smile.
"Having fun," she asked out of character.
"Mmmm hmmmmm!" Olivia nodded happily.
"I love having you as a cousin."
"Awwwwww," was something she could say still.
"Where is that helmet head Ken!"

Caleigh went off to find. Little did she know that Ken and Carl had had a wrestle that was decided by Eva. Ken was tied and gagged and stuffed in a corner. Caleigh decided to walk around the outside of the barn. She went past an opening and, seeing a clear moment, skittered past. She peaked through a hole in the wall and saw Carl there. She pointed her squirt gun in and fired.

"Gotcha!" Caleigh hurried around.
"You shot me in the back?!"
"You're a coward or a jerk! Dumb blonde!"
"Jerk works! Fellow blonde!"
"You're my captive, shut up!"
"Hmph!" Carl folded his arms in front of him as a sock and an orange bandana gagged him.
"Come on, Mr. Pouty."

Carl joined Tyler in being bound and hogtied. Now Caleigh had to find Eva. Where was that sneaky pseudo-Sioux anyway? She must be in the barn! Caleigh entered the barn and saw nothing. She wasn't expecting a hand to reach out from a hay bale and trip her.

"Whoa!" Caleigh fell.
"Captured cowgirl!"

Soon, Caleigh was sitting on the other side of the pole from Olivia. She was tied identically, and they had been lashed together. A sock and a black bandana gagged Cowgirl Caleigh, who had been captured by Indian Eva. She still had her cowboy hat on, and it shaded her nicely as she took a nap, bound and gagged in the summer sun.


"I'm bored. Kidnap me?" Janie asked Lauren.
"Do what?"
"Kidnap me? TV has nothing good, and I already played video games."

Janie looked garish in yellow trainers, a green school t-shirt, and a yellow headband with her braid in a green ponytail. Lauren had bright blues: trainers, t-shirt, and bandana headband, with her hair in a bun.

"Look, kid, will it make you stop bothering me?"
"Well, of course it will because you'll be kidnapped. Get me kidnapping stuff."
"OK!" the teenager foolishly complied.
"It's almost time to put the lights out, so keep that in mind."
"I'm OK with this," Janie brought the bag of TUG toys.
"Kid, hands behind your back."
"Yes, sis," Janie complied.
"This is security!" Lauren pulled socks over Janie's arms.

Lauren proceeded to bind Janie's wrists, elbows, knees, thighs, ankles, breasts and waist.

"Open wide!"
"Aaahhhhh mmph!" Janie got a knotted black bandana cleave gag.
"This will hold you good!" Lauren wound duct tape around Janie's face.
"Mmph!" Janie watched... 1, 2, ..., 7 times! "..."
"Time to kiss you goodbye."

Lauren proceeded as if she had never tied Janie in the first place, tying her ankles, calves, knees, lower thighs, upper thighs, and wrists, forearms, and elbows. She got a roll of masking tape and taped Janie's toes and arches together.

"Get in bed, kid," Lauren pushed her sister into her bunk.

Lauren bent the flexible Janie so that her was near her knees and ran a rope around her thighs and behind her neck, fastening it in the middle, and then ran another from her ankles to wrists. Finally, Lauren blindfolded Janie with a purple bandana.

"I warned you kid."
"...!" Janie could wiggle her toes and hands. The rest was rigid.
"This deserves to be remembered for a long time," Lauren said, taking a picture and setting up her phone to be stable, "Tickle time!"

Janie suffered through 15 minutes tickle torment before going to a very quiet sleep. The helpless Janie would one day get revenge for this horrible tie up.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 040: Memories VIII - Cowgirls Part 5

Cowgirl Olivia looked out the window sadly. She couldn't decide if she wanted to be an Indian or a Cowgirl, but today she had no choice as her dress was hanging up to dry along with other things like the previous day's gags.

She was looking out the window sadly because it was raining, meaning they were stuck indoors. This, however, didn't mean they were unable to have fun together.

Games and chores kept them all entertained. There was plenty to be done. Eva and Olivia and Mom were helping Aunt Holly in the kitchen. Tyler was helping Uncle Steve put together a new bookshelf. Caleigh was drawing. Ken and Carl were fixing something.

On a rainy day, Caleigh loved to draw, and this week left no lack of material to draw. She was an unusually good drawer for someone her age, and many said she could do it for a living. Caleigh, however, wanted her drawing to remain purely a hobby so that it would remain her outlet when she needed destressing.

As she sat in the corner, she worked on a sketch of the farmhouse and its two barns, as seen from a hill. It was a pleasant scene that showcased the beauty of the hilly countryside.

Flipping through her drawing pad was as violating as picking through her purse or dresser at home. If you could, you'd find mostly landscapes done in ornate detail with vivid coloration. You'd also find the occasional person. About 60% of the time, that person will be tied up and gagged.

People, however, were her weak point. She was a bull in a china shop when it came to people, so she came around to just using a cartoon style for her drawings. This permitted her a little bit of freedom, but not a ton.

She only drew particularly interesting TUGs. This week was full of unusual moments: people tied in a cave, her hanging upside down, a jail scene complete with someone tied up to the bars while a few feet off the ground, her and Olivia tied to the pole.

With two days left after this, they might still find more trouble to get into.

The most important thing was that she dated each drawing and always kept them in the pad. When she finished a pad, she put the starting and ending dates in the cover and kept them all together. This allowed her to flip through and almost recap her life. These pads were basically a pictorial diary.

When the girls were done in the kitchen, Caleigh and the two went upstairs into the attic. Up they went. Eva had on brown leggings and a pink t-shirt, but Olivia had blue jeans and a purple Disney t-shirt. Caleigh had black trainers and a bright blue t-shirt.

The attic also doubled as the guest bedroom, where they kept a queen-size bed. This was where Olivia and Eva slept. A window in the side and one in the roof allowed the day's gloominess and lightning flashes in, but a bright light changed all that. Still, it gave Caleigh an idea.

"A dark room like this is a great place to keep kidnapping victims."
"Oh?" asked Olivia.
"Oh, yes! Can't you imagine what it would be like? Especially with the lights off?"
"It'd be scary creepy."
"Well, one day, a mean girl tied up her cousin and little sister and did that to them. Would you like to experience what they did?"
"Sure!" Eva foolishly agreed.
"Idiot," Olivia muttered as Eva got her wrists tied behind her.
"Don't mind her," Caleigh added a chest rope.
"You always get played, Eva!"
"Be quiet, Eva!"
"Mmmm!" Eva got a knotted red bandana cleave gag.

Caleigh tied Eva's ankles and sat her on the floor in front of the bed. Seeing this, Olivia grudgingly and silently complied, knowing that resistance was futile. She got the same simple tie and a knotted purple bandana cleave gag.

"There, girls," Caleigh turned out the light, "Feel like kidnapped damsels now?"
"Mmm hmm!" both nodded.
"Good. I'll stay here with you and keep you entertained," she sat on the floor near them.
"Mmph!" they smiled.
"Let's see... well, we could play hangman!"
"Ooohhh!" Olivia said into her gag, curious.
"I'll set everythimph!" Caleigh was grabbed by Ken and Carl.
"Hey, Cay!" Ken had is hand over her mouth and pushed her to the floor while Carl bound her wrists.
"Those two don't look tied very well!" Ken observed as he jammed a sock in Caleigh's mouth and followed it with a knotted blue bandana cleave gag and a few strips of duct tape.
"Mmmmmmmph!" Caleigh groaned as her elbows and chest and waist were tied.

Ken proceeded to add elbow, thigh, knee, chest, and waist bonds as well as tape stripbgags to Olivia and Eva while Carl tied Caleigh's ankles, knees, and thighs. Olivia and Eva were each fastened to a bed post, and Caleigh was hogtied on the bed.

"Mmmmmph!" Caleigh groaned as she was blindfolded with a gray bandana.
"Mmmmph!" Olivia got blue.
"Mmmmmmm!" Eva got yellow.

Three girls captured on a rainy day by their male relatives.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 041: Memories IX - Cowgirls Part 6

Pseudo-Sioux Indians Olivia and Eva snickered as they chatted about what they had done. They walked along in their Indian dresses and kerchief bandanas, with Eva having blue and Olivia having red. Each had their hair in a single pretty braid.

They snickered as they had "kidnapped" Ken and Carl and had left a ransom note. They were hiding somewhere either in one of the hillside caves or in the Western set, and it was up to Marshal Caleigh and Deputy Tyler to find them.

Caleigh had on a bright blue and navy blue striped flannel shirt and blue jeans with her cowboy hat and cowboy boots. Her brother had a black polo shirt, blue jeans, a cowboy hat, and cowboy boots. They had their respective stars on their lapels. Today, they progressed by foot.

Ken and Carl were a bit humiliated to have been captured by the girls. They were roped at their ankles, wrists, thighs, wrists, elbows, and chests and gagged with socks and brown bandanas. Each had blue jeans and a button-up shirt, Carl's red and Ken's green. The girls had jammed a hole into the cave side that allowed them to fit a telescope and/or periscope for looking out.

"Tyler, I could stay here forever."
"If you could?"
"I'd be a ranch hand, helping Uncle Steve and Carl while torturing Olivia constantly."
"That sounds fun."
"But I'd miss all of you too much. It's fair. We come here once a year, and they go to our place at Christmas."
"Fair, although here is more fun."
"I'm sure it's nothing to them."
"I guess."
"Where could two Indians squaws and their kidnapping victims be?"
"Beats me."
"Great revenge for yesterday."
"A bit sneaky."
"Sneaky is everything out here."
"Stop!" Tyler whispered.
"Look. I see their periscope."
"I'll gag them with their own headscarves!"
"Don't get too eager."
"Get your gun!"
"Where do we go?"
"I don't know."
"I say we come from both sides... I will go that way, and you go that way. Give me a five second head start because I have further and wait by the entrance until you see me."

They sidled their ways to the entrance. When they could see each other, they pounced.

"Hands in the air!"
"Hold still!"
"This is a kidnapping!"
"Kidnapping?! Ken is right; you are a dummmbbbb blonde!"
"Right. You're under arrest for kidnapping!"
"Kidnapping?! Who?!"
"They tried to steal our land. Sell our people into slavery. Ruin our families," Olivia responded.
"That's kind of... sad!"
"Hey, stupid! Keep it you, you dumb Marshall!"
"Right! I forgot! Get on the ground on your stomachs. Hands behind your backs. I'll cover you Tyler!"
"Hold still!" Tyler lashed Olivia's and Eva's wrists behind them.
"Please don't hurt us!"
"Oh, shut up, squaws!" Caleigh ordered.

Tyler bound their ankles, knees, thighs, elbows, and chests. Caleigh, true to her word, removed their bandana kerchiefs, folded them into bandanas, and used them as cleave gags to hold socks in their mouths. She blindfolded them with white bandanas. Finally, she hogtied them.

"There, we took care of those girls!" Tyler said with satisfaction.
"Justice is served!"
"Now, let's enjoy the show!"
"I have my drawing pad!"


Jenny, 15-years old, felt like a pirate princess of some kind. On this cold winter's day, she wore black leggings under her pink, knee-length skirt, a black long-sleeve t-shirt, a pink kerchief bandana, and cowboy boots, and all was made perfect by the beautiful braid in her hair. Over her shirt, she had a pink hoodie. Her kerchief had multiple knots, the first double knot under her braid and the second above it holding her braid down. To her, it made her look like a pirate wench, or maybe just a common tramp. Pirate wench sounded better, though.

Maybe it was just a day for kerchief bandanas, as Joy and Nichole each had one as well, although Joy's was purple and Nichole's was white. Joy had on a pink skirt, brown leggings below, purple sneakers, a brown blouse, and a purple hoodie. Nichole had on navy blue sweat pants, blue sneakers, and a pale blue hoodie along with a white bandana mask.

It was actually one of their monthly official 'meetings' for the Cool Girls' Club. Without members, though, to actually convene, it was just a day where they met up explicitly for TUGs.

Jenny and Joy had come to the former's house from church, and Nichole came from her own home. Jenny's parents had gone to a hastily scheduled funeral for some friend or something that Jenny never knew, and that was in Minnetonka. It was their house for the day.

"Arrr... Who wants to walk dee plank?" Jenny growled, carrying a scrap of foam as a sword.
"What kind of pirate are you?" Nichole asked, her mask still on from having just come in.
"Uno que no hable español."
"That's good grammar."
"So what? I'm an English pirate."
"But you're of Norse ancestry."
"Need I slice yer head off?"
"This will help ye, cap'n!" Joy grabbed Nichole.
"Look at how she is dressed. She's a spy!"
"Good work, first matey Joy!"
What should we do?"
"Tie her to the mast!" Joy pointed to the column in the center of the house.
"Aye, aye, Cap'n!"
"Mmmmmm!" Nichole was dragged over.

Joy held Nichole against the column while Jenny tied her wrists together on the opposite side. They jammed a sock in her mouth and gagged her with her white bandana mask, taking it off to fold it and knot it in the middle; they followed that with six solid wrappings of gray duct tape. They then bound her ankles, knees, and thighs. To fasten her to the pole, they added a breast harness and waist rope. Finally, they blindfolded her with a pale blue bandana and added a navy blue bandana OTM gag.

"Selfies!" Jenny said, getting her phone.

They posed for the photos with Nichole before taking photos and a video of her. Nichole was basically pasted to the wall. Joy looked at Jenny.

"I smell mutiny, Cap'n!"
"Mutiny?! But there's only you!"
"Aye, Cap'n!"
*gulp* So there can't be, r-r-right?"
"Bye, Cap'n!"
"Joy Fredericks, get off of me!" Jenny said as she hit the ground.
"I have a duty to fulfill!" Joy boxtied Jenny's arms.
"I'll make ye walk the plank when I escape!"
"Yer too loud!"
"Mmmmph!" Jenny got a sock and an appropriately black knotted bandana cleave gag.
"Now, silence!" Joy put strips of gray duct tape over Jenny's mouth.
"Mmmmmmmmmm!" moaned the pirate princess.

Joy bound Jenny's ankles, knees, thighs, and breasts before retreating to Jenny's room. Jenny squirmed on the floor and sat herself up. She knew she looked like a kidnapping pirate captainess. She was a happily kidnapped pirate captainess, although one desperate to escape.

"Look!" Joy returned with the pale blue comforter from Jenny's bed.
"Mmmmmmph!" Jenny groaned at her bed being ruined.
"Oh, don't cry about it!"
"Come here, hon!" Joy freed Nichole from the column.
"Mmmmm!" Nichole happily grunted.
"Not so fast!" Joy quickly added new wrist, elbow, breast, and waist bonds.
"Mmmmmmm....," Nichole groaned.
"Look!" Joy slipped her blindfold up a little.
"Yer walkin de plank!"

Joy set up Jenny and Nichole so that they were standing on the couch with the pale blue comforter on the floor in front of them.

"Who goes first?!"
"Mmmm mmmm!" Jenny volunteered as Joy blindfolded her with a black bandana.
"Rest in pieces!" Joy pushed her off.
"Mmmmmmmuh uh uh uh!" Jenny pretended to drown.
"Now ye go too!" Joy pushed Nichole's blindfold down and shoved her off.
"Mmmm!" Nichole flailed on the 'sea.'

Joy put both girls in hogties, leaving them to flail. Joy masked herself with a purple bandana for selfies with her sisters before filming and photographing their struggle. A little tickling would make everything better.

Joy had captured the only pirates she had ever loved! Little did they know that this wouldn't be the only time she and Jenny would coincidentally both dress this way.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 042: Memories X - Cowgirls Part 7

"Mmmmmmmmmm!" was all Cowgirl Caleigh could say as the cell door slammed shut.

She was a tied up and kidnapped U.S. Marshall. She had her mandatory cowboy hat and boots and Marshall's star, but she was a bit trussed up in her blue jeans and white button up shirt.

For starters, she had roped ankles, knees, thighs, wrists, elbows, waist, and chest. A tight hogtie restricted her. Her mouth was filled with a sock, and the sock was held by a knotted red bandana cleave gag, and a blue bandana blindfolded her. She had been nabbed by those pesky Indian squaws, Olivia and Eva.

Eva and Olivia, the pseudo-Sioux Indian princess squaws, were in their Indian dresses and blue and red, respectively, kerchief bandanas. They laughed at Caleigh as they walked away, having avenged the previous two days.

Caleigh could barely move an inch. Even if she did get freed, she had the cell door. She knew she was screwed somehow or another. This was it... Total imprisonment. The logical step was to see if escape was an option. This would take patience doing things the hard way.

Caleigh squirmed around trying to find any bit of slack. She tried and tried, but nothing seemed to work. She was really stuck. She wriggled and wriggled, but she the ropes held firm. After some considerable effort, she got her blindfold slid above her eyes, and her cowboy hat remained near only because of the chin string.

After an hour, Caleigh had to admit that she had been helplessly kidnapped. There was no way she could escape this under the circumstances, including her youth. She would have to wait to he released, but until then she would enjoy imagining all sorts of things.

There was a strange satisfaction when she beard a commotion and saw the Indiana princesses come hopping into the cell and get hogtied beside her. They were tied exactly as she was, and both had sock stuffing and a knotted black bandana cleave gag. Once hogtied, both received a yellow bandana blindfold.

There was decided pleasure in being tied up and helpless. It was all better though to be with others! Caleigh groaned as her blindfold returned, and she returned to work on her escape.

This was a satisfying way to end a week of continuous adventure!


"Yes, really, Jo," Lauren replied.
"Well, that's too bad."

Lauren hadn't done anything Halloween related since Janie had outgrown it... Which meant when she was about 12, as Janie was never really interested. Johanna, however, had talked the now freshman softball player into going to a masquerade party.

They had enjoyed themselves, and Lauren had met a charming guy named Zack, but it was all too rambunctious. They were justified in leaving after two guys made direct overtures to Johanna.

Johanna had made the mistake of dressing as a cowgirl. You don't do that lest you be considered easy. She walked along in her ripped blue jeans, red flannel shirt, cowboy hat, and blue bandana neckerchief. She had slapped the second one in retaliation, and that's why Lauren had really dragged her out the door.

Lauren did a little reading and had decided to take a page out of her Catholic upbringing by dressing as a saint. Which saint doesn't really matter as I don't want to take the time coming up with one. She had just worn her costume over her black trainers and tie-dye t-shirt, with sandals on her feet and with her hair in a bun hidden by a blue kerchief bandana, as all the pre-20th century virgins wore a kerchief of some sort.

"Jo, you were a rambunctious cowgirl this evening."
"Sure was!"
"Good thing I have this lasso!"
"Hey, Lauren!" Jo made a plea for mercy.
"How shall I take thee? Let me count the ways."
"I shall tie you up beyond all belief!"
"The works."

Lauren proceeded to embark on a TUGs run. She tied Johanna's ankles, knees, thighs, wrists, ankles, chest, and waist. They were fastened to a pole and fastened to the post at the foot of the bed.

"Ready, Jo?"
"I guess?"
"We'll take this off," Lauren removed her kerchief and folded it into a band.
"What are you doing?"
"Mmmmmmm!" Jo replied as she got a knotted blue bandana cleave gag.
"Ha! Now it's tape time!"
"Mmm...," Jo had seven layers of sticky grey duct tape.
"For finishers, the blindfold."

Lauren unknotted Johanna's neckerchief and removed it from her neck. Lauren folded it for use as a blindfold. Now Jo couldn't move or see or talk.

"Tickle time!"
"Where it stops, no one knows!"

After that, they watched some online videos, albeit Jo with volume only, for a while before deciding it was bed time. First, however, Lauren shared a picture with her brother and sister in these days prior to the Cool Girls' Club invading Minn Tech.

"...," Jo moaned as she was dumped on her bed.
"Let's see... A hogtie will help. Here's your hat back."
"H...m...," Jo respond.
"Not that having your hat is special!"

Lauren was able to lean back and relax as she fell asleep. She was really getting along well with this Johanna.


"All right, Bridget. You'll be the victim, and Kristina will be trying to win me," Bridget smiled.

Bridget had on a black skirt and a bright blue blouse, her hair in a black headband. She got roped up pretty well at her ankles, thighs, wrists, elbows, and chest harness. A hogtie restricted her motion. A sock and a bright blue bandana gagged her, and a black bandana blindfolded her. She nicely matched her bonds and sang happily to herself while her little sister tried to win her freedom.

Bridget had a special bond with each sibling. Every one meant something different, but all were precious. She thanked God every day for them. What more could she ask for? She waited patiently whole the game progressed, making no effort to escape.

This was the typical life in the loving Sjaastad household.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 043: The Girl with the Camo Bandana

Jenny Danielle Kristensen was the titular character, and she did indeed have a camouflage bandana, worn as a headband. It accentuated her brown tank-top and red trainers. Jenny was getting ready for her classes.

Nichole, who had a black kerchief bandana, black trainers, and a red t-shirt, happily sang songs. She, too, was readying for class. There was something about her though that was almost smug.

"What are you so happy about?" Jenny asked.
"I found out that I got so much in scholarship money for this year that the school is paying me to attend this year."
"B¡+©#!!!" shouted Janie.
"So don't you get paid!"
"How did you know that?!" Janie came out.

Janie was in green socks, yellow trainers, a green t-shirt, a yellow headband, and a green ponytail. It was the colors of her high school softball uniform.

"I have my ways," Nichole smiled.
"Come on, Jenn. Where's Joy?" Janie turned to leave.
"She's a little slow this morning."
"OK. Let's go."

The three went out to begin their day.

Joy sat on her bed in her gray long skirt, white blouse, and gray bandana headband. She had been 'bad' the night before, having spent a bit too much time alone with a guy. The night before, she had engaged in adult TUGs with the sorority girls, and it left her feeling sexually confused. Guilt consumed her until she felt it was unbearable and started crying.

She knew it was wrong for a variety of reasons, yet she did it anyway. As she sat there, she understood the mindset Nichole had when she used to cut herself. Why though? Why did she go back to sex all the time? Why did Janie? Why did Joyce and Janie watch pornography? Why?!

Joy pieced herself together so that she could get through classes without causing concern for anyone. She got her backpack and left.

That evening, it was just Joy and Janie. Jenny and Nichole had a music ensemble they had enrolled in, and they wouldn't return until after 8PM, maybe 9 depending on the level of chatter. Joy felt ready to explode with energy that needed to be exhausted. She sent a text to Sera asking her to come over to "assist with an assignment."

"Janie... I need help."
"Help? What's wrong?"
"Me, Janie. I have a problem."
"Oh, no. What is it?"
"Sex, Janie."
"Again? Joy, really?"
"It's a new side of an old problem?"
"What's the issue?" Sera walked into the room with Joyce behind.

Sera had on red trainers, a white tank-top, and a red bandana headband. She had a most amiable look on her face.

"Sera, I have bondage issues."
"Bondage. I don't know much except that you know it and beat it."
"Well, not bondage much. Porn more."
"I only had a single experience. My battle was against the real heavy stuff."
"But I need your advice too."
"I'm listening. What ails the heart?"
"I had an affair last night... and the night before I engaged in adult bondage with my sorority sisters."
"You have some battles."
"I know it."
"Tell me why you believe they're wrong."
"Well... Adulterous sex I already know about."
"And the other?"
"Well, I was tied up to another girl in a way that, if we move our hands, we were... Touching... Each other... And had machines forcing ourselves to... Enjoy it a bit too much."
"Oh...," Joyce's face turned red. She was that other girl Joy was referring to."
"Joy," Sera began slowly as Jenny and Nichole entered, "The first one is easy: Don't do it. The second one... I hate to condemn something I can't really understand... I will say that it's not for you. You shouldn't do it, although others can."
"Girl," Jenny interjected, "Don't do things that take it away from God. Sounds to me like you're talking about adultery with a machine and rope."
"Basically, I guess?"
"You had sex with an Hitachi. Is that better than having sex with a man?"
"Once you word it that way..."
"It's my fault," Joyce said, clearly upset.
"Your fault?"
"I was the other girl, and it was my idea. I never thought of it as molestation or..."
"Masturbation?" Jenny asked.
"It's a difficult world we live in with lots of perverted stuff out there. Now, girls, I suggest we keep our name true. We're 'Cool Girls,' not 'Cool Ladies.'"
"I can't here and condemn the sorority for everything. I speak strictly from a spiritual standpoint. I just approach life with the assumption that certain things are for my future husband only."
"Phil isn't that guy anymore."
"Your engagement ring?!" Joyce noticed.
"I caught him fooling around. He continues to lie to me about it even though I have proof. He sexted the wrong girl and even addressed her by name!"
"That's horrible," Sera added.
"Yep. So I hocked it."
"Good for you!"
"Now, don't mind me..."

Jenny walked toward Janie, pulling a pair of handcuffs out from where she had hidden them in her shorts and under her shirt. She jumped Janie and clasped them on.

"Because I can't rope you well enough and quickly enough!"

All hell broke lose. Joyce attacked Nichole, and Sera grabbed Joy, lashing their wrists behind their backs. Jenny lashed Janie's wrists with a 30 foot rope before removing the cuffs. Quickly, the captives found their elbows, waists, breasts, ankles, knees, and thighs all tied up.

"Now what?" Sera asked.
"We gag them, clearly," Jenny grinned.

Each got a knotted cleave gag in her mouth. Nichole received a black bandana cleave gag. Joy's was red. Finally, Janie got a yellow one. This was followed by six wrappings of gray duct tape for each. Finally, the girls were blindfolded. Nichole got a red bandana blindfold; Joy got a blue one; and Janie got a green one.

"Girls, thanks for coming over. I'll take care of them for you!"
"All right. Good night everyone. Sweet dreams!" Sera and Joyce left.

It was the moment the door shut that Sera grabbed Joyce.

"Bed time!"
"Not me too!" Joyce said as she her wrists were roped.
"You too! Quiet!"
"Mmmmmph!" Joyce got her ball gag in her mouth.

Minutes later, she had rope binding her elbows, breasts, waist, ankles, knees, and thighs as well. Sera put a tight arm around her and put on the computer. Bridget sat with them as they watched something online.

Jenny leveled to Joy.

"Joy, I want you to remember that TUGs should, first and foremost, be fun. You're making mistakes that will only cause you more and more pain. I can't watch you do that anymore. When you need something, I want to be here for you. You need to cut those things off cold, as hard as it will be. It hurts me to see you hurting."
"I love you like blood. You're a beautiful girl. I sometimes envy you Joy because you try so hard to be a good person while I do almost effortlessly yet not genuinely."
"You heard me right. Look at the efforts you put into helping yourself. One just looks at you and sees that you're trying. I wish my spirit were as vigorous as yours. I'm getting lukewarm. Joy, we can help each other be the people we ought to be. Let's devote this last year to doing just that. Nichole and Janie too. Thanks for being a friend, Joy, and I hope I helped you this evening."
"Mmmm hmmm!"
"I know you'd do the same for me."
"Come on, girls. It's bed time!"

Another moment of lovingkindness displayed by Jenny Kristensen, the girl with the camo bandana.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 044: Casey's Story

This chapter will actually not feature any TUGs. If you like character development, read on. If you demand TUGs, feel free to move on.

Casey Clark was a stiff-necked 17-year old girl, but she was also a helpful one. Her life seemed to be taking a continuous plunge, but she was unaware of the light at the end of the tunnel.

It all had started with the Cool Girls' Club. The club she had founded had ousted her for being an aggressive bully. She knew she had been and quietly distanced herself from Jenny, Joy, and Nichole. She and Hannah, however, stayed friends and occasionally met for tie-ups.

During this phase, she had reached a strained relationship with the church her parents attended. She found the services uninspiring, and she was constantly fighting with one of the other girls, who happened to be the pastor's daughter.

Short explanation is that, as is so typical, the pastor's daughter was made lead vocalist and, like most pastor's daughters, had no talent. Casey had had voice lessons when younger, so she decided to help a fellow teenager. Needless to say, she was quite offended at the notion that she couldn't sing two-thirds of the soprano notes and was better suited to alto. It turned into such a heated argument that Casey wasn't the only girl to walk away from friendship with this pastor's daughter.

But Casey walked away for good. From that church. Her parents tried to get her to return, but Casey wanted nothing to do with it. She'd rather not go than go there.

Then the Club came along. By this time, Casey had gotten thoroughly disillusioned with the local churches and was quite derisive of those who went. After a few months after her club ouster, she had cooled off in that regard.

Casey settled into being the best only child her parents could wish for. She helped with chores, cooking, projects, and such. Finally, there came the day she helped her dad paint the house.

They were up on the scaffolding painting the upper part of the two-story home. It was a calm day, but the scaffolding was old. Her father made a request.

"Sweetie, could you please take a break us some drinks?"
"Sure, pop!" Casey said. She turned to get down.

As she put her hand on the rail to get down, it suddenly gave way.

"Dad!" was all she said before she hit the ground.
"Casey!" he yelled, "Casey! Are you all right? Answer me, please," and then He ran into the house.
"What's wrong?" Mrs. Clark answered.
"The scaffolding broke and Casey fell. She's hurt. Call 911."

The ambulance came and took Casey to the hospital. Along the way, she regained consciousness.

"What happened? We were painting, and then?'
"The scaffolding broke, and you fell."
"Sounds painful."
"Yeah, yeah... What am I saying?!" her father realized he was a bit stunned.
"You need tests, miss," a paramedic explained.

The hospital did an MRI and a CAT scan and concluded nothing was wrong. They kept her overnight for concussion watch, and Casey went home the next day.

On Sunday, two days after, Casey's parents went to church. Casey, of course, stayed home.

"Man, I have a headache," she took some Tylenol, "Let's see if I can finally beat that level."

Casey walked into the living room, but she never did get to that level. She felt a pang of pain in her head and collapsed in a heap. It would be two hours before her parents would find her.

"Honey! Oh, my God, Casey! Anybody, do something!" her mother wailed on finding her.

Once again, Casey was in the ambulance. This time, however, was serious. The hospital scanners had missed a brain bleed; the hemorrhage caused pressure which had caused a stroke.

It was 2PM on a Tuesday afternoon some week or three later when the doctors finally let Casey regain full consciousness. They had been forced to perform brain surgeries to remove the hemorrhage and put her in an induced coma for her recovery.

"Ugh... Pop... Mom..."
"Casey, we're here. Please don't talk too much. You're going to be fine."
"Am I?"
"The hospital, dear. They're taking good care of you."
"It doesn't matter now. Get well and rest often. If you need anything, tell us."
"I'd like my earbuds."
"All right. When we come back tomorrow, we're going to bring that stuff with us."
"Mom? Dad?"
"Yes Casey?"
"I love you," Casey tried to smile, but it didn't come out.
"Something wrong?"
"I can't smile. My speech is slurred."
"That's from the anesthesia."
"Casey... we didn't want to tell you so soon. Honey, you had a stroke from the fall."
"I know now. That's why I feel weird."

Indeed she did feel weird. The entire right side of Casey's body had been affected. She could barely move her right arm, cheek, leg, etc. Suddenly, life had become this incredible challenge.

Casey had entered the world of therapy. She couldn't walk, eat, text, play games, or do many things she had taken for granted. She needed a wheelchair or crutches to move around, learn to eat with her left hand, do all of her phone stuff with her left hand alone, and overall find a new balance in life.

Therapy was a difficult process as she knew how to do all of these things, but her body couldn't process her desperate demands for it to respond. She was most determined to walk. She didn't care if she slurred like a drunk the rest of her life as long as she didn't need crutches.

She was mortified the first time she saw a mirror. She definitely had had brain surgery, based on the large amount of missing hair. She just wore kerchiefs to hide that, especially after she had gone home and her friends started showing up frequently. She was glad she had her mother there the day she discovered it.

"Mom, can you help me to the toilet?"
"OK. You're doing really well. The doctor sounded sincerely happy."
"He sure did. Mom... WHAT IS THAT?! THAT'S NOT ME?!?!?!"
"Yes, Casey... It is. Honey, don't worry. If it really bothers you, we can block the mirror. Does it really matter though as long as we still have you?"
"I'm ugly," Casey cried.
"You're still beautiful Casey."
"If only I were beautiful on the inside."
"Oh, Casey... You still are there too. Come on. Use the pot so we can get out of here."

After months of therapy at home, Casey, against the odds, regained both her motion and her hair. She could almost use her arms, legs, and face as if nothing had happened. All she had was a slight limp and a slight nerve issue in her right fingers. Her head scar had grown in enough that it was unnoticeable. Except for the cold days the aggravated all those issues anew, life was normal again.

When her recovery had completed, Casey began seeking a new and different 'house of worship.' To even her own surprise, she settled on a Pentecostal style church as her favorite.

TUGs only entered her life again courtesy one friend she had. In spite of feeling renewed in body and soul, she was afraid to reach out to Jenny, Joy, and Nichole, although she was still in the FB group. She often liked stuff, but she never actually commented. One of her other club inductees, Maya, however, did reach out after what had happened, and they had become friends.

When it came time to discuss college, Casey already knew what she had in mind.

"Dad, I want to be a physical therapist. I now know what it's like, and I want to help kids like myself."
"What a beautiful thing to desire!" he smiled and hugged her, as was forever his only baby girl.
Last edited by AlexUSA3 2 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 045: The Girl with the Blue Camo Bandana

Somedays, Nichole had a hard time with things. She often struggled to walk some days because of leg pain, and other days her legs or arms were off from nerve pain. Other days, her fingers wouldn't respond from damage from her cutting herself bad a couple of times. The worst days, like today, combined all of those things.

She kept trying, but her fingers wouldn't let her tie the knot. It was like there was an electrical malfunction in her nerves. When she had broken her hand, she kept two of each color she wore pre-knotted, one headband and the other kerchief, but she had only one of several.
Finally, after a dozen attempts, she had enough.

"Jenny! Can you help me for a minute?"
"What's the matter? You sound frustrated."
"I can't get this damn thing knotted."
"All right. I'll help you."
"Jenny, at moments like this I just want to kick myself hard. Just hard enough to make that cartoonish 'poot' effect."
"I know it's my fault. I have a bad premonition about today."
"Don't think that."
"Hey! We have a chance of tornadoes this afternoon!" Bridget showed up uninvited, "May I come here later since your window faces west?"

Jenny stood there motionless. She wore a solid red bandana headband, brown tank-top, and neon green trainers. Bridget's timing had a completely stunned her.

"Tornadoes?" Joy asked.
"Tornadoes?!" Janie demanded.

Joy had her brown skirt, a pink t-shirt, and brown bandana headband. Janie had black trainers and a black t-shirt with her hair in a black headband and black ponytail. Bridget had slacks and a blue button-up blouse.

"Tornadoes?!" Jenny finally asked.
"What are you all? A bunch of mimickers?" Bridget responded, "I said what I meant to say. We will have a system coming through that will have a good chance of spawning tornadoes!" Bridget blurted and took off.
"There, Nichole."
"Thanks," Nichole got up then stumbled and fell.
"Nichole!" Jenny grabbed her.
"Heh. My leg is a bit out of whack today as well, I suppose."
"Oh!" Jenny started to cry.
"What's wrong?"
"I'm sick of watching you suffer."
"Oh, it's not that bad, sis. Face it, I did most of it to myself anyway. I just have to accept that it all happened. Please don't cry."
"Someone please get me my crutches."

It was just one of those days. It was bad enough to be in pain. Nooooo... Bridget had to start prating on about tornadoes.

When they were returning from classes, Bridget was wildly playing with her phone and then, in the dorm, her computer. She suddenly blurted with excitement

"We have had a tornado watch since 1PM!"
"Goody for you."
"Joy, if I to be stuck here on this couch all day, do me a favor."
"If I'm to be stuck, then I want to be with someone special. Get me Jenny, and make sure she's bound and gagged," Nichole whispered.
"With pleasure! Jenny!"
"Yeah?" Jenny asked.
"I need you."
"OK... just a moment.................... yes?"
"Put your arms behind your back."
"You think I'm just going to do that?"
"No dice, kid."
"Then I force you!" Joy quickly grabbed Jenny.
"I guess you convinced me," Jenny laughed as her arms were boxtied behind her.
"You could have resisted at least."
"Where's the fun in that?" Jenny asked as breast harness was added.
"You're really no fun."
"No fun? You kidnap me, and I'm no fun!"
"Be quiet!" Joy jammed a sock in Jenny's mouth.
"Mmmmm!" she got a knotted camouflage bandana cleave gag.

Joy tied Jenny's ankles, knees, and thighs before pushing her onto the chair next to Nichole. Nichole hugged her new stuffie.

"Yay! I have company now. Thanks, Joy!"
"No problem."
"Oooohhh... tornado warnings now," Bridget piped up again.
"Why are you here today anyway?" Nichole asked in an offensive tone.
"Because Joyce is on a date, and Sera is in class."
"Date? Now?"
"Take advantage of any time you can!"
"Are the warnings here?"
"Did your phone go off?"
"Then no."
"Then shut up!"
"Can I be tied up?" Janie asked.

Thirty minutes later, Bridget piped up again. By now, Janie was tied up just like Jenny and was on the the other side of Nichole. The only difference was that Janie had a knotted purple bandana cleave gag holding her sock in.

"Confirmed tornado in next county and headed this way."
"Great, now my phone is going off!" Nichole groaned.

Then the sirens went off. Sirens meant all students were 'required' to be on the first floor.

"Let's go."
"Jenny and I are watching Netflix. Janie is taking a nap."
"If something happens?!"
"GO without us."
"Suit yourself."
"I need to untie her and hobble there? NO!"

Joy, Janie, and Bridget went downstairs while Jenny and Nichole watched their show. They occasionally looked out the window, especially as the storm neared and the clouds grew darker. Nichole held her captive in a hug... in fact, Jenny was sleeping too.

"What do you think?" Joy asked Bridget.
"Better safe than sorry."
"OK Bridger."

Another 30 minutes later, the three were back in the dorm with Joyce now with them.

"Let me get this right... you had me worrying about these two kids for a storm that not only didn't spawn a tornado, but also didn't even stay together long enough to get here?"
"Ummm... right."
"Joy, Joyce... give her the works!"
"Hey, now!" Bridget protested.
"Hold still now!" Joy grabbed Bridget.
"That'll hold you!" Joyce clicked a pair of handcuffs on her wrists
"Let me go! I was only helping!"
"And be quiet!" Joyce jammed her ball gag in Bridget's mouth.
"Another pair here!" Joyce slapped another pair of handcuffs on Bridget's ankles.
"And for good measure!" a third pair hogcuffed her.
"That'll hold her for a while!" Joyce smiled.
"Let's bring her here where they can watch!"
"Good idea!"
"Aagggghhhhhh!" Bridget moaned as she was dragged over.
"Thank you!" Nichole smiled.
"One last thing!" Joy grabbed a white bandana.
"Ugh!" Bridget groaned as she was blindfolded.
"I have another thing!' Joyce volunteered.
"You!" Joyce handcuffed Joy.
"Me!" Joy laughed.
"Be quiet!"
"Mmmm!" Joy got a blue rubber ball threaded with a black bandana in her mouth.

Minutes later, Joy had bound elbows, breasts, ankles, knees, and thighs and had her headband slipped over her eyes as a blindfold. Joyce had then needed to leave for another commitment.

"Bye, Jenny!" Nichole slipped her headband over her eyes.
"Mmph!" Jenny groaned.
"Please stick around," Nichole begged.
"Sorry, girl. Wash the gag before you return it," Joyce said and left.

Nichole looked at Jenny and slowly approached before jamming her fingers in Jenny's ribs.

"Aaggghhh!" Jenny groaned with a laugh.
"Aaggghhh!" Joy concurred as the same happened to her.

The girl with the blue camo bandana looked at Janie. She had no bandanas within reach except the one she was wearing. So, even though it was one she used exclusively for wearing, Nichole took it off and blindfolded Janie with it. Nichole's fingers almost didn't cooperate. She figured it was no different from slipping Jenny's headband over her eyes.

"Aagggghhhhhhh!" Janie got full torment.

Nichole, who had been the girl with blue camo bandana, was embarking on what would be two hours of tickle torturing the friends she loved.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 046: Pirates 1

Jenny, 21-years old and now a senior in college, again felt like a pirate princess of some kind. On this warm summer's day, she wore her pink, knee-length skirt, black leggings, a black short-sleeve t-shirt, a pink bandana as a kerchief, and cowboy boots, and all was made perfect by the beautiful braid in her hair. It made her look like a pirate wench, which was what she was aiming for.

Joy had agreed to be Jenny's co-pirate on a crazy TUG adventure. She had on her long blue skirt, purple sneakers, blue t-shirt, white lace jacket, and a blue kerchief bandana. She looked like an appropriate pirate co-wench.

They had a simple aim. Tie up everyone they could on this pleasant Sunday afternoon. In addition to their usual group of four (minus Nichole) living in this apartment-dorm, they also had Joyce, Caleigh, Lauren, and Hannah visiting. It was a bit crowded. Bridget and Sera had a rowing commitment.

Nichole was, as she often did now, spending time with her husband. She had, in fact, spent the most of the weekend with him, even going with him to his church that morning. She wouldn't be back for an hour yet.

Lauren and Janie were playing video games with Hannah. The first two looked like twins in their monotone outfits of trainers, tank-tops, headbands, and ponytails holding their braids. Lauren had bright blue; Janie had red but had socks and sneakers to match as well. They, too, had plans on causing TUG chaos.

Next to them, Hannah looked normal in her jean shorts and pink Disney shirt with something girly on it. She had planned only on getting tied up today even if she had to turn this game into a TUG and intentionally lose. In fact, she did just that!

"Losers get tied up!" Hannah challenged.
"Deal!" Lauren accepted.
"Game on!" Janie also agreed.
"Good!" Hannah began killing Toad quickly.
"Hannah... why are intentionally jumping off the cliff?" Lauren asked.
"To run out of lives."
"To get... tied... up?"

They couldn't say much. Except for Nichole and Lauren, every girl had to admit that they had, at some point, deliberately goaded someone into tying them up or deliberately lost a game or straight up asked for it.

Caleigh, Joy, Jenny, and Joyce laughed at Hannah's ruse. Caleigh had black shorts and her black and white checkered vest-shirt. Joyce had bright green leggings and a green t-shirt. There was something pleasurable in watching the game unfold.

"I need a drink die to sugar reasons," Joyce got up to grab a Pepsi.
"Joy, I think I need your help with something," Jenny approached Caleigh.
"Of course, captain!"
"Captain?" Caleigh asked Jenny
"Didn't you notice we look kind of like pirates?"
"You look more like gangsters to me. Nasty, roguish ones... the kinds that kidnap poor innocents like me before torturing and killing us."
"We don't plan on killing..."
"But you do on kidnapping."
"I'm powerless against you two," Caleigh smiled.
"Killjoy," Joyce drank her soda.
"We shall lash ye well!" Jenny promised.

Caleigh got the usual workings of rope: wrists, elbows, ankles, knees, thighs, breasts, and waist. A blue rubber ball threaded with a white handkerchief gagged her well. For simplicity, they hogtied Caleigh and blindfolded her with a pink bandana.

"I'm out!" Hannah happily declared.
"Fun killer!"
"You need a little fastening," Lauren clamped a pair of handcuffs on Hannah's wrists.
"Get these off of me right now!" Hannah said in a calm but firm voice
"Yikes!" Lauren quickly complied.
"Thank you."
"I'm sorry, kid. I didn't know."
"It's OK. It's a long story."

Via rope, Lauren tied up Hannah just like Caleigh was. She was gagged with a sock, a blue bandana cleave gag, and six tight layers of duct tape. Lauren blindfolded her with a purple bandana. Hannah was now on cloud nine.

The other two resumed their contest while Jenny and Joy closed in on Joyce.

"Arrr... this one's ready to be hung from the mast, Captain," Joy said with a giggle.
"She certainly is. I'll hold her while you tie her!"
"Hey, girls, Mmmph!" Joyce was helpless against the track star's grip.
"Be good now!" Jenny dragged her into the bedroom.

Jenny held Joyce against the pole while Joy handcuffed her arms behind the pole. Joy then added elbow ropes and a breast harness and waist rope; she also roped Joyce's ankles, knees, and thighs. Every step of the way, they made sure to also wrap the rope around the post.

"Girls, lemme go, please?" Joyce asked in her sweetest voice.
"Plleeeaaassseeeee!" she made her most innocent face.
"Be quiet!"
"Mmmmph!" Joyce got her own ball gag silencing her.
"Blindfold her!"
"Aye, aye, Captain!" Joy complied using a red bandana.
"Shiver me timbers!"
"You're gangsters, not pirates!" Lauren yelled.
"Oh, shut up!" Joy yelled back.
"Me?! You're the ones acting childish!"
"Arr, so we be!"

"All right, Janie, put your hands together in front of you."
"OK, sis," the gracious loser complied.

Lauren tied Janie's wrists, elbows, ankles, knees, and thighs with rope before seating her in a chair. Lauren fastened Janie's shoulders, chest, thighs, and waist to the chair before running ropes from each ankle to the respective chair leg. The annoying little sister had her arms tightly fastened to her thighs.

"Now what?"
"I gag you!"
"Mmmph!" Janie got a blue rubber ball threaded with a red bandana.
"I can't trust you!" Lauren followed that with a strip of microfoam tape.
"Hmmmmm!" Janie was helpless as she got a camouflage bandana blindfold.
"Enjoy! Hey, Joy, come check this out! Is she tied right?"
"She sure looks it, but how come mmmmmm!"
"Gotcha, ya pirate!"
"Mmmmm!" Joy got a sock in her mouth followed by a blue bandana cleave gag.
"That'll shut you up!" Lauren said proudly, knowing she was strong enough to do this without Joy escaping.
"Why are you kidnapping my first mate?" Jenny asked, but did nothing to help.

Joy got her arms boxtied, which was followed by the usual breast harness and other bonds, particular thigh, knee, and ankle. Joy also was fastened to the chair at her shoulders, chest, waist, and thighs, with ropes running from her knees and ankles to the chair legs.

"Mmmmm!" Joy groaned as a strip of microfoam tape came out.
"And the blindfold!" Lauren used a white bandana.
"Mmmmmmmmmmmmm!" Joy could barely move.
"Games in return for a TUG!"
"*gulp* Mario in exchange for winning... I guess...," Jenny guessed.

Unawares, Nichole had appeared in blue jeans, a red t-shirt, and a yellow bandana headband. Joy was dismayed to have her fate decided by a video game. Jenny dropped her jaw when she did the impossible!

"I did it! I won! Oh my goodness! Here!"
"Oh, no!" Lauren got handcuffed.
"Be quiet!" Jenny got a nice blue rubber ball with a threaded white handkerchief.

After this, Lauren did a typical binding of elbows, breasts, waist, ankles, knees, and thighs. A blindfold of a pink bandana further stole away one of her senses. She brought Lauren into the bedroom next to Joyce and had the two fastened together at their ankles, thighs, waist, chest, and shoulders.

"Mmmmmmm!" Joyce moaned, unable to understand how or why.
"Gotcha girls! This will hold you nice and tight.
"Good job, Pirate Girl Jenny, but the Pirate Gang is over!"
"Mmmmmm!" Jenny groaned as Nichole grabbed her.
"Hold still!" Nichole held her firm while cuffing her wrists.
"Lemme go!" Jenny groaned, still determined.
"Take it easy!"
"Noooo!" Jenny refused.
"Fine!" Nichole sat on the ankle ropes.
"Stop it!"
"Shut up!" Nichole gagged Jenny with a sock and a knotted pink bandana cleave gag followed by 7 smothering layers of duct tape.

Nichole tied Jenny's elbows, waist, breasts, thighs, and knees; a black bandana blindfold her. She was tied up next to Lauren and Joyce while lying on the floor; her back was on the floor, but her ankles and thighs were part of the footboard. For extra security, they ran a rope from her chest to her knees. Her lower torso actually need to be a bit in the air for the waist to be bound to the footboard.

"How about this?" Nichole proudly filmed the day's carnage.

When she was done filming and photographing, she went on a tickle adventure they'd never forget. Nichole would have fun with Hannah, Caleigh, Joyce, Janie, Lauren, Joy, and Nichole.
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Find my other CGC Stories in the same link above!

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