Three Rows Back (F/?)

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Three Rows Back (F/?)

Post by Rtj65 »

Sometimes, you wish that things would hurry up and be over. This was definitely one of those times.

Nearly three hours I'd been trapped in my cramped seat on this wretched, ancient coach. And we were barely halfway there.

Around me, sullen looking folks sank into their seats, just like I had, all resigned to our shared misery of this uncomfortable, mind-numbing journey. Bloody replacement buses.

Most people seemed to be travelling alone, like me. At least, those that I could see from my vantage point, near the middle of the coach.

I still had no idea why our train had been cancelled; I wondered if anyone else did. As if this situation couldn't be more frustrating, the coach's aircon was broken, leaving us to the mercy of summer's thermal wrath.

I sighed, desperate for any distraction that would make this journey go quicker. Several other passengers had opted for headphones, looking to absorb themselves in something. I'd have done the same if I hadn't forgotten to charge my phone earlier.


All that existed was me, the road, and the revolting interior of the coach. Seriously, why do they all have those ugly, dated geometric patterns on them? Nausea inducing. In places, the itchy, decaying fabric was peeling apart, revealing the jaundiced, yellow foam that padded the inside of the seats.

Nothing could make this journey go any quicker. At least, that's what I thought.

Somewhere in front of me, a voice caught my attention. It was a non-descript, female voice, chatting away to another passenger. For some reason that I wasn't yet sure of, my brain had plucked this voice out from the vocal quagmire of smattering small talk filling the coach.

“Yeah, I’ve tied up all kinds of people!” Her words surprised me; I’d never heard anyone talk about that so openly before.


"Sure, even the lady who dyes my hair!" If I had to guess, I was about three rows back from them.

“Tell me more!”

I listened as this mysterious woman regaled her increasingly kinky tales to her fellow passenger, hardly believing my luck. She went on to talk about how mere acquaintances had become regular tie up partners. I listened intently, sensing an opportunity.

Before I knew it, the bus had ground to a halt. We had arrived. I looked out the window to make sure. How had we got here so quickly?

While I contemplated how this had ended so soon, people were already filing off the coach.

It was now or never. I could either take a leap of faith now, or spend the rest of my life wondering, what if? Frankly, there wasn't time to think about it.

As quickly as possible, I shuffled down the narrow aisle to the front of the coach, somewhat forcefully stepping past a few people still in their seats.

Once outside, I frantically scanned the bustling crowd in front of me. The passengers from my coach were already mixing in with the larger crowd milling in and out of the train station at which we had arrived. I'm too late; I'm going to lose her.

Suddenly, I saw a flash of colour - an aquamarine beacon amidst the grayscale crowd - and I remembered something. Even the lady who dyes my hair.

Her hair was blue, and I was in a hurry.

Working my way through the crowd felt like wading through an upstream current of treacle, but somehow, I was closing the distance. If I could just ask her...

Finally, after apologetically squeezing between a couple of tourists, I reached her. With an intake of breath, I tapped her shoulder, and she spun around.

“Hi, erm, do you-“ I never even finished my sentence.

“I’m sorry, I’m running super late!” She interrupted, before slipping back into the crowd, and all too quickly, she was gone.
Male switch from the UK here, always up for a chat about anything TUGs related!

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A Grey Area (M/F) -
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Post by slackywacky »

Just imagine what could have been... Great story.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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