Bondage Question Game ROUND TWO :)

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Bondage Question Game ROUND TWO :)

Post by that1kid13 »

This one focuses more on expanding your personal knowledge about yourself. Hopefully to make a bondage experience in the future more enjoyable :) Copy the questions and post your own answers.

1- What do you identify yourself most as, Dom, Sub, Switch? Sub

2- Why would you consider yourself as that, (personality traits that portray what you identified yourself as) ? I like being told what to do, it is a more pleasurable experience for me if somebody else is in control. I like pleasing people and doing things that may just be fantasies for others.

3- What do you think your most attractive feature is? (it can be something you're proud of but has to be physical)- I have veneers so everyone compliments my teeth/smile. I think I'm pretty damn cute when I wink and give a flirtatious half smile.

4- What you admire most about someone else's physical features/ the first thing you notice? Umm I love when a man has strong shoulders and a built chest.

5- What do you need in a sub or dom depending on which you identify as? From a subs POV I need the other person to be in control, I like testing people, pushing their buttons, I need someone who will put me in my place.

6- Subs, do you like physical pain (what kind?) Doms, do you get pleasure from your subs physical pain? I do not get turned on by being hit like some do, it makes me mad. I do however like tight bondage, having my body be pulled, stretched, twisted. I like when a dom will test what I can take. That feeling of thinking something is "too tight" or straining positions that I'm forced to be left in a long time really turns me on.

7- What is something that turns you off immediately during a bondage session? Food being involved ( Like sexually)

8- What is something you can improve on within yourself to be a better sub or dom? I make it pretty obvious when I do not like something or object to an order. A eye roll, a mad breath, glare, I sometimes don't even realize I'm doing it. I definitely think I can hide my non verbal acts of defiance or dis appreciation better. I usually will obey quickly but if I'm mad it will be followed with a non verbal gesture.

9- What is something you think is important to do before a bondage session with a new person? maybe just talk about anything you absolutely are not okay with or that can be pertinent. I'm not one for telling someone what I like, that's their job to figure out.

10- Is there someone you are most comfortable doing bondage with and why? My older brother, because hes not going to go easy on me but I also trust him 110% on most days hahaha.

11- Do you think it is important to discuss your bondage desires with your significant other, do you? Uh yeah! I know what I want and I'm not giving up my desires because someone is Vanilla.

12- Did any of these questions help you think about things in a different way about yourself or help you recognize what you like/dislike? (Where any of the questions hard for you to answer?) -YEs I wrote them and I was still thinking hard about every answer I wrote. Some I thought were easy to answer gave me the biggest mindfuck.
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Post by RopemanSteve »

1- What do you identify yourself most as, Dom, Sub, Switch?

2- Why would you consider yourself as that, (personality traits that portray what you identified yourself as) ?
I want to be the one who makes the decisions, and I really want the girl to go along with them. But, if we're fooling around, I usually want her to resist me, so I have an excuse to overpower her, and tie her up.

3- What do you think your most attractive feature is? (it can be something you're proud of but has to be physical)-

Dunno...face? I guess girls think I'm good looking.

4- What you admire most about someone else's physical features/ the first thing you notice?
I guess her smile first, then breasts, with legs coming in a very close third. Then the butt, lol

5- What do you need in a sub or dom depending on which you identify as?

Submission, and a really strong need for at least bondage

6- Subs, do you like physical pain (what kind?) Doms, do you get pleasure from your subs physical pain?

Kind of. I really to spank, so yeah, with that, but I'm not into anything harder.

7- What is something that turns you off immediately during a bondage session?

Cell phone going off, her starting to talk about something not having anything to do with what's going on.

8- What is something you can improve on within yourself to be a better sub or dom?

I guess showing a little more respect, yeah, I know it goes both ways.

9- What is something you think is important to do before a bondage session with a new person?

Make sure we're in agreement with everything

10- Is there someone you are most comfortable doing bondage with and why?

Ex-gf, when we were dating.

11- Do you think it is important to discuss your bondage desires with your significant other, do you?


12- Did any of these questions help you think about things in a different way about yourself or help you recognize what you like/dislike? (Where any of the questions hard for you to answer?)

Yeah, I need to work on the respect thing, so thanks.
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Post by damsel »

1- What do you identify yourself most as, Dom, Sub, Switch? Submissive

2- Why would you consider yourself as that? I don't like to be in charge, when I think about guys, the ones I like are assertive and know what they want, and the idea of being captured and needing rescue by a handsome hero is a big fantasy of mine.

3- What do you think your most attractive feature is? Um, nice figure? I guess?

4- What you admire most about someone else's physical features/ the first thing you notice? If they're strong, muscular, and if they're cute, lol

5- What do you need in a sub or dom depending on which you identify as? He's got to know what he wants from me, and what he expects of me. When we get time alone, which isn't very often :( he needs to be tying me up and reminding me who's in charge, lol

6- Subs, do you like physical pain (what kind?) Not really, but I can deal.

7- What is something that turns you off immediately during a bondage session? Food being involved ( Like sexually) Getting interrupted! Lol. and also, my bf is really into tickling, and I can deal, but I really don't like it, and if it goes on too long, it does kinda ruin it a little.

8- What is something you can improve on within yourself to be a better sub or dom? There are times he just wants to fool around first, and do bondage later, and I usually try to get the reverse. But yeah, if I'm saying I'm sub, I should just go aheard and be the sub...

9- What is something you think is important to do before a bondage session with a new person? Uh, get to know him first, lol

10- Is there someone you are most comfortable doing bondage with and why? Bf, because he's a dom, and knows what he wants, and what I want.

11- Do you think it is important to discuss your bondage desires with your significant other Yeah, I think you gotta.

12- Did any of these questions help you think about things in a different way about yourself or help you recognize what you like/dislike? Honestly? Not really, but they're interesting. I'm glad to answer :)
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Post by kiwi »

Wow great thread! Lots of good questions. Here we go.

1- What do you identify yourself most as, Dom, Sub, Switch?

Switch that leans more towards sub.

2- Why would you consider yourself as that, (personality traits that portray what you identified yourself as) ?

I enjoy giving up the power to someone else. Being able to trust someone enough to give up the ability to move/speak and also having someone trust you like that has a certain appeal to me.

3- What do you think your most attractive feature is? (it can be something you're proud of but has to be physical)-

My eyes. I have hazel eyes with rather long eyelashes for a boy. I’ve had several girls complement them specifically.

4- What you admire most about someone else's physical features/ the first thing you notice?

I love a nice pair of legs or butt on a woman.

5- What do you need in a sub or dom depending on which you identify as?

From a dom, confidence is key. There’s an extra level of enjoyment when the person in charge or you plays into it and is comfortable and confident.

6- Subs, do you like physical pain (what kind?) Doms, do you get pleasure from your subs physical pain?

I’m not into pain whatsoever haha. No hitting, but tight bondage and wrappings are fine if they restrict breathing just a tad. Nothing intense.

7- What is something that turns you off immediately during a bondage session?

When you can tell the other person isn’t fully into it at the moment. Speaking from experience, it’s no fun to be half ass tied up and have to ask someone to give full effort.

8- What is something you can improve on within yourself to be a better sub or dom?

I could perhaps be less picky about my situations and just go with the flow. Ironically as a sub I guess that means I need to give up more control

9- What is something you think is important to do before a bondage session with a new person?

Definitely meet in person first and get to know each other. Take some time to know each other. Don’t have to know each others life story, but also don’t just run to a hotel room with someone you just met.

10- Is there someone you are most comfortable doing bondage with and why?

Not sure right now. Perhaps a significant other, but at the moment that’s not a thing.

11- Do you think it is important to discuss your bondage desires with your significant other, do you?

Absolutely. Defining clear wants and desires are key in a relationship, be it k the bedroom or not.

12- Did any of these questions help you think about things in a different way about yourself or help you recognize what you like/dislike? (Where any of the questions hard for you to answer?)

Yes! And I like that. I enjoy thinking more about topics like these as they make you think more about yourself and others, which in the end benefits everyone.
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Post by Silver_noro »

If don't mind, here my answers😂

1- What do you identify yourself most as, Dom, Sub, Switch?

Definitely a sub🏊‍♀️😂

2- Why would you consider yourself as that, (personality traits that portray what you identified yourself as) ?

Becouse of my job, I'm usually in charge.
Nothing bad there, my customers are happy of my work but it's so mind exhausting😴.
So, when I'm home, I leave the command to others (normally my bro if he is around or my parents).

3- What do you think your most attractive feature is? (it can be something you're proud of but has to be physical)-

Well, if you still don't realize from stories, I surely say my feet😂.
I have the classical south east asian feet, small, narrow, proportionated toes with a nice looking decreasing size from big toe to pinky one (toes not too big/small not too long/short) high arches and I can move my toes almost like my fingers😂.
My bro and BF loves playing with my feet while I'm bound and gagged😂.

4- What you admire most about someone else's physical features/ the first thing you notice?

I love who never skip leg day and and who strengthen his core .
Legs and coreare the the foundation of a health body.

5- What do you need in a sub or dom depending on which you identify as?

As a sub, confidence is key.
Hell, I'm bound and gagged!
I must be suicidal if I give to someone the total control over me!

6- Subs, do you like physical pain (what kind?) Doms, do you get pleasure from your subs physical pain?

Sorry but no!

7- What is something that turns you off immediately during a bondage session?

Hmmmm, actually it never happened, almost of my TUGS are just for fun😂.
Nothing sexual becouse my bro is my rigger😇.

8- What is something you can improve on within yourself to be a better sub or dom?

I think, I should "fight" more, just for fun eheheh.

9- What is something you think is important to do before a bondage session with a new person?

Definitely know each other.

10- Is there someone you are most comfortable doing bondage with and why?

Of course my bro!
Everything started becouse he was bored the first time😂.
Then I can definitely say, he will never do something against my wishes.

11- Do you think it is important to discuss your bondage desires with your significant other, do you?

Yep, for ex. I was so embarrassed when my BF asked me about rope marks on my wrists.
I admitted I like being tied and gagged and unexpectedly, he was interested too ehehehe

12- Did any of these questions help you think about things in a different way about yourself or help you recognize what you like/dislike? (Where any of the questions hard for you to answer?)

I like those kinds of survey ehehehe.
The n. 7 was pretty hard😂
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Post by Rtj65 »

1- What do you identify yourself most as, Dom, Sub, Switch? Switch, but with a preference for sub

2- Why would you consider yourself as that, (personality traits that portray what you identified yourself as) ? I like giving up control and I like not knowing what's going to happen to me to a certain extent, that makes it more exciting. Its still fun to be on the other side of things now and again though.

3- What do you think your most attractive feature is? (it can be something you're proud of but has to be physical) I'm not sure, I'll say my hair though because I've had it complimented by several girls (and a few guys) in the past.

4- What you admire most about someone else's physical features/ the first thing you notice? For me it's a girls face, specifically her eyes, I dont know why, followed by their legs.

5- What do you need in a sub or dom depending on which you identify as? From a dom - someone who is comfortable in control and knows what I like, but also shares most of those likes. For a sub, someone who trusts me and enjoys every aspect of being tied up.

6- Subs, do you like physical pain (what kind?) Doms, do you get pleasure from your subs physical pain? Cant say I'm a big fan of anything pain related.

7- What is something that turns you off immediately during a bondage session? See the above, but also anything to do with waste/bodily fluids, although thankfully that's never been an issue for me.

8- What is something you can improve on within yourself to be a better sub or dom? This is a hard one - I guess it would be talking more with a partner about what things I specifically like and dont like, and vice versa.

9- What is something you think is important to do before a bondage session with a new person? Establish some boundaries but also have patience - there's no need to try everything at once the first session - just keep it simple and get to know the other person as much as possible.

10- Is there someone you are most comfortable doing bondage with and why? It was my ex gf, I was very comfortable being open about my desires with her, and discussing what we both liked during bondage.

11- Do you think it is important to discuss your bondage desires with your significant other, do you? Definitely, I wasnt sure about telling my ex gf at first but I'm glad I did - of course it helps that she was open to the idea.

12- Did any of these questions help you think about things in a different way about yourself or help you recognize what you like/dislike? (Where any of the questions hard for you to answer?) Yes, it did get me thinking more about myself, and some of the questions particularly number 8 were pretty hard.
Male switch from the UK here, always up for a chat about anything TUGs related!

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Post by McMurdoPI »

1- What do you identify yourself most as, Dom, Sub, Switch?

Dom, however not your average Dom ya might say 😉

2- Why would you consider yourself as that, (personality traits that portray what you identified yourself as) ?

I like providing comfort, I like giving some one the experience of submission because I know just how great it is. I've worn the rope and tape myself.

3- What do you think your most attractive feature is? (it can be something you're proud of but has to be physical)-

I have very expressive eyes and a nice smile. I'm also the owner of a handsome butt that looks quite nice on briefs.

4- What you admire most about someone else's physical features/ the first thing you notice?

Usually it's the smile and the eyes. I sometimes instantly think about what a girl I like would look like gagged when I meet her. Big butts aren't a bad addition either.

5- What do you need in a sub or dom depending on which you identify as?

I like the rope bottom to feel comfortable and in control of the scene.

Even when I finish gagging them so we'll they wouldn't be able to make words, I give them a squeaker and tell them they can be released any minute. If they need to talk about a scene after wards, I want them to come forward and do it. We need to communicate about anything you did or didn't like.

6- Subs, do you like physical pain (what kind?) Doms, do you get pleasure from your subs physical pain?

I will not engage in anything beyond tickling, light spanking, or groping, and even those only if a girl is clearly fine with it.

7- What is something that turns you off immediately during a bondage session?

Whenever someone does something without consent to someone else. You literally take one of the best experiences there is and villify it. Consensual bondage needs to be clear about it's intentions because there is alot of other kinds of bondage out there in the world that we want no part of.

8- What is something you can improve on within yourself to be a better sub or dom?

Patience. Although I tend to take the slow road everytime, I can't lose focus of the importance of patience in a relationship.

9- What is something you think is important to do before a bondage session with a new person?

Always, always go over hard limits, even if it isn't someone new. It would also be nice for each participant to have an idea of how the scene should playout.

10- Is there someone you are most comfortable doing bondage with and why?

My hair stylist, if I trust her with my hair and I'd trust her with bondage.

11- Do you think it is important to discuss your bondage desires with your significant other, do you?

I think so. By trying to hide who you are (and bondage is definitely a part of that) you will only harm the relationship.

12- Did any of these questions help you think about things in a different way about yourself or help you recognize what you like/dislike? (Where any of the questions hard for you to answer?) -

Journaling is always therapeutic and doing so in a public forum provides for a release and empathy. We are a niche community but no one should truly feel alone. Sharing ones feelings and experiences with others who are open minded is a healthy practice.
Hello everyone! 32, m, Michigan, always willing to chat and help new folks get oriented.
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Post by sagitarium »

1- What do you identify yourself most as, Dom, Sub, Switch? Definitely a switch

2- Why would you consider yourself as that, (personality traits that portray what you identified yourself as) ? I love tie up games that goes both ways. Being tied is as enjoyable as tying others .

3- What do you think your most attractive feature is? (it can be something you're proud of but has to be physical)- I'm not sure, but I think i have a nice smile

4- What you admire most about someone else's physical features/ the first thing you notice? I love feet

5- What do you need in a sub or dom depending on which you identify as? Well being a switch. I need the other to be a switch too

6- Subs, do you like physical pain (what kind?) I'm not into pain at all

7- What is something that turns you off immediately during a bondage session? Urin and stuff like that

8- What is something you can improve on within yourself to be a better sub or dom? Well I could work more to be a more determined dom. Have a tendency to be a little soft at times. I could also do with some better knowledge of bondage techniques.

9- What is something you think is important to do before a bondage session with a new person? Trust and stating clear the limits and wishes for the game

10- Is there someone you are most comfortable doing bondage with and why? My wife

11- Do you think it is important to discuss your bondage desires with your significant other, do you? Yes indeed.

12- Did any of these questions help you think about things in a different way about yourself or help you recognize what you like/dislike? (Where any of the questions hard for you to answer?) yes it's always good to reflect on yourself
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Post by Gaggedgeekgirl »

1- What do you identify yourself most as, Dom, Sub, Switch?
Sub, able to switch.

2- Why would you consider yourself as that, (personality traits that portray what you identified yourself as) ?
I want to be the one who makes the decisions, and I really want the girl to go I love being restrained and unable to do anything.

3- What do you think your most attractive feature is? (it can be something you're proud of but has to be physical

The feeling of tight bonds but mostly not being able to move.

4- What you admire most about someone else's physical features/ the first thing you notice?
Body shape and deportment.

5- What do you need in a sub or dom depending on which you identify as?

Someone who recognises my limits, knows no means no but that yes means yes. Even if it is a long time.

6- Subs, do you like physical pain (what kind?) Doms, do you get pleasure from your subs physical pain?

Nothing beyond mild spanking.

7- What is something that turns you off immediately during a bondage session?

talk of sex

8- What is something you can improve on within yourself to be a better sub or dom?

Nothing. I'm perfect.

9- What is something you think is important to do before a bondage session with a new person?

Make sure we're in agreement with everything

10- Is there someone you are most comfortable doing bondage with and why?

No one currently.

11- Do you think it is important to discuss your bondage desires with your significant other, do you?


12- Did any of these questions help you think about things in a different way about yourself or help you recognize what you like/dislike? (Where any of the questions hard for you to answer?)

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Post by Skizzo »

1- What do you identify yourself most as, Dom, Sub, Switch?


2- Why would you consider yourself as that, (personality traits that portray what you identified yourself as) ?

Typically I do well in control, and being empathetic to others is important to.

3- What do you think your most attractive feature is? (it can be something you're proud of but has to be a physical feature)

I'd say it's my eyes. They're a wierd gray blue coloured, that and I'm 6ft 2.

4- What you admire most about someone else's physical features/ the first thing you notice?

Just the way they hold themselves is the biggest. For a physical feature, eyes are a huge grab for me.

5- What do you need in a sub or dom depending on which you identify as?

Trust. More than anything you need to trust your dom to respect your wishes, and trust your sub to not push themselves beyond what they can do.

6- Subs, do you like physical pain (what kind?) Doms, do you get pleasure from your subs physical pain?

Not really. I'll throw a spanking ot some clamps in, but nothing overtly painful.

7- What is something that turns you off immediately during a bondage session?

Rushing. Take your time and enjoy the moment!

8- What is something you can improve on within yourself to be a better sub or dom?

I think I could improve in my patience. See my last answer. Sometimes in the heat and excitement you can rush the experience. Take your time and enjoy the scenery.

9- What is something you think is important to do before a bondage session with a new person?

Communicate. A firm list of doe's and do not's. That trust needs to flow both ways. As well as safety precautions.

10- Is there someone you are most comfortable doing bondage with and why?

Not really. Theres a certain level of comfort I'd need before attempting any sort of bondage.

11- Do you think it is important to discuss your bondage desires with your significant other?

Hell yes. Always be more open with your significant other than any other person. They're the one you should be able to. If you have to deprive yourself of a desire for a person, then they're not for you.

12- Did any of these questions help you think about things in a different way about yourself or help you recognize what you like/dislike? (Where any of the questions hard for you to answer?) -

Hardest to answer is the self improvement. It's not always easy to see your own shortcomings.
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Post by that1kid13 »

I’m just getting around to reading your answers and love how open and honest you guys are. ❤️❤️❤️
Deleted User 9820

Post by Deleted User 9820 »

1- dom. Have submitted to some people I deeply respected, but at the moment I am almost always the one in charge

2- observation, decisiveness, and a deep love of trust. Plus, roping up a body is just so friggin satisfying to me.

3- probably my height? I have been told I have good hair, or that I am handsome, or that I have a nice build, but the thing that stands out is a kind of admiration when subs look up at me, lol.

4- the way they carry themselves. A good balance of confidence and humility is a beautiful thing. Otherwise, I really like the look of kinda scrappy fellas, with a youthful, rebellious look, and sweet looking ladies.

5- honesty. The only time I ever got deeply frustrated with a "sub" was when he led me to believe that he was interested in bondage. He was not, he was interested in me. Eventually as we kept pursuing it, it got too intense and he freaked out a bit, all because he wasn't being honest, and because I was moving too fast. We have both grown since then, but subs need to be honest, just like doms. Honesty IS submission. Honesty IS dominance.

6- I would only ever like bringing mild discomfort to highlight bondage. Never as a means in and of itself.

7- any inclination that the sub is not ok, or that I am indulging myself too much. At that point, I would need to step back.

8- not making assumptions. I sometimes feel I come across as a bit timid when continuously asking about limits, but I think I can honestly do it in a very confident, assertive way, while also learning about the sub.

9- discuss bondage as a whole. I personally introduce a lot of people to rope, so this is usually me explaining why I do it, and why I think it can benefit them, but I would do the same with a sub.

10- my old mentor/alpha, Greg. Taught me so much, and really helped me improve my fitness. Despite being a dom, if he told me he was gonna tie me up, I would let him without hesitation. Tied him up a few times was an odd feeling, seeing someone I deeply respected like that. (Not that I don't respect subs, but it's a different kind of respect, if that makes sense...)

11- yes, though I know there are folks who have a vanilla SO, who explore non-sexual ties with others. If the couple is fine with that, go for it!

12- yeah, made me nostalgic, and introspective. Thinking about what I value in myself as a dom, or in my subs. Oddly enough, a lot of it boils down to high levels of negative emotion. When I was younger, I really struggled with anxiety. Mentors, and "doms" like Greg essentially would help me by taking control, and reassuring me. As I grew, I handled anxiety better, grew more confident, and now bring that same comfort and assurance to others. It also helps that anxious people tend to be extremely observant and detail oriented. Helps me identify the condition and growth of subs. I can channel this to be a better dom for my subs.
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Post by that1kid13 »

I'm going to bump this one too because I saw someone bump the first
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Post by Viperbound7 »

1- What do you identify yourself most as, Dom, Sub, Switch? Switch who is mostly a sub

2- Why would you consider yourself as that, (personality traits that portray what you identified yourself as) ? I enjoy the feeling of restraint and "being owned", but at the same time I'm not a very mentally submissive person, I also enjoy the feeling of having someone else tied up and in my "care".

3- What do you think your most attractive feature is? I have some pretty nice eyes, butts not bad either :P.

4- What you admire most about someone else's physical features/ the first thing you notice? A nice clean shaven face with a nice smile, or a nice butt. Definitely love nice hands and thighs as well.

5- What do you need in a sub or dom depending on which you identify as? I love sensuality, I'm not very much into aggression unless its in a teasing or playful sense.

6- Subs, do you like physical pain (what kind?) Doms, do you get pleasure from your subs physical pain? I don't like physical pain, but I do enjoy some teasing torment, such as tickle torture or verbal teasing :P.

7- What is something that turns you off immediately during a bondage session? Bodily fluids, too much aggression, threats, general mean-spiritedness.

8- What is something you can improve on within yourself to be a better sub or dom? I'm working on getting a more attractive body, I also am rather picky with what I like and could stand to be more open to moving out of my comfort zone for others.

9- What is something you think is important to do before a bondage session with a new person? Have a conversation and establish at least some form of personal connection so you actually like the person, feel eachother out and make sure there arent any red flags or shadiness.

10- Is there someone you are most comfortable doing bondage with and why? I don't have any long-term bondage partners at the moment, unfortunately. It would be very nice to find someone I consistently enjoy doing bondage play with.

11- Do you think it is important to discuss your bondage desires with your significant other, do you? Yes, it's important that all people involved are enjoying themselves. For me one is never there to serve the other, ironically.

12- Did any of these questions help you think about things in a different way about yourself or help you recognize what you like/dislike? (Where any of the questions hard for you to answer?) - They are enjoyable to answer and involve introspection, I'd say I have a pretty decent idea of who I am and what I like or expect from sessions though, I wouldn't say I had a personal breakthrough though.
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Post by OldTUGger »

1- What do you identify yourself most as, Dom, Sub, Switch? Dominant in nature

2- Why would you consider yourself as that, (personality traits that portray what you identified yourself as) ? I enjoy being in control of any situation I find myself in, particularly when I'm tying women up.

3- What do you think your most attractive feature is? Since I'm a bicyclist, probably my legs or calves.

4- What you admire most about someone else's physical features/ the first thing you notice? Facial features. I'm a sucker for a pretty face.

5- What do you need in a sub or dom depending on which you identify as? I need to know my sub is enjoying being bound.

6- Subs, do you like physical pain (what kind?) Doms, do you get pleasure from your subs physical pain? I get no pleasure at all from inflicting pain. In fact, it's a turn-off. That said, I enjoy inflicting a little discomfort if I know my sub is really into it.

7- What is something that turns you off immediately during a bondage session? A feeling that my sub is just going through the motions.

8- What is something you can improve on within yourself to be a better sub or dom? Being able to pick up on nuances of speech or expression so that I can better "read" my sub's state of mind.

9- What is something you think is important to do before a bondage session with a new person? Communicate. Know what she expects from a session, and make sure she knows what you expect.

10- Is there someone you are most comfortable doing bondage with and why? One of the women who models for my bondage photos has now done 16 shoots with me. She's my go-to rope bunny.

11- Do you think it is important to discuss your bondage desires with your significant other? Absolutely.

12- Did any of these questions help you think about things in a different way about yourself or help you recognize what you like/dislike? Not really. When you're as old as I am, you either know who you are or you don't.
Links to all of my stories can be found here in the Story Catalog:
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Post by Stoutland395 »

1) What do you identify yourself most as, Dom, Sub, Switch?
2) Why would you consider yourself as that?
In a way I guess I could be called a switch, perhaps? In most fantasies, I tend to take the role of the Dom, although I'm actually not to fond of labels like Dom/Sub. Not a personal fan of the "Master"/"Slave" scenario, either. I tend to want to take the more submissive role in a general setting, but then when it comes to roleplay and bondage games, I want to take that dominant role. I tend to enjoy being the one who does the tying more than I am the one being in bondage. Although I've played around in bondage before, I never found myself personally attractive in that position since my body type is not exactly that of what I find visually pleasing.

3) What do you think your most attractive feature is?
I have pretty long hair that I'm proud of. I haven't cut it since I began college about 8 years go, minus minor trims at the ends occasionally. I tend to get a lot of complements when it comes to my hair, and that always makes me feel good.

4) What you admire most about someone else's physical features/the first thing you notice?
When I see a guy in shorts, I tend to spend more time studying how their legs look more than anything. I find longer legs more appealing, in general, especially in shorter shorts. Tight jeans also help a guy's legs look more lean. After looking at their legs, I look at their arms. I really like the look of rolled sleeves on a guys with leaner arms.

5) What do you need in a sub or dom depending on which you identify as?
I prefer my sub to be active in their predicament w/ a fair amount of resistance: lots of gag-talk, moving around, etc. I'd like to tie a guy as punishment for being overly arrogant or annoying. Perhaps I need to empty the dishwasher, then I'll have you hop to the kitchen and take a seat at the kitchen chair while I do my chores, all the while you're apologizing and asking to be let go. Maybe you manage to get up and hop over to me while I'm working and try to get my attention, but I ignore you the whole time. Or, if you're talking too much during a movie, I pause it and handgag you (at the least) and start the movie over while you try to pry my hand off your mouth the whole movie.

6) Subs, do you like physical pain (what kind?) Doms, do you get pleasure from your subs physical pain?
I do not find any pleasure from seeing a person tied up being subjected to pain. I want the restraints to be tight, but I don't want the person to be in any pain. I don't mind the roleplay of a sub begging to be untied or complaining about the restraints; the playful begging makes me want to cuddle up to the person to comfort them to be sympathetic about their predicament, but I would feel awful if the person I tied up experienced any genuine pain.

7) What is something that turns you off immediately during a bondage session?
I can't stand smoking at all; I've seen several videos of the dominant blowing smoke in the sub's face, and it's an immediate turn off. Also, in terms of roleplay, when the sub becomes overtly submissive saying things like "master" and "sir" and literally following the dominant person around wantingly. I prefer the playful resistance of the sub as they're "forced" into bondage.

8) What is something you can improve on within yourself to be a better sub or dom?
I wish to be more outgoing in real life. I tend to be a shut-in, so I hold myself back from a lot of potential relationships. I don't know if this even makes sense, but outside of Tie-ups and just in general, I'm actually not a very dominant person in most social settings. I actually tend to be more submissive in everyday life, so when it comes time to play I tend to want to exert a more selfish persona and attitude, and perhaps that might make me appear more aloof and unfeeling. For example, I might let you crack jokes at my expense and goad me in a social setting, and later I surprise you from behind with a ballgag as "payback" and joke about how you won't be saying anything else embarrassing about me. Or back to a previous scenario, you badger me to clean out the sink or fill the dishwasher or load the dryer (I actually like cleaning), so I tie you up and gag you for being annoying; you then beg for me to untie you while I ignore you and finally do the laundry like you asked several times before.

9) What is something you think is important to do before a bondage session with a new person?
10) Is there someone you are most comfortable doing bondage with and why?

I honestly have not been in too many relationships in general, let alone ones where I was comfortable enough to expose my kink to someone. So I can't fully answer these.

11) Do you think it is important to discuss your bondage desires with your significant other, do you?
Just in general, any healthy relationship needs to have as much communication as possible. Again, as with the previous ?'s, I'm not much in a spot to talk about this, since I haven't been in many relationships, period. I'm actually a pretty shy person outside in everyday life, and I don't tend to go around actively seeking relationships most of the time.

12) Did any of these questions help you think about things in a different way about yourself or help you recognize what you like/dislike? (Where any of the questions hard for you to answer?)
It puts thing into perspective more for me, certainly. Even though I used these terms for bervity's sake, I'm still not a fan of terms like Dom/Sub or Master/slave. If/when I get into a relationship, I would hope they share similar attitudes about our roles in the relationship. I like somebody who is more outgoing and lively in social settings and just everyday drama, even though I don't tend to be that person myself. But I also like the role-reversal of that kind of relationship, as the one who like being submissive gets to still have that "take charge" feeling and the dominant person gets to experience the catharsis after having spent all day of putting their partner in ropes and watching them struggle in their bonds. I think that dynamic makes it harder, at least for me, since I'm not the kind of person to actively go out and seek some kind of relationship. I do have a shyness streak that tends to get in the way more often than not.
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Post by Alisonlovesropes »

1. Switch. Probably a few more sure tendencies but.definitely switch.

2. I like to be tied up, tickled and teased but I am also happy tying.other girls.and.women and.Tivoli g them, especially.their.feet.

3. My bare feet lol. :D

4. Their feet, unless they are wearing shoes and socks. Then its hair.

5. They need a foot fetish, and nice bare feet.

6. No pain, my pleasure.comes from excruciating tickle torture .

7. Not respecting limits. Or.the front door opening.

8.Growing my tongue 4"


Set limits

10. My mum. :oops:
Don't.have.too much choice.right now.

11. When I.was.married.we.knew.each other discuss these things.

12. Not really. I'm.sorry I didn't seriously but then TUGs should be fun.
Sometimes gagged, sometimes blindfold. Always barefoot.
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