You've got to be kidding me (mm/m)

Contest ends 24:00 GMT Feb 28th 2019
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You've got to be kidding me (mm/m)

Post by cj2125 »

“You've got to be kidding me!" James sighed crossing his arms, judging by his reaction one could infer this wasn’t the first time it happened "Did you relly kidnapped a man?”

“I didn’t kidnap a man! I just took him without his explicit consent, to a place he doesn’t know” Ollie replied running his hand through his visibly uncomfortable victim’s hair

“I’m going to show up on the news, am I?”

“Don’t be so dramatic! Everything is going fine!”

“You kidnapped a random guy who is rightfully thinking he is about the get raped!”


“I’m not going to rape him! And I wouldn’t have done it if you hadn’t dared me to!’

“I DIDN’T DARE YOU! I just commented on the fact that you were going to spend Valentine’s Day alone for the first time since I’ve known you! I didn’t tell you to kidnap some random guy from the street!”

“He isn’t just some random guy! His name is Jack!”

“What’s his last name?”

“Uhhh…” Ollie picked up a pair of discarded pants and awkwardly pulled out a walled “Jackson… Woa! Your name is Jack Jackson? Your parents didn’t give you a chance!”


“Sorry dude, but that’s pretty funny” James shrugged with a sly smirk on his face “that still doesn’t take back the fact that you KIDNAPPED A FREAKING GUY!”

“It’s not kidnapping; you know about my superpower…”

“It’s not a superpower! You’ve just been really lucky that all the guys you’ve done this were cool with it!”

“Nope, I can tell when a guy is into being dominated by other guys just by looking at them, it worked perfectly well with Percy, Louis, that delivery guy”

“Don’t make me remember that delivery guy” James cringed

“My Valentine’s date here…”

“NHHH!” Jack Jackson shook his head

“And you…”

“What? I told you it didn’t worked with me!” James exclaimed turning bright red “I hated that whole thing”

“Really?” Ollie grinned “So why you didn’t move out of this flat?” James looked aside turning slightly red

“It’s… cheap”

“And what about that time I walked in to find you chained to the bed…”

“THAT’S NOT THE POINT!” James exclaimed and plopped down their couch. Frankly he wished to forget that particularly night, granted that would be impossible since Ollie and Claudia kept reminding him about it “the point here is that you can’t just kidnap your date for Valentine’s! How did it even happen? Your type is the buff, jock types!” he glanced at their unwilling guest; slim, mostly hairless body, flat stomach, longish curly brown hair and a freckled face, the complete antithesis of the other guys he had seen tied to that chair in the past!

“Well, I noticed him in campus a few days ago, he is majoring in computer tech! And well, I’m not sure, there was something cute about him. I’ve never fell this way for a guy before, I don’t know how to explain this. This might sound corny but I felt butterflies in my stomach! Suddenly the whole word disappeared but him” James would have admitted it sound sweet if he didn’t know Ollie. His roommate was a serial romantic! “Have you seen him wearing glasses?” Ollie quickly picked a pair of glasses from the table and slammed them over Jack’s face “see? He is adorable! Anyway, I tried to talk to him first but he was kinda shy and kept avoiding me and averting my eyes…”

“Maybe he wasn’t interested”

“Nonsense! Everyone is interested on me” While Ollie was talking, Jack started shifting the chair backwards, slowly getting closer to the counter of their kitchenette where a knife was resting, James did notice him but remained quiet, no need to ruin that kid’s escape plan “I kept looking at his profile, he plays table tennis, is in a robotics club, is single, I figured it be fun giving it a try, I know he isn’t my type be he isn’t bad looking either and who knows, I might have fun with him. So I followed him around-”

“You stalked him” by this point Jack had managed to reach the counter and was arching his back as much as the ropes allowed, fidgeting the knife, trying to pull it closer to his hands

“I followed him with mild interest…” Ollie corrected James “Until I found him alone by his dorm building, that’s when I took the chance to confront him, asking him out for a date and telling him exactly what I intended to do to him… and he tried to run away!”

“I’m shocked” James sighed and glanced at Jack, he had managed to get a hold of the knife and seemed to be looking for the best way to cut the ropes around his wrists

“Me too! I didn’t see that coming so naturally I chased him” Ollie walked behind Jack and nonchalantly snatched the knife from his hands, pulling it away from his reach. The bound guy let out a frustrated grunt and hanged his head defeated, letting out a couple of sobs

“I caught up with him soon after and pressed the rag of chloroform over his face, oh don’t give me that look James, you know how fun it can be!”

“I hated it! It made me nauseous and gave me a headache!”

“Don’t be such a wimp! Well, once he was unconscious I dragged him back to my trunk, tied him up and you know the rest! I had to bribe the doorman but he knows the deal!”

“Great, Ernie is going to jail too” James groaned and hanged his head down

“Nobody is going to jail… oh! It’s ready!” Ollie exclaimed upon hearing the oven’s bell

James glared at Ollie and shook his head. He was planning on going out with Claudia that evening, in fact he had just finished dressing up when he walked out of his room and found himself into that ridiculous nightmare. That Jack boy was sitting on the chair, tied with red ropes, his hands were tied behind his back, wrists crossed, ropes went around his upper, lower chest, waist and shoulders pinning him to the back rest. His legs were spread, ankles tied to the legs, knees tied to the sides and a couple ropes wrapped around his thigh pressing him against the seat. A big red ballgag was stuffed between his teeth forcing his jaw open, and of course his clothes had been removed, leaving him only in a pair of baggy black boxers and matching ankle socks, he wasn’t even surprised about that last part, he had never seen Ollie tie a guy fully clothed before!

“I hope you like lasagna!” Ollie smiled placing the hot trail on the table. For all his faults, Ollie did know how to make a romantic ambiance, the table was nicely set for two people, lighted with several candles, a bottle of fine wine rested in the middle with two glasses at its sides and he had even folded the cloth napkins to look like cranes. If not for the struggling, bound guy James would have given him his sincere approval!


“I told you to call me Ollie, everyone does!”

“Oliver! You can’t keep him here! I have to be at Claudia’s in ten minutes so I don’t have time for this, let him go now!”

“James…” Ollie spoke calmly, turning to his roommate “you know me well, trust me this time, if he ever gives me an inkling of not wanting this I’ll untie him and let him go”

“Hm dhn't lngm thnf!” Jack shook his head, the ropes digging into his body making him look more muscular than he actually was

“Yes, yes cutie! I’m talking with James here, then we can talk all you want!” Ollie pinched Jack’s cheek “Trust me James, just go and see Claudia and I promise that everything will be alright when you come back”

James hesitated and turned to Jack who was desperately struggling and trying to beg for help; he knew he shouldn’t trust Ollie, he should shove him aside and try to help that guy, granted that probably would land him bound and gagged in the closet but it was the right thing to do. Then he glanced at Ollie and his face softened

“If the cops show up I’ll say you threatened me!” he reluctantly stood up, grabbed his jacket and head for the door, ignoring Jack’s increasingly desperate moans

“Happy Valentine’s Day James!”

James rolled his eyes and showed Ollie his middle finger “Happy Valentine’s Day Oliver” he sighed and closed the door behind him, the last thing he saw was the naked struggling guy on the chair. He walked in silenced across the empty corridor until he reached the elevator. Only once inside did he collapsed against the wall and raised his hands towards his head, running his fingers through his blonde hair. “I’m going to regret this”


The sun was already high when he turned his keys and opened the door. James was wearing the same outfit as the night before although his hair was significantly disheveled and his shirt was missing a few buttons. The night had been great, they went really crazy! Claudia had a way of making him forget about all his problems and only focus on the present, that was one of the reasons he liked her so much. But now that she wasn’t with him, a dreading sensation invaded him “Please no cops, please no cops” he prayed as he opened the door and stepped in

The apartment seemed empty, there were some dirty plates on the table along with empty glasses of wine and burnout candles. At least there was no longer a tied up boy in their kitchen although the place seemed quite messy, like there had been a struggle. Not a good sign, and then there were the soft muffled moans. Definitely not a good sign!

He looked over the couch and immediately found the source of those moans: Ollie lay on the floor, his hands were tied behind his back and to his ankles, essentially hogtied, and the same red ballgag Jack had worn was now resting between his teeth; he was naked, his back arched backwards and his arms clearly stretched past his comfort zone. James felt a little bit of pleasure seeing his roommate like that, not only he had been proven to be right but after being tied up by Ollie so many times before it was nice seeing him in the other end of the ropes, clearly uncomfortable

“Did… Jack did this?” Ollie gave him a sheepish look and nodded

“I told you! I told you this was a bad idea but no! You had to go ahead and do it didn’t you? I told you there wasn’t a super power, you were just incredibly lucky but your luck was bound to run out eventually and behold! Look at what happened!” James kept speaking, enjoying being able to run in Ollie’s face the fact that he had been wrong for a change! “You are lucky he didn’t just call the police, seriously Oliver, what on earth were you thinking and… is that our shower?”

Just on cue the shower stopped and the door burst opened, letting out a thin mist from which a skinny guy emerged

“You’re ready for round… two?” Jack stopped abruptly and his smile vanished when he saw James. He was naked, with only a towel around his waist, the rope marks still fresh on his skin and his wet hair flat against his forehead. The two men stood in silence, awkwardly looking at each other until Jack, now with a red face, broke the silence with a sheepish “Hi”

James, whose jaw was about to hit the floor turned to Ollie who gave him the biggest, cockiest, triumphant smirk

“You’ve got to be kidding me!”
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Post by FelixSH »

Nice, now that I can post here I can finally tell you that I enjoyed your story a lot, as expected. You write the most adorable weirdos and just have a really funny writing style. And the twist was fun too. That said, I would have liked to also read the version were James tries to free that guy and gets to spend the rest of the night tied and gagged in the closet. :mrgreen:

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Post by bondagefreak »

[mention]cj2125[/mention] Congratulations of winning this year's Valentine award, my friend!
A very well-deserved win I might add 8-)


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Post by Charmides »

[mention]cj2125[/mention] This was totally charming. (Ah, what I'd give to be Ollie's doorman.) Thanks so much for sharing, CJ, and many congrats on your contest win!
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Post by Xtc »

Congratulations on the place in the story contest. I hope you'll join in the next one as well.
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Post by LK3869 »

I go with the general opinion: "charming and funny" and quite daring for a Valentines contest. Well done!
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Post by Michael-Colin »

This is such a cute story. I feel like bondage comedy ought to be a genre in itself. Love the image of Oliver tied up at the end. (Mainly cos I have a mate called Oliver and it made me think of him tied up :lol: )
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Post by fratboydanny »

I have a lot of catching up to do here and this was a terrific find from Valentines Day. Thanks @[mention]cj2125[/mention] for writing and posting and CONGRATULATIONS on winning the contest.
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