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Story Of School Ski Trip Where Mean Blonde Teacher is Ambushed by Kids?

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2021 4:02 am
by gaggedforgood
Hello! So I've been looking FOREVER for a story from the old site where this girl is on a school ski trip and one of the chaperoning teachers whos known for being super mean and has shoulder length blonde hair, humiliates her in front of her classmates. For revenge her and her friends ambush her the next night in her skisuit, ensuring not to use their voices so theyre not recognized. They put a snow hat over her head and gag her and leave her in her room tied tight, joining the other students without anyone knowing. Shes then found by a nicer chaperoning teacher who runs in and embarrassingly asks for assistance in helping to untie her.

I hope someone may know the story I'm talking about! I've been looking for so long and still can not seem to locate it. Thanks!