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Evil Birthday

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2019 12:11 pm
by gin
i would like a story in which a girl has his birthday and a couple of other girls come to the birthday but awso the big brother is there and basicly he has that evil plan to tie up all of those girls one by one after another... he has a big roll of tape and uses that to tie them up he even is that cruell to blindfold them with that tape... so basicly he waits in his rooom for a good moment and then he gets them one by one ... and as the girls are disapearing the other girls try to search for the girl but during that search they all get the same treadent and in the end the evil brother has them all tied up and he has the house for himself ( he unties them maibe when they have too leave

I would like to have such a story written that would be cool