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skybird137 : 01 - Cassidy's Kidnapping (FFF/F)

Posted: Tue May 08, 2018 12:02 pm
by Soraka
skybird137's stories
01 - Cassidy's Kidnapping
Story index at the bottom

By [mention]skybird137[/mention]

By skybird137

It was eighty thirty on a Monday morning, and while Cassidy opened the door to her mother’s boutique in her black snug strapless minidress, elbow length gloves, stockings and high heels, and the lady wondered what birthday present she would receive this evening as she prepared the shop for the day’s business. Strictly speaking, Laura wasn’t her actual mother seeing as Cassidy had been adopted as a baby, but the woman considered this to be an irrelevant issue.

There were no details about her beginnings, as the orphanage she was placed in burnt down with all of the records and Laura had rescued her from the fire. As luck would have it, the woman had purchased a lottery ticket just a few days before and she won the major prize on the night of the inferno. Seeing as she could afford to take personal care of Cassidy, the lady decided to foster the baby as she set up her own small business, and given that there were no records of the child due to the information having gone up in flames, Laura was allowed to adopt the growing child.

Sorting out the displays for the latest items didn’t take long and the shop was ready for customers within fifteen minutes, which gave the woman more time to ponder about what will happen this evening. They had never kept secrets from each other which started when Laura did not hide the fact that her daughter was adopted, and Cassidy had sometimes made her mother blushed when she mentioned her secret fantasies.

In fact it was just a few weeks ago when she mentioned her deepest fantasy to her mother. “It’s a pity that I couldn’t get kidnapped by a dominant Mistress who is being helped by her two sexy female assistants, and kept strictly bound and gagged while being forced to wear different outfits.”

“You always seem to want to shock me, Cassidy. Although, you know that you should be careful what you wish for, just in case it comes true.”

“I should be so lucky. Anyway, it’s never going to happen.”

Once the shop was open to the public, there was a steady flow of clientele making the usual purchases with Cassidy and the two assistants being kept busy as they helped the customers. There was nothing unusual except for around half-past ten when an oriental lady entered the shop, and she was dressed in a stereotypical Japanese schoolgirl uniform which made her look as if she had stepped out of an American assassin movie. She looked around the shop for a minute before seeing Cassidy, and made her way towards the counter where the woman was stationed before presenting a business card.

“Good morning, I hope that I am not interrupting anything, but I work for Lady Lee who is a photographer, and she has just opened a studio in town. As you can understand, she needs to create a portfolio with images of local people so that she can provide examples that can be shown to future potential clients. I am one of her two assistants and we have the task of selecting ladies who would not mind being models for her portfolio.”

“That’s a very kind offer.” Cassidy said “However, I can’t leave the shop and I already have professional photographs taken of me, so I don’t want to spend money on any more.”

“Cassidy, if you go during your lunch break we can cover for you, and Monday afternoon is never as busy as other times.” Jane said “I doubt that your mother will complain, seeing as it is your birthday.”

There was a smile from the oriental lady. “Well, you can consider it to be a special birthday present and there will be no charge for the session. It will not take long, and you may even get back before your break is over. Shall I put you down for a session from one to two o’clock? The address is on the card.”

“Okay, I’ll go.” Cassidy said as she blushed “My name is Cassidy Bryce. Is there any other information that you need?”

“Oh no, your name will be quite sufficient, and I know your face which will be good enough for Lady Lee.” The oriental woman said. “Now, I hate to be rude, but I have to seek out other models for my lady.”

The woman left the store while Cassidy’s face was still red. “Well, it seems like the birthday girl is going to have her picture taken.” Jane said “For free as well. Aren’t you the lucky lady?”

“Oh, come on.” Cassidy said “My mother has most likely arranged the whole thing as a surprise, and she thinks that I wouldn’t see straight through it. I mean, the whole ‘Japanese Schoolgirl’ outfit was so obvious which meant that I was supposed to pay attention to it.”

“In that case, you shouldn’t have any worries about going out and visiting the studio.”

The remainder of the morning was spent with serving customers, along with the woman being subjected to gentle teasing concerning her photo shoot as time went on. When it was almost half past twelve, Cassidy contacted a taxi firm and placed an order so that a cab would be outside the boutique for ten minutes to one. The clock showed that it was twelve before the hour when there was a hoot from the vehicle which was parked outside, and the two assistants escorted their friend to the door so that she wasn’t allowed to get cold feet.

“Tell us all about it.” Jane said as she opened the door to the taxi, with the other worker almost pushing the store manager into the back seat. “We can’t wait to see the photographs.”

They are bound to tease me even more when I return, but I know that they mean well in the end. The vehicle pulled away from the pavement with the two ladies waving, and Cassidy knew that the trip would only take a few minutes before she would reach the address on the card. There was a sign outside the address that was standing on the street, and it mentioned “Lady Lee photographic Studio” which let the woman know that she was at the right address, so she paid the driver for the trip with a good tip added before leaving the vehicle. The taxi drove away as the lady approached the door, and once it was opened she saw that steps lead to the upper floor of the building which housed the studio where the lady would be working.

That isn’t a surprise, as the store below would want to make use of the empty rooms, and the upstairs areas are wide open spaces which will make her work easier. There was no trace of dust on the steps which showed that they had been swept clean, and this was a good sign to Cassidy as she made her way to the upper floor. If these stairs were dirty, I would have turned around and gone back to the boutique as it would be obvious that this was a trap. There was a white door with a small black button to the right and when the woman pressed it, she heard the faint sound of a buzzer going off in the room beyond.

“Come in.” A Chinese voice said, so Cassidy took a firm grip of the handle and turned it before the door was opened, in order that she could step into the large open room. She noticed that there was a full array of lights and diffusing screens in the room, which was similar to when she had been photographed before, and the two assistants were positioning a pair of mattresses with one flat against the wall while the other was next to it on the floor. As they covered both mattresses with a large white sheet, the lady could see that they were no longer wearing the socks and school shoes, but they had changed into black thigh-highs and stiletto heels.

“I understand that you must be Cassidy Bryce.” The Chinese voice said and Cassidy turned left to see the six-foot tall oriental lady with straight fringe black hair that reached down to her chest. “Good afternoon, my name is Lady Lee and I am pleased that you have decided to help us out by being a model for the portfolio.” The photographer approached and she appeared to be more than a little dominant in her black leather calf length boots, knee length leather skirt with a slit up the front and white satin blouse with a collar, and every step forward flashed a glimpse of bare flesh at the tops of her stockings as the slit went almost up to the top of her thighs.

“I’m willing to help anyway that I can, although I am surprised that you wanted to select me as there must be ladies in the town who are far more beautiful than I am.”

“I doubt that very much, to be honest.”

“I must admit that your clothing is a little unusual for a photographic session, as all three of you look so sexy.”

“We have discovered that these styles can put ladies at ease when they wish to have their photographs taken in a more shall we say ‘erotic’ style.” Lady Lee said as she placed a plain tall wooden four legged stool with a round top on the floor in front of the mattress, but still on the large white sheet. “Now, if you would be so kind as to sit on the stool, we can get started.”

The woman walked up to the item of furniture, turned around and placed her posterior on it so that the session can begin, and there were words of encouragement from the photographer and her two assistants as she moved into various positions. After about fifteen minutes had gone by, Lady Lee lowered her camera. “If I may be so bold, would it be permissible for me to suggest that you have come photographs taken while you are on the mattress? I am sure that they will look good.”

“Certainly, I’m happy to oblige.” Cassidy rose from the stool which was removed by one of the assistants, and the model sat down on the mattress as the photographer continued with the session. Many images were taken of her as she posed in whichever way the photographer desired, standing up, sitting down and some with her lying on her front or back.

“You have done very well so far.” Lady Lee said as another quarter hour had passed “Now, I can understand if you want to keep it at this level of intimacy, but I think that you have a wonderful body and you should not be afraid of showing it to the world.”

“Let me get this straight, would you like me to undress for you?” The lady said as she rose from the sheet.

“Only for you to remove your dress, as I think that a photograph of a lady in her underwear is far more sensual than her being topless or naked. This has to be your choice, and please do not feel as if you are being forced into doing something that you do not want to do. We will not even show these photographs to anyone else unless you want them to be seen.”

“Well, it is an unusual request, but seeing as you are assuring my privacy I will do as you request. Do you have a hanger that I can put my dress on?” It took a little effort, but Cassidy reached behind her so that she could take hold of the zip that was at the top of her strapless dress, before she pulled it down until it was almost at her hem. It only took her a few seconds to remove the garment from her body, and in the process she revealed her light purple combination corset/bustier which helped to frame her torso.

“You look wonderful like that, Cassand- Cassidy. Would you like to continue posing for me?”

“Sure.” The model said as she sat down on the floor, so the photographer raised her camera so that she could take more pictures and Cassidy became more comfortable after a few minutes of posing.

“Seeing as you have become comfortable with posing in your underwear, may I ask you for a particular pose? It is just so that I can take a few images of you lying face down on the floor with your arms at your side, as if you were asleep.”

“There’s nothing wrong with that, I’ll be happy to oblige you.” The model said as she lay prone on the floor in the position that Lady Lee mentioned, and it felt quite comfortable as she closed her eyes and relaxed.

“Could you please wait for a few seconds Cassan- Cassidy, I think that the battery in my camera has almost discharged, so I will have to replace it.” There was a rummaging sound for about twenty seconds which indicated that someone was searching through a bag, before footsteps approached the lady from the front and the sides. “Okay ladies, we can start now!”

A moment later, Cassidy found that she was unable to move because she was taken by surprise as a result of the actions of the photographer’s two assistants who were on either side of her. One of them knelt astride her back facing her feet so that her upper arms were pinned to her sides and her hands were pulled together so that her wrists were crossed at the small of her back. Another assistant was sitting on Cassidy’s legs, just above her knees and her ankles were being held in a crossed position so that she was unable to pull her legs free, which meant that the poor woman was reduced to squirming as she was unable to dislodge the two captors.

Even before she opened her eyes, the woman lifted her head and said “What on earth is going-.” This proved to be a great mistake as she was unable to finish the sentence because a large wad of folded cloth was forced into her mouth, and when her eyes opened Lady Lee was pushing the rest of the material in. A thin strip of cloth was placed between the mouth of the captive between her teeth and it encircled her head twice before both ends were knotted together at the back of her neck. After that, a patterned scarf covered her face from just under her nose to under her chin and the ends were taken around the sides of her face to the back of her neck where they were also tied together.

OMG, I’m being kidnapped after all and I’ve already been gagged! There was an attempt by the helpless woman to scream through her gag for help, but it was impossible to breathe through, let alone make any noise so she was reduced to making a pitiful sound through her nose.

“Thank you for holding Agent Cassandra in place for me, ladies, but I want to personally bind the bitch that has thwarted my plans for so long.” Lady Lee said as she carried a large white canvas bag over to the right side of the captive, and cord was wrapped in a horizontal and vertical way around Cassidy’s wrists five times, before three loops were taken around and cinched her bindings before the ends were knotted off out of reach of her fingers.

This has to be some kind of joke. Who would waste their time tying someone up for a kidnapping?

As the helpless woman looked to her right, she could see that three more coils of rope were removed from the bag, and the first was taken ten times around her ankles before three cinches were tightened with the ends knotted off. The second and third lengths were wrapped, cinched and tied off in the same way below and above her knees, which left the captive’s legs bound together in three places.

This isn’t just some kind of tying up is it, I’m being put in bondage?

“Sit Mizz Cassandra of the CSIS on her bottom, as I want to tie her upper body in order to prevent her escape.” As the two assistants moved the bound and gagged lady into position, the photographer continued speaking “I’m not surprised that you did not recognise me, Agent Cassandra, as I needed facial reconstructing because of the gift that you left for me after our last meeting. Surely you must know who I am by now?”

I haven’t a clue who you are, but you sound like some over the top villainess from a clichéd spy movie. You are almost chewing the scenery.

Once the captive was sitting up, three long coils of cord were picked up out of the bag and each one was wrapped eight times around her body and cinched just below her elbows, and below and above her breasts. One end of a shorter length was tied to the cinches of the rope above her breasts on her left side, and this was taken around the back of her neck, before it was looped around two strands of the rope below her breasts. The end was taken up to the left side of the neck and around before it was looped around the cinching on her right side, where it was tightened and tied off, with the result that the lifted strands rubbed against the bottom of her breasts whenever she moved her body.

“One more rope to add at the moment.” A white rope was double stranded, with the looped end being taken around the two lowest strands before the double end was threaded between the loop and pulled tight. The free end was pushed between the upper thighs of the captive and looped around her wrists bonds where it was pulled tight and knotted off, and every little movement caused the rope to press against her.

The ropes gripped the helpless lady to such an extent that her struggles proved to be useless as she was forced to sit against the wall by the assistants, while the photographer stood in front of her.

“I truly did not expect that I would be able to capture Agent Cassandra of the CSIS so easily. You are their top agent, and now here you are at my mercy, bound, gagged and in your underwear. Just in case you cannot remember me, let me introduce myself. I am Madam Sǐwáng.”

It was at this moment that everything fell into place for Cassidy, and she experienced a deep thrill when the ropes caressed her body as she struggled in her bondage.

“Although, you know that you should be careful what you wish for, just in case it comes true.” Let’s see, dominant Mistress, two sexy assistants, I’m being kidnapped and there is some wonderful bondage involved. Thank you mum, this is going to be the best birthday present ever!

skybird137's stories
Index of all stories in the "Archive for Adults" section

Re: Cassidy's Kidnapping FFF/F

Posted: Tue May 08, 2018 12:02 pm
by Soraka
“You can drop your act, Agent Cassandra, I know very well who you are.” Madam Sǐwáng said “So you can take that surprised look off your face.”

Is this the point of the scenario? I’m supposed to be some top secret agent who you capture and torture for information and revenge? This is as old as television, but one excuse is as good as another for the game. I don’t even know who this fictional Cassandra is, but the next stage will be her explaining who I am supposed to be. The helpless lady shook her head at the comments of her captor in the hope that she would find out what this is all about.

“If you want to pretend that you don’t know what I am talking about, Cassandra, then I will play your little game. After all, feigning innocence is the only decision you can make, so I will allow you your last little piece of freedom.” The woman said as she stood over the legs of the bound captive. “Your name is Cassandra and you have a natural ability which is unique which has proved useful in your work.” The right leg of the captor was lifted up and positioned over the bare flesh of Cassidy’s left thigh before the stiletto heel was slammed down against the leg of the bound lady.

The inevitable result with anyone else at this assault would have been to scream out or display a response to the pain that had been inflicted on them, but Cassidy just grimaced as there was a strong sensation of a sour taste in her mouth.

“A unique form of congenital analgesia which results in your pain nerve endings rerouting the signal to your taste centre. In fact, the only way you can feel pain is because the nerve endings in your joints are different, but even this is far less than anyone else.” Madam Sǐwáng said as she put her foot down on the floor to the left of the bound woman’s legs. “After our meeting two years ago when you blew my old face away, I have spent my time investigating your past, as I had little else to do between operations.”

While the woman was speaking, one of her assistants reached into the large bag and took out two large photographs while keeping the backs turned to the struggling captive. “I was lucky however, because even though you managed to escape by throwing that device in my face, I was still close enough to remove your mask and your face was picked up by high definition security cameras as you made your escape.”

The first picture was shown to Cassidy and the helpless lady gasped as she recognised the person in the black catsuit, even though she was some distance away. That person resembles me, even to the same body shape, but the hair is different though, as it is a short fringe bob style.

“Another image was so perfect that I was able to get a well defined image of your face. You were very sloppy on this mission, Cassandra.” There was shock in the helpless lady’s eyes for a moment when she was shown the second photograph, as apart from the hair it was a spitting image of her. Oh that’s a good trick, but any expert can create an image like this. I must say that you lot are professional in your work. Perhaps I get to hear my fake history now.

“Using the image of your face, I was able to search for data on the internet along with hiring some investigators to discover more information. I discovered that you are an orphan called Cassandra Blake, but a childless couple took you out of the orphanage for a day because they felt that you were compatible. However, you were never returned because the orphanage caught fire that night and burned to the ground, so they adopted you.”

You would have thought that they would stick to the real story at the beginning, as I was rescued from the fire by my adoptive mother.

“Your ability was spotted at an early age, and you put it to good use when you practised your gymnastic and athletic events which raised you to the peak of physical performance. When you reached the age of twenty one, your history disappears when you were recruited into the CSIS. I must admit that your cover as a store manager for a boutique was impressive, but they shouldn’t have used your face online in the adverts. They were too thorough in there setup, and that was how I was able to track you down.”

“You must have gotten into character so deep that you forgot that going to a strange address at a whim is a very dangerous action.” Madam Sǐwáng said as she knelt astride Cassidy’s legs. “I have dreamed for so long of this moment, and part of me would love to snuff you out like a candle.” Cassidy became terrified for a moment as her captor placed her left hand over her helpless woman’s face so that her nose was sealed, and her struggles became genuine until the hand was removed after ten seconds.

“It would be so easy to kill you, but that would deprive me of so much enjoyment. I had dreams of you screaming in agony, but you condition denies me of that pleasure. However, I will take my joy and revenge in humiliating you and causing you discomfort by distorting your body, actions which the whole world will see when your punishment is broadcast live over the internet. Just think that your colleagues will be treated to you being demeaned during your last days on this planet. So long as you continue to entertain me, then I will let you live. Should your friends get close to where I am stationed, or if I tire of you, then you will be disposed of in an interesting manner.”

You are even adding a sense of peril to this game! In these situations, the ‘Damsel In Danger’ always gets rescued at the last minute, so I’ll get treated to that as well. Has the other assistant been filming all of this? She noticed that the other lady was holding a video camera that had been attached to a tripod.

“The whole world will know how easy it was to find you, but first we will take you to where you will be spending your last days. Finish binding her, ladies.”

As the captive was taken hold of by the two accomplices, she knew that her present bondage would allow her to present no resistance as her knees were brought up to her chest. One held her in position, while the other wrapped rope around her chest and thighs which caused her upper legs to be locked to her body. The end of a second length of rope was bound to her ankles, with the other end looped around her wrists before it was pulled tight and tied off, leaving Cassidy in a strict ball-tie.

Why have you tied me up like this? He questioned was answered when Madam Sǐwáng wheeled a large white luggage trunk into view before putting on its side and lifting up the lid.

“Put her inside.”

Cassidy could do nothing but wriggle her hands and feet as the two ladies picked her up and put her into the box, and she looked up as the lid was pulled down and the latches were closed.

How long am I going to have to stay in here. After a few minutes had passed by, there was movement and the captive presumed that she was being wheeled to the doorway. The trip down the stairs was bumpy, but after that it was smooth until she was put down, and there was the faint sound of an engine starting before she felt motion again. I must be in the back of a van, and I am being taken to their ‘lair’.

As Cassidy had no way of measuring the passage of time, she was unable to work out just how far she had travelled and there were no clues as to where she was going to. You always see something different in these clever little movies where the heroine works out where she is by noticing sounds and the movement of a vehicle. Try doing the trip ball-tied in a trunk, and see how easy it is. The vehicle came to a halt and the engine was turned off before the trunk that carried the bound woman was lifted up and wheeled away, with the captive lying on her side as she felt every little bump.

The ground seems to be a little uneven, so I doubt that this is normal pavement. After several more minutes, the case stopped again and the latches were pulled back before the immobilised prisoner was lifted out of the trunk and placed on her knees. This is a small abandoned warehouse! The area has been cleaned though, which is unsurprising. How much money has my mother spent on setting this up for me? I’ve heard of organisations like this that kidnap you as a game, but I never thought that they would do one that would involve bondage.

“As you notice, some of the areas have been separated off with sheets. That is so that I won’t show you everything at once because you won’t be surprised if you see it beforehand. On the journey here, your capture has been broadcast to the world so that everyone will know that the CSIS’s greatest agent is in my clutches. Please take note of the cameras that are set in place around the room that will show your humiliation to everyone.”

Well, you are going to record the whole thing for me so that I can keep it as a memento, it’s not exactly a surprise that you would do this, but you have to write it into the scenario somehow.

“Do not think that anyone will use the transmission to find out where you are, as the stream is heavily encrypted and routed through different servers. I can think of only one person who would be able to track us down, and her name is Cassandra Blake which just happens to be you. If you wish to survive, just offer yourself to be my slave and give me all of your secrets, and I will keep you as my personal pet. Do you wish to surrender the information?”

How can I give you something that I do not possess? As the captive knew that she had nothing to offer the woman who had kidnapped her, she shook her head several times.

“That is a pity, as I think that I would have enjoyed keeping you as my bondage toy in return for your secrets. It is your decision though. Also, apart from when your bondage position is changed, the only time that you will be free from your ropes is when you are being allowed a bathroom break, or when you are forced to change clothing.”

That sounds like a chance to escape if you are allowing this, but I’m sure that your two assistants will stop me from escaping. Seeing as it’s just a fancy kidnapping game, there’s no harm in me trying.

“There two doors over there lead to a toilet and a storage room. There you can do what is necessary, and get changed into outfits that I find appealing. In fact, there is a nice French Maid costume waiting for you in the storage room, so you will be untied for the moment and escorted over to the doorway by my two assistants.”

I’m not going to make the game easy for you. I’ll wait until we are close to the door, then I’m going to run to the door marked ‘exit’ as the key is still in the lock and push it open.

First the rope that bound the captive’s ankles to her wrists was untied, before the cord was unwound from around her legs and chest which allowed her to sit up straight. The bindings that wrapped around her arms and body were taken off along with the teasing crotch rope that had been so distracting, and soon her legs were free from the ropes that held them together which left only her hands bound behind her back. A moment later, the captive was lifted to her feet and each assistant took hold of an arm as the prisoner was forced to march over to the door which was marked storage and her hands were freed once she was standing outside.

“You will now go in and get changed, so the world can see how compliant you have become.”

Cassidy reached up with her right arm so that she would be able to grip the door handle, but just as she was about to grip it with her fingers the lady turned and ran towards the exit, leaving her two guards surprised for a second before they ran after her. “Stop her! Do not let her get away!” Shouted Madam Sǐwáng as she also made her way towards the exit, but her heels were too high to allow her to go any faster than a quick walk as the captive reached the door. The key was turned to the right by the lady, but it only went a quarter of the way around, and when it was turned in the opposite direction it ended up meeting the same resistance.

What is wrong with this key? It doesn’t seem to be working but I must be doing it wrong though. Oh no! Before another second had passed, the two guards had caught up with her, and although Cassidy put up as hard a struggle as possible, it wasn’t long before she ended up supine on the floor. One of the ladies had her legs wrapped around Cassidy’s at the knees so that she was forced to remain on the floor, while the other used her legs to keep the prisoner in a scissor hold around the neck which couldn’t be escaped from.

Oh my God, you two must be wrestlers to do this so effectively. I just hope that you don’t end up choking me by accident.
“Did everyone see that? How easily it was for the great Cassandra Blake to be captured again? You must have been desperate if you thought that it would be so easy to escape, yet you fooled me once with the ‘wrong key in the door’ trick. It was such a pleasure to use the same trick on you, and watching as you fell for it.”

The Madam walked over to the large bag and carried it over to where Cassidy was struggling in a pathetic manner on the floor with the two assistants holding her in place. “Seeing as you do not know how to behave when given an order, you will have to suffer a punishment for it.”

What are you going to do, spank me? Stick bamboo needles under my fingernails? Even if you were going to do it in real life, it still wouldn’t do more than making me feel as if I was drinking lemon juice. The hands of the captive were brought together in front of her with her palms touching, and a length of rope from the bag was wrapped around her wrists ten times with four cinches tightening the cords before the knot was tied in an inaccessible location.

Madam Sǐwáng took three more lengths of cord and bound Cassidy’s legs below and above her knee, along with just below her stocking tops with twelve winds and four cinches that secured her legs together. After this had been completed, the two aides of Madam Sǐwáng lifted the bound captive to her feet.

“You can follow me in two ways, one is to walk be behind me, and the other is to be dragged face down along the floor.” As the woman picked up the bag and walked away, Cassidy followed as best she could as she was hobbled by the ropes around her legs, and after a minute they reached one of the concrete pillars that held up the roof of the warehouse which had two rings set in it, one at the floor, and one close to six foot high. Another length of rope was used by the captor to secure the ankles of the helpless lady together, with ten winds and three cinches, and the two subordinates pushed her so that her back was to the pillar.

As the captive looked on, a length of rope bound her ankles to the ring at the foot of the pillar, but she was surprised by the gap that remained which seemed to be about a foot and a half long. That will give me a little room to move about, so they aren’t doing this very well. Her arms were taken above her head and her wrists were secured to the upper ring with as much length as the first rope. The situation became stricter when the Madam picked up coil of cord and forced the helpless lady’s head forward, before binding her elbows together with ten loops with three cinches applied so that the rope dug into her body.

Now this is getting awkward, but I don’t see how tying my ankles and wrists to the column in a loose way is any kind off punishment. What you two doing now? Madam Sǐwáng had walked around to behind the sheeted off area, while her assistants took two ropes with one tying it around the pillar which the captive faced, while the other wrapped it around the helpless lady’s face ten times before the ends were tied off.

Is that a block and tackle system you have in your hands? The oriental lady returned to where the bound woman was, and the hook attached to one end of the three wheel pulley system was hooked around the ropes that was bound to the opposite pillar while the other was connected to the cords around Cassidy’s waist.

“Now your punishment can begin.” As the captive looked on, Madam Sǐwáng pulled on the pulley rope, and the poor lady was forced to shuffle forwards as the waist rope pulled against her body. However, the ropes that bound Cassidy’s ankles and wrists to the rings only allowed her to go so far, and there was a yelp from the helpless lady as her feet were forced off the ground with her ankles and wrist strained. The pulley was shortened until the captive’s body was strained, with her back ending up being arched by the rigid position that she was forced into, and even she could feel strong discomfort as pressure was put on her joints by this torment.

Oh come on, I only tried to get away from your game, I don’t deserve this level of punishment.

“Do you see it everyone? The great Agent Cassandra is so helpless that she cannot even move a muscle. I will leave you for the viewers to see; maybe two hours in this position will teach you not to be so rebellious. Let’s relax and watch her on the monitors, ladies.” Madam Sǐwáng said, and she left the room along with her two companions, leaving Cassidy strained in her bonds as she daren’t even struggle.

Please, you can’t leave me like this for two hours!

Re: Cassidy's Kidnapping FFF/F

Posted: Tue May 08, 2018 12:02 pm
by Soraka
The discomfort in the captive’s joints became magnified over time until it reached the point where an occasional whimper escaped from her gag, and Cassidy did her best to distract herself from the suffering that had been inflicted on her. I suppose that I should be thankful for my condition as any other person would be screaming in agony long ago. This bondage prevents me from even attempting to escape as I am stretched out and even the slightest struggle which is all I can do, increases the level of pain in my joints. When the helpless lady looked up at the frosted skylights, she hoped that she would be able to work out how long it had been since she was left in her solitary torment, but the semi-opaque prevented any shadows from being created.

Even if the glass was clear, it would be hard for me to work out how long I have been waiting here, and the only indication will be when day turns into twilight. I have no idea what time of the day it is anyway, because of the unknown time of the journey that I made in the luggage case. In an effort to keep her mind off the effect that her bondage was having on her, the woman tried to work out what would best described her current predicament. I’m not standing, as my foot are not on the ground, but I’m not lying down either because my position is upright. Even hanging is inappropriate in a way as a term as that would indicate that I was just being held up, when I’m being held down and to the side as well. Well, my body is curved, but there must be something more precise to use to describe the way that I am bound, seeing as I am curved backwards like-. That’s it, I’m drawn like a bow, with the pulley as the bowman’s hand and the ropes pulling me back. This isn’t going to help me get out of this though and I’m just going to have to acquiesce to Madam Sǐwáng’s instructions.

There was the sound of a door opening and closing and the bound lady tried to see where it was, but the restrictions that the bondage imposed on her only permitted her to make use of a limited area of visibility. When her captors did walk into her range of sight and stop just a little to the right of her, the captive noticed that Madam Sǐwáng was wearing a red Cheongsam dress with a yellow floral pattern and it had splits along each side which went up to the hips. As the kidnapper walked along to her position in front of the bound lady, her exposed legs were shown to be covered in black pantyhose while red stiletto heels covered her feet.

Why are her accomplices carrying those items? One of the assistants put down a round dark-wooden table which had a central pillar with three ornate feet radiating from it, and the second placed two large glasses on the table with one empty while the other was filled with water. Are you going to make me thirsty as well by drinking the water a sip at a time?

“I see by the look on your face and hearing the sounds that you are making, that you are unhappy with the punishment that you are enduring, Cassandra. Would I be correct in that assumption?” Madam Sǐwáng said as she smiled at the suffering of her captive.

I have had enough of this torment, and the game needs to go on anyway, so I’ll surrender this time and get changed for you. Cassidy gave a single nod in response to the question that had been spoken by her captor.

“That is hardly encouraging, my helpless spy, as it indicates that you are being very grudging about getting changed. Seeing as this is the case, perhaps I should leave you in your current position for another two hours? This would ensure that your compliance is complete.”

No, no, I don’t think that my body could take another two hours with this level of strain on my joints. This time, there was a vigorous shaking of the head by the helpless captive as she showed that she wanted her present situation to come to an end. You’ve had enough fun at my expense, and I’ll be a good girl in putting on the new outfit.

“You do seem to be willing to carry out instructions, so we will lower you down and remove a few ropes before you are taken to the two small rooms so that you can get changed and have a little break.” Madam Sǐwáng said as she walked over to the pulley system before loosening the rope, so that the discomfort in the helpless lady’s body was ended as her feet reached the floor which caused her to emit a loud sigh of relief. The rope around her waist was untied before the cords that bound her wrists and ankles to the concrete pillar were removed so that she was no longer restricted to that location.

“Remove the ropes at Cassandra’s elbows and ankles so that she will find it easier to walk to the doors. The rest of her bonds can be removed except for her gag. If you want to escape further punishment, you will refrain from taking off your gag unless you want difficulty in breathing to be added to your well deserved punishments.”

I think that pushing you any further at the moment, would be a very bad idea, so you have no worries about any misbehaviour from me. There was no movement by Cassidy as the two assistants set to work untying the two ropes from her body, and within a matter of seconds her ankle and elbow bonds were removed which meant that the captive could bring her hands down in front of her as each accomplice took hold of an arm.

By this time, Madam Sǐwáng had picked up the two glasses from the table and she was taking a sip out of the full one, which she held in her right hand as she watched the two ladies remove the ropes. “This is most refreshing, Cassandra. Water can be put to other uses as well, as you must have heard of the proverbial Chinese Water Torture, which was shown to be effective by a certain documentary programme.”

Cassidy nodded. That would require setting up equipment and I doubt that you would be allowed to do this by Laura.

“Well, I am always willing to learn new things and there are quick and effective ways of applying tortures, even by using just one empty and one full glass. This was inspired by a comedy show, but I do not think that you will be laughing once I start to apply it.”

The worst thing that you can do with a glass of water is to throw it in my face, and that is not anywhere near a torture.

“I see that you do not believe me in this matter. That is of no consequence as you will soon know that I am telling the truth. Within a few minutes, you will develop a great desire in wanting to carry out my instructions.” The Madam said as she lifted the glass in her right hand while lowering the one in her left hand, and the woman took her time in pouring the liquid from the right glass to the left, ensuring that there was the maximum sound as the left glass was filled up. Once the left glass was filled, the heights of the two glasses were reversed and the process was reversed with the bound captive watching as the water splashed and bubbled as it was poured into the right glass.

Why does Madam Sǐwáng think that pouring water from one glass to another will have any effect on me? All she is doing is repeating her actions and if her purpose was to make me thirsty, then she is going to fail as I had more than enough to drink before I ended up in this false kidnapping. Wait, I am starting to feel something unusual but it isn’t a sensation of thirst, and it seems to be in a completely different part of my-, no, No NO!

It was at this moment that Cassidy discovered that she had developed an extreme motivation to carry out the orders of her captor.

“Your wide-eyed expression tells me just how much this is working, so I know that I have your attention, my little captive. Now, if you cause me any trouble at all, there will be no break for you and you do not need an explanation from me to know what will happen then. Do you understand?”

Yes, yes, I understand. There were multiple nods from the captive who found herself in a whole new predicament that required urgent attention. Now please let me go as I have something that I need to do.

“Ladies, guide our prisoner to the changing room so that she can model her new outfit for us.”

As the captive was guided to the doors by the two servants of the kidnapper, she almost stumbled over herself in the hurry to reach there so that she could be untied, get changed and obtain relief from her present torment, slight as it was. Once she was outside the storage room, the two women untied the ropes that bound her legs and wrists together and she opened the door, entered the room and closed the door behind her so that she would have some privacy as she changed in the small space. The one dull bulb provided enough light for her to see what she was doing, so she stripped off her clothes and put them in the bag that already contained her dress before putting on the new costume in a hurry because she was becoming desperate to visit the next room. When the prisoner had finished getting changed, she left the storage room, stood in front of the door to the toilet, turned the handle and pulled so that the door would open.

However, the door didn’t open and despite Cassidy’s hardest pull, her efforts to gain access were denied to her. You fiends, do you know what is going to happen if I don’t get in here? You’ve set this up!

At this point, Madam Sǐwáng and her two assistants had burst into laughter at Cassidy’s futile actions. “I cannot believe what I am seeing. The great Agent Cassandra who can get through all kinds of security systems is stopped by a toilet door? Have you forgotten that you are supposed to push the door open?”

Push the door open. My mum is going to laugh her head off when she is shown the video of this part. The cheeks on the captive’s face were turning as red as the paint on the toilet door when she pushed it open in order to enter the cubicle and do what was necessary…

The prisoner was relieved in more way than one as she left the small room, but she knew that her freedom from being tied up was going to be at an end so she stood still with her legs together and put her arms behind her back.

“Here we have the latest submissive fashion wear for captured spies as modelled by Agent Cassandra. Please note the strapless black French Maid dress with the white apron and the white multi-layers under the top of the very short skirt, with the white lace edgings at the hem, the neck and the short arms. Her black fishnet stockings are held up by a black garter belt along with white lace garters, and on her feet are black stiletto shoes. The over the elbow gloves have a white lace trim at the edge, as do the legs of her panties.”

A brown bag was brought over by the leader who took out a coil of jute rope which was wound ten times around the ankles of the captive before four cinches were applied with the ends tied off. Two more jute ropes bound the helpless lady’s legs together in the same manner, one binding her just below the knees, and the other positioned midway between above her knees and the tops of her stockings with the cord biting into her thighs.

A bamboo pole about three feet wide with a diameter of one and a half inches was lifted out of the bag and it was placed between Cassidy’s elbows and her back, with the two assistant pulling her forearms forward so that her arms mad a v-shape. Two lengths of jute cord were selected with each one lashed crosswise around one of her elbows and the pole so that they were locked into place with her upper arms forced behind her back. Each assistant was handed a coil of rope and they pulled her hands up to her shoulders before they wound the rope around her wrists and the top of her arms without any cinching which locked her arms into position. The accomplices took two more lengths of cord and one was tied around the captive’s chest and the pole so that the lady wouldn’t be able to move her arms back. Cassidy’s wrists were connected together with the second rope and she discovered that she was unable to even touch her face as her arms had become immobilised.

“One last thing to change, Maid Cassandra, and you can start your cleaning duties.” Madam Sǐwáng said as she took something out of the bag, while the other two ladies untied the wide and narrow cloth strips that held in the wad of material that prevented her from speaking. As soon as the cloth was extricated from inside her mouth by one of the two girls, she attempted to speak but a foot long piece of bamboo which was two inches wide was forced between her teeth. The two ends of a leather strap that had been threaded through the short pole were taken around her face to the back of her neck and buckled together so that the helpless woman would be unable to dislodge her new gag.

There’s something sweet and sticky on this thing in my mouth, and it seems as if it is honey. To the captive’s dismay, it was honey and her saliva glands became energised at the taste in her mouth with the result that liquid started to build up in her mouth. I don’t think that I’m going to be able to swallow all of this, and I can already feel it leaking out of the right side of my mouth.

“Oh, is poor Cassandra a bit upset at the fact that she is going to start drooling? Well, that is the least of your worries as you need to start dusting the concrete columns. If you do anything wrong, there will be a punishment for you.” The captor said as she picked up a large feather duster which was put into Cassidy’s right hand. “Do not drop it unless you want to be punished, and don’t forget to bend over and make sure that everyone gets a good view of your stocking tops and panties. Apparently you are becoming a major attraction on the internet, so don’t disappoint your audience.”

There’s no audience, but you are managing to keep the story very consistent and your behaviour has been professional so far. If it wasn’t for the error over the orphanage and the fake parents, I could have believed that this was real and that I was in great danger.

Cassidy knew that she would be punished if she didn’t obey her captor, so she shuffled over to the closest pillar and bent over as she started to dust it…

Re: Cassidy's Kidnapping FFF/F

Posted: Tue May 08, 2018 12:03 pm
by Soraka
As the helpless woman ‘dusted’ the first column, she realised just how difficult it was to even move around the concrete in front of her as she couldn’t take steps like a normal maid could. The most she could move was an inch at a time as the ropes that bound her legs together provided very little movement, and she knew that hopping was out of the question. It would be hard enough trying to hold onto anything with these smooth gloves and the handle of the feather duster is not easy to grip. If I hop up and down, I’ll end up dropping the duster, and I have been warned that this will not be good for me. My arms are uncomfortable enough at this angle, but I’m glad that the ropes haven’t been cinched as the effect on my elbow joints, humorous, radius and ulna would be very unpleasant to say the least.

Once one half of the round pillar had been cleaned as far as the captive could reach up and down, she took her small and dainty steps around to the other side and continued in her fake cleaning duty with her almost having to contort her bound body so that she could reach as far as possible. After she had finished at this location, she looked over her shoulder to the place where she would have to go to next, and the captive wondered how long it would take in her present level of bondage.

For anyone else, it would just be a few seconds to walk over, but for me it’s going to be an epic journey seeing as I can only take little mincing steps from one place to another. I’ll have to do this though, as staying here will be regarded as disobedient. The bound maid turned around and started to make her very slow way towards the next column, but with nothing else to do she became aware of the build up of liquid inside her mouth which was due to the honey-coated bamboo gag that she was forced to wear. Having a two inch piece of tubing strapped into my mouth so that it is forcing my jaws wide apart is bad enough, but the honey has sent my glands into overdrive. Swallowing has become very difficult and I may be left with having to let the saliva flow out of my mouth, even though it will run down my chin and onto the expose part of my chest. It seems as if this whole setup is based on the idea of embarrassment and humiliation. Hey!

While Cassidy was preoccupied which the trouble that her gag was causing her, she didn’t notice one of the ‘schoolgirls’ walk up behind her and the first thing she knew what was happening was when she was pinched on her bottom. That’s going too far, I don’t like anyone doing that sort of thing to me! The other assistant walked up to the helpless lady and the captive squealed when her posterior was slapped. Leave my bottom alone. The bound woman actually looked indignant as the pair of accomplices giggled at what they had done, but the big surprise was the laughter from her captor.

“Oh Cassandra, I never expected such a amusing look on your face from such a little action.” Madam Sǐwáng said “I must admit you are full of surprises, but I never expected such a loss of composure such as the one that I have just witnessed. After all, French Maids always get their bottoms pinched or spanked, so you should have expected it. I think that the concept of getting rid of you was a premature idea, and after several days of playing here, I will arrange to take you with me as my permanent slave. After all what greater revenge could I hope for, but to have you helpless, bound and gagged, providing me with entertainment in whatever games that I decide to play for the rest of your life.”

Several days? I thought that this kidnapping game would be over by tonight. Just how long are you going to keep playing this game with me as the captive?

“There you go again, now you seem to be surprised by me holding you here. It is almost as if this has come as a shock to you.”

Please, I can’t remain here for this long, as I have to take care of the shop. You must be teasing me, as I doubt that my mother would allow me to be away from the shop for more than one day at this time of the year. This is all part of the game, it must be. You are applying psychological pressure on me in thinking that I will stay captive for some time.

Every little step the maid in bondage took brought her an inch closer to the next column, but every so often one of the two younger captors went up behind her and either pinched or spanked her bottom, with the captive voicing her disapproval as best she could through her soaked gag.

After what seemed to be hours, Cassidy reached the second pillar and she stepped close enough so that she was able to run her duster over it, but the saliva from her mouth had become a major source of irritation at this point. Oh great, now I’m a drool queen and I can’t do anything to stop it. Even though my hands are technically in front of me, the way that I am bound prevents me from being able to clean my face with my fingers. I just hope that this is the worst that you have planned for me and my ordeal will be over with at the end of the evening.

As the captive dusted the second column she noticed that more lights in the warehouse were switched on by one of the two companions to her captor, and as she looked up at the skylights she noticed that the light outside was starting to go dim. Have I been a prisoner in bondage for that long already? It won’t be too long before it’s night time and maybe they’ll let me go. Again it took some time for the bound woman to clean the pillar, but she decided to move around a bit at a time as she moved her feather duster up and down the structure. When the lady had finished with the second column, she looked up and saw that the skylights were black which showed her that night had fallen outside, but she was still helpless. This game has gone on far enough, you can’t be keeping it going to midnight?

Cassidy knew that there was nothing that she could do to alter her situation, so she turned around and headed for the third pillar along, and she was slower than before as the small steps were becoming more uncomfortable. A minute later, both of the younger ladies walked up behind her and she squealed at her embarrassment as both of her bottom cheeks were pinched at once.

How dare you? The helpless maid vented her feelings through her gagged mouth and gestured with her hands so that she could her displeasure at being treated in this humiliating manner. Her actions with her right hand proved to be a mistake though, as her grip on the duster was tenuous and it slipped in her hand, with it escaping her fingers and falling to the floor just a few seconds later.

“You should have remained calm and kept hold of that Cassandra, as you will be suffer for dropping that. Ladies, apply the first punishment to our disobedient servant.”

What are you going to do, spank me? That would be an embarrassment, but nothing more. Are you going to add some rope? I can see one of you girls carrying a coil, but I doubt that you can tie me up much more. One end of the jute cord was wrapped around the bonds that bound the lady’s legs just below the knees, and the other end was looped around the rope that connected her wrists together at the top of her chest before it was taken around her knees again. This was repeated twice more before one of the ladies pulled on the end so that the helpless lady was forced to bend over until her thighs were at a ninety degree angle to her body with the end tied off at her knees, while the other girl picked up the duster of the floor and put the handle in the left hand of the captive.

“Carry on with your work slave, and by the way my girls will entertain you very minute from now on.” Madam Sǐwáng said.”I must say that you are showing off your panties and stockings very well now.”

This is going to take far longer to get to the next column as I can’t even straighten up, plus there’s the increased chance of me falling over as I am unable to balance as well in my new restriction. I hate to think what you have planned for me next. Cassidy took greater care with every step that she took as she didn’t want to risk falling over as she had no way of cushioning the landing due to the restrictions of her bondage, and after every minute she had to suffer from the attentions of the two girls as they embarrassed her with a spank or a pinch.

As the helpless lady reached the third pillar she found it hard to stop the saliva from leaving her mouth because of the angle of her body and she could do nothing to stop the irritation as drop after drop fell from her chin. This is going to be even harder because I can only reach a small area because of this rope running from my knees to my chest, and I hope that you are satisfied with my work.

Working on next column was even harder with the lady doing her best to reach as high as possible but there wasn’t much she could reach, as stretching or bending over more was almost impossible seeing she was unable to straighten herself. Just as she was about to finish the last area that she was working on, she pressed too hard and the duster wormed its way out of her gloved hand.

Oh no, what are you going to do to me now? Why do both of you have a rope? Each of the girls stood either side of the helpless woman who started to whimper as they wound a rope around the cords that bound her wrists to her shoulders, and the cinches were pulled tight before the ends were tied off. This is really horrible, the bones in my arms and my elbow joints are strained by these cinches. No wonder that you didn’t apply them earlier, you wanted to use them on me as part of my punishment.

The duster was picked up and put in the right hand of the tormented captive who was suffering as a result of the applied ropes. “You still have work to do, slave. Carry on.” The Madam said.

How can you be so cruel? If these ropes were any tighter, I could have ended up with broken arms. Have you three gone crazy? I don’t think that my mother would approve of this. It seemed to the woman as if it took forever for her to reach the fourth column and even as she started to work on it, the poor lady dropped the duster again.

“Next punishment.” One of the two accomplices approached the struggling woman with a coil of cord and one end was bound to the rope around the captive’s ankles while the other end was taken around the bamboo pole behind her back. This rope was looped around her ankles before it was pulled so that she was forced to bend her knees more, and her body felt more strained than ever.

I’m bent even worse than before, and I don’t think that I will be able to stand up for long, let alone walk anywhere. The other assistant handed the duster back to Cassidy who tried her best to continue, although in her current predicament, she felt as if the item was going to fall out of her hands. It took her far longer to do the little work than she could manage, and once it was finished she turned around to look at the next place she would have to go to in order to carry on.

I can’t do it, I just can’t take any more! Cassidy tried to take a few more steps but it felt to her as if she was going to fall over and hurt herself in a bad way if she tried to reach the next pillar. Please, just stop this before I end up hurting myself. If I fall on my arms, I’ll probably end up breaking them as they are already at their limit. Come on, please help me!

“Oh dear, it looks as if our poor Cassandra has had her limit with this, girls.” Madam Sǐwáng said as she looked at her tablet. “To tell the truth, I never expected you to give in so easily, but perhaps I’ve been giving you too much credit or not enough to myself. Would you like a break, slave, no matter what it might cost?”

Please give me a break, please, I don’t want to fall over. Even though she didn’t know what the cost would be, Cassidy nodded in the hope that there would be some kind of relief from her current suffering.

“Okay ladies, get the whimpering Cassandra on her knees.” The captive was almost thankful when the two girls took hold of her placed her on her knees so that she could get some rest and not worry about falling over, but she wondered why one of the accomplices picked up a bamboo pole which was similar to the one which was used to lock her elbows in place, while the other untied the rope that bound her ankles to the pole at her elbows.

No, you can’t The second girl lifted Cassidy’s body up while her lower legs were still touching the ground and the second pole was slipped behind the knees of the helpless woman. The freed rope was wrapped around the ankles and thighs of the captive maid by one of the girls and pulled as tight as possible before the ends were tied together with the poor lady being made to suffer as a result of her new predicament.

My knees, they feel as though they are about to come apart! You have just changed one torment for another, although I don’t have to worry about falling. This must be the cost that Madam Sǐwáng mentioned. What are you doing now? One end of a short length of rope was tied to the buckle at the back of Cassidy’s neck with the other end looped around the elbow pole, and this was pulled tight until the head of the captive was forced back so that her neck was strained.

Once this rope was tied off, Madam Sǐwáng walked over to the captive. “You have become very popular now, Cassandra, and it seems that news of your capture has even made the national news. The people who are viewing your torment over the internet are even sending me suggestions on what to do next with you, but quite a few of them are disgusting to be honest.” After a few seconds, a smile appeared on the face of the captor. “However, one has just come in, and I must say that I like it. I didn’t plan for it, but I think that I will accommodate this viewer.”

What are you going to do to me?

Re: Cassidy's Kidnapping FFF/F

Posted: Tue May 08, 2018 12:03 pm
by Soraka
“They say that ‘Revenge is a dish best served cold.’ and there is nothing wrong with that. However, I feel that adding a side dish of humiliation and inviting the world to join in with the meal, makes it taste far more delicious. When the ropes binding your wrists together were tied to your ankles, there were quite a few people who said how much they enjoyed you having no other choice but to remain bent over so that you showed off your panties.”

You must be doing this as a trick to embarrass me. After all, mum has got you to kidnap me for my birthday and she would never tolerate you putting me on public display in a humiliating manner. This is just a trick to make me feel some discomfort. Even though Cassidy believed that the comments of Madam Sǐwáng were false and just a part of the game, it didn’t stop her cheeks from going red at the thought of other people seeing her in her present predicament.

“I do seem that I have provoked a reaction from my maid in bondage, even if her eyes indicate that she doesn’t think that I am telling the truth. That is surprising from you, Cassandra, as you know there would be no point in me lying about something like this. Oh, let me guess, you are still pretending to be this ‘Cassidy Bryce’ so as to try and make me feel that I have the wrong person. You can continue to play your little game where you are ignorant of me if you want, but I know who you are so it doesn’t make any difference to me. You will still go through the torments that I have devised for you, and nothing is going to stop that.”

This is going to stop at midnight I guess, you daren’t let it go on past that. After all, if I end up disappearing for too long, people will start asking questions. No, you are going to threaten me for a while, even to the point of preparing me for bed, then it will be called off.

“Bring two long coils of rope over here, my malevolent maidens. It is time that we put this idea to work.” Once the two collaborators had picked up the rope and walked over to Madam Sǐwáng, she held up the tablet to them so that they could look at the display and malicious smiles grew on their faces as they read the instructions. “Do you know what to do?”

“Yes, Madam Sǐwáng.” The assistants said in unison, which ended up causing a shiver to run down the spine of the captive as she knelt on the floor in a state of complete helplessness. As the two ladies approached Cassidy, she struggled in her bonds but the only visible cues were her hands moving about in circles as they tried to reach the knots that held her in place.

This is so rigid that my struggling is more like wriggling as I kneel here, but even these small movements make the aches in my bones and joints increase in intensity. I don’t know what is going to happen to me, but one thing is sure and that is my situation will become even more unpleasant. There was nothing else the captive could do except to look up as her tormentors approached, seeing as her gag was bound to the pole and the two ladies set to work tying the ropes to the immobilised woman. Several feet of trailing rope was left when the first assistant knotted one end of the cord to the part of the elbow pole that stuck out from her right side before the rope was taken behind her back with it tied to the other end of the pole. The ends of the rope were taken in front of the bound woman and the trailing end was tied in a non-slip knot to the rest of the rope so that it made a triangle with Cassidy’s body, although many feet of the rope was still loose. While this was happening, the other person bound the second rope to the pole behind the prisoner’s knees in the same manner, so that a rope triangle was made with a large amount of rope leading off from the apex. After the two ropes were added, the cord that attached the captive’s wrists to her knees were untied, which suggested that she was going to end up in a different position.

That seems to an awful waste of time as these ropes don’t seem to be doing anything to me. The ends of the ropes must have some relevance to what has been planned and you have picked them up so there must be more to this than just binding them to me. It was impossible for the defenceless woman to see what was going on behind her because she was unable to turn her head around, but she watched as the second assistant walked over to the closest pillar with the end of the rope that was attached to the knee poles. So you’re going to tie my knees to the pillar, which make no sense whatsoever as I cannot move an inch anyway. No, you can’t! NO!

The bound maid squirmed in her bonds and shouted through her gag as the accomplice moved a set of kitchen steps and used them so that she could reach the upper ring. After the rope was taken through the ring, the lady took the end down so that it was taken through the lower ring. The other assistant must be doing the same with the rope bound to my elbow pole, and I don’t like what is happening one little bit. The cords became taught as the women pulled on the ends of the ropes, and a feeling of dread grew inside the powerless woman as the realisation of her new predicament dawned on her.

No, you can’t do this to me! A scream escaped the gagged mouth of the captive as her position shifted, and her knees left the ground before her feet with her suspended above the ground before she was pulled about three feet into the air. You’ve hung me by my elbows and knees, you monsters, but why have you only taken me up to this height? You could have lifted me up until I would have been at the upper rings. This is horrible though, and I am stretched out with the strain increasing on my limbs.

The ends of the ropes were tied off to the lower rings as Madam Sǐwáng approached the tormented Cassidy and the bound maid trembled as her cheek was stroked by her captor. “You look so delightful and helpless, my captive Cassandra. I am so glad that I didn’t kill you immediately as this has been a wonderful day, and I hope that this will be the first of many to come.” She said before turning around and placing her posterior on the abdomen of the suspended woman.

Oh my God, you’re sitting on me! I’ve been become a hammock, a human hammock! You’ve not only humiliated me, but I’ve been dehumanised by being transformed into a piece of furniture!

“Thank you ladies, this is very comfortable. It was very kind of the person to send us this idea, and I hope that we end up with some more contributions before the next few days are over. If you two could each pull up a chair, we should discuss what is going to happen and whether we should make any alterations.”

Each of the two collaborators walked over to behind the curtains, picking up a basic wooden chair and dragged it over to in front of Madam Sǐwáng before sitting down so that they faced her. “This is what we shall do.” The captor said, and everything afterward was intelligible to the helpless maid as the three women started to speak in Mandarin, with only the disturbing laughter letting the captive know that it was unpleasant.

Why are they speaking in a language that I cannot understand? After all, they are bound to stop this sometime tonight, so that providing a graphic description in English of what they are planning would have been far more effective if they wanted to scare me. As this thought ran through the mind of the lady, another one developed and this made her fearful of what was to come. OMG, what if Laura was looking for a group to provide a kidnapping adventure for my birthday and these three offered their services? These three may be unbalanced and ended up creating a scenario in their heads so that in their eyes, I’m actually this ‘Cassandra’. The orphanage and my medical condition are major secrets, so they must have got this information from my mother, as this trio couldn’t have got it from anywhere else. They could do anything they want with me though, as I can’t go to the police once I’m freed as mum would be complicit in the kidnapping. Wait, I’m just scaring myself here, and perhaps this is what they want to happen. I need to calm down and remember that they will let me go soon.

This train of thought was derailed when a rumbling sound escaped from Cassidy’s stomach, and the lady was reminded about just how hungry and thirsty she had become during her captivity.

“I hear that Cassandra needs feeding, my girls. Would you like to cook something for me while I prepare my enslaved agent for the meal?” Madam Sǐwáng said, and she stood up while her two attendants nodded in response. “Go and make us a nice meal, and bring in a bottle of water with a straw.” The two ladies exited the warehouse area while the leader walked over to one of the pillars, untying the rope and lifting the captive up by her knees before rebinding the cord. The rope that was attached to the elbows of the helpless lady was adjusted in the same manner which left the prisoner almost five feet in the air, before the cord that bound her gag to the elbow pole was removed.

At least my neck isn’t strained anymore, and I am able to move my head around. What are you doing now? No! Cassidy felt the hands of her captor against her bottom for a moment as pressure pushed the lady up so that her body was straight before she was turned over so that she was suspended in a prone position. My hips feel like they are going to be torn apart now that I am stuck like this, this is much worse than lying on my back.

“Now listen, slave. Your gag is going to be removed so that you will be able to eat and drink, as I would never be so low as to deprive someone in this manner. Be warned that if you speak, your meal will be over and you will have to face the consequences of your decision. Do you understand?”

Why don’t you just free me and bring an end to this? It would be much easier, but maybe you want to ensure that I have the experience of being fed as a captive. There was a nod from Cassidy as she had no intention of going hungry or thirsty, and she didn’t want to put this claim to the test. After a little while, the two companions returned with a large bowl of cooked oriental food along with a bottle of water with a straw sticking out of the top, and Madam Sǐwáng unbuckled the straps of the gag before pulling it away from the powerless Cassidy.

The leader was handed the bowl along with a pair of chopsticks and she stood in front of her prisoner, before picking up a morsel with the implements and holding it up to Cassidy’s face. “Eat.” The bound maid lowered her head and gripped the piece of food between her teeth before she moved it into her mouth, so that it could be chewed and swallowed. The bottle was placed before her by one of the assistants and the lady held the end of the straw between her lips, so that she was able to take a sip of the water. This went on until all of the food in the bowl was eaten with Madam Sǐwáng taking her share, and the empty bowl was handed back to one of the assistants.

“Put these back and get the new items, ladies.” The woman said as she picked up the bamboo gag while the two girls walked out of the area. “Open wide, slave.” Knowing that disobedience would put her in an even worse situation, Cassidy decided to open her mouth so that the tube could be placed between her teeth. The buckles were again taken around to the back of her neck and buckled together, and she lifted her head up to see that one of the ladies was carrying what appeared to be a dish shaped barbeque grill with three legs, while the second held a large plastic bag in her hand.

“Put that over here, my girls. I think that we should have a little campfire before bedtime.” Madam Sǐwáng pointed to a spot four feet to the left of the suspended woman and the assistant put the grill down at that point, with the other putting the bag beside it. A small amount of liquid was poured into the dish, a match was lit, and this was tossed into the dish with a whoosh sound being made as the fuel ignited.

“Oh don’t worry, I’m not going to set fire to you, I want to keep you in one piece. It’s just that I want to do a little extra cooking before bedtime. Let’s start to add the ingredients.”

Cassidy’s watched what the girl did as the black bag was opened, but her eyes opened to their widest extent as she saw the first item that was pulled out of the bag. That’s my dress! That’s the dress that Laura gave to me as a present for last year and I was wearing it this morning. NO! More screams were emitted by the shocked woman as the girl lifted up the dress and dropped it into the flames that rose and danced in the dish. That was an expensive item of clothing. What do you lot think that you are doing? My Shoes! The poor lady was shocked by the scene in front of her as her stiletto heels ended up in the fire, and this was followed by the remainder of her clothing that she had put in the bag. This can’t be happening, it just can’t, you’ve just burnt all of my clothes.

“Surely you are not surprised as what I have done, Cassandra? After all, you will no longer need these as your will be wearing what I decide from now on.”

Mum is going to be furious at me for ruining her presents.

“I think that it has been a long day for my slave, and she will need to have some rest before she continues with her duties in the morning. Slave Cassandra, you will get changed for bed and have a bathroom break once we lower you down and untie you. If there is any trouble from you, you will go to bed without wearing any clothes, and I will remind you that the world is watching so that they will see you bound and naked.”

Knockoffs! Oh that is such a relief, you really had me fooled for a minute by making me think that these knockoffs were my clothing. I ended up falling for it as well, but I managed to work out what trick you were playing on me.

The prisoner rested as best she could as she was lowered to the ground by the accomplices of her captor, and the rope that bound her thighs to her ankles was removed along with the two cords that had suspended her, before she was helped to her feet so that she could hop over to the changing room…

Re: Cassidy's Kidnapping FFF/F

Posted: Tue May 08, 2018 12:03 pm
by Soraka
I suppose that this game is going to be over soon, and I’m sure that my birthday party is going to happen before too long. That must be why they have some of the warehouse partitioned off with white sheets, to make sure that I cannot see the party items. This last part must be about getting me back into my proper clothes so that I can be prepared.

Moving back to the two rooms took a little while as the bound Cassidy was stiff after being held in suspension by her captors, and she found it difficult to keep her balance as she took her little hops, but she was held on each side by the accomplices of Madam Sǐwáng. I must say that this has been quite an adventure, but I am glad that it will be over soon as I feel as I have been fed through a mangle with these bondage positions. Perhaps I can contact this trio again for another adventure, sometime.

“Slave Cassandra, things will be done a little different this time. After we untie you from your ropes, you are to take your break before you get changed.” The Madam said. “The gag will remain in place. Do you understand?”

A single nod from the captive showed that she comprehended the command and that she would follow the instructions. If I end up disobeying them now, I could end up having to pay an extra penalty and that is something that I do not want, as you will tie me up even tighter than before.There was a touch against Cassidy’s thighs which caused her to look down, and she noticed that the cord there was being removed by one of the assistants while the rope just below her knees was untied by the other. Once this was done, the two girls concentrated on removing the complicated bonds that held her arms in place and the prisoner felt relieved when her arms were no longer strained by the bamboo pole. When the arm ropes were removed, one of the ladies untied the ropes that bound her ankles together so that she no longer had to hop.

I’m probably going to take a week to recover from all of this, and I’ll need a nice long bath in the morning. Going to the shop might be a problem with all of these rope marks on my skin, although maybe I’ll just have to wear long sleeved tops and trousers until they disappear. Now to use the toilet, and I doubt that I will get another break until the morning. The door was pushed open with the captive entering the cubicle and doing what she had to, before exiting so that she could go to the next room and remove the costume that she had been forced to wear for so long. After the woman had shut the door to the changing room, she noticed that an empty black bag was waiting for her, along with a blue bag which seemed to have clothing in it.

This must be my outfit for the party. It didn’t take long for the prisoner to remove the French Maid uniform and put it in the black bag, but she was surprised when she opened the blue bag and discovered what her new set of clothing consisted of. OMG, I can’t wear put this on, everyone will be laughing at me. There is nothing else set out for me though, which means that I have no other choice. It doesn’t reveal anything at all, but I’m not sure that it would be the sort of outfit that anyone would ever wear to a party. Cassidy couldn’t help but blush as she changed into her new clothing which was all turquoise, but even though it didn’t expose any more of her than the French Maid outfit she felt on an emotional level that this left her far more vulnerable. Now I have to go back outside and be seen by the others in this.

She opened the door and stood in front of the trio of captors as they took in the sight of her in the new clothing. The main item of clothing was a sleeveless, mid-thigh length opaque turquoise satin nightie with two thin straps that ran over her shoulders and her modesty ensured with a pair of ladies briefs which were the same colour and material. A pair of thigh high stockings completed the ensemble, with her nightie only just reaching to the top of the stockings so that she showed a flash of her bare thighs when she walked.

“I must admit that this looks very good on you, slave. Now, close your eyes so that you can be blindfolded, and we will guide you to the next location. Madam Sǐwáng said. “We want to keep the next part to be a surprise for you.”

I knew it! It’s all going to be over now, and there’s going to be a wonderful party set out once I open my eyes. After a moment, the captive closed her eyes and she felt the pressure of material against her back before the ends were tied together at the back of her head. You will have to lead me to where we are going now. Cassidy put her arms out in the hope that someone would take hold of her hands, so that she could be guided by the others as to where she needed to go for the party. A hand took each of hers and she took one small step at a time in her stocking feet, with the two ladies causing her to turn left or right as she moved towards her new destination. This should be well worth the wait but I wonder if I’m going to be tied up for the party, as I am still gagged with this piece of bamboo.

“Stop here, slave Cassandra. We need to do something before we continue with the next part.” Her hands were released and the prisoner let her arms fall to her sides as she listened to the sound of cloth sheets being moved and folded up.

They must be removing the sheets that have partitioned part of this warehouse off, so I will see what has been set out for me. The only thing missing is someone shouting out “surprise!”. There was a touch at the back of her head and the knot that bound the blindfold over her eyes was untied with the strip of cloth pulled away from her face.”

“You can look now, slave.” Madam Sǐwáng said, so the birthday girl opened her eyes to take in the view:

No, for the love of- NO! Cassidy was stunned by what she saw in front of her as she trembled, and she felt as if she was going to faint with her almost disbelieving the situation. There’s no birthday setup at all! It’s a large brass bed with a mattress, and there is nothing else to be seen. You can’t be keeping me here overnight, you just can’t!

“You almost look as if you were expecting something else, Cassandra. The next thing for you to do is get on the bed and point your arms and legs at the corners so that we can restrain you for the night. You must have known that this was going to happen.”

This can’t be happening, oh please, this just can’t be happening. If it is, then it means that there is no birthday party and that I’ve actually been kidnapped. No, this isn’t real!

“Get on the bed, Cassandra, my patience is bountiful but you are starting to test it a little.”

I have to get out of here right now. I have to try and get to the door that they have used to enter and exit this part of the building. It is my only chance. it was at this moment that the reality of Cassidy’s situation removed all of her courage, and she turned and ran for the door, in the hope that she could reach it before the others could catch her.

“I see that Cassandra has decided to offer us some late night extra entertainment, so go after her.” Madam Sǐwáng said “I was going to just tie you to the bed in a gentle spread eagle, but this will earn you a much more interesting position.”

It only took a few seconds for the fleeing woman to reach the door, but she discovered to her horror that it was locked, which meant that there was nowhere else she could escape to. I should have known that they would have made sure that this was locked, and now I’m going to suffer an even worse fate as a result. although Cassidy did her best to avoid the two assistants, it wasn’t long before one of them managed to catch up with her and hold her down by her legs before the other one took hold of her by her hair. Please, just let me go.

“I wouldn’t struggle now, unless you want to lose more than a few locks of your hair, as my companions have very good grip.” Madam Sǐwáng said as she carried a bag over to the struggling captive. “Does anyone have any ideas about how to punish the bad lady?” There was a begging sound from the woman as the madam took a coil of white rope out of the bag and used it to bind the ankles of the prisoner together so that the assistant was free to seize Cassidy’s hands. “Perhaps a strict elbow tie would teach you a lesson about not being disobedient.” The assistant took the hands of the captive and placed them so that they were palm to palm while Madam Sǐwáng took a length of cord and wrapped it ten times around the prisoner’s wrists with four cinches before she knotted the ends together. A moment later, Cassidy’s elbows were pulled together by the accomplice while the leader looped a rope eight times around her arms above her elbows, with the three cinches pulling the rope so tight that her elbows were touching.

My shoulders, you’re straining my shoulders! Each end of a short length of rope was bound to the ankles of the captive, so that she would only be able to move her feet about eighteen inches apart. Please, you can’t take me to that bed, you can’t keep me as a kidnap victim!

“Lift her up to her feet, girls.” The leader said and she smiled as the terrified captive was picked up and placed in to a standing position in front of her. “You are going to bed, and there is nothing you can do about it. One of my ladies will hold you by your hair, and if you try to run, she will just pull on it as hard as possible. Now, walk over to the bed.”

I have no choice, if I don’t obey you, I will be made to suffer and I don’t want my hair pulled out. Cassidy took small hobbled steps over to the bed, and she was conscious at all times that someone held her hair in a grip that felt as if it was in an iron vice. Please don’t torture me. Madam Sǐwáng walked over to the bed and looked at her tablet while the second lady carried over the bag full of restraint equipment.

“Put her on the bed in a prone position so that she can be placed in a hogtie.”

Don’t think that I will make this easy for you. The moment that the helpless Cassidy was put on the bed by the two ladies with the ankle rope removed, she started to struggle and buck for all she was worth in order to make it difficult for anyone to tie her further.

“Ah, someone has just sent us a very good idea.” Madam Sǐwáng said, lifting her head up and looking at her two assistants. “We should tie her ankles at a ninety degree angle and hogtie her that way, as it will restrict her movement. Okay ladies, take hold of a leg each and put them at an angle with her ankles crossed.”

Even though the captive did her best to fight back, within a few seconds both of her legs were bent at the knees which were wide apart and her right ankle was placed above her left. A length of rope was selected by the lady in charge and it was wrapped ten times in a horizontal and vertical way around the prisoner’s ankles before four cinches pulled the rope tight so her ankles were locked into position.

I don’t think that I can move my legs now that they are like this.

“It seems that our viewers are full of ideas tonight. This person is saying that we shouldn’t tie her ankles to her wrists, but to her elbows instead. Plus, we should make it as strict as possible. Oh, our technical expert says that the device is ready, so could you bring it in, Kǎodǎ? Kǒngbù can stay and help me.” One of the assistants walked over to the door and exited the room while Madam Sǐwáng tied one end of a length of rope to the captive’s elbow bonds before looping it around her ankles and back around her elbows. This was repeated two more times before Kǒngbù began to pull on the other end of the rope, and the helpless lady felt the strain grow in the joints of her arms and legs.

I should have just got on the bed when Madam Sǐwáng ordered it. Oh no! There was a shriek from the captive as the hogtie became so tight that it was forcing her back to arch, and she was scared that they would make it even tighter. I won’t be able to do anything like this, why did I try to run? The rope was secured, but there was still about five feet trailing from the elbows

“I think that we can put this to good use.” Madam Sǐwáng said as she consulted her tablet. “It seems that we are getting some very good ideas from the audience. Let’s turn her over onto her back as this will make it worse for her.” All the captive could do was make pleading noises through her gag, as her captors took hold of her and rolled her over so that she was lying on her back.

I’m lying on my arms! Please, have some mercy on me! The trailing end of the rope that held the prisoner in an extreme hogtie was taken to the top of the brass bed and tied to one of the bars so that it would help to keep the helpless woman in place, before ends of two other ropes were tied to her knees with the other ends secured to the bottom corner posts of the beds. Even if I wasn’t hogtied, I wouldn’t be able to move an inch with these three ropes holding me.

“Oh look, Kǎodǎ is back with the equipment.” Cassidy looked to her left as the lady wheeled an enclosed metal cabinet close to the bed, with a camera and monitor on the top, and the prisoner was horrified when she saw her own face on the screen.

I am being recorded, and there are messages appearing at the bottom of the screen. What is that? “T313: YOU SHOULD USE YOUR BIGGEST BALL-GAG ON HER AS PART OF THE PUNISHMENT.” Oh no, there actually are people watching us and giving you ideas!

“That is a good idea, thank you, T313.” Madam Sǐwáng said as she reached into the bag, picking up a large blue ball-gag while Kǒngbù picked up a second camera with a tripod which was placed at the bottom of the bed, and the monitor started to show the views from both cameras. The assistant altered the zoom of the camera until Cassidy’s body took up most of the viewing area. “You can stay quiet and keep your mouth open, or you can suffer even more. It is your choice.”

I’ll do whatever you want, just don’t make things worse. As soon as the bit-gag was undone, the tormented captive opened her mouth as wide as possible so that the large blue ball could be forced between her lips before the straps were buckled together at the back of her neck. This is even worse than the bit-gag as it really forces my mouth open, and I can feel the saliva building up in me already.

There were more messages appearing on the screen, most of which thanked Madam Sǐwáng for forcing Cassidy to accept the gag, but one of the lines of text caused the prisoner to shriek through her new gag.

No! You can’t ask her to do that to me in front of all of you!

Re: Cassidy's Kidnapping FFF/F

Posted: Tue May 08, 2018 12:04 pm
by Soraka

“Why thank you, B497. That is a wonderful idea. Ladies, this is why I didn’t strip Cassandra naked when we had captured her, as once you have done that there is nothing else to do.” Madam Sǐwáng said. Leave her clothed though, and you can embarrass her in all manner of ways.”

No, you can’t possibly think of doing this to me! Cassidy shook her head on the bed, but she watched the screen and cried out through her gag as the madam went to the side of the brass bed.

“Sometimes, less is more. This is an example of what that expression means, girls.” The woman said, taking her time in reaching out for the hem of the captive’s garment so that the torment of the helpless lady would be prolonged as she stared at the monitor. “Never be in a rush with any kind of torment, and take even longer before you inflict it, as the anticipation will add to the psychological suffering.” After a few more seconds had passed, the leader took hold of the end of the nightdress with her hands and pulled it up the thighs of the prisoner at a rate which was almost imperceptible.

Please stop it, don’t treat me like this.

“If you notice the expression on Cassandra’s face, it is clear that she is horrified by what I am doing to her. The fact that she cannot do anything to stop me just makes it worse for our prisoner.” More and more bare flesh at the top of the thighs was exposed as the cloth was moved, and there came a point where the prisoner’s panties were visible to the camera at the foot of the bed.

You are forcing me to flash my briefs to the entire world. As the helpless woman viewed the act of exposure that was forced on her by her captor, her cheeks went bright red with her face seeming to show both shock and shame which reflected the internal feeling of humiliation. Just how much of me are you going to show to the people watching this?

The hem of the soft garment was pulled up three more inches which ensured a good view for the camera before the woman released her hold on the material. “You can pull your nightie back down at any time if you wish, Cassandra.”

I can’t move an inch, how on earth am I going to preserve my modesty in this position.

“Oh dear, poor Cassandra is showing herself off to everyone who can see her.” Madam Sǐwáng said. “The irony is that most of the ladies that are getting a suntan on a beach at this moment are wearing far less and are even more exposed. The amount of exposure is irrelevant when it comes to humiliation, which can sound a bit odd to some people.”


“Your thanks is appreciated B497, and I can see that others are showing their approval as well. Part of the effect is not down to the amount of area covered, but the type of clothing because a bikini is meant for public wear, while a nightdress means something more private and intimate. Also, the exposure is against the will of our helpless Cassandra, and this is what affects her mind the most. She was just as much on show when she was forced to bend over while cleaning in her French Maid outfit, but this feels worse to her.”

I can’t continue to look at myself like this, at least you don’t control my head. Cassidy turned her head to the right so that she didn’t have to look at the monitor which was a constant reminder of just how she was being treated by her captor.

“Yes H025, I think that we will have to make sure that the bad agent is made to watch herself.” Madam Sǐwáng said, taking a roll of strong white wine along with a knife out of the bag. “Kǎodǎ, use this string and the knife to secure the naughty captive’s head so that she is forced to look at the monitor.”

No, please just let me rest. Kǎodǎ cut two long pieces of string off the roll, and one of the ends were tied to each of the metal rings that were attached to the gag on either side of the helpless lady’s face. The other ends of the two lengths were looped around the bed on the left side, and the captive was forced to turn her head back to the left before the string was tightened and tied off, so that the prisoner was forced to stare at the screen. You monsters, you’re forcing me to look at myself.


“That is a very good idea, and it will add more torment because it will emphasise the present view. Kǎodǎ, Kǒngbù get some rope and put this into effect as we must keep the viewers happy.” Each of the accomplices reached into the bag and selected a length of rope before moving to opposite sides of the bed, so that they could apply the new bonds to the prisoner. Kǎodǎ started on Cassidy’s right leg by wrapping twelve loops taken around her thigh and ankle, with ten tight cinches added so that the helpless woman’s legs were put under strain, while Kǒngbù copied the procedure with the left leg.

Is there any part of my body that isn’t placed under strain and aching tonight? I won’t be able to get any sleep like this. Why don’t you just stick me on a rack. Even thought the tormented lady tried to put on a brave face, a whimpering sound managed to escape from her gagged mouth.


“It is part of Cassandra’s cover, as she is still pretending to be this Cassidy Bryce girl.” Madam Sǐwáng said “To be honest, I thought that the Intelligence Service would have avoided any similarities between Cassandra Blake and Cassidy Bryce. Why, even the first names are too close together.

I am Cassidy Bryce, it’s obvious that you are delusional about this fictional character called Cassandra Blake. You even got what happened at the orphanage wrong, as I was rescued from the fire by my adoptive mother. I can only think that you have a grudge against someone who looks a little like me and you found me instead. You have created a fictional situation so that I have ended up becoming this other woman. Perhaps I can convince you that I am not this Cassandra Blake and then you can let me go.


“I did L287, and I think that it is time that she heard it.” Madam Sǐwáng said, picking up her tablet and selecting an icon that was at the top of the screen. There was silence for a few seconds before the recording started:

“The main news story of the night is the kidnapping of a woman who is claimed to be an agent called ‘Cassandra Blake’ by her abductor. The kidnapper, who says she is a woman by the name of Madam Sǐwáng said that she took the agent prisoner at lunchtime in revenge for actions taken against her. In a bizarre move, the abductee is actually being filmed so that the stream can be put on the internet, with her being tormented and humiliated by her captors. We contacted the Canadian Security Intelligence Service for information about Cassandra Blake, but we only received the following statement.”

“We will not confirm or deny the existence of a Cassandra Blake, and we will not discuss anything about the presumed kidnapping of an individual who is claimed to be a woman of that name.”

“There has been another twist in the last hour, with a woman called Laura Bryce wanting to speak to reporters:”

“What are they doing to my Cassidy? She’s been kidnapped and you are all calling her Cassandra, when she’s my daughter Cassidy. Why isn’t anyone doing anything? She isn’t some agent, she’s in charge of a store. I don’t know who this Madam Sǐwáng is, but she’s got the wrong woman. Please, just let my daughter go.”

“Just after Laura Bryce spoke to reporters concerning the present matter, a large black limousine stopped and several black suited men spoke to her before helping her into the vehicle, with one of them addressing the reporters:”

“Miss Bryce has nothing more to say on this matter.”

“The individual did not answer any questions by the reporters as he entered the vehicle, and the car sped away within a few seconds. Is this woman Cassandra Blake, an agent of the CSIS, is she a hapless store lady by the name of Cassidy Bryce, or just some random victim caught up in a sick game? However the big question is what is going to happen to the victim? Is she-.“

The recording stopped as Madam Sǐwáng pressed the icon on the tablet for a second time. “I do not want you to listen to the next part, as you may find it a little uncomfortable.”

Mum, that was you on the news report, I’m so sorry that I put you through all of this. I should never have gone to that building.

“I must say that your fake mother was quite convincing on the news tonight, and for a moment I thought that I might have kidnapped the wrong person.” The lady said. “However, your intelligence agency did ruin it by turning up and taking her away. It is a pity as I wanted to hear what else she had to say. Please don’t tell me that you are still trying to pretend that you are a poor little shopkeeper who has been captured by mistake.”

Cassidy shivered as she felt the right hand of her captor caress her hair, but she nodded in the hope that her captor will believe her and let her go free. I haven’t done anything to you, so you will have no reason to keep me here.

“Why don’t you give up, Cassandra. Even your own people have given the game away.”


“This is Cassandra Blake as the agents who worked out her cover were so lazy that they were negligent, but I will answer your question. If this was some poor innocent lady who has been questioned by mistake, then I have no more reason to keep her here.”

Oh great, you’ll let me go then. What are you doing? There was a yelp from the helpless lady as her abductor put her right hand around the bound woman’s throat.


“I will free her, but as seeing that she would have caused me disappointment, I would free her from life itself. After all, I would not want her misery to continue because she has suffered so much by my hand, anyway.”

OMG, if I convince you that I am not the person that you want, then I will end up dead! Because of your state of mind, you will want revenge on me for destroying your illusion, so if I am to have any chance of survival, I will have to pretend to be Cassandra Blake. I just hope that someone finds me in time.

“Anyway Cassandra, me and my two hench-ladies are off to get some rest. I will see you in the morning for some more entertainment at your expense. I would wish you sweet dreams, but I doubt that you will sleep at all in your present state of bondage. If you want to pass the time you can always look at the screen and read the comments.”

For the love of- please don’t leave me like this, please have mercy on me!

“Begging, Cassandra? Oh, your standards have really fallen since last time we met. I remember when you would rather die than beg, but maybe it is because I have been more effective with tormenting you than I realised. Goodnight, slave.” Madam Sǐwáng turned around and walked away with her two companions following her, and the helpless prisoner listened as a door opened and closed.

I’m stuck here, I’m helpless and immobilised and I’m going to stay like this all night long…

Any rest was impossible for the captive, even though she closed her eyes so she ended up looking at the monitor as even reading the unpleasant comments was a way of passing the time.

S515: HOLD

What was that? Just one word? After several more texts by various people there was a second line.

S515: ON

Is there a message forming?

S515: I
S515: WILL
S515: FIND
S515: YOU

You are hiding single words against a flood of other messages. OMG, someone knows that it is me, and is looking for me!

S515: FOR
S515: MORE

Who is this S515? I almost looks as if someone is trying to make up a word with the username.

S515: SHE
S515: WILL
S515: NOT
S515: WIN

I just hope that this isn’t another of Madam Sǐwáng’s tricks. She would do something like this to break me further.

S515: GOT
S515: TO
S515: GO

No, please don’t go! I’ll be alone again! Although the prisoner looked at the screen, there were no more entries by S515…

Cassidy didn’t how long she had been left alone in her position of torment, and she ended up ignoring the footsteps that approached her until the two assistants walked into her limited field of view.

“Madam Sǐwáng instructed us to change your position to one that will allow you to sleep for the rest of the night.” Kǒngbù said. “Please note that if you cause us any trouble then we will tie you up in a way that will make you beg to be bound like this. Do you understand?”

I just want to get some rest, I won’t fight you. A nod from the captive indicated that she was willing to cooperate with her captors and Kǎodǎ removed the two pieces of string that kept her head turned to the right. It is such a relief to turn my head around again, thank you. The frogtie ropes were removed from her thighs and ankles before the cords that connected her knees to the corners of the bed were untied along with the end of the rope that was tied to the head of the bed. Both of the ladies took hold of the immobile prisoner so that it would be easier to roll her into a face down position, and it only took a few moments for the hogtie rope to be removed which brought relief to the captive as her back was no longer arched.

That feels so good, but I know that I am not going to be freed. After a few seconds the prisoner felt the loosening of the cords around her elbows, before her wrists were freed from the rope that bound them together and she was rolled over so that she was on her back again with her arms in front of her.

“Place your arms in the air with your hands together.” Kǎodǎ said.

I know that my relative freedom would only be for a few seconds. Cassidy held her arms up in the air as instructed with Kǎodǎ binding her wrists while Kǒngbù tied her elbows together so that they touched. Each rope was wrapped around eight times with three cinches added which tightened the rope so that it pressed into the captive’s skin with the ends tied together.

Even though this is strict, it will be far more comfortable than with my arms bound behind my back. What is Kǒngbù doing with that bamboo pole? Are you going to use it as part of my bondage? While the pole was being picked up, Kǎodǎ took hold of the captive’s feet so that they were lifted into the air before taking her arms and lying them between her thighs. Kǒngbù placed the pole at the back of the captive’s knees before Kǎodǎ hooked the prisoner’s arms around the pole so that her elbows pressed against it from the other side. My limbs are wrapped around the pole, but I can unravel myself whenever I want to though.

“It is time to make our slave more secure.” Kǒngbù said as she tied one end of a piece of rope to the wrists of the helpless woman, before taking the other end up to the head of the bed and attaching it to the top horizontal bar. While this was happening, Kǎodǎ bound one end of a cord to Cassidy’s ankles, with the free part looped around the upper bar at the foot of the bed where it was tied with a secure knot.

I’m on my back and just as stuck as before, but at least it’s much better than before. What are you two ladies giggling at? Oh no! There was a reddening of the captive’s cheeks as she discovered that her panty clad bottom almost filled the part of the monitor that relayed the image from the camera at the foot of the bed. This is even worse than before!

“It seems that our prisoner has discovered that she is providing the world with a top rate view of her panties.” Kǒngbù said. “Her expression is priceless.”

“We should leave her to get some rest though, because she will not be any fun if she is tired out.” Kǎodǎ said. “Let’s go and get some rest ourselves.”

Cassidy watched the two ladies as they left the room with them closing the door behind them, and even though her position was awkward, her state of exhaustion caused her to fall asleep…

Re: Cassidy's Kidnapping FFF/F

Posted: Tue May 08, 2018 12:04 pm
by Soraka
On any normal morning Cassidy would be woken up to the soft sound on her radio alarm, and she would rest in her waking reverie for a little while before getting up so that she could start the day. It was for this reason that her alarm was even set to a time so that she could enjoy this moment of peace without having to do anything but lie back and enjoy the start of the day. However, the start of this day was anything but normal for the lady, and even abnormal didn’t do her situation any justice at all, as that only meant something that was not normal. Her moment of reverie lasted less than a second as she noticed the unpleasant taste rubber in her mouth, which she realised came from a large ball that was holding her jaws so far apart that they were aching.

Where the hell am I? What has happened to me? The peace and calm that lasted for a moment was replaced by a state of terror and sheer panic as she screamed out through her gag, while she struggled in an uncontrolled manner on the bed with her heart racing like never before due to her fear. I’ve been tied up with rope, and there’s a huge gag stuck in my mouth. Someone must have broken into the house while we were asleep last night and tied me up like this. What has happened to my mother? It took a few more seconds for the helpless woman to remember what had happened to her on the previous day, and she attempted to calm down as she looked at the monitor to the left of her bed. I wonder how long it will be before Madam Sǐwáng will come in along with Kǎodǎ and Kǒngbù so that they can play their games at my expense. Here are the messages from the people watching, congratulating me for putting on a good show, but it seems that they are not sure that this is real. Wait, you are back, and you are printing the words mixed up with the other messages!

S515: GOOD

At least I have one friend out there who is willing to communicate with me, while I remain abducted. Good morning sis, sorry, S515. That is weird, but those three numbers remind me of the word ‘sis’, but I’m looking for order amongst the chaos here.

S515: WE
S515: NEED
S515: TWO
S515: DAYS

I have to remain captive for two more days before you find where I am, what if I don’t have two days? What if she grows tired of me, or discovers that you are trying to find me? The feeling of fear inside the bound woman must have shown on her face as the next comment was relevant to her state of mind.

S515: STAY
S515: CALM

That is good advice, but It’s not helping me.

S515: PLAY
S515: HER

I don’t have much choice in the matter, but maybe you mean that I must throw myself into the part, as it would entertain my captor more.

S515: BE
S515: WHO
S515: SHE
S515: YOU
S515: TO
S515: BE

That must relate to the games that Madam Sǐwáng plays with me, and the fact that she thinks that I am this ‘Cassandra Blake’.

S515: I’VE
S515: DOWN
S515: MANY

OMG! I was told by the madam herself that the only person who can find us would be Cassandra Blake, and this must mean that you are her! I have been thinking that you are a figment of her imagination and you have been real all of the time. This is why the CSIS didn’t say anything about what was happening, as it is for my own safety and it also explains why they took my mother away. If Madam Sǐwáng finds out that I am Cassidy Bryce then my life will be at an end!

It took a few seconds for the helpless lady to regain her composure as she took in everything and she nodded a few times to show that the message was understood.

S515: GOOD
S515: I
S515: WILL
S515: COME
S515: FOR
S515: YOU

Oh thank you, I hope that you are successful and find me sooner than expected. OMG!

“Good morning Cassandra, I hope that you have had a good enough sleep so that we can continue with the entertainment for today.” The voice of Madam Sǐwáng caught Cassidy by surprise and it would have caused the prisoner to jump if she wasn’t in such a state of stringent bondage as she lay helpless on the bed.

Oh no, how many more surprises can I take this morning? As the lady looked to her right, she saw that her captor was covered in a red silk dressing gown that came down to her ankles and her two assistants who were in cyan coloured gowns, with Kǎodǎ pushing a small trolley with a bowl on top along with a bottle of water.

“It is time for you to have some breakfast, slave Cassandra, as I do not want you to get hungry or thirsty this morning. My assistants will put you in a more comfortable position so that you can be fed.” As Madam Sǐwáng spoke, the two assistants untied the ropes that connected the helpless lady’s bound wrists and ankles to the head and foot of the bed, and the bamboo pole was pulled away from her elbows and knees which allowed the prisoner to be placed into a sitting position.

That feels so much better after last night and being held on my back, but the look on Kǒngbù’s face tells me that something is going to happen. The assistant picked up one of the ropes and placed the captive’s wrists above her crossed ankles before wrapping the rope around the limbs twelve times and tying off the ends. I’m secured into position again and immobilised, which is no surprise.

There was a feeling at the back of the captive’s neck as Kǎodǎ unbuckled the straps that held the large gag in, although it took a few seconds for the ball to be worked out of the mouth of the helpless lady. At least I’ll be able to close my mouth again, although it’s going to take time for the ache to disappear from my jaw.

The bowl and bottle were picked up by Madam Sǐwáng who sat on the bed in front and to the right of the helpless lady. “Now, I just want to hear one thing from you before I provide you with breakfast. Just say ‘I am Cassandra Blake, and I am sorry for the horrible things that I have done to Madam Sǐwáng’.”

If I refuse, the situation could end up becoming much worse, even though it is not good at the moment and I was told by S515 that I have to be Cassandra to survive. After taking in a deep breath, the helpless woman said “I am Cassandra Blake, and I am sorry for the horrible things that I have done to Madam Sǐwáng’.”

“There, that was not so bad and it is out of the way. Now open your mouth and I’ll feed you.” The madam said as she lifted a spoonful of cereal up to the lips of the captive, and Cassidy ate and drank in silence as she did not want to say anything that may end up offending the woman who held her prisoner. Once the meal was over, the woman put the bowl and bottle back on the trolley. “This is what is going to happen this morning. You will be untied and take your break before going into the changing room. The door will be locked behind you, and once you have changed into your new clothing, you will wait inside until someone unlocks the door to let you out.”

It only took a few minutes for the accomplices to remove the ropes from the wrists and ankles of the captive, and she offered no resistance to them helping her off the bed as she felt stiff after being locked into fixed positions for so long. She took small steps as she was guided to the toilet as it seemed that her muscles refused to obey her if she tried to move at any speed, but her body appeared to recover a little after each small step. Perhaps that is why I will be spending more time in the changing room, as I might need it to be ready for your next game. Her time in the cubicle was as much for getting some extra rest as for what she needed the room for, although she knew that spending too long inside would be a bad idea.

Moving from one room to another only took a few seconds and once she was inside the changing room, the door was closed behind her which was followed by the turning of a key in a lock. A quick turn of the handle confirmed that the door was locked, and she turned around to check the grey bag which she presumed contained the new clothing that she would have to wear for the next game.

You have got to be joking, that last time I saw anything like this was in the St Trinians’ movies of the fifties and sixties, and the legal age ladies in the Sixth form wore this uniform. If I refuse to wear this outfit though, Madam Sǐwáng will react negatively to my behaviour and I daren’t take the risk. I just hope that I don’t look too silly in it though. It only took a few seconds for the prisoner to remove her night clothing, and she placed the used garments in the blue bag before taking out the new set which took longer to put on. Once Cassidy was ready, she looked at herself in the full length mirror that she thought must have been put in here so that she could make sure that the costume was on right.

The grey pinafore dress actually fits me very well so that it shows off my figure, and I like how it reaches down to the mid-thigh so that it covers the top of the black thigh high stockings on my legs. In fact the only minus is the school badge with a large ‘S’ inscribed on it. The four inch high heels are out of place along with the stockings, but I like them. The white long sleeved shirt under the dress is okay, but the black and grey tie does shout ‘schoolgirl’ along with the ‘S’ badge on my grey blazer. I hate the grey underwear as it looks awful, but maybe that’s the idea. The overall setup is good even though it screams British Sixth Former, and if I get out of this, I will add this to my collection, minus the badge. When I get out of this, as I have to think positive.

Cassidy didn’t know how long she waited standing in the changing room, and she started to wonder if her captors had forgotten all about her when she heard the key turn in the lock. Here we go, the new game starts now. The prisoner took a deep breath, put her hand on the handle and opened the door…

“I see that the school swot has decided to show her face at last.” Kǎodǎ said as Cassidy left the room, and she noticed that they were wearing the same outfit as her except that there was no blazer, there was a school satchel over each ladies’ shoulder and they were wearing a badge with the word “Prefect” on it.

I think that I’m in trouble, as these prefects aren’t in a good mood.

“Cassandra always thinks that she is too good to spend any time with us.” Kǒngbù said. “Maybe we should invite her to play some games with us for a while.”

“Yes, Kǒngbù, I think that Miss Goody Two Shoes should join in, after all she must want to be friends with us.”

I think that I’m the geek, nerd or equivalent about to get bullied by these pair. Madam Sǐwáng must be watching this on that large monitor somewhere, as I guess that she will have a part to play.

“S-Sure, I-I’ll be friends with you, I’m always ready to be friends with anyone.” Cassidy said with more than a little tremor in her voice, as she knew that these games would not be pleasant at best, as there was bound to be a sadistic twist to them. “W-What do you want me to do? What type of game do you want to play?”

There was a smile on Kǒngbù’s face with made the prisoner tremble. “How about we play a nice little game of Cowgirls and Indians, unless you think that doing this is beneath you.”

“Yes, I’ll do it. How do you play it?” Cassidy said as she looked at the two ‘Prefects’. I know just how this is going to end if we are going to do this, but trying to avoid this will make things worse.

“It’s simple.” Kǎodǎ said. “We will play the Indians and you will be the Cowgirl. This part of the game is simple, as we will chase you around the playground so that we can catch you. Once we do this, you lie face down on the floor as our captive with one of us sitting astride you as the victor. Do you understand?”

“Yes, shall I start running now?” It’s not going to take you long to catch me, and then I will be taken to your ‘camp’ where bad things will happen.

“Go ahead, we will chase you after a few seconds.” Kǎodǎ said, and Cassidy started to run around within the restricted area, with the other two chasing after her once five seconds had passed. Even though the kidnap victim did her best to avoid the others, it didn’t take long for Kǒngbù to grab hold of her right arm and she allowed herself to be forced into a prone position on the floor with her captor sitting on her back which pinned her arms to her sides.

This is the part where I get taken to the Indian camp to be questioned, and they will start to be mean to me. “What are you going to do to me now? Are you going to let me go?”

“Oh no.” Kǎodǎ said “You are our prisoner now, and we are going to tie you up and take you to our camp, where we will torture you in revenge for you stealing our land.”

“I don’t want to be tied up! Please let me go, I don’t want to play this game anymore!”

“Oh, you are going to play as you have no choice. We are going to have so much fun torturing you.”

“Let me go! If you don’t I will scream for help! HELFFF!” The captured lady tried to scream but her cry was stifled as Kǒngbù put a right hand over her mouth.

“Kǎodǎ, I think that this evil cowgirl needs to be kept quiet if we don’t want our camp to be discovered.” Kǒngbù said “Can you sort it out?”

“Yes.” Kǎodǎ said as she opened her satchel before taking out a long piece of blue rope and she tied a knot in the middle of the cord with more knots tied over it until it grew into a large knot about one and a half inches across.

Oh my, you can’t put that in my mouth, it’s horrible. I won’t open up for it.

Kǎodǎ knelt in front of the helpless woman as she held the gag in her hand. “Ready, Kǒngbù?” The captor on Cassidy’s back took her hand away from the prisoner’s mouth, but any attempt by the lady to keep her mouth closed was foiled as her hair was gripped and pulled back as harsh as possible. The yelp that escaped from the captive’s open mouth was halted when the knot was forced into her mouth, and the rope on each side was wrapped three times around her face and between her teeth, before it was pulled and tight as possible and knotted off with several feet of free rope trailing from the back of her neck.

This is worse than I thought, the sides of my mouth are pulled back and the rope is digging into my skin.

“We will take you back to our camp now so that you can be tied to the pole, evil Cowgirl, and you can be punished for your crimes.” Each of the assistants took an arm of the prisoner who was forced to rise from the floor before she was made to walk over to one on the narrower pillars, and the captive was made stand with her back against the structure. Her hands were taken around to the other side of the pillar with her wrists crossed, and another length of blue rope was wrapped seven times around her wrists both vertical and horizontal, with three cinches to tighten the rope.

I’m tied to the pole now, and it can’t get any worse. No, you can’t! There was a cry from the bound woman as she was forced to kneel on the floor, and her ankles were crossed behind the pillar where they were bound in the same manner as her wrists. This is getting worse and worse. Kǒngbù took the two free ends from the rope gag and took them around the pillar so that theycould be tied on the other side, so that the captive’s head was forced against the column. While this was happening, Kǎodǎ took a length of rope which was wrapped a dozen times around the pillar and the chest of the prisoner so that her body was fixed into place.

“I think that we should apply the pole torture now.” Kǒngbù said as she pulled a set of steps over to the column before threading a long piece of rope through the high ring and tying one end to the wrists of the bound lady. The rest of the rope was taken under the captive’s crossed ankles and both captors pulled on the free end which caused the helpless woman to shriek in horror, before the end was tied off at her raised ankles.

You’ve lifted my feet high off the ground and my hands are being pulled up! You are making this a real torment for me, and I don’t know how long I can last like this with the strain on my shoulders and knees.

“I knew that our swot would play our game well.” Kǒngbù said. “Just look at the distress on her face.”

“Thank you for playing the game, Miss Goody-Goody.” Kǎodǎ said. “However, it is time to go inside for assembly. I hope that you get free from the game in time, as Headmistress Sǐwáng can get very nasty with girls who are late.”

Please don’t leave me like this! Cassidy sobbed in her torment as the two ladies walked away from her…

Re: Cassidy's Kidnapping FFF/F

Posted: Tue May 08, 2018 12:04 pm
by Soraka
It wasn’t long before Cassidy discovered that it was impossible to remain still in her strict bondage, but this added to the constant torment that was being inflicted on her by her position.

My knees and shoulders are already in a terrible state because of the way that I have been bound, and any movement increases the strain in one or the other. My ankles and wrists are so high that I am unable to find any comfort whatsoever, and I have to suffer from having my body supported by my knees as well. If I try to lower my ankles, I end up pulling my wrists up even more which add to the ache in my shoulders, and whenever I move my wrists down, my ankles are lifted up further with the result that my knees hurt even more. This is a very effective means of torment as I cannot rest, and I will continue to move which means that I will end up performing acts of self-torture.

As the lady squirmed in her captivity, she knew that there was nothing she could do to make her situation any better, but understanding this did not help her to remain still as her body reacted in an instinctive manner when any ache or pain grew stronger. All she ended up doing was transferring her suffering from one point to another, and it seemed that her suffering grew in the process as the minutes passed by, with her whimpers becoming a constant sound.

I can’t even lower my head as the two ladies tied my gag to the pillar which leaves me stuck in this position, and trying to move in any way causes the rope to chafe against my skin and mouth which makes my gag even more unpleasant. It don’t know how long will it be before someone comes to me and unties me from this pillar, but I’m sure that I will end up in an even worse situation after that.

The ache in the captive’s shoulders caused her to force her wrists down and she yelped through the rope gag as her ankles were pulled up which increased the discomfort in her knees. She endured this as much as possible until the feeling in her knees became intolerable, and the prisoner had no other choice but to move her feet back down, forcing her wrists up in the process. As the prisoner knelt helpless in her suffering, there was almost a jump for joy as one of the sheets rustled with Kaoda’s voice being heard from behind it.

“I think that the naughty truant may be in this area, after all this is where they normally play their games.” She said as the two ladies came into view. “Oh there she is and she’s playing some kind of tie-up game, probably Cops and Robbers.”

It only took a few seconds for the assistants stood before the suffering captive who was whimpering and pleading in the faint hope that they would show her some mercy. “Do you know how much trouble you are in, Cassandra?” Kongbu said. “The headmistress has sent us out to look for you as you missed assembly, and she is most displeased at your lack of attendance. We are supposed to take you to her personal classroom, but it appears that we are going to have to free you from the pole first.”

“Kongbu, look at the way our naughty pupil has got herself all tied up. It’s almost as she has been tortured with these ropes.”

It is torturing me, after all you two are the ones who tied me up like this. Just get me out of this, please. What are you two doing now?The feeling of fear increased inside the helpless woman as the two ladies walked around the back of the column, and she felt something pressing against the top of her feet. No, please don’t do anything to my legs!

“Kaoda, look at the way the rope is tied around her wrists and ankles. I wonder what would happen if I press down with my foot.”

No, no, for goodness sake. NO! A loud shriek came from the captives gagged mouth as Kongbu pressed down with her right foot, and the ache in Cassidy’s shoulders became intolerable. Please stop it, you’re going to pull my arms off! Please! Please!

“May I try it?” Kaoda asked “I loved how she screamed and squirmed just then.”

“Go ahead.” Kongbu said as she took her foot away from the feet of the prisoner who knew that this relief was only going to be temporary, and she tried to prepare herself for the next act of torment.

However, there was nothing that she could do that would cope with the forcing down of her ankles, and this lifted up her wrists which again caused her to cry out as the ache in her arms was magnified.

“Now swot, when the Headmistress asks you if you got tied up playing Cowgirls and Indians, you nod your head.” Kongbu said. “If she asks you if you knew the girls who tied up, you answer no. Do you understand?”

A nod of the head answered the question of the tormentor. I’ll do it, I’ll do whatever you want, just please end my torture!

“Take your foot away, Kaoda. I don’t think that Miss Goody Two Shoes will tell on us. After all, there is always dinnertime.” There was a loud sigh of relief as the pressure ended of the captive’s feet, and it took just a few more seconds for the rope that connected her wrists to her ankles via the ring to be untied by Kongbu, which allowed the helpless woman to rest her arms and legs.

My knees are still aching from having to kneel like this. Kaoda set to work untying the loose ends of the rope that held the helpless lady’s head to the pillar while Knogbu removed the length of cord that restrained her crossed ankles. The rope around Cassidy’s upper body was untied and the bound ‘schoolgirl’ was made to stand up by the assistants who pulled her up by her arms with her feet placed together. One of the blue ropes was picked up by Kaoda who wrapped and cinched the cord around the ankles of the prisoner before securing the ends together so that her legs were bound.

“Do not struggle against us, geek.” Kongbu said as she unwound the cord that secured the captive’s wrists, and Cassidy was made to hop forward twice before her hands were placed together behind her back with her palms pressed against each other. Another azure piece of rope was used to secure her wrists behind her back, but she became worried when Kaoda pulled the prisoner’s tie out from under her grey pinafore dress.

“You are to follow us to the office of the Headmistress. “Kaoda said as she gripped the end of the school tie. “Do not be so foolish as to give us any trouble.”

There was a sharp pull on the captive’s gag and she realised that Kongbu held onto the ends of the rope-gag. “This could become very unpleasant for you if you misbehave. Now, hop after Kaoda if you want to be a good little swot.”

At least I have this short period of relative comfort so that I can recover a little, but it isn’t going to last long. As she had no choice but to follow Kaoda, Cassidy took little hops so that she didn’t take any risk of falling over, but it didn’t take long to reach the large white sheet that the two ladies had approached her from. The leading captor let go of her prisoner so that she could pull hard on the sheet which fell to the floor, and the helpless lady was surprised by the sight that was in front of her. There were four desks, three small ones which were placed side by side with a basic black plastic chair with metal legs behind them, and there was a large desk with its chair in front with Mistress Siwang sitting down. There was a large bag on her desk, and each of the smaller desks had a monitor, keyboard and mouse along with a paper notepad and pencils.

Madam Swiang herself was dressed for the occasion with a white shirt and grey and black tie, but her grey pinafore dress reached down to her knees and black buttons held it together at the front. She wore grey knee length boots with a stiletto heel on her feet, and the effect was complete with a sleeveless headmaster’s gown and a square academic cap on her head.

I must admit that you look every inch a headmistress like that. If it wasn’t for the fact that I am your prisoner and being tortured, I think that I would be happy to let you tie me up. What am I thinking? For a moment, images had invaded the mind of the captive with her letting her captor put her into tight bondage. Is this one of this situations where I am trying to make myself like my captor, so that I can elicit sympathy from her?

“Why is Cassandra bound and gagged? It seems to be a very unusual way to bring a pupil before me.” The madam said as she rose from her chair.

Kaoda took hold of the prisoner’s tie before forcing her to hop over to the teacher’s desk. “She was all tied up and gagged when we found her, Headmistress. We think that she has been playing Cowgirls and Indians, rather than attending assembly and we decided to bring here before you like this, so that we can show you just how bad she has been.”

“Oh Cassandra, why have you been such a bad pupil today? You are normally such a good girl, and now you do something like this. Have you been playing a game, like they have said?”

I have no choice but to answer yes, otherwise I’ll be treated even worse. There was a nod from the helpless lady so that she could confirm the comment made by Kaoda.

“Do you know who the other girls are?” Madam Siwang said and the captive shook her head as she had been instructed by the other two. “Well, I sometimes believe in letting the punishment fit the crime, and I have an idea for this. Prefects, untie her wrists before taking her blazer off, as I don’t need that item of clothing getting in my way, and bend her over my desk.”

What are you thinking of doing to me, Madam Siwang? It took just a few seconds for the ‘prefects’ to untie the hands of the captive, and Kongbu held the arms of the blazer while Kaoda undid the buttons with the jacket being pulled off before it was left on the desk. Both ladies pressed hard on the shoulders of the helpless lady and she was soon forced to bend over so that her chest was pressing against the desk.

“Seeing as a naughty schoolgirl like you enjoys getting tied up, I am going to show you how the big girls do it.” The Madam said and the prisoner trembled as she watched the ‘Headmistress’ take two coils of the blue nylon rope out of her bag, before taking hold of the captive’s wrists and pulling them high up her back.

Ow! That’s pulling on my joints and I haven’t recovered yet. Cassidy’s hands were moved up until they were almost up to her shoulders where they were placed with her palms together, and one of the coils was wrapped ten times around her wrists with three cinches applied before the ends were knotted off. This is pulling so hard on my shoulders that is causing me to ache again, I don’t think that you could make it any worse. Just a few seconds later,, the captive realised just how wrong she was when Madam Siwang started to loop the second coil ten times around her forearms just below the elbow, and she screamed as the cord was pulled tight so that her forearms were parallel with her elbows touching. The cinching was applied with the ends tied off before the whimpering bound lady was made to stand up straight and turn around so that she could face the leader.

“What’s wrong my pupil? You like rope games, but you are unable to cope with a nice little reverse prayer. You need to be tougher than that.” Madam Siwang took a large coil out of the bag and tied one end to the elbow rope that was tormenting the prisoner, before winding it up around her body with a gap of abound half an inch each time. Once the other end was up at the wrists, the cord was pulled so tight that it bit into every area of soft flesh that it went over, until the end was tied off at the wrist rope.

This rope is digging into me all over the place where I have soft flesh, and it is an additional torture to the one that you have inflicted on my arms and shoulders. Cassidy was surprised when the rope around her ankles was untied, but she guessed that this wasn’t because of an act of kindness.

“Walk over to the centre desk and sit down on the black chair, you bad pupil.” Madam Siwang said as she selected some more blue rope, and the helpless lady knew that she was no position to do anything other than comply, so she walked over and sat down on the chair. Trying to find a comfortable position was impossible, as the way that her arms were bound ensured that she couldn’t rest with her back to the chair. The Madam tied one end of a length of cord to the left rear leg of the chair, before taking it over the captive’s hips and looping it around the left rear leg with it being taken over the prisoner’s hips again to the right leg where it was tied off.

“Kaoda, Kongbu, could you come over to behind the chair, and could one of you carry the small black bag over as well.” Madam Siwang said as she double stranded a length of rope, before looping one end ten times around the right ankle of the captive with the end tied off with several feet trailing off. The two assistants were behind the chair by the time that the leader had bound the prisoner’s left leg and the helpless lady could do nothing but watch as they threaded the ends of the ropes around the horizontal bar that connected the two rear legs of the chair. “Pull, ladies.”

OMG, my legs, my legs! Cassidy cried out as the duo pulled hard on the ropes that were bound to her ankles, with the result that her legs were pulled wide apart around the sides of the chair as her ankles were pulled as far back as possible. The ends of the ropes were tied to the rear legs of the chair, which left the legs of the captive locked with a high level of strain on her joints. I should have known this would be worse.

“Tut, tut, that is non regulation for a start. I may have to punish you later for that”

As the captive looked down, she could see the solid black band of the tops of her stockings were showing from underneath the hem of her dress. I’m going to be in trouble for wearing stockings as well.

“Actually, if you are going to wear them, I think that you should show them off properly.” ‘Headmistress’ Siwang said as she gripped the hem of the prisoner’s dress, and she took her time moving it up until there was an inch wide gap between the hem of Cassidy’s dress and the top of her stockings. “There, you look sexy like that.”

A groan escaped from the captive’s gagged mouth as she looked down again. You’ve exposed by legs again, embarrassing me and showing that I have no power to stop you from doing anything that you want. Now you’re making it even worse! The captive trembled as the madam took her right index finger and glided the tip over the bare flesh of the captive’s right thigh before repeating it with her left leg.

“Now, you will need to type, so I need to add something that will allow you to do this.” Cassidy’s eyes opened wide as Madam Siwang took what appeared to be a gag out of the bag, which was placed over the prisoner’s mouth with the ends buckled together at the back of her neck, and sticking a foot out from the gag was a narrow cylinder with a rounded end.

How am I going to type with this thing? After all, I’m tied to the chair, and I cannot move any closer to the table. There was a loud screech from the bottom of the chair legs as the chair was pushed forward by the madam until the side of the desk was almost pressing against the body of the captive.

“You should have no problems with typing now, my cute pupil.” Madam Siwang said, and the body of the bound woman jerked as a pair of hands were placed on her shoulders in a gentle manner. “You do look very sexy like this.” She said in a quiet voice and Cassidy was shocked when she received a brief kiss on her right cheek from her captor.

OMG, what is happening? Are you starting to like me in some weird way?

“Now, let’s get the morning class started.” The leader said as her hands ran down the sides of her captive before returning to her chair in front of the three ladies…

Re: Cassidy's Kidnapping FFF/F

Posted: Tue May 08, 2018 12:04 pm
by Soraka
Once Madam Sǐwáng had returned to her desk, she reached into her bag and pulled out a clipboard with a pen attached before walking over to her chair and sitting down. “Now the class is ready, I will commence the role call before the lesson starts.” She said as she lifted up the board, taking hold of the pen and writing a name down.

“Kǎodǎ, are you present?”

The assistant who was sitting to the right of the helpless Cassidy stood up and said “Kǎodǎ here, Headmistress.” As the ‘prefect’ sat back down, the bound captive squirmed as she started to get worried about what was going to happen very soon.

“Kǒngbù, are you present?”

Kǒngbù stood up and said “Kǒngbù here, Headmistress.” After she had acknowledged her presence, the helpless woman pulled in a frantic manner at her bonds but she knew that there was nothing she could do to free herself from her chair.

The way that this is going, my name is going to be called next and I will be unable to respond to it.

“Cassandra Blake, are you present?”Although the tied up ‘schoolgirl’ tried to move and speak, all she did was wriggle about on the seat and make muffled noises through the two gags that impeded her voice. “Cassandra Blake, are you present?” This time there was a harsher tinge to the voice of the woman as she made her request for the second time, and this caused the captive to become even more fearful as she attempted to respond as she sat in her chair.

I’m going to be in trouble now, and I think that this is the reason for the role call in the first place, so that I can end up receiving further punishment. Oh no, here she comes!

“I take the trouble of waiting until you are brought here before starting the lesson, and now you do not even bother to acknowledge your presence!” Madam Sǐwáng said as she rose from her chair before starting her walk to the desk of the defenceless woman. “Just how bad a girl are you trying to be today? You have already missed assembly and been late for class, and you are being disobedient even now. Just what have you got to say for yourself young lady!” Once the woman had reached where the captive was sitting, she slammed the clipboard down on the desk in front of the bound woman so hard that she would have jumped if the ropes weren’t so effective at holding her in place.

Please, I’m sorry I can’t move or speak. Please don’t punish me! The helpless lady looked up at her captor with sorrowful eyes in the hope that she would be treated in a merciful manner, but she yelped a moment later when Madam Sǐwáng used her left hand to take hold of the prisoner’s hair and pulled it hard so that her head would be forced back. Your going to strain my neck, please don’t do this!

“Are you a very naughty girl by not answering your role call?” The Madam said, and the powerless lady decided that it would be best to answer by nodding her head. “I’m surprised that you have admitted it. Why have are you being so bad at the moment then?”

Look at me, I couldn’t move or speak even if my life depended on it. You can see how helpless I am. Cassidy tried her utmost to move in her bonds, even though her legs were strained to such a degree that she cried out because of the ache.

“So, you are pointing out that as you are helplessly bound and gagged, you cannot answer when your name is called out. Do you expect me to accept that pathetic excuse?”

As the captive looked up at the kidnapper’s look of fury, she trembled as she expected to suffer some horrible torment at this woman’s hands. I’m in for it now, she probably twist me into a knot as some kind of torture. What happened next was unexpected as Madam Sǐwáng’s features softened, and she released her hold before patting the immobilised prisoner on the right cheek.

“Even though ending up like this is your own fault, Cassandra, I will forgo any correction this time. Be warned that if you do anything wrong, then I will have to administer a severe punishment.” The clipboard was picked up by the Madam before she spoke again. “All you have to do is make as loud a noise as possible and I will note you as having attended. Cassandra Blake, are you present?”

Cassidy did her best to cry out, and the captor smiled as she made a note on the clipboard. “There we are. Now, Kǎodǎ and Kǒngbù, you two are to continue your normal studies.” Madam Swiang said as she activated the word processor program on the monitor in front of the helpless lady. “Cassandra, you are to type in one hundred lines of the following. My name is Cassandra Blake and I have been a very naughty schoolgirl. Once this is completed, I will try and sort out some more work for you.”

I’m bound, gagged, stuck in a classroom and now I have to type with my mouth. This morning is becoming insane. The lady walked back to her chair, selecting a book to read before she sat down, and Cassidy used the extension that stuck out from her gag to start typing onto the keyboard.

When the captive started to type, she found herself to be very slow but the woman became more proficient as she gained experience in this method of typing. However, as she was carrying out her punishment, something hit her on the right side of her face, and when she looked at the ground to her right there was a rolled up sheet of paper. You threw that at me Kǎodǎ, and you are sitting at your desk pretending that you have done nothing. What was that? As the helpless lady turned her head to the left, she noticed that there was a smile from Kǒngbù as she looked at her screen, and the prisoner looked down to see another paper sphere. You two are bullying me again, and I am unable to stop it. If I keep stopping like this, I could get into trouble with the Headmistress for not doing my lines.

Cassidy started to type her lines again, even though she had to suffer the embarrassment of having rolled up pieces of paper thrown at her, but she was distracted again when there was a sharp pull on her hair. This is unfair as I won’t be able to complete this if you keep tormenting me. I need to concentrate. she put her head down and continued with her typing, but it was annoying for her to have to put up with these distractions as she attempted to finish her lines.

“Miss, miss, Cassandra doesn’t even know how to do her lines properly.” Kǒngbù said as she looked at the screen in front of the captive.

OMG, I should have concentrated more as that must have happened when I got distracted. The Headmistress will punish me for sure now. As the prisoner looked at the screen she saw the lines “I am Cassidy Bryce and I have been a very naughty schoolgirl.”

Madam Sǐwáng closed the book she was reading before putting it on the table and the leader walked over to the screen so that she could look at what was typed there. “Oh Cassandra, you have earned yourself a punishment now. Kǎodǎ, Kǒngbù, get the monitor and camera set up while I untie our very bad schoolgirl from the chair.” The gag with the extension was unbuckled with it put down on the desk, before the chair was pulled back from the desk so that the captive’s legs and hips could be untied from the chair.

What are you going to do to me after you free me from the chair?

Cassidy watched as the ropes that bound her ankles to the rear of the chair were untied, along with the rope that held her hips in place before she was made to stand up with her legs together. One of the lengths of blue cord was selected by the madam who wrapped it ten times around the prisoner’s legs just above her knees, before applying five cinches which tightened the cord so that it bit into her thighs.

“Come with me you bad girl.” A yelp escaped from the prisoner’s gagged mouth when her hair was pulled by her captor’s right hand, and she hobbled along as she was forced to walk over to the Headmistress’s chair. Once she was standing in front of the chair, she noticed that a camera was facing the chair from the right while to the left and front of the chair was the monitor with another camera.

This is looking to be very bad.

“Prefects, please stand and watch while Cassandra receives her punishment.” The two assistants stood in front of their desks as Madam Sǐwáng picked a large hairbrush out of her bag and sat down on her chair, with her right hand still holding the prisoner’s hair.

Oh no, you can’t do this to me, not with a hair brush. Please! Madam Sǐwáng took hold of Cassidy’s chest ropes and forced her lie across her captor’s lap from right to left. You are going to spank me, but why? After all, I cannot feel any pain. Oh no, the camera behind me is showing us along with my rear and I can see it on the monitor along with my face. The world is going to watch as my bottom is spanked.

“The correction of this snivelling little girl is about to start. Kǎodǎ, Kǒngbù, please be witness.” As the captive looked at the image on the monitor, she saw her kidnapper raise her right hand which was holding the hairbrush into the air for a few seconds, before bringing it down against the top of her thighs.

You’ve hit my legs and I can do nothing to stop you.

“How do you feel, child? Do you like being a helpless little girl who is about to get her bottom hit next?” Although the captive knew that she wouldn’t be hurt by these acts, she hadn’t thought about the psychological effect of the ongoing process and she yelped as the hairbrush impacted against her bottom. “See, naughty girls get their bottoms spanked, and you are a very naughty girl.”

Please stop it, the whole world is watching us. Two next two spanks landed against her thighs and bottom in turn, and she started to squirm in her bonds as she made a feeble attempt to try and dislodge herself.

“Oh no you do not.” Madam Sǐwáng said as she pushed her prisoner down with her left arm. “Bad little girls stay bent over the lap of their Headmistress until the punishment is over.” There were two more sharp strikes with the hair brush and the helpless lady felt her humiliation increase as she watched her own punishment on the monitor. “See Cassandra, you are nothing but a spoilt girl who is being punished.” Strike after strike landed against the upper thighs and posterior of the captive, and it wasn’t long before she kicked up her feet in frustration, as she cried out in her annoyance. “You are even acting like a little girl now.”

This is very humiliating, but at least you can’t make it any worse for me. Why have you stopped all of a sudden? Oh no, don’t do that, please don’t.The captive stared at the monitor as her captor took hold of the hem of Cassidy’s dress, and the lady started to pull the bottom of the dress up at a slow rate. First the thick black band at the tops of her stockings was exposed, along with the bare flesh at the top of her legs, and it wasn’t long before there was the first glimpse of her grey panties. You’re showing me off to the world again just so you can embarrass me in front of everyone.The pulling up of her dress by her tormentor continued until all of her panty clad posterior was on show to the camera behind her, which could be seen by anyone who was watching the live feed. Please put my dress back down, my panties can be seen by everyone.

“So, you are unhappy about your dress being lifted up, my bad little girl.” Madam Sǐwáng said as she watched her prisoner struggle and moan while she was forced to lie in this position. “If you were a big lady, the answer would be simple. All you have to do is pull the hem of your dress back down over your panties and you will be okay.” As the prisoner’s wrists were bound between her shoulder blades this was an impossible task, but the helpless woman ended up in a futile struggle as she tried to move her hands. “See what a useless little girl you are, you cannot even pull your own dress down. I will now administer the proper part of your correction now.” She said as she lifted the hairbrush again. “One hundred.”

You are going to spank me one hundred times on my bottom, like this? That is monstrous. Cassidy watched in horror as the hairbrush whacked her on the bottom and even though it wasn’t a strong blow, she was humiliated by the action as she watched it on the monitor.

“Ninety-nine.” it seemed to the helpless lady as if her captor was raising her arms as slow as she could, and the leader kept her hand up for several seconds before bringing the implement of torment back down onto the bottom of the helpless woman.

You are prolonging this as long as you can, so that you can have the maximum effect on me!

“Ninety-eight.” This punishment continued down to where the count reached sixty two, at which point the punished prisoner became so frustrated that she screamed out in anger as she struggled in her bonds, kicking her heels up to her bottom. “That was such a silly thing to do, Cassandra, but then you are a stupid little girl. After all, I have lost count so that I will have to start all over again. One hundred.”

You monster, if I do anything that will cause you troubled you will just take it back to the start. I’m going to suffer another thirty acts of degradation. Cassidy winced at each of the first twenty blows as she looked at the screen and there were many messages that were congratulating Headmistress Sǐwáng for punishing the ‘spoiled little brat’ who had misbehaved. After this point the shame of her situation grew on the suffering captive and she started to whimper for the next fifteen blows as she found herself weakening under the mental strain.

The effect on her mind was so such that when her tormentor had counted down to sixty five, tears started to well up in her eyes as she attempted to halt the sobs in her throat, but she was affected more by each blow. When her tormentor said “Thirty eight,” the prisoner could no longer hold back her distress at her disgrace and she started to cry, with tears running down her cheeks.

Please stop Headmistress, I have learned my lesson and I will be a good girl. Just end my punishment. There was no relenting by the prisoner’s kidnapper who counted down all the way to “One.”, before the punishment was over and the sobbing woman was made to stand upright.

“All spanked girls should be made to cry, as it is part of the punishment. Now, Cassandra, have you learned your lesson?” Madam Sǐwáng said and Cassidy nodded which dislodged a few tears that fell to the floor before lowering her head in shame. “Now, you will bend over my desk and remain in that position until I tell you to change.” Again there was a nod from the tearful lady and she took small steps as she turned to her left, before the woman stood at the table where she bent over so that her body was pressed against the surface.

Cassidy didn’t know how long she remained like this, but at some point Madam Sǐwáng said “It’s break time, so your two can go out now. Cassandra will remain bent over the desk.” There was the sound up two people getting up from their desks before walking away which was followed by the opening and closing of a door, and Cassidy knew that she was alone with her captor.

“Sit on my chair, now!”

I don’t think that I can take any more punishment at the moment. Although the captive was frightened of what was going to happen to her, she rose from the desk so that she could sit down on the chair, and her captor looped a blue rope around the prisoner’s hips and the rear legs of the chair so that she would be immobilised.

Are you going to slap my face now? She was surprised when her captor started to unbutton her dress from her knees to her hips and the bound woman got a glimpse of the Madam’s black stocking tops. What was even more surprising was the kidnapper sitting astride Cassidy’s legs before she was held in a warm embrace.

“Oh Cassandra, I am sorry for the punishment, but I was so angry when you brought up that Cassidy Bryce nonsense again.” Madam Sǐwáng said before planting several kisses on the neck of the helpless lady and running fingers through her hair. “It was as if you were trying to upset me.” At this point the voice of this kidnapper’s voice lowered to a whisper. “If I don’t lose my temper in the meantime and you are in one piece on Thursday morning, then I will free you. That is so long as your friends don’t do something stupid like trying to find or rescue you. That is a promise, and I always keep my word.” There was a long kiss on the left cheek of the prisoner as her captor cuddled her.

Is this actually happening? Is this one of those cases where the kidnapper falls for the captive? OMG, no one could have heard this, so Cassandra won’t know what is happening. What if they ruin everything by trying to help? I could end up dead because they think that I need to be rescued!

Re: Cassidy's Kidnapping FFF/F

Posted: Tue May 08, 2018 12:05 pm
by Soraka
“I am still angry at what you did to me at our last meeting, though.” Madam Sǐwáng said in her quiet voice. “This needs to be worked out of my system before I am back to normal, so you will have to go through a lot because of this. It will end on Thursday morning though.” As she leant back a little, the kidnapper caressed the sides of her prisoner as she went back to speaking in her normal voice. “I know that it has been two years since our last meeting, Cassandra, but you do seem to be different than how I remembered you to be. You seem to be a warmer and more pleasant lady than before, and dare I say it, far more attractive. To be honest, this is an improvement on the previous you, and I like the way that you have changed.”

Now that I know that you would kill me if I wasn’t Cassandra Blake, this would be more than a little troubling, but you have accepted me as her. What are the odds not only of two people having a similar appearance and having the same medical condition? I will have to find out once I’m free.

“If you had been like this two years ago when we last met, instead of being so cold and aggressive, I would have been far more inclined to have listened to your suggestion that I put an end my less reputable activities. However, your behaviour at the time just ended up escalating the situation and led to the incident that ended up with me having to have a new ugly face.”

It’s almost as if you are pouring your heart out to me over what happened. I have a feeling that this Cassandra has a far different personality to me, which I may be able to use to my advantage. Anyway, why are you saying that you are ugly? You are a beautiful woman. Could part of your problem be due to the fact that you are unhappy about your appearance? Perhaps if I convince you that you are beautiful, I may end up making you like me more, and improve my chances of getting out of this in one piece. As it was truthful in the first place, Cassidy shook her head and attempted to say “You’re not ugly, you’re beautiful.” to the woman who kept her prisoner.

“Oh Cassandra, did you just say that I’m beautiful? But I’m ugly, I’ll even show you just how bad I look now, compared to what I looked like before.” The woman reached over to pick up her tablet from the desk before pressing a few icons and turned it around so that Cassidy could see the image. “See, I was better looking then.”

Oh come on, you were okay then, but your new look is great. Whoever did the reconstruction made you look very beautiful. Again the helpless lady shook her head while she said through her gag “You are beautiful.”

“Why thank you Cassandra, and you have the look of sincerity on your face, so I believe you. Do you know that this is the first time since the operation that I have felt good about my new face? I doubt that it is good enough to kiss though.” The madam said as she leaned forward she that her face was close to her prisoner’s.

Are you joking? If this was just a game, I would kiss you in an instant. It would soften your attitude towards me, so perhaps I should do this, even if you weren’t pretty. Cassidy tilted her head a little to the right, closed her eyes and leaned forward as far as she could in her restraints so that she could press her gagged mouth against that of her captor. The response in the Chinese lady was incredible as she held her prisoner in a warm embrace before returning the kiss to her prisoner, with them together in a passionate clinch for some time. Oh my, I’m enjoying this myself. Am I becoming emotionally attached to Madam Sǐwáng? After all it does happen in situations like this.

“Miss, what are you doing with the pupil?” Kǎodǎ said and Cassidy opened her eyes to see the two assistants standing there with disapproving looks on their faces while Madam Sǐwáng blushed with embarrassment.

“I was- I was forcing myself onto the evil Cassandra as a method of punishing her.” Madam Sǐwáng said as she rose from the shared char before untying the rope that held the prisoner to the chair. “Let that be a lesson to you, young lady and I hope that you have learnt from this punishment. Now sit down in your chair and stay there until lunchtime.” As the helpless woman made her way to her desk and sat down, she noticed that her captor buttoned up her dress before sitting down.

The remainder of the captive’s time at the desk was uneventful, and she found herself becoming a little bored as time went on, but it wasn’t too long before the Madam stood up. “It’s lunch break now, so if you three ladies would like to play outside, I will rest before lunch is served.” She said, and she walked over to the door before leaving the room with the three girls still in it.

“Come on, Cassandra. She said that we have to leave the classroom.” Kǒngbù said as she took hold of the prisoner’s chest ropes before lifting her out of the chair. “Kǎodǎ, how about making Little Miss Kissy-Kissy play our special game of hopscotch?”

“Yes.” Kǎodǎ said as she picked up one of the blue ropes, before putting the feet of the captive together so that the rope could be wrapped fifteen times around her ankles with four cinches that tightened the cord. “There, she has no choice but to hop around. Now move, Teacher’s Pet!”

The last two words were spat out with such venom that Cassidy trembled as she stood there and she realised why they seemed to be acting different than before. Teacher’s Pet, that means that they are angry with the way that Madam Sǐwáng was behaving towards me. The last thing they expected was for us to be kissing, and I think that I might be worse off with them, than with their leader. This does not look good and it might be better if I stay still. Although she knew that an act of defiance wouldn’t stop these two ladies from doing their worse, at least she would have the consolation that they would have to use force.

“You disobedient whore!” Kǎodǎ said as she grasped the hair of the captive before pulling her head back hard. “Kǒngbù, we have to tech this harlot a lesson for seducing Madam Sǐwáng. Use the rope of humiliation!” Kǒngbù opened her satchel, pulled out a long piece of blue rope, tied one end around the bound woman’s waist with it knotted together behind her back, and Cassidy soon learned why this rope had its name when the other end was threaded between her upper thighs before it was taken over the waist loop at the front where it was pulled tight.

It’s pressing against me, right against my body!

“Now seductress, you have two choices.” Kǒngbù said, holding onto the other end of the rope. “You can hop after us, or you can be pulled down to the floor and end up being dragged along anyway.” Kǒngbù started to walk away from the fake classroom, taking small steps and Cassidy knew that if she didn’t follow right away, the rope would become tight before it would force her off balance so she hopped as fast as she could after her tormentor.

“I knew that you could be persuaded to play with us, Cassandra.” Kǎodǎ said, releasing the captive’s hair before picking up the two satchels. “We have a few games that are suitable for a woman of your standards. Look, you are even exposing your stockings again, you bad schoolgirl.”

You two are worse than your leader in doing this to me, and you may not have her level of restraint. Cassidy was forced to continue hopping after Kǒngbù, but even though she attempted to move as fast as she could, the cord did become tight against her body which inflicted further humiliation on her. She was led around the rest of the warehouse for a while as if she was an animal on a leash, until they were near one of the pillars with a set of steps set up right by it.

“This should be a good place for the Teacher’s Pet to play in another of our special games. Kǎodǎ said as she put the satchels on the floor. “We can remove the special rope that she has on her.” Kǒngbù walked back to the helpless ‘schoolgirl’ and untied the knot that held the rope in place.

That is much better, at least I don’t have the indignity of that rope pressing against my body. What are you doing now? The defenceless woman watched as the rope was wrapped twice around her thighs above the hem of her dress so that the clothing was pressed against her legs with the ends tied together at her front in a very large bow. Why have you tied my legs together like this? After all my thighs are already bound above the knees so this seems to be rather pointless.

“Let’s get her ready for the next game.” Kǒngbù said and the helpless lady was forced to lie down on her back as Kǎodǎ took a very long rope out of her satchel before tying one end to the ankles of the prisoner.

Cassidy started to struggle in her bonds as Kǎodǎ went up the steps, so that she could thread the other end of the rope through the upper ring before taking it down to the lower ring and feeding it through there. No, for the love of-, you can’t possibly be thinking of doing that. NO! The two women pulled on the end of the rope so that the captive was dragged a little at a time along the floor, until her feet were almost underneath the ring where they were lifted up into the air. Soon her feet were so high up that her legs were almost vertical, at which point her bottom was raised up and her shoulders moved along the floor, until the captive’s body was underneath the ring where she last all contact with the floor with her back to the pillar. I’m hanging by my feet! You’ve suspended me in the air like a piece of meat! Let me down, please! As the captive had no other option left to her, she begged and pleaded through her gag to her captors in the faint hope that they will be merciful to her.

“Listen to her.” Kǎodǎ said “Whimpering like the little child she is. You really are a pathetic little girl, Cassandra, scared of hanging upside down for a little while.”

“Yes, and we haven’t even begun to play our new game. Would you like to do the grand unveiling Kǎodǎ?” Kǒngbù said as she took hold of the chest rope that was wrapped around the prisoner’s chest, so that she could be pulled a little away from the column.

What horrible thing are you doing to me now? Isn’t it bad enough that you have me upside down and frightened while I’m bound and gagged? No, this will be even worse!

“Thank you Kǒngbù. I think that the whole world will enjoy the degradation of our prisoner.” Kǎodǎ said as she put her hands on the rope that was around the prisoner’s upper thighs, and the helpless woman knew that her situation was going to become much worse. The ends of the cord were pulled so that the knot was untied and the rope was pulled away from the captive’s legs with the result that the part of the dress that was below her waist fell down so that it hung from her body.

I’m exposed! Everyone watching can see my grey panties and I can’t cover myself up. Even my navel is showing.

Kǒngbù released the chest ropes so that the exposed lady fell back against the column, and the poor woman was turned around so that she was made to face the pillar. “Our schoolgirl is being very naughty, showing off her panties in this way.” Kǒngbù said “It is obvious that she has no shame. Do you have anything suitable to administer some kind of corrective punishment?”

“I think I have just the thing in my satchel, as I was planning on having a game later.” Kǎodǎ said as she took two objects from her satchel before handing one to her companion.

Table tennis bats, you are going to use table tennis bats on me. I’m going to be spanked while I am hanging upside down with only my panties covering my bottom. This is far worse that the punishment that I received from Madam Sǐwáng!

“Thank you Kǎodǎ. I think that everyone will enjoy watching our special game of table tennis. We should take it in turns to spank her so that she learns that it is not a good idea to become the Teacher’s Pet. You should go first, Kǎodǎ, seeing as they are your paddles.”

Please just let me hang here, you don’t have to spank me. No! The first blow landed on Cassidy’s bottom, and although she knew that no physical harm would come to her, the effect on her mind from the impact was very effective. She held back a sob as the second strike against her posterior occurred, and she knew that this was only the beginning of her latest torment. It only took a few more smacks by the paddles for the captive’s sobs to become clear to the women who were tormenting her, and after another dozen blows her eyes started to well up from her ignominious treatment.

“Look at the little cry-baby, she can’t even handle a little fun.” Kǎodǎ said.

“Just think about this.” Kǒngbù said. “The mighty Cassandra of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service bawls her eyes out because of a little spanking. I wonder what her superiors think of her now.”

Cassidy struggled in her bonds as blow after blow landed on her derriere and she found it hard to stop herself from bursting into tears as the two accomplices continued, with them looking down at her with malevolent smiles on their faces. After a while though, there did come a moment when Kǒngbù lowered her arm as she looked at her companion.

“Kǎodǎ, do you want to put the ping pong bats away, so that we can lower our little girl down so that we can take her to the opposite column?” Kǒngbù said as she handed over the paddle.

“Yes Kǒngbù. After all, what is going to happen to this bitch will be the best part of our playtime.” Kǎodǎ put the bats back into her satchel before holding onto the rope with Kǒngbù and untying the knot that secured it to the lower ring.

The bound woman was lowered back to the floor, the rope to her ankles was untied before she was forced to stand on her feet and hop to the opposite column to the one that she was just hanging from. The chest rope around the helpless lady was untied, and she was forced to face the column so that the cord could be wrapped around her body and the pillar before the ends were secured. One end of another rope was tied to the bonds around her wrists by Kǎodǎ, and the other end was threaded through the floor ring of the opposite column before it was pulled so hard that it put extra strain on the captive’s joints, making her suffer more than before. The rope that was used to hang Cassidy upside down was tied to her ankles by Kǒngbù who pulled on the other end so that her ankles were lifted into the air and her legs were bent back at the hips.

This is sheer torture! At least you can’t do anything else to me now! However, what she heard next convinced her that there was even worse to come.

“Kǒngbù, do you remember when we had that girl tied up and we stripped her naked before putting the recording on the internet. Plus there was the other time when the bound and gagged lady had her dress cut away? I wish we could something like that with Cassandra.”

“Yes, Madam Sǐwáng disapproved of that, so she forbade us from removing any clothing or exposing any part of her body.” Kǒngbù said.

“I have an idea to humiliate Cassandra into the ground. She will still have all of her clothes on her and not an extra inch of flesh will be shown.” Kǎodǎ said.

“Go ahead then, Kǎodǎ.” Kǒngbù said, and Cassidy shrieked as Kǎodǎ put her hands up the captive’s dress in order to take hold of the waistline of her panties, and the poor lady screamed again and again as the garment was pulled down an inch at a time.

My panties! Oh please no, not my panties! Not in front of everyone!

Kǎodǎ continued to pull the item of underwear down, until it was around the knees of the degraded woman who started to sob at the treatment that she had received.

“Kǎodǎ, we are not allowed to expose the prisoner, but what if she exposes herself?” Kǒngbù said.

“That is true, Kǒngbù, if that happens then it is her own fault.” Kǎodǎ said.

“In that case, Kǎodǎ, pull on her gag rope so that her head goes as far back as possible which will cause her neck to be strained.” There was another scream from the captive as this was done, and Kǒngbù took a safety pin out of her satchel which she used to attach the gag rope to the hem of the captive’s school dress.

“You have two choices, you little whore. You can keep your head back and suffer the torment, or you can move you head forward and show off you pretty bare bottom to the internet.” Kǒngbù said. “Come on, Kǎodǎ, we will leave the harlot here and watch this in the other rooms.”

Please, don’t leave me like this!

The two ladies walked away from the tormented victim who started to cry while she fought to keep her head in position as the ache in her neck grew stronger…

Re: Cassidy's Kidnapping FFF/F

Posted: Tue May 08, 2018 12:05 pm
by Soraka
It was just a minute later when the suffering women heard two set of footsteps approaching, and she realised in an instant that it was the same ladies who left her in this torturous predicament. This is only a tease, you’ve come back to disconnect the end of my rope gag from the hem of my dress and pull my panties back up! However, her bubble of elation was burst when she managed to see her captors out of the corner of her right eye, and she saw that Kǒngbù was pushing the cabinet with a monitor on top while Kǎodǎ was carrying the camera that was connected to the top of a tripod.

Once the two women were close enough, Kǒngbù opened the front of the cabinet, retrieved an item and closed the cabinet before fixing the object to the pillar just above the captive using a long, wide black vinyl strap. OMG, it’s a tablet on an omni-directional mount and it is displaying the same view as the monitor does. Kǎodǎ, oh please don’t! You’ve placed the camera and zoomed in so that my bottom almost fills the screen, and everyone can see how the trailing rope from my gag is pinned to the hem of my dress. Not only that, but my dress is only just covering my bottom, and if I move my head forward, the world will get a close up of my buttocks. You two have made this much worse for me.

“I thought that having a rear end view might encourage you to keep your head back. After all, even though everyone can switch between all of the cameras in here, your backside is probably going to be the most viewed item on the planet.” Kǒngbù said.

“Just think of what the result will be if you fail, Cassandra.”Kǎodǎ said. “Your act of self-exposure will become international news, just as everything else has up to now and I can just imagine the headline, ‘Cassandra Blake in Bare Bottom Bondage Fiasco’. There are people out there who have come up a theory, and they think that all of this is just a publicity stunt so that a new singing sensation can have the maximum attention when she starts her career.”

“The television news are condemning what is happening to you, but being the two-faced people that they are, they seem to be very willing to show everything that we are doing to you.” Kǒngbù said. “I wouldn’t be surprised if the news ends up with the highest television ratings while you are our prisoner.”

“We must go now, so that you can spend time with your many millions of adoring perverts.” Kǎodǎ said. “Come along, Kǒngbù. Oh, and bottoms up, Cassandra.” There was the sound of the women leaving the helpless woman for a second time as she tried to keep on eye on them, but they disappeared from view just before there was the sound of a door opening and closing.

That’s it, I’m on my own and I would have preferred the previous torture where my arms and legs were around the pillar, rather than the one that I am currently having to endure, with me having to choose between the pain in my neck or complete and utter humiliation.

As the kidnap victim looked up at the screen, there were various messages appearing, with some telling her to hold on while others saying that she should give up and let everyone see her bare cheeks. There are a lot of perverts out there, but at least there are people out there who still care. Not that is does any good to me.

The ache in the captive’s neck increased as time went on, and the helpless woman started to sob as she knew that it would become impossible for her to maintain this position for much longer. Soon I’m just going to have to surrender to showing my posterior to anyone who will be watching, and the news broadcasters are going to have a field day when this happens. I wouldn’t be surprised if they are the ones telling me to give up and expose myself, so that they can get even more ratings. The worst part is that I’m not even seeing anything from S515, but whoever it is probably can’t be bothered with me. Oh no, not this early!

This was the moment that the muscles in her neck started to weaken and her head shifted forward just a little, but it was enough to put on view that one location, that special point where four fleshy creases met that signified the end of her legs and the beginning of her bottom. I can’t even move my head back again as I no longer have enough strength in my muscles. Madam Sǐwáng and her accomplices must be having a field day as they watch me on their viewing screen in the other rooms. And they must be laughing their heads off while I struggle to keep what dignity I have left.

There was no relief for the prisoner as her torment continued and each time that she weakened a little, her head moved a little further forward which soon resulted in the full revealing of the double curves of her bottom. If this goes up any further then I might as well give up altogether, because there is no point trying to hide my bottom when too much of it is already on show. Tears were streaming down the face of the helpless woman as she made the decision to lift her head up straight as the torment in her neck was of more concern to her than the humiliation of her self-exposure. They have already seen so much, they might as well see the rest of me. At least I can relax my head now.

As she turned her head to the right, she could see the misery on her own streaked face along with the camera view of her naked bottom with the hem of her grey school-dress at the top. I see that a lot of you are enjoying the fact that I am forced to be in this situation. How would you feel in someone you loved was made to expose themselves for all to see? You lot probably don’t care about anyone else anyway, so why am I bothering?

Cassidy was so upset with her situation that she closed her eyes for a minute in order that she could at least shut out everything else, but when she opened them again a new line appeared amongst the text.


S515, you are back! At least you understand just how bad it is for me. However, she was surprised by what the single line texts appearing in the flood of messages said next.


Fortunate? How can this be bloody fortunate? I’m tied to a concrete pillar with my ankles in the air, my arms are tormented, my panties are around my knees and everyone can see my bottom!


How can this upset her? After all she wants me humiliated in front of the whole world.


Play the victim? Given the way that I am being tormented at the moment, I cannot play anything else other than the victim. The worst thing is that I cannot speak back to you because of the gag in my mouth, but if I did try to speak then I could end up letting them know that you are sending me messages.


My worry about that is the reaction from the two accomplices, as they have already noticed Madam Sǐwáng’s behaviour towards me, and this must be why they have humiliated me in this manner.


you are the only good thing in my entire existence right now, please don’t go. As the captive watched the last entry on the screen, she pleaded and begged for even one extra line of text from S515, but there was just the same perverted messages being sent to her. While the degraded woman focused on the screen in the hope in seeing more text from her mysterious friend, she ignored everything else around her including the sound of a door opening and closing.

“Cassandra! Just what the hell do you think you are doing, looking like that? You of all people should know better than to show off that part of your body in this manner!” Cassidy was startled by Madam Sǐwáng’s voice, and she looked over her left shoulder to see the very angry woman walk towards her, moving as fast as she could across the floor.

Please don’t hurt me! It isn’t my fault, your companions tied me up like this and pulled my panties down. Your behaviour is different this time as you appear to be both angry and upset at how I look. I just hope that you don’t do something very stupid to me as a result.

“Just how on earth did you manage to convince my assistants to do this to you, knowing what effect his would have on me? Did you offer them something?” Madam Sǐwáng said as she walked up to Cassidy’s left, where she stopped before raising her right hand over the bare bottom of the prisoner. “I have always thought that you would never use this against me, no matter how bad things were between us.”

The captor shouted as she brought her hand against the bare bottom of her prisoner again and again, and the embarrassed woman could tell how hard she was being struck by the sour taste in her mouth. Even though you are doing this because you are furious instead of trying to humiliate me and this isn’t going to hurt, but my bottom will end up turning red, and I am just about holding back the tears. As spank after spank landed on the captive’s unprotected posterior, one glance at the monitor showed her that her bottom was becoming redder with each blow, and she started to sob as she knew that everyone could see her being spanked again. After another minute of her punishment had gone by, Cassidy could no longer contain her reaction as she started to cry with the tears flowing down her face. You should be happy, Madam Sǐwáng, as you have again treated me with indignity.

The most unusual thing about the prisoner bursting into tears was that it shocked the woman who was smacking her, with the result that it brought her punishment to a halt. “Oh Cassandra, I am so sorry. Can you ever forgive me?” As the victim looked over her left shoulder, through her soaked eyes she was amazed to see her captor taking little backward steps with her hands over her mouth, and it appeared as if the woman was in a state of shock.

You’ve kidnapped me, tormented me to the point of torture and even used psychological degradation on me, yet a fierce bare bottom spanking is too much for you? This whole situation seems to be far more complex than it first seems. Has something happened what causes you to think that this is something wrong?

Cassidy trembled as the woman approached her again, but she was surprised when her panties were pulled up again before the safety pin that connected her trailing gag rope was removed so that her dress fell back down over her bottom. You’ve covered me back up again, yet you could have kept me suffering from my exposure.

“Kǎodǎ, Kǒngbù, I know that you two will be watching this stream. Get out here, NOW!” As Cassidy looked to her left, she could see the door open before the two ladies walked over to their superior and there was a genuine look of fear on their faces as they stood trembling in front of her.

“Would one of you care to explain how I came out her to find that Cassandra’s panties were around her knees and you had ensured that here bottom was on view to everyone?” After Madam Sǐwáng spoke, there was nothing but silence from the two assistants as they tried to avoid looking the woman in the eye. “No answer? Will one of you even tell me what you did, or will I have to check the recordings? Come on, Cassandra could not have done this to herself after all, the knots that are binding her arms are still in place!”

Kǎodǎ was the first to respond, although she was very hesitant and it almost seemed that she knew what the consequences would be. “I pulled her panties down, Madam Sǐwáng. As the hem of the dress was lowered at the time, no more of her body would be shown.”

“Was it your idea to make sure that the trailing rope from her gag was pinned to the hem of her dress at the back?”

“That was my idea, Madam.” Kǒngbù said. “Her head was pulled back and I attached the end of the rope gag to her dress so that she would expose herself if she straightened her head up.”

The Madam’s voice rose as she started to untie the rope that was bound to the ankles of the helpless lady which kept her feet in the air, and Cassidy was thankful that she was able to stand once again. “You two know how much I hate having personal areas of the body exposed in this way. I was lenient in the previous two incidents, but I see that the lesson hasn’t been learnt. In my anger, I even ended up punishing Cassandra for something that wasn’t her fault, so you two will follow me, now!” As the helpless woman looked on, a very angry Madam Sǐwáng led her two frightened followers over to the door before leaving the room with the door closed behind them. After waiting for a minute, the captive was sure that she could hear screams that must have been coming from behind the door.

Are you spanking your own assistants? I can tell that there are two alternate voices screaming in turn, so that must be how you are punishing them. Cassidy was baffled by the behaviour of her kidnapper, but she was so intrigued by what was happening that she paid attention to the number of screams that she heard. Twenty! You struck each woman twenty times? Plus they would have felt it as well by the way that they shrieked, instead of it just being psychological with me. Their actions must have upset you to the extreme. They had their punishment in private, but if I heard them, so did the microphones on the cameras.

There was the sound of a door opening and the prisoner turned her head to see the three women walking over to her, Madam Sǐwáng in the lead with Kǎodǎ and Kǒngbù behind her. Once the bound woman was reached, the accomplices stood to her right while the Madam stood to her left.

“I think that you two girls have something to say to the woman that you mistreated.”

Astonishment would have best described Cassidy’s mental state as the two ladies bowed to her before speaking in unison. “We are very sorry for pulling your panties down and forcing you to lift your dress up. We apologise for the humiliation that we inflicted on you in this way, and we will never pull your panties down or lift your dress up again.” As the two tormentors straightened up, the helpless lady also noticed that their eyes were red and that streaks were running down their cheeks which showed that their leader had not been lenient with them.

“Now that you two have apologised, this is what I want you to do. You are to free Cassandra and take her to her chair, where you will bind her in a secure but comfortable manner. Well what are you waiting for?”

The ropes that bound the helpless lady to the pole were untied, and Cassidy let out a loud sigh as the ropes around her arms were removed, which felt so good after the long time that her joints were stressed in the reverse prayer. She was led to her chair in the mock schoolroom by the two ladies, and made to sit down before her hands were taken around to the back of the chair where her wrists were crossed. A length of rope was wrapped six times in a horizontal and vertical position around her wrists, with four cinches applied which tightened the loops with the knot tied at the top of her wrists. It was the turn of her chest to be secured next, with ten winds above and below her breasts going around her body and the chair back, and the trailing amount was taken down to her wrists, where it was looped twice before the end was tied to the horizontal bar that connected the rear legs.

Her feet were placed at the bottom of each chair leg, and her knees were positioned at the top so that her own lower legs were parallel to the front ones of the chair. Each captor took a piece of cord and wrapped it ten times around her ankles and the leg of the chair, and five cinches were used to lock her feet into place. A rope was taken around each leg, just below her knees and the chair eight times with three cinches before a single long rope was used to bind her waist to the rear legs with it going back and forth between the legs six times.

This must be the most pleasant type of bondage that I have experienced since I was abducted. The question is; What are you going to do to me now?

Re: Cassidy's Kidnapping FFF/F

Posted: Tue May 08, 2018 12:05 pm
by Soraka
“Kaoda, Kongbu, you two will sit at your desks for the time being, while I sort out Cassandra.” As the two accomplices made their way to their desks, Cassidy noticed that they appeared to be apprehensive and the duo winced when they sat down even though they tried to be as gentle as possible.

That must have been some punishment that you delivered to them if they find it painful to sit down, and I don’t think that this was part of whatever Madam Siwang had planned. Why did she react in such a way, though? I have suffered public humiliation which has brought me to tears, and the use of ropes on my body could only be described as torment and torture, yet a simple act of exposing my bottom brought out a different side of her. I don’t think that she is insane, but she is a very complex woman and from what I have heard so far, she may have a reason to be angry at Cassandra. Ironically, she may have end up having her revenge against this Cassandra as this women will have to watch as I am tormented in her place. I know that this would hurt me to the core if I was the one having to look at this. Here she comes now. Cassidy became worried as her captor walked up to her and she started to struggle in her bonds, but she was surprised when the madam unbuttoned her dress from the hem to the hips, before sitting astride the chair so that she could face her prisoner.

“I’m sorry about the behaviour of my assistants, as they went too far on this occasion.” Madam Siwang said as she embraced the helpless lady. “Even though I am very angry at you for what you did to me, there are some lines that I will never cross, unless they are crossed by others first. Oh, your darling stockings are all covered up again, but I haven’t the heart to show them to the world this time.”

I don’t think that this is about the world, you are the one who wants to see me in a more sexy light. If it makes you like me more, then I should encourage you to move my dress up a little. Hoping that the kidnapper would understand her, Cassidy tried to say “Show them off.” through her gag several times, and after a few goes it seemed as if the woman realised what she was trying to say.

“You want me to show your pretty and sexy legs to everyone? Are you sure?” There was a nod from the bound ‘schoolgirl’ to confirm this, so the woman gripped the hem with her hands before pulling it up so that that helpless lady’s bare flesh at the top of her stockings was exposed. A moment later, the prisoner was surprised when her thighs were caressed by the lady who took great delight in running her fingers over the tied up captive. “Don’t think that I will go easy on you, though, as you were the one who hurt and betrayed me. After all, you were the one who came to me, demanded that I do this and that, and when I didn’t do as you wanted straight away, you spat out filthy insults and slapped me across the face, which caused the fight that ended when you blew my face away.”

If what I’m hearing is correct, then Cassandra is in a responsible for this whole mess, and that I am the innocent victim because of her?

“The worst thing about the situation is that you were right about this group who were smuggling goods for me, and that they were smuggling women against their will. After my assistants led the team that rescued the women, they waited long enough to make sure that the ladies got their revenge. I heard that it took one of the men three days to die, but most of the women had very personal reasons to make it take that long. If only you had approached me as you had before and not treated me like some excrement on the ground that you had stepped in.”

If what I heard is true, then complex is an understatement. It almost sounds as if your feelings for Cassandra are very strong, and your anger is equally strong as a result. I hope that I live long enough to know the truth about what is going on, as I’m finding it hard to condemn the woman who is holding me prisoner.

“You two ladies, see if there lunch is ready. If it is, bring Cassandra and me a large plate with a fork on it.” The madam said as she cuddled the prisoner before planting little kisses on her cheek, and the two ladies left the room. “However, all kidnap victims need to eat so that they can keep their strength up.” The woman said as she placed her mouth close to the ear of her victim. “I don’t want you to be too weak before I set you free.”

After a few minutes had gone by, Kongbu returned with a plate that had mashed potatoes, sliced up sausages and onion gravy, and the leader untied the rope gag that had been a source of torment to the helpless lady “Thank you Kongbu, you may eat your meal and return when you are finished.” The accomplice left the room as the madam began to speak again. “You are not to speak while I feed you, if you do the meal will end. Do you understand?”

There was a nod from Cassidy to show that she understood the instructions of the woman, and the captive opened her mouth so that she could receive the first mouthful of food. For a basic meal, it tasted good and was very enjoyable and she wondered if it was her own hunger or whether the food was prepared well, but she enjoyed it as both ladies ate off the same plate until it was clean.

As the captive sat there after the meal, Kaoda walked in, and took the plate from her leader so that it could be taken to the other room before both girls returned to the fake classroom. “After another half hour which will allow your stomach to settle, you will take a bathroom break before changing into your new costume. Do not try to give us any trouble when this happens, otherwise you will be in big trouble.” Madam Siwang said, and the captive nodded in response.

I wonder what costume you have in store for me next, and what will the theme be? When I was the French Maid, you were the Mistress and I had to clean the place. When I was in the nightdress, I had to go to bed, and I have been attending school as the schoolgirl. Cassidy rested in her chair with her captor providing gentle caresses until the end of the allotted time, and all three women helped with untying the captive so that she was free. Trying to escape will prove to be a very bad idea, especially as my freedom has been promised, and I do not think that my captor is one who will go back on her word.

“After you get changed, wait in the room until there is a knock on the door, then come out after thirty seconds has passed.” Although the three started to walk towards their own room, Cassidy decided that any attempt to escape would be foolish at best, and she went to the toilet so that she could take her break.

Once she left this room so that she could move to the room that would contain her new clothes, there was no one in site, but she knew that the cameras would be watching her every move. When the lady entered the room and closed the door behind her, she looked into the red bag which contained her new costume and she laughed for a second before she runderstood the theme that would go with it. I doubt that anything that I have gone through so far is going to prepare me for this, but I daren’t push Madam Siwang past her limits in her present stage of anger. If I refuse to wear this, she might just strip me of my uniform, or even use her assistants to force me into the new outfit in that warehouse and in front of the world. I don’t want to end up naked in front of everyone, so I had better get changed.

As the lady felt that she should get this over quickly, she stripped off her schoolgirl clothing before putting it into the grey bag which was put to one side, and she opened the red bag so that she could change into her new outfit, even though she felt that she would look ridiculous in it. Once Cassidy had finished with putting on all of the clothing and accessories, she decided to look in the mirror so that she could see just how it all looked together.

It looks quite good once everything is in place, and it would even count as an original costume at a convention. The red knee length soft leather boots are just my size, the stiletto heels are great, and the white circle with the red maple leaf to the sides of the boots at the top make a nice motif. My elbow length gloves are also of the same red leather with the same motif, and the white spandex tights have little red maple leaves going down the sides of my legs. The main part of the costume is the legless spandex bodysuit with long sleeves, with the sleeves being white plus it has the same red leaves going down the sides of the arms, and on my chest is a white circle with a large red maple leaf inside. The white belt around my waist has a red maple leaf buckle, and I even have a red domino mask with an elasticated band that goes around my head. This makes an very impressive superheroine costume, but Madam Siwang and her aides are bound to be dressed as villains. If they are going to capture me, I will not make it easy for them, which will be ironic as it will be in keeping with the theme.

A knock on the door broke the captive out of her state of reverie, so she waited for half a minute before she opened the door so that she could step out, and it appeared as if her captors were as surprised by her outfit as she was by theirs. Kaoda and Kongbu looked incredible in their black vinyl catsuits, and they had accompanying knee length stiletto heeled boots along with domino masks with large black belts, but it was Madam Siwang’s outfit that took Cassidy’s breath away. Her kidnapper was wearing a sleeveless and legless black patent leather bodysuit, and the visible parts of her thighs were covered in sheer black pantyhose. The reason that only a small amount of her legs could be seen was because she was wearing thigh high length black patent stiletto boots, and her arms were covered in gloves of the same material that went almost up to her shoulders. Just a small area of her face was covered by a domino mask, but this seemed to enhance her beauty, rather than be a distraction as the trio walked up to the trembling heroine.

“Good afternoon, Captain Canada.” Madam Siwang said. “I am Lady Death, and these girls are my associates, Terror and Torture. It seems that you have discovered my lair. Well, that will prove to be your undoing as no one has ever escaped alive. Ladies, get her!”

As soon as the two catsuited ladies took a step towards Cassidy, she turned and ran away as fast as she could, but the lady discovered that she was hampered by her high stiletto heels which made it very awkward for her to run. The pursuers were far more experienced at running in these types of boots, so it came as no surprise for her to be captured in a few seconds and the woman was forced to lie prone on the floor. Kongbu, who was now called Terror, was sitting astride the captive’s knees so that she could hold onto the flailing feet, and Kaoda or Torture was sitting on the prisoner’s back while holding onto her hands.

“Thank you ladies.” Death said as she picked up a large black bag before walking up to the struggling but helpless captive. “I didn’t expect to be this easy, but perhaps Captain Canada has been overrated as a heroine. Now I have to securely bind her so that she will be unable to escape. Torture, place her hands together palm to palm.” Once the leader was at the helpless lady, she opened the bag and took out a long coil of thin black rope along with a knife before kneeling on the right side of the captive.

That looks more like thick string, rather than rope. That can’t be safe to use!

“This is quarter inch rope, Ms. Canada, and I doubt that you have tried to escape from this before.” She said as she wrapped the thin rope twelve times around the lady’s wrists before applying four tight cinches which caused the cord to bite hard and cutting the coil so that she could knot the ends together. “You are not escaping from me.” Cassidy’s legs were held down while the kidnapper wrapped the same number of winds around her ankles with five cinches added to secure them, and the cord was cut with the ends tied off.

The captive was horrified when her kidnapper took a new item out of the bag before kneeling in front of her, and she noticed her neck had one of Torture’s arms around it. “Open wide, Captain, unless you would like Torture to persuade you.”

I can’t fit that ball into my mouth, it’s bigger than the one I had to sleep in! As soon as the prisoner shook her head, there was a sharp pressure on her neck which made her feel as if she was going to pass out. You’ve got a choke hold on me! If I don’t surrender, I’ll be made to pass out anyway. A series of frantic nods by the helpless lady caused the pressure on her neck to be reduced, and she opened her mouth wide so that the large black wiffle ball of the harness gag with could be forced into her mouth. Even with her cooperating, it took more than a few seconds for the ball to be inserted, and the main straps went around to the back of her neck where they were buckled to the tightest notch possible. The inverted Y-strap went over the head where it was buckled into place, before two straps under her chin were also buckled together which forced her jaws against the ball.

This is horrible, it feels as if my jaw is going to break and the straps are biting into me!

“Torture, help me get Captain Canada back on her feet. Terror, get a monitor and hand held camera so that our prisoner can see what is happening.” As the bound and gagged woman was lifted onto her feet, Terror left and returned with the monitor cabinet which was placed in front of Cassidy, along with a camera.

Cassidy’s fingers were forced into a prayer position, before Death used the thin rope to bind her fingers and thumbs together so that they were locked in place with the captive watching it on the screen. I won’t be able to use my hands to do anything now, you’ve even tied up my fingers and thumbs! Next, the leader wrapped the cord twelve times around the arches of the prisoner’s feet before adding six cinches and securing the cord. It was the heels of the helpless lady to be bound next, as a web was wrapped around her boots at this point, and the captive realised just how locked together her feet had become. The prisoner’s arms were forced together by the two accomplices so that her elbows touched, one end of a coil was tied to the wrists of the captive and taken up about an inch, where five loops were wound with two cinches to secure it. This was repeated every inch up the helpless lady’s forearms until her elbows were reached, and the remainder of the cord was looped around and cinched above the elbows. The monitor shows that most of my lower arms are covered in rope and it’s digging into me. It’s almost as if they have been partially mummified.

One end of another length of black cord was bound to her ankles, and this was lifted up an inch before the same five loops were wind around her legs with the two applied cinches, and this went up in stages to the tops of her thighs where the final winds were added. I cannot shuffle anywhere like this and I doubt that I will even be able to jump about

“Force Captain Canada to her knees and tie a length of rope from her wrists to her ankles.” The Lady instructed, and the helpless woman looked on in fear as the two aides forced the prisoner to her knees before binding her wrists and ankles together so that she was locked into a kneeling hogtie. “You look so lovely like this, Captain Canada, bound and gagged with you kneeling at my feet. I am going to have a little fun with you, but I know better than to take too long as that will give you a chance to escape, and all of the previous villains made that mistake.”

“You see, I have some nice little death traps lined up just for you. I hope that you will make the most of the very short time that you have left!”

Please, you can’t do this to me! I thought you were going to let me go on Thursday!

Re: Cassidy's Kidnapping FFF/F

Posted: Tue May 08, 2018 12:06 pm
by Soraka
“There’s just one little adjustment that I need to make for the moment, before I start to play with our doomed heroine. “ Lady Death said as she reached into her bag, before kneeling in front of the bound woman and wrapping a length of the cord ten times around her thighs and ankles, which left the pretend heroine’s legs locked into position.

I can’t even move my legs now, even if my hands weren’t tied to my feet, and you can do anything that you want to me.

“Let’s see you get out of this one, Captain Canada, after all you have been boastful about all of the times that you have escaped. Oh wait, you’ve never had your fingers and thumbs tied up before, which leaves you unable to get out of your bonds, and the thin, biting cord won’t allow you to wriggle out this time. All you previous captors kept thinking that thicker rope was needed, but this thin rope will be far better at holding you. What’s wrong, are you too scared to struggle? After all your life depends on it.”

At this comment, the bound Cassidy started to fight against her bonds, but the mightiest struggle that she could make had no effect whatsoever on the loops and cinches that held her captive. “I’ve always wanted to do this to a pretentious superheroine, and now I have the chance.” Death said as she took her right hand up to her left shoulder with the palm flat, and the captive trembled as she guessed what this action may mean to her.

I have no way of avoiding you, if my guess of what is going to happen is correct, as I cannot even move my body to any degree. No! What the prisoner feared happened, as her right cheek received a strike from the back of her captor’s right hand, and it was just a moment later when her left cheek was slapped by the kidnapper’s palm.

“See, you can’t even protect yourself from a little bitch-slap, so some heroine you are.” Death said, and she repeated the action which caused the helpless lady to cry out at the degradation. “You are just a miserable helpless prisoner, unable to stop even the smallest thing from being done to you. Admit you are a pathetic useless little worm, nod your head to show that this is the truth, and I will put an end to your slapping.”

Tears welled up in the eyes of the captive as the slaps against her cheeks continued, but it was due to the abasement that was being inflicted on her because her condition stopped her from feeling the pain of the impacts. Please, this is horrible, by making me nod you will increase my shame even further, but if I don’t I will be crying my eyes out again. Okay, you win. As the captive was no longer able to contain her sobs at the treatment that was being delivered to her face, she nodded as the first tear ran down her cheek, which caused the kidnapper to halt in mid slap.

“See, a worm like you could not even stand a little slapping to your horrible face, and you have admitted just how pathetic and useless you are. Those cheeks of yours are red enough anyway, so I think that I will play another game with you.” Death said as she reached out with her right arm towards the captive, and placed her hand at the top of the helpless lady’s left arm, just below the joint. “The new game is called “Tipping the Bitch” and you may find this to be very interesting.”

The fear of the captive rose as a gentle pressure was applied against her left side, and she understood what was going to happen to her if this persisted OMG, this game will end up hurting me if you continue to push against me like this, please don’t do it! Begging and pleading sounds were emitted by the helpless woman as the force against her left arm increased in strength, but her captor responded with a smile that could best be described as malevolent.

“You caught on quickly, Captain, but your whining will not encourage me to stop. In fact, it makes me want to do this to you even more. By the way, the reason I choose your gag, in addition to the fact that it forces your mouth wide apart, is that there is no obstruction to you making your noises. When you scream, I want to hear it in full with nothing to get in its way.” As the pressure increased, the pretend heroine noticed that the feeling in her lower right leg increased as her body was made to be off-centre, and this caused her to make more vocal attempts to try and make her captor show mercy. “It is lovely to see the look of apprehension grow on your face as I push you over to your left side, my piece of garbage. This only needs to go so far before I no longer need to apply any pressure, so let us see just how far I need to go.”

Cassidy knew that in her present state of bondage, there was no chance of fighting against the gradual push that was forcing her to be a little more off balance with each passing second, and the fear of what was going to happen to her grew to such a degree that she just wished that her captor would just get it over with. My restraints won’t even allow me to struggle against you, and any movement may cause me to fall in an unpredictable manner which could make my situation worse.

“Just think, Captain Canada, each moment takes you closer to the second when your own body will complete your journey on its own. It will be fun to find out what happens then as you have no means of preventing this, or even cushioning your fall against the hard surface.”

That’s why you are doing this, with my wrists bound to my ankles I cannot put my arms out to halt my fall, and as my elbows are tied together the most protruding part of my arm is my shoulder joint which will impact against the ground. Having my ankles tied to my thighs stops me from twisting my body so that I could land with my hips first, and this shows that you have planned all of this well. Please, please, please stop this! The pleading by the helpless woman increased in frequency and volume, which mirrored her internal fear as she felt her body getting closer to the angle at which the centre of gravity would be too far to the right.

“That’s it, squeal away my pathetic piggy, it shouldn’t be long before you scream out loud. This is so delicious, looking at your face and listening to your whimpering as your frozen body is taken to the point when it will act on its own, and one more gentle push should do it.”

Please, no, no, no, noOOO! Lady Death performed the one more gentle push, and there was a piercing shriek from the captive as her body reached the angle of no return, but it felt to her as if she hung there for a moment before the slow but accelerating fall to the ground started. Her short descent still took long enough to finish her cry and take in another breath before the jarring impact of her shoulder against the concrete floor caused her to scream for a second time as the shock went through her arm joint. Cassidy’s cries of shock and suffering elicited no sympathy from her captors as she lay on the floor, and their response was to laugh at her plight as her shoulder started to throb. After around ten seconds, the two assistants lifted her back up into the kneeling position, but this act was not because of them feeling anything for the helpless victim.

“I think that you took just over a second for you to fall down onto your right side. Now, let us see just how much fun we can obtain from making you fall over to the left.” Lady Death said, lifting her left arm and putting her hand against the right should of the bound woman, who was trembling with fear as she knew just how her other shoulder would feel when she fell over on the other side. This torment took even longer than the first one, as the kidnapper wanted to prolong the fear for as long as possible, so that her prisoner would suffer even more. When the moment of the fall happened, the helpless lady found it even more terrifying than the first time, and there were two more screams which the trio just laughed at.

How long are you going to torture me like this? I have already landed on both shoulders and now you are lifting me up for a second time. Haven’t I suffered enough already.

“Your shrieks are like music to our ears, you useless heroine, and we still want to play this game with you for a while yet.” The leader said as she lifted her right arm up so that the torment of the captive could start all over for a third time…

Cassidy had to suffer from this torture time and time again, but she reached the moment when she could no longer control her emotions with her bursting into tears as she lay down on her left side on the floor. “What a little cry baby, Captain, you have often boasted about how tough you but in the end you are as soft as anyone else. However, we don’t want to make your short stay too uncomfortable, so we are going to change your position for a little while.” Death said while her accomplices put the sobbing victim back into a sitting position, before untying the cord that forced her ankles against her thighs and removing the rope that bound her ankles to her wrists.

Is my situation truly going to get better, or are you just telling me this so that I can be convinced to be in a more compliant frame of mind? In my current state of bondage, I doubt that I would be able to put up a fight. If you want to dispose of me, why don’t you just get it over with, as it least it would bring an end to my torment. That is the whole point though, you suffered at Cassandra’s hand and you are making me suffer in return, Her body was taken hold of by the two catsuited ladies who pulled her up to a standing position, and the leader stood in front of her before tying one end of a length of the cord around her waist.

“You can follow me, or I can just drag you along the ground. It is your choice as to how you want to travel, but I would advise you to choose quickly.”

It is no choice at all, and you know it. One small hop followed another, but this length proved to be the captive’s limit as the binding around her feet prevented any real flexibility in her movement. Her kidnapper didn’t seem to try and force her to move any faster, which suggested that the leader knew that this would be awkward to do. First you torment me and now you take it easy on me. It’s almost as if you are in two minds about how you want to deal with me. As the tied up prisoner took her small movements behind Lady Death, she noticed that the other two ladies had moved ahead to beyond another large sheet which partitioned off another area of the warehouse. Once they were up to the sheet, it was pulled away by Terror, and the helpless Cassidy stared in shock at the object in front of her for a second before her fear caused her to shriek.

“That, Captain Canada, is the Frame of Fear, and you would be right in reacting like that, as I have broken for than a few ladies with that device. They did deserve it for betraying other women, but that is irrelevant to today’s entertainment.” A seven foot square metal frame with numerous small holes was the main part of the object, with steel feet projecting several feet away from the ends at the bottom to provide stability. Torture was at the top of a stepladder feeding three black ropes of normal thickness through holes that were along the horizontal top as the bound woman was made to hop to almost under the frame before the waist rope was untied. “This is when the new fun begins.” Death said as she took one end of the rightmost rope which was wrapped three times around the wrist bonds of the captive and knotted in a secure manner, before she started to pull on the other end.

At first the helpless lady had to bend over a little as her hands were forced to move a little into the air, but this didn’t seem to be bad at all as she could remain like this with no problems. However, she wasn’t allowed to stay like this as her tormentor pulled on the rope again, which forced her to bend over more with her arms going up still further. Please, this is enough, you don’t need to take my hands up any more. Her hands were lifted up further and further, and her fear grew as her body bent over until it reached a angle where it was parallel to the ground with her arms in an almost vertical position. One more pull caused her to cry out as her joints were strained to a point where she was in constant torment, before the other end of the strappado rope was tied to her wrists which left her bound in that position.

With Cassidy’s centre of gravity no longer over her feet, the lady in bondage felt that her situation was very precarious as she seemed to be supported as much by her aching arms as by her legs. This is a double torture, because if I attempt to move then my arms will ache even more and I may end up off balance which could result in me pulling my shoulders out of their sockets. I’m forced to stay still, otherwise my present suffering will end up magnified to an unimaginable degree, and even like this I feel that I am going to fall.

“What is wrong, little girl?” Death said “Are you unable to move?” There was a nod from the bound lady as she started to beg through her gag, but in her heart she knew that this would have no effect on her torturer who smiled at her predicament. “Good, that is what should happen to a heroine like yourself, who proves to be utterly pathetic. I think that you have it too easy at the moment, so perhaps my girls will make it a little more interesting for you. Ladies, give our prisoner a new sense of balance.”

No, this is bad enough as it is, please don’t make it any worse. No! Terror threaded a length of rope through one of the holes on the bottom of the frame behind the captive before tying one end to the cord that bound her ankles together. Torture lifted up the screaming Cassidy, while Terror pulled her ankles back a little before the terrified lady was allowed to have her feet put back on the floor. The other end of the cord was tied to her ankles, and the captive was left in an even worse situation with her being unable to even bring her legs back to a vertical position. Her mind was full of fear as she trembled in her bondage and her precarious state left her with only one thought going through her mind.

I’m going to fall, I’m going to fall.

It wasn’t long before the frightened lady started to sob as the torment started to affect her mind again, but she tried to keep it in as this might rob her captors of a little of their entertainment. “Oh look girls, our pathetic protector is trying to pretend that she is okay. Perhaps you need to give her a little nudge so that she understands just how delicate things are for her.”

A little nudge? You can’t do that, you know what it will do to me! Terror and Torture walked over to either side of the helpless Cassidy, and the captive shrieked through her harness gag as Terror gave a gentle push against the right side of her body. Another scream followed a moment later as Torture pressed against her left side, and the helpless lady wondered how long it will be before one of these ladies pushes her into an angle from which she would be unable to recover. ]You are going to make me fall!

“Oh, the girly is crying again, how predictable.” Lady death said as the tormented lady started to sob for earnest as the tears started to run down her cheeks. “Just think of what your enemies would make of this right now, as I, Lady Death have broken you.”

At this moment, the captive paid no attention to the words that her kidnapper was speaking, as the only thing on her mind was when she was going to fall and suffer a far worse torture…

Re: Cassidy's Kidnapping FFF/F

Posted: Tue May 08, 2018 12:06 pm
by Soraka
“Thank you, my girls.” Lady Death said as she walked around to the front of the helpless Cassidy. “I think that she has been prodded enough for the moment, and I have plans for my useless heroine, so you two can sit down for a little while. Bring up three chairs so that we can all watch.” As the two accomplices walked over to the pretend school room so that three chairs could be retrieved, the leader picked up her bag so that she could take a towel out of it, before turning back to her suffering prisoner.

“Oh Captain Canada, what big drool you have. It appears that you are so pathetic that you cannot even stop yourself from making a mess on the floor.” While the helpless lady’s body was locked into this position, she was unable to lift her head up and swallow, so all of the liquid hung from her gag in a thin strand which reached all the way to the floor.

I can’t do anything about this, and you are using it as another form of degradation.

“Well, I will have to clean you up, seeing as you are useless in having to deal with it yourself.” Death said as she put the towel underneath the slow stream before taking it up to just below the face of the helpless woman whose lips were wiped clean. “I wonder how your cheeks will look with your own drool smeared all over them.”

Don’t you think that I have suffered enough at your hands already, in one way or another? Covering my face in my own drool would be as bad as-, no! There was a whine from the helpless lady as she shook her head with some vigour in the hope that her captor would at least relent on this matter.

“That is it, you miserable creature, beg and plead for me not to do it. Your feeble sounds can be quite entertaining at times.” Death said as she held the cloth close to the prisoner’s right cheek before taking it over to her left, with the helpless woman turning her head to avoid any contact with the soaked material. “You can be so amusing, Captain Canada, after all it is just something that has come out of your mouth, but you are desperate not to have it touch your skin. I could play this game with you for some time, but I have other plans for you.” A plastic bag was selected by the lady who placed the towel inside, before both items were put back inside the bag, and the captive was surprised when the rope that bound her ankles to the base of the frame was removed.

“You have been suffering so much at the moment that I think that you could do with some support for a little while.” The kidnapper said as she selected a long black rope which was wrapped many times around the waist of the bound heroine before the ends were knotted together. “My prisoner needs something uplifting after having been down for so long, so I am going to provide you with a little pick me up.”

This can’t be something good for me, despite what you are saying, and the rope around my waist feels more like a wide belt. I just want to know what you have in store for me. What are you doing now? One end of the second rope which hung from the top of the frame was tied around the loops of rope that went around the waist of the helpless lady at the small of her back, before the other end was threaded under the wrapped cord. No! Lady Death pulled hard on the free end of the rope so that the captive was hoisted up a little, and Cassidy screamed when her feet were no longer in contact with the floor. This is what you meant by your comments, it wasn’t about helping me, but suspending me above the ground. The only positive thing about this is that is has reduced the pressure on my shoulders a little.

Another pull on the rope lifted the captive up another half foot, and her instincts caused her to kick out with her bound legs in a futile attempt to put her feet on the floor. “It seems that you do not like to hang around, but that is amusing to me.” The woman said as she tied off the other end of the rope so that the waist rope dug into the captive’s skin before she paid her attention to the strappado cord. “I cannot let you get away with this, so I will just alter the tension again.” One end of the strappado rope was untied, and the prisoner cried out as the cord was tightened so that her shoulder joints were strained to an intolerable level before the end of the rope was knotted off.

You aren’t even allowing me any means of relaxing in this bondage, and my shoulders are feeling worse than ever.

“You are quite naughty, kicking around with your legs, so perhaps I need to do something about them.” Lady Death said as she took one end of the third rope, which was wrapped it four times around the knees of the bound woman and tied off, before she pulled on the other end until the upper legs of the helpless victim were almost in line with her body. “Shouldn’t you be saying something like ‘Up, Up and Away’ right now, like any proper heroine.” The kidnapper said as she tied the other end of the rope to the knees of the helpless lady, so that she was hung in the air from the ropes. “What is wrong, Captain Canada? You always did want to fly, and now it is happening. Oh dear, it seems that you are drooling again, but that is no surprise as you are unable to control yourself.”

Cassidy squirmed in her torturous suspension as her captor made her way to the three chairs where she sat in the middle of the two assistants, and the captive’s movements brought her no respite but ended up causing her even more torment as her joints were strained. I can’t stay still in this position, which means that this suspension forces me to commit a form of self torture. You don’t even have to do a thing to me as you can just sit and watch as I inflict torment on my body by my own squirming. Every little movement caused the agonised woman to shriek through her gag in her bondage, and it wasn’t long before drops of water fell from her eyes onto the floor, while a snake of saliva wound its slow way to the floor.

As each second passed by, the only thing that Cassidy was aware of apart from her own suffering was the smiles of the trio who were amused by the plight of their prisoner. In her present situation, the bound woman was unable to tell how long she had remained in this state, but over time it seemed that the leader was no longer entertained by the sight before her. “Now, my beautiful agents, I think that our heroine has been kept in the air for long enough, so we must be charitable in letting her feet rest back on the ground. Please bring the platform over and place it under her so that I can set up the rest of her relaxation.”

The two catsuited women rose from their chairs and uncovered a 6 foot square metal platform that was raised a foot off the ground by four cylindrical legs at the corners that were about two inches in diameter. This was lifted up by the duo who carried it over, and positioned so that the centre of the platform was right underneath the hips of the suspended prisoner. “Thank you, ladies.” Death said as she rose from the chair and removed a cloth sheet from over a small chest. “I believe that I can handle the rest from here. Just get ready for the next instruction.”

As the two ladies went behind one of the vertical sheets, Lady Death opened the chest and took out two unusual items before picking up a set of kitchen steps which were put down on the left side of the captive. What are those? Both of them seems to have leather buckled straps with thin metal spikes sticking out, but one has a long plastic cable attached while the second is connected to a mesh bag which is made of metal. The leader went up the steps with the strap and cable item, and the strap was wrapped around her forearm at a point which was not covered by rope, before it was buckled so tight that the spikes penetrated the gloves and bodysuit with the ends pressing into the skin of the captive. After the kidnapper had descended the steps, she used a length of rope to tie the other end to the vertical strut in front of the suspended captive. There’s a metal end sticking out of the cable, but I don’t understand what you are planning to do to me. Next, the mesh bag was picked up which was put over the boots of the captive, with the strap going around her calves and this was also buckled so that the spikes dug into her flesh.

After the steps were removed from the platform, the lady took a large rubber mat out from the chest and laid it out so that it was on the left side of the helpless heroine so that there was a covered area all the way to the edge of the platform. “You can come back in, and don’t forget the lines.” As the two associates returned, and each one appeared to be pulling a cable with an insulated large alligator clip on the end which just had the teeth exposed. One of the clips was picked up by the lady who attached it to the rear left leg of the platform, and she picked up the other one before she stepped onto the rubber mat. “Watch this and know your fate, my pathetic little heroine.” She said and she rubbed the end of the second clip along the surface of the platform, which caused sparks to appear with the prisoner screaming in fear.

“Oh yes, there is twenty thousand volts going through this line and I am going to attach it to the cable that is connected to your arms.” The lady stepped down from the rubber covered part of the platform and connected the large clip to the end of the cable that was in front of the terrified victim. “There we are, you are now part of a circuit. It might be a good idea for you to keep your feet up in the air.” Lady Death stepped back onto the mat so that she could untie the end of the rope that held Cassidy’s knees up and she stepped down, pulling away the mat so that there was no chance of it being used for insulation.

As soon as the captive’s legs had been untied, she had pulled her feet up to her bottom so that they wouldn’t touch the floor and she cried out as the realisation hit her. You are essentially torturing me to death! I won’t be able to stay like this for long, and as soon as my feet touch the platform, I’m going to die.

“Sooner or later, those muscles in your legs are going to give way and you are going to end up with a most shocking experience which will be heartfelt. You may also want to shake your head as your drool might end up conducting the power.” The lady sat down on her chair with her companions on either side, as the captive begged and pleaded for mercy as she fought to keep her feet up in the air.

I don’t know how much longer I am going to be able to keep my legs in the air, and I only have to fail once. You must have lied to me about letting me go, and I bet that it was so that I would remain compliant.

“That’s it, Captain Canada, put on a good show for the viewers. After all, everyone likes a good death struggle from the heroine. You can just put your feet down now and end it all, as your actions are futile and just prolonging the inevitable, but your fight for survival is wonderful entertainment. I cannot wait to see that last despairing and horrified look on your face when you realise that you will be unable to prevent the connection from being made, and you are moments away from the end of your miserable life.”

Cassidy attempted to keep in her present position for as long as possible with her upper legs hanging down from her hips and knees bent, but after a while, the strain started to show and soon the captive was unable to keep her feet up near her bottom. When the lady reached this point, she took her knees up to her chest with her lower legs dangling beneath her, but this position ached before long and she knew that if she didn’t move, cramps would set in and doom her. I haven’t got long left with the way that my legs are feeling. I’m so sorry, everyone, I thought that I was going to get out of this, and now my death is near.

She burst into tears again as she moved her legs back to the way they were when she was untied, but this was held for an even shorter time owing to the tiredness in her limbs, and she no longer had the strength to keep her feet up. After every few seconds or so, her feet were lowered an inch at a time no matter how hard she tried, and the captive knew that she would soon end up as a piece of high voltage circuitry. Once a couple of minutes had gone by, the helpless lady despaired of her existence with the feeling that failure was just moments away, as the next slip would result in her feet touching the platform...

NOOO! The moment had come as the muscles of the captive surrendered to weakness, and her feet pressed against the platform so that she completed the fatal circuit. Except that it wasn’t fatal, even though she screamed as the voltage shocked her, which caused her muscles to spasm and the joints in her shoulders were tortured even more from this involuntary action. Perhaps I didn’t make contact with the platform for long enough, but my feet are in the air again, if only for a moment.

“Excuse me, ladies.” Lady death said “When you altered the power transformer settings to twenty thousand volts, did one of you remember to step up the amperage from zero in the process?” Both of the assistants somehow managed to look embarrassed as they shook their heads. “So, you two have ended up turning my execution by electrocution setup into a torture by electric shock device instead. I can’t even kill Captain Canada with this now, as my own rules prevent me from using the same methods twice on a heroine. However, there is nothing to stop us from watching this unexpected new show in front of us for a little while.”

Not again! A second shriek escaped the captive’s gagged mouth as her feet connected with the platform again, and this was followed by another as the shock caused the muscles in her shoulders to react. This torture is worse than anything that you three have applied to me before, and you are sitting there enjoying every little second of it. At least I’m still alive though, so maybe you will show mercy, especially as this is the only device that I have seen.

Although the tormented woman did her best to keep her feet up, the intervals between the shock tortures shortened in length until they were only a few seconds apart, and there came a point when contact became permanent with her shrieking at every breath. When this happened, Lady Death shot out of her chair and disconnected the large clip which made the circuit to the arms of the helpless woman, while Torture did the same to the second cable that was attached to the platform leg. “There comes a time when even I have had enough of tormenting anyone in a particular manner.” The lady said as she unbuckled the spiked strap that encircled the forearms of the helpless woman. “I will allow you a short rest before I devise something else for you.” Next to be removed was the strap and mesh bag that had helped to torture the helpless lady, and she sighed through her gag as she realised that this particular torment was over.

You could have just as easily got one of them to increase the amps and killed me that way, but why didn’t you? Do you have some twisted sense of honour that prevents you from doing it, or were you just happy to see me tortured for the moment? I just hope that I am just as lucky with anything else that might happen while I am a fake superheroine.

“You just stay here and relax while I sort out these ropes that hold you in place.” Lady Death said “Torture, Terror, put those cables back and sit down in your chairs.” There was a loud sigh of relief from the kidnap victim as the ropes that bound her to the frame were removed, along with the cord around her waist, and she managed to stand upright on the platform.

It couldn’t have been more than about fifteen minutes after this, when the leader spoke again. “Ladies, please show Captain Canada what we have got next in line for her. After all, we don’t want her to think that she is getting away with this.”

Cassidy was turned to face another of the vertical cloth sheets, which was the one that the two accomplices were approaching, and as it was removed she saw the device which caused her to scream at the top of her voice, the device which was supposed to have had a prototype built by Dr. Antoine Louise and Tobias Schmidt.

It’s a guillotine!

Re: Cassidy's Kidnapping FFF/F

Posted: Tue May 08, 2018 12:06 pm
by Soraka
“Perhaps our doomed heroine would like a close-up view of Madame Guillotine, ladies.” Lady Death said as the two accomplices walked back over to the trembling Cassidy, with Torture on her right and Terror on her left, and each took hold of the captive’s bound arms. “Well, to be truthful, our prisoner would like to be as far away as possible from the device that is going to execute her, but this is not going to happen. You can help to get Captain Canada off the platform in a minute, so that she can be made to hop over to the structure that will bring an end her life.”

No, you can’t mean to do this to me please. Shoot me, knock me out, or do anything but put my head in that thing. This is barbaric!

“I just love your facial expression at the moment, as horror is written all over your face.” The leader walked around to the front of the captive and smiled in way that made her victim tremble even more, before patting the right side of her pale face. “According to legend, you will remain conscious for eight seconds after your head separates from your body so the last thing that you see may end up being the blood shooting out from your own neck. I think that it’s just a story to scare people, but no one really knows. After all, the only way to find out would be to perform some kind of brain scan on the person while they are decapitated, and even I would not participate in such a perversion of science. I’ll sit down and watch, while my faithful assistants help you to become acquainted with the machine. If you fight back, we will just have to carry you, so there really is no point in struggling.”

Oh dear, no! This just can’t be happening! I must be dreaming! Cassidy felt the push on her body, and she hopped forward a little by an instinctual reaction to remain upright, rather than because of any actual desire to move any closer to her doom. This happened again and again with the bound woman being made to end up getting closer by hop after small hop, and soon she was at the edge of the metal platform. If I jump down there, I’m going to fall and end up breaking my neck, but if that did happen at least I would be spared the dreadful fate that you three have in store for me. Any chance of this happening disappeared in an instant, as Terror stepped down from the platform before standing in front of the captive and taking hold of her waist, while Torture stood behind her. There was a push from behind the bound woman and she couldn’t avoid jumping forward, but she was made to remain upright by the captor who stood in front of her.

“Did you think that we would end up taking the chance that you would break anything?” Terror said as her fellow tormentor stepped off the platform. “Our Lady would be most unhappy if something was to happen to you that would delay your well deserved punishment, and we have no intention of suffering her wrath.” The two women took their previous places on either side of the captive so that they could keep hold of her, and she was forced to approach the hideous construction a hop at a time.

As the doomed Cassidy got closer, she noticed that there was no elaborate mechanism to activate the blade, but there was a large metal cleat on the near side with a long red rope wrapped around it in a figure of eight pattern. This device didn’t have a table that the prisoner’s body would be strapped to, but there was a plank on the floor with a cushion on top along with two black leather straps, which indicated that the victim would be made to kneel before having their head locked into place. A large wicker basket was on the other side of the guillotine, and it almost looked as if something large, round and hairy was already inside, with the captive praying that it wasn’t a human head. Once she was close enough so that she could see at a proper angle into the basket though, it turned out to be just a water melon with a large wig covering it.

You bastards! You did that just to terrify me even more! Oh no, it’s not that you are just going to take my life, it’s that I’m to be tortured as much as possible before I die, and this is what it’s all about. You want me to suffer first.

“Terror, we cannot put Captain Canada into the guillotine at the moment because the basket is currently occupied.” Torture said as she stepped up and reached into the basket so that she could lift up the melon with the wig on top. “We seem to have one satisfied customer, or at least one who isn’t making any complaints about the equipment that we use.”

“I would care to disagree about this, Torture, as he does appear to be a little meloncholy. However, he does seem to have lost a lot of weight in the process.” Terror said. “We need to use him to check that the blade is sharp enough, though as our leader was most upset last time.”

“Yes indeed, terror.” Torture said as she removed the wig from the melon, before the large piece of fruit was placed into the hole where the human neck would go, and the other accomplice started to unwrap the scarlet cord from the cleat. “That blade got stuck in the backbone of the poor woman, and she screamed for such a long time before the last ounce of life drained from her.”

“We do not want a repeat of that.” Terror said as she finished removing the rope from the cleat, and the blade only remained in the air because the assistant was still holding onto the rope. “Take a good look prisoner, as you may not see this again. Well, you might do if you bounce high enough out of the basket, although I do not think that I have ever seen this happen. Three, two, one, zero!”

The accomplice released her grip on the rope, which allowed the blade to start its accelerating descent with the all too familiar sound, and the prisoner was in a state of shock as she followed the inevitable path of the metal down to the melon that was bisected, with half of if falling in the basket. Any remaining blood drained from Cassidy’s face just before she screamed at the sight in front of her, and the shrieks continued with only one thought going through her mind.

This is going to happen to me! THIS IS GOING TO HAPPEN TO ME!

“This always seems to happen to our victims.” Torture said as she picked up the two halves of the melon before putting them to one side. “They are always so brave before they see what happens to the melon, and then they go into hysterics. But then again, they would be like this when we put their necks in the hole, anyway.”

“I agree.” Terror pulled on the rope so that the weighted blade was hoisted back up to the top of the device, before wrapping the rope around the cleat in a figure of eight, so that the machine was made safe for the moment. While this was happening, Torture pulled back the bolts on the upper plank of wood so that it could be lifted up high enough for the unfortunate victim to have her neck locked into place.

“Now we have to put our prisoner down so that she can be executed for her crimes.” Torture said as both of the aides grabbed the screaming woman, who started to struggle as she knew what was going to happen next. “We have to go through the same routine each time with our captives, but I think that our leader prefers it if they scream and struggle.”

Please kill me now, don’t put me in that machine! Cassidy attempted to struggle with all of her might in the slim hope that she could escape, but all off her twists and turns were in vain as her two captors carried her around to the side of the guillotine. Once the helpless woman was in position, Torture forced the captive down so that she was kneeling on the cushioned plank, and Terror took the leather over the thighs of the prisoner with the ends buckled down tight, which held the prisoner in a kneeling position.

“It is easier from here, Torture.” Terror said as Cassidy persisted in her squirming and shrieking. “You can have the honours of putting her in position this time, as I did it to our last ex-person.”

“Thank you, this part is most enjoyable.” Torture took hold of the helpless woman and forced her to kneel forward until her front of her neck pressed against the semi-circle which was at the top of the lower plank. Once this was done, the upper plank was lowered by Terror who slid the bolts back into position, and the victim knew that there was to be no escape from her execution.

This is where I’m going to die! The sheer horror of Cassidy’s situation stopped her from screaming as she trembled in her bondage with the feeling of wood all around her neck. The rope will be released, the blade will drop, and I-

“Now that she knows that it’s too late, she goes quiet like all of the others.” Torture said as she walked over with Terror so that they could move one of the tripod cameras along with the monitor cabinet to the current area, and the tripod camera was set up to show the captive plus the guillotine on the monitor, while the cabinet was placed in a position that the prisoner could see it if she turned her head to the right. “Perhaps we can help her to find her voice again. Do you want to play a game of catch with me?” Torture said as she unravelled the rope from the cleat, and the bound woman looked up in horror from her position on the device.

Just get it over with, I can’t take any more.

“I will play as it is always fun, and we do not have anything to lose.” Terror said as she held her hands apart just above her associate’s and there was a screech from Cassidy as the second woman released the cord with Terror grabbing it just an instant later. Even at the speed of the captor was very fast, the blade dropped down until it was just a few inches from the top of the upper plank, and the prisoner cried out as she saw on the monitor just how close she had come to a sudden end, “I am a bit rusty, but it is your turn next.” Terror pulled down on the rope until the weighted blade was back as the top with her friend holding her hands open this time.

No, no, NO! The helpless woman watched what was happening on the monitor and she yelled out in horror was the cord was released, with Torture managing to take hold of the rope in a moment. However, her hands were pulled up enough so that the blade was again close to the plank.

“The trick is that you have to slow down rather than stop immediately, as you are unable to keep hold of the cord and this does result in a rather unpleasant experience.” Torture worked hand over hand on hoisting the blade back up to the top of the guillotine, and the helpless captive started to sob as she despaired of living for much longer.

“That is the tricky part of playing this game, and I remember the rope slipping through my fingers that one time, but it was very interesting to hear a scream cut off in that way.” Terror kept her hands open above her companion’s and she caught the cord so that the blade was stopped in time, but the woman whose neck was at stake emitted louder sobs as her torture continued.

This state of affairs went on for some time until Lady Death stood up in her chair, picked up her bag and spoke as she walked over to the death trap. “Ladies, we should end this game now, as it has gone on for long enough. I think that our prisoner should be allowed to have her fate in her own hands, as this is only fair, so Terror can untie Captain Canada’s fingers while Torture can keep hold of the execution rope for the moment.”

It took several minutes for the assistant to unravel the thin cord that was wound around the fingers and thumbs of the defenceless lady, as it had been very thorough. Once this was completed, Lady Death pulled the knife out of the bag which was then placed to the side of the infernal machine, before she took a step back. “If I remember correctly, Western civilisation had three mythical figures called The Fates, who were in control of destiny. There was a first Fate who wove the thread of life, who is represented by Torture, so will you take the rope of destiny around to the rear of the guillotine?”

The assistant did so and held the end of the rope above the back of the helpless captive, who was looking more and more scared by the moment. “The second Fate was the one who measured the thread of life. Terror, lift up Captain Canada’s hands as high as they will go.” As the helpless lady’s arms were lifted up by the accomplice, she cried out through her gag as her joints were tormented by the strain. “Torture, put the rope so that it goes between the hands of our pathetic heroine. Captain, once this is done I would suggest that you hold on as tight as possible, unless you do want to end up without your head.”

Torture moved the rope so that it went between the hands of the doomed Cassidy, who held onto it as tight as possible with both of her hands because her very life depended on it. The rope was released by the assistant and the captive screamed as her arms were pulled even higher by the weight of the blade, and as she looked in the monitor, she noticed that the edge of the blade was lower. You three have turned me into my own executioner, so that my death will become some perverted form of suicide. This is what you meant by having my fate in my own hands. At least there’s plenty of rope trailing so I may be able to wrap itself around my hands somehow.

This idea was to be thwarted even before the victim could carry it out as Lady Death stepped close to the captive. “The third fate was considered the worst, as she carried a blade which was used to cut the thread of existence.” She said as she picked up the rope below the helpless woman’s hands, and cut through it with a knife so that only a foot remained. “This is the thread of your life, Captain Canada. You have this much left to live. Once it slips through your fingers it will all be over.”

Cassidy watched as the three ladies moved their chairs so that they would have a good view when the blade dropped, and the captive was reduced into a constant state of begging and pleading as the torment in her shoulders increased with the weakening of her muscles. This by itself was not enough to cause her to let go of the rope, but it did slip through her fingers a little at a time, with an inch or half an inch escaping her grasp. Soon, she could feel the end of the rope in one of her hands, and this meant that she would be unable to hold on when the next slip happened, so the captive closed her eyes and waited for the inevitable fatal moment.

Goodbye everyone, I’m sorry that I left you down. Her fingers weakened one last time, with the rope slipping from her fingers, and she let out a last despairing scream as she heard the sound of the blade falling...

I’m not dead! Or do you still feel alive even when you are dead. What if I’m a spirit now?

It was the continued sound of her own scream along with the rapid beating of her heart that let Cassidy know that she was still alive, but she was terrified to open her eyes to discover what had happened. Will I look down and see my dead body with my head in the basket? I must know what has happened! She raised her head a little, and there was a new feeling as cold metal touched the back of her neck, so she opened her eyes before turning her head right to look at the monitor. The blade stopped! It stopped just before it reached me, but how?

“Okay assistants, which one of you forgot to maintain the guillotine?” Lady Death said, and again the two ladies managed to look embarrassed at what happened. “Oh great.” She said as she walked over to the execution device. “You two should know that the loose piece of wood needs fixing.” The blade was raised by the woman who tied the free end of the shortened rope around the cleat so that it would remain in place. “I must apologise for the incompetence of my henchpersons, but I don’t believe in the old fashioned methods of punishment as they never learn anything if I kill them.”

I must be the luckiest woman in the world at the moment, but I’m sure that it’s not going to last.

“Now Captain Canada, I am allowed one last chance to deal with you, and I will take care of it myself. Believe me when I say, that I do not fail in my objective.” The lady said with the helpless woman trembling in her bondage.

I have no chance of survival, now that you have taken charge.

Re: Cassidy's Kidnapping FFF/F

Posted: Tue May 08, 2018 12:07 pm
by Soraka
“My associates may have been inept dealing with you, but I am a lady who does not make mistakes.” Lady Death said as she pulled back the bolts that held the upper plank in place, before lifting it up so that she could pull on the cord that bound the prisoner’s arms and free her neck from the lethal contraption. “Do not forget to contact maintenance once this is all cleared up and taken back to base, ladies. However, I think that this should be made safe now.”

As the kneeling Cassidy looked on, the lady lowered the plank back down before she released the scarlet rope from the cleat and the helpless woman screamed as the blade descended all the way down to the bottom. If you had let that thing fall on me again, I would be dead right now. Why are you doing this to me? The strap that kept the bound woman in place was unbuckled by the leader, who helped her back up into a standing position before she was made to hop to a location that was midway between two concrete pillars.

“Thank you, Captain Canada, at least you are being co-operative at the moment.” The leader said as she retrieved the thin black cord that had been used to tie the prisoner’s fingers and thumbs together, and she wasted no time in winding it around the digits of her captive so that they were once again immobilised. As Cassidy looked to her right, she ended up trembling as she noticed the hand winch that was secured to the bottom of the pillar with metal straps, and there was a very long piece of white rope attached to it. “Ah, that is going to play a major part of your latest deathtrap, but just to be fair I will make sure that you will have a chance of survival. That is, so long as you behave.”

You can’t be thinking of doing something to let me get out of this? This is just to make sure that I don’t upset your fun. There’s no point in fighting you anymore, so just get it over with.

“I will just get you ready for what I have got planned, then.” Lady Death took hold of the cords that were wrapped around the helpless woman’s body, and made her move down until she was lying in a supine position on the floor. A two foot piece at the end of the white rope was cut off and put by the winch, before the new end was dragged over to the feet of the defenceless captive, who remained still as the end was wrapped several times around her ankles with it knotted off. Once this task was completed, Lady Death walked over to the winch, picked up what appeared to be a remote control panel which was attached to a long thin cable and pressed a button which caused a large eye hook to be lowered from the ceiling until it was at the feet of the captive.

So, you’re going to hang me upside down until I die then. I’ve heard that this is very possible, but I would have thought that this would take too long for you. The lady approached her prisoner’s legs so that she could push the rope through the latch, before pressing a second button which caused the hook to be pulled back up towards the ceiling. It seems that I am right about what is going to happen to me. Maybe I’ll be lucky, and the rope will snap so that my torture will be brought to an end. First, the slack in the white rope was removed as the hook was raised at a very slow rate, and then the helpless lady could do nothing but watch as her feet were lifted into the air. Once Cassidy’s legs were at an angle of almost forty five degrees, the pull on her body started to overcome the friction against the floor and her body moved a few inches at a time as her feet rose higher still. Soon, most of the captive’s body was suspended in the air with just her head and shoulders touching the floor, and after a few more seconds there was an uncomfortable feeling in her neck as only her head was in contact with the hard surface. This moment passed as she was lifted up further so that she was in a state of full suspension and it wasn’t long before her head was five foot in the air when the button was released by her captor.

I’m only at this height, but as there was a lot of slack in the rope, the hook must be nearly thirty foot above the ground. If you wanted me to be hung up in the air, you should have just tied me to the hook. What are you fetching from behind the pillar? OMG, oh no, a tall candle stand!

Cassidy was shocked out of her apathetic state as her kidnapper placed the candle stand several feet away from the pillar so that the top of the unlit candle was a short distance above the white rope, and the helpless lady started to squirm and fight against the cords that kept her helpless.

“It is too late to do that, my pathetic heroine.” Lady Death said, and she started to wind the winch so that the bound captive was lifted up into the air. As the helpless woman continued in her struggles, she could see that her feet were approaching the hook and she knew that her head was over twenty foot from the floor. “Even though the audience might have worked out what is going to happen, I will perform the expected exposition that happens in a situation like this. I will light the candle in a minute, and you will have a limited time of perhaps half an hour to try and make your escape from your bondage, until the flame of the candle reaches the rope.” The lady picked up a lighter that that connected to the stand with a thin cord, and pressed the button so that the end was ignited which was applied to the wick of the candle so that it burst into flames.

“This rope is also quite flammable as I will now display.” The woman said as she put down the lighter before she picked up the spare length of rope, which was positioned above the positioned above the flame from the candle, and it only took a few seconds for the cord to start burning. Cassidy watched in horror as the fire on the rope grew larger, and it seemed to take less than a minute for the cord to become so damaged that it split in two as her captor pulled on the ends. “You have a chance, Captain Canada, as the candle could always go out before it burns down to the rope. The rope might somehow withstand the flame, or you may even get free before you plummet to your doom. If you somehow get your arms free, I will snuff out the candle and lower you to the ground, so it would be a good idea if you make the attempt.”

Although the kidnapper walked back to her chair and sat down so that she could enjoy the spectacle, Cassidy’s eyes remained transfixed on the light from the candle, as if she was a moth that was being drawn to its doom. I must have hope, even though she is just tormenting me. The candle may go out, but the only way they can stop me from struggling now is to lower me to the ground. I must make the attempt. Can I even get my fingers free, though? The suspended prisoner started to work on trying to pull her fingers free of the thin cord that locked her digits together by trying to twist her hands, but it seemed that there was no give in the loops which kept them in place.

Time and again, the attention of the upside down captive was drawn back to the flaming candle, and it appeared to be a little shorter each time that she looked which generated a corresponding increase of fear in her mind. If it was going to extinguish itself, it would have done so by now, so it isn’t going to stop burning. If it reaches down to the rope, I’m as good as dead. I need to get free! Even though Cassidy pulled and twisted her hands again, the rope remained in place with her fingers as bound as ever, and the feeling of desperation grow inside her as she jerked and struggled to gain any kind of leeway. There came a point when she started to try and work herself free of the bonds that locked her arms in place, but these proved to be just as secure as the ones around her fingers.

When the helpless captive looked at the candle again, she could see that the flame was close to burning down to the rope, which was the only thing that stopped her from smashing her head on the concrete floor. At this point, any self-control that she had in trying to break her arms and hands free of the ropes disappeared, as she became frantic with her actions which did nothing but strain herself. Nothing is moving, and I’m tied up too well for me to escape. I can’t stop though, I have to keep trying! This time when the helpless woman looked, she had to stifle a scream as the flame seemed to almost touch the rope and she strained with all of her might against her bonds, even though she knew that she could end up injuring herself in the process.

NO! OH PLEASE NO! There was a small flash of light as the rope caught fire, and Cassidy screamed again and again as she jerked around at the end of the now burning rope in an hysterical but futile attempt to escape. Don’t let this happen to me! When the captive wasn’t screaming in terror, she was begging and pleading for her life as she acted like a fish on the end of a line that was fighting for its existance. As she started to sob with the tears filling her eyes, the helpless woman knew that it would all be over for her soon, and at least she wouldn’t have to be afraid for much longer.

NOOOOOOOO! First one strand split, and then a second before the rest broke apart in a moment, and there was a long scream as the woman in bondage hurtled head first towards the concrete floor…

Cassidy’s scream continued as she sped down, and in her terrified state she failed to notice that she was slowing down, until she was almost at a stop when she reached the floor. What is happening? The rope broke and I should be dead, so why am I alive? After another split second, the captive discovered that she was going back up into the air, but she stopped when her head was close to six foot away from the floor. Once the helpless woman managed to gather enough wits to look around, she noticed that that rope had split, but there was a metal cable which must have prevented her from having her brains dashed out on the concrete floor. That’s what stopped me from dying, but didn’t you want to kill me?

It was at this moment that Cassidy realised the truth about what had been happening during these deathtraps, as her captor rose from the chair and walked towards her. You didn’t want me to die, these deathtraps didn’t fail at all! They did what they were supposed to do, and that was to put me in fear of my life. But why?

Once Lady Death was close to Cassidy, she placed her lips next to the captive before speaking in a quiet voice. “The look on your face tells me that you understand that I had no intention of killing you. That metal in the rope is an adaption of what is called memory metal, and it can prove to be very useful on occasion. That is a distraction though, as I feel the need to explain why I have tortured you like this.”

“After you blew my face off with your device, I ended up in hospital where they treated me. Unfortunately for me because of your actions, I was already infected with a strain of bacteria that was resistant to treatment, and they contacted a phage specialist. However, it took her twenty four hours for this lady to reach the hospital and even though the doctors did their best to keep me stable, I suffered three cardiac arrests. The first one was terrifying enough, but the doctors told me that I could die at any time, so each waking minute was one of complete fear as I waited for the next incident.”

“Once the doctor arrived, she managed to provide an effective treatment and I was brought back to a stable condition. That was the second time in my life that I had felt such fear, and I do not need to tell you about the first, which you know about anyway. In a way, what I have done here is about revenge, but more than that I want you to know how it felt for me in that hospital, when I thought that I was going to die. So now you know how it was for me.”

As the helpless Cassidy looked at the eyes of the woman who had put the fear of death into her, she could not only see that the captor had become tearful about what had happened, but there were a few twitches of the eyelids when the woman changed her expression. It still hurts, even though your face has been reconstructed, it can still cause you some pain. No wonder you are so angry at Cassandra, and at me by proxy as you can never cause the same kind of punishment to happen to us. Even the act of getting your revenge against me is troubling you, which suggests that you are angry and upset, but you are also sane and have a strong conscience. I can’t believe this, but I’m feeling sympathetic towards you, and I may have some words to say to this Cassandra when I get free.

“This does not mean that I will go easy on you from now on, but I will not try and kill you before your release on Thursday morning. I am still angry about what you have done to me, and more importantly the women who haven’t been rescued while I have been languishing in hospital or convalescing. My aides have done very well though, but there are always more people to be saved. Getting back to the present, you have hung upside down like this for long enough, and I will give you a short rest before your torment continues. Terror, will you be so good as to lower our captive to the ground, but blow the candle out first?”

Lady Death took hold of the shoulders of the helpless captive while the accomplice went over to the winch, and turned the handle so that the prisoner could be lowered to the ground. As the captive was pulled away from the vertical, she was almost comfortable as she lay down on the floor, even though her arms were beneath her once again. The long rope was untied from the captive’s ankles by her captor, before she was lifted up from the floor so that she was able to stand on her feet, and the lady held onto her arm cords as she was still a little dizzy from being upright again. Torture and Terror walked over to the metal platform and picked it up before carrying it to a side of the warehouse, and they started to move various items away from the frame before using one of the sheets to cover up the guillotine.

After using it to almost scare me to death, you are covering it up so that I don’t have to look at it. This is becoming very weird, but I shouldn’t be surprised by what happens anymore. While the area was cleaned up by the two assistants, Cassidy was guided back to the frame by her kidnapper, but she took longer than usual because she was still unsteady from the previous ordeal. This frame is going to be the focal point of my torment for some time, but it is better than being terrified.

“Yes, I am going to use this for your suffering, but at least you will not have to worry for your life. I will have to place you in a hogtie now, and I will be very strict about it.” Once Torture brought the black bag over from the guillotine area, Cassidy was taken hold of and made to lie in a prone position on the floor so that she was parallel to the frame. Her legs were bent at the knees so much that the heels of her boots pressed against her bottom, and a black rope was wrapped between her ankle and wrist ropes before it was cinched and tightened which left the captive in a severe hogtie.

I don’t think that I will be able to move from this spot, and if you move me then it is going to be in a vertical direction. As Cassidy rested on the floor, she watched as the winch was detached from the pillar by the two ladies who connected it to the right side of the frame, with the rope threaded through one of the holes at the top of the frame. That is going to feature in my next torture, but I should just be thinking about getting a little rest right now.

“Enjoy your short rest, Captain Canada, or should I say Cassandra.” Lady Death said. “Because soon you shall suffer Hell’s Hogtie.”

That really sounds bad!

Re: Cassidy's Kidnapping FFF/F

Posted: Tue May 08, 2018 12:07 pm
by Soraka
“Kǎodǎ, will you bring the camera around to the front of the frame so that it can provide a good view of our defeated damsel, while Kǒngbù pulls the cabinet around so that it will be in front of our defeated damsel, and in a position that she will easily look at it.” Madam Sǐwáng said as she took a black rope out of her bag. “Once this is done, I can set about making our useless heroine a little less comfortable.”

I have the suspicion that it’s going to be much worse than a little uncomfortable.

Kǒngbù pulled the wheeled cabinet with the large monitor over to the side of the frame which the helpless Cassidy was facing, so that she was able to look up at the screen, while the camera was placed far enough to her right to take in the entire frame and several feet to the left and right. It seems as though you want to make sure that everyone will get a good view of my torture.

“Now, let’s give the captive Cassandra a good heads up of her situation.” The leader said as one end of the rope was threaded through the D-ring on the top of the harness gag that tormented the helpless woman, before she secured the end with several knots. After the woman ensured that the rope was not going to come loose, she took the other end between the prisoner’s arms and body until it was down to her feet, before it was wound around her ankle ropes. When the captor pulled on the rope, there was a squeal from Cassidy as her head was forced back which caused her neck to ache as it had become very strained, and the end of the rope was tied off so that she was left in this unpleasant position.

This is horrible even before you use the frame to torment me, so this is only the beginning of my suffering. Three more black ropes were taken out of the bag by the kidnapper, who tied the end of one of the ropes around the mid thighs of the helpless woman, before the end of another was bound around her upper chest with the end of the third wrapped around her waist and knotted off. I have an awful feeling that these ropes are going to be used to attach me to the frame in some way. The suspicions of the captive were confirmed when Madam Sǐwáng took the other end of the waist rope, and took it through one of the holes at the base of the frame, before tying it into position with a firm knot. Her feeling of dread increased in intensity when the chest and thigh ropes were threaded through holes in the vertical supports, but these were left untied for the moment. These will be most likely be used to add to my discomfort once I am being tortured.

“Now it is time to bring in the most important rope.” The madam said as she walked over to the winch, and she rotated the handle so that she could release more of the white rope until some of it was trailing on the floor. “That is just perfect, I can now prepare my prisoner for her next entertainment.” As the helpless woman was unable to move her had because of her strict bondage, she looked up at the monitor and saw that her captor was tying the end of the white cord around the rope that bound her wrists to her ankles. As the reality of the situation dawned on the defenceless lady, she started to beg through her gag as she didn’t want to find out just how bad this was going to become.

Please, haven’t you tortured me enough by now? I don’t think that I can stand what you have in store for me.

“Oh stop whimpering, you pathetic little heroine.” The woman said as she stood beside the winch. “I am not going to chop your head off, electrocute you, or make you fall to your death, so this should be reasonably easy for you to endure.” There were the first clicks from the winch as the handle was turned, and the bound woman felt the excess rope being lifted up into the air from her immobilised body.

You are going to do it, I am going to be tortured with this frame! After the captor turned the handle a few more times, the slack disappeared from the rope with the hogtied lady feeling her hands and feet lifted up just a little from her body. Cassidy started to dread the sharp noise from the winch as her limbs were lifted a small amount each time, until the discomfort in her hips and shoulders increased with her hands and feet stretched up. It wasn’t long before her thighs and shoulders were no longer touching the floor and the strain on her joints increased with every new click.

“Oh dear, you do look a bit stretched out like this, but a useless woman like you cannot do anything about it.” Madam Sǐwáng said as she lifted the hands and feet of the prisoner a little higher. “Kǎodǎ, Kǒngbù, it is time for you two to take your positions on either side of the frames.” As the two accomplices stood on either side of the frame, the suffering captive squealed as her body was bent out of shape to such a degree that her joints were a continual source of torment, with her waist being the only part of her body touching the floor. After another turn of the handle, Cassidy cried out in pain as her front lost contact with the floor, and she whimpered though her gag as her body hung from her wrists and ankles. “Did I say that you would be a little less comfortable? I meant that you would be very uncomfortable, and it is going to get much worse.”

As the tortured captive was raised into the air, she started to sob as fresh trickles of saliva started to run down her chin from the sides of her mouth and these soon reached her chin before creating a string of liquid which reached to the floor. This is all going to be agony for me before long.

When Cassidy was winched up to about three feet in the air, she realised that her torment was going to become much worse when the rope from her waist to the bottom of the frame became taut. “Kǎodǎ, Kǒngbù, pull those ropes as tight as possible before you tie the ends off.” The two assistants carried out the command at each side of the frame, and the suspended woman felt her body being pulled in four different directions. “I think that only now do you truly understand why this is called “Hell’s Hogtie”, as you will think that you are there before long.”

There was another shriek from the hogtied woman when the handle of the winch was turned again, as her arms and legs were lifted up still further while her waist remained at the same height, which caused her body to be twisted out of shape even more. Soon the ropes around her chest and thighs bit into her as these cords were stretched as well, and her whimpers grew into loud cries as her body bent at the waist to an increasing degree. Soon, I’m going to start screaming and I don’t think that I am going to be able to stop.

“Ladies, I think I shall take a little break, so that our stretched out prisoner can think about how bad things are going to get for her. After all, she cannot move from her position as she is held in place, and any struggling will make her torment worse for her. Even the strain on her neck has increased due to the suspension of her body, and I wonder just how much we can bend that spine of hers.” Although the captive Cassidy begged for mercy from her captor due to instinct, she knew that her pleas would be ignored like all the other times but she couldn’t help but go through the futile procedure again.

Let me go out of this, please. You’ll probably break me in half before long if you wind me up much higher.

“Cassandra cannot even control her drooling while she is bound like this, which shows just how much control we have over her.” The woman said and she placed herself by the winch before taking hold of the handle again.

NO! Cassidy shrieked in her torment as her body was bent ever further by the winding of the machine, and the suffering she had felt so far while suspended seemed to by mild in comparison to the feeling in her joints. At this point, the only thought in her mind was the fire in her body, which was generated by the vertical stretching that became worse with every new click that she heard.

“You look so grotesque like this, Cassandra, with your hands and feet high above your back and your body is bent at an awful angle at the waist. I think that all I need to do is add a few more turns to the winch, and the torment in your joints will be beyond even your capacity to endure.”

For the love of all that is decent, please don’t. Please, I’m begging you. All of the noises that the captive made were to no avail, as the kidnapper inflicted more cruelty on her victim by turning the handle, and the helpless woman let out a long scream as the joints of her body were agonised still further. Her captor didn’t stop there with as she added several more turns to the winch, and Cassidy cried out at every breath as tears rolled down her cheeks from the horrific torture that she was undergoing in front of the entire world. Her mind was filled with the suffering that she was experiencing, which left no room for noticing anything else and she didn’t know how long she was kept in this position. It was only around ten seconds after her hands and feet had been lowered, that she noticed that the agony had diminished and that she was capable of rational thought, but there was still no relief from her suffering.

“Even though haven’t killed you, I have got the power to turn your life into a living hell, as you have just experienced. I am doing this so that you can understand what I went through as they put my face back together.” The lady said before she started to wind up the winch again, and the suspended woman started to scream again as her joints were tormented to the utmost which made her oblivious to everything else around her. Cassidy did not know how long this cycle of torture had continued for, with her being lowered and raised back up again, but the respites were a two edged sword to her as she was terrified of the moment when she would be lifted back up again. There was even times when Madam Sǐwáng winched the captive up just a little higher, so that the helpless lady stated to scream but she was lowered just a few seconds later, only to be raised up again.

Why didn’t you just finish me off earlier, so that I could have avoided this hell that you are putting me through? You don’t want to kill me because you want me to know what you went through, and I wouldn’t be surprised if you were begging the doctors to kill you at some point. NO! The brief time at the lower lever was over, and the captive screamed as she was pulled into a position of agony by her tormentor with her feeling as if she was being stretched in all directions.

“I think that you need to take a rest for a little while.” Madam Sǐwáng said as the hogtied victim was being lowered again. “Kǎodǎ, Kǒngbù, you can untie the ropes that are bound to the sides of the frame and the thighs and chest of our captive, but coil them up and leave them on the floor by the winch. Once this is done, I’ll lower Cassandra down to the ground.” The knots on the ends of the black ropes that were bound to the vertical struts were untied, before the other ends were untied from the prisoner’s body, and Cassidy was lowered down with her sobbing with relief as her body touched the floor. As her arms and legs came back in contact with her body, the agony disappeared although there was still a strong ache in her joints from her shoulders to her hips.

As the captive squirmed in her bonds so that she could find a position that was less tormenting to her, the kidnapper removed the rope that had bound the prisoner’s waist to the base strut. “Could someone remove the winch and attach it to the other strut while I sort out our victim? Check that it is solid, as I don’t want anything untoward to happen to our pitiful heroine.” Madam Sǐwáng untied the rope which connected the helpless lady’s ankles to the top of her harness gag, before removing the white rope which had been used to bring so much torment to the prisoner. The rope that bound the captive’s ankles to her wrists was untied, and Cassidy sighed with relief as she managed to stretch her legs out on the floor after her suspension torture.

At least you are allowing me a moment of peace, but I fear that this time will be all too brief before you will inflict more suffering on me.

“I’m going to put you on your feet, Cassandra, but if you give me any trouble I will put you back in that suspension bondage and you can hang in it until tomorrow morning. Have I made myself clear?” There was a nod from the bound woman who had no desire to end up with that level of suffering again, even though she suspected that what was going to happen next would not be much better. Her strict bondage meant that she would be unable to regain her feet on her own, so her captor took hold of her arms and helped to lift her up until she was able to get her feet under her body.

Once Cassidy was standing upright, her left arm was gripped by the right hand of her captor, and she was made to hop over to the vertical part of the frame that had the winch connected to it until a few minutes ago. As the bound lady looked over her right shoulder, she could see that Kǎodǎ was holding the winch against the other vertical strut while Kǒngbù tightened that straps so that it wouldn’t slip. That hellish device is going to be used on me again in some way, but I have no idea what my captors have in store for me.

After the captive made a few more hops, the front of her body pressed against the frame, and Madam Sǐwáng picked up one of the ropes which was threaded through a hole just below the waist height of the prisoner, with the end tied around the frame at this point. The rope was taken anti-clockwise around her, but not her arms before it went through the next hole, and this was repeated upward until it reached her armpits where the other end was tied to the frame. A second rope was tied to the frame where the first rope ended, and this also went anti-clockwise as it went down hole by hole until it reached the waist of the restrained lady. When the other end of the cord was tied off to the frame, Cassidy was held to the frame by two helixes of rope that was wrapped around her from her waist to her armpits.

“There, now you are unable to move from your new position and you cannot fall as well.” Madam Sǐwáng said and the captive struggled in her bonds when she looked at the monitor which showed her that the end of the white rope had been picked up by her kidnapper.

My torture is going to start all over again, but you cannot lift me into the air like this, which is a minor thing to be thankful for. Oh please, no. As the immobilised lady continued to view the screen, her tormentor had knelt down and wrapped the end of the rope several times around the ankle bonds of the prisoner before tying the end off.

“I have an interesting idea that I want to try out. The concept at the moment is that spanking can only have a psychological effect on you because you can only feel real pain in your joints, and that is to a lessened degree.” As Madam Sǐwáng was speaking, she walked over to the other strut so that she was by the winch. “However, I think that I can put an idea into practice which means that I can make a rope torment that can create a situation where I can make you feel pain when you are spanked.”

Please, just let me rest, please don’t do this to me! Any control that Cassidy had disappeared in an instant, with her becoming frantic while begging for mercy as her captor started to turn the winch. First her feet were pulled away from the strut, and within a few rotations she lost contact with the ground which caused the ropes around her body to dig into her. After some more turns were applied, she was whimpering as her feet were almost at the height of her bottom and they were pulled away from her body towards the centre part of the top of the frame. Her upper legs were being pulled back from the frame, and she shrieked as the pressure on her hips grew to a level which made her joints feel as if they were about to be torn apart.

“Just a little release, now.” Madam Sǐwáng lowered the feet of the prisoner just enough so that she wasn’t crying out from that torment, before she walked over to the left side of the prisoner.

“Now to see if my theory works…”

Re: Cassidy's Kidnapping FFF/F

Posted: Tue May 08, 2018 12:07 pm
by Soraka
Cassidy turned her head slightly to the right so that she could get a better view of the monitor, and she squealed as her kidnapper took her time in raising her right hand into the air. Struggling in her bonds proved to be useless as always, but she couldn’t avoid performing these actions as instinct took over in these moments when she knew that something was going to happen to her. There was nothing she could do to protect herself as the hand swung down with the target being her bottom, and she was as much surprised as shocked when the pain shot through her hips, which caused her to shriek.

You did it; you actually found a way to punish me by spanking my bottom! No one has ever managed to do this to me before. She looked again at the screen as the hand was lifted up for a second time, and there was a second cry from her as the palm of her captor’s hand impacted against the soft flesh of her backside. As the captor prepared to spank her victim for a third time, Cassidy begged for mercy, but this was to have no effect on her captor’s resolve as the victim’s bottom was struck four more times so that the punishment was round up to an even half-dozen.

“Cassandra, I must say that the look on your face when I spanked you for the first time was incredible when you realised that I could punish you in this way. The way this works is very simple though, as it requires just the right level of tension in the rope. If there is too much pull on your legs, you will be in pain anyway and if the rope is too lose, then spanking you will have no effect. Get it right and this is the effect.” Within a second of the woman speaking, another scream was emitted from the captive’s lips as her posterior suffered from another strike that was delivered by her kidnapper.

“It is not your muscles that are creating the pain, but the joints in your hips that are being affected. When I wound the handle on the winch, not only were your lower legs lifted up, but your upper legs were pulled back as well. Even though your body is tied to the frame with a cross pattern of ropes, there is still enough flexibility for your hips to move back a little, so I tightened the cord to a point where your legs and hips are moved back to where just a little more stress would be painful. So, when I apply a hard smack like this.” As the lady halted in her speech, she hit her prisoner on the bottom which resulted in the bound woman shouting out in pain. “It increases the pressure on your hips to the level at which it becomes painful. This means that I know how to give you a good spanking, even though it required a bit of rigging to make it possible. I wonder how much it will take to make you sob from your punishment, but it should not ake many more smacks.”

Haven’t I suffered enough already today with the hogtie torture and your fake executions? Now you want to make me suffer and humiliate me by spanking my bottom again, but this time it will hurt for real. When Madam Sǐwáng brought her hand down this time, Cassidy did her best to move her bound hands in the way of the strike and the helpless woman managed to deflect the blow.

“You seem to be getting a little feisty, my captive heroine. I will have to punish you for your misbehaviour, but let us play for a little while if that is what you wish.” The next strike was delivered by the kidnapper, and although the captive tried to stop herself from being hit, she ended up squealing as the palm landed with sufficient force to inflict a measure of pain. “It is not that easy to stop me from spanking you is it.” Another spank was attempted by the captor, but this was knocked to the side by her victim who was able to move her arms just at the right time so that her hands could be in the way.

Why am I doing this? After all, I am just creating more problems for myself by annoying you, and it is going to all too easy for you to bring my actions to a halt. You know how I was going to react to this treatment, as it was going to be impossible for me to behave any other way and I suspect that this is just part of your game. The struggle between the two ladies continued for a little while, with the prisoner being agile enough to at least get in the way most of the time and the rest of the strikes were only having partial success in punishing the prisoner.

“You have become very adept at doing this, so I will have to do something about it.” Madam Sǐwáng said, reaching down to pick up another length of black rope before pushing one end through a hole higher than the prisoner in the vertical strut that the captive was bound to. “This will make sure that you cannot interfere with your well deserved punishment, and perhaps even add a little extra torment in the process.”

One of the ends of the cord was looped several times around the wrist bonds of the helpless women, before a secure knot was applied to hold the cord in position, and the hands of the prisoner were pulled away from her bottom as the captor pulled on the other end of the rope. There was nothing that Cassidy could do to prevent her hands being lifted higher and higher as the madam continued her actions, and soon her arms were almost at a right angle to her body. Please, don’t pull my arms up any more, as you’ll tear them from away from my shoulders.

Her begging at this moment did not go unnoticed by the woman who had treated her in this manner, but there was to be no sympathy for the helpless woman whose arms were in an unnatural position. Cassidy’s behaviour would prove to be counterproductive with the madam just smiling as she tugged a little more on the rope which caused the emitting of a yelp from the tormented lady. “Thank you for the information, my useless heroine. You have even managed to let me know how much strain I have put on your arms with that little display of yours. By pleading with me to stop, you have actually helped me with refining your torment.” Another scream happened when the rope was pulled again, and the helpless prisoner writhed in her bonds as she again felt the massive discomfort in her shoulders. “That is it, you have provided me with the knowledge that I needed to make sure that you are punished for trying to avoid having your bottom smacked like the bad girl you are.” As the helpless woman looked at the screen, she could see Madam Sǐwáng winding the other end of the cord around her wrist and adding a knot so that the poor lady would be stuck with her arms in this horrendous position.

“I can continue with your proper punishment, and make you suffer while you hang in your ropes.” The lady said, lifting up her right hand before bringing it down so that her palm impacted against the bottom of the helpless captive with maximum force, causing her to cry out in her suffering. Blow after harsh blow landed on the bottom of the defenceless victim, and her cries of pain acted as a kind of echo to the loud slaps that were heard as her posterior was pummelled by her merciless captor. After twelve strikes were applied by the captor, there were the first sobs from the suspended woman as the torment and humiliation were already having an effect on her. “It shouldn’t be too long before I can make you blubber like the little cry baby that you are.” Another dozen spanked landed against the defenceless woman’s derriere, with the captive’s squirming providing a form of self torment with each little movement increasing the strain on her joints. Her sobbing grew louder after this round of punishment, as her eyes began to fill up with tears due to the combination of her physical suffering along with the psychological humiliation that she had to endure.

“I can see that you are right on the edge, and it will not take much more to bring on the waterworks. The irony about all of this is that I expected you to be much tougher, but you must have gone a little soft since we last met. Not that this is a bad thing though, as it may have proved that there is hope for you yet.” Madam Sǐwáng said as she stood for a minute in front of the captive with her right hand holding the defenceless lady’s cheek. “This is proving to be so much fun, that I have a few extra ideas about what to do with you on this frame, so you may be hanging around on here for a little while longer.” Once the lady had spoken, she returned to the left side of the helpless woman who was no longer begging for any kind of mercy as she knew that it would be pointless.

There were a dozen more shrieks from the suspended lady as her bottom was given another thorough spanking by her kidnapper, and this treatment was enough to cause her to burst into tears again, with the water starting to run down her face. “Poor little girl, crying her eyes out again. I would have thought that you would have been far more resilient against my torments, although I have had time to find ways around your unique attribute. I will not be giving you any spanks from now on unless you decide to be disobedient, so just remember who is in charge.” Cassidy was surprised to see her captor walk over to the large black bag and retrieve several tissues from it before returning to stand in front of the tormented woman.

What are you going to do now? Surely you can’t be planning on doing something nice to me after everything that you have put me through. You are almost acting as if you are going to dry my eyes after making me cry again.

“I’m sorry that I had to make you cry during your punishments, but there were times during my recovery when I was hurting that bad as well.” The lady said as she dabbed at the face of the helpless woman, so that the tears could be soaked up by the tissues. “To be honest, I am conflicted about what I am doing to you while you are my prisoner. On the one hand, I am still angry when I remember what I have suffered as a result of what you did to me, and on the other I feel guilty about what I have done to you up to this moment, and I now wish that I had never put you through those horrific mock executions.” By this time, Cassidy had stopped crying, and the leader managed to wipe away any of the remaining tears. “I must be going insane, as even after what you did to me I am feeling remorse about obtaining my revenge.”

The fact that you are feeling remorse means that you are sane, and you don’t even want to make me cry anymore. I am confused about all of this as you came over to me as some kind of villainess, but I don’t know where I stand with you now.

“Do not think that I will be going easy on you, as we still have some way to go before I am truly free of my vengeful feelings. It should not be as bad as before though, so I think that you will be able to cope.” The woman walked around to the left side of the helpless lady who ended up yelping as the rope that lifted up her ankles was pulled to the side at one location so that the tension was increased. This rope was allowed to straighten after an instant, but a moment later the rope that held her arms up in the air was treated in the same way for a second and she ended up crying out as the torment increased in her shoulders.

“I can play you like a musical instrument while you are bound like this, as the ropes are like the strings of a violin. Perhaps you should be Cassandra, the human harp.” After a few seconds of relative comfort, the leg rope was plucked for a second by the thumb of the captor, which caused the suspended woman to squeal again. “I never thought of doing this before, but you can torment someone for quite a long time like this.” She said before using the index finger of her right hand to tug at the arm rope, which was followed by another cry from the prisoner who was powerless to resist.

You could have made each action much worse and inflict much more torment, but you are choosing not to. It’s almost as if you are reluctant in pushing me to the edge at the moment. This torment went on for quite some time with the helpless woman yelping or squealing due to the increase in pressure on her joints, but the pain didn’t go above a certain level whine meant that she was able to endure it.

“I just think that I would like to try a few extra positions while you are stuck to the side like this, and even though they will be strict I am sure that you will be able to cope with them.” As the kidnapper spoke, she started to untie the rope that held the captive’s hands in the air, and the helpless lady sighed with relief as she was able to lower her arms so that they were down behind her back. “Don’t get too relaxed as you will not be comfortable for long.” After she had coiled up the rope, the captor walked over to the winch and turned the handle at a gentle rate so that that captive could adjust to her feet being lowered to the floor.

That feels better as my shoulders and hips are no longer being tortured by your rope bondage. I have the feeling that you are going to replace it with another torment, but with any luck it won’t be as bad. Another rope was picked up by the madam, with one end tied to the wrist bondage of the captive so that the rest could be wound around the strut and the hips of the helpless woman, before it was pulled tied and the end tied back at the wrists. My arms are going to be given a rest seeing as I cannot move them, so that means no pain in my shoulders, but how are you going to torment me this time?

It wasn’t long before the prisoner discovered how she was going to be made to suffer when her one end of the second rope was tied to the loops of cord that bound the soles of her feet together. Her lower legs were forced up so that her heels were pressed against her immobilised hands, before the other end of the rope was taken up to the top of her head, where it was threaded through the D-ring that was attached to the gag. When the end of the rope was pulled by the madam, Cassidy’s head was forced back until it had moved as far as possible with her neck aching and strained in an alarming manner. Once the immobilised captive’s neck was stretched, the end of the rope was tied off and the madam stepped back to look at the lady who was already whimpering as she suffered in her new position. Unlike what happened last time with the exposure torment, I won’t have any chance of resting my neck and my situation will become more intense before long as the muscles in my legs weaken.

“I must admit that your position is very strict, but you shouldn’t suffer too much as a result of it. However, you do look very nice in your current situation, dressed up as a superheroine and helpless in tight bondage. Maybe the comic books should put their characters in a predicament like this.” The lady said as she walked over to one of the chairs before sitting down. “Anyway, I just want to watch you hanging there for a while, and then I will sort out something different for you.”

As Cassidy hung from her bonds with her feet bound to her head, she knew that her current bondage position was strict enough to prevent her from doing anything but a tiny wriggle. You have thought this out well, as I can’t move to any degree with my body bound in this way. I have no doubt that I am going to have to suffer as it becomes harder to keep my feet up. Oh no, I didn’t think about that!

Saliva started to build up in the mouth of the helpless lady, and it occurred to her that on previous occasions it dripped out of her mouth when it built up over time, but this time it started to flow towards the back of her throat which caused her to open her eyes in fear as she realised the potential new danger which threatened her.

I can’t swallow properly while my head is bent back. What if I can’t get rid of it and too much builds up? I could choke like this!

Re: Cassidy's Kidnapping FFF/F

Posted: Tue May 08, 2018 12:07 pm
by Soraka
Although the level of tension in the rope from the captive’s feet to her head was easy to maintain for quite some as her neck took most of the strain, the muscles in her legs were starting to weaken and increase her torment, even if it was only a little. She was managing to keep up with removing the saliva in her mouth for the time being, but it meant that she had to swallow every few seconds to prevent any build up of liquid. I’m stretched so much by this bondage that I cannot even move my head, which means that all I can do is look upwards. The harness gag with the large ball locks my jaw into position and I cannot make any vocalisations which would alert Mistress Siwang to my peril. Seeing as my head is immobilised and facing upward, any attempt at making facial expressions is pointless as they will not be seen. My only hope is that she releases me from this position before anything really bad happens to me.

Even the relative luxury of struggling was denied to the bound prisoner as her captor had made sure that the woman fixed into a locked position by the ropes that held her in place. Plus, she knew that any attempt at moving her body would involve changing the angle of her lower legs, and this would end up increasing the strain in her neck which would make her current situation worse. The suspended hogtie and spanking torments were preferable to this foot to head hogtie, because they just involved me suffering in a physical manner, while I am now in a predicament that is presenting me with a very real danger.

After another quarter of an hour or so had gone by, the level of fear in the helpless Cassidy rose as her feet moved back a little further away from her body, which caused her neck to become even more strained as her head was pulled back. Not only did this increase the level of discomfort in her joints, but she had to put much more effort into swallowing the liquid which was accumulating in her mouth. This is getting worse with each moment of weakness in my legs, and the next slip could be the last that I could end up making unless Madam Siwang realises my predicament in time. You three are chatting amongst yourselves right now, so you probably don’t realise just how much trouble that I’m in at the moment.

Cassidy started to take breaths that were as deep as possible, although there was a limit due to the ropes that compressed her torso, and these had to be fast as she needed to prevent any of the saliva from flowing down her windpipe. It was getting harder for her to keep her feet up in the air as time went on though, and she knew that she could soon be very well be choking on her own saliva.

Another deep breath was taken by the captive who became terrified when her feet slipped again as her leg muscles could no longer hold them up, and her head was forced back to such a degree that she was no longer able to swallow. Cassidy became terrified when the liquid touched the back of her throat and she held her breath in the hope that she could prevent herself from choking for as long as it was possible. Can’t any of you see what is happening to me, I’m in danger here! Will you lot stop talking amongst yourself and pay attention to what is happening in front of you! If I start to choke like this, it could cause me to vomit and I will end up expiring tied to the frame like this. Help me, please! However, nothing happened as the helpless woman hung in her bondage with horrific scenarios running through her mind at what was going to happen once she exhaled, but she had no means of signalling her captors as to the level of danger that she was in.

Soon, the helpless lady’s chest started to heave with her lungs feeling as if they were on fire, and the woman struggled to avoid breathing out even though she understood that this was a futile struggle. Within a minute of her taking in her previous breath, the captive exhaled in an almost explosive way, and she gagged and choked on the fluid that seeped into her trachea when she breathed back in. Any conscious stream of thought disappeared from the mind off the helpless, as her body went into spasms and convulsions in reaction to the choking fit that she was suffering from. Only one thing intruded into the maelstrom of fear that dominated her mind, and that the feeling in her gut told her that it wouldn’t be long before her fate would be sealed.

Cassidy wasn’t aware of what happened next, but the next thing that she became aware of was that her face was forward with her feet on the ground, and the turning over of her stomach ended as the level of coughing permitted her to wheeze air into your lungs. “Cassandra! Are you okay? Please nod to show that you re okay!” As the prisoner looked up, she gazed into the face of the woman who had been tormenting her for so long and she was amazed to see genuine fear and concern.

You really are a complicated woman, Madam Siwang. You inflict all kind of tortures and torments on me, but when I was in genuine danger you end up saving my life. I can see the severed ends of the rope that bound my feet to my head, so you must have cut it in half when I was scared out of my wits.

As the helpless lady’s cough subsided, she nodded to the woman who was standing in front of her, and she could see the coating of water over the madam’s eyes that suggested that the woman was on the edge of crying. Now it seems it you are upset by what has happened and you are about to break down over it. The kidnapper appeared to fumble as she untied the ends of the cut rope that were still attached to the captive’s body, and there were a few almost inaudible sobs as she put the pieces of cord to one side.

“You were right about one thing in our last meeting.” Madam Siwang said in a quiet voice as she started to unbuckle the harness gag that had muffled the captive for so long. “I have grown sloppy and careless, and I could end up getting someone killed as a result. Maybe it’s time that I ended what I did and left my organisation over to another lady. After all, you did say that I have rescued more than enough women from being sex slaves in illegal brothels and others from being used as slave labour. The corrupt authorities will be happy that I will no longer be getting in their way, though.”

To say that Cassidy was confused about the comments from her captor was an understatement to say the least, as this was the last thing that she expected to hear. This sounds incredible, but seeing as you think that I am Cassandra, then you would assume that I would know all about this and that there would be no point in you lying. I thought that you were some kind of villainess and that you and Cassandra were enemies, but it appears that you two were on the same side. There was a surge of emotion inside the helpless lady as she started to understand more of her kidnapper, and to her own surprise she felt a massive upwelling of sympathy which was urging to take an action which she would have considered insane just half an hour ago.

By this time, the ball of the gag had been removed by the kidnapper who wrapped up the gag in a large towel before it was placed on the floor, and the captive looked on as the madam prepared to untie the ropes that bound the prisoner to the frame. “I’ll leave you tied up in a more comfortable position Cassandra, and once we are far away from here, I’ll let your superiors know where you are.”

I have to act now, before I lose my resolve, as I would really like to be free. For some reason though, I can’t bear to see you be like this, as all the strength seems to have drained out of you. It’s as if tormenting me has taken far more out of you than you realise and your fire has been extinguished in the process. So, I have to light that fire again as there must be people out there who need your help, and what you end up doing to me is inconsequential. Perhaps I’m wrong but it almost sounds as if you are running some kind of underground railroad in certain countries.

The captive took in a deep breath which was as much to steady her nerves as anything else, and she put on a stern condescending tone as she spoke. “Well, is that it? The great Madam Siwang makes one little error and she throws up her hands in surrender. To be honest, I thought that you were made of stronger stuff.”

The captor looked at the face of the helpless woman as she released her grip on the ropes, and it seemed to Cassidy that a trace of anger appeared in the eyes. “One little error? I nearly ended up killing you, when it was never my intention. Do you understand how I feel about that?”

“If you want something to feel about, then try this.” Cassidy said before pausing for a moment “Remember who put you through the pain and terror that you suffered for a start.” I really hope that my guess is right about this next part. “What about all of those women who are waiting to be rescued, and they are not free because of what happened. Who’s fault is it, yours? Well Madam, if you chicken out now and abandon them, the fault will be yours for the rest of your life.”

Madam Siwang’s expression of anger intensified before she reached down and unwrapped the towel, so that she could retrieve the harness ball-gag that was brought up to Cassidy’s face. “How dare you! You were the one who messed everything up Cassandra! You were the one who put me in the hospital after starting the fight, and you are responsible for the suffering of all of those women who are waiting to be saved! Open up, or I’ll force this gag through your teeth!”

At least you have your fire back, even though I am going to suffer as a result, but I can’t stand the idea of you no longer being around to help those who need you so badly. Maybe once you have got your desire for revenge out of your system, you can go back to helping all of those unfortunate women. The helpless woman winced when she opened her mouth to its fullest extent as her jaw was still aching, and it was just as uncomfortable when the hard ball was forced between her teeth. Her kidnapper took hold of the two main straps which were taken around to the back of her neck, where they were buckled together with such tightness that it pushed the ball further into her mouth. Next to be connected was the Y-strap that was taken over the top of her head, and the lower straps were attached underneath her chin with the end result that her jaw was immobilised once again.

“You deserve to suffer because of your actions, and that is going to happen. However, I will not torment you for all of your stay due to your honesty and admission of how this came about, but it will continue as long as you wear this costume.” Madam Siwang said as she untied the ropes that held the torso of the helpless women to the strut and the captive had to steady herself on her legs as she got used to standing without support. “You will only be upright for a little while as I have something that will be most uncomfortable for you. Kaoda, Kongbu, would you be so kind as to use the stepladder to thread two ropes through one of the holes about our prisoner’s head in the top strut.”

Kaoda picked up the stepladder and moved to the left of the helpless woman where it was put down, while Kongbu selected two black ropes from the bag before standing by the frame. Once Kaoda had ascended to the top of the ladder, the other aide handed up the ropes and one end of each rope was threaded through a hole so that they could reach the floor. “Thank you ladies, now the ladder can be put aside while we prepare our victim for her next torment. Kongbu, help me lie Cassandra on the floor while Kaoda removes the ladder.” As the one accomplice took the ladder behind one of the sheets, Konbgu took hold of the unresisting prisoner and lay her face up on the floor with her feet by the strut. One of the ropes was tied to the ankles of the helpless lady by the madam while her assistant bound one end of the other rope to the ring on the harness gag.

I have the feeling that uncomfortable is going to be another understatement, but I have brought this upon myself, so I can’t be angry at you for it. By this time, Kaoda had returned to her mistress, and Kongbu held onto the shoulders of the captive while the other two pulled on the other end of the rope that was bound to the ankles of the helpless lady. It only took a moment for her feet to leave the ground and as they started to rise into the air her bottom was dragged along the floor until it was almost under her legs. This ascension was more comfortable than previous ones for the prisoner, as her upper body was supported by Kongbu which mean that her head didn’t have to drag across the surface as her bottom was raised up. Soon, her ankles were almost at the height of Madam Siwang’s neck, and the lady tied off the free end to the captive’s ankles so that the bound woman would remain suspended.

“This has been comfortable up to now, but soon you will know just what I have in store for you. Kaoda, will you help your sister with lifting Cassadra’s torso so that it is almost vertical?” Madam Siwang said and the other accomplice helped with the support of Cassidy’s body until her chest was almost at her knees, while the leader started to pull on the other end of the rope that was attached to the top of her gag.

Sisters? Your features were similar, but I thought that was just my unfamiliarity with oriental faces. Now it is obvious that you two are related, but how did you end up with Madam Siwang? As Cassidy looked at the faces of the sisters, she noticed that they were concerned about something, with Kaoda frowning.

“Madam Siwang.” Kaoda said. “The bondage position that you are planning to put Cassandra in, it looks like the same position as-.”

You can’t even finish the sentence, and it seems that something has upset both of you.

“Yes, sisters, it will be the same position that you two were left in when you were left hanging like hunks of naked meat ready to be sold, which was how I found you.” The leader said “I know that this must be very trying for you two, but you need to show that you can face anything if you are to help me to rescue others.”

“I understand, Madam.” Kongbu said “We will show that we are able to cope with this, and we don’t want to let you down.”

Cassidy squealed as the rope that was attached to the top of her head became taught, and her neck was again strained as her body was lifted up a little further before the other end of the rope was fastened to the ring gag. A louder cry escaped the gagged mouth of the helpless woman as the assistants released her body so that her neck suffered further torment, but at least she could turn her head enough to look at the screen. As the captive watched, she could see that the two younger ladies were fumbling with the winch rope as Kongbu tied the free end to the wrists of the suspended woman, and once this was done, Kaoda had to force herself to turn the handle so that the hands of the prisoner where lifted up until she started to feel discomfort in her shoulder joints. As the winch was turned further, Cassidy’s arms were stretched straight out from her body and the torment increased until it was excruciating, with her whimpering with every exhale.

Once the helpless woman was stretched out like this, Madam Siwang walked over to her right side and stood facing the suffering woman. “Come over and look at this, ladies. You need to take this in so that you can face your worst fears.” The two aides stood on either side of their leader, and the captive could see just how much this was affecting them, yet they were able to maintain their composure.

This whole situation seems to get more incredible each time. On the one hand, I am being tormented again, and on the other I am helping two sisters with some kind of therapy who must have gone through the most horrific trauma.

Although Cassidy was suffering in her suspension, she couldn’t help but feel sympathy for the two ladies, and she started to suspect that something terrible may have happened to their leader as well...

Re: Cassidy's Kidnapping FFF/F

Posted: Tue May 08, 2018 12:08 pm
by Soraka
“If I remember correctly, that was not the worst of it though.” Mistress Sǐwáng said as she approached the struggling body of the helpless woman, before untying one end of the rope that was bound to the head of the captive, but still holding onto this end of the rope so that the lady remained in place.

Please don’t let go of that! If you do I won’t be able to remain in this position for more than a moment and it will cause me enormous torment as I swing around.

“They had brought in the prospective buyers to examine us so that they could ensure that we were innocent flesh before they would bid for us.” Kǒngbù said as the leader moved to the side while still keeping a firm grip onto the cord which made sure that the captive would remain in her upright position.

“They were all at the auction for various reasons.” Kǎodǎ said “Some wanted us because we were innocent girls with minds that they could break through repeated violation, some wanted to break our bodies again and again instead, and others-.” She paused for a second. “Others literally saw us as living meat. Once they were all in the room-.”

“There is no need to say it, but you will have to see it happen” Madam Sǐwáng said as she released the rope, and Cassidy remained in position for a just a split second before her top heavy position caused her to topple as gravity took its effect.

There was a shriek from the terrified woman as she rotated in the ropes, because her joints were nearly pulled out of her sockets by the twisting of her body, and she was left whimpering in her torment while she hung in her new face down position. Her arms were almost straight up from her body, which applied an intolerable pressure to her shoulders, while her legs were at a right angle at the knees with her hips trying to bend in the wrong direction. However, even though the captive’s suffering was intense as a result of her suspension, she was feeling very sympathetic towards the accomplices of the woman who had kidnapped her.

This is a horrendous position as I am essentially hanging from my arms, but it must have been far worse for you two as you had to experience of being treated as nothing more than property.

“Once we were left like this, they took their time in examining us.” Kǎodǎ said “After they were satisfied as to our innocence, the bidding for our bodies started. This was well underway, when you and the other women appeared by surprise, and the first thing that you did was cut us down before carrying us out of the room.”

“After you had taken us to another room, we could hear the screaming of the men as the rest of your team dealt with them.” Kǒngbù said. “One of your team members entered the room and told us that they had killed our mother just after we had been carried screaming from our home. That is when you promised that you would raise us yourself.”

“Yes, and you have more than repaid this by taking care of me when Cassandra committed her act of extreme foolishness two years ago. “Madam Sǐwáng pulled hard on the rope that was attached to the gag so that the captive’s head was forced back as far as possible before the end was tied off. “This is just a little extra immobilisation for you, but it is minor compared to the suffering that you are enduring at the moment. To be honest, I think that deep down there is a part of you that wants this to happen, and that may have been a factor in why you tried to make sure that this continued.”

That can’t be true, I there is no way that I could even want my torment to continue at your hands. What if it is true though, what if I want you to treat me like, this placing me in strict and cruel bondage?

“I think that there is a submissive side to you, and you want me to dominate you so that you are helpless.” Madam Sǐwáng said, and the helpless lady who hung before her was no longer sure about how she felt about having no control at all before her powerful captor. “Furthermore, my guess is that you like me controlling you, so I want to try one more torturous position that you will spend some time in, as I want to see your reaction. Kǎodǎ, Kǒngbù, will you two hold our prisoner up while I untie the present suspension and practice my little experiment.” The two ladies stepped over to the captive and took hold of her body along with the upper legs, while the leader untied the rope that bound the suspended lady’s ankles to the frame before she disconnected the cord that held the arms up along with the gag rope.

There was a sigh of relief from the helpless woman as the strain in her shoulders disappeared when her arms fell to her body, and she was lowered face down on the ground. “Do not get too comfortable Cassandra, as I am going to place you in another strict position after you have had a few minutes rest.”

You say that I like being treated in this way, yet I am starting to have my suspicions about you as well. There is no reason why you would go to all the trouble of having these different items of clothing made unless you want to see me tied up in them. I think that you get a real pleasure from seeing me bound and gagged in these different costumes, and you along with your assistants have matching outfits as well so you must enjoy wearing them.

“Rest time is over, and I am going to make you suffer again, Cassandra.” Madam Sǐwáng knelt to the left of the bound woman before moving her left knee under Cassidy’s chest so that the prisoner’s back was arched. “It is easier to put you in one of my very strict hogties if the prisoner is bent in this manner from the start.” She said as she tied one end of a black rope around the ankles of the helpless lady, before taking it around the prisoner’s elbows and back down to her ankles where it was looped again. This was repeated two more times by the captor who started to pull the rope so that all of the slack was taken out, before the ankles of the helpless woman were drawn closer to her elbows. As the cord was pulled tighter, there was a yelp from the gagged mouth of the captive as her back was arched even further, and she was unable to ignore the level of discomfort she was feeling when the hogtie rope was securely knotted at her ankles.

I wouldn’t be able to reach the knots anyway, as my ankles are above my wrists at the moment, and I feel like I’ve been turned into a pretzel although I probably look like the letter ‘D’ on its side. This is almost as bad as when you tied me up before in that hogtie when you lifted me up by the rope that bound my ankles and wrists together. A second rope was threaded around the wrist and ankle bonds of the helpless woman before the ends were knotted off, and the end of a third short rope was bound to the soles of the captive’s feet/ Oh no, here we go again. The other end of the short rope was threaded through the D-ring at the top of the helpless lady’s gag, and her head was pulled back again as the end was tied off at the cords that bound her feet together. You must love seeing me immobilised like this, with by body made helpless with all of these tight ropes. A loop was tied at the centre of another black rope which was pulled out of the bag by the captor, and the ends of the cord were bound to the knees and elbows of the bound lady with about a foot of slack left in. When this was completed, the madam walked over to the winch and turned the handle so that the end of the winch rope was trailing over the body of the immobilised lady.

“Soon, you will be up, up and away, Cassandra.” Madam Sǐwáng returned to where Cassidy was lying on the floor and secured the end of the white rope to the loop of the cord that was bound to the prisoner at the knees and elbows. “Now I can lift you up into the air, and you can’t even struggle with your body bound in this manner.” The woman said as she walked back to the winch, and the first few turns of the handle caused the captive to become more worried, as the tension of the rope increased to the point where in became taught. Once the winch was wound up a few more rotations, the prisoner squealed when her body was lifted just off the ground, as the strain in her joints increased because her arms and legs were bearing the brunt of the stress.

The one blessing this time is that the discomfort is not as bad as before, because there are two places where my body is bound to the rope this time. Plus the two ropes keeping me in a hogtie are making sure that my limbs are locked into position. You could make this far worse for me by tying a rope around my waist and connecting it to the base strut, but I hope that you will leave that torment out this time. A familiar stream of saliva again trailed from the mouth of the helpless woman to the floor, but this was much better to her than the situation where she had been forced to swallow the liquid. I wonder if that is why you are using this position again, as it is safer for me? the winding of the winch continued until the captive was at the head height of the woman who had taken her prisoner, and Madam Sǐwáng walked in front her prisoner before a soft smile appeared on her face as she stood with her hands on her hips.

“You do look incredible like this, in a tight hogtie and suspended in the air, Cassandra.” She said in a quiet voice as she leaned forward with her face almost touching that of her captive’s. “It is such a thrill to have such control over you and for you to be in my power.”

That confirms everything, you are enjoying all of this. Perhaps now that your desire for revenge is receding, another motive is being revealed. It may have originally been aimed at Cassandra, but my behaviour may have amplified it as I have dreamed about a strict mistress who would dominate me and keep me in tight bondage. I can’t tell you who I am though, as you may end up enraged because you have not had your need for revenge sated. As the suspended lady thought about how her situation might change, she started to feel the thrill of being helpless before such a powerful woman, a feeling that had been suppressed since she found out last night that she was the victim of a genuine kidnapping. Even though I have to endure the suffering that this position inflicts, at least I am getting something positive out of it.

“Let us see if we can make this a little more interesting for you. After all, you have been suspended before and the effect on your body was harsher than your current predicament. There are other ways to affect you than causing you to experience discomfort by straining your joints.” The lady said, and she pushed on the shoulders of the captive using both hands, with the prisoner looking worried as she moved backwards. “On the previous suspension torment, you were locked into place but this time you are hanging on the end of a rope. I must say that you look very pretty and powerless as a pendulum, and that is what you are going to become.”

No, please, hanging up here is bad enough, but to be made to move like that will make it far worse. There was a shriek from the captive as her captor pushed against her shoulders for a second time but with much more force, and she found herself starting to swing on the end of the rope. A moment later, Kǒngbù took the place of her leader while Kǎodǎ stood on the opposite side of the captive from her sister, and the woman’s fear grew as each push caused her to swing more and more. As this continued, there were further yelps and cries by the prisoner, as the swinging put additional strain on the joints that were already tormented by her strict hogtie and suspension. At least that’s the most horrible thing that you can do to me, even though this is bad enough as I feel that I am going to fall. NO, PLEASE NO! Cassidy discovered that she was very mistaken in her assumption that her predicament could not get any worse, as Kǎodǎ pushed sideways against her feet when she was at the apex of her swing, which meant that she started to rotate on the rope as well. Another push by Kǒngbù added to the speed of the captive’s rotation, and this was repeated several times by the accomplices, until she was turning at such a rate that her mind was consumed by the fear of falling.

Cassidy had no idea of just how long her torment had lasted for, as she had shut her eyes when the rotations had started but when it was slowed down by the two assistants until she was just swinging, she noticed that the light from the windows in the ceiling had become much dimmer. “I think that it is time to end your stay on the Frame of Fear, and you have spent long enough being tormented by us in your present costume.” Madam Sǐwáng said, and she along with Kǎodǎ worked on bringing the swinging of the frightened prisoner to an end with gentle pushes that slowed the lady down a little at a time, before motioning to Kǒngbù to wind the winch handle so that the prisoner could be lowered.

After the powerless Cassidy was back on the floor, the suspension rope was untied from the loop on the black rope before this was also untied from her elbows and knees. Next the rope that bound her wrists to her ankles was removed along with the second hogtie rope that connected her ankles to her elbows, which allowed her to stretch her legs and body out on the floor. Once she had spent a few minutes recovering on the floor, the woman was lifted up by the two accomplices and placed into a standing position next to her captor. “Now to take you to the changing room, my sweet submiss- my victim.” She said as she took hold of the bonds that still held the arms of the helpless lady together behind her back, and the captive was forced to make her little hops towards the room where she ended up putting on the new costume.

This time, the powerless woman realised that there was something different about what was happening, and this became a source of great concern as she moved closer to the door. I have always been untied on the previous occasions when I have got changed before, but now we are close to the room and I am still as bound and gagged as when your assistants took me prisoner in this superheroine costume. What are your plans for me? Whatever it is there is nothing I can do to stop you, so I hope that it isn’t too bad.

Soon the duo reached the point where they were just outside the door to the room and the door was opened by the madam before she guided her reluctant captive through the entrance. After the door was closed, Cassidy started to tremble when she stood defenceless in the middle of the room, as she was alone with her captor for the first time since she was kidnapped on Monday lunchtime.

“Close your eyes and do not say a word.” Madam Sǐwáng said in a voice that had a stern edge to it.

This is it; perhaps you are going to take your revenge on me in private, away from the eyes of the world. At least you are allowing this to happen without other people seeing my fate. Cassidy did her best to keep still as she waited, but she couldn’t stop herself from trembling a little as the hands of her captor went to the sides of her neck. However, what happened next surprised her as the hands went to the back of her neck and unbuckled the straps, before the ones under her chin were disconnected. A few seconds later, the ball was pulled out from between her teeth and the shocked lady continued to stand there in shock with her eyes shut and her mouth wide open. What is going on? Oh my!

There was an even bigger surprise for the woman a moment later as the left arm of her captor embraced her while the right caressed her hair, and she felt lips press against her own in the most passionate kiss that she had experienced so far. Her heart raced when the body of her kidnapper pressed against her own, as she surrendered to the desire that was welling up within her after they had been suppressed by her recent fears.

OMG, she is falling for me, and I could be falling for her!

Re: Cassidy's Kidnapping FFF/F

Posted: Tue May 08, 2018 12:08 pm
by Soraka
This kiss lasted for several minutes until Madam Sǐwáng pulled her lips away from the face of the powerless Cassidy, but before the captive could utter a word the kidnapper placed the index finger of her right hand over the lips of the bound woman which indicated that she should remain silent.

“Come with me to the chair so that you can sit down on my lap, but remain quiet until I tell you to speak.” The captor said as she guided the lady to the chair before the madam sat down on it and pulled Cassidy down so that she was sitting from left to right on the lap of the woman who was in control of her. Arms held the helpless woman and pulled her closer to the madam, who initiated another long kiss which went on for quite some time as they remained in a passionate clinch.

“Oh Cassandra, you never cease to amaze me.” Madam Sǐwáng said after she withdrew her lips again and she released her right arm so that she could run her fingers through Cassidy’s hair while maintaining the embrace with her left. “The fire within me was extinguished when I nearly caused you to choke to death, and I was prepared to ensure that you would be free before long. However, you did something that was truly incredible in sparking the flame again by reminding me of what happened and the responsibilities that I have in helping others. That was something that I did not expect from you, and I do have to say thank you for doing this even though you are to remain in strict bondage for a while longer.”

Before Cassidy could say anything in response, her head was moved close to that of her captor’s and they were kissing in a more intense manner than at any previous time, so she just put her thoughts to the back of her mind as she experienced the moment. After this kiss ended, the madam smiled at her captive but to Cassidy it seemed that this wasn’t a smile with sinister overtones as it felt as if it was warm and genuine. As the helpless lady saw this expression of tenderness she couldn’t help but smile in the same way, and she stared into the eyes of her captor before discovering that it was hard to look away again as her heart pounded in her chest.

Oh my, I am falling for you, that’s why I gave you the strength to carry on when you wanted to give up. I thought for a moment that it was that condition when people start to empathise with their captors when they are kidnapped, but this is much more than that. Could it be that deep down, I don’t want you to set me free as I’ll never see you again?

“Why did you do it though, Cassandra? I have put you through hell in revenge because of what you did to me, and don’t pretend that I haven’t been that cruel because I have. Yet even after all of the tortures that I have inflicted on you, you surprise me by encouraging me to continue.”

This must be my chance to speak, but I must remember that you might notice if I lie about anything, so I will have to be careful with my words. Cassidy took a deep breath and paused for a moment before speaking. “To be honest I just couldn’t bear to see you like that, with all of your strength drained out of you, even though it would mean that I would be free. I felt that something had to be done to bring you back from that edge and remind you of who you are, regardless of what would happen to me as a result. You didn’t deserve what happened to you two years ago, which has caused you so much trouble and this present encounter. It was stupid, it was wrong and I am sorry that it occurred. Believe me, if I could go back and change the whole sorry mess into something positive, I would. I am so sorry for the trauma and pain that you went through because of something idiotic.” It is the truth, and I hope that you accept these words on behalf of the true Cassandra who got me into this mess.

There was a surprise from the captor as she hugged the helpless Cassidy and she burst into laughter for almost a minute before releasing her grip and sitting straight up. “Did my ears hear right? You actually apologised about something, which is an event in itself. However, it was very kind of you to provide me with the fire to continue, but you did take a great risk as I was very angry with you. That has subsided now, and I feel sorry about the torments that I have forced you to endure.”

“I would be lying if I didn’t say that I was terrified when you put me through those mock executions, and you have techniques that can make someone like me scream for mercy.” Cassidy said as she squirmed a little on the lap of her captor who responded by putting her arms around the helpless lady before giving her a long cuddle. “I am so glad that you are no longer angry at me, but where do we go from here?”

“I know that you can never forgive me for torturing you and exposing you worldwide, and your superiors are going to be enraged because of my activities. I wouldn’t be surprised if they would try to hunt me down after this is over.”

The irony is that I’m not Cassandra, so although her superiors may be angry, I doubt that they will come after you. After all, I would be exposed in the process as not being her, which they may not want to let everyone know about. In the end, the only person who can really have a say about this is me, and I do not want to see anything bad happen to you.

“If they try to chase after you, I will do my best to be in their way, as I want you to be okay. It may be difficult for you to understand, but there is nothing to forgive as you are a woman who has been hurt to an incredible level, and none of this is your fault.” At this moment, Cassidy decided to lean to her right so that she could snuggle up against the woman who held her prisoner, and this act was rewarded with a cuddle from the captor’s left arm, while the right hand caressed the bound woman’s hair. After the lady had settled in, she looked up so that she could look into the eyes of the madam before speaking. “Perhaps it is time for a fresh start between us, and to leave the past in the past. I am willing to do this if you are.”

“That is an amazing offer, Cassandra, and seeing as my feelings of anger have subsided against you, I will take you up on your offer. To a new beginning, for both of us.” The helpless woman closed her eyes and parted her lips a little as she tilted her head back, and she experienced a long, sweet kiss from her captor, a kiss that was full of tenderness and warmth along with a promise of a different future.

“Now that things have changed between us, Cassandra-.”

“I’m sorry to interrupt and I suppose that I shouldn’t ask, but could you please call me Cass, at least in private. I would really like it if you could do that.” If I could get you to do this, at least I wouldn’t have to put up with being referred to as Cassandra anymore.

“Okay Cass, I will call you that in private from now on. However, I have no reason to keep you as my prisoner, so I will untie you and find you some sensible clothes so that you can be released.”

You’re going to let me go? Even though you kidnapped me, there have been more than enough times when I have enjoyed being controlled in strict bondage by you, and now that it’s over I realise that I don’t want it to end. I must find some way, some reason that will force you to continue to keep me as your prisoner, so that I can stay bound and gagged at your mercy. “If you just let me go free like that, it will make everyone think that you are weakening and that would be bad for your reputation which you need as part of your work. The only way to ensure that your renown isn’t tarnished, is for you to continue what you are doing and torment me by tying me up and gagging me in a strict way until Thursday morning, as you promised earlier.”

“I understand what you mean, Cass. You do have my best interests at heart, even though you are placing yourself in more trouble as a result. Something puzzles me about your response, however, as you sounded very eager in convincing me to keep you helpless by using bondage. Could it be that there is another motive in you wishing for me to keep you as my prisoner?”

Oh no, you’ve guessed! I should have remembered that you are a very intelligent person. Although the defenceless Cassidy was unable to say anything in response to the question, her burning cheeks gave Madam Sǐwáng a clear answer about her true motives for not wanting to be freed.

“Oh Cass, the true you has finally been revealed at last, although I had suspicions before but I had dismissed them as wild guesses. Your face has explained in one moment how you feel in a way that words could never truly express, and you have shown yourself to be a genuine bondage submissive.”

“Please don’t let anyone else know, Mistress. Don’t let anyone else find out about my secret.” After Cassidy had spoken, she realised that she had used a particular word and that Madam Sǐwáng would not dismiss it once it had been uttered. OMG, I just referred to you as ‘Mistress’ and you are sure to pick up on that.

“Why thank you Cass, but you are the last person that I ever expected to call me Mistress. If I am the Mistress, then that would make you my slave, would I be correct in this assumption?” Just when Cassidy had thought that her cheeks couldn’t get any hotter or redder, she was proved wrong as she paused for a second before giving a single mute nod in answer. “In that case, perhaps you should tell me about one of your deepest fantasises, and you can consider this to be an order from your Mistress.”

If I tell you what I had desired for so long then you will just laugh at me, but you have commanded me so I must obey. “Please don’t laugh at me Mistress, but for some time I have dreamt about being kidnapped by a dominant Mistress who is being helped by her two sexy female assistants, and kept strictly bound and gagged while being forced to wear different outfits.”

Cassidy needn’t have worried about the reaction of the woman who had changed from being her kidnapper to being her Mistress, as the oriental lady smiled at the bound woman on her lap. “So that explains your behaviour at times since yesterday lunchtime, as what I had planned for you had fitted in with your fantasy. I doubt that the worst parts were to your liking, though. However, I suppose it is time to make a little confession as well. For a long time, I have had thoughts of placing you in the strictest bondage imaginable as well as making you wear sexy costumes, and I now realise that I have ended up subverting my desire for revenge into a chance to act out my most secret desires.”

“There’s no need to feel like that, Mistress, as you have every right to do what you want with your captive. If I may make a request though, I haven’t had the chance to get clean since I had a shower on Monday morning and I wish that I could feel fresh again.”

“Certainly Cass. Originally, I had planned to keep you prisoner for quite some time and part of your punishment was to not be able to get clean. As the situation has changed, I would not want my nice submissive to be uncomfortable for this reason, so I will arrange a special change of clothes that you will be able to shower in, as we have a portable shower set up in one of the rooms. My assistants and I will keep to the same costumes, as it is clear that you like to see us dressed in this way.” While the madam was speaking, she helped the captured woman to stand on her before the Mistress rose off the chair, and a few seconds later the defenceless Cassidy found herself kneeling on the floor of the changing room, with a short rope tied to her wrists and ankles that would ensure that she remained in position.

“I shall be back in a few minutes with your new clothing, and I expect you to get changed without causing me any trouble.” After the woman finished speaking, she left the changing room with Cassidy kneeling on the floor and the submissive began to wonder just how personal her Mistress was going to be.

You can do anything you want to me on an intimate level, and as your slave I have no choice but to comply. I don’t want this to become too personal at the moment, as it is still early days, but everything is up to you.

A minute later, Madam Sǐwáng returned with a blue bag which was put on the chair, and she had also brought in a knife which she used to cut away the bonds of the prisoner. “Your change of clothing is in the bag.” She said as she gathered up the thin cord. “It would not be advisable to take long in changing, because my aides will decide to take action in hauling you out. They do not know of our present situation, so it will be best if you struggle so that you have to be subdued and anyway, I think that you enjoy being forced into bondage.”

After Cassidy was left alone in the changing room, she took no time in stripping off her superheroine costume which was put in the black bag and she noticed that there was a particular aroma clinging to the garments. She gasped in shock as she discovered what she had to wear, but she knew that she had to get changed otherwise she could end up being dragged out in a very compromised position.

It took her less than a minute to change into her new outfit as there were only two items, and she decided that it would be best to see how she looked in the full length mirror. It was a string bikini which had the sheen of a metallic blue colour, but this wasn’t what had made her gasp when she when she opened the blue bag and looked at the garment. Although the modesty of her most intimate areas were maintained by the clothing, the bikini briefs were in a thong style and there was only a very thin strip of cloth which went up between her cheeks and left nothing to the imagination.

Looking at my back, you would almost think that I was naked, seeing as there are only the strings of my top and the rear of my briefs, and I have to go and let the world see me like this.

Cassidy took a deep breath before opening the door, and once she had left the room she was confronted by Kǎodǎ and Kǒngbù with whom she started another struggle. Just as before, this did not last long, and soon the captive found herself face down on the floor with Kǎodǎ sitting on her back and pulling her head back by her hair while Kǒngbù held onto her wrists in front of the captive’s face with her hands palm to palm.

“Let me go! Please, I don’t want to remain a prisoner- ULP!” As Cassidy pleaded, her sentence was cut short when the ball of the large blue ball gag which was used on her on the previous night was forced between her lips by Kǎodǎ, who buckled the straps to the tightest notch. Kǒngbù took a length of the blue rope from earlier and wrapped it ten times around her wrists, before adding four cinches to tighten the ropes. Another length of rope was used to bind the prisoner’s elbows together in front of her in the same manner by Kǒngbù before Kǎodǎ used four lengths of cord to bind Cassidy’s legs at the ankles, below and above the knees and at the mid thighs, with twelve windings and five cinches.

Once the captive was back in secure bondage, she was helped to her feet with her arms held out in front of her, and the lady who had become her Mistress took hold of the wrist bonds. Although she was as helpless as before, the prisoner felt an incredible thrill run through her body as she savoured the feeling of the ropes and gag on her body.

I don’t think that I have truly had this experience since I discovered that I had been kidnapped for real. I just wish that it could go on forever, but you will end up releasing me on Thursday morning.

“Follow me, Cassandra, it is time for your shower.” Madam Sǐwáng said as she guided the helpless Cassidy to a third door in the warehouse, and she opened the door to the temporary shower room before forcing the captive to hop through the entrance…

Re: Cassidy's Kidnapping FFF/F

Posted: Tue May 08, 2018 12:08 pm
by Soraka
By the time that the door to the improvised shower room was opened again, the sky had gone dark and all of the warehouse lights were switched on so that the area was illuminated. Madam Sǐwáng was the first person to leave the room, and she had a radiant smile on her face as she held the door open so that the captive in bondage would be able to exit. In contrast to the expression that was displayed by her kidnapper, or to be more accurate her Mistress, Cassidy’s eyes were as wide as saucers with cheeks that were redder than ever, and her expression was a mixture of acute shock and embarrassment as she hopped out of the room with her hair just a little damp.

I am so glad that you did that to me in private, so that the world will never know what happened in there, and I am never ever going to tell anyone else about this experience. However, I cannot hide the fact that something happened as it is practically written all over my face.

“Prisoner, when you are out of the room you will need to halt.” Once the bound woman had hopped all of the way out of the room, she stopped about three feet away from the door which the Mistress closed before stepping behind her captive. “I think that something needs to be adjusted, before we continue on this evening.”

The leader reached out with her hands going underneath the hair of the helpless lady and for a moment Cassidy thought that her Mistress was going to adjust her gag as she felt fingers touch the buckle that held the straps together. Why do you want to alter that? It is not going to come out as I cannot dislodge it, but it is just causing me a little discomfort. Wait, you can’t be thinking of doing that, can you? Cassidy cringed as she felt the hands move just a little further down, and they touched the knot that tied the two ends of the strings that held her bikini top up so that her modesty was preserved. You can’t possibly be thinking of forcing me to go topless in front of all these people. I would just die if you did that to me! It took just a moment for the captor to untie the two strings, but she held onto the ends so that the tied up woman didn’t end up getting exposed to the world, and the madam wasted no time it pulling the thin cords tighter before tying another knot as the base of the captive’s neck.

“I am sorry about doing that, but I had suspicions about that knot which proved to be correct.” Madam Sǐwáng said as she put her hands on the waist of the defenceless lady. “Had I not retied it, the strings would have come loose before long and everyone would be seeing more of you than you would have liked.”

Well, that knot being loose is hardly my fault, especially after what went on in the showers. If it had been possible, Cassidy’s face would have turned an even deeper shade of red. Oh my-. Any attempt at coherent thought vanished for a moment as the captive was given a deep kiss on her right shoulder as the hands slipped around her waist to the front, with the kiss turning into playful sucking and biting just a few seconds later. It is so wonderful to just stand here while you pay such loving attention to me. I wish that you could take me to your room and just kiss me all night long.

“Kǎodǎ, could you bring me a chair so that our prisoner can sit down for a minute, and could you please bring over the blue bag, Kǒngbù.” One of the basic black plastic chairs was brought over by Kǎodǎ while her sister picked up a large blue bag which was placed to the left of the chair. “It’s time for you to have a rest for a few minutes, so sit down on the chair, Cassandra.” Although Cassidy was finding it easier to move with her arms stretched out in front of her as time went on, it was still a little awkward from her to hop around to the front of the chair before sitting in it. “Now, I don’t want you to be able to see what we are doing, so I’ll have to blindfold you.” Madam Sǐwáng reached into the bag so that she could retrieve a blue cloth strip, before placing the middle over the eyes of the helpless lady and taking the ends around to the back of the head where they were tied together.

I don’t know what you have got planned for me while I am sitting in this chair, but my chances of doing anything to stop it has diminished further, even if I had any in the first place. What are you doing to my legs? As the captive sat in the chair, she could feel the removal of the ropes around her ankles before the cord around her legs just below the knees was untied. Are you lifting my right leg up so that you can put something on my right foot? You are, and it feels like some kind of boot which is going all the way up to just under my knees. That’s my left leg now, and I must be wearing a pair of knee length boots. Once the helpless damsel was wearing the boots, each rope was bound back around her knees and ankles, and there was a squeaking sound ass she squirmed with her lower legs.

Why are you untying my wrists now, aren’t you worried that I might try and get free? Although I should know that there’s no chance of this happening while I have the cloth over my eyes. You’re putting gloves on me now, but what type and how far do they go up my arm? After the material had been smoothed out past Cassidy’s wrists, she was unsurprised when her hands were bound in the same way as before, and the ropes at her elbows were removed for a moment so that the ends of the gloves could be taken up to the ends of her forearms. I must have much more material covering my arms and legs than over all the rest of my body, which are really little more than three triangles. It didn’t take more than a minute for the helpless captive’s arms to be tied together at the elbows again, and she was helped up to a standing position before the cloth that covered her eyes was removed. Cassidy blinked a few times so that her eyes could get used to the brightness of the warehouse lights again, and she gasped as she looked at the new items of clothing that she was wearing.

I’ve got vinyl Go-go boots on my legs, a pair of vinyl elbow length gloves on my arms and their colour matches that of my bikini. I must admit that this outfit is looking more than a little sexy, and I hope that you appreciate this, Mistress.

“You look great like this, Cassandra, a Go-go dancer in strict bondage. It’s a good thing that there are no men around here, otherwise you would be in more than a little trouble.”

I’m sure that you would never let anything happen to me, even if there were men around. They would never get a chance to do anything to me. Two more blue ropes were taken out of the blue bag by Madam Sǐwáng, before Kǒngbù picked up the bag and carried it over to one of the concrete pillars, where it was left while the two sisters removed several ropes. One of the cords carried by the madam was double stranded, and the looped end was taken around Cassidy’s wrist ropes with the free ends being fed through the loop before a secure knot was tied.

Madam Sǐwáng tugged on the end before speaking. “It is time you got used to your new footwear, so you will be following me around for a while on the end of this rope. Come on, captive.” There was a second pull on the rope and Cassidy realised that if she didn’t comply, she could be in trouble as a sharper pull could cause her to lose balance and fall over. Her first hop forward was very hesitant as she was wearing unfamiliar boots, but she became more confident in moving as she took more and more small jumps.

“I see that you are getting the hang of jumping around in your boots, so it is time for you to move a little faster.” Madam Sǐwáng increased her speed as she walked around the room, which meant that the captive had to work harder to keep up with the lady who held onto the rope. This continued for quite some time as the helpless woman was made to hope around the warehouse, but it puzzled her why her captor was carrying a second length of rope without using it, and she kept glancing at the length of cord while she tried to fathom out its purpose.

“Stop, Cassandra.” Madam Sǐwáng said, and the helpless woman stopped as the leader released her grip on the rope that was attached to the prisoner’s wrists. “I noticed that you were looking at the second rope, and as you are now proficient in hopping around in your new boots, I think that it is time that I put the cord to use.”

What are you going to do with it? Is it going to inflict some kind of torture? I know that we had a new start in private, but this is about your reputation. A worried look appeared on the face of the lady in bondage as her arms were lowered by her Mistress, and she noticed that the second rope was double stranded before the woman stepped behind her. Is that rope going around my waist? A look down by the captive confirmed that the loop was being taken around her waist, and there was fumbling at the small of her back which suggested that the doubled ends were going through the loop. When she felt the rope tighten around her waist, she knew that this had happened and the activity behind her would be the tying off of the rope with the free ends trailing.

What possible purpose could you have in tying that rope around my waist like that, and I don’t think that you are going to place me in some kind of ankles to waist bondage. No! Oh my, please, for the love of, NO! What happened next caught Cassidy by surprise as the ends of the rope was threaded between her legs above the thigh bonds, and underneath the waist loop at the front of her body before they were tied to the ropes just below her elbows. I can’t believe that you have done that to me with the world watching! This rope is pressing on my body right between my legs and there is nothing I can do to stop it! As the helpless woman shifted her arms a little to maintain her balance, her face turned red again when the rope pressed a little harder and rubbed against her body.

“What’s wrong, Cassandra? Surely after all of the ordeals you have gone through at my hands, you should have no trouble with a nice little crotch-rope.” Madam Sǐwáng spoke as she took hold to the rope that hung from the wrists of the bound lady, and she had a mischievous smile on her lips as she turned her head to face her captive. “I think that our nice walk around the warehouse should continue, so that you can get used to the extra rope on your body.” A sharp tug on the rope by the Mistress forced the arms of the submissive woman back up, which tightened the crotch-rope so that it pressed against her vulnerable body.

Get used to this? How can I get used to this, seeing as it’s causing me to feel so- so- warm inside? You must know what it is doing to me, but I mustn’t let how I feel be seen by the world.

“It is time for you to start hopping with your new restriction, Cassandra.” There was another hard pull of the leading rope by the captor, and the helpless woman felt the pressure of the rope against her body which caused her make a small hop forward. As she landed, her arms moved around for balance, with the inevitable result that the tension of the crotch-rope increased for a moment, before she lowered her elbows which allowed the cord to loosen.

That was just one little jump, and it’s already having a teasing effect on me. Just how long am I going to have to do this for? At this rate, my face is going to be red for the entire evening. Another tug forced the lady in bondage to hop for a second time, and she was thankful for the large gag in her mouth, as it gave her something to bite into upon landing instead of crying out. This is another way of tormenting me without using pain, as the new rope is a source of constant embarrassment with it teasing me. You might as well have placed an arrow on me saying ‘look here’ as it certainly draws attention to this area of my body. Cassidy made yet another hop as she was taken a little off balance by Madam Sǐwáng, and she winced on landing as the special rope set a shockwave through her body. How can I effectively fight what you are doing to me? Pain is something that a person can resist but this feeling is of pleasure, and it is going to be so hard to fight against me surrendering to my growing desire.

Time and again the lady had to endure the delightful torment of her hopping, and the feeling of warmth inside her grew stronger as she was made to take her little jumps around the room. In an effort to find something that would distract her, she looked at what Kǎodǎ and Kǒngbù were doing, and she noticed that they were double stranding lengths of blue rope which were fed through the upper rings on some of the pillars with both the loops and free ends trailing on the floor. That must be for some new torment that they have planned for me, as if my current predicament wasn’t effective enough.

It took every ounce of strength for Cassidy not to moan out loud or give some indication of how the crotch-rope was affecting her, but after a while she was made to hop over to the two sisters. “Okay Kǎodǎ and Kǒngbù, I think that it is time for you two to have some fun with our bondage prone Go-go dancer.” Madam Sǐwáng said as she held out the control rope to the two sisters, and the ends of the cord were taken hold of by Kǒngbù.

You can’t be handing me over to these sisters, especially after what happened when I was dressed as a schoolgirl. These two can be very mean.

“Follow me, slave.” Kǒngbù said, pulling very hard on the rope which forced the helpless Cassidy to hop after her, and within a minute she found herself facing one of the concrete pillars with the rope hanging from the upper ring. “Now, shuffle forward until you are as close as possible to the column with your forearms lifted up.”

I will only be able to get my arms close to the pillar in my present state of bondage, but perhaps that is all you want. Cassidy raised her forearms up as much as she could as she shuffled forward in her restrictive bondage, with her vinyl boots making squeaky noises as they rubbed together. She had to bite harder into her gag as she placed her forearms parallel to the column, as the pressure of the crotch-rope increased had increased due to her standing like this, and this added more fire to her teasing torture.

“Thank you, slave.” Kǎodǎ said as she untied the leading rope from Cassidy’s wrists, but this relative freedom was short lived as the woman took the hanging rope from the ring and took it around the captive’s wrist bonds. “I think that you will need to stand on your toes in a second.” The tormentor pulled hard on the ends of the blue cord, which forced the bondage prisoner to stand on tiptoe in her boots and her hands were pulled a little further into the air before the ends of the rope were knotted off.

The effect of this far stronger than before and if I even lower myself just a little, this feeling will become unbearable. Cassidy attempted to keep herself as high as possible, but there came a point when the strength in her legs weakened and she found herself unable to suppress a moaned that escaped from between her gagged lips as the tension increased in the rope.

“Look at our slave, Kǎodǎ, I think that she is actually enjoying what is happening to her at the moment, especially with that rope between her legs.”

“That is not surprise, Kǒngbù. Tie up a Go-go dancer and she becomes just another bondage whore in ropes. However, bondage whores like her must be punished. Do you have any ideas?”

“The slave’s position suggests an appropriate punishment, seeing as her posterior is sticking out like that. Plus, the naughty dancer has chosen an outfit that didn’t even cover her bottom cheeks, so I think that a good spanking is in order.”

Oh no, please don’t spank me! Do you realise what that could do to me, especially with the way that I am feeling at the moment? You could shame me again before the entire world!

Re: Cassidy's Kidnapping FFF/F

Posted: Tue May 08, 2018 12:09 pm
by Soraka
“Well Kǎodǎ, which side of the captive do you wish to be on?” Kǒngbù said.

“I think that I would prefer to use my left hand for this, so maybe it will be best for me if I stand on the right of our helpless whore. Are you okay with being on her left, Kǒngbù?”

“That will be fine. To be honest, I don’t think our captive will be bothered about what side we are on, as she will soon be occupied with what we are doing to her.” Kǒngbù said as she stood on the left of the helpless woman, while her sister took up position on Cassidy’s right side with both of the women facing the captive.

Even though Cassidy shook her head as she begged through her gag for the sisters to be merciful to her, she knew that her efforts would be in vain as there were no other options. Madam Sǐwáng has left me with these two just so that I can be tormented, and although I have been through many unpleasant actions, this one may be the opposite and inflict far more embarrassment and humiliation than anything else. She looked from side to side as the two ladies lifted up their hands, and although she attempted to put on her most pitiful face as a last resort, this also failed to elicit any sympathy from her captors.

“I think that our prisoner is trying to appeal to our good side, Kǒngbù. However, it is unfortunate for her that although we do have a good side, we are not going to allow her to make any use of it. You go first so that our bondage captive can start to have her bottom warmed up.”

“Sure, Kǎodǎ. We do have an advantage with Cassandra this time, seeing as she doesn’t feel pain in the same way as the rest of us. This means that we can spank her bare bottom far harder than we could with any other captive, and she will only feel the stimulation. It is the same with the rope that runs between her legs, as that will only caress her, no matter how hard it presses.”

That’s all too true, on any other woman this rope would be far too uncomfortable to provide any pleasure, but on me it provides nothing but pleasure. Here we go, I just hope that I don’t end up embarrassing myself in front of the world. As soon as Cassidy noticed that Kǒngbù was lifting her right hand up a little higher, she bit into her gag in preparation for the spanking that she was going to receive. Everyone else does this because they need to take their mind off the pain, but I have to concentrate so that I can be occupied on something other than the stimulation.

As to be expected, the first blow against her cheeks didn’t hurt at all, even though it was quite a harsh strike and she noticed that her body jerked in response, which caused the crotch rope to rub against her most sensitive area. She bit harder into the gag so that she could try to ignore this sensation, along with the increased heart rate which pumped more blood to the struck area. Five more spanks followed at a slow rate which she reacted to with the same movement of her body, and she noticed that the nerve endings below her bottom muscles were starting to become affected by the blows. I read about how spankings can be used in a situation like this to arouse a bound woman so much that she can end up in ecstasy. There’s no pain, so I can experience this without that particular distraction. What are you doing now? No!i

Instead of it being the turn of the next sister to spank her, Kǒngbù was running the fingers and palm of her right hand over the bare skin on the helpless lady, and this caress increased the feeling of pleasure and warmth in her bottom and the top of her legs. I can try and hold on for as long as possible, but I know that eventually I will have no choice but to surrender to my desire, which will humiliate me in front of millions. Cassidy bit into the gag again when her cheeks were hit by the sister to her right, and even though the impacts were of the same strength, the increase in strength of the flame of lust in her body were impossible to ignore After the half dozen smacks were delivered to the posterior of the prisoner, her hips twitched as Kǎodǎ’s hand smoothed over the bare flesh that was starting to turn red.

This is worse that when I was being tortured by the three of you, as a punishment like that can be resisted but this pleasure is impossible to fight.

“Did you see our captive twitch just then, Kǎodǎ? I’m sure that she is enjoying this, and that she is trying to fool us that she isn’t.”

“I could feel her movements under my hand as I gave her a gentle caress, Kǒngbù. Cassandra is reacting to our treatment in a most lustful way.”

You know exactly what is happening to me, even though I am doing my best to hide my behaviour while I have to go through this ordeal.

It was Kǒngbù’s turn to administer the latest round of spankings, and she not only took her time but landed her blows on areas that had not been hit before, so that more of the area would be affected. That’s unfair. By smacking me in these new places, you are increasing the feelings inside my body and adding more fuel to the fire where the special rope touches me. The several minute long caress of her cheeks was even worse, and although she did her best to stifle her response to this pleasurable action by biting down on the ball between her teeth, a moan managed to escape from her muffled mouth. Oh no, I’ve given myself away to you, and to anyone who will be watching this on their computers.

“Our prisoner is finding her stimulation to be very enjoyable and she has failed in her efforts to suppress the erotic feelings that are going through her body, Kǎodǎ. I think that your turn will manage to elicit further reactions from her, and show everyone just how naughty this bad woman is.”

I knew it! You plan to take me to the point where my erotic feelings will explode within me so that I will be shamed in front of everyone. I cannot get free, and any struggles that I make will just intensify the hot and arousing feelings inside me.

“It will be interesting to see how Cassandra behaves now that I am the one who will give that bad bottom of hers a good spanking. However, I think that I will change my tactics on this turn, by delivering an extremely hard smack and then applying a nice long caress to accentuate it.” Cassidy turned her head to the right so that she could watch as Kǎodǎ lifted her hand as high as possible, and the resulting blow caused her body to jerk in its bonds which increased the tension of the rope that pressed against her “hot-spot”. This act added even more heat to her body, and the lady’s biting on her gag failed to help her concentrate, as her bottom writhed under the soft caress that her captor provided. This was just after the first blow, and by the time the sixth was delivered to the captive’s bottom, it was clear just how affected she was by the treatment that she had received from the two sisters.

I’m starting to lose control, and my own body is starting to turn against me. I’m trying my best to keep still, but as there is no pain this is an erotic massage for my body. After a while at this rate, I won’t even care about what you are doing to me and I will want you to do even more.

“Kǎodǎ, I must admit that poor prisoner is starting to look very sexy because of our so called punishment, and I think that I should copy your method of applying the stimulation. There well come a time when she is so full of desire that she won’t want us to stop.” It was Kǒngbù’s turn to deliver six of the best to the bottom of the defenceless prisoner, and each hard smack was separated by a long massage of the captive’s red cheeks. Her strikes were harder than her sister’s which caused the crotch rope to increase its pressure against the seat of Cassidy’s flame, and the prisoner no longer bit down on the gag as she emitted a loud moan after each blow. As the helpless woman received the sweet caress after each strike, she found herself pushing her bottom against the hand of her captor so that the maximum amount of pleasure could be obtained from the act, and once the woman realised what she was doing, her face started to turn bright red.

There is no point in trying to pretend that I don’t want this to happen, now that it is obvious I am burning up with erotic feelings. I might as well encourage my heat to grow even more until it explodes within me. As Kǎodǎ continued spanking Cassidy with each blow accompanied by a massage, the helpless lady cried out with pleasure as she gave in to the desires that controlled her body, and she even dropped her heels every so often so that the crotch rope would become even more tense.

“Kǒngbù, I think that the captive has abandoned all pretence of being innocent, and she is even pressing herself against the rope so that she can add to the experience. Now the world can see just how shameless this slut really is.”

Could you two stop it with the sisterly chatter and carry on with spanking my bottom? Hello, aroused woman here and I would like to get on with this. Oh my God, I am truly caught up with this now, and I don’t care who sees me like this anymore. While the bound prisoner raised and lowered her heels to obtain more erotic pleasure, she did her best to wiggle her red bottom to the two captives so that she could get their attention.

“Cassandra has actually grown impatient with us, Kǎodǎ, so I think that we should concentrate on just giving our prisoner the nice erotic spanking that she so obviously desires.” Kǒngbù took her time in smacking the bottom of the captive, and she used the spacing between blows to provide a comprehensive smoothing of the prisoner’s cheeks.

This was how the situation continued for the defenceless Cassidy, with each of the sisters taking it in turn to keep her stimulated with the spankings and caresses, which did their work in increasing the level of warmth and erotic sensations in the body. The helpless woman no longer cared that her lust and need was on view to the world as she had surrendered to her desires, and her only thought was when she was going to reach the peak of ecstasy.

I have never experienced anything like this before, but that isn’t surprising as I have never been in such strict bondage or stimulated in such a unique manner. What is surprising is that you have shown restraint in how you touch me. I am unable to prevent you from touching any part of my body, but you have kept away from certain areas in public, leaving only the rope to press against my area of greatest intimacy. I can only think that this must be due to rules that Madam Sǐwáng has set down, and you have no desire to disobey her orders. The rope between my legs is probably as far as you will go in teasing me, but it is serving its purpose along with the spankings in providing me with this incredible pleasure. I thought that as the kidnap victim I was supposed to be punished, and yet this is the opposite of punishment.

It wasn’t long before the helpless Cassidy closed her eyes so that she could concentrate on her sense of touch, and she allowed herself to be swamped by the feelings that were flooding her being. Her anticipation and excitement added to the erotic fire that burned within her, and she almost howled through her gag at each new smack which was followed by a sensual massage of her bottom. Every time that she was struck by one of the sisters, she lowered her heels as much as possible along with pushing her bottom out, so that she could obtain as much pleasure as possible.

Each repeated cycle of spankings and caresses was welcomed by the captive as they took her closer to that special moment, and soon she had reached the point when it would take just one more series of blows to drive her erotic feelings over the edge into bliss. That’s it, both of you can spank my bottom once more so that I can lose myself in the eruption of pleasure. In anticipation of the next series of blows, the bound woman pushed her bottom out as far as it would go and tensed her body as she waited for the smacks to land on her posterior.

However, nothing happened.

What’s going on? Are you going to tease me a little more by waiting before you finish me off? You two do seem to be taking your time about this, and I really need to have something done about the sensual fire that burns within me. Cassidy waited for a few more seconds before she opened her eyes, and when the captive looked around her, Kǎodǎ and Kǒngbù were nowhere to be seen. You’ve deliberately
left me like this, while I am right on the edge! I’ve been taken almost to the point of ecstasy and I have a flame of lust that needs to be extinguished. Where have you two gone to? There was a cry of frustration from the helpless lady as she realised that her feeling of desire had become so intense that it had become a form of torment.

Maybe if I try to press myself against the rope between my legs, I can take myself over the edge on my own. A few seconds later, the suffering lady started to raise and lower her heels in a rhythmical pattern while pushing her posterior back and forth, in the hope that these actions would be sufficient to proved her with the release that she had become desperate for. After several minutes of this, however, the woman not only discovered that this was unsuccessful but she had ended up in adding more fuel to the erotic fire that burned away inside her being. Please help me! Don’t leave me like this! Even though the woman tried to stop her new actions in the hope that she could calm herself down, her body almost seemed to have a life of its own as it continued with the thrusting which started to mix her pleasure with pain.

After a short time had passed, the tormented woman saw movement out of the corner of her right eye, so she turned her head to see who was approaching her and discovered that it was Madam Sǐwáng. Thank goodness my Mistress is back, and I’m sure after our private talk that she will not leave me to suffer like her aides have. It took about twenty seconds for the Madam to walk up to the right side of the captive, and the helpless woman begged and pleaded to the woman in the hopes that her internal fire would soon be put out. Please spank me so that an end can be brought to my torment!

Madam Sǐwáng’s response was not the one that the bound woman was expecting, however, as the leader placed her face close to the right ear of the suffering woman and spoke in a quiet tone. “I know that your lust must be driving you crazy, and that you want me to relieve you of your suffering, but I cannot do such a thing to you in public.”

Are you joking about this? You let your two accomplices take me to a point where I am on the edge of bliss, where they leave we with a desire that has become excruciating, and you tell me that you cannot help me?

“Cass, at first I was happy to let Kǎodǎ and Kǒngbù spank you, and I was prepared to let them take you all of the way. However, as I checked the monitor, some people were starting to make some very unsavoury comments about you enjoying yourself. Previously, when I tormented you, they were on your side, and I was the evil villainess responsible for the cruelty against you, but this attitude changed when you put on your display as they started to think that you were some kind of slut. To be honest, I was enjoying your erotic display which made me feel very warm inside, but I couldn’t allow it to end so I had to intervene. I motioned my assistants to leave, and as your pleasure rebounded on you, the comments turned me into the bad woman again.”

Oh great, you want to protect my reputation as the victim by torturing me with pleasure? Do you have any idea just how it feels to be kept in denial like this?

“I know that you must hate me for doing this right now, Cass, but if I had allowed it to end I doubt that you would ever forgive me, especially for the reputation that you would end up with. Once we are in private, I will provide you with a release from your torment, but you need to endure until then.”

I will try my best, but I don’t think that I have ever been so sensitive in my life. Cassidy squirmed in her bonds as the fire of lust continued to burn at he most sensitive point.

Madam Sǐwáng straightened up and spoke in her dominating voice. “Now that I have you suffering in this way, Cassandra, I will prepare you for the next torment!”

Re: Cassidy's Kidnapping FFF/F

Posted: Tue May 08, 2018 12:09 pm
by Soraka
The first action of the captor was to untie the end of the crotch rope that was bound to the elbows of the helpless lady, and the rope was taken back through the legs before the other knot was removed with the rope taken away from the body of the captive.

Even though that cruel cord has been removed after having teased me for so long, my need is so intense that its absence does nothing to diminish the feeling between my legs. I just wish that I could reach down with my own hands so that I can bring an end to this tender torment that has been forced onto me. The only extra freedom that this permits me is to be able to rest my feet on the floor. As the prisoner stopped standing on tiptoe, she lowered her heel while she continued to moan and whimper in frustration, with her writhing in place due to her hands still being held up. After a few seconds had passed with the victim still struggling, the captor untied the long rope that bound the tormented woman to the upper ring and the cord was left hanging from the ring as the captive held her arms out straight.

“I need to fetch the appropriate bag for these ropes, along with another bag with a special item.” Madam Sǐwáng said “I trust that you will behave yourself and remain still while I am gone for a few minutes.”

There was a nod from the captive, but this was an act of deception rather than any promise to be good. My hands are bound in front of me, and the level of my flame of desire means that it will only take a few strokes of my fingers to create the explosion which I need.

“Good. I will not take long to return and when I do, you will put into a new bondage position which may be just as teasing as the previous one.” Once the lady had spoken, she turned around on the spot before she headed in the direction of where the blue rope bag was left, and the prisoner started to lower her arms in preparation for bringing an end to her suffering.

I can’t believe that you left me like this, as you must know how desperate I am at the moment, and I would say anything so that I could get the time alone to bring this burning to an end. It is very surprising that you fell for my agreement, when all I have to do is reach down with my hands. As the bound captive looked around, she noticed that none of the other women were in direct line of sight of her, which meant that they wouldn’t realise what she was up to until she screamed with ecstasy. When the lady brought her hands down, so that she could touch the location that would allow her to obtain her blissful release, the prisoner discovered that there was a severe problem to her plan.

OMG, I can’t reach far enough! Something is stopping me from being able to touch my own body. I have been able to do this before, so what is stopping me now? Cassidy howled in frustration when she made another attempt to stroke the area that was causing her to experience a torment that was different to anything that had been inflicted on her before, and it took her more than a few seconds to understand what was happing to her. It’s the way that my arms are bound that is preventing me from sating my need. If it was just my wrists that were tied, then I would have the flexibility to touch my special place, as I could just twist my hands a little. If my elbows were the only location bound, then I think that I would still have no trouble in being able to reach the right spot and stop this fire. Having my arms bound at both the wrists and the elbows have locked my limbs into a rigid configuration that prevents any leeway in moving my hands.

As the helpless lady hand tried again to reach the location on her body, so that she could do something about her burning lust, she realised why Madam Sǐwáng had accepted Cassidy’s nod about behaving herself. You knew that this would happen, that’s why you left me unsupervised like this! I thought that you had made a mistake in believing that I would behave myself, when in actual fact I am unable to misbehave at all. If anything, the results of my futile actions have encouraged my heart to beat faster which has increased the blood supply to my body, and this includes the place that is already tormented from denial. I should have realised what you were up to, as this is why you left me alone; you wanted me to try this so that I would inflict further suffering on my own body. Instead of deceiving you, I am the one who has ended up being fooled.

By now, the lady was so desperate in her need to find a release from the torture of pleasure, that she was willing to try anything that would even provide the remotest chance of helping her relieve her unique tension. When the captive turned around to her left, her hands brushed against the pillar that she had been bound to when she had been spanked almost to the point of bliss, and an idea formed in her mind. If I could find a way to force my arms closer to my body, then I will have a chance of being able to touch myself. The column is solid concrete, so I might be able to use it in providing a way of applying leverage to my arms, which would help me to get close enough to the necessary area. It may be easier for me if I put my side to the pillar first, and turn with my arms down until I face the column.

Cassidy turned back around to the right until the column was on her left side, and she shuffled leftwards until she felt the rough surface of the concrete against the top of her arms. I hope this works, otherwise I am going to have to wait until this scenario is over before my torment is ended. The bound woman took a deep breath before turning to the left again, and she was able to use the pillar to force her arms down further than she could achieve with her shoulder muscles alone. After the captive had managed to face the structure that she was using to help her in her need, she did her best to shuffle forward a little so that she could use the leverage to maximum effect.

At least I have been able to get closer than I have before, and I can make one final effort which should be able to help me reach my flame. Once the woman pushed forward harder, she made her attempt to reach the fire between her legs by twisting her hands as far as she could and pushing out with her fingers. However, when she did her best to touch her own body, she managed the gentlest and briefest of caresses which only served to add a little more fuel to her body. No, No, NO! I am so close! Please, let me just get a little closer! Cassidy thrust her body against the column so that she could apply an increased amount of pressure, but her own arms acted as a spring which caused her hands to move back after the shortest moment. I need to make this work, just let this work for me.

It was at this moment that the prisoner lost control as she closed her eyes, and in her frustration she ended up thrusting against the column time and time again in the futile hope that she could manage to find her release.

“What on earth are you doing to that pillar, Cassandra?”

This sentence stopped the captive from her continued actions as her face started to turn red, and she opened her eyes to see Madam Sǐwáng standing to the left of the structure, who was putting down the two bags taht she had been carrying. Just how long have you been watching me? I didn’t even hear you approach as this fire has demanded my complete attention.

“I see that you decided that you weren’t going to behave yourself after all while I was away, and you have ended up being a very naughty lady. Normally, I would give someone a good spanking for this, but given your present condition this is something that you would welcome. I will devise a different punishment for you, which will cause your suffering to become even more intense and you will wish that you had been a good girl after all.”

I have ended up making the situation even worse for myself in disobeying you, and I feel hotter than ever as a result of my actions. There is only one course of action that I can take that might stop you from punishing me, but I will have to humiliate myself in the process. Cassidy turned to face her captor before steadying herself by pressing her arms against the pillar, while she did her best to slide her legs down to the floor in a controlled manner. However, this manoeuvre was only successful up to the point when her knees slipped and slammed against the floor, but she managed not to fall over by leaning her body against the column. When the captive knew that her position was stable, she used her hands to push herself into an upright kneeling stance in front of her kidnapper.

There was a look of surprise on the face of the madam as Cassidy lifted her arms up, and the desperate captive moved her hands up and down while she made pleading sounds through her gag. Look Madam Sǐwáng, I’m kneeling in front of you, embarrassing myself in front of the world.

“You are actually on your knees in front of me, begging so that I will relent?” The madam said, and the helpless prisoner nodded her head as her cheeks turned even redder. “I am impressed by how far you are willing to go in abasing yourself, but I will not forego your punishment, neither will I provide you with the necessary actions that will put out your fire.”

Please, please, please, just show me some mercy for once.

Although the captive did her best try and dissuade her kidnapper from continuing with the torment, the madam leaned over and took hold of the bound woman’s arms before speaking into her left ear in a soft voice. “Personally Cass, nothing would give me greater pleasure than to provide you with the release that you are begging me for. Believe me when I tell you that I understand how you feel at the moment, as the same fire burns within my body. However, as you have pointed out, I do have a reputation to uphold and I must remain strong for both of us. Also, before I decided to kidnap you, I made a promise that no matter how I felt, no part of my body would trespass on the most intimate part of yours.” After the woman had spoken, she lifted the prisoner up so that she was on her feet and turned her around so that she was facing the column with her arms raised. “I need to make sure that your hands are out of reach for the next part of the bondage.” The leader said as she opened up the blue bag and took out a long rope, which she used to tie the waist of the captive to the column with several loops going around the lady and the structure.

“There, that should keep your body in place while I make the alterations to your bondage.” The arms of the captive were moved higher still until there came a point when her head was forced back, and the rope that bound her elbows together was untied which allowed her to provide a gap which she could put her head between. Any relief for the prisoner lasted for just a moment as her upper arms were pulled behind her head, before her elbows were pulled together and bound with ten loops and four cinches by the same length of rope as before.

This is almost the same as when you tormented me yesterday, but I don’t think that you have the same type of punishment in mind. It took just a few seconds for the rope that held her waist to be untied before she was turned to the left, with the madam double stranding the rope and taking the loop around the prisoner’s waist. I think that I know what is going to happen to me, and this is going to be excruciating if I am correct. The free ends were threaded through the loop with the rope being pulled tight, a knot was used to secure the loop in place and the rest of the cord was taken between the upper thighs of the helpless lady. I was right about what you were planning, but my elbows are not in a suitable location to have rope tied to. Oh no, it’s worse than before!

Cassidy screamed through her gag as the rope was pulled tight with the material pressing against the most sensitive point on her body, and the pleasure was so close to pain that it was impossible to tell the difference anymore. There was an even greater surprise for the helpless woman as her hands were pulled back and down so that her arms were folded over, and the free ends of the cord were looped around the bonds that held her wrists together where they were tied off. You’ve tied my wrists to the crotch rope, and now every little movement of my body will send shockwaves of this unbearable feeling through my pelvic area. With my arms in this kind of bondage, I can’t get the leverage to do anything more than move the rope a little, and I think that this torture is going to be harsher on me than the previous one.

After the madam gave a sharp tug on the crotch rope which caused the helpless lady to squeal, she walked around to the front of her prisoner and faced the damsel before starting to speak. “Now that I have your new bondage all set up, all you have to do is start hopping around and entertain the watchers.”

Cassidy’s eyes became as wide as saucers as she listened to the command, and the expression on her face altered from one of begging for release to a look that showed just how scared she was. I can’t jump like this, as I’ll fall to the floor! My arms are above my body, which makes me top heavy, and I can’t use any body movement to adjust my weight as it will make me topple over. The shaking of the captive’s head was accompanied by her making a whining noise, which made it clear that she was terrified of moving from her present position by jumping.

“If you don’t make an effort to move forward a little by jumping, I think that I will have to deliver an extra special punishment that will humiliate you worse than before.” Madam Sǐwáng said as she took her hands and placed them on the neck of the captive. “That nice little bikini bra of yours is only held up by a nice little bow knot at the back of your neck, and it would only take one little pull to unravel it along with your modesty.”

No, you wouldn’t dare do this to me! I can’t think that you force me to become topless in front of the world! As the frightened lady continued to shake her head, she felt the hands go around to the back of her neck before she experienced a special tension which was the tugging at the end of the bra strings that were tied in a knot. You’re actually going to do it; you are going to expose me in front of everyone if I don’t do as you ask! If I refuse to follow your orders after this, I have no doubt that you would remove that last little triangle which would leave me completely naked.

There was an even more fearful look on the face of the captive as she nodded her head in the desperate hope that the madam would stop pulling on the bikini bra strings, and the kidnapper pulled her hands away from her prisoner’s neck before stepping back. “I see that you have realised just how serious I am about having my orders obeyed, and if you had waited just a second longer, all of the viewers would have got a better look at your body. Now, hop towards me.”

I’m going to fall over when I move, but that won’t be as bad as being stripped in public. Even though the captive was scared of what was going to happen, she took a small hop forward and the lady let out an involuntary scream on landing as she knew that she was off balance, with there being nothing she could do to prevent herself from toppling forward. However, her horrific fall was halted as Madam Sǐwáng stepped forward, and held the captive by the torso before lifting her up so that she could regain her footing.

Once the kidnapper had made sure that her prisoner was standing upright, she took a few steps back so that there would be enough room for the helpless lady to hop. “Hop again.” Cassidy made a second small jump, but to her horror she discovered that she had no control over her balance as she started to fall forward for a second time, but she was held up just like before.

“It is clear that you cannot cope with this method of movement, so I shall provide something that will be more interesting...”

What are you going to do to me now?