Ulf : 01 - Summer Camp Tie Up (FMM/fm)

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Ulf : 01 - Summer Camp Tie Up (FMM/fm)

Post by Canuck100 »

Ulf's stories
01 - Summer Camp Tie Up
Story index at the bottom

By Ulf

Wednesday July 22nd 1998 02:38:00

Summer Camp Tie Up

Part 1 of 2 This story took place when I was 16. I went to a ten day co-ed summer camp in the Montana Rocky Mountains. Although it was summer, the daytime temp. never got above 55 degrees. Of the ten days it rained or drizzled for five of them. With the weather bad we spent most of our time in our four person cabins or in the mess hall.

I met this girl, Nicky, and we really hit it off well. We spent all our time together doing the what few activities together we could with the inclement weather. Nicky was medium height with a fairly shapely figure and shoulder length brown hair.

By the third day we had become very close. We were fooling around together that night and slipped back into our cabins after the 11:00 PM curfew. The next day we planned to again see each other after curfew, however we were not going to sneak back to our cabins but camp over night together away from everyone. That night it was very cold and the weather report said that it could possible snow. The camp councillors were going to show two movies in the mess hall to try to keep everyone entertained. This would be the only time Nicky and I could slip away unnoticed.

During the day we found a two person tent in the equipment shed and stashed it behind a dumpster. I had a day back pack with a little food and water and some other necessities. Everything was all set. Nicky and I walked together with the rest of the camp, around 75 people, down to the mess hall at about 6:30. Ten minutes after the movie started, "Pink Panther," Nicky left and told her councillor that she was tired and wanted to go back to her cabin. I left by saying I needed to use the restroom.

I stepped outside into the cold and walked up to find Nicky standing outside her cabin ready to go. She was wearing a heavy wool turtleneck sweater that covered her behind, jeans and hiking boots. I also wore a heavy sweater, jeans and boots.

Nicky and I hiked about twenty minutes up a trail that was rarely used, however we should have been smarter then that to use any trail at all. We set up the tent and moved in. We were very nervous about both breaking the rules and also the strong possibility of having sex for the first time.

After about 30 minutes we calmed down, but no sooner did we begin to kiss then one of the camp councillors ripped open the tent and blinded us with his flashlight. We were caught by three councillors and told to get out of the tent.

"Look what we have here!" said the head female camp councillors, "a little romance. We have rules and you have broken them. There is to be no romantic or sexual relationships while you are at this camp. Plus, you have stole from the equipment shed. And you are outside camp grounds without approval from us."

We were in big trouble. Nicky and I stood side-by-side wonder what was going to happen. She continued, "What should we do? Standard punishment is a ban from the remained of camp activities, but this a not standard. These two deserve to be made an example of. Tie them up and gag them."

And with that the other two councillors produced some nylon rope. Twisting both my wrists behind my back and crossing them they bound my hands very tightly. Next they grab Nicky, crossing her wrist behind her back and tying her very tightly. She was lucky, the rope was tight around my wrist but she had on a pair of woolen gloves that padded her wrists. Still she was not a happy camper. They also used a knotted bandana to gag us, stuffing the knot in our mouths and tying it behind our heads.

We were forced to march down the trail to the mess hall bound and gagged. I wasn't scared so much as humiliated. I walked behind Nicky the entire way, watching her struggle with the rope around her wrists. She would twist her arms side to side, but the rope was too tight. When we got back to the mess hall everyone was waiting for the second movie. A camp counselor was on the stage talking to the crowd with a microphone. Nicky and I knew we were in big trouble.

We were both march around to the back door of the building and right up on stage. It was very humiliating, hands bound and gagged. The head councillor made us stand facing the crowd. Nicky stood very close to me trying to hide her face in her turtleneck sweater. The head councillor stood before the microphone.

"We have here two camper who have broken a number of serious rules. We caught them. They will be punished." She turned to another councillor and said, "Dan, tell them what they have won."

Dan took the microphone and said, "They have a choice. The punishment is ten smacks with the paddle and two hours of public display."

"Very well," bellowed the head councillor, "begin the sentence."

In front of the entire camp Nicky was forced to lean over a table on stage with her hands still tied tightly behind her back. Two councillors used the end of a long piece of rope and tied it to one elbow and looped it under the table and tied it tightly to her other elbow. Her sweater protected her from any real harm as this punishment was meant to teach us a lesson and not hurt us. Nicky's ankles were also bound with rope. The rope kept Nicky from being able to move in any way during her paddling. The female head councillor pulled up Nicky's heavy sweater to expose her behind while another female councillor paddled her with a large heavy wooden paddle. With each smack the camp crowd counted off the number. Some jokers in the crowd kept counting "one" over and over in an attempt to increase her punishment. After the tenth Nicky was untied from the table. Her wrists and ankles were still bound and she remained gagged.

Next it was my turn. Two councillors tied me to the table the same way as Nicky. I received ten strokes with the paddle, none of them really hurt that badly. I was just embarrassed.

"We are now ready for part two of the punishment."

Nicky and I were forced to lay face down on the stage. With our ankles bound the councillor used another piece of rope to tie our ankles up to our wrists in a hogtie. I could almost touch the heels of my boots with my fingers. While this was happening the head councillor told the camp what the next movie was, "The Return of the Pink Panther."

We were both left hogtied though the entire movie. Struggling to get free was useless, but we tried until we were too tired to struggle anymore. We couldn't even see the movie, but everyone could see us. After the movie ended and the lights were turned on Nicky and I were finally untied. A little sore we had learned our lesson, however we continued to see each other for the rest of camp. We even dated through college and still see go camping together to this day. And yes we even enjoy a little bondage when we go camping.

E-mail address: ulf205@aol.com

Ulf's stories
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