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john4711 : Extra lessons from a neighbor girl (f/m)

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2018 11:37 am
by lalut
Posted on September 3, 2014:

I grew up in a pretty suburban neighborhood. I'm an only child. So when I was out to play, I did not have to bother having a baby brother or sister, neither did I bother a big sibling.

Among the neighbor's children there was a girl I liked very much. Jenny. She was a year older than me. Well, maybe I should not have liked her. Actually, she was kind of mean to me. She teased me with the fact that she was way stronger than me. She regularly pinned me down, straddled me, her knees on my upper arms, and tantalized me and held me captive for an unreasonable amount of time.

Not uncommonly other children saw us and watched us and cheered her on. I guess I was commonly known as her whipping boy very soon.

But strangely, I liked being under her. I grew a serious but secret crush on her during this time. There was no way she would consider me as her boyfriend. So I settled for being her doormat. Now she's 17 and the last time she pinned me is, well, years ago. Too bad...

Lately I did not quite care for school. The bad news came with the last certificate. Obviously my parents thought it would be a good idea to find someone to help me with literature. I couldn't care less for literature. On the other hand, maybe that explained my grade.

The good news came with Jenny. SHE was supposed to be my private tutor. For almost a year now I have stopped thinking about her and being pinned by her every day. I was down to 3 or 4 times a week. But know she was back and completely seized my mind again.

She still was hot, athletic, and, obviously, smart.

The first times we met were far less special than I hoped. She said nothing about the past. I wasn't even sure she remembered. Well, I was sure she remembered that she "played with me" from time to time. But I was not sure whether she still knew how much I really was at her mercy. For years, actually.

Now I was 16 my parents dared to leave me alone for a whole night. On that day I would have to go over to Jenny, to get another extra lesson. Fate was on my side, because her parents were away, too. But I did not know yet.

I rang the bell. Waited. Nothing happened. I looked around. Rang again. Nothing.

I'm not sure how long I would have waited. Probably very long. I was pretty nervous seeing her and I would have endured pretty much to have the chance.

Suddenly she showed up, in gym clothing. I knew she had a great body, but that tight, stretchy top and pants really revealed her athletic curves. I had to swallow. She was so damn hot. She wore a pink top that left aside most of her stomach to show off the perfect skin of her lovely belly. Her pants were pretty simple, all black, just a broad waistband and a nearly invisible seam down her amazing legs. She had her fair hair tied to a pony tail. On her pink and black sneakers she appeared me and her house so soft-footed she could have easily creeped up on me and killed me before I even realized someone's there. Good luck she greeted me before.

"Hey there. Sorry, I'm late. Was at the gym as you can see. Took a little longer than I thought."

"No problem."

She opened the door and I inhaled her lovely scent. With that the sense of inferiority came back to my mind. She was just so damn impressive. Athletic and just gorgeous. A year older, more mature and probably way smarter. She was just superior to me in about everything.

Couldn't blame her for having that dominant attitude towards me. Maybe this was a relict of "our past". I kind if hoped it was.

She lead me to her room, bossed me around actually, until I sat there, well-behaved and ready to learn something. But instead of focusing on the books, I felt my nearly forgotten crush coming up again.

Suddenly she slapped me. Playfully, I guess. At least, she was smiling.

"Are you even listening?", she asked.

"Sorry", I stumbled.

A few minutes go by and bang, another slap.

I smiled, but she did not this time.

"You know", she explained, "it's my duty to make the money your parents pay me being worth it. And I have to tie you up to force you to listen to me..."

I swallowed.

"Well, you're the teacher..."

She grinned and had an "if that's so"-expression on her face. Then, she stood up, opened a cabinet and turned around again holding a pair of handcuffs. Still grinning she said: "You asked for it. Now be a pleasant pupil and put your hands behind your back!"

I did not really know what to do, but I surely didn't want to let this chance pass. So I stood up, too, turned away from her and just laid my hands on my back.

Soon I felt her taking my wrists and then the cold metal closing around them. After my hands were securely cuffed, she forced me back on my seat. Not very much to my pleasure I looked down at me and saw a little bulge growing bigger in my pants.

Suddenly her hand tightly stroked over my inner thighs and even tighter right over my crotch, causing even more reaction.

"Don't worry", she giggled right into my ear, "if you're a good boy, I'm not gonna tell anyone how much you like being tied up. Not even Ashley."

Again I swallowed and just said: "Thanks."

That was mean. Ashley was a girl friend of her whose sister was in my class. If she'd tell her, I'd be publicly unmasked in no time. So I really meant it when I said "thanks". At this age I was highly embarrassed by all that. Of course I did not yet know what being a "good boy" meant.

"You're welcome. But now try to focus. If I feel that the handcuffs divert you, I'm gonna take them off."

I did my best to focus on what she was telling me. I always tried to interpret the things she said like an allegory for womanly superiority, but I'm not quite sure whether it worked. Anyway after I had seemingly remembered something she said, I was rewarded with a "Good boy!" And, lucky me, the handcuffs stayed where they were.

"Think we're done for today", she finally said.


I guess I sounded kind of sad, fearing the handcuffs would be taken off me now.

"Yea." She crawled my neck. "Wanna wear those cuffs a little longer, don't you?"

Was that so obvious? I just looked caught.

"Well, I wouldn't mind", she said, "I'm alone tonight. I'm gonna watch a movie. You might just as well accompany me."

I smiled.

"Problem is, time's up. Your parents didn't pay for more."

I stood there like a little boy who did not want to be send away. "I can pay you."

Have I really said that?

"Haha, you little pooper?"

She approached me, tickled my sides. I tried to back and turn away, but with my hands still cuffed behind my back I was pretty much at her mercy. I started giggling under her tickling, then laughing. Finally I fell to the floor, like a "little pooper". She accompanied my laughing and stood above me.

Laying on the handcuffs was pretty uncomfortable. That's why I desperately tried to get my butt above them. I really managed to get my hands past my bottom... while she knelt down over my chest. With my upper body being pinned to the floor I could not move enough to get my hands past my legs, too. So I laid there like a beetle on its back, completely vulnerable, and with that athletic, gorgeous girl above me; just like we used to, back then...

She laughed at me: "Do you remember, back then? Gosh, I loved to pin you down and play with you. You've been so helpless."

So she did remember!

"Couldn't be more helpless than now", I had to admit.

"Haha, yea, that's right." She patted my cheek. "Speaking of the past: Rather than having you pay me, I could just as well take your pocket money and then force you to say that you want to marry me. How'd you like that?"

Indeed, we've been back in the good, old days. She pinched my nose and blew her warm breath into my mouth, just like she used to do. She tapped with her forefinger on my left cheekbone, right cheekbone, left collarbone, right collarbone, left throat, right throat and finally right on top of my voicebox, like she wanted to say: "Mine, mine, mine, mine, mine, mine and mine." Just as she used to...

I felt that traitor down there building up a nervously jumping bulge in my pants again. As if she would feel it, she turned around and looked for my lumbar region. I think she smiled and then she smacked my helplessly presented butt. She raised herself a little so she could inspect me better. She examined my pants pockets until she finally found my purse.

"There you are", she winningly commented that purse, "let's have a look."

With that she opened it and took out a couple, I think all, bills.

"I that all you got?", she asked kind of compassionately.

"That is all my pocket money for the remainder of the month."

"Good!" She grinned, threw the paper money onto her desk and carefully pushed my purse back into the pocket it came from.

"Now for the fun part", she announced, but then turned around again to face my lower body and my helplessly trapped arms and legs. "But that must be pretty uncomfortable, poor baby."

It was.

She stood up and helped me to bring my hands to the front. Fortunately she did not pull me up or so. Instead she pressed my arms back down on the floor, right above my head, and knelt over me again, with her legs now above my arms, her thighs and crotch teasingly close to my face. She obviously liked that position, too.

"So, where had we got to?", she asked and instantly grinned. "Oh yeah", she added and tickled me again.

I could not help laughing.

"Say it!", she commanded.

"No way!", I (playfully) defied her.

The tickling and the rubbing of her legs against the sided of my head became more intense. I felt nothing but her warmth, her scent and my exultant bulge.

"Give up!", she said, "you never could resist me for long anyway."

I struggled for a few more seconds, but very soon I shouted:

"I give up! You win! You're the best! I want to marry you!"

She gave a ringing laugh. I laughed, too. But I guess I blushed even more. She calmed down. She made herself comfortable, her superior legs still pinning my cuffed arms down, laid her hands on her thighs and calmly looked down on me.

"So", she said, "I have your money and I have your dignity. Now you'll have to be my obedient servant to 'pay' my time."

"Your servant?"

She grinned. "Yea. As you see I did not shower as yet. I need someone to blow-dry and comb my hair."

"Come on, in the past you have always let me go eventually."

"Aww", she again patted me, "you're nearly a big boy now. It's about time you face the real world."

"The world where neighbor girls suppress and exploit neighbor boys?"


"Well, alright then. Could think of a worse fate."

She smiled. "That's the spirit."

"When I'm done blow-drying and combing your hair, maybe I can massage your feet or paint your toe-nails?"

She smiled. "Haha, seems like you gonna make for a decent boyfriend one day."

"Oh god, if you'd ever let me be your boyfriend, I'd be your willing slave forever."

I guess I sounded way too enthusiastic right now. She smiled down on me, not unfriendly, but still condescendingly.

"Seems like someone has a HUGE crush on me, huh?"

I blushed again.

She still smiled; kind of lovely, actually. It must have been very obvious how much I was embarrassed. She consolingly caressed my cheeks with both her hands.

"Don't worry", she said very quietly, "it's the same here as it was with the handcuffs. If you're a good boy, I'm not gonna tell anyone."

"Thank you."

She grinned. "No one has to know that you want to be my slave."

"Not bef-"

She shushed me with a finger pressing on my lips softly.

"That is nothing one can go back on", she whispered and still sounded kind of winningly.

Oh, I wanted to be a "good boy". But still it felt strange how much I was at her mercy again. Last time she sat on top of me like that must have been years ago. Not that I thought I was full grown now, but I actually considered myself to be much more "manly" as I used to be, back then. But obviously, that was of no use. I was in her power. Maybe even more than ever before.

"I must look pathetic", I said and I'm sure that sounded even more pathetic.

She gently caressed my upper arms and my slightly sore wrists.

"Yeah, but that doesn't have to be a bad thing. Tell you what: you're kind of cute, actually."

"Thank you."

"And who knows", she added, "if you prove to be a useful 'slave', maybe, one day, I'm gonna grant you a permanent appointment."

Now I smiled. Sadly, she stood up again. She stood over me, with legs apart. As I wanted to stand up, too, she laid one foot on my chest and pushed me back on the floor again. Then, she took a look at my crotch again. My helpless arousal was on open display.

"Yea, really a huge crush", she said.

"I'm sorry."

"No need to. That'll make you remember who's your ruler."

I raised my cuffed hands. "Hardly possible to forget, don't you think?"

"Haha, I suppose."

Posted on September 5, 2014:

"Do you have a boyfriend?"

I just had to ask that before I would get up to start my evening of servitude. She looked surprised. Can't blame her for that.

"No", she then calmly said. "If I had I would have no use for a servant, don't you think?"

I smiled and nodded.

She grinned and felt for my bulge with one of her lovely feet. "Especially if he has a crush on me and is turned on by that so much."

I couldn't help to moan a bit.

"Teasing the wimpy manhood of someone else would be like cheating, don't you think?", she added. "Imagine you'd be my boyfriend and I had someone else at my feet like you right now. Would you like that?"


"And even though you're not my boyfriend. Wouldn't you mind it still?"

"Frankly, I guess I would."

"So, do you think I'm just a mean bitch playing with you guys horniness?"

"No. I'm sorry."


"I did not mean to offend you."

"We both know just too well that I don't mind to tantalize your weak body a little. But I won't intentionally hurt feelings. That would be just plain mean."

"Thank you."

"So, you can safely be submissive again." She smiled.

"Alright. Back there!"

She put a little more pressure on my crotch. "And never question me again."

"Yes, Ma'am!"

She released my bulge to jump high again. "Good boy."

She stepped aside a little, probably to let me stand up. As I thought that this was what she expected, I did.

"Alright. I'm going to take a shower finally. In the meantime you will clean my room." She pointed to a pile of cloths hanging over a chair. "Most of these can be folded and put back into the wardrobe. But you'll have to sort out my underwear. Then, you can fluff up my bedding. And tidy my desk."

With that she got some fresh underwear from that wardrobe (I only had a short glance, but somehow I knew it was sexy). Before she left she took a brief look at me and said:

"I'm sure you'll get that right in handcuffs. Do your best."

"I will."

She hesitated but then said: "Actually, I liked that 'Yes, Ma'am!'."

I smiled. "Yes, Ma'am!"

She smiled, too, "Better!", and left.

I took delight in separating her underwear from her outerwear. It all smelled of her and I just couldn't resist to press on of her bras tightly onto my face and deeply inhale her glorious scent. Knowing that I was her private servant right now, that I was even handcuffed, made my little friend down there glory in all that. Suddenly it struck me. If there could have been doubt before, now it was undeniable clear. My crush on her really was back, in all its strength---and I knew it would not go away too soon. Last time it lasted for years, most of my childhood and even most years of my (ongoing) puberty. Maybe it was never really gone. It probably wasn't. I wondered whether I'd ever be freed from her. I surely did not want to.

"I love you."

I just had to whisper that into her lovely bra.

I very carefully folded her tops and pants and such. It felt like bathing in a perfume made of her lovely scent and my awkward lechery. But I had a job to do.


Her voice was so clear I nearly scared me.

"Yes?", I shyly answered.

"Come here!"

I hurried to the bathroom but that closed door made me stop again. Her order was clear, but still I had to overcome my inhibitions of entering the bathroom when someone else is in there first.

I knocked the door.

"Damn, Jimmy, come in already."

I carefully opened the door and there she was. Standing tall in nothing but a bra and a slip.

Oh. My. God(dess).

I don't really know, but I wouldn't be surprised if my mouth was open.

"Never seen a girl in underwear before?"

It took a few seconds for me to realize she had spoken to me.

"Well, actually-", I stumbled.

"It's ok. If you want to say 'Thank you' you may kneel down and kiss my feet now."

I did what she said.

"Good boy. But there's work waiting for you."

"Yea, I know." With that I took the hair drier.

"What are you doing?", she asked.

"Blow-dry your hair?"

"Am I supposed to be standing all the time?"

I looked puzzled.

"Go get a chair!", she helped me out.

"Of course. Sorry, Ma'am."


As I actually knew only two rooms of her house (the corridor and stairs left aside), I rushed back to her room and got the desk chair. Carefully I rolled it into the bathroom. Jenny looked content.

"Good boy. Place it before the mirror, I want to see what you're doing."

"Yes, Ma'am!"

She sat down. I'd loved to be the chair right now.

I took the hair drier and started my work. From the first blow I gloried in the scent of her golden hair. Being allowed (and somewhat forced) to do that for her was very exciting for me. Flick for flick of hair I carefully, nearly reverently, smoothed down, combed and dried. I did not dare to touch her head or shoulders. I was cowed by her mere presence. Sometimes I looked into the mirror to see her face. Sometimes she smiled and sometimes she looked strict. Both expressions motivated me to do my best, to take even more care.

"Think I'm done", I finally said and switched the hair direr off.

She checked her hair in the mirror. She looked content. "Well done, boy."

"Thanks, Ma'am."

"Come here." She pointed right before her.

"Yes, Ma'am!"

She did not even stand up. She had her legs crossed and I just stood there, awaiting further orders. She grabbed at the little chain of my handcuffs and slightly pulled on it.

"Do they hurt?", she asked.

"No, I'm fine."


She let lose and grabbed at my crotch instead.

"I see you still like your job", she contently commented what she felt.

"I do, Ma'am."

"Tell me. Have ever been touched down there by a girl?"

I blushed. I blushed because I would have liked to act as if it was nothing too special for me. But in fact, the only girl who ever touched me "down there" was Jenny.

"Well", I stumbled, "actually, today was not the first time you stroked me 'down there' to 'proof' I like being in your power."

"Oh, really?"

"Don't you remember?"

"Hm, no, sorry."

"Never mind, it's a while ago."

She grinned at me. "And? Did you like it?"

I blushed again.

"Ahhh", she decoded my blushing face, "you did like it!"

"It's been the best of my life until today."

"Aww, your crush strikes again, huh?"

Again that damn blushing.

"And that's it? No other girl?"


"Seems like I have a toy all for my self there", she said and crawled it a little.

That crawling at the hands of a girl was totally new to me. I think I would have done whatever she said right now, without even thinking of it.

"Whatever you want, it's yours", I said a little befuddled.

She smiled again. "Maybe I should seize it as long as you're soppy on me."

"Sounds reasonable."

"Alright. That is, after that "slave-thing", the second thing you cannot go back on."

I didn't know how frequently I could blush. "Oh-kay?"

"That means no more jacking off", she said and grinned at me.


"Promise!", she demanded.

I hesitated, but I knew that I would do what she wanted anyway, so I gave in pretty soon: "I promise."

She grinned even more. "If the horniness gets overwhelming, feel free to let off steam by eagerly serving me."

"Thanks. That will help."

"Good. Then practice now and roll me back to my room." She grinned at me again and lifted her feet off the ground.

I turned the chair and started pushing. I maneuvered her through the bathroom door, along the corridor and finally through the door of her room. Turns out that serving Jenny was not only incredibly hot, it was also fun.

She glanced around in her room. "Looks like you've done a good job."

I just shrugged my shoulders.

Then she stood up and went the wardrobe. She took out a top and pants that, fortunately, were nearly as tight as her gym clothes. Then she took out a belt and socks which she both threw at me.

"Put the belt around me", she said and raised her arms a little to reveal the belt loops on her waist.

I approached her timidly and started pushing the belt through the loops. "Working" so close to her legs, hips and bottom made me nervous again. As the belt was through all loops and I stood before her again, I knelt down to have a better lock on the buckle. Not before my knees reached the ground, I realized that my new position was a little suggestive right now. But it was also appropriate.

After the buckle was closed she patted my head with a "Good boy".

Then, she sat down on the chair again. "And now for my socks, boy."

"Of course, Ma'am."

Again it was very appropriate to kneel before her. Carefully I took one of her feet and shuffled on the sock, and then the same with the other foot. After I was done I looked up at her proudly.

There was no all too thankful expression on her face. But she granted me another "Good boy".

"Sorry there's no toe-nail painting you wished for so bad", she said, "but at the moment I don't wear open shoes. That would be a waste, you know?"

"I see."

I never said I wished for painting her toe-nails, I merely suggested it. But I did not want to take issue with her. Actually, she was right anyway.

"Follow me downstairs", she said, "my parents will not come back today, we can use the living room. It's got a bigger TV, you know?"

"Yes, Ma'am."

We entered the living room and indeed, the TV was big. Jenny sat down on the couch and before I could do anything she said:

"Go to the kitchen and get me a soda. Feel free to take one, too."


As I got back, no Jenny was there. She entered the room from the door to the corridor. In her hands she had a keyring. I just stood there, both sodas in my hands, and stared at her.

"Just put them on the table", she said.

I did.

"Now get your hands back on your back."

"Excuse me?"

"Just like you brought them to the front. Come on!"

"Of course, Ma'am."

I got down and stepped over the handcuffs. Then I stood up again and pulled them over my bottom. It actually wasn't too hard.

Then, Jenny stepped behind me and did something to the cuffs. I think tightened them a little and then she did something with the keyring.

"What are you doing?" I was just curious.

"Double locking your handcuffs so you don't tighten them accidentally."

I didn't know this was possible. But it sounded kind of her, somehow.

"Do you really have the key of the handcuffs on your keyring?"

She stepped in front of me again and smiled. "Well, you never know when you need it."

"Do you handcuff guys regularly?"

She slightly slapped me. "Come on, not that again. I told you there is no one else."

"But there was?"

"Watch your tongue, pupil, or I'm gonna gag you."

"I'm sorry."

She sat down on the couch again and took her soda. Damn. The soda. How could I possibly drink it with my hands cuffed on my back?

"Come on", she said, "heel!"

I sat down next to her.

She looked pretty discontent. She pointed at her butt, next to which I obviously sat, and said: "Is that my heel?"

"Of course not", I said.

Not before now I realized what she was up to.

"Oh, sorry", I hurried to say.

I slid down the couch to sit at her feet.

She crawled my neck. "Good boy."

I curred contently.

"Now let's watch Vampire Diaries."

That was not quite one of my favorites, but I loved whatever she wanted to do.

"And if you keep being an obedient good boy, I may cast you back to the past again later."

I looked at her and smiled. She returned it.

"Curious how much tickling you can endure by now."

The bulge raised again.


P.S.: I really appreciate every friendly comment! Thanks for them.

Posted on September 7, 2014:

All the time the vampire show on the TV was on I could think about nothing but her legs and bottom. I clung to her knees, calves and feet. The feeling of the stretch pants tightly spanned over her glorious leg was overwhelming. The odor of her legs and feet invaded my mind and kept me in a constant, hazy state of submissive obedience. Too bad she had no real orders for me. But on the other hand, one scene showed a vampire girl overpowering a vampire guy, pinning him down and threatening him to "snap his neck" if he doesn't comply with her. Not only did stuff like this hit my spot right now, Jenny seemed to like that theme, too.

"Ha, look", she said as the vampire girl had overbeared that guy, "girl power is obviously regarded sexy these days, huh?"

"Haha, yea."

"So, no need for you to feel bad being weaker than me."

With that she gently crawled my neck. I clung to her legs even tighter.

"Can't do anything about it anyway", I said, "I resigned to my fate long ago."

"Yea? When?"

"Um, probably the second time you overpowered me. At first I thought I would not let that happen again. But then I realized that it wasn't my decision."

"Really? Then why have you always tried to defend yourself?"

"Dunno. To keep my dignity? I just didn't expect to win anymore."

"That is somehow cute and sad at the same time", she said.

"As I said: could think of a worse fate than being subdued by you."

Another crawling of my neck followed by a warm: "That's a good boy."

Finally, the show was over. She switched off the TV and my heart sunk. What would she do now? I had a thousand images in my mind. I just hoped she would paint one of them.

"Alright, boy", she said and my heart skipped a beat, "ready to revive the past?"

"Couldn't stop you anyway."

With that she pushed me to the ground. She stood over me and her fingers ran along the sides of my body causing some serious tickling. I contorted myself under her. To keep me in place she sat down, straddling me, her legs surrounding my head again.

"Your fidgetiness always annoyed me", she said.

"Sorry, can't help it."

She grinned. "Yea, I know. If you could, it wouldn't be fun, huh?"

"Haha, yea, think so."

"Anyway, I don't feel like being disturbed while torturing you."

"You could just as well tie me to your bed", I said, "at least, I couldn't stop you from doing that."

She smirked at me. "Yeah, you would like that, wouldn't you?"

I had to grin.

"Alright boy. They say: 'Careful what you wish for'. Gonna teach you a lesson."

With that she stood up and pulled on me to make me stand up, too. She grabbed her keyring, one of my arms and my neck and led me to the stairs again. As we arrived at her room she let lose of my arm but not my neck and opened her door and pushed me in and then to the bed.

She went to the wardrobe and searched for something. After a little while she had to scarves in her hands. She approached the end of her bed. The bedposts had little decorations on them and she started to tie one scarf to each of them. After she was done she looked at me and beckoned me to come down there. I did and she grabbed the first of my ankles and tied the scarf around it. Then she did the same with my other ankle.

Now, she went to the cabinet the handcuffs came from again and took out another pair of handcuffs. Holding that in her hand she came over to the bed and straddled me. She sat down right on my crotch. She must have felt the bulge welcoming her.

"Try and keep your little friend down there calm. I don't want you to leave a mess on my mattress."

I had to swallow. Even though there clearly was a bulge in my pants all the time I did not even think of "messing around", as yet.

She fastened one cuff to the bed-rail and then she turned me around on my stomach. She took her key and opened one side of the handcuffs. She turned me on my back again and got a little higher and placed one of her knees on the arm that still had the handcuffs attached to it. She had my other arm in both her hands. Playfully I tried to struggle a bit, but I had no real chance. Jenny still was about half an inch taller than me and also she was obviously stronger still.

She led my arm to the bed-rail and put it in the cuff that was waiting for it. Then, she slightly slapped my face. Probably as some kind of punishment for my struggle. She took her leg off my other arm and forced it to the other side of the rail. She took the cuff in the other hand and held it near the rail.

"Ready to be totally helpless, boy?"

I could only moan. Now I really had to focus on not making a mess. I could see her grinning and "Click", the cuff closed. That's it. I was at her mercy, completely and utterly. Not even an inhuman feat caused by a severe adrenaline rush could save me anymore.

She lowered her seat again and gently stroked over my crotch. "Feels good, huh?"

I shivered. "Pl-please, Je-Jenny", I stumbled and closed my eyes and tried not to cum.


Suddenly a severe pain on my face teared me out of my trance. Just in time.

"Stay calm! I told you not to mess around!"

"Yes, Ma'am. Thanks Ma'am."

She grinned and her hands slowly scuttled below my shirt. First her fingertips, than her nails stroked over my sides. It took a few seconds for the tickling to overcome the arousal, but then I nearly burst in laughter.


Another fierce strike.

"Be quiet, Jim!"

"Sorry, Ma'am."

I had no idea how on earth I shall keep quiet under that treatment, but her wish was my command. As she tickled me again I clenched my teeth. I'm sure I made noises anyway, but actually the clenching worked pretty well. But it seemed not to be enough.

"Gonna tape your mouth shut", she simply announced.

With that she went away. As she came back I laid there still---surprise. She had a roll of tape in her hands. She came to me but hesitated. First she got a chapstick from her desk. She straddled me again and began to treat my lips with that.

"Don't want to hurt you", she said.

"Thank you."

After she was done greasing my lips she put a long strip of tape on my mouth.

"Don't try to get lose of that too much", she warned me. "If it goes off, I'm gonna be more, well, resolute."

I mumbled some kind of "OK".

Suddenly she smirked at me and caressed the skin around my nose.

"You know what really shows how much I'm in control of you right now?"

With that she pinched my nose. I trusted her that she did not want to kill me, so I did not react at first. But after a few seconds it started to feel really threatening. After 20 or 30 seconds I started to shake my head to free my nose. She did not release me immediately. For another 2 or 3 seconds she demonstrated that I wouldn't be able to break free so easily. She laughed and finally let lose.

"Feels strange, huh?"

I nodded.

"That'll teach you to not mess with me. No matter how mean I may be to you. Right?"

I nodded.

She turned around to check my bulge. It was even bigger than before.

"Good boy." She smiled at me.

She started tickling me again. I doubt that I was much more silent than before. I buzzed heavily. But in the end it all was about dominance. And who was the dominant part surely was clear enough.

After a while she paused.

"I could do that all day", she laughed.

I said nothing.

"Hope you enjoy yourself just as much as I do."

I nodded.

"Good. Now let me see if I can make you shake your head next time I ask you that question."

With that the thrill came back to my body. She did not release me for what seemed liked forever. Everytime I thought she can't be so crazy to not let me breath, the ticking continued. Everytime I though she can't be so crazy to actually "torture" me, the tickling continued. And it was torture. It was not lovely. It was not arousing. It was not consensual. And it was the sexiest thing I ever experienced.

"Still enjoying yourself?"

I shook my head. Then I nodded.

"Haha. Losing your dignity can be sexy, huh?"

I nodded vehemently.

"Haha, such a good boy."

Then, the tickling continued. I was in hell. And I was in heaven. I was everywhere she wanted.

"In the past you'd be long crying and begging for mercy and screaming you want to marry me. Do you remember?"

I nodded.

"Still wanna marry me?"

I nodded.

"Aw, that's so cute."

And the tickling went on. Next time she granted me a little break I was close to passing out.

"Ever thought a girl could drain you like this?"

I shrugged my shoulders.

"Who do you think is the stringer sex, now?"

I looked puzzled.

"Oh, guess I should yes/no question only, huh? So, do you think guys are the stronger sex?"

I shook my head.

"No? Uh. Who is the stronger sex then?"

Still looking puzzled.

"Don't tell me you think girls are stronger than guys?"

I nodded.

"Aw, really?" She looked heartwarming. "So you admit girls are superior to guys?"

I nodded again.

"That's so lovely. You deserve to be shown that girls can also be generous."

With that she lowered her seat again and started to open my pants.

I moaned through my gaga.

She smiled at me and pulled my pants down a little and unrevealed my boxers. Now, the bulge was even more on display.

"Oh, Jim, you must have such a huge crush on me."

I nodded.

She took the boxers and what caused the bulge in one of her hands.

"Have you ever cum at the hands of a girl?"

I shook my head.

"Would you like to?"

I nodded, vehemently again.

"Alright, boy. But before that, you'll have to promise me something."

She gently stroked me. I had a hard time focusing, but I nodded again.

"You said you'd be my slave if I'd let you be my boyfriend."

I nodded.

She grinned. "But actually, I think such an offer would be more appropriate unconditionally. Don't you agree?"

I nodded.

"Good. Now that's what I want from you. Agree to be my slave right now. Unconditionally. Then, I'm gonna let you cum."

She stroked me again and I hurried to keep nodding.

She smirked at. "OK, deal!"

She made just a few fierce strokes and then it happened. I felt the pulsing, the pumping and the warmth. That's it? I sold myself for 2 or 3 seconds of stroking? Couldn't think about it now. I was much to embarrassed that I came so soon.

"Feels good?", she asked. "Was it worth it?"

I was busy being ashamed.

She laughed. That was mean somehow.

"No need to be ashamed", she said. That was less mean. "I had you good before."

I sighed.

"So, tell me, boy. Was that your first time with a girl."

I blushed.

She took both my cheeks between the pointing finger and thumb of one hand and repeated: "Huh?"

I shyly nodded.

"Wasn't quite like you expected, huh?"

I shook my head.

"Was it better?"

I thought of it for a second and then nodded.

"Good boy."

She peeled of the tape from my mouth. I said nothing.

"You'll understand that I won't let you inside unless your my boyfriend."

"Yes, Ma'am."

"Oh, leave that 'Ma'am', Jim."


"Call me goddess now."

I grinned.

She grinned to but then slapped me. "That's no joke."

"Sorry", I still smiled, "Goddess!"

"Good boy."

"I love you", I whispered. I just had to.

"I know, Jimmy."

"Please don't hurt me."

She leaned down and gave me a passionate kiss on my mouth.

"Thank you", I whispered again.

"Do you know that Ashley's into you?"

I did not know what to say. I think I did not immediately realize what she said. Ashley was a friend of hers. They went to the same class.

"What?", I finally asked.

"She's not the only one."


She crawled me under my chin. "You're handsome, don't you know that?"

"Well...", I blushed again.

"And now you're all mine."

"Yes, Jenny. Been for a long time."

"What's more important to you? Being my slave or being my boyfriend."

"My life ain't complete as long as I'm not both of that."

She smiled. "Good boy. One thing you've achieved so far."

"Will I ever be granted the honor of being your boyfriend?"

"Before you can even dream about that, you must lose any will of your own and get used to it."

"I will."


"I will learn to automatically, instinctively obey you.
I will learn to automatically, instinctively bow to you.
I will learn to automatically, instinctively worship you.
Then, my whole body, mind, heart and soul will unconditionally and naturally acknowledge you as my superior.
I will lose all ambitions.
I will lose any claim of possession.
I will abandon all my dreams. Except of being your slave, of course.
Then, I will be ready to literally be your slave for the rest of my life.
I will solemnly swear that to you.
But I don't expect to become your boyfriend before YOU are convinced that I will stick to it.
And I will find a way for you to actually force me to stick to it."

She smiled. Partly because of my words and partly because my bulge has already raised again.

"Poor boy", she said and stroked it again, "so trapped in your hormones, your crush on me, that you lay your whole future into my hands without even knowing what I'm gonna do with it."

I moaned again.

"I can make and break you. And it seems this is all you're good for. This is your natural place in life."

"Jenny. I love you."


Any feedback is appreciated. Positive or negative. In the end, posting here (especially in the fictional section) is not meant to be entertaining oneself alone, but to entertain the readers as well. So please let me know what you liked and what was boring. (And since I'm German I'd like to know whether the text reads fluently and whether it is not too error prone...) Thank you!

Re: Extra lessons from a neighbor girl (f/m) by john4711

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2018 2:45 pm
by Deleted User 2224
really good story, definitely would like to see more of this!