The Grim : 02 - A true Grim tale (ff/m)

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The Grim : 02 - A true Grim tale (ff/m)

Post by Canuck100 »

The Grim's stories
02 - A true Grim tale
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By thegrim

Sun Jul 06, 2008 4:53 pm

Normally I write fiction cause it amuses me, but I will take a detour from this and post and actual true story for once. This happened not to long ago before school let out.


We were heading out for our friday night drink at a friend's house that was about six block away from my dorm. It was me, Todd, and Matt. We were on our way to Mike's house for a party that was supposedly going on, of course Todd always seems to exaggerate how big the party will be and how many girls will be there and it turns out to be a complete sausage fest. Tonight was different though, I got an A on a test that I thought would absolutely rape me so I was in the mood of celebrating with my good friend called beer. Yes nasty beer, and I love it. They normally have a keg at Mike's and I planed on spending the night curled up next to the keg and slowly draining the precious life fulfilling drink that it held.

We got there a little late and Mike greeted us at the front door smoking a cigarette.

"Show me your keg!" I yell to him, in which Matt punched me in the arm for being loud. Mike laughed and puffed his cigarette.

"Its in the normal spot." Mike said and opened the door for us. To my surprise there were quite a few people there than normal and I happened to spot some of the female species mingling about in the living room playing beer pong.

"Tonight will be a good night!" Todd yelled over the stereo playing hip-hop.
"Dude! There are actually girls here!" The not so single Matt said. I gave him a strange look.

"What? I cannot look?" Matt asked giving me a mischievous grin. I shook my head and began to head to the kitchen to find the keg.

"Dude. Don't you have to piss? You were complaining the whole way here?" Todd asked me. He was right I really did have to go, but the beer was calling for me. Choices!!!! Beer or relief to my bladder? Dammit!

"Yeah, I'll be right there." I told my friends and cut through some people excusing myself as I went down the hallway. When I got to the bathroom someone ran into me from around the corner.

"Oh shit, my bad." I said and noticed it was a girl, a very pretty girl.

"Oh don't worry about -." She said giggling. Check that; a very pretty, drunk girl. She was about 5'5 and had short curly brown hair and big blue eyes. At this point she was wobbling as if the room was shifting, she swayed in her high heals and was dressed in tight jeans and a revealing blouse. I had never seen this girl before at Mike's, but something other than her eyes were calling to me and I excused myself past her to the bathroom. Two minutes later, yes I washed my hands, I exited the bathroom to find the girl leaning against the wall.

"You waiting for someone?" I asked her.
"I was waiting for you. I want to be your slave." She told me running her finger down my shoulder as she stumbled again.

"The hell you just say to me?"
"I want to be your slave," she said with big grin, "I want to be tied down with you on top of me."

Now if that's not a come on I don't know what it.
"I think you have had to much to drink." I told her, my morality cutting through the dirty thoughts in my mind, not mention; were the hell is the keg?

"I'm very sober right now!" she replied with enough force to send her leaning a bit to far and she lost her balance, to which I had to reach out and catch her.

"Thank you master." She said with her big drunk eyes sparkling.

Sober, huh, I beg to differ I thought. Why do I get all the crazy ones, and not to mention she is completely turning me on, but Jesus! She is beyond wasted. How the hell is she still standing, and where the hell is that keg?

"Let me get something to drink and I'll get back to you." I told her. She giggled and put her hands behind her back and thrust out her chest, much to my delight/horror.

"Don't keep me waiting to long master."

I turned and left not wanting to be anywhere near her, but knowing how much I plan on drinking tonight I will probably end up with her. Score! I found the keg and almost jumped for joy. I filled up a cup when Mike came into the room.

"Hey, I saw you talking to Lisa." He said.
"Is that her name?" I asked giving him a smile.
"Truly you are an asshole, anyways she has been drinking since 10."
"Uh, is she is a lightweight, its only 11:30 right now?"
"10 this morning you retard!" He said and took my cup away from me before I could drink any of it. "I need you to do me a favor and take her home. She lives down the street about a mile down and then take a left and its the brick house on the right."

I groaned, "How do you know her and why cant someone else do it?" I asked.

"We went high school together and I don't want someone taking advantage of her. She just broke up with her boyfriend yesterday, and as far as someone else..."

Mike pointed to Matt and Todd who were doing shots and then pointed to his flushed face and handed me the keys to his car.

"Fine," I groaned, "but after this you owe me a drink." He laughed and patted me on the shoulder.
"Good man." He said and headed back into the living room sipping from my cup. I thought about saying screw it and start getting drunk right then, but I had told him that I would take her home. Dammit! Its right there! I can see it, I can touch it!

I headed back to find Lisa leaning against the wall her hands still behind her back and her drunk eyes seeing me gave me a big drunken grin.

"What took you?" She asked. I ignored her and said:
"I have to take you home."
"Oh," she smiled, "I like were this is going." She said in a sultry voice and attempted to lean her head against my shoulder but instead fell against the wall. Man this girl was drunk, but she knew how to get a guy excited.

"Come on, lets go." I told her and put my arm under hers and half carried half dragged her through the throng of people. I saw Matt and Todd raise their cups to me and I gave them the bird and headed out into the street. The outside air was relief, though the keg still called for me from inside the house.

"Oh, its nice out here." She said slurring her words some and snuggled closer to my body. I removed Mike's car keys from my pocket and hit the unlock button to his parked car on the street. With some difficulty I managed to open the door and get Lisa into the car. I closed the door, which sort of bumped her in the head, oh well, and headed to the drivers side. I took one last look inside the house as the party began to go into full swing and entered the car.

"You drive a nice car." She said. It was an old station wagon, which explained the funny look I gave her.
"It's not mine, and you have some strange taste in cars." I told her and played with the seatbelt, which was having some difficulties buckling. Lisa, grabbed her own belt and wrapped her hands with it behind her back and grinned at my surprised face.

"I am all tied up for you now." she said. Wow, I thought, now were is that keg. I decided hell with the seatbelt and drove off into the night. Lisa snuggled into the seat and glanced at me as the street lights reflected her eyes.

"Your so much better than that asshole I dated." She said. Ah shit, I thought, we haven't gone a quarter mile yet and she is going to start drunk rambling; wait, she doesn't even know my name....for the love of god I want a drink. "He never did these things with me and called me a freak." She went on, while I glanced at her. I should remember to find that guy and ask him what the hell was he on.

Not feeling like listening anymore I fished out a sock from the back of Mike's car, which was filled from floor to ceiling with clean/dirty laundry. It didn't smell so I figured it wasn't to dirty. She was looking out the windshield saying something about how she wanted to do this with her ex-boyfriend when I shoved the sock in her mouth cutting her off. She gagged talked and grunted as I kept my hand over her mouth keeping the sock in.

The turn was coming up so I had to remove my hand and to my surprise she didn't spit out the sock and instead kept it in her mouth. I glanced over at her and she was giving me the most sultry look I have ever seen for drunk girl. She then laid her head down on my lap with her arms still wrapped in the seatbelt. Now thinking about it, it wasn't a good idea to gag her seeing how drunk she was even if she could spit it out, things could have gotten hairy if she decided to vomit.

I pulled into the only brick house on the street and lifted her head back up and pulled out the sock. She tried to lean forward to kiss me I think or pass out. One of the two; I wasn't really sure, but I pushed her away and got out of the car and walked over to her side. I opened her door and she leaned forward showing her bound arms.

"I'm kinda of stuck." She said giggling. I sighed and began to untangle the seatbelt from her arms. This literally took me five minutes to untangle her, I'm not sure how she managed to do it, but I couldn't have done better if I tried. I helped her out of the car and this time she made her intentions clear and leaned forward to kiss me. What the hell I thought and took her mouth in mine. She tasted like vomit like I expected, but she was a damn good kisser, which completely made up for it.

After the kiss she leaned into me about to pass out from all the alcohol in her, or maybe she wanted to be in my arms. I sighed, "I guess I'll have to carry you." She snuggled her head against my chest. I picked her up behind her knees and made my way to the door. To be honest I was feeling tough and then about halfway my scrawny ass realized I was fooling myself; by the time I got to the door I was completely out of breath.

"This has been the longest night ever." I said and I set her down and knocked hard one the door. There was no answer for a couple minutes and I was about to ask Lisa if she had a key when a girl dressed in pajamas answered.

"Lisa! Oh my god babe you look like you had a rough night." The girl unnecessarily shouted hurting my ears. Lisa didn't even stir and drooled down my shirt. Great...I can't even blame the stain on drunkenness either. I looked back to the girl and noticed some things peculiar things: her hair was messy, her make up was smeared, a strange smell, and she was sweating...she must have been watching Batman before she got to the door.

"Does she live here?" I asked the girl gesturing to Lisa. Lisa looked up.
"Yeah...I live here." Lisa said here words slurring. She was close to passing out.
"Oh, Lisa you are so adorable. Come on, I'll help you to your room." The girl said very energetically and helped me carry Lisa into the house. "Her room is in here." She said and led us into a small bedroom decorated with posters and cluttered with school work and other miscellaneous things. We laid her down on her side and tucked her in. Lisa made a small grunt and seemed to have already fallen asleep.

I shook my head and headed out.
"Thanks." The girl said to me in the living room. "What's your name by the way?" She asked.
"Joe" I told her, "She going to be alright?" I asked.
"Yeah," she said, "I'll take care of her." She continued giving me a warm smile.
"Alright then I'm off."
"Wait." I turned and looked back at her. "Do you want me to tell her about you?"
I thought for a moment.
"You can if you want, I don't like to brag." She laughed at this.
"She would like you if she wasn't wasted."
"Huh, anyways I have a keg that is calling my name. Later." I said and left the house.


Re-reading this story I come across as a shallow asshole, but yeah, I kind of like that. Anyways I didn't see the girl again so maybe next semester she might come over again and I can make fun of her, and maybe find out more about her dark fantasies.

drunk girl- I want to be your slave!
me- The hell did you just say?

The Grim's stories
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