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Silent Simon : 34 - In Quite a Bind (M/M)

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2020 2:19 pm
by Canuck100
Silent Simon's stories
34 - In Quite a Bind
Story index at the bottom

By Silent Simon

Saturday, November 22nd 2003 - 01:51:31 PM

In Quite a Bind

So there I was, sitting at my desk in my college dorm room, handcuffed, tied to the chair, and very thoroughly gagged. My hands were cuffed behind the chair back, and rope had been used to tied them to the metal post that supported the back. My legs were wrapped over the sides of the chair and my feet were bound quite securely up beneath the seat, leaving me in a sort of sitting hog-tie. And my gag, well, that was the real clincher. My mouth had been stuffed with a wadded bandanna, which was tied in place with a folded bandanna stretched between my lips. Then another bandanna had been folded into a thick pad and placed over my mouth, which was bound in place by fourth bandanna that covered my face from nose to chin. Even if I had wanted to draw someone’s attention to help me—which I didn’t—I couldn’t have through that gag. Lisa had known what she was doing. And to top it all off, she had left the front of my pants wide open with all of my business hanging out there for anyone to see. I didn’t know what I was going to do, but I knew I was in quite a bind.

She hadn’t been gone very long when I heard the door open, and I craned my neck around to look at her as she came back in. To my horror, it wasn’t her. It was my roommate Chris, who knew absolutely nothing about my little fantasy life. He came through the door and into the room, completely oblivious to me sitting there bound, gagged and exposed as he flipped through a magazine. Then I made a little noise and he looked up.

“Oh my god!” he practically shouted, dropping his magazine and standing there staring at me. “What happened to you?”

“Ummmppphhhhh-mmmmmppphhhhh ammmmmpppphhhhhh!” I said, flashing my eyes at him in exasperation. Still, he just stood there staring.

“Are you okay?” he asked again, just standing there.

I nodded and grunted some more, wishing the idiot would just untie me and get it over with.

“Did you, um, did you do this to yourself, Simon?” he asked, a grin spreading across his face.

I shook my head, glaring at him.

“Oh, so someone else did this to you?

I nodded, thinking how perceptive he was and wishing I was not gagged.

“Well, should I just leave you?” He acted like he was just going to leave and I struggled furiously in my bonds, shouting into the gag. “No? Well, I guess I should help you, huh?” He came over and inspected everything, looking at the way she had tied my hands and feet to the chair. Finally I felt his hand on the side of my face, his fingers slipping the first layer of the gag down and letting the pad fall into my lap. He grinned some more. “Someone wanted to keep you quiet, didn’t they?” I felt like Carey Grant in that old movie Arsenic and Old Lace, where the idiot cop wanted to carry on a conversation with a bound and gagged Grant. I just nodded and “mmmmpppphhhhed” against the gag.

To my great surprise, he left the gag tied tightly around my mouth and instead started untying my legs. I let out a heavy sigh as he released my feet from beneath the chair and stretched them out as he started on my arms. An instant later, I was free except for the handcuffs and the gag. I guess he decided he needed my help to find the key, because he reached up and pulled the cleave from between my lips, plucking the wadded bandanna out and dropping it in the middle of my physics notes. I winced as I realized what that soggy mess was going to my notes.

“So, where’s the key?” he asked, moving around to look at me as I pulled my hands over the chair back and sat forward, wishing I could do something about my open pants.

“It’s over on the dresser, in my coin cup,” I replied.

He moved over to the dresser, and I swiveled to watch him. He had a quizzical half smile on his face and said, “You know, I didn’t know you liked this kind of stuff.” I didn’t quite know what to say, so I said nothing and watched him as he poked around in my coins looking for the key. Finally he found it, and he came over close to me and said, “Turn around and I’ll unlock you.” He did, and an instant later, I was standing up and pulling the fly of my jeans together, buttoning them in a hurry and wondering how I was going to get out of an explanation. To my great surprise, he didn’t even give me time for an explanation.

I felt his hand close around my upper arms, propelling me forward onto the bed. I was only a little more than 5’6”, and he stood a good four inches taller than me. He outweighed me too by about forty pounds, and I knew I was no match for him, whatever he had in mind. So I decided to try and bluff him. “What are you doing?” I said loudly.

“I haven’t tied anyone up in years. Since you seem to like it so well, I thought I’d have a go at it again.” He had my hands behind my back, pinning me to the mattress with a knee across my butt as he lashed my hands together with rope.

“You idiot! Turn me loose!” I shouted, hoping the threat of someone hearing me would stop him. I should have known it wouldn’t, and quite frankly, I should have expected his response. He straddled my legs and clamped his hand over my mouth from behind, silencing my attempted bluff. It hadn’t worked.

“You know, Simon, whoever put that gag in your mouth had the right idea. Only I’ve got something better.” He laughed maliciously as he dropped his hand and pulled the bandanna around my neck back up between my lips and tightened it. It wasn’t a very effective gag, and I shouted around it as he got up and finished by tying my feet, then pulling them into a hogtie. Then he went over to his own dresser and opened a drawer, rummaging around, and when he turned around, I couldn’t believe what he was holding. “Ever used a ball-gag, Simon?” he asked, moving over toward the bed.

“Ungho,” I murmured around the bandanna in my mouth. I had never even seen one in real life, although I had seen lots of them in pictures and stuff. I lay very still and watched him, my pulse racing, my breathing ragged as he sat down on the edge of the bed and tugged the bandanna from my mouth.

“Well, here. Try it.” And he fed me the enormous red ball. His hand was insistent as he wedged it between my teeth, pulling the straps around my head and buckling it almost painfully tight. I moaned, my lips clamped tight around the rubber sphere. “Works, doesn’t it?” he laughed. I could only stare up at him and moan.

Silent Simon

Silent Simon's stories
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