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OGgrl93 : Took the Chance [M/F]

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2020 8:13 am
by silvertape
I retrieved this story from the Wayback Machine, where you can view the original text and discussion. I'm glad to have succeeded, because it's one of my personal favorites, having left quite the impression on me. :D
OGgrl93 wrote:My names Stephanie and this is my first tug I've experienced. It was a very intimate experience for me. Actually the first one for me. The only still today I wouldn't have wanted a first time like this any other way. It was perfect. This happened during this past summer. Oh, comments much appricated!

I'm 17 and about 5'10", average build. I have size D breasts. You guys are gonna ask so I might as well put it on here lol. I have long brown hair with blond highlight, which was down. I have light green eyes with a little bit of blue in them. I was bare foot wearing some black shorts and a neon green shirt that hung off-shoulder on one side.
Corey's 17 and about 5'11" with a average build with a little bit of muscle. He has a musty dark brown hair that hung low, as I hate say it, like Justin Biebers hair. He has dark steel blue eyes that I swear, change colors with his mood. He was wearing socks and had a pair of torn jeans with a AC DC black t-shirt on.

I met Corey through an old best friend who turned phsyco and had some jelousy issues. She went to the extent of stealing his phone and sending me a lot a really nasty messages pretending to be him calling me a lot of colorful and nasty names I choose not to show on here. She dropped him because he was hanging with me more thant her and just stopped talking to me. Anyway, we hadn't even been friends for a year and we had a really strong friendship. He was my first date, and he was my first kiss. (ik, I had my first kiss almost a month before my 17th birthday) But becuase of Miss phsyco bitch from above and Corey used to date it was just going to become drama and we just decided to drop it. So I had shoved all my feelings down because I'd rather have him as a friend then let my feelings ruin it. After like 4 month she dropped both of us. After we got over the inital fall we began spending all the time we could together. Since she wasn't there I started letting my feelings surface. And it was made know one night after we both had a little too much to drink. I leaned two things that night. He had feelings for me, and people kiss very sloppily when they're drunk lol. I then got the pleasue of telling him what happened the next day because he didn't remember anything. Anyway, onto the story!

We spent a lot of the nights in my basement watching movies or tv when we decided we didn't have money to waste on driving around. We would play wrestled all the time. And flirted quit a lot in the process. He used to play football. So, logically, he kicked my ass everytime. I would put up my best fight every time though. I actaully accidentally broke his nose one time. Whops. Whenever he would get me pinned, which was all the time, it would end up with him straddling my waist and pinning my arms above my head. I'd call out "uncle" letting him know I surrenedered and it was his cue to get off. But this time he didn't. "Corey. Get off." I said somewhat angry. He just smiled and laughed. He had this honry look in his eyes that made them just shine. I kept yelling at him, jokingly of course, to get off but he wouldn't and just kept telling me to make him. I really tried my hardest. I would be able to lift my arms off the ground a lil but that was met with his brute force making them come crashing back down to meet with the hard floor. It was the first time I actually felt helpless. Quite a turn on for me lol. He finally got off and I ran upstairs because I had to use the bathroom and I also fixed my hair. I came back down and plopted back down on the couch beside him. He just had a smug look on his face with those honry eyes still gleeming. I popped him upside the head, "Hey, you won. No need to brag about it."

We finished the movie we were watching and I went to put in a different movie. After I put the new movie in he tackled me and we landed with me face down on the carpet and him straddling my back. Even though my heart was pounding, I thought this was odd of him. I kept fighting him trying to get him off of me but once again, it wasn't happening. I was using my hands as leverage to push myself up off the ground hoping to roll him off my backside. He grabbed my wrists and quickly pulled them out from under me, and after letting my face fall into the carpet he yanked my arms behind my back. It actally sort of knocked the wind out of me. "Ouch! You know, I don't appricate getting rug burn on my face!" I said a little breathlessly. He just laughed, "Haha, sorry Stephie." My heart jumped. Only my grandma and parents have ever call me Stephie. But he's the first person outside of my family I let call me that. It's special. It was his name to use. And he knew it. He then quickly wrapped some thin rope he must have found somewhere down there around my wrist. He got off and slapped me in the ass. I rolled over and tried to kick him, "HEY! Crossing the like there buddy!" He just smirked, "Uhuh. Sure." was all he said. I might be a sub, but I won't go down without a fight lol. He sat on my legs and tied my ankles. He did a really good job because I seriously couldn't get out of it. I tried. "Be right back Stephie." And he patted me on the head. Before he could run up the stairs he said, "Now don't go anywhere while I'm gone." I just glaired at him. "How cliche can you be?" I heard him laugh and hee ran upstairs leaving me to sturggle.

It was at this time I was grateful no one else was home. Wouldn't want to explain this to the rents or my older brother. Yeesh, that would be unconfortable. Once he was upstairs I scooted myself over to the couch and propped myself up so I didn't have to lay on my side or stomach. The feeling of not being able to get out of my bonds relased butterflies in my stomach. I've experimented with self bondage in the past, but I was always afraid of not giving myself a easy way out because I didn't want to get caught. And self bondage just didn't fit the bill for me.
He ran back down the stairs breaking me from my thoughts. He had something in his hand and I knew what it was before he showed me. He ripped off a strip of shiny silver tape and plastered it on my face before I could yell at him. He put 4 more pieces over it. "I know it's can be easy to get off so if you do I'll rip off as hard as I can. Got it?" I nodded but gave him a quizzed look. He just laughed. "Oh c'mon, you know how kinky Mary(physco bitch) was. Of couse I've done this stuff before." He leaned down and grabbed a chunck of my hair and ripped my hair back pulling my head with it. I let out a grunt more out of shock than pain. He gave me a hard stair and then leaned in so his mouth was right by my ear. "She somehow always ended up on top so I never got the chance. I had the chance with you, and took it. I saw it in you eyes when I had you pinned before. I don't know why I didn't see it before." His lips burshed my ear as he said this which sent chills down my spine. He looked at me softly and gave me a kiss on my gag covered mouth. I smiled under the gag after he did.

He helped me to stand up and in a blink of an eye he pushed me onto the couch and just laughed as I went crashing down. He sat down next to me and pulled me up to him so I was laying against his chest and put his arm around me as we started to watch the movie that was playing. Half way through his hands started to roam. We've never done anything sexual yet so this was exilerating for me. I was a virgin, still am today. Waiting for the right guy. Obviously I've never done anything sexual with someone else before, so duh! it was all so new and exciting for me. His hand went up under my shirt and he started stroaking my stomach as he ran his hand up and down. His hand came up to rest on my breast. He started to play with the material and masage my breast through my bra. I think he was waiting for the "okay" from me. And the quiet moan from me gave him that "okay." He slid his hand under my bra and was really gently masaging and fondling my breast. As I said before I've never had someone touch me here before. We were both enjoying ourselves. He then brushed past my nipple with his thumb and I let ou another quiet moan. He started grabbing my nipple and rolling it in his finger. My breath was catching in my throat when he was doing it. Then sensation was something I've never felt before. He then pinched really hard and twisted my nipple causing a loud pleasurable moan from me.

He pushed me forward and unhooked my bra and pushed my shirt and bra over my head exposing my bare chest to him. I was really shy at first. I was so embarested my face was probably cherry red. He looked at me softly, "Stephie, there's no reason for you to be embarased." Some of the heat left my face after he said this. He slowly pushed me down onto to couch not breaking eye contact with me once. He layed on top of me and softly kissed me on my gagged lips and worked his way to my jaw line and then to my neck. I turned my head to block him off because I wanted him to take the gag off but he roughly turned my head, letting out almost a growl, so he had access to my neck. He kissed and sucked until the spot he chose was burising. He kept kissing and got a lil rougher and started biting my neck which I ended up loving. I was starting to breath more heavily through my nose at this point. When he was done attacking my neck he kissed his way down to my stomach and back up to my neck. He looked at with those eyes I loved and he slowly pulled off the tape discarding it on the ground. I leaned up to kiss him but he roughtly pushed me back down. "You're the one tied up here. I'm in control." I just smiled at him and his lips came crashing down onto mine in a dominate way that made my knees go weak. After we made out for a little his mouth broke from mine and made its way down to my breast. He sucked on my nipples and bit them every so often. In the end, I had bruised all over my breast that wouldn't leave for a few weeks. He came back up and started kissing me on my lips again.

Out of nowhere my phone rang. He ignored it but I said, "Hun, it could be my parents." He sighed and answered. "Joe's Mortuary. You stab 'em we slab 'em. Time of death please?" I glaired at him and was just about to yell at him but his hand clamped down onto my mouth so fast I never got the chance. I heard laughing on the other side of the phone and reconized my dads laugh. "Hi Mr. Springer. Yeah, we're at your house. Steph just ran up to the bathroom. Uhuh. Okay then. I guess we'll see you then. Adios." And he hung up. I shock my head until his hand came off. "Well?" I asked. He leaned donw and kissed me long and hard. When we finally relaced from one another he replied, "Rents are gonna be home in about 10 minutes. So we have about seven now." He pulled out his pocket knife and cut the rope around my wrists and ankles. I pulled down my bra and shirt and we ran upstairs and I cleaned myself up. I looked at my neck and I had to apply some cover up to it so my parents wouldn't notice it. Over the next month or so if we were ever hanging in my basement we would somehow start wrestling and he would some how pin me in differnet ways so I couldn't get out at all and would play with me any way he liked.

As much as I would Like to put a happy ending on here, I can't. He asked out another girl about a month or 2 late. I assumed after that night there was something between us. You know what they say when you assume. He saide he didn't think I would be that upset..... really? I found out that he never really had any feelings for me and he lied about it. To this day I don't know if that was the truth. He could have just said that to make it easier on himself. I don't know. He grabbed my face in his palms and looked me in the eyes. He told me that we would always be best friends and he would never screw me over or drop me for his current girlfriend. He kissed me on the forehead and I beleived him. We had our fun one more night after that. Well, he lied again. His girlfriend was even more jelous than phsyco bitch Mary and got pissy whenever we would hang out. It wouldn't have been so hard if I didn't realize I was in love with him soon after I found out about him asking out his girlfriend. We drifted farther and farther apart and I was doing everything in my power to hold on to him. But one day he just let go. Like he promised me he would never do. I never thought A person could hurt so much.

To this day I still miss him somewhat. I remember all the good times with him and I will always remember my first intimate experience involving a tug with him. I haven't seen him since the end of June. But every once in a while I get to see him in my dreams and it's just like that night all over again.