Primetime : The Ticklish Nerd (F/F and FFF+/F)

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Primetime : The Ticklish Nerd (F/F and FFF+/F)

Post by Soraka »

Posted by Primetime


Karina was sitting down at a table in the University dining commons, with two other friends, Vanessa and Tanya. they were sitting there, laughing, gossiping, and downright enjoying themselves. Karina was a beautiful young woman. her long black hair rode to the middle of her back, and her tanned skin was to a nice golden tone. her piercing green eyes made any man, and a few women, mesmerized by their beauty. she had a nice athletic build, and made damn sure she was in top shape. without a doubt, she was very attractive and had no problems whatsoever attracting men, and a few women. her downside was that she KNEW she was attractive and it caused her to a real bitch. she did have a few enemies, but she didnt care. they were just jealous, that's all. her only two true friends were Vanessa and Tanya. they too were also strikingly beautiful, and their personalities matched Karina. their little group was often called "the Brat Pack".

"girl, Michael was so damn tiny!!!!" Karina laughed.

"he's tiny?! but he is one of the biggest guys on the football team!" Vanessa laughed back.

"looks like all his meat went everywhere but his dick!! i mean he has huge arms, huge legs, huge feet, a fat head and a big stomach, but he has a teeny tiny, itsy bitsy little weenie!!" Karina laughed.

"you are so MEAN!!!! poor Michael! maybe one day the magic dick fairy will bless him with size. he can only hope, right?" Tanya laughed.

all three girls hi-fived one another as they continued to berate the men that they recently slept with. then they all stopped as they saw a certain person walked by.

"look at her! she looks so pathetic!!" Vanessa laughed.

the girls stared at Esmerelda, a young freshman, who was sitting down at a table, all by herself and had her chemistry text books with her. Esmerelda looked like the typical "nerd". she had huge glasses, her hair was tied back in a bun, and she was very quiet and shy. what Esmerelda never realized though, was that once her glasses were removed, and her hair was let down, she was a very pretty young lady. but she was too shy to show it. her body wasnt flabby or anything, just thin and in decent shape.

"hehehehehehehehehehe!!!" Karina laughed.

"what's so funny?" Tanya asked her.

"watch this!" Karina told her friends. "Esmereeeeeeeelda! hello dear!" Karina waved at her.

Esmerelda looked over and saw Karina. a look of fear filled her eyes and she almost choked on her glass of milk. she quickly bowed her head and tried to woof down her food quickly. she couldnt finish quickly, so she picked up her tray and books and walked over to another part of the dining room. she didnt want Karina to be near her.

"what's up with supernerd?" Vanessa asked.

"that's right. i never told you guys what happened....." Karina teased.

"OH DO TELL!!!!!!!" Vanessa said, her eyes wide opened.

"YEAH!!! TELL US EVERYTHING!!" Tanya agreed.

" went like this......." Karina started.

Karina was walking through the chemistry building hallway looking for a room. she was wearing a white blouse that accentuated her huge chest, and black skirt, and white high heels. she walked with an air of confidence and turned her nose up to the chemistry students she was passing by. they were all nerds in her mind. the only reason why she was even in this nerd haven was because she was waiting for Tom, a guy she met in Psychology class. since Tom was a near genius, Karina figured he could help her with her studies, and she was willing to pay him back, even if it meant giving the young man a blow job. as she turned a corner, a young student crashed into her, spilling root beer all over her white blouse.


"i'm soo sorry! oh my gosh! i'm so sorry!" Esmerelda apologized profusely.


"i'm sorry!!" Esmerelda felt real bad.

"i should beat your ass for this!" Karina screamed, her eyes turning to slits.

"please!! i'll clean it!! please dont hurt me!" Esmerelda begged. Karina towered over her, and she knew she didnt stand a chance.

"okay you little nerd-bitch! you WILL clean my blouse. you will clean it by hand! i want you to meet me at my dorm room, IN ONE HOUR! you dont show up, i will break every bone in your body!!!" Karina threatened.

"okay, okay!!! i'll be there!" Esmerelda told her.

Karina gave her the directions and left in a huff. how dare this little nerd damage one of her favorite blouses? she was going to clean it, and while she was at it, she was going to get punished!

"so, that little nerd ruined your white blouse?" Vanessa asked.

"yes! but, she tried her little darndest to clean it up though." Karina replied.

"then what happened when she got to your room?" Tanya asked.

"well...when she got to my room......." Karina started.

Karina paced on the floor of her dorm room. she managed to get a room to herself as her assigned roommate dropped out of school. Karina liked it this way anyway. she had a whole room to herself. she looked at her white blouse and her face turned to anger. then she heard a knock at the door. Karina walked over and opened the door. there stood poor Esmerelda. dressed in a plaid overall dress, with a white shirt underneath, white socks and white canvas shoes, her thick glasses and her hair up in a bun, she walked into Karina's room. she looked around and was amazed at how decorative the room was. her room could never look anything like this.

"CLOSE THE DOOR!!!" Karina commanded.

Esmerelda closed the door, and she got real nervous. she had no idea what was going to happen to her, but she hoped that if she apologized enough and cleaned the blouse, Karina wouldnt hurt her. "look miss..." she tried to say.

"my name is KARINA!!!" Karina shouted.

"sorry! Karina, look, i am so sorry for the accident! i didnt watch where i was going..." Esmerelda tried to apologize.

"SHUT UP!!!! what is your name anyway?" Karina asked.

"it's Esmerelda....." she replied meekly.

"Esmerelda? even your name is nerdish! look ES-ME-REL-DA! here's my blouse, get to cleaning it!" Karina commanded, while handing the blouse to Esmerelda.

Esmerelda took the blouse and reached into her backpack. she brought out some stain removers and other detergents. Karina gave her a wastebasket, and Esmerelda went to the restroom and filled it up with water. she put the garment into the soapy water and began to scrub the blouse. Karina sat on her bed and watched poor Esmerelda clean the blouse. Karina enjoyed the power she felt over this person. she could do anything she wanted and she knew Esmerelda would obey her. she stared at Esmerelda's back and wondered. she could tell that Esmerelda had a decent figure, for a nerd, and it looked to be in shape. her mind turned to anger again as she remembered what happened. she wanted to punish her somehow.

"ES-ME-REL-DA!!!!" Karina mocked.

Esmerelda turned around and faced Karina. "yes?"

Karina walked up to her and Esmerelda stood to meet her. Karina was fuming. for some reason, she wanted to really hurt and humiliate this young lady. she wanted to punch her right in the middle of her glasses. she began to poke Esmerelda's chest with her index finger.

"i (poke) should (poke) kick (poke) your (poke) ASS (poke) for (poke) ruining MY (poke) SHIRT!!!! (poke) (poke) (poke)" Karina yelled.

"EEP!! stop!!!" Esmerelda cried back as her body curled up.

"what's with you?" Karina asked as she poked Esmerelda again.

"NO!!! DONT!!! THAT TICKLES!!" Esmerelda shouted.

"ticklish?" Karina asked. then a light bulb went off in her head. she was really going to torture Esmerelda now!

"PLEASE!!! i'll clean the blouHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!" Esmerelda laughed.

Karina poked and began to tickle Esmerelda's sides and chest. she was amazed on how quickly this little nerd fell apart just from being tickled. Karina knew what it was like as she was very ticklish herself. many men got kicked in the head and balls from trying to tickle her. now, she had an opportunity to torture someone. she pounced on Esmerelda, knocking her to the floor and straddled her. she dug her fingers into Esmerelda's armpits and tickled hard.


Karina continued to tickle Esmerelda. a surge of power and control washed over her as she was now consumed with tickling this poor woman. But, Esmerelda squirmed too much. she looked around and saw some pantyhose.

"Esmerelda, i want you to lie on my bed!" Karina told her.

"no!!! you'll tickle me!!!" Esmerelda begged.


Esmerelda got up and saw the look of rage in Karina's eyes. she knew she better do as she was told. she laid on the bed and Karina hovered over her. Karina then began to remove Esmerelda's dress.

"w-what are you doing?" Esmerelda asked with fear.

"exposing your tickle spots!" Karina told her.

she managed to remove the dress and Esmerelda now laid on the bed with her white shirt, her panties and her shoes and socks. Karina had a huge, sadistic smile on her face. she then removed Esmerelda's shirt, then she took off the canvas shoes. she forced Esmerelda to lay spread eagle, and then tied each limb to a bed post. Esmerelda blushed. here she was, laying on the bed, spread eagle, her body completely vulnerable, and just had her bra, panties, and socks on. Karina licked her lips as she knew she was going to ravage this tender body. she stared at the belly and began to lightly trace her fingers across the soft skin.

"ehehehehehehhehehehehehehe.....noooooo...." Esmerelda chuckled.

"is your tummy ticklish??" Karina asked as she then tickled the belly hard. Esmerelda thrashed in her bonds, unable to escape.


Karina continued her tummy tickling. she dug the tip of her index finger deep into the belly button and tickled hard. Esmerelda went into silent laughter as she felt the tickling finger attack her very ticklish navel. Karina spent about 5 mintues, just tickling the belly button, then moved to Esmerelda's ribs. she massaged, then tweaked each rib, sending Esmerelda into further hysterics. Karina felt so powerful as she tickled poor Esmerelda. she loved it when Esmerelda would arch her back, only to have it slap back down to the mattress as she poked her tummy again. she stared at the smooth armpits and tickled there again. Karina kept changing her style as she tickled the armpits, then went to the belly, then back to the armpits, then the ribs, then the belly, then the ribs, then the armpits, back to the ribs, to the tummy and back to the armpits. Esmerelda would give different kinds of squeals with each spot, so her laughter was hysterical. she didnt know how to react. all she could feel is Karina tickling her poor upperbody. after 20 minutes of nonstop tickling, Karina stopped.

"...hehehehehehahahahaha...pleasehehehehehehehe.... no more..... hehehehehehehehehe..i hehehehehe....cant...take it anymore...." Esmerelda moaned.

Karina looked at Esmerelda and smiled. she saw the sweat coming out on her face. she then removed Esmerelda's glasses. Karina thought to herself that Esmerelda wasnt that bad looking. then a sadistic thought came into her head. she wanted to see how far she could go with this tickling. she then put her face into Esmerelda's.

"......are your little feet ticklish?" Karina asked.

"NO!!!!!!" Esmerelda screamed back. she knew her feet were highly ticklish!

Karina moved over to where Esmerelda's right foot was. she stared at the white cotton sock and saw the outline of her foot. she then peeled off the sock and smiled when she revealed Esmerelda's foot. she liked what she saw. Esmerelda had a size 5 foot, that had a nice arch, with short, chubby toes, and her toenails unpainted and trimmed nicely. the skin on the sole was pink and looked very tender. Karina pinched Esmerelda's big toe.

"this little piggy went to market!!" Karina sang.


Karina played with the rest of the toes, then danced her nails along the sole of the foot. Esmerelda exploded in ticklish laughter as her foot was being tickled by the cruel fingers on Karina. Karina was amazed on how soft and tender the foot was. she liked how her fingers would sink into the flesh, right on the ball of the foot. her fingers glid along the soft skin and sank into the delicate arch, and Esmerelda screamed even louder. Karina then pulled back the chubby toes and attacked the sensitive undersides of the toes. Esmerelda went nuts.


Karina played with each chubby toe and tickled them for what seemed like hours. Karina even tickled the tender heel and Esmerelda screamed in laughter. there wasnt one spot on this foot that wasnt ticklish. Karina then eyed the left foot and wanted to play with that one too. she quickly ripped off the sock and attack the pink skin on the left foot. Esmerelda laughed and laughed and laughed. Karina would tickle her toes, then tickle the arch. tears poured from Esmerelda's face. she was being tortured and there was no end in sight. Karina then used both hands to tickle each foot. her fingers dug deep into the flesh and she tickled Esmerelda's feet to no end. she was so wrapped up into tickling these cute ticklish feet, that she didnt realize she had tickled the feet alone for an hour. she turned around and looked at Esmerelda. she was worn out completely. tears poured freely, her mouth was wide open, trying to suck in precious oxygen, and her face was red from laughing so much. Karina really felt powerful. she stared at Esmerelda's chest heaving up and down and a cruel idea comae to her mind.

"ESMEEEEEEEERRRREEEEEELLLLLLLDA!" Karina sang. "now my ticklish little nerd, let's see if your ENTIRE body is ticklish...."

" more.....i beg you......hehehehehehehehehehe.. i cant take it.......any....more......." Esmerelda moaned.

"Oh no my dear! i want to see if your little boobies are ticklish!" Karina told her.

Esmerelda's eyes popped open. was Karina actually going to tickle her breasts? her fears were realized as she saw Karina with a pair of scissors. she watched helplessly as her bra was cut open, then pulled off. now her bare breasts were exposed. Esmerelda grew red from embarrassment. never before was she in a position where a person was just looking at her breasts. her breasts were small, but close to a medium size. Karina stared at the brown nipples and couldnt wait to tickle these breasts. she then used each hand and tickled underneath the breasts.


Karina continued to tickle the small breasts. she like how they jiggled every time she would tickle harder. Karina fondled the breasts and made sure she tickled every inch. she then flicked her nails across the nipples and was delighted to hear Esmerelda laugh some more. but what she also noticed was that the nipples began to get stiff. was it possible? was this little nerd actually getting turned on? Karina played with the nipples a little more, then a wicked smile formed on her face.

"you know what Esmerelda? i wonder if ticklish too......" Karina threatened.

"....nooooo.....please.....dont tickle my privates!!!...." Esmerelda begged.

"oh yes! i am going to tickle your pussy till you cum for me!!! will you cum for me Esmerelda?" Karina teased.

Esmerelda was horrified! she was at the complete mercy of this evil woman, who intended to tickle her in her most private area. she began to cry. ".......please Karina.....dont tickle me there..."

"why not?" Karina asked.

".....because......i'm a virgin......" Esmerelda cried.

"EVEN BETTER!!!! i am going to make you cum!!!!!" Karina screamed. she couldnt wait to tease this young virgin.

Esmerelda cried even more as she felt Karina cutting open her panties, then peeling them off. now, her whole body was exposed. Karina stared at the pubic hair of Esmerelda and another smile formed on her face.

"ah, what a nice little bush! you know what? let's SHAVE it off!!" Karina yelled.

Esmerelda closed her eyes. she felt so ashamed. then she opened her eyes and saw Karina rubbing shaving cream over her mound. she felt helpless as she saw and felt Karina shaving away her pubic hair. after a few humiliating minutes, Karina shaved her mound clean. Karina stared at the smooth mound and licked her lips. she then used her fingers and tickled the outer lips of the vagina and Esmerelda squirmed. Karina continued to tickle the young vagina, then saw a feather on her dresser. she remembered that feather came from a pillow fight, and now she was going to use it as a weapon. Karina also opened a dresser drawer and saw a vibrator and dildo. evil thought crossed her mind, but then she changed her mind. she was going to make Esmerelda orgasm, but she decided against penetrating her. she was going to leave the virginity in tact. she grabbed her feather and sat next to the shaven mound. she lightly traced the feather across the pussy lips and across the clit. she heard Esmerelda laugh, but also moan. she saw the wetness forming and decided to tickle this pussy some more. she saw Esmerelda's eyes close and look to be in bliss.

"....mmmmmmm.....oh my! more......" Esmerelda begged.

"Esmeeeerrrrreeeeeelda! cum for me!" Karina taunted as she continued to the feathert he wet mound.

Esemerelda couldnt stop giggling from the tickling of her vagina, but also couldnt stop the sensations building up in her. right when the tip of the feather tickled her clit, one more time, she felt a massive wave of pleasure wash over her. her body bucked as wave after wave of orgasmic bliss came over her. Karina smiled.

"there you go...." Karina told her.

Esmerelda finished her orgasm, then realized what happened. she began to grow red again from humiliation, and began to cry again. Karina began to loosen the bonds, and set Esmerelda free.

".....*sob* why? why?" Esmerelda cried.

"because BITCH, you ruined my shirt! no get dressed and get out of my room! next time, WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING!!!!" Karina screamed. Esmerelda got dressed and left.

"you are one evil woman!! i LOVE it!!!" Vanessa said after hearing the story.

"damn girl!!! you should get her again!!!" Tanya told her.

"you know, it was kind of fun! i think i will......" Karina said.

the three girls glanced over towards Esmerelda and gave her an evil look. Esmerelda saw this, gulped her last piece of food, then quickly left the dining room. she wanted to get far away from Karina and gang. as she left the dining room, she began to nearly cry again. how dare Karina tease her body like that. if only she could get her back!!!!!!
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Post by Soraka »


Karina, Tanya, and Vanessa were all at a frat party on a Friday night. the place was crowded with football players, frat boys, and many other students. there was also many women there as well, with some looking to get "lucky" later on. the alcohol flowed freely, and the "Brat pack" were having their share. Karina was dressed in a tight fitting black top, with her cleavage quite noticeable, with a short red skirt, and black heels. Tanya wore a strapless top, which showed off her shoulders and her breasts looked as though they were going to pop out. she also wore a short skirt, but had on black leather boots. Vanessa wore a red low cut dress, with red heels, and all three girls had been drinking and flirting all night long.

"look girls, there's Tyler Perkins, the Quarterback of the football team!" Tanya told her friends.

"he's coming over!!!" Vanessa mumbled.

Tyler Perkins made his way over to the girls, and introduced himself. Tyler had an athletic build and he was one of the nicest guys on campus. "Hello ladies! are we enjoying the party?"

"it's pretty cool!" Tanya replied.

Tyler had his eyes fixated on Karina. "what about you?"

"i guess you can say that...." Karina replied. her eyes were staring off in another place.

Tyler moved closer to her. he was mesmerized by Karina's beauty. "wanna dance?"

"not right now. maybe later....." Karina told him, almost nonchalantly.

Tyler stood up, nodded his head and walked away. he turned around to face Karina once more, smiled, and went on his way to the other football players.

"i cant believe you did that??!!" Vanessa said.

"what?" Karina smiled.

"you just blew off Tyler Perkins?!!" Tanya said in amazement.

"dont worry. i know Tyler dear will be wondering why someone like me isnt interested in him. he will be back. men are soooo predictable." Karina said, her smile forming on her face.

the three girls hi-fived each other with glee. they loved playing around with men, and trying to get them to do anything they wanted. it was all a game to them. later in the evening, Karina and her gals, were quite intoxicated. they sat around and laughed at every little thing they said. they had danced and sometimes kissed a few guys tonight, even a few women! they were the center of attention, and they loved it. now it was 4 am, and they were also getting tired. they decided they would go back to their dorms tonight and pass out. plus, they knew the "wolves" were out and they were quite drunk. they loved to be in control, not the man. they all exchanged a few numbers with some guys,and they left. they walked across the campus, arm in arm, singing and laughing.

"we're off to see the wizard!! the wonderful wizard of OZ!!!!!" Tanya sang. the girls all laughed hard.

"wait! here's a better one. follow the yellow brick road!" Karina sang in a munchkin voice.

"yeah! follow the yellow brick road!!!" Vanessa also sang in a munchkin voice.

"follow, follow, follow, follow the yellow brick road!!!" Tanya also chimed in.

the girls laughed hard at their stupid singing and almost stumbled over each other as they tried to skip down "the yellow brick road". they had walked quite a ways when Vanessa noticed something.

"LOOK!!!" she stammered, then pointed.

the girls all looked over to where Vanessa was pointing and saw a figure walking through the university park. when they all fixated their eyes, they noticed who it was.

"it's that nerd chick! Esmerel...Esmerel...what was her name Karina?" Tanya asked.

"Esmerelda!!!" Karina exclaimed.

"what is she doing out here this late?" Vanessa asked.

Karina's eyes grew to slits. a wicked idea just popped into her head. she was drunk enough, and knew her friends would love to help. "hey girls, remember what i did to her before?"

"yeah! hehehehehehe! you tickled the shit out of her!" Vanessa giggled.

"wanna help me get her again?" Karina's eyes grew to slits.

"YEAH!!!!" Tanya exclaimed.

the girls got real giddy with the thought of tormenting poor Esmerelda again. they started to sneak behind Esmerelda, as she walked through the park. Esmerelda was returning to her dorm room after a late night at the chemistry lab. a project she was working on needed extra attention, so she stayed late at the lab. she had lost track of time, and got real tired. she yawned several times as she walked and look forward to resting her head on her pillow. then she heard a twig snap. she turned around and her face turned white with horror. she saw Karina, Vanessa and Tanya staring at her.

"hellooooooooooo Esmerelda! remember me?" Karina said.

"Y-you scared me!" Esmerelda replied. she was really nervous now. she could tell Karina and her friends were drunk and didnt want to know why they were talking to her now.

"my, my, my! arent you up past your bedtime?" Karina said with such a calm, menacing demeanor.

"i had to do something at the lab. well, i am going home now. good night." Esmerelda said, then turned to walk away.

"GET HER!!!!" Karina yelled.

the "Brat pack" chased after Esmerelda, and she ran as fast as she could. but, they caught her real easy and tackled her on the grass. Esmerleda struggled, but the three women, even drunk, was much stronger than her.

"let's take her back to my room....." Karina commanded.

Esmerelda tried to scream, but Karina put her hand over her mouth. the "Brat pack" grabbed Esmerelda's limbs and carried her off. Esmerelda's heart raced as she knew this wasnt going to be good for her. she wondered why they would pick on her so much. a tear started to form in her eye as she was carried through the park. she stared into their eyes and a chill went through her body as she knew that they had something planned for her. she began to sob quietly as she saw the dorms coming up. her mind raced with crazy thoughts. were they going to torture her? were they going to embarrass her somehow? she just wished they left her alone.

they made it back to Karina's room and they tossed Esmerelda on the bed. Vanessa and Tanya held Esmerelda's wrists and ankles, while Karina retrieved some nylons. as Karina approached a struggling Esmerelda, a look of panic filled Esmerelda's eyes. she remembered the last time she was here, and she had a feeling, history was going to repeat itself.

"my darling Esmerelda....." Karina sang as she removed Esmerelda's glasses. " be a good little girl."

Esmerelda looked in terror as her wrists were now being tied to the bed post, over her head. "....please Karina! let me go! please...."

"not until we have our fun..." Karina replied as she now tied Esmerelda's ankles to the opposite bed posts.

the "Brat pack" now stood and stared at Esmerelda, tied up on the bed. all three of them had lust in their eyes and they couldnt wait to play with their "toy".

"now ladies, observe. this is how you tickle someone into insanity. and Esmerelda here, well, she is REAL ticklish!" Karina instructed as she walked over to Esmerelda. she stared into Esmerelda's eyes. "now my ticklish little nerd, you are going to laugh for me! but first, scissors!" Karina demanded.

Tanya handed Karina some sscissors and watched in lust as she saw Karina cut open Esmerelda's t-shirt. Vanessa and Tanya stared with excitement, as Karina cut open the t-shirt, and seductively pulled it off. Esmerelda was now in her bra, and her upperbody was now exposed. then the wetness between their legs grew as they saw Karina running her fingers along Esmerelda's sides. they loved how Esmerelda squirmed and tried to avoid laughing. it didnt last long as Karina tweaked Esmerelda's sides.


Karina continued to tickle Esmerelda's sides, then went to the smooth belly. she loved how Esmerelda's skin felt as her fingers danced across the heaving tummy. a wave of lust washed over Karina as she wanted to tickle this poor girl all night long. her fingers toyed with Esmerelda's stomach and Esmerelda was already crying from tears of laughter. Esmerelda felt Karina's figners massage her ribs, then dive deep into her belly button. soon, she went into silent laughter. for some reason, this tickling session with Karina was worse than the first time. Karina laughed to herself as she saw Esmerelda fall into pure tickle hell.

"Can we try?" Tanya asked, licking her lips. she couldnt wait to tickle Esmerelda.

"get her feet......" Karina instructed.

Tanya walked over towards Esmerelda's feet and stared at the white Nikes that she wore. with her fingers, she deftly plucked the shoelaces loose, then unlaced the strings. Tanya's heart began to race as she pulled off Esmerelda's shoe. before her was Esmerelda's white sock clad foot. she saw the toe outline and couldnt wait to tickle this little nerd's feet. Esmerelda felt her shoe come off and panic set in.


Karina continued to tickle Esmerelda's belly, then ran her fingers towards the smooth armpits. it was like a shot of electricity went through Esmerelda's body. her armpits were really sensitive, and she began to buck her body.


Karina looked over at Vaness and nodded her head for her to come over. "keep tickling her body as i watch you two get her good! then, you will see how wicked i can be when it's my turn again!"

Vanessa dug her hands into Esmerelda's armpits. Esmerelda felt Vanessa's fingers dig real deep into her hollows and she roared like a lunatic. Tanya kept staring at Esmerelda's sock. as she watched the foot wiggle away, she also saw the toes curling underneath the sock. she licked her lips again, as she let the anticipation build up. Tanya couldnt wait any longer. she began to peel the white sock off, exposing Esmerelda's ankle. then the sock slipped off the heel, and a nervous feeling built up inside Tanya. Esmerelda's heel look so tender, she wondered how the rest of the foot would look. her eyes were fixated on the sole, as more of the sole was being exposed as the sock came off. Tanya loved the small chubby toes of Esmerelda. she saw some sock lint stuck to the toe pads and licked her lips. this was going to be real fun.

Karina sat back and watched her two friends torment Esmerelda. she was getting more wet, watching Esmerelda laughing and squirming. she watched Vanessa torment Esmerelda's armpits, then belly and ribs. the she looked over at Tanya who now held Esmerelda's big toe. Karina's eyes grew with excitement as she saw Tanya's fingers lightly drumming up and down Esmerelda's sole. the reaction that came out of Esmerelda was priceless. her face was twisted in ticklish agony and her body wiggled wildly. Karina watched as Tanya began to play with Esmerelda's toes and listening to her scream. she then saw Vanessa lightly running her fingers up and down Esmerelda's sides. she licked her lips again, as she put her hand down by her now wet mound.

Esmerelda's mind raced a thousand miles per second. she felt Vanessa's hands tease her sides, tummy and armpits, and felt Tanya's nails tickle her delicate sole. her body was facing ticklish sensations all over her body. she didnt know how to react. she would go into silent laughter as her armpits were tickled, but then go into hysterical screaming as her toe crevices were tormented. her brain felt her other shoe and sock coming off, but she couldnt react because her brain felt Vanessa tickling her belly button. she just wished it would stop. then her eyes popped open as she felt Tanya's tongue slither across her toes. she never felt that before and it tickled like hell! but the strange thing was, it also felt good.

Tanya continued to suck and lick Esmerelda's toes. the tip of her tongue would lick from the base of the toe, along the tender underside of the digit, then off the tip of the toe, only for her mouth to suckle the digit. then she sucked hard on the big toe and heard Esmerelda scream. she gobbled up all the toes, and managed to stick all five into her mouth, and let her tongue slither across the bottoms of Esmerelda's toes. Tanya was enjoying this, and continued to suckle the toes. then she brought her fingers and tickled the sole, at the same time her tongue slithered in and out of each toe crevice. she repeated the same procedure on the other foot, and Tanya continued with her feast of toes.

Karina was really turned on now. she watched as Tanya sucked Esmerelda's toes, and watched as Vanessa blew raspberries on Esmerelda's soft tummy. the little girlish laughter that escaped from Esmerelda's lips were intoxicating. she saw Vanessa swirl her tongue in the bellybutton, and loved it when Esmerelda snorted. Karina couldnt take it anymore. it was her turn now.

Esmerelda sucked in precious oxygen as the tickling had stopped. she felt her ankles being untied, but reacted in horror as she felt the button to her pants coming undone. she was helpless as she felt her jeans being removed, then her ankles were re-tied. now, she was laying there with only her bra and panties covering her body. but she also knew, that wouldnt last long.

Karina approached Esmerelda and cut open the bra, and peeled it off. the "Brat pack" moaned in unison as they stared at Esmerelda's breasts. Karina tweaked a breasts and Esmerelda squealed.

"Vanessa, i want you to tickle her breasts, and i want Tanya to continue to tickle her feet. i want the kitty!!!" Karina instructed.

" more.....c'mon....dont tickle me anymore...." Esmerelda begged.

Vanessa walked over to Esmerelda's chest and grabbed both breasts. she loved how soft they were and began to knead each one. Esmerelda began to squeal again as her breasts were fondled, but then shrieked as she felt Tanya tickling her feet again. her breasts were really sensitive and they tickled like hell. Vanessa then began to suck on her nipples and Esmerelda screamed.


Vanessa's tongue licked and swirled all around the nipples and Vanessa got more turned on as she felt the nipples stiffen. Karina noticed this and smiled.

"looks like someone is enjoying this......." Karina taunted.


Vanessa continued to suck on the nipples and Tanya resumed her toe sucking. Esmerelda had no choice but to laugh hard as she felt two warm tongues tormenting her body. she hated this feeling of being tickled. but the part that scared her the most was that her body seemed to enjoy it. she remembered this feeling when Karina had tormented her the first time. she didnt want to enjoy it. she just wanted to go home and stay away from these evil vixens. she again felt Vanessa's fingers tickle her sides as her tongue licked her nipples. she felt Tanya's fingers tickle her tender soles, as her tongue suck her toes. torment and pleasure wracked through Esmerelda's mind. then a chill went through her spine as she felt her panties being cut by scissors!

Karina had cut open, then peel off Esmerelda's panties. she stared at Esmerelda's pussy, that had some hair that had grown back from the last time she shaved it. Karina then grabbed her feather from a drawer, the same one she used before and walked over to Esmerelda.

"noo.......please dont......" Esmerelda begged.

"....oh my sweet Esmerelda! i am going to tickle your pussy until you cum for me AGAIN....." Karina taunted.

Vanessa and Tanya both looked up and saw Karina beginning to feather Esmerelda's pussy. they watched as the feather's tip, made its cruel path across the "lips" and across the clit. both of them were really horny now and continued to tease Esmerelda's body again. Vanessa lightly ran her fingers across the sides, and Tanya lightly ran her nails up and down Esmerelda's legs and across her ankles and the tops of her feet. Karina continued to feather tickle the now moist womanhood, then dropped the feather and used her tongue to lick Esmerelda's clit.

AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA! NOT THAT!!!!!!" Esmerelda screamed. Esmerelda tried to fight off the ticklish feelings and began to cry. she started to cry because she hated to be tickled, she hated having her private parts tormented, but her body seemed to enjoy the teasing, the tickling, the moist warm tongues licking her nipples, her toes, and her vagina. she felt Tanya's tongue lick her toe pads, she felt Vanessa's tongue lick the tip of her nipples, then felt Karina's tongue lightly lick the tip of her clit. she tried to fight off the feelings, but her body couldnt resist. when Karina's tongue lick her clit one more time, Esmerelda's body exploded with a massive orgasm. Esmerelda's eyes closed shut and wave after wave of bliss washed over her body. she shivered as the last wave hit her.

Karina, Vanessa and Tanya, looked at each other, then looked at Esmerelda and smiled. Karina placed her finger on Esmerelda's moist mound and giggled. she had forced Esmerelda to orgasm for her. she also took great delight in watching Esmerelda smile in bliss. the three girls got up off Esmerelda and stared at her. Esmerelda moaned a little bit, her mind was off in paradise somewhere. then reality hit her and her eyes popped opened. her face turned red from embarassment as she realized that once again, she was forced to orgasm for someone else's pleasure. tears began to fall again as she felt humiliated.

"please let me go......" Esmerelda sobbed.

"you know you enjoyed it Esmerelda! i saw the smile on your face. i felt your body shiver from excitement. you may give the impression you are a innocent nerd, but we ALL know you are just a little tickle slut!!!" Karina whispered to her.

Esmerelda began to cry again. she didnt want to admit that the tickling and teasing did in fact turn her on. she felt her arms and ankles getting loose and she laid there, stark naked on Karina's bed.

"now get out of my room!" Karina commanded.

"what about my clothes?" Esmerelda asked as she put on her glasses.

"oh these?" Karina held up her jeans. "they are MINE now. you go home just as you are..."

"i cant go home naked! please give me something..." Esmerelda begged.

"GO HOME NERD! it is still dark outside, so i suggest you hurry home. take your backpack and keys and LEAVE!!!" Karina screamed.

the "Brat pack" sat on Karina's bed and watched Esmerelda put on her backpack and looked at them with sad eyes. Tanya held Esmerelda's shoes and socks, while Vanessa held her bra, and Karina held her cut open panties. Esmerelda opened the door, then closed it as she left the room. Karina, Vanessa, and Tanya all laughed together as they knew they utterly humiliated that silly nerd. they then all laid on the bed and feel asleep. they had a night they were going to remember forever.

Esmerelda quickly ran across campus to get to her dorm. her soft bare feet slapped across the cold concrete, and her arms were covering her breasts and womanhood. she couldnt believe they would make her go home naked like this. she made it back to her room and quickly jumped under the covers. she then remembered what happened to her and began to cry again. she then remembered how good it felt to have her body teased. then she went to sleep, dreaming of a way to avoid these evil women from tickling her again!
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Post by Soraka »


It was Friday night and Karina was in her room, finishing up her makeup. on her bed sat Vanessa and Tanya was sitting on a chair. all three girls were getting ready to go to another frat party, as they often did every Friday night.

"Karina, you think tonight someone decent will actually talk to us? i am tired of these wannabes coming up to us like they really have game or something." Vanessa whined.

"Look, this school has a lot of dweebs here. but, there are some cute ones too. remember Bret Hanson?" Karina asked.

"yeah..." Tanya replied.

"well, let's just say he should be called super Bret! that man knows how to work it!" Karina exclaimed then hi-fived Vanessa.

"damn girl! you are one bad girl!" Tanya laughed.

"of course i am! everyone knows i am the baddest bitch at this school!" Karina bragged.

Tanya and Vanessa both laughed with Karina, and the three girls finished getting ready. then they left the room and headed over to the fraternity that was throwing the party. soon, they found the frat house and noticed that this one was jam packed with people. there were lots of guys, but there was a lot of women as well. Karina and her friends confidently strode through the front door and walked as though they owned the place. they quickly picked up some beers and found a place to sit. as they drank their beers, they also took the time to ridicule others.

"look at what she is wearing! she might as well have a sticker on that shirt that screams 'Wal-Mart'!!!!!" Karina laughed.

"oh yeah! look at those shoes that bimbo is wearing! they look like they were made from a monkey that was blindfolded!" Tanya laughed.

"wait! that looks like......oh,never mind." Vanessa said.

"who did you think you saw?" Karina asked.

"i thought i saw Esmerelda." Vanessa replied.

"Esmerelda? tickle nerd? i would be shocked if she was here. y'know, i kind of miss tickling her. she is so much fun." Karina said.

"yeah, she was fun to tickle. i miss her cute little feet." Tanya said.

"was the nerd's feet delicious or something? maybe later tonight, we can go nerd hunting!" Karina laughed.

the three girls continued to laugh and party on. they got to dance with a few guys, but usually after they returned from dancing, they would ridicule the guy they danced with. they sat down on a couch again and enjoyed the envious stares they would get from the other women. the trio truly loved the attention. then Karina's eyes caught someone staring at her. she smiled slightly as the guy and his friends began to approach them.

"hey girls, here comes Tyler!" Karina told her friends.

Tyler Perkins was the star Quarterback for the university football team. he was considered a "stud" by many women on campus, but the one thing that turned on most women was that he was a geniune person. Tyler wasnt one of those types that would be considered a "bad boy". he was raised by his mother and older sister and he always showed respect for other women. he was the typical "All-American guy" with his blond hair, blue eyes, and rugged good looks. what he couldnt stand, was a woman who was stuck on herself and treated others like garbage. yet, he was approaching Karina.

"Hello Karina. nice to see you again." Tyler said, extending his hand.

"good to see you again Tyler." Karina replied, trying to show that she was in control.

"where are my manners? let me introduce you to my two good friends, Michael Dunham and Jesse Ramirez from the football team." Tyler told her.

Michael and Jesse were teammates of Tyler and two of his best friends. they each shook hands with Karina, Tanya and Vanessa. then all six people sat there and chit chatted for a while. the girls continued to drink heavily and got real flirty. the guys drank a little, but not to a point they were getting drunk. they watched Karina and her friends get more and more drunk. soon, the three girls were pretty toasted and were openly flirty by kissing the guys. Karina would kiss Tyler, Vanessa would kiss Michael, and Tanya was all over Jesse. the night carried on and soon, it was 4am.

"look ladies, i think you've had too much to drink. i think you need to go home. there are a lot of guys out here who would take advantage of you." Tyler said.

"why dont YOU take advantage huh?" Karina said flirtatiously.

"c'mon, we'll escort you back to your rooms. Mike, Jesse, let's help them." Tyler asked, and the three guys lifted each respective woman up in their arms.

they walked across campus and the girls were still buzzing from the beer they consumed. Tyler and his friends made it to Karina's room and Tyler gave them a wink. they got inside of Karina's room and Tyler laid Karina on her bed, while Michael laid Vanessa on the other bed in the room, and Jesse sat Tanya on a chair. then Tyler nodded his head to the other guys and they went to work.

Karina's head was still spinning from the beer, but she began to realize that something was wrong. she tried to move her body but realized she couldnt. her wrists were tied above her head and tied to the bedposts. she also realized she couldnt move her legs as her ankles were tied spread-eagled to the opposite bedposts. her eyes popped open and she looked over at Vanessa and Tanya. Vanessa was also tied spread eagle on the bed, and Tanya was tied to the chair, with her ankles pulled back and tied to the chair legs, which forced her soles to point straight up. all three girls began to come to and realized their predicament.

"what the HELL is going on??!!!! Tyler!!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!!" Karina shouted.

out of the shadows stepped Tyler Perkins with Michael and Jesse. the three guys had smiles on their faces and admired their handiwork. they also laughed as the three girls screamed all kinds of insults and curse words at them. their plan was going along perfectly.


"sorry, cant do that Karina. not until we do what we have to do." Tyler replied so calmly.

scary thoughts ran through Karina's mind. she thought Tyler was a nice guy, but nice guys dont tie up women and threaten them. "please Tyler, dont hurt me....." Karina began to beg.

"hurt you? with the way you treat people, you DESERVE to be hurt!" Tyler told her.

"please....please let me go..." Karina begged again.

"not yet. you see, you three need to be taught a lesson. you cant go around tormenting people. you three are some of the most stuck up bitches the Earth has ever seen. i think you need to learn a lesson in humility." Tyler told them.

"Tyler. you realize that you can get in big trouble. let us go now, and we wont say a thing." Karina advised him.

"you arent listening are you? your lesson will be taught. let me tell you a quick story first. you see, i have this friend. this friend of mine is a really nice person, and she was treated rather badly recently. she doesnt bother anyone. she just goes about her business, studying her chemistry and trying to enjoy her college life. BUT, three certain women have taken it upon themselves to harrass her and torment her. do any of you recognize this friend of mine?" Tyler asked.

Karina shook her head. who the hell was he talking about? "Tyler, what are you talking about?"

"Karina, Karina, Karina. let me introduce my friend. Karina, meet a real good friend of mine, Esmerelda." Tyler said as he motioned Esmerelda to come into the room.

Karina's eyes nearly bugged out of her head. "Esmerelda?"

"yes, Esmerelda. now ladies, Michael, Jesse and myself will be waiting outside for you to apologize to Esmerelda for what you did to her. have fun, and i suggest you APOLOGIZE." Tyler said as he and his friends exited the room.

Karina really grew upset. "Esmerelda!!! you untie us RIGHT NOW! then your friend Tyler is in big trouble!!!!"

Esmerelda stood there. she looked at Karina. "arent you going to apologize, like he said?"

"APOLOGIZE???!!!! apologize for what? look you little nerd, if you dont untie us right now, i SWEAR i will not only tickle you to death, i am going to break every bone in your body!" Karina threatened.

Esmerelda heard the threats and wanted to untie Karina. but then, she remembered what Tyler told her. Tyler told her that people "reap what they sow." Esmerelda nodded to herself. Karina was probably going to hurt her anyway, so she might as well go ahead with the plan.

"no." Esmerelda said.

"No?!! no what?!!" Karina demanded.

"i wont untie you. you have been real mean to me! all of you have been mean to me!" Esmerelda told them, feeling more brave.

"why you little bitch! untie us RIGHT NOW!!!" Karina screamed.

"no! in fact, i think i will get a little revenge." Esmerelda said. she knew she would probably get it later, but this was a real good opportunity. plus, she knew Tyler and friends were just outside, so at least tonight, she was going to be safe.

Tanya watched as Esmerelda walked behind her. she was beginning to get nervous as she didnt know what Esmerelda intended to do. then Tanya gasped as she felt her high heel get plucked off from behind. her toes wiggled wildly as the room air carressed her now bare foot.

"since you liked my feet so much, i think i will start with yours." Esmerelda said.

Tanya didnt understand what she meant until she felt a finger gliding from the base of her toes, across the ball of her foot, through her arch, then off her heel. her foot instantly wiggled and soon, Tanya felt a lot of fingers rapidly scurrying across her soft sole.


Esmerelda continued to tickle Tanya's foot. her fingers zig-zagged all across the soft foot and she enjoyed the reaction she was getting. she really loved it when Tanya went into silent laughter when she tickled between her toes. Esmerelda contined to tickle the foot, but stared at the other wiggling foot. she plucked the high heel off and went to work on Tanya's other foot. Tanya laughed harder as her newly exposed foot was being tormented. Tanya hated being tickled, especially on her feet. Esmerelda was caught up in her torment and was surprised that she head Tanya begging her to stop. Esmerelda didnt want to stop. she was tickling both feet and wanted Tanya to suffer as much as Tanya made her feet suffer.

"leave her alone!!!!" Vanessa yelled.

Esmerelda stopped her foot tickling and stared at Vanessa. she stood up and walked over to where Vanessa was tied down on the bed. Esmerelda was nervous for what she was about to do, but she knew she had to do it.

"get away from me nerd!!!" Vanessa yelled.

"let's see, you tickled my breasts last time. i wonder if your breasts are ticklish?" Esmerelda asked.

"dont you dare nerd!!!" Vanessa screamed. Vanessa's eyes grew big as she saw Esmerelda take some scissors and began to cut open her shirt. she looked on in shock as she saw her shirt being pulled off, then her bra was cut open. her massive breasts began to jiggle.

"are you ticklish here?" Esmerelda asked.


Esmerelda began to lightly massage the jiggling mammaries and loved watching them flop all over the place. she enjoyed hearing Vanessa laugh as her breasts were tickled. Esmerelda lightly squeezed the pink nipples and Vanessa moaned. then she dug her fingers deep underneath Vanessa's breasts and Vanessa just laughed harder and harder. her breasts were so sensitive and there was nothing she could do, but feel Esmerelda tickle her breasts. Esmerelda was enjoying herself. she felt power come over her as she had these women at her mercy. then she looked over at Karina.

"what are you looking at bitch?" Karina told her.

Esmerelda stopped tickling Vanessa and walked over to Karina. now it was time to payback her chief tormentor.

"you tickle me and i PROMISE i wil make your life a living hell." Karina threatened.

"Karina, you are the one who tormented me the most. when i begged you to stop tickling me, you didnt. you humiliated me. i have never been shaven before on my privates, but you didnt care. you shaved me, then even when i begged you not to touch my privates, you didnt care. you tickled me and tickled me and tickled me. you forced me to have an orgasm. you didnt care enough about my feelings, you were just too busy being evil." Esmerelda told her.

"you know you enjoyed it nerd! when i made you cum, i saw the smile on your face." Karina yelled.

"i will admit that it felt good, but the point is, i was forced to. you made me feel like a helpless little girl. you tickled me everywhere, so now i am going to tickle you everywhere. in fact, i wont stop until YOU have an orgasm...." Esmerelda threatened.

Karina was about to curse out Esmerelda but got nervous as Esmerelda began to cut her clothes off. Karina was beginning to get worried. she was extremely ticklish and was trapped. she didnt want to beg for mercy, especially to Esmerelda. she had a reputation to maintain. but, inside her mind, she knew that she was in big trouble. she knew this nerd was going to torment her everywhere.

Esmerelda stared down at Karina's body. the moment of truth had arrived. Karina was topless and now it was her turn to suffer. Esmerelda nervously put her fingers on the smooth hollows of Karina's armpits and dug deep.


Esmerelda's fingers scrabbled up and down the hollows and Karina went ballistic. her back arched up off the bed and her eyes were closed shut. she couldnt stand the ticklish sensations that shot through her whole body. Karina could feel Esmerelda's fingers tracing all over her smooth sensitive skin and the sensations were overwhelming. she has never been tickled for this long as she always managed to escape. Karina went into silent laughter as Esmerelda dug deep into the hollows. Karina's body began to shake violently as her armpits were tormented. minutes passed and finally the tickling stopped.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAhehehehehehehehehehe.. .*cough* *cough* hehehehehehehehehehehehe finished?....." Karina gasped.

"not yet...are your ribs ticklish?" Esmerelda asked as she plunged her fingers into Karina's ribcage.


Esmerelda continued to tickle Karina's ribs. she made sure she massaged each and every rib and the spaces in between. Esmerelda hated when she was tickled there, so she knew that this must be hell for Karina as well. soon, all her fingers dug into the ribs and Esmerelda enjoyed watching Karina's back arch off the bed, only to plop back on the bed when her belly button was poked. Esmerelda attacked the belly next.

"is your tummy ticklish? what a ticklish tummy!!!" Esmerelda taunted as she tickled the smooth flesh.


Esmerelda laughed to herself. Karina was going to be defiant. Esmerelda was now determined to make Karina beg to her. that would be the ultimate humiliation. Esmerelda continued to torment Karina's belly. her fingers danced across the tummy, and her finger poke into the belly button and wiggled wildly in there. Karina's eyes popped wide open as she looked at Esmerelda's finger probing deeper into her belly button. this tickled so much and Karina wanted to beg Esmerelda, but she couldnt. this little nerd wasnt going to break her. but oh did it tickle. Esmerelda was enjoying herself. she enjoyed wathcing the many different facial expressions that Karina had. then Esmerelda stopped her tickling.

"thank you..... hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe
... more......." Karina gasped.

Esmerelda simply walked down to Karina's feet. she began to unstrap the shoe and Karina felt her shoe being tugged off.

"NO!!!! LEAVE MY FEET ALONE!!!" Karina shouted.

Esmerelda managed to remove the shoe and stared at Karina's size 9 foot. it was a real pretty foot. she loved the silver nail polish and the long toes with a toe ring on the middle toe. she then stared at the creamy sole and it look so sensitive. Esmerelda couldnt wait anymore and her fingers danced up and down Karina's sole. Karina roared in laughter as her feet were extremely sensitive. Esmerelda attacked the meaty ball of the foot and loved how Karina's eyes would shut tight and tears began to fall. her fingernail scraped across the ball of the foot, then went to her delicate arch. Karina bucked wildly on the bed, trying to wiggle her foot away from Esmerelda's tickling touch. then Esmerelda decided to attack those long toes.


Esmerelda continued to attack the toes. Karina bucked like a wild woman and Esmerelda just tickled and tickled the soft tender crevices between the toes. Tanya and Vanessa could only sit and listen to Karina's hysterical laughter. they were glad that they werent being tickled. Esmerelda continued to tickle Karina's foot, then decided to go after the other foot. she unstrapped the shoe, then pulled it off, revealing Karina's other foot. Esmerelda loved watching that foot wiggle in nervous anticipation. then she attacked with with passion! her fingers ran up and down the creamy sole, then zig zagged across the width of the sole. Karina was hysterical now as her foot was being tickled, and tickled hard. when the undersides of her toes were tickled, she laughed even harder. she went into silent laughter as soon as her toe crevices were being invaded. she hated having her feet tickled like this. she still couldnt believe that this little nerd that she tormented was doing this to her. she just wanted it to stop. then just like that, the tickling stopped. Karina opened her eyes and saw Esmerelda staring at her.

"now, let's see if your breasts are ticklish." Esmerelda told her.

Karina's eyes bugged out as she watched Esmerelda's hands get closer to her huge breasts. then a shrill laugh poured out from her lips as her breasts her tickled and massaged. Esmerelda dug deep into the breasts and was amazed at how soft and tender these breasts were. she loved watching them bounce all over the chest as her fingers tickled underneath of them. Karina laughed harder and harder. her breasts were being tickled and there was nothing she could do about it. then she felt Esmerelda's fingers flicker off her nipples. a chill ran across her body as her nipples were very sensitive to the touch. they began to stiffen and Esmerelda noticed. her figners continued to lightly touch and flicker off the stiff nipples and she noticed Karina began to moan. then she dug her fingers underneath the breasts again and Karina roared in laughter again. Karina's body kept bucking as her breasts were being tickled. then she began to moan again as her nipples were teased. sweat was froming across her body as the tickling and teasing began to take its toll. Esmerelda then straddled Karina and continued to tickling the beasts and nipples. Karina was in agony. the tickling was horrendous, but Esmerelda's soft touches were making her very wet. then Esmerelda got off of her and approached her panties.

"mmmmmmmm.....heheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheh ehehehehehe" Karina giggled.

Esmerelda then used the scissors and cut open Karina's panties, exposing the wet mound. Esmerelda stared at Karina's womanhood. it was already shaven smooth and look very sensitive. she remembered the feather that was used on her, and went to go get it. she found it and then slowly dragged the feather across the sopping wet womanhood.

"ooooooh yeah......mmmmmmmmm........" Karina moaned.

Esmerelda tried to dance the feather all around the pubic area, trying to make Karina laugh. but all it did was make Karina more and more horny. an idea hit Esmerelda. she then kept stroking the feather all across the moist "lips" and across the clit. Karina was in ecstacy now. the feather felt so good. she felt the sensations building up in her. as the feather made its wonderful journey across her clit again, Karina tried humping her pelvis towards the feather. sometimes she would make contact with the feather. a massive orgasm was building and just when she needed to touch the feather one more time, the feather was pulled away.

"NOOOOOOOO!!!! C'MON!!!! TOUCH ME!!!!" Karina yelled.

"no." Esmerelda replied.

"DO IT BITCH!!!" Karina yelled.

Esmerelda waited until Karina's body would calm down, then she would dance the feather across the womanhood again, and once again, Karina felt the buildup in the orgasm and was just about to release, but was denied again. this happened several more times, and Karina was getting frustrated.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!!! MAKE ME CUM!!!!" Karina demanded.

"i want you to beg me......" Esmerelda smiled.

Karina's eyes bugged open. this little nerd wantd her to beg for release. Karina felt the feather again, and she felt her orgasm build up, then was denied release again.

"OKAY OKAY!!! i BEG you to make me cum!!!!!" Karina begged.

"not yet. first i want you to beg me to tickle your toes first." Esmerelda told her.

"why you little...." Karina couldnt believe it. she was so wet, so horny right now, she wanted to cum real bad. she began to sweat, and could feel the urges ripping through her body. "FINE!!! i beg you, please tickle my toes!"

"gladly!" Esmerelda replied. she then used the feather to tickle in between the toes and Karina roared in laughter again. her toes were so sensitive, but she wanted to orgasm really bad. then the foot tickling stopped.

"make me cum.....please....." Karina begged.

"i want you to beg me to tickle your friends!" Esmerelda told her.

"please tickle my friends!" Karina said.

Tanya and Vanessa couldnt believe thier ears. they were going to get tickled again because Karina wanted to have an orgasm. Esmerelda used the feather on Tanya's feet and Tanya screamed in agony. after teasing Tanya's toes, she tickled vanessa's breats with the feather. Vanessa felt the wet feather and she laughed hysterically. Esmerelda was enjoying herself. she then stopped the tickling and went back over to Karina who had a desperate look on her face.

"...please.....please Esmerelda.....i want to cum so bad....." Karina moaned.

"i still didnt get my apology." Esmerelda told her.

Karina closed her eyes. she hated to apologize. but her loins were calling out to her. "okay. i'm sorry Esmerelda."

"sorry for what?" Esmerelda asked.

"i'm sorry i tickled you. i'm sorry i made you cum. i'm sorry." Karina began to sob. her body was on fire.

Esmerelda smiled. "thank you." then she went over and carressed Karina's pussy and continued the teasing. soon, Karina felt the massive orgasm build up and she just need one more touch. but again, she was denied.

"c'mon!!!! PLEASE!!!! PLEASE LET ME CUM!!!!" Karina screamed.

"you promise you wont get revenge?" Esmerelda asked her.

Karina was getting frustrated. she knew that had had to promise, otherwise she had to go to sleep without the pleasure of relieving herself. "i......promise.......please Esmerelda....make me cum!!!"

"because if you do try to get me, Tyler and friends will simply trap you again. but i believe you. anyway, this night was videotaped. good night Karina...." Esmerelda said.

Karina closed her eyes and felt the wet feather glide across her pussy once more, then tease her clit. then finally Karina had her orgasm. after being denied for so long, massive wave after wave rushed over her body. her eyes rolled into the back of her head, and the sensations took control of her body. she continued to shiver from the orgasms as Esmerelda took her things and left. she smiled at Vanessa and Tanya, then smiled at Karina. the three girls had a defeated and humiliated look on their faces, but at least Karina had a slight smile. in her mind, she knew that Esmerelda was going to pay dearly for this.

Esmerelda left the dorm and saw Tyler and his friends. she had a huge smile on her face.

"so, how did it go?" Tyler asked.

"it went GREAT! thanks to you guys!" Esmerelda beamed.

"do you have the tape?" Tyler asked her.

"yeah! but you can hold onto it for safe keeping. i got want i wanted. an apology!" Esmerelda said as she handed over the tape.

the group walked away together and Esmerelda felt real proud of herself. she also knew that this was the last she would ever have to wrry about Karina and her friends.

or was it?
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Post by Soraka »


it has been a week since Karina and her friends were tickled tortured by Esmerelda. she fumed at the thought that the little nerd forced her to beg for release. Karina sat in her room thinking about the incident. she remembered herself being tied down to her own bed, stripped, then tickled tortured by Esmerelda. her eyes closed as the memories flooded her mind. she remembered when Esmerelda tickled her between her legs and had to beg Esmerelda to bring her to orgasm. Karina's eyes opened up again and were filled with rage. the worst thing about it was that there was a video tape of the ordeal. she promised to herself that Esmerelda was going to pay dearly.

the phone rang and Karina snapped out of her trance. as she walked over to where the phone was, she saw the feather on top of her dresser. she smiled as she picked it up and twirled it between her fingers as she picked up the phone. "Hello? oh, hi Tanya. yeah, i'm just sitting here doing nothing. what? oh shit! that's right! we have to do some work on our paper!....okay, i'll meet you at the library! bye."

Karina walked out of her room in a hurry. she had forgotten that she had to go to the library to do some research on her term paper. she made it to the library and saw Tanya and Vanessa waiting for her. she made it to them and they hugged each other and then walked downstairs to the library's basement. they knew that there was some study rooms down there, plus the information they needed was also in the library basement. they walked down the stairs and opened the door. they saw the shelves of books lined up and they walked passed them until they got to a table. they placed their books down and got to work. each one of them at one time or another got up to go to the book shelves and find some books. 2 hours passed by and they were hard at work.

"i cant believe we have to do this crap! shouldnt we be at some pub or something?" Tanya complained.

"i know! but this paper is due next Wednesday and we just started. why do professors give us 15 page research papers? i mean, what is the freakin point??!!" Karina yelled.

"you know they want to torture our minds. they have nothing else to do!" Vanessa chimed in.

"i know! hey Tanya, can you go grab that one book we need to get to the next part?" Karina asked.

"sure, be right back!" Tanya said with a smile.

Karina and Vanessa stared at the piles of books that were on the table. both looked at each other and looked sad. then Vanessa threw a little piece of paper at Karina. Karina looked at her and threw the paper back. soon, both girls were throwing paper at each other and laughing. then Karina picked up her pen.

"on guard!" Karina shouted at Vanessa.

"so, you want to play rough huh?" Vanessa replied as she picked up her pen. "the force is strong with me!"

"dont ever underestimate the POWER of the dark side!" Karina shouted back, doing her best to imitate Darth Vader's voice. then she made the humming sound of a lightsaber.

"NEVER! i'll never join you!" Vanessa shouted back, humming the lightsaber sound as well.

"then i guess i'll never tell you the secret about me..." Karina said, her eyes looking silly.

"what secret is that?" Vanessa smiled back playfully.

"Vanessa........I........AM YOUR MOTHER!!!!" Karina said, clenching her fist.

both girls started laughing at each other. they really needed that laugh as their paper was getting quite stressful. as they laughed at each other, they saw Tanya rushing back towards them. her eyes were wide open as though she saw a ghost.

"what's with you? did you get the book?" Karina asked.

"NO! but you will never guess what i found! or should i say, WHO i found!" Tanya said.

"who?" Vanessa asked.

"take a wild guess....." Tanya told them, her eyes giving them the look of the answer is so obvious.

Karina's eyes opened wide. "is it Tyler?"

"NO!!!!!! take another guess!" Tanya screamed back.

"no way! it cant be.....Esmerelda?" Karina said, her eyes closing to slits.

"YES!!!!!" Tanya said excitedly.

"that little nerd is here? but then again, this place is nerd heaven." Vanessa chimed in.

"i say we should pay her a little visit, and perhaps do some research on her body, if you know what i mean..." Karina smiled.

the three girls nodded to each other and began to sneak over to where Tanya saw Esmerelda. they quietly sneaked through the rows of books, until Tanya stopped them. they hunched behind the books and peered through the shelf. in their sights was Esmerelda, who sat at a table, with a pile of books. she was busy doing her homework, focusing on the task at hand. she had no idea that three women were staring at her. Karina couldnt take it anymore. she wanted to really punish the little nerd. Karina stepped around the shelf and approached Esmerelda, along with Tanya and Vanessa.

"Hello Esmerelda. remember us?" Karina said while placing her hand on Esmerelda's shoulder.

Esmerelda turned around startled and grew frightened at who she saw. she had managed to avoid these three girls since she tickled them. she tried to stand up, but Karina forced her back to her seat and soon Tanya and Vanessa surrounded the table. Esmerelda was really worried now.

"what? dont you want to say hello? we missed you Esmerelda." Karina told her.

"please....please leave me alone." Esmerelda whimpered.

"oh no! after what you did to us, i think we need to have a talk. get up and go over to that study room." Karina commanded.

"i dont want to. please Karina, please leave me alone!" Esmerelda said with fear in her voice.

"i said GET UP! if you make any noise, i will beat your little ass so badly, no one will recognize your remains. get up and get going!" Karina yelled.

Esmerelda got up and began to walk to the study room. she knew she was in deep trouble. her mind raced with fear as she knew that Karina and her crew were going to torment her. she also knew that by going into the study room, no one could hear her scream as the rooms were almost soundproof. loud screams would only sound muffled coming from the rooms. she entered the study room and Karina forced her to sit on the edge of the table. tears began to form in her eyes as she saw her tormentors staring at her, and then locking the study room door. she was trapped and there was nowhere to run, nowhere to hide.

"so Esmerelda, how's life? have you been enjoying yourself ever since you decided to tickle us?" Karina asked.

"please leave me alone......" Esmerelda began to whimper.

"leave you alone? leave you alone? after you had some football players tie us down, and then have YOU tickle us? YOU tormented our bodies? you know Esmerelda, payback is a bitch! now, i want you to tell us where that videotape is. i bet you watch it and get off on it dont you?" Karina asked.

"please Karina, leave me alone....." Esmerelda begged.

"leave me alone! leave me alone! cant you say something else?!!! you are pissing me off right now!" Karina yelled.

"i'm sorry......i just want to go home....." Esmerelda sobbed.

"no no no no NO! we will not have any crybabies here!" Karina yelled as she removed Esmerelda's glasses from her face. "did you really think you could get away from tickling us? i think we should return the favor. in fact, i am so pissed off from what you did to us, i am going to give you a choice." Karina told her.

"what is it?" Esmerelda asked, knowing that she was screwed either way.

"either we kick your ass brutally or we can tickle you. so, do you want your teeth busted out, or should we tickle you as long as we want?" Karina smiled.

Esmerelda's head dropped. she knew she wasnt going to win in this deal. she knew what choice she had to make, even though she knew it was going to be a long night. "tickle me......." she whispered.

"what? i cant hear you!" Karina taunted.

"TICKLE ME!!!!" Esmerelda yelled, then started crying again.

"well, since you insist......." Karina laughed, then nodded her head to Tanya and Vanessa.

Tanya and Vanessa went to work. Vanessa grabbed her wrists and pulled them over Esmerelda's head, then forced Esmerelda to lay on her back. they moved her body on the table, so now she her body fit completely on the table. Karina held down the wrists, and Tanya held her ankles. Vanessa was first to torment Esmerelda. they all decided where they were going to torment her at. Vanessa would tickle the upperbody, Tanya at the feet, and Karina gets the "special" parts. Vanessa got up on the table and straddled Esmerelda. she stared into her fear filled eyes.

"please....please let me go...." Esmerelda begged.

Vanessa laughed as she then placed her fingers into Esmerelda's armpits and tickled HARD. her fingers dug deep into the hollows and Esmerelda exploded immediately.


Karina, Tanya and Vanessa all laughed at Esmerelda's hysterical laughter. Karina and Tanya egged on Vanessa you was tickling furiously in Esmerelda's armpits. her fingers danced away at the soft flesh, but the t-shirt that Esmerelda was wearing kept getting in the way. Vanessa then pulled off the t-shirt, leaving Esmerelda in her bra. Vanessa now had total access to Esmerelda's ticklish flesh. she then ran her nails lightly along the sides and Esmerelda began to giggle hysterically. then she plunged her fingers into the ribs and Esmerelda howled with laughter.

"tickle tickle!" Vanessa taunted.


Vanessa kept it up as her fingers made their way to the soft tummy of Esmerelda. her index finger then poked deep into Esmerelda's belly button and all Esmerelda could do was nothing but laugh. she hated being tickled. she tried her best to squirm and wiggle, but it was no use. they had her pinned down and there was no escape. she felt Vanessa's fingers do their dirty work on her tender ticklish flesh. she felt them go up and down her sides, dig into her ribcage, scrabble wildly in her smooth hollows and poke her cute little belly button. Esmerelda's eyes closed shut and she just endured the tickling. her voice was already getting hoarse as Vanessa tickled her very hard and didnt ever seem to let up. Esmerelda's mind was already turning to mush. she didnt realize it, but she was tickled by Vanessa for an hour. sweat was already forming on her body, and her mouth was hurting from laughing for so long. Vanessa stopped her tickling and got up off of Esmerelda. Esmerelda gasped for air, but then fear ran up her spine as she felt Tanya tapping on the bottom of her shoes.

"i wonder what is inside these shoes?" Tanya taunted. her fingers tapped the soles of the shoes.

Esmerelda wiggled her feet as she knew they were next. they were by far her most ticklish spot. she began to whimper as she felt her shoelaces come undone and pulled out. a chill coarsed through her body as she felt her shoes being pulled off. she shuddered with fear as she heard her shoes hit the floor with a thud.

"not my feet....." Esmerelda whimpered.

"hmmmmmmm! i am dying to find out what is in these socks!" Tanya laughed as she then began to peel the socks off.

Esmerelda began to sob as she felt her white cotton socks come off her heels, then her arches, then the meaty balls of her feet, then finally, her short, chubby, cute little toes were exposed. she began to wiggle her toes in anticipation of their impending torture.

"my my my!!!! PIGGIES!!!!! she has PIGGIES!!!! i bet they are TICKLISH piggies!!!!" Tanya laughed.

Vanessa then grabbed a sock of Esmerelda. "here, let her taste her own feet!" she said while shoving the sock into Esmerelda's mouth.

Esmerelda almost gagged on her sock. her feet didnt stink, but the thought of her sock being in her mouth made her gag. she tried to spit out the sock.

"you spit that sock out, you lose your two front teeth!" Karina threatened.

Esmerelda began to cry. she kept her sock in her mouth and awaited what was sure to be pure ticklish hell on her soft feet. she didnt have to wait long as Tanya raked her nails up and down her soles. she couldnt laugh aloud because she couldnt spit out the sock. she valued her teeth more. her muffled laughter filled the room as Tanya played with her soft feet. Tanya was enjoying herself. she loved how soft Esmerelda's feet are. Tanya never told anyone, but she had a thing for women's feet. sometimes she would stare at Karina's or Vanessa's feet and always hoped she could "service" them, but figured she would be considered "wierd". but now, she had Esmerelda's feet at her mercy. she loved how her finger sank into the delicate arch and the hysterical laughter that followed. she was mesmerized by the wiggling toes as she tickled the arches. she then traced the tip of her nail and made patterns all over the meaty balls of Esmerelda's feet. Esmerelda went crazy as she felt the nails dance on her tiny feet. then she felt Tanya go after her toes. Tanya dug her fingers into the warm, soft toe crevices and enjoyed hearing the muffled laughter. Tanya played with the chubby little toes for a long time, but when she ran her tongue on the bottom of Esmerelda's toes, not only did she enjoy hearing the ticklish laughter, but she was getting wet herself. Esmerelda's feet tasted so sweet and she was going to lick and suck all the flavor from her feet.

Vanessa and Karina stared at their friend and noticed that she was truly getting into sucking, kissing and tickling the helpless feet of Esmerelda. they both were getting turned on at this point. Karina licked her lips at the sight of Tanya sucking the big toe of Esmerelda and got wet just by looking at the saliva covered big toe of Esmerelda. she wanted her turn now.

"my turn!" Karina said.

Tanya stopped her sucking and smiled. now she was going to watch Karina go to work. she first removed the bra and stared at Esmerelda's petite breasts. she coudlnt wait to go to work on those cute little mounds. then Karina unbuttoned the jeans of Esmerelda and then with Tanya's help, pulled the jeans off, leaving Esmerelda in her panties. with one quick swipe, the panties were gone too, exposing Esmerelda's womanhood.

"lookie, lookie! looks like someone is letting the hair grow back. what cute little hairs..." Karina laughed. she remembered when she shaved Esmerelda and wished she could do it again. but, the sight of Esmerelda's pubic hair turned her on. she was going to have a lot of fun.

Esmerelda turned red. she was naked and at the mercy of these women. she shuddered when she felt Karina tweaked her nipples. then she began to giggle as she felt Karina's fingers lightly circle around her soft brown nipples and it tickled. soon, Karina tickled the breasts and Esmerelda moaned and laughed. the sock was still in her mouth and it was getting wet from her saliva. Esmerelda closed her eyes and laughed. she felt Karina's strong, yet soft hands squeeze and tickle her breasts. she hated being tickled, but in her own mind, it was getting her own body horny. she hated this feeling. she didnt want to be excited from tickle torture. as she fought the feelings of lust, Esmerelda felt Karina's tongue licking her breasts and nipples, which turned hard.

"oooooooooh!!! looks like little nerdy girl likes this!" Karina laughed as she stared at the nipples.

Esmerelda blushed and resumed her hysterical laughter as Karina tormented her breasts by squeezing their undersides. she bucked her body but Karina straddled her now. Karina resumed her nipple licking and was getting more and more horny. it would blow her mind if she could make this little nerd cum all over the table. she then turned her attention to Esmerelda's womanhood. she smiled evilly as she saw small drops of moisture forming on the "lips".

"i wonder if this pussy is ticklish....." Karina said.

Esmerelda then felt Karina's fingers lightly tickle her in her pubic hair area. she immediately laughed hysterically as that area was really sensitive. her body bucked wildly as Karina played with the little hairs.

"oh, this pussy is sensitive!!!" Karina yelled as she continued her pubic hair tickling.

Esmerelda closed her eyes and endured the tickling. Tanya and Vanessa stared at Karina as she tickled Esmerelda's mound. thye both looked on with lust and wanted to see Karina really torment Esmerelda. Karina then lowered her head and used the tip of her tongue to lick the lips of the mound and grew excited when Esmerelda moaned. she continued her licking and her own wetness grew. in Karina's mind, she loved the thought of licking and tasting such pleasure. in Esmerelda's mind, this was pure torment, but felt suprisingly wonderful. she still wanted it to stop as she knew she was attracted to men and she didnt want to have a woman or a man at this time to be doing this to her body. but feelings of lust took over and soon she was on edge. she tried to fight the feelings, but when Karina licked her clit softly over and over again, she exploded. her back arched in the air and she let the orgasm wash over her. Karina enjoyed this as well as she felt the love juices come out of the mound. Karina was lightheaded now. she got up off of Esmerelda and sat down in chair. Tanya and Vanessa were also feeling lightheaded after what they just witnessed. Tanya saw the love juices on the table and she wanted to bring herself off right then and there.

"i have to go to the bathroom!" Tanya yelled as she ran out of the room.

"so do i!!!" Vanessa yelled.

Karina watched both of them leave. she saw Esmerelda laying on the table, moaning and trying to recover from the vicious tickling and thunderous orgasm. Karina then reached inside her pants and brought herself to orgasm. minutes passed and Tanya walked back in the room, followed by Vanessa. they stared at a still weakened Esmerelda and smiled.

"now you little nerd, GET OUT!" Karina yelled.

Esmerelda could barely move. she sat up and slowly got up off the table. she reached for her pants, but Karina grabbed them along with her panties.

"these are mine now!" Karina yelled.

Tanya then grabbed Esmerelda's shoes and socks. "and these are mine!"

Vanessa grabbed the bra. "sorry, this is mine now!"

"what am i supposed to wear?" Esmerelda asked.

"you still have your shirt. plus, you have a jacket dont you? it is very cold tonight and you dont want to catch a cold. GET OUT!" Karina screamed.

Esmerelda began to cry as she walked to the door. she was so humiliated. she put her t-shirt on and ran to her table where she had been studying. she was happy to see no one else was around. she grabbed her jacket and tied it around her waist. while tears fell from her eyes, she grabbed her books then was about to leave.

"one more tell ANYONE about this and i swear what happened tonight will be noting compared to what i will do to you later!!!" Karina threatened.

Esmerelda sobbed as she walked away. she tried to keep her composure as she left the library. it was late at night and she noticed a few students looking at her as she walked barefoot out the door. she was so embarrassed. she ran home and cried at what happened to her this late night at the library. her soft feet ran across the freezing concrete and she wished that this ordeal would end. she felt more ashamed that she actually kind of liked the orgasm she had. she had never felt one that powerful. she ran harder, trying to erase the memory from her mind.

Karina, Tanya and Vanessa sat back in the study room, staring at the pool of love juice that was still on the table. none of them wanted to admit they were turned on from what happened, but knew that each other were. they got up and left the room. they went back to their table and picked up their books. they were done for the night. as they walked out of the library, Vanessa made a comment.

"hey, we never did ask her where the videotape was." Vanessa said.

"oh yeah! well, we will NEXT time!" Karina replied.

all three girls smiled as they couldnt wait for the next time they were going to torment their poor little ticklish nerd.
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Post by Soraka »


Esmerelda was sitting at a table, studying some notes when she heard a familiar voice calling out to her.

"hey Esmerelda, catch!" the voice said.

Esmerelda turned around and saw her friend, Tyler Perkins, tossing a can of soda her way. she reached out her hands and caught it. the put the can down on the table and smiled.

"hey, nice catch! maybe you should play football with us!" Tyler joked.

"NO WAY! that was a lucky catch. i am no athlete!" Esmerelda laughed. Tyler, herself and a few other classmates were studying for a Psychology class. there were girls on campus that were quite jealous of Esmerelda. after all, she was friends with Tyler Perkins, star quarterback for the football team. Esmerelda always thought he was cute, but she knew she had no chance for any romance. she didnt want romance right now anyway. she was trying to get her degree in chemistry and become a pharmacist.

Tyler sat right next to her and whispered into her ear. "hey, got some bad news. Jesse spilled beer all over the K-tape, now it's ruined."

Esmerelda's eyes popped open. the K-tape was the tape that featured her tickling her personal bullies Karina, Tanya and Vanessa. she knew as long as she had that tape, she could possibly blackmail Karina into stop torturing her. now, her ace card was gone. she remembered what happened at the library and was thinking about telling Tyler. she didnt, because she still feared retribution. but now, any chance she had to stop Karina was gone.

"it's okay i guess. but, Karina doesnt know that. we could always pretend that it still exists..." Esmerelda told him.

"yeah, i guess we could. hey, has Karina ever tried to get you back?" Tyler asked.

Esmerelda hesitated. she wanted to tell Tyler, but she decided not to. "no....."

"Good! i thought she would try something. i guess she fears that tape!" Tyler laughed.

"hehehe! i hope so......" Esmerelda giggled. she hoped that Karina would just leave her alone.

Karina sat in her room, staring at her notes from class when she heard the phone ring. she reached for her cordless phone and answered it. "hello?.......oh what's up Tanya?!!........yeah, i know them.... why, what did they say?.......OH YOU GOT TO FREAKIN KIDDING ME!!!.... did they see it?!!!.... i am going to destroy that little nerd!!.. meet me here!!!.... i think nerd hunting season has just opened!"

Karina slammed the phone down and her eyes filled with rage. her friend Tanya had just told her that some others girls were talking about a rumor of a tape that showed her in a compromising situation. Tanya had overheard the girls giggling and laughing on how they would love to see a tape featuring Karina in a situation where she got what she deserved. they didnt know what was on the tape, but the mere fact that the rumor was floating around pissed off Karina. she grabbed a jacket and stormed out of her room.

Esmerelda hugged Tyler goodbye as she left his apartment. the study date was over and she gathered her things. Tyler had offered her a ride back to her dorm, but she decided she would walk back. she had to go to the chemistry lab to finish up a project, then head on home. she put on her backpack and began to walk towards the chemistry lab. it was quite late, but she knew the campus was safe to walk at night. as she walked, she smiled. she was feeling good, and when she finished the chemistry project, life would be just too sweet.

Karina, Tanya, and Vanessa were tip toeing their way through the chemistry lab hallways. it was real late at night, and there were hardly anyone around. the girls wanted to remain quiet as they walked through the hallway. every once in a while, a student would pass them, and after the student passed, Karina had a joke. she thought anyone in chemistry was a nerd, but she couldnt wait to find a particular nerd.

Karina turned around and faced Tanya, who was right behind her. "sshhhh! be very very quiet! i'm hunting nerd! uhuhuhuhhh!" she said in her best Elmer Fudd voice.

Tanya giggled. "hehehehehe. yeah, it's nerd hunting season!"

"KILL THE NERDY!! KILL THE NERDY!! KILL THE NERDY!!!" Vanessa sang, imitating Elmer Fudd's "Kill the wabbit" song.

"SSSHHHHHHH!!!!!" Karina whispered to Vanessa. Vanessa was so loud, everyone in chemistry would hear her. "be quiet!"

"sorry......i always liked that episode..." Vanessa said apologetically.

Karina and her crew continued to roam the halls. they had no idea where they were going, but kept on wandering. they made it to the 5th floor of the 8 story building and crept around. they noticed a lot of labs as they passed through, and also noticed that each lab seemed to have an adjacent "living room" for the chemist. Karina rolled her eyes and she figured that the little nerds would live their lives in a lab. another hour passed and it was getting late. Karina looked at her friends and they were getting tired.

"Karina, she's not here! let's get her tomorrow!" Tanya said.

"yeah, i have a midterm at noon and i havent even studied!" Vanessa moaned.

"you have a midterm at noon, and you havent studied? it's 2 am right now." Karina told her.

"i know, i just wanted to torture a nerd tonight." Vanessa muttered.

Karina laughed to herself. she realized that her friends and herself were "nerd hunters". she told them to go home, but she was going to look for another half hour. she hugged her friends goodbye and told them that if she found Esmerelda, she would save a piece for them. Tanya and Vanessa left and Karina began to roam the hallways some more. as she walked through the hallways, she looked at the walls and saw some prestigious professors and she laughed. all of them had glasses and most were balding men. this place was "nerd heaven" she thought. after a half hour, she decided to give up. the little nerd probably wasnt even there. she began to walk down the hallway towards the exit and glanced through the window of a lab. what she saw stopped her in her tracks. it was Esmerelda! Karina looked in the room and noticed no one else was in the room. her eyes grew big and her mind filled with rage. her opportunity had arrived!

Esmerelda had her back towards the lab door and was writing notes in her note pad. she heard the door open and remembered that she forgot to lock it. she heard someone enter. "yes, can i help you?" she asked.

"yeah, we meet again nerd!" Karina said in a cold tone.

Esmerelda spun around in her chair and her eyes grew as big as saucers when she saw Karina. her heart stopped when she saw Karina close the door, shut the blinds and lock the door. her heart was beating a thousands times per second. she knew she was trapped.

"we meet again, eh Esmerelda??" Karina taunted.

"K-Karina! what are you doing here? do you have a chemistry project?" Esmerelda stuttered.

"chemistry project? are you that stupid? HELL NO! but, i do have a project of sorts. it's called torturing nerds!" Karina said as she approached Esmerelda.

Esmerelda stood up and backed herself against the wall. soon, Karina was in front of her and Esmerelda looked up into Karina's hate filled eyes. "please Karina...what did i do now?"

"i think you know NERD!" Karina yelled as she grabbed Esmerelda's arm and twisted it behind her back.

"OW!!! PLEASE!!! LEAVE ME ALONE!! havent you tormented me enough times!" Esmerelda screamed.

"there is NEVER enough times to torment you! but this time, this one has a reason to it. see, you have something i want and i am not leaving until you give it to me!" Karina threatened.

"...please.....please....just leave me alone....i havent done anything to you...i just want you to leave me alone...." Esmerelda sobbed.

"you havent done anything to me? like, excuse me, i remember when i was tied down and some little nerd bitch tormented me! sound familiar?" Karina told her.

Esmerelda closed her eyes and remembered when she got to tickle torture Karina and her crew. she wished she never did that, because Karina was hell bent on tickling her now.

"follow me nerdy girl!" Karina told her. Karina forced Esmerelda into the "living room" of the lab and shut the door. she closed the blinds and know there was no escape for Esmerelda.

Esmerelda was forced onto the couch and tried to struggle. Karina grabbed Esmerelda's chin and forced the young woman to look at her.

"if you keep struggling, i am going to knock those silly teeth out of your head! then, i may do more bodily harm to your pathetic body. you better cooperate! give me your arms!" Karina shouted.

Esmerelda didnt know what to do. she could fight, but she didnt want to get beat up. but she knew what Karina had in mind. she didnt want to be tickled, but also figured that if she struggled, Karina would beat her up AND tickle her. so, she decided to give Karina her arms.

"good girl!" Karina said as she began to tie some pantyhose she pulled out from her jacket pocket around Esmerelda's wrists. she forced Esmerelda onto her back on the couch and tied her wrists above her head and to a leg post of the couch. Karina then repeated the procedure by tying Esmerelda's ankles together above the socks, then to the leg of the couch. Karina didnt like the fact that Esmerelda could squirm a lot easier, but this was good enough. she sat down on top of Esmerelda's stomach and looked down at Esmerelda's face. she pulled off her glasses and tossed them across the room.

"Karina....please dont do this to me...i'm ticklish....." Esmerelda begged.

"you say the dumbest things! i KNOW you're ticklish! geez louise! anyway you little nerd, i have a question for you and i want you to answer it. if you answer it, i wont tickle you as long. just 2 minutes okay?" Karina told her.

Esmerelda gulped. she didnt know what Karina wanted to ask, but if she could get tickled for two minutes, then she would answer it. her eyes were fixed on Karina's and awaited the question.

"where is the tape?" Karina asked.

Esmerelda's eyes filled with horror from the question. Karina wanted to know where the tape was. "w-what tape?"

"you know what tape i am talking about! tell me where it is!" Karina shouted.

"there is no tape!" Esmerelda screamed. she was telling the truth, the tape no longer existed.

"TELL ME!!!!" Karina shouted. she then began to trace her fingers along Esmerelda's neck.

Esmerelda began to squirm. she felt Karina's fingers stroking her neck and knew this was the beginning. "Karina!! there is no tape!" she screamed.

"okay nerd bitch! you asked for it!" Karina yelled as she then grabbed the neckline of Esmerelda's t-shirt and ripped the shirt open. she quickly ripped it off, leaving Esmerelda in her bra. Karina went to work on the smooth armpits and Esmerelda went through the roof!


Karina continued to tickle the smooth armpits and felt Esmerelda squirming beneath her. she dug deeper into the armpits, and felt Esmerelda trying to arch her back, but Karina's weight prevented that from happening. Karina smiled as she saw Esmerelda's eyes shut tight, her mouth wide open and laughter pouring out freely. she scrabbled her fingers all across the tender skin and Esmerelda laughed harder. then she used her index fingers and began poking the armpits, sending Esmerelda into another fit of giggles. she then leaned her face into Esmerelda's.

"where is the tape......" Karina asked.


Karina then dug her fingers into the armpits again, tickling even harder. Karina thought to herself that this little nerd wanted to prevent her from getting that tape. Esmerelda screamed and realized that she was in deep trouble. she was telling the truth, but Karina didnt know that. as she felt Karina's fingers digging into her ticklish flesh, she wish she did have a tape, because she would tell her just to stop the torment.

"Esssmereeeeeeeeeeeellllllllda! where is the tape honey? tell me, or i will TICKLE you!!!!" Karina threatened.


Karina then began to dig into Esmerelda's ribcage, sending the poor girl into complete hysterics. Karina made sure she poked each and every rib, forcing delirious laughter from her. Karina hoped that Esmerelda would hold out. she enjoyed this form of interrogation. her fingers danced across the ribcage, and Esmerelda was bucking wildly. tears were flowing form her eyes as she felt Karina's fingers digging into her tender ribs. Karina then lightly stroked her fingers across Esmerelda's belly.

"hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehee...Karina...ple ase no more...." Esmerelda begged.

"tell me where that tape is and i will stop. if you dont, i will tickle you all night long if i have to!" Karina threatened.

"you have to believe me.....there is no...hehehehehehehehe tape..."

Karina's eyes turned to slits. this nerd bitch wasnt cracking. she then tickled Esmerelda's belly hard, grabbing and stroking the flesh. Esmerelda roared in laughter again as she felt Karina strong fingers kneading her sensitive belly. her head shook from side to side, trying to fight away the ticklish feeling, but she was too ticklish. she managed to open her eyes and see Karina staring down at her. Esmerelda wanted this to stop. she was losing oxygen and knew Karina didnt care if she passed out. then her heart stopped as she felt Karina removing her bra!

"Karina...please......i dont have any have to believe me!" Esmerelda begged.

"well, i dont believe you. tell me where that tape is! i dont want anyone on this campus to see that tape! now, i think it is time to play with your little boobies....." Karina laughed.

Esmerelda began to giggle as she felt Karina squeezing her breasts. the ticklish sensations shot through her body and she began to buck again. it tickled like hell when Karina tickled the undersides of her breasts and screamed when she felt Karina's fingers flicking her nipples. Karina flicked the nipples a little more, then she noticed that they stiffened. Karina liked what she saw. the little nerd was getting turned on. Karina was going to exploit this to the fullest.

"Esmerelda, do you like me tickling you?" Karina asked.

"NO!!! hehehehehehehehehehehe i hate it!!!" Esmerelda shouted back.

"your mind may hate it, but your titties love it! tickle tickle tickle!" Karina teased.

Esmerelda broke out in hysterical laughter again as Karina tickled her nipples and her breasts. she then felt Karina's mouth on her nipples and her laughs were interrupted by moans. Esmerelda felt horrible. this was turning her on, but she didnt want Karina to do this to her. she rather have a man do it, but Karina's tongue felt real good. Karina noticed Esmerelda's moans and decided she was going to send Esmerelda into orbit. or until she told her where the tape was. Karina stood up and saw Esmerelda laying weakly on the couch. she stared at the light brown nipples and saw they were still standing up like soldiers at attention. she then faced Esmerelda's ankles.

"Esmerelda, did i ever tell you that you have the cutest toes?" Karina asked.

"NO!!!! NOT MY FEET!!!" Esmerelda screamed.

"tell me where the tape is........." Karina taunted.

Esmerelda shut her eyes. she knew she was doomed. "....there is no tape..."

Karina sat down by Esmerlda's ankles and began to slowly unlace the shoes. she took great joy in watching the laces come undone, then she grabbed the heel of Esmerelda's sneaker. she tugged and the shoe popped off the heel, exposing the sock covered heel. Karina playfully pulled the shoe off and tossed it over her shoulder. she then pulled off the other shoe and tossed it over her shoulder. Karina stared at the sock covered soles and saw the outlines of Esmerelda's feet. she liked how the toes were shaped within the socks and lick her lips thinking about tickling these precious feet.

"where is the tape?......" Karina asked once more.

Esmerelda sobbed as she didnt even answer. she sobbed a little more when she felt Karina peeling off her socks. Karina peeled the socks slowly and her eyes grew big when she saw the pink tender heels, then the pale arches, then the pink balls, then finally, the cute pudgy toes were exposed. Karina pinched the big toes, then began to lightly stroke her index fingers up and down the size 6 soles.


Karina's nails then scurried up and down the soles and she loved listening to Esmerelda scream. Karina loved Esmerelda's feet. they were so soft and tender. her nails would sink gently into the flesh when she tickled the arches and the balls of the feet. she saw the pudgy toes scrunch up, then open up again as she tickled the soles. Karina then grabbed a set of toes and pulled back, forcing Esmerelda's sole to become taut. she then scraped her nails up and down the sole and Esmerelda lost it. she felt those cruel nails going up and down her sole and she couldnt stand it. she felt the nails tickle her arch, then her arch, then the ball of the foot, where they would make a few circles and then back down the sole. this went on for minutes as Karina never changed her rythm of tickling the taut sole. Karina then grabbed the other set of toes and repeated the torment to the other foot. Esmerelda was thrashing around on the couch as Karina tickled her feet. just when she thought it couldnt get any worse, it did. she felt Karina nails now scratching the undersides of her meaty toes. it was though a bolt of electricity shot through her as her toes were tickled. Karina then began to dig her nails into the soft crevices and she loved how soft they were. she also loved the reaction Esmerelda had when she tickled the toe crevices.

"i just LOVE tickling your feet! tickle tickle tickle! these are ticklish toes! yes they are!!! tickle tickle toes!!" Karina taunted.

Esmerelad laughed violently as she heard Karina taunt her. her toes were at Karina's mercy and she knew there would be none. Karina's fingers scurried rapidly across the arches and Esmerelda bucked wildly. Karina loved tormenting these feet and could do this all night. but as she watched Esmerelda buck, she saw her hips. Karina knew there was one more spot to go.

"Esmerelda, do you want to tell me where that tape is?" Karina asked.

" more......please...hehehehehehehe... i cant take it anymore...." Esmerelda moaned.

"fine then. i guess i have to tickle your hot......wet.......pussy.." Karina whispered loudly.

Esmerelda began to cry. she knew what was coming next. she knew she didnt want to be tickled there, but her body wanted Karina's soft touch. she felt Karina unbuttoning her jeans, then felt then slide down to her tied ankles. Karina sat on the couch, next to Esmereld'a waist and stared at the white panties. she circled her finger on the area where Esmerelda's mound was and heard a moan. she then pulled the panties down and slid them down to the ankles and stared at the now glistening mound. she could tell Esmerelda's pubic hairs had grown back from when she last shaved them off, and had to make a mental note to shave her again next time. Karina then lightly walked her fingers through the pubic hairs and Esmerelda began to giggle. her vagina was really sensitive now, so she closed her eyes and braced herself. Karina then lightly stroked her fingers across the "lips" of the mound and Esmerelda moaned.

"sounds like someone likes this....." Karina taunted.

"NO!!! stop!!!!" Esmerelda shouted.

Karina continued to tease the lips and her fingers began to tickle all around the mound Karina was delighted to see Esmerelda's hips bucking as though they wanted to make love to her fingers. Karina then found the clit and began to stroke it. Esmerelda's body shuddered fom the soft touch. Esmerelda wanted Karina to stop, but the other side of her wanted it to continue. this felt so good, but yet, so bad.

"tell me where the tape is......" Karina told her.

" tape....." Esmerelda moaned.

Karina knew Esmerelda was getting into it. this was going to be fun for what she had in mind. her fingers continued to stroke the clit, and play with the rest of the mound. with her other hand, she began to flick the nipples and now Esmerelda was moaning with lust. a wave of pleasure was building up in her and she hoped it would come soon. Karina continued to play with Esmerelda.

"tell me you want to cum Esmerelda..."

".....mmmmmmm...feels so"

Esmerelda's emotions were at conflict. she wanted to release, but her mind wanted her to escape. Karina contined to lightly stroke the clit, but then but her mouth on the mound and her tongue went to work. Esmerelda moaned in pleasure. Karina then stopped and looked at Esmerelda.

"tell me you want me to make you........cum......" Karina said seductively.

Esmerelda moaned and her mind was at odds. "......please Karina..."

"please what?" Karina asked.

"please........please.......make me cum......" Esmerelda moaned. her body wanted the release so bad.

Karina laughed to herself. she just made this little nerd beg her to make her have an orgasm. she knew she owned Esmerelda now. "my, my, my.....looks like you are a little tickle slut...say it again..."

"no Karina...." Esmerelda moaned.

"say it....."

".....mmmmmm.....please....make me cum......"

Karina laughed. "tell me where the tape is......."

"......mmmmmmmm.....make me"

Karina then stopped her stroking. she stood up and looked at Esmerelda. Esmerelda opened her eyes and filled with lust. she was so close to having an orgams.

"please.......Karina....make me cum......please....." Esmerelda begged.

"not until you tell me where the tape is....." Karina taunted.

" is no tape....please....please...i'm so close..."

"tell me to tickle your feet...."

Esmerelda closed her eyes. she wanted release so badly, but didnt want to be tickled anymore. "..please.....tickle my feet...."

Karina laughed as she walked over to the helpless soles. she loved how they looked so inviting. she then scrabbled her nails all across the soles and Esmerelda lost it. she screamed in hysterical laughter. her body was in hell because she felt the ticklish sensations, but the orgasm was still moments away from hitting. she saw Karina tickle her toes and could do nothing else but laugh. Karina knew she had Esmerelda in control and loved tickling these tender little feet. after ten minutes she sat down by the waist again. her fingers grazed the pubic hairs and Esmerelda's body tensed up again.

"Esmerelda......." Karina whispered.


"do you want me to make you cum?"


"do you want me to tickle you?" Karina asked.

"...mmmmmpleaase.....make me cum.....tickle me....make me cum...." Esmerelda babbled.

"tell me where the tape is you little tickle bitch! or i will not let you cum......" Karina barked.

".....please tape...." Esmerelda moaned.

Karina was getting upset. she couldnt believe Esmerelda held out this long. she knew she had to take it to another level. she was going to make Esmerelda cum, but then she knew her body would be even more sensitive. she was prepared to make her cum several times and tickle her to high heaven if need be. she was then about to place her fingers on the mound when she heard a door open. her head turned and she went to the window of the "living room". she peered through the blinds and saw a janitor cleaning up in the lab. Karina was pissed. she knew she had to stop her torture. she knew that she would have to try again with this little nerd.

"look you little nerd! i have to go now, but remember, you WILL tell me where that tape is! next time, you WILL tell me!" Karina whispered loudly into Esmerelda's ear.

"Karina.......make me cum...please......pleeeeeeeaaaaaseeeeee..." Esmerelda begged.

"tough luck bitch! see you later!" Karina said as she then untied Esmerelda's arms and ankles. she then snuck out the door as the janitor had his back turned and made it out with no one noticing her.

Esmerelda laid on the couch exhausted and in heat. she tried sitting up but she was so weak. the orgasm was on edge, so she rubbed her mound and her orgasm finally hit. it hit so hard she fell to the couch and passed out. the janitor opened up the "living room" door and to his surprise, he saw a naked student laying on the couch, her back and rear end exposed for all to see. he quickly closed the door, shaking his head.

"crazy college kids......" he mumbled as he continued to do his cleanup.
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Post by Soraka »


Karina sat back in her lounge chair, peering out of her window, looking at the grassy area and lush green trees. it was now summer and she was appointed Resident Advisor of a Freshman Summer Orientation dormitory. Karina loved the job as it gave her a place to stay over the summer. she didnt want to go home and have her parents tell her she needed a job. she knew she was too good to be working for someone, so she decided to become a RA. she was reflecting on her school year and what a school year it was! she, along with her best friends Tanya and Vanessa, made their marks around school. they successfully got to sleep with many of the football players and knew they were the "Queen Bitches" on campus. no one would mess with them. she missed her best friends now though as Tanya went to a European vacation with her parents and Vanessa got an internship at some law firm. Karina smiled when she thought of the things she did. her smile got even bigger when she remembered Esmerelda. Esmerelda was a young chemistry student who had the misfortune of soiling a favorite blouse of Karina and paid dearly for it. Karina discovered a different side to her as she found out she LOVED to torment another human being by the means of tickling. she, as well as her best friends, tickled tortured poor Esmerelda whenever they got a chance. but the best part was sexually teasing the young woman. Esmerelda was a "nerd" by Karina's standards and making Esmerelda orgasm under her control excited Karina. however, Karina remembered when Esmerelda got to torment her as well. Karina never forgave Esmerelda for tickling her and her best friends, then having the nerve to videotape it. but, things worked out as Karina found out the tape had been destroyed, so there was nothing Esmerelda could do to blackmail her from tormenting her. Karina wished she had Esmerelda now. she felt like making her suffer again!

Karina also got to discover the incoming freshmen and there were two particular girls that caught her attention. Olivia and Sasha seemed like the perfect types for Karina to mold in her image. Olivia was a beautiful Latina woman who's parents had money and she came from Beverly Hills, CA. her fiery young temper seemed to blend well with her long wavy black hair, olive skin and dark brown eyes. Sasha was a tall, leggy blond who arrived from the South. she was a Southern Belle who also had a tendency to look down at others less fortunate than her. interestingly enough, Olivia and Sasha ended up roommates in the Orientation and instantly clicked. Karina thought of these two girls and it reminded her of her own self. her trance was broken when she heard students walking into the dorm. she saw Olivia and Sasha.

"Olivia? Sasha? can you two come in her please?" Karina called out.

both Sasha and Olivia walked into Karina's room and sat down on the couch. both women looked hot and not to pleased about the sweat that came from their bodies. Karina offered them both a drink, which they happily accepted.

"so girls, how was your day?" Karina asked.

"shitty! man, if it wasnt for the fact that i have to take this dumb ass chemistry class to go towards the GE requirements, i would totally skip the class!" Olivia spat.

"yeah, like, this class is sooooooooo boring!!!! what's worse is the fact that there NO cute guys in that class. it is filled with nerds!!" Sasha complained.

"yeah, i remember chemistry. who cares what happens in chemistry! who's the professor?" Karina chimed in.

"we have old man Epstein!!!" Olivia told her.

"Epstein? he's still alive?" Karina laughed.

"yeah!! that man has to be what? a THOUSAND years old? i swear he told us a story when him and Noah were playing shuffleboard on the Ark!!!" Sasha joked.

"you know what's funny though? his little TA is quite an interesting person herself!" Olivia began.

"how so?" Karina asked.

"well for starters, she has to be the BIGGEST FUCKING NERD i have ever seen! then, to top it off, she thinks she is so smart! she acts like she is better than the rest of us. i think her and old man are having an affair by they way they laugh about chemistry together!" Olivia said.

"even her name is nerdy! i think it's Espelda? no, Esmorona? no, it's Esmerelda! what kind of goofy name is that?" Sasha said laughing.

"Esmerelda?!" Karina asked as her eyes lit up.

"yeah, funny isnt it?!!!" Sasha laughed again.

a devious smile formed on Karina's face. her mind raced with anticipation as she knew her poor, sweet Esmerelda was still on campus. she looked over at Olivia and Sasha and planned to make them a part of it. "You know what you two?" Karina asked.

"what's up?" Olivia responded.

"i like you two. you are exactly what this campus needs. in fact, i want you two in the fall to hang out with me and my best friends. i will be more than happy than to take you to parties, meet football players and have every man on campus wanting you, plus every woman jealous of you. sounds good?" Karina asked them.

"HELL YEAH!!!" Olivia responded.

"count me in!!! college is supposed to be fun anyway!" Sasha exclaimed.

"now, do you two want to teach your nerdy TA a lesson?" Karina asked.

"sure!! why, do you know here?" Olivia asked.

"listen close to the story i'm about to tell you....." Karina told them.

Sasha and Olivia listened to Karina's story and couldnt help but laugh and be amazed on what they were told. then, their eyes lit up with joy when Karina told them of a plan to have a little fun this coming weekend......

Esmerelda sat at her desk in the TAs' office and was reading some chemistry material. Esmerelda was feeling good this summer as she got what she considered a once in a lifetime offer by assisting world reknowned chemistry teacher, Professor Epstein. things were looking up in her life as she made it through her freshman year with straight A's and commendations fromthe Chemistry department. she thought her freshmen year was memorable, but she wanted to forget certain aspects of it. she never forgot her ordeal with Karina and happy it was summer. surely, Karina was gone for the summer, so Esmerelda felt relaxed. she didnt have to duck and hide any more from Karina and her friends. she hated being tickled against her will, but what scared her more was the fact that her body loved the sexual teasing. Esmerelda was still a virgin, but happened to have mulitple orgasms from Karina touching and teasing her most private area. Esmerelda didnt want to feel turned on by the tickling and teasing, but her libido couldnt help it. so, to avoid it from happening, she holed herself up in the chemistry building and made sure she was with someone almost at all times. Karina had humiliated her many times, so she did her best to avoid it from happening again. she poked her head up from the book as she heard a knock on the door.

"come in!" Esmerelda yelled out.

Olivia and Sasha walked into the room and sat in chairs in front of Esmerelda's desk. they both looked around and couldnt believe there were peopel who actually liked chemistry. they winked at each other and began their plan.

"uh, Esmerelda. we have a favor to ask of you." Sasha started.

"yeah, we know that our grades arent doing well and well, chemistry is hard!" Olivia whined.

"ladies, i know you two are not doing well in class, but you have to shape up or you will fail the class." Esmerelda warned.

"we were wondering if you could maybe, um, tutor us? we really need your help." Sasha said, her eyes looking sad.

"of course i can!!!! i am always willing to help out students with chemistry! i know you think chemistry is hard, but i will help you see that chemistry is an exicting subject and you two may enjoy it even more, shopping!!!" Esmerelda said with sincere.

Olivia had to catch herself from laughing. chemistry better than shopping? yeah, this is a real nerd alright, she thought. "thanks Esmerelda." she said.

"when do you two want to study?" Esmerelda asked.

"how about this Saturday at the Freshmen dormitory? around 2 o'clock?" Sasha told her.

"sounds like a date! trust me, you two will learn to love chemistry!" Esmerelda told them.

"we're sure we are going to have fun during this session!" Sasha said with a wicked smile.

"yeah, i'm sure after the session is done, we will learn a lot...." Olivia smiled.

Esmerelda stood up and shook both of their hands. she watched them walk out of the office and felt honored that she was going to personally help some students learn a subject she loved. Sasha and Olivia meanwhile, laughed once they made it out of the chemistry building. this Saturday was going to be fun!

Esmerelda walked across the campus and made it to the dorm area. she was still happy about her tutoring session and if she could make two beautiful girls like Olivia and Sasha love chemistry, then it would make her heart feel good. she was wearing a blue shirt with red shorts and white Nike sneakers and she straightened her glasses as she walked with a bounce in her step. she made it to the Freshman dormitory, walked in and even walked by Karina's room without realizing it. she noticed the place looked deserted, but figured it was the weekend. what she didnt know was the rest of the dorm went to the beach as a group trip. she finally made it to their room and gently knocked.

"come in......." Olivia's voice was heard through the door.

Esmerelda walked into the room and saw Olivia and Sasha standing there. she looked around the room and it was a typical dorm room. white walls, white ceiling, two beds and two desks. Olivia and Sasha did manage to decorate the room heavily to take away the drabness. she sat down at a desk and looked at her two students.

"sit down over here....." Olivia told her as her and Sasha both sat down on a bed.

"dont you want to study at the desk?" Esmerelda asked.

"naw, it's more comfortable on the bed. come, join us." Sasha said.

Esmerelda sat down and Olivia and Sasha sat down next to her, sandwhiching her between them. Esmerelda cracked open a book and began her lesson. she spoke with such emotion, Sasha and Olivia looked at each other and wanted to hurl. twenty minutes went by and Esmerelda was still explaining chemistry concepts with a passion. Sasha and Olivia winked at each other. it was time for the plan to go into motion.

"Esmerelda, tell us about yourself...." Sasha began.

"huh? c'mon girls, let's keep our focus, then we can talk. now, about....." Esmerelda tried to say.

"c'mon, we know you must have had fun during the school year. tell us about it." Olivia told her.

"it was okay. not to much happened. except there was this one time in chemistry class...." Esmerelda tried to say.

"you know, we think you're hiding something from us. in fact, we got a chance to talk to one of your friends recently." Sasha said.

Esmerelda noticed that Olivia and Sasha moved closer to her. "um, what friend?" she asked curiously.

"in fact, your friend is on her way...." Olivia teased.

Esmerelda had a puzzled look on her face. what the hell were these two girls talking about she thought. then there was a knock at the door.

"in fact, she's here....come on in......" Sasha said.

Esmerelda looked at Olivia and Sasha and wondered who they were refering to. then her heart stop, her body froze and her eyes nearly fell out of her head as she saw who the "friend" was as she walked through the door."K-KARINA??!!!!!!!!" she shouted.

Karina walked in with an evil smile and her eyes filled with rage as she saw Olivia and Sasha grab a hold of Esmerelda's arms. "hello, NERD!!!!!!"

Esmerelda began to struggle, but it was no use, Olivia and Sasha held onto her firmly. "i-i-i think i have to go now...." Esmerelda stammered.

"YOU-ARENT-GOING-ANYWHERE!!!! Ladies, hold her still while i tie her down!" Karina laughed.

Esmerelda struggled again, but she was overpowered and forced to lay on her back. then she watched in horror as she saw Karina tying her wrists to the bedposts, above her head with some nylons. then she kicked as hard as she could, but it was no use as her ankles were tied down spread eagled. Esmerelda struggled in her bondage as Karina, Olivia and Sasha stood over her. Karina removed Esmerelda's glasses and laughed.

"look what we have here. cute little Esmerelda..." Karina laughed.

"no, we have SUPER NERD!!!! look at her blue shirt and red shorts! SUPER NERD!!!!!!!!!" Olivia laughed.

"faster than a speeding test tube! more powerful than a child with a lollipop! able to leap over a puddle in a single bound! look up in the sky! it's bird! it's a it's a plane! it's SUUUUUUUUUUUUPER NERD!!!!!!!" Sasha laughed.

Esmerelda began to tear up. she knew she was trapped and had these three women making fun of her. she also knew what was coming to her if she didnt get free. "let me go...please let me go..." she cried.

Karina sat down on the bed next to her. "now now Esmerelda, you have been a bad girl for avoiding me....didnt you miss me?" Karina said, batting her eyes.

"please Karina....let me go....." Esmerelda begged.

"oh no, my cute little super nerd! my fingers miss tickling you. why dont we get acquainted again. Sasha, hand me the scissors." Karina commanded.

Esmerelda watched in horror as she saw Karina hold some scissors and began to cut away at her blue t-shirt, exposing her upperbody, then finally leaving her in her bra. her face turned red from embarrassment.

"oh, nerdy girl has some nice looking titties!" Olivia laughed.

"Esmereeeeeeeeelda! are we still............TICKLISH?!!!!" Karina teased.

EAHHAHAHAHA!!!" Esmerelda exploded in laughter as she felt Karina's fingers tickle her ribs. her body jerked violently as she felt the fingers dance on her ribcage.

Olivia and Sasha looked on as they saw Karina tickling poor Esmerelda. the sight of Esmerelda thrashing around and Karina tickling her was mesmerizing. Karina on the other hand was in complete bliss as her fingers probed and tickled the ribcage of Esmerelda.

"is this ribbie ticklish? how about this one? or this one? these are ALL ticklish ribbies!!!!! kitchy kitchy kitchy!!!!" Karina teased as she played with the ribs.

Esmerelda continued to laugh violently as Karina dug her fingers deep into the spaces between her ribs. her eyes filled with tears and her mouth was already hurting from laughing so much. Karina looked at her two cohorts and gave a nod. Sasha then knelt down beside Esmerelda and raked her nails on her smooth hairless armpits. Esmerelda doubled her laughter as she felt Sasha's wicked nails scrape along her armpits. Karina continued to tickle her ribs hard, Sasha scraped her nails wildly, then Olivia held up a stiff owl feather and began to tickle Esmerelda's ears and nostrils with it. this drove Esmerelda crazy. her head shook violently as she tried to avoid the feather from tormenting her nostrils. Olivia held her head down and danced the tip of the feather in Esmerelda's ear. Sasha then plunged her nails deep into the smooth hollows and Karina began to lightly trace her nails across the smooth belly of Esmerelda. all three felt and saw Esmerelda's body tremble. Esmerelda's mind was turning to mush. the feather tickled so much, her armpits were screaming for mercy and her belly button was now being tortured by Karina's strong fingers. she wanted to wake up from this horrible nightmare, but realized this was no dream. this was reality and Karina was not going to show any mercy anytime soon.

"hey Karina, did you know nerds are ticklish in their armpits?" Sasha asked.

"why no! show me!!!" Karina laughed.

Sasha then lowered her head and began to lick the smooth armpits. this drove Esmerelda to a new ticklish height. her back arched up in the air, but fell quickly as Karina plunged her nail into her belly button and twirled it around with reckless abandon. Esmerelda begged for mercy. the three tormentors laughed when they heard her feeble pleas and continued to torment her. Karina then put her hand up and looked at her two proteges.

"now ladies, each of us have a section to torment. Olivia, you're first." Karina said.

"you know something Esmerelda? i like a girl's feet. especially NERD feet. can we look at yours?" Olivia teased.

"....ehehehehehehehe....please.....not...eheheheheh feet.... not my feet....." Esmerelda panted.

Olivia knelt down at the end of the bed and grabbed ahold of the toe of Esmerelda's shoe. she pulled down and began to slowly unlace the shoe. "you see Esmerelda, i like to tease NERD feet by slowly, but surely taking out you shoelace. then after i unlace it, i pull ever so gently...." Olivia teased as she tugged at Esmerelda's shoe and heard the "pop" when the shoe came off her heel. "then, i take the off and throw it across the room......." Olivia continued to tease as she threw the Nike. "my my my. look at this cute little socked foot! wait, let's find it's twin."

Esmerelda moaned in weakness as she felt her other shoe getting unlaced, then removed. she managed to pick her head up and saw Olivia by her socked feet.

"then, i peel these socks off, so i can look at the NERD feet..." Olivia continued to tease as she peeled both socks off, exposing Esmerelda's barefeet. "PIGGIES!!!!!! NERD PIGGIES!!!!!! Olivia laughed.

Esmerelda scrunched her toes in anticipation of their impending torture. she felt embarrassed by having another woman examining her feet. ".....please....leave my feet alone......" she begged.

"hmmmm, what NERD piggy should i tickle first? inny meennie minny moe! catch a NERD by the toe! if she begs, NEVER let her go! look at these tickly tickly toes!!!!!" Olivia sang as she then raked her nails on the arches of Esmerelda's feet. she was amazed on how soft and tender they were. her nails sunk into the pink flesh of Esmerelda's size 6 feet. but, what Olivia loved more was hearing Esmerelda's maniacal laughter as her feet were tickled.

Esmerelda laughed like she never laughed before. she felt those nails of Olivia tickle her arches, the balls of her feet and her heels like never before. for some reason, her feet seemed extra ticklish today. her eyes bugged out like saucers and her laughter went silent. Olivia continued to tickle Esmerelda's feet, then just when she thought Esmerelda couldnt laugh anymore, she did. Olivia attacked the hsort chubby toes of Esmerelda. her fingers pulled the toes back and attack the tender undersides of the ticklish digits. Karina looked on and laughed as she saw Olivia tickle the living hell out of Esmerelda's feet. she told Olivia to get in between the toes and Olivia happily obliged. Olivia made sure her fingers dug deep into each crevice. she loved the feeling of the delicate skin and wanted to push Esmerelda way beyond her ticklish limits. she then tickled harder and Esmerelda bucked as though she was possessed by a demon. Olivia tickled each toe, from the chunky big toe to the baby toe that she wiggled with no mercy. Olivia loved playing with Esmerelda's feet and didnt have any plans to stop. she then began to scratch her nails along the instep and arch and laughed to herself as Esmerelda went into conniptions. Karina then nodded her head to Sasha, who grabbed the pair of scissors. Sasha knelt next to Esmerelda's upperbody.

"i wonder if SUPER NERD's titties are ticklish?" Sasha teased. then with a snip of the scissors, she cut open the front of the bra and peeled the cups off of Esmerelda's breasts. her eyes filled with lust as she saw the soft brown nipples of Esmerelda. the breasts were a b-cup, but were also very nicely shaped. Sasha then tweaked Esmerelda's nipples.

AHAHA" Esmerelda screamed in laughter.

Sasha then began to probe and lightly squeeze her breasts sending Esmerelda into helpless giggles. her breasts jiggled about and Sasha then took the feather and lightly danced it around the nipples, which now were becoming stiff. Esmerelda felt this and her mind raced.

"oh, does nerdy girl like her titties tickled? hmmmmm? tickle titties!! tickle tickle tickle titties!!!!!" Sasha teased as she continued to tickle the nipples.

Esmerelda's mind exploded. Olivia was still tickling her feet and now her breasts were being tormented by this evil vixen. her mid was starting to love it and Esmerelda tried to fight the sexual tension building up inside of her. between her fits of laughter, moans came out as the feather flicked across her nipples. Sasha was beginning to get caught up in the moment and lowered her head and began to suck on the nipples. her tongue was now flicking across the nipples sending poor Esmerelda into overdrive. Olivia saw Sasha sucking on Esmerelda's breasts and she too got caught up in the moment. she began to suck on Esmerelda's toes and Esmerelda laughed even harder as she felt Olivia's warm wet tongue swirling around her sensitive digits. Esmerelda didnt want this feeling. her body was craving more of the teasing, but her mind was trying to fight it off. the feeling of two, hot tongues teasing her body was so arousing. she giggled and moaned at the same time. Karina watched the events that were happening and felt it was time.

"Olivia, Sasha? MY TURN!!!!! watch what i do to her now....." Karina laughed.

Olivia and Sasha stopped their tormenting and stood up. they saw Karina sit on the bed in between Esmerelda's thighs. they knew what Karina was about to do. Esmerelda opened her tear soaked eyes and saw Karina with a pair of scissors.

"nnooooooooo......please Karina.....not there......" Esmerelda begged.

"i missed you know what i really miss? this very... ticklish........pussy of yours......" Karina whispered.

Esmerelda began to cry as she saw Karina use the scissors to cut open her shorts. Karina cut along the seams, then through the fabric, shredding the red shorts. she then wasted no time in removing the red shorts and tossing them over her shoulder. she then used the scissors and cut through the fabric of Esmerelda's pussy, right next to the mound. then like a hatch door, she peeled oped the fabric, exposing Esmerelda's mound. she then cut the panties off and Esmerelda was now stark naked, tied down and utterly vulnerable to Karina's whims.

Karina stared at Esmerelda's vagina and smiled. she looked at the brown pubic hairs and lightly ran her fingers through the curls. "i think it's time for me to SHAVE you again....."

".......NO!!!!! please.....please Karina...dont shave me....." Esmerelda sobbed. she remembered when Karina shaved her before and this was going to be humiliating to be shaved clean.

Karina sprayed some shaving gel onto Esmerelda's mound and lathered it up by massaging around the genital area. Karina could hear Esmerelda moan from the massage and soon, the mound was covered in shaving cream. "now hold still......." she told Esmerelda. with a razor she began to shave the vagina, making sure she shaved it clean. she heard Esmerelda sobbing as she shaved her area completely bald. after a few minutes, Karina wiped off the vagina with a damp towel and stared at the now clean shaven pussy. she licked her lips and stared into Esmerelda's eyes. "now Esmerelda, you know you like it when i tickle your pussy....."

"please........" Esmerelda moaned. as much as she didnt want to admit, her body LOVED Karina teasing her mound. Esmerelda's mind raced as she tried to fight the sexual tension building up in her. her eyes then bugged out as she saw Karina hold up the feather.

"now who has a ticklish pussy? tickle tickle tickle...." Karina teased.

Esmerelda exploded in laughter as the feather teased her shaven mound. the feather's tip stroked across the soft skin above the mound, then when it touched the lips, Esmerelda exploded in hysterical laughter. with her mound shaven, she was even more ticklish down there. Karina stroked the feather up and down the pussy lips, sending Esmerelda into orbit. the feather's tip then circled the clitoris and Esmerelda's mound began to thrust, trying to touch the feather.

"look at her......she's trying to fuck the feather....." a stunned Sasha said.

Esmerelda was indeed trying to make love to the feather. Karina knew this and continued to tickle the area, even making sure she tickled the vulnerable thighs. Olivia and Sasha never been involved in a lesbian scene, but what they saw before them was turning them on. Sasha began to rub her self and Olivia licked her lips. Karina then began to rbu the feather's quills faster across Esmerelda's pussy and knew Esmerelda was going to explode. she then lowered her head and with the tip of her tongue, lightly licked the clitoris and Esmerelda exploded in a massive orgasm that curled her toes. stars were in her eyes as wave after wave of pleasure crashed over her. Karina watched Esmerelda in the throes of orgasm and smiled.

"ladies, untie her and flip her onto her stomach. the fun isnt over yet." Karina commanded.

Olivia and Sasha quickly obeyed and untied Esmerelda. Esmerelda was so weak from her orgasm she couldnt even fight them away. soon, they had her flipped over onto her stomach and retied her with the nylons. now, Esmerelda was spread eagled on her stomach. Karina then sat down between her thighs again, holding the feather.

"ladies, do you think Esmerelda here has a ticklish ass?" Karina teased.

"tickle her ass!!!! tickle her ass!!!!!" Olivia and Sasha said together.

Esmerelda whimpered as she knew her ass was exposed. she then yelped in pain as Karina began to spank her ass. she squealed with each smack on her ass, until tears began to fall again. then she laughed her head off as she felt the feather tickling her stinging cheeks. Karina loved watching Esmerelda jiggle her buns as the feather rubbed over the cheeks.

"such a BAD BAD NERD!!!!! trying to avoid me huh? tell me you're sorry!" Karina yelled.


"that's better....." Karina laughed as she then ran the feather up and down the crack of Esmerelda's ass. she then grabbed a cheek and pulled it away from the other. she stared at the brown hole and with the feather, she began to circle the hole sending Esmerelda into hysteria.

Esmerelda's mind left her as she felt her hole getting feathered. the feather darted in and out, then circled around it, sending her into hysterics. then Esmerelda laughed as the feather tickled her hole, then made it's way down to her pussy again. Olivia and Sasha couldnt believe what they were watching. Olivia then looked at Esmerelda's upturned soles and began to tickle them again. Esmerelda screamed again as her ass, her pussy and feet were being tickled. Sasha sat in a chair and rubbed herself. this was a total erotic scene to her. Karina continued her feather tease on Esmerelda's hole then finally stroked the feather across the clit again.

"do you want to cum again nerd?" Karina asked while teasing the clitoris.

" hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehheheheheheh
ehe...yes.,..... make me cum please....hehehehehehehehehehehe.." Esmerelda giggled.

"please WHAT?!!!!" Karina shouted.

"mistress.....make me hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe cum Mistress..." Esmerelda laughed.

"that's a good nerd...." Karina said as she used her fingers to manipulate the clit.

it didnt take long for Esmerelda's to explode into an orgasm again. with her pussy tickled and her feet tickled at the same time, her nerves exploded. her eyes rolled back into her head as the second orgasm overcame her. her eyes closed and her body went limp. Karina got up from the bed and looked at Esmerelda laying there.

"okay nerd, enough for today. now get up and leave....." Karina told her.

a few minutes passed and Esmerelda was untied. she slowly got up and reached for her clothes. Karina snatched them from her and snarled.

"no, these clothes are mine now. go home as you are!!!!" Karina yelled.

"please Karina...dont make me walk home naked...." Esmerelda pleaded.

"fine, here's a garbage bag. wear it, or walk home naked. i'm keeping your shoes and socks as well...LEAVE NERD!!!!" Karina yelled.

Esmerelda began to sob as she put the garbage bag over her body. she looked at Olivia, Sasha and Karina with sad eyes as she picked up her books and slowly walked out the room. she heard the door slam behind her and heard laughter coming from the room. they were laughing at her humiliation. Esmerelda ran quickly from the dorm, hoping no one would see her running home barefoot, with books in her hand and with a garbage bag for clothes. she saw a few people give her strange looks as she darted into her room, slam the door and lay on the bed. she began to cry herself to sleep as she thought about what happened. her summer was now going to be completley different. what she hated though was the fact that she enjoyed the orgasms. she was at war with her head with one side telling her she wants Karina to tease her again, and her other side saying no. Esmerelda wondered why her body craved the teasing. this summer was going to be interesting......

Karina looked out the window ofher room and wondered how Esmerelda was doing. she smiled as she thought about torturing her again. she knew Sasha and Olivia would never be the same again either. Karina looked forward to the rest of the summer as she closed her eyes and imagined a giggling Esmerelda.......
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Post by Soraka »


Karina sat back in her chair, gazing out the open window. it was a hot summer afternoon and she was sweating like a pig. her door was opened, she had fans going, windows wide open and none of it was helping cool down the hot humid day. as she sat back in her chair, she thought about this summer. she was enjoying being the RA of a Summer Orientation dorm for freshman and two of her residents Olivia and Sasha have become really good friends with her. she also remmbered their moment when they got to tickle torture her favorite nerd, Esmerelda. she enjoyed the power she had over Esmerelda. anytime she passed by the chemistry building after Olivia and Sasha got out of class, she would wait for Esmerelda to come out of the room. she would gaze her eyes at Esmerelda and loved it when Esmerelda had a look of panic on her face. after scaring Esmerelda, she would then walk away laughing. she wanted Esmerelda to know that she could tickle her anytime she wanted. she then heard a knock on her door.

"hey Karina! it is hot as FUCK!" Olivia shouted.

Karina looked up and saw Olivia and Sasha at her door. "come on in."

Olivia and Sasha both sat down and were also sweating. both girls loved hanging around Karina as they already started making names for themselves on campus. they already had a few dates with some football players and knew their freshman year was going to be fun.

"you know, it is hot as fuck. why dont we go to the beach?" Karina told them.

"yeah! let's get the hell out of this suana and go to the beach!" Sasha said with excitement.

"plus, i heard a lot of the football players are going there. maybe we can have a little 'extra curricular' activity as well." Karina smiled.

Olivia and Sasha got up and walked out the room. Karina then began to change into her bathing suit. she put on a two piece bathing suit, then put on shorts. she then put on her sandals, grabbed her beach accessories and walked out of her room. she saw Olivia and Sasha also ready to go. Olivia had a one piece bathing suit with shorts on and flip flops. Sasha had a bikini on and didnt even bother with shorts. she also wore flip flops and was ready to go. the three girls got into Karina's convertible cherry red Ford Mustang and drove off. as they drove to the beach, they noticed a ton of guys, and a few women, staring at them. they all loved the attention. they would exchange flirty glances as the Mustang roared down the street. it seemed like everyone was on their way to the beach today. when they arrived they had trouble finding parking, but a group of guys told them to park in their space, while they would look elsewhere to park. Karina blew them a kiss, then the guys piled into their truck and drove off hooping and hollering.

"i love idiots....." Karina told her pals.

"i know! they must think they're going to get something in return. poor losers. but hey, at least they gave us their spot." Olivia said.

"men are complete morons! they'll do anything for a pretty woman wont they? i bet if we told them to jump off a cliff head first for some pussy, they would!" Sasha laughed.

the three girls laughed as they parked the car. they got out, grab their belongings and headed to the beach area. they saw a lot of guys checking them out. they also saw the jealous looks of their girlfriends as well, but they didnt care. they made it to a "perfect" spot on the beach and set up their stuff. they were trying to plant a huge umbrella and Karina played it up. she pretended to struggle with it and when she pretended to pout about it, almost immediately three guys came running over to help her out. the guys put up the umbrella, set up their radios and even laid out their blankets.

"thanks guys! we girls are so fortunate to have such STRONG men help us out. what would we do without you?" Karina pretended to flirt.

"no problem! if you need anything, anything at all, dont hesitate to call us! my name is Walter, what's yours?" the guy asked.

"Karina. these are my friends Olivia and Sasha. nice to meet you Walter. this may sound silly, but we forgot our money so we cant buy food. would it be too much trouble for you guys to bring us back some burgers and fries?" Karina said, flashing her eyelashes.

"Rick, do you still have money?" Walter asked.

"HELL YEAH!" Rick replied.

"then what are we waiting for! let's go!" Walter yelled.

"before you go Walter dear, can you bring back some drinks too? Diet Cokes?" Karina continued to flirt.

"diet? you women need diet cokes? you are way to FINE to be drinking diet cokes. but, your wish is my command...." Walter told her.

Karina flashed a flirty smile, then the guys left. Karina looked at Olivia and Sasha, then they all started to laugh. 15 minutes passed and the guys brought back the food and cold drinks. Karina kindly sorted out the food and looked at Walter.

"thanks Wally. i REALLY appreciate this." Karina said with her gazing eyes.

"uh, yeah! n-n-no problem!!! uh, Karina? we'll be right back. we're about to go play some football." Walter said, trying to sound macho.

"have fun...." Karina whispered into his face.

Karina and crew almost fell out laughing as Walter and his friends nearly tripped over each other running away, throwing a football around and trying to act like tough men. the three girls ate their food and looked at their surroundings. Olivia and Sasha were really enjoying the fact that Karina got several men to set up their "camp" and buy them food. they were really going to enjoy hanging around with her!

the afternoon passed by and the temperature started to cool down. throughout their visit, Karina and crew flirted, played and teased every man that came across their paths. even a few women flirted with them. they saw people come and go. they handed out fake phone numbers, flirted and even kissed a few guys just to mess with their heads. the evening fell and Karina and her crew were still at the beach. some more hapless guys set up a bonfire for them and the girls sat with the guys for a while until it was getting late. they told the guys they had to get back as it was now 10 o'clock at night. they gave them a few fake phone numbers and walked back to the car.

"can you believe those guys?" Olivia asked.

"like i said, men would do almost anything for some pretty women. we didnt have to do anything but sit there and play with their minds." Sasha said laughing.

"i know..i know. just wait till school starts and the fun REALLY beings!" Karina told them.

they walked pass some more cars when Olivia stopped dead in her tracks. Karina and Sasha looked at her with puzzled looks.

"what? Olivia, what is it?" Karina asked.

"look......." Olivia said as she pointed across the beach.

Karina turned her head and looked over towards a lone lifeguard house on the sand and saw a lone figure sitting on the deck. she focused her eyes harder and she realized who that figure was. a wicked smile formed on her face. "Esmerelda..........."

"Esmerelda's here? this is cool!" Sasha said.

"i think it is time we pay our little nerd a visit. this is going to be a great ending to a great day..." Karina said.

Esmerelda was sitting on a chair on the deck of the lifeguard house. she was gazing at the moonbeams hitting the surface of the ocean. she liked coming to the beach at night to clear her head and relax. she wore a sweatshirt, shorts and white sneakers. Esmerelda always loved the ocean. so peaceful, so calm. it was a hot day, but the cool ocean air felt refreshing this time at night. she thought about her life and was generally pleased. but she also thought about her torment at the hands of Karina. she wondered why Karina took so much pleasure in torturing her. Esmerelda was always nice to everyone, why would someone like Karina torment her? Esmerelda also worried about the fact that her body sometimes enjoyed the tickling, especially in her private areas. Esmerelda still hasnt been with a man, but has experienced the power of an orgasm at the hands of a woman. Esmerelda's intellectual side fought with her libido about the torment. she didnt want to be tortured but the orgasms felt really good. she was confused on how to feel. she definitely wasnt confused about the tickling. she couldnt stand being tickled as her body was so sensitive. her toes curled inside her shoes as she thought about the wicked torments she was put through. Esmerelda closed her eyes and wished she had the courage to stand up for herself. she just didnt want to cause trouble and if she stood up to Karina, she knew her life would never change. Esmerelda sighed then opened her eyes. her eyes nearly popped out of her head at the sight in front of her eyes.

"hello Esmerelda...." Karina told her.

"K-KARINA!!!!! what are you doing here!!!!?" Esmerelda shouted.

"about to have some fun....girls, get her!!!!!" Karina commanded.

Olivia and Sasha quickly tackled Esmerelda as she struggled to get free. they carried her struggling body down from the lifeguard house to the sand and held her down. Karina then began to pile sand on top of Esmerelda's arms were held to her sides by Sasha and her ankles held by Olivia. Karina piled the sand over her and soon, Esmerelda was buried. only her head and feet stuck out of the big sand mound. Karina then took a bucket of water and poured it over the sand repeatedly to make the sand compact and hard. Esmerelda tried to free herself but couldnt. she was trapped and now at the mercy of Karina and crew.


"go ahead and scream Esmerelda, no one is here! just us four. you know Esmerelda, i missed you. i mean it's been weeks since i last got to.......touch you." Karina winked.

Esmerelda started to sob. "please Karina.....not again....why are you doing this to me?"

"because i CAN, that's why!!!!" Karina laughed.

"......*sob*....i havent done anything to you......" Esmerelda continued to sob.

"oh SHUT UP ESMERELDA!!!! you seem to forget that you did tickle me! i will NEVER forgive you for that!" Karina shouted.

Esmerelda closed her eyes and remembered when she did in fact tickle torture Karina. she now regretted even try to exact her revenge. she knew she was going to be in for a long night. the only thing she knew was that her private parts were covered by sand, so Karina couldnt tickle those areas.

"Sasha, do you have your feather?" Karina asked.

"yes i do!!" Sasha said.

"tickle her nose......Olivia, hold her head still." Karina commanded.

Olivia held Esmerelda's head still, while Sasha began to run a seagull feather across Esmerelda's nostrils. Esmerelda immediately began to scream as the tendrils of the feather tickled her nostrils. Sasha loved tickling her nose, then used the feather to tickle her ears as well. Karina reached in and removed Esmerelda's glasses as Sasha then traced around her eyes as well. Esmerelda cackled like a hyena as she felt the feather's tip circling inside her nostrils, driving her crazy. her eyes were closed shut and tears started to form. she wanted to scratch her nose bad but she couldnt. Karina then used her own feather and traced it around the outlines of her lips. Esmerelda's face felt like it was one big itch and there was nothing she could do to stop it. when she laughed, Karina even dipped the feather into her mouth tickling the roof of her mouth. Karina played a cat and mouse game as she would quickly remove the feather before Esmerelda's mouth closed. when Sasha tickled the nostrils, Esmerelda would open her mouth, only to feel a feather tickling the roof of her mouth. this went on for another 10 minutes, then Karina had them stop tickling. Esmerelda was already a sweaty mess. she still felt like scratching her whole face, but her arms were trapped.

"Esmerelda dear, do you want us to tickle your nose, or your TOES?!" Karina teased.

"NO!!!! NO!!!!" Esmerelda screamed.

"her toes it is! Olivia, would you do the honors of tickling her toes?" Karina laughed.

"MY PLEASURE!!!!!!" Olivia said. she then sat by Esmerelda's feet which were sticking out and stared at the white Keds canvas shoes. she slowly began to unlace the shoes and Esmerelda twitched her feet.

"...please dont tickle my feet....i cant stand it....." Esmerelda moaned.

"ah, she doesnt want us to tickle her feet! TOO BAD NERD!!!!" Karina yelled back.

Olivia then took off Esmerelda's left shoe, then the right one. she grabbed the tips of the white cotton socks and easily peeled off the socks, exposing Esmerelda's size 6 feet. Olivia remembered the last time she got a hold of these feet. Olivia had a thing for women's feet and looking at Esmerelda's cute feet got her juices going. she loved the chubby toes and the smoothness and pinkness of the soles. she then took her feather and traced it from the base of the toes, down the arch, and across the heel. Esmerelda let out a scream so loud, Karina decided to take a sock and forced it into her mouth. Esmerelda tasted her sock, but continued to scream. the feather made it's cruel way over her feet and there was nothing she could do. her feet wiggled wildly, but Sasha came over and held her toes back while Olivia continued to trace her feather over it cruel path. the feather's tip darted in and out of the toe crevies and Esmerelda was laughing hysterically. Esmerelda's tears were flowing easily and she stared up into the face of Karina. she saw the evil look on Karina's face as she cackled away. Esmerelda's emotions were getting to her. as Karina smiled at her plight, Esmerelda began to feel ashamed. ashamed of the fact that this woman could do anything she wanted with her and there was nothing she could do. she felt so helpless, so weak. the feather tickling was now on the undersides of her chubby toes and she just laughed like a banshee.

"hey Karina, her toes are oh, so ticklish! listen to her laugh!" Olivia said.

"keep on going Olivia! tickle those feet good! i want her to really SUFFER!" Karina said.

Olivia continued to tickle the trapped feet with her feather. she hit a particular hot spot in the center of the arch and concentrated on it. Olivia was mesmerized by the sight of the feather stroking it's tickling might on the flesh of Esmerelda's foot. she then attacked the other foot and watched the toes wiggle madly on the other foot. Sasha then held Esmerelda's big toe and pulled it away from the next toe. Olivia sawed the feather in the soft toe crevice and Esmerelda went into complete maniacal laughter. Olivia made sure she sawed in between each toe crevice sending ticklish shockwaves through Esmerelda's nervous system. the tickling was getting to be too much for Esmerelda. soon, she stopped struggling and laid there weakly, hapless to the tickling torture.

"okay girls, stop tickling her feet. time to get her out of this sand trap." Karina told them.

"WHY??!!! i want to keep tickling her feet!" Olivia whined.

"we need to get her out so we can STRIP HER NAKED, then have some real fun......." Karina said.

Esmerelda tried catching her breath when the tickling stopped. out of her tear soaked eyes, she saw then digging her out. the sand was removed and Esmerelda thought her torment was over. then her mushy brain realized that she was getting stripped naked. her sweatshirt, her shirt underneath, her bra, shorts and panties were removed and Esmerelda laid naked on the sand. the girls then grabbed Esmerelda's naked body and hoisted it up. they took her limp form over to the lifeguard house and planted her back on the rails that supported the lifeguard house off the sand. the rails were horizontal all the way around and they tied Esmerelda's hands to the rails, then the bent her knees and tied her ankles to the rails as well. Esmerelda was now hanging forward with her arms behind her, tied to the rails and her ankles as well. if they cut her wrists free, she would fall face forward into the sand. her breasts were hanging freely and Karina grabbed her chin.

"now NERD! it's time to really play with you!" Karina said with a smile.

Sasha reached forward and began to tickle Esmerelda's breasts. her hands squeezed the breasts and Esmerelda already strated to laugh. Olivia went behind the rails and attacked the upturned soles again. her fingers moved all over the soles and Esmerelda cackled hysterically. Sasha then turned her attention to the ribcage and Esmerelda let out a yelp as her ribs were tortured.

"LAUGH NERD LAUGH!!!!!" Karina shouted as she watched Sasha and Olivia tickle a helpless Esmerelda.

Esmerelda's body shook wildly as she felt her ribs being tweaked and her soles tickled. her arms were aching as her body weight pulled at her bonds. she looked at Karina with begging eyes, only to have Karina look back at her with an evil gaze. the sock in her mouth was wet with her saliva and mixed with the sweat she had from her feet, Esmerelda wanted to gag. her head then thrashed about as Sasha poked her finger into her bellybutton.

"hey, watch this!" Olivia shouted as she then took her cellphone, put it on vibrate mode and placed it on Esmerelda's sole. the phone vibrated and it drove Esmerelda into the lower depths of tickling hell.

Karina watched the torment with delight. she knew her turn was coming and she couldnt wait. she stared at Esmerelda's vagina, then licked her lips. she enjoyed watching Sasha now play with Esmerelda's nipples and Olivia playing with the toes. Karina decided it was her time.

"okay ladies, my turn....." Karina told them.

Esmerelda moaned in pain and exhaustion as she saw Karina twirling a feather between her fingers. Esmerelda knew what was coming. tears flowed from her eyes as she knew there was nothing she could do. Karina then knelt down by Esmerelda's vagina. from the angle she was at, the vagina was in front of her face as she knelt down.

"my my my! what a pretty pussy.....looks like you're growing some stubble here. tell me Esmerelda, is your pussy sensitive right now?" Karina asked.

Esmerelda sobbed again as she knew she was going to get it. she looked at Karina one more time, then closed her eyes.

"i think it is a sensitive pussy.....tickle tickle tickle....." Karina whispered as she then took the feather and stroke it all over Esmerelda's mound.

Esmerelda roared in laughter as she felt the feather teasing her mound. she winced in pain as Karina lightly slapped at her vagina, then tickled it again with the feather's tip. then using one hand, she pulled open the "lips" and then twirled the feather in the flesh in between them. this drove Esmerelda wild as she felt the sensations building up. the more Karina tickled her pussy, the more wet she became. Olivia and Sasha watched this erotic scene and were quite turned on. Sasha then began to tickle the tips of Esmerelda's nipples and Olivia went back to the feet and began to suckle on the ticklish digits. Karina then flicked the feather all over Esmerelda's clitoris.

"tickle tickle clitty!!! such a tickly clitty! cum for me Esmerelda, cum......." Karina whispered.

the teasing was getting to be too much for Esmerelda. she felt a warm tongue circling her toes and fingers playing with her nipples. but the feather across her most private area finally sent her over the edge and she had a massive orgasm. her body shook as the orgasm overcame her. she then laid limply in her bondage. the orgasm rocked her and it felt strangely exciting. Karina loved this moment. she watched love juices drip from the recently tickled pussy, then rubbed her hand over the pussy. Esmerelda was extra sensitive and she began to giggle.

"take her down now. just one more thing to do......" Karina told her crew.

Olivia and Sasha freed Esmerelda from her bondage and laid her on her stomach on the sand. then at Karina's orders, then each held an ankle and spread her legs apart. Karina then sat in between Esmerelda's legs and stared at the pale ass in front of her.

"punishment time...." Karina said as she then began to spank Esmerelda.


Esmerelda moaned in pain as her ass was stinging from Karina's hand slapping against it. Karina then grabbed a cheek and pulled it away from the other. then she used her feather and tickled the soft brown hole and Esmerelda giggled uncontrollably as her ass was being tickled. the feather made it's way all over the hole, then over to her pussy again. Olivia and Sasha then began to lightly stroke her soles again. Esmerelda laid there laughing away.

"what a tickly hole you have!!! tickle tickle tickle!!!! but it is not as much fun as your.....pussy......" Karina teased.

Esmerelda had another massive orgasm as Karina rubbed her hand over the pussy. Esmerelda shuddered one more time as the orgasm overtook her. Esmerelda's mind raced all over as the orgasm she had felt so wonderful to her. her body was on fire and her mind was in another world. Karina felt the love honey flowing and laughed. she looked at her soaked hand and stood up. she walked over to Esmerelda's head. pulling her up by her hair, she then rubbed the wet hand over Esmerelda's face and especially over the mouth.

"taste yourself NERD! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Karina laughed.

Esmerelda felt so humiliated. Karina let go of her head and it plopped back on the sand. she heard the other girls laughing and walked over her.

"we had some fun tonight nerd....see you next time. your body....... is MINE!!!!" Karina said as she grabbed Esmerelda's clothes including her shoes, leaving her sweatshirt.

Olivia and Sasha then threw the sweatshirt over Esmerelda as they walked away. they got into Karina's car, then sped off. all three laughed at what they did to poor Esmerelda. they couldnt wait to do it again.

Leslie was riding her bike along the bike path at the beach. she was a member of the girl's basketball team and stood 6'5" tall. her long blonde hair was tied back in a ponytail and she felt the cool breeze hitting her face. as she rode her bike she looked up and saw what looked like a person barely standing. she slowed her bike and saw this person wobbling along the bike path. "excuse me miss, are you okay?"

Esmerelda turned her head and saw the woman. tears were still flowing from her eyes. she wore her sweatshirt but nothing else. she stared at the woman calling to her.

"Esmerelda??!!!!!!" the woman shouted.

Esmerelda then recognized her friend Leslie. they were classmates in freshman chemistry. "Leslie?"

"what happened to you? where's your clothes?!!! were you attacked?!!" Leslie shouted.

Esmerelda then broke out into tears and Leslie comforted her. Esmerelda then broke down and told Leslie the whole story. Leslie couldnt believe her ears as Esmerelda told her what Karina did to her tonight.

"Esmerelda, she cant do that to you! that must have been so humiliating!" Leslie told her.

".....*sob* what scares me most is that.....i.......i....." Esmerelda tried to say.

"what?" Leslie asked.

"i actually........i actually liked the orgasm......i hate the tickling, but......." Esmerelda couldnt finish.

"it's okay Esmerelda....i'm here for you. but Karina cant do that to you! you need to get her to stop! in fact, she needs to learn that she cant do that to you! i think it is time someone taught her bitchy self a lesson she will never forget. guess what Esmerelda? i AM GOING TO HELP YOU DO IT!!!!!" Leslie told her with resolve.

Esmerelda nodded her head. she knew getting back at Karina was risky, but the thought of Karina getting humiliated sounded good. Esmerelda knew that the vicious cycle was going to continue..........
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Post by Soraka »


Esmerelda sat on a bed in Leslie's apartment, still trying to recover from her latest tickle torture. she wore her sweatshirt and now she wore some very baggy sweatpants, courtesy of her tall friend, Leslie. Leslie fixed her some warm hot chocolate and Esmerelda drank it trying to relax. Leslie then sat down next to her on the bed.

"I cant believe Karina and those girls did that you! i mean, i can understand how tickling someone can be fun, but what they did to you was terrible! i have never heard of someone tying someone down, stripping them naked and tickling them everywhere, including the genitals. how come you dont go to the police? that is assualt!" Leslie asked.

"because.........." Esmerelda murmured.

"because why? Esmerelda, you cant let her do that to you again! has she ever tickled you before tonight?" Leslie asked.

"" Esmerelda hesitated. for some reason, she didnt want to tell Leslie everything. "....just one time before. just during last school year."

"did she tickle you like she did tonight?" Leslie asked.

"yeah......" Esmerelda said quietly.

"what on Earth did you do for her to decide to tickle you?" Leslie asked. she was really curious about this event. in fact, she started to get a little aroused from the thought of tickling someone insane.

"i dont know....i did spill some liquid on her blouse before...." Esmerelda told her.

"that's it?!" Leslie replied.

"yeah...i havent gone to the authorities or anything because it's not like she beat me up. she tickled me and......." Esmerelda stopped.

"and what? what is it?" Leslie asked.

"....well, as much as i cant stand being tickled, it felt kind of... you know...kind of....." Esmerelda stammered.

"did it feel good?" Leslie asked.

"............yeah..........." Esmerelda admitted.

"oh Esmerelda......did she really tickle your privacy and make you have an orgasm?" Leslie asked, this time licking her lips.

"........yeah.....she did.......i dont want her to tickle me there, but what happens when she does is.......hard to describe. it felt.....good." Esmerelda said meekly. she was embarrassed telling Leslie this.

"it's okay Esmerelda. orgasms are a WONDERFUL thing. this must be hard on you though." Leslie said with empathy.

"yeah......i dont want her to tickle me! i want her to stop and leave me alone, but........" Esmerelda lowered her head in shame.

"the orgasms feel very good. you poor baby....." Leslie then hugged Esmerelda. "......have you ever gotten her back?" Leslie's eyes popped wide open. the thought of inflicting tickle torture was now getting her very excited and very wet.

"" Esmerelda lied. she didnt want to tell Leslie the whole story about her tickling torment with Karina. Esmerelda did in fact tickled Karina back, but it only brought on more tickle torture for her.

"i say, we get her and her friends BACK! i will help you do it to..." Leslie told her.

Esmerelda's eyes popped wide open. "y-you will?"

"oh yeah! i think it's time we show that bully a lesson. in fact, the night is still here. i have a plan that will pay all THREE women back. listen up....." Leslie told her.

Esmerelda listened to Leslie's plan and liked it. she had a creepy feeling about it, but as long as someone else was getting Karina back, Karina wouldnt get her revenge on her. maybe Karina would see that she should stop tickling her and leave her alone finally.

Karina, Olivia and Sasha all sat in Karina's room, laughing about the events of earlier tonight. it was 2am now and they were getting a little tired. but, they couldnt help but talk about their day at the beach.

"that little nerd is something else isnt she?" Sasha laughed.

"oh yeah......Esmerelda is just a sweet little victim. i LOVE torturing her. it gives me a rush..." Karina bragged.

"you know, i didnt think the little nerd had it in her to cum like that. i mean she came like a geyser! we should call her pussy 'Old Faithful'!!!!" Olivia laughed.

"you know Karina, thank you for letting us in on it! i mean, torturing her is so damn erotic, i was in heat! man, tickling her can be sexy!" Sasha said.

"i know. i love tickling Esmerelda! i bet the little nerd has never had an orgasm before she met me. i think she likes it though. in fact, i KNOW she likes it. who knows, i could end up controlling her pussy....her pussy and her sweet ticklish body will belong to me..." Karina boasted.

"i cant wait to get her again! but, it is getting late, time for me to get some sleep." Olivia said.

"yeah, let's call it a night. i will see you two girls later." Karina told them.

Olivia and Sasha both walked out of the room and headed towards their room. what they didnt notice was right outside the dorm were two figures watching them go to their room. Olivia and Sasha made it to their room and went inside. Esmerelda and Leslie got inside the dorm and headed towards the room. inside the room, Olivia and Sasha laughed about their day.

"you know something Olivia, i never knew tickling someone could be so erotic. we are going to have some serious fun in college." Sasha told her.

"oh yeah! i mean the parties, the guys and tickling a nerd! freshman year is going to be the shit!" Olivia said with excitement.

"Esmerelda......her life is never going to be the same again. imagine what it will be like when Karina's other friends, Tanya and Vanessa come back. that nerd will have FIVE women torturing her. the thought of it is so exciting. anyway, i'm going to the shower. be right back!" Sasha told her.

"dont take forever! you always take long showers. save some water for me!" Olivia laughed as she sat on her bed.

Sasha stripped herself naked and put a towel around her. she headed out of the room and down the hall. she entered the bathroom and set up her stuff. shampoos, conditioners, soap and her lotions adorned the area. she then let her towel drop and she placed it on the rack. the shower room was separated from the restroom and there were two showers in there. she got inside the shower stall, closed the door and turned the shower on. the water flowed on her as she placed her washcloth on the rack inside the shower and placed her soap there as well. she let the water run through her hair and started to relax. her day was a fun one and it was capped off by tickling a nerd. Sasha started to think about what was going on. she never had erotic ideas with a woman before, but watching Karina tickle tease Esmerelda was a turn on. the thought of tickling Esmerelda's small, but firm breasts were getting her turned on. she smiled as the water flowed across her body.

Leslie and Esmerelda stood outside the shower room. Leslie was holding a bag of "goodies" and had a smirk on her face. Esmerelda was still a little nervous about the plan, but the thought of paying back her tormentors kept her going.

"you ready Esmerelda?" Leslie asked.

".....yeah....too late to turn back now." Esmerelda replied.

"now remember the plan. each of them will suffer like how they made you suffer. we will tickle them according to where they tickled you. this chick Sasha, she tickled your breasts right?" Leslie asked.

" was Olivia that got my feet." Esmerelda replied.

"good! as for Karina though, she will get it ALL over. now, let's pay Sasha a visit shall we?" Leslie smiled.

Esmerelda gave Leslie the "thumbs up" and they both entered the shower room. they locked the door and stood outside the shower stall. they heard Sasha singing to herself and Leslie nodded her head. with a quick strike, Leslie opened the shower door and grabbed Sasha by the hair and covered her mouth. Sasha started to scream, but Leslie looked into her eyes.

"scream again bitch and you will regret it!" Leslie threatened.

Sasha was struck with fear. her heart felt like it stopped and she was in shock. Leslie used her strength to force Sasha against the stall wall and yelled for Esmerelda to give her some duct tape. Sasha saw Esmerelda and fear went right through her spine. she had no idea what was planned for her, but she knew she wasnt going to like it. Esmerelda ripped of a piece of duct tape and gave it to Leslie. Leslie then slapped the piece across Sasha's mouth, then began to bind her hands with the duct tape to the rack inside the stall. Sasha eyes were wide with fear as Leslie was binding her hands. she tried using her legs, but Leslie was standing in front of her and against her body. Sasha couldnt strike with her legs. Leslie turned off the water and stared into Sasha's eyes. Sasha was know kneeling on the stall floor and the front of her body was vulnerable.

"Sasha, Sasha, Sasha. you look so scared. are you scared? wondering what is about to happen to you? you recognize Esmerelda dont you? well, remember the saying 'an eye for an eye'?" Leslie asked.

Sasha started to murmer through her tape gag. she had a scary feeling about what was about to happen. she started to scream through the gag and her body shook with fear.

"looks like someone knows what's about to happen.... tell me Sasha, are you ticklish?" Leslie teased.

Sasha shook her head violently. she knew she was ticklish and now it was her turn to be tickled. she saw the shy look on Esmerelda's face, then looked at the look of rage in Leslie's face. then she roared in muffled laughter as Leslie started to tickle her ribs. her body thrashed as though lightning hit her. she felt Leslie's fingers giving her a deep rib massage and it drove her crazy. if she wasnt wearing the tape gag, all of China would have heard her scream. Leslie made sure she tickled in between each and every rib. she felt Sasha's firm ribs quivering under her tickling touch. for Leslie, this was getting exciting. she looked into Sasha's eyes and saw sheer ticklish terror. then she saw the smooth shaven armpits that were so vulnerable. she then slowly raked all of her fingers up and down the smooth hollows and Sasha thrashed around violently.

"kithcy kitchy kitchy! who has ticklish armpits?! why, it's YOU! Sasha has tickly tickly armpits! aaaaaaaaahhhhhhh kitchy kitchy kitchy!!!! tickle tickle tickle!!!" Leslie taunted.

Sasha's eyes rolled in the back of her head as Leslie continued tickling her armpits. Sasha loved watching Esmerelda get tickled, but she hated it herself. now, she was trapped and helpless and at the mercy of some crazy big woman and Esmerelda watched her plight. Esmerelda looked on and deep down inside, enjoyed watching Sasha laughing in agony. she remembered Sasha calling her names like "nerd". she remembered how Sasha joined in and tickled her body to the core. a passion started to arise out of Esmerelda. she hoped Leslie would tickle Sasha into ticklish oblivion. she wanted Sasha to feel what she felt. when she Saw Leslie now scratching her nails in the armpits, Esmerelda licked her lips. Sasha was truly suffering now.

"now Sasha dear.....did you like tickling Esmerelda's breasts? well, i LOVE the way your breasts look! i wonder if you have ticklish titties. only one way to find out....." Leslie laughed as she then began to tickle Sasha's round, firm, large breasts.

Sasha exploded in muffled laughter. her breasts were really sensitive and now this crazy woman was going to tickle her there. she felt Leslie's strong hands tickling under her mammaries and she couldnt stand it. Leslie grabbed both breasts and rolled both of them around in a circular motion, further driving Sasha into hysterics. Leslie then looked at the pink nipples that were now standing at attention. Leslie then lightly flicked her nails across the nipples and Sasha laughed and moaned.

"ooooooooh!!!!! ticklish nipples!!!!! i am going to LOVE tickling these nipples of yours....tickle tickle nipples!!! kitchy kitchy!!" Leslie taunted as she continued to flick and flutter her nails across the nipples.

Sasha felt like she was going to explode. she loved having her nipples played with, but not in this manner. she looked on helplessly as her nipples were being teased and tickled. she was also getting turned on by the teasing. her nipples swelled which only made Leslie want to tickle them more. Leslie kept playing with the nipples and then, just to drive Sasha crazy, reached down with one hand and patted Sasha's pussy. this drove Sasha into hyperdrive.

"you would just love for me to tickle you there huh? well, too bad! no orgasm for you! but, there is someone else who would love to play with these sweet pink nipples of yours...oh Esmerelda..." Leslie told her.

Sasha looked on in horror as she saw Esmerelda approach her. Esmerelda hesitated, but Leslie held Sasha's breasts and poised the nipples for Esmerelda to touch. Esmerelda reached out her hand and began to touch Sasha's nipple. she rolled the stiff pink nipple between her thumb and forefinger and Sasha exploded in laughter through her tape gag. a powerful feeling shot through Esmerelda as she began to now tickle both nipples. Esmerelda enjoyed watching Sasha laugh and moan at the same time. she kept on tickling the nipples and drove Sasha insane. Esmerelda remembered what happened to her tonight and tickled the breasts with a passion. she continued to tickle the nipples, but would also tickle underneath the breasts. she wanted Leslie to suffer like she made her suffer. the feeling of the firm breasts felt good to Esmerelda's fingers. she could do this all night if she had to. Leslie smiled as she watched Esmerelda play with the nipples. while Esmerelda did that, Leslie would pat Sasha's pussy. Sasha's eyes rolled back as the torment drove her over the wall. her breasts jiggled wildly and she was getting very wet. then Leslie told Esmerelda to stop. Sasha's barely opened her eyes as she wanted to cum so badly.

"enough of her.....time to move on." Leslie said as she started to cut open the duct tape binds on Sasha's wrists. she finished cutting and laughed as she saw Sasha friggin her own clit. Leslie was even more amused as she saw Sasha play with herself into would could have been a massive orgasm. she saw Sasha laying on the shower floor completely spent. she lowered her head into Sasha's. "dont EVER mess with Esmerelda again! if you do, those precious pink nipples will be mine! i let you off easy tonight. imagine what will happen when i REALLY want to tickle you!" she threatened.

Sasha moaned as Leslie and Esmerelda left the shower room. Sasha laid her head on the shower floor and closed her eyes. she was completely exhausted.

Olivia sat on her bed reading Cosmopolitan magainze, wondering where Sasha was. she was getting tired and wanted to take a shower. she decided to go to the shower room and tell Sasha to hurry up. as she approached the door, she was startled as the door flew open and was tackled by a huge woman. Olivia was in shock as Leslie quickly placed a ball gag into her mouth. Olivia began to struggle as Leslie forced Olivia's arms behind her back and duct taped her wrists. then, quick as a cat, Leslie turned towards Olivia's ankles and wrapped duct tape around them. Olivia was wearing shorts with white cotton socks at this moment and a black t-shirt. then she began to wrap duct tape around her chest, further binding Olivia. Olivia tried screaming through the ball gag, but her voice was very muffled. then she was forced onto her back and saw a very angry Leslie looking at her.

"hello Olivia, welcome to your worst nightmare!" Leslie laughed.

Olivia was in shock, but it turned to anger. who was this woman and want did she want? then Olivia's heart nearly stopped when she saw Esmerelda walk into the room. Olivia then began to whimper as she knew Esmerelda hired some muscle to pay her back.

"recognize her? you should!!! you and your bitchy friends tickled poor Esmerelda and now, it's time to pay! now, where did you tickle Esmerelda?" Leslie asked.

Olivia shook her head "no". she knew where this was headed. she tried to struggle in her bonds, but then Leslie duct tape her bound ankles to the bed post. now Olivia's legs were at an angle and she had no leverage. she couldnt reach up because her arms were bound. her socked feet were elevated and very helpless. she then closed her eyes and imagined what was about to happen to her.

"i tickled Esmerelda's feet didnt you? by the way Esmerelda described it, it seems you like feet. i wonder if your feet are pretty too. i think i am going to take a looksee!" Leslie teased as she began to peel off the white socks. "oh my!!! what pretty feet you have!!!!"

Olivia began to blush as she felt the cool air caress her feet. Leslie was correct, Olivia did like women's feet and made sure hers were attractive as well. the skin on the bottoms of her feet were very soft and supple with delicate high arches that were creamy. the heels, the balls and the pads of her toes were a light pink. the toes were of medium length and not too fat or too skinny. her nails were perfectly trimmed with a nice purple polish to coat them. Olivia began to wiggle her toes in nervous anticipation.

"mmmmmmmmmmmmm, soft feet. they look so damn soft. do you ever walk on these feet? if my theory is correct, soft feet are also very highly..................TICKLISH!!!!! Olivia darling, are your feet ticklish? only one way to find out........tickle tickle tickle!!! gitchy gitchy!!!" Leslie taunted.

Olivia nearly jumped out of her skin as she felt Leslie's fingers scrabbling across her soles. her feet were highly ticklish and now she felt strong fingers dancing up and down her feet. her body thrashed wildly as she saw Leslie tickling the soles of her feet. Leslie then held back her toes and used the tips of her nails to tickle the very soft undersides on the toes. this only sent shockwaves through Olivia. she thrashed about like a fish out of water, but she couldnt free her ankles. she wanted to scream but the ball gag prevented her.

"this little piggy went to market! this little piggy stayed home! this little piggy should have known better because this little piggy tickled Esmerelda! and thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis little piggy is going to be tickled tortured ALL.........NIGHT...........LONG because it tickled Esmerelda's feet! tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle!!" Leslie taunted as she played with Olivia's soft toes.

Olivia lost all sense of reality as she felt Leslie tickling her baby toe. she went into silent laughter as Leslie dug the tip of her finger deep into the baby toe crevice. Olivia wanted to die at this point. she couldnt stand having her feet tickled and now she was trapped. her eyes bugged open and now she saw Esmerelda looking at her. Esmerelda watched Olivia in ticklish agony. like she had with Sasha, a growing passion filled her body. she wanted Olivia's feet to suffer much like Olivia made her feet suffer. Esmerelda watched Leslie spider walk her fingers up and down Olivia's feet. the sight of Olivia's purple polished wiggling toes mesmerized her. Leslie saw Esmerelda looking at Olivia's feet.

"now Olivia, i think someone else would LOVE to tickle these sweet feet of yours......." Leslie taunted. she then straddled Olivia's chest, facing her feet and Olivia looking at her ass. Leslie saw Esmerelda approach the trapped feet and smiled. "they're all yours!"

Esmerelda slowly reached her finger out and when it made contact with Olivia's sole, she was rewarded with some hysterical giggles. Leslie was right, these soles were very soft. Esmerelda continued touching the bottoms of Olivia's feet, loving the feeling of the soft skin. she then traced her finger from the ball of the foot to the heel. Olivia roared through her ball gag. feeling Esmerelda's soft touching fingers were driving her crazy. then Esmerelda remembered what she went through earlier tonight and began tickling the soft soles with a passion. her nails criss-crossed all over the arches, only sending Olivia into tickle hell. Esmerelda wanted her to suffer like she made her suffer. she then dug in between each toe and played with the warm soft skin. she then circled her fingers on the balls of the feet and Olivia just kept on laughing.

Leslie watched Esmerelda really get into tickling Olivia's feet. Leslie turned her head and looked down at Olivia. she was in tears and Leslie could see saliva dribbling from the corners of her mouth. she then looked back at Esmerelda playing happily with the cute toes. Leslie then looked down at Olivia's shorts. she began to pull them down along with the panties and lowered them just enough to expose Olivia. Leslie then began to lightly run her fingers through the black pubic hair, teasing Olivia. Olivia kept laughing as her feet were tickled, but was getting turned on from Leslie lightly tickling her pubic hairs. Leslie didnt want Olivia to have an orgasm, she wanted to bring her to the brink. Olivia then began to grind her hips, but then Leslie would stop. Leslie winked at Esmerelda and Esmerelda then went all out and hard tickled Olivia's feet. Olivia's eyes rolled into the back of her head as she could feel nothing but fingers going up and down on her feet. Leslie then got up off of Olivia and stopped Esmerelda from tickling anymore. Esmerelda was really wired and wanted to keep going. Leslie winked at her, then sat next to Olivia's exhausted head.

"dont EVER mess with Esmerelda again! if you do, then those cute soft, ticklish feet of yours will be MINE! this was just a warning tonight. imagine what it will be like if i REALLY wanted you to suffer...." Leslie teased as she stood up.

Olivia closed her eyes and felt the ball gag getting removed. she was exhausted and her toes still flexed, trying to get rid of the tickling feelings. Leslie cut the duct tape loose and freed a worn out Olivia. she then looked at Esmerelda.

"guess what?" Leslie asked.

"what?" Esmerelda replied.

"it's Karina's turn............" Leslie said with a smile.
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Post by Soraka »


Esmerelda walked out of Olivia and Sasha's room with her friend Leslie. she still couldnt believe what just happened. everything was moving so fast and she couldnt believe that her tormentors were now suffering for their sins against her. with Leslie's help, Sasha was tied naked in the shower and had her breasts and upperbody tickled tortured. Esmerelda remembered what it was like to tickle Sasha and to hear her laugh through her duct tape gag. Esmerelda couldnt explain it, but it somehow felt REAL good to tickle torture someone into submission. there was also something to watching another woman tickle torture another woman. then, not only did Sasha get tickled, but her roommate, Olivia, got it as well. Esmerelda remembered how much Sasha and Olivia loved tickling her helpless body. the hairs on the back of her neck stood up as she remembered quickly how Sasha tickled her breasts and Olivia tormented her delicate barefeet. now, Olivia had her feet tormented and Esmerelda licked her lips as she remembered running her fingers over Olivia's soft, sensitive feet, listening to Olivia's muffled screams under the ball gag. both girls were tickled to near insanity, but then Esmerelda snapped back to reality.

"you ready for this?" Leslie asked.

"y-yeah. i g-guess so." Esmerelda replied nervously.

"Esmerelda, relax. now it is time to pay that bitch Karina BACK for tickling you. she has abused you, tortured you and humiliated you tonight. it is HER turn and nothing would be sweeter than listening to her beg and moan for mercy. you should be EXCITED. after tonight, that stuck up bitch will think twice about messing with you again." Leslie told her.

Esmerelda nodded her head and followed Leslie. Esmerelda felt good about torturing Olivia and Sasha, but Karina is another story. Esmerelda at one time got some revenge against Karina, but Karina made it a point to pay her back in spades. Esmerelda was nervous and a little scared about how Karina would feel after this torture. as much as she feared what retribution Karina would do, Esmerelda also started to feel a little measure of satisfaction that Karina was going to feel what she inflicted on her. just to see Karina being the victim made Esmerelda feel this was a good idea. Esmerelda remembered that Leslie told her that Karina and crew were going to suffer the exact same way they made her suffer. which means, Karina was going to get it all over, including her own genitals. Esmerelda tried to swallow as her mouth was getting dry. her hands began to shake as she and Leslie approached the "Devil's wife's room".

Karina sat on her couch in the living room part of her room. she smiled as she remembered the events of earlier tonight. she had a good time at the beach, but the best moment was tormenting Esmerelda on the beach. stripping her naked and teasing her sweet innocent body all over, from her toes to the her head and EVERYWHERE in between. Karina laid her head against the wall and thought about Olivia and Sasha. they were becoming great friends and she couldnt wait for her two best friend's, Tanya and Vanessa, to return for the school year. the thought of 5 women tickle torturing Esmerelda turned her on. she placed her hand over her shorts and smiled about the possiblity. then she heard a soft knock on her door.

"come in...." Karina said, getting a little sleepy. she thought that this was perhaps some freshman you needed to talk or got locked out of the room. she waited and no one entered. then she heard the soft knock again. "IT'S OPEN!" she yelled. again, no one opened the door. then the soft knock happened again and Karina got up from her couch and went over to the door. her eyes popped wide open when she opened the door and saw Leslie standing in front of her.

"hello, BITCH!" Leslie shouted as she then tackled Karina to the ground.

Esmerelda quickly walked into the room as well and closed the door. she saw Leslie on top of Karina, holding her hand over her mouth and wrapping her body over Karina's. Karina struggled wildly as she felt Leslie's power, then a shot of fear went through her spine. her eyes met the meek gaze of Esmerelda. Karina started to scream under Leslie's hand and tried to bite it. Leslie smacked Karina over the mouth and looked at Esmerelda.

"quick, put the ball gag on her while i hold her." Leslie told her.

Esmerelda was shaking like a tree in a hurricane. she nearly dropped the ball gag 4 times when she approached the pile of twisting bodies on the floor. then, as Leslie held Karina's head still, Esmerelda put the ball gag on and stepped back. Esmerelda looked into Karina's eyes and swore she saw then turn red. she knew Karina was beyond "pisstivity", but it was too late to turn back. she heard Karina cursing under the ball gag as Leslie then used her strength and began to drag Karina into the bedroom. there, Leslie hoisted Karina up off the floor and slammed her to the bed. Leslie told Esmerelda to get the leather cuffs and strap Karina's wrists to the bed frame. Leslie straddled Karina and Karina kicked like a wild mule, trying desperately to buck Leslie off of her. Esmerelda again was a nervous wreck as she managed to cuff each wrists to the bed frame, outstretching Karina's arms over her head. then Leslie faced Karina's feet and with all of her weight and strength, she held down Karina's bucking legs and Esmerelda quickly cuffed each of Karina's ankles to the bedframe. now Karina was tied down and spreadeagled on top. her eyes were filled with rage and she thrashed as though she was possessed by a demon. she saw Leslie and Esmerelda standing over her on the side of the bed.

"look what we have here Esmerelda. looks like we caught a she-demon! Karina, Karina, Karina. you're proably wondering what this is all about." Leslie told her.

Karina hissed through the ball gag and her rage was evident. she looked at Esmerelda and shot her the dirtiest look ever. Esmerelda glanced away.

"you see, my friend Esmerelda here told me what you did to her tonight at the beach. that was really mean of you. now you helpless bitch, i think it is time you were taught a lesson. you see Karina, i know you have no idea who i am. if you ever decided to take someone's dick out of your mouth and pay attention to other people around campus, you would realize that there are MANY women who hate you and your bitchy attitude." Leslie told her.

Karina growled through her ball gag and looked at Leslie with an evil look. whoever this was, she was going to pay for attacking her. Karina then shot another look at Esmerelda, who then turned away.

"now i can understand a bitchy attitude, most other women say 'fuck you', but for you to torment a sweet young woman like Esmerelda is deplorable! you are nothing but a bully! now Miss Bully, ever hear of the saying 'an eye for an eye'? well, guess what we're going to do to you?" Leslie told her.

Karina's eyes shot open! it dawned on her that they were here to tickle torture her. she began to thrash wildly in her bonds, but she was stuck. she looked at a shy Esmerelda and remembered when Esmerelda tickled her and her friends before. knowing this, she shot Esmerelda a look of "if you do this, you will pay a DEAR PRICE". Leslie noticed this and lowered her face into Karina's.

"i know what you're thinking. i know you want to tell Esmerelda that if you're tickled, then you will get her back. well i am here to tell you that i, excuse me, WE are going to tickle you so much, if you even THINK about getting her back, your life will be hell. as long as i am on campus, along with my basketball friends, you will never, EVER put your hands on Esmerelda again!!! if you do, i telling you, no, i am PROMISING you, i will make you suffer. now, shall we begin?" Leslie threatened.

"MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!" Karina mumbled through her gag.

"you know Karina, this shirt you are wearing looks uncomfortable. let me cut if off for you....." Leslie laughed.

Karina watched in horror as Leslie produced some scissors and began to cut away her t-shirt. she saw the fabric getting cut and she shook her head. soon, her shirt was ripped open and removed, leaving her breasts free as she wore no bra. her breasts jiggled freely as Leslie laughed at her.

"you SLUT! no bra huh? good, makes it easier to!" Leslie told her.

Karina thrashed as she now saw Leslie using those same scissors as she cut away her shorts. Karina began to whimper under her gag as this revenge plan was actually going to happen. she knew what Esmerelda felt like watching her shorts get cut open, then removed. then as she watched in horror, Leslie cut her thong panties off and now her vagina was exposed. Esmerelda looked on at Karina's beautiful body and was actually amazed. despite the fact that Karina was an evil woman, she was physically beautiful. Esmerelda watched her perfect shaped, real, breasts jiggle freely with the brown nipples looking perky. she then looked down at Karina's mound and saw that she was shaved except for a small patch of pubic hair above the mound. Esmerelda was in awe. she remembered the last time she got Karina and knew that same mound was very sensitive and alive. Leslie saw Esmerleda staring and smiled as she removed Karina's socks. now Karina was completely naked, cuffed spreadeagled to the bed and completely vulnerable.

"she's beautiful huh?" Leslie asked Esmerelda.

".....yeah....." Esmerelda said shyly.

"too bad she is so beautiful on the outside, but her insides look like SHIT! but we dont care about tickling her insides, her outside will suffer. i will get her warmed up, then you will finish her off okay? ever notice how smooth her armpits look? they look so soft, so helpless. so.......ticklish....." Leslie said.

Karina's eyes popped open as she saw Leslie's fingers getting closer to her armpits. Karina knew she was very ticklish and she knew Esmerelda knows how ticklish she is. Karina thought Esmerelda told Leslie just how ticklish she is and now she was going to suffer. a gripping fear came over her body, then her world turned inside out when she felt the fingertips lightly stroking her armpits. the tickling sensations ripped through her helpless body and she screamed as loud as she could under the ball gag. her body began to thrash about as Leslie fingers were "spiderwalking" across her tender skin. Leslie enjoyed watching Karina thrash like a caged animal. this seemed so much more fun that Sasha and Olivia combined and they were just getting started. Leslie looked at the fear in Karina's eyes as she dug her fingers deep into the hollows. Karina thrashed like a wild woman and her mind was racing a million miles per second. she never liked being tickled and with Leslie strong fingers, the tickling was even worse. Leslie enjoyed watching Karina suffer. so many women hated Karina on campus and now she was giving this stuck up bitch a lesson she will never forget. Leslie tickled harder and harder making Karina laugh with reckless abandon. then Leslie felt something tapping her shoulder.

"Leslie, thank you for getting her. but, please stop tickling her." Esmerelda told her with tears in her eyes.

"WHY???!!!! Esmerelda, we cant stop doing this!" Leslie told her.

".......*sob* i want you to stop tickling her....i want you to stop because..........SHE'S MINE!!!!!" Esmerelda said with passion.

Leslie saw the look of determination in Esmerelda's eyes and a smile formed over her face. she looked at Karina's face and smiled. she knew Karina was really going to suffer now. she stepped aside and took stood across from the bed. she was going to enjoy watching this.

Esmerelda looked at Karina's helpless form. she looked into Karina's weary eyes and she remembered all the pain, all the agony, all the tickling hell Karina put her through. she remembered the earth shattering orgasms she felt from Karina's cruel fingers. she remembered the humiliation of having to walk home naked, or in a garbage bag. watching Leslie torment Sasha, then Olivia and briefly Karina made Esmerelda realize that this was her night. she was tired of being a victim. her emotions were building up as she saw her tormentor now being the victim. Esmerelda was always the nicest, sweetest young woman ever, but now her pride and emotions were in full swing. she wanted Karina to suffer like she made her suffer. she knew she had to stand up for herself. plus, with Leslie watching her back during the school year, she had nothing to fear about Karina's revenge. this was going to be the final confrontation between herself and Karina. Esmerelda wanted to make it count. she stood over Karina and looked into Karina's green eyes. she moved the ball gag to the side.

"..........Esmerelda...let me go....i swear....i swear....." Karina panted.

"you swear what? Karina, you make me sick! i am sick and tired of you humiliating me! now i think it is time for you to suffer just like you made me suffer!! laugh, you, you, you........BITCH!" Esmerelda shouted as she placed the gag back in Karina's mouth.

Karina couldnt believe her ears. the look in Esmerelda's eyes scared her and now she had to deal with a pissed off little nerd. then she closed her eyes and screamed in hysterical muffled laughter as Esmerelda plunged her fingers deep into her armpits. Karina felt the fingers trying to burrow deep into her skin, sending shockwaves of tickling sensations ripping through her body. Esmerelda felt a surge of power flowing through her. she had Karina trapped and helpless, now she was in control. the feeling of Karina's smooth skin felt wonderful on her tickling fingers. she then lightly stroked her fingertips across the hollows and she saw goosebumps form on Karina's skin. Esmerelda then straddled Karina's upperbody to get more leverage in tickling these vulnerable armpits. Karina's mind was racing as she saw a look of evil in Esmerelda's eyes. she tried to buck her body, but the little nerd had her leverage. all Karina could do was lay there and laugh as Esmerelda tickled her armpits.

"tell me Karina....are your boobies ticklish like mine? yours are so much bigger than mine, that must mean they are really.....sensitive arent they?" Esmerelda teased.

Karina shook her head "no" as she saw Esmerelda's hands moving towards her huge natural mammaries. she exploded in laughter as now Esmerelda was doing "lobster claws" with her hands on her breasts. Karina's head shook violently as her breasts were getting tickled. Esmerelda was amazed at how soft and tender these breasts were. her "claws" squeezed and tickled the jiggling breasts, then she decided to roll the nipples between her fingers. she heard Karina moan and she knew she had her right where she wanted. Karina continued to moan as her nipples were played with. she always liked having her nipples played with and her body was reacting. her eyes popped open as she felt Esmerelda give her vagina a small pat.

"getting turned on Karina? i hope you are because i want to make you blow your mind." Esmerelda teased.

Karina face turned red as she knew Esmerelda intended to sexually tease her. the thoughts of orgasm were quickly erased as she felt Esmerelda's "lobster clawing" her ribs. hysterical laughter replaced her moans as her sensitive ribs were being tormented. Karina's body thrashed about, but Esmerelda kept her balance and continued digging the "claws" deeper into the firm ribs. Esmerelda was in awe over Karina's body. there wasnt an ounce of fat on this woman and everything seemed perfect. her mind wandered as she tickled Karina's ribs and just wanted to enjoy tickling this perfect body. her fingers then began to dig in between each rib sending squeals out of Karina's muffled mouth. Esmerelda then looked down at the ribs and looked at the jiggling breasts as she tickled the ribs. it was amost hypnotic watching the nipples bounce around as she tickled. Karina just laughed and laughed and laughed. Esmerelda then scooted herself down, where she was no sitting on Karina's womanhood. Karina moaned as she felt Esmerelda's sweatpants rubbing against her. Esmerelda looked at Karina's firm flat belly and began to tickle the tummy. Karina laughed again, this time more of a loud bellow as her belly was tickled. Esmerelda's fingers scrabbled all over the smooth skin and Karina was getting too tired to thrash.

"ticklish?" Esmerelda teased.

Leslie sat back and watched the scene unfold before her. looking at Esmerelda tickling Karina was actually turning her on now. she hoped Esmerelda would force Karina to cum. she felt proud of Esmerelda. she was standing up for herself and that bitch Karina was getting what she truly deserved. she watched Esmerelda digging her index finger into Karina's bellybutton which made Karina laugh wildly. Leslie would turn her head and see Karina's toes curling open and close.

"you havent answered me yet Karina. ticklish?" Esmerelda teased.

Karina's eyes shot opened and looked at Esmerelda. her head nodded "yes" wildly and continued to laugh as Esmerelda dug her finger even deeper into her belly button and twirled it around. Karina's body began to shake. she wanted the tickling to stop. tears began to form in her eyes and prayed this would be all over soon.

"poor Karina...she is so ticklish....i wonder if her.....FEET....... are ticklish too....." Esmerelda said as she got up off of Karina.

Karina tried catching her breath through her nostrils as the ball gag was still in her mouth. she heard Esmerelda mention her feet and hoped that Esmerelda wouldnt touch her feet. her feet were the most ticklish part of her body and didnt want some deranged nerd touching them.

"your feet are so pretty Karina. they look so soft and supple. when i put my finger here....." Esmerelda began.

Karina exploded in laughter as Esmerelda lightly scratched her nail on the center of the ball of the foot. her toes flexed wildly and a wild look was in her eyes now. since her body was tickled, it made her feet even more sensitive.

" seems to be a ticklish spot. does it tickle Karina? i bet it does....but what if i use a hairbrush?" Esmerelda asked.

Leslie's eyes opened wide as she saw Esmerelda grabbed a plastic hairbrish with the plastic bulbs at the end of the bristles and raked it on Karina's soft sole. she licked her lips as she saw Karina bucking off the bed in wild laughter. she watched Esmerelda scrub Karina's sole with a passion with the hairbrush, then watched as she went after the other sole. Leslie was glad that Karina was strapped down as she was bucking wildly. Leslie was making a mental note that Karina's feet were devastatingly ticklish.

Esmerelda continued raking the brush up and down Karina's sole. she could see the brush imprints forming on the delicate skin and knew Karina must be going through hell. she then grabbed Karina's long toes and held them back making the sole taut. she then rubbed the brush rapidly across the stretched arch and the sound coming from the ball gag was music to her ears. Esmerelda continued to rake Karina's sole, then her eyes caught something on Karina's desk. it looked like a Q-tip. she stopped her brush tickling, got up, grabbed the Q-tip and returned to the helpless soles. holding the big toe away from the index toe, she used the Q-tip to swab in the sensitive toe crevice. Karina was losing her mind when she felt the Q-tip tickling her sensitive skin between her toes. a steady stream of giggles were heard being muffled as Esmerelda made sure she got each and every toe crevice. she continued to tickle the toes for a while longer until Karina went into silent laughter. then she used the brush again which forced the sound from Karina's mouth again. Esmerelda was in a trance as she continued tormenting Karina's feet. she poked her head up to look at Karina's face, but her eyes caught something else. she looked between Karina's legs and saw a wonderful spot.

"....Karina, are we having fun yet?" Esmerelda said with a little laugh. "i think it is time for me to play do you like to say it?.....time to tickle your........pussy." Esmerelda said.

Karina began to cry. her body was on fire from ticklish sensations and she heard Esmerelda mention her vagina. despite the torment, her womanhood was now very wet. a fact that Esmerelda noticed.

"wow, your pussy is very wet. i bet it's ticklish too..." Esmerelda said.

Karina's mind raced wildly as she felt Esmerelda's fingers lightly stroking the outer "lips" of her vagina. it tickled badly, but it also turned her on. her mound was getter even more wet when Esmerelda plunged her fingers deep into the mound. Karina was now in heat. the feeling of Esmerelda tickling her pussy was intense. she moaned as now the same Q-tip that tormented her toes were now tormenting her clitoris. her eyes began to roll into the back of her head as her hips began to twist around. Esmerelda then stopped and "lobster clawed" the thighs, sending Karina into hysterical laughter again. Karina was delirious with sensations. her pussy was even more wet, but her thighs were very ticklish. she laughed harder and she opened her eyes, looking into Esmerelda's. Esmerelda looked back at Karina's eyes and winked.

"do you want me to stop tickling you?" Esmerelda asked.

Karina nodded her head "yes". her body was on fire now and she wanted this to end.

"do you want me to make you cum?" Esmerelda asked.

again Karina nodded her head "yes". she wanted to cum so badly. she writhed her hips into the air almost begging for Esmerelda's touch.

"are you sure?" Esmerelda asked.

Karina's head was nodding wildly now. she was getting impatient as her loins were on fire and this little nerd was teasing her. she wanted to get off so badly.

"why should i?" Esmerelda told her.

Karina's eyes began to plead with Esmerelda. she looked at her mound and looked at Esmerelda. she begged Esmerelda through her ball gag.

"i think i will. but, you have to let me tickle your feet some more. can i tickle your feet?" Esmerelda asked.

Karina's heart sank. this little nerd was going to make her let her tickle her, just so she could blow her mind. a tear came down her cheek and she nodded her head "yes".

"cool! Leslie, can you tickle her armpits again. i htink she likes it." Esmerelda then raked her fingers on the supple soles of Karina.

Karina exploded in laughter again as her feet were tickled once again. then she watched in horror as she saw Leslie digging her fingers into her armpits once again. Karina's mind was on edge as she was ready to have a universe shattering orgasm, but her body was being tickled instead. she was having sensory overload as her feet were tormented and her armpits teased. Leslie and Esmerelda tickled Karina for a half hour more, then looked at a sweaty, messy, horny bitch laying there on her bed, trapped and vulnerable to their designs. Esmerelda then went to Karina's mound and began to lightly blow on the clit. this sent Karina into hysterics as her pussy was being teased again. then Esmerelda began to rub the clit, harder, then faster and then with one quick flick of her lowered tongue, Karina's body exploded. Karina saw stars, oceans, Martians, the castaways from Gilligan's island and Alex Trebek as everything went through her mind as her orgasm ripped through her body like a massive tsunami. her eyes rolled into the back of her head and she shivered as the orgasm continued flowing through her body.

"looks like someone is REALLY cumming. look at all of her love honey flowing out and onto her sheets. that is one big stain!" Leslie laughed.

"did you see her toes curl too? i thought they were going to snap off." Esmerelda laughed.

"Esmerelda, guess what?" Leslie asked.

"did you know that a woman is even more TICKLISH after she cums?" Leslie asked with a smile.

"i think we should find out..." Esmerelda laughed.

Karina's eyes jumped out of her head when she felt more tickling fingers on her feet and now in her belly. she thrashed about as Esmerelda tickled her feet and Leslie tickling her belly. her mind was already mush, now they were finishing her off. all she could feel was a thousand fingers tickling her as her body was extremley sensitive now. she heard Leslie and Esmerelda laughing at her plight and felt ashamed. she was now the victim and people were having fun at her expense. another ten minutes passed by and Leslie and Esmerelda stopped. Leslie then began to uncuff Karina and removed the ball gag. Karina was completely worn out as she laid there helpless and not able to move a muscle. her tear soaked eyes looked up and into Leslie's.

"now remember you slut! you will never bother Esmerelda again or what happened to you tonight will seem like a cool summer breeze. i will make DAMN SURE you never mess with her again. i PROMISE you if you ever mess with her again, i will have not just us, but EVERY woman on this campus that hates you, kidnap you and torment your slutty body like you have never been tickled before. got it?!" Leslie said, poking her finger into Karina's forehead.

Esmerelda smiled when she saw Karina's head nod "yes". Leslie then grabbed their stuff and they left the room. Leslie and Esmerelda were giggling about what they did. Esmerelda felt good about herself. she didnt know she had it in her to do something so vindictive. she was glad it was finally over. now, maybe she could lead a normal college life without having to look over her shoulder all the time. she was so glad Leslie helped her and she knew if Karina were to even look at her wrong again, Karina would pay a dear price. Esmerelda felt like she was on top of the world.

Karina laid on her back trying to recover. she was very weak and moaned loudly. her hand went to her throbbing vagina and she lightly stroked it. she couldnt believe what happened. she never thought Esmerelda had it in her to be so damn evil. she couldnt believe that little nerd stood up for herself and tormented her all over her body and made her beg for an orgasm. she remembered Leslie's threats and closed her eyes. now, only one thought filled her mind. there was going to be HELL to pay..........
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Post by Soraka »


"WHAT?!!!!! NO WAY!!! I'll be there in FIVE minutes!!!" Leslie shouted as she slammed the phone down. she was just talking with her coach and was told some disturbing news. the summer was coming to an end and the entire girl's basketball team had to take drug tests before fall practices started. her coach told her that they found something in hers. she got on her bike and raced to the athletic facility and stormed into her coach's office.

"Leslie, i am glad to see you here. we need to talk....." Coach Williams told her.

"Coach, what the hell is going on? you have me scared!" Leslie told her.

" pains me to say this failed the drug test." Coach Williams said with a heavy heart.

"HOW?!!! I DONT TAKE ANY ILLEGAL DRUGS!!!" Leslie shouted.

"i was shocked too! we tested and re-tested, but there was presence of cocaine in your blood. Leslie, i'm sorry, but since the NCAA administers the tests, they are aware of the situation. Leslie, your scholarship has been revoked and the University has suspended you from school. i'm sorry......" Coach Williams said with a tear falling.

Leslie fell back in her chair. she couldnt believe what just happened. she never took any drugs, let alone cocaine. tears began to fall as she realized her scholarship was gone and she was suspended. Coach Williams hugged her player and they both cried for a few minutes as the realization that Leslie's career was over at this University.

"Karina?" Olivia asked.

"what's up?" Karina responded.

"i-i cant believe the summer is over's almost time to start my freshman year." Olivia continued.

", i still cant believe what happened to us. i cant believe that overgrown bitch and that nerd tickled us like that!" Sasha told them.

"YEAH!!! i mean, that Leslie chick humiliated us! she tortured my poor feet while that NERD Esmerelda watched! i felt so embarrassed. now, everytime i see that little nerd, she has this smile on her face. oooooh!!! i just want to grab her and tickle her like she's never been tickled before!!!" Olivia shouted.

Karina looked at her two friends and an evil smile formed on her face. she remembered what happened to her at the hands of Esmerelda and Leslie. a couple of weeks have passed since that incident. Karina knew she had to pick her spots to get her revenge. there was going to be some serious payback!

"Karina? what are you thinking about? why are you smiling?" Sasha asked.

" you two want revenge against Leslie and Esmerelda?" Karina asked.

"HELL YEAH!!!!" Olivia and Sasha screamed together.

"i have a fact it's a two part plan. you see, soon my other friends Tanya and Vanessa return to school. Esmerelda will pay then! but as for her little bodyguard Leslie, let's just say i have a hunch she wont be around to protect Esmerelda anymore. in fact, i think it is high time we pay Leslie a visit and PUNISH her for what she did to us...." Karina said.

"but wont she get the women's basketball team to get us? they outnumber us!" Sasha said.

"dont worry.....i have a feeling Leslie wont be around to do ANYTHING! what do you say? shall we pay bigfoot a visit?" Karina asked.

"well, if you're that confident, count me in!" Olivia yelled.

"ME TOO! let's get that bitch!" Sasha chimed in.

Karina, Olivia and Sasha formulated a plan and got their things ready. after what Leslie and Esmerelda did to them, it was payback time and they wanted to make sure Leslie would learn a lesson she would never forget!

Leslie was still crying as she began to pack up her stuff. she just finished speaking with her parents and told them the bad news. she spoke with her teammates already, now she was talking to Esmerelda on the phone.

"you're LEAVING?!!!" Esmerelda shouted into the phone.

"*sob* yeah....i cant believe it!!! cocaine?!!! i dont take that stuff! it must be a mistake!" Leslie cried.

"cant they re-test?" Esmerelda asked.

"i already did, but they said they wont do it! the only thing i can *sob* do, is appeal. but that will take weeks! Esmerelda, i *sob* cant believe this....." Leslie cried.

"well....if you ever need anything, please dont hesitate to call me okay? i'm going to miss you Leslie...." Esmerelda's voice cracked.

"*sob* i am going to miss you too.....stay strong....i'll talk to you later...." Leslie cried as she hung up the phone. she sat on her bed and her head sank. she started crying profusely as she sat there. she had to leave by tomorrow as the University demanded. she stood up again and began to throw her clothes into suitcases.

Karina, Olivia and Sasha arrived at the apartment building that Leslie stayed in. dressed in all black, the three ladies looked at a light coming from a window. it was Leslie's apartment and they realized they were at their destination.

"i feel like Mission Impossible!!!" Sasha told her partners.

"come in Sasha! are you there! this is agent Olivia!!" Olivia asked as she pretended to speak into a walkie-talkie.

Sasha and Olivia then started humming the tune to "Mission Impossible" and all three girls started laughing. Karina then put her finger to her lips to quiet the other two down. she pointed to a door and they quickly made their way to the apartment building door. Karina had many friends and one of them, a resident of the building, loaned her a key, thinking she was going to crash at the apartment. Olivia was carrying a dufflebag and looked on as Karina unlocked the door and all three girls made their way in. Sasha gave a time check of 2:00 am and they began to make their way through the hallway. finally they made it to Leslie's apartment.

Leslie sadly threw some more clothes into her suitcase when she heard a faint noise at her door. she continued to do what she was doing, but heard a scratching noise again. she quickly tied her long blond hair into a ponytail and went to the door. the way the scratching went, it sounded like a dog. she looked through the eyehole in the door, but saw nothing. she then opened the door and suddenly 3 women appeared in front of her.

"what the hell?" Leslie said, her eyes wide open in shock.

"remember us BITCH?!!!!" Karina asked as Olivia and Sasha tackled her to the floor.

Leslie began to struggle, but Olivia had her legs, while Sasha laid on top of her chest. Karina quickly peeled off a piece of duct tape and placed it over Leslie's mouth. Leslie continued her struggling, almost knocking off Olivia and Sasha.

"DAMN SHE'S STRONG!!!!" Olivia shouted.

"HOLD HER STILL!!! I'LL GET HER LEGS!!!" Karina shouted. she pulled out some rope from the dufflebag and began to tie Leslie's ankles together.

Leslie felt Karina tying her legs together and continued to struggle. she knew that if they tied her down, she was going to be in deep trouble. Karina managed to tie the ankles down, then as Leslie continued to flop around like a fish, Karina went after her arms. Sasha tried holding her arms, but Leslie managed to get them free. she started slapping away at Sasha before Karina finally intervened and slap handcuffs acorss her wrists. Leslie's wrists were handcuffed, but then she started to swing her wrists like a hammer. Karina, Sasha and Olivia finally pounced on Leslie and picked her up off the ground. they carried her to the bedroom and sat her in a chair. with Sasha and Olivia holding her down, Karina tied Leslie to the back of the chair. Leslie continued to scream and twist around. finally, they got her tied to the chair. Karina, Olivia and Sasha stood up and tried to catch their breath. 6'5" Leslie gave them quite a workout. Leslie struggled in her bonds and stared at her captors. it seemed like yesterday she had them in a captured position, now it was her. her eyes filled with rage as she looked at a smiling Karina.

"well, well, well. looks like Leslie is in a jam..." Karina taunted.

"yeah, BITCHY Leslie doesnt look so tough now!" Olivia chimed in.

"she looks so CUTE tied up doesnt she?" Sasha taunted.

Leslie growled under her duct tape gag. she knew she was in deep trouble. the three girls in front of her circled around her like vultures. she felt them behind her, then reappear in front of her. Leslie wished she could break free, then she would torture them all.

"i know you enjoyed torturing us Leslie....that was an awful MEAN thing to do to us. we did nothing to you..." Karina taunted.

Leslie's eyes rolled. "MMMMMMMMMPPPPPHHHHHMMMMMMMPPPPHHHHH!!" she yelled through the tape.

"what was that Leslie? i couldnt understand you...." Karina laughed. she looked into Leslie's eyes. "now listen up BITCH! i know this is your last night here! did you HONESTLY THINK i was going to let you get away for what you did? you are STUPID!" Karina shouted.

"her last night? Karina, how did you know this was her last night? what happened?" Olivia asked.

"well, i do have many many friends, especially in the athletic department. men are such tattle tellers. he told me that poor little Leslie her had her scholarship taken away and suspended from school. now, poor PATHETIC, UGLY Leslie has to leave this University. isnt that right sugarplum?" Karina asked then stroked under Leslie's chin.

Leslie shook her head as she felt Karina's tickling touch. she felt ashamed having Karina announce what happened to her, reminding her of her plight. she knew Karina was going to have a lot of fun at her expense.

"ooooh! did you see her shake her head? you know Leslie, Olivia and Sasha told me what you did to them and i must say, you are one BRUTAL tickler. but then i got to thinking, i wondered if YOU were ticklish!" Karina laughed.

Leslie's eyes shot open. she knew that she was ticklish, but she didnt know how much. she always got a little poke her and there, but after what she participated in torturing these three women, she knew they were really find out just how ticklish she was. now, she was scared.

"OOOOOH!!! ladies, see her reaction? something tells me that leslie here is very, very, very..................TICKLISH!" Karina said as she then ran a few fingers under Leslie's chin.

Leslie squirmed under Karina's fingers, trying to hold in the laughter. Karina saw this and told Olivia and Sasha to tilt the chair back. soon, Leslie found herself laying on the floor, her back still tied to the chair, her legs now in the air. she looked up at three demonic faces and braced herself for the worst. Olivia and Sasha knelt down and began to tickle Leslie's stomach and ribs through her shirt. Leslie started to giggle, then when their fingers got deep, Leslie let it out. the only thing stopping her from screaming bloody murder was the tape gag. Karina looked on as she saw Olivia and Sasha tickle Leslie's ribs and body. she saw the kicking legs and the squirming and it brought a smile to her face. Olivia and Sasha both had smiles on their faces as well as they felt Leslie's ticklish flesh beneath their fingertips.

"STOP!!!" Karina shouted.

Olivia and Sasha stopped their tickling and looked up at Karina. Leslie too also looked at Karina.

"let's strip her naked and have some REAL FUN with her!" Karina commanded.

Olivia and Sasha both smiled and each grabbed a pair of scissors out of the dufflebag. they both greedily cut away at Leslie's shirt while she was still strapped to the chair and on the ground. she began to whimper as she felt the cold steel of the scissors touch her body. soon her shirt was cut to shreds, then her bra was cut open. Sasha took great joy in cutting the bra and revealing Leslie's breasts. all three women liked the sight of her chest. her breasts were medium size, but had a nice roundess to them and her light brown nipples were quite large. Leslie felt embarrassed as they looked at her. she pleaded with her eyes, but Karina simply smiled back at her. Karina was going to enjoy this. she then saw Olivia removing her shorts and pulling them down her legs.

"leave her panties on........for now." Karina laughed.

Olivia pulled the shorts off of Leslie's hips, then down her thighs, over her knees and down the shins. she stopped when she got to Leslie's ankles. Leslie was still wearing her basketball sneakers. Olivia then knelt down by the feet of Leslie and licked her lips. she then reached down and began to unlace the shoe. slowly the knot came undone and Olivia began to unlace the sneakers. Leslie wiggled her feet wildly, but then Sasha held her ankles. Olivia continued to unlace the sneakers, then finally tugged on the heel of the right sneaker. she heard the familiar "pop" of the shoe when it comes off the heel and easily pulled the rest of the shoe off. she then removed the left sneaker and now Leslie was in her thick white cotton socks.

"i wonder what is under these socks? it's like a present. i love unwrapping presents!" Olivia taunted.

Leslie clenched her toes shut, trying to prevent Olivia from removing her socks. all three women laughed at Leslie's futile attempts.

"look at her! doesnt she realize that i am going to unwrap these piggies? i'm guessing she has beautiful feet, let's see them!" Olivia laughed as she peeled away at both socks.

the socks were getting peeled off slowly, revealing a pinkish heel, pale arches, a pink, fleshy ball of the foot, then finally, the toes. Leslie felt embarrassed as her barefeet were revealed. her toes wiggled as she heard the women purring over the fact her feet were bared.

"MY MY MY MY!!!!! what BIG feet you have!!!! how BIG are these feet anyway? 11? 12?" Olivia laughed.

"THIRTEEN!!!! she wears a size 13!!!!!!" Sasha said as she looked into Leslie's discarded sneaker.

Leslie began to blush as she heard all three women laughing at her shoe size. she knew her feet were big, but she didnt want these witches pointing it out. Karina looked at a near naked Leslie and licked her lips.

"now Leslie dear, i wonder just how TICKLISH you are. ladies, begin your tickling!" Karina commanded.

Olivia and Sasha pounced on Leslie like lions on a gazelle. Sasha went after Leslie's upperbody, while Olivia attacked the feet. Leslie broke out in hysterical muffled laughter when she felt Sasha digging into her ribcage. Leslie twisted and turned as much as she could, but she was trapped. Sasha had a demented look on her face as she felt her fingers digging into Leslie's ticklish flesh. she remembered when Leslie had her tied up in the shower and attacked her own ticklish upperbody. as she tickled the flesh, she saw Leslie's breasts jiggling. Sasha thought they were cute breasts and loved watching them jiggle. she massaged her fingers deeper into Leslie's ribcage and closer to the jiggling breasts. Leslie was laughing harder and trying to breathe through her nose. she saw Sasha looking at her chest and felt ashamed. Sasha then reached her hands up in the air and stared at Leslie's eyes.

"now, i wonder if you have ticklish titties!!! tickle tickle! tickle tickle ticklish titties!!!" Sasha laughed as her hands squeezed and stroked Leslie's breasts.

Leslie arched her back and let out a muffled laugh as her breasts were being tickled. Sasha's hands roamed all over the ticklish mammaries, under them, across the nipples and through the cleavage. Sasha loved how soft the breasts were and then with her index finger, flicked her nails over the nipples. Leslie howled and if it wasnt for the gag, all of the University would have heard her.

"STOP!!!" Karina shouted. "Olivia's turn...."

Sasha stopped, then looked at her cohort. Olivia looked at the soles of Leslie's feet. she heard some whimpering from Leslie and it excited her even more. she put her finger in the middle of Leslie's arch and quickly stroked across it. Leslie wiggled her foot widly, then Olivia went after it. she held Leslie's gigantic big toe and pulled it back. with the sole being taut, Olivia slowly raked her fignernails up and down the soft sole. Olivia LOVED hearing the shriek under the gag. Leslie tried protecting her foot with her other foot, but then Olivia grabbed both big toes and held them together, while she raked both soles with her other hand. Leslie closed her eyes and felt every ticklish sensations rocketing through her nervous system. she felt Olivia's nails raking against the ball of her foot, her heels and in the soft arches. her body began to buck and when she opened her eyes she saw Sasha and Karina laughing at her. sweat began to roll off her forehead as Olivia tickled her soles. Leslie never realized how ticklish her feet really were. Olivia on the other hand, loved feeling such ticklish skin. she remembered when her own precious feet were tormented. now, she was going to tickle these feet like she never tickled feet before. she looked at Leslie's long meaty toes as her fingers scratched away at the tender soles. she then let go of the big toes and then plunged each of her fingers between Leslie's toes, digging them deep into the soft webbing. Leslie screamed through her gag.

"who has TICKLISH feet? who has such TICKLY TICKLY TOES?!! why, LESLIE DOES!!!!!" Olivia taunted.

Leslie couldnt stand it. her feet were being tickled tortured and there was nothing she could do to stop them. Olivia's fingers were digging into her toe crevices and there was nothing else she could do but laugh. her eyes teared up and felt the ticklish sensations coursing through her body.

"STOP!!!!" Karina's voice boomed.

Olivia stopped her tickling and she and Sasha stood up and looked at Karina. Karina smiled when she saw Leslie trying to breathe through her nose. Olivia and Sasha could tell that the fun was about to really begin.

"get her in position!" Karina commanded.

Olivia and Sasha descended upon Leslie and pulled the chair up. Leslie was now in a upright position. she saw them grabbing two more chairs and placing them in front of her, but separated. she felt them grab her legs, untie them, then Olivia and Sasha each grabbed an ankle and tied it through the spokes of each chair, effectively spreadeagling Leslie. her feet went through the back of the chairs and her heels rested on the chair cushion. Olivia and Sasha then sat on the chairs with Leslie's soles vulnerable to their ticklish designs. Leslie's head dropped as she was getting tired. Karina smiled as she walked to Leslie's head. with her finger, she lifted Leslie's head by the chin.

"now you tall BITCH, it's my turn. you think tickle torturing me was going to stop me? no no no no!!! you are the first victim. i WILL get Esmerelda, but i want you to suffer. you know, when Esmerelda tickled my pussy, it drove me crazy! so, i wonder if i tickled your PUSSY, you would feel the same. now, time to get these panties off.." Karina teased.

Leslie looked on in horror as she saw Karina with the scissors. Karina stodd behind her and reached over and began to cut the panties open. Leslie whimpered as the cold steel was so close to her womanhood. soon, Karina pulled off the panties and tossed them in her dufflebag. she smiled, walked to the front of Leslie, then crawled under her outstretched legs and pop up between her thighs. Leslie held her breath as now Karina was in her face.

"now Leslie dear, is this moist pussy of yours.....ticklish?" Karina asked.

Leslie shivered when she felt Karina's fingers lighlty tickling her curls. a giggle came out as she felt Karina's fingers now stroking over her "lips". Karina enjoyed watching Leslie flinch and react to her fingers. she now ran her fingers rapidly over the lips and Leslie was beginning to get turned on.

"tickle her feet....." Karina told her partners.

Olivia and Sasha happily obliged as their fingers stroked up and down Leslie's trapped soles. Leslie howled in laughter as she felt fingers dancing on her feet. her head thrashed about as fingers tickled her feet and Karina's fingers tickled her pussy. her nipples became rigid as she was getting turned on.

"looks like someone's pussy is getting wet. you want me to make you cum Leslie? do you want me to send you into heaven?" Karina teased, her warm breath caressing Leslie's ear, while her finger massaged the clit.

Leslie's mind was racing. the way Karina was rubbing her clit was driving her into a place she never been before. the foot tickling was making her mind turn to mush as it battled between pleasure and ticklish agony. Karina rubbed her mound harder, forcing Leslie to roll her eyes in the back of her head. Sasha pulled Leslie's big toe apart and attacked the sensitive skin. Olivia began to suck Leslie's toes while raking her fingers acorss the sole. she sucked the big toe like a lollipop sending Leslie into more erotic moans. Karina continued fingering Leslie, until finally Leslie came. HARD. Karina laughed as she saw Leslie go through her orgasmic bliss.

"looks like you're a tickle slut after all! Leslie, my ticklish SLUT!!" Karina laughed.

Leslie felt ashamed. never in her life was she forced to orgasm. her face was red as she felt Karina's warm breath on her face.

"now you bitch, i am going to take something from you..." Karina threatened.

Leslie was out of it as she heard Karina's threat. Karina then grabbed the scissors and proceeded to cut off Leslie's ponytail. Leslie began to cry as she saw her ponytail getting waved in front of her eyes. Karina had just cut her hair! tears rolled from her eyes the more she thought about it.

"now you BITCH, just like this ponytail, you are MINE!!! dont ever forget you is the QUEEN BITCH around here! have a nice life tickle slut!" Karina shouted as she slapped Leslie with her own ponytail.

Leslie cried from humiliation while Olivia and Sasha laughed at her. Olivia then removed her shoe and sock, then rubbed her sweaty foot over Leslie's face while Sasha held her head still. Leslie could feel Olivia's extremely soft feet and toes rub over her face and lips. then Sasha tweaked her nipples and pulled on her pubic hair. Leslie just sat there and cried. she has never been dominated like this before. finally, they untied her and she slumped to the floor in a crying heap. Karina gave her a kick in the ribs, then they left. Leslie laid there on the floor, naked and humiliated. her last night at the University turned out to be an embarrassing one.

Karina, Sasha and Olivia walked away from the apartment laughing at what they did. Karina felt really proud of herself. she loved the feeling of power by humiliating other women.

"hey Karina, that was fun! when do we get Esmerelda?" Olivia asked.

"once school starts again, Esmerelda will pay! soon, all FIVE of us will teach that nerd a lesson she will never forget. believe me, once school starts, our darling little nerd will pay for her sins. i PROMISE YOU!!!!! Karina told them.

Olivia and Sasha smiled. they couldnt wait for the school year to start. getting revenge on Esmerelda was going to be fun and once Tanya and Vanessa joined them, Esmerelda will NOT stand a chance!
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Post by Soraka »


Karina sat in her apartment bedroom looking out of the window. the fall season has arrived and the school year was about to begin. at the end of last school year, her two best friends, Vanessa and Tanya decided to move out of the dorms and get their own apartment close by the University. the apartment complex she lived in was school owned, but nonetheless, it was an apartment, not some cramped dorm room. she looked out of her window and saw a host of students moving their stuff in. she saw couches, refigerators, a jillion suitcases and the outside was buzzing with activity. Karina smiled as she had a good feeling about this school year. last school year was great and the summer was just as much fun. she thought about meeting two new friends in Olivia and Sasha. her little "clique" was getting bigger and she especially loved the fact that all five of them were the perfect examples of attractive women. then she heard a knock on the door. she walked over to the door and opened it.

"KARINA!!!!" Vanessa shouted.

"VANESSA!!!!!" Karina shouted back.

the two friends hugged each other and nearly fell over. they kissed each other on the check and then Karina noticed 4 guys standing behind them.

"and who are these FINE young men?" Karina asked.

"oh, this is Rick, Dave, Steve and Jeff. they were so nice to volunteer their services to lug up my stuff! okay boys, you can start now.." Vanessa told them.

Karina smiled as she saw the 4 guys hustling to lug in a couch. Karina smiled at her friend as she watched the guys grunt and sweat trying to squeeze the couch in through the door.

"where did you find these guys?" Karina whispered.

"they were outside lugging their own shit, so i used my 'feminine' ways to get them to lug mine instead. you know how WE do it!!" Vanessa giggled.

Karina smiled and hugged her friend again. an hour passed by and the 4 guys finished moving in Vanessa's stuff and they were rewarded with cold beers. Karina already had her stuffed moved in a week ago by the freshman guys who stayed in her summer orientation dorm. the two women watched the guys leave and then looked outside where they started moving in their own stuff. another hour passed by and they heard a knock on the door. Vanessa opened the door, then more squealing and shouting ensued again.

"TANYA!!!!!!" Vanessa shouted.

"VANESSA!!!!! KARINA!!!!!" Tanya shouted back as they all did a group hug.

"good to see you again...uh, let me guess..." Karina said as she saw the same 4 guys standing in the hallway.

"yes, this is Rick, Dave, Steve and Jeff. i got them to help me move in my stuff. arent they sweet?" Tanya laughed.

Karina and Vanessa smiled as they watched the 4 guys move in Tanya's belongings. Karina told Tanya that these same four guys helped move in Vanessa's stuff. the three girls giggled as they watched the 4 young men work. an hour passed by and they finished moving in Tanya's stuff. they were again rewarded with cold beers and they left.

"men are sooooooooooo STUPID arent they?" Vanessa laughed.

"that's why we can take advantage of them. as long as they think with their dicks, we will always be able to manipulate them into anything we want." Karina laughed.

"dick brains. what a wonderful thing....." Tanya laughed.

"so girls, tell me all about your summers!!!" Karina told them excitedly.

both Tanya and Vanessa told their summer adventures including where they went, who they slept with and the money they made. they laughed and giggled at each story, enjoying their first night back together after a long summer.

"so Karina, how was your summer? did those pesky little freshman bother you?" Tanya asked.

"actually, two of them are on their way over. girls, i met two of the most attractive freshmen women i have ever seen! they both became really good friends of mine and i am sure you will love them too!" Karina said as then there was a knock on the door. "PERFECT timing!"

the door opened and Olivia and Sasha both entered the apartment. they smiled as they were introduced to Tanya and Vanessa and instantly they got along. Karina and her crew then sat down and enjoyed the conversation. Tanya and Vanessa took a liking to Olivia and Sasha as they could tell they had the same traits as they. another hour passed by when finally, a certain subject came up.

"by thy way, i wonder how our precious little nerd Esmerelda is doing?" Vanessa asked.

Karina, Olivia and Sasha stopped smiling. they each had a blank look on their faces, then a look of rage. Vanessa and Tanya looked at each other as though Vanessa said something insulting.

"what's the matter? did i say something wrong?" Vanessa asked.

"no you didnt my dear. you just mentioned a name....." Karina replied.

"Esmerelda? did something happen? was the little nerd here in the summer?" Tanya asked.

"oh yeah she was....." Karina said. she then told Vanessa and Tanya what happened in the summer with Esmerelda. she told them how they tickled tortured her in Olivia and Sasha's room, then how they really tormented her ticklish body at the beach. then Karina told them the story of how Leslie helped Esmerelda out by tickle torturing each of them.

"you have GOT to be kidding!!!" Vanessa shouted.

"that wretched little nerd tickled EACH of you?!!!!" Tanya asked.

"yeah....the little nerd had help though. but we no longer have to worry about that problem as Miss Leslie has been kicked out of school for testing positive for cocaine." Karina replied.

"she CANT do that to you three!!! that little nerd should PAY!!" Tanya screamed.

"YEAH!!! how DARE she puts her grubbly little nerd fingers on you Karina!" Vanessa replied in anger.

"you know, the more i think about it, the more i want to get that nerd back!" Olivia said.

"yeah!!! Leslie paid a price, now Esmerelda should!" Sasha said.

"you know girls, i think we need to go hunting for nerd tonight! in fact, i have a plan....." Karina told the group.

Olivia, Sasha, Tanya and Vanessa each listened to Karina's plan. devious smiles formed on their faces as they knew Esmerelda was truly going to get it for tickling them in the summer. there was no way Esmerelda would be able to handle a 5 on 1 tickle attack.

Esmerelda sat in her dorm room looking over a chemistry book. she was excited as the school year was beginning and she hoped her sophomore year was much better thna her freshman year. she was excited as she was going to be involved in a special project with several chemistry professors. her academic career was shooting upwards and she was thrilled. she also hoped that her interactions with Karina would stop. she was saddened by the fact that Leslie was gone, but she hoped that after getting her revenge on Karina, her tormentor would just leave her alone. the only positive thing that has come out of her interactions with Karina and her goons was that they opened her eyes to her sexuality. for years she was so wrapped up in her studies she never paid any attention to her hormones. but after Karina made her orgasm several times, Esmerelda was beginning to deal with her new found feelings. she HATED being tickled, but the orgasms felt wonderful. she hoped one day she could meet a nice chemistry student who would turn her on to something else besides school work. as Esmerelda thought about this, she began to rub her fingers across her shorts. she closed her eyes and began to imagine her most private area getting teased. as her fingers worked their magic, a loud knock at the door broke her out of her trance.

"j-just a second!" Esmerelda said, slightly ashamed at what she was just doing. she opened the door and saw her friend Jack at the door. "hi Jack, what's up?"

"nothing. i just wanted to deliver this envelope to you. some guy from the athletic department brought it by here. he went to a lot of different dorms looking for you. he found this place and i agreed to hand you this..." Jack told her as he handed her an envelope.

"thanks Jack. see you later." Esmerelda told him as she closed the door. she looked at the envelope and her name was typed on the front. she sat down on her bed and opened the envelope. inside was a typed letter that read:

"Dear Esmerelda, you know what happened to me. i need to talk to you. meet me the girl's locker room so we can talk. come alone as no one else knows i am here. please hurry, i need your help. your friend, Leslie."

Esmerelda's eyes shot open as she finished reading the note. her friend Leslie was here on campus and asked for her help. Esmerelda quickly put her shoes on and left her dorm room in a hurry. Leslie helped her in the summer, the least she could do is help her friend in need. Esmerelda raced to the athletics complex on her bicycle and made it their in 10 minutes. she locked her bike on the bike rack and ran towards the ladies locker room. she opened the door, which was unlocked and walked in. Esmerelda was a little nervous as there was NO ONE around the athletic complex. she figured that Leslie had to keep herself in a isolated area so she wouldnt get caught on campus. Esmerelda passed by the massive shower area where the shower heads were all lined up inside a long metal bean that stretched across in btween the walls. there was nothing private about the showers, they resembled prison showers. everything in the open. Esmerelda then began to pass by the rows of lockers. the women's locker room was huge and if one wasnt familiar with the layout, one could get lost. Esmerelda was getting a little nervous as the place seemed creepy.

"Leslie?! it's me, Esmerelda! where are you?" Esmerelda shouted, her voice echoing off the walls.

there was no reply and Esmerelda continued searching. she walked up a row of locker rooms, then was startled.

"Esmereeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllda........" a voice sang.

"Leslie?" Esmerelda asked in response.

"Esmereeeeeeeeeeeellllllllllda......" another voice sang.

"Leslie? is that you?" Esmerelda asked again, this time with a hint of fear in her voice.

"Esmereeeeeeeeeeeeeellllllllllda......" a third voice sang.

"Leslie?! where are you?! come on out, you're scaring me!" Esmerelda shouted.

"Esmereeeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllda....." a 4th voice sang.

"c'mon!!! this isnt funny!!! where are you?!!!" Esmerelda yelled.

"Esmereeeeeeeeeeeeeellllllllllda!!!! we're coming to get yooooou!!!" a familiar voice sang.

Esmerelda stopped dead in her tracks. that last voice sounded awfully familiar and what it said scared her. she then began to run down the row of lockers. the hell with meeting Leslie, she was getting out of this place fast! when Esmerelda ran to the end of the locker row she shouted in fear as two figures appeared before her very eyes. she fell backwards to the floor and her eyes tried to adjust at the two figures. her heart nearly stopped when she realized it was Olivia and Sasha standing before her.

"hello nerd!! miss us?" Olivia laughed.

Esmerelda got back to her feet quickly and ran the opposite direction as fast as she could. when she made it to the other end, her heart jumped out of her chest as two more figures appeared. her eyes bugged out as she realized it was Vanessa and Tanya. this frightened her more as she hasnt seen them since the end of last school year.

"hello NERD!!!!" Tanya shouted.

"we're baaaaaaaaaaaaack!!!!" Vanessa taunted.

Esmerelda turned once again, but saw Olivia and Sasha walking towards her. she then saw Vanessa and Tanya also walking towards her. Esmerelda had a look of panic on her face as she realized she was trapped. the walls were closing in on her and she broke out in a cold sweat. she knew these demons were going to capture her and she also realized that the bride of Satan herself had to be here as well.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!!!! HELP!!! HELP!!!!" Esmerelda shouted.

"scream all you like, no one is here to help you!" Olivia laughed.

"and believe us, when we get you, you WILL be screaming!!" Vanessa threatened.

Esmerelda saw the four women surround her, then they grabbed her. Vanessa and Sasha each held an arm and Olivia and Tanya each held a leg. they easily overpowered her and lifted her up. Esmerelda began to squirm and struggle but it was no use. she screamed to the top of her lungs, until Vanessa covered her mouth with her hand. Esmerelda was being carried down the row of lockers and towards the shower area. once they made it to the shower area, Esmerelda saw a dufflebag on the floor and a pair of sneakers. she looked up and saw her greatest nightmare, Karina, standing before her.

"Esmerelda......nice to see you again!" Karina smiled.

Esmerelda squirmed like a wild animal but she wasnt strong enough to break free from four women. vanessa removed her hand from Esmerelda's mouth.

"Karina!!! where's Leslie?!!!" Esmerelda shouted.

"i thought nerds were smart! Esmerelda, you moron, Leslie isnt here! hello!!! Earth to Esmerelda, you fell into my trap!!!" Karina told her.

Esmerelda's heart sank as she realized she did fall into a trap. then she realized that Karina was out for revenge! "Karina, can you please let me go? c'mon, arent you tired of messing with me?" Esmerelda whimpered.

"are you FUCKING kidding me?!!!! after what you did to me the last time we saw each other!!!! did you really think i would forget that?!!!!" Karina shouted.

"Karina please!!!! c'mon! let me go please.....let's end this.. cant we just be friends?" Esmerelda begged.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! FRIENDS?!!! FRIENDS?!!! Esmerelda, the ONLY thing you will ever be to me is MY tickle SLAVE!!! i dont have nerds as friends! girls, STRIP HER NAKED NOW!!!!" Karina commanded.

"NO!!! DONT!!!" Esmerelda shouted.

Vanessa, Tanya, Olivia and Sasha placed Esmerelda on the floor and began to tear away at her clothes. Esmerelda shouted and squirmed as her t-shirt was torn off, then her shorts. Olivia and Tanya took great joy in removing Esmerelda's Keds and socks. Sasha then removed Esmerelda's bra and Vanessa happily ripped her panties off. Esmerelda blushed as her body was now naked. she whimpered as her back and behind touched the cold tiled floor of the shower area. Olivia and Tanya held her legs apart and opened, so now her vagina was exposed and quite vulnerable. Karina walked over to the trapped, naked woman and tapped her sneakered foot on Esmerelda's womanhood.

"i am going to SO enjoy this......ladies, STRING HER UP!" Karina commanded as she dropped ropes to the floor.

Esmerelda could barely react as Olivia and Tanya lifted her up off the ground by her ankles. Vanessa used some rope and tied Esmerelda's wrists behind her back. then all four women held up Esmerelda by her ankles as Karina began to tie her left ankle to the showerhead base, the long metal beam. Karina then proceeded to tie Esmerelda's right ankle to the shower beam. Karina and her cronies stood back and looked at Esmerelda. Esmerelda was hanging upside down stark naked by her ankles, spreadeagled, her wrists tied behind her back and her long brown hair touching the floor as she slightly swayed back and forth. Esmerelda could only see upside down images of her captors and began to tear up as the blood rushed to her head.

"please.....let me go...i'm sorry...." Esmerelda whimpered.

"oh you WILL be sorry! ladies, have your way with her...." Karina laughed.

Sasha was the first to approach Esmerelda. she remembered what happened to her when Leslie tickled her in the shower and Esmerelda watched. she was going to enjoy tickling the helpless naked body. she stared at Esmerelda's vulnerable ribs.

"oooooh!!!! i see tickly tickly ribs!!! tickle tickle tickle you NERD!!" Sasha shouted as her fingers drove into Esmerelda's rib cage.


Sasha continued to tickle Esmerelda's ribs making sure her fingers dug in between the rib crevices. Esmerelda's body began to sway as she tried to get away from Sasha's tickling fingers. a steady stream of giggles poured from her mouth as she couldnt get away from those evil fingers. Sasha enjoyed this moment as there was no way Esmerelda could get away from her. she played Esmerelda's ribs like a piano. hearing Esmerelda's cackling laughter only inspired her to keep going. she then moved her fingers down and tweaked Esmerelda's nipples. Esmerelda moaned, then broke out in laughter as Sasha tickled inside her exposed armpits. Esmerelda's head thrashed around, her hair whipping around and laughing like a hyena. Karina enjoyed watching Sasha's nimble fingers torture Esmerelda, then she nodded her head to Vanessa. Vanessa approached the giggling body and attacked Esmerelda's belly button.


Vanessa had a rush of adrenaline surge through her body as her fingers circled inside of the twitching navel. this was her first time tickling Esmerelda since last school year and it felt wonderful to tickle her again. then she began to rake her nails lightly across Esmerelda's soft tummy and enjoyed hearing the crazed laughter pouring from Esmerelda's mouth. Esmerelda felt goosebumps form on her body as she felt Vanessa's fingers lightly tickling her belly. all 5 woman enjoyed watching Esmerelda's twist and squirm under the tickling she was receiving.

"kitchy kitchy koo!!! i missed you!!!" Vanessa sang as she tickled Esmerelda's tummy again.

Esmerelda cackled wildly and let the laughter pour from her lungs. she hated being tickled and with Sasha tickling her armpits, then her breasts, and Vanessa tickling her belly, ribs and belly button. she was in tickling hell. tears began to flow from her eys, but they streamed across her forehead as she was still upside down. she couldnt move her hands and her entire upperbody was vulnerable to these evil witches. Sasha tickled her nipples again and Vanessa then grabbed a feather from the dufflebag Karina brought. Sasha saw this and grabbed a feather as well. using the feather Vanessa stroked the stiff feather's quills along Esmerelda's tummy sending her into a fit of giggles. Sasha then used her feather and tickled Esmerelda's sternum, then the across the breasts and Esmerelda continued to cackle. she felt every tendril of the feathers teasing and tickling her delicate skin. she closed her eyes and hoped this nightmare would end soon.

"Olivia, your turn....." Karina laughed.

Olivia grabbed a milk crate and placed it to Esmerelda's side. she stood on the milk crate so she could look down at Esmerelda's left sole. Olivia loved Esmerelda's feet. she looked at the small toes and the soft skin. she loved tormenting this sole and was going to enjoy this moment.

"my, my, my!!! look at this sole! it looks so delicate... so ticklish!!" Olivia teased.

Esmerelda erupted in laughter as she felt feathers tickling her breasts and tummy, now she felt Olivia's wicked fingers lightly tickling her foot. her toes scrunched closed, then Olivia scraped her nails all over the ticklish sole and Esmerelda exploded. her laughter was getting louder and louder as she felt Olivia's nails tickling her foot. Esmerelda knew her feet were the most ticklish and this was driving her crazy. Olivia then pulled Esmerelda's big toe away from her index toe and tickled the soft skin in between the toes. listening to Esmerelda scream, Olivia then pulled Esmerelda's toes backwards, forcing her sole to become taut. she then raked her nails rapidly over the delicate sensitive skin and Esmerelda let out a gut wrenching scream. Karina and her cohorts laughed even more and Karina nodded her head to Tanya.


Tanya, much like Olivia, loved women's feet. Tanya hasnt tickled Esmerelda's feet in a long time and looked forward to tormenting them again. she got herself a milk crate and stood on top of it. she looked at Esmerelda's helpless right sole and looked at her other friends. Sasha was still stroking the feather across Esmerelda's breasts, but sometimes across her nose and her underarms. while Vanessa stopped using the feather and attacked Esmerelda's ribs again with her fingers. Tanya then looked at Olivia, a fellow foot tickler and saw she was tormenting the small toes. Tanya then held Esmerelda's big toe.

"oh look at this precious foot! i MISSED this foot! i cant wait to TICKLE it again! tickle tickle tickle!!! kithcy kitchy!!" Tanya laughed as her fingers stroked the arch.

Esmerelda didnt hear Tanya's taunts as she was already still getting tickled to death. but she did laugh even harder as her right foot was now being tickled by Tanya. Esmerelda couldnt take the tickling at all. 4 women were tormenting her at the same time, all over her body. Tanya lowered her head and began to lightly nibble on Esmerelda's arch as though it was an ear of corn. Olivia saw this and began to nibble on Esmerelda's toes. both methods were sending Esmerelda into a fit of hysterical laughter. tears flowed from her eyes as the tickling wouldnt stop. Esmerelda would give anything to have this nonstop tickling end. all of her senses were on fire now as she felt teeth nibbling her soles, feathers on her breasts and fingers in her ribs. she was one big tickle spot now and she went into convulsions. she has never been tickled like this before and prayed it would all end soon. Tanya continued her nibbling on the arch and raked her nails on the sole at the same time. she looked down at Esmerelda, then stopped her tickling.

"Hey Karina, looks like nerdy girl is getting a little wet...." Tanya laughed.

"oh goodie! MY turn!!! girls, this BITCH is mine!!!" Karina shouted.

Esmerelda began to suck in oxygen as the tickling all at once stopped. tears were still flowing from her eyes and she knew the torment wasnt over. Karina had yet to tickle her. Esmerelda opened her tear soaked eyes and saw Karina's legs. she closed them again as she knew what was about to happen.

"Esmerelda....last time we met, you enjoyed tickling my pussy. now, it is my turn! this pussy is MINE!!!!!" Karina shouted.

Esmerelda cringed at Karina's words. her vagina was open and vulnerable to Karina's whims. a dark thought did go through her head as her libido couldnt wait for Karina to touch her. she hoped Karina would make her orgasm. she then winced in pain as she felt Karina grabbed her pubic hairs.

"looks like someone needs a SHAVE!!!" Karina laughed. "i cut Leslie's hair and kept it as a souvenier. now i am going to TAKE your pussy hairs!!! i OWN this pussy Esmerelda!!! it is MINE!!!" Karina shouted.

Esmerelda whimpered as she felt Karina use scissors and cut her pubic hair. she heard the snips and began to whimper again. Karina cut away a lot of the pubic hairs and took the hairs and placed them in a sandwich bag. then she showed the bag to Esmerelda and laughed. she stood up again and this time sprayed some shaving cream over the remaining pubic hairs. Esmerelda began to giggle as she felt Karina massaging the shaving cream onto her mound. she then cried as she felt a razor shaving her mound clean. Karina took her time and made sure Esmerelda's pussy was shaved bald. she wiped away the remaining cream and now looked at Esmerelda's completely bald mound.

"lookie here! look at this sweet.....delicate.....moist..... KARINA OWNED....pussy..... is this pussy ticklish?" Karina taunted as she used her fingers to tickle the "lips".

Esmerelda moaned then giggled as she felt her pussy getting tickled. Karina's fingers stroked all over her womanhood. she heard the other girls laughing at her plight. Karina then reached into the bag and pulled out a vibrator.

"i call this the pussy dominator!!!!" Karina laughed as she turned on the vibrator.

Esmerelda laughed, then moaned as the vibrator ran all over her vulnerable pussy. the sensations were driving her crazy as the vibrator made it's way to her clit. Esmerelda's body began to shake as the sensations coursed through her body. she then squealed as the vibrator made it to her brown hole.

"you didnt think i forgot about this cute little asshole did you? what a ticklish little hole!!!" Karina laughed.

Esmerelda laughed wildly as she felt the vibrator tracing it's cruel path over her hole and over her butt cheeks. her toes curled as Karina continued to use the vibrator to trace her butt crack, to her butt hole, back to her pussy. thoughts filled her mind as sensations of pleasure took over. her body began to tense up as she felt a massive orgasm about to wash over. then the vibrator stopped.

"did you think you were about to cum yet? i DECIDE when you cum! ladies, tickle her again!" Karina commanded.

Tanya, Olivia, Vanessa and Sasha resumed their tickling of Esmerelda's body. Esmerelda exploded in laughter again as her feet, belly and breasts were tickled again. Karina stood back and looked at the whole event. she also looked at Esmerelda's pussy getting wetter and wetter. the other four girls enjoyed tickling Esmerelda. they wanted revenge and they wanted to torment her. Esmerelda continued to laugh and soon her head was getting light. she felt like passing out. just as she was about to pass out, the tickling stopped. then she heard the hum of the vibrator. she got even more wet.

"do you want to cum Esmerelda?" Karina asked her.

Esmerelda blushed as she heard Karina's words. she felt so humiliated and knew Karina would stop at nothing to humiliate her. but, her body wanted to explode. "......yes....." she moaned.

"before you do...." Karina started as she began to run the vibrator across Esmerelda's pussy again. "......tell me who owns this pussy."

Esmerelda began to cry again. the vibrator felt so good and she was on the edge of a massive orgasm. but she knew she would have to surrender herself to get it. " do....." she moaned.

"who's pussy is this?" Karina asked still running the vibrator over Esmerelda's pussy.

"...yours......this pussy is yours...." Esmerelda cried while moaning.

"you are nothing but a tickle SLUT!!! you DAMN RIGHT THIS PUSSY IS MINE!!!" Karina yelled. "okay nerd, CUM for me. but i will use a special toy. behold!" Karina said as she pulled out blond hair from the dufflebag. it was Leslie's ponytail that Karina cut off. "i am going to let Leslie's hair make you cum!!!!

Esmerelda braced herself as felt Leslie's ponytail against her clit. Esmerelda felt humiliated as her pussy was being tickled and teased by Leslie's hair. the hair then slapped against her clit and stroked it. finally a massive orgasm, a tsunami of an orgasm, crashed through her body. Esmerelda's body jerked as Karina rubbed her glistening mound with her hands. she felt so humiliated, yet so good at the same time.

"get her down...." Karina commanded.

the others freed Esmerelda from her bondage and she curled up into a fetal position on the cold shower floor. she was surrounded by Karina and her gang as she cried on the floor.

"now bitch!!! remember, i OWN you!!! that pussy between your legs is MINE and in a short amount of time, i am going to play with it again! but as of right now, you are all washed up!!!!" Karina laughed.

Tanya and Olivia both turned on the showers and Esmerelda cried as she felt the cold water pour onto her naked body. as Vanessa and Sasha collected her clothes and put them into the dufflebag, the shower stopped. Esmerelda shivered on the floor as Karina knelt down beside her and showed her a sandwhich bag.

"see these pussy hairs? they are mine now! see you later, NERD!!!" Karina laughed.

the 5 women left Esmerelda there, wet and naked, as they walked out of the locker room. they laughed at their attack and laughed harder as they watched Karina stuff Leslie's hair back in the dufflebag and the bag full of Esmerelda's pussy hairs in the bag as well. they congratulated each other on a job well done. the knew this school year was just beginning!

Esmerelda stayed in the fetal position and cried. she felt so humiliated again. now that Leslie was gone, she had no protection from those women vultures! the school year has just begun and Esmerelda could only hope she could stay away from Karina!!
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Post by Soraka »


Esmerelda sat at a table in the library, going over her chemistry textbooks and formulas. she had a big midterm coming up and she wanted to be totally prepared. Esmerelda tried to study hard, but her mind kept wandering. this was the same library that Karina, Tanya and Vanessa tormented her at before. they had her tied to a table inside a study room and tickled tortured her naked body into a thunderous orgasm. Esmerelda shuddered at the memory and tried to get it out of her mind. then her mind flashbacked to the last time Karina tormented her. Karina had lured her to the women's locker room and once there, she was trapped. not only was there Karina, but there was Tanya, Vanessa, Olivia and Sasha. Esmerelda's eyes began to tear up as she remembered how brutally they tickled her. Karina even clipped off some of her pubic hairs to keep as a souvenier. she remembered how much she orgasmed that night and how humiliated she was as she laid on the shower floor and they turned the cold water on her. she remembered telling Karina that her own pussy belonged to Karina. Esmerelda's mind now raced. she was amazed that the only sexual experiences she ever had in her young life were all at the hands of Karina tickling her. she wondered if she would ever have sexual relations with a man, or would her orgasms only come from a woman obsessed with controlling her. she liked the orgasms, but the humiliation part of Karina tickling her bothered her. Esmerelda's conscious would constantly tell her to have her tell someone what Karina has been doing to her, but she always feared retribution. she lowered her head and tried to concentrate on her studies again. she curled her toes inside her shoes, trying to shake away the ticklish memories.

Karina was standing at the library front counter talking with the guy that worked there. she wore her short white skirt with white boots and a silk black blouse. her hair was down and it draped across her shoulders and down her back. her face was made up with her red lips pouting in a flirty way.

"look Karina, you havent returned that book since early last school year. i cant wipe off the fine!" the guy told her.

"listen...Robert.." Karina whispered, looking at his name tag. "...i'm sure there is something we can work out... i am so sorry. cant you forgive me?" she said in a flirting tone.

"Karina...i wish-" Robert started.

"shhh! Robert honey, if you can wipe out my fine, or even just lower it to a dollar, i will be eternally horny, er, i mean grateful.." Karina said seductively and flashing her cleavage.

Robert stared at the nice big melons in front of his eyes and licked his lips. "Karina, the fine is 400.00. i-i-i cant just wipe that out.."

"oh Robbie dear! i have no money, but i cant have this on my school record....tell you what, can YOU pay the fine? if you do, i promise you, i will 'pay' you back..." Karina said. she then grabbed his hand and had his finger brush across the front of her skirt. "..oooh! that feels nice..." Karina whispered. she then smiled as she saw the noticeable bulge in his pants.

Robert's hand was still on her skirt and she rubbed it up and down one more time. Robert's jaw hit the ground and he couldnt contain the raging boner in his pants. his mind went to the Bahamas. "yeah, i can pay it....yeah, considering it done..." he told her.

"THANK YOU!!! trust me Robert, i will pay you with interest...." Karina said as she then sucked her index finger and batted her eyes.

Robert nearly stumbled when he saw her sucking and licking her finger. he reached into his pocket, fumbled his credit cards out and paid the fine. with him breathing heavy, he handed Karina a receipt and on the back, wrote his number. Karina took the receipt, kissed it and winked at him as she walked off. she was going to throw the receipt away, but figured the guy deserved at least a blowjob for paying 400.00. plus, she didnt want him to chargeback his credit card if she screwed him over. she didnt care. she walked away feeling powerful again. she loved how she could get almost anything from men. after all, it wasnt her fault she was so beautiful. she walked through the library and headed toward the 3rd floor. she did have to pick up a book for her friend Tanya. as she stood in the elevator, she had a surge of adrenaline go through her body. it made her feel horny and she needed to do something to relieve her tension. she then got off the elevator and began walking through the walls of books. she passed by some study tables and saw some students at the tables.

"nerds....poor pathetic souls.." Karina told herself as she watched the students looking over books. she then remembered her "favorite" nerd, Esmerelda. she laughed to herself as she recalled their last visit with her only 3 weeks ago. she smiled as she remembered ho wmuch fun she and her friends had tormenting her. she just couldnt get enough of tormenting Esmerelda and decided she would have to pay the little nerd a visit again soon. she liked the power she had over men and especially Esmerelda. she then turned a corner and her eyes locked in on a student at a table.

Esmerelda looked up from her book and her eyes locked on the piercing brown eyes of another student. Esmerelda's eyes opened with fear as she realized that her tormentor, Karina, was standing before her. her mouth went dry and fear ripped through her body. the book dropped to the table and she watched helplessly as Karina approached her with an evil smile. Karina then sat down next to her at the table and held her hand.

"sweet little Esmerelda. how are you dear?" Karina said with a grin.

"K-Karina! not tonight..." Esmerelda stammered.

"what? Esmerelda, why are you shaking so much now?" Karina teased.

"Karina...i-i-i have to study..please...." Esmerelda whined.

"Now, now Esmerelda. you know i control what you do. remember, i own your pussy....dont i own your sweet pussy?" Karina said licking her lips.

"y-yes....but c'mon, i didnt do anything to you today!!" Esmerelda begged.

"i dont care!!! i decide when to play with you or not! i'm feeling really horny tonight Esmerelda and i have this incredible urge to tickle someone. so, get on up and head over to the study room." Karina told her.

"Karina, i dont want to go to the-" Esmerelda tried to beg.

"NOW!!!" Karina told her in a harsh whispered tone.

Esmerelda stood up and with Karina standing behind her, began to walk over to an empty study room. her eyes filled with tears as she realized that once again, she was going to be tortured.

"EEP!!!" Esmerelda squealed as Karina tickled her ribs from behind.

"oh yeah, this is going to be *so* much fun!" Karina said as they entered the room. she only wished her friends could share in this moment.

Esmerelda walked into the room and turned on the light. Karina then shoved her against the wall and with her back to the wall, Esmerelda stared at Karina as she pressed her bosom into Esmerelda's face.

"now Esmerelda, i am going to tickle you. i am going to tickle you until you cum your brains out. i will tickle those smooth armpits of yours. i will tickle that cute tummy of yours! i am going to tickle those tickly tickly ribs! i cant wait to tickle those soft delicate feet of yours. then after i tease and tickle your breasts, i am going to play with MY possession.....your pussy...." Karina told her.

Esmerelda gulped as Karina told her what she was going to do. she closed her eyes and felt her glasses getting removed from her face. she then opened her eyes and she gasped in fear as she saw someone standing behind Karina.

Karina noticed this and looked into Esmerelda's face. 'what is it nerd?"

"b-b-behind you...." Esmerelda stammered.

"huh?" Karina said as she turned her head. "what the fuck?!" she yelled.

"hello bitch!" a woman said.

"who the hell are you?!" Karina said, now facing the woman. Karina's mind raced as she didnt recognize this woman. she was a big woman, standing 6 feet tall and look awfully thick.

"you dont know me bitch, but after tonight you WILL!" the woman said.

"look you fat heffer, i suggest you leave. i am a little busy right now. i dont even know who you are..." Karina told her.

"remember a guy named Jeff?" the woman asked.

"Jeff? Jeff?" Karina asked. her mind then thought back and then it clicked. Jeff was a young freshman that Karina had sex with early this school year. "yeah, i remember him. why?"

"i am Candace, his sister!!! what you did to him was EVIL you tramp!" Candace shouted.

Karina then remembered what happened between her and Jeff. Jeff was a young freshman football player who Karina had sex with during a frat party. Jeff had told her that he was a virgin and Karina allowed herself to be his first. after Jeff had his orgams rather quickly, Karina then yawned on him, told him he sucked and his dick was way too small to even satisy a thimble. "evil? i cant help it if he sucks.."

"well you little tramp, now he is heartbroken and afraid to approach women. how can you destroy innocence like that?!" Candace yelled.

"because i can...." Karina told her back, her eyes turning to slits.

"well tonight bitch, you are going to PAY for that! you are a BITCH and a bully! i can see you were about to beat the shit out of that poor girl over there!" Candace pointed at Esmerelda.

"listen BITCH, i can do anything i want and after i kick your ass, i think i will pay Jeff a visit and remind him how small he really is!" Karina hissed.

"you asked for it bitch!!" Candace yelled as she slapped Karina.

Karina's cheek stung after she was slapped and slapped back at Candace. Candace then went into a rage and soon both women were slapping and punching. Candace smiled as she knew she could break Karina in two. Karina threw a punch and Candace easily sidestepped the blow, grabbed Karina's wrist and hair and slammed her against the wall. Karina moaned in pain as her face slammed against the wall. Candace didnt let go of her hair and rammed her head onto the desk. she then picked Karina up and slammed her on top of the table. then she clenched her fists together and pounded them right into Karina's chest, forcing the air right out of her lungs.

Esmerelda stood there in total shock. she couldnt believe what she was witnessing. Karina was getting her ass kicked by some sister of a student here. her eyes were wide open and she wondered what was going to happen to Karina. she saw Candace straddle a weakened Karina on top of the table and stood there mesmerized.

"no bitch, i am going to pummel you into a bloody pulp!" Candace yelled as she began to punch Karina in her head.

"help! help! get off of me!! Esmerelda, help me!" Karina shouted.

Esmerelda stood there in shock. Karina was asking her for help? the same woman who was about to tickle the living orgasm out of her? Esmerelda only stood there and watched. she noticed the door of the study room was closed and no one was going to help Karina now.

"now you slutty tramp, i am going to teach you a lesson! since you like parading around your slutty body, i want to take a look!" Candace yelled.

Karina yelped and screamed as Candace began to tear away her blouse. she ripped the expensive blouse to shreds and threw it across the room. Karina then yelled as Candace ripped off of her bra, now Karina's ample bosom jiggled freely. Candace then punched Karina in the head again.

"look at these slutty titties!!! ooooh i can mash them all night long!" Candace yelled.

Esmerelda watched Candace smash Karina's breasts like Play-doh and heard Karina moaning in pain. Esmerelda should her felt happiness at Karina's plight, but she hated seeing anyone getting hurt. even someone as evil as Karina. but, she only stood and watched.

"ah is the poor sluts titties hurting? well then, maybe i should crack her ribs instead!" Candace yelled. she then reached down and began to clamp her hands on Karina's ribs with the intent of bruising, even possibly breaking them when she heard a sound coming from Karina's lips.

"eeehehehehehehehe.." Karina giggled.

Cancdace did it again, she squeezed Karina's ribs and again Karina giggled. a wicked smile formed on Candace's lips. "is the little slut....TICKLISH???!!!!"

Esmerelda's eyes popped wide open as she heard the word "ticklish". she also held her breath in shock as she saw the look on Karina's face.

"dont!!!! no no no no no!!!" Karina begged.

"tickle tickle tickle slut!!" Candace laughed as she attacked Karina's ribs.


Candace felt a surge of adrenaline coursing through her body. she never was involved in a fight that included tickling, but watching Karina howl like a banshee inspired her to humiliate her even more. her fingers formed "lobster claws" and tormented Karina's ribs even more. she smiled when she felt Karina's legs kicking wildly and she was going to tickle Karina into oblivion. Karina thrashed about as she felt Candace's powerful fingers tickling her ribs. her eyes bulged out and her breath was getting short. soon, her legs stopped thrashing and she laid there helpless to Candace's ticklish whims.

"oooooh we are sooooooo ticklish arent we slut? i am going to tickle you all over! you act like such a tough bitch, but you are nothing but a ticklish little.....NERD!!!!" Candace laughed at Karina.

Karina wanted to curse this woman out, but the rib tickling was taking it's toll. she has been tickled before, but not this long by a person this strong. she felt so helpless and vulnerable and prayed that it would all end soon. her lungs were burning as Candace was tickling the life out of her. her face was starting to glisten with sweat then breathed a sigh of relief when the tickling stopped.

"now, are those soft armpits ticklish? let's see..." Candace teased. she then plunged her fingers into Karina's armpits and was rewarded with a horrific laugh coming from Karina.

HEHEHEHEHEHEHE!" Karina roared.

Esmerelda watched Candace burying her fingers deeper into Karina's armpits and saw Karina laughing uncontrollably. Esmerelda felt a surge of satisfaction as Karina was suffering like she made her suffer. the beauty of the whole thing was she didnt ask Candace to do this. Candace discovered Karina's ticklishness by accident. Esmerelda hoped Candace would tickle Karina all over her body. she stared at the soles of Karina's boots and hoped Candace would get Karina's feet as well. she looked at Karina's skirt and could see the black lacy panties underneath and hoped Candace would tickle Karina in her *special* place as well. Esmerelda's breathing was getting heavy as she watched Karina getting dominated by another woman.

Candace enjoyed her tickling. Karina's armpits were so soft and so smooth, she didnt want to stop tickling her. she watched Karina's breasts jiggle wildly and decided she needed to play with them. "so slut, are your titties ticklish too?"

Karina shrieked as she felt Candace's firm hands tickling under her breasts. she roared in laughter as her bosom was tickled viciously. her eyes were watering as the ticklish sensations ripped through her chest. she then let out a moan as Candace lightly played with her nipples.

"well, well, well. looks like a certain slut is getting turned on by my tickling. you are a horny slut arent you?!" Candace laughed as she resumed the nipple tickling.

Karina thrashed about as she was not about to let this woman turn her on by tickling her. she tried to slap away at Candace's hands, but then her face was wincing in pain as Candace slapped her silly.

"BAD BAD SLUT!!! dont fight me!!! i am going to tickle you until you cum for me slut! that's right, until you cum for me, i am going to tickle you silly all night!! now, let's get a look somewhere else." Candace told her.

Karina began to cry as Candace got up off of her. she let out a squeal as Candace easily flipped her over onto her stomach and straddled her back with her arms pinned to her sides. next to her eyes were Candace's sneakers and Karina knew Candace was facing her feet. Candace reached down and grabbed Karina's ankle. she pulled it towards her chest and stared at the sole of the boot. with her finger, she tapped on the sole of the boot.

"i wonder if what's inside this boot is ticklish? how about it slut? your feet ticklish?" Candace laughed.

"...leave me alone....please.." Karina whimpered.

Candace smiled as she pulled off Karina's boot and let it drop to the floor with a thud. she looked at the ankle sock Karina was wearing and then grabbed the other ankle. with her finger she tapped the sole of the boot lightly, then pulled it off. she let it drop to the floor and she held Karina by her ankle. she then used ther index finger and thumb and peeled away Karina's sock, exposing her barefoot. Candace smiled as she looked at the smooth tender sole of Karina's foot. she was going to enjoy this. she heard Karina whimper some more and laughed.

"listen to you slut! not so tough now huh? because i got your feet now huh? what happened to your toughness bitch? just a ticklish little slut arent you? well then, let's see if sluts are ticklish on their feet..." Candace teased.

a warm giggly feeling started to form in Karina's belly as she felt a finger lightly tracing up her sole. a giggle came out and she heard Candace laugh.

"so the slut IS ticklish on her feet!!! kitchy kitchy kitchy!!!" Candace teased.

Karina exploded into hysterical laughter as her foot was tickled. Candace let her finger drift all across the smooth surface and was delighted in hearing Karina beg her to stop. she focused her eyes on the center of Karina's arch and her finger scribbled back and forth, no more than an inch either way and enjoyed hearing Karina beg for mercy.


Esmerelda watched in delight as Candace was tickling Karina's foot. she watched how Candace would rake her nails up and down the sole, then make tiny circles on the ball of the foot. she saw Karina's toes splaying open and close and licked her lips when she saw Candace's finger attack the soft webbing between those wonderful toes. Esmerelda was enjoying her view and she watched Candace go back to tickling the delicate arch. Esmerelda knew Karina's feet were extremely ticklish and she must be going through tickle hell. her own toes curled inside her sneakers as she remembered her own feet getting tickled. she watched with glee as Candace held back Karina's toes and tickle the soft undersides of the toes. even though she got tickle Karina's feet, she never heard Karina laugh this loud and beg for this much mercy. Esmerelda wished she could join in!

Candace continued her tickling of Karina's foot. she then let it drop back down and went to work on the other foot. more helpless begging came from Karina and Candace continued to tickle the vulnerable foot. Candace didnt realize how much fun this was to tickle a woman into submission. the way Karina thrashed under her made her know that tickling Karina was a lot more fun than beating her brains out. she grabbed the big toe and twisted it laughing at Karina's shrill laughter. "look who has tickly tickly PIGGIES!!"

HAHA!" Karina begged.

"this little piggy is a slut! this little piggy got it's ass kicked! this little piggy begged be tickled! and this little piggy got tickled! and thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis little piggy belongs to CANDACE!!!!" Candace laughed as she viciously tickled Karina's baby toe.

Karina thrashed about as Candace played "piggies" with her toes and just laughed harder and harder. she never felt so helpless and begged constantly. the raking of nails across her arch drove her to new heights of ticklish hell and now she squealed as Candace lightly nibbled on her heel.

"tasty feet slut! i love these feet of yours! but i think i have another spot me for me to play with....." Candace teased.

Karina tried to suck in air as she felt Candace get off of her. she then yelped as Candace flipped her exhausted body over onto her back and was straddled again. she looked at Candace's back and her arms were still pinned to her sides. her eyes exploded in fear as she felt her skirt getting undone. her eyes darted over the room and it made contact with Esmerelda's eyes. Karina felt so humiliated at this point. here she was, getting stripped anked and tickled and Esmerelda was watching it all. Karina looked at her with pleading eyes, hoping that Esmerelda would help her. Esmerelda looked at Karina's eyes and a feeling of remorse went through her. she watched Candace tear off Karina's skirt and held it up like a trophy.

"look at those panties! i'm actually surprised you're wearing some! now slut, since you like your pussy so much, i decided i am going to do you a favor. i am going to tease your pussy till you cum your brains out for me! hell, everyone else seen you in action, so it's my turn. tickle tickle this ticklish pussy!" Candace teased.

Karina let out a steady stream of giggles as she felt Candace's finger trace over her panty covered mound. she didnt want to orgams, but her pussy was getting teased and it felt VERY good. Esmerelda saw the look in Karina's eyes and began to walk towards her. Candace saw her and her eyes turned to slits.

"where are you going little girl? enjoying the show? i am going to make her cum! dont interfere or i am going to do the same to YOU!" Candace threatened.

Esmerelda stopped in her tracks and leaned against the wall. she saw Karina's eyes pleading for help, but Esmerelda was too scared. she didnt want to be tickled. Esmerelda winced when she saw Candace literally rip away Karina's panties, exposing her shaven pussy. Karina moaned with pleasure as she felt Candace's fingers tickling her "lips" and was getting wet. her eyes locked with Esmerelda and she started to tear up. another woman was going to make her cum and she could do nothing to stop her. Candace then stuck her finger into Karina and started to wiggle it around.

"like that dont you slut?" Candace laughed.

"mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.....oh.......oh.....mmmmmmmmmmmmm m.." Karina moaned.

Esmerelda watched Candace finger bang Karina then she saw the same wet finger come out of Karina and began to tickle Karina's clitoris. Esmerelda couldnt believe what she was watching here in a library study room. she saw Karina's hips bucking and grinding, then looked at Karina's toes curl up tightly and she heard a loud moan as Karina must have went into a massive orgasm.

"that's right slut...cum for me..." Candace whispered.

Karina felt the orgasm ripped through her like lightning and it was one of the best she has ever received. her eyes were shut tight and enjoyed the wave of pleasure rip through her. she moaned again and felt Candace get up off of her. her eyes opened and saw Candace looking right into her eyes.

"you really are a whore arent you? so easy to get you to cum! now, you are my bitch and guess what? i want you to taste your own smelly pussy!" Candace laughed as she wiped Karina's juices off her finger onto Karina's lips.

Karina smelled her own juices and began to cry. she didnt stink, but just the fact that another woman just teased her body into submission and made her orgasm, then had her own love honey smeared across her face was humiliating. she felt like a weak little baby and just closed her eyes to fight back the humiliating tears. Candace then picked up Karina's boots and clutched them under arms. she then stuffed Karina's panties inside one of the boots.

"i'm keeping these boots as trophies of what i did to you. your panties? Jeff is going to keep them....hahahahahaha slut! you are SO lucky i am not a student here. i would make your life a living hell. PRAY our paths never cross again....." Candace laughed as she left the study room.

Karina laid on the table and used her arm to cover her eyes. she was totally exhausted and her body was sore from the beating she received, then the tickling and teasing. she moaned in shame and tried to get up. when she did, she saw Esmerelda looking at her. Karina felt so embarrassed, she didnt even know what to say to a young lady she tormented so much.

"here...put these on." Esmerelda said as she handed Karina her skirt and blouse.

Karina looked at her in disbelief. was Esmerelda actually helping her? "thanks...." she mumbled.

"c'mon Karina, you need to go home now. i'm sorry what happened to you. you are going to be okay. want me to walk you back home?" Esmerelda asked her.

Karina's eyes filled with tears. here was a woman that she tormented so much, actually helping her. she put on her clothes and stood up. she stood in front of Esmerelda, then hugged her. "no. i'm okay. i'll go alone..." Karina said as she walked out the room. Karina made her way out of the library, her barefeet feeling cold from the night air and the cold concrete. her mind raced with the events of what happened. she couldnt believe Esmerelda tried to help her and console her. maybe Esmerelda was a good person with a good heart despite the fact that she had humiliated Esmerelda many times. she thought about her past actions and sighed with remorse. she shook her head and continued to walk home.

Esmerelda couldnt belive what happened tonight. she went form a victim to a witness of a devious tickling. she surprised herself by actually trying to help Karina. Esmerelda always had a good heart. she felt bad for Karina as she knew what it was like to be humiliated like that. she hoped Karina would change after the ordeal she had. maybe now she would realize what she was doing to her was wrong. Esmerelda actually hoped that maybe, just maybe she could be friends with Karina. Esmerelda left the study room and turned off the lights. this school year was going to get interesting......
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Location: The Netherlands

Post by Soraka »


Esmerelda sat in her room, on her bed, with chemistry folders and textbooks all over the bed. she was trying her best to concentrate, but her mind kept wandering. her mind focused on her recent meeting with Karina. she saw her bully, her tormentor, her dominator getting bullied herself.a girl by the name of Candace, the sister of some guy that Karina screwed over, not only kicked Karina's ass, but tickled her into orgasms. Esmerelda couldnt believe what she saw. she actually saw fear in Karina's eyes. Esmerelda always thought Karina had no soul, there was no way she would have any emotions other than pure evil. even when she got to inflict tickle torture on Karina, she never saw that kind of fear. Esmerelda knew that Karina was human also. even though Karina treated her like some tickle toy, Esmerelda didnt have the heart to gloat over Karina's plight. in fact, she even helped Karina put her clothes back on. Esmerelda chewed on her pen and the thoughts of that night lingered in her head.

"damn Vanessa, what the hell are we going to do tonight?" Tanya moaned.

"i dont know girl. this is going to be a slow night. Karina is out with that dude from the library, Robert or something like that." Vanessa replied.

"want some beer?" Tanya asked.

"sure! why not?" Vanessa laughed.

Tanya and Vanessa, Karina's best friends, opened up a 6 pack of beer and chugged down several cans. hours passed by and the two girls continued to drink the beer. they already went through two 6-packs and it was already past midnight.

"saaaaaayyyyyy Vanessa...." Tanya murmered.

"yesh Tanya?" Vanessa replied, the alcohol taking effect.

"my titties are bigger than yours!" Tanya laughed as she pulled her up shirt, exposing her breasts.

"oooh! nice! but mine are like, WAY bigger! see?" Vanessa laughed, then lifted her shirt.

both girls shook their huge mammaries, laughing hysterically, then fondling each other's breasts. Tanya flicked her nails on Vanessa's nipples and Vanessa squealed.

"what's wrong Vannnnnnnnneeesa?!" Tanya stammered.

"my nipples are ticklish.." Vanessa said, blushing.

"ooh! tickle tickle nipples!" Tanya laughed as she tickled her friend's nipples.

Vanessa continued to laugh, then tweaked her friend's breasts. both girls were very drunk and this tickle play only made them quite aroused.

"oooooh Vanessa, you know what?" Tanya asked.

"what?" Vanessa said, licking her lips.

"i am really HORNY!" Tanya said, with fire in her eyes.

"me too! this tickling has got me REALLY wet!" Vanessa told her.

"i feel tickling someone! i feel so powerful right now." Tanya said.

"i know! who can we tickle?" Vanessa said.

both girls then looked at each other and their eyes were wide with joy. "ESMERELDA!!!!" they said together.

"let's kidnap her and bring her here!" Tanya said.

"YEAH! but, Karina's not here." Vanessa said.

"so? we all have tickled that little nerd! i'm sure Karina wont mind us playing with Esmerelda! in fact, i think she would be VERY proud of us! i cant wait to take her socks and tickle those adorable nerd toes!" Tanya said, her eyes lighting up.

"i get her little nerd titties! then we BOTH can get her pussy!" Vanessa shouted with glee.

"LET'S DO IT!!! LET'S GO TICKLE SOME NERD!!!" Tanya laughed.

both girls put on some black athletic clothes, grabbed some handcuffs and ropes and left their apartment they shared with Karina. they drove towards the dorms and couldnt wait to go through with their plans. they made it to the dorm and saw a young guy standing by the dormitory door.

"excuse me? can you tell us where an Esmerelda is?" Tanya asked.

"why? is she expecting you?" the guy asked.

"um, yeah!" Vanessa exclaimed.

"i dont two dont look like chemistry students." the guy told them.

"look, we need to see her!" Tanya said, getting impatient.

"i dont know. Esmerelda is a sweet girl. what do you two want with her?" the guy asked.

"look, if you tell us where she stays, we will make it worth your while." Vanessa told him.

"how?" the guy asked.

"like this!" Vanessa said. she then planted her lips on his lips. she almost gagged from the large amount of chapstick her had on his lips.

the guy kissed Vanessa back and then he instantly got a hard on as Tanya began to rub his manhood through his pants. Vanessa's tongue went into his mouth and Tanya unzipped his pants, reach inside his underwear and played with him. the guy blew his load and Tanya and Vanessa stopped their fondling.

"she's...she's on the 3rd floor, middle of the hallway.." the guy said as he staggered to the bathroom to clean himself up.

"you know, that had to be the NASTIEST thing we ever did! that guy has some HORRIBLE BREATH!!!" Vanessa screamed.

"you think that was bad, i cant get his dick stench off my hand now! does he even shower? plus, he came in like what? 2 seconds! this dorm is filled with nasty nerds!!! eeewwwww!!!!" Tanya whined.

"let's go get that nerd! then i will have to gargle with Listerine for the next week! ew! he was SO gross!" Vanessa whined.

the two girls went inside the dormitory and made it to the elevator. they continued to gag over the fact that they fondled some wierd guy, but once they had Esmerelda, it would be worth it. they made it to the 3rd floor and began to walk through the hallway. they looked at the room doors and each one had the names of the occupants. they continued to look at each door, determined to find Esmerelda.

Esmerelda closed her chemistry book and walked over to her mirror. she wiped her eyes and figured it was getting really late. she let her hair fall down from the bun she had it in. she removed her glasses and began to remove her sweatshirt. she then heard a knock on her door. she put her sweatshirt back on, put on her glasses and opened the door.

"HELLO ESMERELDA!!!" Tanya shouted.

"NICE TO SEE YOU AGAIN!!! GET HER!!" Vanessa shouted.

Esmerelda tried to shut the door, but Tanya and Vanessa barged their way in and gang tackled Esmerelda. Esmerelda tried to scream, but Tanya shoved a ball gag in her mouth and Vanessa tried to pin her arms to her sides. Esmerelda struggled wildly as she knew what they planned to do to her. finally, to settle her down, Tanya grabbed a pen and held it like a knife. she then removed Esmerelda's glasses and held the pen to her eyes.

"if you know what's good for you nerd, you will calm down! otherwise i will take your eyeball out!" Tanya threatened.

Esmerelda immediately stopped struggling and looked on in fear. she knew these two were quite capable of causing her harm. her eyes darted everywhere, looking for their "leader". surely, she was nearby! Esmerelda felt her hands getting handcuffed and was jerked up to her feet by Vanessa.

"listen nerd, we are going to let you walk out of here on your own power. i will take off the gag, but i SWEAR, if you even scream or ask for help, we will kick your ass into a bloody pulp, then tickle what's left of it. so i suggest you behave yourself!" Vanessa warned.

Esmerelda had a look of fear in her eyes as she felt her jacket getting placed over her. her hands were hidden, so no one could see that she was handcuff. the gag was removed and the three women, Tanya, Vanessa and Esmerelda walked out of the room and into the dorm hallway. there was no one around and surprisingly, they made it out with no one seeing them at all. they shoved Esmerelda into the back seat of the car and sped off. Esmerelda laid on the backseat, listening to Tanya and Vanessa discuss her ticklish body parts. she was scared as she knew Karina sent these two to torment her once again. soon, they made it to their apartment and Esmerelda was yanked out of the car and walked up the stairs to their apartment. this was the same apartment her friend Leslie was tormented. the door opened up and she walked in with the help of a push by Tanya. Esmerelda looked around, wondering where Karina was. Vanessa then shoved Esmerelda onto the couch. Esmerelda looked up from the couch and saw Tanya and Vanessa looking down at her.

"weel, well, well. look what we have her Tanya! a poor, helpless, TICKLISH NERD!!! i think we should have a little fun shall we?" Vanessa teased.

"ooooh yes!!! let's prepare her!" Tanya laughed.

Esmerelda whimpered as her body was pulled off the couch and onto the floor. she felt her ankles and shins getting tied to the seat of a chair, while her handcuffed wrists were held above her head. Vanessa lifted the edge of the couch and let the leg of the couch sit between Esmerelda's handcuffed wrists. Esmerelda was now on her back, her wrists above her head and her feet sitting on the seat of a chair.

"why are you doing this to me?!" Esmerelda screamed.

"Esmerelda, we ALWAYS love to tickle you!" Tanya laughed.

"yeah and i am feeling real horny tonight! i think i am going to have some REAL fun with you tonight! i just love the taste of nerdy girls like you!" Vanessa laughed.

"let's get these hideous clothes off shall we?" Tanya smiled as she then began to pull Esmerelda's shirt up off her body. she pulled the sweatshirt and the shirt over Esmerelda's head and rested by her trapped wrists. Tanya looked at Esmerelda's firm belly and lightly traced her fingers across the belly.

"EEP!!!" Esmerelda giggled.

"oooooh, such a ticklish tummy huh? kitchy kitchy kitchy!!" Tanya teased as her fingers scrabbled over Esmerelda's belly.

HAHAHEHEHEHE STOP!! STOP!!!!!" Esmerelda screamed.

Tanya continued scratching the tips of her nails across the soft tummy flesh of Esmerelda, smiling as she heard the sweet giggles. Vanessa looked on as she opened up another can of beer and began to sip. Esmerelda cackled wildly as the teasing fingers tormented her belly. ticklish sensations shot through her nervous system and her nerves endings were on fire.

"tickle tickle Esmerelda....tickle tickle tickle..." Tanya teased.

Esmerelda cackled even more as the fingers now tickled her sides. esmerelda began to thrash and she couldnt help but hear Tanya and Vanessa laughing at her. Tanya then dipped her finger into Esmerelda's bellybutton, sending her into hysterics. Tanya winked at Vanessa as she continued to twirl her finger deep into the bellybutton. Vanessa felt left out and her eyes gazed on the smooth hairless armpits of Esmerelda. she put down her beer and knelt down next to Esmerelda's chest. she saw Esmerelda's panicked eyes, her heaving breasts still hiding in her bra and sweat starting to form on her face. Vanessa then slowly brought her nails to the tender skin of the armpits. Esmerelda went wild as she knew her armpits were next.

"look at her! i think someone has TICKLISH armpits! tickly tickly tickly armpits!!" Vanessa laughed as her nails scrabbled over the smooth surfaces.

HAHAHAHAHA!!" Esmerelda exploded.

Tanya and Vanessa looked at each other with delight as they listened and felt Esmerelda dying in ticklish sensations. they looked at her mouth wide open and the sweetest giggles pouring from her lips. Tanya then focused her attention on Esmerelda's ribcage. she poked and prodded each tender rib, sending her into nonstop giggles. Vanessa didnt want to be outdone and tickled the armpits even harder.

"i think she's super ticklish on her armpits!" Vanessa laughed.

"yeah, but her ribs are even more tickly!!" Tanya replied.

"no, her armpits!" Vanessa screamed.

"NO, HER RIBS!!" Tanya screamed back.

"ARMPITS!!" Vanessa shouted.

"RIBS!!!" Tanya shouted back.

Esmerelda could only laugh hysterically as they argued over which body part was more ticklish. to Esmerelda, everywhere was ticklish. she felt their fingers tickling her ribs and armpits at the same time, each determined to prove the other wrong. Esmerelda's mind was beginning to turn to mush as these two evil henchwomen of Karina's havent stopped tickling her. she was getting short of breath and prayed she would pass out. anything to get her out of this tickle torture.

"hey! she's about to pass out!" Vanessa told her partner.

"we cant have that....let's give her some air...." Tanya smiled.

"...t-thank you......please....please...stop tickling me...." Esmerelda moaned.

"oh no our sweet little nerd! we are going to tickle you all night LONG!" Vanessa laughed.

" more Karina...." Esmerelda coughed.

"Karina isnt here nerdy girl! it's just us three! you're lucky she isnt here!" Tanya laughed.

Esmerelda couldnt believe Karina wasnt here. fear gripped her body as she thought if Karina shows up, her torment would be even worse! her eyes went big as she saw Tanya sitting by her uplifted sneakers. she began to whimper.

"shut up NERD!!! you know ho wmuch i love your feet! now, let's get these tennies off and expose your sweet nerd feet!" Tanya laughed.

chills went up Esmerelda's spine as she felt her shoelaces coming undone. she saw the evil look on Tanya's face as the knot in her shoelaces came undone and she slowly pulled the laces loose. Tanya then pulled the shoe off Esmerelda's heel and saw the white cotton sock. she loved playing with Esmerelda's feet and she pulled the rest of the sneaker off. she then unlaced the other sneaker, then she pulled that one off, held it up like a trophy and let it drop to the floor with a thud. Esmerelda curled her toes in her socks, anticipating the torture they were going to be put through.

"mmmmm, nerd feet! i love nerd feet! now, let's get a look at thse nerd toesey woseys!!!" Tanya teased.

"..please Tanya...not my feet..." Esmerelda whined.

as Vanessa looked on, Tanya peeled Esmerelda's socks off, exposing her feet. Tanya licked her lips as she saw Esmerelda's small delicate feet. she loved the chubby toes and kissed the toe pad on the big toe. she felt Esmerelda wince, then she put Esmerelda's big toe in her mouth and sucked on it hard. Esmerelda felt Tanya's warm lips wrap around her big toe and giggles came from her mouth. she felt the wet tongue swirl around her toe and it began to drive her crazy. Tanya then began to lick Esmerelda's sole, sending Esmerelda into a steady stream of giggles. Tanya loved the soft feeling of Esmerelda's foot. she began to use her fingers to massage the sole, then continued to lick and kiss Esmerelda's small toes. Vanessa looked on and licked her lips. watching her friend make love to Esmerelda's foot was turning her on. she watched Tanya begin to nibble on each toe and figured it was her turn. she picked up her beer can and poured a little of the beer into Esmerelda's navel.

"hey Tanya, watch this.." Vanessa teased.

Tanya continued to suckle Esmerelda's toes as she watched Vanessa lap up the beer from Esmerelda's bellybutton. Esmerelda giggled as she felt Vanessa's tongue swirl in her navel and she began to laugh harder. the tongue on her navel and the tongue swirling around her toes were driving her insane. Vanessa sucked the beer out of Esmerelda's belly, then her fingers traveled up to Esmerelda's bra. she reached under Esmerelda's back, and unsnapped the bra. she yanked the loose bra off, exposing Esmerelda's breasts.

"nerd titties!!! oooh, i bet they're ticklish!!" Vanessa laughed as she began to knead and squeeze Esmerelda's breasts.

Esmerelda began to laugh wildly as she felt Vanessa tormenting her breasts. she then shrieked wildly as now Tanya was raking her nails up and down her soles. her body thrashed wild as the double sensation drove her through the ticklish wall. Vanessa and Tanya got more into it as they loved watching Esmerelda squirm. Tanya pulled Esmerelda's big toe away from her second toe and poke her finger into the delicate toe webbing. Esmerelda howled wildly and Vanessa began to flick her nails across Esmerelda's nipples. the nipple flicking made the nipples stand at attention and Esmerelda felt ashamed. no matter how much she hated the tickling, her body would betray her again and get aroused. her mind raced with ticklish thoughts as she felt Tanya's fingers tickling her delicate arches and licking the undersides of her toes. Vanessa then lowered her head and used her tongue to tickle the nipples. Esmerelda began to moan.

"is our sweet Esmerelda getting HORNY?" Vanessa laughed.

"i think she is...remove her with her Vanessa! make her cum!!!" Tanya said as she continued to tickle and suck Esmerelda's toes.

Vanessa went down to Esmerelda's waist and unbuttoned the shorts. she pulled the shorts open and used her index fingertip to trace across Esmerelda's panties. Esmerelda let out a moan and Vanessa pulled the shorts off Esmerelda's waist and over her knees. she kissed Esmerelda's womanhood through the panties and Esmerelda moaned, then cackled with laughter as Tanya spider tickled her soles with reckless abandon. she felt so helpless as Vanessa pulled her panties down, exposing her mound.

"....hehehehehehehehe..please...leave me alone....dont touch me there....." Esmerelda begged.

Vanessa lowered her fingers and began to tickle the pouting lips of Esmerelda's womanhood, sending erotic and ticklish sensations through her body. Vanessa noticed the pussy was getting moist and continued her tickling. Tanya watched Vanessa play with Esmerelda and that made her suck Esmerelda's toes even harder and made her tickle the soles even harder. Esmerelda was began to gyrate her hips as now Vanessa lowered her head and began to lick her.

"mmmmmm..this is a tasty pussy..." Vanessa moaned.

Esmerelda was in a helpless fit of giggles as her feet were tortured, now her womanhood was under Vanessa's mercy. she felt the erotic sensations building up within her and a tear formed in her eye. she wanted these two to stop teasing her, but her body wanted more. it was as though her mind wanted to leave, so her body could enjoy what was happening to her. Vanessa's tongue now tickle-licked her clit and Esmerelda was now on edge. as Vanessa gave one last hard, wet lick, esmerelda came. or better yet, Esmerelda exploded. she shut her eyes and a massive tidal wave of an orgasm ripped through her body. Tanya felt Esmerelda's toes clench shut and she continued to lick the soft soles.

"oooooooooooooh......mmmmmmmmmmm......." Esmerelda moaned.

Vanessa and Tanya looked at each other and smiled. they were now above the highest level of arousal and now they wanted to play with Esmerelda even more. Tanya raked her fingers on Esmerelda's soles and Vanessa went back to the armpits. Esmerelda bucked wildly as after an orgasm, her body was extra sensitive to tickling. the feeling of Tanya's fingers on her feet and Vanessa's fingers in her armpits made her laugh uncontrollably. Vanessa and Tanya continued to tickle Esmerelda when they heard a door open, then slam shut.

"WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING?!" a voice yelled.

Tanya and Vanessa stopped their tickling and looked over at the voice. Esmerelda coughed uncontrollably and began to open her eyes. her heart nearly stopped when she saw who it was. standing before her helpless body was Karina herself!!

"Karina!!! you're back!!!!" Tanya shouted.

"welcome back!!" Vanessa shouted.

"WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING?!!!" Karina barked.

"we have a special gift for you.....nerd tickles!!!" Tanya laughed.

"we thought we would bring esmerelda here for a little fun. but i KNOW her pussy that YOU OWN, is awaiting your fingers! i cant wait to see you get her!!" Vanessa laughed.

" that so?" Karina said with a smile.

"yeah!!!" Tanya shouted.

"get her good!" Vanessa barked.

"....let her go." Karina told them.

"WHAT?!!!!" Tanya asked.

"say that again?" Vanessa asked.

"you heard me...let her go." Karina commanded.

"what? Karina, why woud we-" Tanya began.

"YOU HEARD ME!! let her go!" Karina commanded.

Tanya and Vanessa looked at Karina in disbelief. after hesitating, Vanessa uncuffed Esmerelda's wrists and Tanya untied her ankles. Esmerelda laid on the floor totally exhausted. Tanya grabbed Esmerelda's shoes and socks, but Karina stopped her.

"let her have her clothes..." Karina said.

"huh?" Tanya said.

"i said, let her have her clothes. she's had enough for the night." Karina told them.

Esmerelda got up weakly and began to put on her clothes as Tanya and Vanessa looked at Karina with a shocked look. Karina stood there and watched Esmerelda put her clothes back on. she remembered what Esmerelda did for her, now she was returning the favor. Esmerelda finally got her clothes back on and began to leave. Karina then stopped her and held her shoulder.

"are you okay?" Karina asked.

"..yeah.." Esmerelda whispered.

"i'm sorry you had to endure that. can i give you a ride home?" Karina asked.

"..i-i dont know...." Esmerelda whispered. she didnt know if she could trust Karina.

"it's up to you. i promise i wont harm you or tickle you. you're exhausted. let me take you home. it's my way of returning the favor." Karina said.

Esmerelda looked into Karina's eyes and could have sworn she saw sincerity in those eyes. she nodded her head and Karina grabbed her jacket. Tanya and Vanessa looked on in complete shock as they saw Karina put her arm around Esmerelda's shoulder and walk her out. the door closed and Tanya and Vanessa looked at each other and wondered if they really saw what they just saw.

Esmerelda sat in Karina's car as they drove back. the whole time, Karina apologized for her friend's behavior. Esmerelda couldnt believe what she was hearing.

"Esmerelda, i am so sorry they did that to you. i wish i got there earlier." Karina said.

"....dont take this the wrong way, but what are you doing?" Esmerelda asked.

"what am i doing?" Karina responded.

"being nice to me?" Esmerelda asked.

"i know you dont exactly trust me, but Esmerelda. i want to make it up to you. i know i put you through some hell over the past year, but i cant get over the fact that you helped me in the library. that was the most giving thing i have ever seen. i have been nasty to you and you still helped me. i will never forget that. this may sound wierd, but Esmerelda, can we be friends. i know you wont forgive me, but i hope you give me the chance." Karina told her.

"uh, i guess so..." Esmerelda whispered, still in shock.

"thank you. i know you dont trust me, but i will prove it to you. Esmerelda, anytime someone helps me the way you did, they have a special place in my heart. i mean it. i want to be your friend. that means no more tickle attacks by me or my clique. listen, here's my number, call me anytime. okay?" Karina asked.

"okay..." Esmerelda said.

Karina smiled as she wrote her number down and Esmerelda got out of the car. Karina waved to Esmerelda as she closed the door, then sped off. Esmerelda looked at the car speeding off and blinked her eyes. did that really just happen? she shook her head and began to walk back ot her dorm room. this year just got more interesting.
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Post by Soraka »


Esmerelda sat in her room, looking over her books, but had a hard time studying. she couldnt believe that her tormentor, the woman who has made her life a living hell during her years at school was actually trying to be her friend. Esmerelda let her glasses rest on the tip of her nose as she thought about her new "friend". could she trust her? Esmerelda didnt want to let her guard down, in case this was a trick by Karina. but the last few weeks, Karina has been very nice to her. they even had lunch at the school pub before. it was a nice conversation. Esmerelda thought Karina wasnt such a bad person once she stopped being vindictive and bitchy. Esmerelda realized that Karina was a smart young lady, she just used her intelligience for the wrong things. Esmerelda's glasses nearly flew off her nose when she heard her phone ring. the ringing startled her and she got up out of her chair and walked across the room to answer it.

"hello?" Esmerelda asked, the phone resting on the side of her face and her shoulder.

"Hi Esmerelda! it's me Karina!"

"Hi Karina, how are you?"

"i'm fine. hey, what are you doing?"

"you know, the usual. just studying chemistry."

"Esmerelda! you study WAY too much! you need to relax."

"i know, but i need to know all the formulas. i need to get-"

"Esmerelda, tomorrow night is Friday night. there is a party at the soriority house and...."


"i want YOU to come with me!"

"are you kidding me? me? at a party with you?"

"yes! of course! it will be me and you having some fun. you need to get out."

"what about Tanya, Vanessa, Olivia and Sasha? are they going too?"

"yes of course! but i told them i would meet them there! i will pick you up at 9:00 pm, okay?"

"okay! talk to tomorrow!"

"good night Esmerelda! you are going to have a LOT of fun! SMOOCHES!"

Esmerelda hung up the phone and put the tip of her finger on her lip. she was excited about the party. she never got invited to parties. actually, she has been invited to socials, but a soriority party is something meaningful, especially at this University. she couldnt believe that she would be there with the school's "elite" students. maybe this new friendship with Karina was going to work out.

Karina drove her cherry red Ford Mustang, with the music blaring on her speakers, to the dorm area. she had her long black hair flowing and she wore a white top that showed off her breast size and her tight belly, a white skirt that weas way too short and some stiletto high heels. she parked her car and got out. she noticed that every male student in vicinity stopped what they were doing and gawked at her. she had a smirk on her face as she knew she was now the center of their universe. she strode confidently to the dorm entrance and some babbling guy let her in, no questions asked. her heels clicked off the tiled floor as she made it to the elevator and rode it up to Esmerelda's floor. she looked at her watch and smiled. she was on time. Karina was a little nervous. she had a reputation of hanging out with only the best students on campus. bringing someone like Esmerelda wasnt normal for her, but she liked the idea. maybe she could turn Esmerelda into someone special in the eyes of her peers. the elevator doors opened and she walked to Esmerelda's room. she knocked on the door and smiled when the door opened.

"hi Karina!" Esmerelda said with a smile.

"hi Esmerelda! ready to go?" Karina asked her.

"i think so. are you sure you want to go with me?" Esmerelda answered her.

"of course i do! you look nice. your dress is nice, nothing flashy, but nice. i wouldnt expect you to dress provocatively. at least not now...." Karina smiled. "...ready to go?"

"yeah!" Esmerelda said with excitement. she walked out of her room and closed the door. dressed in a black dress that was to her knees and wearing flats, Esmerelda had a smile on her face as she was really excited. normally, "nerds" like her do not go to sorority parties. she got into Karina's car and the two sped off.

Karina smiled as she saw the excitement in Esmerelda's body. she was bobbing her head to the music and Karina never saw Esmerelda so happy. she then smiled as they got closer to Greek Row. music could be heard as it seemed like everyone who's anyone was walking around. Greek Row was a street where the fraternity and sorority houses were. this was a big night as the school's football team was taking on their rivals in a game the next morning. football players, athletes and of course the brothers and sisters of the fraternities and sororities were everywhere. Esmerelda turned her head to see all the people and couldnt believe she was an invited guest. Karina parked her car and got out. immediately, guys rushed up to her, trying to be the lucky one to escort her.

"hey Karina, come with me and i will make your night special!" a guy blurted out.

"dont listen to him! perhaps you and your sexy friend can hang out with us!" another guy yelled.

Esmerelda blushed as she heard the guy call her "sexy". Karina looked over at Esmerelda and smiled. she knew Esmerelda was feeling good about herself.

"no thanks boys, or at least not now. maybe later...c'mon Esmerelda." Karina said.

Esmerelda looked at the guys gawking at Karina and HER! she felt tinglyinside as she felt she was a part of something and not on the outside looking in. as they passed by some more houses, they made it to the sorority house Karina was invited to and Esmerelda saw Karina's "clique". Vanessa, Tanya, Olivia and Sasha greeted Karina with hugs and kisses. Esmerelda watched this happening and remembered her last "meeting" with Tanya and Vanessa. Tanya approached Esmerelda and Esmerelda felt a little nervous.

"hi Esmerelda...look, i want to apologize for attacking you and tickling you a few weeks ago..." Tanya said.

"....uh, it's okay.." Esmerelda replied.

"if Karina says you're cool, you're cool with us too! i am glad you are here!" Tanya told her, then gave her a hug.

"i'm glad i am here too..." Esmerelda said as she hugged Tanya back. this was the wierdest feeling in the world to Esmerelda. so many times she was the victim of brutal tickling attacks by these same 5 women and now they were friends. Vanessa, Olivia and Sasha all greeted and hugged Esmerelda as well. Esmerelda thought if she was dreaming, she hoped she never woke up.

a few hours had passed and Esmerelda was enjoying herself. she got to meet a lot of sorority girls and realized Karina was quite the popular person. she also got to chit chat with Karina's "clique" and they were so bad when they werent tickle torturing her. the whole Greek Row was a huge party scene and the football players left to get some rest for the big game. however, the rest of the world stayed. many guys were walking around drunk and so were many women. Esmerelda knew there was going to be a lot of sex tonight. she had been approached by a few guys asking her to dance but she was still too shy. she looked over and saw Tanya kissing one guy, Vanessa dancing with another, Olivia talking with Sasha and some other girls and drinking their asses off and Karina was headed her way.

"so, how do you like the party?" Karina asked.

"it's real good! i am having so much fun!" Esmerelda told her.

"think about it Esmerelda! this is the FIRST of MANY parties you will go to!" Karina told her.

Esmerelda smiled as she felt good. she felt her social life was about to change. she was a "nerd" at heart, but perhaps she could be a popular "nerd" now. another hour passed and Esmerelda was talking to Karina. out of the corner of her eye, she saw a strikingly beautiful woman approaching her. it was an Asian woman, perhaps Filipino and she was drop dead gorgeous. the woman approached her and Karina with a smile.

"hello Karina.." the woman spoke.

"oh, hello? do i know you?" Karina asked.

"no, but you will. my name is Kiana and i want to are a FUCKING BITCH!!!" Kiana screamed, then threw her drink in Karina's face.

it seemed like the world stopped as now everyone in the vicinity looked over at Kiana throwing her drink in Karina's face. Esmerelda was stunned.


Karina was in shock as the Kiana stood there. Karina wiped the beer out of her eyes and her outfit was ruined. "what the fuck-"

"shut up! you are so lucky i am not in a bad mood!! otherwise i would beat your ass right here, right now! AND your TRAMPY friend too!!!" Kiana screamed at Karina, then looked at Esmerelda.

Esmerelda was shocked at Kiana calling her "slutty". Esmerelda then staggered backwards as Kiana tossed a drink in her face. Esmerelda held her eyes as the liquid hit her glasses, but also got into her eyes.

"i suggest you leave bitch.." Karina fumed.

Kiana rolled her eyes and walked away. Karina watched her walk away. she looked over at Esmerelda and was really upset. Esmerelda had beer dripping off of her and she looked like she was in pain.

"are you okay?" Karina asked.

"my eyes sting, but i am okay. who was that?" Esmerelda asked.

"nobody. just some tramp who is going to pay....." Karina mumbled.

another hour pased by and Esmerelda and Karina dried themselves and continued socializing at the party. Esmerelda was amazed at karina's restraint. then, Tanya walked up to Karina and whispered in her ear. Karina had a very evil look on her face.

"Esmerelda?" Karina asked.

"yes?" Esmerelda answered.

"follow me........" Karina told her.

Esmerelda followed Karina through the house and walked upstairs. Karina led Esmerelda through the hallway and made it to a room. Esmerelda was curious on why Karina wanted her to follow her. karina looked at Esmerelda and smiled, then she opened a door. the two women walked into the room and right there, laying on a bed, was Kiana! she was knocked out sleep on a bed. Esmerelda had a chill go through her spine as she knew Karina was up to something.

"look at her! she looks so peaceful doesnt she? well after WE are through with her, she will be nothing more but my BITCH!" Karina said.

"we? what do you want from me?" Esmerelda asked.

"Esmerelda, she attacked you two. now it is time for her to pay Karina style! i think you were very familiar with me tie her down...." Karina commanded.

Esmerelda felt bad about what was about to happen. she of all people knew what it was like to get tickle tortured, now she was going to see Kiana get it. Esmerelda wanted to run, but she remembered this woman tried to hurt her too. she watched Karina tie the drunken girls wrists to the headboard with some nylons from a drawer. Esmerelda, without thinking, grabbed some nylons and tied Kiana's ankles to the bedpost at the end of the bed. soon, Kiana was spread eagle on the bed, face up, with her skirt riding up on her thighs, exposing her black thong bikini panties. Esmerelda watched Karina close the door and grab a glass of water. Karina then poured the water onto Kiana's face and the drunk woman woke up with a startle.

"WHAT THE HELL? WHERE AM I?!!!" Kiana screamed.

"in HELL BITCH!!!" Karina screamed back her.

"LET ME GO!!!! c'mon, let me go...." Kiana mumbled as she realized she was trapped.

"oh no you see, no one embarasses me like that!!! you are mine now you whore and i am going to make sure you NEVER forget that!!!" Karina yelled with rage.

"..please dont hurt me....i'm sorry...i was drunk..." Kiana pleaded.

"hurt you? oh, i wish i could! but, i am going to own your body!! you will give it to me and i WILL take it and do WHATEVER i want with it!" Karina teased.

"..please...please dont hurt me...." Kiana continued to plead.

"tell me Kiana or whatever your name is slut, is your body..... ticklish?" Karina smiled.

".....NO!!!! YOU WOULDNT!!!! c'mon Karina, let me go...." Kiana pleaded. she knew she was in trouble.

Karina sat on the bed next to her and stared at Kiana's shaven armpits. "i think you ARE ticklish....are your armpits ticklish?" Karina teased.

" nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
AHA" Kiana exploded.

Karina's fingers began to stroke the soft skin of Kiana's armpits and enjoyed listening to this woman squeal in laughter. she then formed her fingers like talons and scraped generously over the ticklish skin. a look of evil delight was evident in Karina's eyes as she tickled harder. Kiana's eyes were wide open with ticklish fear as she felt nails scraping across her very delicate and ticklish armpits. Esmerelda was in shock as she watched Karina go to work. she saw Kiana's body squirming in ticklish horror and knew she was in hell. Karina just continued to tickle the delicate armpits. she then looked back at Esmerelda.

"hey, give me those scissors over there! let's see what she REALLY looks like!" Karina told Esmerelda.

Esmerelda walked over to the dresser and saw a pair of scissors resting on top. she grabbed them and began to walk to Karina. this scene was surreal to her as she was watching Karina tickling another woman. being on the receiving end of many ticklings from Karina, it seemed wierd to watch another victim under Karina's tickling touch. Esmerelda thought to herself that Kiana deserved this after she threw drinks in Karina's face AND hers! she handed the scissors to Karina and watched.

"now you little SLUT!! let's take a look at you..." Karina teased.

"...please..let me go....dont cut my dress!!" Kiana screamed.

SNIP! SNIP! SNIP! Karina used the scissors blades and began to cut a straight line from the bottom of Kiana's dress, up through her belly and finally between her breasts. Karina then peeled open the sliced dress, exposing Kiana's breasts and her thong panties.

"my my my.....what do we have her? for being such a bitch, you have a BEAUTIFUL body...i cant *wait* to play with it...." Karina teased with a laugh.

Kiana blushed as her breasts jiggled freely. she knew she was trapped and at Karina's mercy. she prayed that Karina wouldnt tickle her. she knew she was extremely ticklish and now with her nerves on high alert due to the alcohol and her being tied down and vulnerable, she knew she was a million times more sensitive. she watched with horror as she saw Karina wiggling her fingers. Kiana held her breath as she saw the wiggling fingers lowering themselves to her breasts and she jumped out of her skin when they began to tease and tickle her breasts. Kiana let out a horrific laugh and Karina stopped. Kiana was too loud. she didnt want to attract attention. before Karina could say anything, Esmerelda handed her a pair of socks. Karina winked at her, then turned her attention to Kiana. she stuffed a sock in Kiana's mouth and tied the other sock around the mouth to keep the sock in Kiana's mouth.

"now, where were we? oh yeah, we were tickling thse tickly breasts werent we?" Karina laughed.

Kiana screamed through her sock goag, but the sound was muffled. when she felt Karina's fingers lightly tickling her mammaries, her mind turned to mush. the part that scared her the most was the fact that her nipples were HARD! her body liked the tickling touch of Karina, but her mind hated the hellish tickling. Kiana's eyes begged to Karina, but Karina ignored her. she squeezed the breasts and tickled underneath of them, only sending Kiana into muffled hysteria. minutes passed and Kiana was getting exhausted from the tickle torture. Karina had tickled her breasts for a while now and her belly and ribs! now, she was horny! Karina knew what Kiana was feeling. again, she turned her head towards Esmerelda and saw her licking her lips.

"Esmerelda, enjoying this?" Karina asked.

"y-yes.." Esmerelda stammered.

"guess what? it's foot time!" Karina laughed.

Kiana began to scream for mercy as she heard Karina mention feet. Karina walked to the foot of the bed and stared at Kiana's open toed strappy sandals. she unbuckled the strap and easily pulled the size 10 shoe off.

"damn girl!!! you have some BIG feet!!!" Karina taunted.

Kiana blushed as she heard Karina's insult. Kiana hated the fact that her feet were big. she was only 5'5" tall, but had size 10 feet. despite the fact that she thought they were big, she always took great care of them. she loved being barefoot and made sure her skin was soft and supple everyday. now, her delicate soles were going to be at the mercy of Karina! her toes began to wiggle in nervous anticipation.

"Esmerelda, take off her other shoe...." Karina told her.

Esmerelda gulped and nervously walked forward. she unbuckled the shoe and pulled it off. both of Kiana's feet were exposed and vulnerable. Esmerelda looked at Kiana's soles and she noticed that they looked so soft and inviting. Karina noticed this and looked at Kiana again.

"now bitch, which part of your feet is the most ticklish? is it the heel?" Karina teased.

Kiana exploded in laughter when she felt Karina's fingers circling her heel. Karina's eyes popped wide open when she felt how soft the heel was. if her heels are this soft, what must the rest of her foot be like?

"how about your arches?" Karina teased. she then spider-walked her fingers over and across the smooth arches. Karina smiled evily as she saw the look of ticklish horror on Kiana's face. "how about the ball of the foot?" Karina continued. she laughed to herself when she saw Kiana's body bucking up and down on the bed, trying to wiggle her foot free. Karina laughed as her nails sank into the tender flesh. "i know, it MUST be your TOES!!!!!!!!"

Esmerelda was taken aback when she saw Kiana bucking like a wild bronco on the bed when Karina tickled her toes. she saw Karina hold back the toes and savagely tickled the delicate undersides of the toes. Kiana thrashed wildy as her toes were tickled. when Karina's nails got in between the toes, Kiana went into silent laughter and arched her back high up off the bed, only to slam it back down in ticklish agony.

"Esmerelda....tickle her foot would you?" Karina asked.

Esmerelda stared at the other delicate foot and with great hesitation, placed the tip of her index finger on the sole. she was amazed on how soft the foot was and stroked it slowly, not realizing she was driving Kiana insane with it.

"Esmerelda remember, she tried to embarrass you by throwing a drink at you. show her what it's like to mess with us!!" Karina told her as she continued her own foot tickling.

Esmerelda was caught up in the moment. Karina was right! this woman did try to humiliate her! this was a wonderful evening until Kiana ruined it! Esmerelda then began to rake her nails up and down the vulnerable sole. Kiana exploded in muffled laughs as both of her feet were now tickled. minutes passed and Karina stopped her foot tickling, only to watch Esmerelda tickle torture the other foot. Esmerelda concentrated her efforts in between the toes and it only made Kiana laugh harder and harder. Karina felt proud of Esmerelda. she knew Esmerelda could be a great tickler as she felt Esmerelda's fingers before. but now, she focused her attention on Kiana. Karina then looked at Kiana who was a complete mess as her hair was matted to her face and her body glistened with sweat. Esmerelda stopped her tickling and looked at Karina.

"now, let's see what this slut's pussy looks like....." Karina laughed. she grabbed the scissors and with one easy snip, she peeled away the thong panties and looked at Kiana's exposed mound. she saw it glistening with love honey and knew Kiana was in "heat". she liked the small patch of pubic hair above the mound and the rest of the area shaven bald. "pussy tickling time...." Karina purred.

Kiana's mind turned to oatmeal as she felt Karina's fingers gently tickling her pussy lips. she never felt so humiliated, getting dominated by another woman who controlled her own vagina. she giggled again from the pussy lip tickling and from Esmerelda's light tickles on her toe pads.

"now bitch....i think i will take this.." Karina laughed as she began to snip away at the remaining pubic hairs on Kiana's womanhood.

Kiana began to cry as she felt the cold steel of the scissor blades cutting away at her patch of hair. she couldnt cry harder because she was too busy laughing away at the foot tickling she was receiving from Esmerelda. soon, her pubic hair was snipped away, leaving behind course stubble. Kiana, through her tear soaked eyes saw her pubic hair being placed in a small plastic bag.

"these pussy hairs are MINE! just like your pussy is! ready to cum for me slut?!" Karina asked.

Kiana pleaded with her eyes and then her eyes rolled into the back of her head as she felt Karina tickling her clit. she didnt want to cum, but the soft teasing touch of Karina's fingers were bringing her on edge. Karina knew she was a moment away, so she lowered her head and began to use her tongue to tickle Kiana's clitoris.

Esmerelda watched in shock, her fingers never changing the tickling stroke and watch Karina lick away at Kiana's mound. Esmerelda herself began to feel the lust and licked her lips. she shook her head. she knew she shouldnt be getting turned on by all this, but she couldnt help it. the gentle way she saw Karina's pink tongue licking Kiana's mound overwhelmed her. then she watched as she saw Kiana cumming, her love honey flowing freely.

Karina smiled as she saw the pulsating mound ejaculating and knew Kiana was hers. "now you tickle slut, i am going to have Esmerelda here tickle your feet until we are ready to leave! i know your feet must be very sensitive now and i'm sure she will leave you in stitches for a while longer. remember, i OWN you AND your pussy! if i EVER see you look at me, hell, even THINK about me in a bad way, i will take this pussy of yours and REALLY make you mine! understand?!"

Kiana nodded her head in shame then laughed again as Esmerelda began to tickle her feet again. Esmerelda enjoyed touching Kiana's feet and she just kept stroking them. Karina patted Esmerelda's shoulder and left the room. Kiana looked at Esmerelda with pleading eyes and prayed that she would stop tickling her. Esmerelda had no intention on stopping. she then raked her nails faster and Kiana could only laugh harder. as she tickled Kiana's feet, she looked at the moist mound and just had to touch it. Kiana tried to catch her breath, then her body tensed up as Esmerelda tickled her pussy. it didnt take long for another orgasm to rip through Kiana's body and Esmerelda looked at Kiana's toes curl. Kiana moaned in pleasure as the two massive orgasms wiped her out. Esmerelda sat at the foot of the bed, lightly tickling Kiana's toes as she laid her own head on the bed. she was getting tired at it was now 3 am. she held onto Kiana's big toe and fell asleep.

Karina walked back into the room at 5am and saw both Kiana and Esmerelda sleeping. she decided to leave Kiana bound and gagged to the bed so someone could find her that way. she then wrote a note on a piece of paper and placed it right above Kiana's mound. the notes read: "this pussy belongs to Karina!!" she thne tapped Esmerelda on the shoulder and helped her back up and to her car.

Esmerelda slept the way back and Karina helped her back to her room. she laid on her bed and was back in dreamland. this was an eventful night and she was worn out. she enjoyed watching Karina tickle Kiana into submission and wondered where this new relationship was going to take her. wherever it did, her life was never going to be the same again!
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Post by Soraka »


Esmerelda sat back in her chair and took a deep breath. it had been 4 hours and she was helping her new friend Olivia with her Calculus homework. Esmerelda's mind would wander sometimes as she remembered this same woman helped tickle torture her into embarrassing orgasms. she remembered how devastating Olivia was in tickling her feet. her toes curled inside her shoes as she remembered Olivia's fingers and tongue dancing over her very sensitive barefeet. she didnt know who was a better foot tickler, Karina, Olivia or Tanya. but Esmerelda felt relieved knowing that those days just might be over. she was now on friendly terms with Karina's "clique". the benefits were wonderful to Esmerelda. she got invited to a lot more social gatherings and her own self confidence was growing. she felt "cute" now and hoped maybe one day a handsome young man would sweep her off her feet. being stuck in a chemistry lab wasnt going to help her. Esmerelda enjoyed the parties. but, the one downside was her grades began to slip a bit. she found herself more exhausted and didnt have more energy to study. she usually got "A's" on her tests and homework, but now she was receiving "B's". her professors even asked her if she was okay. Esmerelda figured she was smart enough and would be able to turn her grades around. but for now, she enjoyed her new found social life.

"Esmerelda?" a voice said.

"yes...." Esmerelda said, coming out of her trance.

"you okay? you seem like you are in another world." Olivia told her.

"oh, i'm sorry, my mind just wandered. did you get that last problem?" Esmerelda asked.

"yeah. i hate math!!! honestly, who cares about derivatives in Calculus?"

"it's not so bad. once you get used to it, math can be fun!"

"you are just too cute! sorry Esmerelda, i cant find myself liking math. you know, i'll be right back. i need to get me a soda. do you want one?"

"sure! thanks." Esmerelda said as she saw Olivia walk off. the two young ladies were in a study room in the library. Esmerelda sat back in her chair and closed her eyes for a moment. she then heard the door open, then close. "that was quick!!"

"Esmerelda....." a voice said.

Esmerelda heard the voice that sounded familiar, but couldnt recognize it. she opened her eyes and then her heart almost jumped out of her chest. "you?!!!"

"yes, me! look, i need to talk to you." Kiana told her.

Esmerelda sat up in her chair and her heart raced. she remembered Kiana from few weeks ago. Kiana had accosted Karina and insulted Esmerelda at a huge Greek party and Karina tickled tortured the sexy Kiana into orgasms and Esmerelda helped her. Esmerelda was scared as she figured Kiana was about to get her revenge! "w-what do you need to t-talk about?"

"listen nerd, i will never forget what you and that Queen slut did to me at the party! i have never been tickled like that before in my life!" Kiana told her.

"i-i'm sorry..." Esmerelda apologized.

"listen, i dont like being submissive! i dont like the fact that i was brought to orgasm in front of people. the way she teased my pussy is something that humiliated me more than anything else in my life. but what really shocked me was the fact that YOU helped tickle me." Kiana told her.

"i-i'm sorry!!!" Esmerelda apologized again.

"tell me Esmerelda, are you ticklish? have you ever had every inch of your body tickled? have you ever experienced an orgasm from having your pussy tickled when you didnt expect it? huh?!!" Kiana asked.

"well...." Esmerelda began. vivid memories of her tickle torment played in her head. she has experienced everything Karina did to Kiana and more!

"probably not! you are a sweet little nerd! which is why i cant understand how YOU could do that to me? Karina, i can see that. but you? you may not know this but i have been watching you the last few weeks. you are such a nerd, but you also seem to be very caring and sweet. how in the world did you ever hook up with Karina?" Kiana asked.

"she's my friend...." Esmerelda mumbled.

"but HOW???!!!! you two are COMPLETE opposites!!" Kiana shook her head.

"but she's..." Esmerelda tried to say.

"IS THERE A PROBLEM HERE?!!!" a voice boomed in the room.

Esmerelda looked up and saw Olivia standing in the room holding two soda cans. Esmerelda breathed a sigh of relief as she was sure Kiana was going to exact her revenge on her. "Olivia!!"

"is she bothering you Esmerelda? because if she is, then she knows what will happen to her!" Olivia threatened.

Kiana stood up, straightened out her dress and grinned. "no, no problems here. i am not here to cause trouble. in fact, i am leaving. you know, you should lighten up..." Kiana teased, then stroked her fingers under Olivia's chin.

Olivia shrieked then dropped the two cans. Kiana was able to tickle her chin because her hands were full. now Olivia was ready for action. but, Kiana left the room and smiled as she did. Olivia then turned her attention to Esmerelda. "Did she do anything to you?!"

"no, she wasnt here long. but i am so glad to see you! i thought she was going to do something to me. she talked about how she was tickled and i thought she was going to tickle me!" Esmerelda told her.

"she's gone now, but i cant wait to tell Karina....." Olivia said.

Esmerelda sat in her room and got ready for bed. 3 days have passed since she last saw Kiana, but Kiana had gotten her thinking. Esmerelda had thought about how her life has gone this school year. she entered the school year getting tickled tortured by Karina and her gang, now she was a part of the gang and had tickled another woman. she remembered how upset Karina was when Olivia told her what Kiana did. Esmerelda saw a very evil look in Karina's eyes when told about Kiana. Karina had hugged Esmerelda and told her that everything was going to be okay and NO ONE would dare threaten her sweet friend. Esmerelda liked the fact that Karina was protecting her, but she still felt wierd about it. Esmerelda didnt want to cause any harm to anyone, but she didnt want anyone to harm her as well. she still felt guilty about participating in Kiana's tickle torture. Esmerelda put on her sleepwear then she heard the phone ring. she picked up the phone and spoke. "Hello?"

"Esmerelda!!! how are you my sweet darling friend?" Karina's voice asked.

"hi Karina!! i'm doing good. what's up?"

"well, myself and the girls thought about how Kiana bothered you and we decided to do something about it."

"do something about it? what do you mean?"

"tell you what, come on over to the gym by the women's locker room and you'll find a pleasant surprise!"

"why the women's locker room?"

"now now Esmerelda, i cant ruin the surprise! meet us there in 15 minutes! okay sweetie? bye..."

Esmerelda hung up the phone and wondered what surprise Karina was talking about. she bit her lip, then decided she had to go. she put on her "Hello Kitty" t-shirt, blue jeans and white canvas shoes and left. she didnt know what Karina had in store, but it had to be interesting.

Esmerelda made it to the women's locker room at the University gym and entered. she wore her black jacket which helped make it hard to see her. she opened the door and walked in. she shivered as she rembered how she was tormented by Karina and her friends in this very same locker room. she made it around the corner and saw the row of lockers. Esmerelda then felt a hand on her shoulder and shrieked. "EEEEEEEEEKK!!!!!"

"relax will ya? it's only me!" Vanessa told her.

"Vanessa, you scared me! where's everyone else?" Esmerelda asked.

"Esmerelda, you are going to love this! come on! follow me!" Vanessa then took Esmerelda's hand and pulled her through the locker room.

Esmerelda was getting nervous as she walked through the locker room. she passed by the very same showers that Karina had strung her upside in and tormented her. they kept on walking and entered a trainer's room. Esmerelda's eyes popped wide open as she saw Karina, Tanya, Olivia, and Sasha standing there smiling as she saw two other figures in the room. one of them was strapped face down, with her arms strapped to above her on a massage table with a black hood over her head and the other figure was tied down on a chair, with her arms behind her back and her ankles tied to the legs of the chair. she too had a black hood on and Esmerelda could hear whimpering from both figures.

"SURPRISE!!!!" Karina laughed.

"w-what's going on?" Esmerelda asked.

"Esmerelda...." Karina began. she then walked up to Esmerelda and looked her in the eye. " are such a sweet person. i am happy and, well, proud to call you my friend. when someone is my friend, i am passionately loyal to them and if anyone ever threatens my friend, then they will pay a SEVERE price. like these two women here......"

"who are they?" Esmerelda asked.

"in the chair is that slut bitch Kiana! and laying on the table is her best friend. she plays for the women's basketball team. i figured since she is Kiana's best friend, she is guilty by association. tonight, we are going to send a strong message once and for all to this slut. sit back and enjoy....this is for you my sweet friend....." Karina told her as she kissed her on the cheek.

Esmerelda was led to a chair and she sat down. she couldnt believe what she was about to see. Esmerelda watched as Karina and the others walked over to Kiana. Tanya had removed the hood and Esmerelda saw that Kiana was gagged.

"now listen you slut! i think it is high time to teach you a lesson! i made you my slut before, now i will do the same to your best friend!!!!" Karina screamed.

Kiana's eyes darted over the room and she noticed the other figure on the table. it was her best friend Mya!!!! she saw her strapped face down on the table, she dressed in her basketball attire, a pratice jersey, shorts and white Nikes and white socks. Mya had long black hair that was tied back in a ponytail and like Karina, she was a strikingly beautiful Filipino woman whoonly stood 5'2'', but very quick and had a very athletic body. Kiana began to whimper madly in her gag.

"oh yes, i captured your best friend and i thought i would be appropriate to torment HER since you decided to approach MY friend. now you little slut, is Mya here ticklish?" Karina smiled.

Kiana watched in horror as she saw Karina approach Mya. she saw Mya struggling in her bonds as Mya also heard the word "ticklish". Karina then gazed at Mya's form and smiled. the skin looked so soft and smooth. Karina knew she was going to enjoy this.

"Mya, sweet little Mya. i know you can hear me. i am going to tickle you. i am going to tickle you until your mind becomes mush! where should i start? i think i should start on these armpits, since your jersey exposes them nicely....." Karina teased.

Mya tensed her body up as she knew what Karina was about to do. Mya couldnt believe what was about to happen. she was at basketball practice and the next thing she knew she was jumped by these women and tied up. she didnt even know who they were, but now she was going to get tickled. a chill went through her spine as she felt Karina's nails make contact with her soft underarms. "MMMMMPPPPPPHMMHMHMHMMMMPPPHHHHHHHH!!!"

Karina laughed out loud as she heard the muffled laughter under the hood. she then removed the hood and left Mya gagged. then she went back to work as she scribbled her nails under the armpits and Mya thrashed on the table. the thrashing was limited as there were straps holding down her waist. Karina then continued to stroke the delicate armpits and Mya continued to laugh. Karina looked over at Vanessa and Sasha and nodded her head. Sasha and Vanessa then went over to Kiana and ripped open her shirt and tore off the bra. Kiana yelped as the bra was snatched off and she grew red from embarassment as her breasts were exposed. Sasha then began to lightly stroke her fingers across the nipples and Kiana began to giggle. she shook her breasts, trying to avoid Sasha's fingers, but it was no use as Vanessa held the breasts still and Sasha attacked the nipples. Karina on the other hand continued to tickle Mya's armpits, sending the girl into delirious muffled giggles.

"tickly tickly tickly!!!! such tickly armpits Mya!! oooooh i am going to tickle you GOOD!!!" Karina teased.

Mya continued to thrash about as Karina never let up on the armpit tickling. Mya's eyes were shut tight as the tickling sensations ripped through her body. since she was a kid, she has always been extremely ticklish. now, she was trapped and there was nothing she could do to stop the tickling. she couldnt even beg Karina to stop as the ball gag prevented her from doing so. her body continued to thrash as Karina scratched her nails across the smooth surface. she had no idea why she was a victim as she never even spoke to Karina before. she remembered Kiana telling her about Karina, but she never dealt with Karina. anger also tried to rise up in her mind as she hated Karina at this moment, but she couldnt stop laughing. tears began to form in her eyes as the tickling was getting to her.

"you know, i need to see what you look like under these clothes...Olivia dear, could you bring me some scissors..." Karina smiled.

Esmerelda watched with her eyes popped wide open as she saw Olivia hand Karina some scissors and cut the back of Mya's jersey, slicing it down the middle. Esmerelda licked her lips as she saw Karina peel open the jersey and pull it out from Mya's body. Esmerelda reacted quickly as she caught the shredded jersey when Karina threw it to her. she now saw Mya's upperbody was naked, but she couldnt see the cute breasts as they was on the table. Esmerelda's eyes shot over at Sasha and Vanessa who continued to torment Kiana's breasts and now her belly button. Kiana's head thrashed about as Sasha's finger poked her bellybutton and Vanessa was now sliding a feather under her nipples, teasing them and forcing them to grow stiff. Esmerelda knew Kiana must be very turned on now by how hard her nipples looked. Esmerelda blushed as she too was getting aroused at watching this spectacle. her head looked over at Karina who was licking her lips staring at Mya's naked back.

"Mya sweetie.....would it tickle if i did this?" Karina teased.

Mya's body jerked as Karina slid a single finger down her spine. she giggled as Karina's finger continued to go up and down her spine causing goosebumps. Karina smiled as she knew Mya's body was very responsive to her tickling touch. she then jabbed her fingers into the ribcage and Mya once again screamed into her gag. Mya's mind was racing as she felt the fingers digging into her ribs now, massaging them and kneading them. her body thrashed on the table and it was driving her crazy. Karina continued to tickle her sides by grabbing the flesh and squeezing. as Mya continued to thrash, Karina looked over at Olivia and Tanya and nodded her head. Mya screamed louder as her ribs were tickled again, but now she felt her shoelaces coming undone. her eyes shot open as she knew her feet were next. her muffled laughter sounded desperate as her shoes were removed and now her socks were peeled off.

"something wrong Mya? are your feet THAT ticklish? GOOD!!" Karina laughed, then nodded to Olivia and Tanya.

Olivia and Tanya knelt down by Mya's barefeet with her toes pointing down. both Tanya and Olivia had huge foot fetishes when it came to women's feet and Mya's were quite beautiful. they looked at the creamy soles with the cute little toes. they both smiled as they saw the toes wiggling in nervous anticipation. they looked at one another and raised the fingers. then winking at one another, they held onto the toes with one hand, then raked their nails up and down the soft tender sole. Mya exploded in muffled laughter as she felt the fingernails tickling her soft feet. for an athlete, she always took care of her feet, keeping them soft and supple. she knew she had ticklish feet, but figured no one would ever be interested in tickling them, so she kept them soft. now she regretted doing so as now she had evil foot ticklers tormenting her feet. she tried to wiggle her feet, but they held them still as they let their fingers dance over her soles. Karina saw this and decided she wanted to hear some laughter.

"Mya, Mya, Mya!!! i love that your feet are so ticklish!!! now, let me hear you BEG!!!!" Karina said as she removed the gag.


"sorry, cant do that! i WANT them to tickle your feet......" Karina teased.

Esmerelda looked on and when she heard Mya's voice begging for the tickling to stop, she remembered when her own feet were tickled. she was in complete awe at how Olivia and Tanya were tickling the two delicate feet before them. she then heard Kiana's voice as Sasha and Vanessa removed her gag.


"she has done something! she's a friend of yours!!!! you bother my friend, i attack yours!!!!!" Karina yelled at her.

Kiana laughed harder as now Sasha tickled her knees. Kiana thrashed in her chair and tried to get free. Kiana's eyes then opened wide as she saw Olivia and Tanya sucking on Mya's toes, sending the poor girl into hysterics and sometimes, soft moans. she knew her best friend must be turned on like she was! something about seeing Mya's feet getting kissed and her toes sucked on was driving Kiana insane. she watched Olivia's tongue slither around each toe as Tanya licked then entire sole of the other foot. Kiana felt herself getting wet as Vanessa played with her nipples again, then moaned as Vanessa began to suckle the nipples.

Karina looked at Esmerelda and smiled. Esmerelda's head was darting back and forth, absorbing the whole scene. Karina was now going to give Esmerelda a treat. she then took the scissors and begna to cut away at the shorts of Mya. she snipped them open, then peeled it off of Mya, exposing her panties. Karina didnt waste time as she began to cute open the panties.

"AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA W-WHAT ARE YOU *cough* *cough* DOING?!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Mya screamed as she felt scissors cutting her panties open and her feet still getting tickled.

"i want to see your cute ass......" Karina teased as she now removed the panties. she stared at the two cute asscheeks and then lightly began to stroke her fingers across the jiggling buns. she was delighted as Mya laughed from her tickling. "ooooooooh!!!!!! a TICKLISH ASS!!!! this is going to be *so* much fun...."

Mya exploded in hysterical laughter again as now her rear end was getting tickled. she felt a fingers lightly stroking her ass crack and the foot tickling was still going on as she felt a tongue snaking in and out of her toes and another mouth gently nibbling on her heel. Karina continued the crack tickling, then spread the cheeks open, took a feather and began to dab it on the hole sending ticklish shockwaves through Mya's body. Mya's bdy began to "hump" the table as she felt the feather's kiss on her anus. she had never felt anything like this before and it drove her hormones into overdrive.

Esmerelda crossed her legs as she was getting very turned on by Karina tickling Mya's ass. she remembered what that felt like as well and knew poor Mya must have been going nuts. Esmerelda's concentration was broken when she heard Kiana's voice again.

"pleae...please leave her alone...she cant take it anymore!!! please..." Kiana begged.

Mya was indeed starting to fade out as Karina teased her ass all over with that evil feather. Karina looked at Kiana and saw the passion in her eyes for her friend. Karina then had a wicked smile.

"you want me to stop tormenting Mya?" Karina asked.

"please.....she hasnt done anything to you..." Kiana whimpered. she couldnt stand to see her friend go through this.

"well, i tell you what. if you want me to stop and trust me, i have a few more toys to torment her with, then i want YOU to eat her pussy...." Karina told Kiana.

"w-what? you want me to do what?" Kiana asked in shock.

"you heard me. i want you to make your best friend cum from YOUR tongue! if you dont, Mya here will still cum, but i will personally make her cum all night long. if you make her cum, i will let both of you go. refuse and you both will cum and be tickled ALL....NIGHT.....LONG!!! choose....." Karina said.

Esmerelda couldnt believe what Karina said. she looked at Kiana who had tears in her eyes. she knew that Kiana must have been tearing apart inside knowing that she had to make her best friend cum or Karina was going to. Esmerelda for some reason felt aroused. she was in erotic shock.

Kiana's mind raced. she didnt want to do that to her best friend, but she knew that Karina was going to torment both of them all night long if she didnt. she reluctantly nodded her head "yes".

"GOOD!!! now, let's flip Mya over..." Karina said.

Tanya and Olivia unstrapped an exhausted Mya and flipped her onto her back. then, they each held an ankle as Karina re-strapped her wrists. Tanya and Olivia spread opened Mya's legs, exposing her shaven mound. Vanessa and Sasha untied Kiana from the chair and dragged her tired body to the table.

"now Kiana, EAT HER PUSSY!!!" Karina commanded.

Kiana had a tear flow from her eye as she looked into the eyes of her best friend. Mya saw this and knew what had to be done. she closed her eyes and braced herself. Kiana lowered her head and smelled the mound. it smelled so sweet and nice as she knew Mya took excellent care of her body. she smelled some sweat, but it wasnt bad. she looked into the pink womanhood, closed her eyes and the tip of her tongue made contact. Mya moaned as she felt the warm tongue licking up and down her lips, then began to giggle as Tanya and Olivia lightly tickled her soles. Kiana's tongue slithered up and down the mound and felt the juices in her mouth. Kiana felt bad as she was now enjoying the taste and heard the moans from Mya. she continued to lap up the juices and her tongue now licked the clitoris. Mya's eyes rolled in the back of her head as she felt the tongue teasing and tickling her clitoris. the soft tickles on her soles only drove her libido up. she felt the pressure building up in her as she moaned louder. the tongue continued to trace a path over the clitoris, sending Mya into the heavens and her body then shook wildly as a massive orgasm ripped through her body. Kiana continued to lick even as Mya's love juices squirted onto her face and dribbled down her chin.

"that's a good slave....." Karina laughed.

Kiana fell to the ground in a heap and put her arm over her eyes. she couldnt believe what she just did. she has never done that with a woman before and it was her best friend as well. she felt so humiliated. she opened her eyes and saw Karina looking into them.

"dont mess with us again BITCH!!! next time, i will have you eat her ass...." Karina laughed.

Esmerelda stood up as Tanya, Olivia, Sasha and Vanessa began to leave the room. Karina walked over to Esmerelda and hugged her.

"that was for you. i dont think we have to worry about her again....." Karina told her.

Esmerelda walked out of the room, not believing what she just saw. she felt bad for Kiana and Mya as she knew they were just utterly humiliated. Esmerelda knew Karina wasnt the nicest person and wished she wasnt so evil sometimes. but, she figured it was better to be with Karina than against her. she didnt know where her friendship was going to take her, but she knew life wasnt going to be dull. Esmerelda even wondered if she too would become like them. she enjoyed watching what she just saw and it worried her. she was beginning to like the idea of dominating other women by tickling them and it worried her. she pondered the thought of her becoming just like Karina........
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Post by Soraka »


Esmerelda was dazing off into space, listening to the lecture in her psychology class, remembering the events that just took place in her life. she remembered how her new friend and former tormentor, Karina, had invited her to the women's locker room and there she saw Karina and her friedns, Olivia, Sasha, Tanya and Vanessa tickle torture an innocent victim named Mya. Mya was a sweet girl who was on the University's women's basketball team. her crime was being the best friend of Karina's recent nemesis, Kiana. Esmerelda remembered how they tormented both women and how Karina made Kiana perform oral sex on her best friend. the part that scared Esmerelda was that she actually enjoyed watching that scene unfold. the visual of Kiana's lips sucking on Mya's womanhood turned her on. Esmerelda did feel a little guilty about feeling that way. all her life she thought she would meet some handsome man and her sexual activity would involve men. but, there was something about two women making out. Esmerelda crossed her legs, thinking about two women going at it. she then moved her eyes and took notice of a small Asian girl, sitting two rows in front of her in the front row of the class. she looked so cute and adorable and Esmerelda began to daydream about her. she wondered if the girl was ticklish. Esmerelda then began to picture the little Asian girl tied down, completely naked and getting tickled tortured all over her body. Esmerelda then saw the bottom of the girl's foot as she sat on her leg, with her sole peeking out. Esmerelda wanted to touch that cute little foot. Esmerelda licked her lips and began imagining what the Asian girl's womanhood looked like. she wanted to see it get teased and tickled. Esmerelda's mind kept thinking on what it would be like if the little Asian girl cummed in front of her.

"Esmerelda, do you know?" a voice said.

Esmerelda snapped out of her trance and faced forward. her face turned red as she realized that the professor had asked her a question. "huh? um, sorry. can you repeat the question?"

"is my class getting boring?" the professor said, smiling.

"no! no, of course not. i'm sorry..." Esmerelda said, blushing.

"can anyone esle answer the question?" the professor asked.

Esmerelda sat there, blushing at being snapped out of her trance. she knew the professor well and felt bad that she wasnt paying attention. the class ended and Esmerelda went up to the professor and apologized for not paying attention. the professor laughed and told her not to worry about it. Esmerelda left the classroom, but on her way out she spotted the little Asian girl. her mind raced as she pictured capturing the cute girl and stripping her naked and tickling her. Esmerelda wanted to tickle her feet, then perhaps tickle her vagina until the girl cummed all over herself. a dark thought crossed Esmerelda's mind as she knew if she were to tell Karina, her fantasy could come true. she left the classroom and headed back home. as she walked, she saw Mya sitting on a bench, talking with her fellow basketball teammates and Esmerelda stopped and turned around. she didnt want to face Mya and quickly turned the other way and walked as fast as she could. her heart began to race as she prayed Mya didnt see her. Esmerelda was so wrapped up in trying to avoid Mya, she didnt realize where she was walking and bumped into someone.

"HEY!!!! WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING!!" a voice sounded.

"i'm sorry..." Esmerelda quickly apologized.

"Esmerelda?!!! oh, it's you!" Vanessa said.

Esmerelda looked up and saw that she ran into Vanessa. she then saw the rest of the "clique", Olivia, Sasha, Tanya and of course Karina. "hi guys!"

"what's up Esmerelda?" Tanya replied.

"nothing much. what are you guys up to?" Esmerelda said. she then looked around and saw that they were at a soriority table, Tau Kappa Lambda and noticed that there were other fraternity and soriority tables set up as well.

"not too much. we are just here helping Olivia and Sasha. they are trying to recruit new pledges as part of their pledgehood now. in fact, this Friday night, they will be officially a part of TKL. i'm so proud of them..." Karina said.

"wow! that's cool! i'm happy for you two!" Esmerelda told them.

"thanks Ezzie! hey, since the ceremony is Friday night and we can invite guests, we want you to join us. you ARE going right Esmerelda?" Olivia asked.

"yeah! we would love to have you there! it is going to be a special night!" Sasha smiled.

"me? at a soriority ceremony? sure, i would love to go!" Esmerelda said.

"good, then it's settled. i will pick you up and we will have the time of our lives at the ceremony. you know Esmerelda, you are really becoming a part of us. i like that..." Karina told her.

Esmerelda blushed at the compliment and it made her feel good inside. she was beginning to feel like a part of something and she felt more special. especially being a part of the most popular girl's clique in the entire school. she hugged the other friends and she made her way home. Friday was going to be lots of fun.

Friday night arrived and Esmerelda looked at herself in the mirror. she wore a white blouse with black slacks, thin white cotton socks and black dress shoes. her long hair was tied back in a ponytail and she put on her glasses. Esmerelda then put the glasses on the tip of her nose, made a sexy pose and blew herself a kiss in the mirror. she giggled at her silliness and finished getting ready. ever since she became friends with Karina, her self confidence went up. she always viewed herself as plain and ugly, but Karina made her see herself as very beautiful. Esmerelda has always been beautiful, but she lack the confidence. now, she liked the fact that she found herself sexy. she then grabbed her jacket and walked towards the parking lot. when she got out there, she saw Tanya and Vanessa waiting in a car. she didnt see Karina though.

"hey Esmerelda! come on, let's go!" Vanessa shouted out as Tanya was behind the wheel.

Esmerelda stepped into the backseat and closed the door. "hey, where's Karina?" she asked, putting on her seat belt.

"Karina had to take care of some things, but she will be there tonight. she told us to come get you, so we can all sit together." Vanessa replied.

"cool! i'm ready...." Esmerelda told them as they began to drive off. Esmerelda listened to Tanya and Vanessa talk about soriorities and men of course as she laid her head back. she wanted to tell them about the little Asian girl in her class and maybe even tell them about her fantasy. she decided not to and wanted to wait to tell Karina. she knew Karina would probably help her fulfill that fantasy. thoughts of the Asian girl filled her mind and Esmerelda wanted to touch the girl's feet badly. she wanted to hear the screams of laughter, then the moans of ecstacy when she made her cum. Esmerelda couldnt believe she was thinking this way. Karina had become quite an influence on her.

the trio all arrived at the soriority house and it was decorated nicely, like something of a Grand Ball look. Esmerelda, Tanya and Vanessa made their way in, hugged a few other soriority girls, then sat down. they left one seat available for Karina when she showed up. Esmerelda then saw Olivia and Sasha on some sort of stage with the other pledges. Esmerelda thought they looked very beautiful in their evening gowns. she looked at every pledge and all of them were strikingly beautiful. but, her heart nearly jumped out of her chest when she saw the same little Asian girl on stage. she looked so cute and adorable in her white evening gown and white high heels. Esmerelda felt herself getting turned on just looking at her. as the cermony progressed and speeches were given and some cheesy performances, Esmerelda couldnt take her eyes off the girl. there was conflict inside Esmerelda's head. one voice was telling her to behave and this is not her true self. the other voice told her that she only lives once. tell Karina to kidnap her and tickle the girl into obilivion!!! Esmerelda shifted in her seat, listening to both voices.

"now ladies, we are now at the final process for our pledges! tonight, we have something special. we have the Table Of Doom and at the request of a special friend of this soriority, we are going to tie down someone and have a little fun. we are going to TICKLE TORTURE someone and force them to cum. it is time for the ENTERTAINMENT!!!!" the Pledge Mistress announced to the crowd.

mumbling filled the air as the ladies in the audience whispered about who was going to get tickle tortured in front of hundreds of women and forced to cum as well. Esmerelda's mind started to spin. she prayed that the little Asian girl was going to get selected. she knew pledges go through horrendous stuff and Esmerelda knew she would cum in her own pants just watching the Asian girl suffer. she saw the look of terror in the Asian girl's eyes and Esmerelda knew she must be ticklish! Esmerelda held her breath in anticipation. her concentration was shattered when she felt her wrists being grabbed!

"huh? what? why are you grabbing my wrists?" Esmerelda asked when she realized Tanya and Vanessa grabbed her wrists.

"come with us Esmerelda!!!" Vanessa told her, pulling at her wrists.

"is this a joke? i'm not a pledge, let go!" Esmerelda said.

"let's go Esmerelda, it's torture time!" Tanya laughed.

Esmerelda fought as hard as she could when they started to pull her towards the Table Of Doom. then, a more husky type woman came over, scooped her up like a rag doll and carried her over to the table. Esmerelda tried to struggle, but she was quickly strapped down on the table, her wrists above her head and her ankles locked down in stocks. fear gripped her heart when she saw the pledges standing around her. "LET ME GO!!! I'M NOT PART OF THE SORIORITY!!!"

"we know, that's why you were chosen. no one can say we haze our pledges, it's only you...." the Pledge Mistress said.

"HELP ME!!!!! I DONT WANT TO BE TICKLED!!!" Esmerelda yelled.

"too bad Esmerelda, we are going to so much enjoy watching you suffer!" Tanya laughed.

"let me go!!!!!! where's Karina?!!!!" Esmerelda yelled.

"she's not here to save you.........." Vanessa smiled.

Esmerelda struggled at her bonds, but then she felt her body getting stretched as the table pulled at her limbs, like a stretch rack, forcing her body to become taut and completely immobile. she then watched as other sisters of the soriority cut her shirt off, leaving her in her bra. then she watched in horror as she saw her belt come loose and pulled out. then her pants were cut open and peeled off her body, exposing her panties. then, she felt hands removing her shoes and peeling off her socks, exposing her cute, soft barefeet. Esmerelda began to whimper as she realized she couldnt move and Karina wasnt there to save her.

"now, each of our pledges will have five minutes to tickle torture this nerd! let's the game....BEGIN!!!!" the Pledge Mistress announced.

Esmerelda held her breath as she saw some beautiful blond pledge approach her. Esmerelda was unable to defend herself and she was completely vulnerable. she watched the girls fingers getting closer and closer to her exposed armpits and her body tightened up.

"kitchy kitchy koo!!!" the girl teased.


the girl traced the tips of her fingers all over the smooth hollows of Esmerelda's armpits. Esmerelda couldnt even thrash as her body was stretched out. all she could feel was the fingernails tracing all over her sensitive skin. she screamed to the top of her lungs, begging for mercy. the ticklish sensations ripped through her body as the girl dug her nails deep into the armpits. Esmerelda screeched loudly and heard the audience applaud her tickle torture. a thousand things ran through Esmerelda's head at this point as she was being tortured. it had been a long time since she was tortured and hoped that it would end soon. she kind of got her wish, when the buzzer sounded. the five minutes were up.

"NEXT....." the Pledge Mistress said.

Esmerelda tried to catch her breath and saw the next girl approach her. this one licked her lips as she eyed Esmerelda's ribs. she poked Esmerelda in the ribs, and Esmerelda reacted with a snort. the girl kept poking the ribs and Esmerelda began to giggle uncontrollably. the girl then massaged each of Esmerelda's ribs, sending the poor girl into hysterics. Esmerelda couldnt stand it as the tickling began to take it's toll. what scared her more was that there was 15 pledges, so that meant 75 minutes of tickle hell. her hair had come udone and it started to flail all over the place as the girl played with each and every rib. the girl even had the audience count each rib with her, further humiliating Esmerelda. the buzzer sounded and the next girl began. this one plunged her index finger deep into Esmerelda's belly button, sending her into silent laughter. it tickled so much and it drove her mind into mush. all she could do was laugh as the girl played with her soft tummy. her face turned red as she was running out of breath and she felt so humiliated. minutes passed and the buzzer sounded again. pledge after pledge, kept tickling Esmerelda. they tickled her armpits, they tickled her sides, they tickled her ribs, they tormented her tummy. then after another buzzer sounded, Esmerelda heard a chant that scared the living hell out of her.

"TICKLE HER FEET!!! TICKLE HER FEET!!!! TICKLE HER FEET!!!!" the crowd chanted.

Esmerelda opened her tear soaked eyes and in front of her was the little Asian girl! the girl had a sinister grin on her face as she approached Esmerelda's trapped feet in the stocks. Esmerelda looked at the girl with pleading eyes, praying she would have mercy.

"do you have ticklish feet like me? your feet look really ticklish!! kitchy kitchy koo!!!! i tickle you!!!! kitchy kitchy kitchy kitchy kitchy kitchy!!!!" the Asian girl teased.


the Asian girl tickled Esmerelda's feet without mercy. she raked her nails up and down the pink soles and enjoyed listening to Esmerelda scream. she liked how soft and velvety the soles were and her fingers danced over the delicate arch. Esmerelda's eyes were shut tight as she tried to block out the sensations. but, it was no use as her feet were the most ticklish spot on her body. the Asian girl bent back Esmerelda's toes and raked her other fingers up and down the taut sole. Esmerelda wanted to buck off the table, but she couldnt move. she just had to lay there and take it. Esmerelda felt her toes getting tickled and she prayed to every known living being to man to have her torment stop. she felt it was ironic that the same girl she wanted to torment, was now tormenting her. the buzzer sounded and the crowd booed. they then cheered again when the next pledge went right back to Esmerelda's feet and tormented them some more. Esmerelda laughed and laughed and laughed until she started coughing. that didnt stop the pledges as they each continued to torment Esmerelda all over her body. the tickled the pink, delicate webbing between Esmerelda's toes, they tweak her soft spot on her knees, they attacked her inner thighs, her precious bellybutton, her firm ribs and all over her armpits. Esmerelda was tortured beyond her limit. all she could think about was being tickled nonstop. she wanted it to end. she heard the buzzer stop and as she tried to catch her breath, somehow, her mind kept count of the pledges. 13 pledges had tormented her for over an hour. there was only two left.

"NEXT......." the Pledge Mistress announced.

Sasha walked up to Esmerelda and stared at her. "oh Esmerelda, i am going to enjoy tormenting you. i missed your breasts....."

Esmerelda pleaded with her eyes for Sasha not to humiliate her. during all of her tortures, Esmerelda was always in private, now she had over a HUNDRED women looking at her. she began to mewl as her bra was removed by Sasha. Sasha looked at Esmerleda's breasts hungrily as the crowd cheered her on.


Sasha then began to tickle all over Esmerelda's sensitive breasts and enjoyed listening to Esmerelda laugh. "no one can save you now nerd......"

Esmerelda laughed even harder. she felt Sasha's fingers dancing over her breasts, then her mouth formed an "O" when she felt Sasha licking her nipples. Esmerelda's nipples became erect and Sasha gently nibbled at them, while tickling the undersides of the breasts. Esmerelda laughed as her breasts were tickled, but the nibbling and sucking of her areola and nipples were driving her body into lust. the warm tongue felt so nice, but she was always shocked back into reality by the tickling. then she exploded in laughter again as she felt fingers dancing on her feet again.

"you didnt think i would forget about your feet did you?" Olivia said.

Esmerelda laughed harder as she now felt fingers tickling her feet, fingers tickling her breasts and a warm tongue sucking on her nipples. she could hear the crowd in a frenzy as Sasha continued to make Esmerelda horny. Esmerelda could feel her own mound getting moists as the tongue swirled around the nipples. Olivia stared at Esmerelda's toes and then she began to suck on them and the crowd went wild. the sight of two women sexually teasing another brought the estrogen level to an all time high and several women were getting quite turned on. Esmerelda's mind was slush by now as she felt two warm tongues on her toes and nipples. Olivia then began to lightly tickle Esmerelda's soles as she sucked hard on the big toe. Esmerelda giggled and moaned as the sensations overwhelmed her. Olivia sucked each toe and saliva was glistening on each toe. Olivia then licked the entire sole and goosebumps formed on Esmerelda's body. Esmerelda went back to laughing as Olivia then tormented the base of her sensitive toes. Olivia adored the pink soles in front of her. she wanted to tease and tickle them all night long. the crowd was cheering on the scene, then went silent when a familiar voice boomed.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE?!!!!!" the voice said.

Esmerelda heard the voice and the sucking and tickling of her body stopped. she lifted her head up and through all the hell she went through, she was so happy to see a familiar face. it was Karina. Karina looked at the scene before her and walked right up to the stage. she was not happy at what was happening. she stood next to Esmerelda's head, smiled and carressed her tear soak cheek. Karina then turned to the crowd with a look of rage in her eyes.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING??!! how DARE you tickle torture Esmerelda.......WITHOUT ME?!!!!!!!!" Karina screamed.

Esmerelda's eyes popped wide open when she heard Karina's words. she then looked at Karina who was now facing her. " me...."

"help you? of course i am not going to help you!" Karina barked.

"huh? but..." Esmerelda tried to say.

"you are one stupid nerd!!! who do you think set up this whole demonstration? it was ME!!!!" Karina yelled.

"but....but..i thought we were friends......" Esmerelda whimpered.

"friends?!!! Esmerelda, i was NEVER your friend! that's what i like about you! you are so damn gullible!!!" Karina laughed.

"but...but....." Esmerelda whined.

"but what? do you really think i would be your friend? NERDS like you will never be my friend!!! i set you up NERD!!! Esmerelda, i OWN your pussy, now i OWN your MIND!!!!" Karina laughed.

"K-Karina....." Esmerelda began to cry. tears formed in her eyes and they fell down her face.

"SHUT UP NERD!!!! now, i think it's time for some pussy tickling. time to CUM NERD!!!!!" Karina yelled.

the crowd cheered as Karina grabbed Esmerelda's panties and ripped them off. Karina then saw Esmerelda's moist pussy lips and began to stroke her fingers across the already sensitive lips. Esmerelda's body went right back into lust as she sensation of Karina's fingers tickling her pussy, sent her body into overdrive. Karina found Esmerelda's clit and toyed with it. Esmerelda's body tensed up with each rub of her clit, then finally, Esmerelda had a massive orgasm. her love juices flowed freely and all over Karina's hand.

Karina licked her hand and smiled as she saw Esmerelda's eyes roll into the back of her head. she knew she just broken poor Esmerelda. "hmmmmmm, you still taste good. nothing like nerd pussy...."

the crowd erupted into cheers as they watched Esmerelda curl her toes and have her love honey glistening off of her body. the Pledge Mistress then commanded the over pledges to resume tickling Esmerelda's body. Esmerelda screamed in laughter once again as her body was even more sensitive. she felt fingers on her feet, her knees, her ribs, her breasts, her armpits, even in her pussy. she came again and again and again. finally, the onslaught stopped. Esmerelda came 5 times in front of the crowd and they cheered every one. Esmerelda's brain resembled a Slushee when it was over. she opened her eyes and saw Karina's face.

Karina looked right into Esmerelda's eyes, as though she was looking at Esmerelda's very soul. "you are really one PATHETIC human being...Esmerelda, i mean this from the bottom of my heart.....i HATE you...." Karina told her coldly. "get rid of her....."

Esmerelda was in a complete state of shock upon hearing Karina's words. some soriority sisters unstrapped her from the table, carried her away and into the trunk of a car. the car sped off and when it arrived at it's destination, the trunk opened and two girls pulled Esmerelda's naked body out and dropped her right on the sand of the nearby beach in an isolated area. they dropped a towel next to her, got back in the car and sped off. Esmerelda laid on her stomach in the sand and when the shock wore off and she realized what truly took place, she began to cry. tears flowed plentiful from her face as she cried from being humiliated and worse.....a broken heart.......................
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Post by Soraka »


Weeks have passed by since the day Esmerelda was betrayed by her "friend" Karina. Esmerelda sat on a bench in the University park, clutching her books to her chest, her hair draped over shoulders and her glasses on the tip of her nose. Esmerelda was absolutely devasted and her heart was filled with a lot of pain. she really believed Karina was her friend and to have been tricked and humiliated like that broke her spirit. even her college professors noticed slippage in her studies and would often ask her if she was okay. Esmerelda didnt want to tell them any specifics, but told them she is going thru a difficult time in her personal life. she was happy her professors cared about her academics, but they couldnt replace the burden in her heart. a tear formed in her eye, then slowly trailed down her cheek as she remembered that one fateful night.......

..........Esmerelda was tied down to a stretch rack at the Soriority Initiation ceremony and was being ruthlessly tickled by the pledges when Karina walked in. Esmerelda thought she was going to be saved, but that changed when she heard....

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING??!! how DARE you tickle torture Esmerelda.......WITHOUT ME?!!!!!!!!" Karina screamed................

those words stuck in Esmerelda over and over again as she remembered the party. another set of words she would never forget also plagued her mind........

"you are really one PATHETIC human being...Esmerelda, i mean this from the bottom of my heart.....i HATE you...." Karina told her coldly..........

tears began to fall as those words rang in Esmerelda's head. how could one woman be so cruel as to do that to her? didnt Karina know that Esmerelda really started to love her as friend? Esmerelda got up from her bench and began to walk away. she didnt want a lot of people watching her cry......

days passed by and Esmerelda sat at a table in the Student Center, going over some notes. her mind would wander a lot as she couldnt get over her hurt. she did manage to avoid Karina and her friends and whenever she did see them, she went the opposite way to avoid them. she couldnt face Karina. she was afraid of what they might do to her next. she looked over her psychology notes when she heard a voice calling her.

"Esmerelda!" the voice said.

Esmerelda looked up and her eyes grew wide open. it was that Asian girl from her class! the same one where she dreamed about tickling. but, she was also the same one that managed to tickle her that same one night. "oh..hi."

"hey, are you studying for psych class?" the girl asked.

"yeah....midterm coming up..." Esmerelda whispered.

"i know..i need help too. do you mind if we study together?" the girl asked.

"um, well, i guess...." Esmerelda replied.

"good! mind if i sit down?" she asked.

"go right ahead...can i ask you something?" Esmerelda asked.

"sure!" the girl replied.

"what is your name?" Esmerelda asked. this whole time, Esmerelda never knew the girl's name.

"it's Kim! nice to meet you 'officialy'. i met you the other night, well, you remember dont you?" Kim replied.

Esmerelda began to blush and her eyes got misty, thinking of that night. "yeah....i remember...."

"are you okay? for some reason, i dont think you had that much fun that night. weren't you and the Karina girl playing around? our Pledge Mistress told us that you two loved to act out dominant fantasies in front of others." Kim told her.

"...actually......yeah, that's it. we like to act out...." Esmerelda replied. she didnt want to go into the whole sordid story to someone she just met.

"the thing about it, it looked like it was REAL between you two. like she really really wanted to torment you!! i must admit, it was fun tickling you. you looked so cute squirming like you did....." Kim told her.

Esmerelda didnt know how to respond. this cute Asian girl was reliving that night and thought it was all an act. Esmerelda looked at her and began to smile. at least the girl had fun tickling her. "thanks...i am very ticklish..."

"you really are a cute one arent you? i could just tickle you all night long! kitchy kitchy!" Kim teased as she playfully tickled Esmerelda's ribs.

"hehehe! that tickles!" Esmerelda smiled. she began to feel a little better. "but are you ticklish?" Esmerelda said, reaching for Kim's ribs.

"dont you dare!! i am ticklish!" Kim laughed playfully as she slapped away Esmerelda's fingers. "c'mon! we have studying to do!"

Esmerelda giggled as she began to like her new friend. it had been a while since Esmerelda felt happiness. she stared at Kim and her memories of wanting to tickle torture her came back. Esmerelda figured those fantasies just might come true! the two girls continued to study throughout the night and even kept trying to tickle each other. when the study session was over, Kim handed Esmerelda her phone number.

"call me sometime and maybe we can hang out. Esmerelda, i could tell you were sad when i saw you. no matter what, always remember to smile. besides, you are a lot cuter that way....." Kim said as she gently touched Esmerelda's shoulder then walked away.

Esmerelda's whole demeanor began to lift. she was happy that Kim came by and cheered her up. Kim may have not realized it, but she totally made Esmerelda feel better about herself. Esmerelda smiled as she thought about her new friend. she couldnt wait to see where their relationship would lead.

"Karina, GIRL, you are the greatest! i mean, i still cant get over how you shattered Esmerelda's will to live." Tanya told her.

"yeah, we still cant get over your plan. you had US fooled!!" Olivia chimed in.

"yeah, it was a great plan wasnt it? i cant believe that after all the things i did to that nerd, how easy it was to have her believe i was her friend. the look on her face when i told her how much i hate her was priceless! talk about a Kodak moment!" Karina laughed. "i hope that nerd's will to live crumbles before me. i not only own her body and her pussy! i OWN HER MIND! soon, oh so soon, she will be my slave to do as i please. people like her deserves to be owned by me....."

Sasha ran into the room with an evil smile on her face. "you guys are never going to believe this!"

"what? tell us already!" Karina answered.

"i just saw Esmerelda in the Student Center with that Kim from my soriority! the way they were flirting with each other, it looks like Esmerelda might have a new friend! she was giggling and happy!" Sasha reported.

"so, our little nerd has hope in life again.....we cant have that now can we? i have a fun idea. do you really want to tease Esmerelda's mind?" Karina laughed.

Sasha, Tanya, Olivia and Vanessa all listened to Karina's plan. they couldnt wait to mess with Esmerelda's mind once again....

it was a Friday night and Esmerelda sat in her dorm room. she was looking over some notes in her sweatpants and white t-shirt when her mind began to wander. she enjoyed her meeting with Kim and hope that maybe they could hang out more. then she heard a knock on her door. she walked over to her door and as soon as she opened it, she was tackled to the ground by Sasha and Olivia closed the door. Esmerelda began to struggle, but it was no use. Sasha was much stronger and Olivia helped hold her down.

"BE STILL NERD!!!!" Sasha screamed.

"LET ME GO!!! HELMMMMMMPPPPPHHHHH!!!!!" Esmerelda tried to screamed as she felt a sock get stuffed in her mouth.

Sasha and Olivia tied Esmerelda's arms behind her back and bound her ankles. then then pulled her up and forced her to sit in a chair. Olivia pulled Esmerelda's head back by her ponytail and stared in Esmerelda's frightened eyes.

"LOOK NERD! be quiet or we will beat the shit out of you! much to our dismay, we are not here to tickle you. although i might still do it. i miss your feet! anyway, we are here to show you something. a little present from Karina!" Olivia told her.

Esmerelda sat still in her chair. if they werent here to tickle her, were they here to beat her up? she saw Sasha standing in front of her, then walk over to her TV and pulled a videotape out of her bag. Esmerelda watched as Sasha popped the tape in the VCR and pushed play.

"now watch and enjoy nerd......" Olivia told her.

Esmerelda watched the TV screen and the tape played. Esmerelda's eyes popped open as Karina's face appeared on the screen.

"Esmereeeeeeeelda! it's me, your MISTRESS! listen my little tickle slut, i miss you! where have you been? listen you pathetic nerd, i am going to make your life miserable. i will BREAK you and you will SERVE me. now, it came to my attention that you were happy and smiling. bad nerd! it appears you seem to have a new friend. Esmerelda, i know you like this new friend. i know you want to do certain things with this friend. i know you want to tie her down and tickle the living shit out of her! well guess what? you wont get that opportunity! she is MINE! behold...." Karina said.

Esmerelda watched the screen and saw her new friend Kim tied down on a massage table, her arms tied above her head, her legs tied down spreadeagled, blindfolded and had headphones on. Esmerelda could tell that Kim was scared out of her mind and could see her body tremble.

"now little Kimmy here doesnt even know who captured her. she cant see or hear anything. doesnt she look delicious though? Esmerelda, what you desire, is what i will have! doesnt she look so sensitive in her bra and panties? dont you just want to stroke your fingers all over her? like this....." Karina smiled as she lightly ran her fingers across Kim's navel.

Kim began to shriek as she felt fingers circling her belly. Kim couldnt see anything or hear anything, but her body could FEEL everything. the ticklish sensations shot through her body like electricity and she began to writhe. "PLEASE DONT TICKLE MEEEEEEE!!!!!" she shouted.

Karina then began to walk towards her armpits. Karina looked down at the smooth armpits and began to lightly flick her fingers on the vulnerable armpits. Kim shrieked in wild laughter again and Karina went to work. she dug her nails into the hollows and Kim let out a horrific scream of laughter that only seemed to fuel Karina even more. her fingers scurried rapidly across the pits and Kim thrashed wildly in her bonds. Karina then massaged her fingers deeper into the hollows and Kim begged for mercy.


Karina then leaned her head down and began to run her tongue across the armpits and Kim wailed away in laughter. Karina then saw the girl's heaving ribs and reached over and poked away. Kim began to giggle again as she felt fingers poking into her ribs. she didnt know who this was, but she prayed it would end soon.

Esmerelda watched the tape and couldnt believe what she was seeing. she saw her new friend, a girl she fantasized about tickling, getting tickled by perhaps the most evil woman in history. Esmerelda watched in awe as she saw Karina's fingers do their damage. she watched as how the fingers would dig into the exposed ribs and how Kim's body began to squirm. Esmerelda felt bad for Kim as she knew just how ruthless Karina could be when it comes to tickling. but as bad as she felt for Kim, Esmerelda also began to get turned on. watching Kim's body squirm under ticklish sensations made Esmerelda get aroused. in the back of her mind, she hoped Karina would tickle Kim over the edge.

"you see Esmerelda, look at this delicious young thing squirms beneath me. i know you want her! i know you wish it was YOUR fingers tickling these little ribbies dont you? but wait! look at that belly button! i bet it is sooooooo ticklish! let's find out!" Karina teased.

Kim shrieked in ticklish agony as she felt a finger plunge into her navel. she wished she could see who was doing this to her. her body was extra sensitive from being blindfolded and her hearing gone. all she could do was laugh away as her nerves were on edge.

Karina could see how much agony this was for Kim, then looked at the camera, winked, then tickled even harder in the belly button. she swirled her finger all around, sending Kim into silent laughter. Karina was starting to get into the tickling. she then looked down at Kim's feet and a cruel smile formed on her face. she walked over to the feet and looked at the camera. "well Esmerelda, what do we have here? why, it's Kim's feet! let's take off these flip flops, exposing her precious soles! oh my! look how soft these feet look!"

Esmerelda was in a trance as the camera zoomed in on Kim's soles. they were pale with the toes medium length. the skin looked very soft and supple and Esmerelda couldnt believe it. the feet she dreamed of were right there on her TV screen. she wished it was her that could tickle those feet. they were really cute.

"now, i wonder if these feet are ticklish. Esmerelda, do you think they are? i think so. let's find out?" Karina teased as she lightly traced the tip of her index finger across the sole of the foot. the foot wiggled wildly and Karina used her other hand to hold the foot still and continued to stroke her index finger across the sole. "my my my!!!! this foot is soooooooo soft! listen to her scream!"


Esmerelda watched in lust. those feet that she craved were indeed ticklish. she watched intently as Karina fingers stroked up and down the sole of the foot, circling in the arch, then raking along the ball of the foot. Esmerelda hoped Karina would go after the toes. Karina continued to torment the soft foot and Esmerelda began to actually enjoy it.

"wait! we have another feetsie to torment!" Karina teased as she attacked the other foot. her fingers scrabbled wildly over the sole and the room was filled with maniacal laughter. Karina really did enjoy tickling a woman. she loved how soft the foot was and kept up her tickling. she wanted to tease Esmerelda, but she couldnt help but feel thrilled herself just for tormenting Kim. it felt good to tease and tickle. she then looked at the wiggling toes and dug her fingers in between them, sending Kim into silent laughter again. then Karina looked at the camera again. "hey Esmerelda, wouldnt you love to do this?"

Esmerelda looked on as she saw Kim's big toe disappear into Karina's mouth. she watched as Karina began to suck on the ticklish digit and couldnt help but feel aroused. she wished she could touch herself, but her hands were still tied behind her back. her eyes never left the screen as she watched Karina suckle all of the toes.

Kim was still laughing but she also began to moan as she felt the warm tongue slither between her sensitive toes. one part of her wanted it to stop, but another part loved the feeling. she didnt know who was doing this to her, but she could tell it was a woman. her breathing began to get heavier from the toe sucking, but then she wailed away in laughter as she felt nails raking her soles once again. "PLEASE STOP!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH I CANT STAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHND IT ANYMOOOOOOOREHEHEHEHEHEHEHE! ANYTHING BUT MY HEHEHEHEHEHEHEFEEEEEEEEEHEHEHEHEEEEEET!!!!"

Karina stopped the foot tickling and smiled on Kim's words. "anything huh? hey Esmerelda, you heard her....she said ANYTHING....." Karina then walked towards Kim's chest and easily undid the clasp of her bra. she peeled away the cups of the bra, exposing Kim's breasts. Karina liked what she saw. the breasts were a size B, but well rounded and firm. she liked the light brown nipples and she casually flicked a finger across the nipple, then watched it grow stiff.

Esmerelda watched with her eyes wide open. she could tell Kim was getting aroused as Karina played with her nipples. she then saw Karina tickling under the breasts, only sending Kim into more hysterical laughter. she saw Kim's body writhing wildly on the table as her breasts were being teased. Esmerelda wished it was her that was there. her fantasy was being played out in front of her, but she wished it wasnt Karina doing the tickling. the way the nipples stood at attention really got Esmerelda going. she then saw Karina stopped the breast tickling. from experience, Esmerelda knew what was next and she gulped.

"now, i think its time for a little.....pussy....tickling." Karina teased then brought out some scissors. she then began to cut away at the panties and saw Kim's body freeze up.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!!! OH PLEASE DONT TICKLE ME THERE!!!! PLEASE!!!! NOT THERE!!!!!" Kim begged. she enjoyed the breast teasing and the toe sucking, but she could only imagine what was going to happen to her most private area.

Karina peeled away the panties, exposing Kim's mound. Karina took in the smell and it smelled sweet. Kim was shaven except for a small tuft of hair above her mound. Karina looked at the camera once more. "ooooh!!! was a sweet looking pussy. remember when i had YOUR pussy Esmerelda? remember how i teased it....tickled i made you cum? i think it's time for Kimmy here to cum her brains out! just like i will make you do again soon! now, here pussy pussy pussy!!!"

Esmerelda watched in anticipation as she saw Karina's fingers carressing the "lips" of the mound and listened as Kim shrieked. Karina's words filled Esmerelda's mind as she did remember what it was like to have her pussy teased and made to cum. Esmerelda couldnt believe what she was watching. she watched intensely as Karina continued to tease the pussy before her.

Kim began to moan as the light teasing was sending over the edge. she felt fingers poking in and out of her mound and she began to buck her hips. goosebumps formed on her body when she felt warm breath blow across her mound and she shivered.

"look at how wet she has become! such a juicy pussy! time for her to really cum...." Karina laughed as she continued to tickle the womanhood in front of her. Karina then began to lick the clitoris hard and Kim was already moaning wildly.

Esmerelda was on edge. she still was in shock over what she was watching. she looked at Karina's tongue licking and tasting Kim's genitals and her own womanhood began to get wet. she saw Kim arching her back and the moans got louder, then she could tell that Kim just had a massive orgasm. Esmerelda was in a trance as she got to see Kim's love juices squirting out from her and onto Karina's face.

"oooh, she's a squirter isnt she? i love squirters....looks like Kimmy is bye bye now....." Karina teased as she watched Kim lay perfectly still in orgasmic bliss. Karina then looked at the camera. "oh Esmerelda...i just took what you wanted. soon my pathetic nerd, will have you again. you WILL serve me. you will be my PROPERTY! and there's nothing you can do to stop me.......see you soon.....NERD."

the camera went blank and Sasha stopped the tape and took it out. Olivia then began to untie Esmerelda's arms but kept her legs bound. both of them looked at Esmerelda with a smile.

"did you enjoy that nerd? i bet you did...." Sasha smiled.

"but soon, oh so soon, that dumpy body of yours will be in Karina's clutches again. next time, she wont show no mercy. i personally cant wait to have at those feet of yours again...." Olivia teased.

Sasha then got in Esmerelda's face. "just remember nerd, there is no one that's going to save you. nobody likes you. you are just one pathetic waste of human life. you DESERVE to be humiliated. it is your destiny......bitch!" Sasha said as she slapped Esmerelda.

Esmerelda held her cheek as she watched the two girls leave. she couldnt believe what Sasha told her as the words stung. Esmerelda didnt know what to think. she just sat back in the chair and contemplated her life. she didnt know how she was going to fix her life. she was getting afraid that Karina just might be right.......
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Post by Soraka »


Esmerelda sat in her room, trying to concentrate on her chemistry notes. She had a midterm coming up and knew she had to concentrate. concentration has been difficult for her over the past few weeks as her mind was riddled with stress, fear and very vivid memories. Esmerelda looked up from her notebook and gazed at the wall. she began to remember the events of this semester. her life was in turmoil all because of one particular individual and her cohorts. Esmerelda wondered how did she ever get involved in Karina's life. ever since she first met Karina, that fateful day when she ran into Karina in the science building and spilled root beer on Karina's blouse, Esmerelda has been tortured and humiliated on many occassions. Karina discovered a weakness on Esmerelda and exploited it every chance she got. she tickled tortured Esmerelda's body from her head to her tiny toes. Esmerelda shuddered when she remembered Karina even playing with her most private parts, her breasts and her vagina. until Karina, Esmerelda never experienced an orgasm. now, she felt orgasms many times and Esmerelda shook her head. she never asked Karina to give her an orgasm and she hated being tormented, but she began to love the orgasmic feeling. her body went to cloud 10 whenever she was brought to climax. Esmerelda didnt know what to feel. she knew that she shouldnt have to go through that kind of erotic humiliation, but another part of her liked it a whole lot.

Esmerelda's own humiliation wasnt even the entire story. Karina had tormented some of her friends as well. her friend Leslie, who was expelled from school, also felt the ticklish wrath of Karina. even a new friend of hers, Kim from her class, also went through the erotic tickling torment, as Esmerelda was forced to watch that torment on videotape that was designed for her. Esmerelda did smile a little as she remembered that Karina, as well as her evil gang, also went through the torture. but it was a vicious cycle and Esmerelda was usually on the losing end. a tear formed in her eye again when she remembered when Karina suckered her into becoming a friend, only to turn on her in front of an entire sorority and humiliated her by tickling her and forcing her to cum in front of the sorority. but the part that really hurt was when Karina looked her square in the eyes and told her that she hated her. that statement broke Esmerelda's heart as she couldnt believe someone could be so mean to her and was actually trying to break her will to live and become some kind of slave. Esmerelda let a tear fall as she recalled that Karina said she owns her feet, her pussy and her mind. more tears began to fall as she thought about her ordeal.

"why me? why *sob* is she doing this to me?....i never did *sob* did anything to her...." Esmerelda asked herself as the tears flowed freely. "why does she want to hurt me?..."

the phone rang and Esmerelda's head turned sharply towards the phone. she began to wipe the tears from her eyes and reached over to the phone. she picked it up and held it to her ear, her eyes reddened by her crying. "h-hello?" Esmerelda answered. "oh hi.....nothing, just studying. tonight? that's right, we do need to get the experiment done. okay, i'll be there in 20 minutes. bye..." Esmerelda hung up the phone. it was her lab partner Miko, and she had to get a particular chemistry experiment done for another class. Esmerelda looked in a mirror and tried her best to fix her eyes. she didnt want anyone to know her pain. she grabbed her backpack and left her room.

Esmerelda made it to her laboratory and saw her friend Miko. Miko was a cute Asian girl, who stood about 4'11' tall and probably weighed 100 pounds, and that was probably a stretch. she had long black hair that made it to her waist and she was wearing her lab coat and on her feet, she wore a pair of Nike sneakers. Miko saw Esmerelda and waved. Esmerelda walked over to her and a smile formed on her face. Miko was always smiling and full of energy. she was also very intelligient and she and Esmerelda made the best team in the class. Esmerelda sat her backpack down and greeted Miko.

"Hey Miko, what's happening?" Esmerelda asked.

"not much. just want to get this experiment resolved. what about you? is everything okay? your eyes look red." Miko asked with concern.

"it's nothing, i'm just tired." Esmerelda lied.

"oh, okay. smile! do something! after all, we ARE in a chemistry lab right? this placed is filled with fun! smile!" Miko said, then she reached forward and poked Esmerelda in the ribs.

"hee hee, dont!" Esmerelda giggled playfully as she tried to stop Miko's fingers. "i'm ticklish!"

"i see! you're so cute Esmerelda! c'mon, let's get to work." Miko told her.

Over the next few hours, Esmerelda and Miko worked on their experiment and after a few attempts, their experiment finally worked. both girls were excited as they completed an experiment they had been working on for days. Miko then raised her hands in the air and looked at Esmerelda.

"HI FIVE!!!" Miko screamed.

Esmerelda laughed and completed the "hi five" with Miko. they then began to wrap up their work station and when they finished, they packed up their things and left the lab. they got outside the building and Miko looked up at the stars.

"wow! what a pretty night! the stars are out and i think i can see every one of them!" Miko said.

"yeah, it does look nice out tonight." Esmerelda replied.

"well, got to get home. tomorrow is going to be another busy day and i still have to do a term paper. sometimes i think professors think that we have no other classes but their own. why? why do they torment us Esmerelda? WHY?!! TELL ME!!! I NEED TO KNOW!!!!" Miko screamed playfully.

"you're so silly.....but i agree. we do have a lot of work to do.." Esmerelda smiled.

"well have a good night Esmerelda! i will see you in class tomorrow! and, if i dont see you smiling tomorrow, i am going to pin you down and......TICKLE you until you cant take it anymore!!!!!" Miko laughed as she wiggled her fingers towards Esmerelda.

"hey!! you are so silly!" Esmerelda smiled.

"here comes the tickle monster!!!" Miko laughed as she tried to tickle Esmerelda's ribs

"stop it Miko! i'm really ticklish!" Esmerelda giggled.

"i can tell!!! wow, i bet i could get any information i want out of you! anyway, i will see you tomorrow okay?" Miko told her.

"yeah, i will see you tomorrow. have a good night!" Esmerelda replied. she watched Miko walk away and smiled. she knew Miko was being playful about the tickling, but the thought of getting tickled again only brought her memories of Karina's torment. Esmerelda tried not to think about it and walked back home.

Esmerelda laid in her bed and was sound asleep. her emotions made her very tired and she needed the rest. Esmerelda then heard her phone ring and she began to stir. her droopy eyes looked at her alarm clock and it read 2 am. her hand groggily reached for the phone and picked it up. Esmerelda wondered who in the world was calling her this early in the morning. her first class was at 8am. she pulled the phone next to her lips and answered. "hello...." she mumbled groggily.


Esmerelda's eyes popped wide open as she recognized the voice. her heart began to race as that voice was that of Karina's.

"ESMERELDA!!! ANSWER ME NERD!" Karina screamed.

"w-what do you want?" Esmerelda's voice shook.

"good! i hope that i woke you up! Nerds are not supposed to sleep! anyway, get that dumpy body out of bed and meet me in the women's athletic training room in 15 minutes. if you are not there, i will personally find you and torment you in ways you never thought possible. this is not an option nerd, this is a COMMAND! dont test me......" Karina threatened.

"i'm not even dressed...." Esmerelda whined.

"like i never seen you naked before. GET OVER THERE NOW!!!!" Karina shouted, then hung up the phone.

Esmerelda's eyes were wide open. she knew Karina meant business and knew she had no choice. as she fumbled to put her clothes on, her mind began to race. what was Karina up to? why did she have to see her this late at night? Esmerelda knew she had to go because if Karina planned a trap to torment her there, if she avoided it, Karina was going to trap her somewhere else. Esmerelda began to tear up again as she realized that there was nothing she could do. she tied her shoes and left her room. she knew that something not pleasant was going to happen and she began to cry again.

Esmerelda made it to the athletic complex and noticed the door to the women's training room was open. Esmerelda tried wiping away any tears she had and was resigned to her fate. she began to mentally prepare herself for whatever Karina had in mind. she walked through the door and she held her head down, almost like a beaten dog.

"ESMERELDA!!!!! so wonderful of you to join us!!" Karina laughed.

Esmerelda lifted her head and saw Karina standing in front of her. her eyes went around the room and she saw Karina's "clan" that consisted of Tanya, Vanessa, Olivia and Sasha. each of them also had their opportunities to torment her. she noticed they were all smiling at her like vultures awaiting their prey.

"look everyone! our little supernerd here looks like she has been crying!" Karina laughed. "what's wrong nerd? why are you so sad?"

"what do you want Karina?" Esmerelda mumbled.

"LOOK AT ME!!!" Karina shouted. when she saw Esmerelda's reddened eyes look at her, a smile formed on her face. she loved the power she had over Esmerelda. she enjoyed every moment of watching Esmerelda's will crumble. "wipe your eyes nerd!"

Esmerelda wiped her eyes and gazed at Karina again. she was once again, face to face with the most evil woman on Earth and knew tonight was not going to be any fun. "yes Karina?"

"first of all, you still look pathetic as ever! Esmerelda, you have to be the ugliest nerd i have ever seen! if it wasnt for my lips making you cum your brains out, you would never know what it's like. you really should thank me. thank me nerd!!!" Karina demanded.

Esmerelda let a tear fall. she was outnumbered 5 to 1 and she wanted this to end quickly. "thank you....."

"That's better. but, i will say that your body is very sweet. in fact, it has been a while since i tasted your sweet pussy. i bet you are wondering why we brought you here, huh nerd?" Karina smiled.

Esmerelda knew her fate was coming. her head dropped and she tried to hold back the tears. she knew she was going to be the playtoy of Karina tonight and her vicious cycle of torment was going to begin. "no....." she mumbled.

"WILL YOU LOOK AT ME YOU STUPID BITCH!!!" Karina screamed. when Esmerelda's eyes met hers, she smiled again. "you still need to learn Esmerelda. what did i tell you about having friends? us 5 women are the ONLY friends you should have! you have been a BAD NERD! i heard about you smiling earlier tonight. you were actually having a pleasant conversation with someone tonight!"

Esmerelda's eyes shot open. she must have been speaking about Miko! "huh?"

"dont play dumb with me Esmerelda! you were having a conversation and being happy. that's not what i want to hear or see..." Karina told her.

"you were spying on me?" Esmerelda asked.

"Esmerelda, i will know EVERYTHING you do. you would be amazed how many people i know. you will not be able to take a shit without me knowing about it. i told you that you are my property and i always watch what belongs to me....." Karina laughed.

Esmerelda couldnt believe her ears. Karina was truly trying to destroy her life. "what are you going to do to me?"

"Ah, yes, punishment. well nerd, you remember what happened to Kim dont you?" Karina asked. when she saw Esmerelda's eyes pop open, she had her right where she wanted her. "well, i have taken the liberties and decided to teach that Miko chick a lesson she will never forget!"

"what did you do to Miko?!" Esmerelda shouted.

"behold nerd....." Karina then nodded to Sasha who then pulled a sheet off of a massage table.

on the table, Miko was strapped down on the table. her wrists were above her head and her ankles were strapped down with leather cuffs. on her head, Miko's eyes were covered with a blindfold, her ears were covered with headphones and a bright red ballgag filled her mouth. Miko realized the cover was removed and began to squirm. Esmerelda watched Miko on the table and couldnt believe her eyes.

"you kidnapped Miko?!!! why?!!!" Esmerelda asked.

"because, she's your friend. anyone that associates with you will learn a brutal lesson. the good thing is, she has no idea who kidnapped her. she cant see, hear or even beg. i think she needs to learn a ticklish lesson of talking to Karina's nerd...." Karina smiled.

"you cant do that!!! she's innocent! i barely know her!! you cant do this to her!! leave her alone!!!" Esmerelda shouted.

"first of all, SHUT UP! second of all, she is going to get tickled beyond her wildest dreams. and third, i am NOT going to tickle her..." Karina smiled.

"you're not?" Esmerelda asked.

"no, but YOU are....." Karina laughed.

"me? i'm not going to tickle her!"

Karina put her face into Esmerelda's. "oh YES you are!!! if you dont, then i will have to torment YOU and still tickle her anyway! either way, Miko will get it. now, do you want to join her? plus, remembered how she wanted to tickle you? now is your chance to get her back...." Karina threatened.

Esmerelda didnt know what to say. she has experienced many ticklings from Karina and has even watched Karina torment others. but now Karina was going to make her torture her own friend! Esmerelda looked over at Miko and she felt terrible. Miko was an innocent victim and now because of her association with her, Miko was going to be tormented. she didnt know Miko that well, they were just classroom friends. Esmerelda's mind raced with shame. she knew that Miko was going to suffer, but if she didnt do what Karina asked, she was going to get tormented as well.

"well NERD, get going! we dont have all night...." Karina commanded.

Esmerelda walked over towards Miko's trapped body and looked at her friend. Miko wore a pink t-shirt that had a "happy face" on it, white shorts and she still had her Nike's on with ankle socks. Esmerelda didnt even know where to begin.

"Hey nerd, if you dont do a good job, then i will torment you to show you how it's done. so, make this good or there will be hell to pay. tickle her ribs first!"

Esmerelda shook her head and knew she had to do this. she poked Miko's ribs and Miko squirmed. Esmerelda poked the ribs again and she heard a muffled giggle.

"Esmerelda, remove her ballgag. i want to hear her beg....." Karina laughed.

Esmerelda did what she was told and removed the gag. Miko immediately began to beg for mercy.

"PLEASE!!! PLEASE DONT HURT ME!!! LET ME GO!!! PLEASE!!!!" Miko screamed.

Esmerelda felt bad for her. with great reluctancy, she resumed her rib poking. Miko's body began to squirm and when Esmerelda poked the space in between her ribs, a squeal came out.


Esmerelda then plunged her fingers in Miko's ribs and Miko went insane. her ribs were very sensitive and with her eyes blindfolded and her ears covered, her other senses were on high alert and made her body even more sensitive to touch. Esmerelda's fingers probed over her ribcage and Miko went nuts. more horrific laughter poured from her lips and her body thrashed about. Esmerelda dug even harder into the ribs and Miko went nuts. her laughter filled the room as Esmerelda continued to tickle the ribs. Esmerelda was amazed on how ticklish Miko was. she remembered that Miko wanted to tickle her, but yet she was so sensitive. Esmerelda's mind began to race as she was now getting into the tickling. seeing Miko's smile and hearing her laughter made her want to tickle more. her fingers probed, squeezed, massaged and tormented the ribs and Miko went ballistic. Esmerelda had this tiny girl under her power and a smile formed on her face. then, the smile went away when she heard Karina's voice.

"cut off her shirt and tickle her armpits...." Karina commanded.

Esmerelda looked at Karina with pleading eyes, but it was no use. she saw Olivia handing her some scissors and she knew what she had to do. she then began to cut the shirt off and when she sliced the shirt up through the middle, she peeled the shirt off, exposing Miko's bra.

" more tickling....please stop....i beg you..." Miko whimpered.

Esmerelda's heart sank as her fingers went to the smooth, hairless armpits and lightly stroked them. Miko's body tensed up and when Esmerelda lightly scrabbled her fingers across the smooth surface, Miko exploded in delirious laughter. Esmerelda was amazed that this much noise could come out of such a small body. her fingers then began to dig into Miko's armpits and she was still amazed on how soft the skin was. she looked at Miko's lips stretched wide open and hearing the laughter come out like a fine wine. Esmerelda felt Miko's body squirming in pure agony and her tickling continued.

"use your tongue on her armpits...." Karina commanded.

Esmerelda lowered her head and then licked Miko's armpit, which only sent the Asian girl into hysteria. Esmerelda's tongued glid over the smooth surface and a rush of electricity shot through Esmerelda's own body. hearing Miko laugh and feeling the soft skin on her tongue made her get into it. while she licked one armpit with her tongue, her fingers scrabbled wildly with the other armpit. Miko then went into silent laughter as the sensation of taste buds on her armpit drove her insane. she could only hope the torment ended. she didnt know why this was happening to her, but she hoped that it would stop soon.

"tickle her tummy Esmerelda...." Karina told her.

Esmerelda's tongue licked the armpit one more time, then she headed towards Miko's stomach. she saw Miko panting heavily as the tickling was wearing her down. Esmerelda gazed at Miko's tiny body and looked at her bra. Esmerelda saw Miko's nipples erect and poking through the bra. could Miko actually be getting turned on by this torment? Esmerelda recalled her own feelings when being tickled and knew it was possible. she made it to Miko's stomach and noticed that the skin looked very soft. she lightly began to stroke her fingers across the soft skin and Miko began to plead.

"NO!!!! NOT MY TUMMY!!!! NOOHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHAAA!" Miko exploded as she felt fingers tickling her belly.

Esmerelda continued to lightly tickle the stomach and listened to Miko's screams for mercy. Esmerelda dug her fingers deep into the belly and noticed Miko went into hysterical screams. she noticed the cute "innie" belly button and her finger began to probe the navel. Miko screamed as though she was shocked with electricity. ticklish sensations ripped through her nervous system and she went nuts as Esmerelda's finger probed her bellybutton. Esmerelda couldnt believe how sensitive she was in her navel and to her surprise, a smile formed on her face. Esmerelda started to laugh a little as she listened to Miko's delirious laughter. an idea came to her head and she then used her tongue to probe, slurp and suck the sensitive navel. this only sent Miko into another stratosphere. she felt tastebuds sliding across her sensitive belly button and it drove her insane. Esmerelda then began to blow a few rasberries on Miko's belly and was rewarded with even more hysterical laughter. she then began to blow rasberries on the ribs and Miko just squealed like a pig. while she blew rasberries, she used her fingers to "lobsterclaw" Miko's sides and Miko went through the roof. Esmerelda continued her tickling and hearing Miko's laughter only made her want to torment her more.

"very good i think it is time to explore her tiny feet..." Karina commanded.

Esmerelda snapped back to reality and heard Karina's command. she walked over towards the foot of the table and saw Miko's feet wiggling. she listended to Miko trying to catch her breath.

"why...why are you doing this...." Miko begged.

"Esmerelda, i want you to slowly untie her shoes and remove them. make her suffer just from making her feet bare. do a good job nerd...." Karina laughed.

Esmerelda grabbed the tip of the shoelace with her thumb and index finger and slowly tugged on it. she saw the knot disappear and she saw Miko's foot wiggle.

"not the feet...please..whoever you are...please not the feet...." Miko begged.

Esmerelda continued to unlace the shoe, then she grabbed the heel of the Nike and with a gentle tug, the heel of the shoe popped off the foot, exposing Miko's socked heel. Esmerelda then pulled the shoe off and now Miko's socked foot was exposed. Esmerelda then began to unlace the other shoe and she pulled the shoe off, but let the top part of the heel of the shoe, glide across the sock covered sole, which made Miko giggle. Esmerelda then began to peel the socks off, one in each hand and saw the soft, coffee colored skin of Miko's feet get exposed. the soft rounded heel was exposed, then the arches, then the ball of the foot, then the long toes were exposed. Miko winced as she felt the cool air hit her exposed feet. her long toes began to flex and she knew she was in trouble. Esmerelda looked at the small feet, probably a size 5 and was amazed. Miko's feet looked so soft. she looked back at Karina, and when Karina nodded, Esmerelda lightly raced her fingers up the soles and Miko screamed.


Esmerelda's fingers then rapidly scurried across the tender soles. Miko's feet began to wiggle wildly, so Esmerelda decided to concentrate on one foot at a time. she held back Miko's toes, forcing the sole to become taut, then raked her fingers up and down the sole. Esmerelda knew Miko was in ticklish hell as the screams she was hearing could only be from hell. Esmerelda liked the soft skin and saw her nails sinking into the ticklish foot flesh. she managed to find a particular sensitive spot, right where the ball of the foot and the arch meet in the middle of the foot and concentrated at that point. her finger poked, then scratched and then lightly stroked that spot and Miko's screams were deafining. Esmerelda then began to tickle the tender arch and Miko continued her ticklish laughs. Esmerelda then looked at the long toe stems and decided to run her fingers on the bottoms of the toes. Miko exploded again and when Esmerelda probed between the toes and into the soft webbing that was there, the laughter went silent as Esmerelda hit Miko's sweet spot on her foot.

"Looks like you found her most ticklish spot Esmerelda....good job! now i want you to suck her toes...." Karina commanded.

Esmerelda looked at Karina, then looked at Miko's other foot. she went over to the other foot, wrapped her hands around the sole, then took all five of Miko's long toes and wrapped her lips around them. the laughter from Miko was out of this world as Esmerelda then sucked the big toe. Miko's mind was turning to mush as she felt a tongue slithering around her big toe. Esmerelda began to suck each toe and let her tongue slip in and out of the toe crevices, only to get more torturous laughter from Miko. the feeling of Miko's wiggling toes felt nice inside her mouth and Esmerelda then licked the bottom of Miko's sole. she heard a laugh, but she also heard a moan. so did Karina....

"looks like little Miko here likes the tickling.....Esmerelda, tickle her titties!!! let's see how much she does like it..." Karina commanded.

Esmerelda hoped that she wouldnt have to do that. she hoped she would just tickle Miko, not tickle her sexually. she wanted to tell Karina "no", but knew she would be tormented. it was a matter of "better her than me" thoughts and Esmerelda went towards Miko's chest. she looked back and saw Miko's toes covered with her saliva and now she knew this was going to be even more crazy. she unclasped the bra and pulled the bra off, exposing Miko's breasts. she heard a *gasp* from Miko and she knew exactly how Miko felt. Esmerelda looked at the "A" cup breasts, with the light brown nipples and knew what she had to do. she squeezed the tiny breasts and Miko began to giggle. Esmerelda then flicked the erect nipples and Miko moaned even more.

"that's right Esmerelda, tickle those teensy weensy titties. make move to them...." Karina smiled.

Esmerelda continued to tickle the nipples and saw goosebumps forming on Miko's body. she closed her eyes and began to lick the nipples and she felt Miko's body shake with pleasure. her tongue circled around the nipples and then concentrated on licking the very tip of the nipple which made Miko giggle, but also moan.

" so......good......why..." Miko moaned.

Esmerelda then began to licked the nipples harder and also began to lightly tickle Miko's sides with her fingers. Esmerelda began to get caught up in the moment as listening to Miko's sweet giggles and hearing her moan started to get her turned on. Esmerelda continued to lick and suck Miko's breasts until she heard Karina's voice once again.

"now, it is time to play with her pussy....." Karina told her.

Esmerelda snapped back to reality and what Karina said filled her mind. Esmerelda didnt want to touch Miko in her private spot. Miko was still an innocent victim and didnt deserve to be tickled in her womanhood. "Karina, please....she's had enough already. can we let her go?"

"my dear, Miko is not done until I say she is done! i want to see her cum! now Esmerelda, do you want to make her cum, or do i make YOU cum?!" Karina told her.

Esmerelda knew what she had to do. she walked over to Miko's shorts and began to unbutton the shorts. she pulled the zipper down and flipped open the short flaps.

"not there....please dont tease me there....." Miko whimpered.

Esmerelda's heart sank. she has tickled a woman's pussy before, but that was out of revenge. guilt filled her body as she was going to make Miko have an orgasm and get completely humiliated. Esmerelda's eyes filled with tears, but she knew she had to do this. she then pulled down the shorts and saw Miko's panties. Esmerelda looked up and saw Olivia with the scissors again. Esmerelda took the scissors and began to cut away the shorts so that she could fully pull them off, then she began to cut away at the panties. she pulled open the panties, and she looked at Miko's exposed pussy. she heard Karina and the other girls hooping and hollering once the pussy was exposed. Esmerelda looked at the slightly moist mound and saw the pubic hair.

"please......dont tease me....." Miko begged.

"Esmerelda?" Karina asked.

Esmerelda turned around and saw Karina staring at her. "yes?"

"shave her......" Karina cooed.

Esmerelda's head dropped as she knew she had to shave poor Miko. Tanya came over and handed her some shaving cream and a razor. she then sprayed the shaving cream on the moist mound and saw Miko shiver. she saw Miko's body responding to her as she rubbed the shaving cream all over the mound.

"why....please stop....i dont want to be shaved......please....." Miko whimpered.

"Karina, can we stop please? she's had enough..." Esmerelda asked.

"Keep going nerd. you heard her moan. she wants us to make her cum. watch.." Karina replied. "SHAVE HER!!!!"

Esmerelda then began to use the razor and shaved off Miko's pubic hair. Esmerelda was careful not to cut Miko and when she was finished, Karina came over and collected the clippings. Esmerelda began to wipe away the mound and she saw Miko's bald mound.

"just needed to keep her pussy hairs as a souvenier!!! now tickle that pussy nerd!!!" Karina laughed.

Esmerelda then began to tlightly stroke her fingers around Miko's freshly shaven vagina and she exploded in laughter. Esmerelda was amazed that even her vagina was ticklish. her fingers danced all around the mound and Miko just laughed and laughed. her body began to squirm and she even began to try and hump Esmerelda's fingers.

"please....take me....stop teasing me.....please.....if you are going to fuck me, do it...i need to cum....." Miko moaned.

"see? i told you....." Karina laughed at Esmerelda.

Esmerelda couldnt believe her ears. Miko wanted to her to make her cum, and Esmerelda understood why. she was in this position many times and knew Miko's body must have been on fire. Esmerelda then used her fingers to tickle Miko's "lips" and Miko moaned even more.

"use your tongue Esmerelda......" Karina told her.

Esmerelda shook her head, then she lowered it and her the tip of her tongue tasted Miko's sweet lips and Miko's body shivered. Esmerelda closed her eyes and let her tongue slid over the mound and found the clit. she licked it, then she felt something warm and sweet smelling on her lips. she heard a loud moan and opened her eyes. Miko was in ectasy and cumming her brains out. Esmerelda looked at the wet pussy and saw love juices pouring out. she just made Miko cum and from the looks of Miko's mouth, it was a huge orgasm. Esmerelda then heard applause.

"VERY GOOD NERD!!!! wow, that was FANTASTIC!!!! look at her cum her brains out! you did well Esmerelda! in fact, i think it is time you had an orgasm tonight!" Karina told her.

"what?!!! i did what you said! i tickled her and made her cum!" Esmerelda shouted.

"relax nerd, i am not going to make you cum. Miko is! take off your shorts and panties and sit on her face. put your pussy on her lips." Karina instructed.

"huh? are you crazy?" Esmerelda told her.

"DONT DEFY ME NERD! DO IT!!!" Karina bellowed.

Esmerelda began to whimper as she removed her shorts and panties. now she was naked from the waist down and she climbed on the massage table and straddled Miko's mouth. Miko moaned as she felt Esmerelda's vagina on her lips. Esmerelda closed her eyes with shame as she felt Miko's warm breath on her pussy. Karina then went to the foot of the table and began to tickle Miko's feet. Miko began to laugh and Esmerelda felt her laughter flowing across her vagina. it felt good and her eyes closed again. Miko kept laughing as she felt fingers scurrying across her tender delicate feet and figured she had to use her tongue. she began to taste a vagina on her mouth and licked even harder. the tickling stopped and she knew she had to taste what was in front of her mouth. when her tongue touched Esmerelda's clit, Esmerelda let out a moan and she felt a wave of pleasure ripping through her body. Miko's tongue found that right spot and before Esmerelda could realize, she began explode as she had an orgasm. Esmerelda's body shuddered as the orgasm washed over her and she let herself slide off of Miko's body and onto the floor. she laid on the mats and heard laughter.

"very good nerd.....see, i gave you a reward." Karina laughed. she then put her face into Esmerelda's. "listen nerd and listen good. i managed to videotape this entire incident. i will watch this over and over for my own enjoyment. plus, it would be a shame if this ever got out into the public huh? i own you Esmerelda and you will do my bidding. you are MINE Nerd. we'll take Miko home tonight, but you walk home. see you later nerd...." Karina laughed as she patted Esmerelda's head.

Esmerelda looked up and saw Karina's gang untie Miko and carry her off. Esmerelda stood up and looked around the room. she couldnt belive Karina made her tickle torture someone, then videotaped it to blackmail her. Esmerelda's eyes teared up again. a grim realization began to hit her as it seemed as though Karina did own her. she didnt know how she was going to stop Karina and didnt know what was going to happen to her next. Esmerelda left the room in tears knowing her life was in shambles.....
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Post by Soraka »


Esmerelda left her class and felt a little satisfied. she just finished a midterm and was confident she did well. as she left the class, her lab partner, Miko, approached her. Esmerelda's mind flashed back to that one night that she was forced to tickle torture Miko. Miko had a smile on her face and Esmerelda wondered how Miko felt. unfortunately, she couldnt ask Miko as Miko had no clue it was her.

"Hey Esmerelda, what's up?" Miko asked.

"nothing much. that midterm was difficult, but i think i did okay." Esmerelda replied.

"yeah, i think i did okay too...." Miko mumbled as her eyes wandered off.

"You okay?" Esmerelda asked.

"I'm's just that...ah, never mind." Miko told her.

"what's wrong? you can tell me..." Esmerelda told her, placing her hand on her shoulder.

"it's nothing Esmerelda. i just had something happen to me that i cant get off my mind." Miko told her.

Esmerelda's stomach sank. she had a feeling she knew what this was about. "is it something you can talk about?"

"it's nothing terrible, just, um, weird. i-i can tell you at another time. i have to go. have a good weekend Esmerelda..." Miko told her.

"you to you later." Esmerelda replied, then gave her a hug. Esmerelda watched Miko walk away and she knew exactly what Miko was thinking. she felt bad for her friend, especially since it is partly her fault. if it wasnt for her, Karina would have never tormented Miko. Esmerelda shook her head and headed back to her dorm room.

Esmerelda walked into her room and noticed her answering machine light blinking. she grimaced as she figured it was Karina on the machine. Esmerelda hoped it wasnt her tormentor because she just wanted to relax this weekend and get some homework done. she nervously pressed the "play" button on her machine, then her face had a smile.

"Hello honey!! this is your papa! i just wanted to call because your mother and i want to drive down to see you this weekend. give us a call and let us know okay? thanks, i love you." Esmerelda's father voice said.

Esmerelda was thrilled! she hasnt seen her parents for several months and she missed them dearly. especially now that her personal life was in shambles. she immediately picked up the phone and called her parents. with a great deal of excitement, she told them she couldnt wait for them to visit her. she hung up the phone and a huge smile formed on her face. she hasnt been this excited in a long time.

Saturday afternoon arrived and Esmerelda looked around her room and made sure it was very clean. she kept singing songs to herself as she freshened up as her adrenaline was flowing freely. she planned to spend the rest of the day with her parents and show them around town and have lunch and dinner with them. she sat on her bed and anxiously looked at her clock. she then heard a knock on her door and she nearly sprinted over to the door. she opened the door and there stood her parents!

"MAMA!!!! PAPA!!!!" Esmerelda shrieked as she hugged both her parents.

"hola mija! so GOOOOOOOOD to see you!!" her father told her as he held his daughter in his arms.

"i missed you two SO MUCH!!" Esmerelda told them.

"ay, my beautiful daughter. you get more beautiful by the day. give your mama a kiss!" her mother told her.

Esmerelda blushed. " i love you mom! i dont know about the beautiful part, but thank you."

"nonsense! any daughter of Armando Lopez is the MOST beautiful young woman in the world!" her father told her.

"thank you papi!! come in, sit down!" Esmerelda said excitedly.

the next hour flew by as Esmerelda's parents and her caught up on all the things going back on in Esmerelda's hometown. Esmerelda got caught up on the stories of her neighbors and childhood friends. she then told them about her time in college and how she was doing. she definitely wanted to leave out her adventures with Karina as she didnt want to embarrass herself. despite her frail mindset, seeing her parents did wonders for her heart.

"okay mija, where can we go to eat? i want to take two beautiful women out for some lunch." Armando asked.

"aye, your father is so funny. but, i am a little hungry. where should we go Ezzie?" her mother asked.

Esmerelda thought for a moment and then remembered a nice cafe that she liked. she told her parents and they agreed. they all stood up and right when they opened the door, a person stood there, preparing to knock. Esmerelda's eyes popped out of her head and her heart sank. Karina was at her door with a huge smile.

"Esmerelda!!!! how are you?!!" Karina said with joy in her voice.

"Karina?" Esmerelda said in shock.

"hello there! Esmerelda, who is this?" Armando asked.

"Mom, Dad. this is...Karina.." Esmerelda mumbled. she did not want this evil woman anywhere near her family.

"hello there! my name is Karina and i am one of Esmerelda's closest friends!!! Now Esmerelda, why didnt you tell me that your parents were here?" Karina said in a sweet voice.

"they just got here..." Esmerelda mumbled. she wanted Karina to go away at this point.

"nice to meet you Karina! my name is Armando Lopez and this is my wife Isabella! nice to meet you Karina! Esmerelda, how come you never told us about her?" Armando asked his daughter.

"i-i dont know..." Esmerelda mumbled. she couldnt believe this was happening.

"it is my pleasure to meet you Mr. Lopez. i dont want to put her on the spot, but she is such a wonderful person. she has helped me in class and she is such a brainiac!" Karina said sweetly.

"that's my baby!! she is the first in our family to go to college! i am also glad to know my daughter has such great friends! say Karina, would you like to join us for lunch?" Armando asked.

"WHAT?!!! NO!!!! i mean, Karina is a really busy girl and i am sure she has something else to do." Esmerelda told her parents.

"actually, i am free the rest of the day. THANK YOU Mr. Lopez for the invite. i would *LOVE* to come...." Karina smiled, then winked at Esmerelda.

"then it's settled. let's go get something to eat!" Armando exclaimed, then hugged his daughter and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

a chill ripped through Esmerelda's spine as she now had to endure spending time with her parents with Satan's wife. she walked out of the room and noticed Karina smiling evilly at her. Esmerelda was in shock. this could not be possibly be happening.

Esmerelda, her parents and Karina all sat at a table in a Cafe, eating lunch. It was an italian themed restaurant and everyone enjoyed their meals. Esmerelda lost her energy as she couldnt believe she was sitting next to Karina and they were spending time together with HER parents. she felt sick to her stomach as Karina managed to turn a joyous event into a long, torturous session. her parents had no idea what the history has been between her and Karina.

"Mija, what's wrong? you feelin' okay?" Armando asked.

"i'm okay. i was just thinking about my midterm yesterday...." Esmerelda lied.

"i am sure you did just fine! Karina, did Esmerelda ever tell you the time when she was little and her pants got caught on a tack in the floor and they ripped off of her when she had to go to the front of the class?" Armando smiled.

"PAPI!!!!" Esmerelda shouted in embarrassment.

"really? no, she didnt tell me that story. do tell......" Karina smiled. she was enjoying every moment of this.

"well, when she was in 1st grade, the teacher made her go to the front of the class to solve a math problem. even then, Esmerelda was a genius! my little girl went to the front of the class, but her pants leg got caught on a tack and she tried to pull her leg free. she yanked a little too hard and her pants ripped clean!!! she stood there in her little panties and began to cry. i feel bad for her, but mija, it was funny!!!" Armando laughed.

"MANDO!! you are embarrassing her!!" Isabella said.

"i know, but she is so cute! her little fanny out there for all to see!!" Armando chuckled.

"i'm sure she had a cute tushie back then!!" Karina smiled, then looked at Esmerelda.

Esmerelda turned bright red as her father continued to discuss child stories about her to Karina. Esmerelda knew Karina was enjoying this and she felt even more embarrassed.

"that's enough Mando'. i think Esmerelda is embarrassed enough..." Isabella told her husband.

"okay okay! but Esmerelda loved those stories...i'm sorry mija! am i embarrassing you?" Armando asked his daughter.

Esmerelda shook her head yes and she couldnt look at Karina. she prayed Karina had to leave. she did not want to share her parents with her. Esmerelda listened to Karina as Karina told her parents about herself. Esmerelda wanted to tell her parents about the evil that this woman has done to their daughter, but she couldnt face the humiliation of telling her parents that Karina forced her to orgasm repeatedly. it made her stomach turn when Karina would make her parents laugh with some stupid joke or comment. she hated Karina putting on a front like she was a dear friend. soon, the meal was over and the group headed back.

the group made it back to Esmerelda's room and they prepared to relax for a little bit. Karina and Armando hit it off as Mr. Lopez enjoyed talking to her. to him, this woman was well put together and it was good for his daughter to associate with someone who was going to be highly successful. he was also excited that something this attractive was friends with his daughter, which could possibly help her find a boyfriend. Armando knew his daughter was beautiful, but she dressed like a nerd. he hoped that his daughter would find herself and show what a true special person she was to the right man. another hour passed by and Karina told the group that she had to go.

"Are you sure you dont want to join us for dinner?" Armando asked.

"no, i will allow sweet Esmerelda to spend time with her folks. after all, we spend a LOT of quality time with each other dont we?" Karina looked at Esmerelda.

"yeah...quality time..." Esmerelda mumbled.

"nice to meet you Karina!" Isabella said.

"yes, nice to meet you! i am glad you are my daughter's friend. take good care of her!" Armando told Karina.

"oh, Esmerelda knows i ALWAYS take *good* care of her....." Karina smiled.

"and..if she ever gets out of line..just....TICKLE HER!!!" Armando laughed, then reached for Esmerelda's ribs.


Karina's smile almost wrapped around her head as she watched Armando tickle his daughter. Esmerelda playfully fought off her father as he continued to tickle her ribs. Isabella laughed to herself as she remembered many tickle fights between those two.

"they always do this..." Isabella whispered to Karina.

"oh really......" Karina grinned.

Armando finally stopped tickling his daughter and straigthened his shirt. "ah, mija, i LOVE tickling you. as you can see Karina, my daughter is very ticklish. i used to tickle her a lot when she was a kid. she has always been so sensitive. especially her feet....."

"i didnt relaize you were so ticklish Esmerelda.." Karina lied.

"oh yes! she is very ticklish! i love her so much. it was nice meeting you Karina.." Armando shook Karina's hand.

"nice to meet you two Mr. and Mrs. Lopez. enjoy the rest of your stay. I guess i will see you later Esmerelda..." Karina smiled, then gave Esmerelda a hug.

Esmerelda felt as though she was hugging a female vampire and when Karina let her go, she felt relief. she looked at Karina's eyes and saw pure evil. Esmerelda watched Karina leave and she hoped that she would never see her again, not that it was realistic. Esmerelda shut the door and faced her parents. a smile formed on her face because she finally got to spend time with her parents alone.

evening finally arrived and Esmerelda and her parents returned from dinner to her room. the rest of the day was wonderful and now it was time for her parents to leave. Esmerelda wished they could stay forever as she felt comfort being with them. she helped grab some shopping bags her parents got from shopping and walked them to their car. Isabella gave her daughter a huge hug and kiss and she told her she loves her. Esmerelda's heart filled with love for her mother. she missed her so much and really needed her in this time of personal conflict. then she faced her father. her strong, wonderful father.

"Mija, i'm sorry if i embarrassed you today." Armando said.

"it's okay Papa!" Esmerelda told her father as she rested in his arms.

"i am *so* proud of you mija....i love you so much. you really are my pride and joy and i know you will make me proud." Armando said as he looked into his daughter's eyes.

"i love you too....i miss you guys so much. i will make you proud." Esmerelda told her father.

Armando gave a tight embrace to his daughter then got into the car. Esmerelda waved to her parents and touched her heart as they drove away. Esmerelda then began to head back to her room. today was a good day. this day was the first day in a long time where Esmerelda felt good to be alive. she missed her family and couldnt wait to see them again. she made it to her room and walked in. she turned on the light and her heart stopped. laying on her bed was Karina!!!

"hello Esmerelda...." Karina smiled.

"Karina...w-w-what are you doing here?" Esmerelda gulped.

"i'm here to see my favorite nerd...i really liked your parents Esmerelda..." Karina smiled.

"leave my parents alone! i cant believe you went with us! it's bad enough i see you, but why mess with my parents!!" Esmerelda shouted.

"listen to me nerd and listen good! first, dont EVER talk to me that way! second, you're lucky i didnt tickle you in front of your mommy and daddy! but, i will admit one thing. watching your dear ol' dad tickling you made me very horny and i really want to touch you..." Karina said, standing up off the bed. when she stood up, she also pulled out a bag.

Esmerelda started to get nervous. Karina managed to stalk her and Esmerelda ended up back against a corner in her room. "K-Karina...not tonight. please not tonight...". Esmerelda hoped Karina would leave her alone. she felt so good today and didnt want it to end in Karina's hands.

"you look cute today, you just misbehaved. you remember what your father said right?" Karina asked.

Esmerelda gulped and knew what Karina was up to. she put her hands up to try to defend herself, but Karina was now in front of her.

"what did you father say? he said i should......TICKLE YOU!!!" Karina shouted, then plunged her fingers into Esmerelda's ribs.

Esmerelda immediately broke out into laughter and her hands tried to slap away at Karina's. Karina took control and trapped Esmerelda. she continued to poke away at Esmerelda and enjoyed listening to Esmerelda's giggles. soon, she grabbed Esmerelda's wrists and dragged her over to the bed.

"NO KARINA!!! STOP!!! LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" Esmerelda shouted.

"LISTEN NERD! if you keep screaming, i am going to rip out your tongue and use it to lick your own pussy!" Karina shouted, then forced Esmerelda's arms behind her back.

Esmerelda winced in pain as her arms were behind her back and Karina continued to twist her wrists. soon, she was hunched over and her chest rested on her bed. Karina was behind her and she held Esmerelda's wrists behind her back. she reached underneath the blanket on the bed and pulled out some handcuffs she hid. she cuffed Esmerelda's hands, then roughly flipped Esmerelda onto her back and onto the bed. she straddled Esmerelda and looked into her eyes. she wanted to torment her and she rested her fingertips on Esmerelda's helpess ribs. she then pulled out a ball gag and forced it into Esmerelda's mouth. Karina was going to enjoy this.

Esmerelda looked up at her tormentor and knew what was going to happen. she has been in the is position many times and a tear dropped from her eye. her perfect day was going to end in a nightmare. her eyes pleaded with Karina to not torment her. not on the day where she was so happy.

" look so look so scared.......TOO BAD NERD!!! i am going to push you to the edge of insanity and then to hell. after i'm done with you, i want you to satisfy me. but first, a little laughter....." Karina laughed.

Esmerelda's body jerked in agony as Karina's fingers dug into her ribs. her body began to buck wildly as the ticklish sensations ripped through her nervous system. she didnt know how, but anytime Karina tickled her, she knew exactly where to get her. her head began to thrash back and forth as the fingers continued to find the crevices between her ribs. her legs kicked wildly and through her tear soaked eyes, she saw an evil grin from Karina.

Karina looked into Esmerelda's eyes and she got a rush everytime Esmerelda cried. she then pulled up Esmerelda's shirt and exposed her bare tummy. she began to lightly skitter her nails across the soft skin. she was rewarded with muffled giggles and Esmerelda's body thrashed underneath her. she then dug her finger deep into Esmerelda's navel and Esmerelda's eyes bugged out of her head. Karina dug the finger even deeper and enjoyed the electric shocks of ticklish energy shoot through Esmerelda' s body. Karina then went after Esmerelda's exposed ribs and enjoyed watching Esmerelda squirm.

"that's right have been a bad bad girl. it is time for your punishment! because i am your new....MOMMY!!!" Karina laughed.

Esmerelda laughed even harder as Karina found her armpits. with her arms tied behind her, she was defenseless to protect her armpits or any part of her upper body. she felt Karina's nails digging into her armpits and she couldnt help but laugh. her eyes began to roll into the back of her head, then the tickling stopped. Karina got up off of her and gently rolled her over onto her stomach. Esmerelda tried to breath through her nose as the ball gag prevented her from sucking in huge chunks of air through her mouth. she was getting weaker and felt Karina grab her knee, then felt what seemed like a strap going around her knee. then she felt her other knee getting strapped as well.

"mmmmfff....." Esmerelda moaned.

"my little nerd...this is going to be fun...i hope you dont mind a spreader bar..." Karina laughed.

Esmerelda tried to close her legs but she couldnt. she wiggled her ankles, but she couldnt close her legs. Karina had strapped a spreader bar between her legs and Esmerelda couldnt close her legs. Karina then straddled her back, sitting on her wrists and facing her feet. Karina looked at Esmerelda's rear end and gave it a hard slap. Esmerelda winced in pain as Karina spanked her a few more times. Esmerelda then heard a bag rustling, then a chill went through her body as she heard what sounded like scissors.

"time to see this cute little tooshie! i liked the way your father talked about this special ass of yours." Karina giggled. she then began to cut away at Esmerelda's shorts, right down the crack line.

Esmerelda tried to move, but with Karina's weight on her, there was no escape. soon, the scissors finished their cruel path and Karina stared at the white panties of Esmerelda. she resumed with her scissors and finished cutting through the shorts legs, now she easily pulled the shorts open and gave Esmerelda's ass a playful slap through her panties. Karina then pulled up the hem of the panties and began to cut away at the fabric, easily shredding them and exposing the cheeks of Esmerelda's ass.

"what a cute ass you have...." Karina laughed as her fingers lightly went down the crack of the pale ass.

Esmerelda began to giggle as she felt the fingers making their cruel path down her crack and across her cheeks. her ass clenched tight, then open as Karina continued to tease her. Esmerelda hated getting tickled on her butt as it was very sensitive, but it also turned her on. she then felt the fingers rapidly scurrying across her ass cheeks which sent her into wild convulsions. Karina felt she was riding a bull as she continued to tickle Esmerelda's ass. she enjoyed watching the tender skin clench tightly, then spread open. she then took the tip of her nail and slowly dragged it from the top of the crack, all the way through the valley, then close to Esmerelda's womanhood. Karina thought she heard a moan and smiled. she then reached into her bag of "tricks" and pulled out a q-tip and waved it in the air.

Esmerelda had no idea what Karina was up to and braced herself for any torment. she then felt Karina grab a cheek and pull it away from the other cheek. Esmerelda's eyes almost fell out of her head when she felt the q-tip circling her hole. the cotton swab continued to circle her hole, then trickle up and down her crack, sending her into ticklish convulsions. the sensations were intense and Esmerelda couldnt even beg Karina to stop. Karina took her q-tip and made sure she tickled every square inch of this soft ass. she felt Esmerelda squirming beneath her and she knew she had Esmerelda right where she wanted her. she stuck the q-tip straight up in Esmerelda's crack and laughed.

"i really love this ass!! but now, i think it's time for some feet...." Karina purred.

Esmerelda felt Karina get off of her back and felt hands on her ankles. with the spreader bar holding her knees, she couldnt prevent Karina from getting her feet away. Karina stared at the canvas shoes of Esmerelda and couldnt wait to have at the delicate prizes inside. she plucked the shoe off a heel and Esmerelda began to whimper.

"you dont want me to play with your feet Esmerelda? too bad..remember, i OWN these feet...." Karina laughed.

Esmerelda felt her shoe get pulled off and giggled softly through her gag as Karina tickled her foot through her sock. she braced herself as Karina began to pull the sock off her foot, exposing her tender pink sole. she clenched her tiny toes and Karina only giggled.

"remember what your daddy said? he said your feet are really ticklish... let me make sure..." Karina giggled. she then raked her nails up and down Esmerelda sole, sending her into a complete fit of giggles.

Esmerelda couldnt move her foot away and was forced to endure the foot tickling. she felt Karina's nails scraping across the ball of her foot and it sent her into ticklish terror. she always hated her feet getting tickled and she couldnt even scream. the ball gag prevented her from releasing her ticklish agony and she started to convulse even more. Karina made sure she tickled the arch good as she circled her fingers into the delicate flesh. Karina always enjoyed tickling these feet. her eyes looked over and saw Esmerelda's other foot, still in it's shoe and sock. she stopped tickling Esmerelda's bare foot and went over to the other foot.

"hmmm....i think these piggies miss me...isnt that right Esmerelda?" Karina teased.

Esmerelda tried opening her tear soaked eyes, but knew her torment was not going to end. she felt her shoe getting pulled off, then her sock. Karina stared at the newly exposed foot and didnt waste anytime and started tickling the soft skin. a new rush of sensations ripped through Esmerelda's body. her upperbody began to flop around as Karina found the sweet spots between her pudgy toes. Karina would continue to tickle Esmerelda's toes and watch Esmerelda's head twist in turn in ticklish agony. Karina then stuck out her tongue and licked Esmerelda's sole. Karina was rewarded with a soft giggle and moan and now it was time to put Esmerelda over the edge. she continued to lick Esmerelda's soles, slowly and passionately. her tongue invaded the toe crevices of Esmerelda, then she sucked on Esmerelda's toes. Karina could see Esmerelda's pelvis going up and down off the bed and she had Esmerelda right where she wanted. she stroke the soles one last time, then stopped. she got up from the foot of the bed and made her way to Esmerelda's head. she moved the sweaty hair from Esmerelda's cheek and removed the ball gag. she then leaned her face into Esmerelda's ear.

"now's pussy time.." she whispered.

Esmerelda moaned as she felt Karina's head go away from hers. she knew where Karina was headed and her breath was taken away. "...please dont.."

Karina then saw Esmerelda's ass once again and lightly tickled it. Esmerelda giggled softly and Karina reached under Esmerelda's ass and her fingers lightly began to tickle her vaginal lips.

" tickle me....hehehehehehehehe there..." Esmerelda giggled softly.

"oh yes nerd. i want you to cum for me..." Karina teased as her fingers continued to lightly tickle Esmerelda's pussy.

Esmerelda's mind was turning into mush as she felt Karina's fingers tickling her, but at the same time, teasing her. she couldnt close her legs and her most private area was vulnerable once again to whatever Karina wanted to do. she hated being tickled, but she loved the sensation. she then gasped as Karina's fingers tickled her clitoris. her hips began to buck, trying to get her orgasm flowing. Karina sensed this and while one hand tickled Esmerelda's clit, her other hand tickled her ass.

"hehehehehehehehehe oh.....oh that feels good....hehehehehehehehehehe" Esmerelda continued to giggle.

"you like this Esmerelda? do you want to cum?" Karina asked.

Esmerelda eyes rolled into the back of her head. she hated the fact that Karina had so much control over her body, but at this moment, she didnt care. "yes...please let me cum...."

"beg me...beg me to make you cum. i am your new mommy now..." Karina teased.

Esmerelda didnt want to call Karina her "mommy". she had one that she loved dearly and didnt want to give Karina the satisfaction. but feeling Karina's fingers work their magic on her love button and the light tickling sensation on her rear end was taking over her mind. "please make me cum..please, i beg you...i want to cum.."

"please what?" Karina whispered.

the words stuck in Esmerelda's throat. she didnt want to, but then Karina's fingers lightly circled the clit, then teased it harder and it broke Esmerelda. "please......mommy...."

"that's my good girl...." Karina laughed as she then manipulated Esmerelda's private spot.

Esmerelda's heart sank calling Karina her "mommy", but when Karina hit a certain spot on her clitoris, Esmerelda exploded. a wave of colors crossed over her eyes and the most intense orgasm came crashing out. her body bucked as Karina continued to milk her. Karina looked over at Esmerelda's toes and noticed that they were clenched tight. she knew Esmerelda had a very intense orgasm and a smile formed on her face. she removed her hand from Esmerelda's pussy and noticed her hand was glistening with Esmerelda's love juices. she licked her fingers, then wiped her hand on Esmerelda's ass. she then unstrapped the spreader bar and went towards Esmerelda's head.

"i love you my pussy slave. just remember, you no longer belong to your parents, you belong to me. i just wish i could have gotten your real mother as well. she is quite the looker. i wonder if she tastes just like you....." Karina taunted, the patted Esmerelda's head.

tears flowed from Esmerelda's eyes after what Karina told her. she heard the door open as Karina walked out. she felt disgusted with herself. her emotions were mixed from complete humiliation, to anger. she hated the fact that Karina mentioned her mother, then felt humiliated for calling Karina her "mommy". she laid on her bed, still wearing her shirt, but naked from the waist down. she rolled over onto her back and tears continued to fall as she covered her face with her hands. getting humiliated was bad enough, but the fact that Karina brought her parents in on her torment only made her upset. she felt so powerless, so weak. she then heard a voice.

"Esmerelda?" a voice said...

Esmerelda moved her hands away from her face and looked towards the doorway. her face turned red as she realized who was standing there. "oh dear..hello...."
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Post by Soraka »


Esmerelda's face was burning red with shame as she stared at her doorway. She was still laying on her bed, wearing only her shirt, but naked from the waist down. She just suffered another humiliating tickle torture from her tormentress, Karina, and she once again exploded into a mind numbing orgasm. What humiliated her even more was the fact that she called Karina her "mommy". Esmerelda's parents arrived earlier in the day and it was a great day, except for the fact that Karina intruded on her moment with her parents and after they left, decided to torment her once again. Karina even used a new toy, a spreader bar, which gave Karina complete and easy access to her most private parts. Now, Esmerelda was completely embarrassed as she looked towards her doorway and saw a person standing there. Esmerelda slowly got up and tried to cover her womanhood with her hands and tried pulling down her shirt to try and cover herself. Her legs dangled over the edge of the bed and her toes curled as she faced her visitor. Esmerelda had no idea how she was going to explain this situation.

"H-hello..." Esmerelda told her visitor.

"Esmerelda.....what in the world?" the shocked guest responded.

", long were you standing there?"

Miko walked into Esmerelda's room and slowly approached her. "I saw everything..Esmerelda, are you okay?"

"I-I guess so...I am soooo embarrassed right now..." Esmerelda mumbled as she covered her face with her hands.

"It's okay. I mean..i can't believe what i just saw. I didn't know you had that kind of relationship with that woman..."

Esmerelda turned even more red. Miko got to see her teased, tickled and tormented and now she figured is going to think she is a lesbian and Karina was her girlfriend. Esmerelda figured she might as well tell Miko about her "relationship" with Karina. "Miko...about that woman you saw..."

"It's okay Esmerelda. If you like girls, that's okay. It's your private life. I guess what really surprised me was how intense your games are with her. I seemed so real that she was really tormenting you." Miko told her.

"Miko..." Esmerelda tried to say.

"I have to admit, it did look really erotic. What am i saying? This must be so embarrassing for you. I'm sorry Esmerelda. I shouldn't discuss what you do in the bedroom. I guess it's just that i would have never expected it from you.." Miko told her.

"Miko....i need to tell you something about that woman..." Esmerelda told her.


"Well...." Esmerelda was about to begin, then she realized she was still naked from the waist down. She got up off the bed and grabbed some shorts from her dresser and put them on. She couldn't believe Miko got to see her privacy, but since it happened, she didn't want the sight to linger.

"Oh yeah...sorry about that. I didnt mean to look at you like that. You know, you have a cute ass..." Miko tried to joke.

Esmerelda blushed, then finished putting on her shorts. She then sat on her bed again and Miko sat next to her. It was tough for Esmerelda, but she told Miko the entire story of her relationship with Karina. Miko's eyes went wide with shock and amazement, but also an understanding. As Miko listened to all the stuff Karina put Esmerelda through, she felt really bad for her friend. She couldn't believe that this innocent young woman has been put through so much humiliation. Esmerelda finished telling her story and her face was very red.

" mean this entire time that i have known you, this was going on? How come you don't tell someone in charge or something? She is assaulting you. You can't let her do that to you, or her friends." Miko advised her.

"I-I can't. It is too embarrassing. I-I don't know what to do. Even after i have gotten some revenge on them, they still come after me. I am outnumbered. But the part that I have a hard time understanding is...." Esmerelda began.

"Is what?" Miko responded.

"I-I...i can't believe i am saying this..." Esmerelda mumbled. "i like it when i have an orgasm..."

"Oh Esmerelda....." Miko cooed.

"the tickling is horrible, the mind games is stressful, but the orgasms are... nice.." Esmerelda turned her head from admitting this embarrassing revelation to another person.

Miko wrapped her arm around Esmerelda's shoulder. "It's okay to like orgasms Esmerelda. That's why people love sex. Are you a virgin, or were you a virgin before this started?"

"i think i am still a virgin.....i mean, i never had actual sex. all my orgasms have come from oral type stimulations on the top of my um....lips...." Esmerelda admitted. She still couldnt believe she was having this conversation.

"You poor thing.....I still cant believe this has been going on for this long. Oh dear.." Miko's eyes just went wide open.

"What? what is it?" Esmerelda asked.

Miko's mind suddenly had a flashback about what had happened to her. Not too long ago, she was kidnapped and endured horrific tickling torture and was made to orgasm. Then she was forced to give oral stimulation to another woman. The whole scenario reminded her of what Esmerelda's plight has been. Could it be possible? Could her incident involve the same people? Now, she was curious. "Uh, Esmerelda. You have been really honest with me and i guess i can be honest with you."

"What is it?" Esmerelda asked, looking into Miko's eyes.

"Well...i think i know how you feel..." Miko told her.

"Y-you do?" Esmerelda responded. Esmerelda's heart began to beat faster as she remembered Miko's torment from Karina. Or better yet, she remembers that SHE tormented Miko.

"I thought i would never tell anyone this, but not too long ago, i was attacked." Miko told her.

"You were? are you okay?" Esmerelda tried her best to not reveal anything.

"Yeah...i remember walking back to my dorm one night when i was attacked from behind. I knew it was some women attacking me because i felt their bodies. I tried to struggle, but they were so strong. The took me somewhere and strapped me down and put a gag in my mouth. They also placed headphones over my ears so i couldnt recognize their voices. Then, they tickled me. I mean, i have never been tickled that way in my life. It started softly, but then the tickling seemed to pick up."

"Really?" Esmerelda started to turn red. Miko was telling her the story of that night....

"Then i was teased. I had my shoes and socks removed, i had all of my clothes removed. so embarrassing.." Miko stuttered. "It was so surreal. I was pleading for them to not to tickle me. My feet were tormented and i even felt a tongue on my nipples. Esmerelda, i tickled, but it felt soooo good. I think the humiliating part was that i was even shaved around, well, you know, my pussy."

Esmerelda blushed even more. She remembered shaving Miko and now here was Miko telling her the ordeal.

"It was so unbelievable! I had my most private area tongue tickled and i had the most intense orgasm i have ever felt in my life. Then, i was forced to bring another woman to orgasm with my tongue. Next thing i know, i am back in my dorm room. I thought it was a dream....So, i think i know how you feel. The tickling is horrible, but the orgasm was something completely unbelievable...."

Esmerelda lowered her head in shame. "Um, Miko?"

"Yes Esmerelda? what's wrong? did my story embarrass you?" Miko responded.

"i have to tell you something....." Esmerelda mumbled.

"what is it? tell me. it's okay.." Miko patted Esmerelda's shoulders.

"I remember that night you were tormented...." Esmerelda admitted.

"YOU WERE THERE???!!!" Miko said in complete shock. "It must have been Karina!!! But why? why did she attack me? does she go around tormenting everyone? what did she do, force you to watch?!! that bitch!!" Miko shouted.

" was Karina and her friends that kidnapped was me that tickled you...." Esmerelda turned her head.

Miko's eyes popped wide opened and she was in shock. "it was YOU? you tickled me? don't tell me you were the one who made me, well, you know, cum..."

"it was me.....but Karina made me do it.... or she was going to tickle me and you." Esmerelda told her, with tears running down her face.

Miko saw the sadness in Esmerelda's eyes. She couldnt believe Esmerelda was the one who tormented her, but after hearing how Karina has been tormenting her, she knew that it wasn't Esmerelda's choice. "Esmerelda, look at me. i know you didnt mean to do it. I know that bitch must have forced you to do it. Was that you that i made orgasm that night?"

"...yes...." Esmerelda whimpered.

"wow......this is so unreal....well, isnt this embarrassing? we both made each other cum and here we awkward is this? i guess that makes us more than lab partners huh?" Miko told her.

"i'm so sorry Miko. Karina..she is just so damn...convincing...." Esmerelda told her. "please forgive me....i didnt want to, but she made me do it."

Miko hugged Esmerelda. "listen to me Esmerelda, i am not mad at you. I can't believe she made you do that. it must have been horrible for you. but, i will have to admit. your tongue feels REALLY nice. and you do taste pretty good yourself.."

"MIKO??!!" Esmerelda said in shocked embarrassment.

"I'm just trying to make you feel better. Cheer up. But we HAVE to get them back Esmerelda! We cant let them do this to you or me. There has to be a way to get them back." Miko told her.

"i have tried to get them back, but they always come back for more revenge. it's a never ending cycle. I should quit school or transfer. Everytime i get them back, they always end up tormenting me or any of my friends. They got you because they saw you being friendly with me. I cant keep allowing my friends to get tormented by these women. I have to deal with this on my own." Esmerelda told her.

"listen to me Esmerelda. All my life, i have been a small person. look at me. I am under 5 feet tall and reaching 100 pounds is a challenge to me no matter how much i eat. But i learned that you cant let bullies do this to you. We are going to get them back. I am with you all the way. C'mon, let's go get something to eat or drink. Watching you orgasm makes me hungry.." Miko told her with a smile.

"Miko!!" Esmerelda exclaimed.

"C'mon, let's go sweet cheeks...." Miko told her.

Both Miko and Esmerelda made their way across campus looking for something to eat. Esmerelda felt good talking to Miko. she never thought her lab partner would ever get involved in something like this. She just hoped that somehow, someway, she could get out of the vicious loop with Karina. Esmerelda wondered why Karina was just a junior in college. Why couldnt graduated sooner? She hoped things would work out.

Miko looked at Esmerelda as they walked and couldnt help but feel sympathy for her friend. Miko couldnt believe she was now involved in something so deep. her college life was quite "normal" and now she witnessed such erotic moments with another person and she even endured a torture session. Miko was only a sophomore in college like Esmerelda and she never thought in her wildest dreams her college experience was going to involve lesbian like encounters and tickle torture. Much like Esmerelda, she looked "nerdy", but Miko's personality always was social. She loved attention and was a social butterfly. She liked Esmerelda because she knew Esmerelda was a geniune person. Miko still couldnt believe that someone as innocent and sweet as Esmerelda could ever get involved with something this wild. Miko knew the rest of this school year was going to be real interesting.

As the two walked through the campus park, they thought they were some muffled screaming along with some teasing voices. Miko put her finger to her lips to tell Esmerelda to be quiet, then pointed over towards the bushes. Both girls peered through the bushes and saw a funny sight. A woman was being tied to a tree and 4 other women were laughing as they tied the woman up. The victim was screaming in her ballgag, but that didnt stop her from trying. Both Miko and Esmerelda watched as the woman was now tied tightly to a tree. The victim was wearing a t-shirt and some shorts. The victim's back was against the tree and her arms were pulled behind her and wrapped around the tree trunk and tied together at the wrists. Then, the victims's ankles were also pulled behind her and wrapped around the tree trunk as well and tied together. The victim was blindfolded and was completely helpless. The attackers then began to spray pain the victims chest with red spray paint and they even threw eggs at her. Then the attackers hi-fived each other and ran off, leaving the victim tied to the tree. When the attackers left, Miko motioned towards Esmerelda to go take a closer look and perhaps help this person.

The two girls got closer to the victim and Esmerelda could see that symbols were spray painted on the victim's chest. Esmerelda looked at the symbols and muttered "Delta Delta Delta? Tri Delta?"

"You know what? i think we just saw a soriority prank!! Look, the girl is wearing a Tau Kappa Lambda shirt! this is soooo cool!!" Miko giggled.

"I know it's funny, but she might need help. Let's go help her." Esmerelda said.

"Oh, okay, if you insist..." Miko giggled.

Esmerelda then stopped dead in her tracks as she got closer. She blinked her eyes a few times, even removed her glasses to wipe them clean and still couldnt believe what she just saw. She put her arm in front of Miko to stop her from walking.

"What? do you know that person?" Miko asked.

"Ssshhh! I do know that's Olivia.." Esmerelda said.

"who? Who's Olivia?" Miko whispered.

"one of Karina's friends...she helped tickle me a lot. especially my toes..." Esmerelda told her.

"really? oh, this is going to be good!" Miko giggled.

"you know, we should leave her. This is a soriority thing and i already have enough issues with soriorities and Karina..." Esmerelda turned to walked away.

Miko stopped Esmerelda. "Hey, wait! Esmerelda, we have a helpless, blindfolded victim here and we should take advantage of this."

"How?" Esmerelda asked.

"She's helpless and blindfolded. why dont we tickle her? she wont know it is us if we dont say anything. plus, she will think it is the other soriority doing this to her, not YOU!" Miko said with a gleam in her eye.

"I dont know...." Esmerelda hesitated, even though it did sound like a good idea.

"Come on!! this is a chance to get some retribution. Let's make her suffer for a change. I will even let you have her toes...." Miko smiled.

Esmerelda hesistated, but Miko grabbed her hand and pulled her towards Olivia. They made it up close and could see that Olivia was still struggling to get free. Miko winked at Esmerelda and her hand touched Olivia's thigh. Olivia immediately began to whimper and tried to free herself. Miko grinned and then lightly ran her fingers up the bare thigh. Olivia began to giggle a little bit and Miko held her hand to her mouth, trying to suppress her giggles. Esmerelda watched as Miko's fingers continued to lightly tickle Olivia's thigh and she could tell that Olivia was trying to fight the ticklish sensations.

Miko then point for Esmerelda to tickle Olivia's vulnerable ribs. Esmerelda reached forward and began to knead Olivia's ribs gingerly, caushing the black, long curly hair victim to scream into her gag. Esmerelda kept it up as Miko continued to tickle the tops of Olivia's legs.

"She's really ticklish...this is going to be fun..." Miko whispered.

A smile formed on Esmerelda's face and she went behind the tree and reached her arms around the tree and continued to tickle Olivia's ribs. Olivia screamed like a banshee into her gag. Olivia did not like to get tickled and now she was completely helpless and vulnerable. Olivia loved to tickle others, especially that nerd Esmerelda, but as the ticklish sensations shot through her nervous system, all she could think about was the ticklish sensations driving her out of her mind.

Miko then began to tickle Olivia's vulnerable armpits and enjoyed watching Olivia's head shake from tickle hell. Miko did have to admit that Olivia was quite a beautiful woman and she was going to enjoy tormenting this lovely Latina woman. Her fingers dug deeper into the smooth shaven armpits and she loved how Olivia's skin would quiver as her fingers continued to tease the sensitive flesh. Miko really started to get into the tickling and she continued to tickle the armpits. She could see Olivia starting to sweat and it made her want to tickle her even more. Miko always liked to tickle people, but never to this extent where bondage is involved. Her incident with Karina, watching Esmerelda getting tormented, now this opportunity was beginning to make her want to explore the tickling aspect even more. She was really going to enjoy tormenting Olivia.

Esmerelda pulled her arms back from Olivia's ribs and stared at Olivia's shoes. The way Olivia's ankles were tied behind the tree, her soles were upturned. Esmerelda looked around to make sure no one was watching, then began to unlace Olivia's shoes. As she unlaced the shoes, she would remember how Olivia loved to torment her feet. Both Olivia and Tanya had foot fetishes and Esmerelda remembered how they tormented her feet, and even sucked on her toes. Esmerelda only found it fitting that she was going to torment Olivia's feet. She only hoped that Olivia never finds out who is doing this, because Esmerelda knew she would pay a dear price. She unlaced the shoes and pulled the left shoe off. She looked at the cotton white sock of Olivia and smiled. The socked foot began to writhe as though it knew it was going to be tormented. Esmerelda then began to peel the sock off and exposed Olivia's bare foot. Even in the moonlight, Esmerelda could tell that this was a very pretty foot. It looked so soft and from what she remembered, Olivia's feet are very ticklish. She took her index finger and traced it along the bottom of the tender sole and the foot went into spasms. Esmerelda continued her tickling and the foot would not stay still. Esmerelda then gripped the toes and held the foot still as she cruelly stroked her fingers down the length of the sole.

Olivia screamed even louder as her foot was being tickled. It was definitely her most ticklish spot and she hated having her feet tormented. Olivia liked women's feet, but the thought of her own feet getting tormented sent her brain into hyperdrive. Her breathing increased and the ballgag in her mouth forced her to breath through her nose. It was tough because she was getting tickled. She wanted this nightmare to end and when it was, she vowed revenge on whomever was doing this to her.

Miko looked over and saw Esmerelda really tormenting the sole of Olivia. She smiled as she felt Esmerelda deserved to inflict punishment on her tormentors. She looked at Esmerelda's fingers gliding all over the sole and Olivia was screaming bloody murder through her gag. Miko then went back to the front of Olivia and stared at her jiggling chest. Miko then decided it was time to have some fun. She pulled up the t-shirt, exposing Olivia's bare stomach. Miko then circled her fingers across the belly button and Olivia's laughter became a deep gutteral laugh. Miko then poked her finger deep into the bellybutton and Olivia screamed even louder. Miko enjoyed tickling the soft, yet firm flesh and was going to give it all she has.

Esmerelda finished tickling Olivia's left foot, then removed the shoe of the right foot. She peeled off the sock and the right foot began to wiggle madly. Esmerelda this time bent the toes back and attacked the delicate undersides of the toes. Olivia tried to curl her toes, but it was no use. Esmerelda continued to bury her fingers into the soft toe undersides and in between them. Esmerelda's eyes became focused and she wanted to make sure she tormented this foot really good. Her fingernails trickled over the toe pds, then the toe stems. She then pulled the big toe from the index toe and jammed her finger into the delicate crevice and Olivia almost had an out of body experience.

Miko could see Olivia laughing harder and saw Esmerelda tormenting the toes. Miko decided to increase her tickle torture and dug her fingers deep into Olivia's ribs. Miko could feel Olivia's struggles, but there was no escape. Miko saw the sweat glistened face of Olivia and continued her torment. This was an experience she was never going to forget.

Olivia's head began to drop from the constant tickling from her feet to her ribs and she was gettting exhausted. She could barely even flex her toes and was giggled to a point of near exhaustion. Her head dropped and she was broken. Whimpering could be heard from her gag and this made Miko smile. Miko motioned Esmerelda to stop tickling the feet and come to the front of Olivia. Miko then winked at Esmerelda.

"now it's play time....sit back and enjoy.." Miko whispered to Esmerelda.

Esmerelda stood back a little and saw Miko pull up Olivia's shirt over her chest, exposing Olivia's bra. Miko then undid the front clasp of the bra and Olivia's breasts came free from their confines. Whimpering could be heard from Olivia but she was too exhausted to beg. Miko then tweak Olivia's nipples and Olivia moaned. Miko then began to lightly tickle the nipples and they came to life. Miko had a devious grin on her face and winked once again at Esmerelda. Miko wanted to apply what she felt before and what she witnessed at Esmerelda's room on Olivia now. She continued her nipple tickling and Olivia giggled slightly, but she was getting really turned on.

"She likes this doesn't she?" Miko whispered...

Esmerelda smiled as she saw Olivia starting to get really turned on. Esmerelda knew what it felt like and she even got to do this to Olivia before. Despite the fact that Karina could get her again, she was going to enjoy this moment. She watched as Miko continued to tickle the nipples and then Esmerelda pointed at Olivia's shorts.

Miko smiled and began to unbutton and unzip the shorts. Because of the way Olivia's legs were tied behind her, Miko wouldnt be able to pull the shorts all the way down, but she could pull them down far enough to reach Olivia's "special place". Miko then reached her hand underneath Olivia's thong panties and her fingers found that special place. She lightly flicked her fingers across the "lips", tickling Olivia. Olivia began to moan even more and even tried to buck her hips. But the way she was tied, she couldnt buck her hips and the fingers were teasing her into a high state of arousal. Miko's fingers continued their tickling of Olivia's pussy and her fingers found Olivia's clit. A big moan came from Olivia and she was nearing a tidal wave of ecstacy. Miko nodded her head towards Esmerelda to continue to tickle Olivia's feet and Esmerelda began to tickle Olivia's feet once again. Olivia moaned and giggled at the same time. The combination of her pussy being teased and her feet tickled sent her brain into mush. As Esmerelda tickled her toes, Miko's fingers hit the clit in a special place and Olivia exploded into a mind numbing orgasm. Her body shuddered love honey poured out onto Miko's fingers.

Esmerelda stopped her toe tickling and knew that Olivia just exploded. She walked to the front of Olivia and saw Miko smelling her fingers. esmerelda smiled at her as Miko wiped her fingers across Olivia's shirt. Miko then pulled the shirt down and zipped and buttoned Olivia's shorts. Esmerelda and Miko then ran from the scene laughing at what just happened. Olivia just slumped her head and went to sleep. She felt so good, but promised that payback to whoever did this to year would be paid in spades.

Miko and Esmerelda made it to a small diner and laughed as they walked in. They couldnt believe they just pulled it off. They found a booth and caught their breath.

"That was SOOOOOOO much fun!!!" Miko laughed.

"i will admit...that was fun. I cant believe how sadistic you are though.." Esmerelda said, breathing heavy.

"I want to do it again. Look..." Miko then began to whisper. "We could get each of them like that and we could blame it on the Tri-Delts. They will never suspect us!!" Miko told her.

"That sounds like a good idea, but i dont know...." Esmerelda hesitated.

"Look Esmerelda, you said they always got you back after they knew you got them back. How are they going to get you back if someone else is doing this? We need them to get them to lose their attention on you and give it to some other group of people. You need to get your life back. You cant let these evil women take your mind or your body. Those belong to you. You are my friend. After tonight, we shared a lot more than chemistry notes. I want to help you and you will e yourself again. I promise....." Miko told her, then put her hand on Esmerelda's.

Esmerelda smiled at the gesture. For the first time in a long time, she felt she could actually put her life back together. For the first time in a long time, she felt she had hope. She hoped this plan could work. Only time would tell......
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Post by Soraka »


“What the hell happened to you?” Karina laughed as she saw Olivia walk into her apartment.

Olivia staggered into the living room, looking worse for wear. She just suffered a humiliating tickling at the hands of some unknown assailants. She sat down on the couch and began to tear up.

“What’s wrong? Did something happen to you?” Tanya asked with great concern.

The rest of the group, Karina, Vanessa, and Sasha all huddled around Olivia and Tanya put her arms around her.

“C’mon Olivia, tell us what happened. You look so sad…” Karina told her friend.

Olivia looked at her friends and wiped away a tear. Thoughts of her night in the park filled her mind, including her humiliation of getting tickled tortured and being forced to orgasm. “I…I…was attacked!”

“WHAT?!!! By who?! Tell us!” Karina shouted in anger. No one was going to attack her friends and get away with it.

I…I was walking towards the library and those stupid bitches from Tri Delt jumped me from behind..” Olivia started.

“THOSE BITCHES!!!!!” Vanessa shouted.

“…they dragged me to the campus park and tied me to a tree. Then…they…” Olivia tried to continue.

“They what?” Karina asked. She looked at Olivia and noticed what looked like eggshells in her hair. Karina’s eyes turned to slits as she waited for Olivia’s description of her ordeal.

“They spray painted me, then they threw eggs at me! I have all this stupid yolk in my hair and this stupid paint is all over my body!” Olivia shouted in disgust.

The rest of the gang began to help pick out the eggshells out of her hair and rubbed her shoulders. The mention of their rivals, the Tri Deltas, began to create a sense of hatred.

“That’s not the worst of it! I thought they left, but then I guess they came back. They then did the unthinkable. They tortured me! They tickled me and tickled me! They wouldn’t stop dammit! They wouldn’t stop…..” Olivia then placed her head in her hands as she recounted the ordeal.

Karina wrapped her arm around Olivia. “It’s okay. It will be okay…”

“That’s….not the worst of it. They tickled me all over my body! My ribs, my armpits, my tummy, not even my feet were safe! But, they also tickled my….pussy.” Olivia told them.

“WHAT?! They tickled you there?!” Sasha exclaimed.

“Yeah….they tickled my pussy until they forced me to cum. I felt so humiliated…fingers tickled my toes as fingers tickled my clit.” Olivia told them.

“Those bitches will PAY!” Karina shouted as she stood up. “How dare they attack her! I promise this, there will be HELL to pay! You know, I was planning on having a tickle party with out favorite nerd slave, but I think there are some Tri Delts who need to suffer first! And I know exactly who to get… Here’s the plan...” Karina grinned as she began to explain the plan.

The rest of the group listened to Karina and looked forward to exacting some payback. It was time to get some major payback

Esmerelda and Miko sat in Esmerelda’s room, giggling over what they just accomplished in the park 2 nights ago. They just had dinner and were getting tired. Esmerelda felt good dishing out some form of payback to Olivia. She always remembered how Olivia would sensually attack her feet. Esmerelda remembered how her own fingers stroke the soft soles of Olivia’s feet. It felt so good! She then looked over at Miko who sat on her bed. Esmerelda was happy that finally, someone was on her side and could help her against Karina and her gang of bullies.

“What are you looking at?” Miko asked.

“You.” Esmerelda replied.

“Why? Do I have a booger in my nose or something?” Miko laughed.

“Ewwww! NO! I was just thinking how much I want to thank you.” Esmerelda told her.

“Thank me for what?” Miko asked.

“Giving me a reason to feel good about myself. When you saw me, um, lying there naked, I was feeling really depressed. That evil woman always finds a way to break my spirit. She loves to torment me and I felt really down. You come along and cheer me up again. Plus, you showed me that payback can be fun. I am really feeling good about myself. I liked what we did to Olivia. That crazy woman deserved everything she got!” Esmerelda said, her chest filling with pride.

“You’re welcome! I had a LOT of fun too! That was the first time I ever made another woman have an orgasm, just by tickling her. Oh man, that was fun!” Miko laughed.

“But do you think our plan will work? Do you really think Karina and her gang of bullies are going to attack the Tri Delts instead of me?” Esmerelda asked.

“Yes! Of course! Think about it. Karina doesn’t seem like the type to let one of her friends get attacked and she doesn’t do anything in return. Once Karina attacks another Tri Delt, the Tri Delts will obviously have to retaliate. That way, we put them in a never ending tickle assault saga. They won’t have time for you! See, I’m a genius!” Miko laughed.

“You think so huh?” Esmerelda giggled.

“Of course I am! Why else would you hang around me?” Miko smiled.

“I guess you’re right. But, I am a little nervous messing around with Karina. I mean, somehow she always gets me back.” Esmerelda said, expressing concern.

“You WORRY too much! My plan is fool proof. Trust me, Karina will be too busy to remember you. Crazy women like her can’t stand to be beaten. Sorority girls are like that. Very catty. Don’t worry Esmerelda, the plan will work. We get to watch these women torment each other. This is going to be fun!” Miko laughed.

“We? Are you really willing to help me with Karina?” Esmerelda asked.

“Of course! Plus, that witch dragged me into this when she kidnapped me and tickle tortured me. Trust me, I will not leave you now. Not when this is getting good!” Miko assured her.

Esmerelda started to feel good inside. It felt good to have a friend in all this. Ever since she lost her friend Leslie, Esmerelda had to deal with Karina alone. There were a lot of lonely nights of having to live in fear of Karina. Esmerelda saw Miko smiling at her, and she smiled back. “Thanks Miko. Are you leaving soon?”

“I didn’t plan to, unless you want me to leave.” Miko responded.

“No. Just wait here. I am going to take a shower. Be right back.” Esmerelda told her.

“Have fun… I will be here, looking at the internet okay?” Miko asked.

“No problem. I’ll be back…” Esmerelda laughed, imitating the Terminator. She left her room and headed towards the showers. In her shower, Esmerelda loved the feeling of the water pouring across her face. There was something refreshing about this shower. The warm water seemed to wash away her worries. Thoughts of a Karina fearing life going away made Esmerelda feel good. Esmerelda let the water flow through her black hair and she cleaned her body. She finished her shower and grabbed her towel. Wearing nothing but her towel, she made her way back to her room. She opened the door and saw Miko looking at her computer. She crept up behind her on her barefeet and poked Miko gingerly on her side.

“EEEP! ESMERELDA!!!! You scared me!” Miko laughed.

“You are so funny! You should have seen how high you jumped! Your eyes bugged out of your head! It was so funny…” Esmerelda giggled.

“That wasn’t funny! You could give a little Asian girl a heart attack! Stop laughing!” Miko pouted.

“Oooh! I’m sooo sorry scary girl! Hehehehehehe.” Esmerelda giggled.

“So you think that was funny huh?” Miko cooed.

“YEAH! It was hilarious!” Esmerelda laughed.

“Well, I will give you something to laugh about!” Miko shouted as she started wiggling her fingers towards Esmerelda.

“Miko! Wait! I’m sorry! Hehehehehe don’t!” Esmerelda giggled while backing up.

“Oh we’re not so brave now are we? Scaring little Miko wasn’t such a good idea huh?” Miko smiled as she crept towards Esmerelda.

“Miko…let’s talk about this. Look, I’m sorry okay. Please don’t…” Esmerelda laughed. She kept backpedaling, and feebly swiping away at Miko’s fingers. Esmerelda then backed up against her bed and now she was trapped. “C’mon Miko…I’ll be your friend!”

“GOTCHA!!” Miko shouted, then she pounced! Her nimble fingers began to poke into Esmerelda’s ribs, causing her to giggle uncontrollably.

The more Miko tickled, the more Esmerelda reacted. Esmerelda tried to get up on her bed and when she did, Miko sat on top of her. Esmerelda looked up at Miko who had this sadistic look in her eyes. Miko winked at Esmerelda, then plunged her fingers into the armpits of Esmerelda. Esmerelda exploded in laughter and she felt Miko’s surprisingly strong fingers digging deeper into her sensitive armpits. The tickling sensations ripped through her body. All she could do was laugh.

Miko was starting to get into the tickling. The feeling of Esmerelda’s soft skin seem to mesmerize her. Ever since she tickled Olivia, Miko felt this urge to tickle someone. Now she had Esmerelda trapped and at her mercy! She looked into Esmerelda’s face and saw her eyes squished tightly and her mouth wide open with beautiful laughter pouring out. Miko started to become intoxicated from the laughter and loved the feeling of Esmerelda’s squirming body beneath her.

“Tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle! Laugh Esmerelda, LAUGH! I got you now!” Miko teased as her fingers continued to tickle the armpits.

Esmerelda went into silent laughter, as the tickling sensations began to overwhelm her. This tickling seemed a lot different from her constant tortures. When she was tickled by Karina, it was about torture and her suffering. Miko’s tickling seemed more relaxed and fun. Esmerelda couldn’t even remember getting tickled this long for fun. She wanted the tickling to stop, but yet she didn’t. She managed to open her eyes and saw this look of pure joy in Miko’s eyes. Esmerelda tried to beg, but she couldn’t as the laughter kept her from doing so.

“Who’s the ticklish little baby huh? I guess you won’t scare little ol’ Miko again will you? Now, you will laugh laugh LAUGH!!! Kitchy kitchy koo!” Miko teased.

Esmerelda’s body continued to thrash as she tried to get away from the tickling. “P-please! Stop Miko! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I’m so ticklish!” Esmerelda begged.

“I know you are! And I am going to tickle you EVERYWHERE!!!” Miko threatened. Miko then began to lightly trace her fingers across Esmerelda’s cheeks and her neck, causing her to squirm even more. “Ticklish here huh? Oh, I am going to tickle you forever!”

Esmerelda kept giggling as she felt the light touches across her neck and cheeks. “Hehehehehehehe stop that! Miko please!”

Miko then laughed an evil laugh as she stared into Esmerelda’s eyes. “Okay fine. I think I will ticke your………..FEET instead!”

“NO! DON’T!” Esmerelda shouted.

Miko then quickly turned her body and went after Esmerelda’s feet. Esmerelda managed to squirm away and ended up on her belly. Miko tried to wrestle her down, but Esmerelda continued to kick her legs. Miko then got frustrated and sat on Esmerelda’s legs, facing her head. She then playfully spanked Esmerelda on her butt.

“OW!” Esmerelda giggled.

“Bad girl!” Miko laughed as she continued to lightly spank Esmerelda’s ass through her towel. “You know what? I think this towel is in the way…” Miko cooed as she pulled the towel open, exposing Esmerelda’s backside.

“MIKO!” Esmerelda giggled as she felt the cool air caress her back and legs.

“You have the cutest ass! Is it ticklish?” Miko laughed as her fingers began to tickle the cheeks.

Esmerelda’s giggles poured out like a fine wine as she felt the ticklish sensations ripped through her nervous system. She tried to hold her towel to her body, which left her backside unprotected. Her legs wiggled as she felt Miko’s fingers tickling her ass. She then exploded in laughter when Miko’s fingers tickled her ass crack. “MIKO!!!!!! HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE!”

Miko loved listening to Esmerelda’s laughter. This was the first time she ever has tickled someone’s ass and she started to enjoy it. She loved how the cheeks clenched tightly, then opened up. She definitely loved looking at Esmerelda’s reaction when she tickled the crack. She continued her tickling and began to see goosebumps form on Esmerelda’s back. She cocked her head and lightly began to tickle the smooth back of Esmerelda. Miko’s eyes lit up when she heard Esmerelda cackle. She ran her fingers up and down the spine and Esmerelda’s body began to twitch harder. Miko enjoyed watching Esmerelda’s ass shake, then she decided to lobster claw her exposed sides.

“NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! HEHEHEHAHAHAHEHEHAHAHAHEHAHA” Esmerelda exploded in laughter as she felt Miko’s fingers digging into her delicate ribs. Her body thrashed as her ribs were very ticklish.

“Looks like someone is very TICKLISH! Kitchy kitchy kitchy koo! Laugh Esmerelda, LAUGH!” Miko laughed as she continued to dig her “claws” into Esmerelda’s sides. The more she squirmed, the more Miko was starting to get turned on. There was something about Esmerelda’s delicate body squirming that mesmerized her. Her fingers then explored Esmerelda’s backside. She tickled her ribs, her back and again attack the ticklish ass. She was rewarded with uncontrollable laughter.

Esmerelda’s mind began to spin. She was being tormented again, but this time, she enjoyed it. She started to enjoy being under the torturous fingers of Miko. She raised her ass up, and winced as Miko spanked it back down. Esmerelda’s body was having an erotic sensation to this torture and she could feel this warm feeling building up in her stomach.

“Such a ticklish little girl….want me to stop tickling you little girl?” Miko teased.

“Please stop…I’m so ticklish…” Esmerelda panted.

“I will stop…only if you ask me to tickle your feet…” Miko purred.

“hehehehehehe I can’t…my feet are too ticklish!” Esmerelda moaned.

“Then I won’t stop tickling your ribs….C’mon, ask me to tickle your feet…tickle tickle…” Miko teased.

Esmerelda yelped a giggle when she felt Miko’s fingers lightly caressing her sides. “Okay! Tickle my feet…” Esmerelda couldn’t believe she just said that.

“C’mon…do it right!” Miko teased as she plunged her fingers into Esmerelda’s sides.

“HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! OKAY OKAY!!! Miko…please tickle…my feet.” Esmerelda giggled.

“MY PLEASURE!” Miko laughed. She then got up and sat on Esmerelda’s hamstrings facing her feet. Miko reached down and grabbed Esmerelda’s right ankle. She pulled the ankle towards her chest and looked at the exposed and vulnerable sole of Esmerelda. Miko licked her lips as she stared at the pink sole. She liked the chubby toes and the foot looked so soft and delicate.

“Miko……please don’t..” Esmerelda giggled.

“Hmmmm….This little piggy went to market! This little piggy stayed home…” Miko laughed as she playfully tugged each one of Esmerelda’s toes. Miko heard soft giggles with each toe pull and when she got to the baby toe she smiled. “And THIS little piggy is soooooo….TICKLISH!!!”

Esmerelda exploded in laughter as she felt Miko’s fingers scrabble against her soft sole. She began to bang her fists into her pillow as the tickling seemed relentless. Miko had a firm grip on her ankle and her foot flailed wildly. Her toes clenched tightly, only to open again when Miko tickled her toe pads. Esmerelda has always been extremely sensitive on her feet and this tickling was driving her insane. “PLEASE MIKO STOP!!!”

Miko had a hard time holding onto the ankle as Esmerelda thrashed wildly. She had a difficult time keeping her attacking fingers on the delicate foot flesh. She then had to sit back and wrap her own legs around Esmerelda’s, locking her leg. Miko was then able to use both hands to attack the helpless foot. She grabbed Esmerelda’s big toe and used her other hand to stroke wildly across the sole. She found a particular hotspot on the ball of the foot and even heard Esmerelda snort when that spot was attacked.

Esmerelda began to beg when the arch of her foot was tickled. Her eyes were clenched tight and tears began to form. She felt Miko’s fingers invading the soft webbing of her chubby toes and it sent extraordinary sensations ripping through her body. Yet, as much as she was feeling the torturous effect, in the deep recesses of her mind, she was beginning to enjoy this. This was a strange feeling for Esmerelda as she always wanted her torment to end. But with Miko, she hoped it continued.

Miko noticed Esmerelda’s toes stopped wiggling and decided it was time to play with Esmerelda’s other foot. She then wrapped her legs around Esmerelda’s left ankle and stared at the helpless foot. She didn’t attack the foot just yet. She enjoyed listening to Esmerelda’s breathing. She paused her fingers just mere millimeters from Esmerelda’s foot. She listened closely and heard Esmerelda’s breathing get heavier.

Esmerelda tried to catch her breath and knew her other foot was in trouble. She wiggled her toes and anticipated their impending torture. She held her breath and her mind was telling her to tell Miko to tickle her, but she stopped herself. All she could do was moan. “….the tickling…oh the tickling….”

Miko’s eyes then turned to devious eyes as she went full bore and spider tickled her fingers up and down Esmerelda’s sole. She was rewarded with the most delightful laughter as the foot flailed wildly. Miko then held the top of the foot and slowly dragged her finger from the base of the toes, across the ball of the foot, into the arch and off the tender heel. She then reversed the stroke and when she got to the base of the toes, she plunged her fingers into the undersides of the toes and Esmerelda’s body went berserk. Miko laughed as she felt Esmerelda’s body jerk wildly as she knew she got a real sensitive spot.

Minutes passed and Miko truly enjoyed tickling Esmerelda’s delicate feet. Once again, Esmerelda’s feet stopped wiggling and just absorbed their tickling punishment. Miko laughed as she felt esmerelda’s body go limp. Miko then looked at the sole. It looked so cute. She then pulled the foot to her face and gently kissed the ball of the foot. She continued to gently kiss the soft foot, and Miko’s mind went into mush as she heard Esmerelda’s giggles turn into moans. She then gently nibbled on the chubby toes and more moans. She then licked the pink sole and she heard Esmerelda giggle lightly. Miko was getting very turned on and wanted to tickle Esmerelda even more. She then let Esmerelda’s feet drop back to the bed and she got up off of Esmerelda.

Esmerelda tried to catch her breath and her head was getting light. She then moaned as she felt Miko flip her onto her back. She closed her eyes and awaited more tickle torture. She then gasped as she felt her towel getting removed from her front, fully exposing her. She couldn’t believe what was happening. She felt so weak, so helpless, so…wet.

Miko looked at Esmerelda’s naked form and saw that Esmerelda’s nipples were at attention. Miko licked her lips as she stared at the soft brown nipples. Miko didn’t know what was happening to her, but the feeling of dominating Esmerelda began to overwhelm her. She looked at Esmerelda’s face and thought it was the most adorable sight she has ever seen. She put her face into Esmerelda’s and noticed her eyes were closed. She could feel Esmerelda’s breath coming from her soft lips and Miko couldn’t help herself. She lowered her head and gently kissed Esmerelda on the lips.

Esmerelda’s body turned into mush as she felt Miko’s soft lips kissing hers. She didn’t know what was happening, but this felt so good. She kissed Miko back and their tongues met. Esmerelda felt Miko kiss her passionately and her body melted into butter. Every single sense in her body was on fire and she just enjoyed the kiss.

Miko broke the kiss and stared at Esmerelda’s breasts. She then took a nipple in between her fingers and slowly massaged it. Esmerelda moaned with pleasure then began to giggle. Miko smiled. “Are your titties ticklish too?”

Esmerelda giggled more as she felt Miko manipulating her breasts, sending ticklish shockwaves through her body. She then felt Miko’s tongue teasing around her nipples and her body was on fire. This was so much different than the feelings she had at the hands of Karina. She then felt Miko straddle her body. She opened her eyes and saw Miko’s backside, meaning Miko was facing her womanhood.

Miko looked at Esmerelda’s mound and noticed it was glistening. She reached her fingers forward and lightly stroked the hot mound. She heard Esmerelda moan as her fingers began to rub up and down the sensitive pussy. She then scrabbled her fingers across the lips and heard Esmerelda giggle. “Oooooh! Your pussy is ticklish too?”

“hehehehehehehe yes!” Esmerelda giggled.

“tickle tickle cute pussy!” Miko teased as her fingers continued to tickle Esmerelda’s mound. Miko licked her lips again as she saw Esmerelda’s hips grinding towards her fingers. The giggling mixed in with the moaning was really getting her turned on and she gasped when she felt Esmerelda grab her ass.

Esmerelda was in a high state of arousal and when her fingers grabbed Miko’s rear end, lust was consuming her. This was tickling that she loved. She giggled softly when Miko’s fingers tickled her clitoris and moaned when she felt fingers penetrating her. Her eyes began to close as she felt the buildup of a massive orgasm building up inside of her. This felt so nice. Her toes began to curl as Miko’s fingers continued to play with her.

“Oh my ticklish Esmerelda…do you want me to MAKE you cum?” Miko asked.

“YES! PLEASE! MAKE ME CUM! MAKE………ME………CUM!!!” Esmerelda shouted.

Miko then lowered her head and her the tip of her tongue gently touched Esmerelda’s love button and both women were turned on. Miko started to taste Esmerelda and it fueled her more to keep licking. She could feel Esmerelda’s legs tensing up and she knew an orgasm was going to pour out. Her tongue began to lick slower and harder.

Esmerelda’s fist began to clench and her body was on edge as she felt Miko’s tongue licking her most personal spot harder and harder. Every single nerve in her body was going to explode with just one more hard lick. She closed her eyes and awaited her explosion.

“JUST WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TWO DOING???!!!!” a voice boomed in the room.

Miko looked up, tongue still sticking out and saw a figure in the doorway. Her eyes bugged out and then she dropped her head.

Esmerelda was startled and getting pissed off that she was so close to cumming, only to have it interrupted. She opened her eyes and saw a very familiar figure standing at her door. “Noooooooooooooooo…….”
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Post by Soraka »

CHAPTER 22 - The Final Chapter

Ticklish Nerd – The reunion

“….And that ladies and gentlemen is how we will be able to save energy and help cut our dependency on fossil fuels.” Esmerelda smile as she finished up her presentation.

The audience clapped their approval and the presentation was over. Ms. Esmerelda Lopez, the chief bio engineer for Green-Tek Enterprises gave a presentation to members of the Congress and other high ranking officials from oil companies and other energy corporations. This was a big moment for her. After graduating from college, she was hired by Green-Tek, and up and coming bio engineering company and due to her hard work and her brilliance, she became the Chief Bio-Engineer. It took her ten years of hard work, which included 16 hour days, sometimes working two weeks in a row without a day off. This presentation was a huge honor for her as Green-Tek was the number one bio engineering firm in the United States. This presentation was going to be in the global media and her work would be recognized by the entire planet.

“Great job Esmerelda!! They loved it!...” Mr. Demera, the CEO of Green-Tek, told her after he hugged her. “I really think they are going to allow us to implement our ideas, not only nationwide, but WORLDWIDE!!!”

“Thanks Mr. Demera for believing in me.” Esmerelda told him. Her smile was getting larger and larger.

“Oh no my dear! THANK YOU!!! Ever since you were hired, you have been exceptional. I thank my lucky stars each and every day that we made the decision to bring you on when this company started. You graduated number one in your major from college. You are one of the greatest things to ever happen to this company.” Mr. Demera told her, smiling like a proud father.

“Thank you…” Esmerelda blushed. She felt really proud of herself. She just made one of the most important science presentations in the industry. Her and her team’s work may change how the world views energy.

“Now, prepare yourself young lady! Next Friday, we are invited to a banquet with all the leaders of bio engineering and oil companies from around the world! Get this… The President of the United States will be there! Ready for it?” Mr. Demera beamed.

“Y-Yes. It will be a wonderful night…” Esmerelda smiled. She watched Mr. Demera smile and greet other guests. She also started to greet other guests, shaking hands with members of Congress. She couldn’t believe this night. She was going to meet the President next week!

Friday night finally arrived and Esmerelda got herself ready for the night’s festivities. She put on her best dress, complemented with heels and a diamond necklace her father gave her when she graduated from college. Esmerelda never really got to dress up often. She was always in slacks and a labcoat. She let her hair down for the evening and couldn’t help herself. She blew a kiss to herself in the mirror. She started thinking about how hard she worked in college. Having chemistry as a major was difficult work, and she studied biology as well. College did provide some great memories, but then she remembered other memories of her personal life in college. Ever since she graduated from school, she wanted to suppress those memories of her interactions with a ruthless coed by the name of Karina. Karina tormented her for years during their tenure as students. She remembered how it finally all ended, when they both graduated from school. She remembered their final face to face interaction. Esmerelda closed her eyes and shook her head. She didn’t want to remember the details. She survived that ordeal, and instead remembered some of her fond memories with her friends. Young women like Miko and Leslie were good friends of hers and every once in a while she would hear from them. She smiled at those memories, smiled at how she looked in the mirror, then left for her very big night.

“Ladies and gentlemen..The President of the United States!” the announcement said over the loudspeakers.

Esmerelda held her breath as the President made his way into the ballroom and smiled for the cameras and waved to the crowd. Esmerelda heard the presidential music and still couldn’t believe she was in the same room with the President! She sat at the lead table with Mr. Demera and another senior leader of Green-Tek, and several other important dignitaries. Esmerelda gasped as the President approached her and shook her hand. After the President moved on to the other guests, Esmerelda finally got to exhale. She was in shock. She then sat down and the evening continued.

The evening went on and the President made a speech, along with others, and now Esmerelda was enjoying some banter with several guests. Dancing was taking place on the dance floor and it was a great evening for all. Esmerelda made her way through the crowd and shook hands with people. As she finished shaking the hand of the Chinese dignitary, she turned around, and her heart stopped. An absolutely beautiful woman stood in front of her with a smile on her face. Esmerelda turned white as a ghost as she definitely knew who this person was. She hasn’t seen this person in a decade. It was her former tormentor, Karina.

“Well, well, well. Small world isn’t it Esmerelda?” Karina asked.

Esmerelda began to sweat nervously. She reached up and put her glasses back on her eyes as they almost fell off. “K-Karina?…” she was at a loss of words.

“Don’t just stand there, come give me a hug.” Karina smiled as she looked at the other dignitaries looking at both of them.

Esmerelda also noticed people watching and she couldn’t let them know there was an issue between the two of them. Maybe Karina has changed since their last meeting together Esmerelda thought. This was also not the time and place for her to run away because then people would start to wonder what happened between these two and maybe they would find out what did happen! She couldn’t let that be known as it would totally humiliate her. She hugged Karina. As she hugged her, Esmerelda could have sworn she felt evil still within Karina.

“It has been a long time huh my friend?” Karina grinned.

“Y-yes it has… um, will you excuse me for a moment?” Esmerelda stated then walked away. She did not want to spend a lot of time with Karina. Esmerelda quickly went back to her boss’s side and didn’t want to leave him. Fear began to creep up in her soul and her eyes darted around, looking for Karina.

“Esmerelda, are you ok?” Mr. Demera asked. “You seem…jumpy.”

“I’m ok. I guess I’m getting tired.” She replied.

Yes, it is getting late. But, you have to meet Senator Alamain. This guy is one heck of a leader. I think he might be President one day.” Mr. Demera told her.

“Ok. It would be a honor.” She replied.

“Here he comes..Senator Alamain. Pleasure to have you here tonight.” Mr. Demera said while shaking the Senator’s hand.

“No, the pleasure is all mine to meet such a wonderful leader in bio engineering. You and your team have done some amazing things.” The Senator replied.

“I can’t take all the credit. My Chief Bio Engineer deserves a lot of credit. Senator Alamain, this is Esmerelda Lopez. Esmerelda, Senator Alamain.” Mr. Demera introduced.

Esmerelda shook the Senator’s hand and started to relax more. “Please to meet you Senator.”

“I guess the stereotype of bio engineers is false. You are a very beautiful woman.” Senator Alamain complimented as Esmerelda blushed. “I would also like to introduce you to a very special woman in my life. My beautiful wife, Karina. Karina dear, please meet some of my new friends.”

Esmerelda went white as a ghost again as Karina appeared in her sights again. “She’s married to a Senator?!” she thought to herself.

Karina grinned as she once again faced Esmerelda. She shook Mr. Demera’s hand and shook Esmerelda’s again. “Dear, you are not going to believe it, but I know this wonderful bio engineer. We went to college together….”

“Really? What a small world! You two were good friends?” the Senator asked.

“Oh yes…Me and Esmerelda were REALLY good friends, weren’t we?” Karina grinned.

“Um..y-yes..You can say that….” Esmerelda wanted to run to the South Pole at this point.

“Karina, why don’t you show Esmerelda around this great Hall while I speak with Mr. Demera? I am sure you two have lots to catch up on.” Senator Alamain said.

“Oh sure honey. It will be my PLEASURE….” Karina replied while giving her husband a small peck on the lips. “C’mon Esmerelda, let’s go catch up shall we?”

Esmerelda tried to think of an excuse, but she saw the Senator and her boss giving approving nods. She couldn’t escape. “Ok….” She said meekly.

Karina put her arm around Esmerelda’s shoulder and guided her away from the two gentlemen. Karina then began to guide Esmerelda through the ball room, and finally made it into the hallway. “How are you Esmerelda? You know…I have never forgotten the last time we’ve seen each other….Oh yeah, I haven’t forgotten what happened.” Karina whispered into her ear. “I was hoping to see you again one day…”

Esmerelda began to tense up. She wanted to run, but she did not want to cause a scene. Thoughts of her college past began to race through her head. Her mind was spinning and didn’t realize she was escorted into a private office upstairs. She snapped out of it and looked around. She saw Karina pushing some buttons on the door entrance. “W-where are we?”

“In a nice…PRIVATE…office…” Karina cooed as she walked towards Esmerelda like a lion stalking her prey. “Oh Esmerelda, that is such a nice dress you have are looking, um, delicious….”

Esmerelda began to walk backwards slowly. “K-Karina…c’mon, I think we can catch up later. I have to go now…”

“Oh no you don’t…we are going to get reacquainted right now. This is a wonderful reunion for us! Did you think you would ever escape me nerd?” Karina told her. “Oh yeah, I have been waiting for this moment for so long….”

Esmerelda then realized she walked backwards into the wall. She was trapped! She put her hands up to protect her body. “Karina, c’mon, we’re grown women now. College was so long ago! You’re the wife of a Senator now. Why are you bothering me again? Please don’t hurt me…”

Karina was now in front of Esmerelda and pushed her body against hers. With a wicked gleam in her eye, she lowered her face into Esmerelda’s, and removed Esmerelda’s glasses. “Hurt you? Oh my dear..I don’t plan to hurt you…But I do plan to eat you a little later… But I think it’s time to see if you are still…..ticklish…”

Esmerelda’s eyes popped open! She did not want to be tickled again! It was years since she was last tickled and thought she put that ordeal behind her. She tried to slap Karina so she could escape, but Karina grabbed her wrists.

“You’re trying to slap me? Oh, you are going to really pay for that you nerd!” Karina then forced Esmerelda’s arms behind her back, forcing Esmerelda face first into the wall. While holding Esmerelda’s wrists, she then pulled Esmerelda away from the wall and forced her to lay face first onto the office couch. She then straddled Esmerelda’s prone body and lowered her head into Esmerelda’s ear. “Oh, you are going to really suffer my nerd. I can’t wait for you to be…naked.”

Esmerelda began to struggle as she knew Karina was going to strip her to her birthday suit. “NOO! DON’T STRIP MEEEEEEHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH AHA” she shrieked as Karina’s fingers began to dig into her ribs. The ticklish sensations ripped through her body and she felt Karina’s strong fingers finding the sensitive crevices between her ribs.

Karina had a huge smile as she started to tickle Esmerelda. Tickling her felt so good and Karina unleashed her tickling skill. She began to remember all the fun she and her friends had tormenting Esmerelda. After college, she got to torment a few other women, but none of them compared to this ticklish nerd. Now, she was going to send Esmerelda into another stratosphere of tickling torment. Hearing her ticklish squeals only encouraged her to continue. Then she remembered she had to do something about Esmerelda’s loud laughter. She noticed a few coats lying in a chair and got up off of Esmerelda. She got over to the chair and removed the sash that was in one of the coats. She then bound Esmerelda’s wrists above her head and tied the other end of the sash to the leg of the couch. She then straddled Esmerelda and stared into her eyes. “Shut up nerd! You scream too much. Time for you to be gagged….”

Esmerelda began to squirm even more hearing Karina threaten her with a gag. She couldn’t believe what was happening. Her mind began to spin around, trying to comprehend what was happening. This was such a huge night for her. She got to meet the President of the United States, and here she was now, about to be tormented by a woman she hasn’t seen in a decade. She tried to free her wrists, but Karina had them tied tight. “Please Karina….please don’t do this…This is a big night! For the both of us. Why do this?”

“Are you really asking me why I am doing this? Listen you stupid nerd, I haven’t forgotten the last time we’ve seen each other. You deserve this to happen to you. Now shut up!” Karina yelled as she placed a sash around Esmerelda’s mouth, muzzling her. She then straddled Esmerelda again, and stared into Esmerelda’s brown eyes. A rush of adrenaline surged through her body as she saw fear in those eyes. Oh yes, she was going to have a lot of fun tormenting Esmerelda. She looked at Esmerelda’s exposed armpits and salivated. “I will give you some credit nerd. This is a beautiful dress you have on. What I like about the most is that it exposes your armpits for me. Tell me, are they still ticklish?”

Esmerelda grunted through her gag and tried to close her arms, but her hands were tied above her head. She saw Karina’s wiggling fingers getting closer and closer to her skin and her entire body tensed up. She closed her eyes in fear, then contact!! Esmerelda’s eyes bugged out as she felt the fingers gliding across her tender skin. She screamed as loud as she could, but the gag muffled most of it. Her head shook as she tried to get her armpits away from the torturous fingers. She looked into Karina’s eyes and saw pure malice in those eyes.

Karina enjoyed what she was doing to Esmerelda. The feeling of the soft skin mesmerized her. She slowly dragged the tips of the nails from the top of the hollow, through the delicate skin, towards the bottom, and then zipped the fingers back up. She loved the feeling of Esmerelda’s body writhing under hers. She then looked down the rest of Esmerelda’s body. “I think it’s time to remove this pretty dress of yours….”

Esmerelda began to squirm again as Karina began to reached under her back and began to unzip her strapless dress. She shook her head no as Karina began to peel the dress away from her upperbody, exposing her breasts. Esmerelda’s face turned red as her chest was exposed.

“Oooh…sweet breasts… Look at those sweet brown nipples…it has been a long time nerd. A LONG time….” Karina cooed as she continued to peel the dress down Esmerelda’s body, exposing the belly, then the panties of Esmerelda. “Granny panties huh? Some things never change…” Karina then left the dress bunched around her ankles. She then looked at Esmerelda’s upper body. She then began to trace her fingers along the sides, causing Esmerelda to shake her breasts. Karina loved watching the breasts shimmer.

Esmerelda screamed. She screamed as loud as she could as she felt the fingers tickling her sides. She wanted this to stop. Her body was very sensitive at this moment. She tried to twist her body away, but Karina would lobster claw her side, causing her to flip back on her back. She wanted to beg Karina to stop, but she couldn’t due to the gag. All she could do is take it. She squealed, giggled, and coughed as she felt Karina’s tickling fingers scurry across her belly, tickler her ribs, and even poke and prod in her belly button. She felt embarrassed that Karina was staring at her naked breasts. She wished the nightmare would end, but she just kept feeling the ticklish sensations rip through her body. Then she gasped when Karina flicked her nipples. Her eyes rolled back into her head as Karina continued to play with her nipples. Esmerelda hasn’t had a sexual experience since college. She still hasn’t had sex with a man yet in her life. Ever since she got out of college and worked for Green-Tek, she hasn’t had time for a social life, let alone any relationships. But now, here was her former tormentor playing with her sensitive nipples. She started to giggle when Karina started tickling her nipples.

Karina enjoyed the sight before her. She was playing with those soft brown nipples, and enjoyed watching Esmerelda squirm. It had been a long time since she played with her and was going to savor this moment. Her fingertips circled around the hard nipples, and she knew Esmerelda was starting to get turned on. Then she slowly tickled under the breasts, then moved her hands down Esmerelda’s chest, across the soft tummy, then right above her panty line. She then thought it was time to have some more fun. She got up of a panting Esmerelda, then flipped Esmerelda over onto her stomach. She pulled the rest of the dress off and threw it across the room. She then sat down, and placed Esmerelda’s ankles between her legs and clenched her legs, trapping the ankles. She stared at the soles of Esmerelda’s high heels.

“Are your feet still sweet Esmerelda?” she asked.

Esmerelda closed her eyes as she knew her feet were next. She wiggled her feet wildly, but she couldn’t get them free. She then felt her bare heel pop out of her shoe. She clenched her toes, trying to keep her shoe on, but it was not use. She felt the shoe come off her foot and she instinctively wiggled her toes. She then heard her shoe hit the office floor, then felt the other shoe get removed. She wiggled her ankles wildly and hoped Karina would leave her feet alone.

“You’re so funny Esmerelda….you damn well know I am going to ENJOY tickling these feet of yours. Wait, what am I saying? These feet STILL belong to me.” Karina laughed as she then stroked her fingers up the soles of the trapped feet. She laughed to herself as she saw Esmerelda’s body tense up and heard a strong muffled laugh coming from her lips. Karina then used the tips of her nails to skitter along the very soft and delicate skin of Esmerelda’s feet. She saw the toes clench and she attacked the sensitive undersides of the toes, causing Esmerelda to writhe in ticklish agony. She then used her fingers to slowly circle the soft skin on the ball of the foot, then the other foot. She then found a particular sensitive area on the spot right below the big toe where it meets the ball of the foot. Karina loved tickling these feet. She went after the heels and loved watching Esmerelda’s soles wrinkle up in agony.

Esmerelda began to shed tears as her feet were tickled mercilessly. It had been forever since she was last tickled and now her feet were being tormented. She couldn’t free her legs, so all she could do is feel nails. Nails across her heels. Nails across the arches of her feet. Nails across the balls of her feet. Nails across the pads of her toes. Nails invading the crevices between each and every toe. She felt Karina’s nails tickling her without a break. The worst part was that she couldn’t beg. She began to sweat, and tears continued to stream down her face because she felt tickling fingers on her feet. Then her eyes popped open when she felt a tongue glide up the length of her foot. Karina was licking her feet!!

Karina slowly slid her tongue up the length of Esmerelda’s bare foot. It actually tasted real sweet. She made sure her tastebuds slid across all of the wonderful foot skin of Esmerelda, and then went to the soft undersides of the toes. She took Esmerelda’s big toe in her mouth and sucked. HARD. She felt Esmerelda’s body tense up and heard a moan mixed in with the laughter. Her tongue made its way through each toe and she made sure she sucked each one. She would let each toe pop out of her mouth with a sucking sound. She knew this drove Esmerelda crazy and wanted to send her way over the edge. She then began to nibble on the foot and continued to taste the feet. She knew she had Esmerelda right where she wanted her. She then put Esmerelda’s feet down on the couch and stared at her prone body. Now it was time to really play with her.

“Time to take these silly granny panties off….” Karina cooed.

Esmerelda’s heart nearly stopped when she heard Karina’s threat. She was going to be stripped completely naked! Her mind began to race over this situation. She didn’t know what to do. Her hands were tied, she was already exhausted from the tickling ordeal, and there was nothing, nothing at all she could do to stop Karina. She felt so weak, so humiliated. The tears began to fall again.

Karina pinched the top of the panties and began to peel them off. She saw the tailbone, then the cheeks of Esmerelda’s ass. She then pulled the panties all the way down her legs, and off the feet. She had stripped Esmerelda completely naked. She then kneeled next to Esmerelda’s head and whispered into her ear. “I am going to make you cum for me…but I have an idea for that sweet ass of yours…” Karina then went to her purse and pulled out an object. She then managed to get under Esmerelda’s body on the couch, with Esmerelda facing ass up in her lap. She then began to massage the cheeks, then began to lightly tickle them.

Esmerelda began to giggle. Her ass was real ticklish and Karina’s light tickling of them was driving her crazy. She shrieked into her gag when she felt the tip of Karina’s fingernail lightly trace through the crack of her ass and she just kept wiggling. The nails skittered all around her ass and she just laughed. She began to kick her feet wildly, then she grimaced in pain.

SMACK!!! Karina began to spank her ass! “Stay still nerd! You have been a VERY (SMACK!)… BAD (SMACK!)….BAD (SMACK!!)… NERD!!!! (SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK!!!!!....KEEP THOSE FEET STILL!!!!” she yelled while spanking Esmerelda as hard as she could. Karina continued to spank the ass until it began to turn even more red. She then began to lightly tickle the cheeks again, sending Esmerelda into muffled hysterical laughter.

Esmerelda giggled uncontrollably and she was still hurting from her spanking as well. She wanted this to stop, but she knew Karina had no intention of stopping right now. She winced in pain again when Karina smacked her rear end again, then she felt her butt cheeks pulled open. Her eyes then bugged out wildly as a severe ticklish sensation ripped through her very soul. She felt something twirling in her ass hole and had no idea what it was. She knew it wasn’t Karina’s fingers, or even her tongue. It felt bristly, and whatever it was, it tickled like crazy!

Karina continued to twirl her makeup brush around Esmerelda’s ass hole. She circled the brush hairs around the rim and “poke” the brush in and out of the hole. “I’m going to have to buy me a new one after this…” she laughed to herself as she continued to tickle the tender ass hole. She then stroked the brush up and down the crack, and would dip into the hole then continue to tickle the crack. She then twirled the brush around the hole, spinning it as fast as she could and saw Esmerelda’s body shake in pure hysteria. “You have such a ticklish hole Esmerelda….tickle tickle tickle tickle…..”

Esmerelda continued to scream into her gag hysterically. Despite the tickling, the brush tickling her was sending sensual shockwaves through her body as well. Her toes clenched open and shut and she even tried to clench her ass, but Karina would force the cheeks back open and continue to tickle her. She wanted to beg for mercy. She wanted to plead for her sanity. But the gag prevented her from doing so and all she could do was laugh.

Karina enjoyed her power over Esmerelda again. She got to tickle the little nerd from head to toe. Now it was time to finish the job. There was one more spot she couldn’t wait to get to. She got up off the couch and let Esmerelda lay there. She could hear her sobbing and Karina felt a rush of power go through her soul. She knew she was breaking Esmerelda down, just like she did back in college. Karina flipped Esmerelda over onto her back and looked into her eyes. “Yes my little nerd…it is time for me to reclaim your pussy as mine. I miss this pussy… Is it still ticklish?” Karina laughed as she began to skitter her fingers on the lips of Esmerelda’s vagina.

Esmerelda watched the fingers touch her vaginal lips and her eyes widened. The ticklish sensation ripped through her like electricity! She hasn’t had someone touch her there since college and the sensation was overwhelming. She felt the fingers gliding up and down her ever increasing moistening pussy and all she could do was laugh. Karina pulled her legs open, exposing her and there was nothing she could do. Karina then tickled her clit and Esmerelda’s back arched high up off the couch, which exposed her pussy to Karina even more!

“tickle tickle tickle tickle… Such a ticklish pussy…. Kitchy kitchy kitchy….Hmmmm girl, you need a shaving!” Karina teased as she continued to play with the helpless pussy. She fiddled with the pubic hair and even gently pulled on it. She wished she had a razor because she wanted to shave off the hairs. She continued the pussy tickling, then she lowered her head towards the steaming mound. “Does this pussy still taste………delicious?”

Esmsrelda’s eyes rolled into the back of her head as she felt Karina’s tongue lapping up on her pussy lips. It tickled like crazy, but to her dismay, it felt so good! She tried to bite her tongue to distract her from the sucking of her pussy, but it was no use. She knew Karina knew how to force her to orgasm. She felt the massive buildup in her loins and tried to fight the sensation. She didn’t want to give Karina the satisfaction of making her cum. She began to moan and her breathing got heavier. Esmerelda felt the tidal wave of pure bliss getting bigger…..and bigger….and bigger…. until finally she came. Esmerelda exploded in pure sexual bliss and her mind went absolutely numb. A decade of not orgasm came crashing through her, her fingers clenched as well as her toes and it was an orgasm that rocked her.

“Yep..still delicious… and look at you squirt your pussy juices out nerd…” Karina teased as she watched Esmerelda try to recover from her orgasm. “I know you remember that your body is extra… extra.. extra sensitive right? Let’s see how ticklish your feet are again…”

Esmerelda shrieked into hysterics into her gag again as she felt Karina’s fingers tickling up and down her soft bare feet. Her body rocked violently on the couch as Karina tickled the delicate underside of the toes. Esmerelda then laughed harder as Karina started tickling up her legs, across her pussy lips, across her tummy, poking in and out of her belly button, under her breasts, squeezing her rib cage, circle around her nipples, scurry in her armpits, and finally around her neck. Her orgasm made her so sensitive that the tickling was driving her insane.

Karina loved tickling every inch of Esmerelda’s body. She teased the nipples one last time, then finally, she removed the gag. “You stupid little nerd.. You are just way too much fun. You are lucky, VERY LUCKY, that we are still here at the banquet. I want to torment you all night long. But I am going to let you go. Just remember this, I will make up for lost time. I will make you my little tickle slut once again. I swear, if you tell anyone, and I mean anyone, I will make sure you pay for it very dearly. You thought I was powerful in college. I am a hundred times more powerful now! I am the wife of a powerful Senator. I will make your life a living ticklish hell. We will see each other soon again… Now get dressed you pathetic excuse for human life…. But, I think I will keep your panties as a souvenir. Before I let you go, who does this pussy right here belong too?” Karina asked while lightly tickling Esmerelda’s pussy.

“hehehehehehehehehehehehehehe..yours… the pussy belongs to you….” Esmerelda giggled, hoping to do anything to be freed.

“Damn right!” Karina screamed. Karina then untied Esmerelda’s wrists and fixed herself up a bit. She didn’t want to look like she tormented someone for the last hour. She grabbed Esmerelda’s panties, but on her own shoes again, then blew a kiss towards Esmerelda before she left the office.

Esmerelda slowly got up of the couch and had to rest for a moment. She felt so lightheaded and she tried to recover from her tickling ordeal. After a few minutes, she began to slowly put back on her dress and put on her heels. She tried to walk and had to catch her balance a bit. She left the office, her mind still buzzing about what just took place. She went into bathroom and tried to fix herself up a bit. She felt so embarrassed knowing that she was walking with no underwear on. As she left the restroom and made her way back to the ballroom, she saw her boss and the Senator shaking hands.

“There she is! Esmerelda, good to see you again. Karina here just told me and Senator Alamain that you two spent the last hour getting reacquainted.” Mr. Demera stated.

Esmerelda looked next to the Senator and saw Karina with an evil smile on her face. “Yeah, we got reacquainted.” She mumbled.

“You look so tired. It is ok if you go home.” Mr. Demera told her.

“I think I will walk her out….” Karina mentioned.

“I’m fine! I’m ok! Just a little tired, but I am ok.” Esmerelda replied immediately. There was no way she was going to be alone with Karina again.

The Senator excused himself and Karina as they wanted to say goodbye to other guests. Esmerelda watched Karina walk away and noticed she continued to stare at her. A chill went through her spine as she prayed that her worst nightmare was not happening all over again…..
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Post by janalipinin »

Loved it. I wish I could be esmeralda :)
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Posts: 1
Joined: 1 year ago

Post by Tickle-Student »

Very nice story, love it. Do you have more stories like this? You are an excellent writer 😍
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