Rocero : 02 - Amy's Gift (M/M, F/M)

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Rocero : 02 - Amy's Gift (M/M, F/M)

Post by Canuck100 »

Rocero's stories
02 - Amy's Gift
Story index at the bottom

By Rocero

Wed Jan 21, 2009 2:03 pm

Part 1

This had been one of my more unusual experiences.

It happened back in my first year of university, early on in my second semester. I was alone in my room with the door open doing some readings. That's when John showed up at my door and said "Hey man. Did you know it was Amy's birthday today?" He told me to come down to Amy's room. Apparently he somehow got in while she was out, and he needed me to help set up a surprise for her.

I didn't really know John that well - I've seen him only a few times and rarely talked to him. He was a bit bigger and taller than I was. He told me to come over to Amy's room in a couple minutes. After I finished my page, I put my book away, locked my room door, and walked down the hallway. I went into the room to meet John. I was expecting to find a bunch of people around here to plan for the upcoming surprise party, but the living-room of Amy's suite dorm-room was completely empty. "Come over here Sam!" said John from one of the bedrooms. I walked in. John was sorting through his backpack in Amy's room.

"It's just us two?" I asked. I didn't really know Amy either, but I knew she was friends with John - he was the only guy I ever really saw her hang out with. I was surprised that I had been asked to come. John told me he asked me to come early to help him set some things up really quickly.
I've seen Amy around before. Not a lot of people seemed to pay attention to her - she was usually very quiet. She was a bit plump and had short curly red hair. She didn't get a lot of male attention since she usually came off as quite reserved.

"We have to hurry up," said John. "I think she'll be back soon. Can you go pick up that bag over there?" He pointed at a plastic bag over in the corner on a chair. I went to pick it up. As I did, I heard John walk behind me and he suddenly seized my wrists from behind.

"Hey WHAT-" I started to yell, but one of his hands let go of my wrist and came over my mouth.

"Shut up," he said.

I tried to pull his hand off, but he wouldn't let go. Instead, he turned me around and pushed my back to the wall by the palm of his hand against my mouth. His other hand had produced a pair of handcuffs.

"Either you put these on or I'll put them on you instead."

I refused and kept struggling. Using his one hand, he grabbed my wrist and slapped one of the cuffs on it. Before I knew it he tightly closed it over. Then he let go of my mouth and tried to turn me around. I attempted to run away, but he grabbed my other hand and handcuffed my loose wrist to the other behind my back. Before I could say a word he was holding me with both arms and hand-gagging me again. His palm was pressing so hard I couldn't get a sound out.

It was at this point that he told me his plan to make me the birthday surprise. "Let's go sit down, shall we?"

Palm still squeezing over my mouth, he brought me to the chair and made me sit down. He made me move my hand behind the back of the chair. Still persistently hand-gagging me, he reached down to his backpack and pulled out a roll of duct-tape and a small cloth. He pulled off a strip and finally let go of my mouth. He crammed the cloth into my mouth, pushing it in deep with this fingers, and then slapped the tape over it right away and replaced his hand over it to make sure I couldn't make a sound. He then pulled out a white cloth, removed his hand, and tied the cloth over my mouth as an OTM gag. It was a very tight gag and didn't feel like it could slide off at all. For good measures, he took out another, much larger white cloth and tied it over my mouth yet again, this time over my nose as well. Then he used one more to blindfold me. It wasn't over - using some ropes, he secured by upper body, legs, and ankles to the chair.

"Now for one last touch," he said.

I felt him beginning to rapidly unbutton my shirt. At that moment I tried to struggle and yell, but I was completely helpless. The ropes were too tight, and the gag was too thick. I could do nothing except let him undress me. His fingers worked from button to button, lower and lower until he reached the last. After unbuttoning that one as well, he unbuttoned my jeans. Then he pulled down my fly. I was trying to yell, but all that came were desperate muffled moans and pleas. He pulled my pants down. He left my underwear on.

Now I was stripped, tied up, gagged, and blindfolded all by another man. I already felt violated, but suddenly he reached through the opening in my boxers and started handling me. All that I could do was moan angrily under the gag. He laughed as he let me go. Then I felt him writing something on my chest with a marker. As he said it, he read it out loud "Happy birthday Amy - From John."

"Have fun, Sam," he said as he left, cackling like a madman.

Wed Jan 21, 2009 2:57 pm

Part 2 (A part 3 is to come right after)

Here I was: in the most embarrassing situation I could've ever landed myself in. The resident dorm psycho had kidnapped me and used me for his own fun. I had been bound, gagged, blindfolded, and left almost completely naked in a girl's dorm room. Not to mention I had also been literally manhandled. Panic was rushing through me. What would happen when she got back? What would her reaction be? If I didn't get out of this, my reputation at school would be ruined before it ever began.

But I couldn't get out of the chair. It was the first time a guy had tied me up. I've been tied up by girls before, but never by a guy. When I had been tied up by girls, I always felt that if I struggled just enough I could always get free. But it was always willingly done, and I never had much motivation to escape. Now it was different - I had been overpowered and tied up against my will. Unlike a girl, John really tied me up - I couldn't escape. I could barely even budge in my seat. None of my strength was capable of getting me out of these bonds. The handcuffs were on my wrists so tightly I knew I'd have some prominent marks by the time I got free - I couldn't squeeze my hand out at all. The ropes around my body and legs were so tight I couldn't get my body an inch off the chair. And the gag - before, I always thought OTM gags were useless since they were too easy to take off. But these cloths were wrapped tight. The cloth in my mouth was thick, and now wet. I couldn't move my tongue. The tape was on so tight I couldn't move my lips around. The two outside cloths were tied on so tightly I could only move one of them a couple inches by rubbing the gag on my shoulder.

I kept struggling as much as possible - the ropes barely loosened and there was no escaping the handcuffs. I had been tracking the time on Amy's clock - fifteen minutes had past. The sounds of footsteps in the hallways caused me to turn paranoid and struggle harder with my desperation to escape my predicament.

When I heard the room's front door open I began to sweat. I was getting tired from struggling so much and panicking.

"Hello my little bondage slave," said a voice which belonged to John.

I heard him pull up a chair right in front of me. I felt his fingers on my face as he grabbed me by the chin. I tried to pull away, but he jerked me back.

"Don't touch me" I tried to yell, but it just came out as "Dmmph tmmph mmph!"

He adjusted my gag and my blindfold. He told me Amy was going to be back soon, and taunted me. He commented on how I was clearly displeased with him fondling me. He let go of my chin and started to stroke my cheek with his palm. Every time I tried to pull away he just kept yanking my head back. Over the gag, he moved his fingers over my lips and kept tracing them out. He kept taunting me, telling me how he liked to make guys like me uncomfortable, guys he thought of as homophobic or close-minded. He moved his hands from my face to my ears, playing with them and tugging at my lobes, down to my neck tickling it, down to my chest stomach moving them all around me. Then he put his hand on my bare leg, first on my knee. Then he started to slide it up, up my thigh, then on the inside of my leg, then towards my boxers, and then he started playing with me again. As soon as he touched me there I struggled so hard I nearly fell over in my seat, but John grabbed me and hand-gagged me again to keep me quiet.

"Okay okay shut up. You'll get plenty... of female attention soon. I'm just trying to have my fill first. After all, I'm the one who put in all the effort, so I should get something out of it."

Without further molestation, he got up and left. I was left, still bound and gagged, panting heavily and sweating profusely. I was too tired to move.

Only about two minutes later did I hear the door swing open again, and I was praying it wasn't John. I felt that anything would've been better at this point, and I knew that if John attempted to touch me again I wouldn't be able to do a thing.

I heard footsteps coming towards the bedroom. I heard the door slowly being turned open. I couldn't struggle anymore out of pure exhaustion - I had resigned to my fate.

Wed Jan 21, 2009 3:18 pm

Part 3 (It's over!)

An abrupt screech rang through the air. Amy was obviously home.

"Oh my God," she said over and over. I felt her fingers work the knots that kept my blindfold and gag on. Soon I was free to see and speak again. I had been blindfolded for so long my eyes needed a couple seconds to adjust. There was Amy: she looked scared. Her eyes were wide open with disbelief and shock. I tried to explain things right away, but I was blurting out too much and I couldn't say anything right.

She put a hand up to my mouth and asked me "Did John do this to you?"

I nodded. I told her I really wanted to be untied so I could leave, and I was really sorry for all of this.

"Of course," she said. "Hold on, I'll go get something for those ropes."

"The handcuffs won't come off, John locked them and they're impossible to squirm out of," I said.

"That won't be a problem," she said as she walked off towards her kitchen. "Don't worry."

I sat there, still almost completely naked. "Hey uh... is John gay?" I asked. She asked me why I ask. I told her to never mind. I didn't want to mention it to anyone - nobody needed to know what happened, and I didn't want to think about it. She came back with a knife and cut the ropes. She then helped me get out of the chair. I was loose now except for the handcuffs. I thanked her.

"When we get you out of these handcuffs, we'll get you dressed and you can be on your merry way." She walked towards her closet.

"Listen - could you please never tell anybody about this?" I asked. "It was just a stupid prank and I'm unfortunately the butt of the joke."

She came back from her closet. "Sure Sam. As long as you won't tell anybody about this either."

"About what?" I asked. Amy stood in front of me, holding something behind her back.

"About this," she said as she revealed a pink ball-gag.

"What-" I started to ask but suddenly she tried to shove the ball in my mouth. I tried to back up. She came up to me and pushed me down onto her bed. She then sat on top of me, holding my face with one hand and trying to cram the ball in my mouth with the other. I was immediately getting tired - moving was a chore for my body. I was covered in my own sweat and panting insanely. Eventually there was nothing I could do but surrender my will - by the time the ball-gag was being put in my mouth I was simply laying there and taking it.

"Looks like John's taken the time to tire you out," she said. She got off of me as she said "Be a good boy". That's all I could do now - simply lie still, struggling to breathe. That's how I lay as she did everything to me - as she turned me onto my back, as she pulled my boxers off, and as she took my feet and tied them down to the bed. She turned me into her personal toy - first she tickled me, then started fondling me and playing with me. She ran her tongue all over me and kept teasing me. She would keep me as hard as possible while never letting me finish up. She even undressed herself and lay down on top of me. Sometimes she would remove the gag and replace it with a breast. Sometimes she even sat over my face and forced me to please her back. The whole time she took pictures - pictures which I knew would come to haunt me.

Eventually she let me loose and gave me my clothes back. She warned me if I ever told anyone, she'd put the picture everywhere - all over school, the internet, and the dorm. I promised I'd never tell anyone.

After that day, I tried my best to completely avoid Amy. Thankfully she had neither my phone number. However, there was a couple instances when I did run in to her. One time she knocked on the front door of my dorm - the second time she followed me in the hallway. Both times, she forced me to come back to her room, blackmailing me with the photos. Knowing I couldn't afford that, I'd return to her room, and I'd be subjected to do as she said. It wasn't always bondage, but John was always there to tie me up when that's what she had in mind. She eventually left me alone by the end of the semester. That summer, Amy somehow found out my email address. She sent me an email with all the pictures she took contained. She told me she had no copies and I was safe from any future blackmailing. She also told me to keep the pictures as souvenir of her and John. For some reason, these pictures have gone on undeleted by my hand. It was one of my more "real" bondage experiences - truly tied up and used against my own will.

Rocero's stories
Index of all stories in the "Archive for Adults" section