stanparks : 02 - Marriage Proposal Shows Who's Really in Charge (F/M)

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stanparks : 02 - Marriage Proposal Shows Who's Really in Charge (F/M)

Post by Canuck100 »

Stanparks' stories
02 - Marriage Proposal Shows Who's Really in Charge
Story index at the bottom

By Stanparks

Mon Mar 07, 2011 7:38 pm

So after years of dating and being dominated by by girlfriend (see my past stories for examples) I finally popped the question!

It happened a few weeks ago and was really exciting and scary at the same time. But I knew that she was "the one" all along and that I was lucky to find someone so into tying me down when I enjoyed being tied up.

Interesting thing though, she said NO!

Let me set the scene... We were out to dinner at a nice Italian restaurant, I had bought her flowers, the mood was romantic. I brought the ring, and did the whole kneel down on one knee thing, and all she could say was "No". I felt like an idiot. My reading of her and our relationship must have been wrong, or my choices there must have been all bad. Maybe the ring wasn't big enough or the mood wasn't right or I did something else wrong. It was probably the worst feeling I've ever had.

The rest of the dinner was horribly awkward, we both didn't say much. It wasn't until the car ride back to our apartment that she said, "I need time to think. I MAY want you to be my husband... but it has to be on my terms... and I am just not prepared to be engaged yet."

Although we still weren't engaged, at least I felt hope again. I was so sure I wanted to marry her, but was devastated that she didn't seem to feel the same.

She made me sleep on the couch in our living room that night, while she locked herself in our bedroom. After an hour or so, I knocked on the door and asked if she wanted to talk. She opened the door, wearing just a black lace bra and panties and said, "no I don't, and I don't want you to either." She ordered me back to the couch and slammed and re-locked the door.

She came out a few minutes later and startled me while I was watching TV.

"Do you still love me?" she said.

I said "yes".

She said, "Good. I don't want you to feel neglected out here. Why don't you lay on your stomach?"

I did. She brought out a rubbermaid container of rope, bandanas and a ball gag. She started by tying my hands behind my back. Then moved to my ankles, my knees and my elbows. She then tied me into a rather strict hogtie and gagged me with the ball gag and blindfolded me with a bandana. It was weird after being denied. I couldn't help but think was she somehow bi-polar all along and I just didn't know it?

As she packed up the container she said, "You know if I let you marry me, you might end up like this every night".

I was so turned on as I mppphheed into my gag. She turned off the lights in the room, shut off the TV, went back to the bedroom and closed the door.

That was the first night of what I would consider to be our engagement. The nights that followed got even more interesting...

Wed Mar 09, 2011 10:53 am

The next day we had a planned road trip to visit my girlfriend's family. Part of my original plan was to time the engagement so that we could announce it to them in person, as they lived 4 hours away. We had a long car ride in which we talked about everything other than marriage. It was like the night before had never happened. But we both know it had, and I remembered her response and somewhat openness to eventually getting hitched.

As we got close to her parent's house she told me to pull over to the side of the road. She hopped out of the car, went into the back and came back with a pair of shoes. I remained in the drivers seat. As she got back in the car she said "pull your pants down". I said, "Here? now?" She replied "JUST DO IT!". So I undid my belt, opened my fly and lifted myself up a bit. I pulled my pants low enough to expose myself to her. While I was doing that she was pulling the shoelace out of one of her shoes.

Cars were whizzing by, and she started to lean over and examine my manhood. I just kept saying "what if someone sees what we're doing?". She said "they'll just think I'm giving you a blow job, and be jealous".

She wrapped the shoelace around my parts. She tied it up good. She said "There! All tied up!... I can't have you tied up this weekend with my parents around, not in the open anyway. So instead I've got part of you bound up where no one can see. But I still know that I've got you".

I was definitely turned on and it made for an interesting, and somewhat painful rest of the ride. When we pulled up her parent's driveway it was starting to bother me more. She said, " no complaining, it's acting time! You have to act like your penis isn't all tied up right now. I'm their sweet little girl, and if they ever found out that I did stuff like this they'd disown me, and I'd in turn, have to disown you. Consider this a practice run! Don't mess up!"

I sucked it up and we made our way inside the house.

Mar 11, 2011 7:49 pm

After a few minutes inside I excused myself to the bathroom to check on her work. I shifted it around a bit, stretched the shoelace as much as I could without untying it, and was good to go.

We spent the rest of the night with her family and then retired to separate bedrooms (we weren't allowed to stay in the same room, as her parents didn't even know we lived together yet). Her family is very religious, and anything beyond holding hands before marriage was seen as sinful. As such my room was downstairs in a finished basement, far away from my girlfriend's. She was all the way upstairs with all of the other rooms. We went to sleep around 10, but I tossed and turned forever.

I finally did get to sleep but was awakened by some weird sounds coming from the adjacent room. I chose not to get up and the sounds went away a few minutes later.

I'm not sure how much time passed, but later in the early morning I was startled by my girlfriend's hand over my mouth. "shhhhhhh" she said quietly," my dad would kill you if he knew I was down here right now". I'm half asleep but the words "would kill you" certainly brought me to a greater state of consciousness. I whispered "so why are you down here then?". "I have a surprise for you, get up and follow me" she said.

We both tip toed into her parent's unfinished laundry room. The ceiling beams were only about 6 or 7 feet off the ground, it was like a mini room. The room had piles of clothes, some short curtains hanging from the beams to separate out the room, boxes of clothesline from the days when they hung the clothes up to dry, and just boxes of random stuff.

"I want to make love to you" she said. I was surprised, and somewhat conflicted. Hours earlier we were being cautious, minutes earlier she said if her dad knew we were together at night he'd kill me... and now she wants to make love!?!? "I said I don't know if that's a good idea". She stared me straight in the eye and said sternly, ""do you want to make love to me?". I said," ok... but where"

"You let me worry about that" she said. She grabbed a pillowcase from the laundry pile and pulled it over my head. She then led me to the back of the room, I felt us brush past a curtain and she sat me down on an old fold out bed. She said "open up" and shoved a pair of socks in my mouth and tied them in place with some clothesline. She continued "You better be quiet." Next she layed me down. the bed was small, and had a metal frame. I figured out that the sounds I hear earlier were her setting it up.

She tied my hands down to the bed first, spreading them apart and binding them to metal edges of the bed. I was being tied spread eagle using pieces of clothesline. She took off my pants before tying my legs down, and again admired her work from earlier.

Once she had me tied down she took her clothes off, put a condom on me, and we started making love. I was a quiet as I could be, biting hard on the socks in my mouth, but the metal bed just started making loud clicking sounds. She stopped, got up, looked around and couldn't figure out how to fix it, so she continued on. She started to moan softly, then louder. She should have gagged herself, I thought! I started to get worried. The bed sounds, the moaning, all I could think about was that her dad was going to kill me! I started losing interest because of my concerns, and eventually shrunk down and came out.

She was not happy. This was not part of her fantasy and it showed. She slapped my chest and said "Fine, since you are so worried, I'll go back to my room" . She got up, grabbed the curtain, pulled it closed. I mppphhheeedd. as I heard her walk up the stairs.

There I layed, now more worried than ever. Tied down to a metal fold out bed, in my girlfriend's parent's basement, naked from the waste down, blindfolded and gagged. I had no idea what time it was, or if he mom would be down to do laundry anytime soon.

Sat Mar 12, 2011 8:37 pm

Continuing with the story...

I struggled for a while on the bed, since I had no idea if she'd be coming back. I eventually got a hand free, and the rest came easily. I put all of the ropes in a box that I thought they came from, put the pillowcase back where she had taken if from, and just took the socks and condom with me back to my bed. I hid them away in my bag and got to sleep.

Around 6am my girlfriend woke me up and said "I'm glad you got out".

I was somewhat mad at her, because this could have been really bad with her family and all. I just said "yeah I found my way".

"Good" she said, "I wanted you to get out. If I didn't want you to you wouldn't have been able to." She's probably right, and that made me feel a bit better about her just leaving me.

The rest of the day was pretty normal. We had lunch with her family and then drove back home.

When we got back we sat down ont he couch and started to watch TV together. I figured it was as good a time as any to I try and approach the subject of marriage again. I wasn't trying to push her to say "yes" right then, but I wanted to get an idea of when she might be thinking. That was a bad idea.

She got up from the couch, went to the bedroom, and came back with some leg irons and duct tape. Without saying anything she cuffed one around my right ankle, and attached the other end to the frame of the couch. Next she started peeling off pieces of duct tape and putting them on my mouth. As she did she started to say something to the effect of:

Piece 1 "what did I tell you?"
piece 2 "my time"
Piece 3 "my terms"
Piece 4 "i'm in control of this relationship"
Piece 5 "not you"
Piece 6 "if and when I'm ready you'll know"
Piece 7 "don't ask again"
Piece 8 "you'r sleeping on the couch"
Piece 9 "don't take this tape off or try to speak"
Piece 10 "I don't want to hear a peep"

She got up, took the tv remote, shut the TV off and went into the bedroom, closed and locked the door. The TV was out of reach now, and all I had to do was lay on the couch until she released me.

Sun Mar 13, 2011 7:52 pm

We both went to work the next morning and things were pretty much back to normal again. The only difference was every night after dinner, I was cuffed back to the couch. The roll of duct tape sat next to the couch as a reminder that as much as I wanted to talk about getting married, I shouldn't, and so I didn't. We watched TV each night and then she retired to the bedroom around 9 or 10.

I wasn't sure what she was doing in there, or why I had to sleep on the couch, but I went with it. When Friday came around we went to the movies. We saw "No Strings Attached" with Ashton Kutcher an Natalie Portman. There were too many parallels to our life in the film, especially for a Kutcher flick (I really don't like the guy). From Natalie keeping the nature of the relationship a secret from so many people, to little things like her working as a student in a hospital was striking to me (as you may recall my girlfriend works in a hospital too). And Kutcher's endless pursuing of Portman was like me with idea of marriage.

My girlfriend picked the movie, and I think she did it on purpose. It would have been so easy for me to bring up the proposal or relate the movie to our relationship, but I didn't. We drove back home, i started heading in and I noticed my girlfriend opening the trunk of my car and taking a pillowcase out.

I said "what's that?" She said "this was in case you were bad tonight." I could see as she came closer that the pillowcase had stuff in it.

"What do you mean?" I said.

"You know what I mean, now lets go inside."

Now I was intrigued. What was she going to do, tie me up in the movie theater? I really wanted to know what she had been planning, and I was getting turned on.

I said, "What were you going to do? What's in there?"

She said, "You've been really good tonight. And you are starting to ruin it. You don't want to do that now do you? Go inside and drop it."

We went inside, and for the first time in a week I slept back in bed with her. We woke up on Saturday and went for a jog together. We came back and took turns in the shower. After I was out and she was in, I saw the pillowcase from the night before laying next to her purse. Should I or shouldn't I? I thought to myself. I had to know what was inside so I decided to sneak a peak in the pillowcase.

To my surprise it was just a couple of old dish towels that were almost disintegrating they were so old, the fibers were powdery. It just didn't make any sense. What was she going to do with them? And what was the big deal about me knowing about a pillowcase with two towels in it? Something didn't add up.

I sat down on the couch watched some TV. My girlfriend came out of the bedroom wearing skin tight dark jeans, high heeled leather boots and a black turtleneck. She sat down next to me and said "want to go to the movies again?"

I said "sure, what do you want to see?"

"Whatever" she said. So we headed back out to the movies. Second night in a row, which was unusual for us. We hardly ever get to the movies at all.

We ended up getting tickets for "The Dilema". Sat down in the theater and started watching the previews. My girlfriend brought a cute leather purse with her. During the previews, before the movie began she went into her purse and pulled out a small light. I said, "did you drop something?" She said "No, this is for my detective work".

The theater wasn't packed, but over half the seats were filled. We sat in the center and had people sitting a few seats away on either ends of our row. What was she going to do? What did she need a light for? We're in the movie theater?

Tue Mar 15, 2011 6:53 pm

canuck100 wrote:
You have a talent for leaving us on a cliffhanger...

I know! I know... it's a long story! And I write so much and then get to a juncture and decide to pick it up the next day... so here's the next installment....

SO she had just taken out this light, I wasn't sure what it was for... She turned on the light and it glowed blue, like what you see in halloween stores. It was a black light! I still didn't get what was going on. She said "give me your hand". I raised my arm up, turned my hand over and my hand glowed blue! I was confused. "Wait, what" I whispered. "Why is my hand glowing?"

"I caught you" she said, "red... well blue handed!". She shut the light off, put in her purse and grabbed my wrist, stood up and pulled me out of the theater, like a kid that had just talked back to his mom. "What's going on?" I said. She just continued to lead me out of the theater and into the parking lot.

"Curiosity killed the cat you know" she said as we walked quickly towards the car. "Why were you snooping in the pillowcase when I specifically told you to drop it." it turns out that she had put some powder on the towels that glows under a black light. The things I didn't even know she had!

"You wanted to know so badly what was in the pillowcase, and what I had planned if you were bad, well you are about to find out". Give me your keys, she said.

She opened the trunk of my car, looked up and down the row of cars and said "get in". I said "What?, No".

"No is not an option" she said, while holding my keys in her hand. "You wanted to know" she said.

I hoisted myself into the trunk and layed on my back looking up at her.

"The real pillowcase is next to you." She took the blacklight out of her purse, turned it on and layed it so it was face up in the trunk next to me. "Now you get to see what was really inside. Empty it out and tie yourself up. I want to see your legs and knees tied. Gag yourself good, put the pillowcase over your head and then handcuff yourself behind your back. They better be on tight. You have 3 minutes."

And with that she closed the trunk.

I dumped out the bag and was able to see a roll of duct tape, a ball gag, handcuffs and a pair of her black and white striped panties that she had gagged me with a few times before.

I started by trying to duct tape my ankles, but it was really hard to reach. I had to lay on my side and wrap the tape around almost behind me, without being able to see what I was doing. Next I moved to my knees, that was easier. Now it was time for the gag. I took the panties, balled them up and put them in my mouth, and grabbed the ball gag and strapped it in. I figured, I'm screwed anyway, I might as well go as far as I can with this, so I took off a few pieces of tape and put them over the ball as well, making a very secure gag.

I put the handcuffs in place so I knew where to find them, put the pillowcase over my head, and cuffed my hands behind my back.

She was really taking control and I loved it. I just wasn't sure about this whole being tied up in my trunk thing. I had done what she said and heard the trunk open a few minutes later.

She pushed me around a bit, checked the cuffs, and pulled the pillowcase off my head to see the gag. "Wow" she said, "You really went overboard with the gag. I'm pleasantly surprised and a bit turned on. If I didn't have other plans, I'd be making love to you tonight." She put the pillowcase back over my head, pulled a long piece of duct tape off the roll and wrapped it loosely around the case and my neck, making sure that I couldn't wiggle it off.

"Now just relax" she said, as she closed the trunk. She started the car and we were off... to where though?

(I know, I know, another cliffhanger!)

Sat Mar 19, 2011 6:38 pm

A million thoughts were going through my mind. First, this is really exciting, and damn do I love her. Second, I have no idea where we are going, and as turned on as I am, I could be in for something I really don't want. But now I'm past the point of no return. Once the gag is in place, even if she does understand me she pretends no to. It's all part of her fun.

I have no idea how long I was in the trunk. Best guess was 20 minutes or so. When we finally got to her destination I heard the car turn off. And the door open and shut. The trunk opened and she said "Are you doing ok?" I mppeehed a MMM hmmmm (yes). "Good" she said, "wait here, I'll be back in a few minutes" and she closed the trunk again.

About 5 or 10 minutes later I heard something rolling up next to the car. It wasn't another car, it sounded more like a heavy suitcase. The trunk opened, and I heard my girlfriend say "Time to move you from one trunk to another". She untaped my legs, and helped me get out of the trunk. It was a bit akward, not like when you see a big guy just pull a small girl out of a situation like that.

She helped me step into what was a large costume trunk. Large for a trunk, but small to put a person in. I layed on my side and she was able to get the trunk closed. She padlocked the trunk paused for a moment and started pulling it. The trunk had wheels and I felt us go over a few bumps in the pavement, and then onto a smooth surface. I heard a door open and then we rolled down a long stretch of hallway. My sense of hearing was on fire, I felt like I could hear every little thing that happened. She stopped half a minute later and I heard some mechanical sounds. We moved more and I figured out that we were in an elevator. I'm not sure if we went up or down but once we got to another floor she continued to pull me down a hall. When she stopped I heard some metal scraping sounds. "What the heck is she doing" I kept thinking... "Where are we?". She rolled the trunk a bit more and then I heard the metal sounds again.

I couldn't hear her very well through the trunk but she started to talk softly. "Welcome to my secret place" She went on for a few minutes, saying something about being safe... and security cameras... wanting to bring me here before... I missed a lot of what she said, and still couldn't figure out where "here" was. Her voice sounded like it was bouncing off of tin walls.

Finally she unlocked the trunk and ordered me to stand up. She helped me step out and walked me backwards, sitting me down in a chair. She pulled my arms up so that they would go over the chair's back. Once I was seated she wasted no time cuffing my ankles and locking a chain from my handcuffs down to the chair. She left me there for a few minutes as I heard her moving about.

She came back and untaped the pillowcase and pulled it off my head.

The room was dark and small, and she had a few dollar store type battery operated lanterns set up around the room. It was maybe 5 x 10 feet. The walls were metal, it looked like the inside of a cargo truck or something. No electrical outlets. There were black bed sheets hung up on two of the walls and what looked like a dark garage door behind me. The floor was cement, and had a seem in it, running under the chair between the wall and the door. When I looked closer I saw that the leg cuffs she used weren't attached to the chair after all, but rather through a metal screw in the floor. The chair itself was chained to the floor too. The trunk that I had been brought in with was behind me.

Still looking as sexy as ever, my girlfriend walked over to one of the sheet covered walls and pulled down the sheet to reveal a wall of bondage stuff! She had rope, handcuffs, whips, gags, and a bunch of stuff I didn't recognize, but figured it must have been related. Each item was held up by a hook, attached to one of three long chains strewn from the wall's edge to edge.

She said "what do you think?". I was more than a little shocked by this. I'm sitting in some secret dungeon-like room somewhere. I'm completely helpless, chained to a chair that is bolted to the floor. She obviously had put lots of thought into this, and had no idea what she had planned. My mind started going through so many questions... Where are we? Where did she get all of this stuff? How could she have kept this a secret, and for how long has she? It was certainly no place I'd ever been to before, all I knew was it was within 15-20 miles of our place.

She said, "I cancelled our gym memberships, the rent on this little fun house costs the same. Between jogging together and getting our exercise in here, it will be better than the gym ever was."

Ok now I was really confused. She rents this place? I started to mppphhh behind the layered gag. "I know you have questions" she said, "but isn't it more fun to not know? I could take your phone and leave you locked here, and no one would ever find you. I'm in total control" she approached my face and starred deeply into my eyes and continued by saying, "and I know you love it."

The truth was, I did. And feeding that love was her obvious excitement.

"Now for your punishment." she said, "I'm not going to leave you here forever, but I am going to leave you here for the night." I protested through the gag. "Shut up!" she said. "If you take the punishment and don't complain I'll let you stay in the chair. If not, it's back in the trunk for the night, your choice." As much as I didn't like this idea of her leaving for the night, I knew her, and knew that the threat was serious, so I stayed silent.

She said, "Good. I hope you learn your lesson dear, if you are going to be my husband some day you're going to have to learn to listen to me better." She turned around and grabbed a leather blindfold off the wall. Came up to me and secured it on my head. She gave my forehead a kiss. "Oh by the way" she said, "I'm taking all the keys with me, so no need to waste your time trying to escape."

She left behind me, opened the metal door, closed it and locked it down.

It was so quiet, except for the metal echoes of my mppphhhs. I spent about 10 minutes inching the blindfold off my head, and succeeded when I was able to push it upwards onto my forehead with my shoulder. She had left one of the lanterns on, and I just spent the next couple of hours looking at the wall of bondage stuff. She had done stuff like this to me before in a hotel room, but for her to have rented a space to tie me up in, and to have hidden away all of this stuff... maybe I really didn't know her as much as I thought?

Some of this stuff was nuts. I spotted nipple clamps, dog chains, barb wire, bug zappers, ball gags, several whips and crops, a hangman's noose, belts, kitchen tools (spatula, grilling fork etc.), wooden paddles, three different cat-o-nine tail whips, piles of handcuffs, plastic bags full of zip ties and clothespins... It was really a lot to take in.

Tue Mar 22, 2011 5:52 pm

The next day she returned and slid open the door. "Ooopss, looks like I left a light on" she said. "Did you enjoy looking at all of my lovely toys all night? I bet you did." After she shut the door, she came around to the front of me. She was wearing a light pair of jeans and a white shirt. She had her sunglasses on her forehead, so I figured it must be light out.

"We're going to have a lot of fun in here, just not today" she said as she took the cuff keys out of her purse. She undid the legcuffs first, then my hands. Before she removed the gag she said "no questions ok?" I shook my head yes.

She undid the gag, and I quickly said "I have to pee!". "Well you have to hold it until we get home, she said, as she picked up the pillowcase. "I have to put you back in the trunk to get you out of here." At the time I didn't understand why, but I complied and was rolled back outside, blindfolded. She didn't tie me up this time, just didn't want me to know where we were.

She let me out of the trunk and had me get back in my trunk. She closed the trunk and came back about 5 minutes later. She must have gone back to put the rolling trunk away before leaving. I heard the car start and we headed home.

Once we were back she opened the trunk, took off the blindfold, and said "welcome back, I missed you last night." she said. I said "me too".

"Do you still love me?" she asked. I said "of course". She said, "Really? You are totally ok with the fact that I just kidnapped you and locked you in a cold cell all night?" I said "Yeah". She smiled and said, "right answer". We went back into our place, I went straight for the bathroom, and after we relaxed for most of the day. She locked me to the couch again that night, I still had no idea what she was doing in our room each night, but I had a sense that I'd find out soon.

Monday brought us back into the work week, and everything was pretty normal again. I slept on the couch every night. We both had work all day, each day, and it wasn't until Friday that things got interesting again.

She came home before me and had already changed into some club attire. Rock and Republic jeans, a low cut top, lots of makeup, she was ready to go out. I was pretty tired, but it didn't take much convincing to get me to agree when she was looking so good.

We had a lot of fun. She had way more to drink than I did, and I drove us back to our place. The car ride back was interesting. She couldn't stop talking in a stream of consciousness.

She said, "So you enjoyed my fun house huh?"

I said "yes"

She said, "And you thought you knew everything there was to know about me."

After a few minutes she said, "Why do you love me?"

That's never a good question to have to answer, but in her state I figured I was a bit safer answering than when she wasn't tipsy... So I said,"Because we have a lot of fun together, and I care a lot about you, and I know you care about me, and I love being with you".

"Awwww" she said,"That's really sweet. You know I do love you too. A lot more than I ever let on..."

"Am I weird?" she said.

I said "No, why?"

"I just feel like I'm weird sometimes. I mean come on, how many girls do you know that have this need to control their boyfriends so much. Do you know anyone else that would tie their boyfriend up in their parent's basement for sex, while her parents are asleep upstairs? How many girls do you know that own a real straitjacket, or a room full of restraints and torture devices?

"Not any", I said, "but that doesn't make you weird. It just means you are fun and adventurous."

"I guess. You promise to never think I'm weird?" she said.

I said "Of course"

"And to always love me no matter what?" she said

I said "Yes".

"Good" she said. "You are so trusting, and I love that about you. You have no idea what I have been planning, and even though it might be uncomfortable for you, you'll always do what I ask because you love me"

She started to doze, but it wasn't long until we were back home. I brought her up to the bedroom, layed her in bed and closed the door. I went back on the couch sat up for a few, wondering what she had been planning. How much "weirder" could it get. After the straitjacket, renting a metal cell, having a wall of restraints... what could possibly be next?

Thu Mar 31, 2011 2:42 pm

The next day I was allowed to sleep back in our room again. She was apparently done with whatever she had been working on, but it would be another couple of weeks until I would find out what "it" was. We had a lot of fun the week that followed, with no talk of marriage between us. Even with her dungeon of stuff elsewhere, she still had a fair number of restraints hidden in her drawers.

The next weekend she asked if I wanted to return to her little fun house. I said, "are you just going to leave me there?" She said, "No, I thought that we could use more of the items on the wall this time" raising her eyebrows.

I gulped and said "OK".

"Be right back" she said. A few minutes later she reappeared wearing tight leather pants, high heeled boots and a tan leather trench coat. She was breathtaking, even though I couldn't see what was underneath the coat, I knew I was going to love it. She had a big black leather purse on her shoulder as we went out the door.

We got to her car, I got in the passenger seat and she started the ignition. I was finally going to see where this secret "fun house' of hers was, or so I thought. Just then she reached into her purse and pulled out a thick black bag. At the opening of the bag was a chain, that had been sewn into the seam of it all the way around.

"We just have to take care of your sight before we leave. I can't have you knowing where my secret fun house is, now can I?"

She pulled the bag over my head, and pulled the chain around my neck snugly. She then locked a padlock to secure the chain. "Nice and tight" she said. "Maybe you should duck down in the seat a bit, you don't want the neighbors seeing you hooded in the passenger seat, right?" I slid down as she instructed. Then she said, "Now we can go" as she started driving. I was already visibly aroused, and definitely excited.

About half an hour later she stopped the car and said, "Be right back, I just have to grab the trunk, you sit tight ok?" I said "OK". I heard the door shut, and the doors lock. I waited maybe 20 seconds, and then tried my best to get the blindfold off. She's not stupid, the chain and the lock weren't giving, all I could see when I turned my head way down was a little bit of the carpet in her car. I thought if I could hop out of the car a bit and maneuver my head in such a way maybe I could see something Identifiable, but I also realized she had locked the car, and it had been long enough that if I unlocked it from the inside the alarm would go off.

A minute or so later I heard the doors unlock and she opened my door. I heard the trunk slide a bit and she opened it up. I got in with her assistance, and she shut it, padlocked it, and we were on our way. I kept picturing in my head some abandoned warehouse that we were entering, and couldn't stop thinking how crazy it is that she has this place to herself. Just then I realized we weren't alone. I heard a guy's voice say "Hey there, need some help with that trunk?" My girlfriend replied "No, No thank you". He continued "What's a girl all dressed up doing moving a trunk around at this hour anyway" She said, "oh just needed to put some stuff away".

"What number are you?" he said, "Let me help" as I felt the trunk jolt. He said "Wow what do you have in here? A dead body?" .

She replied, "No, I'm not the type to carry dead bodies around, but thank you for your offer to help"

"What number?" he said, "It's really no problem".

She reluctantly said "324" and the trunk rolled onward to the elevator.

Now I started wondering, if it's not an abandoned place, and it has a number, where could it be.

Thinking back... It has looked like a truck container, had a garage opening... It's a self-storage place! Well at least I had that figured out, but this situation was troubling. I'm locked in a trunk, and some guy is hitting on my girlfriend who is dressed up all hot for me. What is her plan?

In the elevator he said, "I didn't know anyone rented up here?"

We rolled up the hallway for a bit and then stopped. I heard keys jingling as she said, "thanks very much for your help sir" I heard her unlock the door and slide it open. He said, "Wow, that's quite a collection"

What is she doing??? She's going to reveal to this guy all of the bondage stuff? It didn't make sense. And what could she hope to achieve, did she hope he'd get scared away? I couldn't figure out what she was doing.

"Yeah", she said,"it's taken me a long time... Can you help me slide the trunk in?"

"Thanks again for your help." I heard her voice trail and the door close and lock.

Five minutes later I heard the door open back up. She said "sorry about that babe, a little bump in the road, but we're back in business". She rolled the trunk back out into the hall, closed and locked the door of what I thought was her secret place. Then we started to roll again and stopped. I heard another lock being undone and the door opening. She pulled the trunk in and closed the door behind it. She unlocked the trunk and let me out. She unlocked the chain and pulled the bag off my head.

She had one of the cheap lanterns on, and damn did she look amazing. I asked "What happened to that guy" She said, "Shhhh... Don't worry about it. Let's focus on you. Would you rather be sitting or standing?"

"I don't know", I said, "How would you like me?"

"Oooo good answer!" she said. "Standing!" She walked over to the wall that still had a sheet covering it, pulled down the sheet to reveal wrist and ankle restraints attached to bolts in the wall.

What would you like first?" she said... "Pleasure, or pain?"

I still don't know where it came from by I replied "I want you to hurt me".

It turned out to be just the right thing to say, she just lit up with delight.

She undid her trench coat and dropped it to the floor, revealing a tight black corset with sexy white pipping. She said very passionately "I'm not going to show you any mercy" as she pushed me up against the wall and started kissing me. It was the most passionate make out session we had had in months. As she kissed me deeply she removed my shirt, undid my pants and got me completely naked except for my socks. She grabbed my left arm and twisted it around to the wrist restraint to my right, turning my body so that it faced the wall.

As she closed the first restraint she said, "Now if my measurements were correct, these should stretch you out perfectly". My arm was definitely stretched up towards the ceiling. Then she locked my other wrist, pulling my arms apart even more, and then moved to my ankles. It was at this point that I looked up to examine the restraints. They were new, and different. They were leather hospital restraints, and I could see they weren't coming off.

Once she had me in, she went to the wall of toys (which was now visible over my right shoulder). She grabbed a leather covered ball gag off the wall and said, "It's a shame I have to gag you, you've been saying all of the right things tonight, but I can't take the chance that someone's going to hear you scream as I give you what you asked for.

She walked up behind me and whispered "Are you sure you want this? It's ok if you don't. But you know that once the gag is in, there is no turning back. I will do what I want, and stop when I want, and I don't plan on being gentle."

I said "hmmmm hmmmm". She said back in a normal tone,"What was that? I want to hear one of two things... either, 'let's stop' or 'gag me and show me no mercy"

I said...

Wed Apr 06, 2011 8:12 pm

So where we left off... She said, "I want to hear one of two things... either, 'let's stop' or 'gag me and show me no mercy"

I said, "Gag me".

"Andddd?" she said.

"And show me no mercy" I replied. "Good boy!" she said as she shoved the gag in my mouth and strapped it in the back. She then strapped the little buckles that held the flap of leather over the ball on the front. It tasted like plastic, but was a pretty effective gag.

"Time to test it out" she said. She went back to the wall and grabbed a riding crop. She slapped it against her hand once, walked behind me and let loose a hard WHACK to my butt I MMMPPPHED into the gag. I tried moving my legs but only had my knee hit the wall in my quick reaction. She laughed and said, "Wow that was pretty loud, and I didn't even hit you that hard yet."

She walked back behind me and said "One... Two, WHACK!... Three (laughter). "Tricked you" she said, "And I haven't even blindfolded you yet!" She went back to the wall and grabbed a bandana. Came up behind me and tied it over my eyes. After which she softly whispered "I love you" in my ear.

A few more slaps of the crop and she decided I needed to be muffled some more. A towel and some duct tape went over the gag that was already there and did it's job. It was at this point that I realized I really couldn't tell her to stop. We always joked about having a safeword or safesignal and how pointless it was because we knew each other so well, but that night I wished we had one.

The night went on with some intense whipping. My brain was moving a million miles a second wondering what was next, and I grew quite tired as the night went on. She had certainly tormented me before, but this was way more intense. When she noticed me getting weaker she said, "Ready for your pleasure?". I perked up and hummed an affirmative, feeling so relieved. To my surprised, she responded with another whip smack to my ass. "Well I'm not" she said, "Your ass is red, but I don't think I've really hurt you yet. You asked me to hurt you, and you wanted the pain before your pleasure, so I need to make sure I deliver on my promise to you, WHACK!. I started moaning as loud as I could, and she just said "No one can hear you".

Thankfully it was only a few more slaps until she was done. When she was finished, she undid my ankles first, then my wrists. She walked me back to the chair and sat me down. I don't know if it was the whipping or the fact that the metal chair was so cold to the touch, but sitting on it was horribly painful. She quickly locked my ankles down to the floor and I started screaming behind the gag.

She immediately went to work on the pleasure portion. She squirted some lube on me and just started stroking. The pain started to go away, and it only took a few minutes before my release. After she brought me to climax the pain got really bad and she removed the gag and blindfold. At that point I think she realized that she took it a little too far for a first time in the situation. She fed me some pills and water. "These will help the pain" she said. "Do you need a minute? or can I bring you back to the car?".

"I need a minute" I said. I stayed seated for a few until the pain started to subside.

When I was ready she grabbed the blindfold bag, kissed me on the lips, pulled it over my head, locked it and said, "I hope you had fun, I love you". She guided me into the trunk gently and brought me back out to the car. We were back home 20 minutes later.

It took a few days to full recover. My girlfriend said, "I'm sorry it took so long to heal, but I warned you. Remember babe, you asked for it."

I said, "I know"

She said, "Would you let me do it to you again?"

I said, "You really enjoyed yourself didn't you?"

"Maybe" she said

I replied "Well MAYBE I would then." and we left it at that.

Wed Apr 13, 2011 6:37 pm

The following week (which brings us pretty close to present now) was rather uneventful, that was until a package from arrived. I hadn't thought much of it, just figured it was more clothing as my girlfriend buys a lot on Amazon, but when she got home that night she got really excited, and said, "Your present is here!"

I had been making some mac and cheese on the stove when she said, "We're going out tonight, stop what your doing and get ready!"

She came over, kissed me and then ran into the bedroom. I followed a few minutes later and saw her getting all dressed up, in a gorgeous white dress. She wasn't one to wear dresses often so it was a real treat. She said, "Get dressed up nice, and bring the ring."

"The ring?" I said.

She replied, "Don't you still want to marry me?"

Wow, OK... What was going on here? Weeks of not talking about it, and now we're getting dressed up and going out to dinner and I'm bringing the ring? Is this really happening? Are we really going to be getting engaged tonight?

I got dressed and we went out to a beautiful seafood restaurant. She looked stunning, and was all smiles ear to ear. I had the ring in my pocket, but make no mistake, she was at the wheel. I wasn't going to take it out until I knew she was ready for it.

We sat down at a table in the corner by a large water feature. It was a little loud but was lit nice, it was all very romantic. After ordering, I excused myself to the bathroom. I spent a good 3 or 4 minutes just staring at myself in the mirror. It was like a personal pep talk. "You can do this", "It's really happening" all very positive thoughts about my dream coming true.

I came back to the table to find our appetizers waiting. After finishing our crab cakes and coconut shrimp the plate in front of me was lifted away by a busboy. My girlfriend looked me in the eyes and said, "Do you love our relationship?"

I quickly said "Yes".

She continued, "And you enjoy being controlled by me?"

I said, "You know I do.

"Dating is about fun" she said, "but marriage is about true commitment. Are you ready to be truly committed to me?"

I said, "Yes".

She said, "Take out the ring" I started to get up and she said, "no need to get on one knee, just ask me the question you've been dying to ask"

I took out the box, opened it up and said, "Will you marry me?"

She reached out and took the ring from the box. She held it over her ring finger as if she was about to put it on, looked back up at me and said, "I need to know that you are really committed. I'm ready to have you as my husband, if you will truly put me above all else forever."

I said "Yes, of course, yes".

She said, "I hear you saying it, but I need to be sure". She put the ring down on the table, and reached her hands forward. She grasped the tablecloth in front of me, and pulled it back. There was a small packet of paper under the tablecloth in front of me. She must have put it there while I was in the bathroom.

The title on the first of the pages read "Preengagement Agreement".

OK, I had heard of prenups, but pre-engagement, this was different. I looked up at her as she had the ring back in her hand, like she was teasing me with it, and her eyes glanced into mine.

"What is this?" I said.

She said ,"It just states that you are ok with me being in charge and will always let me have control in the bedroom. You can't cheat on me, and I can't cheat on you. It's just to assure us both that our relationship can stay as great as it is now, forever."

I started reading through it and it seemed ok. There were two copies, three pages of stuff, so 6 pages total. It was very detailed and it seemed like it benefitted both of us. This was what she must have been working on all those nights when I was cuffed to the couch. I didn't read all of it, but the one thing that caught my eye was at the end, where it said that if I broke off the engagement for any reason, she would keep the ring. I surely wasn't going to break it off, so I wasn't worried, but it still stood out.

She said, "There are two copies, I've already signed both, you just need to sign them... and then we can start 'forever', tonight."

Dinner was on it's way to our table, she had the ring in her hand and all I could think about was my self-pep talk earlier... She was going to be my wife. I felt like I just needed to go with it.

I signed the documents, she put on the ring, looked down at it and said "It's beautiful". She stood up came over beside me, kissed me passionately, and said "I love you". She picked up the documents from in front of me and returned to her seat. She folded them in half and put them in her purse.

The rest of dinner was incredible, she was just glowing, as I'm sure was I. When we finished she asked where I wanted to receive my gift. Back home, or in our fun house. "You know" she said, "now that we are engaged, I can show you where OUR fun house is". How could I say no to that? She took my keys, we got in my car and she started driving. The amazon package was sitting in the back seat, still in the box. I had two big surprises waiting, first, finding out where her space was, and second, receiving this gift that she was so excited about.

... to be CONCLUDED!

Tue Apr 19, 2011 3:54 pm

There is just so much to write... Sorry this has been the longest story ever!

Anyway... We pulled up to the fun house, and I finally was able to confirm what it was. It was a self-storage place downtown. My girlfriend explained that she had originally rented the storage space to hide all of her toys before we moved in together. She was concerned that if I was snooping around and found her stash (the large trunk full of all of that bondage stuff) that I may be scared away. As she realized I might be really into it, she started making it into a secret chamber for us to have fun in.

We pulled to the back, she grabbed the box out of the car and I followed her into the building. She pointed out several security cameras at the front door, and explained that she couldn't exactly walk me in blindfolded and tied up. That in the past I had to be in the trunk to conceal my state. It all made sense to me now. I asked about the last time when the guy wouldn't leave her alone. "What storage unit were you opening when you were trying to get rid of that guy?" I asked.

She said, "I have a separate unit with a girly collection of clothes and some childhood toys and stuff. I figured it was the easiest way to take his attention off the trunk and get rid of him".

So she had two storage units, interesting... That made sense now too. We got up to the third floor and she explained that no one was renting on the third floor, they barely had people occupying the ground floor, so she got a great deal on her units. We rolled past 324, which I remembered from the other night, and came to 326. She unlocked it, and opened the door. It was exactly as I recalled. She turned on a lantern and asked me to close the door.

"Sit down" she said.

I sat down in the metal chair. in front of her. She put the amazon box down on the floor. She said "I think you deserve a night of pleasure as we embark on our journey towards marriage." She led me to the wall where I was bound the time before, but this time she raised up my hands to be restrained with me facing front. Once my hands were secure, she unzipped my pants and got me naked from the waist down. She then cuffed my ankles to the wall as well.

She started rubbing and giving me oral pleasure. My emotions were already running high because we were now engaged, and to have this kind of attention immediately was amazing. I couldn't help but think every night can be like this, forever. She brought me to the edge and started teasing, knowing I was on the verge of release, "you love it when I control you".

I said "yes" , which was true, but would have been my response to anything she asked right then.

She continued ,"And you trust me"

I said "of course"

"And wouldn't lie to me, you'd always tell me the truth if I wanted it?"

"of course" I said again

"I have a question to ask", she said, "and I want you to be honest. I promise not to be mad, and I will finish this right after you tell me the truth."

Uh Oh. I thought. Those words are never good. But I'm not in a position to say no. My brain is "saying, sure, fine whatever, just keep going!". So I responded by saying, "sure ask away?"

"Do you masturbate?" she said.


She continued when she didn't get a response, "If you do it's ok, it's not your fault. I know plenty of guys do it. It's just we're engaged now and I need to know so that I can help you not need to if you do."

Ok, I thought, this isn't bad. At first it was one of those, questions that you cannot say yes to. But we are getting married, she wants to help, which means even more attention, I like this...

I said, "sometimes".

She said, "how often?" as she began to stroke a little faster. I felt like I was being interrogated at this point.

"Once or twice a month if we don't see each other much" I responded.

"You're sure that's all you do it? it's ok if you've done it more, I just need to know"

I said, "Yeah, just once or twice a month" (even though it was a lie, I had in truth been doing it more, as I'm sure most men do).

"I'm sorry that you've had to do that. I'll fix it, don't worry." she said as she started stroking harder and faster. The promise of added sexual favors only helped to turn me on more and I climaxed in no time.

She stood up, cleaned off her hands on a nearby towel. She started saying, "I have to help you break that masturbation habit." I said,"OK". She said, "I know it's ok, and plus masturbation isn't allowed in our relationship anymore."

I said, "what?" .

She said, "on page 2 of our pre-engagement agreement, it says quite clearly that 'The Husband to be may not masturbate', but babe, don't worry you did it before we were engaged, it's only a problem if you do it now. And I'm here to help you, we're a team, so you don't need to worry."

I said, "OK"...
But Now I was thinking what else did I miss in this contract? But whatever, she had a great attitude about it.

"I had a feeling this would be the case, and that's why I think you are going to love my gift. Are you ready for it?"

I said "sure!"

She said, "I guess I'll open it for you since you're all tied up." She grabbed the box, undid the tape and pulled out a black cardboard display box. It looked like a package a travel board game would come in. It had a big picture of something that I couldn't quite make out as she opened it up. It sounded like legos as she dug inside and revealed a bag of clear plastic shapes.

"Is this some sort of torture toy?" I said, not understanding how this was going to help her make up for my pleasuring myself... She responded,"Kind of" as she giggled. "You have no idea what this is?" she asked.

"No, what is it?" I said.

She held up a plastic piece that looked like a small penis and said, "No idea at all?".

"Is it some kind of climaxer?" I said, but i had no idea.

She replied, "No, it's quite the opposite. It's a cage."

"A cage?" I said.

"Yes, a cage for your penis." she said. "You see these pieces go together (holding up a round plastic circle, and the penis shaped front). They attach to you securely and prevent any playing down there while you have it on. When you wear it, you can't masturbate, because you can't get hard. I want you to wear it during the day, under your clothes, and we can take it off at night when we are together. It will help break the habit and make our relationship stronger."

"You want to try it on?" she said.

What could I say at this point other than "sure".

It took a while to get the sizing right. There were 3 or 4 different plastic rings and then a series of plastic rods that get inserted in to hold the pieces together. She got the sizes right and put the ring behind my balls first. And then slid 2 of the 3 rods forward. It looked like a circle with two plastic polls sticking forward out of it. Next she grabbed some lube and rubbed it lightly on the tip of my penis. She then grabbed the head of the device and slid it over my penis and threaded the two plastic rods through holds on either side of the main cage. The last piece was a third plastic rod that went up through the top of the device (in parallel to the other two) and pushed through the front. This was a complicated toy! But after 5 or 10 minutes it was on. I wasn't sure how all of the pieces were going to stay together until she grabbed a small white plastic tab that slid through a hole on the front and made a ring that kept it locked on.

"How is it?" she said. "Weird" I replied.

It was very snug, not too heavy, and not painful at all, just not comfy either.

She unlocked the cuffs and asked me to try and masturbate. There was really no way. There was a thick plastic barrier between my hand and my manhood. She unlocked my ankles and asked me to get dressed. She put the remaining pieces back in the box and we were soon on our way home. Sitting down felt a little weird, I needed to adjust myself a lot in the car to feel comfortable, but all in all it wasn't too bad.

We got back to our place and she was very excited. We went into the bedroom and she threw me on the bed, got my clothes off of me as fast as possible and started kissing and licking me all over. Now the cage got really uncomfortable. There was no room to grow. When she saw it happening, she said , "Oh I'm sorry babe!" She hopped up, quickly grabbed a pair of scissors from the nightstand, and cut off the plastic closure. She pulled the pieces apart, took off her clothes, pushed me back down and we made love.

I couldn't help but think, if this was going to be my every night I certainly wouldn't miss masturbating.

The next week continued this great new pattern. She started by putting the cage on me in the afternoon when we both got home from work, and took it off each night as we made love. There wasn't too much bondage, a blindfold or a gag here and there, just crazy physical stuff that was amazing. Never before had we done it so routinely. By midweek she had me putting it on myself, and started extending the time we put it on for, so that it was about 6 or 7 hours by the end of the week. She had run out of the plastic strips it came with, as each time we secured it with one she had to cut it off.

She asked me if I minded using a lock on the cage instead. It apparently had come with a small padlock that I hadn't noticed, probably because she didn't want to freak me out the first day. It's a lot different being locked by a plastic band than a padlock.

I was hesitant, but I said, "Sure, how many keys are there?"

She said, "Two... don't worry babe I won't lose them".

I told her I was ok with it and she put a lock on. The next two or three days were just like the last, wearing it all day and great lovemaking at night. Over the weekend she had me try wearing it overnight. It actually started to get comfortable, and felt like it was more a part of me. I didn't miss my access during those times because I knew that a great release was just around the corner.

She started wearing one of the keys on a gold chain around her neck. I had bought her the chain ages ago, and the action of her unlocking me with it was a huge turn on. When Monday rolled around she asked if I wanted to wear the cage to work. She said,"You can be thinking about the amazing time we are going to have tonight all day long". I was all for it, so I put the cage on, and she attached the lock. She said "don't get too excited thinking about tonight when you are at work, I don't want you to hurt yourself".

The day went by pretty fast, surprisingly enough. I was so used to it now having worn it at night, that it was exciting and almost easy. I got home and my girlfriend, sorry fiancée! had already made dinner. It was a tasty pasta dish, one of my favorite things that she makes. After dinner she led me to the bedroom where she had already attached restraints to the bed. She laid me down on my back, kissed me and started locking me down, spread eagle on the bed.

"How was it today?" she said.

"Fine", I said.

"Not too uncomfortable to wear to work?" she said.

I replied, "Not at all, plus it just made me think of what we were going to do when I got home."

"I think this experience has really helped you stop pleasuring yourself, don't you think?" she said.

"Yes, thank you babe!" I said back. (I thought that this daily attention was incredible. The only reason guys masturbate in the first place is we don't get the attention we need, if every guy was treated like this, I thought, no one would think about pleasuring themselves.)

"We make a good team" she said. "I'm glad I can help you, and you have helped me too. I was worried that you had been pleasuring yourself for some time, and your coming clean and being so open to stopping has helped me so much, and proved to me that you were serious about our relationship and getting married."

I said, "of course".

She said, "I knew this would be the cure. The only thing left is to try it without so much sex. I want to be sure it's your commitment and my help and not just that we're having sex so much that keeps you from pleasuring yourself."

(OK, WAIT... What is she talking about... I had to replay everything she said in my head... What was I agreeing to for the last few minutes, what did she think was going well... She thinks it's the device??? No No No...)

I responded, "I think the regular sex has brought us closer together".

She said, "Of course you would. And it has been great, but it has been good for me because I know that your not off pleasuring yourself. You are showing me true commitment by reserving every ounce of sexual attention for me... But maybe you weren't really committed, you just liked all the action I was giving you?"

"No, I am committed to you babe." I said.

"Really?" she said. "Prove it".

I said , "How?"

"You said that you masturbated once a month before... So I want to see you go two months without it. Two little months, two times that you would have done it before, prove it to me by not doing it now."

I said, "OK, I'll do it".

She said, "Good, and when you succeed we can set our wedding day."

I said "OK"

She unlocked my wrists and my ankles, but left the cage on my manhood. I realized that she wasn't planning on giving me any sexual attention, she just was "helping" by holding the key to my sexual release. "we aren't making love?" I said.

"No" she said, "Two months remember?"

I must admit, I felt a little played, but I became almost instantly determined to prove that I could do it.

I looked back through the contract I signed when we got engaged, and discovered a lot of things I missed on my first read. It did indeed say that I was not permitted to masturbate, and if it was discovered that I did, my wife to be could take control of my manhood until she was satisfied that it would no longer be a problem. The other thing I found was that in the event of marriage, I had agreed to be bound by a prenup that she alone would be responsible for writing. You can imagine what went through my mind about what that agreement is going to look like. One thing is for sure, I am going to read it carefully next time.

So that's the story of our engagement! The weeks to come just have gotten even more interesting and I'll start new topics soon to talk about the various adventures she's putting me through. It hasn't been 2 months yet, so I'm still waiting for her to release me. She's not as evil as she maybe comes across, just really controlling, but I love it.

Stan Parks' stories
Index of all stories in the "Archive for Everyone" section
Index of all stories in the "Archive for Adults" section