Trey's stories : 01 - Talks Too Much in Class (F/m)

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Trey's stories : 01 - Talks Too Much in Class (F/m)

Post by Canuck100 »

Trey's stories
01 - Talks Too Much in Class
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By Trey

Monday, January 6th 2003 - 07:41:25 AM

Talks Too Much in Class - Part 1

This incident took place when I was in 5th grade, almost 40 years ago. What follows is a true story, only the names have been changed. Nowadays it would probably lead to the teacher losing her job. But back in those days we all just took it for granted, including my classmate "Matt," who was always talking too much in class.

And I, sitting there in my seat and watching it, found myself strangely gripped by the whole drama. I was only ten years old.

Twice a week right after lunch, our 5th grade class would walk down the hall all the way to the other end of the school building for art class. The art room was presided over by "Miss Tivoli," a woman in her early twenties who was fresh out of college. Half the boys in our class, myself included, had a crush on pretty "Jackie Tivoli," with her wavy honey blonde hair and her shapely figure.

A few of us did give Miss Tivoli trouble, and I have to confess I was one. Another was my classmate Matt. Matt, it seemed, was always talking in class, always whispering to his friends, always interrupting. Many times Miss Tivoli would say to one of us, "If you don't stop talking, I'm going to tape your mouth shut." It seemed she said it the most often to Matt.

I remember when our art teacher would talk this way, I would feel a tingle of excitement running up my spine. But after she made this threat often enough, I think most of us assumed she was just bluffing.

Until one day when Matt called her bluff.

It was one o'clock. As usual, we filed down the long hallway to the art room. We sat down at the several long tables in the room, and Miss Tivoli began explaining to us our art project for the day. We were to write the alphabet using broad nib pens, following the example in a calligraphy booklet: somehow, even after 40 years, certain minor details of that afternoon are still burned into my memory.

Miss Tivoli was standing up at the front of the room, explaining this project to us. Matt was whispering to his friends while she was talking. And all of a sudden Miss Tivoli stopped in mid sentence. She turned to Matt and said, "Matt, if you interrupt me once more, I'm going to tape your mouth shut."

I remember my heart started beating faster, just to hear her speak those words. True, she had said it so often before, and nothing ever came of it, but still...

Our art teacher began explaining the day's assignment to us once again. But within five seconds, again she stopped in mid sentence. Her cheeks were burning bright red. This time she said, "All right, Matt, come up here."

Now my heart was hammering with excitement. Matt got up out of his seat, and sauntered up to the front of the room with a sheepish grin on his face. As for Miss Tivoli, she opened a drawer in her desk, and took out a roll of masking tape.

Matt was standing up front, beside our art teacher, pretty Jackie Tivoli. And she said, "Okay Matt, press your lips together."

Matt pressed his lips together. And Miss Tivoli held the roll of masking tape up to Matt's face. She unzipped a piece of tape right over Matt's lips. And then, snap, she tore the tape off the roll.

My classmate was standing there, with a piece of masking tape covering his mouth.

And Miss Tivoli proceeded to rub the tape down briskly with her fingertips, so that it would stick firmly over Matt's mouth. From where I was sitting, I could hear the sound of Miss Tivoli's long fingernails scratching on the tape over Matt's mouth.

Then Matt, with a piece of masking tape sealing his mouth shut, turned around and began walking back to his seat.

Our art teacher stopped Matt dead in his tracks with a curt command: "Matt, come back here, I'm not finished yet."

You see, she's not finished taping his mouth shut.

Oh, no, she's only just begun taping his mouth shut.

To be continued



Monday, January 6th 2003 - 12:15:32 PM

Talks Too Much in Class - Part 2

Our art teacher, pretty 23 year old Jackie Tivoli, had just shown she was not bluffing when she told my 5th grade classmate Matt to stop talking or else she would tape his mouth shut.

She had just called Matt up to the front of the room, where she rubbed a piece of masking tape down over his mouth. Then Matt turned and began walking back to his seat.

Miss Tivoli halted Matt in his tracks: "Matt, come back here, I'm not finished yet."

Matt turned around and came back. Now Miss Tivoli took the roll of masking tape, and she began plastering one piece of tape after another over Matt's mouth and lower face. Rip, snap! Rip, snap! Rip, snap! Rip, snap! Rip, snap!

She put pieces of tape horizontally over his mouth. She put pieces on diagonally, and at all odd angles. She crossed pieces over each other. She put some pieces on vertically. She put whole rows of pieces of tape on Matt's face, each piece just below the last. She put pieces on at random. Some pieces of tape weren't even going near his mouth. There was just tape being pressed on all over, on his cheeks and on his chin, and one piece over another over another, rip, snap! rip, snap! like mad, like a wild mosaic of masking tape all over the bottom part of Matt's face, a big, thick, featureless crust of masking tape.

Miss Tivoli just kept putting more and more and more masking tape all over Matt's lower face. She kept it up for several minutes. By the time she stopped, the entire bottom half of Matt's face was nothing but masking tape. A large, irregular, roughly oval patch of tape totally covered the bottom part of Matt's face. The gag was about three inches high by six inches wide, and it looked half an inch thick. It covered up Matt's face from right under his nostrils down to his chin, and from the far side of one cheek to the other. Matt was all taped up, with no mouth. And the tape was all thick and rigid, like a monkey snout standing out from Matt's face.

Then Miss Tivoli reached out with her hands to Matt's face. She clamped her big smooth right hand tightly over the bottom two-thirds of Matt's face, so that her right hand was covering up Matt's tapegag and also his nose, covering Matt's entire face tightly from his chin up to right under his eyes. Her left hand gripped the back of Matt's head. And Miss Tivoli pressed her large hands together hard. She pressed Matt's head between her hands hard, to make sure the tapegag was firmly in place. This went on about ten seconds.

My classmate Matt stood there in front of our class, wearing a big heavy tapegag which kept him from talking. He couldn't say anything anymore, because of the masking tape all over the bottom of his face. Instead, with a mischievous twinkle in his eye, he went, "Mmmmmmph, mmmmmmmmmph. MMMMMMMMMPH!"

And Miss Tivoli said to him, "No, Matt, I don't want to hear another sound out of you. Next time I hear you make a sound, well, I've got a lot more tape around here."

Matt went back to his seat and sat there, working. I kept staring over at him, as the class went to work. What would someone think if they came into the classroom right now, and saw this boy sitting there with the bottom half of his face all covered over with masking tape?

Then I noticed that Matt had somehow worked the tapegag loose from his upper lip, and was furtively talking to his friends. He was taking the whole situation with good humor. I decided to stir the pot...

I went up to show my calligraphy sheet to Miss Tivoli, all the while staring at her large, smooth, beautiful hands with their long fingernails, and wishing so hard that our art teacher had taped my mouth shut, instead of Matt's. I stood by her desk, riveted on her hands, hands which had just taped a boy's mouth shut. And I said to her, "Miss Tivoli, Matt's worked his mouth free from that tape you put over his mouth."

Miss Tivoli called Matt up to her desk, as she rummaged around in her desk drawers, looking for more tape.

To be continued



Monday, January 6th 2003 - 05:53:16 PM

Talks Too Much in Class - Part 3

My 5th grade classmate Matt just wouldn't stop whispering while our attractive young art teacher, Jackie Tivoli, was talking. So she taped his mouth shut heavily with masking tape. But soon I noticed that Matt had managed to get his mouth open underneath his tapegag. So when I went up to show my work to our art teacher, I said to her, "Miss Tivoli, Matt's worked his mouth free from that tape you put over his mouth."

Miss Tivoli called Matt up front. As I returned to my seat, she rummaged around in the drawers of her desk. Then she looked over among some art supplies on a shelf, until she found what she was looking for: a wide roll of white cloth tape.

I didn't know right at that moment what kind of tape it was, but it looked wicked. Turns out it was sports tape.

Miss Tivoli slowly peeled the gag of masking tape away from Matt's face. It didn't come off easy. Then, just as before, she instructed him to press his lips together. She stretched a wide piece of sports tape over his lips, tore it off, and thoroughly rubbed it into place. Our art teacher sure knew Mouth Taping 101.

Then once again, only this time with sports tape, Miss Tivoli proceeded to tape up Matt's entire lower face with piece after piece after piece after piece of tape. The tape went every which way, straight across his mouth, crisscrossed this way and that, even stretched down underneath his jaw from one cheek to the other. She made it even worse than before, taped up his mouth even more heavily, used even more tape. Finally Matt's entire lower face was thickly bandaged over with sports tape, from right under his nostrils and up across his cheekbones to down underneath his jaw, and from one ear to the other.

Then Miss Tivoli took the roll of tape, and wrapped it several times around and around Matt's mouth and the back of his neck. And then she plastered more pieces of tape every which way over his lower face.

Then, just like before, our art teacher clamped her hands together on Matt's head, her right hand over his face from his jaw up to right under his eyes, and her left hand on the back of his head, and she pressed his head tight between her hands for several seconds, to make sure the tape stuck firmly. She hardly needed to bother. Sports tape sticks like it's welded on, and she'd used up most of the roll. This tapegag was never coming off, unless someone cut it off with a pair of scissors.

Matt stood there, with sports tape heavily covering his entire face from beneath his jaw up to his cheekbones, and wrapped all around the back of his head. Miss Tivoli said to him, "There, Matt, now do you think that tape will keep your mouth shut?"

And Matt didn't say anything. He had no mouth to say anything with. Matt just stood there in front of Miss Tivoli, gagged with sports tape.

And for the rest of art class, Matt had to sit there in his seat with his mouth taped shut. With almost an entire roll of sports tape. And I kept looking across the room at him. He seemed to be taking it in good humor. But I couldn't take my eyes away, and I couldn't stop thinking to myself that here was a boy who couldn't talk even if he wanted to really bad, because he had to wear a big heavy stiff gag.

At the end of art class we were all getting up to leave. And Matt got up, with his mouth taped shut. And Miss Tivoli told one of the girls in our class, "When you get back to your classroom, tell your teacher that Matt's mouth is supposed to stay taped shut for the rest of the day, and to send him back here after school."

When Miss Tivoli announced this, my heart skipped a beat. I mean, it made sense to appoint this girl to explain Matt's situation to our teacher. Because in his condition, Matt was physically incapable of telling anyone anything. With his mouth sealed shut with sports tape, he was in no position to explain himself to anyone.

But for the rest of the day?! Didn't our art teacher realize how long that would be? Of course she did, that's why she said it.

Matt's mouth had been taped shut since 1:00. School didn't get out until 3:30.

To be continued



Tuesday, January 7th 2003 - 12:04:48 AM

Talks Too Much in Class - Conclusion

Our art teacher Miss Tivoli had taped my classmate Matt's mouth shut with masking tape because he wouldn't shut up in art class. When that didn't hold his mouth shut, she taped him up again, even more heavily, with sports tape. At the end of art class, she told one of the girls in our class, "When you get back to your classroom, tell your teacher that Matt's mouth is supposed to stay taped shut for the rest of the day, and to send him back here after school."

Our class walked back down the long hallway toward our classroom, at the other end of the school building. Matt walked along, with his entire face from under his jaw up to his cheekbones thickly covered all over with sports tape, and more sports tape wrapped around and around the back of his neck.

Once we were out of earshot of the art room, suddenly Matt tried to twist his head right and left. The tape was wrapped around his neck tight enough that he wasn't able to turn his head very far to either side. He went, "MMMMMMMMMPH! Mmmmmmmph mmmmmph, mmmmmph! Mmmph mmmmph mmmmph mmmmmmmph, MMMMMMMMMMMMMPHH!!!"

Matt's friends were laughing. You could see from the look in Matt's eyes that he was taking it all as a tremendous joke.

And back in our 5th grade classroom, that girl explained to our teacher Mrs. Kampen why one boy had come back from art class gagged with sports tape, and how this boy's mouth was supposed to stay taped shut for the rest of the day.

Mrs. Kampen, a pleasant dark haired woman in her thirties, just murmured something like, "Oh, okay."

Matt gestured at Mrs. Kampen with his hands. He looked at her and went, "Mmmmmmmmph, mmmmmmmmmmmmph." She just looked blankly back at him and didn't react. He went and sat down in his seat.

And so all the rest of that long afternoon, I sat there with my eyes magnetically drawn across the room to this boy sitting there in his seat with his mouth taped shut. I couldn't stop staring. There he sat, for the rest of the day, with his entire lower face all heavily bandaged up in sports tape, and tape wrapped back tight around his neck. Oh, how I wished Miss Tivoli had done that to me, instead of to Matt!

Mrs. Kampen never called on Matt that afternoon. Well, why should she? Even if she had, he would have been unable to answer.

Our class went out for afternoon recess. I looked around but I didn't see Matt anywhere on the playground. I asked a friend, "Where's Matt?" My friend said, "Oh, Matt had to stay in for recess." I guess he couldn't very well be let outside for recess wearing a tapegag.

Matt was in my reading group. When we came up front and sat with Mrs. Kampen in a circle of chairs, we took turns going around the circle reading our lesson. I kept wondering what would happen when Matt's turn came, because being gagged he wouldn't be able to read out loud.

When it came to Matt, there was a moment's silence. Then Matt went, "Mmmmmmmmmph, mmmmph mmmmmmph mmmph mmmmmmmph, mmmmmmmmmmmph!"

Nobody could tell what Matt was trying to say.

Mrs. Kampen said, "Matt, I guess we'll have to skip you for today."

At the end of the day, Matt was sent back down the hallway to the art room, with his mouth taped shut. I have no idea what the kids from other classes thought as they saw him walking down the hall, his lower face all bandaged up with tape.

As for me, I volunteered to stay behind and help Mrs. Kampen empty waste baskets, clean erasers, and straighten up the room. By the time I left to walk home, it must have been ten minutes to four. Twenty minutes after the end of the school day.

I walked down the hall. My heart started beating faster as I drew closer and closer to the open doorway of the art room. I dared to slow down, then pause, as I reached the door to the art room. I looked in.

Miss Tivoli didn't notice me. She was standing there talking with an 8th grade girl from the junior high next door. And this girl kept glancing and looking uneasily over at Matt, who was sitting there still gagged with tape. Yes, Matt was sitting at one of the tables, still gagged with all that sports tape all over his lower face and around the back of his neck.

I stood outside the art room door, peering in as long as I dared. Then I turned and walked out of the school building.


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Mommy's Naughty Boy
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Post by Mommy's Naughty Boy »

Fantastic story! Thanks for posting it.
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Post by Canuck100 »

Mommy's Naughty Boy wrote: 3 years ago Fantastic story! Thanks for posting it.
And thanks to you for commenting on the stories I repost from the archives. It proves me that I’m not doing it for nothing 🙂
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