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Tom Ford : 42 - The Island Adventure (mm/f, m+/fm+)

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2020 3:40 am
by Canuck100
Tom Ford's stories
42 - The Island Adventure
Story index at the bottom

By Tom Ford

Friday, September 6th 2002 - 07:18:41 AM

Summer - 1966
The Island Adventure

Last time, on a Friday afternoon, we tied up Mom and Aunt Rachel. We got into trouble however, when they escaped and told us we broke some rules and got tied up as punishment.

It was late Friday night. Tomorrow, Saturday, at about seven a.m., Dad and Uncle Richard will go fishing just off the island in the middle of the lake. Us boys had earlier secured permission to go along, for we wanted to explore the island. Now, it was supposed to be a secret, but Dad and my Uncle bragged about the trip during dinner. As a result, Angela got wind of it, and as expected she wanted to go along, thinking that somehow there would be a tie-up game.

Well, after dinner, at about eight, Andrew, Frank, David, Donald and I were at my brother's room. We were playing monopoly, when all of a sudden, Angela entered our room.

"What's up, Angela?" my brother greeted her.

"I heard you're going to the island tomorrow. Could I come too?" Angela asked my brother. We all expected Andrew to say no. After all, he was the one who sneaked us out of Angela's nose in the previous stories. Well, to our surprise, Andrew gave a different answer this time.

"Sure! Why not? Just be ready at seven tomorrow morning." My brother answered.

"Oh Thank You Andy!!" she exclaimed, not believing her ears. She then darted out the room happy as a lark.

We could hardly believe our ears. And why not? He had consistently opposed her joining in our non-regular activities, and we considered us exploring the island not a regular game. His reversal on this matter stunned us.

"Hey what are you up to?" I asked Andrew.

"What do you mean what am I up to?" my brother innocently asked.

"Don't play games with us Andrew. We know you too well! Why did you let Angela join us?" Frank asked.

"Oh that! Well, would you believe that I want to be fair to her?" Andrew evasively replied.

"No! We don't believe you! If you only want to be fair, why the hell did you not let her join us in earlier activities!" Donald demanded.

"Look, what's in the past is done and let's keep it that way!" Andrew angrily replied. "If you don't want her in, then go ahead and tell her that you don't want her and maybe, just maybe she'll relent and not want to join us. But don't force me to tell her not to go because I would be lying if I did! Now Frank, since it's your turn, roll the dice!"

My brother's statement effectively silenced us. He basically threw the question back at us and implied that we were the one who don't want her in. Of course we could be guilty also of the same accusation for we basically followed what my brother decides with regards to Angela in earlier activities, nothing more, nothing less. Of course, since we believed Andrew anyway, that doesn't mean that is the only reason he wants her in! There must be a second reason, the first being the goodness in his heart, which we at first don't believe.

We resumed our monopoly game. We decided not to finish it, and went to bed at exactly 8:30 p.m. Andrew, Donald and David went to their respective rooms. Frank and I hunkered down to go to bed. We did not immediately go to sleep, however, but Frank and I talked about what Andrew just muttereed.

"What do you think, Tom? Do you believe what he said to us?" Frank asked.

"Yes. He's usually honest. But I don't believe that that's the only reason." I replied. "He has a way with words which makes him say one thing and mean another but is unassailable when confronted."

"Yes. But what is he up to. Why did he allow Angela to come with us?" Frank asked.

"Probably so they can win another game." I replied.

"By golly that's it!" Frank replied. "It's crystal clear! Andrew, David wants to win another game, and they can't win without capturing Angela. So what does he do? He let's Angela join us, and therefore, he can win another game."

Principle and self-interest! What an interesting and irresistible combination! Principle (Andrew's desire for fairness) and self-interest (a desire to win another game) combined to make Andrew make his decision.

"What if we go to Angela and request her not to come for the sake of the team?" Frank proposed.

"It's a good idea. Come on!" I replied. Frank and I then headed to the girls" room. (As I said before, Angela, Maggie and Betty shared a room.) We crept on the room and we literally frightened the girls by our sudden appearance.

"You boys almost gave us a heart attack!" Betty exclaimed.

We apologized for our improper entry and told the girls of Andrew's "sinister", plan. (which by the way, we had no proof of. We only conjectured it as the most probable reason my brother made his decision.) They however, dismissed it.

"You're getting paranoid!" Angela replied. "I'll come tomorrow, and that's it."

"Okay, but wake-up at six to be sure you won't be late!" I added. Frank and I then left.

"What was that all about?" Frank asked.

"Well, in the event that she persist in wanting to go with us, we will have to use drastic measures!" I said. "We'll ask her if she still wants to go with us, and if she still insists, we just tie her up! By the time she will be untied, we'll already have gone far."

"I like it!" Frank said with a grin. "I like it! I like it! Who said that only Andrew could be devious?"

Well, in one of the most unfair decisions we had ever made, we would literally use force to keep her from joining us. We knew it was unfair, but our self-interests - that is, our desire that our opponents would not get a chance to win another game in the island, outweighed mere principle. And what of her feelings? We decided we would just apologize immediately after it, and get it over with as soon as possible. Yes, our actions were immature, childish and grossly unwarranted, but we were just kids and acted like kids. Besides, we thought that it was no big deal because Angela would lose nothing while we thought we would lose a lot if she came. Besides, knowing Angela, we thought that she wouldn't take it too hard, especially if there is a tie-up involved.

We prepared all needed materials for our modus operandi. As for Barney, we didn't think he would be much trouble at all, since he wasn't going with us, and would not wake up that early as a result. Our plan is to tie Angela up as early as possible, and keep her in our room so that she would not be discovered until we have left.

We set the alarm clock at about five, and immediately went to sleep. The alarm clock went off at five a.m., but we only rose at about five-thirty.

We changed from our pajamas to our everyday clothes - jeans and T-shirts, shoes and socks. We then went downstairs to eat breakfast. As expected, Andrew and David were up earlier than us, while Donald was still in bed.

We went up again at about six, and as expected, Angela rose at that hour. We saw her walking in the corridor, towel in hand, indicating that she was going to the bathroom.

"Could we go to our room?" I said. "We would like to say something."

"Couldn't you just tell it here?" Angela answered.

"Well, it would be better if you went to our room." Frank replied.

"Okay. But make it quick!" she relented, and went with us to our room.

"Are you still going with us?" I whispered, not wanting to wake the sleeping Barney.

"Of course I am silly!" Angela replied, also in a whisper.

"And nothing we say will ever make you stay?" Frank asked.

"Yup! Nothing would. Even if you tied me up, I would still escape and join you!" she arrogantly replied, and that surprised us. Of course, we took full advantage of her indiscretion, which gave us the excuse to do our otherwise illegal operation.

"Oh really!" I answered.


"Then let's see if you can escape this!" I replied, then immediately shoved a rolled sock into her mouth, while Frank immediately duct taped her mouth. The reason why we did the gag first is because we wouldn't want to create much noise and thus wake Barney.

We then dragged her to the bed, where we forced her to lie on her stomach and we then pulled her arms behind her back. Angela of course was completely surprised, never dreaming that we would take seriously her boast. Of course, we would have tied her up even if she hadn't made that remark. She gave us a hard time just the same. Anyway, with Frank holding her arms, I wrapped rope around her wrists (crossed and palm to palm, as usual), cinched it and knotted it off. We then made her sit on the bed so we can tie her wrists to her waist in the usual manner. We then made her lie on the bed again on her stomach. We tied her knees and crossed ankles, then we hog-tied her. She was furiously struggling, angry at having been tricked and the prospect of missing the island adventure, but utterly helpless. She mmppphhh loudly, but it didn't wake Barney, who slept like a bear in hibernation.

"See if you can still join us!" I remarked. Frank and I then high-fived each other. We then left the room Donald was by now awake. We decided not to tell Donald what we did. We don't know what his reaction would be. So we decided to keep him in the dark. Anyway, Donald went down, and we accompanied him while he was eating breakfast. We also accompanied him when he again went up to change"we didn't want him to accidentally discover a bound and gagged hog-tied Angela in our room. Besides, it would be for his own good that he wouldn't be able to discover her - at any rate, we planned to tie him up too if he discovers her and refuses to go along.

Fortunately, he didn't even come close to discovering Angela. He just went to his room, changed, and immediately went down. It was now 6:30. We didn't worry that it would be a long time before she was untied. Experience showed us that she could take more punishments than that, and would come out enjoying it nonetheless. Dad and Uncle Richard were by that time preparing the fishing vessel. We spent the next half-hour waiting, telling each other stories in the meantime. In the interim, Robert and Jerry arrived.

It was about seven when we were about to board the boat. Unfortunately, the engine broke down and we had to wait another half-hour for it to be fixed.

"Where's Angela?" Andrew asked. "I thought she wanted to come with us!"

"She probably changed her mind." Frank suggested.

"It isn't like her to do that!" Andrew observed.

"Girls! You don't allow them to something and they crave for it, and give it to them, then they refuse it!" David joked, and we all laughed at that.

Twenty minutes later, Frank and I stopped laughing. For Angela suddenly and unexpectedly joined us. She was fully dressed for our trip, meaning that she wore jeans, T-shirt at the upper body, and her hair was pony tailed. And need I mention she was completely free?

"Sorry for being late!" Angela apologized, acting if nothing had happened that morning. "I overslept."

Luck has been against us. We would have succeeded if the engine didn't break down. Oh well, you win some, you lose some.

"You're lucky!" Andrew said. "If the engine on the engine hadn't broke down, you would have been left."

We boarded the boat at about 7:30 a.m., after the engine has been repaired, and we soon embarked. Frank and I were alone on the deck on the stern, when who should join us but the cool-headed Angela.

"Look guys, just because I don't seem upset doesn't mean I'm not mad at you anymore!" she said, going right to the point. "Look, I promised to pay Barney three dollars for freeing me, and since you're the one responsible for it, you are going to pay Barney for it. OR else I'll spill the beans on your treachery!"

"Look Angela, were sorry if..." I began to explain.

"Sorry is not enough! You'll pay for it. And pray that we win the next game, or else..." she then left us.

The tone of her tone was enough to convince us that she was serious. Her or else statement left us wondering what she planned for us in the event that we lost. But we were pretty sure that whatever it was, it wouldn't be good for us.

We arrived on the island at about eight. The island is large, about the size of Great-Grandpa's farm. It has several sheds with taps in it, and is generally flat, even though there are points that would reach high into the air. Anyway, we soon divided ourselves into four groups comprising of two members each. Andrew and David comprising one group, Frank and Donald comprising another, Robert and Jerry comprising another, while Angela and I another. We soon separated and went on our different ways. But the separation was artificial, for we followed Andrew and David instead of doing on our own. Ten minutes later, they separated and we saw our chance.

We quietly approached David, who was nearer to us. We hid in the bushes and waited until he came close enough. Then we then made our move. We grabbed him from behind, with my hand clamped over his mouth to prevent him from warning my brother, and we dragged him to the bushes. There, I immediately shoved a sock into his mouth while Angela duct taped it. We then forced him to lie on his stomach on the grassy ground where we pulled his arms behind his back. Angela tied his wrists (which was crossed and palm to palm) and I tied his crossed ankles and knees. After that, we deemed him sufficiently trussed up so we left him alone so we could deal with Andrew.

But Andrew was nowhere to be seen. He had completely disappeared.

"Where the hell did he go?" I asked.

"I have no idea!" Angela replied.

"Oh well! Let's just drag David to one of the sheds so we could look for him." I proposed. Angela agreed and we untied David's feet and knees. We then marched him to the nearest shed. There, we wrapped rope around his waist several times, cinched it, knotted it off, then tied the loose ends to the wrists. We then sitted him to a chair where we wrapped more rope around his upper body to the backrest of the chair. Finally, we crossed his ankles and tied it with rope.

Anyway, we further explored the island, looking for Andrew or trying to have contact with Frank and Donald. Well, to our luck, we accomplished neither. We spent about a half-hour looking for my brother, Frank and Donald, but found neither of them. Instead, Andrew, Robert and Jerry found us, and it when they did, disaster struck.

We were walking along a pathway, going towards the shore, when suddenly three boys suddenly jumped from the bushes beside us and grabbed us.

The ones who ambushed us are my brother, Robert and Jerry. Andrew grabbed Angela, while Robert and Jerry grabbed me. We were surprised and outnumbered, and as a result, we were easily captured.

“Save your breathe! We already captured Frank and Donald, so it won't do you any good to shout." Robert said as he pulled my arms behind me. Jerry then tied my hands at the wrists.

"Well, we lose again!" Angela cheerily said. She should talk. She has it both ways. If she wins, well and good. If we lose she'll still have her revenge on us for our prank. Andrew then tied her hands behind her back, then gagged her by inserting a clean handkerchief on her mouth and duct-taping her mouth to prevent her from spitting it out. As for me, Jerry didn't bother to pack my mouth. He just sealed my mouth with duct tape.

We then were marched to a nearby shed. Why we didn't bother to check that shed a while ago is still a puzzle to me. Well, when we entered the shed, we saw Frank hog-tied on the floor while Donald tied to a chair. Both were covered with sweat. Perhaps it was the heat; perhaps they exhausted themselves trying to escape. We expected that we would be tied-up like them but instead we were tied up differently. They made Angela and I sit on the floor back to back, where Andrew tied our wrists together. That prevented us from untying each other's knots. Robert then tied my left elbow and her right elbow together, and Jerry tied her left elbow and my right elbow. They then tied our waists together, as well as upper bodies together at the chest level. To further restrain us, they then tied our crossed ankles and knees together.

"Shall we tickle them now?" Robert asked.

"No. I'll look for David first." Andrew replied. "Watch these four and don't tickle them until David and I arrives, okay?"

"Sure thing." Jerry answered. And so Andrew left to look for his best friend, who, had they bothered to ask us, was in another shed tied up and gagged.(Not that we would have told them David's whereabouts if they asked.) Robert and Jerry guarded us for the next thirty minutes. To their credit, they didn't make any attempt to tickle us. They for the most part, just talked to each other and occasionally teased us, and we for our part didn't make any attempt to escape, for that would be as useless under Robert and Jerry's watchful eyes.

A half-hour later, David and Andrew returned. Plastered on David's face is satisfaction of having revenge within his grasps. Then without warning, they proceeded with their tickle torture. Unlike previous tickle sessions however, this tickle session was not as severe. Nonetheless, we laughed and laughed uncontrollably, and only the required 2-3 minute breaks saved us from bursting into tears. They tickled us only for fifteen minutes then left us.

When we were alone, we tried to escape. It was a futile effort at best however. They did their usual thorough job at tying up that we gained no slack from our struggling and we can find no knots to untie with our fingers. So we just gave up.

Thirty minutes later, they returned and untied us. They then boasted as usual, and we promised revenge, as usual. We also congratulated ourselves for another good game, as usual. Thus, they won their 18th total victory, their 3rd in a row. After the game, we agreed to a truce for the rest of our island exploring.

But all was not business as usual for Frank and I. Angela's revenge on us will now be carried out virtue of our defeat. How did we fare under Angela?
Read the next part and find out!

Tom Ford

Tom Ford's stories
Index of all stories in the "Archive for Everyone" section