Michael : 01 - Bound by Linda (f/fm)

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Michael : 01 - Bound by Linda (f/fm)

Post by Canuck100 »

Michael's stories
01 - Bound by Linda
Story index at the bottom

By Michael

Saturday, December 15th 2001 - 09:07:55 PM

Bound by Linda

Hello. I enjoy this message board greatly. Who'd ever think so many people had so many similar experiences growing up!

My story takes place in the early 1980's. My name is Michael. I was 17 at the time. The other players were my girlfriend Cindy, aged 16, and an older friend Linda who was 19. The events of this story were actually quite an ordeal for Cindy and I, and might serve as a cautionary tale for those interested in playing tie up games.

The whole thing happened on a Saturday afternoon in early January. Cindy invited me over to her house as her parents were going to be away until later that evening. We frequently played tie up games together and had for over a year. Generally we would take turns binding each other seeing who could escape. Sometimes our bondage would be intricate and severe, and frequently inescapable. We had played about a month earlier. Cindy had been able to escape my tying, but I was unable to escape hers. She really enjoyed tying me, an I was frequently stumped in my escape attempts. Our rule was that a person had to stay tied up for a minimum of one hour, but never longer than three hours. We had talked about playing that day, and I assumed that we would be spending the afternoon in and out of ropes.

So I was surprised to find Linda at Cindy's when I arrived. Linda was an older friend of hers who had been away at college. She was an attractive girl, about 5'5" tall, slender with shoulder length black hair. That day she was dressed simply in jeans a sweater and I think tennis shoes. Cindy was more petite, about 5'1" tall, slender with long blonde hair and very cute. That day I remember her also wearing jeans and a sweater and despite the cold outside, was barefoot. When I arrived, I saw that Cindy had all our bondage ropes and gags out and was showing them to Linda. Apparently she was describing our games to her. Linda, who had somewhat of a wild, and as we were about to find out, dangerous and careless side, was very interested. After we talked for a while she asked who was to be tied up first that afternoon. We said that we usually flipped a coin to determine the first victim. She laughed and asked us to go ahead and play, that she wanted to watch the game and see how it worked.

So, Cindy and I flipped a coin, and I lost! I was to be the first tied. Cindy wasted no time. She asked me "How about being tied to a chair?" I agreed, brought one of the straight backed chairs in from the dining room, sat in it and let Cindy do her stuff. She began by tying my hands behind me, over the back of the chair. Then she tied my upper arms together as close as she could, using a parallel cinch coil to tighten. A long length of rope followed binding my arms and upper body to the back of the chair. Basically she wrapped my upper torso in rope from my shoulders to belt line making almost any movement impossible. Then she went back to my hands, attaching another length of rope to the bindings, letting it dangle for the time being, thus completing the upper half. She had done a very thorough, neat and tight job, but I thought she out did herself on the bottom half. She began with my ankles. I had taken off my shoes and she tied my feet tightly with a large amount of rope. Then she took another long piece and wrapped my legs from ankles to knees as she had my upper body. As I was already firmly tied to the chair, she couldn't tie my thighs, but she could wrap rope over the top fastening me to the seat, which she happily did. Remember that extra length of rope dangling from my hands? That was attached to my ankles, pulling them back so my toes were just touching the floor. If I tried to straighten my legs, a slip knot attached to the hand bindings would tighten. That was the complete job. I was tightly tied up, but not uncomfortable. We knew enough not to make wrist bindings excessively tight, but compensate with torso and upper arm bindings to prevent motion. The ropes tying my upper body were tight, and with enough knots that even heavy prolonged struggle wouldn't slacken them.

After Cindy finished, she turned and asked Linda what she thought. Linda smiled and asked "what about gags?" Cindy said, "oh that's coming next." We generally used torn bed sheets with large knots tied in the center for our gags. Cindy produced such a contrivance, inserted the knot (large, she had to roll it in) into my mouth, tied it very tightly behind my head, gagging me effectively. I could only make non verbal sounds.

So that was it! I tried squirming but had already resigned my self to a couple of hours of being tied up hopefully not to be too embarrassed by the girls. Linda had a different idea. She asked Cindy "Have you ever both been tied up at the same time? It might be fun to see who could escape first." Cindy said we hadn't tried that but was immediately interested. I didn't like the idea, but was in no position to protest. Cindy was a very sweet and trusting girl. I don't think she could imagine someone being careless with her while tied up and so vulnerable. I had a less benevolent nature. I didn't think Linda would actually hurt us but could possibly do something stupid while were bound. My mmmphs of protest were laughed at by both girls. Linda walked over to me, gave my head a playful nudge and said tauntingly "what are you so afraid of you big baby, you said you did this all the time." She then turned to Cindy and said "there's more than enough rope for you. Why don't I tie you up and you can compete with Michael." Cindy agreed, but said both she and I should be bound the same way. I was told to stop struggling until Cindy was tied up, allowing for a fair contest. The point was moot, I didn't think I'd have a chance to budge a knot.

So Linda proceeded to tie up Cindy to an identical chair in the same way I was bound. Linda worked quickly and efficiently. As soon as I saw her uncoil a length of rope I could tell she was no novice. In fifteen minutes Cindy was tightly tied up, excessive leg and torso bindings and all. Linda gagged her with the knotted sheet as I had been. But she added another layer of sheet over the gag, then took duct tape (we had a supply of that too) and wrapped it over Cindy's mouth and around the back of her head reinforcing the sheet gags. Linda asked Cindy to make a sound, but all she could produce was some subdued mmmphing. Linda smiled at me wickedly and said, "I think I'll make your gag a little more secure too." She then enhanced my gag as she had Cindy's. She wasn't very gentle about it either.

There we both were! Both tightly bound and gagged, hoping to be the first one free. Linda sat down on the couch, smiled and said "OK, let's see how you do." We started to struggle and pull at the ropes, twisting our bodies, but to little avail. Linda laughed, reached into her purse for a pack of cigarettes and said "darn I'm all out. Tell you what, there's a store just up the street. You two work on getting free and I'll be back in about fifteen minutes. See you!" With that she left us.

At that point it was about 3:00 in the afternoon. Of course it's very dangerous to leave people alone tied up and gagged for even a short period. It's even more dangerous and irresponsible to leave people for longer periods. Cindy didn't seem too concerned, and jokingly mmmphd good bye to Linda. I had a sinking feeling.

Anyway, we both squirmed, and struggled and tried to free ourselves. We got so involved in out respective struggles that we weren't aware of time passing. After prolonged squirming, I started to wonder where Linda was. I managed to kind of bounce my chair around and look at a clock. It said 4:00! Linda had been gone an hour. I mmphd to Cindy and motioned with my head for her to look at the clock. It took her a while, but she got my meaning, bounced her chair around and looked. We then looked at each other, and our eyes confirmed each other's fears. Was it possible Linda might not come back at all? We knew that she was somewhat irresponsible, and that abandoning two tied up people was something she could have done. Cindy and I read each other's eyes, understanding we would have to help each other get free, or wait for her parents who weren't due until midnight. The prospect of several more hours of tight bondage to be followed by explanations to Cindy's parents galvanized us to action.

We both knew without speaking that our best hope was to bounce our chairs around so we were back to back and pick at the ropes tying our hands. We mmphd at each other and slowly and laboriously began trying to move our chairs. Remember, only our toes were touching the ground and we were so tightly bound that we had almost no freedom to generate movement. Somehow after several minutes of work we brought ourselves back to back and were in position to work at each other's knots. Something that proved impossible. After another half hour we were both sweat covered and pained with strain and exhaustion. Neither of us could get a grip on the other's knots to even loosen, let alone untie them. And the harder we worked, the more sweaty we became making each attempt progressively futile. I finally mmmphd loudly to stop and bounced myself from Cindy. We bounced ourselves around so we could see each other and try to think of another plan. At this point it was nearly 5:00. We'd been tied up for over two hours and were really ready to get free.

But what next? I thought if we could some how get a sharp implement we could cut through the ropes. A risky and dangerous endeavor, but we were desperate. We were tied up in the living room. The living room led to the dining room which in turn led to the kitchen. I thought if I could find a knife or scissors in the kitchen we'd have a chance. How we would use a knife or scissors I would figure out once I got there.

And reaching the kitchen turned out to be quite a chore. I could only move myself a few inches a bounce. After I started the trip, Cindy must have figured out what I was trying to do and followed me. There was no door between the dining room and living room, but there was one between the kitchen dining room and kitchen. As I slowly edged toward the door I could see that it was slightly ajar, at last a break. When we did finally make it into the kitchen we were sadly disappointed. No sharp tool was anywhere to be seen on the table or counter top. We tried with all our might to open a drawer, but our hands were tied too low to reach them. We tried to reach them with our mouths, but our torso bindings made forward motion impossible. We could tilt our chairs forward to reach the drawers, but then only rub our faces against them feebly as our gags were so effective. Trying to tilt the chairs forward was also dangerous because of the way our ankles were tied back. Cindy practically toppled her chair twice and I finally mmmphd at her and motioned with my head to stop. Poor Cindy. Tears and sweat were streaming down her face. We knew there was no hope of a sharp implement aided escape.

But we probably couldn't have used a tool without risk of serious injury anyway. The only way we could have reached one was by pushing it to the floor with our heads, then toppling our chairs and trying to reach it with our hands. The way we were tied made that an extreme long shot. And we were exhausted anyway. The kitchen clock read 6:00. Three hours tied up and gagged. All we could do is hope Linda would return and free us. We decided to wait.

And wait we did. We stayed in the kitchen, too tired to bounce anywhere. After about another hour I lost all feeling in my hands, and my mouth was completely dried out from the gag. My shoulders felt like they were on fire, and my jaw was killing me. I really began to fear choking or asphyxiation. Cindy didn't look happy either. She occasionally mmmphd in her gag and looked like she was feeling a lot of the same pain. But just when things stared to really look bleak we heard a car pull up. We heard someone enter the house and say "did you get out, where are you?" It was Linda returning four hours after she said she would. We both mmmphd loudly at her to find us in the kitchen. Linda laughed and said "don't tell me you're still tied up, you really couldn't get free?" She burst into the kitchen, saw us essentially as she had left us and fell to laughing hysterically.

"Oh come on, how hard is to escape from a little rope?" Cindy and I both mmmphd loudly and Linda said "OK, OK, I'll get you free in a minute." She went to the sink and got a glass of water, found a pair of scissors in a drawer (how easy it looked) and began to work on Cindy's gag. She got the gag off, and gave Cindy a long drink. Then she took my gag off and gave me a drink. I had never felt such a sense of relief. As we both got the feeling back in our mouths she looked at us and smiled.

"I think all I'm going to do is free your hands. It'll take you a while longer to get free, but I don't have time to wait around for all the untying. I'm really sorry, I ran into some people at the store and just forgot about you." Linda took the scissors over to Cindy and cut the ropes binding her hands arms and upper body. Linda said sarcastically "there, do you think you can get free now?" We didn't say much. Cindy moved her arms to get the feeling back and started working on her leg bindings. Linda just laughed again and said "well I've got to run, I'm meeting some people later" and left.

It took us about another half an hour to get completely untied. The feeling of relief was tremendous. Cindy was quiet the rest of the evening. She had been shaken up by the ordeal, but later admitted the thrill of not knowing when or how escape would come was exciting. We played many more tie up games during our high school years, but never quite as intense as the incidents in this story.


Michael's stories
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