ThEgAmE : 05 - Beach Vacations (f/m, m/ff)

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ThEgAmE : 05 - Beach Vacations (f/m, m/ff)

Post by Canuck100 »

ThEgAmE's stories
05 - Beach Vacations
Story index at the bottom

By ThEgAmE

Wednesday June 6th 2001 05:51:47 PM

Hello all, this is ThEgAmE, here for another installment of my tie-up games.

Well anyway, as you may or may not remember, the last we left off I was headed off for my aunt and uncle's house for about two weeks if my memory serves me correctly. My sister Stacy and I went together while my parents went on a vacation of their own. Well anyway, I would have a tie up game or two while I was there, one of which involved the "kids" (myself, Stacy and my cousin Lizzy) tying up the "grown-ups" (my aunt and uncle), so if you don't like that kind of story you might want to skip one of my later on stories (or at least the latter part of it).

Well here goes. We arrived and everything was normal for about four or five days. We went to the beach almost every day with my aunt (while my uncle was at work), as their house was located near the water. I was never a big beach guy: to this day I heavily favor the pool, I hate the way the salty water clings to your hair and all... So I wasn't wild about trips to my aunt and uncles, but I usually had no choice. They lived in a relatively small town, and there wasn't much else to do other than going to the beach, or playing games/sports. And to top it off, my annoying cousin Lizzy (my aunt and uncles only daughter) would not leave me alone. She was about two years older than I, my sister's age I believe, and enjoyed to pester me. She had short brown hair, about ear length, and very bony, exaggerated features. I guess she was kind of cute as she was apparently told often, but I thought she was very ugly, even though I attribute that to the fact that she was a jerk. Well by this time I was pretty much bored to misery, but tired at the end of the day.

Well anyway, on about my fifth night there, I was subtly awakened to a bit of a shock. As I lay in slumber I felt my arms being pulled and wrapped in rope. My eyes shot open, and I glanced above me. My arms were fastened to either bedpost. Then I realized my ankles were wrapped in ropes as well, and as I looked down, I realized that I was tied spread eagled to the bed. I looked up only in time to see Stacy's dark figure cramming a large pair of balled up socks into my jaw. She immediately produced a long, thick black cloth and cleave gagged me with it, a sadistic grin overcoming her face.

"Mmmpph!" I cried in protest, my pleas stifled by the thick gag. I looked over my captor. She was fully dressed and had duffel bad filled with supplies. She was wearing tight black jeans and a tight black sweater, with black leather gloves on. I suppose this was her idea of some kind of a stealth outfit. Well anyway, she grinned widely at me with this weird look on her face.

"I'll be right back", she whispered, and headed out of the room. I tested my bonds immediately. They were good knots, but not as tight as I'd feared, and there was enough slack in the ropes to eventually work myself free. But not enough time now. I screamed into my gag a little, just to test it. It was okay, nothing great, also could be worked free in about twenty minutes. I "mmmpphed" gently and glanced around the room. I wondered what my torture would be.

Suddenly the door opened, and in came Stacy, and right after her came Lizzy. Oh brother. I hadn't even thought about that. Lizzy's face lit up in delight at the sight of me bound and gagged on the bed. I groaned into my gag slightly. She kind of pranced around the bed, observing me with glee.

"Whatcha wanna do to him?" she questioned, her excitement clearly visible.

"Shhh! Or I'll have to gag you too", Stacy whispered, "We don't want to wake up Uncle Tom and Aunt Cindy". (Tom and Cindy are my aunt and uncle's names; I forgot to mention that before).

I was stared at in my tight tie up. Stacy then went over to her bag of supplies and pulled out a long feather. I knew what this was for, and struggled immediately. I had no twenty minutes, and I needed to escape. I tugged at the ropes but they held fast, I was bound to the bed. Then she began. She yanked my socks off so I was barefoot and tickled with the feather. It was really light at first, I barely noticed it, but she started going harder and harder. It was a cheap synthetic feather: not the ideal tickling device but it got the job done.

"Mmmpph!" I screamed, my gagged mouth producing only that sound. "Mmmmmmmmmpppphhh!" I fought against my bonds to no avail. It didn't take long for Lizzy to join in though. She went for my ribs at first, but quickly began to itch at my exposed under arms. My screams of laughter were stifled again; "Mmmpph" was the only sound I could produce. They continually jabbed at my ticklish points, and as I was helplessly bound and gagged, I had no choice but to take it. I wasn't sure what to do. But then again, there wasn't much I could do!


Monday June 11th 2001 07:02:21 PM

Hey this is ThEgAmE again, here to continue my tale of tie-ups at my aunt and uncles. I haven't exactly updated recently, so if you aren't sure what's going on, be sure to check back on my last post, on June 6th.

Well anyway, I was tied spread-eagled on the bed, cleave gagged with socks and a black cloth, being subjected to a severe tickle torture by my sister Stacy and my cousin Lizzy. I was laughing so hard into my gag that I began to tear. The relentless massaging of my under arms and feathering of my feet left my gasping through my tight gag. Suddenly the tickling stopped. I looked up through the tears to see why they had stopped.

I didn't see much as Stacy moved swiftly and blindfolded me with a black scarf identical to the one that was currently enforcing my silence. After it was knotted behind my head, Stacy made a comment or two about how cute I looked with my mouth gagged and my eyes blindfolded. She and Lizzy cackled like a pair of hyenas and made their depart (I thought).

I lay there bound, gagged, and blindfolded, completely powerless. I worked against the binds furiously, but they were too strong. I worked at picking away at the knots but they were too many, too tight, and I couldn't see them. They were hard and tough, and I couldn't even loosen them. My gag was beginning to become uncomfortable and my jaw ached. This was not what I was looking for. I tried to sleep, but I was too uncomfortable, the bonds and gag were to straining to ignore. I lay there for about two hours until I guess I just drifted off...

I guessed I had dreamed it at first, but the rope marks on my wrists confirmed my original suspicions. It was a really weird feeling; I had fallen asleep bound and gagged and woken untied. It was confusing and irritating. But I plotted my revenge accordingly.

I wanted to get her in the same way (because I could overpower her more easily and it would be a taste of her own medicine), but I knew she'd been waiting for me at night. She nor Lizzy made any signal to suggest that anything ever happened, we went my our normal routine of going to the beach, showering, and playing board games, etc. etc. Well I gathered my tools and waited until Aunt Cindy told us she was going to the store. Lizzy wanted to go with her. Stacy did too, but my aunt said she had to stay with me because I was too young (I was sooooo offended) to stay home alone. Well they departed, and Stacy was playing solitaire at the desk in the study (or something like that). I snuck up behind her with a roll of silver duct tape.

I grabbed the back of the chair, and pulled it backward, slamming it down. She was surprised at first, but sprung into action after realizing that it was just me. I pulled the tape loose from the roll, and went to duct tape her arms to her sides. She fought hard, but I would it around a few times. I forced her onto her belly (with a little help from the chair), and bound her wrists with the tape. I stood back to catch my breath, as Stacy slowly got up. I rushed at her and continued to wrap her torso in duct tape, rather heavily.

"Stop it, I'm not in the mood!" she screamed. I moved down and taped her ankles. I then carried her over my shoulder into her bedroom. I duct taped her knees and thighs, before HEAVILY wrapping her into a tight duct tape hog-tie (the official bondage "hogtie"), which I had seen on TV. She was complaining, so I got some of her socks from her drawer and stuffed them into her big mouth. I then applied to wide strips into an X over her lips, before layering loads of tape down to seal her lips.

"Mmmpph!" she grunted into her gag. I made some witty remark that I don't remember, and stuffed her into her closet and awaited my Aunt and cousin's return.


Tuesday June 12th 2001 07:44:42 PM

Hi all, this is ThEgAmE here. As you may or not remember (or care), I was last left as my sister was hogtied with duct tape in my closet. It didn't take long for my aunt and cousin to get home. They put away their purchases before my tired aunt questioned as to where my sister was. I made up some lie, like she was across the street with with some girl she had met. I remember thinking it was really obvious that I was full of it, but my aunt ate it up, or at least she led me to believe she believed me.

"Why don't you kids set the table, dinner will be ready in half an hour," my aunt said. Lizzy and I reluctantly set the table. I gave Lizzy my most evil eye all the time. She seemed not do notice.

During dinner my aunt seemed worried about my sister's location. I smoothed things over (or tried to) by ensuring her that Stacy had just stayed for dinner. My aunt then said she would probably just go to bed early, but if we weren't in bed by the time my uncle was home their'd be "hell to pay". Anyway, after my aunt had retired for the night, Lizzy began to playfully taunt me, poking me in the ribs.

"Stop it!" I snapped. She grinned.


"Because you're ugly."


"I don't care why,"


As you may have guessed, this game wasn't the most fun out there.

"Come with me," I said, and got to my feet. I left the TV area, and headed toward my sister's location.

Without asking "why" Lizzy obediently followed. I led her directly to the closet. As I told her to open it, and ran over to the dresser and grabbed my roll of duct tape.

"What...." a look of shear shock overtook Lizzy. I pouced quickly, body tackling her. She offered little-to-no resistence, and within seconds I had her bound hand and foot with the strong bands of silver. She seemed to be in some sort of shock. I pulled her up into a heavily wrapped hogtie before she started to scream. I clamped my hand over her mouth, and grabbed a sock from my sister's laundry pile and jammed it deep into her throat.

"Mmmmmmmpph!" came a silenced scream. I took the duct tape and tore of two strips, and pressed them in a tight "X" before sealing it over her lips, smoothing it over with my fingers. I then tugged Stacy out of the closet, and started to tickle there feet. They both had soft soled, tender feet, and I was brutal. They sobbed and laughed into there gags, but were kept quiet, the way they should have. I moved down to my sister's thighs (I knew she was ticklish there) while remaining on Lizzy's feet. She seemed desperate, rolling wildly, her feet drawn together, rendering her helpless in a tight hogtie as they lay in a delicate, exposed position.

"Mmmmmppph!" they squealed into stifling gags. Stacy tried to beg through giggles and her gag.


"Sorry guys, but I think you look just to good with your mouths taped shut to be released yet. Maybe tommorow!" I joked. I stuffed the two of them into the closet, as they wimpered into the sticky silver tape.

I released them about five minutes later though, and we agreed to set our sites on the bigger fish, in a more collective effort: our aunt and uncle...


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