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ThEgAmE : 04 - The LONG Day (fff/m, ff/f, mf/ff)

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2020 8:22 pm
by Canuck100
ThEgAmE's stories
04 - The LONG Day
Story index at the bottom

By ThEgAmE

Saturday May 26th 2001 10:42:29 AM

The LONG Day

Hey, this is ThEgAmE again. Fist of all I just wanted to let whoever posted know that I posted both parts of my Revenge on Jenny story on Mat 24th (Thursday). I'm sorry I forgot to space that one correctly. Anyway, my next tale had to do with the results of my revenge on Jenny and is quite a long one.

Anyway, after I had gotten my revenge I saw it as over, our little rivalry, because I had won last and I was satisfied. Obviously Jenny wasn't because she was in the midst of concocting the longest and most thought out tie up scenario ever. It was early summer now, and my parents would be at work all day, and would also be gone that night, both on business, so Stacy and I were staying over at Jenny's house. We both went over there with out stuff and our sleeping bags, and we immediately went up to Jenny's room. Then the plan went into action.

Jenny and Laura were waiting and grabbed me immediately. They lifted me off the ground by my arms and legs while Stacy clamped a hand over my mouth from behind. I was brought over and held down on Jenny's bed while Jenny took ropes from each of the bedposts and fastened them to my limbs. They then stepped back to admire me lying spread-eagled on the bed.

"What's up with this?" I questioned.

"Shut up," Jenny said, and promptly stuffed my mouth with several bandannas. She then secured them with a long blue hankie, by wrapping it inside my mouth and around my head into a tight cleave gag.

"We all have different reasons for wanting to tie you up; actually we basically have the same reason, but that doesn't matter because you will be our captive all day long!" Jenny explained. That's when I realized it would be a long day. I knew Jenny's parents weren't home, her dad was at work and her mom was out shopping, and they had told my mom that Alexa (Jenny's older sister; 16) would baby-sit us that night as they went out to dinner. It would be a long day. I looked over at Jenny's clock. It was only around ten-thirty A.M.

"And now, we have a special treat for you!" Jenny and Stacy yanked away my shoes and socks and Laura started on my ribs. The tickle torture was immense, and I was completely immobilized, I couldn't move to protect my vulnerable spots at all. They were brutal too; I couldn't deal with all that tickling at the same time as I jolted up and down (vertically was the only direction I could go).

"Mmmuurpph!" I laughed into my gag, but only stifled cries came out. This went on for what seemed like hours as I burst into tears of agony. This tickling was more than I could tolerate. Eventually they left me alone, lying helplessly bound, talking of girl things I suppose. I looked over at Jenny's clock. It was eleven, only a half hour had gone by as they tickle tortured me. I decided to test my gag.

"Mmmmmmmppph!" I yelled as loud as I could. I was silenced pretty effectively, but not that well. I yanked at my bonds for a while and developed a bit of a sweat. I had never been tied this way before, and it was most uncomfortable, not only because I was being stretched across Jenny's seemingly large bed, but also because I felt vulnerable. I fought the bonds for about fifteen minutes, but I realized it was useless. The bonds were perfectly constructed, the rope work was masterful, and I doubted Jenny did it. My wrists and ankles began to hurt as the coarse rope burned them. I lay powerless until twelve, when in came my captors. They announced it was time for lunch. As I was untied from the bed, Stacy and Laura kept a firm grip on my elbows, and I was immediately bound at the wrists with duct tape. I was led down to Jenny's kitchen and sat in a chair, still gagged. Jenny yanked at the gag.

"If you say anything you'll be re-tied and re-gagged even worse than before, with no lunch." She informed.

It felt good to get the packing out. But I said nothing. We ate speghettio's with meatballs and about half way through I...

"Could you pass the..." I didn't bother to finish my sentence because I knew it would be cut off. Jenny promptly jammed a very large washcloth deep into my mouth, and used both of her thumbs to force feed it to me. She then grabbed me by the shoulders and pulled me up. Stacy then took out the roll of duct tape and began taping. And oh did she tape. The familiar sound of ripping tape was heard in excess as she wrapped up my legs from my ankles to my upper thighs in the thick silver tape. Then she went from my waist up to my shoulders, leaving few gaps, compressing me into a layer of tape. Then she wrapped the tape around my head, all the way, over and over, the strong sticky tape plastering my lips together, holding the bulging washcloth in my mouth. She continued to do so much longer than necessary, until heading up to my eyes and doing the same thing. I was then reduced to a large mass of tape, heavily bound, gagged, and blindfolded, unable to move, speak, or see. I was then grabbed and carried back upstairs to god knows what room and stuffed into some kind of comfortable bag, which zipped closed. I was sure it was my sleeping bag, although I had little evidence to support it. I decided to test my gag now.

"Mmmmmmmm," unlike last time, I was utterly silenced. Only a faint trace of a hum was produced at my loudest attempt at a scream. Once again I was immobile, this time more severely. I was totally packed together into one bundle so to speak, and the tape was much too strong to be freed of. The gag was another story. It was so heavy and tight I couldn't even move my lips or my tongue, and I was hushed into silence. The packing was large and thick and was practically shoved down my throat, and I wondered, what must I have done to deserve this! Then I remembered and dropped that idea. The winding tape was painful. When I tried to move my head the tape would stretch and rip at my face and hair and caused me such indescribable pain. I struggled against the tape but it was useless; I was held fast. I sat and waited, picturing myself bound and gagged and blindfolded with all of this tape. My cheeks must have been bulging widely. My jaws and joints ached severely from the pressure placed on them. At that point I wondered I would ever escape!


Saturday May 26th 2001 10:25:29 PM

The Long Day: Part Two

After quite a while of still being in the bag, someone came and took me out of it, and dragged me downstairs. I was still heavily bound and gagged with the duct tape, and I was blindfolded as well, completely helpless. Well anyway I was thrown onto the couch and Stacy's voice came from next to me saying,

"Are you hungry?" I guess they had felt bad for me, leaving me bound and gagged without any lunch, so I indicated yes.

"Mmmmpph!" I said into my gag. I tried to shake my head yes, but it just hurt too much.

"What? I'm sorry, I can't understand you with all of that tape over your mouth!" Stacy giggled. That really pissed me off, but I tried to hide it, because all they were tying to do was get me upset. I just sat there I listened. They were watching TV it seemed, some kind of movie. They were definitely eating something, and my sniffing led me to believe it was something that smelled awful. They spoke as though I wasn't even there, incased in duct tape, and I began to wonder why they even brought me down. Perhaps they were worried about my safety. No, that made no sense.

"Stacy, pass the oranges?" Yes my suspicions about the foul-smelling food were correct. I quickly realized that I was very hungry and that was why they had me here. They were torturing me by passing food in front of my face (not that I would even know). It wasn't that bad though, I hate fruit, but at this time it did seem appetizing!

Suddenly I felt and heard a rip and realized that both my gag and blindfold had been torn from my face. The pain I felt was agonizingly painful as it tore at my scalp. I screamed but the packing was still in and it drowned out the sound. I soon sat on the couch trying to adjust my eyes to the intense lights after being subdued into darkness previously by my blindfold. I had no type to get used to life without a blindfold and gag because as the packing came out,

"Here, have an orange!" Jenny more than suggested, ramming a large orange into my mouth. I "mmmpphed" lightly in disapproval.

"Well you said you were hungry," Jenny mocked quietly. I gave her my best dirty look before she turned away.

"How long until your parents get back?" Stacy asked.

"Not long. Maybe twenty minutes." Jenny answered calmly.

"What are we going to do with him?"

"Stash him somewhere in my room."

"What about Alexa?" Stacy questioned.

"That's what I'm worried about," Jenny mumbled, pacing quickly, "I suppose we could try to tie her up as well but it would be hard with just the two of us." (It took me this long to realize Laura was no longer there; she had long since gone home, suggesting I was tied up much longer than I had thought).

And with that I was dragged back upstairs to Jenny's room. My suspicions were confirmed that I had been shoved into my sleeping bag when I was shoved back in, and it was zipped shut as I was shoved under Jenny's bed.

I wasn't worried too much at this point. I had a plan. Well, not exactly a plan, but I knew what I would do to escape, and get Jenny once and for all, muhahahaha! Sorry. Anyway, I knew that I could get out of the sleeping bag pretty easily, and I could roll to where I was visible, I just had to wait until her parents got home. Plus it occurred to me that Jenny probably had scissor somewhere in her room...

Well I was wrong, I couldn't get out easily. I was trying to open the sleeping bag, and it took me about fifty minutes to slide out of it, and by that time Jenny's parents had long since come and gone. I knew Alexa was home somewhere, but I didn't know where, and with my complicated slithering manœuvrer, it took me about a minute to move half a foot. So I lay on the floor of Jenny's room, bound and gagged, "mmmpphing" into my orange.

Well it was about then that I realized there was a steak knife under Jenny's mattress. Now, you're probably thinking: "Why the hell would she have a steak knife under her mattress?" Simply because if she were in this position she would use the knife to escape. How did I know this? Well I didn't. And that's why I stayed tied up for another hour according to Jenny's clock. I rolled around on the floor and "mmmpphed", but there wasn't a whole lot else to be done. Eventually Jenny and Stacy came in to check on me. They went through their usual taunts, etc. etc., I was practically ignoring them. Suddenly Alexa walked in and my mood brightened.

Alexa was 16 I think, and was Jenny's older sister. She was my first crush so to speak. She had mid-back length blonde hair and tan, delicate features, with a round genuinely pretty face. She was perfectly curved with naturally large but not oversized breasts and a very nicely shaped rear. She was wearing a tight light green t-shirt and tight jeans with a black leather belt. She was also wearing black boots with two-inch block heels. Don't ask you why I remember exactly what she was wearing; my answer will make you sad (jk). Her natural buxom blonde good looks were as appealing as anything. She was chewing gum and fiddling with her silver charm bracelet.

"What are you guys doing?" she questioned with a hint of inquisitiveness and perplexity.

"We were tying him up," Jenny said softly. I could tell she was slightly embarrassed.

"Listen, do you guys want me to order you a pizza or something- is he okay?" at this point I was "mmmpphing" loudly and rolling around as crazily as I could. Jenny gave me a sure fire "you're going to die" look.

"Yeah, he's fine." She snarled.

"Still, I think you better get that out of his mouth, he looks like he's going to choke on it"- at this point she bent down and tried to get the orange from my mouth without getting my saliva all over her hands (I had unknowingly been drooling all over the place). Without warning both Jenny and Stacy pounced onto Alexa, they both grabbed each of her arms. She reacted with shock, and gasped right before Jenny clasped a hand over her glowing ruby lips. Her alarm quickly turned to irritation as she reacted aggressively. She resisted and without difficulty wrestled Jenny and Stacy off of her.

"You actually think you guys were gonna tie me up?" Alexa asked with disgust. She grabbed Jenny by the shirt and pulled her up, but Stacy tackled her from behind. Stacy landed on her belly her chest breaking her fall. Alexa got onto her hands and knees, but Jenny jumped onto Alexa's back, forcing her down.

"GET OFF OF ME!" Alexa screamed. She bucked upward and violently shoved Jenny into the radiator (which looked like it hurt a lot). She tried to get up but a chop block from Stacy sent her pounding to the floor. I have to say, I was quite enjoying this. Anyway, Jenny got up and dived at Alexa's left arm, clutching it tightly. Alexa then grabbed Jenny by the hair and seethed in fury. Stacy then grabbed the hand Alexa was clutching Jenny's hair with and pulled it away. Then Stacy and Jenny both wrenched Alexa's arms behind her back with a quiet crack almost simultaneously. Alexa let out a gasp for air and struggled, but in the position she was in she was held steadfast. She pumped her tight legs like pistons, kicking the air in frustration.
"Stacy, when I say "now" I want you to go get the white rope from under the bed." Jenny managed through pants.

"Now!" Stacy lurched for the white rope as Jenny grabbed Alexa by her belt and rolled forward onto Alexa's back, pinning Alexa's chest the floor and lifting Alexa's nice buns into the air, her legs still pumping. Her arms were free, but she couldn't reach Jenny from that position. Alexa screeched and shrieked profanely, fighting as Stacy arrived with the rope. Alexa then slapped at Stacy with all of her strength as Stacy then brought Alexa's hands behind her back and began to tie. She bound madly as Alexa fought; Jenny had to help hold Alexa's hands in position. Many loop and knots latter, Alexa's hands were tightly bound. She got to her knees and forced Jenny off of her; even with her hands bound she was strong in her lower body, and quite athletic. She was very tired and I could see tears swell in her eyes as Stacy tackled her around the knees. The rope was brought over by Jenny and was bound around her ankles at a furious rate. Alexa seemed to give up for a second, but was only catching her breath as she lurched upward and delivered a sharp kick to Stacy's abdomen, driving her block-heeled boots into the belly, which knocked the wind out of her. She assumed a sitting position but Jenny grabbed her right under the breasts, pinning her arms to her sides.

"Tie her legs!" called Jenny between gasps. Alexa was working to undo the minimal ankle bindings. Stacy jumped and dropped her knee onto Alexa's legs. Alexa let out a scream, which was cut short by Jenny's hand clamping over her mouth. Stacy worked rapidly and soon Alexa's ankles were bound. Stacy then moved onto the thighs and bound them was well, wrapping the clothesline around her thighs tightly (almost as tightly as her jeans encased her legs). She was bound around the chest next, under and over her breasts, and her arms were pinned to her sides. Jenny then got up and went to her dresser, producing a pair of white socks. Without warning they were jammed into Alexa's mouth, and she freaked out again. She had obviously never been gagged before, and she obviously didn't like it.

"Mmmmmmmmuuurrggpph!" she bellowed into her silencing gag, working to get it out. Jenny then grabbed a roll of duct tape.

"Mmmmmmmmuuurrggpph!" she screamed in fear of the sticky tape, again the mouth-filling gag keeping her squeals to a quiet grunt. With that Jenny tore off strip after strip after strip, pressing them firmly against Alexa's ruby lips, sealing them together. Soon numerous strips of tape had completely plastered Alexa's mouth shut. She was restrained to forced silence, and she crossly groaned, overpowered.

"Mmmmmmmmuuurrggpph!" she wailed as she fought her tight bonds and gag. I have to admit; it was by far the most I'd seen someone struggle against being tied and against their bonds in awhile (and that's why I wrote so much on it). Her wide eyes glared and her nostrils flared as she "mmmpphed" persistently and writhed in aggravation. It was a marvelous site. Her face was bright red and bulging, possibly red with exhaustion, perhaps with embarrassment at being tied and gagged by her little sister as she resisted her bonds with quite the effort.

"So Alexa, are you ticklish?" Jenny questioned with a wide grin at her captive sister. They both pounced on Alexa and yanked off her boots and socks, and tickled the soles of her bare feet. Alexa obviously was ticklish, because she wildly writhed and leapt and tried to scream, but the duct tape that stretched across her face muffled her. She laughed and giggled, the gag holding it all in. Eventually Stacy and Jenny got bored and left muttering something about watching TV. Alexa breathed heavily and angrily; I did not want to be Jenny when she was untied. Suddenly Jenny rushed back in saying she forgot something, and pulled a black drawstring bag from her drawer and used it as a hood over Alexa's head, her lengthy blonde hair falling out of it. Jenny then left. I took this time to admire her shapely breasts, her succulent chest pouring out of her top. She was also a little hard; and I can't say I wasn't at all either. She started "mmmpphing" and rolled over so that she was facing away from me. At first I just checked out her butt, but as she shook her hands as much as she could, I realized she wanted me to try to untie her wrists. I rolled in her direction until we were back to back, and we touched. I acted like I was feeling around for her wrists as I momentarily groped her buns, but she grunted her disapproval, so I then began to work on the ropes. It took me about ten minutes to completely untie the ropes from her wrist. She then untied herself very quickly, yanking the hood from her head, and peeling the silver duct tape from her gorgeous lips. I could tell it hurt but she let out to recognition of pain. She was quickly untied, and she then worked quickly and silently on me as well. She yanked the orange from my mouth with a swift tug and I relaxed my aching jaw as she tore at the tape with a nail file. Within fifteen minutes of being left bound and gagged together we were completely free. She put her finger to her lips for me to be silent, and I knew we would get our revenge!


Sunday May 27th 2001 11:40:02 PM

The Long Day: Part Three

Hey, this is ThEgAmE again, here to install the final chapter in the story "The LONG Day"

Well I followed Alexa downstairs. God she was striking. Anyway, she had brought the rope that she had been tied by with her, and we headed menacingly toward the den. Suddenly Alexa stopped and looked around the corner to the den, as did I, and needless to say I was shocked.

Jenny sat on the floor tightly bound and gagged, with her captor, Stacy standing above her. She was bound and gagged with the same glossy black electrical tape that Stacy had been just a few days before. It was wrapped heavily around her thighs and ankles together, forming a tight frog tie. Her hands where bound behind her in the same thick style that Stacy's had, and she was heavily gagged in the same manner as well, the heavy sticky tape constricting and sealing up her mouth which was presumably packed for silence. The only difference was that she wasn't blindfolded, her wide eyes staring in terror at a mocking Stacy.

Stacy was jabbering on and on about how Jenny had tied her this way and how this was her sweet revenge. Alexa moved quickly. She marched in and clapped and hand over Stacy's mouth while wrenching a hand behind her back. Within seconds Stacy's hands were bound, and soon after she was bound hand and foot. She stared screaming but Alexa again clamped the ominous hand over Stacy's lips and told me to go find some packing. I returned momentarily and handed a grinning Alexa the large soggy slimy orange that had gagged me before and as Alexa moved her hand she stuffed the orange deep between Stacy's pink lips, stifling her screams.

Alexa and I then moved our attention to a cowering Jenny.

"Well Jenny, we won't tickle torture you for the rest of the night if you say sorry right now," I informed with a smirk.

"Mmmpph!" Jenny pleaded into her gag.

"Well since you obviously can't annunciate, we'll take that as a no." Alexa cackled. We set to work immediately, tickling the vulnerably bound and gagged Jenny for about two hours. She shrieked in laughter but was muffled by the electrical tape and packing, squirming as she was tortured at our mercy. I taunted Jenny all night as she sobbed tears of remorse over her gagged and bulging cheeks. I would leave for my aunt and uncle's soon, so I wanted this last tie up game with Jenny to be a memorable one. And it was.


Monday May 28th 2001 04:05:38 PM

I have a bit of a correction to make. For anyone (such as the person who wrote about his) who thought that I was moving away, I have to clear things up. I was only going to visit my aunt and uncle for about two weeks during the summer while my parents went on a romantic vacation. I did indeed play more tie up games with Jenny, later that year, after the summer.


ThEgAmE's stories
Index of all stories in the "Archive for Everyone" section